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. , BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA RECEIVED JUL l 7 2006 OFROCFE DESEGREMGAOTKIOITNO RINI ass e North Little Rock School District Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:00 P.M. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION Administration Building, 2700 Poplar North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115 Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS I. CALL TO ORDER, Marty Moore, President II. INVOCATION, Cecil Gibson, Argenta Academy Instructional Aide III. FLAG SALUTE IV. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President Rochelle Redus, Secretary John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Dorothy Williams, Member V. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS None VI. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS A. Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:00 P.M. (Regular)-Page A- 1 B. Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:30 P.M. (Special) -Page A- 6 C. Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:30 P.M. (Special)-Page A- 9 VTI. ACTION ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS None VIII. ACTION ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS Page 2 - Board Agenda July 20, 2006 A. Consider Arkansas School Boards Association Membership - K. Kirspel - Page B - 1 B. Consider 2006-2007 Proposed Budget ofExpenditures- K. Kirspel - Page C- 1 C. Consider Budget Workshop Date - K. Kirspel D. Consider Motion for Consent Agenda - K. Kirspel 1. Consider monthly financial report - Page O - 1 2. Consider employment of personnel - Page P - I 3. Consider bid items - Page R- 1 4. Consider payment of regular bills - Page T - I IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None X. CALENDAR OF EVENTS A. Thursday, August 17, 2006- 5:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting XI. ADJOURNMENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES June 15, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in a regular session on Thursday, June 15, 2006 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. There were no public comments. President Marty Moore called the meeting to order at 5 :00 p.m. Shara Brazear, Communications Specialist, gave the invocation. The flag salute followed. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President Rochelle Redus, Secretary John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Absent Dorothy Williams, Member Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall (audio) and NLRHS - TV (video) taped the meeting. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS None. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING MOTION Scott Teague moved to accept the minutes of the May 18, 2006 as printed. John Riley seconded the motion. A-l YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Certified Personnel Policies Committee Report No Report from Certified Personnel Policies Committee. Classified Personnel Policies Committee Report Glenda Tucker presented their report with nineteen (19) new proposals at this time. Eight (8) of the policies are to add nothing to the policies but to add the CL to designate them as classified policies. They are CFA (was CFB) -Working Hours for Non -Instructional Staff
CFJ - Payment of Debts
CFK - Citizenship Rights/Political Activities
CFR - Tobacco Use By Employees
CFSB - Employee Substance Abuse
CGA - Grievance Procedures
CGB - Solicitations
and CGD - Directory Information. MOTION Trent Cox moved to accept the eight (8) new policies for the classified staff with no revisions other than adding the CL used to designated as classified policies: CF A (was CFB) -Working Hours for Non - Instructional Staff
CFJ - Payment of Debts
CFK - Citizenship Rights/Political Activities
CFR - Tobacco Use By Employees
CFSB - - Employee Substance Abuse
CGA - Grievance Procedures
CGB - Solicitations
and CGD - Directory Information. Rochelle Redus seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Mrs. Tucker also presented eleven (11) new policies that need revising and the addition of CL for classified designation. They are: CDB - Teacher Retirement System- First paragraph - to add the words "new employees" and remove the words "certified personnel, instructional aides, and secretariaVclerical staff' and "either on a contributory or non contributory basis." CDC - Public Employees Retirement System - to add "new" and "Contributory" and "Teacher" deleting the words "custodial, maintenance, transportation, and cafeteria" and the phrase "either contributory or non contributory." CDH - Expense Reimbursement - Third paragraph - to add the word "administrator" and delete the words "assistant superintendent." CEBA - CL - Extended Leave Without Pay - Second paragraph - adding the words "building administrator" in two places and "District Personnel Officer" and deleting the A-2 words "principal" and "Director of Personnel" and in the third paragraph- adding the - words "District School" prior to Board of Education. CEH - Vacations - two typographical errors were corrected. CFMB - Discipline of Employees - only CL will be added to this one. No other changes. CFO - Sign In/Out Procedures - adding the words "Employees" at the beginning of .the sentence and "as directed by their supervisor and as required for proper payroll functions" at the end of the sentence
to delete the words "by initialing the attendance roster upon arrival and departure. The posting of the time or the use of a time clock shall not be a part of this procedure." CFP - Annual Survey of Job Preference - to add the word "Personnel" in the title between Annual and Survey
and as the second word in the first and second sentences
and also as the fourth word in the first sentence of the third paragraph. CFSC - Network Appropriate Use - adding the word "many" between provides and employees in the first sentence
and removing the words "and students." Also this would remove all references to students in this policy. CFT - Personal Communications - adding the words "employee should" and removing "teacher shall"
adding the word "work" and removing the word "class". CGC - Gifts - adding the words "or vendors" after staff. MOTION Trent Cox moved to accept the eleven (11) new policies for the classified staff with revisions as presented and to add the CL used to designated as classified policies: CDB - Teacher Retirement System
CDC - Public Employees Retirement System
CDH - Expense Reimbursement
CEBA - Extended leave Without Pay
CEH - Vacations
CFMB - Discipline of Employees
CFO - Sign In/Out Procedures
CFP - Annual Personnel Survey of Job Preference
CFSC - Network Appropriate Use
CFT - Personal Communications and CGC - Gifts. Rochelle Redus seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Increase in School Lunch Prices Marsha Satterfield, Food Services Director, presented recommendation to the Board to increase the cost of school lunches for elementary students to $1.50 (increase of 10)
secondary students to $1.75 (increase of 25)
and Adultffeachers (increase of 25). A-3- MOTION Rochelle Redus moved to accept the increases as proposed by Administration. Teresa - Burl seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Contract Renewals for Transportation Employees Danny Reed, Director for Personnel and Special Services, presented the list of transportation employees for contract renewals as printed in the agenda. MOTION John Riley moved to accept Administration's recommendation for contract renewals for transportation employees as printed in the agenda. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Student Insurance Proposals Barry Kincl, Director of Finance, Audit and Purchasing, presented the recommendation to use Dwight Jones Insurance for one year coverage for athlete, spirit groups and all sanctioned AAA activities for $26,000. MOTION Trent Cox moved to accept Administrations' recommendation to use Dwight Jones Insurance for insurance for one year for athletes, spirit groups and all AAA sanctioned activities for $26,000. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Special Board Meeting Date Mr. Kirspel explained the bids for roofing and asbestos removal could not be completed until later this month but all must be filed with the State before June 30, 2006. The Board discussed date options. MOTION Teresa Burl moved to have a special Board meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 in the Board Room. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) Consent Agenda Mr. Kirspel requested approval of the consent agenda as printed. A-4 MOTION Scott Teague moved to accept the consent agenda as presented. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) INFORMATIONAL ITEM John Haynie, Transportation Director, presented to the Board some options to explore concerning the transportation communication system. He explained that technology needs to be utilized to insure the safety of our students. He requested permission from the Board to research more communication tools for the buses in the district. The Board agreed for him to pursue more information and present to the Board at a later date. PERSONNEL HEARING Mr. Reed stated no personnel hearing at this time. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Rochelle Redus moved to adjourn the meeting. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Riley, and Teague None - (Williams - absent) President Moore declared the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Marty Moore, President Rochelle Redus, Secretary A-5 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent SPECIAL MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES June 27, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in a special session on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 in the Board Room of the Adrriinistration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. President Marty Moore called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Marty Moore, President John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Dorothy Williams, Member Absent Trent Cox, Vice President Rochelle Redus, Secretary Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall taped (audio) the meeting. Academic Transitional Facility Bids Jerry Massey, Director of Plant Services, explained the new roofs, roof repairs and asbestos abatement bids for Poplar Street Middle, North Heights Elementary, NLRHS East Campus, Lakewood Elementary, NLRHS West Campus Music Building, NLRHS West Campus Creative Arts Building, NLRHS West Campus Science Building, Rose City Middle, Seventh Street Elementary, Lynch Drive Elementary, Ridgeroad Middle Charter, Amboy Elementary, and Crestwood Elementary with the Transitional Academic Facilities Funding. Mr. Massey expla
n!!d his previous estimates on the bids were considerably lower than the bids due to prices increases for energy costs and the gulf coast States supply demand for repairing from Hurricane Katrina last year. A-6 MOTION Teresa Burl moved to accept the bids as presented and as listed on pages A -1 through A - 6. Dorothy Williams seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Cox and Redus - absent) 2006 - 2007 Student Handbooks Francical Jackson, Director of Student Affairs, explained the variety of changes on the elementary, middle school and high school levels with the District Suspension form. In compliance with Arkansas Nutrition Standards Regulations and Act 1220 of 2003, all of the handbooks have wellness section explaining the new guidelines for students. After a discussion, the Board also amended the high school handbook to remove the reference on page 13 to "Vespers" under the excluded activities while a student is suspended. Vespers is no longer a school - sponsored activity. MOTION John Riley moved to accept the rev1s1ons to the student handbooks as presented by Administration with the Board's amendment (to remove Vespers). Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Cox and Redus - absent) Employment and Transfer of Personnel Mr. Kirspel presented a new employment and a transfer as printed. MOTION John Riley moved to enter into executive session to discuss personnel recommendations. Teresa Burl seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Cox and Redus - absent) The Board entered into an Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 6:55 p.m. MOTION Dorothy Williams moved to accept Administration's recommendation as presented. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Cox and Redus- absent) A-7 ADJOURNMENT MOTION Dorothy moved to adjourn the meeting. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Cox and Redus - absent) President Moore declared the meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Marty Moore, President Rochelle Redus, Secretary A-8 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent SPECIAL MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES July 11, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in a special session on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. President Marty Moore called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Dorothy Williams, Member Absent Rochelle Redus, Secretary Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director for Personnel/Special Services
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall taped (audio) the meeting. Employment and Transfers of Personnel Mr. Kirspel presented the employment and transfers of personnel. MOTION Teresa Burl moved to enter into an executive session. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Redus - absent) The Board entered into an executive session at 5:32 p.m. The Board reconvened in open session at 6:00 p.m. A-9 MOTION Dorothy Williams moved to accept the Administration's recommendations for the employment and transfers of personnel. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: ADJOURNMENT MOTION Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None (Redus - absent) Trent Cox moved to adjourn the meeting. Dorothy Williams seconded the motion. YEAS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Redus, Teague and Williams NAYS: None (Riley - absent) President Moore declared the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Marty Moore, President Rochelle Redus, Secretary A-10 Arkansas School Boards Association .Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Little Rock, AR 72202-3646 (501) 372-1415 Fax (501) 375-2454 1-800-482-1212 MEMORANDUM June 23, 2006 TO: All Superintendents, Co-op Directors FROM: Kathy McFetridge, ASBA President & Dan Farley, Executive Director RE: 2006-07 ASBA Membership RECEIVED JUN2 8 2006 ASBA's programs and services are outlined in the enclosed flyer, which has been sent to all members. Membership in the association has never been as important. ASBA is here to serve you, your board, and your school district by providing you with all the help it can to make your work a little bit easier. Our mission is to make the brightest possible future for our children through the education we provide them. Working together as a united force, we can improve our schools and better serve our communities. The ASBA Board of Directors approved the current membership fee schedule at its April 20 meeting. Some districts, if they lost students, may see a decrease in their fees
others, who gained students, may see a slight increase. The fees area based on the revenues published in the "Annual Statistical Report of the Public Schools of Arkansas," published by the Arkansas Department of Education. The scale consists of 10 brackets and is printed on the enclosed flyer. We look forward to a successful new year of working together to improve the academic achievement and well-being of Arkansas public school students. B - 1 Arkansas School Boards Association 808 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone: 1-800-482-1212 Bill To North Little Rock School District Kenneth Kirspel, Superintendent P.O. Box687 North Little Rock, AR 72115 Date Event/Item Description 7/1/2006 Membership 2006-07 ASBA Membership Due Upon Receipt Phone# Fax# E-mail Web Site l-800-482-1212 (501) 375-2454 B - 2 Invoice Date Invoice No. 6/30/2006 4626 P.O. No.: Event/Item ASBA Membership Qty Cost Amount l 1,867.00 1,867.00 Total $1,867.00 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $1,867.00 PROPOSED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES TOGETHER WITH TAX LEVY FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2007 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30,-2008 The Board of Directors of the North Little Rock School District No. 1 of Pulaski County, Arkansas, in compliance with the requirements of Ark. Code Ann. 6-13-622 and Amendment No. 40 and No. 74 of the Constitution of the State of Arkansas has prepared, approved and does hereby make public a proposed budget of expenditures for the district in 2007 - 2008 together with a supporting tax rate. The proposed budget of expenditures includes: Salary Fund Expenditures Instructional Expense Maintenance & Operation Expense Pupil Transportation Expense Other Operating Expense Nonbonded Debt Payment Bonded Debt Payment Building Fund Expense $ 45, 000,000 20,515,000 6,800,000 3,670,000 1,380,000 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dedicated M & 0 (Current Expend/Capital Outlay) 420,000 1,548,000 2,000,000 1,600,000 To provide for the foregoing proposed budget of expenditures, the Board of Directors proposes a total tax rate (state and local) of 40.9 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School District. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of 25.0 mills (the "Statewide Uniform Rate") to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas Constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. This total tax levy includes 28. 7 mills for maintenance and operation of school
2.9 mills for dedicated maintenance and operation Millage (formerly current expenditure/capital outlay) dedicated for the purpose of purchasing school buses, purchasing furniture and equipment to support instructional programs, purchasing computer software, and renovating, repairing and equipping existing facilities
and 9.3 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy and pledged for retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. Surplus revenues produced each year by debt service Millage may be used by the District for other school purposes. This request represents no increase in the total tax from the previous year. Given this 20th day of July 2006 North Little Rock School District No. 1 of Pulaski County, Arkansas C - 1 Marty Moore Presidl\t t of Board Rochelle Redus Secretary of Board I North Little Rock School District Local Revenue Current Taxes Pullback Delinquent Taxes Excess Commissions Land Redemption Penalties & Interest on Taxes Tuition-Summer School/Day Care Interest on Investments Soft Drink Sales Misc Rev From Local Total Local Revenue Revenue From Intermediate Source !Severance Tax Revenue from State Sources-Unrestricted State Equalization Aid Student Growth Funding 0th Unrestr Grants-in-Aid Revenue from State Sources-Restricted Regular Education Special Education Early Childhood M-to-M Non-Instr Pgms Misc State estate NUE OPERATIONS d eotal Revenu TOTAL REVE Building Fun Capital Outla Food Service Federal Revenue y ATOTALFEDE 9J"OTALREVE s Unrestricted-PL 874 Title I-B-4 ROTC Satellite Ed Research Erner Impact Aid Pgm Title I Title V-A Innovative Pgm Homeless Assistance Carl Perkins - Vocational Title 11-D Formula Grant Title VI -B Head Start Special Ed Preschool Medicaid Eisenhower Math/Science Title Ill - Eng Lang Acq Title IV-A Safe & Drug Free Comprehensive Sch Health Accountability RAL REVENUE NUE JUNE 2006 2005-2006 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual $13,735,000.00 $0.00 $12,078,615.58 $6,530,000.00 $735,280.65 $6,178,911.28 $1,410,000.00 $64,374.78 $1,283,498.74 $150,000.00 $0.00 $311,991.32 $181,000.00 $15,866.64 $195,615.08 $42,000.00 $5,853.28 $68,216.66 $102,500.00 $57,433.23 $121,487.75 $360,000.00 $118,080.44 $899,347.46 $90,000.00 $8,324.64 $82,464.26 $819,990.00 $14,102.19 $108,279.96 $23,420,490.00 $1,019,315.85 $21,328,428.09 $13,000.00! $0.00! $8,004.97! $33,414,099.00 $3,409,249.00 $34,528,908.00 $0.00 $416,691.00 $829,872.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $1,750.00 $499,745.00 $0.00 $536,057.74 $4,866,499.00 $497,020.00 $4,680,512.00 $2,155,150.00 $0.00 $2,256,650.00 $4,825,000.00 $713,700.45 $6,737,033.84 $1,805,435.00 $5,425.00 $1,284,662.66 $136,000.00 $5,508.77 $48,788.39 $47,710,928.00 $5,047,594.22 $50,904,234.63 $71,144,418.00 $6,066,910.07 $72,240,667.69 $46,000.00 $98,817.41 $239,511.43 $1,523,253.00 $79,209.84 $1,512,090.74 $3,213,000.00 $326,242.10 $3,598,362.86 $2,500.00 $64,717.00 $64,717.00 $65,549.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120,000.00 $9,066.59 $92,639.79 $180,000.00 $0.00 $180,000.00 $0.00 $229,261.00 $313,011.00 $3,175,702.00 $1,408,961.00 $3,175,702.00 $276,426.00 $0.00 $380,906.00 $180,000.00 $0.00 $183,000.00 $202,587.00 $6,127.00 $202,587.00 $58,407.00 $0.00 $58,407.00 $1,871,018.00 $0.00 $2,098,268.00 $705,491.00 $0.00 $494,241.00 $361,000.00 $54,353.54 $473,574.24 $610,000.00 $0.00 $982,010.00 $16,976.00 $16,542.00 $16,542.00 $73,706.00 $0.00 $73,706.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45,000.00 $65,000.00 $0.00 $19,834.83 $7,964,362.00 $1,789,028.13 $8,854,145.86 $83,891,033.00 $8,360,207.55 $86,444,778.58 0-1 YTD Budget Balance Actual/Bud $1,656,384.42 87.94% $351,088.72 94.62% $126,501.26 91.03% -$161,991.32 207.99% -$14,615.08 108.07% -$26,216.66 162.42% -$18,987.75 118.52% -$539,347.46 249.82% $7,535.74 91.63% $711,710.04 13.21% $2,092,061.91 91.07% $4,995.03! 61.58%! -$1,114,809.00 103.34% -$829,872.00 $7,250.00 19.44% -$36,312.74 107.27% $185,987.00 96.18% -$101,500.00 104.71% -$1,912,033.84 139.63% $520,772.34 71.16% $87,211.61 35.87% -$3, 193,306.63 106.69% -$1,096,249.69 101.54% -$193,511.43 520.68% $11,162.26 99.27% -$385,362.86 111.99% -$62,217.00 2588.68% $65,549.00 0.00% $27,360.21 77.20% $0.00 100.00% -$313,011.00 $0.00 100.00% -$104,480.00 137.80% -$3,000.00 101.67% $0.00 100.00% $0.00 100.00% -$227,250.00 112.15% $211,250.00 70.06% -$112,574.24 131.18% -$372,010.00 160.99% $434.00 97.44% $0.00 100.00% -$45,000.00 $45,165.17 30.52% -$889, 783.86 111.17% -$2,553, 7 45.58 103.04% Expenditure Category CERTIFIED SALARIES CERTIFIED BENEFITS CLASSIFIED SALARIES CLASSIFIED BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS Purchased-Prof ff ech Services Purchased Property Services Other Purchased Services Supplies and Materials Property Other Objects Other Uses of Funds Total Other Expenditures OPERATING FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND BUILDING FUND FEDERAL FUND FOOD SERVICE FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES North Little Rock School District JUNE 2006 2005-2006 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual $34,874,548.00 $6,672,296.66 $36,954,715.16 $10,107,052.41 $2,016,823.29 $9,728,580.42 $10,422,770.60 $1,435,956.94 $10,300,991.69 $3,857,441.17 $590,622.18 $3,683,491.20 $59,261,812.18 $10,715,699.07 $60,667,778.47 $977,902.19 $96,466.15 $1,093,359.44 $979,384.54 $122,806.91 $948,306.55 $2,537,508.99 $200,604.04 $2,633,381.52 $4,669,020.15 $388,528.65 $4,184,872.52 $274,292.00 $158,752.90 $392,215.11 $1,005,410.84 $3,621.38 $648,288.70 $700,207.00 $0.00 $353,202.73 $11,143,725.71 $970,780.03 $10,253,626.57 $70,405,537.89 $11,686,479.10 $70,921,405.04 $1,599,207.00 $91,525.52 $1,228,772.42 $1,676,206.00 $16,267.00 $16,267.00 $9,635,909.95 $1,819,860.97 $6,605,237.43 $2,942,736.00 $345,578.47 $3,375,426.56 $86,259,596.84 $13,959,711.06 $82,147,108.45 0-2 %Yid Budget Balance Actual/Bud -$2,080,167.16 105.96% $378,471.99 96.26% $121,778.91 98.83% $173,949.97 95.49% -$1,405,966.29 102.37% -$115,457.25 111.81% $31,077.99 96.83% -$95,872.53 103.78% $484,147.63 89.63% -$117,923.11 142.99% $357,122.14 64.48% $347,004.27 50.44% $890,099.14 92.01% -$515,867 .15 100.73% $370,434.58 76.84% $1,659,939.00 0.97% $3,030,672.52 68.55% -$432,690.56 114.70% $4,112,488.39 95.23% Function Category 11 XX Reqular Proqrams-Elem/Sec 12XX Special Education 13XX Workforce Education 15XX Comoensatorv Education 19XX Other Instructional 21XX Support Services-Students 22XX Suport Services-Instruction 23XX SuPPort Services-Administration 24XX Support Services-Sch Admin 25XX Suooort Services-Business 26XX M & 0 Plant Services 27XX Pupil Transportation 28XX Support Services-Central 29XX Other Support Services 31XX Food Services 33XX Community Service Operations 34XX Other Non-Instr Services 43XX Site Improvement Services 44XX Arch/Eng Services 46XX Bldg Acq/Constr Services ?XX Building Improvements 51XX LEA Indebtedness 53XX Payment to other LEA 55XX Indirect CosUAdmin Charqes GRAND TOTAL North Little Rock School District FUNCTION - JUNE 2006 2005-2006 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual $27,427,290.72 $5,874,594.88 $29,057,768.43 $9,477,206.00 $1,914,420.13 $9,339,226.95 $2,077,304.00 $256,952.14 $1,750,248.05 $3,857,957.00 $1,065,344.82 $3,197,616.53 $3,200,050.51 $503,779.05 $3,180,613.18 $7,141,053.00 $1,112,614.53 $6,064,280.33 $5,587,492.92 $771,897.13 $4,948,728.89 $1,092,984.39 $81,191.02 $1,033,283.09 $4,337,794.80 $526,815.81 $4,330,008.98 $673,014.00 $49,311.92 $693,056.30 $6,521,692.50 $821,183.27 $6,598,121.37 $4,141,782.00 $314,442.24 $3,458,828.76 $1,494,281.00 $98,213.43 $1,386,114.56 $456,555.00 $35,450.43 $506,222.15 $3,615,511.00 $411,705.50 $4,031,855.69 $71,841.00 $30,444.18 $47,238.31 $68,243.00 $12,394.45 $120,078.09 $0.00 $16,267.00 $21,562.00 $0.00 $0.00 $195,000.00 $45,500.00 $0.00 $1,815.00 $1,676,206.00 $32,850.00 $42,112.00 $1,889,564.00 $29,839.13 $1,018,649.03 $1,270,000.00 $0.00 $1,124,680.76 $136,274.00 $0.00 $0.00 $86,259,596.84 $13,959,711.06 $82,147,108.45 0-3 %Ytd Budget Balance Actual/Bud -$1,630,477.71 105.94% $137,979.05 98.54% $327,,055.95 84.26% $660,340.47 82.88% $19,437.33 99.39% $1,076,772.67 84.92% $638,764.03 88.57% $59,701.30 94.54% $7,785.82 99.82% -$20,042.30 102.98% -$76,428.87 101.17% $682,953.24 83.51% $108,166.44 92.76% -$49,667.15 110.88% -$416,344.69 111.52% $24,602.69 65.75% -$51,835.09 175.96% -$21,562.00 -$195,000.00 $43,685.00 3.99% $1,634,094.00 2.51% $870,914.97 53.91% $145,319.24 88.56% $136,274.00 0.00% $4,112,488.39 95.23% North Little Rock School District SOURCE OF FUNDS JUNE 2006 ' Current Month Ytd Source of Funds Category Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual Budget Balance Actual/Bud 000 Non-categorical $67,849,075.08 $10,406,372.64 $66,526,589.02 $1,322,486.06 98.05% 003 Extended Day Programs $0.00 $2,413.42 $28,037.09 -$28,037.09 020 Alternative-Local $7,047.00 $50.55 $1,388.78 $5,658.22 19.71 ' 045 Summer School $58,375.00 $41,717.44 $68,435.69 -$10,060.69 117.23% 050 Camp Robinson Work Pgm $44,000.00 $1,980.39 $19,966.81 $24,033.19 45.38% 053 GIT Summer Quest $25,350.00 $25,532.18 $25,813.19 -$463.19 101.83% 055 Soft Drink Sales $207,352.31 $28,917.78 $127,029.77 $80,322.54 61.26% 066 Teachers of Tomorrow $0.00 $0.00 $525.00 -$525.00 075 Arkansas Arts Council $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 -$360.00 077 Walton Family Foundation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 083 Ark Heritage/Wildwood $640.00 $0.00 $640.00 $0.00 100.00% 090 Yale 21st Century $25,ooo.od $3,266.17 $21,259.04 $3,740.96 85.04% 095 ADE Gates Grant $4,283.15 $0.00 $0.00 $4,283.15 0.00% 199 Summer Pre-K Program $0.00 $13,002.79 $13,002.79 -$13,002.79 213 Intensive School Improvement $9,000.00 $0.00 $3,990.36 $5,009.64 44.34% 223 Prof Development Act 59 $521,961.22 $45,255.49 $371,906.29 $150,054.93 71.25% 225 Technology Grant $1,724.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,724.00 0.00% 227 CPEP $71,710.00 $24,242.92 $42,824.81 $28,885.19 59.72% 245 Pathwise Mentoring $63,969.00 $37,670.48 $120,247.64 -$56,278.64 187.98% 250 Act 591 Residential $73,000.00 $9,300.00 $45,950.00 $27,050.00 62.95% 260 Early Childhood Sp Ed $729,627.00 $123,053.66 $757,146.04 -$27,519.04 103.77% 271 GfT Advance Placement $4,000.78 $0.00 $204.00 $3,796.78 5.10% 275 Alternative Leaming Environment $1,290,745.00 $236,719.19 $1,248,746.91 $41,998.09 96.75% 276 English Lang Learners $68,973.00 $7,506.63 $67,057.24 $1,915.76 97.22% 281 NSLA $2,710,070.00 $525,827.04 $2,893,899.17 -$183,829.17 106.78% 340 Workforce Start-up $28,090.00 $0.00 $577.65 $27,512.35 2.06% 365 ABC Preschool $2,198,770.08 $478,450.40 $2,243,853.94 -$45,083.86 102.05% 381 Smart Start Literacy $80,619.00 $4,384.27 $78,898.73 $1,720.27 97.87% - 392 General Facility Funding $564,409.00 $72,887.25 $585,853.26 -$21,444.26 103.80% 398 DHS Preschool Improvement $10,711.27 $2,182.40 $3,550.80 $7,160.47 33.15% 406 Academic Fae lmmed Repair $0.00 $49,117.00 $244,117.00 -$244,117.00 406 lmprv Lit Thru Libraries $0.00 $2,390.05 $61,044.81 -$61,044.81 430 ROTC $120,000.00 $16,995.18 $122,868.49 -$2,868.49 102.39% 441 Title IV-B 21st Century $242,547.76 $34,549.40 $271,087.56 -$28,539.80 111.77% 501 Title I-Reg Comp Ed $4,490,638.39 $638,721.48 $2,223,633.21 $2,267,005.18 49.52% 504 Title I Program Improvement $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 520 Title V-A Innovative Program $344,251.00 $251,091.06 $259,167.98 $85,083.02 75.28% 523 Title I Reading First $234,444.00 $168,142.52 $351,792.59 -$117,348.59 150.05% 530 Homeless-Stewart McKinney $19,209.00 $1,428.82 $12,483.92 $6,725.08 64.99% 535 Title V-B Charter Schools $131,053.54 $400.00 $80,311.64 $50,741.90 61.28% 565 Teacher Quality Enhancement $0.00 $15,317.36 $70,632.51 -$70,632.51 570 Carl Perkins Vocational $196,114.00 $67,751.92 $203,114.73 -$7,000.73 103.57% 595 Title 11-DE d Technology I $61,493.95 $58,071.70 $58,071.70 $3,422.25 94.43% 702 Title VI-B PL 94-142 I $1,780,741.00 $247,131.68 $1,332,208.55 $448,532.45 74.81% 703 Title VI-B Head Start $89,910.00 $15,130.90 $83,118.11 $6,791.89 92.45% 710 Sp Ed Preschool Sec 619 $823,280.00 $136,258.28 $712,194.37 $111,085.63 86.51% 720 Title VI-B Sliver Gr.:: ,t $99,254.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99,254.00 0.00% 750 Medicaid $288,382.00 $19,154.21 $163,702.42 $124,679.58 56.77% 751 Medicaid Sp Ed Preschool $60,000.00 $7,197.99 $47,713.18 $12,286.82 79.52% 756 Title II-A Improve Teaching $534,343.31 $92,394.99 $407,461.83 $126,881.48 76.25% 761 Title Ill Eng Lang Acqui $11,662.00 $0.00 $13,969.72 -$2,307.72 119.79% 781 Title IV-A Drug Ed $73,586.00 $19,653.90 $75,075.95 -$1,489.95 102.02% 785 Comprehensive Sch Health $24,837.40 $28,674.99 -$28,674.99 - 796 Workforce Investment Act $35,000.00 $3,242.13 $26,909.17 $8,090.83 76.88% GRAND TOTAL $86,259,596.84 $13,959,711.06 $82,147,108.45 $4,137,303.39 95.23% 0-4 $80,000,000.00 $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 NLRSD Actual to Budget Comparison As of June, 2006 Operating Building Capital Outlay Funds 0-5 Federal Food Service !.!Budget LI Expenses NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT North Little Rock, Arkansas Board Agenda - July 20, 2006 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS June Haynie Penny Elliott NAME: Administration, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Effective 7 /14/06 NEW ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL Rose City Middle School, Principal Effective 7 /24/06, Category I, Step 10, 252 days NEW ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS Penny Elliott PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Rose City Middle School, Principal EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: BS- University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/81 MA - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/90 Nevada-English 7-12, Speech & Drama, School Administrator K-12 Arkansas License pending reciprocity Chaparral High School, Las Vegas, NV - Principal, 2003 - 2006 Orr Middle School, Las Vegas, NV - Principal, 2001 - 2003 Cimarron-Memorial High School, Las Vegas, NV - Asst. Principal 1999-2001 Cimarron-Memorial High School, Las Vegas, NV - Administrative Dean 1997 - 1999 Cimarron-Memorial High School, Las Vegas, NV - English Teacher, 1991 - 1997 Oak Grove High School, North Little Rock, AR - English/ Theatre Teacher 1982 - 1991 Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Ken Kirspel, Superintendent of Schools CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS Kathy Arnold Sara Berryman Lori Brainerd Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Math Specialist Effective 6/14/06 Seventh Street Elementary, Reading Recovery Effective 7 /3/06 NLRHS East Campus, Special Education/Cheer Sponsor Effective 8/1/06 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS CONTINUED Karen Cobb Natalie Cope Rebecca Davis Whitney Fletcher Melanie Gilliam Anita Gray Cathie Huey Cassandra Jones Patrick Kirwin Anna Lowrance Patrick Miller Nancy Moore Jennifer Park Betty Powell Amber Runsick Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Social Studies Effective 8/13/06 Seventh Street Elementary, First Grade Effective 5/30/06 Amboy Elementary, Third Grade Effective 8/12/06 NLRHS East Campus, Clinical Counselor Effective 6/20/06 Amboy Elementary, Second Grade Effective 8/1/06 Indian Hills Elementary, Kindergarten Effective 6/22/06 Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, English Effective 5/30/06 Boone Park Elementary, First Grade Effective 8/7 /06 Lakewood Middle School, English/Social Studies/Math Effective 5/30/06 Redwood Early Childhood Center, Pre-Kindergarten Effective 8/14/06 Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Math Effective 7 /10/06 Poplar Street Middle School, Special Education Effective 5/30/06 NLRHS East Campus, F ACS/Keystone Effective 6/30/06 NLRHS West Campus, French III & IV .38 FTE Effective 5/30/06 Belwood Elementary, Media Specialist .50 FTE Effective 8/1/06 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS CONTINUED Amanda Symancyk Paul Taylor Amboy/Meadow Park Elementary, Gifted & Talented Facilitator Effective 8/1/06 NLRHS East Campus, Band Director Effective 7/12/06 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES Ruba Abdin From Amboy Elementary, Kindergarten To Amboy Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten Honnye Athanasiou ---- From Argenta Academy, Special Education To Lakewood Middle School, Special Education Michelle Baggett From Lynch Drive Elementary, Kindergarten To Crestwood Elementary, First Grade Mindi Disterdick From Lynch Drive Elementary, Second Grade To Lynch Drive Elementary, Special Education Suzanne Gilliam From Park Hill Elementary, ALE Classroom To Park Hill Elementary, Special Education Resource Nancy Greene From Special Services - Annex, Speech Therapist To Seventh Street Elementary, Speech Therapist Carolyn Hanks From Lynch Drive Elementary, Math Coach To Crestwood Elementary, Fifth Grade Gwen Hammonds From Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Social Studies To NLRHS West Campus, Social Studies Cindy Lann From Indian Hills Elementary, Third Grade To Park Hill Elementary, Math Coach Deanna Mann From Amboy Elementary, Fifth Grade To Amboy Elementary, Math Coach Carrie Manning From Boone Park Elementary, Fifth Grade To Boone Park Elementary, Math Coach Denise Maxam From Amboy Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten To Amboy Elementary, Fifth Grade -P-3 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES CONTINUED Sara McAlister From Belwood Elementary, Special Education To Lakewood Middle School, Special Education Joy Nichols From Lakewood Middle School, Special Education To Argenta Academy, Special Education Lynda Sisco From NLRHS West Campus, Special Education To Special Services -Annex, Special Education Hearing Impaired Vicki Steadman From North Heights/Boone Park Elementary, Special Education To North Heights Elementary, Literacy Coach Eric Waldorf From North Heights Elementary, Second Grade To North Heights Elementary, Math Coach Joanie Walker From Amboy Elementary, Reading First Coach To Lynch Drive Elementary, Reading First Coach Melanie Wooldridge ---- From Lynch Drive Elementary, Second Grade To Indian Hills Elementary, Second Grade Susan Bruton Amy Buehlig Mindy Carroll Holly Crossman Raymond Girdler Arline Hemphill Hannah Hill NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL Unassigned Elementary Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Special Services Department, Speech Language Pathologist Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 4, 190 days Tri-District Early Childhood, Speech Pathologist Effective 8/7/06, Category IV, Step 1,200 days Lakewood Middle School, PE/Health/ Athletics Effective 7 /31/06, Category I, Step 0, 200 days Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Math Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Lynch Drive Elementary, Kindergarten Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Lynch Drive Elementary, Second Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 2, 190 days P-4 - Matthew How Robin Johnson Araceli Johnston Rachel Jouvenaux Bruce Maddox Porsha Martin Angela McAlpin - Kelly Meyer Julie Mobley Marybeth Norcross Trinina Norris Megan Page Barrett Petty Tanya Phillips Tabitha Radford NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL CONTINUED North Heights Elementary, Fifth Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category, IV, Step 9, 190 days Boone Park Elementary/North Heights Elementary, Special Education Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days NLRHS West Campus, Spanish Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 2, 190 days Glenview Elementary, Special Education Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days NLRHS West Campus, Secondary Math Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 2, 190 days Meadow Park Elementary, Kindergarten Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Belwood Elementary, Special Education Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 12, 190 days Indian Hills Elementary, Third Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 6, 190 days Lakewood Elementary, Fifth Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 18, 190 days Poplar Street Middle School, Language Arts/Social Studies Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Boone Park Elementary, Fifth Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Amboy Elementary, Third Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 2, 190 days NLRHS East Campus, Math Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days NLRHS East Campus, Criminal Justice Teacher Effective 8/18/06, Category IV, Step 5, 195 days Special Services, Speech Language Pathology Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 2, 190 days P-5 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL CONTINUED Barbara Rhodes NLRHS West Campus, Art Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category VI, Step 21, 190 days Leslie Riddick Unassigned Elementary Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 5, 190 days Randi Riggs Amboy Elementary, Second Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days ' Rhonda Rook Amboy Elementary, Literacy Coach Effective 8/14/06, Category VI, Step 20, 190 days Anna Sanders Meadow Park Elementary, Fifth Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category V, Step 10, 190 days Erica Smith Unassigned Elementary Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 0, 190 days Jessica Spaeth NLRHS West Campus, Spanish Teacher Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 1, 190 days Gena Sparks Poplar Street Middle School, Special Education - Effective 8/14/06, Category I, Step 6, 190 days Gladys Swift Lakewood Middle School, Special Education Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 0, 190 days Lindy Thompson Tri-District Early Childhood, Special Education Effective 8/14/06, Category II, Step 17, 190 days Sophia Vega North Heights Elementary, Second Grade Effective 8/14/06, Category IV, Step 2, 190 days NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION: Susan M. Bruton Unassigned, Elementary Teacher BSE -UALR, Little Rock, AR 5/06 Early Childhood P-4 Redwood Early Childhood Center, North Little Rock, AR 8/05 - 3/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel -P-6 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION AmyBuehlig Special Services Department, Speech Language Pathologist BSE - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 5/99 MSE- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 5/02 Speech Language Pathologist P-12 NW AESC Early Childhood Program, Farmington, AR 10/03 - 6/05 Richardson Center, Fayetteville, AR 05/03 - 10-03 Meyer Pediatric Therapy Services, Rogers, AR 5/02 - 5/03 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Mindy E. Carroll Tri-District Early Childhood, Occupational Therapist BS - University of Central Arkansas, 12/03 MS - University of Central Arkansas, 8/05 State of Arkansas, Medical Board, Occupational Therapist ACCESS Schools, Little Rock, AR 8/05 - 8/06 Thelma Jasper, Coordinator Tri-District Early Childhood Program Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of ,Personnel Holly Crossman Lakewood Middle School, PE/Health/ Athletics BA- Lyon College, Batesville, AR 05/03 Non-Traditional Provisional License Pending Non-Traditional Licensure Program Dr. Ginger Wallace, Principal June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Raymond Girdler Ridgeroad Middle Charter School, Secondary Math BSE - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/06 Secondary Math 7-12 Vilonia Junior High School, Vilonia, AR 8/04 - 12/04 Conway J-Jigh School East, Conway, AR 1/05 -5/05 June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel -P-7 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION Arline Hemphill Lynch Drive Elementary, Kindergarten BSE - University of Arkansas Little Rock, AR 5/06 Early Childhood Education P-4 Lakewood Elementary, North Little Rock, AR 8/05 -3/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel ' Hannah Hill Lynch Drive Elementary, Second Grade BSE - Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL 4/04 License Pending Reciprocity Gadsden City Schools, Gadsden, AL 8/04 - 5/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Matthew How North Heights Elementary, Fifth Grade BA- University of California, Los Angeles, CA 12/97 M.Ed- National University, Los Angeles, CA 01/02 Early Childhood Education P-5
Grades 5-6 Endorsement
ESL P-8 and ESL 7-12 Chino Valley Unified Schools, Chino, CA 8/03 -6/06 Pasadena Unified Schools, Pasadena, CA 9/02 - 6/03 Chino Hills Christian Schools, Chino Hills, CA 9/98 - 6/02 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Robin Johnson Boone Park/North Heights Elementary, Special Education BSE -Arkansas State University, Beebe, AR 5/06 Early Childhood Education P-4
ALP for Special Education McRae Elementary, McRae, AR 1/06- 5/06 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Araceli Johnston NLRHS West Campus, Spanish University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 5/93 Spanish P-8 and Spanish 7-12 Academics Plus Charter School, Maumelle, AR 8/04 - 8/06 June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-8 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION Rachel Jouvenaux Glenview Elementary, Special Education BSE - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/06 Initial License Pending Mayflower Elementary, Mayflower, AR 3/06 - 6/06 Ida Burns Elementary, Conway, AR 11/05 - 3/06 Easter Seals Preschool, Little Rock, AR 9/05 - 10/05 Mayflower Elementary, 1/05 -4/05 Cabot Central Elementary, 9/04- 12/04 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Bruce Maddox NLRHS West Campus, Secondary Math BA - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 5/86 MA- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 3/96 Secondary Math 7-12 Des Arc High School, Des Arc, AR 8/04 - 6/06 June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Porscha Martin Meadow Park Elementary, Kindergarten BSE - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/06 Initial Licensure Pending Florence Mattison International Elementary, Conway, AR 1/06- 5/06 Ida Burns Elementary, Conway, AR 9/05 -12/05 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Angela McAlpin Belwood Elementary, Special Education BSE - University of Arkansas, Monticello, AR 12/03 Early Childhood Education P-4
ALP for Special Education Jacksonville Middle School, Jacksonville, AR 12/03 - 5/05 Mayflower Elementary, Mayflower, AR 08/05 - 05/06 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel -P-9 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION Kelly Meyer Indian Hills Elementary, Third Grade BSE - University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 5/00 License Pending Reciprocity Wilderness Oak Elementary, San Antonio, TX 8/05 - 5/06 Redland Oaks Elementary, San Antonio, TX 8/04 - 5/05 Cody Elementary School, San Antonio, TX 8/00 - 5/04 Sheryll Smith, Principal Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Jenna Mobley Amboy Elementary, Kindergarten BSE - Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 8/06 Initial License Pending Fox Meadow Elementary, Jonesboro, AR 1/06-5/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Julie Mobley Lakewood Elementary, Fifth Grade BSE -Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 5/84 MSE -Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 5/97 Elementary 1-6
Middle School English 5-8 Piggott School District, Piggott, AR 8/84 - 6/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Marybeth Norcross Poplar Street Middle School, Language Arts/Social Studies BA - University of California, Davis, CA 6/83 Provisional Middle Level Education - Math, English, Science And Social Studies 4-8 Non-Traditional Licensure Program Bill Bowers, Principal June Haynie, Administrative Directo .. n,f Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel -P-10 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION Tranina Norris Boone Park Elementary, Fifth Grade BSE - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/05 Middle Level Education - Math, English, Science, and Social Studies 4-8 Ruth Doyle Intermediate, Conway, AR 8/04-12/05 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Megan Page Amboy Elementary, Third Grade BSE- University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 12/03 Early Childhood Education P-4 Lincoln Consolidated School District, Lincoln, AR 8/04 - 6/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Barrett Wade McCoy Petty NLRHS East Campus, Math BA - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 5/03 Non-Traditional Provisional License Pending Non-Traditional Licensure Program D. Lee Tackett, Principal June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Tanya Phillips NLRHS East Campus, Criminal Justice BA- Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 12/98 MA- University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 04/01 Special Education Instructional Specialist P-4, Special Education Instructional Specialist 4-12
Criminal Justice endorsement pending Little Rock School District, Little Rock, AR 08/05 - 06/06 D. Lee Tackett, Principal June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Tabitha Radford Special Services DepartrnPnt, Speech Language Pathologist BS - University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 5/02 MA - University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, Little Rock, 5/04 Licensed Speech Therapist, ADE License Pending Allied Therapy, Ward, AR 8/04- 7/06 Developmental Therapy, Little Rock, AR 7/04- 12/04 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-11 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: Barbara Rhodes NLRHS West Campus, Art BSE - University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 5/69 MSE - University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 5/03 Art P-8
Art 7-12 Pulaski County Special School District, Little Rock, AR 8/77 - 6/06 Oak Grove High School, No. Little Rock, AR 9/70 - 6/72 Glen Junior High, Winston Salem, NC 8/69 - 1/70 June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Leslie Riddick Unassigned Elementary Teacher BSE- Union University, Jackson, TN 5/01 MSE-Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO12/05 License Pending Reciprocity Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Randi Riggs Amboy Elementary, Second Grade BSE- University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 12/05 Early Childhood Education P-4 Magness Creek Elementary, Cabot, AR 8/05 - 12/05 Marguerite Vann Elementary, Conway, AR 1/05 -5/05 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Rhonda Rook Amboy Elementary, Literacy Coach BSE- Southern State College, Magnolia, AR 5/75 MSE- Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, AR 8/78 Elementary Principal K-9
Early Childhood Education P-4
Elementary Education K-6
Reading Specialist P-8 Sheridan School District, Sheridan, AR 705 - 6/06 Hope School District, Hope, AR 7 /03 - 6/05 North Little Rock School District, No. Little Rock, AR 7/01-6/03 Dawson Education Services Cooperative, Arkadelphia, AR 7 /99 - 6/00 Arkansas Better Chance Program, Little Roel.:: AR 1/98 - 6/99 William Jefferson Clinton Primary School, Hope, AR 8/95 - 1/98 Edith Brown Elementary School, Hope, AR 8/89 - 9-92 Yerger Middle School, Hope, AR 8/84 - 8/89 McRae Elementary School, McRae, AR 8/77 - 8/84 Fairview Kindergarten, El Dorado, AR 8/75 -8/77 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel -P-12 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: Anna Sanders Meadow Park Elementary, Fifth Grade BA - Hendrix College, Arkadelphia, AR 5/96 M.Ed. - University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 5/99 Elementary Principal K-9
Middle School Social Studies 5-8
Elementary 1-6 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Little Rock, AR 8/97 - 6/06 FACT, Inc. El Dorado, AR 8/96-5/97 Rosie Coleman, Principal Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Erica Smith Unassigned Elementary Teacher BSE-Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR 5/06 Initial License Pending Smackover Elementary School, Smackover, AR 1/06 - 5/06 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Jessica Spaeth NLRHS West Campus, Spanish BA - University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 5/05 Spanish P-8
Spanish 7-12, English/Language Arts 7-12
ESL-P-8 Greenbrier Junior High, Greenbrier, AR 1/05 - 5/05 June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Gena M. Sparks Poplar Street Middle School, Special Education BSE - University of Houston, Houston, TX 6/02 License Pending Reciprocity Evans Middle School, McKinney, TX 8/04-6/06 Winship Elementary, Spring, TX 8/03 - 5/04 Lynn Lucas Middle School, Willis, TX 8/00- 5/03 Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-13 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS CONTINUED NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: Gladys Swift Lakewood Middle School, Special Education BS - University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR 8/76 MA- Webster University, Little Rock, AR 5/93 Health Education 7-12
Secondary Physical Education 7-12 ALP for Special Education Dr. Ginger Wallace, Principal June Haynie, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Melinda Kaye Thompson Tri-District Early Childhood Program, Special Education BSE - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 5/82 Elementary 1-6
Special Education Early Childhood Specialist P-4
Special Education Hearing Impaired P-4
Special Education Hearing Impaired 4-12 Allied Therapy, Sherwood, AR 1997 - 2006 Access School, Little Rock, AR 1996 - 1997 Victory Baptist School, Sherwood, AR 1995 - 1996 Hurst, Euless, Bedford Schools, Hurst, TX 1987 - 1988 Williams Academy, Fort Worth, TX 1984 - 1987 A Arkansas School for the Deaf, Little Rock, AR 1982 - 1984 Thelma Jasper, Coordinator Tri-District Early Childhood Program Martha Kay Asti, Director of Special Services Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Sophia Vega North Heights Elementary, Second Grade BA-Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, TX 12/99 MA- University of Texas, San Antonio, TX 12/04 License Pending Reciprocity John Glenn Elementary, San Antonio, TX 2004 - 2006 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL TRANSFERS AND CHANGE~ Jeff Martello From Adm. Annex, Computer Technician To Administration, Software Support Specialist Effective 7 /21/06 P-14 NEW PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL PERSONNEL - Cedric Black Administration, Computer Operator Effective 7 /21/06 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS Sharon Conner Indian Hills Elementary, Special Education Aide Effective 6/30/06 Linda Evans NLRHS West Campus, Custodian Effective 6/29/06 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES Elden Baxter From Plant Services, Substitute Custodian To NLRHS West Campus, Custodian Stacy Reed From Amboy Elementary, Lead Custodian To Lakewood Middle School, SAC Aide - NEW CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Rebecca Reeves Lakewood Middle School, Nurse-Bachelor's Effective 8-9-06, Category 403, Step 4, 193 days P-15 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JULY BIDS FOR APPROVAL BID NUMBER : 06-06-064 BID NAME : Copy Paper (3,000 cases) SOURCE OF FUNDING : District LOCATION: Warehouse Printing Paper Unisource Corporate Express * ** *** **** ***** Did Not Meet Specifications Part of all or No Bid Quality Not Recommended Limited Coverage Recommended $86,700.00 $80,115.00 $72,660.00 ***** S-1 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT A AES P - ARKANSAS ASSN. OF A AES P - ARKANSAS ASSN. OF A AES P - ARKANSAS ASSN. OF AP EXAMS A PLUS EDUCATION A T & T A T & T A TO Z INHOME TUTORING A TO Z INHOME TUTORING AW PELLER & ASSOCIATES INC AW PELLER & ASSOCIATES INC A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A'TEST CONSULTANTS INC MEA MEA MEA MEA MSBO MTFACS/FACS INSERVICE ABC SCHOOL SUPPLY ABC SCHOOL SUPPLY ABC SCHOOL SUPPLY ABERNATHY COMPANY ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION ASSOC. ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE ACCESS SCHOOLS ACCESS SCHOOLS ACI PLASTICS ACT PUBLICATIONS ADEQ ADEQ ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION T-- 1 AMOUNT .00 60.00 1,250.00 1,700.00 2,814.00 5,791.70 84.00 4 61. 72 5,910.30 2,700.00 222.85 58.22 1,285.11 503.02 158.12 590.58 34.00 510.00 318.80 75.84 850.00 20.00 200.00 374.81 127.63 353.87 316.80 37.50 276.30 3,900.00 3,600.00 368.67 500.00 150.00 150.00 11,303.45 11,822.90 9,318.02 88. 77 1,317.71 678. 96 189.60 189.60 50.00 2,477.00 2,414.50 2,414.50 1,839.50 1,839.50 CHK. NO. 0 57429 58056 58184 57245 57905 57488 57656 57833 58190 57120 57617 57379 57716 58007 58179 57701 57118 57405 57752 57829 57828 57506 57119 57430 57 616 57275 57257 57838 57145 57845 57434 57521 57148 57441 57773 57795 58039 57189 57878 57598 57747 57813 57081 57397 57609 57738 57782 57805 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. AFRICAN AMERICAN IMAGES 263.07 57224 AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED 36,575.29 57330 AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED 5,894.44 57564 AIMEE WRIGHT 76.48 57556 ALAN CROWNOVER 167.88 57133 ALAN CROWNOVER 317.93 58193 ALARMCO INCORPORATED 1,569.50 57552 ALEXANDRA PRITCHETT 14.43 57153 ALIGN .00 57072 V ALIGN .00 57083 V ALIGN .00 57108 V ALIGN .00 57116 V ALIGN .00 57388 V ALIGN .00 57403 V ALIGN .00 57420 V ALIGN .00 57428 V ALIGN .00 57585 V ALIGN .00 57594 V ALIGN .00 57601 V ALIGN .00 57614 V ALIGN .00 57719 V ALIGN .00 57730 V ALIGN .00 57743 V ALIGN .00 57750 V ALIGN .00 57764 V ALIGN .00 57774 V ALIGN .00 57786 V ALIGN .00 57797 V ALIGN .00 57809 V ALIGN .00 57814 V ALIGN .00 57822 V ALIGN .00 57827 V ALIGN ~oo 58010 V ALIGN .00 58018 V ALIGN .00 58030 V ALIGN .00 58040 V ALIGN .00 58055 V ALIGN .00 58183 V ALIGN .00 58247 V ALIGN .00 58259 V ALISHA HERRING 110.29 57344 ALL AMERICAN INC. 2,840.00 57620 ALL AMERICAN INC. 2,221.05 57830 ALL AMERICAN INC. 242.92 58186 ALL AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR 1,619.73 57972 ALL ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. 112. 77 57384 ALL ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. 313.14 57717 ALLIED PRINTING AND SUPPLY CO. 2,430.70 57837 - ALLIED THERAPY & CONSULTING 2,505.00 57289 T- 2 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT ALLIED THERAPY & CONSULTING ALLIED THERAPY & CONSULTING ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #858 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #858 ALLISON CALLAHAN ALLTEL ARENA ALLTEL ARENA ALLTEL MOBILE AMANDA STUCKEY AMANDA SYMANCYK AMBOY ELEM ACTIVITY FUND AMERICAN COMPOSTING INC. AMERICAN COMPOSTING INC. AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN TECHNICAL PUBLISHERS AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES AMSTERDAM PRINTING AMY VOLLMAN ANDRIA SMITH ANITA BELL ANN COWART ANNAN. VAMMEN ANNE PONDER APPLE COMPUTER APPLE COMPUTER INC AR BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE ARCH FORD EDUCATION SERVICE ARKANSAS ALTACARE ARKANSAS ART CENTER ARKANSAS AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, ARKANSAS BAG & EQUIPMENT CO ARKANSAS COUNCIL ON ECONOMIC ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE ARKANSAS DEPT OF HEALTH ARKANSAS DEPT OF HEALTH ARKANSAS DEPT. OF LABOR ARKANSAS FLAG & BANNER, INC. T-- 3 AMOUNT 462.00 2,580.00 4,315.78 4,287.44 4.37 147.84 10,925.00 99. 96 233.88 43.14 58.56 38.68 43.42 332.00 2,442.25 606.96 425.00 11,600.00 425.00 9,650.00 9,650.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 192.07 140.87 110 .10 7.80 538.00 40.45 236.70 650.00 1,990.34 1,440.00 267.42 1,918.52 1,972.50 45,045.00 362.50 407.22 689 .13 110. 00 110. 70 319.00 2,865.25 2,712.60 25.00 425.00 75.00 36.44 CHK. NO. 57538 57957 57248 58223 57359 57313 58148 57136 57327 57355 57692 57940 58126 57227 57490 57220 57080 57396 57593 57608 57737 57781 57804 57128 57260 57307 57308 57933 57698 57530 57950 57866 57296 57162 57636 57858 58128 57492 57545 58178 57523 57161 57635 57857 58073 57270 57524 57256 58058 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT ARKANSAS LYMPHEDEMA & THERAPY ARKANSAS PARENTING EDUCATION ARKANSAS SAFE SCHOOLS ASSN. ARKANSAS SPANISH INTERPRETER & ARKANSAS TEACHER RETIREMENT ARKANSAS TEACHER RETIREMENT ARKANSAS TEACHER RETIREMENT ARKANSAS TEACHER RETIREMENT ARKANSAS TEACHER RETIREMENT ARMATUR EXCHANGE ARROW PLUMBING INC ARTIS LOFTON ASCD ASCO HARDWARE COMPANY, INC. ASCO HARDWARE COMPANY, INC. ASCO HARDWARE COMPANY, INC. ASHELY MALLETT ASHLEY HANAN ASHLEY-WOODSON & ASSOC. ASSOCIATION FOR SUPERVISION & BACKGROUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS BAM INSTITUTIONAL SALES BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BARBARA KREMERS BARBARA LEE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARRY KINCL BASICS PLUS BASICS PLUS BECKY WITCHER BEDFORD CAMERA AND VIDEO T- 4 AMOUNT 360.00 30.00 150.00 333.25 744.35 647.00 1,308,019.12 60,002.87 7,024.22 135. 70 1,500.00 306.85 189.00 12,675.56 1,969.87 3,688.20 2.54 38.84 1,997.02 24.95 200.00 2,391.84 98,749.17 478,821.22 25,459.07 414,612.38 413,838.98 310,813.23 322,626.09 26,144.40 313,920.84 1,291,782.36 83,865.67 1,095,567.78 1,095,125.77 842,235.24 940,828.30 87,011.50 248.99 26. 42 503.78 4,594.52 205.47 63.94 70.78 926.05 126.90 147.19 422.54 CHK. NO. 57235 58174 57233 57569 57600 57749 58260 58261 58262 57460 58165 57959 57682 57123 57618 58057 58252 57347 57226 57436 57433 57986 57074 57390 57587 57603 57732 57776 57799 57824 57073 57389 57586 57602 57731 57775 57798 57823 57186 57109 57140 57624 57841 58063 58060 57840 58062 57252 57435 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT BEDFORD CAMERA AND VIDEO BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY BILL DUVALL BILL DUVALL BILL DUVALL BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S OFFICE FURNITURE BILL'S OFFICE FURNITURE BLICK ART MATERIALS BLUE HILL WRECKER SERVICE BMI EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BMI EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BOBBY D PERRY MD BOONE PARK ELEM ACTIVITY FUND BOONE PARK ELEM ACTIVITY FUND BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BRANDY NESSELRODT BRAYE VALENTINE BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA PARKER BRIAN HARVEY BRIGHT APPLE BROAD REACH BSW ADVERTISING BUDGET OFFICE FURNITURE BURGE PHOTOGRAPHY INC BUSINESS MACHINES SYSTEMS, INC BYE WAY BOOKS INC CA VINES ARKANSAS 4-H CENTER C.T.A. C.T.A. C.T.A. CABOT FLORISTS CABOT FLORISTS CAMBIUM LEARNING INC CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK CARLTON-BATES CO. CARSON DELLOSA PUBLISHING CO CATFISH CITY CATHERINE ALEXANDER CATRICIA HICKMAN CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CCI OF ARKANSAS, INC. CEI T- 5 AMOUNT 153.48 8,337.10 3,032.64 71.12 91. 30 29.91 19. 62 356.33 87.20 2,172.76 253.24 228.90 156.83 4,987.91 168.81 110.01 12.15 1,088.10 3,724.75 99.61 140.00 76.93 30.42 106.24 182.61 968. 75 133. 52 473.96 4,959.37 244.68 103.55 151.31 13,404.25 9,073.35 9,073.35 7,850.70 150.27 39.19 35.37 10.00 551.88 18.07 619.44 236.70 236.70 5,230.75 9,137.08 147.00 207.87 CHK. NO. 57623 57303 57548 57141 57842 58196 57647 57869 57126 57831 57378 57437 57142 57626 57094 57106 57107 57843 58064 57360 57917 57320 57557 57366 57887 57977 58201 57892 57253 57385 58189 58176 58187 57595 57744 57810 57440 5784 6 58076 57101 57147 57277 57498 57535 57529 57570 57982 58156 57216 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND 432.00 57923 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 26.08 57132 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 8,733.27 57836 CENTERS FOR YOUTH AND FAMILIES 21,802.50 57860 CENTRAL ALARM SYSTEMS INC 158.95 57903 CENTRAL ARKANSAS SPORTS 220.53 57102 CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES, INC. 1,654.16 57532 CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES, INC. 1,188.10 57953 CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES, INC. 287.62 58136 CEZIRAE THOMAS 100.00 57669 CHANNING BETE COMPANY INC 2,608.15 57631 CHANNING BETE COMPANY INC 1,128.78 58067 CHERYL HALL 16.62 57266 CHEYENNE INDUSTRIES 1,086.77 57229 CHILD CARE PROVIDERS FUND 50.00 57941 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 195.87 57150 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 367.98 57442 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 592.52 57630 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 3,350.95 57849 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 943.75 58066 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP 183.97 58198 CHILDRENS LIBRARY RESOURCES 109.05 57709 CHILDRENS LIBRARY RESOURCES 13.98 57996 CHRISTEN BURKE PITTS 85.56 57788 CHRISTOPHER-GORDON PUBLISHERS 34.95 57487 CINTAS 128.18 57088 CINTAS 38.26 57407 CINTAS 128.18 57423 CINTAS 128.18 57816 CITY CREEK PRESS INC 64.18 57238 CLARION RESORT HOTEL 306.30 57279 CLARION RESORT HOTEL 238.20 57387 CLARK EXTERMINATING CO, INC. 1,002.80 57207 CLARK EXTERMINATING CO, INC. 1,526.00 57654 CLASSROOM DIRECT 376.66 57309 CLASSROOM DIRECT 471.50 57697 CLASSROOM DIRECT 2,296.00 57971 CLAUDIA MORAN 87.91 57350 CLEAN SOLUTIONS 347.00 57994 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 93.20 57290 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 73.55 57541 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 'i4. 80 57689 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 89.59 57962 CLEAR MOUNTAIN 58.15 58143 CLEMENTS & ASSOCIATES/ 16,267.00 57922 COMC ABLES 4,596.21 57861 COMCAST CABLEVISION 100.00 57622 COMCAST CABLEVISION 100.00 58194 - COMMUNICATION PLUS+ 356.50 57517 T- 6 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT COMMUNITY PRODUCTS LLC COMMUNITY PRODUCTS LLC COMPASS LEARNING COMPASS POINT BOOKS COMPUTER PREP CONSECO LIFE INSURANCE CONSECO LIFE INSURANCE CONSECO LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS COSTUME CORNER COUNCIL FOR PROFESSIONAL CREATIVE DIVERSITY CRESTWOOD ELEM ACTIVITY FUND CROCKETT BUSINESS MACHINES CROCKETT BUSINESS MACHINES CROW BURLINGAME CO CROWN TROPHY CRYSTAL EVANS CRYSTAL WOOD CULLEN & CO PLLC CULLEN & CO PLLC CULLEN & CO PLLC CUMMINS MID SOUTH LLC CWI, PLC D & H DISTRIBUTING D & H DISTRIBUTING DAN RUSSELL DANA CHADWICK DANA CHADWICK DANA CHADWICK DANA CHADWICK DANA MCCOY DANIEL K MACGLOTHIN DANNY REED DANYIAL WILLIAMSON DAPHNE KNIGHTEN DAPHNE KNIGHTEN DARLA EARLES DATAMAX OF ARKANSAS DATAMAX OF ARKANSAS DATEK, INC. DAVID D. COOP DAVID D. COOP DAVID D. COOP DAVID D. COOP T- 7 AMOUNT 937.00 880.00 129,179.95 578.30 2,078.33 152.23 191.25 117. 69 21,986.30 876.06 895.47 3,470.50 867.17 48.58 76. 00 5.99 47.38 305.89 1,464.60 208.36 160.44 32.37 13 .08 125.97 125.97 81. 30 42.86 2,235.00. 17,352.70 2,345.00 140.01 90. 45 91.10 1.15 4.69 160.33 20.00 121.87 594.00 29.14 96. 64 22.62 26,108.68 28.80 157.79 494.32 2,963.00 71. 08 2,963.00 CHK. NO. 5734 6 57991 57974 57504 58112 57768 57791 58034 57272 57525 57945 58130 58230 57885 58108 58069 57295 57677 58124 57526 57646 57531 57181 57408 57721 57754 57539 57463 57124 57619 57968 57155 57447 57787 58248 57361 57086 57687 57483 57286 58233 57182 57615 58185 58006 57084 57404 57421 57751 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT DAVID D. COOP DAWNE CARROLL DEALERS TRUCK EQUIPMENT DEANN ROACH DEBBIE DAVENPORT DEBORAH ANDERSON DEBORAH COKER DEBORAH G DUNSTON DEBRA BUTLER DELI PARTNER'S DELI PARTNER'S DELTA DENTAL DELTA DENTAL DELTA DENTAL DELTA DENTAL DELTA EDUCATION DEMCO DEMCO DEMCO DENISE HOUGHTON DEPT. OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRAT DFA-SALES & USE TAX DFA-SALES & USE TAX DINAH ALLEN DISCOUNT DICTIONARIES DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DISCOUNT TROPHIES, INC. DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DISCOVER BANK DON ADAMS DONNA STEWART DORCUS HOUSE DOROTHY FARRIS DOYALENE WASSON DREW CAMP EAST CAMPUS ACTIVITY FUND EAST COAST WHOLESALE INC EAST SIDE ENTREES INC EASTER SEALS ARKANSAS EASTER SEALS ARKANSAS ECOLAB, INC. EDS SUPPLY CO. EDS SUPPLY CO. T- 8 AMOUNT 2,963.00 61. 35 34.40 32.10 14.59 278.99 31.20 1,600.00 2.73 264.30 258.14 54,838.54 43,167.71 33,731.45 55,190.24 661.10 312.00 102.17 429.93 809.36 372,069.31 9.38 11,499.00 31. 01 6,562.16 672. 95 201.81 2,811.11 349.38 229.22 98.00 136.85 98.00 98.00 131.85 120.00 79. 56 62. 40 138.72 361.44 126.05 1,131.0C 131.94 17,232.00 450.00 300.00 891.62 443.33 54.15 CHK. NO. 58019 57300 57881 57351 57581 57219 58154 57577 57269 57249 57927 57112 57767 58033 58255 57920 57446 V 57632 58068 58224 58041 57852 58264 57154 57336 57276 57528 58134 57157 57093 57409 57425 57722 57755 57818 57284 57149 57930 57318 57832 57376 57690 58144 57657 57299 57694 57854 57158 57855 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT EDS SUPPLY CO. EDUCATORS BOOK DEPOSITORY OF EDUCATORS BOOK DEPOSITORY OF EDUCATORS BOOK DEPOSITORY OF ELAINE OTTO ELAINE WOMACK ELECTRONIC VIDEO SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC VIDEO SYSTEMS ELENA REYES-LOVINS ELIZABETH BROOKS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DIVISION EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DIVISION EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DIVISION EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DIVISION ENTERGY SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTS INC ERIC ARMIN INC. ETA/CUISENAIRE ETA/CUISENAIRE ETA/CUISENAIRE EYE ON EDUCATION EYE ON EDUCATION FAIRY TALE FLORALS FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER FARRELL-CALHOUN PAINT CO FARRELL-CALHOUN PAINT CO FARRELL-CALHOUN PAINT CO FERRELLGAS FLEET TIRE SERVICE OF NLR, INC FLISS FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FRAN HARRIS FRAN JACKSON FREY SCIENTIFIC CO. FRIENDSHIP COMMUNITY CARE INC FULL COUNSEL PREPARATORY ACAD GALVIN WAITS GARRETT BOOK COMPANY GARY BUNN GEORGE TAYLOR GESCO COMPANYIN C GLOBAL DOCUGRAPHJX GLOBAL DOCUGRAPHIX T- 9 AMOUNT 191. 61 638.54 107.15 7,235.61 50.00 400.00 701.96 5,504.68 236.70 236.70 389,686.62 292,545.02 228,463.28 377,802.86 25.00 2,014.05 717.81 394.24 5,637.22 352.32 69.90 126.80 353.16 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 115. 52 241.54 667.47 47.00 616.29 625.00 603 .11 1,013.88 295.64 1,339.94 618.56 52 6. 92 2,015.00 '.:,,456.00 103.96 751.60 79.91 16.38 51.06 552.46 952.99 CHK. NO. 58070 57159 57634 58071 57240 57931 57144 57844 57580 57467 57114 57772 58038 58257 57099 57280 57129 57163 57637 58074 57134 57839 58170 57413 57726 57759 58015 58024 57168 57639 58078 57494 57451 57979 57166 57450 58077 58225 57367 57167 57223 57668 57104 57565 57948 58205 57904 57328 57975 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. GLOBAL DOCUGRAPHIX 842.92 58152 GLORIA SMITH 90.17 58005 GLOVERS TRUCK PARTS & 268.69 57453 GRAINGER 1,162.94 57241 GRAINGER 88.58 57500 GREAT AMERCIAN OPPORTUNITIES 1,688.19 57455 GRETCHEN LAUIPPA 360.00 57341 GWEN FITZPATRICK 11. 44 57862 HAND IN HAND DAY CARE 1,500.00 57613 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 520.00 57319 HARCOURT ACHIEVE 1,680.77 57357 HARCOURT ACHIEVE 3,928.36 57710 HARCOURT ACHIEVE 2,420.89 58241 HAROLD D STARK 94.38 57373 HAROLD D STARK 40.56 57715 HAROLD NASH 300.00 57050 V HAROLD NASH 100.00 58164 HELPING HAND CHILDRENS 1,711.25 57554 HIGHSMITH INC 2,100.20 57174 HIGHSMITH INC 2,701.84 57458 HIGHSMITH INC 1,173.07 58208 HOBBY LOBBY 684.75 57642 HOBBY LOBBY 187.52 57864 - HOME DEPOT/GECF 431.12 57509 HOME DEPOT/GECF 229.21 57674 HOSTO & BUCHAN PLLC 476.58 57417 HOSTO & BUCHAN PLLC 278. 23 57727 HOSTO & BUCHAN PLLC 278.23 57761 HOSTO & BUCHAN PLLC 278. 23 58016 HOSTO & BUCHAN PLLC 278.23 58026 HOT SPRINGS TECHNOLOGY 440.00 57555 HOT SPRINGS TECHNOLOGY 2,970.00 58149 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 561.42 57643 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF NLR 2,000.00 57625 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 2,887.21 57335 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 367.41 57702 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 4,097.99 57985 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 421.08 58238 HUM'S HARDWARE & RENTAL 31. 23 57175 HUM'S HARDWARE & RENTAL 4.59 58081 I TECH AUDIO 907.30 57187 ILLINOIS STATE DISBURSEMENT 425.00 57414 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL 2,880.00 57645 IMPACT EDUCATION 10,250.00 58215 IN DYER NEED ENTERPRISES 192.83 57131 INDEPENDENT MUSIC SERVICE, INC 435.00 57 680 INDEPENDENT MUSIC SERVICE, INC 70.00 58227 INFORMATION VAULTING SERVICES 153.40 57454 - INFORMATION VAULTING SERVICES 153.40 58204 T-10 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS ING RETIREMENT PLANS INN OF THE OZARKS INSIGHT MEDIA INSTRUCTIVISION INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTEGRATION SERVICES CORP INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN J & B MUSIC SALES, INC. J & B SUPPLY COMPANY J L HEIN SERVICE INC JS PRINTING J. L. HEIN SERVICE, INC. JACK,LYON,& JONES, P.A. JACK,LYON,& JONES, P.A. JACQUELINE SUMLER JAMES R WILLIAMS JAMES W. WOODARD, JR JAMIE EUBANKS JANET E. THOMAS P.T. JANET FOSTER JANIS MASTERS JANN PHARO JEANNE P WILLIAMS JEFFREY MARTELLO JEFFREY MARTELLO JEFFREY MARTELLO JENNIFER CONNER JENNY OBANNON JERRY DOWDY JERRY DOWDY JERRY DOWDY JERRY DOWDY JERRY MASSEY JERRY MASSEY . T-11 AMOUNT 4 62. 50 3,465.00 300.00 2,950.00 2,950.00 2,502.50 2,502.50 333.76 229.95 496.73 130,704.36 2,496.69 1,387.33 71,954.91 55,151.65 446.16 136.00 136.00 136.00 136. 00 136. 00 61. 00 27.52 2,453.76 49,574.00 240.00 26,583.00 5,943.75 983.50 63.02 538.00 83.62 1,680.00 980.00 273.24 3,330.00 48 .13 67.92 257.58 52.81 173.23 236.70 237.87 36. 00 25.85 52.81 111.89 174.05 152.45 CHK. NO. 57079 57395 57592 57607 57736 57780 57803 57919 57273 58059 57302 57546 57696 57966 58146 58234 57412 57725 57758 58014 58023 57156 58117 57942 58168 57246 57993 57644 58082 57368 57921 57370 57571 57247 57264 57520 57254 58061 57209 57889 58216 57472 57326 57363 57583 57999 58244 57265 58228 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT JIMMIE DOTSON JO-ANN GOLDMAN, TRUSTEE JO-ANN GOLDMAN, TRUSTEE JO-ANN GOLDMAN, TRUSTEE JODY EDRINGTON JODY EDRINGTON JODY EDRINGTON JOE COVEY JOHNS BURGIN JOHN TURNER SCHOOL SUPPLIES JOSH E MCHUGHES ATTORNEY JOSH E MCHUGHES ATTORNEY JOSH E MCHUGHES ATTORNEY JOSH E MCHUGHES ATTORNEY JOSH E MCHUGHES ATTORNEY JOSH SPILLYARDS JOSTENS JOSTENS-THE GRAD SHOP JOURNEYWORKS PUBLISHING JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE BRADLEY BABIN JOYCE CLEVELAND JUDY BROUGHTON JUDY BROUGHTON JUNE HAYNIE JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD JUST FOR KIDS THERAPY SERVICES JUST US KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAREN BREWER KAREN COLEMAN KAREN POWELL KARLA WHISNANT KASSANDRA WELLS KATHRYN HALE KATHY VANCE CHAMBERS KATIE VANDIVER KATIE VANDIVER KATIE VANDIVER KATY GEARHART HUNT KAYE LOWE KAYE LOWE T-12 AMOUNT 64.07 281. 37 281.37 281. 37 113. 94 149.04 3,374.51 50.00 2,000.00 134.78 50.35 50.35 50.35 50.35 50.35 128.00 69.04 52.32 1,414.80 592.44 5,781.54 327.23 5,781.54 297.23 5,781.54 1,216.88 236.70 241.80 252.38 280.80 1,770.00 372. 35 46.15 1,124.19 765.54 1,217.19 770.00 236.70 70.04 236.70 20. ~o 7 4. tj2 135. 25 378.70 236.70 538.00 111.07 201.14 50.26 CHK. NO. 57343 57090 57424 57817 57261 57518 57679 57926 57912 57358 57418 57728 57762 58017 58027 57978 57969 57924 58114 57100 57416 57427 57760 57821 58025 58222 57540 57958 58084 57898 57578 57851 57089 57178 57461 57870 57567 57576 57278 57491 58251 577C':_ 57274 57465 57466 57872 57135 57629 57848 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT KAYE LOWE KAYE LOWE KEATHLEY PATTERSON ELECTRIC KEITH FAULKNER KENNETH A. KIRSPEL KERR PAPER & SUPPLY CO. KERR PAPER & SUPPLY CO. KERR PAPER & SUPPLY CO. KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS KESSLERS TEAM SPORTS KEVA RODGERS KEVIN MARTIN KEVIN MARTIN KEVIN MARTIN KIM PEARSON KIM PEARSON KIM REYNOLDS KIMBERLY JOHNSTON KIMBERLY STAFFORD KNOWBUDDYR ESOURCES KNOWLEDGE TREE KNOWLEDGE TREE KONE INC KRISTEN MADDOX KRISTIE RATLIFF KRISTIE RATLIFF KRISTIE RATLIFF KROGER #639 KROGER COMPANY/INDIAN HILLS KRONOS KRONOS LAHARPES OFFICE FURNITURE LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKEWOOD ELEM ACTIVITY FUND LAKEWOOD MIDDLE ACTIVITY FUND LAKEWOOD MIDDLE ACTIVITY FUND LANCE BALLARD LARA HUMPHRIES LAURA JENNINGS LAURA WINTERS LEARNING RESOURCES T-13 AMOUNT 24.00 11. 23 500.21 178.75 500.00 443.76 10,919.86 2,816.50 593.17 4,027.36 2,951.39 29,665.37 4,405.13 31.98 36.00 52.81 64.82 145.08 130. 38 33.97 25.00 266.52 1,144.70 188.13 94.36 1,090.00 26.52 49.76 20.70 4.50 167.69 51.08 862.50 262.50 9,047.50 3,173.20 3,528.89 4,826.15 2,516.00 300.74 732.20 137.74- 526. 72 608.45 125.00 77.96 87.13 56.24 182.72 CHK. NO. 58065 58197 57117 57103 57386 57380 58008 58180 57711 57998 58123 58173 58243 57321 57364 58001 58246 57306 57970 57152 57110 58249 58151 57512 57935 57510 57305 57322 57558 58236 57251 57179 57638 58202 58085 57213 57484 57658 57891 58100 58217 57542 57691 57963 57673 57348 57125 57204 57317 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT LEARNING RESOURCES LEE TACKETT LESLIE HUFFMAN LETITIA MARTIN LETITIA MARTIN LETITIA MARTIN LIBRARIANS' BOOK EXPRESS LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LIFE INS OF SOUTHWEST LINDSEY'S BARBECUE LINDSEY'S BARBECUE LISA DOSS LISA DOSS LISA DOSS LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. LONGS ELECTRONICS LONNELL D TIMS LORI PORTER LOWE'S LOWE'S LUNCHBYTE SYSTEM INC LYNCH DRIVE ELEM ACTIVITY LYNDA SISCO LYNN CHADWICK LYNN CHADWICK LYNN CHADWICK LYNN CHADWICK LYNN CHADWICK M J COMMUNICATIONS MACHINE ADVANTAGE MAD SCIENCE OF CENTRAL MAGIC SPRINGS & CRYSTAL FALLS MAGNET REVIEW COMMITTEE MARCIA CHAPPLE-DEAN MARCIVE, INC . MARCIVE, INC MARDEL #8 MARDEL #8 MARGARET VICKERS MARI INC. T-14 AMOUNT 18.43 462.00 87.67 18.34 234.00 8.98 800.83 316.93 832.83 5,118.34 7,260.52 143.18 581.30 834.06 544.03 11,297.50 607.31 571.84 194.25 236.70 524.20 538.00 134. 41 778.94 749.00 300.00 300.00 287.81 711. 64 310.00 395.91 100.00 145.47 15.99 96.20 408.64 9.38 43.60 1,674.00 616.00 532.00 30,833.33 77.03 54.45 34.68 52. 89 29.10 236.70 158.68 CHK. NO. 58235 57345 57184 57369 57714 58004 57876 57464 58087 57075 57391 57588 57604 57733 57777 57800 57825 57180 58086 57511 57675 57934 57191 58210 57648 57671 57237 57718 58181 57550 57294 57847 57513 57676 57789 57937 58253 57381 58095 58106 57331 57621 57288 57185 57650 57271 57684 57572 57944 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. MARIA TOUCHSTONE 83.23 57314 MARIA TOUCHSTONE 19.89 57553 MARIBEL SIEMS 770.00 57708 MARILYN BURNS EDUCATION ASSOC 790.00 57742 MARJEAN ROWE 146.68 57138 MARSHA SATTERFIELD 162.47 57268 MARSHA SATTERFIELD 94.87 57522 MARSHA SATTERFIELD 111. 03 58229 MARTHA NORTON 1,645.00 57354 MARY A. WILES 164.74 57205 MARY BETH COX 67.39 57310 MARY CAROLYN EAST 61. 55 57374 MARY KATHERINE BENTLEY 128.00 57867 MARY TAYLOR 25.00 58169 MATH SOLUTIONS PUBLICATIONS 1,813.54 58155 MATTHEW SEGO INC 2,888.95 57907 MBEA 1,185.00 57239 MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 5,325.00 57340 MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 6,255.00 57703 MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 4,700.00 57988 MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 4,600.00 58161 - MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 1,325.00 58162 MCCLURE LANDSCAPING 1,945.00 58163 MCM 69.88 57267 MELISSA CANNON 300.62 58127 MELISSA DOUGLAS 93.36 57202 MELISSA DOUGLAS 811.17 57479 MELISSA HANCOCK 75.66 57337 METHODIST DAY TREATMENT SCHOOL 33,770.00 58158 METHODIST DAY TREATMENT SCHOOL 2,850.00' 58159 METRO BUILDERS & RESTORATION 519.13 57127 METRO FOODS 13,220.50 57263 MICHAEL BLYTHE 45.65 57850 MICHAEL BLYTHE 134. 86 58199 MICHAEL HEAVNER 5,715.00 57925 MICHAEL MARSH 236.70 57471 MICHELLE BONES 172.49 57172 MICHELLE BONES 445.70 57456 MICHELLE BONES 125.99 58206 MICHELLE KEATON 56.00 57349 MIDAMERICA BOOKS 118. 77 57574 MIKKI EUBANK 1,077.79 57082 MILLENNIUM EDUCATION MUSIC 3,467.00 57633 MISSION SERVICE SUPPLY INC 3,060.33 57686 MISSION SERVICE SUPPLY INC 6,899.82 58232 MITCHS TIRE SERVICE 60.00 57562 - MOUNT ST MARY ACADEMY 200.00 57667 MR. WIZARD STUDIOS 60.90 58120 MRS CLARKS FOOD 1,439.00 57481 T-15 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT MU ALPHA THtTA MU ALPHA THETA MUSIC IN MOTION MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL N.L.R. WINTEMP SUPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMP SUPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMP SUPPLY N.L.R. WINTEMP SUPPLY NAEIR NAEIR NAEIR NANCY C. GREEN NANCY SETZLER NANCY SHEEHAN NANCY STEWART NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NASC/NASSP NASCO NASCO NASCO NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL HOME CENTER NATIONAL HOME CENTER NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS NATIONAL SCHOOL PUBLIC NBI INC NC CHILD SUPPORT CENTRALIZED NFHS NLR WELDING SUPPLY NLRHS WEST CAMPUS NLRSD TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NLRSD TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NLRSD TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NLRSD TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NLRSD TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NLRSD WAREHOUSE NLRSD WAREHOUSE NLRSD WJ.
:-'EHOUSE NLRSD-BACKGROUND CHECK NLRSD-BACKGROUND GHECK NLRSD-SELF INSURANCE NLRSD-SELF INSURANCE NLRSD-SELF INSURANCE NO. LITTLE ROCK EDUCATORS CRED NO. LITTLE ROCK EDUCATORS CRED T-16 AMOUNT 529.60 7.00 80.80 40.00 244.85 34.99 1,118.63 127.60 40.00 432.00 41. 00 75.04 13.63 70.98 339.03 630.47 391.16 12.79 66.00 282.10 282.88 631.20 9,819.39 581. 93 36.28 357.96 133.20 5.95 325.00 1,495.00 137. 00 120.00 10.31 120.00 4,296.18 8,786.82 420.00 703.50 283.50 725.00 2,750.00 2,225.00 257.64 53.80 11,216.79 14,651.43 8,805.34 78,506.13 56,674.16 CHK. NO. 57164 57449 57259 57877 57190 57469 57651 58088 57505 57913 58119 58135 58263 57193 57282 57169 57452 57863 58091 57192 57652 57879 57194 58211 57470 57880 57195 58090 57203 57171 57415 58089 57196 57478 57236 57493 57664 57910 58113 57584 57713 58003 57599 57748 57771 57794 58037 57596 57745 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT NO. LITTLE ROCK EDUCATORS CRED NO. LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. NO. LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. NO. LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. NO. LITTLE ROCK WINNELSON CO. NORTH AMERICAN BOOK NORTH LITTLE ROCK POSTMASTER NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK TROPHY COMPA NORTH LITTLE ROCK UTILITIES NORTH LITTLE ROCK UTILITIES NORTH POINT FORD NORTHSIDE SALES COMPANY NORTHSIDE SALES COMPANY NOVA STAGGS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OCSE OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OLIVIA MARTINEZ G:-1AR BROWN OMAR BROWN OMNI NEW HAVEN HOTEL AT YALE OTTER CREEK INSTITUTE OTTER CREEK INSTITUTE OUR HOUSE OXFORD GRAPHICS PACHECO OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT T-17 AMOUNT 35,040.08 151. 59 394.96 38.56 8,905.25 105.00 273.00 316.25 3,040.20 128.44 .56 316.44 277. 62 10.65 127.90 1,232.52 876.09 733.43 79,585.59 566.91 894.40 376.98 146.46 4.35 2,221.40 2,453.46 1,586.09 1,821.71 1,821.71 1,599.38 991.04 991.04 8,928.41 1,202.29 2,177.01 2,356.68 6,903.98 64. 62 64.62 64. 62 30.00 104.00 132. 00 1,696.80 537.00 179.00 93.60 136.93 16,384.86 CHK. NO. 57811 57197 57473 58092 58212 57551 57198 57199 57474 57105 57115 57419 57763 57796 58028 58258 57200 57448 57859 57468 57477 57653 57377 57568 57085 57406 57422 57720 57753 57815 58011 58020 57258 57515 57678 57938 58125 57095 57426 57819 57503 57183 57871 57243 57362 58175 57929 57188 57706 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 - ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. PACIFIC LEARNING 125.00 58195 PAM HANDLOSER 939.00 57332 PARK HILL FLORIST 51.78 57480 PARK HILL FLORIST 54.50 58214 PAT WONN 122.06 57932 PATRICIA MCMURRAY 77.22 57334 PAULA BRADLEY 236.70 57559 PAULA MCCARTHER 1,620.00 58226 PCI EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING 54. 95 57649 PCI EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING 69.19 57873 PEARSON EDUCATION 1,576.07 57575 PEARSON EDUCATION 3,891.02 57704 PEARSON EDUCATION 10,507.71 57990 PEARSON EDUCATION 1,122.04 58166 PEDIATRIC THERAPY SERVICES 2,801.25 57995 PENWORTHY COMPANY 382 .11 58002 PERFECTION LEARNING CORP. 714.08 58110 PERFORMANCE LEARNING INC. 743.35 57915 PERMA-BOUND 614.28 57173 PERMA-BOUND 1,324.21 57457 PERMA-BOUND 4,795.98 57641 PERMA-BOUND 70.74 58080 PERMA-BOUND 2,367.82 58207 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS 117. 85 58239 PETERSON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 333.84 57536 PETREVIA BOARDMAN 48.04 57960 PHOENIX LEARNING GROUP 104.45 57954 PILAR MURPHY 28.08 57339 PINNACLE POINTE HOSPITAL 41,120.00 58129 PIONEER DISTRIBUTING CO. 28,820.08 58094 PIONEER VALLEY EDUCATIONAL 566.50 57353 PIONEER VALLEY EDUCATIONAL 946.00 58171 PITTSBURGH PAINTS 433.15 57225 PITTSBURGH PAINTS 4,334.35 58107 PLATO INC 1,500.00 58157 PLAY WITH A PURPOSE 4 01. 35 57244 PLAY WITH A PURPOSE 273.70 58118 PLUMBING WAREHOUSE 2,587.29 57875 POE TRAVEL 614.70 57874 POPEYES CHICKEN 389.93 57234 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 153.70 57533 POSITIVE PRO!:<CrIONS 165.45 58137 PRESTWICK HOUSE INC 154.48 57980 PRIMARY CONCEPTS 3,854.55 57325 PRINT CONNECTIONS PROMOTIONAL 505.76 57573 PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA 2,455.48 57400 PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA 2,192.74 57612 PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA 2,192.74 57741 - PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA 1,352.65 57785 T-18 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT - JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. PRO BENEFITS GROUP/TPA 1,352.65 57808 PRO-ACT INC OBA 307.38 58138 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS 253.00 57365 PROMOTIONS PLUS 1,157.53 57952 PROQUEST INFORMATION AND 79.95 57886 PROVIDIAN NATIONAL BANK 133. 06 57087 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES-RETIREMENT SY 3,725.00 57077 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SY 1,385.28 57590 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SY 936.48 57826 PUBLIC SCHOOL VEHICLE PROGRAM 120.00 57628 PURVIS BEARING SERVICE 27.01 57338 QUALITY PETROLEUM INC 4 04. 64 57459 RADIO SHACK 1,508.39 57210 RADIO SHACK 1,078.24 57655 RADIO SHACK 16.34 58097 RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES, P.A. 180. 96 57091 RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES, P.A. 20.00 57092 RAINEY ELECTRONICS 164.20 58098 RAMSEY CHEMICAL & EQUIPMENT 119.88 57301 RAQUELL BARTON 19 .11 57792 REALLY GOOD STUFF INC 143.17 57324 REALLY GOOD STUFF INC 1,124.55 58150 REBECCA GARDNER 236.70 57514 REBECCA R CARR 3,951.29 57304 RECORDED BOOKS LLC 6,032.06 57947 RED DOOR GALLERY 98.10 57890 RED ZONE ATHLETICS 12,542.11 57883 REDWOOD ELEM ACTIVITY FUND 123.57 57964 REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC 309.05. 57212 REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC 349.39 57482 REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC 227.80 58099 REGIONAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 62. 61 57411 REGIONAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 62.61 57724 REGIONAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 62. 61 57757 REGIONAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 62.61 58013 REGIONAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 62. 61 58022 RELLIA DILLINGER 76.79 57375 RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC 645.00 57228 RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC 587.23 57908 RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC 398.50 58109 RENEE' BONA 12.00 57372 REXEL DAVIES 133 .16 57160 REXEL DAVIES 170.77 58072 RHONDA BANKS 26. 52 57298 RHONDA BROWN 180. 96 57432 RHONDA BROWN 15.60 58188 RICHARD ALEXANDER 620.00 57401 - RICHARD ALEXANDER 490.00 57402 RITA LOVENSTEIN 42.31 57122 T-19 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT RIVENDELL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH RIVER CITY JANITORIAL SUPPLY RIVER CITY JANITORIAL SUPPLY RIVER VALLEY HORTICULTURAL RIVERSIDE BOX SUPPLY CO. RIVERSIDE BOX SUPPLY CO. ROBERT COX ROBERT GLOVER ROSE CITY MIDDLE ACTIVITY FUND ROSEMARIE DRAKE SAGEBRUSH CORPORATION SAIED MUSIC CO SAIED MUSIC CO SALLY MARTIN SAMANTHA CURRAN SAMS CLUB DIRECT SAMS CLUB DIRECT SAMS CLUB DIRECT SANDERS SUPPLY SANDERS SUPPLY SARA LOGAN SARA MCALISTER SARGENT-WELCH SCIENTIFIC CO SARGENT-WELCH SCIENTIFIC CO SAX ARTS & CRAFTS SBG-VAA SBG-VAA SBG-VAA SBG-VAA SBG-VAA SCANTRON CORPORATION SCHOLARS LEARNING CENTER SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC LIBRARY PUBLISHING SCHOOL AIDS SCHOOL SPECIALITY SCHOOL SPECIALITY SCHOOL SPECIALITY SCHOOL SPECIALITY SCHOOLWI DE INC SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP T-20 AMOUNT 550.00 76.20 145.13 198.97 43.00 958.90 104.00 138. 79 117. 53 1,540.00 9,124.67 77 .17 70.59 98.01 37.17 380.18 120.00 7,700.90 160.18 511. 54 126.36 200.00 20.38 3,239.87 78.80 1,031.00 1,031.00 1,031.00 1,031.00 1,031.00 2,941.66 30,870.00 397.10 3,411.89 340.89 5,006.07 606.08 12,047.35 3,910.90 271.30 1,254.34 559.48 26,406.27 4,103.03 6.98 675.00 675.00 675.00 575.00 CHK. NO. 58102 57549 58147 57206 57485 58101 57232 57902 57292 57462 57311 57695 57965 57137 57139 57208 57888 58096 57356 57579 57534 57218 57946 58131 57659 57398 57610 57739 57783 57806 57211 58122 57352 57992 58240 57214 58103 58218 57342 57896 57215 57660 57895 58219 57627 57399 57611 57740 57784 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP SETH SPEER SEVENTH STREET ELEM ACTIVITY SHANDRIA GORDON SHARA BRAZEAR SHARA BRAZEAR SHARON ELDRED SHARON HAVER SHARON HAVER SHEILA BAKER SHELLY JONES SHERMAN ACQUISITION LIMITED SHERMAN ACQUISITION LIMITED SHERRY RATLIFF SHRED-IT SHRED-IT SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP SKILLS USA/VICA SOCCER PLUS SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SERVICE SOUTHERN ICE EQUIPMENT SOUTHERN ICE EQUIPMENT SOUTHERN ICE EQUIPMENT SOUTHWEST SPORTING GOODS CO SPECIAL SHOW 2006 SPLASH FULL SERVICE CARWASH & SPORTSCENE OF ARKANSAS ST. MARY'S SCHOOL ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL STANLEY HARDWARE CO. STANLEY HARDWARE CO. STAR BOLT & SCREW CO., INC. STAR BOLT & SCREW CO., INC. STATE BUSINESS SUPPLY STATE BUSINESS SUPPLY STEPHEN WARD STEVE CANADY SUMMIT LEARNING SUNBURST VISUAL MEDIA SUNBURST VISUAL MEDIA SUNBURST VISUAL MEDIA SUPER DUPER INC SUPERIOR SPRING CLUTCH & GEAR SUPREME FIXTURE CO. SUSAN HYDEN SUSAN MAY SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER T-21 AMOUNT 575.00 252.00 60.18 1,180.00 702.09 401.18 202.21 180.68 26.02 25.90 106.37 464.38 113. 60 159.89 146.25 357.50 1,364.90 431.64 12.50 325.08 47.73 274. 94 4,897.78 32.25 739.76 300.00 35. 94 270.59 1,152.00 8,064.00 2 61. 70 122.41 42.87 590.50 95.89 711. 65 800.00 59.52 62.55 5,151.72 383.20 334.88 340.48 629.71 115,142.90 231.50 236.70 11,699.96 22,136.03 CHK. NO. 57807 57853 57293 58167 57537 58139 57371 57497 58115 58177 58200 57096 57820 57250 57315 57973 57170 58079 57046 V 57961 57897 57997 58172 58242 57899 57316 57672 58209 57661 57662 57221 58104 57222 58105 57297 58145 57707 57894 57936 57663 57906 58220 57439 57486 57489 57177 57496 57165 58075 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT SYMTRAX CORPORATION T-SHIRT SHOP TARGET BUSINESS CARD SERVICES TASC TASC TASC TASC TASC TASC TASC TAYLOR M COLUMBUS TEACHER EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION TEACHER'S MEDIA COMPANY TEACHERS DISCOVERY TEACHERS MEDIA COMPANY TEACHERS MEDIA COMPANY TEACHING RESOURCE CENTER TEACHING RESOURCE CENTER TECH-KNOW INDUSTRIES TECH-KNOW INDUSTRIES TECH-KNOW INDUSTRIES TELE TOUCH TEXAS INSTRUMENTS THE BRIDGEWAY THE COLLEGE BOARD THE EDUCATION PEOPLE INC THE FIELD SHOP THE GRAD SHOP THE LIBRARY STORE THE LIBRARY STORE THE MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES THE MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES THE MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES THE MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES THE NATIONAL BETA CLUB THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY THE PRINTING DEPARTMENT INC THE SPORTSTOP INC. THE TIMES THELMA JASPER THERAPY PROVIDERS, P.A. THOMSON GALE TNT SCHOOL SUPPLIES INC. TODD HUFF TOM SNYDER PRODUCTIONS TOWNSEND PRESS BOOK CENTER TRACEE RAINEY TRANS AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY T-22 AMOUNT 450.00 13.35 361.34 116. 66 11,700.50 116. 66 10,964.61 10,964.61 8,626.75 8,626.75 132.00 300.00 2,100.00 515.68 33.90 682.70 26.93 113 .11 132. 80 7,324.43 1,156.98 1,176.00 105.37 1,300.00 1,350.00 690.00 999.88 84.93 731. 39 144.74 326.02 1,128.82 1,260.21 2,642.68 930.56 1,261.00 2,739.00 901.98 582.74 300.00 9.15 9,866.25 40.90 79.93 236.70 2,120.00 181.22 108.97 4,495.52 CHK. NO. 57981 57955 57230 57076 57392 57589 57605 57734 57778 57801 57865 57323 57560 57856 58160 57130 57834 57683 57943 57712 58000 58245 57431 57884 58133 57989 57566 57685 57987 57383 58009 57287 57688 57956 58141 57516 58203 57984 57901 57909 57939 57681 57121 57146 57443 58083 57151 57176 57143 . ' .... NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT TRANS AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY TRI-STATES VIDEO AND TRI-STATES VIDEO AND TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFTS TRIVIA MARKETING TROUTMAN OIL CO.,INC. TROUTMAN OIL CO.,INC. TURNER DAIRY TWIN CITY PRINTING & LITHO INC TWIN CITY PRINTING & LITHO INC TWIN CITY TRAILER SALES AND TYLER H LINDSEY US ABLE LIFE US ABLE LIFE US ABLE LIFE US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE/CANCER US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE/CANCER US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE/CANCER US ABLE LIFE INSURANCE/CANCER US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION US FUEL U S FUEL US POSTAL SERVICE U.S. TOY COMPANY INC. UALR UALR UALR READING RECOVERY UAMS UAMS UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL UNITED WAY OF PULASKI COUNTY UNITED WAY OF PULASKI COUNTY UNITED WAY OF PU~ASKI COUNTY UNIV OF ARKANSAS FOUNDATION UNIVERSAL MECHANICAL SERVICES UNIVERSAL MECHANICAL SERVICES UNIVERSAL MECHANICAL SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS T-23 AMOUNT 1,220.28 382.70 31.18 168.20 328.95 19,708.11 2,584.28 15,703.75 2,367.48 617.61 110. 33 128.00 3,526.15 4,211.60 2,764.70 5,811.16 3,859.42 2,874.36 5,607.30 15,793.28 10,734.86 8,347.20 15,254.32 101.84 204.03 204.03 204.03 204.03 204.03 246.85 129.13 1,581.58 152.50 825.64 825.64 4,800.00 20.00 8,340.80 2,500.00 1,496.85 1,039.70 847.14 550.00 548.05 4,935.92 3,335.15 1,865.10 17,540.00 1,150.00 CHK. NO. 57438 57217 57900 57255 57445 57949 58231 57382 57495 57911 57475 57868 57765 57790 58031 57111 57766 58032 58254 57113 57769 58035 58256 57098 57410 57723 57756 58012 58021 57543 57693 57281 57444 57561 57 699 57893 57097 57666 57 670 57597 57746 57812 58140 57527 57951 58132 57835 58191 58192 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT UNUM LIFE INSURANCE OF AMERICA UNUM LIFE INSURANCE OF AMERICA UNUM LIFE INSURANCE OF AMERICA UTILITY BILLING SERVICES UTILITY BILLING SERVICES UTILITY BILLING SERVICES UTILITY BILLING SERVICES UTILITY BILLING SERVICES VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC - VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VALIC-VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE VANDERBILT CENTER FOR SCIENCE VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS VICKI STEADMAN VICKI STEADMAN VIRCO MFG. CORPORATION VIRGINIA WALLACE VIVIAN HARRIS W PAUL BLUME WALCH PUBLISHING WALMART COMMUNITY BRC WALMARTC OMMUN:CTBYR C WALMART COMMUNITY BRC WALMART COMMUNITY BRC WALMART COMMUNITY BRC WALMART COMMUNITY BRC WALSWORTH PUBLISHING CO. WANDA HAWKINS WANDA HAWKINS WARD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES WARD'S ASBESTOS REMOVAL INC WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE WATERFUL WONDERBEDS WEEKLY READER WEEKLY READER WEST CAMPUS ACTIVITY FUND WEST MEMPHIS PAPER COMPANY WESTERN PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES WHITNEY FLETCHER WILLIAM E THRASHER BOYS & WILLIE JACKSON WORLD ALMANAC EDUCATION WORLD ALMANAC EDUCATION XEROX CORPORATION T-24 AMOUNT 3,360.40 3,847.60 2,499.60 5,915.66 598.30 912.26 787.31 3,034.45 825.00 31,719.63 805.00 27,578.63 27,613.63 18,206.13 18,206.13 50.00 4,200.00 131.12 149.29 149.29 67,251.66 20.51 164.42 1,687.50 2,552.38 3,386.51 5,007.70 1,796.04 1,002.53 1,518.42 1,532.97 29,343.08 129.63 100.00 1,694.42 32,850.00 4,250.02 1,175.02 64.14 817.50 217.22 4,161.75 557.37 24.79 500.00 1. 42 105. 42 239.56 997.25 CHK. NO. 57770 57793 58036 57201 57476 57882 58093 58213 57078 57393 57591 57606 57735 57779 57802 57394 57507 58116 57262 57519 57499 57285 57283 58142 57544 57329 57563 57700 57976 58153 58237 57502 57333 57983 57501 58029 57242 57665 57918 58121 57291 57916 57914 57582 57928 V 58250 58111 58221 57640 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2006 ACCOUNT YOLANDA GIBSON YOLANDA GIBSON YOUTH HOME INC ZACH BARBER ZEECRAFT TECH AMOUNT 177. 90 4.20 6,490.00 104.00 52.00 CHK. NO. 57547 57967 57508 57231 57312 CHECK TOTALS FOR JUNE 2006 14,054,081.37 CHECK VOIDS FOR JUNE 2006 1,124.50 T-25 BOARD oF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA, ..#~~~ ~ ~~~..., :,
, ass North Little Rock School District Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:00 P.M. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION Administration Building, 2700 Poplar North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115 Thursday, September 21, 2006 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS I. CALL TO ORDER, Marty Moore, President II. INVOCATION, Kiara Webb, Lynch Drive Elementary Fifth Grader, daughter of Ms. Kengla Webb III. FLAG SALUTE IV. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Darrell Montgomery, Member Dorothy Williams, Member V. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS 1. Superintendent's Honor Roll - S. Brazear A. Indian Hills Elementary Staff and Parents B. NLRSD Maintenance & Custodial Staff 2. New Partners in Education - S. Brazear A. Kroger - Camp Robinson and Ridgeroad Middle Charter B. Treat Automotive U-Haul and Amboy Elementary 3. Special Recognition - S. Brazear A. NLRHS West Campus students in the Apple Program Page 2 - Board Agenda September 21, 2006 VI. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS A. Thursday, August 17, 2006, 2006 5:00 P.M. (Regular)- Page A- 1 B. Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:30 P.M. (Special) - Page A- 5 VII. ACTION ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS None VIII. ACTION ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS A. Reorganization of the Board of Education - Chairman ___ _ Page B- 1 B. Consider Designation of the Superintendent as the Ex Officio Financial Secretary - Chairman ____ - Page B - 1 C. Consider Certified Personnel Policies Committee Report - M. Snider D. Consider Classified Personnel Policies Committee Report- G. Tucker E. Consider Elementary Science Textbook Adoption Committee - K. Lowe -Page C-1 F. Consider Spring 2006 Test Data- L. Martin G. Consider Motion for Consent Agenda - K. Kirspel 1. Consider monthly financial report - Page O - 1 2. Consider employment of personnel - Page P - 1 3. Consider bid items - Page R- 1 4. Consider building use requests - Page S - 1 5. Consider payment of regular bills - Page T - 1 IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None X. CALENDAR OF EVENTS A. B. C. Saturday, September 30, 2006 -9:00 A.M. -Board Workshop at J.W. Nutt Company Thursday, October 19, 2006 -6:30 P.M. -ASBA Region 8 Fall Meeting - Cabot High School Thursday, October 26, 2006- 5:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting XI. ADJOURNMENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 17, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in a regular session on Thursday, August 17, 2006 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. There were no public comments. President Marty Moore called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Fran Jackson, Director of Student Affairs, gave the invocation. The flag salute followed. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer John Riley, Parliamentarian Teresa Burl, Member Absent Dorothy Williams, Member Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall (audio) and NLRHS- TV (video) taped the meeting. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS Shara Brazear, Communications Specialist, presented Rochelle Redus, outgoing Zone 3 Board member, a plaque and thanked her for her six years of service for the students of North Little Rock. Each Board member expressed their appreciation for her work on the Board. Mary "Cricket" Hicks, NLRSD International Baccalaureate Coordinator, introduced three of the seven NLRHS West Campus students who received International Baccalaureate diplomas. Wade Fuqua, Nadia Claassen, and Katy Matthews explained their hours earned for college credit and their great scholarships. The Board congratulated and thanked each of them for choosing North Little Rock School District. A....:I. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING MOTION Scott Teague moved to accept the minutes of the July 20, 2006 (Regular) meeting as printed. Teresa Burl seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: MOTION Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) Scott Teague moved to accept the minutes of the July 31, 2006 (Special) meeting as printed. Trent Cox seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Energy Education Reports Jerry Massey, Plant Services Director, explained more information would be coming from Energy Education in November or December to fully explain the savings so far. Board members inquired if the city of North Little Rock would be able to give the district a discount on our electricity. Mr. Massey said he would meet with them to explore the possibility: Health Insurance Revisions (Board Policies COE and COE-CL) Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer, presented the proposal to increase the district's portion of insurance payment from $240.62 to $264.78. The district will pay the rate increase of the employees' insurance. This is a change to board policy CDE Insurance Coverage for certified personnel and board policy CDE -CL Insurance Coverage for classified personnel. MOTION John Riley moved to accept the revision to Board Policy COE - Insurance Coverage as presented. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: MOTION Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) Trent Cox moved to accept the revision to Board Policy COE - Insurance Coverage as presented. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) Date for Workshop The Board discussed a mutual best date and decided to have their workshop on Saturday, September 16, 2006 at the J.W. Nutt Brokers office on Crestwood in North Little Rock from 9:00 a.m. to I :00 p.m. Board members were requested to send any topics of interest to Mr. Kirspel for him to prepare the agenda for the workshop. Superintendent's Salary Revision MOTION John Riley moved to enter into an executive session. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) The Board entered into an executive session at 6:00 p.m. The Board reconvened in open session at 8:12 p.m. MOTION John Riley moved to increase Ken Kirspel's salary three and a half per cent (3 %)from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Teresa Burl seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) Consent Agenda Mr. Kirspel requested approval of the consent agenda as printed. MOTION John Riley moved to accept the consent agenda as presented. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) INFORMATIONAL ITEM Barry Kincl, Health Advisory Committee Chair, advised the Board the committee was meeting regularly and our district is in compliance completely with Act 1220. Mr. Kine! also stated Kevin Danaher, Director of Athletics, Health and Physical Education will be the new chair of the committee beginning in January 2007. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Teresa Burl moved to adjourn the meeting. John Riley seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley and Teague None (Williams - absent) President Moore declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Marty Moore, President NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent SPECIAL MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES September 7, 2006 The North Little Rock School District Board met in a special session on Thursday, September 7, 2006 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. President Marty Moore called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Marty Moore, President Trent Cox, Vice President John Riley, Parliamentarian Scott Teague, Disbursing Officer Teresa Burl, Member Dorothy Williams, Member Absent None Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
Dr. Angela Olsen, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall taped (audio) the meeting. Report from Certified Personnel Policies Committee Margie Snider, Certified PPC Chair, stated their committee met and unanimously passed the proposed change to Board Policy COE Insurance Coverage increasing the amount from $240.62 to $264.78. The committee will take a vote of the certified employees. Report from Classified Personnel Policies Committee Glenda Tucker, Classified PPC Chair, stated their committee met and unanimously passed the proposed change to Board Policy COE - CL Insurances Coverage increasing the amount paid by the district from $240.62 to $264.78. The committee will take a vote of the classified employees. A-5 2006 - 2007 School Year Budget Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer, presented the final budget to A the Board for their approval. Mr. Daniels explained adjustments were made and duplications W removed since the budget was originally presented in the July 31, 2006 budget workshop. Board members asked questions of Mr. Daniels and also thanked him for the clarity of his report. MOTION John Riley moved to accept the 2006 - 2007 School Year Budget as presented. Teresa Burl seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: ADJOURNMENT MOTION Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None Dorothy Williams moved to adjourn the meeting. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Burl, Cox, Moore, Riley, Teague and Williams None President Moore declared the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Marty Moore, President Act 671 of2003 AN ACT TO CLARIFY THE SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR DISBURSEMENTS BY SCHOOL DISTRICTS
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Arkansas Code 6-13-618 is amended to read as follows: 6-13-618. Organization - Disbursing officer. (a) At the first regular meeting following the annual school election, the board of directors of each school district shall organize by electing: (1) One (1) of their number president
(2) One (1) of their number vice president
and (3) A secretary who may, but need not be, a member of the board. (b) (1) The board, by resolution adopted by majority vote, shall designate (1) one of its members who shall serve as the primary board disbursing officer of the district. (2) In addition, the board may designate one (1) or more board members as an alternate board disbursing officer in the absence of the designated primary board disbursing officer. (3) Such resolution must be filed with the county treasurer and the Director of the Department of Finance and Administration. (c) No warrant or check, other than food service or activity funds, shall be valid in absence of the following manual or facsimile signatures: (1) The designated board member serving as disbursing officer for the district, or the designated alternate
and (2) The superintendent of the school district. SECTION 2. Arkansas Code 6-17-918 is amended to read as follows: 6-17-918. Issuing and countersigning warrants. (a) (1) It shall be the duty of the district superintendent of schools to serve as ex officio financial secretary. (2) All warrants and checks shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of 6-13-618(c) and 6-13-701(e). (b) The district superintendent of schools shall neither issue nor countersign any warrants or checks until he has determined that the warrants have been issued in conformity with 6-20-402, this subchapter, and other laws. B-1 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: KEN KIRSPEL, SUPERINTENDENT FROM: KA YE LOWE, ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SUBJECT: ELEMENTARY SCIENCE/HEALTH TEXTBOOK ADOPTION COMMITTEE ' DA TE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 Recommendation for the Elementary Science/Health Adoption Committee 2006-2007 Name School Grade Michelle Green Meadow Park Kindergarten Mary Carol Copeland Boone Park First Grade Natalie Akin Seventh Street First Grade Laura Showalter Amboy Second Grade Carrie Glover Indian Hills Second Grade Becky Kimbrough Lakewood Third Grade Steve Orobona Park Hill Third Grade Dawn Stane Belwood Fourth Grade Tammy Reeder Glenview Fourth Grade Matthew How North Heights Fifth Grade Renita Parker Pike View Fifth Grade Wanda Mccranie Crestwood Fifth Grade Allison Wesson Lynch Drive Special Ed Resource Sheryll Smith Indian Hills Principal Mary Lou Ferguson Glenview/North Heights Gifted LaCher Rockins Seventh Street Parent Laura Miller Park Hill Parent Paulette Blevins Administration Science Instructional Specialist C-1 I North Little Rock School District ocal Revenue Current Truces Pullback Delinquent Truces Excess Commissions Land Redemption Penalties & Interest on Truces Tuition-Summer School/Day Care Interest on Investments Soft Drink Sales Misc Rev From Local Total Local Revenue Revenue From Intermediate Source l Severance True Revenue from State Sources-Unrestricted State Equalization Aid Student Growth Funding 0th Unrestr Grants-in-Aid Revenue from State Sources-Restricted Regular Education Special Education Early Childhood M-to-M - Non-Instr Pgms Misc State Total Revenu estate NUE OPERATIONS d TOTAL REVE Building Fun Capital Outla Food Service Federal TOTAL REVE y s NUE AUGUST 2006 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $12,510,000.00 $827,475.13 $1,542,304.44 $6,250,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,471,000.00 $25,784.28 $66,924.30 $310,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $185,000.00 $19,715.94 $42,422.38 $62,000.00 $795.00 $2,958.36 $105,000.00 ' $7,298.98 $6,998.98 $900,000.00 $90,739.90 $195,969.49 $79,000.00 $2,170.98 $2,170.98 $84,460.00 $38,067.09 $38,277.09 $21,956,460.00 $1,012,047.30 $1,898,026.02 $10,100.001 $0.00! $2,172.99! $35,477,276.00 $3,225,206.00 $3,225,206.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $534,639.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,903,623.00 $236,247.00 $238,076.00 $2,213,250.00 $534,600.00 $612,132.49 $6,980,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $381,715.00 $1,000.00 $189,207.00 $52,500.00 $12,219.34 $12,219.34 $50,545,003.00 $4,009,272.34 $4,276,840.83 $72,511,563.00 $5,021,319.64 $6, 1 TT ,039.84 $233,000.00 $31,256.35 $56,214.03 $1,550,000.00 $65,122.46 $122,819.55 $3,669,000.00 $65,751.97 $66,362.78 $7,181,864.00 $469,133.97 $469, 133.97 $85,145,427.00 $5,652,584.39 $6,891,570.17 0-1 %YTD Budget Balance Actual/Bud $10,967,695.56 12.33% $6,250,000.00 0.00% $1,404,075.70 4.55% $310,000.00 0.00% $142,577.62 22.93% $59,041.64 4.77% $98,001.02 6.67% $704,030.51 21.77% $76,829.02 2.75% $46,182.91 45.32% $20,058,433.98 8.64% $7,927.01! 21.51%! $32,252,070.00 9.09% $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $534,639.00 0.00% $4,665,547.00 4.86% $1,601,117.51 27.66% $6,980,000.00 0.00% $192,508.00 49.57% $40,280.66 23.27% $46,268,162.17 8.46% $66,334,523.16 8.52% $176,785.97 24.13% $1,427,180.45 7.92% $3,602,637.22 1.81% $6,712,730.03 6.53% $78,253,856.83 8.09% Expenditure Category CERTIFIED SALARIES CERTIFIED BENEFITS CLASSIFIED SALARIES CLASSIFIED BENEFITS TOT AL SALARIES & BENEFITS Purchased-Prof/f ech Services Purchased Property Services Other Purchased Services Suoolies and Materials Property Other Objects Debt Service Total Other Expenditures OPERATING FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND BUILDING FUND FEDERAL FUND FOOD SERVICE FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES North Little Rock School District AUGUST 2006 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $37,526,650.00 $793,810.86 $978,274.82 $9,846,135.00 $73,818.13 $107,791.58 $9,779,440.00 $474,447.93 $843,967.17 $3,975,887.00 $120,808.26 $197,002.16 $61,128,112.00 $1,462,885.18 $2,127,035.73 $1,421,058.00 $31,663.10 $130,012.12 $980,780.60 $65,694.83 $82,108.19 $2,600,000.00 $70,652.84 $456,506.10 $4,250,000.00 $774,797.09 $869,097.15 $2,208,614.00 $696, 123.53 $1,390,809.09 $700,000.00 $4,015.00 $15,744.00 $1,110,370.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,270,822.60 $1,642,946.39 $2,944,276.65 $74,398,934.60 $3,105,831.57 $5,071,312.38 $1,791,824.00 $82,085.10 $402,084.53 $5,530,900.00 $447,346.98 $735,412.23 $7,751,725.93 $125,229.96 $148,125.61 $3,212,423.00 $187,869.02 $222,104.76 $92,685,807.53 $3,948,362.63 $6,579,039.51 0-2 %Yid Budget Balance ActuaVBud $36,548,375.18 2.61% $9,738,343.42 1.09% $8,935,472.83 8.63% $3,778,884.84 4.95% $59,001,076.27 3.48% $1,291,045.88 9.15% $898,672.41 8.37% $2,143,493.90 17.56% $3,380,902.85 20.45% $817,804.91 62.97% $684,256.00 2.25% $1,110,370.00 0.00% $10,326,545.95 22.19% $69,327,622.22 6.82% $1,389,739.47 22.44% $4,795,487.77 13.30% $7,603,600.32 1.91% $2,990,318.24 6.91% $86,106,768.02 7.10% Function Category 11 XX Regular Proqrams-Elem/Sec 12XX Special Education 13XX Workforce Education 15XX Compensatory Education 19XX Other Instructional 21XX Suooort Services-Students 22XX Suport Services-Instruction 23XX Suooort Services-Administration 24XX Supoort Services-Sch Admin 25XX Suooort Services-Business 26XX M & 0 Plant Services 27XX Pupil Transportation 28XX Support Services-Central 29.XX Other Support Services 31XX Food Services 33XX Communitv Service Operations 34XX Other Non-Instr Services 43XX Site Improvement Services 5XX Ed Spec Dev Services 46XX Bldg Acq/Constr Services 47XX Building Improvements 51XX LEA Indebtedness 53XX Payment to other LEA 55.XX Indirect Cost/Admin Charges GRAND TOTAL North Little Rock School District FUNCTION AUGUST 2006 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual $28,584,257.10 $830,197.95 $956,886.72 $9,561,331.69 $79,257.10 $80,815.20 $1,564,621.37 $96,678.60 $100,879.80 $4,340,644.20 $5,628.88 $5,628.88 $3,826,038.74 $65,416.14 $88,287.81 $6,055,139.19 $157,720.40 $190,561.38 $5,365,715.06 $224,819.14 $307,250.98 $1,210,728.13 $62,879.41 $114,585.02 $4,039,640.57 $273,935.77 $347,722.04 $1,428,158.93 $127,625.03 $188,845.21 $6,524,519.03 $458,717.21 $1,094,245.55 $3,547,667.77 $103,273.72 $529,407.26 $945,077.33 $82,836.79 $164,628.85 $436,103.89 $0.00 $0.00 $3,997,597.66 $211,812.66 $251,456.42 $47,274.41 $152.01 $209.68 $123,406.25 $9,307.68 $13,869.18 $938,867.80 $80,378.18 $368,443.43 $470.21 $0.00 $0.00 $12,225.33 $0.00 $0.00 $6,402,208.35 $1,075,571.04 $1,773,161.18 $1,923,825.10 $2,154.92 $2,154.92 $1,692,738.14 $0.00 $0.00 $117,551.26 $0.00 $0.00 $92~685,807 .53 $3,948,362.63 $6,579,039.51 0-3 %Yid Budget Balance ActuaVBud $27,627,370.38 3.35% $9,480,516.49 0.85% $1,463,741.57 6.45% $4,335,015.32 0.13% $3,737,750.93 2.31% $5,864,577.81 3.15% $5,058,464.08 5.73% $1,096,143.11 9.46% $3,691,918.53 8.61% $1,239,313.72 13.22% $5,430,273.48 16.77% $3,018,260.51 14.92% $780,448.48 17.42% $436,103.89 0.00% $3,746,141.24 6.29% $47,064.73 0.44% $109,537.07 11.24% $570,424.37 39.24% $470.21 0.00% $12,225.33 0.00% $4,629,047.17 27.70% $1,921,670.18 0.11% $1 ,692, 738.14 0.00% $117,551.26 0.00% $86,106,768.02 7.10% North little Rock School District SOURCE OF FUNDS AUCUST 2006 Current Month Ytd Source of Funds Category Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual Budget Balance Actual/Bud 000 Non-categorical $67,861, 196.61 $2,492,919.05 $3,995,695.23 $63,865,501.38 5.89% 213 Intensive School Improvement $1,128.49 $0.00 $0.00 $1,128.49 0.00 223 Prof Development Act 59 $419,005.01 $22,762.28 $71,884.32 $347,120.69 17.16% 225 Technology Grant $1,626.91 $0.00 $0.00 $1,626.91 0.00% 227 CPEP $78,552.45 $300.97 $9,758.96 $68,793.49 12.42% 245 Pathwise Mentoring $85,953.48 $1,076.27 $1,076.27 $84,877.21 1.25% 250 Act 591 Residential $48,901.32 $0.00 $0.00 $48,901.32 0.00% 260 Early Childhood Sp Ed $982,979.62 $32,529.35 $42,914.08 $940,065.54 4.37% 271 G/f Advance Placement $4,523.03 $0.00 $0.00 $4,523.03 0.00% 275 Alternative Learning Environment $1,283,801.76 $17,056.45 $26,782.51 $1,257,019.25 2.09% 276 English Lang Learners $36,309.23 $2,982.01 $2,982.01 $33,327.22 8.21% 281 NSLA $2,303,528.84 $39,067.44 $46,443.60 $2,257,085.24 2.02% 365 ABC Preschool $2,409,866.65 $983.12 $4,991.26 $2,404,875.39 0.21% 381 Smart Start Literacy $74,838.77 $5,994.34 $11,310.20 $63,528.57 15.11% 392 General Facility Funding $571,534.22 $59,648.20 $83,606.88 $487,927.34 14.63% 398 OHS Preschool Improvement $940.41 $0.00 $0.00 $940.41 0.00% 401 Academic Fae lmmed Repair $2,111,549.76 $698,090.73 $1,395,680.87 $715,868.89 66.10% 403 Academic Fae Transitional Pgrn $4,878,659.39 $447,346.98 $735,412.23 $4,143,247.16 15.07% 404 Academic Fae Partnership Pgrn $322,654.70 $0.00 $0.00 $322,654.70 0.00% 406 lmprv Lit Thru Libraries $4,123.22 $774.74 $774.74 $3,348.48 18.79% 430 ROTC $119,009.84 $7,762.46 $7,762.46 $111,247.38 6.52% 441 Title IV-B 21st Century $193,747.24 $10,877.64 $14,826.04 $178,921.20 7.65% 501 Title I-Reg Comp Ed $4,106,564.85 $13,158.56 $20,978.65 $4,085,586.20 0.51% 520 Title V-A Innovative Program $9,404.10 $0.00 $0.00 $9,404.10 0.00% 523 Title I Reading First $294,198.13 $5,336.55 $5,336.55 $288,861.58 1.81% 530 Homeless-Stewart McKinney $34,795.17 $549.23 $4,146.73 $30,648.44 11.92% 535 Title V-B Charter Schools $47,678.79 $4,865.04 $4,865.04 $42,813.75 10.20% 565 Teacher Quality Enhancement . $67,652.16 $0.00 $0.00 $67,652.16 0.00% 570 Cart Perkins Vocational $202,278.45 $2,514.18 $6,715.38 $195,563.07 3.32% 702 Title VI-B PL 94-142 $1,798,865.29 $7,279.01 $7,279.01 $1,791,586.28 0.40% 710 Sp Ed Preschool Sec 619 $879,728.52 $50,013.09 $50,753.18 $828,975.34 5.77% 750 Medicaid $169,627.41 $819.56 $1,619.56 $168,007.85 0.95% 751 Medicaid Sp Ed Preschool $79,934.86 $5,694.49 $5,694.49 $74,240.37 7.12% 754 Javits - G/f Grant $9,404.10 $0.00 $0.00 $9,404.10 0.00% 756 Title II-A Improve Teaching $889,854.57 $12,189.75 $13,978.12 $875,876.45 1.57% 761 Title Ill Eng Lang Acqui $17,658.08 $985.00 $985.00 $16,673.08 5.58% 781 Title IV-A Drug Ed $56,080.41 $0.00 $0.00 $56,080.41 0.00% 785 Comprehensive Sch Health $14,952.53 $2,410.66 $2,410.66 $12,541.87 16.12% 796 Workforce Investment Act $25,861.28 $0.00 $0.00 $25,861.28 0.00% 995 Soft Drink Acct $186,837.85 $2,375.48 $2,375.48 $184,462.37 1.27% GRAND TOTAL $92,685,807.53 $3,948,362.63 $6,579,039.51 $86,106,768.02 7.10% $80,000,000.00 $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 NLRSD Actual to Budget Comparison As of August, 2006 Operating Building Capital Outlay Funds 0-5 Federal Food Service Budget Expenses Shanda Coleman Christopher Sierra NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT North Little Rock, Arkansas Board Agenda - September 21, 2006 NEW ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL Lynch Drive Elementary, Assistant Principal Effective 9/22/06, Category I, Step 4, 207 days NLRHS East Campus, Assistant Principal Effective 9/8/06, Category I, Step 3, 207 days NEW ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION NAME: Shanda Coleman PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Lynch Drive Elementary, Assistant Principal
EDUCATION: BA- Harding University, Searcy, AR 5/03 MA- Harding University, Searcy, AR 6/05 LICENSURE: Standard 5 year- Elementary 106 Initial three year - Building Administrator P-8 EXPERIENCE: Park Avenue Elementary, Assistant Principal, Stuttgart, AR 7/05 -8/06 Clary Elementary, Stuttgart, AR 8/00 - 6/05 RECOMMENDATION: Loretta Hassell, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel NAME:
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.