Report: ''Little Rock School District 1995-96 Second Quarter Status Report, Program Planning and Budget Document for Non-Desegregation Programs,'' Exhibit 2

LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1995-96 SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR NON-DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 23, 1996 EXHIBIT 2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1995-96 SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR NON-DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 23, 1996 EXHIBIT 2 SEQUENCE tt PAGE tt Preface 1 Mission Statement 2 Goals 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SEQUENCE # SCHOOL OPERATIONS CLUSTER (BUFF) 209 210 211 212 Elementary Junior High School High School Athletics PAGE tt 209,1 - 212,6 209,1-3 210,1-2 211,1-2 212,1-5 District Financial Summary 4 SCHOOL SUPPORT CLUSTER (BLUE) 213,1 - 233,3 Definitions 5 Organization of the Report 7 Cluster Budget Documents 8 CURRICULUM CLUSTER (PINK) 201,1 - 208,14 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 4 Year Old Program/City Wide Early Childhood Education Program Kindergarten Special Education Vocational Educational Adult Education Compensatory Education Gifted and Talented Curriculum Services 201,1-6 202,1-3 203,1-6 204,1-5 205,1-4 206,1-5 207,1-3 208,1-14 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Guidance Services Drug Abuse Prevention Health Services VIPS Educational Media Services Board of Education Services Executive Administrative Services Support Service Management Fiscal Services Plant Services Pupil Transport Services Purchasing Services Safety & Security Services Planning & Evaluation Services Communication Services Human Resource Services Labor Relations Data Processing Services Unassigned Indebtedness 213,1-10 214,1-8 215,1-14 216,1-7 217,1-3 218,1-3 219,1-4 220,1-4 221,1-2 222,1-2 223,1-8 224,1-5 225,1-5 226,1-9 227,1-8 228,1-4 229,1-4 230,1-16 232,1-2 1SEQUENCE tt PAGE # 233 234 235 236 237 238 Contingencies Alternative Education Arkansas Crusades Unassigned Newcomer Center Reading Recovery 233,1-2 234,1-3 235,1-2 237,1-2 238,1-3 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ii IPREFACE The mission statement and goals of the Little Rock School District serve as guides for all decision-making. The information gained from the Second Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Non-Desegregation Programs will provide direction for quality, interim decision-making as well as summative decision-making. The report enhances the districts ability to monitor and report achievements and expenditures relative to programs which are not a part of the districts Court-Approved Desegregation Plan obligations. Among other things, specific quarterly expenditure information will be provided in addition to the YTD (Year-to- Date) Expenditure information. The Second Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Non-Desegregation Programs contains the following: (1) The Mission Statement of the Little Rock School District
(2) The Goals of Little Rock School District
(3) LRSD YTD (Year-to-Date) Non-Desegregation Expenses Summary
(4) Definitions and Data Elements
(5) Organization of the Report
(6) Non-Desegregation Program Budget Documents, Grouped by Clusters
and, (7) The LRSD Organizational Chart. 1LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to equip all students with the skills and knowledge to realize their aspirations, think critically and independently, learn continously, and face the future as productive contributing citizens. This is accomplished through open access to a diverse, innovative and challenging curriculum, in a secure environment with a staff dedicated to excellence and empowered with the trust and support to our community. 2LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS 1. The LRSD will implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. 2. The LRSD will develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. 3. The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. 4. 5. 6. The LRSD will solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. The LRSD will provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all smdents. The LRSD will ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. 3Little Rock School District Quarterly Non-Desegregation Expenses Page 1 of 1 Program Seq. No. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 Program Name FOUR YEAR OLD/HIPPY KINDERGARTEN SPECIAL EDUCATION VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION . COMPENSATORY EDUCATION GIFTED AND TALENTED CURRICULUM SERVICES ELEMENTARY JUNIOR HIGH HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS GUIDANCE SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES BOARD OF EDUCATION SERVICES EXECUTIVE ADMIN SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICE MGMT FISCAL SERVICES PLANT SERVICES PUPIL TRANSPORT SERVICES PURCHASING SERVICES SAFETY & SECURITY SERVICES PLANNING & EVAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES LABOR RELATIONS DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FAMILY LIFE/NEW FUTURES INDEBTEDNESS CONTINGENCIES ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION ARKANSAS CRUSADES BEACONS SCHOOL NEWCOMER CENTERS READING RECOVERY TOTAL Budget 95-96 22,923.00 3,177,132.49 6,757,328.73 4,491,714.75 811,660.85 427,679.29 1,254,136.79 2,493,143.76 21,613,320.75 9,456,340.34 9,256,518.31 178,448.80 2,665,216.59 745,061.47 2,060,532.79 1,188,480.00 406,053.59 1,223,833.89 1,573,232.87 9,458,282.84 8,272,541.76 1,638,725.40 1,794,422.42 326,652.69 150,390.95 2,774,369.36 103,544.64 1,285,582.88 353,400.00 7,342,355.00 0.00 34,965.00 30,000.00 18,500.00 12,117.00 10,614.00 103,409,223.00 PTE's 0.00 91.00 142.64 103.10 23.00 13.00 31.00 40.40 712.30 277.37 247.70 0.00 64.00 25.30 54.50 0.00 7.00 3.00 12.00 242.88 88.00 16.00 43.50 6.00 4.00 9.00 2.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,267.69 YTD Expense 10,966.65 1,020,120.24 1,930,961.90 1,996,650.54 270,590.57 161,216.18 394,575.55 1,054,179.13 7,996,985.82 3,518,723.83 3,777,518.63 133,483.21 1,038,669.36 259,222.66 808,189.65 668,070.39 187,359.73 472,626.24 1,182,765.82 4,749,299.31 5,024,022.97 824,234.18 1,101,942.74 181,738.28 92,055.20 781,802.49 54,042.33 499,747.29 32,336.42 5,767,956.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,982,063.73 1st Quarter 2,574.67 260,554.67 490,766.35 786,385.57 81,285.17 27,883.52 104,035.61 598,860.46 2,629,565.55 1,016,710.68 1,394,781.19 84,943.59 348,628.73 67,051.84 301,314.23 421,951.95 88,644.19 55,704.28 557,708.66 1,814,381.79 2,646,253.88 543,406.09 656,363.30 86,221.89 47,690.94 162,898.50 27,068.32 261,167.92 3,684.09 1,401,788.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,970,276.88 2nd Quarter 8,391.98 759,565.57 1,440,195.55 1,210,264.97 189,305.40 133,332.66 290,539.94 455,318.67 5,367,420.27 2,502,013.15 2,382,737.44 48,539.62 690,040.63 192,170.82 506,875.42 246,118.44 98,715.54 416,921.96 625,057.16 2,934,917.52 2,377,769.09 280,828.09 445,579.44 95,516.39 44,364.26 618,903.99 26,974.01 238,579.37 28,652.33 4,356,168.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,611,777.85 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter % Budget Spent 47.84% 32.11% 28.58% 44.45% 33.34% 37.70% 31.46% 42.28% 37.00% 37.21% 40.81% 74.80% 38.97% 34.79% 39.22% 56.21% 46.14% 38.62% 75.18% 50.21% 60.73% 50.30% 61.41% 55.64% 61.21% 28.18% 52.19% 38.87% 9.15% 78.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 44.47%DEFINITIONS AND DATA ELEMENTS The following are definitions of terms and data elements used in the Second Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Non-Desegregation Programs. Program: A program is an established plan of operation, composed of a identified need. group or series of related activities which are carried out to serve a specific area of Program Description: A program description includes a purpose, scope and content, and participants/beneficiaries related to the respective program. Program Goal: A program goal is a broad guiding statement and should describe the overall aim(s), purpose(s), or ambition(s) of the specific program. Objectives: Program objectives present explicitly the desired impact the program should have on a problem. They should provide detail to the goals. Strategies: Strategies are the jobs, tasks, efforts, or actions undertaken in a program which contributes to the accomplishment of the objective. Achievements: Achievements are efforts, tasks, evidence, performance, or actions undertaken in a program which contributes to the accomplishment of the strategy. Achievements are placed in alpha order underneath the relative strategy. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation criteria are statements which specify the end product of an objective or strategy, and evaluation criteria establish measurable and observable levels of performance of the product. Page: Each Program Budget Document uses one or two formatted pages. Program Sequence # (Seq.#). The purpose of this sequence number is to establish a reference for placing programs in order within the planning document. Revision Date: This date is the actual date the program document was first documented or last changed. Program Name: To eliminate confusion, an established name for each program has been assigned by the district planner. 5DEFINITIONS AND DATA ELEMENTS Page 2 Primary Leader: The Primary Leader is the cabinet-level associate responsible for the management and operation of the respective program. Secondary Leader: The Secondary Leader is the associate who is back-up to the Primary and will function in that capacity in the absence of the Primary (i.e., the Program Manager, the Principal, and/or the Assistant Superintendent). District Goal Support: Each program directly supports at least one district goal. If more than one district goal is relative, then the appropriate district goals have been listed in descending priority order. Beginning Date: This is the actual date a particular strategy began. For consistency, all dates should be printed in the following format: MM/DD/YY, (03/31/04). Completion Date: This is the actual date a particular objective or strategy was completed. For consistency, all dates should be entered in the following format: MM/DD/YY, (09/12/95). If an activity toward a strategy has been started but not completed, a percent of completion (for example, 50%) should be entered in the Completion Date column. Responsibility: This is the name of the individual tasked with ensuring an activity has been accomplished. 6ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT This section provides guiding information about the text of the Second Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for NonDesegregation Programs. "Preface. Pagination: Pages in the text are numbered using Arabic numerals. Pages are consecutively numbered at the bottom of the page beginning with the "Preface." The "Table of Contents" is on page i. Program areas are numbered according to their sequence number followed by the page number within that program (e.g., 02,5 refers to page 5 of the program with a sequence number of 02). Clusters. Programs have been sorted into broad categories called clusters. Clusters include programs or schools grouped together because of similar and related operational functions. For convenience and management of this report, similar programs have been grouped into three color-coded clusters: Curriculum, School Operations, School Support. To locate a program, determine the relative cluster of the program by using the "Table of Contents" and then refer to the program sequence number (Seq tt) or page number for facilitating program reference in the report. Organizational Level. The School Operations Cluster employs only four programs. In addition to Athletics, the School Operations Cluster classifies the fifty schools according to three school organizational leveled programs: Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High. Organizational Chart. An organizational chart has been included to provide reference information matching designated responsible persons with desegregation and non-desegregation programs. 7CLUSTER BUDGET DOCUMENTS 8Curriculum Cluster * * * * * * 4 Year Old Program/City Wide Early Childhood Education Program Kindergarten Special Education Vocational Education Adult Education Compensatory Education Gifted and Talented Curriculum ServicesLRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 201 Page: Revision Date: February 14, 1996 1 Program Name: Four-Year-Old Program/HIPPY Program Code: Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Description: The purpose of the program is to meet the growing needs of disadvantaged students and to improve the racial balance at schools that arc difficult to desegregate by incorporating Karly Childhood Education programs into the Elementary schools. The program provides experiences for young children which meet their needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas - physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Priority for identification of program sites will be given to areas that have a very high concentration of low income students and in schools that are difficult to desegregate. District Goal Support: Goal #1 - Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal #3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each diversity among students, suff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21 si Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that arc necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal #6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: To establish and maintain developmenully appropriate Early Childhood programs for pre-school children. [ Plan References: FY Program Budget: $22,923.00 1st Qtr Expend: $2,574.67 3rd Qtr Expend: YTD Expenditures: $10,966.65 Zrul Qtr Expend: $8,391.98 41h Qtr Expend: I Related Function Codes: ] 201, 1Program Seq #: 20i Program Name: Four-Year-Old Program Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram To establish and maintain developmentally appropriate Early Childhood programs for pre-school children. Objectives I. Implement early childhood education programs that provide experiences for young children which meet their needs and stimulate learning in all developmental levels. PaRe: 2 Revision Date: F'ebruary 14. 19% Strategies 1.1 Identify sites for program implementations. 1.2 Assisted in recruiting teachers and aides as needed. 1.3 Obtain materials, supplies and equipment for all new programs. 1.4 Provide inservice and technical assistance for principals, teachers, and instructional assistants. 201, 2 Secondary Leader: Beginning Date Completion Date Pat Price Respoasibility Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/% Deputy Supt., Asst. Supt., Supervisor. Principals. Teachers, Instructional Aides Deputy Supt., Asst. Supt., Supervisor
Plant Services. Principals Human Resource Dept., Principals. Asst. Supt., Supervisor Supervisor. Purchasing Dept. Supervisor. Staff Development 1. (Annual review of assessment data beginning at the end of the kinderganen year of each child participating in the program. EPSF Post Assessments) (Comparisons of the progress of children who did and did not panicipate in the program.) (Standardize achievement tests will be given to each child at the end of the third grade level. These tests will provide data indicating the success of the Early Chiidhocxl Program as an intervention strategy.) I .i Sites established for program implementations. i .2 Employment of teachers and aides for new and open positions. 1.3 Materials, supplies, and equipment will be in place to meet LRSD curriculum and licensing requirements. 1.4 Agendas and documentation of inservice evaluations.Page: 3 Program Seq #: 201 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Four-Ycar-Otd Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To establish and maintain developmentally appropriate Early Childhood programs for prc-schooi children. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives 2. At the end of each year in HIPPY. 80% of the children served will exhibit readiness skills for kindergarten. Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. To promote the HIPPY program (To compose and mail public service announcements to local radio and television stations channel 14 St 16 and flyers) A. Distribute flyers to Watershed Community Development B. Mailed PSA to LRSD Communications Department C. Distribute flyers to day care, health department, and local businesses D. Had information booth at University Mall 2. To select HIPPY aides (Interview and select aides
initial training of aides and staff
to enroll families into the program) 2.1 Interview and select ten (10) Home Visitors. Arrange logistics with state for the initial training Comment: This is done through HIPPY State Regional Office (Initial training of aides and staff) A. Interview and select Home Visitors B. Printed and mailed flyers to area churches 201, 3 07/01/95 08/21/95 08/01/95 08/16/95 08/19/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/29/95 09/11/95 06/30/96 08/21/95 08/01/95 09/25/95 08/19/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 25% 09/11/95 Supervisor Staff Suff The Early Prevention of School Failure screening instnjment will be used for pre & post assessment for the children upon entering kindergarten tn provide data that shows readiness. If students are not proficient in two or more areas, they are identified as "not ready". Teacher surveys will be conducted annually to provide information relating to readiness skills. A standardized achievement test will be given Io each child at the end of the third grade as a comparison between the HIPPY students and a control group. IPage: 4 Program Seq #: 201 Revision Date: Fehmary 14. 1996 Program Name: Four-Year-Old Program Program Code: Primary leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Pal Price Program Goal: To establish and maintain developmentally appropriate Early Childhood programs for pre-school children. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria C. Ran classified as in two local newspapers 3.1 Arrange logistics with state for the initial training Comment: This is done through HIPPY Slate Regional Office (Initial training of aides and staff) 4.1 Conduct home interview and enroll families into program 5.1 Compose and mail correspondence to community churches to recruit families and intsiructional aide trainees 6.1 Identify families to be served by each coordinator 7.1 Identify families to be served by each aide 8.1 Print curriculum material 9.1 Conduct two (2) day workshop 10.1 Obtain material for program (Order material) 11.1 Conduct orientation meeting A. Secured space for orientation (Adult Education Auditorium from Paulette Manin, Adult Education Director) 201, 4 06/06/95 07/01/95 8/28/95 09/11/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/13/95 07/01/95 09/25/95 09/11/95 09/13/95 06/30/96 08/29/95 09/11/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 09/14/95 06/30/96 09/25/95 09/11/95 Staff Staff Supervisor Coordinator Secretary Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Coordinator Secretary Assignment of families to CoordinatorsPage: 5 Program Seq #: 201 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Four-Year-Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To establish and maintain developmenully appropriate Early Childhotxl programs for pre-school children. Plan RefereiKe Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria B. Invited LRSD personnel to Orientation C. Prepared program agenda for orientation D. Orientation conducted 12. Identify meeting sites of group meetings 12.1 Secure meeeting sites (mailed letters to building principals) 12.2 Mail out notification of meeting sites. 13. To schedule implemenution of HIPPY curriculum (Schedule aides weekly home visits: schedule area group meetings, print flyers, schedule weekly service for aides
schedule aides first teaching with own child. 14. To provide parents with information that will assist them with their own children (Schedule workshop for parents & aides, mail out & print materials) 15. To evaluate aide trainees mid-point 15th week. (To evaluate each aide trainee) 16. Conduct survey of parents-print materials (To determine program success) 17. Implement second part of HIPPY curriculum. 18. Evaluation of aides 201, 5 09/19/95 09/22/95 09/25/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/19/95 09/22/95 09/25/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 Supervisor Staff Staff Supcrvisor/CcMirdina tor Supervisor/Coordi- nator Staff Supcrvisor/Coordina tor Coordinators Supervisor Supervisor/Coordi- nator CoordinatorProgram Seq #: 201 Page: 6 Program Name: Four-Ycar-Old Program Revision Date
Febniary 14. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Goat: Sterling Ingram To establish and mainuin developincnially appropriate Early Childhood programs for pre-school children. Secondary Leader: Pat Price Plan RefererKe Page Number Objectives Strategies 19. Obtain a site and speaker and schedule a lecture for parents (provide parents with information to be successful with their children) 20. Build the aides and children's selfesteem (Activities throughout the program year with involvement for children
i.e. fall carnival, holiday party black history program, talent show, parent appreciation, group meetings, graduation & recognition ceremony. 21.1 Staff will organize A. Nutrition Fair B. Fall Carnival C. Holiday Parry 22.1. Graduation of HIPPY children and aides reception (Staff will organize) 22. Evaluate aides (Schedule final evaluation of trainees in program) 23. To begin implementation of HIPPY program (Staff in place) 24. Maintain regular staff (Secretory) 25. Aides made home visit (To assist in traveling expense) 201, 6 Beginning Dale Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 07/01/95 10/24/95 10/30/95 12/19/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 10/24/95 10/30/95 12/19/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 Supervisor Staff Staff Staff Staff Suff Coordinator Supervisor Supervisor StaffLRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #
202 Page: 1 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name
Kindergarten Program Program Code
Primary Leader
Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader
Pat Price Program Description: In accordance with state standards the Little Rock School District maintains a full day kindergarten program that renders an environment which provides a variety of experiences appropriate to the child's developmental stage. Services are provided to these students by certified teachers. District Goal Support
Goal #1 - Implement integrated educational programs that wilt ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal *3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contribuior to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal #6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: To provide appropriate instructional services to all kindergarten students [ Plan References: 1 FY Program Budget: $3,177,13249 1st Qtr Expend: $260,554-67 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 91 YTD Expenditures: $1,020,120.24 2nd Qtr Expend: $759,565.57 4th Qtr Expend: I Related Function Codes: ] 202. 1Program Seq *: 202 Program Name: Kindergarten Program Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader
To provide appropriate instructional services to all kindergarten students. Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader
Page: 2 Revision Date: Pat Price Objectives 1. Implement kindergarten programs in accordance with state standards and district guidelines. Strategies Beginning Date 07/01/95 February 14. 1996 Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 06/30/96 Asst. Supt , Supervisors, Principals. Teachers 1 Programs will be in place to meet state standards and district guidelines. 1.1 Assist in recruiting certified teachers as needed. A. Assisted in recruiting certified teachers as needed 1.2 Obtain materials, supplies, and equipment for all new programs. A. Obtained materials, supplies and equipment for all new programs. 1.3 Provide inservice and technical assistance for teachers A Provided inservice and technical assistance for teachers. 1-4 Ensure proper documentation and evaluation of student progress. A- Pre-EPSF completed 1.5 Provide inservice and technical assistance (or principals, teachers, and instructional assistants. 202, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/14/95 07/01/95 08/21/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 60% 06/30/96 09/01/95 06/30/96 Human Resource Dept.. Principals, Asst. Supt.. Supervisor Supervisor. Purchasing Dept Supervisors. Staff Development. Principals Asst Supt, Supervisor, Principals Supervisor, Staff Development 1 1 Employment of teachers for new and open positions 1.2 Materials, supplies, and equipment will be in place to meet L R S D. curriculum and state standards. 1.3 Agendasand documentation of inservice evaluations. Annual reviews of data pre and post EPSF assessments. 1 5 Agendas and documentation of inservice evaluationsPage
3 Program Seq *: 202 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Kindergarten Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader
Pat Price Program Goal: To provide appropriate instructional services to all kindergarten students. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Provided inservice and technical assistance for principals, teachers and instructional aides. 07/01/95 60% 202, 3 I asProgram Seq #: 203 Program Name: Special Education Program Code: Program Description: Primary Leader: Special education is specially designed instruction. Brady Gadberry District Goal Support: Program Goal: I Plan References: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: Related Function Codes: LRSD FY 95-96 PRCX3RAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Secondary leader: Patty Kohler Page: 1 Revision Date: Febniary 14. 1996 determined eligible for special education services when a disability is corresponding need for special education services. A full continuum of ---------------------------------V* ,7*1 < Id |/> vv fUVU have been identified as having disabilities defined by the IDEA. During the 1992-93 school Goal #1 Implement integrated educational programs that will services are provided in accordance with each child's Individual Education Program (lEP). A student is present as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that results in an adverse effect on educational performance and the of services is provided which includes multiple options for placement. Panicipanis/beneficiaries Students served through special education services year, 8.13% of the district s population or 2.026 students received special education services (Dec. I. 1992 count). ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in 'ell-and motivated Goa Jtt . The i >tfi> Dwz-l eohooi n___ ____ .... . .... . * m is well-trained motivated. Goal 3 Lillie Rock school Board, adminislralion. The goal of the .special education program is Io provide all eligible sludenis with disabilities appropriate special education and related $6,757,328.73 $1,930,961.90 1st Qtr Expend: 2nd Qtr Expend: 1210. 1220. 1230, 1240. 1290. 1292.2142 $490,766.35 $1,440,195.55 203, 1 3rd Qtr Expend: 4lh Qtr Expend: can draw as we prepare for the services in each childs least restrictive environment. FTE 142.64 IProgram Seq !(. 203 Program Name
Special Education Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number NA LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader
Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader
2 Revision Date: Patty Kohler Fehruary 14, 1996 The goal of the special education program is to provide all eligible students with disabilities appropriate special education and related services in each child's least restrictive environment. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria I. Provide itinerant instruction to eligible students in accordance with each child's lEP. to be reviewed on an annual basis through federally mandated review process. 2. Provide Resource instruction to eligible students in accordance with each childs lEP, to be reviewed on an annual basis through federally mandated review process 1.1 Identify and employ certified, qualified teachers to deliver services to students A. All consulting teachers hired B. Speech therapists reassigned to accommodate caseloads 1.2 Identify equipment, material and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students A. Materials needs identified B. Materials ordered 1.3 Ensure completion of appropriate evaluations and documenution for each student in accordance with State and Federal Mandates A. Test materials ordered 1.4 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed to ensure that students are served appropriately A. B. C. Preschool inservice Act 338 Inservice held in 17 schools rates Inservice conducted for schools with high referral 203, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/30/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 09/30/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 09/30/95 12/06/95 06/30/96 09/15/95 12/20/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 12/20/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 08/15/95 12/20/95 12/06/95 Director. Human Resources. Supervisors Director. Teachers, Supervisors Supervisors. Examiners. Principals. Teachers Director. Supervisors 1.1 A list of certified teachers will be provided 1.2 Equipment, materialsand supplies will be listed. Pilot projects where new materials are used will be identified 1.3 Monitoring reports will indicate increased levels of compliance with applicable law and mandates 1.4 Inservice panicipants. dates, and topics will be providedPage: 3 Program Seq 203 Revision Date: Program Name: February 14. 1996 Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number Special Education Primary Leader: Brady Gad berry Secondary Leader: Patty Kohler The goal (if ihe special educalinn program is lo provide all eligible studenis wilh disabilities appropriale special educalion and relaled services in each child's least resiriclive environmenr. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.1 Identify and employ certified, qualified teachers to deliver services to students 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director. Human Resources, Supervisors 2.1 A list of certified teachers will be provided A. Resource teachers hired 07/01/95 09/15/95 B. Resource teachers reassigned to accommodate caseloads 09/30/95 12/20/95 2.2 Identify equipment, material and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director. Teachers. Supervisors 2.2 Fvquipment. malerialsand supplies will be listed. Pilot projects where new maierial.s arc used will be identified A. Materials needs identified 09/01/95 09/30/95 B. Materials ordered 09/30/95 12/20/95 2.3 Ensure completion of appropriate evaluations and documentation for each student in accordance with State and Federal Mandates 07/01/95 06/30/96 Supervisors, Examiners. Principals. Teachers 2.3 Monitoring reports will indicate increased levels of compliance wilh applicable law and mandates A. Test materials ordered 09/01/95 09/30/95 2.4 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed to ensure that students are served appropriately A. Preschool inservice B. Act 338 Inservice held in 17 schools C. rates Inservice conducted for schools with high referral D. Technical assistance on transition provided to all high schools 203, 3 07/01/95 08/15/95 09/30/95 12/6/95 10/02/95 06/30/96 08/15/95 12/20/95 12/06/95 10/18/95 Director. Supervisors 2.4 Inservice participants, dates, and topics will he providedProgram Seq #: 203 Program Name: Special Education Page: 4 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Program Code: Primary Mader: Brady Gadbeny Secondary Leader: Patty Kohler Program Goal: The goal of the special education program is Io provide all eligible students with disabilities appropriate special education and related services in each child's least restrictive environment. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Begiruiing Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. Provide special class instruction to eligible students in accordance with each childs lEP. to be reviewed on an annual basis through federally mandated review process 07/01/95 06/30/96 3.1 Identify and employ certified, qualified teachers to deliver services to students 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director, Human Resources. Supervisors 3.1 A list of certified teachers wilt be provided A. Special class teachers hired 07/01/95 09/15/95 3.2 Identify equipment, material and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director. Teachers, Supervisors 3.2 Equipment, materialsand supplies will be listed. Pilot projects where new materials are used will be identified A. Materials needs identified 09/01/95 09/30/95 B. Materials ordered 09/30/95 12/20/95 3.3 Ensure completion of appropriate evaluations and documentation for each student in accordance with Slate and Federal Mandates 07/01/95 06/30/96 Supervisors, Examiners, Principals. Teachers 3.3 Monitoring reports will indicate increa.sed levels of compliance with applicable law and mandates A. Test materials ordered 09/01/95 09/30/95 3.4 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed to ensure that students are served appropriately A. Preschool inservice B. Act 338 Inservice held in 17 schools C. rales Inservice conducted for schools with high referral D. Technical assistance on transition provided to all high schools 203, 4 07/01/95 08/15/95 09/30/95 12/06/95 10/02/95 06/30/96 08/15/95 12/20/95 12/06/95 10/18/95 Director, Supervisors 3.4 Inservice participants, dales, and topics will be provided I a sProgram Seq tl\ 203 Page: 5 Program Name: Special Education Revision Dale: Febniary 14. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the special education program is to provide all eligible students with disabilities Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Patty Kohler appropriate special education and related services in each child's least restrictive environment. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria E. Inservice on restructuring K-3 self-contained classes 12/06/95 12/06/95 4. Provide homebound and hospital instruction to eligible students in accordance with each child's lEP, to be reviewed on an annual basis through federally mandated review process 4.1 Identify and employ certified, qualified teachers to deliver services to students A. Homebound teachers employed 4.2 Identify equipment, material and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students A. Materials needs identified B. Materials ordered 4.3 Ensure completion of appropriate evaluations and documentation for each student in accordance with .State and Federal Mandates A. Test materials ordered 4.4 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed to ensure that students are served appropriately A. Preschool inservice 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 09/30/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 09/15/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 12/20/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 5. Provide extended year services to eligible students in accordance with State and Federal Mandates 08/15/95 08/15/95 5.1 Identify and employ certified, qualified teachers deliver services to students to 5.2 Identify equipment, material and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students 203. 5 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 Director. Human Resources. Supervisors Director. Teachers. Supervisors Supervisors, Examiners. Principals. Teachers Director. Supervisors Director. Human Resources. Supervisors Director. Teachers. Supervisors 4.1 A list of certified teachers will be provided 4.2 Equipment, malerialsand supplies will be listed. Pilot projects where new materials are used will be identified 4.3 Monitoring reports will indicate increased levels of compliance with applicable law and mandates 4 4 Inservice participanis, dates, and topics will be provided 5.1 A list of certified teachers will be provided 5.2 Equipment, materials and supplies will be listed. Pilot projects where new materials are used will be identifiedPage: 6 Program Seq #: 203 Revision Dale: Febnjary 14, 1996 Program Name: Special Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Patty Kohler Program Goal: The goal of Ihe special educalion program is to provide all eligible students with disabilities appropriale special education and related services in each child's least restrictive environment. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Begiruiing Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.3 Ensure completion of appropriate evaluations and documentation for each student in accordance with Slate and Federal Mandates 5.4 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed lo ensure that students are served appropriately 203, 6 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 Supervisors, Examiners, Principals. Teachers Directors. Supervisors 5.3 Monitoring reports will indicate increased levels of compliance with applicable law and mandates 5.4 Inservice participants, dales, and topics will be providedProgram Seq #: Program Name : Program Code: Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: [ Plan References: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: 204 Vocational Education Primary Leader: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Carol Green Page: I Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Vocational education is designed Io provide a program of learning experiences to develop skilled and adaptable workers who are prepared to pursue additional learning opponunilies that will result In more productivity Vocational education also develops abilities, altitudes, and appreciations that contribute to a satisfying life enhancing family, civic, and personal responsibilities. Education IS vocational when it provides instruction in the why' and 'how' to students, rather than instruction abouf things. Il is concerned with the development of the individual student in Eve areas: (1) personal skills and attitudes. (2) communication. (3) employability skills. (4) broad and specific occupational skills and knowledge, and (5) a foundation for career planning and lifelong learning. The content of the vocational curriculum includes any and every source which will add specifrcally to the students probciency in a chosen occupation. Such a course of study may include related physics. English (applied communications), applied moth onntl^ri hirvizxnu raaved I'kamielvsi c* oil,., ___J ___s math, applied biology and chemistry, or other subject matter or information needed to make the learner a more efficient worker. Course offenngs in vocational education are available in all secondary schools and include the following programs: (1) Business and Marketing. (2) Home Economics, and (3) Trade and Industrial Technology On the junior high level, vocational courses include: Career Orientation. Keyboarding. Computer Technology and Exploring Indusinal Technology Education I and II. Specialized courses are offered at Metropolian Area Vocational Center. Vocatinral education instruction is offered to all students who need, desire and can profit from it. AI1 youth, regardless of race, gender, economic or social background, or handicapping conditions arc included within the scope of vocational education. (1) Implement integrated educational programs diat will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. (2) Develop and maintain a suff that is well trained and motivated. (3) The Linic Rock School Board administration suff and students will demonstrate in their day today behavior that they accept each individual valllM mnlrihnliiin in tnrinv and u>u/ milnml .u._______... . > ... ... ' , -----------------------------------II.I wbiiii'll.tiaaK. Ill UIVII Udj ud valued contribution to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as a . - - -----------------------r.....................................V*ex-, v-ii as we prepare for the 21st century. (4) Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan (5) Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operation. To provide the oppononily for all students to develop workplace skills, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills necessary for success in an everchanging society and technological workplace. 1 $4,491,714.75 1st Qtr Expend: $786,385.57 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 103.10 $1,996,650.54 2nd Qtr Expend: $1,210,264.97 4th Qtr Expend: I Related Function Codes: 1321. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1341. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1354. 1362. 1371. 1392. 1360. 1362, 2410 204, 1Program Seq #: 204 Program Name: Vocaiional Education Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Dale: Carol Green Fcbniary 14. 1996 To provide (he opportunity for all students to develop workplace skills, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills necessary for success in an everchanging society and technological workplace. Objectives Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Dale Respoasibility Evaluation Criteria 1. Provide quality instruction to all students enrolled in vocational courses. 1.1 Identify and employed certified teachers to deliver quality learning experiences and skilled training to students. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director. Assistant Director. Principals. Human Resources Director and Teacher Recruiter 1.1 A list of certified teachers or applicants will be provided. A. Interviews held 07/01/95 09/22/95 B. List of applicants solicited 1.2 Identify equipment, materials and supplies needed. A. Vocational teachers submitted requisitions. 1.3 Provide inservice training for teachers as needed to deliver quality instruction to students. A. Vocational Teacher Pre-school B. Individual Program Pre-school inservice held C. Vocational Director/teacher and an Assistant Principal from Fair High School attended "High Schools That Work inservice. D. Equity Inservice Training Metro staff. E. writing learning objectives inservice-Metro staff. F. Home Economics teacher Computer Lilerarcy classes organized and held. 204, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/09/95 08/14/95 09/18/95 10/4/95 11/1/95 10/30/95 65% 06/30/96 75% 06/30/96 08/09/95 08/14/95 09/18/95 10/4/95 11/1/95 80% Director, Assistant Director, Teachers Director, Assistant Director. Staff Development Director 1.2 Equipment, materials and supplies will be listed and prioritized 1.3 A listing of inservice dales, topics, and participants will be provided.Program Seq #: 204 Page: 3 Revuion Dale: Program Name: Vocational Education February 14. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Carol Green Program Goal: To provide Ihe oppominily for all studenis to develop workplace skills, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills necessary for success in an everchanging society and technological workplace. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria G. Career Orientation Teachers inservice held. 11/30/95 11/30/95 3. Maintain all equipment used in skilled (raining labs. H. Business Education/Computer Tech teachers inservice. 1. Arkansas Strive Program information disseminated to computer Tech teachers. 1.4 Provide an opportunity for teachers to keep abreast of changing technological needs and training In the workplace. A. Arkansas Association Vocational Teachers conference attended by LRSD teachers. B. Auto Body teacher attended NATEF Cenification session. C. National Vocational Association Convention anended by 2 teachers. D. Program Advisory Committee meetings held. 3.1 identify equipment in need of repair or replacement in (he vocational skilled training labs. A. Repair requests and new equipment requisitions submitted. 204, 3 12/6/95 12/6/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 07/01/95 08/07/95 11/08/95 12/01/95 10/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 12/15/95 06/30/96 08/08/95 11/08/95 12/04/95 12/20/95 06/30/96 75% Director, Assistant Director Director, Assistant Director Director, Assistant Director. Principals, vocational teachers. 1.4 A list of professional meetings and conferences teachers have attended will he provided. 2.1 Recommendations made by the task force will be identified and completed. 3.1 All skilled lab equipment will be identified for needed repair and maintenance.Page: 4 Program Seq Hz 204 Revision Date: Febniary 14. 1996 Program Name: Vocational Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Carol Green Program Goal: To provide the opportunity for all students to develop workplace skills, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills necessary for success in an everchanging society and technological workplace. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. Awareness activities to promote vocational education will be made available to all students. 4.1 Recruitment activities through advertisement, flyers, videos, and student presentation will be made available to all students. A. Advisory committee meetings scheduled by all vocational teachers. B. Tri-District Job Fair committee meetings held. C. Open House planned at Metropolitan. D. Recruitment committees planned activities for Spring semester. 4.2 Tech Prep committee awareness campaign to inform parents about Tech Prep and it's benefits. A. Tech Prep video made available for PTA-Open House at Forest Heights. B. Tech Prep Declaration forms distributed. C. Tech Prep Brochurces distributed to schools requesting them. 204, 4 07/01/95 08/2/95 11/11/95 11/15/95 12/5/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 08/28/95 08/28/95 06/30/96 80% 75% 65% 12/13/95 06/30/96 09/06/95 09/06/95 09/29/95 Vocational teachers. Director. Task Force, and Advisory Committees. Director, Assistant Director. Tech Prep Coordinator 4.1 a) Surveys will be conducted to determine how students became aware of vocational education (b) Monitoring of student enrollment will determine the success of the awareness sessions. 4.2 List of all awareness sessions and Public Relations Activities will be compiled. IPage: 5 Program Seq #: 2<>4 Revision Dale: February 14. 1996 Program Name
Vocational Education Program Code
Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Carol Green Program Goal: To provide the opportunity for all students to develop workplace skills, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills necessary for success in an everchanging society and technological workplace. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Begiiming Dale Completion Date Respoasibility Evaluation Criteria D. Tech Prep forms revised and distributed to Jr. High Career Orientation teachers and counselors. E. Assistant Vocational Director spoke Io several Jr. High PTSA groups. 204, 5 11/01/95 11/15/95 11/30/95 11/30/95LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 205 Page: I Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Adult Education Program Code: Primary leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Paulette H. Manin Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: Adult Educalion is specially designed instruction at no cost to students to upgrade their educational level and or to help them obtain a high school equivalency (GED) diploma. This includes instruction at the Adult Educalion Center and its satellite programs in businesses, industries, various community and state agencies and churches. Scope and content Adult Education services are provided in accordance with each student's needs and goals. A student is eligible for Adult Education services if he/she is at least sixteen years of age or older and has been released from regular public school by the superintendent or his/her designee or is eighteen years of age and has withdrawn or dropped out of public school. Participants/beneficiaries Students served in Adult Education are identified as having withdrawn or dropped out of public schiM)l. During Ihe 1992-93 school year. 3078 studenis received Adult Educalion services. Goal #l Implement integrated educational programs that willl ensure (hat all students grow academically, socially, and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment whille closing disparties in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal #3 The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff and studenis will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21si Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to full suppon our schools. Goal # 5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal H h Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. The goal of the Adult Education Program is to upgrade the basic literacy skills of adults, to assist adults in obtaining their high school equivalency (GED) diploma, and to provide computer literacy training. Plan References: ] FY Program Budget: $811,660.85 1st Qtr Expend: $81,285.17 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 23.0 YTD Expenditures: $270,590.57 2nd Qtr Expend: $189,305.40 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes:1430 1410. 1420, 1445, 1490 205, 1Program Seq #: 205 Program Name: Adult Education Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number NA LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: Paulette H. Martin The goal of the Adult Education program is to upgrade the basic literacy skills of adult and/or to assist adults in obtaining their high school equivalency (GED) diploma Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility February 14, 1996 Evaluation Criteria i I I 1. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. 1.1 Identify and employ qualified teachers to deliver services to students. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director. Human Resources
Director. Adult Education 1,1 A list of certified teachers will be provided A. All teachers hired. 08/01/95 06/21/95 2. Inform the Community of the services offered by the Adult Education Program 3. Solicit funding to fully support the Adult Education Center 1.2 Identify equipment, materials, and supplies needed in order to deliver services to students. A. Material and supplies disseminated 1.3 Provide Inservice training for teachers as needed to ensure that students are served appropriately A Preschool inservice 2.1 Promote the Adult Education Program A, Assistant Director was on 30 minutes information show. B. Director did a PSA to be run on TV stations 205, 2 07/01/95 08/15/95 07/01/95 08/14/95 07/01/95 08/03/95 08/22/95 06/30/96 08/21/95 06/30/96 08/16/95 06/30/96 08/03/95 50% Director. Ass't Director. Teachers, examiners Director Director, Ass't Director, teacher 1.2 Equipment, materials and supplies will be listed 1.3 Inservice participants, dates and topics will be provided 2.1 Copies of tapes, brochures, and posters will be providedPage: 3 Program Seq #: 205 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Adult Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Paulette H. Martin Program Goal: The goal of the Adult Education program is to upgrade the basic literacy skills of adult and/or Io assist adults in obtaining their high school equivalency (GED) diploma. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria C. PSA distributed to local radio stations and TV Community Calendar. D. News release to Arkansas Democrat/Gazette. 3.1 Submit Proposals and secure financial resources for operation of the Adult Education Program. 08/22/95 08/04/95 07/01/95 50% 50% 06/30/96 Director 3 1 Copies of proposal will be provided 4. Provide Adult Basic Education and General Adult Education to agencies which have a minimum often (10) students when reguested 4.1 Set up AduH Education satelite classes upon request. A. AGC Math Class B Community Punishment Center C. Lion's World Sen/ices for the Blind D. Metropolitan Vo-Tech E. Pulaski County Detention Center F. Pinnacle House G. Forensic Unit. Stale Hospital H. Unit 4, State Hospital I. United Cerebral Palsy Skill Center J. Smoky Hollow 205, 3 07/01/95 08/31/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 08/21/95 11/28/95 06/30/96 75% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Director 4 1 List of satellite classes will be providedI Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number 205 Adult Education Primary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson The goal of the Adult Education program is to upgrade the basic literacy skills of adult and/or to Objectives Strategies Page: 4 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Secondary Leader: Paulette H Martin assist adults in obtaining their high school equivalency (GED) diploma Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5. Evaluate the cost Effectiveness of using local Community Resources, such as the Parent Learning Center, as a means for providing education opportunities for parents. 5.1 Compare the cost of setting up an Adult Education Center and the cost of using local Community Resources of provide education servicess to parents. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director 5 1 Copy of the cost comparison will be available for review. 6 Provide Computer Literacy courses to students and to agencies, businesses, and industries which have a minimum often (10) students, when requested 7, Provide a Computerized English As a Second Language (ESL) course for foreign-born student and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) for all students 6.1 Set up Computer Literacy courses at businesses and industries on request. A. Adult Education Center B. Slate Hospital 7.1 Set up Computerized ESL courses for foreign- born students and CAI for all students. A. Adult Education Center 205, 4 07/01/95 09/05/95 10/31/95 07/01/95 08/21/95 06/30/96 50% 12/5/95 06/30/96 50% Director Director 6 1 A list of Computer Literacy Classes will be provided 7.1 A schedule of courses will be provided 1LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq 206 Page: 1 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Compensatory Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Adams/Glasgow/Parker Program Description: Compensatory Education funded programs are designed to improve the quality of LRSDs academic programs. Activities include supplemental instruction for students, resource materials, inservice education for teachers, ^and support for parental involvement. District Goal Support: (1) Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. (2) Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Program Goal: Disparity reduction - to provide equitable language ans and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream sening [ Plan References: 1 FY Program Budget: $427,679.29 1st Qtr Expend: $27,883.52 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 13.00 YTD Expenditures: $161,216.18 2nd Qtr Expend: $133,332.66 4th Qtr Expend: 1 Related Function Codes: 1560, 1570. 1595 1 206, 1 II I Program Seq ft*
Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Numl>er 2()6 Compensatory Education LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: To assist low achieving smdents to make accelerated progress and catch up. Objectives 1. To use an integrated shared rcading/writing approach of instruction to promote smdent independence as readers, writers, and learners, (fourteen schools. K-3) 2. To improve smdents abilities to analyze, explain, and summarize materials from books and tapes utilizing the reading styles approach, (two schools) Page: 2 Revision Dale: February 14. 1996 Strategies 1 1 Purchase and distribute materials and supplies to schools. 1.2 Provide additional time for instruction using the Shared Reading/Writing Approach through thematic units utilizing these materials. 1.3 Provide whole group instruction for all K-1 smdents and additional small group and individual instruction as needed. 1.4 Provide second and third grade smdents with instruction using the Shared Reading/Writing Approach. 1.5 Provide participating teachers and administrators with a minimum of nine hours staff development. 1.6 Provide summer scholarships to train the trainers. 206, 2 Secondary Leader
Adams/Glasgow/Parker Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibilily Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 Principals and Teachers Director of Reading and IRC Reading Specialists Principals. First Grade Teachers, and Reading Specialists Principals and ClassrtHim Teachers Principals. ClassrtKim Teachers, and Reading Specialists Director of Reading and Rigby Consultants Director of Reading and Rigby Consulunis 1. Student profiles on LRSD Language Arts Curriculum will be used to assess student achievement. 1.1 Documentation of purchase orders. 1.2 The number of developed thematic units will comprise the evaluation. 1.3 Record of classroom observation and schedules. 1.4 Schedules and list of students. 1.5 List of participants with evaluations. 1.6 List of trainers. 2. The evaluation criteria includes the recognition of the sound of letters in isolation and in words, and in how to blend sounds together.Page: 3 Program Seq #: 2()6 Revision Date: Febnjary 14. 1996 Program Name: Compensatory Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader
AdamsZGiasgow/Parker Program Goal: To assist low achieving students to make accelerated progress and catch up. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.1 Diagnose students reading styles in four areas: tactic, visual, kinesthetic, auditory. 2.2 Structure students work around identified reading styles. 2.3 Actively involve students in learning activities. 2.4 Send home appropriate books and corresponding tape recordings for the reading styles of targeted students. 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/03/95 06/30/96 Principals and Classroom Teachers Principals and Classroom Teachers Principals and Classroom Teachers Principals and Classroom Teachers 2.1 The number of Reading Styles Inventories completed. 2.2 Students' Individual Learning Plan. 2.3 Students' Individual Learning Plan. 2.4 The number of purchases and record of usage. 3. To improve students' vocabulary and comprehension skills through phonics related reading, (one school) 3. The criteria consists of: a) reference data in reading: b) amount of peer tutoring
c) number of discipline problems
d) parental communication
e> number of identified reading styles. 4. To promote communications between home and school. 3.1 Use the Direct Instruction Program in phonics to teach students. 3.2 Provide target students with presentation books, story books, homework, and materials. 4.1 Inform parents regarding instructional approaches. 4.2 Conduct conferences with parents on student progress. 206, 3 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 Principals and Classroom Teachers Principals and Classroom Teachers Principals and Teachers Principals and Teachers 3.1 Activities contained in the daily lesson plan will the evaluation. 3.2 Record of books students read annually. 4. Record of take-home materials. 4.1 Documentation of communications. 4.2 Documentation of conferences.I Page: 4 Program Seq #: 206 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Program Name: Compensatory Education Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Adams/Glasgow/Parker Program Goal: To assist low achieving students to make accelerated progress and catch up. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4.3 Provide take-home books and materials for parents. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals and Math Teachers 4.3 Record of send-home materials. 5. To reduce education deficit in mathematics of target students in grades seven through twelve by reinforcing the regular education program with Math Plus. 6. To prevent school failure and dropout with additional assistance from tutors in mathematics. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Math Supervisors/Title 1 Instructional Spec. 5. Criteria consists of Pre and Post Norm Referenced data in math for participating students. 5.1 Reduce math plus class size and add an enrichment class to the schedule. A. Student Class schedules refined. B. Math Plus classes - regular, Pre-Algebra, Algebra at 6 junior high schools 5.2 Provide tutorial and remedial learning experience in the enrichment class. A. Classroom instruction. 5.3 Employ a variety of instructional strategies which permit teachers to clarify, enhance or remediate in the academic sening. A. Classroom instruction 206, 4 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principal 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/21/95 07/01/95 08/21/95 07/01/95 90% 08/22/95 06/30/96 20% 06/30/96 20% 06/30/96 Principal/ Mathematic Teachers Principals and Mathematic Teachers 5.1 Class size at each school site and schedules will comprise the evaluation. 5.2 The number of students, tutor and schedule of session will comprise the evaluation. 5.3 Daily lesson plans will comprise the evaluation. 1Page: 5 Program Seq #: 2<>6 Revision Dale: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Compensatory Education Program Code
Primary Leader: Secondary leader: Adams/Glasgow/Parker Program Goal: To assist low achieving students to make accelerated progress and catch up. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Begirming Date Completion Date Respoasihilily Evaluation Criteria A. Inservice -Pre-School Secondary Math Plus 08/14/95 08/14/95 -Record Keeping-Secondary Academic Support 09/01/95 09/01/95 -Math Teachers Math Pius 09/27/95 09/29/95 6.1 The Little Rock School District will purchase the following tutoring services from the ComcrStone Project: A) Ten certified tutors who have special training in working with remedial students
B) Tutors will work with students through one-on-one situation or in groups not to exceed four students
C) Students will receive one hour of instruction in reading and one hour in mathematics
D) Review individual student performance with parents
E) ComerStone Projects Parent Action Committee will provide a forum for communication among parents, tutors and staff
F) Parent education seminars will be offered for parents awareness
G) The service will be Monday through Thursday for nine months or 180 days. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Federal Programs 6.1 Students' progress will be monitored by receiving school rcp<n, quanerly grade reports, contact with schtKd counselors, and pnigress with tutoring materials. 206, 5LRSD FY 95 96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq 207 Page: 1 Revision Date: Febniary 14. 1996 Program Name: Gifted Programs Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Patty Kohler SecoiMlary Leader: Mable Donaldson Program Description: The Little Rock School District s Gifted Program offers to its studenis through a design that consists of observation and enrichment for all studenis in grades K-2. Resource rooms and indirect services are provided for grades 3-6 and special classes for students in grades 7-12 . The program operates in compliance wilh the Arkansas Depart of Education's Gifted and Talented Approval Standards. The Standards provide the framework for establishing equitable criteria for the identification of gifted and talented students. Services are provided to these studenis by teachers (specialists and facilitators) who have completed or who are pursuing graduate credit in gifted education. District Goal Support: Goal #1 - Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all studenis grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing dispariiics in achievement. Goal # 2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal ft 3 The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonsiraie in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21SI Century. Goal # 4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that arc necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal # 5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conductive lo learning for all students. Goal # 6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: To provide appropriate instructional services to all identified students. I Plan References: FY Program Budget: $1,254,136.79 1st Qtr Expend: $104,035.61 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 31.00 YTD Expenditures: $394,575.55 2nd Qtr Expend: $290,539.94 4th Qtr Expend: I Related Function Codes: 1 207, 1Program Seq 0: 207 Program Name: Gifted Programs Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: To provide appropriate instructional services to all identified gifted students. Objectives Strategies Page: 2 Revision Date
February 14, 1996 Secondary Leader: Mable Donaldson Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. Provide resource room and indirect instructional services to identified students according to district and state curriculum guidelines 07/01/95 06/30/96 G/T Supervisor. Coordinator, Teachers 1.1 Identify certified teacher(s) (specialists) to provide needed services at each school. A. Specialist positions filled at all schools. 1.2 Aid schools in providing materials, supplies, external laboratory experiences and participation in local, state and national activities. A. Invoices and requests received from schools. 1.3 Ensure proper documentation and evaluation of student records (placement) according to district and state guidelines. A. Monitoring of school records scheduled. 1.4 Provide inservice training for teachers (specialists) to ensure that students are receiving appropriate instructional services. A. Pre-School Inservice held for facilitators and specialists. 207, 2 07/01/95 08/14/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/22/95 07/01/95 08/14/95 06/30/96 08/21/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 08/15/95 Supervisor, Coordinator. Human Resources Dept. Supervisor, Coordinator. Principals Supenrisor, Coordinator. Principals, Specialists Supervisor. Coordinator. Staff Development. Curriculum Supervisors List of certified teachers serving each school. Invoices, copies of requests and memberships and/or participation in various activities. Copies of monitoring report and school visitation logs Agendas, participation roster, inservice evaluations I BJ Page: 3 Program Seq #: 207 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Program Name: Gifted Programs Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Mabie Donaldson Program Goal
To provide appropriate instructional services to all identified gifted students. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 8 Social Studies Inservice - "Thinking Required in the Social Studies" C. G/T Classroom Management for selected teachers D. Tri-District Curriculum Inservice held for G/T Specialists E. Monthly G/T Council Meeting held F. Monthly G/T Council Meeting held G. Monthly G/T Council Meeting held H. Curriculum Compacting Inservice held for all G/T Specialists I. Classroom Management Inservice for selected teachers J. Critical Thinking Skills Inservice for McClellan High Teachers K. K-2 Enrichment for Regular Classroom Inservice L. Academic Competition and Enrichment Development Inservice 207, 3 08/14/95 08/25/95 09/22/95 09/26/95 10/24/95 11/28/95 10/11/95 10/17/95 11/1/95 11/3/95 12/15/95 08/14/95 08/25/95 09/22/95 09/26/95 10/24/95 11/28/95 10/11/95 10/17/95 11/1/95 11/3/95 12/15/95LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 208 Page: Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Or. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Description
The Little Rock School Dislricfs Division of Curriculum Services seeks to improve curriculum design and delivery K-12 that is consistent with stale guidelines and national recommendations This division u/niire Ia aneiirA eli/tnmani KAhs.AAn ____:________________ -- >- --- ------------------- M.wt TTIUI yurwcliiics aiiu iiaiiuiidi leVJIIIIHCIIU<IUUII. IlllSk UI* works to ensure alignment between the written, taught, and tested curriculum as determined by student assessment Finally, efforts are made to ensure that instructional delivery is based on sound teaching principles and grounded in educational research. To accomplish these ends, this division strives to identify, develop, and provide educational resources, staff development and technical assistance to the schools. 1 District Goal Support: Program Goal: Goal #1 - Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal #3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools including our desegregation plan. Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal #6 Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. [ Plan References: ] FY Program Budget: $2,493,143.76 Ist Qtr Expend: $598,860.46 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 40.40 YTD Expenditures: $1,054,179.13 2nd Qtr Expend: $455,318.67 4th Qtr Expend: [ Related Function Codes: 1190. 1193, 2211. 2212. 2490, 3800, 4900, 2219 ] 208. 1Program Seq #: 208 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. Develop a coordinated and articulated curriculum that is comprehensive and demonstrates congruence between what is written, taught, and tested 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators, Principals 1.0 Revised curriculum is in place that responds to the recommendations of the curriculum audit Comprehensive review process is in place 1.1 Development of curriculum guides through the assistance of district-wide committees A. Curriculum guides distributed as requested B. Began implementation of revised science curriculum guides with 1995-96 term 1.2 Provide inservice training for teachers to assist in effective delivery of the curriculum A. Inservice training held as follows: Gifted and Talented - 5 Inservices
Science - All elementary and secondary teachers: Social Studies - 4 Inservices
Reading/Language Arts -17 Inservices
Early Childhood - 9 inservices B. Six inservices provided by Gifted and Talented 208, 2 07/01/95 08/04/95 08/21/95 07/01/95 07/10/95 10/11/95 06/30/96 50% 50% 06/30/96 50% 12/15/95 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Certified Teachers, Principals Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators, Principals 1.1 Curriculum guides are in place and are aligned with District objectives 1.2 Documentation of inservice activities are available 1.2 Test scores will demonstrate improvement I 1 IPage: 3 Program Seq 0: 206 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articutation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.3 Provide technical assistance as needed for individual school sites and/or individual teachers 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Staff Development 1.3 Weekly visitation logs reflect visits for technical assistance 1.3 Test scores will demonstrate improvement A. Te'chnical assistance provided by all curriculum departments
Reading/Language > 30 08/14/95 50% 2.0 Identify and secure resources, both material and human, to support the program of studies offered by the District 1.4 Assist schools in the selection of appropriate materials and resources for delivering the curriculum effectively to students 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 A. Assisted teachers in K*4 Math and Science Crusade in ordering equipment and supplies 08/14/95 50% 6. Assisted teachers with new materials needed Io implement the revised science curriculum 06/14/95 50% C. Catalogs, brochures with selected resource materials distributed Io all schools 08/14/95 25% D. Assisted principals and teachers with materials to order for implementation of social studies curriculum 10/01/95 75% 208, 3 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Staff Development Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Director of Procurement, Principals 1.4 Materials and resources are in place 1.4 Requisitions for materials are on file 2 0 The courses in the program of studies have resources available for full implementation IProgram Seq #: 208 Page: 4 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secoixtary Leader: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.1 Identify and order equipment and supplies needed by schools to implement their instructional program 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Teachers, Principals. Director of Procurement 2.1 Requisitions/purchase orders reflect the equipment and supplies ordered by/for the schools to implement their instructional program A. Science equipment/supplies were ordered and sent to each elementary school B Social Studies instructional materials ordered for checkout use by 11 schools C. Additional multicultural and software materials ordered for individual schools and for checkout D. Science supplies ordered for all Junior High teachers E. Equipment ordered for teachers in K*4. Math and Science Crusades F. Early Childhood instructional materials ordered for checkout use by 41 schools G. Instructional materials for gifted program instruction ordered for check out by 14 schools 2.2 Provide direct services to schools through the deployment of curriculum and technical specialists to help implement the schools' instructional program 08/21/95 07/01/95 10/20/95 12/01/95 11/01/95 10/01/95 10/01/95 07/01/95 09/30/95 10/20/95 75% 12/20/95 12/20/95 50% 50% 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Curriculum and Technical Specialists, Principals 2.2 Weekly visitation logs document the direct services to schools provided by curriculum and technical specialists 208, 4Page: 5 Program Seq *: 208 Revision Date: Program Name: Curriculum Services February 20, 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr, Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Program Goai: Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow The purpose of curriculum services is Io plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Direct services provided to schools by curriculum services staff 07/01/95 50% 2.3 Maintain a library of audio-visual materials, staff development materials, and other specialized materials for loan to schools 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Staff Development, Coordinator of Library Services. Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators 2.3 An audio-visual catalog and staff development library catalog will document the materials available for loan to schools
check-out togs will document the loan of other specialized materials to the schools A. Audio-visual library, staff development library, and library of other materials maintained for loan to schools 07/01/95 50% 2 4 Interview prospective candidates for teaching positions as well as other certified and noncertified positions to assure the best qualified applicants are selected for employment 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators, Director of Human Resources, Principals 2.4 Appointment books and feedback information will record the applicants who were interviewed by the curriculum supervisors A, Prospective candidates were interviewed and referred to principals for recommendations to hire 07/01/95 09/30/95 2.5 Print District documents for dissemination to teachers, principals, students, and/or parents 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Administrative Assistant to the Manager of Support Services. Printer at printshop 2.5 Teachers and principals have copies of applicable curriculum guides: sign-off lists document the distribution of parent home study guides to parents: student/parent records document that students and parents received "Rights and Responsibilities Handbook" 208. 5 1Page: 6 Program Seq *: 208 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader
Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader
Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Goal
The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Parent Home Study Guides were printed for parents of Incentive School students B. Produced, printed and disseminated Early Childhood brochures 2.6 Prepare instructional activities and materials for teachers and explain/demonstrate their use 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/30/95 10/09/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, and Specialists at IRC 2.6 Monthly IRC Thursday Night Workshops are held to share instructional activities and materials with teachers
copies of other activities and materials prepared for teachers are on file at the IRC 3.0 Provide technical assistance to principals, teachers, and other personnel to facilitate the effective implementation of District programs 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators 3.0 District programs in the area of curriculum operate smoothly, without undue breakdown of equipment, lack of training of personnel, or lack of information by district personnel A. IRC monthly open house showcases materials and activities that have been prepared for teachers by all curriculum departments 6. Reading/Language Arts - conducted 17 inservices and disseminated materials 3.1 Assist the schools through the services of roving computer technicians to keep computer labs and equipment up and running 208, 6 09/01/95 09/01/95 07/01/95 50% 50% 06/09/95 Coordinator of Technology. Computer Technicians. Principals 3.1 Computer labs provide good service and have little "down" timePage: 7 Program Seq *: 208 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The pu^ose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3.2 Assist teachers with self-identified or principal- identified needs to improve the teaching/leaming process through content specific training as well as training in using various instructional strategies 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Director of Staff Development. Principals 3.2 Weekly visitation logs and visitation reports document technical assistance provided to teachers A. Curricuium Services staff assisted teachers in self identified needs as well as needs identified by principal 07/14/95 50% 3.3 Help schools identify staff development needs and plan inservice to address those needs 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Staff Development, Principals. Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators 3.3 The Staff Development Catalog contains training that meets the needs identified in the schools' School Improvement Plan A. COE schools assisted in staff development needs B Planning for District-wide early release days is underway 3.4 Monitor program implementation through classroom visitations A. Classroom observations of social studies instruction done in 13 schools B. Visitations made in all schools to check special education needs C. Continued classroom observation done in Social Studies classrooms 208, 7 08/15/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/24/95 08/14/95 08/24/95 50% 50% 06/30/96 50% 09/30/95 50% Curriculum Directors, Supervisor and Coordinators 3 4 Weekly visitation logs document program monitoring BPage: 8 Program Seq #: 208 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria D. Visitations made in math and science classrooms E. Visitations made in all schools to monitor Early Childhood programs F. Classroom observations of gifted programs conducted 3.5 Provide information to appropriate school personnel concerning academic events, training opportunities, funding sources, content-related questions, and special programs to enhance the instructional program A. Information regarding academic events, training opportunities, special programs and etc. provided B. Notices of funding opportunities were provided to selected principals and teachers in science C. Information given to schools re: transition, inclusion and literacy training for students with disabilities 3.6 Assist schools with special needs students to address the identified needs to improve the learning process 08/24/95 08/14/95 08/14/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 07/21/95 08/01/95 07/01/95 50% 12/15/95 50% 06/30/96 50% 25% 09/30/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators 3.5 Memos, council agendas, and other written correspondence containing pertinent information is on file in each curriculum area Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Principals 3.6 Programs to address special needs students are in place A. Assistance provided to schools regarding special needs and programming 08/01/95 25% B. Provided ESL tutors in 7 schools 07/01/95 50% 208, 8Page: 9 Program Seq *: 208 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. Provide staff development experiences for the effective implementation of the curriculum 07/01/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators. Staff Development 4.0 Inservice programs offered are in response to identified needs district-wide as well as local school sites 4,1 Provide inservice training through district-wide minicourses, training courses as well as schoolbased workshops to maximize the delivery of the curriculum A. Staff development survey sent to all employee groups B. Inservice training provided by all departments in curriculum services 4.2 Maintain professional materials and supplies that can be accessed by local school sites for identified needs and/or professional development A. Professional materials and supplies maintained and upgraded by Gifted and Talented, IMC, Staff develpoment, Science and Social Studies B. Professional catalog distributed 4.3 Provide technical assistance to individual schools/teachers through demonstration lessons, team-teaching as well as individual/group planning at the local school 208, 9 07/01/95 08/28/95 08/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/21/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 09/15/95 50% 06/30/96 50% 07/21/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Staff Development Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Staff Development Specialists Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators, Staff Development Specialists 4.1 Catalogue reflects inservice opportunities 4.1 Computer generated record reflects all inservice topics, dates, participants 4 1 Evaluations are on file 4 2 Record of available materials is on file as well as documentation of materials that have been checked out for local schools 4.3 Copies of weekly visitation logs as well as staff development plans are availableProgram Seq #: 208 Page: 10 Revision Date: Program Name: Curriculum Services February 20. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Program Goal: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow The purpose of curriculum services is lo plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as lo ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.0 Develop and evaluate programs to meet needs established by the district in the curriculum area A. Eisenhower math and science specialists provided demo lessons and individual help to teachers at approximately 15 schools B. Assistance provided in social studies lo 13 schools C. Continued instructional assistance in Social Studies provided to all secondary schools and eight elementary schools D. Assistance provided tn Early Childhood at approximately 20 schools 4.4 Provide opportunities for teachers to work at the IRC to design and create their own activities A. Open house at IRC B. IRC resources available until 5:00 p. m each day 4.5 Provide specialists and technicians to assist local schools in the implementation of the Abacus Instructional Management Program 208, 10 08/21/95 07/27/95 08/24/95 08/24/95 07/01/95 09/07/95 08/14/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 50% 25% 50% 50% 06/30/96 09/07/95 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators, Staff Development Staff Development. Computer Central Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Director of Planning Research and Evaluation 4 4 List of available dates and participants is available 4.5 Weekly visitation logs document direct services to the schools 4.5 Increased use of the Abacus system 5 0 Programs are developed to meet needs established by the District
the program budgeting process and "Fast-track evaluations are used to evaluate new and existing programsProgram Seq #: 208 Page: 11 Revision Date: Program Name: Curriculum Services February 20. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Program Goal: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow The purpose of curriculum seruices is Io plan, (fired, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as Io ensure curricular artculalion and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A Specialists provided assistance
Gibbs, Washington, Carver, Otter Creek, Romine and for elementary principals 07/21/95 50% B Technicians made regular visits to elementary schools to provide Abacus assistance 08/15/95 50% 5.1 Plan programs for magnet, interdistrict, incentive, and other schools established by the District to incorporate selected ttiemes 5.2 Develop District-wide programs to meet the special needs of identified populations of students A. Gifted and Talented programs available in all schools to address needs of identified populations B. Inservices were held for Title 1 and Math Plus teachers 208, 11 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 08/21/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 25% 50% Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Assistant Superintendents. Principals. Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Principals, Director of Federal Programs 5.1 Schools with special themes have programs in place that infuse the theme throughout the curriculum 5.2 Student populations with special needs identified by the District in the curriculum area have programs in place to address their needs IPage: 12 Program Seq #: 206 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12, Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.3 Assess the effectiveness of District programs in the curriculum area 5.4 Seek funding for District programs that qualify for grants from external funding sources A. Submitted 1 ESL grant extension ADE B. Submitted SEDL Eisenhower Grant for Math/Sclence activities at Mabelvale Jr. High and Carver Magnet Elementary C. Submitted and received ABC Grant funding in the amount of $283,000.00 for Early Childhood 5.5 Plan programs of study for students that meet local, state, and national standards A. Newly revised science curriculum was developed using local, state, and national standards 208, 12 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 10/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 12/20/95 09/28/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Director of Planning Research and Evaluation Director of Federal Programs. Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Assistant Superintendents. Principals 5.3 Utilization of manpower and resources in the curriculum area will reflect the use of program assessment results 5 4 Grant applications are on file in the Office of Federal Programs 5.5 Curriculum and program of studies reflect state curriculum frameworks, and program of studies meets local and state requirements and reflects national recommendations and trends I JPage: 13 Program Seq #: 208 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name
Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Or. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon. Dennis Glasgow Program Goal: The purpose of curriculum services is lo plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.0 Develop and expand a cooperative relationship between home and school that will encourage positive home learning 5.6 Identify or develop alterative means of assessing student achievement of curricular objectives A. Portfolios used in grades 3-5 in Gifted and Talented program B. New Abacus test items and teacher observable items were developed for revised science curriculum C. Conducted 2 portfolio assessment workshops 6.1 Develop and print parent home study guides for distribution that can be used throughout the year to reinforce positive learning A. Parent Home Study Guides were printed for Incentive School parents 6.2 Prepare Information for dissemination to public regarding curriculum and parent home study guides 208, 13 07/01/95 08/15/95 07/01/95 08/24/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 09/30/95 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators. Assistant Superintendents. Principals Curriculum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators, Principals, Teachers Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators 5.6 Criterion referenced test items will be cleaned-up/revised In Abacus test item bank for use by pilot schools
kindergarten and elementary report cards will be revised, portfolio assessment workshops will be held for groups of teachers 6.0 Home and school cooperation and parental invoNement will increase as reported on survey of parents and VIPs records 6 1 Guides are available 6.2 Results of surveys from parents reflect their usePage
14 Program Seq #: 208 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Curriculum Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr, Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon, Dennis Glasgow Program Goat: The purpose of curriculum services is to plan, direct, and coordinate improved curriculum design and delivery as well as to ensure curricular articulation and coordination K-12. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Brochure for Early Childhood Programs was developed and disseminated 6.3 Provide inservice training for beat school personnel and identified parents in the appropriate use of the study guide 6 4 Participate in recruitment activities for parents and students, partbularty for newly devebped programs 6.5 Share information with parents about trends in the area of curnculum and about features of LRSD instructbnal programs A. Parent meetings held to inform parents of Gifted and Talented programming in the district 208, 14 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 10/09/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% Curriculum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators. Staff Devebpment. Principals, Teachers. Parents Currbulum Directors. Supervisors and Coordinators Currbulum Directors, Supervisors and Coordinators. Principals. PTA Council 6 3 Record of inservices and attendees is availabte 6.4 Record of activities 6 4 Increase in number of students recruited for new programs 6.5 Agendas or records of information that is shared with parents ISchool Operations Cluster * * * * Elementary Junior High School High School AthleticsProgram Seq #: 209 Program Name: Elementary Schools Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: [ Plan References: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Sadie Mitchell. Margaret Gremilfion Secondary Leader: Page: 1 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Elementary School Principals The elementary school program seeks Io provide integrated learning experiences which meet the academic, social, and developmental needs of all LRSD students in a desegregated setting Central Office staff and principals collaborate to ensure quality educational planning for all students with the support of local school staff, parents, and patrons To provide a quality integrated education for elementary school students. I $21,613,320-75 1st Qtr Expend: $2,629,565.55 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 712.30 $7,996,985.82 2nd Qtr Expend: $5,367,420.27 4th Qtr Expend: [ Related Function Codes: 1120,2410,2590.1120 209, 1Il LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: Page: 2 209 Revision Date: Program Name: Elementary Schools February 14. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Sadie Mitchell. Margaret Gremillion Secondary Leader
Elementary School Principals Program Goal: To provide a quality integrated education for elementary school students. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.0 Provide sufficient support to achieve quality integrated education for ail students. a 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals. Assistant Superintendents 1.1 Develop annual school budgets 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals, Assistant Superintendents 1.1 Completed and approved budget document detailing how funds will be expended. A. 1995-96 budgets provided to all administrators during principals' institute 07/01/95 09/30/95 B. Extended Evaluation Workshop - 10/4 10/01/95 12/31/95 C Business Case Workshop 11/19 10/01/95 12/31/95 D 96-97 Budget Planning Session 12/7 10/01/95 12/31/95 E. Submitted 1996-97 Asst Supt Budget 12/7 10/01/95 12/31/95 12 Recommend appropriate personnel to deliver the educational program 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals. Assistant Superintendents 1.2 Annual staff report A. Assistant Superintendents approved new hires for school opening. 07/01/95 09/30/95 B. Individual Manpower Reports Reviewed 11/11 10/01/95 12/31/95 1.3 Requisition materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to deliver the educational program. 209, 2 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals. Assistant Superintendents 1.3 Educational Equity Monitoring reports, regular site visits by the Assistant Superintendents Page: 3 Program Seq #: 209 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Program Name: Elementary Schools Program Code: Primary Leader: Sadie Mitchell. Margaret Gremillion Secondary Leader: Elementary School Principals Program Goal: To provide a quality integrated education for elementary school students. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. All requisitions over $300 is submitted Io the assistant superintendent's office for approval. 07/01/95 09/30/95 B Requisitions over $300 submitted to Asst Supt. Office 10/01/95 12/31/95 209, 3 IProgram Seq (f: 210 Program Name: Junior High Schools Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: I Plan ReferetKes: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: I Revision Dale: Febniary 14. 1996 Junior High School Principals The junior high school program seeks to provide integrated learning experiences which meet the academic, social, and developmental needs of all LRSD studenu in a desegregated sening. Central Office staff and principals collaborate to ensure quality educational planning for all students with the support of local school staff, parents, and patrons. To provide a quality integrated education for junior high school students. I $9,456,340.34 $3,518,723.83 1st Qtr Expertd: $1,016,710.68 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 287.20 2nd Qtr Expend: $2,502,013.15 4th Qtr Expend: I Related Function Codes: 1130.1132.2410,2590 210, 1LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq 210 Page: I Revision Dale: February 14. 1996 Program Name: Junior High Schools Program Code: Prbnary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Junior High School Principals Program Description: District Goal Support: The junior high school program seeks to provide integrated learning experiences which meet the academic, social, and developmental needs of all LRSD students in a desegregated sening. Central Office staff and principals collaborate to ensure quality educational planning for all students with the suppon of local school staff, parents, and patrons. Program Goal: To provide a quality integrated educalion for junior high school students. Plan References: I FY Program Budget: $9,456,340.34 1st Qtr Expend: $1,016,710.68 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 287.20 YTD Expenditures: $3,518,723.83 2nd Qtr Expend: $2,502,013.15 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: 1130,1132,2410,2590 210, 1 I IProgram Seq #: 210 Program Name: Junior High Schoots Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Jr. High School Principals To provide a quality integrated education for junior high school students Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.0 Provide sufficient support to achieve a quality integrated education for all students. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals, Assistant Superintendent 1.1 Develop annual school budgets A. Consult with principals on budget construction/management 1.2 Recommend appropriate personnel to deliver the educational program. A. Consult with principals on construction of master schedules. 6. Consult with principals on certrfication issues relating to personnel C. Approve hiring of personnel 1.3 Requisition materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to deliver the educational program. A. Consult with principals about supply/equipment requisitions B. Approve appropriate requisitions 210, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 90% 90% 90% 06/30/96 50% 50% Principals. Assistant Superintendent Principals. Assistant Superintendent Principals, Assistant Superintendent 1.1 12 1.3 Completed and approved budget document detailing how funds will be expended. Annual staff report Educational Equity Monitoring reports, regular site visits by the Assistant Superintendent I I IProgram Seq #: 211 Program Name: Senior High Schools Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: I Plan References: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader
Page: 1 Revision Date: February 14. 1996 Senior High School Principals The senior high school program seeks lo provide integraied learning experiences which meet Ihe academic, social, and developmemal needs of all LRSD smdenls in a desegregalcd selling. Ceniral Office slaff and principals collahorale lo ensure qiialily educalional planning for all smdenls with die support of local school staff, parents, and patrons. To provide a quality integrated education for senior high school students. I $9,256,518.31 1st Qtr Expend: $1,394,781.19 3rd Qtr Expend: $3,777,518.63 2nd Qtr Expend: $2,382,737.44 4th Qtr Expend: I FTE 247.70 I Related Function Codes: 1140, 2410. 2590. 1140 211, 1Program Seq 211 Program Name
Senior High Schools Program Code
Program Goal
Plan Reference Page Number LRSD PY 95 96 PRCXjRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Victor Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: February 14, 1996 Senior High School Principals To provide a quality integrated education for senior high school students. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.0 Provide sufficient support to achieve a quality integrated education for ail students. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Principals. Assistant Superintendent 1.1 Develop annual school budgets A. Consult with principals on budget construction/management 1.2 Recommend appropriate personnel to deliver the educational program. A Consult with principals on construction of master schedules B. Consult with principals on certification issues related to personnel C. Approve hiring of personnel 1.3 Requisition materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to deliver the educational program. A. Consult with principals about supply/equipment requisitions. B. Approve appropriate requisitions 211, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 90% 90% 90% 06/30/96 50% 50% Principals. Assistant Superintendent Principals, Assistant Superintendent Principals, Assistant Superintendent 11 Completed and approved budget document detailing how funds will be expended. 1.2 Annual staff report 1.3 Educational Equity Monitoring reports, regular site visits by the Assistant SuperintendentLRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 212 Page: 1 Revision Dale: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Athletics Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Assistant Superintertdent-Secondary Schools. Ouida Carter Program Description: The Athletics program provides the opportunity for students to develop skills in competitive team and individual sports activities. District Goal Support: To ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operation. Program Goal: To provide a quality athletics program. [ Plan RefereiKes: ] FY Program Budget: $178,448.80 1st Qtr Expend: $84,943.59 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 0.00 YTD Expeiuiitures: $84,943.59 2nd Qtr Expend: 4th Qtr Expend: [ Related Function Codes: 1151. 1152. 1154, 1155. 1156. 1157, 1158 ] 212, 1Program Seq #: 212 Program Name: Athletics Program Code: Program Goal: To provide a quality athletics program. LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: - Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Assistant Superintendent-Secondary Schools. Ouida Carter Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Resportsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.0 To conduct junior high athletics program for boys and girls. (Football, basketball, track, soccer, golf volleyball, and tennis) 07/01/95 06/30/96 Assistant Supt. Secondary. Carter O 10 An athletics program for junior high girls and boys is implemented as designed and approved by the LRSD Board of Directors. 1.1 Conduct general office tasks. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Assistant Supt., Secondary, O. Carter 1.1 Office duties are conducted within specified time frames. 1.2 Order uniforms and supplies 07/01/95 04/30/96 Assistant Supt.. Secondary. O. Carter 1.2 Uniforms and supplies are available for use for each designated sports activity. 1.3 Conduct game operations tasks. 07/01/95 05/30/96 Assistant Supt., Secondary. 0. Carter 1.3 All game operations (officials, security, ticket takers and sellers, and ambulance service) are conducted in specified time frame. 212, 2Page: 3 Program Seq #: 212 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Athletics Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Assistant Superintendent-Secondary Schools, Ouida Carter Program Goal: To provide a quality athletics program. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Res po risibility Evaluation Criteria 2.0 To conduct senior high athletics program for boys and girls. (Football, basketball, track, soccer, tennis, golf, swimming, volleyball, and baseball) 2.1 A. Arrange for medical personnel for junior high foott>all games B. Arrange for delivery of Volleyball game payrolls for junior high schools Conduct general ofFice duties. A. Adjust atheltic budget for all sports B Order tickers, passes and forms for the school year. C. Distribute parent consent and health forms to all athletes D. Prepare and distribute gam schedules E. Assign and contract game officials F. Payment of membership fees to AAA for all secondary schools 212, 3 07/01/95 09/05/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/01/95 08/31/95 09/05/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 25% 08/01/95 50% 50% 08/30/95 Assistant Supt., Secondary, Carter O Assistant Supt.. Secondary O. Carter 2.0 An athletics program for senior high girls and boys is implemented as designed and approved by the LRSD Board of Directors 2.1 Office duties are conducted within specified time frames.Page: 4 Program Seq *: 212 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Athletics Program Code: Primary Leader: Or. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Assistant Superintendent-Secondary Schools, Ouida Carter Program Goal: To provide a quality athletics program. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.2 2.3 G. Requisition and prepare game payrolls for ail secondary schools Order uniforms and supplies. A. Order uniforms for football teams B. Order football supplies for all schools C. Receive and distribute uniforms and supplies for all sports as received D Order basketball uniforms for schools, if needed E. Order Volleyball uniforms and supplies for all schools Conduct game operations tasks. A. Prepare game payroll for Football and Volleyball for delivery lo schools 212, 4 08/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/30/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 09/30/95 50% 09/30/95 09/30/95 06/30/96 50% Assistant Supt.. Secondary O. Carter Assistant Supt.. Secondary O, Carter 2.2 Uniforms and supplies are available for use for each designated sports activity. 2 3 All game operations (officials, security, ticket takers and sellers, and ambulance service) are conducted in specified time frame.Page: 5 Program Seq *: 212 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Athletics Program Code: Primary Leader: Dr. Vic Anderson Secondary Leader: Assistant Superintendent-Secondary Schools, Ouida Carter Program Goal: To provide a quality athletics program. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.4 B. Arrange for ambulance service at football games C. Check game reports and make deposits Arrange for transportation with outside vendors for all sports. A. Prepare requistion for out of county trips for all sports programs 8. Prepare requistion for coaches requesting funds for food on out of county trips 212, 5 08/01/95 09/06/95 07/01/95 08/01/95 08/01/95 50% 25% 06/30/96 25% 25% Assistant Supt., Secondary 0. Carter 2.4 Transportation for events occurring outside the 50 mite radius of Little Rock is completed as scheduledSchool Support Cluster * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Guidance Services Drug Abuse Prevention Health Services Curriculum Services/VIPS Educational Media Services Board of Education Services Executive Administration Services Support Service Management Fiscal Services Plant Services Pupil Transport Services Purchasing Services Safety & Security Services Planning & Evaluation Services Communication Services Human Resource Services Labor Relations Data Processing Services Family Life/New Futures Indebtedness ContingenciesLRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq 213 Page: 1 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Guidance Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Jo Evelyn Elston Program Description: The Guidance and Counseling Program provides services to support academic, social and emotional success for students in the Little Rock School District District Goal Support: 1. Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. 2. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. 3. The LRSD Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21$t Century. 4. Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan 5. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: To promote the personal/social, academic and career development needs of all LRSD students. [ Plan References: ] FY Program Budget: $2,665,216.59 Ist Qtr Expend: $348,628.73 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 64.00 YTD Expenditures: $1,038,669.36 2rKl Qtr Expend: $690,040.63 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: 2111, 2114. 2120. 2121, 2129 213, 1Program Seq 213 Program Name: Guidance Services Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number N/A Bi LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Brady Gadberry To maintain a well-qualified and racially diverse guidance staff in the Little Rock School District. Objectives Strategies Page: 2 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Secondary Leader: Jo Evelyn Elston Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. To assist in the recruitment and selection of a qualified and racially diverse pool of counselor applicants for each school. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Pupil Services. Director of Human Resources Minority Recruiter, Building Principals 1. The number of minority counselors in the District will increase as evidenced by a racially balanced staff at each building 1-1 Aggressive recruitment of minority counselor applicants for employment pool. A. No Counselor vacancies in 95-96. 1.2 Conduct interviews to screen counselor applicants prior to referral to building principals. A. Process institutionalized In the recruitment and screening of counselor applicants. 1.3 Conduct annual minority recruitment seminar for identifying qualified minority/non minority counselor applicants. A. No vacancies anticipated so recruitment seminar postponed. All Districts in staff reduction mode. 213, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 12/15/95 Tri-District Guidance Directors Minority Recruiter, Building administrators Director of Pupil Services. Minority Recruiter. Building Principals Tri-District Guidance Directors. Director. Pupil Services. Associate Supt. Desegregation. Minority Recruiter 1.1 Comparison of ratio of nonminority to minority counselors in each building. 1.2 Comparison of number of minority counselors to nonminority counselors prior to 1993-94 school year. 1.3 Participation rosters, seminar agenda, record of counselor recruits identified from attendance roster.Program Seq #: 213 Page: 3 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Guidance Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Jo Evelyn Elston Program Goal: To maintain a well-qualified and racially diverse guidance staff in the Little Rock School District. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. Develop, implement and maintain an effective staff development inservice program for District Counselors. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Deputy Supt., Director Pupil Services. District Guidance Counselors, Building Principals 2. District Counselors will receive inservice training annually to enhance professional knowledge and understanding to meet the guidance needs of all LRSD students 2.1 Organize and maintain staff development planning committee to identify counselor training needs and assist in developing inservice calendar. A. Elementary and secondary staff development planning committees formed. Two meetings were held on 09/15/95 and 10/10/95. B. Staff development calendars developed and being implemented. 2.2 Conduct monthly inservice workshops. A. Monthly inservice workshops held for secondary 08/24/95 and 9/25/95
for elementary 09/08/95 and 10/03/95. B. Monthly inservice workshops held: Nov 9. Nov 11. Dec 6, 1995 and Jan 9 & 10, 1996 213, 3 07/01/95 09/15/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/24/95 11/09/95 06/30/96 11/29/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 12/06/95 Deputy Supt., Pupil Services Director. Staff Development Training Committee Deputy Supt.. Pupil Services Director. Staff Development Training Committee 2.1 Roster of planning committee members and copy of annual insen/ice schedules 2.2 Monthly training calendars. Meeting agendas, participant post workshop evaluations.Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number SB 213 Guidance Services Primary Leader: a Page: 4 Revision Date: February 20. 1996 Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Jo Evelyn Elston To maintain a well-qualified and racially diverse guidance staff in the Little Rock School District. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.3 Assess effectiveness of slaff development training. A 95% of counselors rated workshops good to excellent. 07/01/95 08/24/95 06/30/96 50% Director-Pupil Services, Staff Development Training Committee IRSC 2.3 Written post workshop evaluations. 3. Annually review written school-based guidance program plans to ensure that they address the personal/social. academic and career development needs of students. 6. 85% of counselors rated inservice training good to excellent. 3.1 Develop and implement school visitation schedule to review building guidance plans and to provide technical assistance and support as needed. A. School site visitation schedule developed. 3.2 Provide assistance to counseling staff in refining all guidance program components 3.3 Develop/refine program monitoring and evaluation instruments. A. Program monitoring and evaluation instruments prepared for distribution. 213, 4 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/25/95 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 09/29/95 Assistant Superintendent. Director-Pupil Services, Building Principals, schoolbased guidance staff Deputy Supt.. Director-Pupil Services, Building Principals Deputy Supt., Director-Pupil Services. Building Principals Deputy Supt., Director-Pupil Services. Building Principals 3. A districtwide comprehensive guidance and counseling program that meets the social, personal, academic and career development needs of all students wilt be implemented in grades K through 12. 3.1 Copy of approved school visitation schedule, copy of school-based guidance plans. 3.2 Copy of school visitation follow-up reports. 3.3 Completed program evaluation instruments.Page: 5 Program Seq #: 213 Revision Date
February 20, 1996 Program Name: Guidance Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Brady Gadberry Secondary Leader: Jo Evelyn Elston Program Goat: To maintain a well-qualified and racially diverse guidance staff in the Little Rock School District. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3.4 Develop and distribute program monitoring and evaluation timelines to program deliverers. 3.5 Conduct and analyze program evaluation data 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 4. Inform students of all opportunities available to them and encourage them to take advantage of these opportunities. 07/01/95 06/30/96 4.1 Publish a document annually which lists financial aid, vocational and higher education opportunities for ail students. A. First issue of Guidance clipsheets distributed to parents and students. B. Second quarter Guidance clipsheets distributed to students and parents 4.2 Encourage students to take advantage of opportunities open to them. 213, 5 07/01/95 06/30/96 10/06/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 50% 50% 06/30/96 Deputy Supt,Director- Pupil Services. Building Principals Deputy Supt., Director-Pupil Services. Building Principals Counselors. Principals. (Pupil Services Teachers, parents, Teachers) Principals. Counselors, Vocational Director, Teachers, Parents Principals, Teachers. Parents. Students 3 4 Copy of monitoring and evaluation timelines 3.5 Written program evaluation reports 4. Guidance services. Annual Report, and Report Comparison Reports will show all students needing services will receive them 4.1 Publications of document Disseminate document to students and parents 4.2 Statistical increase in number of students, particularly minority students, receiving financial aid and proceeding into post secondary education.Program Seq *: 213 Program Name: Guidance Services Program Code: Primary Leader: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number SKS Page: 6 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Brady Gadberry To maintain a well-qualified and racially diverse guidance staff in the Little Rock School District. Secondary Leader
Jo Evelyn Elston Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5. Make parents partners in education of their children by making Information accessible to them and keeping them informed. A. Students systematically receive scholarship, financial aid infonmatidn, employment announcements, internship opportunities and program announcements that provide information relating to available opportunities through Guidance Department. 4.3 (Follow up to ensure that referral was appropriate intervention to enhance student success and expectations)
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.