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Framework for Excellence PROGRESS REPORT Implementation of Priorities in the North Little Rock School District 1988-89 July, 1989 ' I Framework for Excellence Progress Report 1988-89 J arnes Smith Superintendent of Schools July,1989 I I I I ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..... . Task Force Membership. Task Force Steering Committee. Act 7 o! 1983 ... Goals for Arkansas Education Philosophy. Student Ledrning Goals Prioritizdtion of Needs .. District Improvement Plans Priority #1: The implementation of . cumpensatory educcttion programs. Priority #2: The d~velopment of a written, sequential curriculum for language artb and mathematics. Priority #3: Planning strategies to deal .... with at-risk students. Page i ii iii iv V 2 3 4 6 7 25 30 School Improvement Plans . Northeast Senior High School. Ole Main Seniur High School c~ntrdl Junior High School. Ldkewood Junior High School Ridgeroad Junior High School. Rose City Junior High School .. Skills c~nter .... Amboy Elementary School Argenta Elementdry School Belwood Elementary School Boone Park Elementary School. Cr2stwood Elementary School Glenview Elementdry School. Indian Hills Elementary School .. Lakewood Elementary School ... Lynch Drive Elementdry School Meadow Park Elementary School Nurth Heights Elementdry School . Pdrk Hill Elementary School Pike View Elementary School .. Pine Elementary School .. Redwood El~mentary School Rose City Elementdry School . Sev~nth Street Elementary School. Baring Cross Center ... 32 33 36 40 44 47 51 55 58 62 66 70 73 77 80 84 91 94 97 103 108 114 119 122 127 130 I I I I II I! II II II INTRODUCTION The Six-Year Educational Plan, "Framework for Excellence," for the North Little Rock School District for 1985-1990 was developed in response to Act 7 of 1983, an act to provide for planning for educational improvement by local school districts. The planning process was directed by a Planning Task Force which was made up of citizens, students, school board members, teachers, and administrators. The process, following state guidelines for the implementation of Act 7, included: gathering information concerning District needs and learner goals from parents, students, and educators
analyzing this information in conjunction with other appropriate data
establishing Student Learning Goals
identifying District Priorities
and formulating District Improvement Plans. The School Improvement Plans were developed by each school. Parents, educators, and students (if appropriate) were involved in the process of gathering data concerning the school's programs, analyzing the data, identifying needs, setting priorities, and formulating school improvement plans. This Progress Report for 1988-1989 covers the fourth year of the implementation of the District Six-Year Plan. The process of identifying District needs, planning carefully to meet those needs, and assessing programs and activities in terms of meeting identified needs is making a positive impact on improving learning activities for North Little Rock students. The information contained in this report has been utilized in formulating specific improvement plans for 1989-1990. i NORTLHI TTLER OCSKC HOOLS MODEFLO RI DENTIFYIPNRGI ORITIES TABLIE DEVELOP GOALS FOR STUDENT LEARNING DISTRICT PRIORITIES SURVEY PARENT, EDUCATOR, STUDENT OPINION ii I-' I-' >-' NORTHL ITTLER OCKS CHOOLS PRIORITYID ENTIFICATION TABLEII STEERING COMMITTEE COMMITTOEFET HEW HOLE .) Lajuana Lovelace Leigh Anna Gosser Leon Barnes Shirley Cleek TommyG aither Wanda Taylor Vicki Stephens Joe Austin Doyle Crownover Pat Siegel Russell Hawkins Saundra Harris Thelma Banks Kathy Turner Ozy Murphey Earnest Ford Virginia Wallace Leon Wilson Marilyn Whe1ee r Cynthia Melton Debbie Austin Jo Stewart Esther Crawford Fran Jackson Margaret Pope Anita Smith NORTLHI TTLER OCKP UBLICS CHOOLS Framework for Excellence TASKF ORCME EMBERSHIP STUDENTS Jon Jones Roderick Thomas CITIZENS Carol Wilson Terrance Renaud Bob Russell Jane Davidson Jack Ruggles EDUCATORS Jess Walker Andrew Power Bert Watson Bi Garvin Winnie Talley James Smith Gale Bossier Alice Stovall Kathy Morledge Kay Johns Portia Power George Condray Jane Ford Doyne Ward Jeff Huddleston Mary Worley Judy Binz Mable Bynum iv Suzanne Stephens Christy Godwin Allan Tegethoff Shirley Stancil Phoebe Adams Lillian Ross Jim Wetherington Bill Ballard Margaret Glover Jim Morris Mary Carolyn East James Zeigler Diane Zook Ken Brooks W. A. Tucker Jerry Massey Johnny Kellar Holly Hall Bettye Balmaz Betty Murray Diane Crites Susie Jackson Linda Wilson Jim Dyer Linda Elliott ! NORTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Framework for Excellence TASK FORCE STEERING COMMITTEE Dr. Joe Austin, Chairman Mr. Leon Barnes, Board Member Dr. Jess Walker, Elementary Principal Mr. Bill Ballard, Secondary Principal Mrs. Carol Wilson, Parent Mr. Jon Jones, Student V ACT 7 of 1983 1ST EXTRAORDINARSYE SSION "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR PLANNINGF OR EDUCATIONALIM PROVEMENBTY THE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." BE IT ENACTEDB Y THE GENERALA SSEMBLYO F THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Title of this Act shall be ''The Educational Planning Act of 1983." SECTION 2. (a) Each school district in this State shall, by July 1, 1985, develop and file with the Department of Education a six-year plan for improving its educational programs. This plan shall be developed with both staff and community input, be compatible with statewide educational goals and reflect the specific needs of the local community, and be reviewed and updated every two years. The updated plan shall be filed with the Department upon adoption. (b) By October 1 of each school year, each school district shall report to its patrons on the district's progress toward realizing the goals and objectives set out in its long range plan and on proposals for correcting noted problem areas. (c) In addition to the districtwide educational plan, each school within the district shall annually develop, with staff and community input, a plan for improving its educational programs. (d) The State Department of Education shall adopt guidelines for the implementation of the Act and shall provide school districts with such assistance as may be needed to enable each district to meet the requirements of this Act. vi NORTHL ITTLE ROCKP UBLIC SCHOOLS Framework for Excellence GOALSF OR ARKANSAESD UCATION GOALI : HELP EACHL EARNERM ASTERB ASIC SKILLS IN: a. Reading--providing students with the necessary basic reading skills in order for them to function at their maximum potential. b. Basic math skills--providing students with the necessary basic skills in mathematics in order for them to function at their maximum potential. c. d. GOALII : a. b. c. GOALII I: a. b. .Q9AL IV: a. b. c. d. e. Communication (speaking, listening, writing, and body language)-developing skills to enable students to effectively use all models of expression including listening. Problem solving--developing skills to enable students to function effectively in dealing with problem solving situations of the present, as well as the future. HELPL EARNERAS CHIEVEF UNCTIONAULN DERSTANDINOGF ECONOMIACN D OCCUPATIONASLK ILLS ANDO PTIONS, TO INCLUDE: Providing career information with emphasis on the respect for the dignity of work. Providing opportunity to develop job entry skills. Understanding of economic concepts with special emphasis on how they relate to management of time, money, and personal resources. HELP EACHL EAFJIERD EVELOPT O THE FU1..LR ANGEO F HIS/HER POTENTIALB Y: Fostering and encouraging creativity through the Arts (Music, Art, Drama, etc.). Developing specific learning skills including critical thinking, decision making and the use of scientific methods to facilitate independent life-long learning . HELP LEARNERPSR OGRESST OWARBDE COMINGH EALTHYR, ESPONSIBLE,A ND HUMANCEI TIZENS THROUGH: Understanding levels of government and the need for individual participation. Developing a sense of personal and civic responsibility. Understanding, stewardship, appreciation, and awareness of our natural, social, economic, and political heritage. Understanding world cultures. Developing self-discipline, moral values, and a respect for the rights and property of others, including those who think and act differently. vii (Goals for Arkansas Education continued) GOALV : HELP LEARNERMS AINI'AINH EALTHFULLI VING THROUGH: a. Maintaining good physical and mental health. b. Developing the capacity for creative use of leisure time. c. Developing positive and realistic self-concept and family living skills. Viii PHILOSOPHY The North Little Rock School District assumes the responsibility of providing its students with an opportunity to develop into fullyfunctioning, contributing, productive members of a democratic society. We believe that when individuals take advantage of this opportunity, they will grow to have an acceptance of self and others, will be equipped to make decisions, think critically, solve problems, and respond appropriately to experiences and life-situations. It is the intent of the North Little Rock School District to provide the human resources, programs, facilities, equipment, and materials that, in concert with the home and community, will enable this growth. The students who depend on the North Little Rock School District for providing their opportunity for formal education and training are the central focus of all efforts and decisions of the District. NOPTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENTL EARNINGG OALS 1. Each student develops communication skills necessary to function successfully in society. 2. Each student develops high ethical and moral standards for dealing with others. 2. Each student develops skills and practices of responsible citizenship. 2. Each student develops proper respect for the rights, feelings, and opinions of others. 5. Each student develops a sense of responsibility for his/her own personal actions and behaviors. 6. Each student develops the desire for lifelong learning. 7. Each student develops sound techniques for decision-making and problem-solving. 8. Each student develops the practices of good consumerism. 9. Each student develops a feeling of self-worth and dignity. 10. Each student develops skills and attitudes necessary to enter an occupation or continued education. 11. Each student develops understanding of the concepts and principles of science and mathematics. 12. Each student develops an appreciation for the American heritage. 13. ach student develops an understanding of governmental and political systems. 14. Each student develops knowledge of our economic system. 15. Each student develops proper attitudes toward resource, conservation, and the natural environment. 16. Each student develops sound practices of mental and physical health. 17. Each student develops the ability to adjust to a changing world. 18. Each student develops abilities and attitudes for the proper use of leisure time. 19. Each student develops an appreciation for art, music, drama, and other cultural arts. -3- NORTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS PRIORITIZATION OF NEEDS 1. The improvement of programs that teach basic commu~:cations skills. 2. The development of a written sequential curriculum for all subjects in grades K-12. 3. The development of programs for the improvement of study skills. 4. The development/improvement of programs that teach decisionmaking/ problem-solving. 5. The improvement of programs that teach basic computation and other math skills. 6. The development/improvement of remedial programs for slow learners. 7. The improvement of programs/operations that lead to better student behavior. 8. The addition of professional support staff such as counselors, nurses, attendance officers. 9. The development of preschool learning experiences for youngsters who are educationally/economically/socially deprived. 10. The development/improvement of programs that foster responsible citizenship. 11. The development of programs that foster improved student attendance. 11. The provision of instructional specialists to provide support to the teaching staff. l3. The development/improvement of programs that prepare students for employment upon graduation. l4. The development/improvement of programs that motivate students to be life long learners. l5. Development/improvement of programs that teach students to get along with each other. l6. Development/implementation of a comprehensive staff evaluation system. 17 Improvement of attitudes and morale of North Little Rock staff members. -4- 18. Improvement of communications between schools and community. 19. Improvement of school environment in order that students enjoy school more. 20. Improvement in quality of the school food services. 21. Development/improvement of programs that teach students to be good consumers. 22. Development of a comprehensive study for utilization of school buildings. -5- DISTRICSTI X-YEAPRL AN , ~ I North Little Rock Scbool District l'ulaski County Educational Priority U __ l __ SCHOOL llIS'l'RICT PLAN 1988-19!l9 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Advisory Committee: Ballard, Bill Crawford, Esther, Chairman Kincl, Ann Martin, Letitia Moore, John Phaup, Steve Smith, James Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Staggs, Nova Stat or Local Co.a) No. 6 I. Acth1lJ' or TJ- LJU Chapter 1 Program A. Develop a plan for continuation of the Chapter 1 program in all District kindergarten classes and in first and second grade classes in fourteen schools. B. Develop an alternate Chapter 1 program for three pilot schools. 1. Eight station computer labs 2. Aide for each lab 3. Serve students in grades 1-6 C. Present proposal for District approval. Jupontbll lty (Uho vJll coordlnatol) Director of Elementary Education Coordinator of Instructional Services Director of Elementary Education Coordinator of Instructional Services Assistant Superintendent for Instruction ln.senke Activity Stewart, Jo Walker, Jess Williams, Sharon [uluatton of Activity (Evaluat Ion ln1t runt te1t1n1 date, ftnhhcd product, rprorrLlu other) Conclu1ton1, Flndlna or Stu11o1 of Activity Plan submitted to The plan was develAssistant Superinten oped and submitted. dent for Instruction Plan submitted to The plan was develAssistant Superinten oped and submitted. dent for Instruction Plan submitted to Superintendent The plan was submitted to the Superintendent. -------- -- ------ ----- --- ~-- ----- --- --- ___________ __,____ ______ _ ' : l North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority# l SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. State or Local Coal No. l Acttvlty 01' TJ Un h1pon1Jblltty (lilho wll I .:oord lnuol) Inurvic Activity D. Confer with Chapter l Coordinator of Advisory Council regardin: Instructional proposed program. Services E. Present proposal to Arkansas Department of Education for approval. F. Communicate with elementary principals and current Chapter I staff about program proposal. G. Order equipment and materials. Coordinator of Instructional Services Director of Elementary Education Coordinator of Instructional Services Coordinator of Instructional Computers H. Determine staff needs and Directors of develop a plan for utilizing surplus staff in other District programs. Elementary and Secondary Education f',ssistant Superintendent ~for Pc.rsonnQ.1 l Conduct a session with principals. Conduct a session with aides. Cvaluuton of Acchtty ([.,,aluac ion lnat ru-nt Ina data. flnhhed product, rprorrlua oth1r) Meeting conducted Proposal submitted Sessions conducted Purchase orders on file Staff utilization plan on file Conclu1lon1, Flndln10 or St.tu, of ActlvJcy The proposed plan was shared. The proposal was submitted to the ADE. Information was shared with principals and staff. Equipment and materials were ordered. Surplus staff members were assigned jobs in the District. I , J "J ' Norch Little Rock School District Pulaski County 'SCllvv,.-ur,,..,-1<TCT 1'1.:MI 1988-1989 Educational Priority U __ l __ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs, State or Local CoI No. -- I. Train lab aides. J. Inform District staff about the Chapter 1 programs. K. Implement program . L. Monitor program. aupo111lbll lty (Uho vtll coordlnatol) lnaervicc Activity haluuton of Act1Ylty ([valuat ton 1natn,1aant te1lln1 data, flnhhcd product, rprorrt.u other) Conclualol'la, Ftndln" or Sttua of Act lvJty Coordinator of Conduct initial train ~raining sessions Instructional ing sessions before conducted Computers implementing program. Training sessions were conducted at the beginning of the year and during the year Director of Elementary Education Building 'Principals Building Principals, Director of Elementary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services, ,ordinator of Instructional Computers Conduct additional sessions throughout year, Conduct pre-school informational sessions. Informational sessions conducted as needed. Staff was informed. Program implemented ~he program was implemented. Monit ng reports on fil,: [l'he program was fOnitored throughout he year, --~- -------- -----------~----- I 0 I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority ll_ _ l_ SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stat or Local Coal No. Act hit)' or TJ .. Lin M. Evaluate program. N. Determine Chapter 1 program needs for 1989- 1990. luponaiblllty (Uho wlll coordlnacol) Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Director of Elementary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services 1nserv1c A.cttvlt)' baluu Ion of Act lvlty (yaluatton lnatru-nt. testln1 dt , flnhh1d product, ar,pro(lrlHa other) Conclualona, flndlnaa or Stat\,, of Aulvlty Program stunmary Program summary re-reports and evalua- ports and evaluation tion results on file results will be com-pleted during the summer. Record of meeting to Plans for 1989-90 discuss needs on fil, are being developed. I ,,i!~~~~~~========~~=========~=====~s~c~11~o
,,~l'~P~[~,A~N:=--==-=-==~...'.:Nor th Uttle Rock School District 1988-1939 .-. I -I Pulaski Count Y Educational Priority H___L_ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stt or Local eo.1 No. Activity or n- Ltu II. Elementary and Secondary Summer School A. Develop criteria for student selection. B. Develop program guidelines. C. Hire Staff. - - - ponJblJ Jt)' (Uho vlll coordlnuo1) !Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Personnel Department, Directors of Elementary and Secondary Pducation, K.
oordinator of J[nstructional l,ervices Insel"Vice ActJvlly EvaluatJon or Acthlty (fvalutlon intrunt. teat Ina dua, flnhhed product, rprorrhte other) Conclu1iona, rtndlnR or Statue of Au lvt t)' Submit criteria to Criteria for selecAssistant Superinten- tion was submitted. dent for Instruction Submit program guide- Program guidelines lines to Assistant were submitted. Superintendent for Instruction Staff hired Staff was hired. I !... N I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority O_ _ l_ _ SCHOOLD ISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Slat or Local CoI No. I lupon1tbll lty (Who wlll coorJlnaul) D. Communicate with parents Directors of about the programs. Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services E. Compile a list of students to be served. Di rectors of Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services F. Train summer school staff. G. Order materials. District Instructional Staff, Summer School Principals District Instructional Staff ln1ar-vlce .U:tivlty Conduct inservice sessions prior to the beginning of summer school and throughout the summer as needed. Evaluuion of Activity ([..,aluatfon Jn1tru1nt. tutln1 data. (lnhhcd product, rprorrJue other) Communication data on file List of students on file Record of inservice schedule on file Purchase orders on file Conclu1Jon1, Flndln11
1 or Statua or Act hhy Written and oral communication occurred. Parent meetings were held in each elementary school. Lists of students served is on file. Inservice sessions were conducted. Purchase orders are on file. I , .!..... , I North Little Rock School District Pula~ki County ffi/Oul. ,,y5,,, .T Pl~ l 988-1989 Educational Priority U __ I_ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs State or Loul Coal No. Acthlt)' or Tl .. Lln luponatbll tty (Who will coordlnato7) H. Implement the programs. Summer School Principals and Staff I. Monitor the programs. J. Conduct program evalution activities. Summer School Principal, Di rectors of Elementary and Secondary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Summer School Staff, District Instructional Staff Insa("\l'iC:e Activity [valuuJoft ot Acttvtty (fvaluatlon lnatruMnt, tutlna chta. flnllhcd product, rproJ'lrlu othar) Program implemented Conclu.ton flndln or Statua of Act hit)' The programs were implemented. Monitoring reports or The programs were file monitored regularly. Evaluation reports on Program evaluation file reports are on file. l \ North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority O __ l_ SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stt or locI eo.1 No. \ ActJvtty or n- Una luponJblllty (Uho will coordln.to1) III. Early Prevention of School Failure A. Collect specific infor- Director of mation about the pro- Elementary gram. Education J. Reading material 2. Michelle French 3. Educators who have used the program B. Develop a cost figure Director of per classroom and iden- Elementary c. n. tify funding sources. Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Present program for District approval. Determine pilot schools and classrooms. Assistant Superintendent for Ins tructio, !Director of lementary Education, !Coordinator of \Instructional -~_e1:vice.s \ [nservlce: Activity haluatlon of Acctvtty (Evaluation Jn trunt, te t Ina data, ftnt htd product. rprorrll other) Conclu1ton1, Flndlna or Sta tu ol Au lvlty Information on file Early Prevention of School Failure information is on file. Information on file ~rogram plans sub" 1itted Schools selected I Cost figures were developed. Chapter 2 was the funding source. Program was submit- , ted for approval. Schools were selected. I I ..,. I North T.lccle Rock School District Count Educational Priority P __ J __ SC//CJOI l>ISTIHC/' PLANS 1988-1989 Coal
The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. State or Local CoI No. - -- -- luponJblllty (Mho vlll coordlnuo?) Inurvlc:e Activicy E. Develop program plans. Director of Elementary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services F. Confer with principals and staff regarding program and training. G. Order training and program materials. Director of Elementary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services Coordinator of Instructional Services ~eet with staff to share program information. Evaluation of Aci:1v1ty (EvluuJon Jn,tn,-nt, teltlna data, flnt,hcd produce, rprorrhu other) Plans on file ~eetings conducted Wurchase orders on file H. Conduct training sessions. Director of Elementary !Education ~wo day inservice ~essions conducted for all staff in- I. Implement program Director of c.lementary Ed., l::oordinaLor of ~olved in the program f'lll be held. . ns L. Services 'l .lementary I>, J.ncipal.s - -- Program implemented Conclu.tona, flndlna or Statue of Act lvlty Program plans are on file. Information about the program was shared with principals and staff. Purchase orders are on file. Training sessions were conducted in August, 1988. Program was implemented in September, 1988 . I "I ' North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority 0 __ 1_ SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Coal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stet or Locel Caal No. \ la p0n1lb1l lty (Who vf 11 coo rd lnato1) J. Monitor program. Director of Elementary Education, Elementary Principals K. Evaluate program. Director of Elementary Education, Coordinator of Instructional Services, Elementary Principals L. Determine whether to Assistant M. continue program in Superintendent pilot schools for 1989- forinstruction 90 school year. Develop plans for program expansion for 1989-90 school year, if feasible. Assistant Superintendent for Instruction I In1ervic~ ActJvlty [w.tuuJon ol Actlvlty CEv luat ton ln1t ru ant, o,t ln1 data, flnhhcd product, rprorrhca other) Monitoring reports on file Evaluation reports on file Conclualon , Flndln or Stu,u ol Activity Program was monitored Reports are on file. Program plan on file The decision was made to continue the program in the pilot schools for the 1989 90 school year. Program plans on fil, Program plans to expand the program to five additional schools are on file. I , I ' I ...., I North Little Pock School Distrlcc Pulaski Coun SCI/OOI. DISTRICT PLANS 1988-1989 Educational Priority U __ l _ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective
To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stat or 1.oul Coal No. Acth1lJ' or Tl- Lina lupon1lb1l I l)' (Ullo wlll coordln tal) IV. Computer Labs A. Develop proposal for l>irectors of B. expanding computer labs lementary and in two elementary school,Secondary and in three junior high ducation, schools (30 station labs)."'oordinator of Present the proposal for District approval. Instructional ~omputers l>irectors of !Elementary and !Secondary ducation C. Determine funding sources. Assistant f,uperintendent 1or Instructior D. Communicate with District)irectors of staff regarding program, :lementary and Secondary ~ducat ion, Principals lnrvlce Act1v1t1 Conduct building inservice sessions. ------------- -- -- --- -- . ---------- [vduation of Acthdc,( Ev1Juatloa tn1tru-11t 0 t11tln1 d1ta, flnhhed product, rprorrl,u1 other) Proposal on file Conclu1ton1, flndln1u or Statu of Acthdt)' Proposal was developed for three junior high schools and two elementary schools. ~roposal presented to The following were ~ssistant Superinten- approved: two 30 dent for Instruction station labs, a 15 Funding secured station lab, and a 13 station lab. Funding was secured through Chapter 1, Chapter 2, CCVE, and District. Record of sessions on Building inservice file sessions were conducted. .!... (X) I \ North Little Rock School District Pulaski County SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANS 1988-1989 Educational Priority 0 __ 1_ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. State or Loul Coal No. \ Acthhy or Tl .. Un E. Order equipment and materials. lupon,Jbtl I ty (Uho wtll coordlnuo?) Coordinator of Instructional Computers Inun1lcc ActivltJ F. Install computer equip- Coordinator of ment. C. Assign aides to junior high computer labs. H. Train lab aides. I. Implement program J. Monitor program Instructional Computers Director of Secondary Education Coordinator of Conduct training Instructional sessions throughout Computers the year as needed Building Principals Building Principals , Directors of Elem. & Sec. Education, Coordinator of \ \nslructionn1. _\~ ...::.i,.
_'"~~....!!' fvluatfOft of Acthlry (haluac Ion lnurunt, taat Ina dat., f lnhhtd product, rprorrlue other) Purchase orders on file Labs installed Assignments made Sessions conducted Conclu1lona, rtndlna or Seu 11, of Act hrlty Purchase orders are on file. Labs were installed. Aide assignments were made. Training sessions for lab aides were conducted. Lab schedules on fil, Programs were implemented. Monitoring reports on file Programs were monitored on a regular basis. ..'.. "I ' North Ltc.c.le !fock School District Pulaski Count\' SCHOOL DIS l'R !CT Pl.AN 1988-1989 Educational Priority # __ I __ Coal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. [valuat1011 ol Activity State or ([valutJon inuru-nt. local ActhJty or TJ- Ltn luponaJblllly lnur-vtcc A.ctJ.vity t11tln1 d1t, flnhhed eo.1 Ho. (Who will coordln&to1) product, rprorrlt other) K. Evaluate program. uirectors of Evaluation data on Elementary and file Secondary Education L. Determine whether to Directors of 'Proposed plans on pursue the implementa- Elementary and file tion of 30 station com- Secondary puter labs in additional Education schools for the 1989-90 school year. I 1 I -- --- . - ---~ Condualona, rJndln"' or Statu of Activity Informal program evaluations were conducted. Plans include the expansion of two elementary labs. I N 0 I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority U l SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stat or L.4ul Coal No. v. After School Four Week Tutorial Program for Eighth Grade Students A. Study Minumum Performance Test scores to determine students in need of remediation. B. C. D. Develop program guidelines. Develop a bussing plan. Communicate with parents regarding the program. lupontblltty (Uho wtll coordtnau1) Director of Secondary mducation, [Coordinator of Inst. Services ~uilding 'Principals , freachers !Director of Secondary !Education !Director of !Secondary !Education llirector of lSecondary Ed. , ~uilding Principals \)i 'Cecto-r of econ.dary\ 1
..,.d ~~ \~-------- E.valuatioft of Ac:lhtry (Evaluation lnatru-nt. uattn1 dat., flnhh~d product, rprorrhta other) Test data on file uidelines on file ~ussing plan on file ~ommunication data pn file 1,taff hired Conch1ato11a 0 flndlnA oc Statua of Acllvlq MPT score~ were
-1na 1 yzcd. Guidelines were developed. Russin~ p 1 an w,1s developed. l
nrcnts were informed regdrcl lng tutorial program. TutoriRl staff was - I N ', Norch J.lttlP Rock School D1titr1ct P11l.1skl County ducat1onal Pr1or1ty 1 __ 1_ SCIIOOI DI ST1'' ILT PLAN 1988-1989 Coal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. State or locl Coel No. Ac:ltvHy or TJM LIH F. Train staff. G. Develop tutorial schedule. H. Implement the program. I. Monitor the program. J. Evaluate the program. 14ipoHlliilJh)' (Who wJll coorcllnau?) Building Principals Building Principals, Teachers Building Principals , Teachers Director of Secondary Education, Building Principals Director of Secondary Education , Assistant Superintendent for Instruc- :oo ___ _ / lnn,ic Acttvhp Conduct training sessions for all teachers as needed [veluetlo of Acthtt)' ([valuatJo Utln1 clta, flnhhecl ,rocl .. c1, flprorrh1e other) Training sessions conducted Schedules on file Program implemented Monitoring reports on file Evaluation data on file Coaclt,et ... , ft41n or ltatuo or Acch11, TuLoria) stdff was trained. Schedule was developed. Tutorial prop
ram was implemented. The program was monitored. The program was evalunted on the basis of Lhe second MPT nd11:i11isLrnLio11. r I N N I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority 0 __ 1 __ SCHOOL DTSTRICT PLANS 191lb-l989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stt or local eo.1 " VI. Actlvlt)' or ti .. Un Staff DevelopmenL Programs A. Classroom Management for new elementary and secondary teachers. I. Develop training schedule. 2. Communicate with teachers about the program- 3. Develop observation schedule. 4. Implement training program. aeapon lbll lty (Who will coocdlnatol) Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education Principals, District Instructional Staff !Directors of "'onc'. u. ct training condary ducation and ~essions (two days) Eva.1.uat.C!. \.he ~ lementary QTO&Tam irectors of \ , tm,n\. .~..-..., nn,\ [vduatlon ol Acthltr ([valuation ln tru 11t, t H Ina data, rtnhhad prod .. ct, rprorrht other) Copy of schedule on file Communication data on file Copy of schedule on file Wrogram implemented \Evaluation data on ~l\( Conclu lon , flndln,: or Stuu, of Ace hlty ,\ tr 1i.1inf prdgr,un fur 1ww P 1 lmentar~ t<:achers an<l J modified program for 1ie\Y sccon<l:iry LLnchers ~ere co nd uc t ed .. WrlttE:'.'n communication is on file. Observntion sch0dL1leb werC' developed. l'rni11in!1 progra1ns were cun<lucLed. 11\l-~)1-m,1\ ind fur1n.1\ -., \o, ot D ...... 'o I I N w I North Little Ro k Scltool D1str1 t l'ulcJskl Count SC'IUX)T. D 1 .SH{ I (
T Pl.i\NS l 988-1989 Educational Priority l __ l_ Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. State or Local Coal Ho. luponelblllty (Uho will coordlnatol) lnurvlc kt1vit7 Evaluation or Acthhy (Eveluetton tnetruent, teetlna dta, Unhhtd B. Program for Effective Teaching Training for new Elementary and Secondary Staff. 1. Develop training schedule. 2. J. 4. 5. Communicate with teachers about the program. Develop observation schedules. Implement the pro-gram. Evaluate the Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education Principals, District Instructional Staff !Directors of econdary taff ~ lementary and product, rpror,.i..,e othtr) Copy of schedule on file Communication data on file Copy of schedules on file r.onduct training ~rogram implemented sessions (seven days) Evaluation data on file program irectors of lementary and !Secondary ----------------- (!-l-duc-at-io-n- -~--- ---- ------------ C.Oncluetona, flndln or Statue of Activity A training schedule was developed. Written communication data is on file. Observation schedule, were developed. The program was implemented. Evaluation data is I on file. _ ' I .",', .. I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority O __ I_ School District Plans 1988-1989 Goal: The implementation of compensatory education programs. Objective: To improve student achievement through compensatory education programs. Stt or Local Col No. \ Activity or- Tl .. Lin C. Teacher Expectatjons and Student Achievement. aupon,Jbtl lty I (Who wtll coordlntot)I lnurvlce A.cc1v1ty 1. Seek outside funding ~ssistant sources. Superintendent 2. Develop training schedules. 3. 4. s. Communicate with staff regarding training. Select participants. Conduct training sessions. for Instruction Directors of lementary and !Secondary !Education !Directors of Elementary and Secondary !Education !Hrectors of !Elementary and Secondary !Education !Directors of !Elementary and Secondary \Education Conduct training ~essions (5 training sessions per cycle) \ halu tton of Acchlty (fvluatJon lnurunt, te1tln1 data, flnhhcd product, rprorrhu otlu:r) Program funded Conclu1ton1, flndlna oc Stat11a of Acthlt7 Wunding through the ~ulaski County Cooper ative was obtained. Copy of schedules on frraining schedules file ~re on file. ommunication data on~ritten communication file ~ata is on file. ~ists of participants~ists of participants pn file ~re on file. Sessions conducted ~-:vn1.u.nci on. c:ln\.a n,, Sessions were conduc ted for 31 elementar and 13 secondary teachers. F..,,, 1 ... ,, 1".:.! I "" V, I I EducacJona l1 r1or1ty I 2 Coal: n,l '11..vl lopr:wnt-,-,-,-,.,, it t.:n, Sf.<JU 'Ill i.11 c11rrjculw1 for larv:11a,
L' 11rls nrH/ 1,1thlM,Jtic~. ObJecttve: '!'o dcsir,n and implement a c11rriculun for Jann11.1gc arts. Suce or Local Cual No. K-6 ACTIVITIES Ace awu, or TJ .. U11 rrn 1mll'lL finnl c.:r,1f: of object ivcs for rL'111.ti11i111~n n'."ns of lnngu
1ge nrts, V.-(,. F,111, 19:J:J. ConLinue to provic.!C' inservicc for imnlcml'ntc1tion of lan 11,u,1ne arts ohjccLives for r,r.1dcs, J~- 6. ,Ii roup,hou t I 933-1 939. Edit LC"'SL.S for rendinn ohjcctivLs: l~, l, .2, l1, .1nd 5. l'a 11 , I 'J8a. ConLinue to develop ltsts for lannunne nrLs objectives for '\rn<les J-6. F~ll, 193!1. ... , ..... 1111tt, (Who 111Jll coordinac 1) ! .. ,,nr,uar,c /\rLs Coordinator /\rts Coordinator Lan'1uage /\rts Coo:-t.linatnr ant! Clcracntar" Co11MiLLee Langungc /Ins CoonlinaLor nnd C:onnittec ")ixLrU111tP lanruar,e arts 011.ic.ctive._, for :-(,. InsPrvice on iM11l~n0ntnLion of lanit1apc nrls objectives. John lloore JJffil'S Sm i. l h ~
:-, t her Cr.,wf ord Steve Phaup 1arsha Paul Ja nc llrown [11,~cne 1.Jisc 1:a therj ne l!arvcy NOVil s ta~~s Jes~
\!alker fuluatton ol A.ctlvJCJ (fvaluacton Jneru, .. ,., u1111'11 dua. finhhad product, rprorrlaca ol111r) Ohjectivc-s fur 1<r1nin in~
1n.,1 inclut.lcc..1 in 1~uiliLs a I 011 1~ \Ji l ii ohj(Ctives for \ff i Lin<~ f ro111 Lt 11 of 1987. Inscrvir.c conc.!urtcd. l'inal ,:rnft of Lests for rcadh1~ ohjecLivcs. Preliminary Jrnfts of LCSLS for lan:~ua~e ar:...s obj cc Li VL'S. Co11cll,al ''"''"II or Ital" of A.Uhh,- Draft of reading objecLives distributed in the !'all of 1988. Evaluation of District-wide preschool inservice sessions on file. Final draft of reading test for grade 5 prepared. Coordinator and committee will prepare tests for K-2 and 4 Language arts tests for J and 6 compleled Fall, 1988. -- ------ __________________.,_ __ _____ _ I .J. ., "I ' North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority I 2 SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Coal: The ,!cvL lopr.a-nto'Tnurittcn, .sc<1uential curriculum for lann11.1gc .:1rls and n:1tltenatics. Objective: To ,1esi'ln :ind i!Jplcmcnt n curricul11m for l.1niu.:11e arts. Stt or l.ocel eo.1 J'G. \ 1:-6 ACTIVITil:S Adninister fiPl<! t~sls for renclinr, and lnn,~uap.l arts ohJ<1 Ctivt.1s, J:-6, nncl tvc1l11nte re!-.it1lts. Spring, 1969. Use t!ata fron testin~ pronram, iMJ>lcmcnLation of objectivPs, and other sources to assess J en!"'ner and pro~rnm needs, l~- 6, and be!1in rencw.:il process. Sprinn, 1989. l ..,.. ...... ,,)' (1,lho wUI coordtnual) Langua~i~ Arts Coordinator Lannuagc Arts Coordinator, Dirnctor of Elementarv Educ a Lion, nnd Principals \ [uluatton ol AcUwUy ([welue1Jo11 lnarru-111, Utln1 11bt, fJnhhd product, rprorrlu otl,,r) Co clwI rt ,Una or llUw ., Au hlt1 Tes Ls aclm i 11is tcn.d. Tests admini::iterLd for reading and language arts objectives for 3 and 6. Le.:.1rner and pro~ram needs assessed. Learner/program needs assessment ongoing. I I _"_' , I EducacJon:11 Pr1or1Cy I 2 Coal: TIH dLVc>lopmenc~written, sequC?ntiaJ currjculu1.1 for language arts and mathematics. Objective: Tr 1esign and implement a curriculum for language arts. Stt or Locl Coal No. S ECOtIDARYA CTIVITIES Act h1t)' oc Tl .. LJae Continue to jdcnLify objectives for all areas of la11guaqe arts, grades 7-8. 1988-1989. Survey all English/language arts teachers, 9-12, to identify objectives to be included in the District curriculum. Spring, 1989. Coordinate curriculum ~ork at the secondary level with realignment of schools. b1poAlbl I It)' (&Ibo will coordln.te?) Language Arts Coordinator and Secondary Committee Language Arts Coordinator Director of Secondary Education, Coordinator, Committee, and appropriate District staff. lnervlce ActlvltJ Workshops for identifying objectives. John Moore James Smith EsLher Crawford Steve Phaup Marsha Paul Jane Brown Eugene Wise Katherine Harvey Nova Staggs Jess Walker (v .. utlon of Actholly Uvluu Ion ln1tru-nt Ult Ina dat. f lnhh1d product, rprorrt.11 otli1r) Preliminary draft of objectives for 7-8 developed. Survey results on file. Coth1el rJadlnA or lt tw of Au hi CJ Final draft of all objectives for grades 7-8 prepared. Survey of teachers has not been conducted. Curriculum commit tee has provided updates to hoth language arts restructuring committees throughout the year. ' I N 00 I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN 1988-1989 Educational Priority O 2 Goal: The developmentofawritten, sequential curriculum for language arts and mathematics. Objective: To design and implement a curriculum for mathematics Seit or Wc,I Coal No, ActJvJty or TJw Un lupon1lblllty (\.lho vJl 1 coo rd lnatol) lnervlce Activity Advisory Committee: John Moore James Smith Esther Crawford Steve Phaup Marsha Paul Jane Brown Eugene Wise Katherine Harvey Nova Staggs, Co-Chairman Jess Walker, Co-Chairman tv,tuuion of Actlvltr ([v1luat1on ln1trv .. nt 0 tutln& data, flohh1d product, rprorrl.ue othrr) Conchulon1, rJndln~ or Statu1 of Actlvlcr Continue training for the use of math curriculum qualities, Math Coordinator Provide inservice Evaluation Instru- In-serviced new principals during Provide commercially prepared materials (calculators, computer software, kits, etc.) to assist teachers to teach objectives during 1988-89 school year. Math Coordinator Continue to test to determine Math mastery of objectives and to Coordinator determine learner needs and District program needs during the 1988-89 school year. Began to compile a test bank of test items for objectives in grades K-8, concentrating on grades 3, 6, and 8 during the 1988-89 school year. Math Coordinator \ \ for new teachers and ment administrators on how to use the math cur-riculum guides during the I 988-89 school year. Purchase orders Testing dates Completed project Fall of 1988-89. Principals inserviced new teachers during 1988-89 school year. Purchased calculators. Renewed and updated computer license for computer software at District level. Didnot purchase kits. Tested all students K-8 on PACIR Tests during 1988-89 school year. Received test items from the North West Cooperative. Continued to revise test item, on PACIR Tests K-8. Have not compiled test banks of test items due Stu or Loc.-1 eo.-1 Ho. 2 - str ct Educational .rJority I 2 Coal: The developmentofawritten, sequential curriculum for language arts and mathematics. Objective: To design and implement a curriculum for mathematics A,ctJVlty or TJ .. LJna luponeJbU lty ("ho wJll c:oordlntal) Continue to revise and update the Math math curriculum guides when Committee needed during the 1988-89 school year. Continue to monitor the use of the math curriculum guides Math Coordinator/ Building Principals 1988-1989 InurvJc Act!vJt7 (valuuton of Acthh1 ([oluatton ln1tru 1nt. tutln1 d ta. flnl htd product. rprorrJ11 oLhtr) Revised product Dates of visits Respond to individual request for inservice Math Coordinator Provide inservice Dates of inservice for teachers as requested during 1988-89 school year. Conclu1lon rtndl"1t or Stuu, of A<tlvJty Still in the process of revising and updating guides. Visited all schools. Visited schools on a needs basis. I I \
> 0 I North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Educational Priority #__J__ SCHOOL OISTlUC'l PLANS 1988-1989 Goal: Planning strategies to deal with at-risk students Advisory Committee: Sharon Williams, Chairman Steve Phaup Ja11 Brown Esther Crawford John Moore Objective: By May of 1989, to raise the awareness level of all school personnel regarding at-risk students. Stal or Local eo.1 No. To develop a comprehensive list of at-risk characteristics by August I, 1988 ponalblllly (Who wtll coordtnuol) S. Williams To develop in-service programs J. Moore to raise awareness of District personnel regarding at-risk students by August 15, 1988 To establish an on-going committee to develop new programs or strategies to deal with at-risk students by August 1, 1988. To establish a component of the elementary counselors' work plan to include strategies for dealing with at-risk youth by September I, 1988 To designate, train, and provide one hour of release time for one person in each secondary school to coord~nate at-risk youth act \.v \t. \\ . b)l ~ottt:embe
,:- \ \ \ J. Moore S. Phaup S. Williams \ \ lnur-vtce ActJvlt)' None Inservice on highrisk characteristics None In-service planning Sessions with Elementary Counselors In-service on atrisk youth programs 1,1aluatfon of ActhlSy ([..,aluecJon tnuru-,11. tttna dlt flnl hotd prod11cl, rprorrlt other) Completed list of high-risk characteristics District in-service feedback form compilation Committee Reports Completed Work Plan Feedback forms on training provided. Staff person in place Conclualone, ftr,dln~ or Statu, of Acthlq, Completed-lisL of cl1nracteristics on file. C:ompleted-ngendc1s and feedback data on file. CL1rrentlv heinr dnne thru Pul.Co. Coali- 1 ion for Youth atDisL
2nd NLR Community 1eam for Substance Abuse Prevent ion. I 1Completed-contai11ed in school guidance plans
also, Crisis Response Plan. Completcd-Ench secondary sciloo l hns one person design. iLcd as al-risk vouth coordinillor. Nanu .. s n f V\H1rd i-n., 1 <>1 .1,, 1\11 I 11, .I. .. ' N rth Lfctlc Ro,k Sc/1001 District /'ulusk1 County Educational Priority I..........J..._ sc11001 I> IS fH. I l T PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: Planning strategies to deal with at-risk students Objective: By May of 1989, to raise the awareness level of all school personnel regarding at-risk students. S1a1 or Loul Cual No. To train early identification/ intervention teams in 5 secondary schools (Lakewood Junior High currently has a team), school-based prevention teams in 6 elementary schools, and refusal skills teams in all elementary schools by September I, 1988. I l .. pontbll lly (1'ho will coordlnato1) S. Williams lnervke Activity School-based Prevention Team Training, IMPACT Training, and Refusal Skill Training [waluuton or Actlvhy ([vduac ion tnac runc 1e1t ln1 data, rtniahed product, rprorrlt other) lnservice Feedback compilations To provide on-going training to personnel identified in strategies 4 and 6. S. Williams On-going inservice Inservice Feedback determined through compiled needs assessment Conclulone, findln,ia or Statua of Aclt.dty C'-<>i>1plcLeci-J:.--1cshe condnrv school hc1s an eorlv ldentificatlm1/ refeiral team Lraine<l Seven eleI11enL.1rv schoo 1 s lrnvc schoo 1- based prevention teams. Refusal Ski 11. Trnining fur all elementary couns~lurs has been provided. Feedback data are on [i]". CompJ eLec.1-lwo c Luster retreats l1av0 i>cen cumnl cted. Feedback data are on file. -----~---------- ---- SCHOOIML PROVEMPLEANNT S I w w I l'.!.LL.h.UllU~-~'~Ql__- __ _ (.'it."l,noJ} .!!::..!..llt_! _ _l...!_l_!_r R,"k' Scltoo1 Dlt.t.r1rt .11.:rt1U,\l. !
CIIOOI .. PLAN 1 988-1989 School Advisory CommJttee: Cl1~ryJ D~nf~ls, Ch:iirper~0n Debbie Cornwell t:clur:,t ''":?:il PclorJty I I Gary Davis Coal: To promote pns~tt!rudc.,
rnr:f boost IT'orale nf f
Jculty members. Sal 1 ie Langford Louise Cammack ilary McCullough O~Ject Ive: To have teachers become .ictively involveJ in 1,l.1nned activitcs Bettye WJlliams that will create ,,]casanL exp<"rienct?s. SIUe OJ Loc-I r .. 1,.1 Ho. 1. 2 3. Ser 01t P..tls Br,wkfast B"d.ty System 5 While El~phant Tr..1rlc 6 Fcnturc-A-Teacl1er h,r,on,lbt I It)' (llh11 will col'.lrJlnto?) AttituJe Committee Departmental Attitnd ...... Con.mi tttt! Attitude: Cummittce Altitude Cllffiffiitt....-1.! Altitude Comn:itl re l,uc,vlcc A,.
.tJvJry Sc~ re t Pa 1-C if t exchnnr,c Once a month faculty brccikf.,~t tvlution of Activity (vl1HC ton lntru-nr ,,utln1 1bt, flnhhtJ proJuc-t, rprorri.,, other) Faculty Evdluat i 1n at end of the year Faculty Evaluation c1t end of tht! Committee wll l select FJculty [valuation d bu<lJy [or tl1c new at end of the y~~r tuachrrs-to help get Ll1~m uc<1uatnted with the school Faculty members pnrtiriputing i11 1.:.1sld on show Foculty members will ~wnp iLems u~a bi1lletin beard l n lomgc for spccia inf.1rmation on tcncl1<!rs Faculty Ev3J11~tlon at end of tl,e yc3r faculty Evaluation at end of the year F..1culty Evaluatlon at end of the yc.,r C.Oncluelon, rlndlr,11, ur St Hue ol A<l ,.,,,,. I. 51% of staff participated in a successful Secrrf Pal prt,gram. 2. Departments cv:1.L .... ,I to have enj oyabl~ brc:i.kf.:1st
, :ind lun,.:lh 111 3. JOO% particip,1tio11 of new tea~l!crs nnd selected buddies. 4. Thi~ ~oal has not been ~ct but will be by the closing of Sl.'1,vol. 5. Due Lo lack of interest this g03l was not met. 6. Th~ bulletin boor, was used in more effective ways. ---- --- _______ ,_ ___________ .1_ ___________ , ' ,I. ,, ~ I (School) Norlh Little Ruck School Dlstrict ANNUAL SCIIUUL PLAN 1988-1989 Educalional Priority O 2 Coal: The Improvement ~ograms/Ope.rot. i0ns '-11at Lt...1d Lo netter Stud~11t Bel1Jviur. ObjecLlve: Tn lmrro,c Programs that l'ro,.,. Le Better Student BLl,avior. StI or Loc:al Coal Ho. 7 Local 1. Augu~r, 1988 - June, 1989 2. August, 1988 - Tune, I 9tl9 ]. January, 1989 \ ponlblllty lnearv1ca Activity (Who v11I coordlnatol) Jim Gray Co11sistc11tly enforce rules about hals, rJJios, food, drinks in the builJ lr.g Sue Bennclt Kathy Smith \ To ai<I li1
1LJon of RLu<lc11Ls new to the community and 11ew LO "-:0rlhe~:::.t by appointing "Bud<lie:.i'' T0 reward students with no more than four absences and with no Disciplinary Referral--:, n Sock Hor or Pizn Party will be tanned at end of fali semester - if succegsful, commit Let wlll do in spring \ School Adv lsnry Conunittee: GreLt:i1en Wol5on, Ch.1irrcrsc~:1 K~thy Smilh Uin.:th Kennedy Arlean RobcrtGon Sue BcnncLt Jon Robbins Jim r.rny aluuf.on of AcChlEy ([valuat Ion lnatru-11t, taat1n1 data, flnhh14 ConcluaJona, fh1dln11
or Sutua of Act lvlty p10Juc:t, rprorrhta oth1f) By Committee By Committee By Committee 1. Llnti te<l success. School Store for snack~ an<l Pepsi macl1incs contribut~<l to fvcd .'.lnd <lr 1 .1ks : n h11ild ing. ll.1Ls
incl L.1d Lus improved. 2. Jlu<ldfos for fall semt:slcr were ilpiJOint ~d in GuidJn~e. Good response. Should be continued .. 3. Fall semester Piz'->a Par Ly
253 ~tudenrs eligible Feb. 10. Very success f., 1. Should be continued. Spri11g semesterMay 19, Movic-122 students eli~iblc. I w u, I I\NUUAI :,, r,oor. l'l.J\N L'J88-l')IJ9!..,:.!.. J-'.JucatJnnal Prlorlcy t J Coul: The Devclop,,u.rnt-of Programs for t
,c Improvement of jtudy Ski] ls. Objective: To give students, teac.:1,crs and parents tools to improve the students' study hJhits . School Advfoory CtHnmlttee: J.
111 Scholl, Ch~,irpc1 Sue Bled:
Clc Brenda Sull iv ... n Patsy Pearson Mab1" Bynum Patrina Greenway David Kaufman .----.----------------..--------.--------------.------------.----------~ SlI or Lncal lo<ul 11,., 3 .. pol'llblllty (11110 11l1l coor,llnato!) [vdution of Actlvlty lnser-vlce. Arttvlty ([.,aluallon lntru-nt, Conclulon , rlndll'IA , ,1,.. dt, fll'lhhJ ors,.,.,. ol AClhlty product, rprorrlt 01l1tr) Lo_c_a_,l- ------------------r--------1-------------l---------- ---- -------! l. To get Jn(orm~tio11 to pRrcnts about way!Jo lv impro1. 1e their rldlc.l's st .. !y h.:Jbits, either ii1 a ,nailing or in local newspaper 2. To have each teachC't perRonalize study skill~ necess.'.lry to do well in his subject and present these the first week of school to clossc~ J. Make avaJlaLle in guidance nrlJitJonal n:aterJ,Jt
to be be l1sed by teacl1ers, ~tud~nts and p3rents t" help with sLudy s
kilh Committee Committee Deportments Committee Plan leLL~r ~r advcrtJBemcnt Give "workshl!ets" to departments to help t 0 ad,crs prepare study skllJs lists Orgnnlze m3t1~rials anJ li.!ave in guidnnce ----------- F~edback/Staff ~d P.'.lrents Feedback from departments Fe edL .. ~ k/ Staff ~
nd Parents Parent of eat.h cl1ild rec~ i ed mailing on s11ccessful study hnhits a11J l1ow to help children study. Every teacher got 8uggc~tion sheets for indiviJualizin~ her/his area to help students study. Materials on file in Cuidan-c for stuJent parents, teachers tl, help improve study skills. I I \
) a, I Ole Main High School ---- (School)-- - North Little Rock School District Educational Priority #___i_ Coal: To provide recognition and staff. ANNUAL SCHOOL Pl.AN l 988-b9 for outstanding achievement of students School Advisory Committee: Marjorie Kirby-Chairperson Bruce Watterson Sue Perry Gary Goss Bill Garvin Scharmel Bolling Objtc l A process that will make the school and community aware of the achievements of Ole Main students and staff. Stt1: or No. 19 \ Ace l1tJ or Tlac Lin M.uponell.lllty (Uho ,,ill coocdlnte1) I. Organize a committee I. Principal of students and staff that wil: coordinate the program. 2. Committee will establish the 2. Committee guidelines for determining the standards for recognition. 3. Process will be presented to 3. Committee the staff and students by September 15. 4. Committee will coordinate the 14. Committee process during the year. 5. The committee w1ll actively 15. Committee seek suggestions from several and student avenues in order to identify \ council as many achievements as possible. \ lnur-vlce ActJvlt:, I. None tz. None 13. Staff meeting and student council meeting. ~-None 5. None \ Cv lut Jon or Act lvl t y ([ve lul Ion lnt rucnt tutlna dt flnhhcd product, rprorrhtc other) Conch.1ton, rlndln,- or Statu o( Activity l. Committee named. 1. Committee met prio to the opening of school. 2. Standards presented. 2. Decision was made to make a greater use of local newspapers and distric newsletters. 3. Activity meetings 3. Information was presented in regular meetings. 4. Bulletin boards, trophy cases, etc. set up at least monthly. 5. Evaluate the suggestions presented. \ 4. Achievements were published and posted in the building. 5. Did not accomplish I w -..J I 1/<lu.::iclonal l'rlorlty 1 __ 2 __ ANHUl\t. ~ 11nnr .. ,-~H 1988-69 Co:.1 J: To increase the use of the media center by teachers and students O1,jcc tlvc: Teachers will schedule use of the library or computer lab more frequently because they will be more familiar with the materials, equipment and services available. School Adv l!'t'Of" y Comm l L tee. Damaris Purtl(..-Chalrpcrson Sandra Joyce Roy Spradlin Sue Perry Jo Stewart s, , [ult,llon of AcllYllJ (Ch,el I ln,1 ru-nt Local hI In& Je&o. I lnhh.,J Acl hi CJ or Tl- LIH ... , .... ,1111 ltJ c , Ho. (Ul.o wll I coorJlndof) 16 l. August 1988 - Open House for I.Purtle/Joyce l. teachers 2. September 1988 2.Purtle/Joyce 2. 3. Spring and Fall Newsletter ).Purtle/Joyce 3. 4. English Orientation - 4.Purtle/Joyce 4. Fall 1988 5. Computer lab workshops 5.Purtle/Joyce 5. tnun,Ju ActlltJ p,0J11ct. rpurl'l1 01h,r) C.nch,eln. fl,uU,.1 or Slatu o( Acthllr -1----------~-----------j Opportunity to l. Participation and view new material. s materials checked of IMC materials, out will indicate review equipment success of open operation, etc. house. Students will be 2. Checklist and instructed on observation of rules and pro- student use. cedures of library To acquaint 3. Request for teachers with materials will activities arriv- indicate success ing during the of letter. year. Students in Englis classes will be taught the class-h4. English teachers will test material covered ification system, IS well as other library skills co v-ered in the text. l. Held open house which allowed teachers to view and check out new materials. 2. All study halls participated in the library orientation. 3. Lists of new materials were distributed to teachers. 4. English classes were given orientation and tested by teachers. Workshops will be p, Requests for com- ~- The computer lab provided to snail puter instruction was scheduled for ' I I,) 00 I Ole Main High School (School) North LI l l lc Rock School llistrict ANNUAL SCIIOOL l'LAN 19118-&9 F.<lucntlonal l'riorlty 1 __ 2 __ Coal: To increase th use of the media center by teachers and students. 01,j,c t lvc: Teachers will schedule use of the library or computer lab more frequently because they will be more familiar with the materials, equipment, and services available. s, , lcl Coal "- \ S. Computer lab workshops \ lu,-llollhy 011 .. vtll c-r.lh, .. 1) S.Purtle/Joyce S.Continued \ groups or individual~ who request it. Teachers and/or students will receiv~ instruction on apple works, print shop or other software currently available in the media center or IMC collection t.,.h111le111 t Acl hltJ (ll11atl ltr11i1-t '" ..... r ... , .. ._ ., pro4uc:t, rpr .. ,-ri.u other) S.Continued \ subsequent use of computers will indicate success of workshops. ri ....... . or Slt of Act hltJ S.Continued classes 267 periods up from 168 periods in 87/88 and only 64 periods in the 86/87 school year I I .I. ., "I ' -,. h'\I Eclu1.,tional Priority II__J._ Coal: To formulate a building level plan to help students that return from drug counselling. Obj,ctive: To reinforce the "Just Say No" program philosophy when a student returns to school. Stte. or local CoI No, Act lvlty or TJ .. Un 1. In september a plan will be presented to the staff. The purpose will be to ensure that continuous contact will be made to reinforce the drug counselling program. 11:e pon lblllty (Uho will coordlnto7) In ervice Activity 1. Principal ~. Staff meeting 2. By October 1 training sessions 2. Faffiily Q. Training sessions for staff members will be Services scheduled. Agency and district staff. 3. After a student returns from suspension, a staff volunLeer will have on-going contact with the student to reinforce the "Just Say No" phliosophy. 3. AdminisLra- 3. None tion staff ~<ho,,J I\Jv lt'tinry Cnmm It t c.(: J fm Morris-Ch<-l I nna.n Counselors Family Services Agency Sharon Williams [valu tJon or Act Iv tty ([vdutton ln tru-.ent tetlng data, flnhhl'd product, rprorrlu other) l. The number of staff members willing to enter into this project Canclu lon, rlndln,ta or Sta tu of Act lvlty 1. Discussion of the problems and goals were presented in in a faculty meeting. 2. Schedule presence, 2. Did not occur because school staff members had same training. 3. Maintain a log of 3. Decision was made contacts. to not maintain a log but steps were ta ken to ensure that positive reinforcement was given . , &, , , , r Family ~- Staff and volunteer 4. To be determined 4. The Core-Team process is a building priority for the 1989-90 SC hool year. will evaluate the student contacts to determine if progress has been made. Services meeting and district staff. - - ~ -------J--------------''------------'--------------' ' Central Junior High School (School) ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 North Little Rock School District Educational Priority O 1 Goal: The improveme~prograns/operations student behavior. that lead to improved Objective: To develop strategies to decrease inappropriate student behavior. State or Local eo .. 1 Mo. ,I, . 0 I Loca 7 ActhlCy or Tl .. Line I. Assign lockers next to first period teachers' room at the beginning of the school year. lupon1lbllt1y (Who viii coordl"atcll Admin is t ratio 2. Conduct locker checks during Staff first period classes during the school year. 3. Teach hallway behavior at Staff beginning of school year and as needed throughout the year. 4. Train volunteers in IMPACT by September 1988. Teachers/ Administratio1 Inaerv1c A.ccivlcy None None Review lesson strategy at preschool inservice. IMPACT training. School Advisory CoimDittee: Pat Havlin, Chairman Esther Beavers Gayle Calver Fran Lewis Laura McGhee Jane Tinsley [aluatlon of Activity CCvat.ut Ion ln1t runl u1tln1 dt flnhhd product, 1rprorrt.1t1 otld Conclu1lon1. flndlna or St1tw1 of ActhllJ' Locker list on file. uist on File. More control during lockeF !breaks. Calendar of locker lists on file. Lesson strategy on file. Training completed. Locker check must be ~one after 12:00, whe1p more custodians are o duty. ~tudents know rules, !could have been ~einforced more. IMPACT just began, 5. Inform the faculty, student body, and parents about IMPACT team at the beginning of the year. IMPACT team- Awareness infonna- }taintain records on tion provided to students referred to staff at pre-school IMPACT and follow-up olans to be implement d at the beginning of he 1989-90 school ~ear. inservice. 6. Form a committee that recommen s Administrati n None modification for the detention areas by June 1, 1988. \ \ \ \ activities. Recommendations on file. I Larger SAC room. D-Hall in teachers room is more convenient. I Educational Priority Q 2 Coal: The improvement of attitudes and morale of North Little Rock staff members. Objective: To develop activities to improve the attitudes and morale of staff members. Stt or Local Col No. Local 1. Conduct stress release 16 workshop(s) during after school inservice time. t.,pon,lbtllty (Uho will coordlnuo7) Committee Committee Inerv1ce Actlvlt7 Workshop Staff meetings il- 2. Offer energizer games after school hours periodically throughout the school year. ..... I 3. Offer Exercise Clubs during after school hours. 4. Provide student helpers through a Student Council project to help teachers in the mornings before school. 5. Organize a faculty breakfast cl,ub which meets twice quarterly. 6. Develop a faculty handbook during the summer of 1988. Committee None Committee Training for stu- Student Council dents during Student Council meetings. Committee Committee Principal Teach handbook to staff during preschool inservice time. School Adv~sory Comm~ec~~= LouAnn Chandler, Chairman Frank Boyle Shari Brown Mary Darling Laura McDowell Meg Shalek [ulutJon ol ActJwBy ([yJutlon lntru-nt 0 t11t Ina dt, flnlhd Conclu,lona, Fh1dlnA or Sttu1 o( ActlYllJ' product, rprcrrlt othr) Staff evaluation forms. List of meetings held. List of clubs offered. List of student helpers and their duties. 4 day inservice was eliminated at Distric level. Goal not met. No instructor availab e _,oal not met. Calendar of meetings Jointly sponsored wi h PASS team and sunshi e committee. Handbook on file. Handbook completed, presented in teacher packet at beginning of year. Needs to be expanded. , l Central Junior High School (School) North Little Rock School District Educational Priority 0 __ 3_ .,~1::.c.L SCHOOL !'!L'l 1988-1989 Goal: The development of programs for the improvement of study skills. School Advisory Colllillittee: Charlotte Bull, Chairman Sylvia Allen Danna Davis Debbie Hardison Drew Mashburn Judy Pflughaupt Objective: To continue the development and implementation of a plan that will integrate study skills objectives into the content areas and span all the ability range of students. :
Stal or Lour,1 eo.1 No. Local 1. 3 2. 3. 4. \ \ '-ponlblJ ICJ (Uho wlll coordlnata?) In May of 1988, conduct departmental meetings to standardize supply/material lists which will be distribute~ to all entering seventh grader
. In Hay, 1988, deLermine the study skills objectives which will be taught to all students in September 1988. In May and June of 1988, conduct departmental meetings to plan teaching strategies for assigned skill. Teach study skills to students b-y departments in September 1988. \ Department Heads Committee Department Heads Staff Inacr-v1cc ActJvltJ None None None None \ tvaluatiof\ o( Activity ([.,.1 lut Ion ln1uu-nt, teat In& data, (lnJahcd product, rprorrht other) Lists on file. Letter to parents. Coathln rl"dln~ or St.ru1 o( .Activity Meetings held with staff. Supply list included in August parent letter. Objectives on file. Colmlittee met to determine objectives needed. Strategies on file. Skills taught. Colmlittee planned strategies for teaching skills. Me with PASS team to assign skills. Taught study skills to students not attending main event l-- w I Educac1onsl Pr1or1cy 1_ _ 3_ _ Goal: The Development of pro~rams for the improvement of study skills. Objective: To continue the development and implementation of a plan that will integrate study skills objectives into the content areas and span all the ability range of students. Stt O'C fvluation ol Ac:ttvtty l.DcI ([valuation tntru-nt, ,\ct lvlt)' or TJ- Lina luponJbll ltJ tnaervlc:e A.c:tJvltJ tet Ina dt, flnJahd eo.1 No. ("ho viii coordlnato1) product, rprorrlu other) 5. Conduct monthly departmental Committee None Department meetings meetings with reading held. teachers for clarification and feedback. 6. Periodically analyze data Committee None Modified plan on throughout the school year file. and modify plan if necessary. Coclu .. oN. rtndln or Statua of Activity Study skills reviewed during North Central evaluation self stud Goals met. I I I ' I.,1~lw0od .Junior High Sc .-huol (Scl100!) llorth Lill ll' Rork School District ANNUALS CIIOOLP LAN 1988-1989 School Advisory Committee: Jim Dyer, Principal Jeff Huddleston, English Failh llurke, Special Education Jt1dy Dace, Career Orientation Educational 1'1 lorlty O__L Goal: To improve programs/operations that lead to better student Donna Hall, English, SLudcnt Counci 1 Shannon Hamilton, Counsc tor Ill llie Jo White, HC'dia Speci,1list Richard Wiseman, Uand Director Gayle Wing, Parent/PTA President behavior. Objective: To improve student behavior 1n the school setting. local C.UI No ,,I,, .. I 1. D1sc1pl1ne committee u1II meet throughout ~chool year to ma1nta1n focus on 1mprov1ng d1sc1pl 1ne. 2. Rules and procedures to be presented to students 1n class level assembl ,es and Engl 1sh classes. Students wt 11 be given handbook test. 3. "WIN' Team to continue with emphasis on high-risk students 4. P.A.W.S.<Positive and Workable Solutions> cOIMlittee to work on positive self-esteem of students. 5. Recognize students with "Outstanding Citizenship each ~ \ ' nine weeks. Newletters to ,. 1>arents and 1>osted in ha\ Is. '-lot''tl: ..,., n 5 udents that ace - ~" Q~ .. ~~, \ ~ ,!.~"~".,,., ("_c . \ on ponlbll ll"t (\lt,o will coo,dlnaull I Assistant Pr1nc1pal Pr1nc1pat Assistant Principal Principal Judy Dace Donna Ha 11 \ fi\ss\stant 'i)(" \'C\C\t) \ ln,.,rvlcc lvllJ First meeting u1 I I be during pre school act1v1t1es and then on monthly basts. Adm1n1strators to meet wt th English teachers during preschool week. [ .. ,1,.utnn or Actlvll)' f[w,l,utlon l,u1ru-nt. 1,u1ln1 d111. tlnhhd p,oJ .. ct. rporrlt 01hu) Minutes of meetings u 1 11 be on f I I e. Conclual.>na rl,.Jl,.11
o, Sea tu,. of Acl 1 .. 11 r Committee met and r,ave ideas to faculty, Student test resu I ts Presented during 1st wi 11 be placed in eek of school. Handb< ok the Ir fo I ders. test was given 2nd we, k of school. "WIN' Team wi I I pre- Statistics wi JI be o 1:rN team intervened o, inservice to faculty. file of students tha more students this ye1r. were intervened. A special effort was ade to reach students in need. Sharon Wi I Iiams to present inservice on how to promote selfesteem. Criteria for giving citizenship grades to presented during preschool act1v1t1es. District personnel t, P.A.U.S contributed i~ many ways to raise students self-esteem. be invited. Newsletters and Students were recognzed announcements wi 11 b< each nine weeks and list on file. of students with O's were sent to parents. Statlstics w1\\ be on t, \e. \ rm nya: rr n~ f ., SAC supervisors made special. effort to to k with ~'-_\"\t~t~ t.o imp-rov I I I C...I No G r,J,, l'rJ01lty I 2~ Co,11: The deve/opment/1mp1ovement of remedial programs for slow learners. O~Jcct1ve: To improve the test scores and the self-esteem of the slow learners at Lakewood. Definition of a slow learner is one that does not pass the minimum performance test or working below capacitv l1ron1lbl I It)' ln,endce Actlvlt7 (Uho will coorJln1tol) r. r ru..: P"' JtII Hu<l<llc~t.on, ,_.,11:Jl,,h F.lith Burke. Special t::c..lucat:ion Jucly Dace, Career Orientation Donna Hall, English, SLudcnt CounciJ Shannon Ila mi I ton, Counselor Bi.llie Jo White, ~!c<li., Spcc.ialist Richard Wiseman, Band Direclor Gayle \.ling, rarcnt/l'TJ\ Prcs
.dent [valulllon of Activity f(v1l,11tlon, tell Ina data, flnl1hrd 1nod .. ct, rprorrl.u1 011,.r) Conclu1lona. flt1Jlo11 or S11tua of Acl lltr --------------t-------f----------l---------1 --------- I. Comm, ttee w, 11 meet throughout school year to focus on improving ski I Is of the slow learner. 2. Provide inserv,ce for teachers of bas1c/remed1al classes at the beginning of the school year on how to motivate the slow learner. 3. Develop peer tutoring for support of the slow learner. 4. Computer Lab to be used to improve test scores and remediation. Jeff lluddleston Principal Shannon ilami I ton Bi 11 ie Jo White 5. Establish a mentor program for Cindy Quarry students having difficultly 1n classes <students with one or more failing grades>. ~----------------- None Same As Act1v1ty None Minutes of the meet I ngs w I I I be on f I le Corr ittee met severa timi..:~ and contributed ideas for improvement of sl)w learners skills. Di rector of Secondar Teachers were given methods Educ al I on w' I I be to work with slow lea ners 1nv1ted to 1n-servic during inservice. Schedule of tutoring P.A.W.S developed a sessions wil I be peer tutoring rrograrr. posted. In-service on how to District personnel use the computer lab. will be invited to attend inservice and observe operation of the lab. Compter lab was used by language arts, math a1d science classes. Prio~ity was given to basic cl~sses. In-service for the teachers that wi Ii participate in the mentor program. Records w I I I be ma In P.A. W. S. developed a In en tor tained of the progra,nprogram and the facu ty throughout the year worked with students and on 1 le. having more than 2 'son lst interim report. J L
ikcwood Junior Hi1
h School ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN (School) 1988-1989 North Little Rock School Olstrict 19 \ CF.odaulc: atlonalI mpProrvioermityen t oOl: ,cnoo3l Env,rnoment In Order That Students EnJOY School Hore. Objective: To improve the school climate of Lakewood ,n order to have a sound educational program for the students. I . "P. A II. S. conrn I t tee w I I I Judy Dace focus on prov1d1ng a positive, w1nn1ng school climate. 2. Establ 1sh a c00Jll1ttee of Donna Hal I student leaders to welcome new students to the school an< plan activ1t1es for new students. 3. Take special efforts to sprue up the physical environment of Lakewood. 4. Develop methods that emphas1zi growth in students and facultl 5. Catch students and teachers succeeding in something and recognize the achievement. 6. Provide more fun activities for students and teachers to partlc1pate. \ Principal Principal Jeff Huddleston \'c
"""' None None None None None -~ School Advisory Connni t tee: Jim Dyer, Principal Jeff Huddleston, English Faith Burke, Special Education Jt1dy Dace, Career Oricntati0n Donna Hall, English, Student Counc i 1 Shannon Hamilton, Counselor Rillie Jo White, Mc<lia Spcci.ali5t Richard Wiseman, Band Director Gayle Wing, Parent/PTA President M1r,111~c,, ,t \,,_.,~ ly - meetings w111 be on f, le. Record of act1v1t1es w i 1 1 be on f i 1 e Survey of fac1 lilies at beginning of year and at the end. Records wil I be on f i I e. Records will be on fit e. Copies of the monthly calendars w i I I be on f i I e . \ Cor,("luI., rtnJln o, Stcu
of Act 1 .. 11, P.A.W.S~tributec much to the most positiv< school climate according to NCA Vi, itini committee. Welcome committee cc nducted orientation rior to school, Aug. 23 Building continues to receive laudatory r marks from visitors. Progressive honor re 11 and citizenship lis were developed. Pencils were given o students for their achievements and god works. Activities were conducted throughou school year for both teachers and studenL -~ 1100" - 1 \ D1scr1cc Educat1onai Pr1or1cy I_! __ \ .-NHtfAl. SCIIOOL PLAN 1988-1989 \ School. Adv.isory Comm.J.ccee: Goal: To improve programs/operations that lead to better student behavior Barbara Dudley Cynthia Hampton Ginger Kidd Marty Moore Steve Perdue Elaine Phillips Carolyn Pierce Objective: Improve student behavior in the school setting Gregg Thompson lute OI' Local Coal Nici. 7 &cChlCJ N' 11 .. LIM Establish a building discipline committee for the purpose of studying and identifying desired student behavior and methods of achieving good behavior a.1,oaaO.UltJ (Ylto vlll coor4lMtet) School Administration and Staff laaH'Vlc ActtltJ 1Hl!ot41ti0tl of Actlllr (belu.attoa tr..-.t Oatla 4ata. lthhel , .. .,..,. approprl11u other) Discuss in pre-school Minutes of the in-services and meetings will be on throughout the year file. as needed Coac:lwalou. Fhwllaa air ltat11a of Ac.thltr Committee establishec behaviors identified, methods employed, committee continuing to function. Explain handbook, building poli- School Admincy, classroom rules, and evaluate istration and Discuss in pre-school Staff will compose Students were taught workshops evaluations which and tested oVer the content by the testing of each Staff will be kept on file student handbook. student Establish a team of teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents to meet with students who are demonstrating behavior problems Schedule an extra period ("Plus" period) periodically during the school year to emphasize expected behavior and/or to explain school policies as well as to motivate students Recognize students who have all O's and all S's School Admin- Schedule team meetistration and ings as needed Staff. Students behavioral Impact team function records available ing as of the fall of for evaluation 1988, other members will be trained as future sessions are held, School Administration and Staff Explain in pre-school Records will be kept 11Plus 11 Periods held, student behaviors/ expectations empqasized, other 11Plus" periods scheduled. meetings of the dates of the "Plus" periods and the topics discussed Assistant None Lists will be prePrincipal and pared and posted. Staff Lists posted, recognition programs implemented, lists and ~---L----------------~------~----------~--- -------',:-e-c
rr~ttro,_..--,~,t=~b:r,rms--' ongoing. !- c,:, I RIDGEROADJU NIOR High (School) North Little Rock School District Educational Priority t_j__ ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 Goal: To improve programs/operations that lead to better student behavior Objective: Improved student behavior in teh school setting ltt or Local Coal No. ActhitJ or TJ .. L1H a.ponaJblltty (Who vlll coordt-tal) Establish school-based counseling School Adminprogram for suspended students istration and Counselors Evaluate overall student behavior School Adminthrough the year based on disci- istration and pline documentation and staff Staff survey. \ lnHrvice ActtvltJ None fuluatioti or ActhltJ (f:waluatloa lnatruNnt. tut I& 1.. ta, ftnlhd product, orprorrht othr) Counselor conference records and student behavior records will be on file. Discuss in pre-school Records will be kept inservices as well as on file. one other in-service during the year \ \ I Conc:h,.Son, fldln,.o or Sut1.1a o( ActhHJ Program established and will be continue To be completed in June of 1989. I ~ I \ BlfllFNOAP J.J./lV...V.l.i.-.- -1J.J,..J.iJ. - - (S<"lwol) Little Rock School District Educational Priority # __ 2 __ \ ANNUAi. sc:110<.'1. 1'1../\N 1988-1989 Goal: To develop programs that foster improved student attendance Objective: To improve student attendance Stat or Local Coal No. 11 Acttwit1 or LJH Daily telephone notification of absentees focusing on targeted students leponlhlltty (Who 11111 Cl.I Jlrute?) School Admin- None istration and Staff Notify parents of student atten- School Admin- None dance policy at the beginning of istration the year Notify parents by mail after the students 5th and 9th absence. School Admin- None istration and Staff Establish a reward and recognitio1School Admin- None program each nine weeks designed istration and to recognize those students with Staff perfect attendance and those who have missed no more than two days Inaarvice Activity School AdvJ.sory Commit: t:ee: Barbara Dudl.ey Cynthia Hampton Ging~ Kidd Marty Moore Steve Perdue Elaine Phillips Carolyn Pierce Gregg Thompson [uluation of AcUvUy ([valuation ltr~nt. taatl"I clta. ftnlahad Conch,alona, ftndlnJ. or Statua of Acthlty product. rprorrhte otlir) Records will be kept Records at present re on file and a compar fleet a 1% increase ison of yearly atten in student attendance dance figures will beover 1987-88. made. Copy of policy kept ~ctivity completed. on file Dated copies of the letters will be kept on file. Records on file Parents have been notified throughout the year and will continue to be notified. ~ecognition and re~ ard programs have peen initiated and 1,,/ill continue. , RIDGEROADJ UNIOR HIGH (School) North Little Rock School District ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 Educational Priority I__J__ Goal: To improve the attitudes and morale of students and staff. School Advisory Committee: Objective: Improved working and learning environment at Ridgeroad Junior High Barbara Dudley Cynthia Hampton Ginger Kidd Marty Moore Steve Perdue Elaine Phillips Carolyn Pierce Gregg Thompson l&H ec Local Coel Mo. 16 Ac:Uwtl)' ..- TJM LiN Survey students and staff to gather information about morale and attitudes Identify concerns and suggest possible solutions Implement selected recommendations Conduct a follow-up survey to evaluate progress of improved attitude and morale of students and staff ... ,. .. uiuu, (WM .. 111 coodlute1) Communications None Committee Staff and Discuss in faculty Communication, meetings and preCommittee school in-service Staff and Discuss in faculty School Admin- meetings and pre-istration school in-services Communications Conduct during Committee faculty meeting \ , .. 1 ... uoa ef Acttwu, (lvIIMIU- lHr.,..t te ll& u llt1l t.e pt'o41uct. pproprlal otMr) Coadu loa fladha r IUht of A,c.thltJ Records of data kept The areas of communon file. ication and recognition of staff and students to continue. Records on file Records on file Reward and recogni tio It programs implemented- Programs have been implemented and plans are being made for further implementatioh. R~sults of survey on To be completed in file. June of 1989. \ I I \ \ ,. , (S,ht>ol) ..!:!.nrth l~llt le R,uk S,:lmol _n~'!..!...!:.l.... Educational Priority I __ I __ Coal: The dcvc lupmc11t<./ implementation of programs which promot~ .:.1n<l rceog11i2t! .studt!nt invulvemt:!nt in the total school program. Objective: Thi::! number of students participating in and recognized for involvement in the total school program during the 1988-89 school year will increa~ c by 10% over the number in the 1987-88 school year. c-honl Advt a..-y J\1111 U,1h t I .J~111f.! JJrow11 Pt>ggy Clcmu11t. Dorothy Gantz Steve Garrison Phyllis Jans.sen Patric.:ia Kaiser Carolyn Warren Mandy Welsh s,.,. 01[ Locl eo.1 " leeponslbtlhy (ut,o wUl coo1dlnuel) (valuation ol Actlwlty (fvluHlo lnatn, .. ,.t. Calll1 ch1a 0 finished Coch,alot1, ft111dln or Sia tu of Ac:t hlty L~L.1hl i~l1 .1 i i1111.: lt11 l' lub lAdministration dl.'.L1v1l1es .111d intramural sports
lub spon!::iors recug11ize parLicipatio11 on daily Intramural a11nuu11ceme11ts a11d bulletin sponsors b0an.b (contingent upon adminis-trator's i1pprl>val) encouragl! lcat.:her sponsorship by reducing duly ti1ne (contingent upon a<lminb
lrc.1Lor 1 s approval...) Plan A - two 50 minute lunch shifts Plan B - schedule lirst period Lt> begin at 8: )U Speda l Emphasis Days (one per 9 weeks) Photo bulletin boards lo recognize participation. Suggested schedule: A. Ha11JicapJ)ed Aware11ess Day tt. Teen Talk llay C. C,ireer l),iy IJ. Fine Arts llay Special Ed. Core ll~pt. Voe. Ile pt. Fine Arts Dept Expl~111ati,,11 at preschool meeting by principal and committee chair-pc rsons None product, rprorrl other) bclwol Schedule Student Survey Studt:rnt Survey Unable to set time for club meetings or intramural sports because of bus schedule. Special emphasis days scheduled were for lfandicapped Awareness Day - November 7,L988 Career Day -May 2,198~ Fine Arts Day - May 12, 1989 Bulletin boards for each cl11b/organizatio1 were set up in the media center duri11g North Central Re-evnluation April 5-6 ~---L _________________ L_ ______ __J ___________ ..J __________ _,_ __________ _, ' Hose fjty hmlor High School (School) North Little Rock School District ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 Educational Priority ft Coal: //1 The dcve lopm~d imp lcmcntat ion of programs which promo Le and recoHnizc student involvement in the total school program. Objective: The number of students participating in and recognized for involvement in the total school program during the 1988-89 school year will increase by 10% over Lhe number in the 1987-88 school year. ltt er Loni c..1 ... School Assembl ils <.ind Activities A. Exp.-in<l "Almost Anything Goes" IL Al low stuUcuts to sit where they w.:1nt <luring Pep J\sscmb Li es C. Continue J\wiJ rds Assemh Ly, Student of the Week, Honor Holl/Perfect Attendance Parties In.service on classroom activities which increase student involvement and recognition \ ... ,.".11111, (Who wtll c-oorllft raf) Administration Special Ed. Dept. Cheerleader Sponsor llonor Society/ PTA/Student Council Goals Chairpersons lnHnlu ActhltJ Explanation pre-sthoo I ffil Principal lnservice with staff sponsored by Goals Chairpersons \ tw hatlo af ActhltJ (h1h1at IN 111111r ... r: u1t11 lat fhhhe41 prolttet, rprorrf u other) Student Survey Student Survey C..c-1 ... , .... ,. ....... oc ltat at ActhltJ 'Almost Anything Goes' assembly held ~ovember 23, 1988. Rtudents allowed to hit where they war1ted ~11 Pep Assemblies. ~wards assembly, RtudP,1t of the Month, Dnd Honor Rnll/Perfec ~tlendance Parties ~ere continued. Results from student 11rvey taken in 1987- /38 a,1d 1988-89 were ,::::.ompared and showed hP following increas s in positive student respo1tses. Activity % Increase St.:.hool Assemblies l 5% Cl11h Activities 22% Special Clc:1::.s Activities 24% Spuciill Emphas1n O.iyt-. 4 S% IIV, I I p.,.., i, Iv, If, ANHJl.14.I .. cuno,. l'I..AH J 9tJ8-l 9B9 J.11u Brown Educ-Jtlonul l'rlor.Jcy I l Coal: l11t development ,md7mp1eml'11tatfon of programs which help studt.nts to improve Pt"ggy (' I emuns Dorothy Cnntz Steve Carrison Phy l 1 is Janssen Patti K.-:liSl:!r Carolyn Warren Mnndy Welsh tf1efr scores on standardized test~
. Objective: By the end of the 1988-1989 school year, students will exhibit an improvement on standardized test scores as shown by the MAT 6 test results. SlI or loc:al CQal No. laponll>ll ltJ (I.tho will c:oordlnauf) lnervlce Activity [valuatlo of Ac:chlty ([valuat lo lnI ru-t, 1et ln1 data, flnhhed p10Juct, rpror,I otl1er) Conc:lulo rindfn,111 01 Slalua of Acl htq, -1-------------------1---------11------------+------------ Comm l t tee/ Secretary l.eucr on fiJt! in Counselor's office Pa
cnts made aware hrough writ ten ~eLter/PTA Meeting. Ln I-> <:L11t.r.1lt. lctler t.xpressing c-011ct.111 .ihoul improving Lest scores, lo he mnile<l to parenls prior to lhc 1988-89 school year. l)~velc111 and expand sample tests i11 ci1ch <l~partment. A 11 lenchers llcvclop list of lest takin~ ski 11: All lcachcrs ,uut i11<.orporc1te those skills into lessons throughout the year. Sc.:hcd11lc rcsClurce peop1e to <c111duct sll1<lent worksl1ops 011 lest laking skills. l>tvc I op t!duca ti ona l games and excrcis~s in each department tl, l1clp review k11owledgc in cad1 content aren. Kccl,g11izc student improveme11t with awc.1rds and nctivites. ('./'I' facilltato Al I leachcrs Counselor l'TA llepartmenta I Sample Tests formumcet i ngS lated and given in ~cience, Math, Histoq and Language Arts. Completed checklist of skills taught Participant evaluation List suhmitted by departments t,1 be kept on file in the library. of students' scores on file in counselor's office. !resting Taking Skills overed in class-ooms and over P.A. ,ystem. ounselor met with ~tudents through 'ngl ish classes .ist n[ Games on file 'a mes and activities 'hrriecl 011t in in~ ividual classrooms. OK.- Party held for :itudents showin5 lt
nific.:int improvenent over previous Wear. ---- ------------------ - -- -----------~------------'--------------'-----------' ' H.11s1.C. ity Junior lligh St'hool (School) North Little Rock School District Educational Priority U 3 ANNUALS CHOOL PLAN 1988-1989 School Advisory Comittee: Ann BahiJ Jane Brown Goal: l'he development and implementation of programs to decrease school dropouts. Peggy Clemons Dorothy Gantz Steve r:arrison Phyllis Janssen Patricia Kaiser Carolyn Warren Mandy Welsh Objective: To decrease the number of school dropouls hy 2 per cent over that of 1987-88. State or Loc.11 Coal No. 2 Local Activity or Tl .. Un Prnvidc inform,1L ion to .students concerning dropol1ts. a. ll.:111d-out8 <listrib11L d through social studies and lponllitllty (Wko wlll coordinate?) Teachers of Career Orien-career orientation classes. tation and b. Filmstrips showing vocation~ ,of Civics jobs, and career orientatio1 c. Speakers (former dropouts) to speak in appropri.:itc classes. fmplcment a "Buddy-System" for new and "a L r j sk 11 SL11denLs a. Pictures uf new studenLs on bulletin board. Counselor b. Pairing responsible student, Student with potential dropouts. Council and NJ llonor Society Encourage "at risk" students who \11 Staff have failed the MPT to attend Members summer school~ where the need for assistance in educ.:1Li.ona\ \!.t'Owt.h \"l c\uv""'"''"'""l w i \ l he a<.ldresse<.l. lnarvlce Act lvlty Committee an<l involvEd Leachers Training for studenu involved in 11 BuddySystem 11 \ I [valuuto ol Act:hlty ([valuallo lnacu,-t Ul ln1 1ht., r tnhhed product, rprorrl,ua other) C.,nch1I flndlnA or Sltu of Ac11 ... 1,, -------------1 )isplayed posters, Compc1re Scplember - "Success Is No Secret /\pr i l, J 987-88 Stay In School", in school year to sameaJl classrooms, hall, period in the 1988-and offices. 89 school year, re: the number of drop- Information from the outs. pamphlet, "Why Stay In School? 11 was presented to all students. Survey of students invo]ved in the "Buddy-System. Number of stu<lents participating i11 summer schoo I. Films, video tapes, and speakers were use relatP.d to career choices. Camera and film purchased. Pictures of new students were displayed in hall through library window. Sept.-April, 1988-89 Enrolln1ent - 375 Dropouts -14 - 4% There w
:,,s a 1% increase in t.hc d..-npo"l. .-.,t.P. "~ Educational PrJorJty I llHHUAI, SCIIOOL PLAN J 988-1989 Goal: TIii l,'ll'Wl\'l",'11.ld' OF Pi~or:JV\jfS/OPr
:..\l I ON!> TPJ\T I.LAI) Tll un,rn S'/T/J/./
'j lll:i!AV/01! Objective
TO FOSTER A SENSE OF STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS .,., .. , lAlcal Coal Mo. ... ,. ... ,1111111.,. (!Ao .. u1 c1M>r4tnul) lwalwatl f Ac:ttv1t, ,,.,,. ........-.... . . lt I& 4 h, I lnhh 4 School AdvJeory eo-Jccee: l'.11 ti Ben i,l1t ,\njL.1 :c.111111 in~
{usscJ l ll,1~1kj11s I .,n (' l t.1 ~
clrn.1 r r .I iPuaie Smilh r----
r------------------t--------1-------------l _._ .. _. "_,_.,_,,_:.:__,._ 01::! Cot1clu t-- flt141A,t or llfw f Act hll J I) :-ll lt1I ,I l>Ll1:1vio1 11rogr
11:1 jn wl1iclt l)OSi l ivc hPliavior in c-I
:s C:ln be 1c\1:1rde<l in ., Ji rec L u,,v. SL uclenls can c.-1rn n r.ivcn i.H1l0Ullt of 11 f.1kc 11 ~ moncv fnr r~ood hcl1avior. ~ Unnn snv i1H~ "x" numlH!r of dol l.:1rs, s l udcnls cnn nurchasc " Licker LO ., l"'IOV ie ii t thl! weeks' end. l(c-\-1ard sLudcnLs with cerLifi-t ,1Les f tir
.11,1d liLll,1v i nr. Annou1uI.! " 11 SLmlc11L "f tile \leek" for til udcn ts \Ji Lh J~ooU hcli.avior. 2) 1:cwJrd students fot :~ooJ at L~nJ.rncc. J) Make slut.lent .,ware of rruper hi rth con Lr ol methods. Use ~uest sneakers, filr1.s, poster::
, Lapes. Fxnmple: "It Only Tal.c!i Once. " Skj 11 ~ Cenler SL.if F Sh.i I !ti Center S La ff Ski! I~ CenLcr Staff Inc 11.
Ld a L l l11d.11h l 0n~oing-provided i11 :1cl ivi Lv. funds are available. (Approximately: $150.00) SPIB--Banking Job Related Behavior Awards presented lncrc.:1:.
cd ,ll Lc11d.111t.v Awards at assembly in net ivily. U~Oll cur1:lleLJ011 or nctiviti<.::., 11.ivc stut.lcnts f i JI oul
t hlrlh 1onLrnl <]ue:
L io11n:1 ire. Ongoing I a0 I SKIii S CINTI.I: (School) North Litt le Rock School District ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 CEodaulc:a tionalT Iii l1'rJl1o:rvl1t:y1 .ol"ILI! IT7T' .TI'RllVl:IFNT 01' 11:oc:1t/\:'~ TIIAT l"'FPAl!I'. STUllFIHS ro:: 11'1'1 IIY/I1'.MT UPON C:l:AllLIATION Object tve: '('1\ lll.\'I I.Ill' A 1'1.A('I II NT l'l!OCl<A'I FOi: IlTII I, I '''Ill r1:AllFl:S .,., .... lAcel c.o., .. I) I) 2) \ \
1,,J:c (JW, i1H.'S~i 1,:011u1cts for pt>ll'lll i.1 I ::
ll.:u.lowin g ex per icnce. 11.ikc business conLncLs for potent lid job pl,,ccmcnl with 1, district ( ic: MainLen,,ncc, Footl Service) ,ind area hnLcl~. ... ,. 1-.111,,. ,.._ wlll cHr41utef) Skllls CcnLer Staff Ski I ls CcnLer Staff \ \ School Advisory eo-ittee: lul"41.I ' Acctwu, .(lw.dw,.tl. ........... ..,.. .... ,, . ,.,_ ...... pto4ucl. rprorr I other ~take , lte,I Ii :
L of husi11es:-
s lJliiclt Pat c i ncn Anila )lcJ11nkins fi<'I l Russel I llawkins Loretta ~chnarr .111J1rti.e Smith c..c,., ...... , ........ . or ll lM I Mt 1 .. 1,, - - -------- JTPA in progress will .:1llou sl1ndl>wi11g ,lake cla.:ckl isl of l,usincssc::. wiJJin'.~ Lo .d low plnce111c11L of sLudcnts. Ongoing JTPA 1 ANHIIAI ~C lt<~U l'I..AH J 988-1989 EduC-dLlnmJJ l'rJorJty I __ _ Coal: /'Ill IH\'/.lfll':JLN'I/L'IPUO\..-Ult:N'I ,,,. J'j~()(,/:NIS Tll,\I Pi~IP,,:n S"Jlfl)J:NTS HIii 1.111'"1\ ''II Ill' 1ll'IIN l
/(,\1>11/\I IIIN Objective: I" l>I \ I I 01' /\ FIii i."i -Ill' l'iWCl<Ail Fill( UI' Ttl 11111: \'I ,\R ,\FTrn f.l:,\JJl',\I ION Local ., w.1 Mo. 11 I) l<lVi ,l' ,I fnl 111\..1-1111 funn. 2) l~l'visc ii r111tsLitH1naire nrior Ln ~.r,1Jui1L inn c,mccrninp. their pl.,ns. C'l-:xit hir111"/ "tlul'Sl i unn:1 ire.") ]) Administer I xiL l"nrn1 !1rior lu
~r-.1d11~1Lio n. Adm in i!itCI lhll'SI io1111,1irc ill(, 1'111. .1ftcr gr.:u.Junlion. ..__ ~ - ~----------------- &eeP4Ul~lllty (Whu wll I cr41nauU /\11 i La Ile I I C:ounsclo1 /\nitn llel I C.ounsc I or /\nila l\t'I J ('uun:::.clor l"hoetio ef Aclhlly ([.,ht lo lI r-, taa&lt 4ata, llnhh4 ,,o4ucl, r,.-or, lI oll.d Cnmn I tL cd nv i i
t,1 fn1 l'I!-
, 1luL'::
t i Oll\l,I i rt n1ninj lcJ. I', 1 l I i lh. 11 I i ~ II l /\nil.i 'h ft111l.i11s lh:I I l~oss<:l l ll..1wki11s'lta Selinar1- l1i!m1 ic Smi Lh Cocl-,I fldln11,a 01 , .... , A<t , ... ,, On file in Skills Center Office On file in Skills Center Office /\cLu:11 nluuhcr of studenls milintili11i111 Ongoing ,1 joh to he monitored . I V, (X) I llmhoy EI cmcn ta ry (School) 1/orth Little Rock School District Educational Priority ll ANNUAL SCIIOOL PLAN 1988-1989 Goal: The improvementofprograms and operations that lead to better student behavior. Objective: Sy the end of the 1988-89 schoo 1 year, activities "i 11 be developed and implemented that wil I motivate students to improve their classroom manners and socialization ski I ls. I ~t t or '"'' Aclbdly or 11- Lin roo,lbl Illy C: .. .-1 No. I -- I I Loca I - #7 I State-i 111, I I 1. A lmi t on manners and social ski I ls wi 11 be taught in each class by the school counselor at the beginning of the school year. (Uho 1.1111 coordlnaioJ) Principal, schoo I counse I or, staff 2. Assertive discipline plans Principal and for classrooms, bus duty and cafe staff teria wi 11 be submitted to the principal during the first week of school for distribution and a sharing session. Parents wi 11 then be invited to learn about these plans at the September Open House. 3. Staff wi 11 read Assertive Discipline and participate in a discussion and viewing of the Assertive Discipline film package at inservice meetings. Principal, staff, lunch aides (bus drivers) l1. A school-wide Reward Day wi 11\rincipal, be held at the end of each nine staff, PTA weeks. Community resources lnservlce Ac.t lvJty Same School Advisory Committee: Principal: Jane Ford Teachers: Mandy Hyatt Ka thy R i dge,-,a, Jenny Turner Support Staff: Lori lfol ler Parent: /\nnl Si mp son [uluuton ot Activity (Ev1lu,clon lnurunt, rt1l ln1 d1t,, flnlihtd pr0J11ct, rprorrlu, othef) At a faculty meeting teacher observations of behaviors wi I I be shared and recorded. Fi !e of plans Recorder wi I I make notes of meetings. Conclu1lon,, rlndln.1,1 or Stteu1 of Act lvlty Faculty ohservations noted that social ski 11 s imp roved s i gn if i cant ly. Manners improved slightly. Plans on file. Assertive Discipline was rearl by staff anr ideas were implemente Film packaqe was not available. Records wil I be kept Records on file. of the number of children partici-pating. I ""I '' \ \ \ f'tluc~"lt1c>nitl l'r1or1c.y II Conl: 1"11t improvt.me11L- 111 p, o,
1 w1s .ind ,,pt..r-~H ions th.rt leac.l to bctt<r studt.ul bPhJvlur. Objective: By tlu.~ cnd of the 1988-89 school year, activitjcs wj J J St t or local C:,ul No he <levtlop<.\d and implemented that will motivate students to impn1vc their classroom manners an<l socialization skills. 5. Good Apple Assembly will be divided into primary and intermediate programs, to be held simultaneously every Friday morning. Hrs. Ford and designated teachers wi 11 take turns pres iding over Good Apple. 6. For each Good Apple Assembly each classroom and/or teacher wi 11 select a "Problem Solver of the Week" and a "Good Apple." The problem solver wil I wear a button, and the good apple will receive a written award. Al I winners for the month will be included in a drawing for an Amboy T-shirt or similar item. There wil I be one winner for primary and one for intermediate students la1pon1 lbl I lty (llho "'I I I coorJlnato1) Principal, staff and PTA Principal, Slaff and PTA Jn.urvlce Act tvlty h.aluuton of Aclhlty ((valuac Ion Inti ru1t11, te1tln1 dua, flnl1haJ produc1, rprorrt.u, otlorr) Conclu1lon1, fJr1Jlnl1 or St1Cu1 of ACI lvll7 Survey response of Survey on file. children wi 11 be made at the end of the first nine weeks. Survey response of Survey on f'le. children will be made at the end of the first nine weeks. --- - -- ________________ J_ ______ ___JL_ __________ _ ' l I a, 0 I \ Amboy Elementary (School) North Little Rock School District ANNUALS CIIOOLP LAN 1988-1989 Educational Priority O 2 Goal: To improve enrichment activities in reading. Objective: By the end of the 1~88-139 school year, we will develop and implement programs that wil I encourage reading outside the basal texts. \1 ... o, lrI I Ho ocal fl ": t ,1 lC Ill I. Reading Contracts - Parents wi 11 be asked to rC'ad with or I is ten to their chi Id read on a weekly basis. Starting in Octobe teachers will send reading contracts home for parents to sign. 2. Book Swaps - On the first Tuesday of each month, starting in November, students will bring books from home to swap for a book of their choice. Books wi 11 be provided for students who do not have books at home. 3. Idea Sharing - A reading resource person wil I be invited to the school to share ideas/ activities to enrich reading in the classroom. Each teacher will implement an activity from the sharing. \ \ pon,lbl 11 I)' (Mho wlll coordln1te1) Teachers, parents, and students Teachers and PTA volunteer Ashley Inga I Is and other teachers \ ln1,rvtce A.ct tvlty Resource person will share ideas during January meeting School Advisory Committee: Principal: Jane Ford Teachers: Handy Hyatt Ka thy R i dgew,, Jenny Turner Support Staff: Lori Wal !er Parent: Anne Simpson LY1lu1t Ion ot Acl hdty ,c.,,lu1tlon ln11tut1t, c.11Jn1 data, llnhhird produce, rprorrl.11, oth,r) Conclu1lon1, r111J1n,., or Sl1fut of ACI 1 .. 11 r Students wi 11 share 247 signed reading completed contracts,contracts are on and a record of the file. number of returned contracts wil I be kept. A sign-in sheet wi I I Participation was be kept during book displayed on a hall swaps. A graph bulletin board. showing participa-tion for each class will be displayed each month. Teachers will discuss student responses to activities during a staff meeting i~ March. Student responses were positive. Records on file. (.:i, louul
J I IL< I Ro, k ..:.-
c l~o,. I ' H IVfl, Educational Pr1or1cy I J Coal: The development~tivities that will enrich science instruction. Objective: By the end of the 1988-89 school year, activities wil I be developed and implemented to improve and enrich the elementary science program. S1t or l.oc:l eo.1 " State H3 lcponlbt I It)' (~ho \tlll I c:ooirdlntel) I. lpach<'<', "i 11 supply a I ist Staff and of ~cit.'nct. m(1ttrial~ appropriate science for their grade levels. This committee 1 isl will he compiled by the sci-ence corrmittee for implementing a IT'alerials supply 1 ist for the science program. 2. Teachers, parent volunteers, and students will assemble and display a variety of science experiments that will enhance and enrich unit studies at all grade 1 eve Is. 3. A school wide science fair will be held during the spring semester of the 1988-89 school year. Individual and/or group participation of students will be encouraged at all grade levels. Parent volunteers, staff, and students Staff, parent volunteers, resource people, district personnel, and students An inservice session on conducting a science fair will be held. Ttucher,: M,lncly lly.1l t Kathy Ridg<",.. Jenny Turnt-1 Support Staff: Lori Wa 11 er Parent: Anne SimpSOIL [vluctlon of Acth,hy (Cvlutlon lntrucnt, tcstlftl dsts, finished produce, rprorrl.u other) Conclulona, Fh,dlnA or Slatu of Act hltr The materials supply Materials were pur- 1 ist will be compiled chased and userl in in Hay, 1988, for experiments. Purpurchase and imp le- chase orders on file. mentation at the be-ginning of the Jq88- 1989 school year. Student self-evalua- Evaluation forms on tion form file. Responses were very positive. qJ~ of ~th grarlers rassed HPT in science. Evaluation of the ~his activity was science fair will modified in that pro-include: an account jects were not judged ing of the percent- Each student that suh age of student parli mitted a project was cipation, judges' awarded a certificate evaluation of the ,f narticipation. quality and variety ,tudent responses on of entries, & studentfi le were very pos isel f-evaluat ion form ive. ' ~ r I Argenta r.lemcnlary (School) ANNUAL SCIIOOLP LAN 1988-1989 North Little Rock School District Educational Priority H 1 Goal: To improvethe programs that teach basic math computation and other math skills. Objectlv: By the end of 1988-1989 school year, studenls will have achieved an average of one year's growth in math. Slat or Loral Wal No. Local 5 ,k:llwlCJ' or YI .. LI .. Schedule a specific time for m~th to facilitale cooperative teaching. Utilize adults and peers to tutor in basic math skills. ... ,. .. ,.,1111, f"'- wlll uortllftoU1) Principal and staff. Principal and staff. Purchase math facts tapes to be Principal. used in classrooms. Use school wide incentives for Staff. knowledge of math facts and counting. Set up math centers in Staff. classrooms and in the media for use by teachers and students. Administer timed math facts Staff. tests on a weekly basis in \ each classroom. \ \ School Advisory Co-lttce: Denise Clark, Chairman Cindy Schilb Lois Clifton Louise Benlon Becca Carr Opal Goldsby Dr. Pat Coomes, Principal Linda White, Parent fwal1,1atlo I AclhllJ ([woluatl l111ot,.,...1. C.H toa ,., ... f lnhh4 ,ro4,,c:c, r,,orrl,10 011>,rJ Cood1,1ol ... , U 4111a or Ital'-' I Ac:1 i.11, Schedules on file. Schedules on file. Schcdu le for adult tutors on file. Purchase order for materials ordered. Schedules on file. Purchase orders on file. Record of incentives Records on file given will be with teachers. recorded, List of materials Materials and and activities in activities on file. centers. Teachers will chart Charts on file. or record weekly math facts results. \ t ~- , ,.,, ~,ft t lo II" J,,, ~. lui.1I 111,-1 t It_ l ,._.,JucaLln11.1l l'rlorlt:y I 1 Ludl: 1'0 1mp,ovt-CTif:--,
rn1,f'':w1:J t/1.Jt lr>dCh basic math computation and olticr rr1cJU1 skills. Objective: Ry the end of 1988-1989 school year, studenls wi Jl l1uve achieved an average of one year's growth in math. ,. ., . . , L.tral 1,,c:1,JwUJ or 11- LIN ..,.... ,.. ,. .,. c..., ... lnentc Acllrit.J &MIio will c .. ,,u,.tH Local Revro11p childl'en to limit. Principal and 5 nt1ni1Jer of matl1 ,~roup!J per staff. Lr-acher. I '"r'' -- -- ---~ [walvUoA I Act hrll J (lwI., lo I , ..... 1 c c1 ... ,_, , .... , .... , ...... flAh t.. er 111 ... f kthltr ,, ,..:,, rpurr ll 011,ar) List of mat.h groups Lists of math on file. groups on file. I A1,~.!11l:'.l I lcr,..__1 _,,_.,___1_.. :y _ cs
1> f.HMUAL SCIIUOL PLAN 1~1111-l~H~ N,~ 1.ltt ll W111 k Schnol Ul~!..!J...!. r tJut"JLiOu-'1 l1 1io1ily I __ " __ To 1111prove :...lu1..h.:11L co11l.lucL w1Ltiu, clc.1:.0:Aoao!.i, t,u1 ldLn~ and l..tyi,1rounLI. Lu.,1: ,. .... . a.., '- .... Local 7 I ,a,_ I To promote a stun,mt conduct pla11 that w1 l I e11hunce 1
uod d1sciline. ......... ~1111, ....... ,u_c--uH 1'1111cq,,1l ,:11,d ::I al'f will senLI ticm1c a lelll'.r :~tut1rw new rules ""LI policies tu, Lt,,. l')tlU-89 stt,ool year. l''""Ls/studenL,i will s11
rt L11ey have read ttie rules a11tl w111 support LIie ru Jes and procetlure:.J. tJ1,ic1pl111e form w1 ll be sent 1io111eL o uocumcnt di:.
r-upL1ve betiav1or. 11T11ue-oul" ror K-2
After ,
cl1ool detent1011 for 3-6. l'o~LC't'Z w1J l t)e madl! Lo roinoLe t:ood ,1 .,,c1 pl ,n.i anLI I'" 11 pasc
w 1 Jl l,e Ukld!! Lo ir,sUJ:'!! r.outl :
t.uuunt conduct. 110utSli..U\J.1.111~ Ci\. l ' 11 \1rorr-a111 1,,1\ \ \ b, \1 \l.1 1n \.he ~,
pr1.n1r. to acV.1,o'-1\l!.c..\)'.I.!. S\.u<lc.nt.t:. ""ho t.ypi{-y out.- l.a\\d \\W. U ha'-' lor. . Principal anti teacher:
. Princ1p<1l a11LI Lt.:acllurs. ''eacher:
. !jLaff meeting. __ _) School Adv1aory 1..0-1,,e1 Anueltc Hr>d!
t.H: 1 Ct1,,ir11'\d.O A111L...1 !'
mi t ti c.,rol Aclin ~
111!11y l>u11n EulteLa W.
re Belly t::arnhart Betty M..rLin LJr. Pat Coo111e~, Principal jt,irley Pederson, Pflront lwdwettoo1 I MlhhJ ,... .......,.-........ ..,.-. ........ . ...... f- I , t t hl a atke1, Parents ~i~n rules anti re turn Lo sct,ool. Si1
neLI rules will uc kct on flle. Copy will be kept on I' !le. Hontlily rtecof'd of slud1.:11L:
on file. Posted throughout l>ui lei 1 nv. a11d pas:-
.. .t11 c la.
rooms. J.i!.iL ,.Jr Olll t ..i11ding. r I Ll't.1..11.~ w 1 11 Ue kept. 011 1.1.h,. C..C:I-- 1a .. 1-.e at IUI .. el AUlUJ Signed copies were kept by individual teachers. Master copies on file. HecorLls are on file 1n office. lr.dividual teachers 1<ept reecords ou file. Posters were made and posted by students and media staff and put in hall. Program held Ju,,e 2,
'.)8'). \ , . , .-1"7 Mt ti I II I Ir ~,rlonoI ,,,,.., r I, I 1-,lucL ,,,,,~ I l'r Jut J ty I J t.
u~J: r,, 1111p11)V:--
J1 I J flld 1 .uad mnr'i.Jlt~ CJI 1'11/rf'flloJ :
tc.Jfl' t111..n1lut'!J. Objective: To 1110L1viJl.e and reward /\rJ~enld sLut'f m1..:rn1Jcrs. ,,. ..,. Lota I Wal ... Local 16 I V", ' I TnscrvicP will I,<' prov111etl on Pdncipal Same t,~du, in 1~ !d.rP:
:1. and committee. P1i11ripal wi 11 ,nlliate "f1eeL" for Leacl1ers. P.T.A. and principal will conllnuc lo in1 Lia Le teact,er upprec1at.ion i.1Ctiv1 Lies. i0 lrnplPmr11l ~oci
il acLivlLics l h1ouvhou1 t l1t'. scl1uol yr~ar tu i11tluIP bi1lllday:1 1 potlucks, t.tlin,~ ouL, J11tl pctrltc1p11t1n1~ 111 111, slulls c.1nt,ir rood pro,~ram. Principal P.T.A. a11d pr inc i pal. Principal and Committee "Men La 1 I lea l th Our:" Teacher appreciaLi on luncheon I o, _. ,y 1ft, I, , ( ' oJ I\C. I lfl Trt'V.J 110.11<11n,1n lie Lt y Camp be J l i<OSJI' llom<Ul Jenifer f'au,1ht Kay Green Dr. Pat Coomes, Principal Dona.3 Sti rmc.111, Parent ll .. atJ el &H lUJ flaluall- .,... Caecla..l. , flMli 1 Uh"'- r I- I Mthllf P..c 1, rptGr1 ht cu&...-) Oa t.c and t.anrtou L Inservice with of icl.,a:: on rile. Marcia Anderson on April 25, 1989. LisL on f1 le. Date on fl le. List of free times on file in office. Teacher appreciation luncheon 5-30-89. Calendar or ev<:nLs Calendar of events on fllc. on file. ( 1'118-19119 (School) llorth Little lock School District I ""I '' l lducational PrloritJ I 1 Coal: Enhance instruction through peer tutoring, Objective: to implement structured, well-monitored peer tutoring program in order to better the educational skills of at-risk students. .......... .. c..1 ... \ l. Define the need and role of peer tutoring. 2. train and provide opportunities for students to tutor. 3. Infona parents of peer tutoring program. a) Newsletter b) P.t.A. Study groups .......,. ..... c-. .... c .. , ...... ., Principal and Teachers Principal, Teachers and Resource Person Teachers and Principal __ \_ Effective uses of peer Tutors and Coaches. Principal: Teachers: Susie Ballard-Jac~son Barbara Hartwick, James Parker, Shirley Kelly and Katherine Keough Support Staff: Fonda Purifoy and JoAnn Layton Parents: Sharon Jordan and Marv Shuffield .. ................ u, ... .,.-...., ,.- -, . ...... .. u . ....... . ........... ,.,.,. o.,, The collect ion and recording of information relevant to tutoring needs Survey of program effectiveness Teacher monitoring fom Copies of letter and meetings c-, .. ,--. , ....... kt I M1h11, Tutors and coaches were chosen in grade, 3-6 based on class performance. Interest, motivation, grades, work efficiency, task commitment and improved behavior were observed. A letter was written and sessions were held with P.T.A. -- _.__ ., I I _"_'_ , I Uucc1o .. l rr1or1~T I 2 CoJ: Extend metacognitive sk1lls of students. -UAL c..~,u,u,a,. i~-i Ol>Jectfve: Utilize literature to expand reading and critical thinking. ...-.. c.. ... l. Develop and teach literature lessons incorporating Higher Order Thinking Skills. a. Comparison b. Inference c. Evaluation d. Analysis 2. Observation of other teachers ..,. .. ..., ... ,.._ 111 c_,,. .... ,, Teachers and Language Arts Supervisor Principal and Teachers Distinctive elements of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Literary Studies Pr1ncipa.1t Sch.lao Adwo~, ea-ace~ Sua~e Bailard-Jackson Teachers: Support Staff: Parents: ,. .IN. .,_.I .. .A.c.ll .I. ... .... ..H.II. ........ ...U..I .... .. , .. , ....,.,. .. Oral and written coonnunication between teachers and students Observations Lesson plans Visit McRat grade level teacher Barbara Hartwick, James Parker, Shirley Kelly and !Catherine Keough Fonda Purifoy and JoAnn Layton Sharon Jordan and Mary Shuffield c.., ....... , ....... . ., ....,. ... ..,. .. Plans, observations, and communication denoted the use of Learning Links and Reading Beyond~ Basal to assist with developing Higher Order Thinking Skills. Grade level observations were done but not of McRat teachers. ' ~ I co' I Belwood Elementary (School) llorth Little lock School Diatrict AIOOJALSC HOOLP UJI 191111-1989 !.ducational Priority I 3 Goal: The Development/Improvement of programs that Teach Decision-Making/Problem-Solving. Objective: Develop decision making skills by the use of a multi-discipline approach. ....,. ,.. .. . C-1 ... \ 1. Employ decision making skills as directed in prepared media materials- 0 TAD," "Know He Know You" and "Tips." 2. Develop decision making skills through the use of printed and audio-visual media. 3. Provide an opportunity for students to select a hobby in their area of interest. \ ........ ~110, ,.._ will .-,,1-ul) Classroom Teachers and Counselor Classroom Teachers and Hedia Specialist Classroca Teachers, Principal and Resource Persons \ 1 ... n1.ce iklbllJ Instruction utilizing decision making materials \ School Advtaory Coaaittee: Principals Teachers: Support Staff: Parents: ,, .. ,. .. ., ...... ..,. a..c ,.u_..1.,1 , . tetl .............. . ... ..._,_ ... , .. , te tllair) The increase in the ability to make decisions as observed by classroom teachers, Counselor and Principal Written and oral analysis of World Affairs Sharing and ex-changing ideas with others Susie Ballard-Jackson Barbara Hartwick, James Parker, Shirley ielly and Katherine ieough Fonda Purifoy and JoAnn Layton Sharon Jordan and Marv Shuffield ~, ....,.. . ..... er etalM ef AUhl1, The Principal, teachers and the counselor have worked to promote responsible decision making and realize the consequences. Classes used headlines in newspapers, periodicals and television programs to evaluate World Affairs. Interest was stimulated t, ough use of resource persons in music, art, engineering, politics, poetry and science. I 5 I Uuctloaal PrJorU7 , :J C:O.J I The Development/Improvement of proar- that Teach Decisian-Malctoa/Problea-Solvtns- Ol>Jactivel Develop deciatan salttna slttll by th use of ulti-<liacipltoe approach. ......... .... . , ... 4. Organize a "Just Say Ho" club. .............. ,.. .... _ , .... ,1 Principal. VIPS, and Drug Facilitator .,..... ............................ ................... .. ........... , .. ,laH ..... I List of students participating and activities involved c..., ....... , ....... . ... ......., ...l. .. Sixth grade students participated in "Just Say No." Weekly meetings were held with the counselor and teacher sponsor. High School students also held group sessions. The club members wrote songs and skits to present in assemblies. Posters were created and mounted through the building encouraging Students to say "No." We were represented as a drug free school. Held balloon parade for "Orama Troupe." ' .I. ., 0 I ~ Boone Park Elementary (School) Norch Little Rock School District Educational Priority D l Goal: The Improvement of Programs Skills Objective: ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 that Teach Basic Communication We will provide additional opportunities for children in the area of language arts and communications. s,.,. 0 .. Locl Act lvlt)' or 11- Lin lupon,lblllty Cu41 ~o. (111.o will coorJln,ucl) ln,u"Vlcc Actlvlty Dis- 1. Students will participate in G~idance tric t classroom guidance sessions Counselor Goal on bette!' W3YS to communicate Ill with each other. 2. The Quest teacher will work Quest Teacher with designated classes to teach creative problem sol-ving skills. 3. All classrooms will partici- Principal and An inservice will be pate in creative writing Teachers presented co share projects and display their creative writing products during one specific ideas. month. 4. Students will participate in Classroom special event days empha- Teachers sizing language arts and com-munication. 5. Staff members will at tend a Principal An inservice will work5hop on enrichment act- focus on art and ivities in the area o( crca- music as a means of ti VI! art!.. co~munication . \ \ \ \ School Advisory Committee: Linda Shaddox, Teacher Beth Hatfield, Teacher Janice Hibbard, Teacher Jamesetta Dennis, Aide Pat Fewell, Parent Pat Siegel, Principal [valuHhn of Ac:thlty ([.,aluatlon ln cruaant. tc,tln1 dua, (lnt.hcJ proJuct, rprol'rlUa other) This will be evalu-aced through class-room observations. This will be evalu-aced by classroom participation. This will be cvalu-aced by teacher in-put. This will be cvalu-ated by participa-tion in events. This will be evalu-aced by teacher re-sponse to the in-service. \ C.,nclualon, flroJln or Scatua ol Act !vier This activity was completed in October and the program is on going. The Quest teacher has worked throughout the year with groups of students. Creative writing has been stressed in all classes. However all products were not displayed at one time. This activity was n, L ..:.ample te1..1 his activity was not completed. I I .I. ... i 1-..,.,,, , .,, ,. , lm11t r_,,r (Schoo.l) ANNUAL SCIIOOI.. 1988-J.989 Norch L1cclc Rock School Dlscricc Educational Prior1.ty II 2 Coal: The Improvement of Programs that Lead to Better Student Behavior Objective: We will acknowledge and positively reinforce good behavior. Stt OIC" No. District Goal Ill l. Actlvlty or Tl- Lin We will develop a program of student negotiators. pon1lbll lty (Who vUl coorJlnato1) Guidance Counselor lnservice A.ctivlt)' 2. We will train the lunchroom aides in skills for negotiation and mediation. Guidance Counselor and Principal Training program for the lunchroom aides 3. 4. A program of competition based on behavior will be initiated in all classes. Excellent behavior will be rewarded through assemblies, parties and certificates. Guidance Counselor Guidance Counselor 5. Individual student improve- Guidance ment will be recognized Counselor through various activities. 6. A program for discount prices Guidance at the bookstore will be in- Counselor itiated for good behavior, good grades and good citizen-ship. Schooi Adv1so~y Coram~ccee: [vah,1tio of Acchhy (Evlluatton ln1tru-nt, C11tln1 data, flnllhrd produce, rprorrl.u1 ochrr) Linda Shaddox. Teacher Beth Hatfield, Teacher Janice Hibbard, Teacher Jamesetta Dennis, Aide Pat Fewell, Parent Pat Siegel, Principal Conch .. lon1, Tlndlnit1 or Statu1 of Actlvlcy This will be evaluated by the increase in the use of appropriate language when solving conflicts. This activity was initiated in October and appears to be a success. This will be evaluated by observation of lunchroom aides' skills. This will be evaluated by documentation of the success of the competition. This will be evaluated by documentation of assemblies and parties. This activity was completed by the counselor and administrative intern. This activity was no1 deemed feasible for this school year. ~he Beaver Achievers brogram has been initiated. This will be evalu- [ndividual students ated through activ- were picked for icy completion. ~xtra activities. This will be evalu- [his activity was ated through activ- not completed due ity completion. o lack of funds. 1----J--------------~---- _ _j_ _________ _.___ ________ .1._ _______ _ ' I -..J N I Boone Park Elementary (School) North Little Rock School District Educational Priority# 3 Coal: ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 The Development of Activities that Lead to Parental Involvement in the Total School Program Objective: We will provide varied activities that involve parents. State t' Loc.i Coal ,,.__ l. 2. 3. 4. 5. The staff will work with the social worker to encourage par-ents to attend workshops and make teaching aids for their children. Parents and faculty will sponsor a school carnival with door prizes and special drawings in October. Parents and faculty will sponsor a chili or spaghetti supper. Parents will be encouraged to participate in group "rap sessions II with teachers, counselors, and Principal. A Homeroom Mothers Organization will be formed to encourage increased parent participation in \ \"''o"s so>oo< o,,,,,,,,s. po"lblJ lty (Uho will coorJlnacol) Parent and Teacher Volun-tee rs PTA and the Staff Parent and Teacher Volunteers Principal, Counselor, Teachers Volunteers Parent and Teacher Volunteers \ \ lnu-..,tcc Activlty School Advisory Committee: haluatlon of A.cthlty ([<11lu1tlo lnuru-nt 0 tutl111 d t., flnhhcJ proJ11CC, rprorrlu1 otl11r) This will be evaluated by increased participation in these workshops by parents from Boone Park. This will be evaluated by activity com pletion. This will be evaluated by activity completion. This will be evaluated by activity completion. This will be evaluated by activity completion. I Linda Shaddox, Teacher Beth Hatfield, Teacher Janice Hibbard, Teacher Jamesetta Dennis, Aide Pat Fewell, Parent Pat Siegel, Principal Conclu1lon1, flnJlna, or Stuu, of Ae1 lvlty A Chapter I in- :dr~~cB~o~~~~~e~:~ - May. Other inservices were presented in the district during the year. This activity was completed in October and was a great success. This activity was not completed. This activity was completed on the kindergarten level in the beginning of the year. This group was initiated by PTA in the summer but little follow up was seen. I Educational Pr1or1cy I l Coal
The development/improvement of programs that foster responsible citizenship A>rPIVAI: -~H<)c>r: .J. 9/JIJ-J 9119 Objective: To increase knowledge of the world around us through glohal ,studies llate ef Local Coal Me. .... ,. 111111t, C"'- wtll c-rt"ateT) Sue SimPK>ns-<"ha f rnerson Lor11ine foorf". Sharon Anderson . JackJ e llin,~s. Kathy Ash] ev, Gale Stanlev. Sharon Keel, Mary Zakrzewski, Paula Kirspel (parent) Carma Hess (parent) lvah,aUoe f Acth,ltr ,(f .vl,.-r .l- ..,. .l. c,.r. -. ,l.. .... pro4uct, har) C..Cl11a1 .... rtMlna or ltat11 ef Acthltp 10 To present information about local cultures, government, and economics of one continent a minimum of 2 days each month by May, 1989. Staff members, September orientation To compare results students, of staff about our of the MPT in 1988 parents, and goal and activities and 1989. MPT scores increased from 65% passinz to 95i~ passing. To name and locate continents, oceans, and hemispheres of the world by May, 1989. To correlate music and art with units of studv by ~ay, 1989. resource speakers Staff members and students Staff members, students and parents To participate in costume parade and smorgasbord. To decorate the display case and make hall bulletin boards. To record each The Parade of t!ations was held on April 28 with an international menu in the cafeteria The front bulletin boards and display case stressed a country or continent each month. individual's test Awards were made for results and place in making 100~ on tests. folders. Scores are in the grade books. To present all P.T.A. Some art show entrie, programs with themes had an international about other theme. Ja~anese Day countries. was held by tlie ques To display art show class for the whole entries with a globa school in lieu of flavor. PTA programs. 97% of To assess the our students students' enjovment enjoyed our r,l0bal of our study with a studies. survev. , Crestwood Elementarv (School) ANNUALS CHOOLP LAN 1988-1989 North Little Rock School District Educational Priority D 2 Co~I: The improvement of programs/operations that lead to better student behavior Objective: To stimulate interest in physical fitness while developing perceptual and motor skills, social skills, better behavior, reducing stress and absenteeism Stat or Local Coal No. Activity or Tl .. Li lupon.tblllty (~ wlll coordlnual) ln uvtce Activity 7 Local To expand equipment, utilize fitness course, develop 11black top" games, make walking track around soccer field, purchase other P.E. equipment by May, 1989. To make a sequential list of skills/games K-6 to be taught to give students activities for recess. To emphasize physical fitness for students and staff To utilize "Fitnessgram" as a pretest given Spring 88 and posttest Spring 89. To teach CaTeer Awareness in Telation to fitness/?.E. Committee, principal, P.T.A. Committee, teachers Committee, teachers Classroom te
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.