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The Mervyn H Sterne Library is the major academic research library serving the entire UAB community. It opened in January 1973 and now houses a collection of over 1.5 million items. The collections support teaching and research across the university with primary support for the arts and humanities, business, education, engineering, natural science and mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. In addition to monographs and access to more than 35,000 serials, the collection consists of microforms, sound and video recordings, and other electronic resources. The facility has seating for about 1,100 users. In addition to serving the University community, the library provides support to users from schools and businesses within the city and the state through various partnership agreements.
The Mississippi Department of Archives and History was founded in 1902. It is the second-oldest state department of archives and history in the country. A comprehensive historical agency, the department collects, preserves, and provides access to the archival resources of the state, administers museums and historic sites, and oversees statewide programs for historic preservation, government records management, and publications. The department comprises six divisions?Administration, Archives and Library, Historic Preservation, Historic Properties, Museum, and Records Management. The department is headquartered in the state-of-the-art William F. Winter Archives and History Building, located at North and Amite Streets in downtown Jackson. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information email us or call 601-576-6850. The Archives and Library Division is located in the Winter Building. The division oversees the state archives and the public reading rooms, where documents, photographs, and other items from the collection are made available.