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NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET 1994-95 REVENUE 'f ~ cl~,u,J /1 cn1 ccwf O t1-/r
~--i.... NORTHL ITILE ROCKS CHOOLD ISTRICT REVENUSEU MMARY UNRESTRICTEFDU NDS LOCAL REVENUE Current Truces Pullback Accrued Pullback Delinquent Taxes Land Redemption County Interest Excess Commissions County General Severance Tax Interest Tuition-PCSSD Rent Miscellaneous Fund Transfers TOTALS STATE REVENUE , Minimum Foundation Special Education M - to - M Program TOTALS FEDERALR EVENUEUNRESTRICTED 1993-94 BUDGET AMOUNT 8,465,000.00 2,660,000.00 1,585,000.00 1,000,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00 28,450.00 4,250.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 40,000.00 14,142,700.00 16,353,053.00 67,150.00 1,070,000.00 17,490,203.00 PL 874 22,500.00 ROTC/TROOPS-TO-TEACHERS TOTALU NRESTRICTEFDE DERA_L__ __ _ REVENUE SUB-TOTAL 31,655,403.00 OTHER STATE Transpottation Magnet/M-to-M Transport Worker' t Comp TOTALO THERS TATE TOTAL LOCAL, STATE & FEDERALU NRESTRICTED REVENUE 494,317.00 300,000.00 .00 794,317.00 32,449,720.00- 1993-94 YEAR TO DATE AMOUNT 8,514,794.30 3,289,950.09 869,400.91 1,203,584.16 102,947.89 50,510.51 30,561.43 28,468.40 6,901.54 68,740.10 117,254.41 19,260.69 13,669.09 33,909.31 14,349,952.83 16,725,472.00 67,150.00 1,034,620.00 17,827,242.00 25,665.00 32,202,859.83 537,899.00 271,430.00 .00 809,329.00 33,012,188.83 1994-95 BUDGET AMOUNT 8,320,000.00 3,250,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,150,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00 27,939.00 4,280.00 60,000.00 110,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 14,172,219.00 )(+/:
ff)/< 17,693,840.00 67,150.00 1,030,000.00 18,790,990.00 25,000.00 50,700.00 75,700.00 33,038,909.00 582,575.00 275,000.00 141,500.00 999,075.00 34,037,984.00 1 NOR'DLI ITTLER OCKS CHOODL ISTRICT REVENUSEU MMARY RESTRICTEFDU ND 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 LOCALR EVENUE BUDGET YEART O DATE BUDGET AIDUNI AMOUNI AM'.)lJNT Tuition-Sumner School 60,000 78,465.52 70,000 G/T Sumner Quest 16,500 12,610.50 15,000 School Activity Sales 50,000 55,259.04 50,000 Custodial Services 24,000 24,000.00 24,000 Rockefeller Restructuring 15,000 12,000.00 3,000 Levi Strauss 25,000 25,000.00 -0- Toyota Family Literacy 15,690 15,690.00 -0- Miscellaneous 42,700 64,349.10 61,300 TOTALL OCALR ESTRICTED REVENUE 248,890 287,374.16 223,300 STATER EVENUE Vocational Equinent 22,002 22,002.34 19,202 Vocational Start-Up 2,600 2,600.00 9,360 Kindergarten Materials 8,460 8,460.00 8,148 Desegregation Aid 780,000 824,590.51 849,025 Compensatory Aid 234,439 234,439.01 222,000 Curriculum Assessment 100,000 100,000.00 -0- CPEP/ACT 18,538 28,668.95 25,000 K-3 SUIIUlleSrc hool 147,618 147,618.00 145,000 ABC Preschool 234,116 234,116.00 234,116 Special Ed Preschool 314,325 321,255.00 287,638 Special Ed Residential 25,000 41,246.75 35,000 Alternative Education 40,460 40,460.00 -0- Carnegie Restructuring 12,500 12,500.00 12,500 Restructuring Grant 7,800 7,800.00 -0- Miscellaneous Grants 2,000 6,828.67 -0- TOTALS TATER ESTRICTED REVENUE 1,949,858 2,032,585.23 1,846,989 TOTALL OCAL& STATE RESTRICTERDE VENUE 2,198,748 2,319,959.39 2,070,289 FOODS ERVICER EVENUE Meal Collections 636,000 678,216.55 655,500 Federal Reimbursement 1,300,000 1,327,785.55 1,325,000 State Reimbursement 25,000 25,126.57 25,000 Interest 5,000 4,557.75 5,000 Other 3,000 2,756.17 2,500 TOTALF OODS ERVICE 1,969,000 2,038,442.59 2,013,000 2 IDTHL I111.Elil D Em. DISlRICT REDEUINY 1993-94 1"3-94 1994-95 FEIEIWIIE. 't'EIIE~ICTD IIUDCTY EMT OD ATE 1UD&T AIOlfT AIOlfT NDMT DW'IERI 1,861,105 1,5'3,471.00 1,860,625 DW'mtII ~.593 ~.5'3.00 5',7'?1 11'.ATIIIWrJ.,A . PEIICilli 148,411 148,411.00 147,209 Tm VI-I 320,286 319.~.oo 345,912 fl 19-313 18,410 18,410.00 15,168 IDIDID 29,000 47,344.61 30,000 IE>IDID, PRESDm. 12,000 21,4~.28 15,000 !FEWl ED. PRES0lll. 420,000 359,601.00 434,530 HCIM. EJU:ATIImII : 36,704 36,704.00 36,704 fAD STMT 72,646 71,32:5.00 48,180 MNSTMT 122,396 122,396.00 116,100 JTPA EJU:ATIOI/LITERACY 83,750 77,887.66 0 JTPA POER (HIPPY) 17,500 16,821.87 0 JTPAT RMSm11n1 umu 15,150 12,S78.27 0 Jt'PA11 .TERNATPMRm Wt 37,208 37,208.00 0 JIN I.EMtH-UVI~ 30,000 29,998.17 23,197 J1Pft-aPIIlD. 1f1H+UVK 27,300 2:51, 66.69 85,295 mmt SERVNEU ICA J,000 3,000.00 0 HIV/ADIEBIU :ATillt 500 '500.00 0 JJIU EJU:ATillt 92,900 85,230.00 54,494 M1Hl!CEJl:EI, SEJIDU 42,000 22,000.00 42,000 IOfll9B 16SISTNl:E 21,ffl 21.e~.oo 21,000 Qt I PIBIWt DmJYElNT 6,822 6,822.00 0 eor
y, EXxtlt 50,000 82,6Z7.00 0 TOTNr.n. EM..R EYEtlE 3,534,556 3,225,999.55 3,251,205 C14PITNllJ..T l.AY1' \181: WRNT TAXES 200,100 191,251.61 186,900 PW.JIU TAXES 100,000 126,005.60 125,000 PW.JIU - ACCRtD 72,'SOO ~.209.40 37,300 1nI11UHr TAXES 25,000 33,992.35 33,000 EXIDS mtUSSillt 1,000 845.79 800 DflEREBT 1,400 2,199.00 2,000 TOTNr.N. ITN..W Tl.AY 400,000 389,503.75 385,000 IUDJ)l& F\11) REVEJE: M.EB ~.600 43,279.25 0 IHmlEST 92,000 90,457.74 S0,000 lfAIIVIllSEE T1lBJfT 7,400 .oo 0 ASIIESTlm.O AN/WiNT 40,000 34,6~.oo 0 F1IID1 RMSFER 60,000 .00 0 TUTftI.U D.DKF 1NI 235,000 168,411.99 S0,000 TOTft.RE\IEJIE 40,787,024.00 41,154,506.10 41,797,478.00 == 3 BUDGET SUMMARY REPORTS IIR1ll Lim.E 11D SlDL. lmmtr llllliETII IIWff 1994 - 999:5 IIIU"IRJC'IEFJI NIS 19'3-M 1993-M 1994-95 um M:1IJIL llDiET NIUf1' Mlllfl' IIIIU(1' I !BEIi 32,449,720 l1,012,118.II 34,037,914 II EXPENDITIIIES li8EM. 1, l96,o:50 l,18',810.35 l,IS,010 INSTIU:TIIII 25,904,174 26,269,526.41 2.61, 25,S W IIADOBWl:lE O'ERATllll 3,IIB,65> 4, IJ0,447.,0 3,90l,515 k~, i' f-1...l.)V TIWIF(RTATillt 1,199,780 1,041.,219"'7 1,041,194 p,1 - -- - t1L1H 90,920 90,400.J.> 94,:IOO DIDIDT 1,176,700 l,188,769.M 1,105,'70 1H TDTM. 33,56,274 l1, 910,174.20 34,16',781 III !UM'( 07/01/93 YEIIRT OD l\lE f1Nl8 YEM1 0 IIAlE QIIEfT M.NII lf.'a .iuaI mEll'Il\llES M.NIE lffl-1994 1,02.6,916.18 + :U.012,188.83 34,038,115.01 - 33,flO,i'M.20 128,600.81 07/01/94 lllR1D f1lll8 lllllED PIii.ETD IM.Nl:E REEi A1Mil&E EffJIDI111Ei M.AO: 199+-iffl 128,600.81 + 34,Gn,964 34,W,94.81 - 31,1647, 8B 1,796.11 4 ant UTilE 111:1m m. .JJSIRICT 11ml 9lllllR'f 1994 - 99P.5 STATEIUDILE IIRICIDP IIDMS lff.J-94 lffl-AN 1994-95 llllliET ~ aa
[T MIUT MIUI' M1IIT I IDEJI 2,191,748 2,319,959.JP 2,060,289 II EXPSeI11JES IESEJilBATllll 1,149,730 1,039,454.11 1,004,990 IDfflliATIIITE JU'.ATlllt 240,134 240,052.61 222,CB> RADD1i 31,890 .12,874.76 0 All: CMRIDWER 23,767 Zi,Ul.:13 0 AIIC BIJIPIEHT/Slffl.JES U,407 11,407.00 0 AIESIIIERPl&Mt 31,576 25,346.04 16,468 ABC PIIESDlll. 234,116 217,647.34 233,S!O SPECWE. D. PRESCIDl. 314,JZ5 321,2:15.00 '2111,638 IP. a. leDEfml. 25,000 41,357. 35,000 \UATDJW.E. IIUIFIENT 2'l,002 21,916.38 19,202 VIDTIOWS. TMTIP 2,600 2,~.28 9,360 mOL ICTMTY SALES 60,892 45,NB.12 86,791 aJSTmIIL !IEIVICES 24,000 1',5113.40 24,000 1-3 SIIIER SCIID. 147,620 6,656.SZ l40,9'0 rJlfP/tcr 31,046 2'l,:JIM.81 0 fJ'fP/M:T SIIIER 94-95 30,641 1~--~ 29,3:12 IUIERS>Dl. lll,:500 79,"98.llt 87,745 "'!UIERaDT 18,250 16,200.SZ 23,400 ftLTEJNUME JU:ATilll 40,460 Zi,769.12 14,690 1.EYSI 1MliS 33,390 33,390.80 0 TOYOFTMAD .L.Ym RICY 15,690 13,102.79 2,517 RIDFB1EJRI ESTIU:TIIUtli 15,000 9,257.IM 5,742 REST1JIC'11.PRIDO" .IWf 1,800 ~.771.47 2,028 rtlll6IE RESfRll:11.Rm 12,,00 :560.00 11,940 UIC JOMTilllB 3,000 3,290.79 0 l\1SCEl.UIElSli RttNTS :56,515 77,564.40 136,11' ... TaTM. 2,671,911 2,314,182.45 2,393,Slta III EUMY Vl!011'13 YEART DD ATE RNIIS YEMT DD ATE 1lRDT JIAI.Nl:E REEi fWAIUlll EXPENDITIIEi MI..Na 1993-1994 689,414.17 + 2,319,959.:W 3,009,373..56- 2,314,182.45 695,191.11 Vl/01/94 JUIIEB F1lll6 am
m PIIJ.E1ED M.Nl:E REEi #MD.All DPENDITIIB M.Nl:E 1994-iffl 69:5,191.U 2,060,289 2,7:15,480.11- 2,393,576 361,VM.U 5 11111U11T 1U 11D IDIIL DlS111tT ll.lmUIIMT 1994 - 9995 ..
- FEJIEMP.U IWl!i 1993-94 199'3-M 199+-95 UliET M:TIIIL llmT MlllfT NIUfl' NIUIT I EQE 3,SM,556 J,2ZS,999.!5 3,33:5,2115 n EJF811I1\IEB DW'l'ERI 1,697,117 l,4'7,ffl.10 1,860,625 0W'1EIRI 70,437 64,ta'l.90 65,JZ5. VIDTDIIIL 148,411 1C5,:500.1.5 147,209 TITLEV I-I m,ooo m,m.,s m,s Pl. IP-313 19,09 19,ll.ll 1,,ua IEDD:AD 30,000 48,346.37 30,000 IEDDDPIEDIIL 12,000 13,618.~ fP.O.PIEDIIL 444,949 298,510.IZ 444,949 . o. ~ 43,0!5 42,915.7' 36,704 taD srm 76,667 76,571.90 4,000 E\191S TMT 122,396 122,396.00 116,100 0W'1ERI SIIERP IUMt 254,400 247,317.JM 114,000 1'llffll !EM AIERICA 3,000 J,000.00 0 JIPA EDl',ATitll/ll1DCT 15,1.50 77,1B7.66 0 J1N POER 17,:500 16,821.17 0 JIN 1U11ll ~.150 12,518.27 0 JIN LTEIIMmt 37,208 37,2G8.00 0 JIN I..EMIH-llVDlr 30,000 29,998.17 23,197 JIPtt-allD ~ 27,300 25,166.69 85,ffl HIV/AIDSE JIDTillf 500 ,oo.oo 0 11K El. CIIRRYIMR 2.6,145 18,$10.90 54,367 JIIKEI. 92,900 71,851.42 ZS,677 EI9EJIIIEMRn tr.l:IEla9 3 30,864 ,,111.10 42,000 mEHIERM nvs:IEIEE94 42,000 32,110.51 30,000 IIIElE!B 21,ffl 3,149.47 0 IIIElE!B Cl1IR'flMJt 18,207 18,217.22 39,12!5 0W'TEI II-IICCEERAlED 1,914 1,914.21 0 Dt II aRWll.1II flWFllR 4,B:111 4,B:111.16 0 atIPIIUMDAIMJENT 6,822 6,822.00 0 EJD.T 50,941 21,015.86 0 1H TOTM. J,m,404 3,290,419.511 3,~.891 III SIMf 07/01/93 YEM 10 DATE F\NIS YEM 10 DATE QREIT BM.Na l8EII A'lADJllI DFEJIDillJe IIUIEE 1993-1994 .no,170.43 3,2ZS,9'9.,S. 3,5116,169.11-J,2'0,419.511
m,150.40 V,/01/94 lllXiETEI F\1116 llllr.E1D PIII.E10 IIUIEE 1091 MA1l.ltllE DFEIIDITIIIS MM:[ 1994-1995 305,150.40 3,335,205 l,640,9'5.40 - 3,524,891 116,064.40 6 1m DD5 IIE!iEIMru e I E\81 II E>FEJIDITIIES III SJMn' 07,01193 llflUKE lllffll UT1l 11D mm. IISllltT UESIMW 1994 - 9.11!115 . lm-94 19.D-94 aDiET fC1\IL 1111.Nr miff' 235,000 Uit.U.99 21DO,OOO 93,330.18 YEM1 0 DAlE RIIS '!'EM1 0 DAlE RE\0 MMJUR EfEJfJl1IIES 1994-95 UliET MUn' 50,000 500,000 QIIDT IIIUIEE l!l!B-1994 l,246,747.IM+ UiB,411.'3a 1,415,159.83- 93,330.18a l,321,829.&5 1994-19!5 07i'Ol/M JUI[[ 1,321,829.65 IDiETED ED 50,000 NE . IUlliE1'ED ~ EfEJIDJ111ES 1,311,829 - 500,000 CAPITMll.J MY I RE\81 II >fENDITIIIES III !Ulwrt 01i'01193 wua 19.D-19.H 34,82B.03+ 07/01194 wua 1994-19!5 1,182.64 19.lH4 UGET 400,000 420,095 YEM 10 MlE RED 3119,SB.1a5 amm, RE\81 3115,00a0 422,449.t RIIS '9110 DATE MMD EIPEleil\lES 424,331.11- 422,+e.14 a FINIS UliE1EJ) MMD.a E>IPBIII11J& 3116,1112- 384,!IZDa PIID.EC1D IIIUIEE 871,829 199HS UGET 3115,000 384.,920 aJIEIT lfUl:E l,&.64 fllE.EIEJ) IM.MU 1,962 7 - STATE/LOCAL FUNDED PROGRAMS , EXPENDITURE REPORTS ant UT1lE 11D !DUL IISIIJLI 5nlTEAIDIRLa EfBllfflllE .-r l!!M - 9!1115 19.D-94 ..... 19.M-!15 DIE cna ILllliET MUil ... lftllff I.BM. fllltDIIS11WISTilI.MIIII ES 315,550.00 m,cm.a, 332,?.!0.00 lDI if1011ED9t Ml5 47,600.00 47,734.CII 49,200.00 0.&IFJED AIIIDSt fURJE 89,150.00 92,671.3Z 95,500.00 D.EIFJED SMJRIES 244,470.00 256,a>.l 220,100.00 ST1PEJlli .oo .GO .00 IENEFilS 91,610.00 9,51!5.!9 105,640.00 PlllDWD SERVltES 155,190.00 Hl,!87.M 143,890.00 CIIBUIIATIISICJI T 80,000.00 15,ca).9' 15,000.00 LEliM.SEIVICES >,000.00 32,551.71 35,000.00 JFCEilBATJitlltl lITIR 60,000.00 ,0,322.00 60.000.00 IIAlilEITIE VlEUIIm li It 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 SfPUES & MlEmlS 36,180.00 32.546.12 ,330.00 OPI1JL 11111.AY .oo .oo onER 4,300.00 2.'3'1.30 3,600.00 TOTll l, 196,050 1, 189,810.35 1,145,010 2. INSTIUmlf ltll1DGSTllfllM9 URIES 2,252,575.00 2,407,839.25 i.e,200.00 CSl11F1CilT9ElMDI ES : 17,691,000.00 18,028,81.7.. .. 18,333,400.00 OJISSIFlE9DU RJES 1,208,900.00 1,234,5.IS 1,399,200.00 usrt1UTE 1EIOEIIS 342,000.00 378,002.30 381,000.00 USTI1U1Ea .MSIFJED 22,500.00 24,835.JD 24,800.00 SIJW 3,000.00 4,'33.50 2,SOCl.00 l:Jl:fllS 2,160,335.00 2,285,318." 2,a,300.00 fllllHIJ5ESDE RVltES 257,108.00 711,236.92 273,0M.OO TUITJOH'CSSD 130,000.00 110,453.11 115,000.00 1UTIT1lJHWilE' 950,000.00 '84,594.54 950,000.00 !U1PUE'lS M lmllS 823,061.00 461,222.49 411,528.00 Df'ITlt. 11111.AY 47,802.00 49,441.45 34,252.00 UTIER 15,293.00 28,274.11 31,325.00 TOTlt. 25,904,174 216,21&1,52'.44 2', 825,539 8 1111T1HJT 1I.EID !DIil. IJSlllCf SJAlEIUDlF IIIEDf lBIIIlllEI IAm 1994- 9'J5 t!!D-94 lm-tt 19HS DIGET #:TIIL DIE MIUlf Mllll1' MUn 3. MDnEMl:E6 lfBATJII( fdlDISIIIAllllSl M.MIES 58,000.00 '9,442.00 61,250.00 a.&IFID fllllDI ~ l,250,00 42,5'2.216 43,iOO.OO QJISSlFlED 9lMJES 1,723,000.00 l,1!Z,Oll.t2 1,657,800.00 IEEF11S 23&,950.00 2311,233.99 325,800.00 IUDWD SEllVIm 219,800.00 318,061.30 247,015.00 UTILITIES 1,084,100.00 1,CIBZ,2161.9 l, 087,? .IO0.0 9JIPLlES6 MTEJWlS 349,950.00 &,290.18 S,000.00 ttflTM. CIJ1\JIY .00 7,SIS.80 .oo O'TIER .00 34,281.G:R .00 naw:E ns,000.00 1&6,213.28 193,000.00 TOTM. 3,&,&50 4,130,447.9 3,901,515 4. 11JU&'IRTATml QJISSlFlED fllllDI 9URlE 43,100.00 45,45:uo 45,000.00 toHEmflCATED 745,000.00 743,085.44 695,000.00 EifllS 915,000.00 97,513.23 99,000.00 PllDWD SERVICES 54,730.00 71,818.&2 15,730.00 !IFPUES' tMlERJllS l3',000.00 222.819-'7 75,000.00 am &0,000.00 315.00 .00 O'TIER .00 1937, 44.l!CR 2,I0.00 new:E 15,350.00 53,B.00 '9,064.00 TOTM. 1,199,180 1,041,219-'7 1,041,194 9 5. IEIL1H QJISSIFJD 9URlES EEFIIS IUDWD SERYICES S\JIPUEIS MTEJWU 0PITM. IIJIUW TDTfl. 6. IDID JOT DISTRICDTIS PRIICPfL lNTEJIEST FEES TDTM. PCS5DDI IS <INIEXATDII> PRDCDW. oomsr FEES TDTfl. LR BIIS (""8E' SHIL) PRIICPfL nnmsr FEES TOTfl. TDTM11. 11IDD T STATEILll:Wll-litSIRICID Ale TOTM. 8111 um.! 11D IIHIL IISIIJCI SfAlEII.IDI. fllll EfEIIDml1lEIE Plllf 19.M- !B!l5 tm-94 l!ID-94 19HIS IIIICET M:TIII. UliET MUIT MIIIIT Mlll1' 80,000.00 7',620.73 82,500.00 9,200.00 ,.,,uo 10,330.00 720.00 700.00 720.00 1,000.00 915.91 950.00 .oo .00 .00 90,920 90,400.30 94,500 412,150.00 446,840.00 G,000.00 704,515.00 679,315.20 618,525.00 l,SJ>.00 4,101.lD 4,000.00 l,118,2515 1, 130,B.> 1,047,525 16,3'20.00 l&,318.71 li,320.00 7,0J>.00 7,032.19 7,030.00 .oo .oo .oo 23,B 23,351.90 23,B U,&85.00 ll,filS.00 11,'85.00 23,380.00 23,3112,04 23,380.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 35,0!IIS 35,092.04 35,0!IIS 1,116,700 1, t, 159.'4 1,105,970 33,456,27-4 33, '10, 1.14.20 34,164,118 10 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET 1994-95 tlWMc NCOil)l TIHII LI I'Ir'IrIJLE IffCi.O C)Ci ll : JPTIJII8L3I IC C CCIE I@~ . ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 2700 POPLAR STREET Steve Jones Jack, Lyon, & Jones, P.A. Attorneys At Law June 20, 19 94 3400 TCBY Tower, 425 W Capitol Little Rock AR 72201-3472 Dear Steve: JUN 2 0 1994 Oifice oi Desegrega\ioMn on
tori:ig As directed by the June 10, 1994 court order, this document represents the 1994-95 tentative budget for North Little Rock School District. The document contains six sections--Revenue and Expenditures
Expenditures by Function, Object, and Function/Object for Salary, Operating, and Debt Service Funds
Five Year Revenue and Expenditure Projection
Budget Notes
Salary Schedules
and Program Analysis. The Revenue and Expenditure section provides graphs for 1994-95 projected revenue and expenditures. The revenue graph shows the amount of local, state, and federal revenue projected for the operating, debt service, capital outlay, and federal funds. The expenditure graph shows the combined expenditures projected for the funds included on the revenue graph and the salary fund. This section also provides detailed revenue for the operating budget and the federal programs. The beginning balance, ending balance, and a summary of expenditures for the operating, capital outlay, building/bond, and federal budgets are also included in this section. The second section provides expenditures by function, object, and function/object for the salary, operating, and debt service funds. The third section of this document provides a five year projection of revenues and expenditures for operating, capitol outlay, buildings, and federal programs. The Budget Notes section provides information regarding local tax revenue reduction, state funding, workers compensation, the need for millage increases, and the loss of desegregation settlement funds. The fifth section of the document contains the end-of-the-year (FY94) salary schedules for administrators, teachers, and classified employees. The program analysis for one new program and one expanded program is included in the =inal section of the document. AJ.~ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER P. 0. BOX 687, NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72115/0687 501/771-8000 A final 1994-95 budget document will be produced for board approval and submission to the Arkansas Department of Education and the Office of Desegregation Monitoring once the District's books have been closed for the 1993-94 fiscal year and additional .revenue information has been received from the state. Sincerely, Donald Watkins Assistant Superintendent Business Services VS NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET .. 1994-95 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994-95ANNUALBUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors, Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents ..................................... l REVENUEA ND EXPENID T URES Revenue Graph ........................................................ 2 Expenditure Graph .................................................... 3 Revenue and Expenditures -- Operating, Capital Outlay, Building/Bond, and Federal Programs ................................ 4 Revenue -- Operating Budget .......................................... 5 Expenditures -- Operating Budget ..................................... 6 Revenue and Expenditures -- Federal Programs ......................... 7 EXPENDITUREFSO R SALARY,O PERATIONASN D DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Expenditures by Function ............................................ .8 Expenditures by Object .............................................. 15 Expenditures by Function/Object ..................................... 21 FIVE-YEARR EVENUEA ND EXPENDITURPER OJECTIONS Revenue Projections -- 1994-1999 .................................... 77 Expenditure Projections -- 1994-1999 ................................ 78 BUDGETN OTES Budget Notes ........................................................ 79 SALARYS CHEDULES Admin is tra tors ...................................................... 80 Teachers ............................................................ 81 Classified Employees ................................................ 83 PROGRAAMN ALYSIS Army JROTC ?rogram ...........................
...................... 86 Reading RecoveryProgram Addition ................................... 91 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Pat Blackstone, President Prentice Dupins, Vice President Marty Moore, Secretary Lynn Hamilton J. W. Johnson Mable Mitchell Larry Shadid James R Smith. Superintendent Assistant Superintendents Bobby Acklin - Student Affairs Mable Bynum - Desegregation Bobby New - Instruction Donald Watkins - Business Services 1 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE STATE REVENUE $20,567,680 53% 1994-95 LOCAL REVENUE $15,505,500 40% FEDERAL REVENUE $3,025,000 8% TOTAL REVENUE = $39,098,175.00 2 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Salar lea 1994-95 Benefits $3,465,000.00 Debt Service $1,200,000.00 Insurance/Other $221,000.00 Equipment $855,000.00 Supp Ilea $1,565,000.00 Services $2,440,000.00 $1,120,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES = $39,310,000.00 3 OPERA TING BUDGET l'UNDS Ot. 02. ._ 04 TOTAL REVENUE AND BALANCE EXPENDITURES Salaries Benefits Tui1ion Services NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES 1990-1995 - - 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 --ACTUAL - ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED - -- $32,294,537.77 $34,645,116.10 $34,680,190.72 $35,888,462.00 $~89,901.75 $24 704 357.88 $24 654 619.76 $26 527,859.00 $2,539,762.48 .:.!~.687,g51 .oo $2,624 924.22 $2 774,990.00 _$1,115,205.60 $1,089,105.75 $1,067,374.16 $1,100,00Q_.~ --- -- --- $2,102,210.72 -$2,240,998.57 $2, 15 9,022.38 $2,463,635.00 --- ~~pp..!!!!_ - - --$1,246,073.84 $1,449,719.28 ~1,244,849,46 $1,263,387.00 Equip'!!_ent __ -- -~- $770,454.71 J41!(!,095.~ ~g11!,g~-I!~ _g~,!!l!-00 - lnsurance/O1her - - - _ $3~3,8~~-4! __ $25!',8~!}-!I! ~25!},~0~.Q! __ $2IZ,49~.oo Debt Service - - - $1,169,554.97 $1,194,864.61 $789,641.15 $1,166,700 00 TOTAL EXPENDiTURES $3 i ,526,988.48 $34,111,219.28 $33,015,228.07 $35,813,183.00 ENDiNG BALANCE -- $767,551.29 -$533,696.82 $1,664,962.65 - $75.279.00 FEDERAL PROGRAMS (06) TOTAL REVENUE AND BALANCE $2,036,196.59 $2,794,03-4.45 $3,560,377.92 $3,663,986.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries $778,814.49 $1,181,949.19 $1,644,091.99 $2,020,744.00 Benefits -- $245,764.17 $334,065.01 $441,367.07 $575,744.00 --- Services --$138,083.28 $332,746.29 $472,493:90 $509,001.00 Sup11lies - ---- - --- __ $295,90!.9~ =!g82,309_99 $371 965.64 $323,069.00 t-- Equipment $243,540.22 $233,377.76 $206,103.77 $121,116.00 t-- Other c----$27,446.05 $37,279.48 $42,609.42 $64,278.02._ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,729,552.16 $2,401,747.72 $3,178,631.79 $3,613,952.00 ENDING BALANCE $306,644.43 $392,286.73 $361,546.13 $50,034.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY (05) BEGINNING BALANCE $161,616.30 $2,014.05 $165,463.62 $34,826.00 REVENUE $385,514.64 $494,814.65 $391,650.75 $400,000.00 EXPENDITURES $545,118.69 $311,365.08 $542,288.34 $420,000.00 ENDING BALANCE $2,014.05 $185,463.62 $34,828.03 $14,828.00 BUILDING (03)/BOND (10) FUNDS BEGINNiNG BALANCES ----- --$4,174,273.93 $1,396,597.95 $1,027,0i3.50 $3,277,801.00 REVENUE $38,792.52 $414,325.63 $4,012,465.94 $235,000.00 EXPENDITURES $2,816,468.50 $783,910.28 $1,761,676.00 $2,231,025.00 ENDING BALANCE $1,396 597.95 $1 027 013.50 $3,277 801.44 $1 261 ,776.0Q_ 4 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 PROJECTED BUDGETED CHANGE $36,900,753.87 $35,663,828.00 ($1,236,925.87 $26 905 600.00 $26 650 000.00 ($255 600.00 $3,010,900.00 $2,950,000.00 ($60,900.00 $1,116,220.00 $1,120,000.00 $3,780.00 ~.437,250.00 $2,110,000.00 -($327~50.00 ~!~~:::~~:~~ _ $1,g75,000.00 ($299,250.00 _!!35,000.QQ -=-(~09,~(!Q_.QQ _ $187,850.00 __ $__!~.Q<J:Q.00 _$2,150.00 $1,168,770.00 $1,200,000.00 $11,230.00 $36,665,100.00 $35,630,000.00 _{$.!,~~.!._02-~ $235,653.87 --$33,828.00 ($201,825.87 $3,663 986.23 $3,251,525.00 ($412 461.23 $2,019,900.00 $1,794,000.00 ($225,900.00 $583,650.00 $515,000.00 ($68,650.00 $463,650.00 $330,000.00 ($_!~~~50.QQ $206 250.00 $270,000.00 -~!l..!..750.QQ $106,100.00 $60,000.00 _($46, 100.00 $30,900.00 $31,000.00 $100.00 $3,412,450.00 $3,000,000.00 {$412,~so.oo, $251,536.23 $251,525.00 -/$11.23 $34 828.23 $1,028.00 ($33,800.23 $392,000.00 $670,000.00 $278,000.00 $425,800.00 $680,000.00 $234,200.00 $1,028.23 $11,028.00 $9,999.77 $3,277,601.44 -si:01ii.116.oo _J$2J6i ,025.44 --i 170,000.00 --$50,000.00 /i 120,000.00 $2,431,025.44 $200,000.00 ($2,231,025.44 $1 016 776.00 _ !86!J, 7'._7_6.,__Q_ _0($ J 50 Q_00..:.0-9 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE 1990-1995 ~ OPERATING BUDGET 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 SAi.ARY (01), 0l'l!RAllNG (02), & IJl!ITTSl!RVlCI! (04) ~TUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED BEGINNING BALANCE $576,482.48 $767,551.29 $533,896.92 $1,664,962.00 REVENUE LOCAL Pro~Taxes $8 318,915.54 $!!_,254 539.36 $8 463 731.24 $8 465,000.00 40% Pullback $3,273,349.66 $3,151,431.23 $2,659,432.57 $2,660,000.00 - 40% Pullback (Accrued) $928,368.16 ~1.039,428.11 $1,584,228.23 $1,585,000.00 - Delin uent Taxes ~693,558.60 $1,236,053.69 $960,646.26 $1,000,000.00 Excess Commissions -$30,328.77 $30,189.65 $31,612.84 $30,000.00 Land Redemption $117,506.10 $84,695.83 $92,073.43 $75,000.00 -- Tuition - Summer School $79,~3.42 $59 645.00 $66,435.00 ~-500:00 - Interest ---- ----- $224,913.67 $58,425.29 $144,538.58 $110,000.00 Pupil Activity Sales --$58,356.00 - $53,040.00 --$56,616.18 -,so,000.00 Rent and Miscellaneous $120,970.79 $130,096.65 $131,122.06 $95,500.00 Desell.!!9!!!on - Sec. VI!!..=_ LR $250,425.00 Desegregation - Sec. VIII.C - PCSSD $83,475.00 - Tuition - PCSSD $71,675.46 $120,489.78 __ $96,04I:~~ $100 000.00 County General and Severance Tax - -- $35,236.96 --,34,981.02 $35,830.83 ~,ii'1oojio - TOTAL LOCAL REVENUE $13,953,123.13 $14,253,015.61 $14,322,314.76 $14,613,600.00 REVENUE, STATE MFPA $13847 114.00 $16 296 020.00 $16 096 402.01 $16 361 513.00 State A ortionment/Workers' Comoensation $28 896.00 $28 934.54 $26 479.49 - Transportation Aid - $368,946.00 $588, I 97 .00 $513,002.00 $494,317.00 - M-to-M lncen1ive $532,463.00 $816,988.00 $1,131,696.00 $1,070,000.00 Com ensatory Education ----- --$337,951A7 - $219,725.48 $251,557.04 $234,439.00 Special Education Supervisor -- $65,734.00 $67,150.00 $67,150.00 ~67,150.00 Act 591 Residential ---,,, 480.20 ~.867.80 $26,957.82 $25,000.00 Seecial Education Preschool $93 695.00 $156202.00 $314 325.00 Vocational Education $54,959.00 $48,934.00 $80,435.98 $24,602.00 ABC Preschool $161,500.00 $274,585.00 $234,116.00 Deseg.!!9alion - Sec. VIII.B $778,050.00 $389,025.00 $389,025.00 $389,025.00 Desegre11ation - Sec. VIII.C $293,239.74 $471,134.13 $455,368.81 $57,075.00 Ma11net/M -to-M Transoortation $285 798.36 $327 148.98 $260 337.00 $300,000.00 Other State $46,450.56 $61,616.22 $36,039.95 $28,338.00 - Public Law 874 and Olher $55,126.00 $33,240.00 -~.762.00 $22,500.00 TOTAL STATE AND UNRESTRICTED FEDERAL REVENUE -m,706,208.33 s1ii.iiii. 176. i's $19,790,000.08 $19,622,40!).~ TOTAL7.~AL~OUNTY
STATEANo 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 PROJECTED BUDGETED CHANGE $1,664,962.55 $235 653.00 {$1,429,309.55 $8,514 794.30 $8,320 000.00 ($194 794.30 $3,295,781.35 $3,250,000.00 ___!~45,781.35 $863,568.65 $1,000,000.00 $136,431.35 $1,203,713.06 $1,150,000.00 1$53,713.06 $30,561.43 $30,000.00 1$561.43 $102,961.29 $100,000.00 ($2,961.29 ~ $76,50<:1.00 ~6 500. 00 $0.00 $119,291.03 $110,000.00 ($9,291.03 --,ss,ooo.iiii - $50,000.00 ---($5,000.iiii $129,565.00 $100,000.00 ($29,565.00 $283,862.40 $345,000.00 $61,137.60 $94,620.79 $115,000.00 $20,379.21 __ $ !~54.~! ~!~,000.00 __ _J~,254.4 ! $35,369.94 $34,000.00 {$1,369.94 $14,922,843.65 $14,795,500.00 ($127,343.65 $16 733 932.00 $17 050 000.00 $316 068.00 $141 500.00 $14!~ $541,600.00 $500,000.00 ~~.600.00 $1,034,620.00 - $ 1,~~~:~~~:~~ ($34,620.00 ~82,057.00 --------- $97,943.00 --$67,150.00 ~7.150.00 $0.00 $41,250.00 $40,000.00 -_i!~Q.QQ $321 255.00 $325 000.00 $3 745.00 $24,602.34 $20,000.00 -($4,602.34 $234,439.01 $240,000.00 $5,560.99 $389,025.00 $389,025.00 $(!~ $57,082.32 $0.00 ___ (~~I,082,~ $271,430.00 - $275,000.00 g510.oo $140,000.00 $40,000.00 - ($100,000.00 ~5,665.00 $25,000.00 ___ l$665.oo -$20~64, 107.~7 s20.~~.e'75j>o _ $328,567.3~ - -- - UNRESIBICTED F_EDERAL REVENUE . -- S30 f!59,331.46Il33,885, 191.761$34 !_g,~14.841 S34.236 ooo.QQ.][135,186,951 .film~~ 175.~I _ J~o~~~-~ NON-REVl:NUEliECEIPTS (Sales, Insurance, Retund, M~ ___ !l00,134.01 I J55,135.561 $55,264.44 l7,500.00 ___ $18,840,~l ..J!Q,000.00, __ (~.,_8~Q-QQ TRANSFERS TQl!:ROM OTHER FUNDS $958,589.82 ($62,762.51 ($21,285.48 ($20,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE, Nor-f.=REVENUE, - -- ~ -- -- - --- -- ------ ------ - --- - - - - BALANCES ANO ( + OR -l TRANSFERS ( $32,294 537 .77 U34 TIS, 1 I 6. l O I $34,680
l9o:12)fl~888,"4-~2.:!1fi H_ ~ !_6
l.!!3,811! .~,66:J:,628_.Lo o( $ j ,2.?._6, 5 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPENDITURES 1990-1995 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1004-95 ~lU~L=--f------'A~C~T~U~A~L,.__1--_:..:AC.::..:..TU=-A~L=---1--~B=-U=-D=-G=E~TE=-D=---+-----=-P:..:AO=JE=-C=-T~E~D,._+-~B:..:U~D:..:G~E:..:T~E~Dc..--1---"C~H~IIN=GE~-----l TOTAL REVENUE AND BALANCES SALAnY FUND EXPENDITU"n'"E'""s=c.._--_________ _ $32,294,537. 77 _ $34,645, 11_.c6:..:.1_.c0+-~S~34,.1cO. O:C.7.:~-6-26-+.0 -~_,S :..:3:..:5~,68:..::..:8~,4_62~-:..:oo7-5+3-_~.'8-367~-+,o-$o~o3-~5,~_, 003-~,8_2_8_.oo,-2+__3S6__1,~ 92_5_._8-17 1----r.A"'D,,,Mc,,l,,,N""IS
..:RA,,::..:.l:..:O:..:R~S=--------------- _S2,27 ,595.9 ~S2, 34, 17.93 __ S2,389,~63=0~.0=~~S=2,520,025.00 $2,176,450.00 TEACHERS $15,069,059.05 $17,222,527.5 $16,642,870.66 S17,11 4,700.00 S16,0 6,960.00 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS _ $302,765.34 __ S3J26.529.~,_. $341,415.27 $340,000.00 $378,860.00 1----r.T=iOccl~A-=L'=C=,
4.4,606.363~ , $19,963,474.69 $ 19,57, 116. 17 S20, 70, 725.00 S21,202,310.00 ,____ __.-'-F~A"-'INGBEE NEFIIS i- $5~,099.~-=- S533,289.66 $524,031.13 $525,775.00 _$~_?8,050.00 TUITION $1,115,205.60 $1,089,105.75 S1,067,374.16 $1,100,000.00 __!.!., 116,220.00 TOTAL SAU\flY FUND EXPENDITURES'----- _ S!._9,:175,745.17 $21,60_!!,670.10 __ $21, 165,521.~ $22,330,500.00 $22,646,560.00 $2,725,450.00 ($51,000.00 $18,124,550.00 S77,570,QQ. $375,000.00 ($3,680.0~ $21,225,000.00 $22,690.00 $525,000.00 ~ (!,!,050.QQ, $1,120,000.00 $3,760,~ $22,870,000.00 $23,420.~ - - O~11NG FUND EXPENDllUnES _ ~ nEGULAA PHOG111\MS _i_,,., i~53,,,.,.7,=s,9oc=5l-_-.-,i ...,l,=5=19,,.,,=00=5~.2=, ....-.- '~1,.,,62=7""',82=5.=4=5,__s2,.,,.,_05=5c",863=~0.0.4.= ,.-,6-'7-27,:,=-_c0.c 0, c:-=_o_oS 2, 11155, 50.00 ,_{$3 i02, 150.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION $232,079.61 $269,601.63 $327,404.66 $466,009.00 $4e7,960.00 $394,450.00 $93,510.00 1---+.
'11- --=:cS2
S,~258,ao.oo $234,960.00 ($23,500.00 l---!.
:58~8,813. 72 S 1,313 139. 75 $782,927.75 $766,024.00 S7i 7,030.00 $815,020.00 $97 ,ll90.00 ___ OTHER INSTRUCTIONALPAOGnAMS $78,334.88 $63,1127.27 _ $82,727.23 $152,082.00 $159,170.00 $144,260.00I ($14,800_.QQ PUPIL SUPPORT $495,775.16 $480,144.36 ~,-~=.,,=00=. 0 7=3..,. ..- ~,~52=3', 05=7~1.=o1o-- --,,.$648, 130.00 $525,110.0011$123,020.QQ STI\FF SUPPORT ~6,318.68 $758,657.78 $795,427.64 $1,024,808.00 ~091,500.00 ___!960, 110.00 .__{!1_!!_,390.00 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT $406,405.63 $431,209.00 $449,835.91 $467,100.00 $492,830.00 $439,550.00 {$53,280.00 1-~---+P='R:'cl:ccN
:E~-------------+~,.,cSc.:115==-=8'-', 1.,::00==.37 $635,281.00 $629,564.22 $666,821.00 $006,560.00 $545,450.00 '---IB!!~I 10.00 BUSINESS SUPPORT $5,006,876.04 $5,132,953.00 $5,100,194.84 $5,302,290.00 $5,241,300.00 $4,000,750.00 .__(!,!~ 0 550.00 f---+.C"'E
~S~U:'.,,P_',,P_O__~_A_c_,_T_ __ --+---:$265, 134.66 $205,117.23 $186,702.32 $206,330.00 $194,300.00 $175,700.00 ($18,660.00 OTHER SUPPORT $135,915.49 $220,466.79 $225,795.6 $239,010.00 $252.~-.QQ...__..!~,050.QQ __ (!28,430.00 1----+NO=='N~-
u:N:1rv::::=========--J.~~~S-9-,-8-85.00 $14,1167.~~ $5,604.29 $15,000.00 $12,250.00 $15,000.00 $2,750.00 f---+Tc.:O=.T:..:A..:.:L=.0:::.:...P.:::E.:..,RA:..:..:_Tl::.:N:.::G:..:F:...:U_,::N__ ::D::...,:EX::+.:-:'.$_'-P'1.:C::EC.0:..,:N,,o9:6::D.:.::..::.I1T,
:4_S6l: ....._5 7 S 11,059,865.46 $12,246,991.00 $12,629,750.00 $11,560,000.00 1$1,069, 750.00 DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES I PRINCIPAL $557,646.62 I INTEREST $610,948.45 l--~l,.:,F.::IS::,:C::::
IIL.~F~E"-'E"-'S"------------------<-~--- 1 TOTAL DEBT SEHVICE EXPENDITURES $959.00 $1,180,554.97 TOTAL SALl\nY, OPERATING I\ND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EXPENDITURES ENDING BA.LANCES $31,526,986.48 $767,551.29 $637,259.78 $556,636.89 $007.94 ~1. 194,664.61 $34,111,219.28 $533,800.82 6 $224,285.46 $440,155.00 $474,845.00 $485,500.00 $10,655.00 $564,799.49 $724,985.00 $709,800.00 $710,000.00 $200.00 $756.20 $1,560.00 1-----,,c $4, 125. 00 $4,500.00 $375.00 $789,8 i.15 $1,166 700.00 $1,168,770.00 $1,200,000.00 --,ti,230.00 ----- $33,015 228.07 $35,744,191.00 $36,005,100.00 $35,630,000.00 (!!,Q35, 100. OQ $1,664,962.65 $144,271.00 $235,653.87 $33,828.00 ($201,825.1!! FEDERAL GRANTS BEGINNING BALANCES REVENUE -- EVEN START CHAPTER1- - - ,__ ciiAPTEii 2 MEDICAID NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES 1990-1995 11190-111 111111-112 111112-113 111113-114 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED $1111,1127 .811 $21111,1144.43 $3112 2111.73 $311,545.00 -- - -------- $134,430.00 $125,571.00 $122,31111.00 $1,1811,!!'!-~ __!!,!52,3111.00 --,reiii.112.00 $1 6111,000.00 $711,1104.00 $102,634.66 $73,515.00 $115,5113.00 $36 771.00 $44:657.76 ~~,.'!!11.78 SP ED PRESCIIOOL !SECTION 8111 AND ec9 __ $298,701.44 $354,585.00 ._!41,000.00 $3116 140.00 --- HEAD START $0.00 $22,061.00 $48,6411.00 $71,325.00 TIT\.E VI-B .... -,300 32"i:oo $300, 1115.00 $309,238.00 $3111,554.00 --- Pl.. 111----313 $31 751.00 ~27 4011.00 $21,704.00 $11 351.00 --- HOMELESS ASSISTANCE $21,000.00 $21,175.00 JTPA $41 11111.51f1- -----------!~ 12 4. 111 $114,151.311 $221,587.00 CARL PERKINS VOCATIONAL AID $117,172.14 $104 21111.00 $134 571.12 $141411.00 EISENHOWER MATH/SCIENCE $20 777.00 $30 1711.00 $42,740.00 $42,000.00 f------- DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION $!3,207.00 __ $_110,0111.~ $112 111.00 $112 900.00 --- ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY --~!,1110.00 --- EOXTXHOENR _E_N_E RGY $53 020.00 __ !~!,_:!05.00 ._!~!!,~~-00 $0.00 $511,040.00 $10 322.00 TOTAL REVENUE $1 ,841 ,5111. 70 $2 4114,3110.02 $3, 1111 0110.29 $3,212,44i:OO TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE AND BALANCE $2 031 11111.511 $2 7114 034.45 $3 580 377.02 $31111311111.00 EXPENDITURES --- REGULAR PROGRAMS ~45!_~ $311,173.72 $32,270.110 $31,875.00 SPECIAL EDU~~!ION $~'!,~~
!! ~3 7 ,531.oi !~H.2111.111 $358,0511.00 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION $73 001.04 -. --$134.124.118 $1113,807.13 ~222,780.00 - COMPENSATORY EDUCATION $1152 250.1111 $1,182,323.20 $1,355 723.611 $1 704,518.00 --- OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS $12 1104.52 .~~~ :!~!:~~ $14,731.70 $11,1112.00 - PUPIL SUPPORT --~!~711~Q $441,017.06 $1121,01111.00 STAFF SUPPORT $145,3117.44 $2114 ,3112.34 ~~!!,312.43 $508,807.00 BUSINESS SUPPORT $102 11111.51 $1111,101.73 $121 ,7211.51 $114,041.00 OTHER/CENTRAL SUPPORT $5,7113.20 $10 1111.110 $21 71111.11 $15,500.00 NON-PROGRAMMED $27 441.05 $38,144.41 $41,1154.42 $51111111.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES $13,170.54 $11,117.711 $101,258.13 $20, 1711.00 TOTAL FEDERAL PROGRAMS EXPENDITURES $1,731,55!-.!.! $2,401,747.72 -
"i 71,131.711 $3,1114,052.00 ENDING BALANCE $211111144.43 $3112 2111.73 $311 545.23 $4111134.00 I 7 111113-114 111114-115 111114-115 PROJECTED BUDGETED CHANGE $311 2111.00 $251,5311.00 1$1211 750.00 $122 31111.00 $107,000,~ -1!!~.=!1111.00 $1,5113,471.00 $1 800,000.00 __ !!,5211.00 $85,5113.00 $113,700.00 $28,107.00 $47 188.00 $47,000.00 ,---------,J!! 118 .00 $3116 140.00 $400,000.D!! $3,860.00 $71,325.00 $72,000.00 $675.00 $3111 554.00 $320,000.00 $4411.00 $11,410.00 $111 500.00 1$1 1110.00 $21,175.00 $21,000.00 ($175.00 $210 000.00 $75,000.00 1$135 000.00 $141 411.00 $147,200.00 ($1,211.(!~ $42,000.00 $40,000.00 ($2 000.00 $85,230.00 $110 000.00 1$25 230.00 $0.00 $14,131.00 __(~~.~!.:00 --$10,322.00 $800.00 __ j!!,722.(!!! >---2311 7211.00 $3 000,000.00 ($238 7211.00 $31111012.00 $3 251 5311.00 1$31111.4711.00 $211175.00 $30,000.00 $1.325.00 $375,815.00 $350~.00 ~~?~,!!.!-00 ------$1118,250.00 $170,000.00 _ _j!~!.-~50.~ ___!!,.'!!_5, 770.00 *' 310,000.00 __j_~_?5,770.00 $15,030.00 $5,000.00 __!!10,03~,~ --$543,1130.00 $500,000.00 ...........J!~3,1130.00 .... $425,790.00 ssoo:000.00 ,,._210:00 $43,380.00 $80,000.00 $18,840.00 $23,5110.00 $15,000.00 --iii 5110.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $22,470.00 $10,000.00 =3i ~70.00 $3 412 450.00 $3 000,000.00 41!,450~ . $205 5112.00 $251 5311.00 $45 1174.00 EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION
- ~~e~ --=- - - - -~~-:------=~:._ __ -_-__ -_-_-_-_-_-- $6,320,000.00 To
4o6,400.oo - $9,002,5oiioo $9,264,100.00 -$9,449,400.00 40% Pullback $4,250,000.00 $4,615,000.00 $4,707,300.00 $4,601,400.00 $4,697,500.00 - __ 0ei1nquentTaxes - _____ =- - - ----~ =----==- -- $1,150,000.00 -s,,oo s1. 115,000.00 s1. 100,000.00 s1.200,ooo.oo Excess Commissions $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 umd Redemption _ _ ~- _ - - --=:__-_-~_- $100,000.00 -$102,000.00 $104,000.00 $106,000.00 $106,000.00 Tuition - Summer School $76,500.00 -- $76,000.00 $76,000.00 $76,000.00 $60,000.00 -- - iriierest - ------- ------- $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 --- PujiiAcilvfiy_s_a,_le_s ___ ---- --------- $50,000.00 --$50,000.00 $50,000.00 --$50,000.00 $50,000.00 Rent and Miscellaneous _______ -$100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 =--..-=_- Desegregation - Sec. VIII.C_- LR___ --$345,000.00 __ $171~560.00 1~~~~-- ,~---------, _____ Desegregation - Sec. VIII.C - PCSSD $115,000.00 $57,190.00 ==T uition - PCSSO $115,000.00 --$115,000.00 $115,000.00 g~~'!!Y.en~~! and Severance Tax_ --$34,000.00 $34,000.00 $34,000.00 T~TAL !-_9CA_L_n~_E_N_U____ _____ -_-_-__ ----- =$14,795,500:00 $1 ~! 24,150.00 $15,565,600.00 REVENUEs, tATE ------ $115,000.00 --$115,000.00 $34,000.00 __ $34
000:00 $15,676,500.00 $16, 1_73,900.00 --- MFPA--------~~~-~~~--~~-----i s11,05o,ooo.oo $17,400,000.00 -s11,15o,ooo.oo $16,100,000.00 sie
~ao.000.00 ___ State ~~rtionment/Workers' Compensation $141,500.00 $145,000.00 $150,000.00 $160,000.00 $175,000.00 ,____ _ T!ans~!"lation Aid - -$500,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 ==M -to-M Incentive __________ --$1,000,000.00 -$1,000,000.00 $1,000,000 00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Compensatory Education ~~-- --$480,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 ___ ~pe~ial Education Supervisor $67,150.00 - $67,150.00 $67,150.00 $67,150.00 $67,150.00 ==A ct 591 Residential __________ $40:000.00 1_ _ $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 ~peci~I Education Preschool $325,000.00 $331,500.00 $340,000.00 $344,750.00 $351,750.00 Vocational Education $20:000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 ==A BC Preschool --$20:000:00 $244,600.00 $249,700.00 $254,700.00 $259,600.00 De~~egation - Sec. Viii.B $369,025.00 -$309:025.00 $0.00 - $0.00 ---- - - so:oo ,__ __ , Mag~eVM-to-M Trans~rtalion $275,000.00 -$260,500.00 $266,100.00 $291,600.00 $297,700.00 ,__ __ 101her Stale $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 ___ Public Law 674 and Other $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 _ __ TOTAL STA TE AND UNRESTRICTED. FEDERAL Rf:'!'.ENUE ~0,592:675.00 $20,972,975.00 $20,967,950.00 $21,353,400.00 _ $21,776,400.00 77 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS 1994-1999 OPERATING BUDGET l'IJNl>S 01, 02, .t. 04 TOTAL llEVENUE AND BALANCE.----EXPENDiTi. JnEs --------- --- saiai,es oeiier.1s Tuilioi, -- - ------- ----- -------- ------- Services ~~PR~~~ - -- -- ----- - ---- --- Equif)lllent Insurance/Other Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE ---C--'--'---'-.c._--- - ---- FEDERAL PROGRAMS (06) NDBALANCE -- -- -- --- - -------- - - TOTAL REVENUE A EXPENDITURES -- Saliines - ---- -- -- ------- ---------- Benefits --- Services - == Supelie~ __ ___ Equi~nt ---- ---- ----- - - --- ----- ---- ., __ ---- 01her TOTAL EXP ENDING BALANCE ENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY (05) BEGiNN ING BALANCE REVENU EXPEND ENDiNG E iruRES BALANCE. ------ --- BUILDING (03) BEGINNING REVENUE EXPENDiru BALANCES AES . - --- - - ---------- - - - 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-96 PROJECTION PROJECTION PROJECTION PROJECTION ------- $35,~63,625.00 _!35J IQ..9 50. oo $36,603:26~~00 $37,341,040.00 - ------- $26,650,000.00 $27,019,700.00 $27,300,995.00 $27,639,410.00 $2,950,000.00 $3,003,100.00 $3,033,100.00 -$3,oaD36o.oo $1,120,000.00 $1,140,160.00 $1,151,560.00 -$1, 169,505.00 $2,110,000.00 $2,147,980.00 $2,169,460.00 $2,204,170.00 - $1,275,000.00 $1,297,950.00 $1,310,930.00 -$1,331 :900.00 $135,000.00 $137,530.00 --siao:oos.oo --$141,130.00 - $190,000.00 $193,420.00 $195,355.00 $198,480.00 -$(200,000.00 $1,221,600.00 $1,233,815.00 $1,253,555.00 $35,630,000.00 $36,161,440.00 $36
s34~0.00 la1,219:8oo.oo $33,825.00 --$9,510.00 $69,140.00 ----,121 : 150. 00 _ $3,251,536.~ $3,264,000.00 $3,330,000.00 $3,395,000.00 -$1,794,000.00 e-$1$~~=: ~!~:: $1,617, 120.-00 $1,854, 160.00 $515,000.00 $522,200:00 $533:260.00 --$330,000.00 $365,910.00 $369,570.00 $376,595.00 - --$270,000.00 -$270:ti75.00 -$273,300.00 -$278, 575: 00 ---$60,000.00 ---$60:iso.oo $60,750.00 $61,905.00 $31,000.00 $31,075.00 $31,390.00 --$31,985.00 $3,000,000.00 ~.042:985.00 $3,075,01 o:oo $3,136,480.00 ---$251,536.00 --s22i:015.oo --$25(990.00 ~58,520.00 --- $1,026.00 $11,028.00 $2,500.00 $10, $670,000.00 $1, 1 rn:soo.oo $1.137,aoo:oo $1,160, $660,000.00 $1~125:526.00 -Si
l 30,ooo:oo -,D10, --m:02e.oo -- s,
ooo. oo ---$10,300.00 - $ $1,016,776.00 $866,776.00 $781,000.00 ~741,000.00 $50,000.00 $35,000.00 --$ 0:000.00 $45,000.00 $200,000.00 $120,776.00 $80,000.00 $0.00 __ !666: ??60. 0 -$781,000.00 $741,000.00 ~186,000:00 78 - 1996-99 PROJECTION $36,111,450.00 -$20.312,680.00 $3,134,050.00 $1, 189,875.00 $2,241,640.00 $1,354,545.00 ~-$143,530.00 $201,855.00 $1,274,865.00 ~I,~53,040.00 $258,410.00 $3,464,000.00 $1,693,240.00 $545,!~-00 $365,125.00 $264,150.00 $63,145.00 ~$32,625.00 --$3,203,415.00 ---$260:585.00 BUDGET NOTES BUDGET NOTES 1. Local tax collection in 1994-95 is projected to be less than 1993-94 due to the removal of household property from personal tax collections and the Omega decision. 2. The MFPA revenue projection is based on the state's addition of $27,000,000 to the public school fund for 1994-95. This projection is based on conversations with ADE personnel approximately two weeks ago. This projected MFPA does not equal the amount indicated by the state prior to the special legislative session earlier this year, but our weighted average daily membership has decreased by approximately 160 and the state was projecting the addition of $50,000,000 at that time. If the state does not add the $27,000,000 to the fund, the District will have to consider budget adjustments. 3. Due to Act 862 of 1993, it has been necessary to increase the costs for the fringe benefits. Workers' compensation costs are projected to increase to $360,000 for 1994-95, but additional state revenue for workers' comp will help offset approximately $140,000 of this cost. 4. The increase in capital outlay revenue for 1994-95 is based on the passage of two mills for capital outlay in September, 1994. The major part of these funds will be used for roof replacement, asbestos abatement, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, other facility and grounds improvements, and the purchase of equipmenc. The amount of increase for 1994-95 represents the 40 percent pullback amount. The bulk of the increase would be received in 1995-96 and is reflected on the five year projection. 5. The 1993-94 expenditures shown on pages 8-76 are year-todate expenditures through June 10, 1994. When the District books are closed at the end of the 1993-94 fiscal year, these reports will be updated. 6. The final desegregation payment from the state, L~SD, and PCSSD will be in 1995-96. Passage of a two mill tax increase in September, 1995, will be necessary to replace these funds. Our five year projection is based on the approval of this additional millage. 79 SALARY SCHEDULES NORTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE 1993-1994 I II III IV V VI Steps MA MA+lS MA+30 MA+45 SPEC DOCT 00 26060 28138 30216 31255 32294 34372 01 27137 29215 31293 32332 33371 35449 02 28215 30293 32371 33410 3 4449 36527 03 29292 31370 33449 3448 8 35526 37605 04 30370 32448 34526 35565 36604 38682 05 31448 33526 35604 36643 37682 39760 06 32525 34603 36681 37720 38759 40837 07 35681 37759 38798 39837 41915 08 38837 39876 40914 42993 09 41992 44070 10 45148 POSITION INCREMENTS (% of Base Salary) OTHER INCREMENTS Administrative Asst. Asst. Prin (MS & Elem) Asst. Sr. High Prin. Elementary Principal Jr. High Principal Coordinator Supervisor Sr. High Principal Director Asst. Superintendent 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 23.0 23.0 35.0 Elementary principals are to receive an additional increment based on school enrollment ($1 per student in ADM based on previous year's third 9 weeks report.) Asst. Prin. and Adm. Asst. are to receive an additional increment based on school enrollment (.SO per student based on previous year's third 9 weeks report. ) All amounts are for 207 days of scheduled employment. FRINGE BENEFITS include $129.98 per month ($99.00 paid by state
$30.98 paid by District) for an individual hospitalization plan, $3.11 per month for $21,000 life insurance coverage, and $16.72 per month for an individual dental/visual plan, $4.69 per month for hospital indemnity, and $15.83 per month to be applied toward other approved coverage. The Superintendent may withhold an increment for poor or unsatisfactory service. An effective evaluation with processes of communication and documentation must support the withholding of an increment for poor or unsatisfactory service. Procedures conforming to the North Little Rock School District evaluation program must be utilized. Steps are based on previous experience. 06/94 80 Steps 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NORTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLASSROOM TEACHERS' SALARY SCHEDULE 1993-1994 I II III IV V VI VII BA BA+12 BA+24 MA MA+l5 MA+30 MA+45 18200 19028 19856 20684 21512 22340 23168 23996 24825 25653 26481 27309 28137 28965 29793 19110 20020 19938 20849 20766 21677 21594 22505 22422 23333 23250 24161 24079 24989 24907 25817 25735 26645 26563 27473 27391 28302 28219 29130 29047 29958 29875 30786 30703 31614 20931 21759 22587 23415 24243 25071 25899 26728 27556 28384 29212 30040 30868 31696 32524 21841 22669 23497 24325 25154 25982 26810 27638 28466 29294 30122 30950 31778 32607 33435 34263 22752 23580 24408 25236 26064 26892 27720 28548 29376 30204 31033 31861 32689 33517 34345 35173 36001 23662 24490 25318 26146 26974 27803 28631 29459 30287 31115 31943 32771 33599 34427 35256 36084 36912 37740 VIII SPEC 24572 25400 26228 27057 27885 28713 2 9541 30369 31197 32025 32853 33681 34510 35338 36166 3699 4 37822 38650 IX DOCT 26393 27221 28049 28877 29706 30534 31362 32190 33018 33846 34674 35502 36330 37158 37986 3 8815 39643 40471 All amounts are for 187 days of scheduled employment. Steps are based on previous experience. FRINGE BENEFITS include $129.98 per month (99.00 paid by State
30.98 paid by District) for an individual hospitalization plan, $3.11 per month for $21,000 life insurance coverage, and $16.72 per month for an individual dental/visual plan, $4.69 per month for hospital indemnity, and $15.83 per month to be applied toward other approved coverage. Assigned substitutes will be paid at an annual rate of $11,425. Regular substitutes will be paid $39.80 per day. To qualify for education increments beyond BA, a teacher must have been admitted as a candidate for a MA degree. To ensure salary credit for hours above the MA, prior approval by the Director of Personnel is required. 06 /94 31 II SENIOR HIGH SUPPLEMENTAL PAY SCHEDULE 1993-1994 (PERCENT OF BASE SALARY) Head Football Coach ....................... 30.0 Head Basketball Coach ..................... 27.0 Head Track Coach .......................... 23.0 Head Baseball Coach ....................... 23.0 Head Volleyball Coach ..................... 23.0 Head Soccer Coach ......................... 23.0 Assistant Coach ........................... 20.0 Golf Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 0 Tennis Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 0 Swimming Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. O Band Director ............................. 15. 0 Choral Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 0 Drill Team Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 0 Cheerleader Sponsor ....................... 7.0 Yearbook Advisor .......................... 4. 0 Newspaper Advisor ......................... 4. 0 Literary Magazine Advisor ................. 4.0 Drama, Debate ............................. 4.0 Senior Class Chairperson .................. 4. 0 Senior Class Committee Member ............. 3.0 Student Council Advisor ................... 3. 0 Department Chairperson .................... 3.0 MIDDLE SCHOOL Al 1 Coaches ............................... 15 . 0 Band Director ............................. 10.0 Chor al Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 0 Cheerleader Sponsor ....................... 3.0 Pep Club Sponsor .......................... 2.0 Student Council Advisor. .................. 3.0 Department Chairperson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 0 School Newspaper .......................... 2.0 Literary Anthology ........................ 2.0 ALL AMOUNTS ARE FOR 187 DAYS OF SCHEDULED EMPLOYMENT. 82 Ref: CLSOOlS NORTH LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Date: 6/06/94 CLASSIFIED HOURLY SCHEDULE Time: 10:11:35 SCHOOL YE.AR 93-94 REVISION AS OF: 6/15/94 Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount 001 4.51 051 7.42 101 12.20 002 4.55 052 7.49 102 12.32 003 4.59 053 7.56 103 12.44 004 4.64 054 7.63 104 12.56 005 4.69 055 7. 72 105 12.68 006 4.75 056 7.80 106 12.82 007 4.80 057 7.88 107 12.95 008 4.85 058 7.96 108 13.08 009 4.90 059 8.04 109 13 .21 010 4.95 060 8.12 110 13 .34 011 5.00 061 8.20 111 13. 4 7 012 5.05 062 8.28 112 13. 61 013 5.10 063 8.36 113 13. 74 014 5.15 064 8.45 114 13. 88 015 5.20 065 8.53 115 14.02 016 5.25 066 B.61 116 14.16 017 5.30 067 B.69 117 14.31 01B 5.35 068 B.78 11B 14.45 I 019 5.40 069 B.87 119 14.59 020 5.45 070 8.96 120 14.73 021 5.51 071 9.05 121 14.B8 022 5.56 072 9.15 122 15.04 023 5.61 073 9.24 123 15.19 024 5.67 074 9.33 124 15.34 025 5.73 075 9.42 125 15.49 026 5.79 076 9.51 126 15.64 027 5.85 077 9.60 127 15.80 02B 5.91 07B 9. 69 128 15. 96 029 5.97 079 9.79 129 16.12 030 6.03 080 9.90 130 16.28 031 6.09 0B1 10.00 131 16.45 032 6.15 082 10.10 132 16.61 033 6.22 083 10.20 133 16.77 034 6.28 084 10.30 134 16. 94 035 6.34 085 10.40 135 17 .11 036 6.40 086 10.50 136 17.29 037 6.46 087 10.61 137 17.46 038 6.52 088 10. 71 138 17.63 039 6.58 089 10.82 139 17.80 040 6.64 090 10.93 140 17.99 041 6.71 091 11.04 141 18.17 042 6.78 092 11.15 142 18.35 043 6.85 093 11.26 143 18.53 044 6.92 094 11. 38 144 18. 72 045 7.00 095 11.49 145 18.90 046 7.07 096 11.60 146 19.09 047 7.14 097 11. 71 147 19.28 048 7.21 098 11. 83 148 19.48 049 7.28 099 11. 95 149 19.67 050 7.35 100 12.08 150 19.86 83 Ref: CLS004 Date: 6/06/94 Time: 10:09:43 CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES School Year 1993-1994 From Thru Catno Description Step Step Catno Description 200, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (35\) 80 104 711 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN 205 SECRETARY (12\) ASST.SUPT 63 90 712 ELECTRICAL HELPER 209 SUPERVISOR-BOOKKEEPING 115 127 715 ENERGY SPECIALIST 210 BOOKKEEPER (10\) 61 89 716 MAINTENANCE ENERGY MNGT 2.15 SECR DIR/PRIN ( 9\) 50 80 717 EMS HELPER 220 SECR ELEM PRIN (6\) 47 78 718 MAINTENANCE HELPER 225 OFFICE SECRETARY (St) 47 78 720 LEAD HVAC 227 ELEM SECRETARY (3\) 45 76 721 HVAC MECHANIC 230 SECRETARY 41 74 722 HVAC HELPER 231 MEDIA CLERK 41 74 725 LABOR FOREMAN 232 GUIDANCE CLERK 41 74 726 GENERAL LABOR LEADER 235 GENERAL OFFICE CLERK 41 74 727 GENERAL LABOR 240 241 245 246 250 251 252 260 265 275 280 400 401 402 403 404 501 503 505 507 509 511 600 601 602 603 SPECIAL ED ASSISTANTS ALC/SAC ASSISTANT COMPUTER LAB ASSISTANT CHAPTER I ASSISTANT HIPPY HOME VISITOR PARENT CENTER AIDE EVENSTART LUNCH AIDES CROSSING GUARDS ELECTRONIC TECH ELECTRONIC TECH LEAD NURSE (LPN) NURSE (ASSOCIATE) NURSE (DIPLOMA) NURSE (BS) NURSE (MS) HEAD MECHANIC MECHANIC MECHANIC'S HELPER BUS DRIVER BUS AIDE DISPATCHER CUSTODIAN LEAD CUSTODIAN LEAD CUSTODIAN W T/C HEAD CUSTODIAN 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 15 15 62 92 66 75 84 99 112 85 75 43 39 15 43 15 24 28 34 74 728 74 729 74 735 74 736 74 737 74 740 74 741 so 742 50 745 97 746 145 747 97 765 108 901 117 902 131 903 142 904 116 905 111 906 78 907 69 908 50 909 87 910 ,so 911 61 912 64 72 604 HEAD CUSTODIAN W T/C 38 75 605 MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAN 43 78 606 MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAN WTC 47 81 607 WAREHOUSEMAN 43 78 608 CUSTODIAL TEMPORARIES 1 14 610 CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR 62 97 700 SUPVR OF PLANT SERVICES 92 149 701 SAFETY COORDINATOR 62 97 705 LEAD CARPENTER 85 136 706 MAINTENANCE CARPENTER 62 97 707 CARPENTER'S HELPER 36 78 710 LEAD ELECTRICIAN 92 136 710 LEAD ELECTRICIAN 92 136 84 GEN LABOR-STADIUM ATTND MAINTENANCE TEMPORARIES LEAD PAINTER PAINTER PAINTER HELPER LEAD PLUMBER MAINTENANCE PLUMBER PLUMBER HELPER LEAD ROOFER ROOFER ROOFER HELPER SECURITY MONITOR FOOD SERV ASST. (WORKER) FOOD SERV MGR/ELM/NON-CER FOOD SERV MGR/ELEM/CERT FOOD SERV MGR/SEC/NON-CER FOOD SERV MGR/SEC/CERT FOOD SERV ASST, MGR HS/NC FOOD SERV ASST MGR/HS/C FOOD SRV WREHSE MGR/NC FOOD SERV WREHSE MGR/CER FOOD SERV WREHSE ASST. FOOD SERV MGR/SUB/NC FOOD SERV MGR/SUB/CERT From Thru Step Step 85 116 36 78 92 138 62 97 36 78 36 78 92 136 85 116 36 78 62 97 21 78 21 74 21 19 85 62 36 92 85 36 85 55 36 21 15 24 28 34 38 24 28 42 46 36 24 28 74 30 136 97 78 136 116 78 97 82 78 97 so 61 64 72 75 61 64 78 80 78 61 64 I I I I CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE LONGEVITY PAY Employees that have reached the top of their salary range and are not eligible for another step will be awarded one percent (1%) longevity pay. Longevity pay is one percent of the base rate of the entry level for an employee's range. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS INCREMENTS FOR SECRETARIES Basic.................................................. 3.0 Associate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. O Advanced I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . O Advanced II............................................ 8. o Advanced III............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 0 Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 0 Certified .............................................. 10. 0 Associate Degree ....................................... 8.0 Secretarial Diploma .................................... 8.0 (The above increments for secretaries are based on step 43.) 85 PROGRAMA NALYSIS NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM ANALYSIS FOR ARMY ]ROTC PROGRAM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North little Rock School district is in the process of implementing an Army ]ROTC program for the 1994-95 school year. After reviewing the objectives of the JROTC program and matching those objectives with the goals of the school district, JROTC was considered to be an excellent curricular vehicle to help achieve some of the district's goals. The positive image and reputation of Army ]ROTC programs will enhance the school climate at both campuses of North little Rock High School. Because the U.S. Army bears the major financial burden in implementing ]ROTC and provides annual on-going financial support, the benefits of the program can be realized with a small annual financial obligation incurred by the school district. BACKGROUND The Congressional Record of October i, 1992, contains the following statement in regard to the nationwide expansion of the JROTC program. "It is a purpose of the Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment." By expanding the number of ]ROTC programs, the Department of Defense is assisting schools who are working to meet the President's America 2000 Education goals. The North little Rock School District's goals, approved in the \lay. 1994, Board of Education meeting, are consistent with the America 2000 goals. Specifically. ]ROTC programs can assist schools in meeting the following America 2000 goals and North little Rock School District goals: GOAL #2- high school completion GOAL #3- student achievement GOAL #5- citizenship GOAL #6- safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools After information about the expansion of ]ROTC programs was brought to our attention. it was decided to study the program. A study cornrninee was formed in late October, 1993. The cornrninee was convened on November 9, 1993, and completed its work on December 6, 1993. Committee composition included students, parents, teachers, administrators. and military representatives from Camp Robinson and Fisher Armory. lieutenant Colonel Teny Riddle of the U.S. Fourth Army's Warlord Brigade met with the committee on November 9 and offered technical assistance throughout the process. At the December 6 meeting, the committee recommended that an application for an Army JROTC program be submitted and. if approved. the program would be implemented in the 1994-95 school year. The Implementation Plan Section of this program analysis will detail additional steps taken by the North Little Rock School District in implementing JROTC. 86 PROBLEM DEFINITION The Army JROTC Program will provide students and staff with a vehicle to improve the school climate. develop student leaders. stress citizenship anc team work. and provide opportunities for "unconnected" students to find "connections" to school through enhanced self-esteem and participation in extra-curricular activities. After analyzing the JROTC program and considering its purpose in relation to school district goals. the following options appeared evident to us. 1. An application for an Anny ]ROTC program would not be submitted. This option was rejected. :?.. The application process could be delayed until the 1994-95 school year with implementation in 1995-96. Originally, the Department of Defense planned for an orderly growth of 200 programs annually over a five-year expansion plan. A combination of too rapid in programs and Congressional cutbacks in defense budgets suggests that the opportunity to apply may not exist in the 1994-95 school year. This option was rejected, also. 3. An application for a ]ROTC Program will be submitted for implementation in 1994-95. High schools in urban areas with significant minority populations and with children living in poverty were targeted in the expansion program. The district's JROTC study committee became convinced that North Little Rock High School met the criteria for JROTC expansion. In January, 1994, when Lt. Col. Riddle submitted applications from a four state area, North Little Rock High School's application was given the highest priority by Colonel Riddle. Ours was the first application approved in the four state area and one of only twenty-five ( 25) apprqved nationwide. RECO~TIATIONS The JROTC Study Cornmitte recommended at its December 6 meeting that the North Little Rock School District should apply for an Army JROTC Program. Superintendent James Smith accepted the committee's recommendation and presented the proposal to the North Little Rock Board of Education at their December 21 meeting where it was approved. An application for an Army JROTC program was immediately filed with Lt. Col. Riddle. OBJECTIVES Program objectives are: 1. teach decision making/problem solving skills 2. provide positive role models 3. develop leadership potential 4. strengthen self-esteem 5. promote disciplined environment G. develop responsibility - develop self-confidence 8. teach goal-setting 9. prevent alcohol and drug abuse 10. present career opportunities 87 11. enhance communication skills . 12. recognize student success/accomplishments 13. conduct citizenship training 14. build successful teams 15. promote physical fitness IMPACT ANALYSIS The impact of an Army ]ROTC program should be evident at both high school campuses in the following ways: 1. new and emerging student leaders 2. enhanced self-esteem 3. elevated levels of citizenship 4. improved levels of physical fitness 5. over time, increasing numbers of high school graduates 6. positive alternatives to drug abuse behavior and gangs , . strengthened links to the community through highly visible extracurricular activities RESOURCES ANALYSIS Expenses for an Anny JROTC Program are borne in large part by the U.S. Army. School districts are responsible for personnel costs, providing appropriate classroom and storage space, and providing instructors with teaching supplies. Personnel costs are dependent on the rank and length of service for an officer and a NCO. The U.S. Anny reimburses the school district 50% of the difference in the active duty and retired pay of the officer and non-commissioned officer. Annual personnel costs for two instructors are estimated to be $25,000 to $30,000 for both. One time costs for preparing classrooms to meet JROTC specifications are estimated to be approximately $5,000. Approximately 190 students in grades nine through twelve have enrolled in JROTC for 1994-95. Shifts in student course selections brought about by the introduction of JROTC into the high school curriculum should result in reduced staffing needs in other areas. In summary, ]ROTC can be implemented in 1994-95 at a cost of approximately $35,000 and can be funded through reduced personnel costs in the secondary program. FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS FOR: Surveys we!"e conducted with students and parents to determine interest in enrolling in the JROTC Program. Students in grades eight through twelve were surveyed with 310 students indicating that they would enroll in JROTC. The following table details student interest by race and gender. BM # students f:B percentage 22% BF 88 28% WM % 31% WF 53 17% CM CF 1 3 0.3% 1% TOTAL 310 99.3% One hundred parents were selected by computer for the survey. Even though only thirteen ( 13) parents returned the survey with ten (10) indicating their support of the program, parents in the community have expressed their support of the program . 8.8 AGAINST: Some secondary students indicated on their survevs that they did not support a ]ROTC program and saw no reason for it to be included in the high 'school curriculum. Because of the overall positive image of ]ROTC programs across the country and in the schools in Pulaski County. no negati\E'. telephone calls or letters have been received. IMPLEMEJ\TATIOK PLAJ\ enroll students for 1994-95 interview applicants for the position of Senior Army Instructor employed Lt. Col. Artis Lofton for the position of Senior Army Instructor interview applicants for the position of non-commissioned officer prepare classrooms for ]ROTC implement ]ROTC program RESPONSIBILITY WHE~ principal/counselors Feb - April 1994 Director of Personnel April. 1994 Director of Sec Education high school principals Director of Personnel May 26, 1994 Director of Sec Education high school principals Director of Personnel May - June Director of Sec Education 1994 high school principals Director of School Plant June - July Services 1994 high school principals ]ROTC instructors August, 1994 high school principals 89 EXEClJITVES UMMARY NORTII UTILE ROCK SCHOOL DIS1RICT PRCXiRAMA NALYSIS FOR READINGR ECOVERY The North Little Rock School District has an extraordinaryl egacy of servicet o children. Since 1989. this tradition has expanded to include extensive efforts on behalf of very young children. The nern.ork of preschool programs is being supplemented in kinderganen and first grade with compensatory programs and the Early Prevention of School Failure. In 1991, the District began the Reading Recovery Program for first graders in mo elementary schools. The program has expanded each year until, presently, eight teachers are v.orking in eight schools implementing Reading Recovery. Believing thar Reading Recovery helps at-risk first graders deYelop strategies that will enable them to become independent readers, the North Little Rock School District proposes to expand the program by employing and training three additional teachers to teach in at least three additional schools at an approximate cost of $110,000. BACKGROUND The North Little Rock School District serves large numbers of disadvantaged children. Knowing that disadvantaged children come to school already functioning below peer level, District planners have emphasized early learning opportunities such as the Reading Recovery Program, 'Mlich was initiated in 1991 and has expanded each year until eight teachers now v.ork in eight of the fifteen elementary schools. Results of the Reading Recovery emanating from Ohio State University indicate that 85 percent of the children exiting the program stay on or above grade level through their elementary education years. Pretest/posttestr esults and student observationsi n the District indicates ubstantialr eading improvement for the students participating in the program. PROBLEM DEFINTTION Additional Reading Recovery teachers will help selected children move closer to grade level in their academic ability. Because larger numbers of minority children reach first grade without necessary readinesss kills. the selection processw ill automaticallyt arget disproportionaten umbers of minority children. The outcome should be improvement in the learning disparity gap bern,een black and 'Mlite children. RECOrvtMENDATIONS That three additional Reading Recovery teachers be employed. This will bring the total number of Reading Recovery teachers to eleven serving at least eleven elementary schools, with the goal being to serve all 15 regular elementary schools. 90 OBJECTIVF.S Program objectives are: ... to teach selected first graders in at least three schools using the Reading Recovery method ...t o reinforcet he District's objectiveo f reducingt he disparityg ap in student perfonnance Ilv1PACTA NALYSIS The Reading Recovery Program will impact the North Little Rock School District in multiple \vays including: ... compliance with the Desegregation Plan v,hich requires itinerant reading and/or math specialists, as needed, to deliver supplementary instruction to students scoring below the 20 percentile. See North Littie Rock Plan at page 36. ... improved reading instruction for selected students ... improved general reading instruction by teachers as Reading Recovery techniques are disseminated to classroom teachers ... improved learning opportunities for the children v.ho avoid remediation through their school careers. RESOURCES The three Reading Recovery teachersw ill be funded from desegregations ettlementm oney at an estimated cost of $110,000. FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS Forces for Principals of the elementary schools are unanimously supportive of Reading Recovery. Both classroom teachers and existing Reading Recovery teachers are unequivocal in their support of expanding Reading Recovery to all elementary schools. North Little Rock's limited experience with Reading Recovery also suggests substantial reading improvement by participants. Fore es against: The only negative consideration is the cost of Reading Recovery on a per student basis which would be approximately $1,800. IMPLBvlENTA TIONP LAN Announce 3 Reading Recovery positions Interview applicants for Reading Recovery Positions Identify schools to be included Hire Reading Recovery Teachers Arrange training at UALR Implement in at least three scliools Person Responsible Director of Personnel Director of Personnel Director of Elementary Education Director of Personnel Director of Elementary Education Principals and Staff 91 May, 1994 June, 1994 July, 1994 July, 1994 July, 1994 August, 1994
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.