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BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA RECEI ED JUL 1 7 2007 OFFIOCFE DESEGREGMAOTNIOITNO RING ass North Little Rock School District Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:00 P.M. NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION Administration Building, 2700 Poplar North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 -5:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS I. CALL TO ORDER, Trent Cox, President II. INVOCATION, Letitia Martin, Director of Federal Programs and Assessment III. FLAG SALUTE IV. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Trent Cox, President Scott Teague, Vice President Marty Moore, Secretary Dorothy Williams, Disbursing Officer John Riley, Parliamentarian Darrell Montgomery, Member Margo Tenner, Member V. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS A. Summer Quest Video - L. Harrison B. 2006 - 2007 NLRHS IB/ AP Students - L. Harrison VI. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS A. Thursday, June 21, 2007 5:30 P.M. (Regular)- Page A-1 - VII. ACTION ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Page 2 - Board Agenda July 18, 2007 VIII. AC1JON ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS A. B. C. D. E. F. Consider Arkansas School Boards Association Membership - K. Kirspel - Page B - l Consider Athletic Admission Price Increase - K. Danaher - Page C - 1 Consider Revisions of Student Board Policies: - B. Acklin - Page D- l Consider Salary Schedule Revisions - K. Kirspel - Page E - l Consider Student Handbook Revisions - F. Jackson Consider 2008 - 2009 Proposed Budget of Expenditures - K. Kirspel - Page F- 1 G. Consider Motion for Consent Agenda - K. Kirspel 1. Consider monthly financial report - Page O - l 2. Consider employment of personnel - Page P - l 3. Consider bid items - Page R - l 4. Consider building use requests - Page S - 1 5. Consider payment of regular bills - Page T - l IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None X. CALENDAR OF EVENTS A. Next Board (Regular) Meeting -Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:00 P.M. XI. ADJOURNMENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of the Superintendent REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES June 21, 2007 The North Little Rock School District Board met in regular session on Thursday, June 21, 2007 in the Board Room of the Administration Building of the North Little Rock School District, 2700 Poplar Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas. There were no public comments. President Trent Cox called the meeting to order at 5 :00 p.m. Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education, gave the invocation. The flag salute followed. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Present Trent Cox, President Scott Teague, Vice President Marty Moore, Secretary Dorothy Williams, Disbursing Officer John Riley, Parliamentarian Margo Tenner, Member Darrell Montgomery, Member Absent None Others Present Mr. Ken Kirspel, Superintendent
Greg Daniels, Chief Financial and Information Services Officer
Dr. Angela Olsen, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
other staff members and Darlene Holmes, Superintendent's secretary were also present. Billy Duvall (audio) taped the meeting. RECOGNITION OF PEOPLE/EVENTS/PROGRAMS There were none. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING MOTION Dorothy Williams moved to accept the minutes of the May 17, 2007 (Regular) meeting as printed. Scott Teague seconded the motion. A-1 YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Certified Personnel Policies Committee Report Margie Snider, Certified Personnel Policies Chairperson, presented the Certified Personnel Policies Committee report. The first proposal was to revise Board Policy CDI Tuition Reimbursement for Teachers as follows: The second sentence under Item 2 changed from: "Tuition reimbursement will be granted to applicants based on the order in which they are received in the District Personnel Office as long as total budgeted monies have not been expended." To: "Tuition reimbursement will be granted to applicants whose applications have been received in the District Personnel Office according to the deadlines outlined in item 6 below, as long as total budgeted monies have not been expended." Item 7 from: "The maximum total financial reimbursement granted in a contract year shall be twenty two thousand five hundred dollars ($22,500)." To: "The maximum total financial reimbursement granted in a contract year shall be thirty-one thousand one hundred ten dollars ($31,110). MOTION Marty Moore moved to accept the revisions of Board Policy CDI Tuition Reimbursement for Teachers as proposed by the Certified Personnel Policies Committee. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None Mrs. Snider stated the Certified Personnel Policies Committee approved the Extra Compensation Review Committee's recommendation to add stipends to Quiz Bowl sponsors and the Poplar Street Middle Department Chairs but rejected the recommendation to increase the contract days for the Head Varsity Basketball Coaches. MOTION John Riley moved to accept the approval for the Quiz Bowl sponsors of $500 for middle school and $700 high school and $900 stipends for the Poplar Street Middle School Department Chairs. Margo Tenner seconded the motion. A-2 YEAS: NAYS: MOTION Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None Marty Moore moved to accept the Administration's recommendation to increase the contract days of the Head Varsity Basketball Coaches from 217 to 240. Dorothy Williams seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Teague, Tenner and Williams Riley Mrs. Snider also presented a proposal to revise Board Policy 3.6 Certified Personnel Employee Training to remove the second sentence under PD Documentation. This sentence is: "Failure of an employee to receive sixty (60) hours of professional development in any given year may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination." MOTION John Riley moved to reject the Certified Personnel Policies Committee proposal to remove the sentence: "Failure of an employee to receive sixty (60) hours of professional development in any given year may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination." from the PD Documentation portion of Board Policy 3.6 Certified Personnel Employee Training. Dorothy Williams seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None 2007 - 2008 School Calendar Revision Mr. Kirspel recommended the school calendar revision of the two (2) half ( 1/2) work days of August 17, 2007 and June 2, 2008 changed to full days which would increase the teachers days from 190 to 191. This revision will not affect the student days. MOTION Scott Teague moved to accept the Administration's recommendation to increase the one-half work days on August the 17, 2007 and June 2, 2008 to full days in the 2007 - 2008 school calendar. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None Revisions to Board Policies 4.42 Student Handbook and 4.47 (4.28A) Cell Phones, Beepers, etc. Mr. Kirspel explained these were two policy revisions Bobby Acklin, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation, had presented at the Board Workshop and the changes were printed in their agendas. A-3 MOTION Scott Teague moved to accept the Administration's recommendation to revise Board Policy 4.28-A Cell Phones and Communication Devices to 4.47 Possession and Use of Cell Phone, Beepers, etc as presented and printed in the agenda. Margo Tenner seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: MOTION Cox, Montgomery, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams Moore Margo Tenner moved to accept the Administration's recommendation to revise Board Policy 4.42 Student Handbook as presented and printed in the agenda. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None Consent Agenda Mr. Kirspel recommended the Board accept the information on pages O - 1 through T -24 as printed in the agenda. MOTION Dorothy Williams moved to accept the consent agenda as printed in the agenda. Scott Teague seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None AMENDMENT TO THE AGENDA MOTION Scott Teague moved to change the Thursday, July 19, 2007 regular Board Meeting to Wednesday, July 18, 2007. Margo Tenner seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Mr. Kirspel pointed out the two letters printed in the agenda. The first one was from Dr. Ken James, Arkansas Department of Education Commissioner, recognizing our District for being named a winner of a SchoolMatch's "What Parents Want" Award. The second one was a letter concerning electric meter rate schedules from Jerry Massey, Director of Plant Services thanking Board member John Riley in helping the district save approximately $40,000 annually. A-4 Mr. Kirspel also highlighted items from the June 16, 2007 Board Workshop including the K- 12 Curriculum information provided by Dr. Angela Olsen. He also talked about the district's desegregation attorney, Steve Jones confirming with the Board to file for unitary status within the next year. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Margo Tenner moved to adjourn the meeting. Marty Moore seconded the motion. YEAS: NAYS: Cox, Montgomery, Moore, Riley, Teague, Tenner and Williams None President Cox declared the meeting adjourned at 6: 17 p.m. Trent Cox, President Marty Moore, Secretary A-5 ansas School Boards Association 808 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Little Rock, AR 72202-3646 (501) 372-1415 Fax (501) 375-2454 1-800-482-1212 MEMORANDUM July 2, 2007 TO: All Superintendents, Co-op Directors FROM: Amy Daniel, ASBA President & Dan Farley, Executive Director RE: 2007-08 ASBA Membership ASBA's programs and services are outlined in the enclosed flyer, which has been sent to all members. Membership in ASBA continues to provide an important source of products and services for school boards and school districts. RECEIVED JUL - 5 2007 ASBA is here to serve you, your board, and your school district by providing you with all the help it can to make your work a little bit easier. Our mission is to make the brightest possible future for our children through the education we provide them. Working together as a united force, we can improve our schools and better serve our communities. The ASBA Board of Directors approved the current membership fee schedul.e at its June 8 meeting. Some districts, if they lost students, may see a decrease in their fees
others, who gained students, may see a slight increase. The fees area based on the revenues published in the "Annual Statistical Report of the Public Schools of Arkansas," published by the Arkansas Department of Education. The scale consists of 10 brackets and is printed on the enclosed flyer. We look forward to a successful new year of working together to improve the academic achievement and well-being of Arkansas public school students. B - 1 Arkansas School Boards Association 808 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone: 1-800-482-1212 Bill To North Little Rock School District Kenneth Kirspel, Superintendent P.O. Box 687 North Little Rock, AR 72115 Date Event/Item Description 6/30/2007 Membership Due Upon Receipt Phone# Fax# ASBA Membership Dues 2007-08 E-mail Web Site Kl:.t.
1:.IVEO JUL - 5 2007 P.O.No.: Qty Total Invoice Date Invoice No. 6/30/2007 5992 EvenVltem ASBA Membership Cost Amount 1 1,903.00 1,903.00 $1,903.00 Payments/Credits $0.00 1-800-482-1212 (501) 375-2454 Balance Due $1,903.00 B - 2 Class North Little Rock School District 2700 Poplar Street P.O. Box 687 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72115-0687 501.771.8000 July 11, 2007 To: From: Subject: Ken Kirspel, Superintendent Kevin Danaher, Athletic Director Athletic Events Price Increase I would like to recommend the $1.00 increase of adult and student admission for our athletic events beginning with the 2007-2008 school year. On the varsity level for all sports, adult ticket price would remain the same. The $1.00 increase on a student ticket would be $4.00. Admission prices at the middle school level for all athletic events will increase $1.00 also. Adult ticket prices would increase to $4.00 and student ticket to $3.00. This increase keeps North Little Rock School District in line with the other 7 A Central Conference schools. There will be no changes in the current season ticket prices or "All Sports" season ticket prices. "World Class Schools for World Class Students" An Equal Opportunity Employer C-1 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.4 STUDENT TRANSFERS 4.4----STUDENTT RANSFERS The North Little Rock School District shall review and accept or reject requests for transfers, both into and out of the District, on a case by case basis. Any student transferring from a school accredited by the Department of Education to a school in the District shall be placed into the same grade the student would have been in had the student remained at the former school. Any student transferring from home school or a school that is not accredited by the Department of Education to a District school shall be evaluated by District staff to determine the student's appropriate grade placement. The Board of Education reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who has been expelled from another district to enroll as a student until the time of the person's expulsion has expired. The responsibility for transportation of any nonresident student admitted to a school in this District shall be borne by the student or the student's parents. The District and the resident district may enter into a written agreement with the student or student's parents to provide transportation to or from the District, or both. Legal References: AC.A. 6-18-316 AC.A. 6-18-510 AC.A. 6-15-504 (f) State Board of &iucation Standards of Accreditation VII (E) (1) Date Adopted: 6/30/87 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-1 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.4---STUDENT TRANSFERS The North Little Rock School District shall review and accept or reject requests for transfers, both into and out of the District, on a case by case basis. The District may reject a nonresident's application for admission if its acceptance would necessitate the addition of staff or classrooms, exceed the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building, or cause the District to provide educational services not currently provided in the affected school. The District shall reject applications that would cause it to be out of compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding desegregation. Any student transferring from a school accredited by the Department of Education to a school in the District shall be placed into the same grade the student would have been in had the student remained at the former school. Any student transferring from home school or a school that is not accredited by the Department of Education to a District school shall be evaluated by District staff to determine the student's appropriate grade placement. The Board of Education reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who - has been expelled from another district to enroll as a student until the time of the person's expulsion has expired. The responsibility for transportation of any nonresident student admitted to a school in this District shall be borne by the student or the student's parents. The District and the resident district may enter into a written agreement with the student or student's parents to provide transportation to or from the District, or both. Legal References: A.CA 6-18-316 A.C.A. 6-18-510 A.C.A. 6-15-504 (f) State Board of Education Standards of Accreditation VII (E) (1) Date Adopted: 6/30/87 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-2 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 4.5 SCHOOL CHOICE - 4.5--SCHOOL CHOICE The North Little Rock Board will consider all applications for School Choice postmarked not later than the July 1 preceding the fall semester the applicant would begin school in the District. The Board shall notify the parent or guardian and the student's resident district in writing of the Board's decision to accept or reject the application within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the application. The District shall advertise in appropriate print and broadcast media to inform students and parents in adjoining districts of the range of possible openings available under the School Choice Program. The public pronouncements shall state the application deadline and the requirements and procedure for participation in the program. Such pronouncements shall be made in the spring, but in no case later than June first. When considering applications, priority will be given to applications from siblings or stepsiblings residing in the same residence or household of students already attending the District through school choice. The District may reject a nonresident's application for admission if its acceptance would necessitate the addition of staff or classrooms
exceed the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building
or cause the District to provide educational services not currently provided in the affected school. The District shall reject applications that would cause it to be out of compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding desegregation. Letters of rejection shall state the reason(s) for the rejection. The Board of Directors reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who is currently under expulsion from another district to enroll in a District school. Students admitted under this policy shall be entitled to continued enrollment until they graduate or are not longer eligible for enrollment in the District's schools. Legal References: AC.A. 6-18-206 AC.A. 6-18-510 Last Revised: l 2/ 18/03 D-3 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.5---SCHOOL CHOICE The North Little R-0ek Board superintendent will consider all applications for School Choice postmarked not later than the July 1 preceding the fall semester the applicant would begin school in the District The Beard superintendent shall notify the parent or guardian and the student's resident district in writing of the Board's decision to accept or reject the application within thirty (30) days ofits receipt of the application. The District shall advertise in appropriate print and broadcast media to inform students and parents in adjoining districts of the range of possible openings available under the School Choice Program. The public pronouncements shall state the application deadline and the requirements and procedure for participation in the program. Such pronouncements shall be made in the spring, but in no case later than June first When considering applications, priority will be given to applications from siblings or stepsiblings residing in the same residence or household of students already attending the District through school choice. The District may reject a nonresident's application for admission if its acceptance would necessitate the addition of staff or classrooms
exceed the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building
or cause the District to provide educational services not currently provided in the affected school. The District - shall reject applications that would cause it to be out of compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding desegregation. Letters of rejection shall state the reason( s) for the rejection. The Board of Directors reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who is currently under expulsion from another district to enroll in a District school. Students admitted lll1der this policy shall be entitled to continued enrollment until they graduate or are not longer eligible for enrollment in the District's schools. Any student admitted to this district under the provisions of this policy who chooses to return to his/her resident district during the school year voids the transfer and must reapply for a school choice admission if desiring to return to this district in the future. Legal References: AC.A. 6-18-206 AC.A. 6-18-510 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-4 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.14 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE 4.14-STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE Student Publications All publications that are supported financially by the school or by use of school facilities, or are produced in conjunction with a class shall be considered school-sponsored publications. School publications do not provide a forum for public expression. Such publications, as well as the content of studente xpressioni n school-sponsoreda ctivities,s hall be subjectt o the editorialc ontrolo f the District's administration whose actions shall be reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns and adhere to the following limitations: 1. Advertising may be accepted for publications that does not condone or promote products that are inappropriate for the age and maturity of the audience or that endorse such things as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
2. Publications may be regulated to prohibit writings which are, in the opinion of the appropriate teacher and/or administrator, ungrammatical, poorly written, inadequately researched, biased or prejudiced,v ulgar or profane,o r unsuitablef or immaturea udiences
3. Publications may be regulated to refuse to publish material which might reasonably be perceived to advocate drug or alcohol use, irresponsible sex, or conduct otherwise inconsistent with the shared values of a civilized social order, or to associate the school with any position other than neutrality on matterso f politicalc ontroversy
a nd 4. Prohibited publications include: a. Those that are obscene as to minors
b. Those that are libelous or slanderous, including material containing defamatory falsehoods about public figures or governmental officials, which are made with knowledge of their falsity or reckless disregard of the truth
c. Those that constitutea n unwarrantedi nvasiono f privacya s definedb y state law, d. Publicationst hat suggesto r urge the commissiono f unlawfula cts on the schoolp remises
e. Publicationsw hich suggesto r urge the violationo flawful schoolr egulations
f. Hate literaturet hat scurrilouslya ttackse thnic,r eligious,o r racialg roups. Student Publications on School Web Pages Student publications displayed on school web pages shall follow the same guidelines as listed. In addition,t hese publicationss hall: 1. Not containa ny non-educationaal dvertisements
D-5 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.14 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE 2. Not contain any personally identifying information, as defined by ''Directory Infonnation" in Policy 4.13-PRIV ACY OF STUDENT RECORDS, without the written pennission of the parent of the student or the student if over eighteen (18)
and 3. State that the views expressed are not necessarily those of the School Board or the employees of the District Nonschool Publications The Superintendent shall review nonschool publications prior to their distribution and will bar from distribution those materials that are obscene, libelous, pervasively indecent, or advertise unlawful products or services. Material may also be barred from distribution if there is evidence that reasonably supports a forecast that disruption will likely result from the distribution. Distribution of Literature The school principal or designee shall establish reasonable regulations governing the time, place, and manner of student distribution ofliterature. The regulations shall: 1. Be narrowly drawn to promote orderly administration of school activities by preventing disruption and may not be designed to stifle expression
2. Be uniformly applied to all forms ofliterature
3. Allow no interference with classes or school activities
4. Specify times and places where distribution may and may not occur
and 5. Not inhibit a person's right to accept or reject any literature distributed in accordance with the regulations. The Superintendent, along with the student publications advisors, shall develop administrative regulations for the implementation of this policy. The regulations shall include definitions of tenns and timelines for the review of materials. Legal References: A.C.A. 6-18-1202, 1203, & 1204 Tinker v. Des Moines !SD, 393 U.S. 503 (1969) BethelS choolD istrictN o. 403 v. Fraser,4 78 U.S. 675 (1986) HazelwoodS choolD istrictv . Kuhlmeier4, 84 U.S. 260 (1988) Date Adopted: 6/26/86 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-6 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.14-STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE Student Publications All publications that are supported financially by the school or by use of school facilities, or are produced in conjunction with a class shall be considered school-sponsored publications. School publications do not provide a forum for public expression. Such publications, as well as the content of studente xpressioni n school-sponsoreda ctivities,s hallb e subjectt o the editorialc ontrolo f the District's administration whose actions shall be reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns and adhere to the following limitations: 1. Advertising may be accepted for publications that does not condone or promote products that are inappropriate for the age and maturity of the audience or that endorse such things as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
2. Publications may be regulated to prohibit writings which are, in the opinion of the appropriate teacher and/or administrator, ungrammatical, poorly written, inadequately researched, biased or prejudiced, vulgar or profane, or unsuitable for immature audiences
3. Publications may be regulated to refuse to publish material which might reasonably be perceived to advocate drug or alcohol use, irresponsible sex, or conduct otherwise inconsistent with the shared values of a civilized social order, or to associate the school with any position other than neutrality on matterso f politicalc ontroversy
a nd 4. Prohibitedp ublicationsi nclude: a Those that are obscene as to minors
b. Those that are libelous or slanderous, including material containing defamatory falsehoods about public figures or governmental officials, which are made with knowledge of their falsity or reckless disregard of the truth
c. Those that constitutea n unwarrantedi nvasiono f privacya s definedb y state law, d. Publications that suggest or urge the commission of unlawful acts on the school premises
e. Publications which suggest or urge the violation of lawful school regulations
f. Hate literaturet hat scurrilouslya ttackse thnic,r eligious,o r racialg roups. Student Publications on School Web Pages Student publications displayed on school web pages shall follow the same guidelines as listed. In addition,t hese publicationss hall: 1. Not containa ny non-educationaal dvertisements
D-7 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED .._ _____DE_L_E_T_IO_N S HAV E BEEN STRUCK THROUGH ___,., A 2. Not contain any personally identifying information, as defined by "Directory Information" in Policy 4.13-PRIV ACY OF STIJDENT RECORDS, without the written pennission of the parent of the student or the student if over eighteen (18)
and 3. State that the views expressed are not necessarily those of the School Board or the employees of the District Student Distribution of Nonschool Literature Publications, and Materials A student or group of students who distribute ten (10) or fewer copies of the same nonschool literature, publications, or materials (hereafter "nonschool materials"), shall do so in a time, place, and manner that does not cause a substantial disruption of the orderly education environment A student or group of students wishing to distribute more than ten (10) copies of nonschool materials shall have school authorities review their nonschool materials at least three (3) school days in advance of their desired time of dissemination. The Superintendent shall review the nonschool materials, publieations prior to their distribution and will bar from distribution those nonschool materials that are obscene, libelous, pervasively indecent, or advertise unlawful products or services. Material may also be barred from distribution if there is evidence that reasonably supports a forecast that a substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment will likely result from the distribution. Concerns related to any denial of distribution by the principal shall be heard by the superintendent, who decision shall be final. 4lt Distribution of Litemture The school principal or designee shall establish reasonable regulations governing the time, place, and manner of student distribution of litemture nonschool materials. The regulations shall: 1. Be narrowly drawn to promote orderly administration of school activities by preventing disruption and may not be designed to stifle expression
2. Be uniformly applied to all forms of nonschool litemture materials
3. Allow no interference with classes or school activities
4. Specify times, aoopl aces, and manner where distribution may and may not occur
and 5. Not inhibit a person's right to accept or reject any literature distributed in accordance with the regulations. 6. Students shall be responsible for the removal of excess literature that is left at the distribution point for more than ten (10) days. D-8 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH The Superintendent, along with the student publications advisors, shall develop administrative regulations for the implementation of this policy. The regulations shall include definitions of terms and timelines for the review of materials. Legal References: AC.A. 6-18-1202, 1203, & 1204 Tinker v. Des Moines !SD, 393 U.S. 503 (1969) Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986) Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988) Date Adopted: 6/26/86 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-9 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.30 SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL 4.30-SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL Studentsn ot presenta t schoolc annotb enefitf rom the educationalo pportunitiesth e school environment affords.A dministratorst,h erefore,s hall strive to find ways to keep studentsi n school as participantsi n the educational process. There are instances, however, when the needs of the other students or the interests of the orderly learning environment require the removal of a student from school. The Board authorizess chool principalso r their designeest o suspends tudentsf or discipliruuyr easons for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days, including the day upon which the suspension is imposed. The suspensionm ay be in schoolo t out of school.S tudentsa re responsiblef or their conductt hat occurs at any time on the schoolg rounds
o ff school groundsa t a school-sponsoredfu nction,a ctivity,o r event
and/or going to and from school or a school activity. A student may be suspended for behavior including, but not limited to that which: 1. Is in violation of school policies, rules, or regulations
2. Substantiallyi nterferesw ith the safe and orderlye ducationale nvironment
3. School administrators believe will result in the substantial interference with the safe and orderly educationale nvironment
a nd/or 4. Is insubordinatei,n corrigiblev, iolent,o r involvesm oralt urpitude. The school principal or designee shall proceed as follows in deciding whether or not to suspend a student: - 1. The student shall be given written notice or advised orally of the charges against him/her
2. If the studentd eniest he charges,h e/shes hall be givena n explanationo f the evidencea gainsth im/her and be allowed to present his/her version of the facts
3. If the principalf inds the studentg uiltyo f the misconduct,h e/shem ay be suspended
a nd 4. The parent( s) or legal guardian( s) of the student shall have the right to appeal a building level decision as outlined in the student handbook. When possible,n otice of the suspension,i ts duration,a nd any stipulationsf or the student's readrnittance to class will be given to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) prior to the suspension. Such notice shall be handed to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or mailed to the last address reflected in the records of the District. Generally, notice and hearing should precede the student's removal from school, but if prior notice and hearing are not feasible, as where the student's presence endangers persons or property or threatens disruption of the academic process, thus justifying immediate removal from school, the necessary notice and hearing should follow as soon as practicable. Out-of-school suspensions shall be treated as unexcused absences and during the period of suspension - studentss hall not be permittedo n campuse xceptt o attenda student/parent/administratcoorn ference. D-10 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.30 SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL In-school suspension shall be treated as if the student was present at school. If a student is assigned to Student Assignment Classes (SAC) three times during a school year, any subsequent serious misbehavior will result in the student being suspended off campus for a maximum of ten days. The student shall not attend any school-sponsoreda ctivitiesd uring the imposeds uspensionn or shall the student participatei n any school-sponsoreda ctivities.W hile under suspensions tudents shall not be eligible to participatei n, practice for, or attend any student activity whether during or after the school day. These activities include both Vespers and graduation. Suspensionsi nitiatedb y the principalo r his/her designeem ay be appealedt o the Superintendentb, ut not to the Board. Suspensionsi nitiatedb y the Superintendenmt ay be appealedt o the Board. Legal References: AC.A 6-18-507 Goss v Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975) Date Adopted: 9/26/95 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-11 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.30-SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL Studentsn ot present at school cannot benefitf rom the educationalo pportunitiest he school environment affords. Administrators,t herefore,s hall strive to find ways to keep studentsi n school as participantsi n the educational process. There are instances, however, when the needs of the other students or the interests of the orderly learning environment require the removal of a student from school. The Board authorizess chool principalso r their desi,gneesto suspends tudentsf or disciplinaryr easonsf or a periodo f time not to exceed ten (10) school days, including the day upon which the suspension is imposed. The suspension may be in school or out of school. Students are responsible for their conduct that occurs at any time on the school grounds
o ff school grounds at a school-sponsoredf unction,a ctivity,o r event
and/or going to and from school or a school activity. A student may be suspended for behavior including, but not limited to that which: 1. Is in violation of school policies, rules, or regulations
2. Substantiallyi nterferesw ith the safe and orderlye ducationale nvironment
3. School administrators believe will result in the substantial interference with the safe and orderly educationale nvironment
a nd/or 4. Is insubordinate,i ncorrigiblev, iolent,o r involvesm oral turpitude. The school principal or designee shall proceed as follows in deciding whether or not to suspend a student: 1. The student shall be given written notice or advised orally of the charges against him/her
2. If the student denies the charges, he/she shall be given an explanation of the evidence against him/her and be allowed to present his/her version of the facts
3. If the principalf inds the studentg uiltyo f the misconduct,h e/shem ay be suspended
a nd 4. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student shall have the right to appeal a building level decision as outlined in the student handbook. When possible,n otice of the suspension,i ts duration,a nd any stipulationsf or the student's readrnittance to class will be given to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) prior to the suspension. Such notice shall be handed to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or mailed to the last address reflected in the records of the District. Generally, notice and hearing should precede the student's removal from school, but if prior notice and hearing are not feasible, as where the student's presence endangers persons or property or threatens disruption of the academic process, thus justifying immediate removal from school, the necessary notice and hearing should follow as soon as practicable. - D-12 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH It is the parents' or legal guardians' responsibility to provide current contact information to the district which the school shall use to immediately notify the parent or legal guardian upon the suspension of a student The notification shall be by one of the following means, listed in order of priority: A primary call number o The contact may be by voice, voice mail, or text message An email address A regular first class letter to the last know mailing address The district shall keep a log of contacts attempted and made to the parent or legal guardian. Out-of-school suspensions shall be treated as unexcused absences and during the period of suspension students shall not be permitted on campus except to attend a student/parent/administrator conference. In-school suspension shall be treated as if the student was present at school. If a student is assigned to Student Assignment Classes (SAC) three times during a school year, any subsequent serious misbehavior will result in the student being suspended off campus for a maximum of ten days. The student shall not attend any school-sponsored activities during the imposed suspension nor shall the student participate in any school-sponsored activities. While under suspension students shall not be eligible to participate in, practice for, or attend any student activity whether during or after the school day. These activities include both Vespers and graduation. Suspensions initiated by the principal or his/her designee may be appealed to the Superintendent, but not to the Board. Suspensions initiated by the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board. Legal References: A.C.A. 6-18-507 Goss v Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975) Date Adopted: 9/26/95 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-13 CURRENT BOARD POLICY - 4.37 EMERGENCY DRILLS 4.37-EMERGENCY DRILLS All schools in the District shall conduct fire drills at least monthly. Tornado drills shall also be conducted at least annually. Other types of emergency drills may also be conducted. These may include, but are not limited to: 1. Earthquake
2. Act of terrorism
3. Chemical spill
and/or 4. Airplane crash. Legal Reference: A.C.A. 12-13-109 Date Adopted: 6/26/86 Last Revised: 12/18/03 D-14 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.37-EMERGENCY DRILLS All schools in the District shall conduct fire drills at least monthly. Tornado drills shall also be conducted at least anraially not fewer than four (4) times per year with at least one each in the months of September, October, January, and February. Students who ride school buses, shall also participate in emergency evacuation drills at least twice each school year. Other types of emergency drills may also be conducted. These may include, but are not limited to: 1. Earthquake
2. Act of terrorism
3. Chemical spill
and/or 4. Airplane crash. Legal Reference: Date Adopted: 6/26/86 Last Revised: 12/18/03 AC.A. 12-13-109 A.CA. 6-10-121 Ark. Divisiono f AcademicF acilitiesa nd TransportationR ules Governing Maintenancea nd Operationso f Ark. PublicS choolB uses and Physical Examinationso f SchoolB us Drivers4 .03.l D-15 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 4.43 BULL YING 4.43-BULL YING Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of their dignity, detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote student learning, and will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors. Students who bully another person shall be held accountable for their actions whether it occurs on the school grounds
off school grounds at a school sponsored or approved function, activity, or event
or going to or from school or a school activity in a school vehicle or school bus
or at designated school bus stops. Definition: Bullying is any pattern of behavior by a student, or a group of students, that is intended to harass, intimidate, ridicule, humiliate, or instill fear in another child or group of children. Bullying behavior can be a threat of, or actual, physical harm or it can be verbal abuse of the child. Bullying also includes unacceptable behavior identified in this policy which is electronically transmitted. Bullying is a series of recurring actions committed over a period of time directed toward one student, or successive, separate actions directed against multiple students. Examples of "bullying" may include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: 1. Sarcastic "compliments" about another student's personal appearance
2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate
3. Mocking, taunting or belittling
4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation such as "fronting" or "chesting" a person
5. Demeaning humor relating to a student's race, gender, ethnicity or personal characteristics
6. Blackmail, extortion, demands for protection money or other involuntary donations or loans
7. Blocking access to school property or facilities
8. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property
9. Stealing or hiding books or belongings
and/or 10. Threats of harm to student( s ), possessions, or others. D-16 CURRENT BOARD POLICY 4.43 BULLYING Students are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. The report may be made anonymously. Teachers and other school employees who have witnessed, or are reliably infonned that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal. Parents or legal guardians may submit to the principal written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue would constitute bullying. The principal shall be responsible for investigatingt he incident(s ) to determine if disciplinarya ction is warranted. The person or persons reporting behavior they consider to be bullying shall not be subject to retaliation or reprisal in any fonn. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, consideration may be given to other violations of the student handbook which may have simultaneously occurred. Notice of what constitutes bullying, the District's prohibition against bullying, and the consequences for students who bully shall be conspicuously posted in every classroom, cafeteria, restroom, gymnasium, auditorium, and school bus. Parents, students, school volunteers, and employees shall be given copies of the notice. Copies of this policy shall be available upon request. Legal Reference: A.C.A. 6-18-514 Last Revised: 1/18/07 D-17 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 4.43-BULL YING Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of theif his/her dignity, detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote student learning, and will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors. Students
who bully another person shall be held accountable for their actions whether it occurs on the school equipment or property grounds
off school grol:lfl:dsp roperty at a school sponsored or approved function, activity, or event
or going to or from school or a school activity in a school vehicle or school bus
or at designated school bus stops. Definition~: Bullying is any pattern of behavior by a st1:1dento,r a group of students, that is intended to harass, intimidate, ridic1:1leh, Uffiiliate,o r instill fear in aaother child or group of children. Bullying behavior eaa be a threat of, or aetua-1p, hysical harm or it eaa be 'rerbal ab1:1soef the child. Bullying also incl1:1deus nacceptable behavior identified in this polic~' which is electronically traasmitted. B1:1llyingis a series of rec1:1rringa etions coHlffl:ittedo ver a period of time directed tmvard one srudent, or suceessh'e, separate actions directed against multiple srudents. Bullying means the intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation, ridicule, defamation, or threat or incitement of violence by a student against another student or public school employee by a written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that causes or creates a clear and present danger of: Physical harm to a public school employee or student or damage to the public school employee's or student's property
Substantial interference with a student's education or with a public school employee's role in education
A hostile educational environment for one (1) or more students or public school employees due to the severity, persistence, or pervasiveness of the act
or Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment
Electronic act means without limitation a communication or image transmitted by means of an electronic device, including without limitation a telephone, wireless phone or other wireless communications device, computer, or pager that results in the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment. Electronic acts of bullying are prohibited whether or not the electronic act originated on school property or with school equipment, if the electronic act is directed specifically at students or school personnel and maliciously intended for D-18 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH the purpose of disrupting school, and has a high likelihood of succeeding in that purpose
Harassment means a pattern of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct relating to another person's constitutionally or statutorily protected status that causes, or reasonably should be expected to cause, substantial interference with the other's performance in the school environment
and Substantial disruption means without limitation that any one or more of the following occur as a result of the bullying: Necessary cessation of instruction or educational activities
Inability of students or educational staff to focus on learning or function as an educational unit because of a hostile environment
Severe or repetitive disciplinary measures are needed in the classroom or during educational activities
or Exhibition of other behaviors by students or educational staff that substantially interfere with the learning environment. Examples of "bullying" may include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: l. Sarcastic "compliments" about another student's personal appearance
2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate
3. Mocking, taunting or belittling
4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation such as "fronting" or "chesting" a person
5. Demeaning humor relating to a student's race, gender, ethnicity or personal characteristics
6. Blackmail, extortion, demands for protection money or other involuntary donations or loans
7. Blocking access to school property or facilities
8. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property
9. Stealing or hiding books or belongings
and/or D-19 PROPOSED BOARD POLICY - July 18, 2007 ADDITIONS HA VE BEEN UNDERLINED DELETIONS HA VE BEEN STRUCK THROUGH 10. Threats of harm to student(s), possessions, or others. Students are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. The report may be made anonymously. Teachers and other school employees who have witnessed, or are reliably informed that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal. Parents or legal guardians may submit to the principal written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue would constitute bullying. The principal shall be responsible for investigating the incident(s) to determine if disciplinary action is warranted. The person or persons reporting behavior they consider to be bullying shall not be subject to retaliation or reprisal in any form. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, consideration may be given to other violations of the student handbook which may have simultaneously occurred. Notice of what constitutes bullying, the District's prohibition against bullying, and the A consequences for students who bully shall be conspicuously posted in every classroom, W cafeteria, restroom, gymnasium, auditorium, and school bus. Parents, students, school volunteers, and employees shall be given copies of the notice. Copies of this policy shall be available upon request. Legal Reference: A.C.A. 6-18-514 Last Revised: 1/18/07 D-20 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District PROPOSED Teacher/Administrator Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8TC I II m IV V 191 Days BA BA+12 BA+24 MA MA+15 01 31,900 32,905 33,910 34,915 35,920 02 32,905 33,910 34,915 35,920 36,925 03 33,910 34,915 35,920 36,925 37,930 04 34,915 35,920 36,925 37,930 38,935 05 35,920 36,925 37,930 38,935 39,940 06 36,925 37,930 38,935 39,940 40,945 07 37,930 38,935 39,940 40,945 '41,950 08 38,935 39,940 40,945 41,950 42,955 09 39,940 40,945 41,950 42,955 43,960 10 40,945 41,950 42,955 43,960 44,965 11 41,950 42,955 43,960 44,965 45,970 12 42,955 43,960 44,965 45,970 46,975 13 43,960 44,965 45,970 46,975 47,980 14 44,965 45,970 46,975 47,980 48,985 15 45,970 46,975 47,980 48,985 49,990 16 46,975 47,980 48,985 49,990 50,995 17 47,980 48,985 49,990 50,995 52,000 18 48,985 49,990 50,995 52,000 53,005 19 49,990 50,995 52,000 53,005 54,010 20 55,015 21 22 Stipends: Paid according to Policy CFEB Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28. 16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E - 1 VI VII vm IX MA+30 MA+45 Spec Doct 36,925 37,930 38,935 39,940 37,930 38,935 39,940 40,945 38,935 39,940 40,945 41,950 39,940 40,945 41,950 42,955 40,945 41,950 42,955 43,960 41,950 42,955 43,960 44,965 42,955 43,960 44,965 45,970 43,960 44,965 45,970 46,975 44,965 45,970 46,975 47,980 45,970 46,975 47,980 48,985 46,975 47,980 48,985 49,990 47,980 48,985 49,990 50,995 48,985 49,990 50,995 52,000 49,990 50,995 52,000 53,005 50,995 52,000 53,005 54,010 52,000 53,005 54,010 55,015 53,005 54,010 55,015 56,020 54,010 55,015 56,020 57,025 55,015 56,020 57,025 58,030 56,020 57,025 58,030 59,035 57,025 58,030 59,035 60,040 59,035 60,040 61,045 ADMINISTRATORS POSITION INCREMENTS (% of lane IV Step 01) Administrative Asst 12% Asst. Prine. (MS & Elem) 14% Asst. Sr. High Principal 16% Elementary Principal 19% Jr. High Principal 20% Coordinator 20% Supervisor 20% Sr. High Principal 27% Director 27% Administrative Director 33% Asst. Superintendent 39% Steps are based on previous experience I II 190 Days BA BA+12 0 31,110 32,110 1 32,110 33,110 2 33,110 34,110 3 34,110 35,110 4 35,110 36,110 5 36,110 37,110 6 37,110 38,110 7 38,110 39,110 8 39,110 40,110 9 40,110 41,110 10 41,110 42,110 11 42,110 43,110 12 43,110 44,110 13 44,110 45,110 14 45,110 46,110 15 46,110 47,110 16 47,110 48,110 17 48,110 49,110 18 49,110 50,110 19 20 21 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Teacher Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule: 7TC Ill IV V VI VII BA+24 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 33,110 34,110 35,110 36,110 37,110 34,110 35,110 36,110 37,110 38,110 35,110 36,110 37,110 38,110 39,110 36,110 37,110 38,110 39,110 40,110 37,110 38,110 39,110 40,110 41,110 38,110 39,110 40,110 41,110 42,110 39,110 40,110 41,110 42,110 43,110 40,110 41,110 42,110 43,110 44,110 41,110 42,110 43,110 44,110 45,110 42,110 43,110 44,110 45,110 46,110 43,110 44,110 45,110 46,110 47,110 44,110 45,110 46,110 47,110 48,110 45,110 46,110 47,110 48,110 49,110 46,110 47,110 48,110 49,110 50,110 47,110 48,110 49,110 50,110 51,110 48,110 49,110 50,110 51,110 52,110 49,110 50,110 51,110 52,110 53,110 50,110 51,110 52,110 53,110 54,110 51,110 52,110 53,110 54,110 55,110 54,110 55,110 56,110 56,110 57,110 58,110 Fringe Benefits include: $264. 78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Stipends: Flat amount according to stipend schedule Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E-2 VIII IX Spec Doct 38,110 39,110 39,110 40,110 40,110 41,110 41,110 42,110 42,110 43,110 43,110 44,110 44,110 45,110 45,110 46,110 46,110 47,110 47,110 48,110 48,110 49,110 49,110 50,110 50,110 51,110 51,110 52,110 52,110 53,110 53,110 54,110 54,110 55,110 55,110 56,110 56,110 57,110 57,110 58,110 58,110 59,110 59,110 60,110 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Licensed Administrator Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule: 7 AD Schedule Based on 207 Days I II Ill IV V VI 207 Davs MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 Soec Doct 0 37,794 40,349 42,904 44,182 45,460 48,015 1 39,119 41,674 44,229 45,507 46,785 49,340 2 40,444 42,999 45,554 46,832 48,110 50,665 3 41,769 44,324 46,879 48,157 49,435 51,990 4 43,094 45,649 48,204 49,482 50,760 53,315 5 44,419 46,974 49,529 50,807 52,085 54,640 6 45,744 48,299 50,854 52,132 53,410 55,965 7 47,069 49,624 52,179 53,457 54,735 57,290 8 48,394 50,949 53,504 54,782 56,060 58,615 9 49,719 52,274 54,829 56,107 57,385 59,940 10 51,044 53,599 56,154 57,432 58,710 61,265 11 54,924 57,479 58,757 60,035 62,590 12 58,804 60,082 61,360 63,915 13 62,685 65,240 14 66,565 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance covera POSITION INCREMENTS OTHER INCREMENTS I .f (% of base salary) Elementary principals are to receive an additional increment Administrative Asst 8% based on school enrollment ($1 per student in ADM based on Asst. Prine. (MS & 10% previous year's third nine 9 weeks report.) Asst. Sr. High Principal 12% Asst. Prin and Adm. Asst. are to receive an additional Elementary Principal 15% increment based on school enrollment (.50 per student based Jr. High Principal 16% on previous year's third 9 weeks report.) Coordinator 16% Supervisor 16% Sr. High Principal 23% Director 23% Administrative Director 29% Asst. Superintendent 35% Steps are based on previous experience Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E-3 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Nurses Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8Nl/8N2 8Nl 8N2 I n I II 193 Days 193 Days 200 Days 200 Days Nurse Nurse+MA Nurse Supvr Nurse Supvr+MA 01 32,304 33,304 34,010 35,010 02 33,174 34,174 34,925 35,925 03 34,044 35,044 35,840 36,840 04 34,914 35,914 36,755 37,755 05 35,784 36,784 37,670 38,670 06 36,654 37,654 38,585 39,585 07 37,524 38,524 39,500 40,500 08 38,394 39,394 40,415 41,415 09 39,264 40,264 41,330 42,330 10 40,134 41,134 42,245 43,245 11 41,004 42,004 43,160 44,160 12 41,874 42,874 44,075 45,075 13 42,744 43,744 44,990 45,990 14 43,614 44,614 45,905 46,905 15 44,484 45,484 46,820 47,820 16 45,354 46,354 47,735 48,735 17 46,224 47,224 48,650 49,650 18 47,094 48,094 49,565 50,565 19 47,964 48,964 50,480 51,480 20 48,834 49,834 51,395 52,395 21 49,704 50,704 52,310 53,310 I-Nurse Registered Nurse I-Nurse Supvr Supervisor Registered Nurses II-Nurse Registered Nurse II-Nurse Supvr Supervisor Registered with Masters Nurses with Masters Degree in Nursing in Nursing Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for$ I 6,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fringe Benefits include: CURRENT North Little Rock School District Nurse Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule: 7NU I II Ill 193 Davs 193 Davs 200 Davs Nurse Nurse+MA Nurse Supvr 31,671 32 671 33,343 32 541 33,541 34,258 33 411 34,411 35,173 34,281 35,281 36,088 35,151 36,151 37,003 36,021 37,021 37,918 36,891 37,891 38,833 37,761 38,761 39,748 38,631 39 631 40,663 39,501 40,501 41,578 40,371 41,371 42,493 41,241 42,241 43,408 42 111 43,111 44,323 42,981 43,981 45,238 43 851 44,851 46,153 44 721 45,721 47,068 45,591 46 591 47,983 46,461 47,461 48,898 47,331 48,331 49,813 48,201 49,201 50,728 49,071 50,071 51,643 IV 200 Davs Nurse Supvr+MA 34,343 35,258 36,173 37,088 38,003 38,918 39,833 40,748 41,663 42,578 43,493 44,408 45,323 46,238 47,153 48,068 48,983 49,898 50,813 51,728 52,643 $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual ciental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Board adopted: November 16, 2006 E - 5 r PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Physical/Occupation Therapists Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8PO 191 Day Schedule OT/PT Step I 01 43,299 02 44,399 03 45,499 04 46,599 05 47,699 06 48,799 07 49,899 08 50,999 09 52,099 10 53,199 11 54,299 12 55,399 13 56,499 14 57,599 15 58,699 16 59,799 17 60,899 18 61,999 19 63,099 20 64,199 21 65,299 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $ 10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E- 6 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Physical/Occupational Therapists Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule: 7PO I 190 Day OT/PT 0 42,228 1 43,328 2 44,428 3 45,528 4 46,628 5 47,728 6 48,828 7 49,928 8 51,028 9 52,128 10 53,228 11 54,328 12 55,428 13 56,528 14 57,628 15 58,728 16 59,828 17 60,928 18 62,028 19 63,128 20 64,228 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Board adopted: November 16, 2006 E -7 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Non-Licensed Professionals Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8Pl Schedule Based on 191 Days Non-Lie Prof-Other Non-Lie Coord Non-Lie Dir Non-Lie Adm Dir CFO/CIO Step I II m N V 01 30,331 40,866 44,001 49,440 56,278 02 31,336 41,871 45,006 50,445 57,283 03 32,341 42,876 46,011 51,450 58,288 04 33,346 43,881 47,016 52,455 59,293 05 34,351 44,886 48,021 53,460 60,298 06 35,356 45,891 49,026 54,465 61,303 07 36,361 46,896 50,031 55,470 62,308 08 37,366 47,901 51,036 56,475 63,313 09 38,371 48,906 52,041 57,480 64,318 10 39,376 49,911 53,046 58,485 65,323 11 40,381 50,916 54,051 59,490 66,328 12 41,386 51,921 55,056 60,495 67,333 13 42,391 52,926 56,061 61,500 68,338 14 43,396 53,931 57,066 62,505 69,343 15 44,401 54,936 58,071 63,510 70,348 16 45,406 55,941 59,076 64,515 71,353 17 46,411 56,946 60,081 65,520 72,358 18 47,416 57,951 61,086 66,525 73,363 19 48,421 58,956 62,091 67,530 74,368 20 49,426 59,961 63,096 68,535 75,373 21 50,431 60,966 64,101 69,540 76,378 Currently - Prof/Other includes: Communication Specialist, Parent Liaison/Homeless, Parent Involvement and VIPS, and Clinical Counselors Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E-8 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Non-Licensed Professionals Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule : 7PT1 Schedule based on 190 days I II Ill IV V Non-Lie Adm Non-Lie Prof-Other Non-Lie Coord Non-Lie Dir Dir CFO/CIO 0 29,580 39,855 42,913 48,217 54,885 1 30,580 40,855 43,913 49,217 55,885 2 31,580 41,855 44,913 50,217 56,885 3 32,580 42,855 45,913 51,217 57,885 4 33,580 43,848 46,913 52,217 58,885 5 34,580 44,855 47,913 53,217 59,885 6 35,580 45,855 48,913 54,217 60,885 7 36,580 46,855 49,913 55,217 61,885 8 37,580 47,855 50,913 56,217 62,885 9 38,580 48,855 51,913 57,217 63,885 10 39,580 49,855 52,913 58,217 64,885 11 40,580 50,855 53,913 59,217 65,885 12 41,580 51,855 54,913 60,217 66,885 13 42,580 52,855 55,913 61,217 67,885 14 43,580 53,855 56,913 62,217 68,885 15 44,580 54,855 57,913 63,217 69,885 16 45,580 55,855 58,913 64,217 70,885 17 46,580 56,855 59,913 65,217 71,885 18 47,580 57,855 60,913 66,217 72,885 19 48,580 58,855 61,913 67,217 73,885 20 49,580 59,855 62,913 68,217 74,885 Currently - Prof/Other includes: Communication Specialist, Parent Liaison/Homeless, Parent Involvement and VIPS, and Clinical Counselors Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E-9 Step 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Information Technology Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8P2 Schedule Based on 191 Days Lo
au .1,
"u Tech Lead Tech (w/o (with System certifications certifications Admin ' I II m IV 33,119 33,513 34,559 35,604 33,773 34,167 35,213 36,258 34,427 34,821 35,867 36,912 35,081 35,475 36,521 37,566 35,735 36,129 37,175 38,220 36,389 36,783 37,829 38,874 37,043 37,437 38,483 39,528 37,697 38,091 39,137 40,182 38,351 38,745 39,791 40,836 39,005 39,399 40,445 41,490 39,659 40,053 41,099 42,144 40,313 40,707 41,753 42,798 40,967 41,361 42,407 43,452 41,621 42,015 43,061 44,106 42,275 42,669 43,715 44,760 42,929 43,323 44,369 45,414 43,583 43,977 45,023 46,068 44,237 44,631 45,677 46,722 44,891 45,285 46,331 47,376 45,545 45,939 46,985 48,030 46,199 46,593 47,639 48,684 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an indiv:duRI dental/vision plan $ I 0.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E-10 Manager IT V 37,852 38,857 39,862 40,867 41,872 42,877 43,882 44,887 45,892 46,897 47,902 48,907 49,912 50,917 51,922 52,927 53,932 54,937 55,942 56,947 57,952 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Information Technology Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule : 7PT2 Schedule based on 190 Days I II Ill IV V Lead Tech Lead Tecb (w/o (with System Tech certifications) certifications) Admin Manaoer IT 0 32,300 32,684 33,704 34,724 36,916 1 32,950 33,334 34,354 35,374 37,916 2 33,600 33,984 35,004 36,024 38,916 3 34,250 34,634 35,654 36,674 39,916 4 34,900 35,284 36,304 37,324 40,916 5 35,550 35,934 36,954 37,974 41,916 6 36,200 36,584 37,604 38,624 42,916 7 36,850 37,234 38,254 39,274 43,916 8 37,500 37,884 38,904 39,924 44,916 9 38,150 38,534 39,554 40,574 45,916 10 38,800 39,184 40,204 41,224 46,916 11 39,450 39,834 40,854 41,874 47,916 12 40,100 40,484 41,504 42,524 48,916 13 40,750 41,134 42,154 43,174 49,916 14 41,400 41,784 42,804 43,824 50,916 15 42,050 42,434 43,454 44,474 51,916 16 42,700 43,084 44,104 45,124 52,916 17 43,350 43,734 44,754 45,774 53,916 18 44,000 44,384 45,404 46,424 54,916 19 44,650 45,034 46,054 47,074 55,916 20 45,300 45,684 46,704 47,724 56,916 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E - 11 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Computer Services Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8P3 Schedule Based on 191 Days Webmaster/Data/ Computer Oper Software Spec TechAdmin Step I II ill 01 19,715 37,494 22,080 02 20,369 38,499 22,734 03 21,023 39,504 23,388 04 21,677 40,509 24,042 05 22,331 41,514 24,696 06 22,985 42,519 25,350 07 23,639 43,524 26,004 08 24,293 44,529 26,658 09 24,947 45,534 27,312 10 25,601 46,539 27,966 11 26,255 47,544 28,620 12 26,909 48,549 29,274 13 27,563 49,554 29,928 14 28,217 50,559 30,582 15 28,871 51,564 31,236 16 29,525 52,569 31,890 17 30,179 53,574 32,544 18 30,833 54,579 33,198 19 31,487 55,584 33,852 20 32,141 56,589 34,506 21 32,795 57,594 35,160 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2. l 0 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E- 12 CURRENT North Little Rock School District Computer Services Salary Schedule 06-07 Schedule : 7PT3 Schedule Based on 190 days I II Ill Webmaster/Data/ Computer Oper Software Spec Tech Admin 0 19,227 36,567 21,533 1 19,877 37,567 22,183 2 20,527 38,567 22,833 3 21,177 39,567 23,483 4 21,827 40,567 24,133 5 22,477 41,567 24,783 6 23,127 42,567 25,433 7 23,777 43,567 26,083 8 24,427 44,567 26,733 9 25,077 45,567 27,383 10 25,727 46,567 28,033 11 26,377 47,567 28,683 12 27,027 48,567 29,333 13 27,677 49,567 29,983 14 28,327 50,567 30,633 15 28,977 51,567 31,283 16 29,627 52,567 31,933 17 30,277 53,567 32,583 18 30,927 54,567 33,233 19 31,577 55,567 33,883 20 32,227 56,567 34,533 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $ I 0.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $3.62 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E - 13 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 7.75 8.05 8.35 8.65 8.95 9.25 9.55 9.85 10.15 10.45 10.75 11.05 11.35 11.65 11.95 12.25 12.55 12.85 13.15 13.45 13.75 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Child Nutrition Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8CN II ill IV 8.75 9.75 8.50 9.05 10.05 8.80 9.35 10.35 9.10 9.65 10.65' 9.40 9.95 10.95 9.70 10.25 11.25 10.00 10.55 11.55 10.30 10.85 11.85 10.60 11.15 12.15 10.90 11.45 12.45 11.20 11.75 12.75 11.50 12.05 13.05 11.80 12.35 13.35 12.10 12.65 13.65 12.40 12.95 13.95 12.70 13.25 14.25 13.00 13.55 14.55 13.30 13.85 14.85 13.60 14.15 15.15 13.90 14.45 15.45 14.20 14.75 15.75 14.50 I - Assistant Worker II-Elementary Manager Certified III-High School Manager Certified IV-Assistant Manager High School V-Manager Middle School Certified VI-Warehouse Manager Non-certified VII-Warehouse Assistant Non-certified VII-Manager Substitute Certified V VI 9.25 11.25 9.55 11.55 9.85 11.85 10.15 12.15 10.45 12.45 10.75 12.75 11.05 13.05 11.35 13.35 11.65 13.65 11.95 13.95 12.25 14.25 12.55 14.55 12.85 14.85 13.15 15.15 13.45 15.45 13.75 15.75 14.05 16.05 14.35 16.35 14.65 16.65 14.95 16.95 15.25 17.25 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $ I 0.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E- 14 VII vm 10.00 8.75 10.35 9.05 10.70 9.35 11.05 9.65 11.40 9.95 11.75 10.25 12.10 10.55 12.45 10.85 12.80 11.15 13.15 11.45 13.50 11.75 13.85 12.05 14.20 12.35 14.55 12.65 14.90 12.95 15.25 13.25 15.60 13.55 15.95 13.85 16.30 14.15 16.65 14.45 17.00 14.75 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Clerical Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8Cx I n m IV V VI vn 185 Days 207 Days 207 Days 223 Days 252 Days 252 Days 252 Days Schedule: 8Cl 8C2 8C2 8C3 8C4 8C4 8C4 01 15,000 19,100 20,000 22,125 25,000 26,000 27,000 02 15,450 19,673 20,600 22,789 25,750 26,780 27,810 03 15,900 20,246 21,200 23,453 26,500 27,560 28,620 04 16,350 20,819 21,800 24,117 27,250 28,340 29,430 05 16,800 21,392 22,400 24,781 28,000 29,120 30,240 06 17,250 21,965 23,000 25,445 28,750 29,900 31,050 07 17,700 22,538 23,600 26,109 29,500 30,680 31,860 08 18,150 23,111 24,200 26,773 30,250 31,460 32,670 09 18,600 23,684 24,800 27,437 31,000 32,240 33,480 10 19,050 24,257 25,400 28,101 31,750 33,020 34,290 11 19,500 24,830 26,000 28,765 32,500 33,800 35,100 12 19,950 25,403 26,600 29,429 33,250 34,580 35,910 13 20,400 25,976 27,200 30,093 34,000 35,360 36,720 14 20,850 26,549 27,800 30,757 34,750 36,140 37,530 15 21,300 27,122 28,400 31,421 35,500 36,920 38,340 16 21,750 27,695 29,000 32,085 36,250 37,700 39,150 17 22,200 28,268 29,600 32,749 37,000 38,480 39,960 18 22,650 28,841 30,200 33,413 37,750 39,260 40,770 19 23,100 29,414 30,800 34,077 38,500 40,040 41,580 20 23,550 29,987 31,400 34,741 39,250 40,820 42,390 21 24,000 30,560 32,000 35,405 40,000 41,600 43,200 I Secretary: General Secretaries in schools, Transportation, Maintenance, & Food Services II Sec/Registrar: Elementary Principal Secretary & Middle School Registrars III Sec/Registrar: High School Registrars and Office Secretaries IV Secretary I: Central Office Curriculum Secretaries V Secretary II: Payroll staff & Accounts Payable Staff
Middle School Principal Secretary VI Secretary III: Admin Director & Director Secretary, High School Principal VII Secretary IV: Superintendent, CFO, Assistant Superinten-de-nt ------------------ Professional Standards Increments for Secretaries: Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 Basic - 3 % per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes: Associate - 5% $5,000 life insurance Advanced I - 7 % $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan Advanced II - 8 % $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan Advanced III - 9 % $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage Professional - 9% $0.56 per month for group health life insurance Certified - 10% Associate degree - 8% Secretarial Diploma - 8% (% based on the step 01 of the lane where secretary located) Calculation:Amount = (((% * lane/step O I amount)/nurnber of contract days of lane) * number of contract days of employee)* FTE E - 15 261 Days 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Custodial Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8CU I II 7.75 8.45 7.98 8.74 8.21 9.03 8.44 9.32 8.67 9.61 8.90 9.90 9.13 10.19 9.36 10.48 9.59 10.77 9.82 11.06 10.05 11.35 10.28 11.64 10.51 11.93 10.74 12.22 10.97 12.51 11.20 12.80 11.43 13.09 11.66 13.38 11.89 13.67 12.12 13.96 12.35 14.25 I-Custodian II-Lead Custodian III-Head Custodian ill 9.01 9.32 9.63 . 9.94 10.25 10.56 10.87 11.18 11.49 11.80 12.11 12.42 12.73 13.04 13.35 13.66 13.97 14.28 14.59 14.90 15.21 IV-Maint Custodian, Warehouse V-Custodian Operations VI-Custodial Supervisor IV V 9.85 11.43 10.18 11.82 10.51 12.21 10.84 12.60 11.17 12.99 11.50 13.38 11.83 13.77 12.16 14.16 12.49 14.55 12.82 14.94 13.15 15.33 13.48 15.72 13.81 16.11 14.14 16.50 14.47 16.89 14.80 17.28 15.13 17.67 15.46 18.06 15.79 18.45 16.12 18.84 16.45 19.23 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes: $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E - 16 VI 14.38 14.92 15.46 16.00 16.54 17.08 17.62 18.16 18.70 19.24 19.78 20.32 20.86 21.40 21.94 22.48 23.02 23.56 24.10 24.64 25.18 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Instructional Assistants Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8PP 185 Day Schedules Instructional Aides Library Asst Comp Lab Elm Comp Lab Sec Step I II m IV 01 14,500 14,700 15,000 17,000 02 14,935 15,141 15,450 17,510 03 15,370 15,582 15,900 18,020 04 15,805 16,023 16,350 18,530 05 16,240 16,464 16,800 19,040 06 16,675 16,905 17,250 19,550 07 17,110 17,346 17,700 20,060 08 17,545 17,787 18,150 20,570 09 17,980 18,228 18,600 21,080 10 18,415 18,669 19,050 21,590 11 18,850 19,110 19,500 22,100 12 19,285 19,551 19,950 22,610 13 19,720 19,992 20,400 23,120 14 20,155 20,433 20,850 23,630 15 20,590 20,874 21,300 24,140 16 21,025 21,315 21,750 24,650 17 21,460 21,756 22,200 25,160 18 21,895 22,197 22,650 25,670 19 22,330 22,638 23,100 26,180 20 22,765 23,079 23,550 26,690 21 23,200 23,520 24,000 27,200 I Instructional Aides, Special Education Aides, SAC Aide II Library Assistants III Elementary Computer Lab Manager IV Secondary Computer Lab Manager % Increment of 8% if Degree Based on Lane/Step O I of lane employee resides Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E- 17 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Security/Non-Instructional Aides Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8Sx I II 8Sl 8S2 01 7.75 13,068.00 02 7.98 13,808.00 03 8.21 14,548.00 04 8.44 15,288.00 05 8.67 16,028.00 06 8.90 16,768.00 07 9.13 17,508.00 08 9.36 18,248.00 09 9.59 18,988.00 10 9.82 19,728.00 11 10.05 20,468.00 12 10.28 21,208.00 13 10.51 21,948.00 14 10.74 22,688.00 15 10.97 23,428.00 16 11.20 24,168.00 17 11.43 24,908.00 18 11.66 25,648.00 19 11.89 26,388.00 20 12.12 27,128.00 21 12.35 27,868.00 I-Crossing Guards, Lunch Aides, Early Morning Aides Il-Campus Supervisor, Security Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $ I 0.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2. IO per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E -18 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Maintenance Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8MA 261 Days I II m IV 01 8.83 11.43 14.38 17.02 02 9.21 11.83 14.83 17.60 03 9.59 12.23 15.28 18.18 04 9.97 12.63 15.73 18.76 05 10.35 13.03 16.18 19.34 06 10.73 13.43 16.63 19.92 07 11.11 13.83 17.08 20.50 08 11.49 14.23 17.53 21.08 09 11.87 14.63 17.98 21.66 10 12.25 15.03 18.43 22.24 11 12.63 15.43 18.88 22.82 12 13.01 15.83 19.33 23.40 13 13.39 16.23 19.78 23.98 14 13.77 16.63 20.23 24.56 15 14.15 17.03 20.68 25.14 16 14.53 17.43 21.13 25.72 17 14.91 17.83 21.58 26.30 18 15.29 18.23 22.03 26.88 19 15.67 18.63 22.48 27.46 20 16.05 19.03 22.93 28.04 21 16.43 19.43 23.38 28.62 I-Craft Helpers, Labor, Stadium Attendant II-HY AC Registrant, Locksmith, Painter, Roofer III-Energy Ed, Maint Carpenter, HY AC Mechanic, Maint Plumber IV-Lead Electrician, Lead HY AC, Lead Painter, Lead Plumber Y -Maintenance Supervisor Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2. 10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E - 19 V 19.35 20.05 20.75 21.45 22.15 22.85 23.55 24.25 24.95 25.65 26.35 27.05 27.75 28.45 29.15 29.85 30.55 31.25 31.95 32.65 33.35 PROPOSED North Little Rock School District Proposed Transportation Salary Schedule 07-08 Schedule: 8TR Step I 01 11.00 02 11.33 03 11.66 04 11.99 05 12.32 06 12.65 07 12.98 08 13.31 09 13.64 10 13.97 11 14.30 12 14.63 13 14.96 14 15.29 15 15.62 16 15.95 17 16.28 18 16.61 19 16.94 20 17.27 21 17.60 I-Bus Driver II-Shop Foreman III-Mechanic IV-Mechanic Helper V -Dispatcher VI-Trainer VII-Bus Aide II 18.00 18.54 19.08 19.62 20.16 20.70 21.24 21.78 22.32 22.86 23.40 23.94 24.48 25.02 25.56 26.10 26.64 27.18 27.72 28.26 28.80 Fringe Benefits include: $264.78 m IV V 17.00 11.00 12.25 17.51 11.33 12.61 ' 18.02 11.66 12.97 18.53 11.99 13.33 19.04 12.32 13.69 19.55 12.65 14.05 20.06 12.98 14.41 20.57 13.31 14.77 21.08 13.64 15.13 21.59 13.97 15.49 22.10 14.30 15.85 22.61 14.63 16.21 23.12 14.96 16.57 23.63 15.29 16.93 24.14 15.62 17.29 24.65 15.95 17.65 25.16 16.28 18.01 25.67 16.61 18.37 26.18 16.94 18.73 26.69 17.27 19.09 27.20 17.60 19.45 per month for an individual health insurance plan which includes $5,000 life insurance $28.16 per month for an individual dental/vision plan $10.65 per month for a hospital indemnity plan $2.10 per month for $16,000 life insurance coverage $0.56 per month for group health life insurance E-20 VI 12.25 12.61 12.97 13.33 13.69 14.05 14.41 14.77 15.13 15.49 15.85 16.21 16.57 16.93 17.29 17.65 18.01 18.37 18.73 19.09 19.45 VII 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 CURRENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-07 Classified Schedule Step Amt Step Amt Step Amt Step Amt Step Amt 1 6.05 51 9.95 101 16.36 151 26.91 201 44.25 2 6.11 52 10.05 102 16.52 152 27.18 202 44.69 3 6.17 53 10.15 103 16.69 153 27.45 203 45.14 4 6.23 54 10.25 104 16.86 154 27.72 204 45.59 5 6.29 55 10.35 105 17.02 155 28 205 46.05 6 6.36 56 10.46 106 17.19 156 28.28 206 46.51 7 6.42 57 10.56 107 17.37 157 28.56 207 46.97 8 6.48 58 10.67 108 17.54 158 28.85 208 47.44 9 6.55 59 10.77 109 17.72 159 29.14 209 47.92 10 6.62 60 10.88 110 17.89 160 29.43 210 48.4 11 6.68 61 10.99 111 18.07 161 29.72 12 6.75 62 11.1 112 18.25 162 30.02 13 6.82 63 11.21 113 18.44 163 30.32 14 6.88 64 11.32 114 18.62 164 30.62 15 6.95 65 11.43 115 18.81 165 30.93 16 7.02 66 11.55 116 18.99 166 31.24 17 7.09 67 11.66 117 19.18 167 31.55 18 7.16 68 11.78 118 19.38 168 31.87 19 7.24 69 11.9 119 19.57 169 32.18 20 7.31 70 12.02 120 19.77 170 32.51 21 7.38 71 12.14 121 19.96 171 32.83 22 7.45 72 12.26 122 20.16 172 33.16 23 7.53 73 12.38 123 20.36 173 33.49 24 7.6 74 12.51 124 20.57 174 33.83 25 7.68 75 12.63 125 20.77 175 34.16 26 7.76 76 12.76 126 20.98 176 34.51 27 7.83 77 12.88 127 21.19 177 34.85 28 7.91 78 13.01 128 21.4 178 35.2 29 7.99 79 13.14 129 21.62 179 35.55 30 8.07 80 13.28 130 21.83 180 35.91 31 8.15 81 13.41 131 22.05 181 36.27 32 8.23 82 13.54 132 22.27 182 36.63 33 8.32 83 13.68 133 22.49 183 37 34 8.4 84 13.81 134 22.72 184 37.37 35 8.48 85 13.95 135 22.95 185 37.74 36 8.57 86 14.09 136 23.18 186 38.12 37 8.65 87 14.23 137 23.41 187 38.5 38 8.74 88 14.38 138 23.64 188 38.88 39 8.83 89 14.52 139 23.88 189 39.27 40 8.92 90 14.66 140 24.12 190 39.66 41 9.01 91 14.81 141 24.36 191 40.06 42 9.1 92 14.96 142 24.6 192 40.46 43 9.19 93 15.11 143 24.85 193 40.87 44 9.28 94 15.26 144 25.1 194 41.27 45 9.37 95 15.41 145 25.35 195 41.69 46 9.46 96 15.57 146 25.6 196 42.1 47 9.56 97 15.72 147 25.86 197 42.52 48 9.66 98 15.88 148 26.12 198 42.95 49 9.75 99 16.04 149 26.38 199 43.38 50 9.85 100 16.2 150 26.64 200 43.81 Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E - 21 Catno Description - 200 Executive Secretary 201 Executive Sec-Comm 205 Secretary-Asst. Supt. 206 Secretary-Adm Director 209 Sec/Supvr-Bookkeeping 210 Secretary/Bookkeeper 215 Seer Dir/Prin 216 Teachers Aide/Esl 217 Teachers Aide/Welfare 220 Seer Elem Prin 225 Office Secretary 227 Elem Secretary 230 Secretary 231 Media Secretary 232 Guidance Office Secretary 235 General Office Secretary 236 Teachers Aide/Campus Supv 240 Teachers Aide/Spec Ed 241 Teachers Aide/Sac 242 Teachers Aide/Pre-School 243 Teachers Aide/Instruction 244 Teachers Aide/Comp Ed 245 Teachers Aide/Comp Lab 246 Teachers Aide/Chapter I 250 Teachers Aide/Hippy Home 251 Teachers Aide/Parent Cntr 252 Teachers Aide/Evenstart 253 Teachers Aide/Homeless 254 Teachers Aide/Bus-Stars 260 Teachers Aide/Lunch Duty 265 Teachers Aide/Crossing Gu 266 Teachers Aide/Early Morn 501 Head Mechanic 503 Mechanic 505 Mechanic's Helper 507 Bus Driver 509 Teachers Aide/Bus 511 Bus Driver/Dispatcher 600 Custodian 601 Lead Custodian 602 Lead Custodian W TIC 603 Head Custodian 604 Head Custodian W TIC CURRENT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES 06-07 From To Catno Description 83 120 605 Maintenance Custodian 83 120 606 Maintenance Custodian Wtc 66 106 607 Warehouseman 59 101 608 Custodial Temporaries 91 115 610 Operations Manager 64 113 611 Supervisor Of Cust Serv 53 96 700 Supervisor Plant Services 78 119 701 Safety Coordinator 53 96 702 Enerav Manaoer 50 94 705 Lead Carpenter 50 94 706 Maintenance Carpenter 48 92 710 Lead Electrician 44 90 711 Maintenance Electrician 44 90 715 Energy Specialist 44 90 716 Maintenance Energy Mngt 44 90 718 Maintenance Helper 65 113 720 Lead Hvac 44 90 721 Hvac Mechanic 44 90 725 Labor Foreman 44 90 726 General Labor Leader 44 90 727 General Labor 44 90 728 Gen Labor-Stadium Attnd 44 90 729 Maintenance Temporaries 44 90 735 Lead Painter 44 90 736 Painter 44 90 740 Lead Plumber 44 90 741 Maintenance Plumber 44 90 746 Roofer 46 95 765 Security Monitor 18 66 901 Food Serv Asst. (Worker} 18 66 902 Food Serv Mgr/Elm/Non-Cer 18 66 903 Food Serv Mgr/Elem/Cert 88 132 904 Food Serv Mor/Sec/Non-Cer 78 127 905 Food Serv Mgr/Sec/Cert 46 94 906 Food Serv Asst. Mor Hs/Nc 46 95 907 Food Serv Asst Mgr/Hs/C 22 70 908 Food Srv Wrehse Mor/Ne 46 103 909 Food Serv Wrehse Mgr/Cer 18 66 910 Food Serv Wrehse Asst. 27 77 911 Food Serv Mgr/Sub/Ne 31 80 912 Food Serv Mgr/Sub/Cert 37 88 41 91 Board Adopted: November 16, 2006 E- 22 From To 46 94 50 97 46 94 4 30 65 113 88 134 95 165 65 113 88 132 88 152 65 113 95 152 88 132 95 154 65 113 39 94 95 152 88 132 65 113 24 94 24 90 24 90 22 46 88 152 65 113 95 152 88 132 65 113 24 113 18 66 27 77 31 80 37 88 41 91 27 77 31 80 45 94 49 96 39 94 27 77 31 80 PROPOSED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES TOGETHER WITH TAX LEVY FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2008 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 2009 The Board of Directors of the North Little Rock School District No. 1 of Pulaski County, Arkansas, in compliance with the requirements of Ark. Code 6-13-622 and Amendment No. 40 and No. 74 of the Constitution of the State of Arkansas has prepared, approved and does hereby make public a proposed budget of expenditures for the district in 2008- 2009 together with a supporting tax rate. The proposed budget of expenditures includes: 1. Salary Fund Expenditures $47,250,000 2. Instructional Expense 21,540,750 3. Maintenance & Operation Expense 7,140,000 4. Pupil Transportation Expense 3,853,500 5. Other Operating Expense 1,449,000 6. Nonbonded Debt Payment 450,000 7. Bonded Debt Payment 1,600,000 8. Building Fund Expense 2,100,000 9. Dedicated M & 0 (Current Expend/Capital Outlay) 1,680,000 To provide for the foregoing proposed budget of expenditures, the Board of Directors proposes a total tax rate (state and local) of 40.9 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School District. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of 25.0 mills (the "Statewide Uniform Rate") to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas Constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. This total tax levy includes 28. 7 mills for maintenance and operation of schools
2.9 mills for dedicated maintenance and operation Millage (formerly current expenditure/capital outlay) dedicated for the purpose of purchasing school buses, purchasing furniture and equipment to support instructional programs, purchasing computer software, and renovating, repairing and equipping existing facilities
and 9 .3 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy and pledged for retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. Surplus revenues produced each year by debt service. Millage may be used by the District for other school purposes. This request represents no increase ir. the total tax from the previous year. Given this 18th day of July 2007 North Little Rock School District No. 1 of Pulaski County, Arkansas Trent Cox President of School Board Marty Moore Secretary of School Board F-1 I North Llttle Rock School District ocal Revenue Current Taxes Pullback Delinquent Taxes Excess Commissions Land Redemption Penalties & Interest on Taxes Tuition-Summer School/Day Care Interest on Investments Soft Drink Sales Misc Rev From Local Total Local Revenue Revenue From Intermediate Source !Severance Tax Revenue from State Sources-Unrestricted State Equalization Aid Student Growth Funding 0th Unrestr Grants-in-Aid TOTAL UNRE STRICT ED-ST ATE/LOCAL Revenue from State Sources-Restricted Regular Education Special Education Early Childhood M-to-M Non-Instr Pgms Misc State TOTAL REST RICTED-ST ATE TOTAL REVE Building Fun Capital Outla Food Service Federal TOTAL REVE NUE OPERATIONS d y s NUE JUNE 2007 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $12,510,000.00 $341,241.10 $13,072,972.43 $6,250,000.00 $1,053,093.03 $6,467,704.41 $1,471,000.00 $64,898.94 $1,645,863.20 $310,000.00 $0.00 $277,049.20 $185,000.00 $25,497.17 $224,711.08 $62,000.00 $4,099.87 $196,780.21 $105,000.00 $50,551.98 $100,708.75 $900,000.00 $149,873.59 $1,144,247.69 $79,000.00 $5,741.15 $64,070.54 $84,460.00 $18,434.37 $155,110.93 $21,956,460.00 $1,713,431.20 $23,349,218.44 $10,100.00! $0.00! $9,145.44! $35,477,276.00 $3,225,207.00 $35,477,276.00 $0.00 $30,618.00 $185,814.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,100.00 $57,445,836.00 $4,969,256.20 $59,023,553.88 $534,639.00 $63,444.00 $556,440.51 $4,903,623.00 $550,996.00 $4,285,366.00 $2,213,250.00 $1,882.57 $2,286,336.73 $6,980,000.00 $464,514.36 $6,514,921.06 $381,715.00 $19,357.52 $457,852.92 $52,500.00 $20,597.13 $88,520.10 $15,065,727.00 $1,120,791.58 $14,189,437.32 $72,511,563.00 $6,090,047.78 $73,212,991.20 $233,000.00 $525,644.27 $2,286,627.20 $1,550,000.00 $111,371.58 $1,616,998.97 $3,669,000.00 $323,104.24 $3,677,191.28 $7,181,864.00 $1,576,972.35 $7,647,223.14 $85,145,427.00 $8,627,140.22 $88,441,031.79 0-1 %YTD Budget Balance Actual/Bud -$562,972.43 104.50% -$217,704.41 103.48% -$174,863.20 111.89% $32,950.80 89.37% -$39,711.08 121.47% -$134,780.21 317.39% $4,291.25 95.91% -$244,247.69 127.14% $14,929.46 81.10% -$70,650.93 183.65% -$1,392,758.44 106.34% $954.56! 90.55%! $0.00 100.00% -$185,814.00 -$100.00 105.00% -$1,577,717.88 102.75% -$21,801.51 104.08% $618,257.00 87.39% -$73,086.73 103.30% $465,078.94 93.34% -$76, 137 .92 119.95% -$36,020.10 168.61% $876,289.68 94.18% -$701,428.20 100.97% -$2,053,627 .20 981.39% -$66,998.97 104.32% -$8,191.28 100.22% -$465,359.14 106.48% -$3,295,604. 79 103.87% Expenditure Category CERTIFIED SALARIES CERTIFIED BENEFITS CLASSIFIED SALARIES CLASSIFIED BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS Purchased-Prof/Tech Services Purchased Property Services Other Purchased Services Suoolies and Materials Property Other Obiects Debt Service Total Other Expenditures OPERATING FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND BUILDING FUND FEDERAL FUND FOOD SERVICE FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES North Llttle Rock School District JUNE 2007 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual $37,526,650.00 $8,153,627.04 $37,353,109.34 $9,846,135.00 1,180,317.30 $8,826,195.13 $9,779,440.00 $1,620,703.72 $10,900,839.08 $3,975,887.00 $366,772.33 $3,644,392.87 $61,128,112.00 $11,321,420.39 $60,724,536.42 $1,421,058.D0 $150,567.09 $810,380.35 $980,780.60 $102,672.33 $922,205.39 $2,600,000.00 $189,854.96 $3,096,604.85 $4,250,000.00 $356,458.09 $4,099,703.12 $2,208,614.00 $18,040.93 $2,130,594.64 $700,000.00 $1,575.00 $1,337,781.18 $1,110,370.00 $0.00 $353,421.05 $13,270,822.60 $819,168.40 $12,750,690.58 $74,398,934.60 $12,140,588.79 $73,475,227.00 $1,791,824.00 $106,562.96 $1,099,935.78 $5,530,900.00 $828,620.27 $6,560,036.70 $7,751,725.93 $1,471,487.59 $6,636,730.82 $3,212,423.00 $258,038.31 $3,519,430.08 $92,685,807.53 $14,805,297.92 $91,291,360.38 0-2 %Ytd Budget Balance ActuaUBud $173,540.66 99.54% $1,019,939.87 89.64% -$1, 121,399.08 111.47% $331,494.13 91.66% $403,575.58 99.34% $610,677.65 57.03% $58,575.21 94.03% -$496,604.85 119.10% $150,296.88 96.46% $78,019.36 96.47% -$637,781.18 191.11% $756,948.95 31.83% $520,132.02 96.08% $923,707.60 98.76% $691,888.22 61.39% -$1,029, 136. 70 118.61% $1,114,995.11 85.62% -$307,007.08 109.56% $1,394,447.15 98.50% Function Category 11 XX Regular Programs-Elem/Sec 12XX Special Education 13XX Workforce Education 15XX Compensatory Education 19XX Other Instructional 21XX Suooort Services-Students 22XX Suport Services-Instruction 23XX Suooort Services-Administration 24XX Suooort Services-Sch Admin 25XX Suooort Services-Business 26XX M & 0 Plant Services 27XX Pupil Transportation 28XX Suooort Services-Central 29XX Other Suooort Services 31XX Food Services 33XX Community Service Operations 34XX Other Non-Instr Services 43XX Site Improvement Services 5XX Ed Spec Dev Services 46XX BldQ Acq/Constr Services 47XX Building Improvements 51XX LEA Indebtedness 53XX Payment to other LEA 55XX Indirect CosUAdmin CharQes GRAND TOTAL North Little Rock School District FUNCTION JUNE 2007 2006-2007 Current Month Budget Actual Y-T-D Actual $28,584,257.10 $5,612,263.15 $27,647,970.46 $9,561,331.69 $1,999,502.71 $9,036,761.34 $1,564,621.37 $228,891.05 $1,430,728.23 $4,340,644.20 $895,549.22 $2,966,733.05 $3,826,038.74 $765,573.50 $3,901,182.90 $6,055,139.19 $1,210,422.90 $6,372,512.97 $5,365,715.06 $998,597.76 $5,735,376.88 $1,210,728.13 $103,934.33 $1,235,342.19 $4,039,640.57 $604,700.86 $4,237,115.14 $1,428,158.93 $132,211.40 $1,312,054.68 $6,524,519.03 $707,728.45 $6,541,994.15 $3,547,667.77 $269,177.56 $3,651,853.33 $945,077.33 $73,290.40 $971,543.28 $436,103.89 $30,208.75 $505,669.64 $3,997,597.66 $310,338.05 $4,160,654.94 $47,274.41 $14,512.39 $41,907.45 $123,406.25 $16,308.24 $132,236.71 $938,867.80 $1,490.00 $695,445.55 $0.00 $628,018.26 $999,750.43 $12,225.33 $1,118.43 $26,078.48 $6,402,208.35 $200,463.26 $6,874,452.65 $1,923,825.10 $997.25 $1,607,475.17 $1,692,738.14 $0.00 $1,206,520.76 $117,551.26 $0.00 $0.00 $92,685,337.32 $14,805,297.92 $91,291,360.38 0-3 ~. Ytd Budget Balance Actual/Bud $936,286.64 96.72% $524,570.35 94.51% $133,893.14 91.44% $1,373,911.15 68.35% -$75,144.16 101.96% -$317,373.78 105.24% -$369,661.82 106.89% -$24,614.06 102.03% -$197,474.57 104.89% $116,104.25 91.87% -$17,475.12 100.27% -$104, 185.56 102.94% -$26,465.95 102.80% -$69,565.75 115.95% -$163,057.28 104.08% $5,366.96 88.65% -$8,830.46 107.16% $243,422.25 74.07% -$999,750.43 -$13,853.15 213.32% -$472,244.30 107.38% $316,349.93 83.56% $486,217.38 71.28% $117,551.26 0.00% $1,393,976.94 98.50% North Uttle Rock school District SOURCE OF FUNDS JUNE 2007 Current Month Ytd Source of Funds Category Budget Actual Y-T-0 Actual Budget Balance Actual/Bud 000 Non-categorical $67,861,196.61 $11,121,259.57 $68,285,028.16 -$423,831.55 100.62 213 Intensive School Improvement $1,128.49 $0.00 $729.90 $398.59 64.68% 223 Prof Development Act 59 $419,005.01 $116,816.49 $387,757.34 $31,247.67 92.54% 225 Technology Grant $1,626.91 $0.00 $0.00 $1,626.91 0.00% 227 CPEP $78,552.45 $11,371.50 $21,172.04 $57,380.41 26.95% 240 Child w/Dis-Supvr $0.00 $9,446.60 $9,446.60 -$9,446.60 245 Pathwise Mentoring $85,953.48 $35,917.31 $104,481.42 -$18,527.94 121.56% 250 Act 591 Residential $48,901.32 $0.00 $21,105.00 $27,796.32 43.16% 260 Early Childhood Sp Ed $982,979.62 $158,386.95 $909,779.89 $73,199.73 92.55% 271 GIT Advance Placement $4,523.03 $325.00 $1,222.17 $3,300.86 27.02% 275 Alternative Leaming Environment $1,283,801.76 $63,343.56 $1,031,216.49 $252,585.27 80.33% 276 English Lang Learners $36,309.23 $12,509.34 $35,361.01 $948.22 97.39% 281 NSLA $2,303,528.84 $465,402.63 $2,392,233.28 -$88,704.44 103.85% 365 ABC Preschool $2,409,866.65 $426,385.62 $2,018,993.24 $390,873.41 83.78% 381 Smart Start Literacy $74,838.77 $5,747.54 $75,809.62 -$970.85 101.30% 392 General Facility Funding $571,534.22 $66,155.45 $704,104.27 -$132,570.05 123.20% 398 OHS Preschool Improvement $940.41 $1,931.67 $3,502.15 -$2,561.74 372.41% 399 Other Gmts in Aid from State $0.00 $0.00 $240.00 -$240.00 401 Academic Fae lmmed Repair $2,111,549.76 $0.00 $1,991,767.85 $119,781.91 94.33% 403 Academic Fae Transitional Pgm $4,878,659.39 $200,602.01 $5,289,113.65 -$410,454.26 108.41% 404 Academic Fae Partnership Pgm $322,654.70 $628,018.26 $1,270,923.05 -$948,268.35 393.90% 406 lmprv Lit Thru Libraries $4,123.22 $0.00 $4,358.47 -$235.25 105.71% 430 ROTC $119,009.84 $18,701.58 $123,719.43 -$4,709.59 103.96% 441 Title IV-8 21st Century $193,747.24 $16,867.07 $126,031.40 $67,715.84 65.05% 467 Hurricane Relief-Homeless $0.00 $0.00 $40.22 -$40.22 501 Title I-Rea Comp Ed $4,106,564.85 $608,394.98 $2,612,956.62 $1,493,608.23 63.63% 520 Title V-A Innovative Program $9,404.10 $67,672.81 $67,672.81 -$58,268.71 719.61% 523 Title I Reading First $294,198.13 $99,303.57 $288,703.48 $5,494.65 98.13% 530 Homeless-Stewart McKinney $34,795.17 $211.02 $12,824.92 $21,970.25 36.86% 535 Title V-8 Charter Schools $47,678.79 $2,373.28 $41,329.66 $6,349.13 86.68% 565 Teacher Quality Enhancement $67,652.16 $15,749.40 $69,937.65 -$2,285.49 103.38% 570 Carl Perkins Vocational $202,278.45 $27,138.02 $74,188.44 $128,090.01 36.68% 595 Title 11-DE d Tech $0.00 $3,210.51 $3,210.51 -$3,210.51 702 Title Vl-8 PL 94-142 $1,798,865.29 $319,832.46 $1,470,479.04 $328,386.25 81.74% 710 Sp Ed Preschool Sec 619 $879,728.52 $161,736.41 $857,388.39 $22,340.13 97.46% 750 Medicaid $169,627.41 $25,825.87 $174,629.79 -$5,002.38 102.95% 751 Medicaid Sp Ed Preschool $79,934.86 $3,798.46 $62,721.61 $17,213.25 78.47% 754 Javits GIT Grant $9,404.10 $0.00 $9,966.21 -$562.11 105.98% 756 Title II-A Improve Teaching $889,854.57 $80,062.88 $539,996.19 $349,858.38 60.68% 761 Title Ill Eng Lang Acqui $17,658.08 $0.00 $8,874.84 $8,783.24 50.26% 781 Title IV-A Drug Ed $56,080.41 $11,821.92 $52,033.73 $4,046.68 92.78% 785 Comprehensive Sch Health $14,952.53 $5,087.25 $16,304.72 -$1,352.19 109.04% 796 Workforce Investment Act $25,861.28 $3,700.10 $22,164.11 $3,697.17 85.70% 798 Fulbright Grani $0.00 $0.00 $1,945.00 -$1,945.00 995 Soft Drink Acct $186,837.85 $10,190.83 $95,896.01 $90,941.84 51.33% GRAND TOTAL $92,685,807.53 $14,805,297.92 $91,291,360.38 $1,394,447.15 98.50% 0-4 $80,000,000.00 $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 Budget fa Expenses NLRSD Actual to Budget Comparison As of JUNE, 2007 Operating Building Capital Outlay Federal Food Service $74,398,934.60 $5,530,900.00 $1,791,824.00 $7,751,725.93 $3,212,423.00 $73,475,227.34 $6,560,036.70 $1,099,935.78 $6,636,730.82 $3,519,430.08 Funds 0-5 Budget li!llExpenses NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Board Agenda-July 18, 2007 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES Sara Logan Phyllis McDonald Anita Bell Matt Binford Elaine Burton Penny Elliott Deedra Lee Kathern Murphy From Indian Hills Elementary - Assistant Principal To Lakewood Elementary- Principal Effective 7/19/2007 From Poplar Street Middle - Assistant Principal To Rose City Middle- Principal Effective 7/19/2007 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES From Guidance Counselor - NLRHS East Campus To Head Guidance Counselor - NLRHS East Campus Effective 7/19/2007 From NLRHS East Campus - Special Ed. Teacher To Ridgeroad- Special Ed. Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Pike View Elementary - 5th Grade Teacher To Poplar Street Middle - MS Math/Science Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Lakewood Middle - English Teacher NLRHS West Campus-English Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From North Heights Elementary - Special Ed. Teacher To North Heights Elementary- Literacy Coach Effective 8/13/07 From Rose City Middle - English Teacher To Lakewood Middle-English Teacher Effective 8/13/07 P-1 Chasity Nutz Shannon Oberlag Stacy Reed Prisca Selhorst Melinda Smith Terri Valentine Kathy Weaver Jeanne Williams CERTIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES (Continued) From Lynch Drive Elementary - 1st Grade Teacher To Lynch Drive Elementary-3 rd Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Ridgerqad Middle Charter - Media Clerk To Ridgeroad Middle Charter -Art Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Redwood Early Childhood-Pre-K Teacher To Meadow Park Elementary- Pre-K Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From NLRHS East Campus-English Teacher To NLRHS West Campus - Speech and Drama Teacher Effective 8/13/2007 From Lakewood Middle - Social Studies Teacher To Poplar Street Middle - Language Arts I Social Studies Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Ridgeroad Middle Charter- Social Studies Teacher To NLRHS East Campus-Speech and Drama Teacher Effective 8/13/2007 From Glenview Elementary - Special Ed. Teacher To Glenview Elementary-First Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07 From Lynch Drive Elementary-Pre-K Teacher To Park Hill Elementary- Pre-K Teacher Effective 8/13/07 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS, RETIREMENTS, AND TERMINATIONS Robin Johnson Boone Park Elementary, Special Education Teacher Effective 6-13-07 Rebecca Kimbrough ---- Lakewood Elementary, Third Grade Teacher Effective 6-22-07 P-2 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS, RETIREMENTS, AND TERMINATIONS (Continued) Jamie McNeill Katy Monnot Lena Priest Alex Pritchett Shelly Ritter Roseanne Sallis Dawn Simpson Beth Smith Harold Stark Amanda Campbell Sarah Childers Rochelle Crouch Kathryn Eck Boone Park Elementary, Fourth Grade Teacher Effective 7-09-07 Ridgeroad Middle Charter, Special Education Teacher Effective 7-03-07 Lakewood Middle, Social Studies Teacher Effective 6-15-07 Poplar Street Middle, Art Teacher Effective 6-26-07 Park Hill Elementary, Second Grade Teacher Effective 6-13-07 NLRHS West Campus, P.E. /Health/Asst. Volleyball Effective 6-19-07 NLRHS East Campus, Social Studies Effective 6-04-07 NLRHS East Campus, Special Education Teacher Effective 6-29-07 NLRHS West Campus, JAG Teacher Effective 6-20-07 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS Lynch Drive Elementary - Fourth Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Tri-District Early Childhood Program - Speech Pathologist Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Lynch Drive Elementary- Special Education Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 1, 191 days Tri-District Early Childhood Program - Speech Pathologist Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days P-3 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS ( Continued) Casey Gorman Lynch Drive Elementary-Second Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Janelle Mackey-Jasper---- Lynch Drive Elementary-Literacy Coach Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 20, 191 days Leslie Nipper Lynch Drive Elementary-First Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days April Richardson Lynch Drive Elementary-Fourth Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Robin Roark NLRHS East Campus-English Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Amber Runsick Belwood Elementary- .5 Media Specialist Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 8, 96 days Tina South NLRHS West Campus- Math Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Valerie Stavey NLRHS West Campus-English Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 13, 191 days Taylor Thielemier NLRHS West Campus-Math Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Jessica Tiffin Tri-District Early Childhood Program - Speech Pathologist Effective 8/13/07, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Verlancie Tucker Ridgeroad Middle Charter - Business Technology Effective 8/08/07, Category IV, Step 00, 200 days Naomi Turner-Fischer---- Indian Hills Elementary-Fourth Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/07, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Carla Whittington Poplar Street Middle -Art Teacher Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 5, 191 days P-4 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL INFORMATION NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Amanda Campbell Fourth Grade, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree -Arkansas State University
5/2007 Elementary Childhood P-4 Vilonia Primary, Conway, AR 1/2007 - 5/2007 Loretta Hassell, Principal, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Sarah Childers Speech Language Pathologist, Tri-District Early Childhood Program Effective 8/13/2007, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Master's Degree - University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, 5/2007 Speech Language Pathology Access Schools, 9/2005 - 8/2006 Arkansas Children's Hospital 8/2006 - 1/2007 Thelma Jasper, Coordinator of Tri-District Early Childhood Program Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Rochelle Crouch Special Education Teacher, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step l, 191 days Bachelor's Degree - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 8/1992 Standard Five Year, Elementary Education 1-6, Middle School Social Studies 5-8 with an ALP in Special Ed. Indian Hills Elementary, 1/1992 - 5/1992 Loretta Hassell, Principal, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Kathryn Eck Speech Language Pathologist, Tri-District Early Childhood Program Effective 8/13/2007, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Master's Degree - University of Central Arkansas, 5/2007 New Application, Speech Language Pathology Ellen Smith Elementary, 1/2006 - 5/2006 Tri-District Early Childhood Program Thelma Jasper, Coordinator, Tri-District Early Childhood Program Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-5 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL INFORMATION (Continued) NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Casey Gorman Second Grade, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree -Arkansas Tech University, 5/2007 Initial Three Year, Early Childhood P-4 Crawford Elemontary, Russellville, AR Loretta Hassell, Principal, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Janelle Mackey-Jasper Literacy Coach, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category VII, Step 20, 191 days Master's Degree - Harding University, 12/2005 Standard Five Year, Elementary Education 1-6 Conway Middle School Loretta Hassell, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Leslie Nipper First Grade, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Master's Degree- Harding University, 5/2007 Initial Three Year, Early Childhood P-4 Augusta Elementary, 1/2006- 5/2006 Loretta Hassell, Principal, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel April Richardson Fourth Grade, Lynch Drive Elementary Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree -Arkansas State University, 8/2007 Initial Three Year, Early Childhood P-4 Philadelphia Elementary, 1/2007 - 3/2007 Loretta Hassell, Principal, Lynch Drive Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-6 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL INFORMATION (Continued) NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE TEACHING EXPERIENCE RECOMMENDATION: NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RECOMMENDATION: Robin Roark English Teacher, NLRHS East Campus Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 8/2005 Non-Traditional Licensure Program, Eng. /Language Arts 7-12 Learning Gateways, 9/2005 - 5/2007 Lee Tackett, Principal, NLRHS - East Campus Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Amber Runsick .5 Media Specialist, Belwood Elementary Effective 8/9/2007, Category IV, Step 8, 96 days Master's Degree - University of Central Arkansas, 8/2006 Standard Five Year, Early Childhood P-4
Library Media Science P-8 & 7-12 Pike View Elementary, 8/2000 - 6/2004 Belwood Elementary, 8/2005 - 6/2006 Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Tina South Physical Science, NLRHS East Campus Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 5/2007 Initial Three Year, Physical/Earth Science 7-12 Rose City Middle, 1/07 - 4/07 Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel Valerie Stavey English, NLRHS West Campus Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 13, 191 days Bachelor's Degree, Florida State University, 4/2006 Reciprocity, Language Arts, 7-12 Mount Dora High, Mt. Dora, FL 8/06 - 5/07 Eustis Middle, Eustis, FL 8/1996 - 5/2006 Anita Cameron, Principal, NLRHS West Campus Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-7 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL INFORMATION (Continued) NAME: PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Taylor Thielemier Math Teacher, NLRHS West Campus Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree, Arkansas State University, 5/2007 Initial Three Year, Mathematics 7-12 Westside High School, 1/2007 - 5/2007 Anita Cameron, Principal, NLRHS West Campus Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel NAME: Jessica Tiffin PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Speech/Language Pathologist, Tri-District Early Childhood Program EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Effective 8/13/2007, Category IV, Step 00, 191 days Master's Degree, University of Central Arkansas, 8/2007 Speech/Language Pathology Speech-Language Hearing Center, 1/2007 - 4/2007 Thelma Jasper, Director of Tri-District Early Childhood Program Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel NAME: Verlancie Tucker PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Business Technology, Ridgeroad Middle Charter EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Effective 8/8/2007, Category IV, Step 00, 195 days Master's Degree, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 8/2007 Initial Three Year, Business Technology 7-12, 8/2007 North Pulaski High School, 8/2005 - 12/2005 Lenisha Broadway, Principal, Ridgeroad Middle Charter Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel NAME: Naomi Turner-Fischer PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Fourth Grade, Indian Hills Elementary EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 00, 191 days Bachelor's Degree, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 8/2007 Initial Three Year, Early Childhood P - 4, 5/2006 Crystal Hills Elementary, 8/2004 - 12/2004 Sheryl Smith, Principal, Indian Hills Elementary Kaye Lowe, Administrative Director of Elementary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel P-8 NEW CERTIFIED PERSONNEL INFORMATION (Continued) NAME: Carla Whittington PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT: Art Teacher, Poplar Street Middle EDUCATION: LICENSURE: STUDENT TEACHING: RECOMMENDATION: Effective 8/13/2007, Category I, Step 5, 191 days Bachelor's Degree, Ouachita Baptist University, 5/1996 Art P-8& 7-12 Arkadelphia Public School, 8/1995 - 12/1995 Bill Bowers, Principal, Poplar Street Middle Rhonda Dickey, Administrative Director of Secondary Education Gregg Thompson, Administrative Director of Personnel CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGN A TIO NS, RETIREMENTS AND TERMINATIONS Nancy Curran Jerry Davidson Janda Eskridge LaDonnah Johnson Sherrell Layton Ozetta Robinson Sharon Russell Erica Satterfield Judy Taylor Dana Williams Maintenance Department - General Office Secretary Effective 7-27-07 NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 6-01-07 NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 5-31-07 Child Nutrition Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 4-17-07 Child Nutrition Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 3-09-07 Lakewood Elementary - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 6-01-07 NLRHS East Campus - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 5-31-07 Child Nutrition Department - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 5-11-07 Glenview Elementary - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 6-26-07 Lynch Drive Elementary - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 6-04-07 P-9 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS, RETIREMENTS AND TERMINATIONS (Continued) Hazel Williams Leola Williams Ridgeroad Middle Charter - Child Nutrition Assistant Effective 8-01-07 Boone Park Elementary - Early Morning Aide Effective 6-21..-07 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSFERS AND CHANGES LaShunda Adams Antoinette Thames Leola Williams Teresa Lee Danny Williams From Lynch Drive Elementary- Pre-School Paraprofessional To Park Hill Elementary - Pre-School Paraprofessional From Redwood Early Childhood Center - Pre-School Paraprofessional To Meadow Park Elementary - Pre-School Paraprofessional From Boone Park Elementary - Pre-School Paraprofessional To Boone Park Elementary- Elementary Secretary NEW CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Administration Office - Secretary to Administrative Director of Elementary Education and Administrative Director of Secondary Education, Effective 7-09-07 Child Nutrition Department- Warehouse/Driver Effective 8-01-2007 P-10 NORTHL ITTLER OCKS CHOOLD ISTRICT JULY2 007B IDSF ORA PPROVAL BIDN UMBER0: 8-07-072 BIDN AME:B ooneP arkP laygrounEdq uipment SOURCEO F FUNDINGC: apitaOl utlay LOCATIONB:o oneP arkE lementarSyc hool PachecoO utdooEr quipmenItn, c. GameT imeC /OS outhwesPt arks& Playgrounds BIDN UMBER0: 8-06-064 BIDN AME8: x 11C opyP aperp ricep erc ase SOURCEO F FUNDINGG: eneraFl unds LOCATIONW: arehouse Ricoh PrintingP apersI,n c. CorporateE xpress Unisource Didn otm eets pecifications Part of all or no bid Qualityn otr econvnended LimitedC overage Recommended $42,345.36 $41,544.7.1..*. $26.62 $26.10 ***** $28.00 $27.50 R-1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 468m CHEMICLA BATTALION 1201 BOND STREET LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-4298 MEMORANDUM For School Principal or Facility Coordinator 20 June 2007 SUBJECT: Requesting Use of School Auditorium for Welcome Home Ceremony 1. The 468 th Chemical Battalion respectfully requests the use of the school auditorium for the Welcome Home Ceremony for the 468th Chemical Battalion and the 392d Chemical Company. Both units were mobilized in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and have safely returned home with all their Soldiers. Both the 468th and the 392d have their unit headquarters located on Bond Street in Little Rock. Members from each unit have citizen Soldiers from North Little Rock, Little Rock, and surrounding communities in the central Arkansas region. 2. The Welcome Home Ceremony is scheduled for 22 July 2007, at 1 :00pm. The ceremony will last approximately two hours and will be in honor of 60 Soldiers. Seating will be needed for approximately 120 to 180 people. Additionally I respectfully request the use of a podium and microphone for the duration of the ceremony. 3. 468 th e Chemical Battalion will be directly responsible for decorating, seating and clean up of the facility to ensure cleanness of the facility prior to departing. .e 4. Point of Contact this headquarters is Luke Watson 1-800-501-1493 ext. 0221. S-1 TERISA L. LIBERTY CPT, CM S3 ~ ~J~ ~1\!l~[QJ FINANCE/PURCHAASUINDGIT/ rrtu1,. -.. ..,~ ~- -~ ... -- July 5, 2007 To: Barry Kincl Anita Cameron ~rom: Jan Scholl. Director- NLR Mayor's Youth Council (834-3784) Re: Use-of the old gym at NLR West Campus for a fundraisar for the NLR Mayor'& Youth Council The NLR Mayor's Youth Council ie planning to h,ve a "great garage sale" on July z~ and 28th We would be grateful if we could use the old gym at Wtst Campus for those two days. I understand that we will be expected to pay a custodian to be Chervo n Saturday with us. The money raised frOm this event WiU be used for afler-sc.hoot programs at our Club locations and at the Boys and Girls Club to finish the teen room. FINANCE/PURCHAASUIDNIGT/ S-2 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT A T & T A T & T A T & T AT & T LONG DISTANCE A+ ABILITY PLUS INC A+ GRADES UP A+ GRADES UP A+ GRADES UP A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-PLUS TEACHING SUPPLIES A-ZIN HOME TUTORING LLC A'TEST CONSULTANTSIN C AAAE AAAE AAEA AAEA AAEA AATFACS/FACS INSERVICE ABBRA BEST ABC ADVERTISING ABC ADVERTISING ABC SCHOOL SUPPLY ABERNATHYC OMPANY ACCESS SCHOOLS ACE GLASS COMPANY, INC. ACE GLASS COMPANY, INC. ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS INC ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. AEA AEA AEA AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AEA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION AG-PRO OF STUTTGART AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED AHA PROCESS INCORPOARTED T- 1 AMOUNT . 00 4,186.46 87.59 5,345.82 174.85 8,460.00 18,768.00 3,690.00 11,810.00 875.39 1,305.84 1,634.75 3,878.35 774.87 20,350.00 27.00 175. 00 175.00 241. 32 60.82 250.00 250.00 24.96 5,516.86 617.63 13.93 152.31 2,912.50 488.25 1,307.70 12,532.84 11,644.92 9,475.98 1,433.78 679.20 171. 20 171.20 2,137.00 210.00 2,137.00 210.00 2,074.50 2,074.50 1,499.50 1,499.50 191. 60 12,736.82 3,332.49 795.00 CHK. NO . 0 68925 69199 69928 69814 69472 69473 69737 70011 69076 69308 69537 69823 70072 69759 69281 69660 69714 69324 69582 69640 69717 69156 69010 69732 69641 70031 69390 69127 69642 69105 69881 69905 69689 69366 69830 69860 68705 68739 69121 69321 69553 69566 69604 69617 69137 69051 69282 70050 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT - JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. AKJ EDUCATIONALS ERVICES 153.79 69267 ALAN CROWNOVER 150.39 68923 ALAN CROWNOVER 216.45 69924 ALARMCOIN CORPORATED 2,714.96 69041 ALEXANDRAPR ITCHETT 63.03 69151 ALFAXW HOLESALEF URNITUREI NC. 714.00 69140 ALIBRIS DEPT. 33328 176. 65 69740 ALICIA YARBROUGH 38.06 69064 ALIGN .00 68695 V ALIGN .00 68709 V ALIGN .00 68730 V ALIGN .00 68847 V ALIGN .00 68856 V ALIGN .00 68912 V ALIGN .00 68917 V ALIGN .00 69078 V ALIGN .00 69111 V ALIGN .00 69125 V ALIGN .00 69312 V ALIGN .00 69322 V ALIGN .00 69343 V ALIGN .00 69362 V ALIGN .00 69376 V ALIGN .00 69540 V ALIGN . 00 69544 V ALIGN .00 69557 V ALIGN .00 69570 V ALIGN .00 69580 V ALIGN .00 69595 V ALIGN .00 69608 V ALIGN .00 69622 V ALIGN .00 69627 V ALIGN .00 69635 V ALIGN .00 69639 V ALIGN .00 69826 V ALIGN .00 69833 V ALIGN .00 69842 V ALIGN .00 69856 V ALIGN .00 69863 V ALIGN .00 69867 V ALIGN .00 69870 V ALIGN .00 69894 V ALIGN .00 69915 V ALISHA HERRING 409.84 69093 ALISHA HERRING 240.16 69519 ALLIED THERAPY& CONSULTING 1,573.80 69493 - ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #858 5,313.41 68994 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #858 5,689.46 69992 ALLISON CALLAHAN 22.54 69531 T- 2 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT AMANDAC ROWDER AMANDAW ILSON AMERICA'S CHOICE INC AMERICANC OMPOSTINGIN C. AMERICANC OMPOSTINGIN C. AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN FUNDS SERVICE CO AMERICAN RED CROSS AMY VAN PELT AMY VOLLMAN ANDREA HAIN ANDREWC ALAWAY ANDRIA SMITH ANGELA GOVAN ANGIE COLCLASURE ANGIE JOHNSON ANN COWART ANNAN. VAMMEN ANTHONYC ANTRELL AOS LASER SERVICE, INC. AOS LASER SERVICE, INC. APPLE COMPUTERIN C APSI ARCH FORD EDUCATIONS ERVICE ARCH FORD EDUCATIONS ERVICE ARETHA ADAMS ARK-CRETE BLOCK CO. ARKANSASA CTE ARKANSASA CTE ARKANSASA LTACARE ARKANSASA SSOCIATIONO F PUPIL ARKANSASB AG & EQUIPMENTC O ARKANSASB AG & EQUIPMENTC O ARKANSASB AG & EQUIPMENTC O ARKANSASB AG & EQUIPMENTC O ARKANSASB USINESS PUBLISHING ARKANSASD EMOCRAGT AZETTE ARKANSASD EMOCRAGT AZETTE ARKANSASD EMOCRAGTA ZETTE ARKANSASD EPARTMENOTF ARKANSASD EPARTMENOTF HEALTH ARKANSASD EPT. OF EDUCATION ARKANSASE LECTROPAINTERSIN CNC ARKANSASE LECTROPAINTERSIN CNC ARKANSASE LECTROPAINTERSIN CNC T- 3 AMOUNT 1,376.09 200.00 40,000.00 38.62 38.62 2,601.50 2,601.50 2,551.50 2,551.50 2,501.50 2,501.50 250.00 360.00 183.26 40.91 92.00 103.19 41.15 27.26 79. 47 384.14 43.06 159.64 377.55 377.55 20,405.69 50.00 517. 28 14,106.87 34.52 663.97 105.00 100.00 51,471.00 60.00 189.74 277.19 126.31 220.12 890.00 112. 50 498.00 58.00 70.00 200.00 418,848.22 25,399.00 24,185.60 15,716.00 CHK. NO. 69725 69219 68977 69233 69738 68702 69118 69550 69563 69601 69614 69706 69148 69466 69062 69176 69506 69232 69722 69408 69215 69786 68989 69381 69921 68944 69450 V 68936 69665 69085 69648 69283 69797 70018 69223 69075 69306 69822 70071 69987 69132 69664 69937 69776 69244 70079 69227 70003 70004 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT ARKANSASE MPLOYMENSTE CURITYD ARKANSASF LAG & BANNER,I NC. ARKANSASL YMPHEDEM&A T HERAPY ARKANSASP ACKAGINGP RODUCTS, ARKANSASS PANISH INTERPRETER& ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT ARKANSAST EACHERR ETIREMENT ARKANSASV OLUNTEERD IRECTION/ ARMATURE XCHANGE ARTIS LOFTON ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANYI,N C. ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANYI,N C. ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANYI,N C. ASCO HARDWARCEO MPANYI,N C. ASHLEY HANAN ASHLEY-WOODSO&N A SSOC. ASHLEY-WOODSO&N A SSOC. ASPA AUDIO EDITIONS BACKGROUNIDN FORMATIONSY STEMS BAM INSTITUTIONAL SALES BAMM.COM BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-FEDERAL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL T- 4 AMOUNT 28,878.00 27.74 3,780.00 164.76 98.00 1,226.00 2,615.13 2,000.00 200.00 235.44 393.72 533.95 83.47 1,873.57 2,412.85 37.64 4,758.00 2,679.52 540.00 375.53 200.00 364.78 2,841.52 505,811.49 52,400.78 1,719.36 4,919.36 489,967.61 37,051.14 5,066.52 426,072.33 425,072.38 321,952.71 322,367.76 29,262.94 2,303.70 33,808.76 1,335,901.79 202,419.75 8,962.71 25,877.76 1,337,459.91 139,587.91 121.04 29,306.40 1,129,213.81 1,122,633.25 121.04 871,597.11 CHK. NO. 69134 69919 69436 69658 69053 69368 69832 69862 69268 69947 69772 68919 69378 69643 69917 69061 68975 69434 69027 69731 69131 69803 69755 68697 68732 68849 68914 69113 69314 69542 69546 69559 69597 69610 69624 69637 69865 68696 68731 68848 68913 69112 69313 69326 69541 69545 69558 69584 69596 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BANK OF THE OZARKS-PAYROLL BARBARAB ROWN BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARNES AND NOBLE BARRY KINCL BARRY KINCL BASICS PLUS BASICS PLUS BECKY WITCHER BEDFORDC AMERAA ND VIDEO BELWOODE LEMA CTIVITY FUND BEST BUY BETTY MORELAND BEVERLY KELSO BILL DUVALL BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S LOCK & SAFE BILL'S OFFICE FURNITURE BILL'S OFFICE FURNITURE BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, L.P. BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS BOBBIE J RIGGINS BOBBY ACKLIN BOBBY TRAFFANSTEDT BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BRAD BOLDING BRAD BOLDING BRAD BOLDING BRAINPOP.COMLLC BRANDYN ESSELRODT BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA BUTLER BRENDA PARKER BRENDAW ILLOUGHBY BRIAN HARVEY BRIAN NICHOLS BRIAN NICHOLS BRIAN NICHOLS BRIAN NICHOLS BRICKER PHYSICAL THERAPY LLC T- 5 AMOUNT 873,041.34 94,336.38 10,869.36 97.10 153,497.63 88.92 454.33 2,272.34 90.64 2,395.02 96.41 117.78 3,415.61 128.08 225.34 326.51 188.65 70.35 14.05 304.20 91.14 32.70 1,274.60 310.65 1,509.65 662.43 25.00 327.06 65.44 35.72 1,061.41 3,330.93 2,098.75 354.10 244.65 175.90 350.00 162.75 431.80 124.02 27.69 206.97 14.08 196.56 136.34 136.34 352.22 136.34 2,715.00 CHK. NO. 69609 69623 69636 69845 69864 69259 68924 69143 69655 69927 69650 69923 69141 69653 69457 69926 69775 62428 V 69084 70001 69388 68945 69681 69128 69379 69225 69644 70029 69996 68988 69146 69656 69930 69238 70014 70015 69673 69532 69273 69510 69789 69069 70049 69963 69572 69585 69835 69846 69445 NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT - JUNE 2007 ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHK. NO. BRIGETTA STARKS 130.00 69274 BRIGHT APPLE 464.54 69050 BROAD REACH 609.92 69153 BROOKE REYNOLDS 911. 00 69269 BROUKE REYNOLDS 41. 34 69270 V BUCKEYE BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC. 400.76 69824 BUDGET OFFICE FURNITURE 1,207.56 69000 BUDS N BOWS 104.61 69142 BUDS N BOWS 62.12 69654 C.T.A. 10,779.92 69363 C.T.A. 10,783.99 69827 C.T.A. 9,171.42 69857 CABOT FLORISTS 114. 35 68929 CABOT FLORISTS 111. 62 69147 CABOT FLORISTS 50.09 69391 CABOT FLORISTS 60.99 69931 CAFFHANIE CALLOWAY 300.00 69470 CALLOWAYH OUSE, INC. 696.58 69149 CAMBIUML EARNINGI NC 7,419.77 69157 CAMBIUML EARNINGI NC 68,413.44 69940 - CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK 11.13 68727 CAPITAL ONE BANK SIGNET BANK 10.00 69360 CAPITOL SERVICE COMPANY 206.01 69781 CAPSTONE PRESS 473.75 69200 CARLEX 725. 37 69764 CARLTON-BATESC O. 249.62 69392 CAROL THORNTON 116.14
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.