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BOARD oF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA RECEIVED JAN1 7 2007 OfflCEOF DESEGREGOANTIITOONR ING ass North Little Rock School District Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:00 P.M. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION Administration Building, 2700 Poplar North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115 Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS I. CALL TO ORDER, Trent Cox, President II. INVOCATION, Marshalluna Land, NLRHS Senior, daughter of III. FLAG SALUTE IV. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Trent Cox, President Scott Teague, Vice President Marty Moore, Secretary Dorothy Williams, Disbursing Officer John Riley, Parliamentarian Darrell Montgomery, Member Margo Tenner, Member V. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS A. Special Recognition - S. Brazear 1. New National Board Certified Teachers Ms. Eldra Land a. Takecia Cox - Ridgeroad Middle Charter b. Kay Ewart - NLRHS West Campus c. Melissa Herring - Crestwood Elementary d. Kathy Holland- NLRHS West Campus e. Angie Hutson - NLRHS West Campus f. Jennifer Kimbrell - Crestwood Elementary g. Kendra Leirer - NLRHS East Campus - VI. Page 2 - Board Agenda January 18, 2007 DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS A. Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:00 P.M. (Regular)-Page A - 1 VII. ACTION ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS None VIII. ACTION ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS A. B. C. D. E. F, G. Consider Certified Personnel Policies Committee Report - M. Snider Consider Classified Personnel Policies Committee Report- G. Tucker Consider Revisions to Board Policies 4.22 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments and 4.43 Bullying - Page B - 1 - B. Acklin Consider Revisions to Board Policies 3.6 Certified Personnel Employee Training
3.6 - CL Classified Personnel Employee Training
5.4 Professional Development and 5 .15 Grading - Page C - 1 - A. 0 lsen Consider Elementary Textbook Committee's Recommendation - Page D - 1 - K. Lowe Consider Approval of Secondary Textbook Adoption Committee - Page E - 1 - R. Dickey Consider Crestwood Elementary Bid Proposal - Page F - 1 - J. Massey H. Consider Motion for Consent Agenda - K. Kirspel 1. Consider monthly financial report - Page O - 1 2. Consider employment of personnel - Page P - 1 3. Consider bid items - Page S - 1 4. Consider payment of regular bills - Page T - 1 IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None X. CALENDAR OF EVENTS A. Board Workshop - Saturday, January 27, 2007 9:00 A.M. B. Regular Board Meeting-Thursday, February 15, 2007 5 P.M. XI. XII. XIII. STUDENT EXPULSION Page 3 - Board Agenda January 18, 2007 SUPERINTENDENT'S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW ADJOURNMENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES December 14, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in regular session on Thursday, December 14, 2006 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. Lynne Looney, NLRSD Teacher, addressed the Board to express her concerns about the hiring of administrators in the district. President Trent Cox called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Rebecca Galloway, Park Hill Elementary School fifth grader, gave the invocation. The flag salute followed. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Trent Cox, President Scott Teague, Vice President Marty Moore, Secretary Dorothy Williams, Disbursing Officer John Riley, Parliamentarian Darrell Montgomery, Member Absent Margo Tenner, Member Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
Dr. Angela Olsen, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall (audio) taped the meeting. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS Superintendent's Honor Roll: Shara Brazear, Communication Specialist, introduced Dr. Macy Purtle, NLRHS West Campus media specialist, as a new member. Dr. Purtle was nominated by Anita Cameron, NLRHS West Campus Principal for her work with students and staff, her leadership in beginning several book clubs and her work with the remediation classes. John Riley presented Dr. Purtle with a plaque thanking her for her dedication to our district. Lisa Gray, Argenta Academy paraprofessional, nominated by A-1 Charles Jones, Argenta Academy principal, for her dedication to the Argenta students. Ms. Gray worked off contract this summer helping register students and is a great asset - for her work as Argenta's parent coordinator. Darrell Montgomery presented Ms. Gray with a plaque in appreciation for her work at Argenta Academy. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING MOTION Dorothy Williams moved to accept the minutes of the November 16, 2006 (Regular) meeting as printed. Scott Teague seconded the IJ?Otion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, and Williams None (Tenner - absent) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Certified Personnel Policies Committee Report Margie Snider, Certified Personnel Policies Committee Chair, stated the certified personnel had voted and approved the changes to Board Policy CA-Personnel Policies Committee and the teacher and administrator salary schedule revisions. Classified Personnel Policies Committee Report Glenda Tucker, Classified Personnel Policies Committee Chair, stated the classified personnel had voted and approved all of the classified salary schedule revisions. Mrs. Tucker stated the committee proposed to add Board Policy CEB Personal Leave as a classified policy adding CL to the title with the following revisions: adding the words "or building administrator" in the first sentence of the second paragraph after the word "principal"
inserting the following sentence as the fifth sentence of the paragraph: "Part time employee(s) personal leave will be prorated according to the number of hours worked per day"
and to delete the sentence "This policy does not apply to twelve month Administrative personnel." from the end of the policy. MOTION John Riley moved to return policy CFEB - CL to the Classified Personnel Policies Committee for modifications of the revisions. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, and Williams None (Tenner- absent) A-2 Consent Agenda Mr. Kirspel requested approval of the consent agenda as printed on pages O - 1 through T- 17. MOTION John Riley moved for the Board to enter into executive session. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, and Williams None (Tenner- absent) The Board entered into an executive session at 5:23 p.m. The Board reconvened in open session at 5.35 p.m. MOTION Darrell Montgomery moved to accept the consent agenda as presented. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, and Williams None (Tenner - absent) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Jerry Massey, Plant Services Director, updated the Board on the proposed construction projects of Lakewood Middle School and Crestwood Elementary. He stated the Lakewood Middle School bids would be ready and in order for the February Board meeting. Mr. Massey explained that bids for Crestwood Elementary addition would be opened on January 9, 2007 and he would bring a recommendation at the January Board meeting. He stated an appeal has been filed for additional monies due to the work that needs be done on the slope of the ground at Crestwood Elementary. The Board agreed to set a Board Workshop on Saturday, January 27, 2007 at 9 a.m. at the J.W. Nutt Company on Crestwood Road. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Marty Moore moved to adjourn the meeting. Dorothy Williams seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, and Williams None (Tenner - absent) President Cox declared the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. A-3 Trent Cox, President Marty Moore, Secretary A-4 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 4.22-WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS No student shall possess a weapon, display what appears to be a weapon, or threaten to use a weapon while in school, on or about school property, before or after school, in attendance at school or any school sponsored activity, en route to or from school or any school sponsored activity, off the school grounds at any school bus stop, or at any school sponsored activity or event. Military personnel, such as ROTC cadets, acting in the course of their official duties are excepted. A weapon is defined as any knife, gun, pistol, revolver, shotgun, BB gun, rifle, pellet gun, raz.or, ice pick, dirk, box cutter, nun chucks, pepper spray or other noxious spray, explosive, or any other instrument or substance capable of causing bodily harm. Possession means having a weapon, as defined in this policy, on the student's body or in an area under his/her control. If, prior to any questioning or search by any school personnel, a student discovers that he/she has accidentally brought a weapon to school including a weapon that is in a vehicle on school grounds, and the student informs the principal or a staff person immediately, the student will not be considered to be in possession of a weapon. The weapon shall be confiscated and held in the office until such time as the student's parent/legal guardian shall pick up the weapon from the school's office. Repeated offenses are unacceptable and shall be grounds for disciplinary action against the student as otherwise provided for in this policy. Students found to be in possession on the school campus of a fireann shall be recommended for expulsion for a period of not less than one year. The School Board shall have the discretion to modify such expulsion recommendation for a student on a case-by-case basis. By using the case by case exception, the School Board will be able to discipline students with disabilities in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Parents or legal guardians of students expelled under this policy shall be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of parental responsibility for allowing a child to possess a weapon on school property. Parents or legal guardians shall sign a statementa cknowledgingt hat they have read and understands aid laws prior to readmitting the student. Parents or legal guardians of a student enrolling from another school after the expiration of an expulsion period for a weapons policy violation shall also be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of parental responsibility for allowing a child to possess a weapon on school property.T he parentso r legal guardianss hall sign a statementa cknowledgingth at they have read and understand said laws prior to the student being enrolled in school. A report will be given to the North Little Rock Police Department and criminal charges may be filed following an investigation. Legal References: AC.A. 6-18-502 (c) (2)(A)(B) AC.A. 6-18-507 (e) (1)(2) AC.A. 6 17 113 AC.A. 5-27-206 20 uses 8921 Date Adopted: 9/26/95 Last Revised: 12/18/03 B-1 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 4.22-WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS No student shall possess a weapon, display what appears to be a weapon, or threaten to use a weapon while in school, on or about school property, before or after school, in attendance at school or any school sponsored activity, en route to or from school or any school sponsored activity, off the school grounds at any school bus stop, or at any school sponsored activity or event. A weapon is defined as any knife, gun, pistol, revolver, shotgun, BB gun, rifle, pellet gun, razor, ice pick, dirk, box cutter, nun chucks, pepper spray or other noxious spray, explosive, or any other instrument or substance capable of causing bodily harm. Possession means having a weapon, as defined in this policy, on the student's body or in an area under his/her control. If, prior to any questioning or search by any school personnel, a student discovers that he/she has accidentallyb rought a weapon to school includinga weapon that is in a vehicle on school grounds, and the student informs the principal or a staff person immediately, the student will not be considered to be in possession of a weapon. The weapon shall be confiscated and held in the office until such time as the student's parent/legal guardian shall pick up the weapon from the school's office. Repeated offenses are unacceptable and shall be grounds for disciplinary action against the student as otherwise provided for in this policy. Students found to be in possession on the school campus of a firearm shall be recommended for expulsion for a period of not less than one year. The School Board shall have the discretion to modify such expulsion recommendationf or a student on a case-by-caseb asis. Parents or legal guardians of students expelled under this policy shall be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of - parental responsibilityf or allowing a child to possess a weapon on school property. Parents or legal guardians shall sign a statementa cknowledgingt hat they have read and understands aid laws prior to readmitting the student. Parents or legal guardians of a student enrolling from another school after the expiration of an expulsion period for a weapons policy violation shall also be given a copy of the current laws regarding the. possibilityo f parental responsibilityf or allowing a child to possess a weapon on school property.T he parentso r legal guardianss hall sign a statementa cknowledgingth at they have read and understand said laws prior to the student being enrolled in school. A report will be given to the North Little Rock Police Department and criminal charges may be filed following an investigation. Legal References: A.CA 6-18-502 (c) (2)(A)(B) AC.A. 6-18-507 (e) (1)(2) AC.A. 6-17-113 20 uses 8921 Date Adopted: 9/26/95 Last Revised: 12/18/03 B-2 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADD~TIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 4.43-BULL YING Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of their dignity, detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote student learning, and will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors. Students who bully another person shall be held accountable for their actions whether it occurs on the school grounds
off school grounds at a school sponsored or approved function, activity, or event
or going to or from school or a school activity in a school vehicle or school bus
or at designated school bus stops. Definition: Bullying is any pattern of behavior by a student, or a group of students, that is intended to harass, intimidate, ridicule, humiliate, or instill fear in another child or group of children. Bullying behavior can be a threat of, or actual, physical harm or it can be verbal abuse of the child. Bullying also includes unacceptable behavior identified in this policy which is electronically transmitted. Bullying is a series of recurring actions committed over a period of time directed toward one student, or successive, separate actions directed against multiple students. Examples of "bullying" may include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: I. Sarcastic "compliments" about another student's personal appearance
2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate
3. Mocking, taunting or belittling
4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation such as "fronting" or "chesting" a person
5. Demeaning humor relating to a student's race, gender, ethnicity or personal characteristics
6. Blackmail, extortion, demands for protection money or other involuntary donations or loans
7. Blocking access to school property or facilities
8. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property
9. Stealing or hiding books or belongings
and/or 10. Threats of harm to student(s), possessions, or others. B-3 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 Students are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. The report may be made anonymously. Teachers and other school employees who have witnessed, or are reliably informed that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal. Parents or legal guardians may submit to the principal written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue wottld constitute bullying. The principal shall be responsible for investigating the incident( s) to determine if disciplinary action is warranted. The person or persons r@rting behavior they consider to be bullying shall not be subject to retaliation or reprisal in any form. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, consideration may be given to other violations of the student handbook which may have simultaneously occurred. Notice of what constitutes bullying, the District's prohibition against bullying, and the consequences for students who bully shall be conspicuously posted in every classroom, cafeteria, restroom, gymnasium, auditorium, and school bus. Parents, students, school volunteers, and employees shall be given copies of the notice. Copies of this policy shall be available upon request. Legal Reference: Act 681 of2003 A.C.A. 6-18-514 Last Revised: 12/18/03 B-4 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 4.43-BULL YING Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of their dignity, detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote student learning, and will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors. Students who bully another person shall be held accountable for their actions whether it occurs on the school grounds
off school grounds at a school sponsored or approved function, activity, or event
or going to or from school or a school activity. Definition: Bullying is any pattern of behavior by a student, or a group of students, that is intended to harass, intimidate, ridicule, humiliate, or instill fear in another child or group of children. Bullying behavior can be a threat of, or actual, physical harm or it can be verbal abuse of the child. Bullying is a series of recurring actions committed over a period of time directed toward one student, or successive, separate actions directed against multiple students. Examples of "bullying" may include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: 1. Sarcastic "compliments" about another student's personal appearance
2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate
3. Mocking, taunting or belittling
4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation such as "fronting" or "chesting" a person
5. Demeaning humor relating to a student's race, gender, ethnicity or personal characteristics
6. Blackmail, extortion, demands for protection money or other involuntary donations or loans
7. Blocking access to school property or facilities
8. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property
9. Stealing or hiding books or belongings
and/or 10. Threats of harm to student(s), possessions, or others. B-5 Students are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. 4 report may be made anonymously. Teachers and other school employees who have witnessed, or are reliably informed that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal. Parents or legal guardians may submit to the principal written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue would constitute bullying. The principal shall be responsible for investigating the incident(s) to determine if disciplinary action is warranted. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, consideration may be given to other violations of the student handbook which may have simultaneously occurred. Notice of what constitutes bullying, the District's prohibition against bullying, and the consequences for students who bully shall be conspicuously posted in every classroom, cafeteria, restroom, gymnasium, auditorium, and school bus. Parents, students, school volunteers, and employees shall be given copies of the notice. Legal Reference: Act 681 of2003 Last Revised: 12/18/03 B-6 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 3.6- CERI'IF'IEDP ERSONNELE MPLOYEET RAINING The district administration and the building principal have the authority to require attendance at specific professional development activities in conjunction with state law and ADE Rules Governing Professional Development. PD PLAN The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its certified employees. The district's plan shall, in part, align district resources to address the professional development activities identified in each school's ACSIP. Each certified employee shall receive a minimum of sixty (60) hours of professional development annually which must be approved b( the district and :fulfilled between July 1 !lfid Me 30 or Jlllle 1 and May 31, to be determiRed annually. Professional development hours earned in excess of sixty ( 60) in the designated year cannot be carried over to the next year. The goal of all professional development activities shall be improved student achievement and academic performance that results in individual, school-wide, and system-wide improvement designed to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency on the state criterion-referenced assessments. The district's professional development plan shall demonstrate scientifically research-based best practice, and shall be based on student achievement data and in alignment with the ADE Rules Governing Professional Development and current Arkansas code. Teachers and administrators shall be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the plan for their own professional development. The results of the evaluation made by the participants in each program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to - revise the school improvement plan. PD FLEX Flexible professional development hours (flex hours) are those hours which an employee is allowed to substitute professional development activities, different than those offered by the district, but which still meet criteria of either the employee's Individual Improvement Plan or the school's ACSIP, or both. The district shall determine on an annual basis how many, if any, flex hours of professional development it will allow to be substituted for district scheduled professional development offerings. The determination may be made at an individual building, a grade, or by subject basis. Employees must receive advance approval from the building principal or district designee for activities they wish to have qualify for flex professional development hours. To the fullest extent possible, professional development activities are to be scheduled and attended such that teachers do not miss their regular teaching assignments. Six (6) approved flex hours credited toward fulfilling the sixty (60) hour requirement shall equal one contract day. Hours of professional development earned by an employee in excess of sixty (60) or not pre-approved by the building principal shall not be credited toward fulfilling the required number of contract days for that employee. Hours earned that count toward the required sixty (60) also count toward the required number of contract days for that employee. C-1 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 PD MAKEUP Teachers and administrators who, for any reason, miss part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, must make up the required hours in comparable activities which are to be pre-approved by the building principal or district designee. PD CREDIT To receive credit for his/her professional development activity each employee is responsible for obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentation is to be submitted to the building principal or district designee. REQUIRED PD SESSIONS Teachers and administrators are required to obtain sixty (60) hours of approved professional development annually over a five-year period as part oflicensure renewal requirements. At least six (6) of the sixty (60) annual hours shall be in the area of educational technology. Teachers are required to receive at least two hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies. Teachers who provide instruction in Arkansas history shall receive at least two (2) hours of professional development in Arkansas history as part of the sixty (60) hours required annually. Teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management and health and physical activity annually. Administrators are required to receive at least three hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies and the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parental participation. Each administrator's professional development is required to also include training in data disaggregation, instructional leadership, and fiscal management ADDIDONALPDOPPORTUNITIES Each hour of approved training received by certified personnel related to teaching an advance placement class for a subject covered by the College Board or Educational Testing Service, shall receive up to thirty (30) hours of credit which may be applied toward the sixty (60) hours of professional development required annually. Certified personnel may be entitled to up to twelve (12) hours of professional development for time spent planning and preparing curriculum or developing other instructional materials in their instructional classroom, office or media center prior to the first day of student/teacher interaction provided the time is spent in accordance with the state law and current ADE rules that deal with professional development. C-2 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 Certified personnel are eligible to receive fifteen (15) professional development hours for a college course 1hat meets the criteria identified in law and the applicable ADE rules. Upon ADE approval, the district shall determine if the hours earned apply toward the required sixty (60). A maximum of thirty (30) hours may be applied toward the sixty ( 60) hours of professional development required annually. PD DOCUMENTATION Employees who do not receive or furnish documentation of the required annual professional development jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employee to receive sixty (60) hours of professional development in any given year may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. APPROVED PD ACTMTIES AND AREAS Approved professional development activities may include conferences, workshops, institutes, individual learning, mentoring, peer coaching, study groups, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification, distance learning, internships, district/school programs, and approved college/university course work. Professional development activities should be consistent with the objectives developed by the National Staff Development Council Standards. Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content (K-12)
instructional strategies
systemic change process
standards, frameworks, and curriculum alignment
educational technology
principles of learning/developmental stages
cognitive research
and building a collaborative learning community. Nete!r.-1 The Rules Goerrnng Professional DeelOJ3men4t .02 require the district to ehoose the option it will follow and "doeument'' its ehoice. The documentation may be noted by the selection chosen for this policy aad also iH the district's ''plea" for professional deelopment required b~ A.C.A. 6 17 704(e)(l). Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy 5.4- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules Governing Professional Development A.CA. 6-15-404(f)(2) AC.A. 6-17-703 AC.A. 6-17-704 A.CA. 6-17-705 A.CA. 6-15-1004(c) AC.A. 6-15-1703 A.CA. 6-20-2303(14) Date Adopted: March 21, 2005 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-3 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 3.6-- CERTIFIED PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE TRAINING The district administrationa nd the buildingp rincipalh ave the authorityt o require attendancea t specific professionald evelopmenta ctivitiesi n conjunctionw ith state law and ADE Rules GoverningP rofessional Development. PD PLAN The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its certified employees.T he district'sp lan shall,i n part, align districtr esourcest o addresst he professionald evelopment activitiesi dentifiedi n each school's ACSIP.E ach pertifiede mployees hall receivea minimumo f sixty (6 0) hours of professional development annually which must be approved by the district and fulfilled between July 1 and June 30 or June 1 and May 31, to be determined annually. 1 Professional development hours earnedi n excesso f sixty (60) in the designatedy ear cannotb e carriedo ver to the next year. The goal of all professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hallb e improveds tudenta chievementa nd academicp erformancet hat results in individual, school-wide, and system-wide improvement designed to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency on the state criterion-referenced assessments. The district's professional developmentp lan shall demonstrates cientificallyr esearch-basedb est practice, and shall be based on studenta chievementd ata and in alignmentw ith the ADE Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopmenta nd current Arkansas code. Teachersa nd administrators hallb e involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professional development. The results of the evaluation made by the participants in each program shall be used to continuouslyi mprove the district's professionald evelopmento fferingsa nd to reviset he schooli mprovemenpt lan. PD FLEX Flexible professional development hours (flex hours) are those hours which an employee is allowed to substitute professional development activities, different than those offered by the district, but which still meet criteria of either the employee's Individual Improvement Plan or the school's ACSIP, or both. The districts hall determineo n an annualb asis how many, if any, flex hours of professionald evelopmenti t will allow to be substitutedf or districts cheduledp rofessionald evelopmento fferings.T he determinationm ay be made at an individualb uilding,a grade,o r by subjectb asis. Employeesm ust receivea dvancea pproval from the buildingp rincipalo r districtd esigneef or activitiest hey wish to have qualifyf or flex professional developmenth ours. To the fulleste xtentp ossible,p rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitiesa re to be scheduled and attendeds uch that teachersd o not miss their regulart eachinga ssignments.S ix (6 ) approvedf lex hours credited toward fulfilling the sixty (60) hour requirement shall equal one contract day. Hours of professionald evelopmente arned by an employee in excess of sixty (60) or not pre-approved~ byt he building principal shall not be credited toward fulfilling the required number of contract days for that employee. Hours earned that count toward the required sixty (60) also count toward the required number of contract days for that employee. PD MAKEUP Teachers and administrators who, for any reason, miss part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, must make up the required hours in comparable activitiesw hich are to be pre-approvedb y the buildingp rincipalo r districtd esignee. C-4 CURRENT BOARD POLICY PD CREDIT To receive credit for his/her professional development activity each employee is responsible for obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentation is to be submitted to the building principal or district designee. REQUIRED PD SESSIONS Teachers and administrators are required to obtain sixty (60) hours of approved professional development annually over a five-year period as part oflicensure renewal requirements. At least six (6) of the sixty (60) annual hours shall be in the area of educational technology. Teachers are required to receive at least two hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies. Teachers who provide instruction in Arkansas history shall receive at least two (2) hours of professional development in Arkansas history as part of the sixty (60) hours required annually. Teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management and health and physical activity annually. Administrators are required to receive at least three hours annually of their sixty ( 60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies and the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parental participation. Each administrator's professional development is required to also include training in data disaggregation, instructional leadership, and fiscal management. ADDITIONAL PD OPPORTUNITIES Each hour of approved training received by certified personnel related to teaching an advance placement class for a subject covered by the College Board or Educational Testing Service, shall receive up to thirty (30) hours of credit which may be applied toward the sixty (60) hours of professional development required annually. Certified personnel may be entitled to up to twelve (12) hours of professional development for time spent planning and preparing curriculum or developing other instructional materials in their instructional classroom, office or media center prior to the first day of student/teacher interaction provided the time is spent in accordance with the state law and current ADE rules that deal with professional development Certified personnel are eligible to receive fifteen (15) professional development hours for a college course that meets the criteria identified in law and the applicable ADE rules. Upon ADE approval, the district shall determine if the hours earned apply toward the required sixty (60). A maximum of thirty (30) hours may be applied toward the sixty (60) hours of professional development required annually. C-5 CURRENT BOARD POLICY PD DOCUMENTATION Employees who do not receive or furnish documentation of the required annual professional development - jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employee to receive sixty (60) hours of professional development in any given year may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. APPROVED PD ACTMTIES AND AREAS Approved professional development activities may include conferences, workshops, institutes, individual learning, mentoring, peer coaching, study groups, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification, distance learning, internships, district1/schoolp rograms, and approved college/university course work. Professional development activities should be consistent with the objectives developed by the National Staff Development Council Standards. Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content (K-12)
instructional strategies
systemic change process
standards, frameworks, and curriculum alignment
educational technology
principles of learning/developmental stages
cognitive research
and building a collaborative learning community. Notes: 1 The Rules Governing Professional Development 4.02 require the district to choose the option it will follow and "document'' its choice. The documentation may be noted by the selection chosen for this policy and also in the distrjct's ''plan" for professional development required by A.C.A. 6-17-704(c)(l). - Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy 5.4- STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules Governing Professional Development A.C.A. 6-15-404()(2) A.C.A. 6-17-703 A.CA. 6-17-704 A.C.A. 6-17-705 A.C.A. 6-15-1004(c) A.C.A. 6-15-1703 A.C.A. 6-20-2303(14) Date Adopted: March 21, 2005 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-6 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 3.6 CL- CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE TRAINING All employeess hall attenda ll districtp rofessionald evelopments essionsa s directedb y a supervisor. The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its classified employees. The district's plan shall, in part, align district resources to address the professional development activities identified in each school's ACSIP. Each classified employee shall participate in professional development annually designed by the district as it pertains to each department's needs. The professional development is to be fulfilled between July 1 and June 30 or June 1 and May 31, to be detennined ar.IR-Jal1l y. The district's plan shall be in alignment with the ADE Rules Governing Professional Development and current Arkansas code. Representativeso f each departments hall be involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professionald evelopmentT. he resultso f the evaluationm ade by the participantsi n each program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to revise the schooli mprovementp lan. Classifiede mployeesa re not eligiblef or flexiblep rofessionald evelopmenth ours (flex hours) The dis1rict administrationa nd the departmentd irectorsh ave the authorityt o requirea ttendancea t specificp rofessional development activities. If a classified employee, for any reason, misses part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, they must make up the required hours in comparable activities which are to be pre-approvedb y the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. To receive credit for his/herp rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitye ach employeei s responsiblef or obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentationi s to be submittedt o the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. The chief financiala nd informations erviceso fficer and the administratived irectoro f finance, audit, and purchasing are required to obtain 4 hours of professional development in fiscal management annually. Other classified employees who manage substantial budgets are required to obtain training in fiscal management as well with the exception of a time requirement. All classified employees inclusive of substitute teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management annually. Employeesw ho do not receive or furnishd ocumentationo f the requireda nnualp rofessionald evelopment jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employeet o attendr equiredp rofessionald evelopmenti n any given year shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. C-7 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 Approved professional development activities may include conferences, workshops, institutes, individual learning,m entoring,p eer coaching,s tudy groups,d istancel earning,i nternships,d istrict/schoopl rograms, and approved college/universityco urse work Professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hould be consistent with the objectivesd evelopedb y the NationalS taffD evelopmenCt ouncilS tandards. Professional development activities shall relate to' the following areas: content
systemic change process
educational technology
principles of learning/developmentaslt ages
c ognitiver esearch
a nd buildinga collaborativele arningc ommunity. Netw.-1- The Rules GoverningP ffifessionaDl eo
elopmen4t .02 require the districtt o choose the option it will followa nd "doeument''i ts ehoiee.T he doeumootatiOmB ay be noted by the selectione hosen fur this policy and also in the district's ''plan" for professionald e,,,elopmenrte quiredb y AC.A. 6 17 704(e)(l). Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy5 .4- ProfessionaDl evelopment ArkansasS tateB oard ofEducation:S tandardso f Accreditation1 5.04 ADE RulesG overningP rofessionaDl evelopment Date Adopted: December 15, 2005 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-8 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 3.6 CL- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All employeess hall attenda ll districtp rofessionald evelopments essionsa s directedb y a supervisor. The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its classified employees. The district's plan shall, in part, align district resources to address the professional development activities identified in each school's ACSIP. Each classified employee shall participate in professional development annually designed by the district as it pertains to each department's needs. The professional development is to be fulfilled between July 1 and June 30 or June 1 and May 31, to be determined annually: The district's plan shall be in alignment with the ADE Rules Governing Professional Development and current Arkansas code. Representativeso f each departments hall be involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professionald evelopment.T he results of the evaluationm ade by the participantsi n each program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to reviset he schooli mprovemenpt lan. Classified employees are not eligible for flexible professional development hours (flex hours) The district administrationa nd the departmentd irectorsh ave the authorityt o requirea ttendancea t specificp rofessional development activities. If a classified employee, for any reason, misses part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, they must make up the required hours in comparable activities which are to be pre-approvedb y the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. To receive credit for his/her professional development activity each employee is responsible for obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentationi s to be submittedt o the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. The chief financiala nd informations erviceso fficer and the administratived irector of finance, audit, and purchasing are required to obtain 4 hours of professional development in fiscal management annually. Other classified employees who manage substantial budgets are required to obtain training in fiscal management as well with the exception of a time requirement. All classified employees inclusive of substitute teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management annually. Employeesw ho do not receive or furnish documentationo f the requireda nnual professionald evelopment jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employee to attend required professional development in any given year shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Approved professionald evelopmenta ctivitiesm ay include conferences,w orkshops,i nstitutes,i ndividual learning,m entoring,p eer coaching,s tudy groups, distancel earning,i nternships,d istrict/schoolp rograms, and approved college/universityc ourse work. Professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hould be consistent with the objectives developed by the National Staff Development Council Standards. C-9 CURRENT BOARD POLICY Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content
systemic change process
e ducational technology
principles of W learning,'developmentsatla ges
c ognitiver esearch
a nd buildinga collaborativel earningc ommunity. Notes: 1 The Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopment4 .02 require the district to choose the option it will follow and "document''i ts choice.T he documentationm ay be noted by the selectionc hosen for this policy and also in the district's' 'plan" for professionald evelopmentr equiredb y A.CA. 6-17-704(cX1). Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy 5.4--STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopment Date Adopted: December 15, 2005 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-10 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 3.6 CL- CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE TRAJNING All employeess hall attenda ll districtp rofessionald evelopments essionsa s directedb y a supervisor. The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its classified employees.T he district'sp lan shall,i n part, align districtr esourcest o addresst he professionald evelopment activities identified in each school's ACSIP. Each classified employee shall participate in professional development annually designed by the district as it pertains to each department's needs. The professional development is to be fulfilled between July 1 and June 30 or June 1 and May 31, to be determined annually.1 The district's plan shall be in alignment with the ADE Rules Governing Professional Development and current Arkansas code. Representativeso f each departments hall be involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professionald evelopmentT he resultso f the evaluationm ade by the participantsi n each program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to reviset he schooli mprovemenpt lan. Classifiede mployeesa re not eligiblef or flexiblep rofessionald evelopmenth ours (flex hours) The district administrationa nd the departmentd irectorsh ave the authorityt o requirea ttendancea t specificp rofessional development activities. If a classified employee, for any reason, misses part or all of any scheduled professional development activityt hey were requiredt o attend,t hey must make up the requiredh ours in comparablea ctivitiesw hich are to be pre-approvedb y the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. To receivec redit for his/herp rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitye ach employeei s responsiblef or obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Docwnentationi s to be submittedt o the departmentd irectoro r districtd esignee. The chief :financiaal nd informations erviceso fficera nd the administratived irectoro f finance,a udit, and purchasing are required to obtain 4 hours of professional development in fiscal management annually. Other classified employees who manage substantial budgets are required to obtain training in fiscal management as well with the exception of a time requirement All classified employees inclusive of substitute teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management annually. Employeesw ho do not receiveo r furnishd ocumentationo f the requireda nnualp rofessionald evelopment jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employeet o attend requiredp rofessionald evelopmenti n any given year shall be groundsf or disciplinary action up to and including termination. Approvedp rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitiesm ay include conferences,w orkshops,i nstitutes,i ndividual learning,m entoring,p eer coaching,s tudy groups,d istancel earning,i nternshipsd, istrict/schoopl rograms, and approvedc ollege/universityco urse work. Professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hould be consistent with the objectivesd evelopedb y the NationalS taffD evelopmentC ouncilS tandards. C-9 CURRENT BOARD POLICY Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content
A systemic change process
educational technology
principles of W learning/developmental stages
cognitive research
and building a collaborative learning community. Notes: 1 The Rules Governing Professional Development 4.02 require the district to choose the option it will follow and "document'' its choice. The documentation may be noted by the selection chosen for this policy and also in the district's "plan" for professional development required by A.CA. 6-l 7-704(c)(l). Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy 5.4-- STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules Governing Professional Development Date Adopted: December 15, 2005 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-10 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 5.4-- PROFESSIONALD EVELOPMENT The district administrationa nd the buildingp rincipalh ave the authorityt o require attendance at specific professionald evelopmenta ctivitiesi n conjunctionw ith state law and ADE Rules GoverningP rofessional Development. PD PLAN The District shall develop and implement a plan for the professional development of its certified employees.T he district'sp lan shall,i n part, align districtr esourcest o addresst he professionald evelopment activitiesi dentifiedi n each school's ACSIP.E ach certifiede mployees hall receivea minimumo f sixty (60) hours of professionald evelopmenta nnuallyw hich must be approvedb r the district and :fulfilledb etween My 1 aad June 30 or June 1 and May 31, to be determined annually. Professional development hours earned in excesso f sixty (60) in the designatedy ear cannotb e carried over to the next year. The goal of all professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hallb e improveds tudenta chievementa nd academicp erformancet hat results in individual, school-wide, and system-wide improvement designed to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency on the state criterion-referenced assessments. The district's professional developmentp lan shall demonstrates cientificallyr esearch-basedb est practice, and shall be based on studenta chievementd ata and in alignmentw ith the ADE Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopmenta nd current Arkansas code. Teachersa nd administratorss hall be involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professional development. The results of the evaluation made by the participants in each program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to revise the schooli mprovemenpt lan. PD FLEX Flexible professional development hours (flex hours) are those hours which an employee is allowed to substitute professional development activities, different than those offered by the district, but which still meet criteria of either the employee's Individual Improvement Plan or the school's ACSIP, or both. The districts hall determineo n an annualb asis how many, if any, flex hours of professionald evelopmenti t will allow to be substituted for district scheduled professional development offerings. The determination may be made at an individual building, a grade, or by subject basis. Employees most receive advance approval from the buildingp rincipalo r districtd esigneef or activitiest hey wish to have qualifyf or flex professional development hours. To the fullest extent possible, professional development activities are to be scheduled and attendeds uch that teachersd o not miss their regulart eachinga ssignments.S ix (6 ) approvedf lex hours credited toward fulfilling the sixty (60) hour requirement shall equal one contract day. Hours of professional development earned by an employee in excess of sixty (60) or not pre-approved by the building principal shall not be credited toward fulfilling the required number of contract days for that employee. Hours earned that count toward the required sixty (60) also count toward the required number of contract days for that employee. C-11 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 PD MAKEUP Teachers and administrators who, for any reason, miss part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, must make up the required hours in comparable activities which are to be pre-approved by the building principal or district designee. PD CREDIT To receive credit for his/her professional development activity each employee is responsible for obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentation is to be submitted to the building principal or district designee. REQUIRED PD SESSIONS Teachers and administrators are required to obtain sixty (60) hours of approved professional development annually over a five-year period as part oflicensure renewal requirements. At least six (6) of the sixty (60) annual hours shall be in the area of educational technology. Teachers are required to receive at least two hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies. Teachers who provide instruction in Arkansas history shall receive at least two (2) hours of professional A development in Arkansas history as part of the sixty ( 60) hours required annually. W Teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management and health and physical activity annually. ' Administrators are required to receive at least three hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies and the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parental participation. Each administrator's professional development is required to also include training in data disaggregation, instructional leadership, and fiscal management. ADDIDONAL PD OPPORTUNITIES Each hour of approved training received by certified personnel related to teaching an advance placement class for a subject covered by the College Board or Educational Testing Service, shall receive up to thirty (30) hours of credit which may be applied toward the sixty (60) hours of professional development required annually. Certified personnel may be entitled to up to twelve (12) hours of professional development for time spent planning and preparing curriculum or developing other instructional materials in their instructional classroom, office or media center prior to the first day of student/teacher interaction provided the time is spent in accordance with the state law and current ADE rules that deal with professional development. C-12 . . . PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 Certified personnel are eligible to receive fifteen (15) professional development hours for a college course that meets the criteria identified in law and the applicable ADE rules. Upon ADE approval, the district shall determine if the hours earned apply toward the required sixty (60). A maximum of thirty (30) hours may be applied toward the sixty ( 60) hours of professional development required annually. PD DOCUMENTATION Employees who do not receive or furnish documentation of the required annual professional development jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employee to receive sixty (60) hours of professional development in any given year may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. APPROVED PD ACTMTIES AND AREAS Approved professional development activities may include conferences, workshops, institutes, individual learning, mentoring, peer coaching, study groups, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification, distance learning, internships, district/school programs, and approved college/university course work Professional development activities should be consistent with the objectives developed by the National Staff Development Council Standards. Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content (K-12)
instructional strategies
systemic change process
standards, frameworks, and curriculum alignment
educational technology
principles of learning/developmental stages
cognitive research
and building a collaborative learning community. Nete&.--T-1h e Rules Govemmg Professional Development 4.02 reqtJiret he distriet to ehoose the option it will follow and "doeument'' its ehoiee. The doeU1Hentatiomn ay be noted by the selection ehosen for this policy and also in the district's ''plan" for pFOfessiona:d1e velopment required by A.C.A. 6 17 704(e)(l). Cross-Reference: Policy 3.6 - CERTIFIED PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE TRAINING Policy 3.6 - CL CLASSISIFED PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE TRAINING Legal References: Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules Governing Professional Development A.CA. 6-15-404(f)(2) A.CA 6-17-703 A.CA 6-17-704 A.CA 6-17-705 A.CA 6-15-1004(c) A.CA 6-15-1703 A.CA 6-20-2303(14) Date Adopted: June 26, 1986 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-13 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 5.4-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The district administrationa nd the buildingp rincipalh ave the authorityt o require attendancea t specific professionald evelopmenta ctivitiesi n conjunctionw ith state law and ADE Rules GoverningP rofessional Development PD PLAN The District shall develop and implement a plan, for the professional development of its certified employees.T he district'sp lan shall,i n part, alignd istrictr esourcest o addresst he professionald evelopment activitiesi dentifiedi n each school's ACSIP.E ach certifiede mployees hall receivea minimumo f sixty (60) hours of professional development annually which must be approved by the district and fulfilled between July I and June 30 or June I and May 31, to be determined annually.1 Professional development hours earnedi n excesso f sixty (60) in the designatedy ear cannotb e carriedo ver to the next year. The goal of all professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess hall be improveds tudenta chievementa nd academicp erformancet hat results in individual, school-wide, and system-wide improvement designed to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency on the state criterion-referenceda ssessments. The district's professional development plan shall demonstrates cientificallyr esearch-basedb est practice, and shall be based on studenta chievementd ata and in alignmentw ith the ADE Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopmenta nd current Arkansas code. Teachersa nd administrators hall be involvedi n the design,i mplementationa, nd evaluationo f the plan for their own professional development. The results of the evaluation made by the participants in each A program shall be used to continuously improve the district's professional development offerings and to W revise the schooli mprovemenpt lan. PD FLEX Flexible professional development hours (flex hours) are those hours which an employee is allowed to substitute professional development activities, different than those offered by the district, but which still meet criteria of either the employee's Individual Improvement Plan or the school's ACSIP, or both. The districts hall determineo n an annualb asis how many,i f any, flex hours of professionald evelopmenti t will allow to be substitutedf or districts cheduledp rofessionald evelopmento fferings.T he determinationm ay be made at an individualb uilding,a grade,o r by subjectb asis. Employeesm ust receivea dvancea pproval from the building principal or district designee for activities they wish to have qualified for flex professionald evelopmenth ours. To the fulleste xtent possible,p rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitiesa re to be scheduled and attended such that teachers do not miss their regular teaching assignments. Six (6) approvedf lex hours creditedt owardf ulfillingt he sixty (60) hour requirements hall equal one contractd ay. Hours of professionald evelopmente arnedb y an employeei n excess of sixty (6 0) or not pre-approvedb y the building principal shall not be credited toward fulfilling the required number of contract days for that employee. Hours earned that count toward the required sixty (60) also count toward the required number of contract days for that employee. C-14 CURRENT BOARD POLICY POMA.KEUP Teachers and administrators who, for any reason, miss part or all of any scheduled professional development activity they were required to attend, must make up the required hours in comparable activities which are to be pre-approved by the building principal or district designee. PD CREDIT To receive credit for his/her professional development activity each employee is responsible for obtaining and submitting documents of attendance for each professional development activity he/she attends. Documentation is to be submitted to the building principal or district designee. REQUIRED PD SESSIONS Teachers and administrators are required to obtain sixty (60) hours of approved professional development annually over a five-year period as part oflicensure renewal requirements. At least six (6) of the sixty (60) annual hours shall be in the area of educational technology. Teachers are required to receive at least two hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies. Teachers who provide instruction in Arkansas history shall receive at least two (2) hours of professional development in Arkansas history as part of the sixty ( 60) hours required annually. Teachers are to obtain professional development in classroom management and health and physical activity annually. Administrators are required to receive at least three hours annually of their sixty (60) required hours of professional development designed to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies and the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parental participation. Each administrator's professional development is required to also include training in data disaggregation, instructional leadership, and fiscal management ADDIDONAL PD OPPORTUNITIES Each hour of approved training received by certified personnel related to teaching an advance placement class for a subject covered by the College Board or Educational Testing Service, shall receive up to thirty (30) hours of credit which may be applied toward the sixty (60) hours of professional-development required annually. Certified personnel may be entitled to up to twelve (12) hours of professional development for time spent planning and preparing curriculum or developing other instructional materials in their instructional classroom, office or media center prior to the first day of student/teacher interaction provided the time is spent in accordance with the state law and current ADE rules that deal with professional development. C-15 CURRENT BOARD POLICY Certifiedp ersonnela re eligiblet o receivef ifteen( 15) professionald evelopmenth ours for a collegec ourse that meets the criteria identified in law and the applicable ADE rules. Upon ADE approval, the district - shall detennine if the hours earned apply toward the required sixty (60). A maxirrnnn of thirty (30) hours may be appliedt owardt he sixty( 6 0) hourso f professionald evelopmentr equireda nnually. PD DOCUMENTATION Employeesw ho do not receiveo r furnishd ocmnentationo f the requireda nnualp rofessionald evelopment jeopardize the accreditation of their school and academic achievement of their students. Failure of an employeet o receive sixty (60) hours of professionald evelopmenti n any given year may be groundsf or disciplinarya ctionu p to and includingt ermination. ' APPROVED PD ACTMTIES AND AREAS Approvedp rofessionald evelopmenta ctivitiesm ay include conferences,w orkshops,i nstitutes,i ndividual learning, mentoring, peer coaching, study groups, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification, distance learning, internships, district/school programs, and approved college/university coursew ork. Professionald evelopmenta ctivitiess houldb e consistentw ith the objectivesd evelopedb y the NationalS taffD evelopmentC ouncilS tandards. Professional development activities shall relate to the following areas: content (K-12)
instructional strategies
s ystemic change process
standards, frameworks, and curriculmn alignment
educational technology
principles of learning/developmentaslt ages
c ognitiver esearch
a nd buildinga collaborativele arningc ommunity. Notes: 1 The Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopment4 .02 requiret he districtt o choose the option it A will follow and "docmnent''i ts choice.T he docmnentationm ay be noted by the selectionc hosen for this policy and also in the district's" plan" for professionald evelopmentr equiredb y A.CA 6-l 7-704(c)(l ). Cross-Reference: Legal References: Policy3 .6---CERTIFIEDP ERSONNELE MPLOYEET RAINING Arkansas State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 15.04 ADE Rules GoverningP rofessionalD evelopment A.CA 6-15-404(f)(2) A.CA. 6-17-703 A.CA. 6-17-704 A.CA. 6-17-705 A.CA. 6-15-1004(c) A.CA. 6-15-1703 A.CA. 6-20-2303(14) Date Adopted: June 26, 1986 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-16 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY . ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 5.15--GRADING Parents or guardians shall be kept informed concerning the progress of their student Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and may be requested by parents, guardians, or teachers. If the progress of a student is unsatisfactory in a subject, the teacher shall attempt to schedule a parent-teacher conference. In the conference, the teacher shall explain the reasons for difficulties and shall develop, cooperatively with the parents, a plan for remediation which may enhance the probability of the student succeeding. The school shall also send timely progress reports midway of each quarter and issue grades for each nine-week grading period to keep parents/guardians informed of their student's progress. The evaluation of each student's performance on a regular basis serves to give the parents/guardians, students, and the school necessary information to help effect academic improvement Students' grades shall reflect only the extent to which a student has achieved the expressed educational objectives of the course. Students in grades Kl-6 will be graded each nine weeks. Students in grades 7-8 will receive four nine weeks grades and two semester averages. Students in grades 9-12 will receive four quarterly grades, semester exam grades, and two semester averages. For students in grades 9-12, the two quarterly grades shall equal 80% of the semester average, and the semester test shall equal 20% of the semester average. Semester test must be taken before credit in a course is awarded. The grading scale for all schools in the district shall be as follows. A=l00-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F = 59 and below For the purpose of determining grade point averages, the numeric value of each letter grade shall be A=4points B= 3 points C=2 points D= 1 point F=0 points Grade point average is computed for each student at the secondary level based on all letter grades the student has received for each semester's work using the above four point scale carried to two decimal places. A semester grade point average is computed on the grades from the two nine weeks' grading periods and the semester test grade. C-17 PROPOSED REVISED BOARD POLICY ADDITIONS UNDERLINEDDELETIONS STRIKETHROUGHS 1-18-07 The grade point values for AP and approved honor courses shall be one point greater than for regular courses with the exception that an F shall still be worth O points. A checklistw ill be used in kindergartena t the end of each nine weeks. An I (introducing)D, (develwing), P (proficient),o r N (needs improvement}w ill be given'i n kindergarteni n the areas of reading, writing, socials kills/workh abits,s ocials tudies,s cience/healthm. ath. art, physicale ducation,a nd music. An S (satisfactory) or N (needs improvement) is given in grades 1-5 for handwriting, art, music, and physical education. Legal References: Date Adopted: Last Revised: AC.A. 6-15-902 StateB oard of Education:S tandardso f Accreditation1 2.02 Arkansas Department of Education Rules and Regulations Governing Uniform Grading Scales for Public Secondary Schools February 27, 1996 November 16, 2006 C-18 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 5.15-GRADING Parents or guardians shall be kept informed concerning the progress of their student Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and may be requested by parents, guardians, or teachers. If the progress of a student is unsatisfactoryin a subject,t he teachers hall attemptt o schedulea parent-teacherc onference.I n the conference,t he teachers hall explaint he reasons for difficultiesa nd shall develop,c ooperativelyw ith the parents, a plan for remediation which may enhance the probability of the student succeeding. The school shall also send timely progress reports midway of each quarter and issue grades for each nine-week gradingp eriodt o keep parents/guardianisn formedo f their student'sp rogress. The evaluation of each student's performance on a regular basis serves to give the parents/guardians, students, and the school necessary information to help effect academic improvement. Students' grades shall reflect only the extent to which a student has achieved the expressed educational objectives of the course. Students in grades K-6 will be graded each nine weeks. Students in grades 7-8 will receive four nine weeks grades and two semester averages. Students in grades 9-12 will receive four quarterly grades, semester exam grades, and two semester averages. For students in grades 9-12, the two quarterly grades shall equal 80% of the semester average, and the semester test shall equal 20% of the semester average. Semester test must be taken before credit in a course is awarded. The grading scale for all schools in the district shall be as follows. A=l00-90 B= 89-80 C=79-70 D= 69-60 F = 59 and below For the purposeo f determiningg radep ointa verages,t he numericv alueo f each letterg rade shall be A=4points B = 3 points C=2 points D= 1 point F= 0 points Grade point average is computed for each student at the secondary level based on all letter grades the student has received for each semester's work using the above four point scale carried to two decimal places. A semester-grade point average is computed on the grades from the two nine weeks' grading periods and the semester test grade. C-19 CURRENT BOARD POLICY The grade point values for AP and approved honor courses shall be one point greater than for regular A courses with the exception that an F shall still be worth O points. W Legal References: A.CA. 6-15-902 State Board of Education: Standards of Accreditation 12.02 Arkansas Department of Education Rules and Regulations Governing Unifonn Grading Scales for Public Secondary Schools Date Adopted: February27, 1996 Last Revised: November 16, 2006 C-20 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Ken Kirspel, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education SUBJECT: Recommendation ofK-5 Science/Health Adoption Date: January 11, 2007 The K-5 Elementary Science Adoption Committee recommends the following for Science and Health for the beginning of the 2007-08 school year: Grades K-5 K-5 Title and/or Series Science - See learning in a whole new light Kids For Health Publisher Scott Foresman Kids For Health The committee's recommendation of the above materials was based on the following criteria: Framework alignment Direct, guided and full inquiries Efficient lab set ups Variety of writing prompts ESL components at the end of each lesson for all learners Literacy and math integrated with science Comprehensive assessments. D-1 -TO: FROM: NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT KEN KIRSPEL, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RHONDA DICKEY, ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF SECONDARY EDUCATION SUBJECT: SECONDARY SCIENCE/HEAL TH TEXTBOOK ADOPTION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 11, 2007 ' Recommendation for the Secondary Science/Health Adoption Committee 2006-2007 Name Subject School Joyce Lofton Physical Science East Cynthia Kirby Biology (Chair) East Karen White Parent East David Wallace Health (Chair) East Rebecca Priester Chemistry West Steve Boutwell Zoology West AbbraBest Anatomy & Physiology West Glen Amis Physics (Chair) West Gwen Wiggins Principles of Technology West Janet Garrison Special Education West Stacy Cochran Biology/Environ. Science Argenta John Talley Physical Science Argenta Cathy Alexander Science Poplar Street MaryBalest Health Poplar Street Sharla Smith Parent Poplar Street Amber Gereaux Science (Chair) Lakewood Cassandra Peck Science (Chair) Ridgeroad Brock Moore Health Ridgeroad Jennifer Conner Science (Chair) Rose City Rellia Dillinger Special Education Administration Paulette Blevins Instr. Science Specialist Administration Rhonda Dickey Admin. Dir. of Sec. Ed. Administration Angela Olsen Assistant Superintendent Administration Curriculum & Instruction E-1 Class North Little Rock School District 2700 Poplar Street P.O. Box 687 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115-0687 501.771.8000 MEMO TO: Ken Kirspel, Superintendent FROM: Jerry Massey, Director of Plant Services SUBJECT: Crestwood Elementary Bid Recommendation DATE: January 10, 2007 Attached is the bid tabulation. The lowest responsive bid has yet to be determined. A recommendation will be made at the Board Meeting on January 18, 2007. Below is a budget summary of the Construction Funds based on the Flynco bid which is the most expensive recommendat,ion expected. Construction funds Available June 27, 2006 Transitional Projects District Share (Roofing) Crestwood Addition Bid $2,862,000.00 Fees $ 243,270.00 District $ 60,000.00 State Facilities Contribution Lakewood Middle Addition Estimated State Facilities Contribution Balance $7,415,000.00 - $3,149,503.54 - $3,165,270.00 + $ 792,084.00 - $2,157,565.00 + 597,730.00 $ 332,475.46 "World Class Schools for World Class Students" An Equal Opportunity Employer F-1 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BID SUMMARY MEDIA CENTER AND CLASSROOM ADDITION CRESTWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Bell Construction Flynco, Inc. G.A.G. Builders Hydco, Inc. J and D Construction CBM Construction CWR Construction DAYCO F-2 $2,950,484.00 $2,862,000.00 $2,940,000.00 $3,139,960.00 $3,067,000.00 $2,863,000.00 $2,898,000.00 $2,447,000.00 I North Llttle Rock School District Local Revenue Current Taxes Pullback Delinquent Taxes Excess Commissions Land Redemption Penalties & Interest on Taxes Tuition-Summer School/Day Care Interest on Investments Soft Drink Sales Misc Rev From Local Total Local Revenue Revenue From Intermediate Source !Severance Tax Revenue from State Sources-Unrestricted State Equalization Aid Student Growth Funding 0th Unrestr Grants-in-Aid Revenue from State Sources-Restricted ReQular Education Special Education Early Childhood M-to-M Non-Instr Pgms Misc State .. tal Revenu e State TOTAL REVE Building Fun Capital Outla Food Service Federal TOTAL REVE NUE OPERATIONS d y s NUE DECEMBER2 006 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual YT-OActual $12,510,000.00 $7,203,785.40 $10,977,197.18 $6,250,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,471,000.00 $230,692.00 $978,717.05 $310,000.00 .. $0.00 $0.00 $185,000.00 $17,489.63 $104,262.72 $62,000.00 $13,059.98 $27,928.84 $105,000.00 $3,063.53 $22,700.67 $900,000.00 $91,471.76 $551,332.82 $79,000.00 $0.00 $22,767.51 $84,460.00 $8,044.55 $93,506.11 $21,956,460.00 $7,567,606.85 $12,778,412.90 $10,100.00! $0.00! $4,806.57! $35,477,276.00 $3,225,207.00 $16,126,034.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,100.00 $534,639.00 $0.00 $458,020.51 $4,903,623.00 $236,247.00 $1,372,686.00 $2,213,250.00 $0.00 $1,146,732.49 $6,980,000.00 $0.00 $2,315,724.81 $381,715.00 $13,323.80 $202,530.80 $52,500.00 $9,785.00 $55,991.22 $50,545,003.00 $3,484,562.80 $21,679,819.83 $72,511,563.00 $11,052,169.65 $34,463,039.30 $233,000.00 $28,548.49 $204,045.31 $1,550,000.00 $567,414.13 $912,499.24 $3,669,000.00 $323,813.38 $1,479,361.09 $7,181,864.00 $342,804.85 $1,305,334.53 $85,145,427.00 $12,314,750.50 $38,364,279.47 0-1 %YTD Budget Balance Actual/Bud $1,532,802.82 87.75% $6,250,000.00 0.00% $492,282.95 66.53% $310,000.00 0.00% $80,737.28 56.36% $34,071.16 45.05% $82,299.33 21.62% $348,667.18 61.26% $56,232.49 28.82% -$9,046.11 110.71% $9,178,047.10 58.20% $5,293.43! 47.59%! $19,351,242.00 45.45% $0.00 -$100.00 105.00% $76,618.49 85.67% $3,530,937.00 27.99% $1,066,517.51 51.81% $4,664,275.19 33.18% $179,184.20 53.06% -$3,491.22 106.65% $28,865, 183.17 42.89% $38,048,523.70 47.53% $28,954.69 87.57o/e $637,500.76 58.87% $2,189,638.91 40.32/o $5,876,529.47 18.18% $46,781,147.53 45.06% Expenditure Category CERTIFIED SALARIES CERTIFIED BENEFITS CLASSIFIED SALARIES CLASSIFIED BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS Purchased-Prof fr ech Services Purchased Prooerty Services Other Purchased Services Supplies and Materials Property Other Objects Debt Service Total Other Expenditures OPERATING FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND BUILDING FUND FEDERAL FUND FOOD SERVICE FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES North Llttle Rock School District DECEMBER20 06 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $37,526,650.00 . $3,716,755.25 $14,886,428.60 $9,846,135.00 768,346.10 $3,104,411.61 $9,779,440.00 $1,279,505.59 $4,987,489.90 $3,975,887.00 $340,739.86 $1,455,859.42 $61,128,112.00 $6,105,346.80 $24,434,189.53 $1,421,058.00 $52,222.82 $337,383.35 $980,780.60 $49,526.94 $405,069.49 $2,600,000.00 $708,134.66 $1,292,845.13 $4,250,000.00 $314,932.33 $2,150,607.01 $2,208,614.00 $5,175.06 $2,024,320.23 $700,000.00 $5,940.50 $736,524.47 $1,110,370.00 $0.00 $218.32 $13,270,822.60 $1,135,932.31 $6,946,968.00 $74,398,934.60 $7,241,279.11 $31,381,157.53 $1,791,824.00 $46,143.31 $694,557.23 $5,530,900.00 $519,880.63 $3,257,190.87 $7,751,725.93 $694,503.65 $2,496,056.37 $3,212,423.00 $413,974.20 $1,685,165.76 $92,685,807.53 $8,915,780.90 $39,514,127.76 0-2 %Yid Budget Balance ActuaL'Bud $22,640,221.40 39.67% $6,741,723.39 50.65% $4,791,950.10 14.89% $2,520,027.58 36.62% $36,693,922.47 39.97o/, $1,083,674.65 23.74% $575,711.11 41.30% $1,307,154.87 49.72% $2,099,392.99 50.60% $184,293.77 91.66% -$36,524.47 105.22% $1,110,151.68 0.02% $6,323,854.60 52.35% $43,017,777.07 42.18% $1,097,266.77 38.76o/, $2,273,709.13 58.89% $5,255,669.56 32.20% $1,527,257.24 52.46% $53,171,679.77 42.63% Function Category 11 XX ReQular ProQrams-Elem/Sec 12XX Special Education 13XX Workforce Education 15XX Compensatory Education 19XX Other Instructional 21XX Suooort Services-Students 22XX Suport Services-Instruction 23XX Suooort Services-Administration 24XX Suooort Services-Sch Admin 25XX Suooort Services-Business 26XX M & 0 Plant Services 27XX Pupil Transportation 28XX Suooort Services-Central 29XX Other Suooort Services 31XX Food Services 33XX Community Service Operations 34XX Other Non-Instr Services 43XX Site Improvement Services 5XX Ed Spec Dev Services 6XX BldQ Aca/Constr Services 47XX Building Improvements 51XX LEA Indebtedness 53XX Payment to other LEA 55XX Indirect CosUAdmin Chan:1es GRAND TOTAL North Llttle Rock School District FUNCTION DECEMBER 2006 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $28,584,257.10 $2,563,843.17 $10,914,309.88 $9,561,331.69 $857,901.90 $3,189,824.47 $1,564,621.37 $162,959.27 $631,053.94 $4,340,644.20 $456,909.70 $1,301,857.80 $3,826,038.74 $357,150.51 $1,492,520.78 $6,055,139.19 $601,474.29 $2,499,096.44 $5,365,715.06 $449,204.37 $2,097,916.42 $1,210,728.13 $91,052.28 $443, 151.96 $4,039,640.57 $408,056.34 $1,914,914.70 $1,428,158.93 $100,494.49 $679,211.48 $6,524,519.03 $607,995.53 $3,141,368.45 $3,547,667.77 $453,732.71 $1,891,532.52 $945,077.33 $96,461.10 $519,437.85 $436,103.89 $65,034.79 $211,163.17 $3,997,597.66 $488,053.62 $1,955,129.38 $47,274.41 $2,576.81 $11,729.56 $123,406.25 $13,259.34 $63,388.26 $938,867.80 $0.00 $490,381.42 $470.21 $0.00 $0.00 $12,225.33 $9,405.41 $9,405.41 $6,402,208.35 $525,609.64 $4,779,077.85 $1,923,825.10 $1,345.25 $674,395.64 $1,692,738.14 $603,260.38 $603,260.38 $117,551.26 $0.00 $0.00 $92,685,807.53 $8,915,780.90 $39,514,127.76 0-3 % Ytd Budget Balance ActuaUBud $17,669,947.22 38.18% $6,371,507.22 33.36% $933,567.43 40.33% $3,038,786.40 29.99% $2,333,517.96 39.01% $3,556,042.75 41.27% $3,267,798.64 39.10% $767,576.17 36.60% $2,124,725.87 47.40% $748,947.45 47.56% $3,383, 150.58 48.15% $1,656,135.25 53.32% $425,639.48 54.96% $224,940.72 48.42% $2,042,468.28 48.91% $35,544.85 24.81% $60,017.99 51.37% $448,486.38 52.23% $470.21 0.00% $2,819.92 76.93% $1,623,130.50 74.65% $1,249,429.46 35.05% $1,089,477.76 35.64% $117,551.26 0.00% $53,171,679.77 42.63% North Uttle Rock school District SOURCEO F FUNDS DECEMBER2 006 Current Month %Ytd Source of Funds Category Budget Actual Y-T -0 Actual Budget Balance Actual/Bud 000 Non-cateaorical $67,861,196.61 $6,935,038.27 $28,764,946.93 $39,096,249.68 42.39% 213 Intensive School Improvement $1,128.49 $609.90 $609.90 $518.59 54.05% 223 Prof Development Act 59 $419,005.01 $9,434.87 $114,102.56 $304,902.45 27.23% 225 Technoloov Grant $1,626.91 $0.00 $0.00 $1,626.91 0.00% 227 CPEP $78,552.45 $0.00 $9,800.54 $68,751.91 12.48% 245 Pathwise Mentoring $85,953.48 $34,886.77 $36,934.87 $49,018.61 42.97% 250 Act 591 Residential $48,901.32 $0.00 $0.00 $48,901.32 0.00% 260 Early Childhood Sp Ed $982,979.62 $82,925.51 $360,125.71 $622,853.91 36.64% 271 GIT Advance Placement $4,523.03 $0.00 $0.00 $4,523.03 0.00% 275 Alternative LeaminQ Environment $1,283,801.76 $111,313.32 $450,272.88 $833,528.88 35.07% 276 English Lang Learners $36,309.23 $517.
21 $12,808.61 $23,500.62 35.28% 281 NSLA $2,303,528.84 $233,368.00 $874,898.15 $1,428,630.69 37.98% 365 ABC Preschool $2,409,866.65 $205,459.72 $763,922.77 $1,645,943.88 31.70% 381 Smart Start Literacy $74,838.77 $7,198.39 $39,840.05 $34,998.72 53.23% 392 General Facility Funding $571,534.22 $74,063.14 $313,045.25 $258,488.97 54.77% 398 OHS Preschool Improvement $940.41 $0.00 $0.00 $940.41 0.00% 401 Academic Fae lmmed Repair $2,111,549.76 $2,687.94 $1,995,775.57 $115,774.19 94.52% 403 Academic Fae Transitional Pgm $4,878,659.39 $516,880.63 $3,150,489.84 $1,728,169.55 64.58% 404 Academic Fae Partnership Pgm $322,654.70 $3,000.00 $106,701.03 $215,953.67 33.07% 406 lmprv Lit Thru Libraries $4,123.22 $0.00 $4,358.47 -$235.25 105.71% 430 ROTC $119,009.84 $11,970.02 $54,437.77 $64,572.07 45.74% 441 Title IV-B 21st Century $193,747.24 $12,309.11 $68,387.66 $125,359.58 35.30% 467 Hurricane Relief-Homeless $0.00 $0.00 $40.22 -$40.22 501 Title 1-Reo Comp Ed $4,106,564.85 $378,750.97 $1,077,697.90 $3,028,866.95 26.24% 520 Title V-A Innovative Program $9,404.10 $0.00 $0.00 $9,404.10 0.00% 523 Title I Readino First $294,198.13 $16,686.65 $104,635.19 $189,562.94 35.57% 530 Homeless-Stewart McKinney $34,795.17 $534.60 $7,798.46 $26,996.71 22.41% 535 Title V-B Charter Schools $47,678.79 $3,852.66 $24,715.80 $22,962.99 51.84% 565 Teacher Quality Enhancement $67,652.16 $6,547.40 $25,314.67 $42,337.49 37.42% 570 Carf Perkins Vocational $202,278.45 $18,010.35 $26,859.39 $175,419.06 13.26% 702 Title VI-B PL 94-142 $1,798,865.29 $132,965.75 $520,855.28 $1,278,010.01 26.95% 710 Sp Ed Preschool Sec 619 $879,728.52 $77,590.03 $357,016.86 $522,711.66 40.56% 750 Medicaid $169,627.41 $7,656.57 $56,711.51 $112,915.90 33.43% 751 Medicaid Sp Ed Preschool $79,934.86 $5,278.84 $20,930.34 $59,004.52 26.18% 754 Javits - GIT Grant $9,404.10 $24.82 $9,526.00 -$121.90 101.30% 756 Title II-A Improve Teaching $889,854.57 $13,982.20 $96,790.65 $793,063.92 10.88% 761 Title Ill Eno Lang Acqui $17,658.08 $130.00 $3,305.00 $14,353.08 18.72% 781 Title IV-A Drug Ed $56,080.41 $5,255.46 $16,037.36 $40,043.05 28.60% 785 Comprehensive Sch Health $14,952.53 $0.00 $11,217.47 $3,735.06 75.02% 796 Workforce Investment Act $25,861.28 $2,958.22 $9,420.37 $16,440.91 36.43% 995 Soft Drink Acct $186,837.85 $3,893.58 $23,796.73 $163,041.12 12.74% GRAND TOTAL $92,685,807.53 $8,915,780.90 $39,514,127.76 $53,171,679.77 42.63/4 0-4 $80,000,000.00 $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 .$50,000,000.00 $40,000,000:00 $30,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $0.00 Budget El Expenses NLRSD Actual to Budget Comparison As of December, 2006 Operating Building Capital Outlay Federal Food Service $74,398,934.60 $5,530,900.00 $1,791,824.00 $7,751,725.93 $3,212,423.00 $31,381,157.53 $3,257,190.87 $694,557.23 $2,496,056.37 $1,685,165.76 Funds 0-5 Budget Ill Expenses Corinne Burkhardt Kelli Hogue Carolyn Rasner Griffin, Kyle Smedley, Telicia NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT North Little Rock, Arkansas Board Agenda - January 18, 2007 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS NLRHS- West Campus, Special Education Teacher, Effective 12/20/06 NLRHS -East Campus, Math Teacher, Effective 1/10/07 NLRHS - East Campus, Special Education Teacher, Effective 12/14/06 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL Tri-District Early Childhood Program, Speech Language Pathologist, Effective 12/15/06, Category IV, Step 18, 190 days Boone Park Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, Effective 1/16/07, Category I, Step 0, 190 days NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS NAME: Kyle Mark Griffin PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Tri-District Early Childhood Program, Speech Language Pathologist EDUCATION: B.A. - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little. Rock, AR 8/80 LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: M.S. - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR 5/84 Standard Five Year- Speech Language Pathology (#532) 12/31/07 RECOMMENDATION 21 years experience as a teacher / speech pathologist in Arkansas - Thelma Jasper, Tri-District Early Childhood Program Coordinator Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-1 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS (continued) NAME: Telicia Lynn Smedley PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Boone Park Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher EDUCATION: B.A. - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 12/06 LICENSURE: Initial Three Year, Early Childhood Education, P-4 STUDENT TEACHING: Boone Park Elementary, NLR, AR 10/06-12/06 Indian Hills Elementary. NLR, AR 01/05 - 05/05 RECOMMENDATION: Jody Edrington, Coordinator of Early Childhood Programs Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Belinda Brown Tonja Chestnut Kay Edwards Allegra Friels Cora Hair Sharee Jefferson De Wayne Johnson Shirley Lee Deatra Martin Cenita Mason Trinette McCuien Bobbie Moffett CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS NLRHS West Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 9-01-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 12-08-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective I 0-31-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective I 0-09-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8/18/06 Poplar Street Middle School - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 11-26-06 Ridgeroad Middle Charter School - Child Nutrition A~sistant Effective 12-12-06 Poplar Street Middle School - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 9-24-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8-18-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 12-20-06 NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8/18/06 NLRHS West Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8/18/06 P-2 Marnell Nelson Felicia Phillips Heather Phillips Contonia Russell Arlisha Smith Bruce Strong Vilesia Tatum Angela Thomas Kandis Thrower Sheila Arnold Jonda Eskridge Melissa Hadley Cenita Mason Sherri Pettit Vicktonya Reeves CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS - CONTINUED NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8-18-06 NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 12-01-06 Food Services department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 11-1 7-06 Pike View Elementary-Teacher's Aide/Pre-Kindergarten Effective O 1-03-07 Belwood Elementary - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8/22/06 North Heights Elementary - Lead Custodian Effective 12-15-06 Lynch Drive Elementary - Lunch Period Aide Effective O 1-03-07 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 10-18-06 Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 10-01-06 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES From NLRHS West Campus-Secretary To NLRHS West Campus-Office Secretary From Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant To NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant From NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant To Ridgeroad Middle Charter School - Child Nutrition Assistant From Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant To NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant From Administration - Adm. Dir. Finance/ Audit/Purchasing, Secretary To Administration - Asst. Supt. of Curriculum/Instruction, Secretary From Food Services Department -Child Nutrition Assistant To NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant P-3 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES - CONTINUED Diane Roberts From Pike View Elementary - Child Nutrition Assistant To Food Services Department-Child Nutrition Assistant Billie Stewart Erin Engelkes Renee Lynn Gray Mary Sydney Hess Ronda Jackson Tina King From Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant To Lynch Drive Elementary- Child Nutrition Assistant NEW CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Seventh Street Elementary - Early Morning Aide Effective 12-08-06, Category 260, Step 19, 178 days Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 01-04-07, Category 901, Step 21, 181 days Poplar Street Middle School - Secretary Effective 12-07-06, Category 230, Step 51,205 days Food Services Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 01-04-07, Category 902, Step 23, 181 days Lynch Drive Elementary-Lunch Period Aide Effective 12-14-06, Category 260, Step 19, 178 days Sherrell Layton Food Services Department-Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 12-20-06, Category 901, Step 18, 181 days Zera Shannen Mays ---- Tri-District Early Childhood - Office Secretary Effective 12-15-06, Category 225, Step 51, 252 days Ella Webster-Mason ---- Food Services Department- Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 12-11-06, Category 901, Step 18, 181 days Joy Ploszay Amboy Elementary - Early Morning Aide Effective O 1-05-07, Category 266, Step 26, 178 day\ Mary Watson Transportation Department - Bus Driver Effective 01-03-07, Category 507, Step 51, 190 days P-4 January 8, 2007 To: Barry Kincl Cc: Jerry Massey, Marsha Satterfield, Lee Tackett From: Amanda Coombe, North Little Rock High School Speech and Drama Teachers, and Cast/Crew Party Liasons RE: 2007 Cast and Crew Party for Peter Pan On behalf of the parent volunteers who are organizing the Peter Pan Cast and Crew party on Sunday, March 4, 2007 following the matinee performance, I respectfully request official access and appropriate supervision for decorating the cafeteria at East Campus as well as heat/air for the event. The following dates and times will be necessary: FRIDAY, MARCH 2- after the last lunch shift, from 3:30-6:30pm. We will decorate the ceiling first, so if the cafeteria workers stand the tables up to mop, they can leave them up for decorating. SATURDAY, MARCH 3- From 8:15am-5:30pm SUNDAY, MARCH 4- from 12:30pm until after the party and clean up, approximately 10:00pm. In addition, please DO NOT WAX THE FLOORS FRIDAY AFTERNOON. According to parents this delayed the opening of the cafeteria for parents in times past. We also request the use of rolling scaffolding and two tall ladders on Friday to work on ceilings and other decorations. It would also be helpful if we had a copy of the table set up. We will do our best to put tables back where they belong. It is an honor and a privilege to use this beautiful facility! This event is a large undertaking and we are thankful for your support. We also thank you for time and consideration of this request. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. Amanda Coombe School: 771-8127 Home: 772-6907 S-1 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO . . 00 0 A T & T 84.00 63030 A-ONE LAMINATION, INC. 150.36 62883 A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES 1,424.64 63170 A'TEST CONSULTANTSIN C 599.00 62908 A'TEST CONSULTANTSIN C 232.00 63416 AAA AUDIO METRICS/MEDICAL 55.00 62719 AAEA 241.32 63191 AASBO 60.00 63251 AASBO 115.00 63517 ABILITATIONS 555.23 62874 ACCESS SCHOOLS 3,125.00 62673 ACE GLASS COMPANY, INC. 536.44 62651 ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC 12,948.68 63492 ADRIAN CHILLIEST 60.00 63369 ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. 1,321.37 63008 AEA 1,213.68 63499 AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 2,277.00 62594 AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 60.00 62624 AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 2,277.00 63185 - AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 60.00 63239 AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 2,277.00 63512 AETNA LIFE & CASUALTY 1,622.14 62652 AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED 6,449.09 63139 AIR DISTRIBUTORS CO INC 3,327.54 63583 ALAN CROWNOVER 238.45 62946 ALARMCOIN CORPORATED 2,886.38 63403 ALARMTECS YSTEMS 295. 00 63015 ALEXANDRAPR ITCHETT 43.68 62969 ALICIA YARBROUGH 45.79 63155 ALIGN .00 62584 V ALIGN .00 62598 V ALIGN .00 62615 V ALIGN .00 62625 V ALIGN .00 62648 V ALIGN .00 62934 V ALIGN .00 i2938 V ALIGN .00 3175 V ALIGN .00 63189 V ALIGN .00 63209 V ALIGN .00 63230 V ALIGN .00 63241 V ALIGN .00 63245 V ALIGN .00 63250 V ALIGN .00 63449 V ALIGN .00 63452 V - ALIGN .00 63457 V ALIGN .00 63495 V ALIGN .00 63502 V T- 1 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. ALIGN .00 63516 V ALIGN .00 63678 V ALIGN .00 63693 V ALIGN .00 63697 V ALIGN .00 63702 V ALIGN .00 63721 V ALIGN .00 63726 V ALISHA HERRING 146.72 63147 ALL AMERICAN INC. 3,882.27 63253 ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 4,300.56 63252 ALLIED PRINTING AND SUPPLY CO. 414.20 62947 ALLIED THERAPY & CONSULTING 1,080.00 62882 ALLIED THERAPY & CONSULTING 825.00 63119 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #858 5,383.14 63046 AMANDAST UCKEY 181. 00 63136 AMANDAW ARE 23.17 63624 AMBER DAVIS GEREAUX 56.94 62970 AMERICA DIRECT INC 193.48 63368 AMERICANA SSOC OF TEACHERS 50.00 62917 AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO 2,291.50 62591 AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO 2,506.50 63182 AMERICANF UNDS SERVICE CO 2,431.50 63509 - AMERICANL EGACYP UBLISHING INC 260. 70 62966 AMERICANL IBRARYA SSOCIATION 330.00 62656 AMERICANM AT & SPECIALTY 587.78 63547 AMERICANS PEECH-LANGUAGE- 2,035.00 63102 AMERICANS PEECH-LANGUAGE- 3,945.00 63386 AMERICANS TAMP & MARKING 998.82 63360 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 11,720.00 62593 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 400.00 62623 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 11,720.00 63184 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 400.00 63238 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 10,645.00 63511 AMY VOLLMAN 86.58 62859 AMY WOODSMALL 639.60 63351 ANDREA HAIN 32.64 63151 ANDRIA SMITH 51. 91 63131 ANGELA HIBBS 12 .11 63473 ANGELA RAINEY 20.00 62821 ANITA CAMERON 281. 00 62657 ANITA CAMERON 49. 28 62941 ANTHONYC ANTRELL 20.00 62776 ANTHONYC ANTRELL 974.00 63425 ANTHONYC ANTRELL 20.00 63593 ANTHONYC ONNORS 90.00 62829 ANTHONYL WEBB 80.00 63632 AOS LASER SERVICE, INC. 377.55 62658 - AOS LASER SERVICE, INC. 377.55 63520 ARA CONFERENCE 75.00 62926 T- 2 - NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE 2,224.82 62689 ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE 143.57 62975 ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE 3,116.71 63278 ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE 127.18 63537 ARES SPORTSWEAR 156.79 62927 ARKANSASA GENCYF OR FEDERAL 720.00 63272 ARKANSASA RT CENTER 45.50 63584 ARKANSASA SSOCIATION OF 180.00 62943 ARKANSASB AG & EQUIPMENTC O 290.25 63672 ARKANSASB USINESS PUBLISHING 1,700.00 63391 ARKANSASB USINESS PUBLISHING 855.00 63591 ARKANSASC OUNCILO F TEACHERS 650.00 62783 ARKANSASD EMOCRAGT AZETTE 416.00 62688 ARKANSASD EPT OF HEALTH 275.00 63379 ARKANSASR EADINGA SSOCIATION 1,010.00 63322 ARKANSASS KATIUM 300.00 63144 ARKANSASS OUNDA ND SERVICE 2,000.00 63422 ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT 354,373.13 62935 ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT 16,846.29 62936 ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT 908.34 62937 - ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT 1,226.00 63501 ARMATURE XCHANGE 158.05 62990 ARMATURE XCHANGE 63.22 63292 ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANY,I NC. 474.83 62653 ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANY,I NC. 1,412.40 62939 ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANY,I NC. 193.21 63518 ASHLEY ALLEN INGALLS 25.00 62838 ASHLEY HANAN 159.97 63150 ASHLEY WILLIAMS 3.00 63462 ASHLEY-WOODSO&N ASSOC. 4,550.00 62756 ASHLEY-WOODSO&N ASSOC. 6,762.38 63034 ASHLEY-WOODSO&N ASSOC. 2,673.45 63580 ASSOCIATION FOR SUPERVISION & 255.50 63525 BACKGROUNIDN FORMATIONS YSTEMS 200.00 63259 BAM INSTITUTIONAL SALES 616.18 63143 BAM INSTITUTIONAL SALES 1,073.80 63418 BANK & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 1,080.39 63540 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 468,889.50 62586 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 47,639.30 62617 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 478,997.64 63177 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 54,369.74 63232 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 39,607.10 63243 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 7,427.20 63247 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 19,615.25 63451 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 3,995.03 63454 - BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 479,077.27 63504 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 236.00 63695 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 54.60 63699 BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL 48,129.77 63723 T- 3 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANNER SIGN & BARRICADE INC BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARRY KINCL BARRY KINCL BARRY L FISHER BARRY STURGES BASICS PLUS BASICS PLUS BASICS PLUS BECKY WITCHER BENE KEITH BENTON LADY PANTHERS SOFTBALL BEST COMPUTERS UPPLIES BETTY MORELAND BILL DUVALL BILL DUVALL BILL LEFEAR BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S OFFICE FURNITURE BLIND AMBITION INC BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, L.P. BLUE HILL WRECKERS ERVICE BLUE HILL WRECKERS ERVICE BOB BELL & ASSOCIATES BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBY ACKLIN BOBBY TRAFFANSTEDT BOILER INSPECTION DIVISION BOILER INSPECTION DIVISION T- 4 AMOUNT 1,284,822.52 181,539.74 1,293,179.13 208,924.46 , 196,688.55 39,999.49 101,352.40 20,468.57 1,322,987.40 1,646.90 527.06 191,561.44 322.51 353.98 1,764.70 307.45 10.00 149.41 20.00 90.00 19.79 677.71 258.16 380.32 376.32 100.00 164.00 9.36 100.70 22.58 81. 43 238.99 107.35 47 .. 75 694.06 3,718.69 709.96 114. 45 1,466.05 49.42 60.00 130.51 40.00 20.00 20.00 153.59 29.56 17.00 143.00 CHK. NO. 62585 62616 63176 63231 63242 63246 63450 63453 63503 63694 63698 63722 63114 62670 63266 63526 62660 63260 62846 63630 62667 62952 63524 63053 62676 62822 63402 63460 62954 63458 63111 62708 62992 63552 62655 63634 62841 64955 63267 62807 62810 62869 63067 63356 63609 63047 63040 62956 63268 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT BOONE PARK ELEM ACTIVITY FUND BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BRANDYN ESSELRODT BRAYE VALENTINE BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA WATSON BRENDA WILLOUGHBY BRIAN A BOYD BRIAN NICHOLS BRIAN R GLENN BRICKER PHYSICAL THERAPY LLC BROCK MOORE BROMLEYP ARTS & SERVICE BRYAN HUTSON BRYAN HUTSON BRYAN HUTSON BUCKEYE BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC. BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH BYE-MO'R, INC. BYE-MO'R, INC. BYE-MO'R, INC. C.T.A. CABOT FLORISTS CABOT FLORISTS CALLOWAHYO USE, INC. CANDICE YOUNG CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK CAPITOL SERVICE COMPANY CAREY SMITH CARLE ROY CARLEX CARLTON-BATESC O. CAROL HOLIMAN CAROL MCADAMS CARQUESTO F NL R # 4112 CARSON DELLOSA PUBLISHING CO CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CEDRIC BLACK CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTRALL AUNDRYE QUIPMENTI NC CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES, INC. CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES, INC. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES T- 5 AMOUNT 20. 71 935.68 91. 42 32.00 72.15 3. 72 7.02 80.00 361. 26 70.00 1,875.00 79. 51 55 .15 20.00 20.00 20.00 400.76 185.00 185.00 605. 72 13.57 238.83 10,514.84 40.28 82.74 45.70 142.74 10.00 10.00 10.00 486.55 80.00 90.00 92.75 154.46 858.20 25.00 58.27 8.93 12,476.38 2,404.90 2,795.37 35.92 62. 79 25,435.65 143.07 991. 34 35,118.48 1,090.00 CHK. NO. 62885 62957 62924 63336 63411 63482 63138 63370 62602 62843 63340 63432 62958 62848 63080 63619 63172 62778 63043 62930 63445 63675 63496 62960 63270 62680 63629 62644 63227 63719 62894 63628 63373 62873 62679 62733 63254 62951 63106 62913 63417 63661 63093 63264 63522 63405 63112 63645 62962 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. CHARLENEL OPEZ-MONTAGUE 26.77 63481 CHEMSEARCH 664.56 63038 CHERYL HALL 48.75 63092 CHERYL PENNINGTON 149.76 63016 CHILDCRAFTE DUCATIONC ORP 1,186.12 62963 CHILDRENS LIBRARY RESOURCES 15.66 63158 CINDY QUARRY 11. 62 63494 CINTAS 128.18 62631 CINTAS 38.26 63194 CINTAS 128.18 63214 CINTAS 86.40 63291 CINTAS 128.18 63707 CITY OF NORTH LITTLE ROCK 4,878.75 63077 CLARENCEE MARTIN 25.00 62802 CLARKE XTERMINATINcGo , INC. 218.00 62736 CLARKE XTERMINATINCGO , INC. 817.50 63020 CLARKE XTERMINATINcGo , INC. 54.50 63314 CLARKE XTERMINATINcGo , INC. 54.50 63568 CLASSROOMD IRECT 328.93 62898 CLASSROOMD IRECT 2,449.69 63132 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 177. 61 62884 CLEARM OUNTAIN 43.24 63392 - COBB AND SUSKIE LTD. 14,081.25 63352 COCA-COLAE NTERPRISES 4,417.92 62858 COCA-COLAU SA 443.25 63289 CODEMICRO 612.45 63616 COMCABLES 1,362.03 62692 COMCABLES 100.75 63280 COMCASTC ABLEVISION 100.00 62949 COMMUNICATIOPNL US+ 108.80 63635 COMMUNITPYR ODUCTSL LC 495.00 63149 CONNEYS AFETY PRODUCTS 69.39 63528 CONNIE FOX 6.74 63461 CONSECOL IFE INSURANCE 173.98 63487 CONSOLIDATEDEL ECTRICALD ISTRI 1,044.86 63545 CORNELIUS BURTON 50.00 62824 CORPORATE XPRESS 1,974.44 62866. CORPORATE XPRESS 3,729.42 63099 CORPORATE XPRESS 8,843.13 63381 CORPORATE XPRESS 525.35 63639 COURTNEYPH AUP 1,509.41 63424 COUSINS VIDEO 74.55 63161 COUSINS VIDEO 825.75 63669 CPI 1,199.00 63543 CREWS MOBILE HOME SERVICE 1,368.00 63573 CROWB URLINGAMCEO 31. 37 63382 CROWB URLINGAMCEO 13.06 63640 CROW-BURLINGAMCOE . 7.76 62967 CRYSTAL EVANS 93.21 63110. T- 6 - NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS 55.00 63276 CULLEN & CO PLLC 158.99 62601 CULLEN & CO PLLC 127.02 62636 CULLEN & CO PLLC 91.14 63195 CULLEN & CO PLLC 129.33 63219 CULLEN & CO PLLC 127.30 63711 CURRICULUMA SSOCIATES INC 2,268.00 62968 CWI, PLC 1,500.00 62998 CYNTHIA WOODS 8.70 63483 DAMARIS PURTLE 29.28 63051 DANA BIBLES 6.10 63468 DANA MCCOY 59.24 62925 DANIEL J FLOYD 25.00 62850 DANIEL J FLOYD 25.00 63082 DANIEL J FLOYD 25.00 63621 DANIEL K MACGLOTHIN 20.00 62628 DANIEL K MACGLOTHIN 20.00 63212 DANIEL K MACGLOTHIN 20.00 63705 DARLA EARLES 183.62 63000 DARRAGHC OMPANY 72.86 63532 - DATAMAOXF ARKANSAS 220.80 62650 DATEK, INC. 421. 7 4 63169 DAVID D. COOP 209.55 62626 DAVID D. COOP 3,350.00 63190 DAVID D. COOP 209.55 63210 DAVID D. COOP 209.55 63703 DAVID W EDWARDS 179.57 62600 DAVID W EDWARDS 179.57 63193 DAVID W EDWARDS 179.87 63680 DAVID W WYMER 70.00 63073 DAVID WALLACE 27.30 62895 DAVID WHITE 50.00 62788 DAWNEC ARROLL 52.22 63126 DEANN ROACH 22.50 63154 DEBBIE DAVENPORT - 13.34 63163 DEBBIE ROZZELL 14.16 62751 DEBBIE ROZZELL 17.35 63575 DEBORAHC OKER 10.54 62909 DEBORAHL UTZ 589.60 63269 DELI PARTNER'S 212.80 63595 DELTA DENTAL 56,930.16 63486 DELTA EDUCATION 143.00 63303 DEMCO 271. 68 62684 DEPT. OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRAT 280,862.04 63727 DERRICK GREENWOOD 60.00 63359 DEVELOPMENTATLH ERAPIES 393.75 63536 DFA-SALES & USE TAX 3,548.00 63730 DIAMONDIN TERNATIONALT RUCKS 1,917.63 62742 DIAMONDIN TERNATIONALT RUCKS 164.64 63024 T- 7 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT DIAMONDIN TERNATIONALT RUCKS DIAMONDIN TERNATIONALT RUCKS DIANE R SMITH DIEDRA GASKALLA DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DISCOUNT TROPHIES, INC. DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DORIE SUMMONS DOROTHYF ARRIS DR ANGELA OLSEN DR ANGELA OLSEN DR ANGELA OLSEN DSANJA T BOYLAND DUSTY VANNATTER DUSTY VANNATTER DUSTY VANNATTER DWIGHT L RENDELL EAST CAMPUSA CTIVITY FUND EASTER SEALS ARKANSAS EASTER SEALS ARKANSAS ECOLAB, INC. EDS SUPPLY CO. EDS SUPPLY CO. EDS SUPPLY CO. EDS SUPPLY CO. EDUCATIONT ECHNOLOGSYE RVICES EDUCATORSB OOKD EPOSITORYO F EDUCATORSB OOKD EPOSITORYO F EDUCATORSO UTLET ELECTRONIC VIDEO SYSTEMS ELGIN SCHOOL SUPPLY ELGIN SCHOOL SUPPLY ELGIN SCHOOL SUPPLY EMPLOYEEB ENEFITS DIVISION ENERGY EDUCATION INC ENTERGY SYSTEMS ENTERGY SYSTEMS ENTERGY SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAPLR OTECTIONA SSOC ENVIRONMENTATLE CHNOLOGIES,I N EQUIPMENT CONCEPTS & DESIGNS ERIC ARMIN INC. ERIC D BROWN ERIC WALDORF ERIC WALDORF ETA/CUISENAIRE ETA/CUISENAIRE T- 8 AMOUNT 2,576.90 294.08 398.59 110.33 26. 92 91.38 154.73 94.80 158.01 232.39 83.89 330.42 38.26 38.38 75.00 160.00 160.00 150.00 60.00 262.40 150.00 300.00 1,404.47 37.58 30.65 919.08 478.26 510.00 535.41 7,948.01 54.99 81. 75 290.37 684.33 84.78 409,432.76 10,100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 370,449.90 250.00 6,856.21 1,661.09 90.00 35.10 23.40 796.07 3,000.55 CHK. NO. 63318 63570 62630 63118 63104 62972 62637 63220 63712 62876 63409 62767 63039 63589 63087 63049 63342 63594 63042 63393 63124 63653 63533 62685 62973 63275 63534 63354 62686 62974 63658 62959 62842 63078 63618 63491 63255 62642 63225 63717 63130 63443 62893 63257 63071 62942 63256 62690 62977 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT ETA/CUISENAIRE ETA/CUISENAIRE EV MASTER FABER AND BRAND LLC FABER AND BRAND LLC FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY FARRELL-CALHOUPNA INT CO FCCLA LOCKBOXO PERATION FERRELLGAS FIRE MOUNTAIN FLEET TIRE SERVICE OF NLR, INC FLEET TIRE SERVICE OF NLR, INC FLEET TIRE SERVICE OF NLR, INC FLINN SCIENTIFIC COMPANY FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FRANKLIN IND FRED H HOKES FRED H HOKES FREE SPIRIT PUBLISHING FREY SCIENTIFIC CO. GARY STEPHENS GARY STEPHENS GARY STEPHENS GARY STEPHENS GARY YIELDING GATEWAYC OMPANIESI NC GENOA LLC GEORGE TAYLOR GLADYS MCDONALD GLASS DOCTOR GLORIA SMITH GOODMADNI STRIBUTION INC GRADY W JONES CO INC GRAINGER GRAINGER GREEK 4 LIFE GRETCHENL AUIPPA HAND IN HAND DAY CARE HAROLD D STARK HARPER SHEET METAL WORKS INC. HASLER INC HELPING HAND CHILDRENS HERAL ENTERPRISES, INC. HIGHSMITH INC HOBBY LOBBY HOLIDAY INN SELECT EXPRESS HOLLY POWELL T- 9 AMOUNT 904.97 390.17 13,989.00 99.95 86.96 381. 21 381. 21 132.21 168.00 23.50 200.50 653.09 6,775.16 626. 64 276.36 2,823.41 5,112.93 76.00 70.00 70.00 58.70 194.80 100.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 2,988.74 4,424.26 23.87 12.72 139.75 57.84 34.23 316.10 4,543.03 347.73 194.57 130.00 1,500.00 69.42 258.62 588.60 797. 50 30.91 405.29 131.77 541. 92 260.36 CHK. NO. 63279 63539 63599 62634 63217 63198 63683 63281 63433 63585 62994 62694 62979 63541 63265 62693 62978 63701 62789 63052 62691 63542 62877 63113 63390 63646 63263 63088 63084 62984 63062 63057 63441 63548 62872 62766 63334 63355 63420 62965 63439 62986 63410 62901 63285 63550 63549 63436 63479 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT HOME DEPOT/GECF HONEYBAKEHDA MC OMPANY HONEYBAKEHDA MC OMPANY HORIZONS OFTWAREIN TERNATIONAL HOSTO & BUCHANP LLC HOSTO & BUCHANP LLC HOSTO & BUCHANP LLC HOUGHTOMN IFFLIN COMPANY HOUGHTOMN IFFLIN COMPANY HOWARDR OSS HOWARDR OSS HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HOM'S HARDWAR&E RENTAL HOM'S HARDWAR&E RENTAL HOM'S HARDWAR&E RENTAL IDEAL BREAD ILLINOIS STATE DISBURSEMENT ILLINOIS STATE DISBURSEMENT ILLINOIS STATE DISBURSEMENT IN DYER NEED ENTERPRISES INDEPENDENTM USIC SERVICE, INC INDIAN HILLS ELEM ACTIVITY INFORMATIONV AULTINGS ERVICES ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE IPARADIGMS, LLC. ISSAC HENRY J & B MUSIC SALES, INC. J & B SUPPLY COMPANY J L HEIN SERVICE INC J L HEIN SERVICE INC JS PRINTING JACK T CARTER COMPANY JACQUELINE SUMLER T-10 AMOUNT 132.45 453.77 534.91 47.25 502.69 502.69 502.69 47.20 2,244.27 60.00 60.00 7,737.82 35.69 507.38 7.74 920.11 7.45 161.20 425.00 425.00 425.00 128.55 1,409.20 158.24 151. 90 2,981.02 547.50 2,981.02 547.50 2,981.02 1,074.00 34,518.02 17,760.23 12,700.96 50.00 136.00 50.00 136.00 50.00 136.00 640.00 70.00 97.40 118. 80 21,996.00 27,445.00 320.00 146.00 39.98 CHK. NO. 63341 62903 63412 62761 62610 63205 63689 62702 62987 63005 63304 62915 63142 63664 62703 63287 63551 62704 62608 63202 63687 62663 63089 62887 62982 62592 62622 63183 63237 63510 63006 62891 63128 63400 62603 62607 63196 63201 63681 63686 63271 62812 63335 63094 63423 63665 62777 62989 63164 . - NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. JACQUES MUMFORD 50.00 62793 JALEN KING 50.00 62827 JAMES W. WOODARDJ,R 126.13 63165 JAMIE EUBANKS 1,190.00 63141 JAMIE EUBANKS 2,310.00 63663 JAN KUCALA 16.77 63065 JANET E. THOMASP .T. 653.34 63041 JANET FOSTER 187.50 63090 JARIUS L. COPELAND 25.00 63625 JEFFERY TURNER 90.00 62771 JEFFREY SAND COMPANY 39.88 62707 JENNIFER FRANCE 678.79 62701 JENNIFER SKINNER 4.76 63469 JERRY MASSEY 483.96 63091 JERRY MASSEY 420.00 63636 JESSICA MOSER 155.94 62798 JILL MILLS 31.20 63288 JIMMY MAXWELL 29.42 63600 JO-ANN GOLDMANT, RUSTEE 281. 37 62633 JO-ANN GOLDMANT, RUSTEE 281.37 63216 - JO-ANN GOLDMANT, RUSTEE 281.37 63709 JOHN DAVID HENRY 25.00 62819 JOHN SCHWULST 30.00 62664 JOHN SCHWULST 60.00 62944 JOHN SCHWULST 42.50 63262 JOHN W RICE 25.00 62816 JOHNNIE F HENRY 25.00 62801 JOHNSTONES UPPLY 42.40 62868 JOSH E MCHUGHEAS TTORNEY 50.35 62611 JOSH E MCHUGHEAS TTORNEY 50.35 63206 JOSH E MCHUGHEAS TTORNEY 50.35 63690 JOYCE BRADLEYB ABIN 430.53 62643 JOYCE BRADLEYB ABIN 6,239.04 63204 JOYCE BRADLEYB ABIN 430.53 63226 JOYCE BRADLEYB ABIN 430.53 - 63718 JOYCE J NICHOLS 45.00 62815 JOYCE J NICHOLS 20.00 63069 JOYCE J NICHOLS 20.00 63611 JOYE WILLIAMS 31. 90 63475 JUAN RIDGEWAY 50.00 62782 JUDITH QUATTLEBAUM 56.09 63168 JUDITH QUATTLEBAUM 51.09 63673 JULIE SOBKOVIAK 180.00 63313 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 500.00 62825 JUST FOR KIDS 450.00 63427 KANSASP AYMENTC ENTER 46.15 62632 - KANSASP AYMENTC ENTER 46.15 63215 KANSASP AYMENTC ENTER 46.15 63708 KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING co 868. 79 62709 T-11 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING co 1,222.28 63553 KAREN POWELL 74.61 63108 KATHLEANK ING 30.00 63364 KATHRYNH ALE 223.36 63666 KATHY HELLER 20.00 63478 KATYG EARHARTH UNT 34.87 62666 KAY EWART 113.26 62945 KAYE COLEMAN 33.68 62795 KAYE LOWE 65.56 62961 KAYLORS INCORPORATED 305.63 62993 KAYLORS INCORPORATED 190.68 63294 KEATHLEYP ATTERSONE LECTRIC 38.56 62649 KEITH FAULKNER 41.57 62645 KEITH FAULKNER 127.13 63228 KEITH L KELLEY 50.00 62840 KEITH PHIFER 30.00 63317 KELLEYS UPHOLSTERY 5,143.72 63388 KELLIE SHEFFIELD 80.00 62865 KELLfE SHEFFIELD 20.00 63380 KENNETHA . KIRSPEL 576.28 62928 KERR PAPER & SUPPLY CO. 3,741.00 63674 KESSLERS TEAMS PORTS 788.84 63346 - KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS 864.30 63598 KEVIN DANAHER 236.34 62914 KEVIN DANAHER 25.72 63140 KEVIN MARTIN 134.94 63435 KIDS KORNER 856.36 63576 KIM ISGRIG 21.06 63100 KIM PEARSON 66.47 62897 KIM REYNOLDS 62.91 62683 KIMBERLY JANE RUBLE 80.00 63371 KIMMIE CLEVELAND 80.00 63627 KKPT-THE POINT RADIO STATION 3,230.00 63019 KNOWBUDDRYE SOURCES 517.82 62905 KNOWLEDGIEN DUSTRIES INC 1,406.93 62698 KONE INC 497.80 63596 KREBS BROS. SUPPLY co. f INC. 1,506.00 62710 KREBS BROS. SUPPLY co. f INC. 37,715.10 62995 KREBS BROS. SUPPLY co., INC. 130.26 63554 KRISTEN MADDOX 38.22 62896 KRISTIE RATLIFF 17.24 63134 KRISTIE RATLIFF 25.55 63413 KROGERC OMPANY/CAMRPO BINSON 137.97 62711 KROGERC OMPANY/CAMRPO BINSON 150.00 62996 KROGERC OMPANY/INDIANH ILLS 148.17 62712 KROGERC OMPANY/INDIANH ILLS 100 .38 63296 KROGERC OMPANY/INDIANH ILLS 122.67 63555 - KROGERC OMPANY/PERSHING 246.63 62785 KYNYAC OLEMAN 35.00 63076 T-12 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER2 006 ACCOUNT LAKESHOREL EARNINGM ATERIALS LAKESHOREL EARNINGM ATERIALS LAKESHOREL EARNINGM ATERIALS LAKEWOOEDL EM ACTIVITY FUND LAKEWOOMD IDDLE SCHOOL LAMONICAM ITCHELL LARA HUMPHRIES LASONYA J TURNER LASONYA J TURNER LAURA JENNINGS LAURA WINTERS LAUREN WALKER LAVONE REDUS LEARNING TODAY INC LEE TACKETT LEON DOREY LGSA LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LINDA B HARPER LINDA P." STEWART LINDSEY MAC MILLEN LINDSEY'S BARBECUE LINDSEY'S BARBECUE LINDY THOMPSON LISA GRAY LISA GRAY LISA GRAY LITTLE CAESAR'S GENERAL OFFICE LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT LITTLE ROCKW INNELSONC O. LITTLE ROCKW INNELSONC O. LONGS ELECTRONICS LONNIE EDWARDS LORRI JOSHUA-BEASLEY LOUIS STINSON LOUIS STINSON LOUIS STINSON T-13 AMOUNT 489.19 282.83 843.88 210.32 400.00 6.13 18. 72 30.00 30.00 155.81 80.26 82.56 11. 34 800.00 543.06 500.00 245.00 65.85 6,681.37 2,840.66 5,732.87 3,882.58 134.17 428.18 7.50 7,875.40 45.00 22.50 3,054.89 25.00 125.00 264.44 212.80 238.01 196.52 20.00 20.00 20.00 140.00 112. 00 603,260.38 268.59 3,910.02 258.78 75.00 30.00 45.00 20.00 20.00 CHK. NO. 62740 63023 63569 63649 63556 59688 V 63152 63366 63623 62940 63017 62779 63464 63566 63148 63429 62820 62999 62587 62618 63178 63233 63244 63248 63455 63505 63696 63700 63724 62837 62861 63470 62714 63557 62780 62814 63068 63610 62863 62871 63298 62723 63306 62716 63064 63631 62803 63061 63605 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT LOWE'S LOWE'S LOWE'S LRP PUBLICATIONS DEPT. 170-F LRP PUBLICATIONS DEPT. 170-F LUCI A STEPHENS LUCI A STEPHENS LUCI A STEPHENS LYNCH DRIVE ELEM ACTIVITY LYNN HARRISON M & M ENTERPRISES MB ELECTRONICS M J COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINES UBSCRIPTIONS MAINSTAGET HEATRICALS UPPLY MAISHA NICOLE JONES MAISHA NICOLE JONES MAJOICE THOMAS MALA ROGERS MALA ROGERS MALA ROGERS MARCIVE, INC MARCIVE, INC MARDELC ORPORATEO FFICE MARENEMIN C MARGARETE STINSON MARGARETE STINSON MARGARETE STINSON MARGARENT ORTON MARI INC. MARIA TOUCHSTONE MARIA TOUCHSTONE MARIA TOUCHSTONE MARIE PIERCE MARIJO VALENTINE MARILYN JOHNSON MARILYN JOHNSON MARSHAS ATTERFIELD MARTHAF EWELL MARTHAN ORTON MARVAS IMS MARY A. WILES MARYC AROLYNE AST MARYC AROLYNE AST MARYC AROLYNE AST MASON ELECTRIC MATTHEWBI NFORD MCCLUREL ANDSCAPING MCKINZIE L RILEY T-14 AMOUNT 443.44 247.03 5,096.97 239.00 257.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 73.64 1,068.23 525.00 34.26 1,384.30 460. 72 42.25 50.00 30.00 52 .26 195.00 63.57 32.52 15.60 7.02 96.98 286.00 45.00 20.00 20.00 26. 46 61.00 28.36 91. 77 22.50 152.34 50.00 22.74 13.38 170.04 9.67 3,587.50 30.00 204.67 41. 87 41. 50 32.95 130.80 10.65 4,700.00 190.00 CHK. NO. 62933 63174 63447 63097 63638 62847 63079 63363 63394 62700 63448 63660 63444 63274 62823 62808 63066 63125 62718 63004 63302 62720 63558 62661 63617 62665 62950 63523 63474 63637 62900 63133 63407 62772 63367 63002 63301 63095 63010 63159 62811 63018 63167 63440 63671 62717 63472 63419 62784 4 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT MCKINZIE L RILEY MCM MEADOWPA RKE LEMA CTIVITY FUND MELISSA FARRAR MELISSA WALLS MELISSA WALLS MEMS MET LIFE METAL MART METRO FOODS MICHAEL BLYTHE MICHELLE KEATON MID-SOUTH APPLIANCE PARTS CO. MINDY CARROLL MIRANDAW ALTONS MITCHS TIRE SERVICE MOLLY LEOPARD MOUNTV ERNON-ENOLQAU IZ BOWL MR SOCK MRS CLARKS FOOD MUSIC IS ELEMENTARY MYERS SUPPLY, INC N.L.R. WINTEMPS UPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMPS UPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMPS UPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMPS UPPLY NAEIR NAEIR NANCY STEWART NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NASC/NASSP NASCO NASCO NASDSE NATIONALG EOGRAPHICS CHOOL NATIONALH OMEC ENTER NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS NC CHILD SUPPORT CENTRALIZED NC CHILD SUPPORT CENTRALIZED NC CHILD SUPPORT CENTRALIZED NCS PEARSON NCTM REGISTRATION NCTM REGISTRATION NCTM-DRAWEAR NEXTEL PARTNERS T-15 AMOUNT 70.00 190.57 103.79 29. 97 50.00 30.00 1,400.00 6,584.40 512.69 4,529.30 28.04 85.84 83.53 105.73 27.26 995.00 80.00 50.00 200.00 307.50 29.95 707.06 1,875.00 1,305.40 32.44 227.15 40.00 100.33 205.73 270.68 888.00 273.52 141.56 28.00 1,407.46 103.74 346.50 7,150.26 33.89 211.18 327.65 137.00 137.00 137.00 2,996.98 1,648.00 1,074.00 15.16 8,573.99 CHK. NO. 63048 62862 63650 63384 62851 63083 63127 63465 62880 62860 63459 63153 62721 62781 62834 62906 63286 62697 63070 62734 62706 62932 62722 63009 63305 63560 62769 63590 62879 62696 62980 63282 63544 62729 62724- 63561 63350 62953 62726 62881 62727 62609 63203 63688 62911 62715 63001 63567 63343 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT NLR WELDING SUPPLY NLR WELDING SUPPLY NLRSD TRANSPORTATIOND EPT. NLRSD WAREHOUSE NLRSD-BACKGROUNCDH ECK NLRSD-SELF INSURANCE NO. LITTLE ROCKE DUCATORSC RED NO. LITTLE ROCKW INNELSONC O. NO. LITTLE ROCKW INNELSONC O. NO. LITTLE ROCKW INNELSONC O. NORCOMIN C NORTH HEIGHTS ELEM ACTIVITY NORTH HEIGHTS ELEM ACTIVITY NORTH HEIGHTS ELEM ACTIVITY NORTHL ITTLE ROCKC HAMBERO F NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK TROPHY COMPA NORTH LITTLE ROCK TROPHY COMPA NORTH LITTLE ROCK TROPHY COMPA NORTH LITTLE ROCK UTILITIES NORTH LITTLE ROCK UTILITIES NORTH POINT FORD OAK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL OCCUPATIONAHL EALTHC ENTERSO F OCCUPATIONAHL EALTHC ENTERSO F OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYG ENERAL T-16 AMOUNT 5.07 5.07 10,885.75 5,320.00 4 65. 60 15,133.75 78,460.80 380.46 195.74 488.36 50.10 32.21 116.85 188.62 12.00 863.45 78.00 273.00 1,080.00 518.00 432.38 496.25 316.32 333.50 195.26 261.86 64.56 140.80 19.72 41.97 223.45 1,516.19 37,807.20 30,818.84 306.23 80.00 315.00 38.00 2,720.66 1,681.03 2,720.66 1,830.69 2,720.66 1,679.49 2,596.83 3,881.73 1,428.58 1,022.30 64.62 CHK. NO. 62728 63307 63331 63438 63500 63490 63497 62730 63309 63562 62773 62886 63395 63651 63308 62647 63310 63406 63677 63692 62731 63011 63311 63563 62646 63208 63229 63493 63720 62732 63013 63564 62976 63538 63007 63374 63122 63396 62599 62627 63192 63211 63679 63704 62855 63086 63372 63626 62638 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYG ENERAL OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYG ENERAL ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, INC. ORIENTHAL NEWBURN OSI EDUCATION SERVICES OSI EDUCATION SERVICES OSI EDUCATION SERVICES OTIS RAY BANKS OTIS RAY BANKS PACHECOO UTDOORE QUIPMENT PAGES OF PARENTING PAMELA JACKSON PAMELA JACKSON PAR INC PAR INC PATRICIA MAYS PATSY A RHOADES PAULA K URTON PAULA K URTON PAULA MCCARTHER PEACHTREEB USINESS PRODUCTS PEARSON EDUCATION PEARSON EDUCATION PEARSON EDUCATION PEDIATRIC THERAPY SERVICES PEER TUTOR PRESS PENNY ELLIOTT PERFORMANCLEE ARNINGI NC. PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PFG LITTLE ROCK PHYLLIS THOMPSON PHYLLIS THOMPSON PIPE & TUBE SUPPLY PLANK ROAD PUBLISHING POE TRAVEL PORTFOLIOR ECOVERYA SSOCIATES PORTFOLIOR ECOVERYA SSOCIATES PORTFOLIOR ECOVERYA SSOCIATES POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSTMASTER, SHERWOOD POSTMASTER, SHERWOOD PPG ARCHITECTURALF INISHES PRISCILLA BENSON PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA PROMOTIONSP LUS T-17 AMOUNT 64.62 64.62 209.68 150.00 89.98 89.98 89.98 20.00 20.00 246.71 399.97 25.00 20.00 1,005.53 127.60 6.10 25.00 50.00 20.00 1,065.00 346.50 12.67 942.08 5,302.98 1, 968. 7 5 274.95 275.64 96.15 2,443.91 223.57 14,894.65 50.00 30.00 113. 01 138.10 121. 00 187.45 285.34 161.82 147.20 132.40 156.00 48.00 801.06 23.00 3,413.91 3,413.91 3,915.48 222.36 CHK. NO. 63221 63713 63588 62836 62604 63197 63682 63072 63614 62922 63345 62809 63608 63157 63667 63466 62804 62845 63362 63602 63376 62902 62920 63146 63428 62675 62826 62770 62699 63284 62737 62791 63054 62654 63107 63300 62639 63222 63714 62878 63115 63074 63075 63033 63463 62597 63188 63515 63103 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT DECEMBER20 06 ACCOUNT PUBLIC EMPLOYEESR ETIREMENTS Y PUBLIC EMPLOYEESR ETIREMENTS Y PUBLIC EMPLOYEESR ETIREMENTS Y PUBLIC EMPLOYEESR ETIREMENTS Y PUBLIC EMPLOYEESR ETIREMENTS Y PUBLIC SCHOOL VEHICLE PROGRAM PULASKI TECHNICAL COLLEGE PURCHASE POWER PYRAMID INTERIORS PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS QUALITYW HOLESALEB UILDING RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIOLOGYA SSOCIATES, P.A. RADIOLOGYA SSOCIATES, P.A. RADIOLOGYA SSOCIATES, P.A. RAINBOWB OOKC OMPANY RANDALLH SANDEFUR RANDALLH SANDEFUR RANDALLH SANDEFUR RANDY SANDEFUR RANDY SANDEFUR RAY C HARVEY RAY C HARVEY RAY HANKINS RAYMONGDE DDESA ND COMPANY READING TREE PRODUCTIONS REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REBECCA R CARR REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC REGINALD D MARTIN REGINALD JOHNSON REGIONALA DJUSTMENTB UREAUI NC REGIONALA DJUSTMENTB UREAUI NC REGIONALA DJUSTMENTB UREAUI NC RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS RENAISSANCEL EARNINGI NC RENAISSANCEL EARNINGI NC RESOURCESF OR READINGI NC REXEL DAVIES REXEL DAVIES RHONDAB ANKS RHONDAD ICKEY RHONDAR OOK RICHARD ALEXANDER RITA CASEY ROBERT A MAJOR JR T-18 AMOUNT 1,945.70 2,156.32 387.41 148.00 2,169.91 1,135.00 19,755.00 316.52 1,433.05 1,929.85 58.98 532.65 2,127.60 39.13 48.68 20.00 20.00 20.00 1,543.29 20.00 20.00 20.00 101.06 974.00 20.00 20.00 203.70 154.57 16.50 18.95 2,807.22 3,528.68 90.00 70.00 62.61 62.61 62.61 860. 40 85.25 456.69 53.95 202.04 130.80 18.56 38.51 15.00 67.39 150.00 25.00 CHK. NO. 62620 63235 63249 63456 63725 62677 62856 63299 63003 62929 63171 63442 63647 63022 63315 62635 63218 63710 63059 62849 63081 63620 63109 63389 62839 63615 62918 63098 62792 62904 62892 62739 62833 62831 62606 63200 63685 63656 62757 63582 63135 62687 63535 62889 63338 63414 6308
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.