Report: ''Little Rock School District 1995-96 Second Quarter Status Report, Program Planning and Budget Document for Desegregation Programs,'' Volume II, exhibit 1

VOLUME II LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1995-96 SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT February 23, 1996 I EXHIBIT 1VOLUME II LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1995-96 SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Eebruary 23, 1996 EXHIBIT 1 I School Support Cluster * * * * * * * * * * * * Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Staff Development Library/Media Computerized Transportation Data Processing Minority Teacher Recruitment Educational Equity Monitoring Commitment to Desegregation/Leadership Summer School (Interdistrict) Summer Learning Program - JTPA Facilities Guidance/Counseling Program Leadership Employment PracticesLRSD TY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 20 Page: 1 Revision Date: Fehniary 13. 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo, Jr. Secondary Leader
Nancy Acre Program Description: The Office of Desegregation is charged with monitoring the implementation of the Desegregation Plan which includes the appropriate assignment of students to schools. The capacities of the elementary area schools are determined in accordance with Arkansas accreditation standards which have the following limits: Grade: Maximum Number of Snidents Per Class (Average) Maximum Number of Students in Any Class Kindergarten 20 25 First-Third 23 25 Fourth-Sixth 25 28 The overall racial composition of the elementary area schools and the space available for recruitment at those schools depend upon the number of students who enroll in Incentive and Interdistrict Schools. The initial racial^o_mpo.sition of the Incentive Schools is expected to be predominately black. It is expected that at least 600 black LRSD students will attend Interdistrict Schools. District Goal Support: Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activiKes and operations Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan References: L 139 1 FY Program Budget: $500,451.75 1st Qtr Expend: $117,897.77 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 13.0 YTD Expenditures: $239,971.62 2nd Qtr Expend: $122,073.85 4th Qtr Expend
I Related Function Codes: ] 20, 1Program Seq #: 20 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 139 LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies Page: 2 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Secondary Leader
Nancy Acre (1.0 To implement magnet school assignments) (2.0 To implement interdistrict school assignments) Beginning Date 07/01/95 Completion Date 06/30/96 Responsibility Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Evaluation Criteria 1 0 Assignments are consistent with the Desegregation Plan as evidenced by an annual review of assignment data 1.1 Magnet Schools - The assignment process to (original) magnet schools wilt not change under this Plan. A. Assignments are being made per the plan. 1.2 Monitor Student Assignment and enrollment at Magnet Schools. A. Magnet school seats are monitored and filled on a daily basis. 6 Waiting lists are monitored daily to fill vacancies- 2.1 Interdistrict Schools * LRSD and PCSSD agree to establish interdistrict schools as described in the Interdistrict Desegregation Plan. A. Six interdistrict schools have been established as of oe/01/94 20, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation 2 0 Assignments are consistent with the Desegregation Plan as evidenced by an annual review of assignment data IPage: 3 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria (3.0 To implement elementary area school assignments). The total capacity of the elementary area schools is 9.678. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Assoc. Supt for Desegregation 3 0 Assignments are consistent with the Desegregation Plan as evidenced by an annual review of assignment data 3.1 Students will be assigned to the elementary area schools by attendance zones. A. Students are assigned to the elementary area schools by attendance zones. 3.2 The elementary area school attendance zones are drawn to establish a racial balance at each school of 55 percent black and 45 percent white with a variance of 5 percent. The recruitment of white students Io elementary area schools may increase the percentage of white students at these schools, but no school shall have a racial composition of greater that 60 percent white A. The racial balances are monitored daily. 3.3 Students presently assigned to elementary area schools will be given the option to remain in these schools (grandfathered) A. Grandfathered students are monitored. 3.4 After grandfathered students have been assigned, students in the attendance zone will be assigned to the elementary area schools. 20, 3 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 98% 06/30/96 98% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 Assoc. Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc. Supt. for Desegregation 3.1 Enrollment Data 3.3 Student requests to remain in area schools are granted. 3 4 Attendance zone students are assigned based on available seats.Page: 4 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name
Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number L 139 L 148 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Students have been assigned and notified. 3.5 If there is no space available at a student's zoned school or if assignment of the student to the school would put the school out of compliance with racial balance requirements, the student will be assigned to the closest school with capacity which meets racial balance requirements. A. Students are reassigned 3.6 The elementary school zones will provide a feeder pattern for elementary students going to junior high school students going to high school. A. Feeder patterns are established. This strategy completed in 1992 3.7 Students in elementary area school zones wilt be given the option to select an incentive school A. Options are available for selection to incentive schools. Completion date of 1992 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 98% 06/30/96 98% 06/30/96 06/30/96 Assoc. Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 3 5 Students are reassigned in accordance with Deseg Plan. 3.6 A feeder pattern is established for the organizational levels 3 7 Options were granted in accordance to assignment plan (4.0 To implement incentive school assignments). The capacity of the incentive schools is 2,558. 07/01/95 06/30/96 Assoc. Supt for Desegregation 4 0 Incentive School Assignments are made in accordance with the Desegregation Plan requirements 4.1 Each incentive school wilt have an attendance zone that encompasses the neighborhood around the school (primary attendance zone). A. Attendance zones established in 1992 20, 4 07/01/95 06/30/96 Assoc. Supt for Desegregation 4.1 School zone mapsPage: 5 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To impiement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number CO 194 CO 194 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4 2 Students presently assigned to incentive schools will be given the option to remain in these schools (grandfathered). A. Students are notified of options. 4.3 After grandfathered students have been identified and assigned, students in the primary attendance zone will be assigned to the incentive schools. A. Students are assigned and notified. 4.4 All incentive school students will have the option to be assigned to an elementary area school to be selected by LRSD in accordance with desegregation considerations. A. Transfers were allowed as available. 4.5 In order to assist in meeting the desegregation requirements, a certain number of seats for black and white students will be reserved for each pre-kindergarten and kindergarten class The seats reserved for white children shall not remain permanently vacant if unfilled. Sufficient time should be allowed for timely, vigorous, and sustained recruitment efforts before filling these seats. A. Seats were reserved until judge released them. 4 6 The incentive schools will have a maximum pupil/teacher ratio of 20 to 1. 20, 5 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 90% 06/30/96 98% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 09/01/95 06/30/96 Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc. Supt.for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 4 3 Enrollment data
school zone maps 4 4 Enrollment data 4 5 Reserved seats are available by race for pre* kindergarten and kindergarten students I I 1Page: 6 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Assignments are monitored closely. 07/01/95 50% 4,7 There may be more than 20 students per classroom, however, there will be an aide in each class and possible a second teacher in those classes. 07/01/95 06/30/96 A. Classrooms are monitored. 07/01/95 50% 4.8 Assign students with sensitivity to the relationship between placement stability and academic progress as well as the need to measure the impact of incentive programs or student achievement. 07/01/95 06/30/96 A. Assignments are monitored. 07/01/95 50% 4.9 Student assignment process must be the result of carefully coordinated decision-making. The incentive school staffs and the LRSD departments responsible for desegregation, student recruitment and assignment, and planning and evaluation must assess the short-and longterm academic and social impact of any anticipated student reassignments. 07/01/95 06/30/96 CO 194 A. Assessments are made and studied carefully. 4.10 The district must be able to demonstrate that the investment has paid the expected dividends for children, if not, changes must be made quickly before children are lost along with the settlement money. A. Studies are being carried out. 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 50% 06/30/96 50% 20. 67 Page: Program Seq *: 20 Revision Date
February 13. 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader
Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal
To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 140 (5.0 To implement Desegregation Transfers) 4 11 When making student assignments, keep in mind that there is a relationship between double funding and enrollment figures that represents the greatest return on investment. The district is bound to keep its pledge to double fund each incentive school for six years or as long as the school maintains an enrollment above 60% black District must also keep in mind that the incentive schools educate only a small portion of the class that prevailed in the desegregation lawsuit. Ensure that a portion of the incentive school ffjnding fulfills the plan's commitment that "the children who are in racially-isolated settings are provided meaningful opportunities for desegregated experiences/activities." A. The incentive schools are being closely studied and monitored. 5.1 Junior and senior high school students may transfer to another school as long as the reassignment allows both the sending and receiving school to comply with the desegregation requirement and a seat is available. The minimum black percentage is 25 percent below the districtwide percentage of blacks in grades 7>12. The minimum and maximum black percentages constitute the desegregation requirement (for acceptable range) for a desegregation transfer. The desegregation requirements in secondary schools is that all schools will remain within a range of 12 1/2 percent above to 25 percent below the districtwide percentage of black students at each organizational level (i e.. high school and junior high school). A Assignments are made according to the plan. 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% Assoc Supt for Desegregation 5 1 Racial composition of student enrollments are within acceptable ranges. 20, 7Program Seq #: 20 Page: 6 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number L 140 L 140 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria (6 0 To implement Sibling Transfers) 5.2 Elementary students may transfer to an incentive school only if such a transfer enhances desegregation at the incentive school. Desegregation transfers will be granted to elementary area schools that are difficult to desegregate. A. Desegregation transfers meet acceptable guidelines 5.3 A student may make two desegregation transfers at each organizational level (primary, intermediate, junior or senior high school) The purpose of the second desegregation transfer is to allow a student to return to his or her previous school assignment. A. Transfers are monitored. 5 4 Desegregation transfers will be granted during a limited period once each year (Secondary Schools only). A Desegregation transfers were granted as determined to be appropriate. 5.5 LRSD will provide transportation for desegregation transfer students where it is cost effective to do so. A Transportation is provided for desegregation transfers using current routes. 20, 8 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 90% 06/30/96 95% Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 5 2 Transfers reflect an improvement in racial balance 5.3 Desegregation transfer reports reflect appropriate utilization by students 5 4 Desegregation transfer reports reflect appropriate use by students. 5 5 Maintain records of number of students transported using desegregation transfers I IPage: 9 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader
Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.1 Sibling transfers do not apply to magnet schools. (NOTE
Siblings are brothers/sisters. or half-brothers/sisters, residing at the same address with brothers/sisters, or half-brothers/sisters. who are enrolled in the LRSD ) A Magnet assignments follow approved guidelines. 6.2 A student entering the LRSD after the 1991* 92 school year will not be allowed to make a sibling preference transfer to a school outside the student's attendance zone A. Transfers are monitored. 6.3 Any student who makes a sibling preference transfer before the 1991*92 school year may remain at the school to which the student transferred until graduation to the next organizational level. A. Transfers are monitored. 6.4 Sibling preference transfers will be granted if a seat is available and the transfer will allow both the sending and receiving schools to comply with the desegregation requirements. A. Transfers are monitored. 20, 9 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% Assoc Supt- for Desegregation Assoc. Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 6.1 Publish/distribute procedures regarding sibling transfers. 6.2 Publish/distribute procedures regarding sibling transfers 6 3 Student transfers reflect acceptance/ rejection of transfer options. 6 4 Documentation of sibling transfers meet desegregation requirements I iProgram Seq #
20 Page: 10 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Revision Date
February 13, 1996 Program Code: 06 Primary Leader
Dr. C. Russell Mayo Program Goal
To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Plan Reference Page Number L 141 Objectives (7 To implement Transfer of Children of Employees Assignments) Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.5 Sibling transfer applicants must have a sibling currently enrolled in LRSD Sibling transfers will be granted only to siblings of grandfathered students A. All transfers are monitored. 7.1 LRSD employees may enroll their children at the schools where they work. A. Transfers are made as requested by employees. 7,2 This provision is not intended to authorize interdistrict transfers {transfers to NLRSD or PCSSD) other than those authorized by the court- approved desegregation plan. A Rule is observed. 7.3 The transfer of the children of employees is subject to desegregation requirements and the capacity of the particular school. A. Transfers are monitored. 7 4 LRSD is not obligated to provide transportation. A. Rule is applied 20, 10 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 90% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Human Resources Director Assoc. Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 6.5 Sibling transfer requirements are in accordance with established requirements. 7 1 Employees' children are enrolled in schools requested in accordance with established requirements. 7 2 All interdislrict transfers are court approved 7 3 Student transfers are consistent with capacities and desegregation requirements 7.4 Transportation is provided by patrons of employeesProgram Seq #: 20 Page: 11 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Plan Plan Reference Page Number L 141-142 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria (8 To implement the Reassignment Process) 7.5 This provision does not apply to magnet schools. A Rule is observed. 7 6 The order of preference for assigning the children of employees is listed below
7.6.1 First preference
attendance zone students with siblings 7,6.2 Second preference
attendance zone students without siblings 7.6.3 Third preference
children of employees 7 6 4 Fourth preference
desegregation transfers 7.6.5 Fifth preference- M-to-M transfers 7.6.6 Sixth preference
Act 609, Act 624. and legal transfers. A. Above guidelines are followed. 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 20, Il Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Asso. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 7.6 Documentation of assignments 8 0 The assignment process is consistent with the desegregation requirementsProgram Seq
20 Page: 12 Program Name: Program Code: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Revision Date
February 13. 1996 Program Goal: Dr. C. Russell Mayo To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 8.1 Every effort will be made to install portable buildings in order to accommodate overflow situations at a particular grade level. Only if a building cannot be installed, the student will be reassigrred to the nearest school that has a seat available in the student's feeder zone. If the student cannot be assigned to any of the schools in the students feeder zone, the student will be reassigned to a school in a contiguous feeder zone. The Student Assignment Office will be responsible for all reassignments. Reassigned students will be placed on the waiting list for the appropriate attendance zone school. A. Waiting lists are established 8.2 The minimum black percentage for each elementary area school is 40 percent black. Any assignment that causes a school to fall below the minimum black percentage will not be granted. In such cases, the student will be reassigned to the nearest school that meets the minimum black percentage requirement and has a seat available If the student cannot be assigned to any of the schools in the student's feeder zone, the student will be assigned to a school in a contiguous feeder zone. A. Alternate assignments comply with desegregation guidelines. 20, 12 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 95% 06/30/96 95% Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 8 1 Portables are installed in accordance with Deseg Plan 8 2 Rosters reflect student assignment percentages are within acceptable racial balance IPage: 13 Program Seq #
20 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Sludent Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Or. C Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number L 142 Objectives (9 To establish effective and efficient student assignment procedures) Strategies Beginning Date 07/01/95 Completion Date 06/30/96 Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Assoc Supt for Desegregation 9 0 Assignment procedures are effective and consistent with the desegregation requirements. 9.1 The Student Assignment Office will: monitor new assignments
process all data entry work for elementary schools (data entry tasks decentralized 1992-93 school year)
process interdistrict M-to-M transfers and magnet assignments
reassign students because of over-crowdedness or desegregation requirements
consider appeals
conduct recruitment efforts (transferred to recruitment program)
process desegregation transfer: assign all early childhood and incentive school students: and process all special transfers (Act 609, Act 624. etc ). A. Assignments are monitored daily. B Appeals Committee reviews and acts on appeals submitted to them. 9.2 New students to the District who enroll after May 17. 1989 will not have to come to the Student Assignment Office to obtain an assignment. Each school will be authorized to enroll students who live within the attendance zone of that school. A. Schools may enroll students in attendance zone. 20, 13 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 50% 06/30/96 90% Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation 9.1 The student assignment process will be effective in assigning students and process special transfers to assist with racial balance. A Enrollment Data B Roster of committee members Agendas from meetings. 9.2 Each area school will have the ability to assign students within their attendance zone.Program Seq *: 20 Page: 14 Revision Date
Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment February 13, 1996 Program Code: 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To imptemenl a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria (10 To monitor all aspects of the Desegregation Plan) 9 3 The Student Assignment Handbook includes the timeline and procedures used by the schools and the Student Assignment Office to assign students. The Student Assignment Handbook will be revised each year, as necessary, to reflect any changes in the procedures for assigning students Changes will be made as needed to include new deadlines and to improve the implementation of the court-approved student assignment plan. The handbook will be developed by the Student Assignment Office and distributed to the schools and the parties each year. A. Handbook is updated as needed 10.1 Review Program Budget Documents to identify potential problems A. P6D is reviewed. 10.2 Conduct site visits as necessary A. Site visits are conducted. 20, 14 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Desegregation. Desegregation Facilitator Assoc Supt for Desegregation, Desegregation Facilitator 9 3 Revised Student Assignment Handbook is published and distributed 10 0 Identification of implementation and effectiveness problems as evidence by the Program Budget Document 10 1 Budget Documents are reviewed and problems are listed 10.2 Site visits are documentedPage: 15 Program Seq #: 20 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Program Code: 06 Primary Leader
Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Nancy Acre Program Goal: To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number CO 166 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 10.3 Develop and implement improvement plans as needed. A. Improvement plans are being studied. 10 4 Monitor implementation of improvement plans. A. Simple plans are being monitored. 10 18 Before the court will consider approving the construction project at J. A. Fair High School, the LRSD must account for the 1,270 square feet difference between the 3,450 square feet of the old space and the 2,180 of new space and specify the exact number of new classrooms that will result from the construction, A. So noted. 20, 15 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 50% Assoc Supt for Desegregation, Desegregation Facilitator Assoc Supt. for Desegregation. Desegregation Facilitator 10 3 Improvement Plans are developed and implemented. 10 4 Scheduled observations of Improvement Plans are documented I iLRSD FY 95-96 PRCXjRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 21 Page: 1 Program Name: Staff Development Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Program Description: Secondary Leader: District Goal Support: Program Goal: The Staff Development Depanment was established to promote the implementation of the desegregation plan through Lucy Lyons activities that will result in improved academic achievement. Inservice opp(rtunities designed to SiXi..'"''"" " academically, aocially and emo.ionally wid, emphas.a on basic skills and academic emichmen, while closing dispari,ies in Goal No. 2. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal No. 3. The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate behavior and human undersunding of multicultural diversity. Goal No. 5. Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal No. 6. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. relations skills that value people as human beings and that are consistent with an appreciation and The Staff Development Department will provide activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement. In suppon of the goal of providing ongoing staff development and information to parents relative to student success. LRSD will a regular basis and to keep all suff abreast of developments in their field of endeavor. pursue the following objectives by the following means: Update skills of all distnet staff on Plan References: L 126-128 I FY Program Budget: $448,983.75 1st Qtr Expend: $78,332.41 3rd Qtr Expend: YTD Expenditures: $167,428.93 2nd Qtr Expend: $89,096.52 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: 21, 1Program Seq 21 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 126 L 126 L126 LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DCKUMENT Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Page: 2 Revision Date: Lucy Lyons Responsibility February 13. 1996 Evaluation Criteria 1. To provide staff development inservice to improve race relations and equity 1.1 Continue to articulate vision/mission of LRSD to community 1.2 Schedule and implement workshops and activities related to improving race relations for the following groups: a. Board of Directors b. District Administrators c. Certified Staff d. District Support Staff 21, 2 (07/01/95) Fall 1988 (07/01/95) 1988-89 School Year (07/01/95) (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) (Superintendent. Staff Development. Central Office Staff) Superintendent (Central Office. Director of Communications) Deseg. Asst. Center (DAC) and Central Office Staff (Staff Development Department. Principals) 1.0 10 1.0 1.1 i.l i.l 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 (Increased minority staff representation in areas needed) (Increased representation of minority students in programs currently under-represented) (Administration of Human Relations Survey will reflect improvement in race relations and equity) Public participation Dissemination of material (Increase in number of students returning to public school) (School District's required Annual Report to Community will include mission/goals for LRSD) Roster of participants (Increased minority suff representation in areas needed) (Increased representation of minority students in programs currently under-represented) (Administration of Human Relations Survey will reflect improvement in race relations and equity)I Program Seq #: 21 Page: 3 Program Name: Staff Development Revision Date
February 13. 1996 Program Code: 09 Program Goal
Primary Leader: To provide si a FT developmenl Io improve race relalions and eqiiilv (To nrnviilp cuaff Ha.,.*1............ ...... 1 / Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyons Plan Reference Page Number L126 L126 L 126 L 126 -r- fc.aiiviu oiiu equity. provide staff developmenl aetivities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) 2. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility evaluation Criteria 1.3 1.3 1.4 Provide inservice on cooperative learning strategies in a heterogeneous classroom Plan and implement an evening symposium for the community on "Community Involvement in a Desegregated School Setting" (Item cttmpleted In April and August, 1988. and is not recurring) Monitor implementation of above strategies 2.1 Inservice teachers and admliustration on cooperative learning based on Slavin and Johnson and Johnson (or other appropriate cooperative learning models) A. B C. Cooperative Learning Mabelvale Elementary Cooperative Learning Forest Heights Jr. High District Cooperative Learning 21, 3 Fall 1988 Fall 1988 (07/01/95) (07/01/95) July 1991 (07/01/95) 10/17/95 11/02/95 12/21/95 Fall 1988 Ongoing (06/30/96) (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) 10/17/95 11/02/95 12/21/95 DAC Consultant Assoc Supt for educational Prog (.Superintendent. District Biraclal Ccmimittee) (Staff Development Department, Content Area Supervisors) Staff Dev Dept Content Area Supvs 1.3 1.3 1.4 14 1.4 2.0 2.0 Roster of participants (Symposium was held in April and August. 1988) Meetings held (Attendance at public meetings) (District-wide Biracial Monitoring Report will reflect improvement in minority representation in all areas needed) (Increased involvement in group activities in the classroom) (Improved classroom climate and srK'ial interactions among all students) 2.1 Training model 2.1 (Increased involvement in group activities in the classrmrm) 2.1 (Improved classroom climate and social interaction.s among all students)Page
4 Program Seq #: 21 Revision Date: Febniary 13. IQ96 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary leader: Lucy Lyons Program Goal: To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Plan Reference Page Number L126 L 126 L 126 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.2 Monitor teachers' use of cooperative learning strategies (07/01/95) (06/30/96) PriiKipal (Staff Development Department, Content Area Supervisors) 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Classroom observation and documentation (Random observation of classrooms where teachers have been (rained) (Random survey of ciMtperative learning participants regarding effects of implementation in (heir class riKims) (Principal will observe ciMiperative learning strategies during routine classriMtm visitations) 3.0 Provide inservice on additional strategies to improve instruction in desegregated school setting (To improve instruction through the use of effective teaching strategies in the school setting) (07/01/95) (06/30/96) (Staff Development. Ctmtent Area Supervisors) 3.0 (Increase in achievement of students of teachers in identified programs) 3.1 Provide inservice opporturtities on
a. Effective Schools Model PET b. Teaching/Learning Styles c. Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA) d. Classroom Management e. (and/or other appropriate inservice opportunities) A. Classroom Management J.A. Fair B. Learning Styles - Meadowcliff C. Classroom Management 21, 4 July 1991 (07/01/95) 08/15/95 11/01/95 10/03/95 Ongoing (06/30/96) 08/15/95 11/01/95 12/04/95 Staff Dev Dept (Content Area Supervisors) 3.1 3.1 Roster of participants Workshop evaluations (Number of participants from a cross-section of district staff involved in the identified programs)r Program Seq #: 21 Page: h-ogram Name: Staff Development Revision Dale: Program Code: February 13. 1996 09 Program Goal: Primary Leader: To provide .claff developmenl to improve race relation., and equit,. Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: L 127 L127 (To provide staff development I-ucy Lyons aclivilies Ihal will promole ihe implcmenuiiun of the desegregaiion plan resuliing in improved academic achievement.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies 3.2 Send selected staff Io profeMional develonmen, C^ccinnc in
.. . " sessions in order to increase the number of available trainers and in return for a commitment to assist with collegial staff development. A. Time Management B. C. D Beginning Dale 07/01/95 10/19/95 Complelion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 06/30/96 Stress Management 10/19/95 4.0 Provide inservice on "EfTective Implementation of (he LRSD Discipline Management System' National Staff Development - Chicago Gang Awareness - Baptist Medical Center E. Gang Awareness - Baptist Medical Center 3.3 Provide district-wide development program of staff 4.1 Continue Io involve counselors, principals, assistant principals, and teachers in disciplitw manaoAmAnt _____.... management in a desegregated school setting 21, 5 11/07/95 12/11/95 10/30/95 11/30/95 07/01/95 (07/01/95) July 1991 (07/01/95) 11/07/95 12/13/95 10/30/95 11/30/95 06/30/96 (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) (Director of Pupil Personnel) Director of Pupil Services (Pupil Services Depanment. Principals, Counselors) 4.0 ( in the number of students who receive disciplinary sanctions) 4.0 (Decrease in the dispmponionate number of minority students who receive disciplinary sanctions) 4.1 4.1 4.1 Roster of participants (Building Level Discipline Management Plans established for all schools) (Counseling classes will include orientation to the building level plan and district-wide Rights and Responsibilities HandhiMik)Program Seq #: 21 Page: 6 Revision Date: Program Name: Staff Development February 13. 1996 Program Code: W Primary Leader
Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Program Goal: Lucy Lyons Plan Reference Page Number L127 L 127 L 127 To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. (To provide siaff development aclivilies Ihal will promoie ihc implemenution of the desegregalion plan resulling in improved academic achievemeni.) Objectives Strategies Begiruiing Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Crilei*ia 4.2 Monitor use of discipline management system Fall 1988 (07/01/95) Ongoing (06/30/96) Principals Counselors School Teams 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 5.0 Provide PAL (Academic Support) teachers with strategies for planning and delivering more than one type of instructional grouping (To provide academic support teachers with strategies for planning and delivering more than one type of instructional grouping) Documentation ((Quarterly Behavior Management Reports) (Building level biracial committee reports wilt be used Io monitor artd/or adjust discipline plans) (District-wide Biracial Committee) (07/01/95) (06/30/96) (Assoc. Superintendent, Academic Support Supervisors. Content Area Supervisors. Staff Development) 5.0 5,0 5.0 (Increase in achievement for all students in Academic Support Programs) (Decrease in achievemeni gap in representative population) (Decrease in number of students requiring academic support services) 5.1 Continue to investigate and research sources of strategies, models and activities of successful small and large group iastructional practices within heterogenous classes Fall 1988 (07/01/95) Ongoing (06/30/96) Assoc Supt for Educational Prog (Staff Development Department. Content Area Supervisors. Academic Support Supervisors) 5.1 5.1 Identification of sources (Pnivide staff with information from current research monthly) 21, 6Page: 7 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Seq #: 21 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary l^eader: Lucy Lyons Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L127 L 127 Objectives 6.0 Provide inservice to assist principal and faculties with strategies for promoting student achievement and growth Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Resporuihilily Evaluation Criteria 5.2 Conduct workshop to address the following: a. grouping theory and strategies b. demonstration of strategies for varied instruction A. Principals* Institute B. Nuts and Bolls C. District-wide Staff Development 21, 7 Fall 1988 (07/01/95) (07/01/95) 07/17/95 07/21/95 Fall 1988 (06/30/96) (06/30/96) 07/18/95 08/04/95 33% Supervisor of Math and English (Content Area Supervisors. Staff Development Department) (Asst. Superintendent. Planning. Research and Evaluation, Staff Development. Content Area Supervisors) S.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.0 Written evaluation by participants (Increase in achievement for all students in Academic Support Programs) (Decrease in achievement gap in representative population) (Decrease in number of Students requiring academic support services) (Principal will observe through classroom observations and teacher conferences) (IiKrease in achievement for all students) (Decrease in achievement gap in representative population) IPage: 8 Program Seq it'. 21 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: (W Primary leader
Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyons Program Goal: To provide staff developmenl Io improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Plan Reference Page Number L 127 L127 L127 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale RespoiLsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.1 6.2 6.3 Continue Io provide inservice for principals on methods for developing their school improvement plan Continue to assist principals in revising school improvement plans through the analysis of disaggregated data Continue to provide special school-based program and content area inservice meetings scheduled on a regular basis with specific sessions on content methodology and interpersonal relations for program implementation in a desegregated setting 6.4 To provide special assistance for teachers as requested. 21, 8 Fall 1988 (07/01/95) July 1991 (07/01/95) 1991 School Year (07/01/95) 07/01/95 Ongoing (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) Ongoing (06/30/96) 06/30/96 Div of Schools Eval and Testing IRC Specialists (Asst. Superintendents) Assoc and Supts Stair Dev Dept Content Area Supervisors Principals 6.1 6,1 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 Comprehensive and accurate product (Number of workshops in Integrating the Curriculum. Literature-based Instruction. Auiheniic Assessment and/or other relevant methodologies) (Better .school improvement plans are submitted) Completed plans (Provide written feedback and opportunities for sharing 'What Works" in various building-level plans) (Plans reflect strategies that evolved from disaggregated data) Workshop agendas and evaluatioiu (A computer based compilation of individual cmployees/school-wide staff developmenl activities will be available) (Student achievement will increase
disparity gap in representative population will 9 Revision Date: February 13, IW6 Program Seq #: 21 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyons Program Goal: T. provide s.a,t deveiopmen. . improve r^e ~siog ,0 improved academic acKievemen, , (To provide staff development activities that Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 128 L128 L128 L128 7.0 Form tri-district committee for collaborative procedures July 1. 1991 (07/01/95) Ongoing (06/30/96) (Directors of Staff Development from LRSD. PCSSD, and NI.RSD) 7.0 7.0 Ongoing analysis (Tri-district workshops will be held) I 7.1 A. B. C. Establish tri-districl committee Tri-district-PCSSD Tri-district-NLR Tri-district-LR D. Tri-district-NLR E. Tri-district-PCSSD 7.2 Meet four limes per year, two times each semester. The committee function.s will be to identify and implement staff development strategies that will assist the districts in fuirdling expectations of ''maintaining quality" desegregated school districts. 7.3 Plan any activities appropriate for collaboration, e.g., community meetings, etc. July 1. 1991 09/13/95 09/19/95 10/24/95 11/21/95 12/19/95 (07/01/95) 07/01/95 (07/01/95) Ongoing 09/13/95 09/19/95 10/24/95 11/21/95 12/19/95 (06/30/96) 06/30/96 (06/30/96) A. Tri-districi Classroom Management Grant 09/22/95 09/22/95 21, 9 (Directors of Staff Development from LRSD. PCSSD. and NLRSD) (Directors of Staff Development from LRSD. PCSSD. and NLRSD) (Directors of Staff Development from LRSD. PCSSD. and NLRSD) 7.1 7 1 Ongoing analysis (Tri district committee was formed in August. 1991) 7.2 (Record of meetings and collaborative nature of areas addressed) 7,3 (DiKumcntation of number of activities among the three districts)Page: 10 Program Seq it*: 21 RevL<
ion Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: . Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyons Program Goal: To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Plan Reference Page Number L 128 L124 L124 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 8.0 Provide staff development component for effective staff development in desegregated school setting 8.1 Establish staff development component a. Staff Developmenl Dept Personnel b. Staff Development Office c. Staff Development Catalogue/Calendar A. Staff Development Professional Library Catalog issued B. Staff Development calendar issued monthly 8.2 Certified staff members (administrators and teachers) shall be trained to teach and counsel black and educationally-advantaged students. 8.3 The Little Rock School District will hire a five- member staff development team for this purpose. 21, 10 (07/01/95) July 1991 July 1991 July 1991 (07/01/95) 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 (06/30/96) Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 10/07/94 07/21/95 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 (Board of Directors. Superintendent Director of Staff Development) Board of Directors/Supt Human Resources Dir of Staff Dev 8.0 8.1 8.1a (Gather and analyze data from schmil district participants on the effectiveness of the staff development activities designed to address their specific needs) Implementation of Staff Developmenl Dept Employment of Director, four specialists and one secretary (Implementation of Staff Developmenl Department in July. 1991) 8.1b Office is operational 8.1b (Office was established in July. 1991 8.1c Distribution of catalogue/ calendar 8.1c (Staff Developmenl Catalogue/Calendar distributed annuallyPage: II Program Seq ft'. 21 Revision Dale: Program Name: Staff Development Febniary 13. 1996 Program Code: Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Secondary Leader: Program Goal: Lucy Lyons Plan Reference Page Number L124 LI 24 LI24 L124 L124 LI24 L124 LI24 To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development activities (hat will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 8.4 The Little Rock Schttol District Staff Development Department will be responsible for implementing the staff development services. 8.5 The staff development goals and programs currently used by the District, such as TLSA, PET and others, will be continued, but a far more creative and comprehensive saff development pnigram suiable for the needs of all employees and volunteers will he implemented. A. Classroom Management J.A. Fair 8.6 The districts will cooperate in designing a fresh and extended approach to staff development- Included itLthe planning will be community resource persons and all district personnel responsible for delivering training to staff, arxl to parent, volunteer, or student committees or groups. 8.7 Staff development will based upon certain basic principles of human behavior, learning process and change dynamics. 8.8 The diverse training needs of staff at all employment levels will be met. 8,9 The District will establish resource hanks which identify the training skills or specialized knowledge of employees and volunteers which can be shared through staff development activities. 8, IQ Computer daa bases will be used to record each employee's saff development history. 8.11 Carefully planned 'training of trainers* events will he actively used to expand in-house training expertise. 21, 11 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/15/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 08/15/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96Program Seq #: 21 Program Name: Staff Development Program Code: 09 Primary Leader: Sterling Ingram Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number LI25 L125 L125 I Page: 12 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyons To provide staff developmenl to improve race relations and equity. (To provide slaff developmenl acliviiies dial will promnie the implemenlation of die desegregalinn plan resulling in improved academic achievemenl.) Objectives Strategies Begiiuiing Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. District-wide Trainer of Trainers session 8.12 Interdistrict training activities will be frequently offered for groups of employees and volunteers. 8.13 The District will deal decisively with the issue of racism and will involve all staff, students, and parents in a comprehensive prejudice reduction program, 8.14 Certain areas of training and staff development will be specially emphasized: utilization of volunteer resources, preparation of substitute teachers and aids, and training for parents. A. Stress Management - Food Service Employees 21, 12 10/31/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 12/07/95 33% 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 12/07/95Program Seq 22 Program Name: Library/Media Program Code: 32 Primary Leader: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page: 1 Revision Dale: February 13. 1996 Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon Program Description: District Goal Support: Each child in the Little Rock School District should be given access to his/her full measure of the instructional resources. Library/media services will be designed to provide for extension and enrichment of basic skills and will also accommodate the varied learning styles of swdents in different instructional groups. Because students will have opportunities to work and learn in the library/media center under the direction of a trained teacher-librarian, they will be able to approach learning in a variety of ways, thus accommodating their individual styles and also providing for the additional time on tosk or enrichment that many students need in order to internalize the material initially presented. .The District's plan is to offer a library/media program to serve learners with diverse needs, background and abilities through a comprehensive program designed tn better support District goals and student needs with regard to learning styles, relevance of instruction, support of multicultural school curriculum, and the application of learning to real-life situations. Library/media services will be designed to provide for extension and enrichment of basic skills and will also accommodate the varied learning styles of students In different instructional groups. Students will have opportunities to work and learn in the library/media center under the direction of a trained teacher-librarian. The Little Rock School District's library/media program will fulfill its potential as an essential contributor to the District's successful desegregation plan. Upon implementation of the elementary program a review of the secondary program will commence with special attention being given to meeting the interests and needs of the District's diverse population. Goal #1 Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained artd motivated. Goal #3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Goal #6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: The district will provide each student with library/mcdia services in accordance with the essential role outlined in the district's Desegregation Plan. I Plan References: L 106. L 107. L 109. L 110 1 FY Program Budget: $409,808.64 1st Qtr Expend: $32,881.28 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 16 YTD Expenditures: $144,786.04 2nd Qtr Expend: $111,904.76 4ih Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: 3 22, 1Program Seq 22 Program Name: Libra ry/Media Program Code: 32 Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L109 L106 Ll()9 L109 LI09 LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: The district will provide each student with library/media services in accordance with the essential role outlined in the districts Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Page
2 Revision Date
February 13. 1996 Lucy Lyon Re.sponsihili(y Evaluation Criteria 1. Implement (he district's proposed new elementary library/media program. 1. (To provide equitable access to library resources including multicultural and audiovisual resources for all students.) 1.4 Order equipment and materials necessary including AV software. (Determine/purchase core materials needed for each elementary school.) 1.7 Conduct inservice and curriculum development for classes for librarians, principals, and teachers. Library media specialists will provide inservice training to building-level staff in the use of materials and equipment. 1.8 Process new material including cataloging. 1.10 Schedule films\videos as possible. (Schedule videos correlated to LRSD curriculum as requested by teachers. Use of I6mm film is outdated.) 22, 2 (07/01/95) (07/01/95) 07/01/95 07/01/95 (07/01/95) (06/30/96) (06/30/96) 06/30/96 06/30/96 (06/30/96) (Ctmrdinaior of Library Services. Principals. Librarians) Supv of Irut Tech, Coor of Lib Services. (Librarians) Consultant, Supv of Inst Tech, Coor and Advisory Committee Librarians, Media Staff Supv of Inst Tech (Coor Lib Serv) 1. Comparison of survey results 1988-1993 will show increased use. 1. Comparison of data collected monthly will show
Student visits will increase. Volume of books checked out will increase. Independent research by students will be documented to show use. Number of classes/groups scheduled by teachers will be documented to show use. 1.4 Purchase orders (Materials supporting the curriculum will be used in each elementary school.) 1.7 (Agendas and memos) (Agendas arul memos on file in Dept, of Instructional Technology.) i.8 Completion memo 1.10 Schedule (Videos correlated to curriculum will be used in each school.)Program Seq #: 22 Page: 3 Program Name: Libra ry/Mcdia Revision Date: Febniary 13. 1996 Program Code: 32 Primary Leader: Program Goat: . Dr. Henry Williams LI 10 LI 10 LI 10 LIO9 The district will provide each student with library/media Secondary Leader: services in accordance with (he essential role outlined in the districi's Desegregation Plan Lucy Lyon Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibilily Rvaluation Criteria A. Videos are scheduled daily and were current on 12/31/95 1.11 Hire full-time librarians and full-time clerks for each elementary school as needed. A. Full-time librarians and clerks staffed based on Little Rock School District formula. 1.12 Develop a maintenance proposal which assures prompt and efficienl repair of all AV equipment independent of (he time of year. (Maintain procedures for prompt and efficient repair of AV equipment.) A. First quaner repair record: 132 AV machines and IS computers B. Second quarter repair record: 110 AV machines. 14 computers. 15 IRC repairs 1.13 Notify teachers via librarians of the fall schedule (films/videos). (Instructional videos correlated to LRSD curriculum are scheduled. Use of 16mm film is outdated.) 1.14 Supply films/videos per schedule. A. Videos supplied on weekly basis 22, 3 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 10/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 09/01/95 50% 06/30/96 09/30/95 06/30/96 09/30/95 12/31/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% Dir of Human Serv, Supv of Inst Tech, Coor Lib Serv, Principals Supv of Inst Tech (Coor Lib Serv) Supv of last Tech (Coor Lib Serv) Supv of Inst Tech (CK)r Lib Serv) 1.11 Contracts (Sufficient staff will be in place to meet state and North Central Standards for librarians. Library clerks will he staffed according to LRSD formula, based on enrollment.) 1.12 Copy of proposal Ninety percent of equipment .sent in will be repaired within a week. 1.13 File copy (Videos correlated tn the curriculum will be used in each school.) 1.14 Weekly delivery (Videos correlated to curriculum will show 1Page: 4 Program Seq #: 22 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Library/Media Program Code: 32 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon Program Goal
The district will provide each student with library/media services in accordance with the essential role outlined in the district's Desegregation Plan Plan Reference Page Number LI 10 L106 L107 LI 07 L107 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. (To extend and enrich the basic skills in ways that meet students varied teaming styles and promote life long learning.) 1.15 Develop a seven to ten year AV equipment purchase plan based on accepted life spans for equipment and equity considerations. The goal is to devise a plan which will provide the district with consistent line item cost each year to simplify budgetary planning and prevent the necessity for large one-time expenditures as is now required 1.17 Conduct inservice for librarians and library clerks. A. Inservice conducted for librarians and library clerks 2.5 Library media specialists will plan with classroom teachers for materials needed for classrtwm units. A. LMS/Teachers planned for materials during period of August-November as follows: elementary = 13,885
secondary = 5,584 2.6 Library media specialists will plan with classroom building staff for at least one school -wide reading motivation activity each year. A. Reading motivation activities held from August- November: elementary = 137
secondary = 27 2-7. Library media specialists will plan with classroom teachers for library instruction to be correlated to classroom instruction, 22, 4 Sept. 5, I9R9 (07/01/95) 07/01/95 08/10/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 Nov. I, 1989 (06/30/96) 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 11/30/95 06/30/96 11/30/95 06/30/96 Supv or Inst Tech Coor of Lib Serv Librarians Principals, Librarians Principals. Librarians Principals, Librarians Principals. Librarians 1.15 Copy of plan (Copy of plan on file in Department of Instructional Technology.) Agenda.s (Quarterly data will reflect an increase in library use.) 2. (As a result of increased planning and instruction by LM Specialist, test scores will increase on nomi and criterion-referenced tests.) 2.1 (Improved planning with teachers will increase student tests scores.) 2.2 (More books will be checked out in each sch<x)l.) 2.3 (Improved planning with teachers will result in higher achievement for students.)Program Seq #: 22 Page: 5 Program Name: Libra ry/Media Revision Dale: February 13. 1996 Program Code: 32 Program Goal: Primary Leader: LI07 133 . 133 The district will provide each student with library/media Dr. Henry Williams services in accordance with the essential role outlined in Secondary Leader: the district's Desegregation Plan Lucy Lyon Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. The selection of materials/resources to support (he curriculum in desegrega(ed school districts is miilli-dislricl goal of Iht library media a programs. 2. The inservice training library media staff members to desegregated school districts is a multi- district goal of the library media programs. A. LMS/Teachers planned for instruction during period August-November as follows: elementaiy 5100
secondary 1333 Library media specialists will instruct students in Literary skills and reference/studv skills. A. LMS instruction for period August-November
elementary 114.306
secondary = 62.035 I.l Continue hosting Multi-District. Multicultural Resource Sharing Fair. In the future, (he fair site will ro(a(e among the three dLslricIs. A. Tri-district meeting held to discuss fair B. Tri-Disirici Multicultural Fair held on October 26,1995 at Clinton Elementary, sponsored by Pulaski County Special School District L2 Begin hosting Multi-District Resource Sharing Fair with book and AV materials, vendors. site among the three districts. rotating the 2.1 Plan to host multi-district inservice meetings such as (he one sponsored by (he Pulaski Coun(y Educational Service Cooperative in April of 1988 explain the new national guidelines for school library media program planning. Io A. Planning meeting held for tri-district inservice 2.2 Plan to host inservice (raining for multi-district library media specialists using district employees. 22, 5 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 Annually 07/13/95 10/26/95 07/01/95 Ongoing 07/13/95 07/01/95 11/30/95 06/30/96 11/30/95 Ongoing 07/13/95 10/26/95 06/30/96 Ongoing 07/13/95 Ongoing Principals. Librarians Library Media Director or responsible person (including NRLSD) Library Media Directors or responsible person (including NLRSD) 2.4 (Abacus assessment will show mastery of refcrcnce/smdy skills.) Resources will be selected, purcha.scd. and utilized by teachers and students as they teach the curriculum of the desegregated school districts. Inservice training will develop skills for library medial specialists who work in desegregated school districtsPage: 6 Program Seq #: 22 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Library/Media Program Code: 32 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon Ih-ngram Goal: The district will provide each student with library/media services in accordance with the essential role outlined in the district s Desegregation Plan 134 134 134 Plan Reference Page Number L108 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. Utilization of television technology in desegregated school districts is a multi-district goal of the library media programs. 4. Recruitment of minority Library Media Specialists in desegregated school districts Is a multi- district goal of library media programs. 5. Multi-district communication for library media program administrators is a goal for the programs. 7, Library media specialist will annually evaluate the collection for adequacy of multicultural materials and will continually evaluate new materials to be considered for purchase. 3.1 Implement utilization of cable channel 19 and/or videotapes produced at Metro to teach basis skills, etc. 4.1 Contact teachers training institutions/recruit teachers for training programs in library media certification. A. Contacts made to UCA concerning minority fellowship 5.1 Copy memos relating staff development opportunities to other district administrators. 5.2 Meet informally for sharing sessions. A. Tri-districi sharing meeting held 22, 6 07/01/95 Ongoing 12/12/95 Oitgoing 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/13/95 To be established Ongoing 12/12/95 Ongoing 06/30/96 06/30/96 07/13/95 Library Media Directors or responsible person Library Media Directors or responsible perstin (including NLRSD Library Media Directors or responsible person (ifKluding NLRSD) Students will gain practical vocational experience in running a television studio
students will henerit from instniciional units provided over cable system or recorded for later classroom use Hiring and placement of minority media specialists will occur Better communication will be achievedProgram Seq #: Program Name: 22 Page: 7 Program Code: Program Goal: Man Reference Page Number LI 08 L108 Libra ry/Media Revision Date: 32 February 13. 1996 The dtstncl will provide each snidenl wiih library/media Primary Leader: Dr, Henry Williams services in accordance with the essential role Secondary Leader: outlined in the district s Desegregation Plan Lucy Lyon Objectives Strategies Beginning Date g- Recommendations for multicultural will be shared with all recommended for materiab irifKipab and librarians and -gore purchase for all sctw ^TTra I WZ-M school year .III be used to establish baseline data for determining progress. IO. fJndertalte a comnarallye study of lihr.~ resources among the incentive scho^ -wcniive scnoois as well as other schoob of comparable size to bring_atw..H Darilv nt hnMInn... !. . . . - parity of holdings through policy. an equitable rchasing H.. Modify building space to Increnst lihri... canarifiM a ii xw . . ' capacities al Mitchell and Garland shelves of ouldaled and moleri.lsrA, Purge the J----------- ------------------- Iimicrms. At Mttcheu. books most frequently used by the four- year old program, kinderearten. and first grades' could he permanently placed In the lndl.ld,..i------ nlncrcAnn.. .a classrooms since those graden arc aU housed In structures that are detached from the ------------ building. Completion Date Responsibility 8 1 Send list of recommendations for multicultural materials to principals and librarians A. List of multicultural schools materials sent oi elementary 22, 7 Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 11/09/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 11/09/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 1LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 23 Page: I Revision Date: January 22. 1996 Program Name: Computerized Transportation Routing System Program Code
24 Primary Leader: Fred Smith Secondary Leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Program Description: Transportation system provides the means for students to have access to various school options and educational programs, as well as extracurricular activities. The Disirki will continue to use its automated routing system to make efficient use of district resources in providing transportation to those students eligible for transportation. Snidenis shall be provided transportation in order to attend their assigned schools and its programs and activities. District Goal Support: Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: To provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation for the students of the Little Rock School District. Plan References: L227 ] FY Program Budget: $6,800.00 1st Qtr Expend: $0.00 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 0 \'TD Expenditures: $0.00 2nd Qtr Expend: 4th Qtr Expend: [ Related Function Codes: 23, 1Program Seq #: 23 Program Name: Computerized Transportation Routing System Program Code: 24 Program Goai: Plan Reference Page Number L227 L227 LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Fred Smith To provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation for the students of the Little Rock School District. Objectives Strategies Page: 2 Revision Date: January 22. 1996 Secondary Leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 10 The Transportation Department will request additional resources to help provide transportation support for evening and extended day programs. 1.1 In 1990-91 the District reduced its number of runs from three to two. 1.2 LRSD has made progress in the utilization of the ECOTRAN MAPNET System.,.1988-89 school opening. 1.3 There is extensive work to be done In updating the geographic files, table with the LRSD database. 1 4 School attendance areas and updated walk zones r>eed to be encoded into map files. 1.0 Determine resource requirements necessary to support programs and procure them Provide transportation support as required. A. Resource requirements identified in 1994-95 and ordered. Buses (26) received in September 1995 for immediate use. B. Contract with Laidlaw Transit identified need for 39 additionai buses for 1995-96 school year. Buses (39) provided by Laidlaw to start the school year. 1.1 Procure resources necessary to support two run system and implement two run system. A. The number of routes are limited by the number of buses available to insure a two run system. 1.2 Student and geographic data loaded in system, and personnel trained and proficient in computerizing routing. A. Item completed 6/90 and is not recurring. 1.3 A cooperative effort between Transportation Department. LR City Engineers, Student Assignment, and ECOTRANS staff will help to ensure that software reflects accurate geographic information. A. All new streets are added to the map. As new streets are added the map is updated. 1.4 School attendance areas not initiated Walk zones encoded into map for maximum bus utilization. A. Walk zones are reviewed and updated. 23, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 09/18/95 08/21/95 06/30/96 08/21/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 93% 06/30/96 85% Director of Transportation Director of Transportation Director of Transportation . Director of Transportation. Director of Information Services Director of Transportation 1.0 Adequate service provided in support of programs Determined by dividing number requested by number provided 1.1 All buses assigned only two routes. 12 Students effectively and efficiently routed to facilitate a smooth school opening 1968-89 1 3 Significant reduction in street address errors introduced by poor/inadequate data entry 14 No student required to exceed four block/six block walkPage: 3 Program Seq 0: 23 Revision Date: January 22. 1996 Program Name: Computerized Transportation Routing System Program Code
24 Primary Leader: Fred Smith Secondary Leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Program Goal: To provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation for the students of the Little Rock School District. Plan Reference Page Number L227 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.5 (Transportation Safety Policies need to be reviewed and updated properly. Changes will be incorporated from Applicable Board Policies and Administrative Directives). 1.5 A comprehensive review of all LRSD policies germane to transportation must be performed and recommendations/changes reduced to writing and incorporated into applicable documents. A. A review of all school board policies, department practices and procedures is conducted. Changes in any policies will be recommended to to the school board. 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 10% Director of Transportation 1.5 Published policies on student behavior/safety on LRSD buses Published policies for drivers/driver aides to assist in communicating the district's position on transportation safety procedures Frequent meetings to address safety issues and concerns. Attendance verified through sign-in sheets. Review of supervisor's monitoring report. 1.6 (Assignment promotion population region tables need to be created to ensure proper student assignment). 1.7 All school attendance areas will be encoded into the geographic tables. Corresponding walk zones will be generated for schools, alt transportation policies will be reviewed and updated. 1.6 Information downloaded from mainframe on media format compatible with HP Vectra. A. Initial download from Data Processing completed. 1.7 Walk zones established in accordance with district policy and software criteria selection. 23, 3 07/01/95 06/30/96 07/01/95 07/01/95 08/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Transportation 16 Routes generated based upon current assignment information 1.7 Two mile list published and distributed to school staff Add transportation policies and procedures.Program Seq #: 23 Page: 4 Revision Date: Program Name: January 22, 1996 Program Code: Computerized Transportation Routing System 24 Program Goal: To provide safe, efficienl. and reliable transportation for the Primary Leader: Fred Smrth students of the Little Rock School District, Secondary Leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies 16 An entire new stop network will be generated to Improve efficiency and most economically utilize District resources. Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1-8 Transportation staff will update and revise all routes based upon census data provided by Information Services. A. Additional census information is included when it is available to the Transportation Department. 23, 4 07/01/95 08/21/95 06/30/96 50% Director of Transportation 1.8 Written request for student data forwarded Census incremental initiated by routing supervisor Research system error listing to within 5%. Completion of first day routes prior to registrationLRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Progrim Seq 24 PRe: 1 Revision Date: February 20.1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Reason Program Description: To provide the resources (Hardware, Software. Training. Programming. Computer Operations, and Hardware and Software Support) necessary to collect, store and report information on LRSD students. Information Services will provide the computer resources necessary to collect, store, and report student information in a timely and accurate manner. School and central office-based staff, parents, and students will benefit from accurate up-to-date information on students. District Goal Support: To implement integrated educational programs to ensure that all students will grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Program Goal
To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan References: L129.LI30 FY Program Budget: $717,087.08 1st Qtr Expend: $601,721.29 3rd Qtr Expend: FTES YTD Expenditures: $645,731.62 2nd Qtr Expend: $44,010.36 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: ] 24, 1Program Seq #: 24 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 129/130 L 129 L 129 LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DCXZUMENT Primary Leader
Dr. Henry Williams Secondary leader: 2 Revision Date: David Beason Febniary 20.1996 required by outside interests To proyide'to^^'^'^'S "" required to support school and central office based functions To provide all Objectives I. Data Processing (Information Services Department) will provide the necessary support for all school and central oflicc-based functions. l.I necessary information Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 06a0/96 Director of Information Services l A (Administration has received all required reports for the school year) Prggams will be developed and implemented relative to the following areas: I C {(Quality reports are being delivered on lime). 07/01/95 06a0/96 (Collect, Store, and Report) Dropout Statistics (Io include the ability to generate data by race, gender, grade on a school by school as well as District-wide basis). Provided Assistant Superintendent with report showing students dropped from schools without knowledge. Resolved two(2) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Dropout Statistics not listed below. Provided PRE with report on Retained Student Counts by Race. Gender, Grade. School, and 24,2 07/01/95 06a0/96 Director of Information Services 07/31/95 10/01/95 10/03/95 10/26/95 12/31/95 10rt)5/95 l.D (Complaints arc rw longer being received about information not being available). l.I (Reports are available which accurately report dropout statistics).Pige: 2 Program Seq #: 24 Revision Date: February 20,1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason Program Coal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central ofTice based functions To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide tinKly response to ail requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Teacher. Produced report showing assigned students who have drop from LRSD. 12/04/95 12A>4/95 Provided PRE with second report on Retained Student Count Summary. 12/06/95 12A)7/95 Provided McClellan with report showing students that go to Metro but are not enrolled. 12/12/95 12/12/95 Provided Metro with report showing students at Hall but not in school. 12/12/95 12/12/95 Produced report showing withdrawal date as membership day on Attendance report. 12/18/95 12/18/95 1.2 (Score, Collect, Store, and Report) Test Scores (Io include capacity to score tests and to generate data by race, gender, grade, school, subject area, and districl'Wide). Produced Generic Test Score Report for PHJH. Resolved six (6) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Test Scores not included in list below. Produced Stanford 8 graphs by district, grade and school. Produce Stanford 8 Report for Dunbar Magnet. Rolled Metro grades over to all High Schools. 24, 3 07/01/95 09/15/95 1051/95 10/04/95 105055 105355 0650/96 10/06/95 1251/95 10/06/95 10/2055 105355 Director of Information Services 1.2 (All test results are stored in the computer and arc reflected in pertinent reports).Program Seq 0: 24 PB<: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Dale: February 20.1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. Secondary Leader: David Reason J - -------------' aiiusiorc ail pertinent Studer required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests fm information. Toprovtde.11 csao-repcre,requiredmsupporesclumibaqfuncliom Topmn allifm,a,iii Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Complelion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L129 Setup 'O' for AP courses to equal zero O' as requested by Associate Superintendent. 10/30/95 10/30/95 1.3 (Collect, Store, and Report) Student Achievement IBed achievement data by race, gender, grade, subject, Resolved seven (7) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Student Achievement Data not included in list below. Upload first quarter grades for seven (7) schools Provided copy of SUMMAS reports for all secondary schools to Labor Relations. Printed report cards for all secondary schools. Provided Pupil Services with report showing Historical ................ Qiiwmiiik Count of Black Students in Honor Courses. Produced report showing Citizenship honor roll for Mann Magnet. Provided copy of SUMMAS reports for all secondary schools to Labor Relations. Provide Staff Development with copy of JTPA report. Provided State Department of Education and PRE ... ___ --------
H4 rr\c Witt) copy of NAEP Student Information Report by school. Provided Associate Superintendent with report 24,4 07/01/95 06/30/96 Direclor of Information Services 1.3 (All available student achievement 10/01/95 10A)1/95 10/16/95 10/26/95 10/30/95 11/01/95 11/07/95 11/13/95 12A31/95 12/21/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 10/17/95 10AJ0/95 11/01/95 11/06/95 11/085 11/20/95 12/01/95 12/21/95 data is stored and reported requested). asPge: 2 Program Seq 0: 24 Revision Date: Febniary 20.1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Ixader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide ail necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria showing Cumulative GPA for Students. L 130 14 (Collect, Store, and Report) Attendance (shall be als and re-enrollment, for students by grade, school, 07/01/95 06/30/96 Director of Information Services 1.4 (Attendance data is accurately stored and reported to the state with minimum manual compilation. Provided training at Metro for AS400 Attendance and Window Applications. 09/14/95 10/25/95 Provide training for Attendance Truancy Reporting. Provided training for new attendance personnel. Resolved twenty (20) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Attendance Data not included in list below. Provided twenty-three (23) sets of ntatling labels for various schools as requested. Provided twelve (12) sets of PRC labels and/or special request for labels for various schools as requested. Reprinted attendance scan sheets for two schools. Uploaded attendance data for eight (8) schools. Produced attendance scan sheets on a weekly basis for all secondary schools. Provided McClellan with report showing Special Education Students. Provided Communications with report showing 24, 5 09/14/95 09/29/95 1CW01/95 10A)1/95 10rt)1/95 10/01/95 10/01/95 10l1/95 10A)3/95 10/05/95 10/25/95 10/11/95 12m/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 10A53/95 10435/95Program Seq U: 24 PB<: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Dale: February 20. 1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal: Primary Pnmary Leader: Dr Henry Williams Seeondarv n -P .. . 'ronoary Leader. David Beason rcuTd'l,
ouVZnZrs' -PPO" "O' -nW omce based functions. To provide all necessary information Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Attendance counts by Reason for Missing Schools. Produced report for Cloverdale Elementary showing 1995 Attendance Counfo by Sex. Provided Match Schedule Program report for Mabelvale Jr High. Produced report for Southwest showing Match for Student Schedules. Produced report showing Absence list on all Schools for Metro. Updates files on Absence Types. Provided report on Attendance to Judge Watts Office. Provided report on Attendance to Municipal Courts. Provided Dunbar with list of students not in LRSD last year. Install attendance scan sheet option to Metro's Operations Menu Installed printer overrides to Registrars to print Schedule cards Provide Mann with diskette copy of Student Roster. Provided Washington with copy of Absence Reasons Codes List. Provided Communications with copy of report ----------...... showing Number of Absences lor District in one day 24, 6 Beginning Date C'ompietion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 10/09/95 10/19/95 10/20/95 10/23/95 10/25/95 11/01/95 11/01/95 11/06/95 11/07/95 11/08/95 11/20/95 12AM/9S 12/12/95 10/10/95 10/19/95 10/20/95 10/23/95 10/25/95 11/01/95 11/01/95 11/10/95 11/07/95 11/08/95 11/21/95 12/04/95 12/12/95Page
2 Program Seq 24 Revision Date: February 20.1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support sdiool and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number LI30 LI30 Objectives 1.5 of time). Strategies (Collect, Store, and Report) Disciplinary Data (by No problems reported related to Discipline Data for second quarter. Produced original and final sanction report for Student Hearing. Produced report of absences and tardies by race and sex from 1993-1996 for IRC. Provided State Department of Education with EOY Discipline report. Produced letters suspended students for Student Hearing. 1.6 (Collect, Store, and Report) Student Assignment Updates made to M to M Reconciliation Report for Student Assignment. Resolved eight (8) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Student Assignment Data not included in list below. Resolved four (4) problems and/or request for changes and adjustments related to Transportation/Student Assignment Data not included 24, 7 Beginning Date 07/01/95 10A)1/95 10/09/95 11/16/95 11/22/95 12rt)7/95 07/01/95 09/25/95 10/01/95 10A)1/95 Completion Date 06a0/96 12/31/95 11/03/95 11/24/95 11/29/95 12/19/95 06S0/96 10/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 Responsibility Director of Information Services Director of Information Services Evaluation Criteria 1.5 (Discipline data is accurately entered and reported as required). 1.6 (Student assignment data is stored and all reporting requirements are met). Page: 2 Program Seq 0: 24 Revision Date: Program Name: Data Processing February 20. 1996 Program Code: 17 Primary leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary leader: David Beason Program Goal: To piovi* the pngm and data bases neces^ to collect and store all pertinent student infomtation To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. ' Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategics Beginning Dale Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 130 2. Data Processing Department (Information Services the capacity to respond to District needs as required by d federal laws such as grade distribution and the ability s and cohorts of students. in list below. Produced list of 4'year olds for last four years. Produced Magnet School Report for ODM and Student Assignment. Provide Support Services with diskette copy Students Counts by school. 2.1 (The Information Services Department will Resolved twenty-one (21) hardware related issues/problems not included in the following. Implement APSCN T1 Internet for Administration. Install PC, 5250 card, arxl AS400 connection for Parkview. Install printer in SOS office for Human Resources. Setup new PC to AS400 for Gibbs Elementary. Install and setup new printer at Dodd Elementary. Setup new PC and printer for Mabelvale Elementary. 24, 8 10/23/95 11/29/95 12/16/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 10)1/95 10/19/95 10/11/95 10/11/95 10/12/95 10/12/95 10/13/95 10/31/95 12/18/95 12/19/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 12/31/95 10/09/95 10/11/95 10/11/95 10/12/95 10/12/95 10/13/95 Director of Information Services Director of Information .Services 2. (The District requirements for computer resources are being met). 2.1 (Al! employees requiring access to student records have access to terminals).Page: 2 Program Seq #: 24 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code
17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store alt pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central oflice based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Procure PCMCIA adapters for Laptops Ethernet modem cable setup and configure for Information Services. 10/19/95 12/21/95 Purchased arid installed new scanners in all Jr Highs. Setup printer for Baseline Elementary. Provided training for staff PC users. Install new PC with PC support for Forest Heights. Configure sdldinOS for 19.2 line and setup CSU/DSU Reconfigure devices from sdldinOS to sdiclini3 line. Setup PC and relocate display for Forest Heights. Relocate PC and all cables for McClellan High Acquire information on Drag/Drop interface for AS400. Install PC to Planet Services network with Token Ring. Inquire information on Super Server and its components for installation. Inquire information on NetSoft 32 bit ODBC Driver for installation. Install and setup printer for Baseline Elementary. Configure printers on AS400 to LAN for Purchasing. Configure and setup LAN server and HUB for Student 24,9 10/19/95 10/20/95 10/25/95 10/31/95 11/13/95 11/13/95 11/16/95 11/18/95 11/27/95 11/285 11/28/95 11/28/95 11/28/95 11/28/95 12/04/95 10/19/95 10/20/95 10/25/95 10/31/95 11/30/95 11/30/95 11/16/95 11/18/95 11/30//95 11/28/95 11/28/95 11/285 11/28/95 11/28/95 12/04/95Program Seq #: 24 Pige: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Date: February 20.1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason required by ouKide^^sls. To provi*l^'^7a to "" rrrporti required to support school and central office based functions To provide all necessary information Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Crilcria Assignment. Reported Technology updates to Carver Magnet Install Remote Access service for NT in Information Services.. Acquire specification for Network Server. Acquire pricing for Personal Desk Scanner for Superintendent. Procure managed and unmanaged HUBS from SWB. Research and report technology design for Chicot rebuild to Superintendent. Research and report technology infrastructure for Williams Magnet. Procure Data Server Prototype for AS/400 Install and setup new PC for J A Fair. Install color printer in Information Services. Expand NT network an install new PC's in Information Services. Setup remote AS400 access for Transportation. Relocate ABACUS station and install AS400 line at Mabelvale Jr High. 2.2 (The Information Services Department will develop 24, 10 12/08/95 12/08/95 12/08/95 12/125 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/135 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/155 07/01/95 12/08/95 12/08/95 12A)8/95 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/12/95 12/125 12/13/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 06/30/96 Director of 2.2 (All necessary software is installed and functioning properly to collect.Pg: 2 Program Seq 24 Revision Date: February 20,1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr Heruy Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Information Services store and report information in a timely and accurate manner). Automate monthly budget process for Financial Services. 09/12/95 12/15/95 Created 'Budget vs Experxtiture Report and Graph. 09/12/95 10/02/95 Worked with Dunn Systems on GUI and Mirroring Solutions for Superintendent. Setup October 1 use tax increase for Pulaski County River Project for Financial Services Created 'Statement if Assurance for October 1 State Department Report. Resolved fifty-one (51) software related issues/problem during 2nd quarter not included in the followirtg. Created rnonthly bank tapes for Financial Services. Setup, changed arxl/or resolved sixteen (16) password and user ID related problems or issues. Provided Financial Senzices with two (2) BC/BS Monthly differences reports. Setup and/or changed six (6) user assignments. 09/14/95 09/18/95 09/21/95 10/01/95 icyoi/95 10)1/95 10A)1/95 10rt)1/95 10/25/95 11/06/95 10)5/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 Produced operations production calendar on a monthly basis. 10A)1/95 12f51/95 24, 11Program Seq#: 24 Pige: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Date: February 20.1996 Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Program Goal: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader
David Reason . To provide all necessary information Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Created Deseg IO and Non-Deseg IO Budget Reports for Financial Services. 10/02/95 11/16/95 Created 'Budget Expenditure by Site' Report. 10/03/95 10/11/95 Created Teacher Certification by State' Report for Labor Relations. 10/04/95 10/13/95 Loaded Quarterly ESD Information for Financial Service. 10/09/95 10/11/95 Created 'Check Certification for all Teachers' on October 1 State Department Report for Human Resources. 10/0W95 10/13/95 Created 'Manpower Report' for all custodians for Plant Services. 10/10/95 10/11/95 Created EEOC Report for Human Resources. 10/10/95 10/17/95 Created report listing 'Employees without Category Code of RETIRE for Financial Services 10/11/95 12A)1/95 Created Teacher Absence Report' for Federal Programs. 10/11/95 11/29/95 Installed WordPerfect on PC for Henderson 10/11/95 10/11/95 Created USABLE open enrollment diskette for Financial Services. 10/11/95 10/16/95 Created diskette for Commercial Mailers and Communications Department. 10/12/95 10/13/95 24, 12Page: 2 Program Seq 24 Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Created Access screen for Safety and Security as per Support Services. 10/13/95 10/17/95 Created 'Automate Monthly Bills Paid' Report. 10/16/95 10/18/95 Created EEOC Category/Job code Data for Human Resources. Installed MS WorkGroups Add-On for Windows Users Guide. Created report 'Employees that make over 40,000' for Human Resources. Implement NT Server with MS BackOffice on Novell Network for Adminrstration Building. Created 'Alpha list of Teachers by School' Report for Human Resources. Created 'List of Teachers by School. Grade, Race and Gendef Report for Superintendent. Review APSCN issues with Jefferson. 10/17/95 10/19/95 10/23/95 10/24/95 10/25/95 10/26/95 10/27/95 10/17/95 10/19/95 10/25/95 10/24/95 10/26/95 10/26/95 12/155 Review possibilities of additional licensing for MS BackOffice. \QI21I35 \QI27I95 Installed Windows 95 and NetSoft on NT Network. Installed MSOffice on new PC for Pupil Accounting. Produced employee contracts for Human Resources. 24, 13 10/30/95 10/31/95 11/06/95 10/30/95 10/31/95 11/16/95Program Seq #: 24 Page: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Dale: February 20. 1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal
To provide the programs and data bases Primary Leader
Dr. Henry Williams necessary lo collect and store all pertinent student infotmalion > trmnjri ____________. --------------na store aji ocrtinenl sfurfci qutred by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests f^nformali Secondary Leader: To provide all necessary reports required lo David Beason I support school atid centra] office based functions To provide all necessary infotmalion Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria ^sented Human Resources Overview to Financial Services as per Support Services. 11/07/95 11/15/95 Downloaded Budget DelaH tor Service Master as per Financial Services. 11/08/95 11/08/95 Created 'Leave Balance and Usage' report tor Superintendent as per Labor Relations. Created Leave Accountability' Report tor Juno for Assoaate Superintendent as per Financial Services. 11/08/95 11/08/95 1995 11/08/95 11/085 Created Teacher Sk* Leave' Report for Human Resources. 11/09/95 11/14/95 Updated Safety and Security Program for Support JaAniiTM Services. 11/10/95 11/13/95 Provided State Department with Quarterty Report tor Finanaal Services. 11/10/95 11/15/95 Loaded updated CIMS Scanning software in all Secondary Schools. 11/12/95 11/13/95 Printed teacher contracts and stipends for Human Resources. 11/161/95 11/17/95 Provided Communications with list of all 'LRSD Teachers with Names an Addresses. 11/16/95 11/20/95 ^ated Chapter I Comparability' Report for Financial Services. Created 'Mid-Year Evaluation Forms for Human 24, 14 11/20/95 11/22/95 11/21/95 11/27/95Page: 2 Program Seq IV: 24 Revision Dale: Febniary 20. 1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Seeondary Leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provi* the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student infonnalion. To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for infonnalion. Plan Rcrerence Page Number Objectives Strategics Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Resources. Created 'Employee FTE by Site and overall District History* Report for Superintendent. 11/27/95 12/14/95 Installed Windows and MSOffice on PC at Metro. 11/28/95 11/28/95 Reviewed the possibilities of installing Windows 95 and Office 95. Created 'Custodian Man Power* Report and List of custodian mailing addresses for Procurement. Created 'Days Absent by Certified Staff* report for Cloverdale Elementary. Provided Communications with copy of Employee Directory. Install latest Access 2.0 Service Pack on NT Server. Created Purchase Order Report on the EIS system. Setup all schools to allow access to School Profile Installed NetSoft Elite on Windows 95. Created list of Kindergarten Teachers for Human Resources. Procured upgrades for Windows 95. MS Office, and Access 95 software packages. Procured training classes for Windows 95 Transition and Access 95. 24, 15 11/28/95 11/29/95 11/29/95 12rt)5/95 12/07/95 12A)8/95 12/11/95 12/12/95 12/13/95 12/13/95 12/13/95 11/26/95 11/30/95 12/04/95 12A)5/95 12/07/95 12A)8/95 12/11/95 12/12/95 12/15/95 12/13/95 12/13/95 Prt^ram Seq #: 24 Pge: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Date: February 20, 1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal: To provide (he programs and data bases Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams necessay to collect and store all peitinent student infomtation > limAlu _l, . _ Secondary Leader: David Beason k . J -------------luvwiicviano store ail pertinent studei required by outside intentsls To provide timely response to all requests fm infomtation. Toprovide all necessaty mpmts mquired tn suppm, scitool ^d central offi. based fimetiuns. Tn provide all necessary infumtation Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Provided 'Employee list' for American Journal Communications. as per Setup CompuSetve for Associate Superintendent. Install Internet addresses for eight (8) pilot schools. Provided Support Services with Payroll and Position Control Data Extract Files. 2.3 (The Information Services Department will identify f the District). InstaH phone line for Cloverdalo Elementary. Provided Transportation with breakdown of phone charges for 1994-1995. Review upgrading of phone systems for Assistant Superintendents. Install new phones for Henderson Jr High. Upgrade current phones for Brady Elementary. Install phone line for nxxJem usage for Science Lab. Setup Support Services on the Norstar System Installed analog adapter to allow use of Norstar as a modem line. Install fax line for Student Hearing. Review installation of answering machine for Fair. 24, 16 Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/16/95 07/01/95 07/19/95 08/16195 06/22/95 08/22/95 0gW95 09/12/95 09/13/95 09/14/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/15/95 12/19/95 06S0/96 11/15/95 10^0/95 10/05/95 10/09/95 10/10/95 10/30/95 11/02/95 10/10/95 10/30/95 Director of information Services 1 -3 (Appropriate telecommunications systems arc functioning to meet the needs of the District.)Page: 2 Program Seq 24 Revision Dale: February 20. 1996 Program Name: Data Processing Program Code: 17 Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams Secondary Leader: David Beason Program Goal: To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary information required by outside interests. To provide timely response to all requests for information. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Resolved thirty-six (36) communications/lelephone related problems and/or repairs not included in the moves, adds, and changes reported below. Performed twelve (12) various programming changes to phone systems at various locations. Relocated three (3) telephones at various locations. Upgrade communications lines Io all Jr High schools. Install telephone lines for modems in all Pilot schools. 1CV01/95 10rt)1/95 10/01/95 10/02/95 10/16/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 12/31/95 11/30/95 11/30/95 Provided Long Distance Telephone Call Report as requested by location. 10/18/95 10/195 Installed modem line for grant al Mabelvale Jr High. Install additional phone lines for CARE offices. Install fax line for Brady Elementary. Installed data lines for controllers, disconnect COLAN lines, moved Jr High controllers to another CoLan. Provided wiring and jacks for new modem lines in all labs. Replaced phone destroyed by fire for Central. Install phone line for Pupil Accounting. Activated new line for Pupil Services. 24, 17 10/20/95 11/07/95 11/07/95 11/13/95 11/17/95 11/17/95 12/125 12/13/95 10/31/95 11/15/95 11/30/95 11/30/95 12/20/95 12/20/95 12)/95 12/20/95Program Seq : 24 Pge: 2 Program Name: Data Processing Revision Dale: Febniary 20.1996 Program Code: 17 Program Goal: Primary Leader: Dr. Henry Williams bdses necessan- lo colled and store all pertinent student infonnalion To provide all required by outside inleresls To provide limely response to all requests for infonnalion Secondary Leader: David Beason necesMc- repom required lo support school and central mce based fimetions. To previde dl necessac iofoooalion Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.4 Computerized Data Access- Computerized data will be a reality in all incentive schools so that student data 07/0IZ95 06/30/96 ij easily accessible arid access can be immediate for reports which might be needed relative to all school pmpram aspects. Provided user training to staff at Franklin as requested. 09/28/95 10/04/95 Setup two new PC's and three printer for Mitchell. Install fax line for Franklin Elementary. Provided IRC with Absence Report for all Incentive Schools. 11/02/95 11/15/95 12/01/95 11/02/95 12/20/95 12AM/95 Provided IRC with Discipline Report for all Incentive Schools 1991-1996. 12A)1/9S 12X)5/95 Providert IRC with Enrollment Reports for all Incentive Schools by Year. Grade, Race, and Sex. 12A31/95 12/13/95 24, 18LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 26 Page: I Revision Date: January 10, 1996 Program Name: Minority Teacher Recruitment Program Code: 08 Primary Leader: Richard Hurley SecoiHlary Leader: Robert Robinson Program Description: Primary function is to recruit high quality professional and support personnel to meet the district's goals and objectives in a wide range of positions in school and the central administration offices. To support linkages between the school district and higher education institutions: assume responsibility for delegated programs related to suff recruitment to meet EEO and Affirmative Action and Personnel Services hiring sundards- r^crmncihlff f/ir occianAH tockr tko* ...HI ____-< .i_ _ .______ __ .... * responsible for assigned tasks and projects that will enhance the productivity and efficiency of the human resources division. District Goal Support: Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Program Goal: Developing equity in employees composition that reflects racial and ethnic diversity. [ Plan References: I EY Program Budget: $53,469.17 1st Qtr Expend
$13,165.13 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 1 YTD Expenditures: $25,795.57 2nd Qtr Expend: $12,630.44 4th Qtr Expend: [ Related FuiKtion Codes: I 26, 1Program Seq 26 Program Name: Teacher Recruitment Program Code: 08 Program Goal: (To organize recruitment and U3 L43 LRSD FY 95-96 PRCXjRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary IjOader: Richard Hurley Secondary Leader: r=.en programs for Pre purpose of develop,g equiO, in .he employee composition ihat rePects racal and ethnic diversity.) Paue
2 Revision Date July 14. 1995 Robert Robinson Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Respoasibility Evaluation Criteria I. Update review of recruiting needs by age, race, .sex and seniority in positions in the District projected needs. to ascertain 1.1 Review of all current suffing with idcniification of staff by sex. race and subject area who will be retiring fit nande _____a IO propel needs. (Reserve al lead 25 percent of ihe positions for Black applicants.) A. Automated staffing forecast pending Data Process Complelion B, EECX? report revised and data used for purposes. recruitment 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 1% 11/15/95 2. Review of position assignments related to racial equity such (hat all races are represented in position and job description in (he district. every 2.1 Developmenl and assessment of school and divisional .staffing patterns. A. Studcnl/Faculty Composition Analysis in place 26, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 09-01 95 HR Director(MirK)rity Recruiler)HR Director/ (Minority Recruiter) HR Direc(or/(Minority Recruiter) Bldg. Principals, Division Heads.) HR Director/ (Minority Recruiter) Bldg. Principals, Division Heads.) 1. (Complelion of needs assessment.) 1.1 (Firccast of Retirees/Reservation of slots for minority staffing) 2. (Maintain an image of district-wide multi-cultural staffing) 2.1 ('omplelion of (ask (Computerized reports of staffing ratios)Page: 3 Program 5*eq #: 26 Revision Dale Program Name: Teacher Recruitment July 14. 1995 Program Code: 08 Primary Leader
Richard Hurley Secondary Leader: Robert Robinson Program Goal: (To organize recruitment and retention programs for the purpose of developing equity in the employee composition that reflects racial and ethnic diversity.) 144 Plan Reference Page Number 12/09/93 MR 12 Objectives Strategies 2.2 Recruitment of support and non-teaching staff to reflect equitable racial representation in all positions. 2.3 Establish goals and objectives for racially balancing each incentive school suff as part of a comprehensive long-range strategic plan for implementing the incentive school features. 1.1 Share applicant pools with PCSSD/NLRSD. 26. 3 Beginning Dale Cmnplelion Date Resportsibilily Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 06/30/96 HR Director/fMinority Recruiter) Principals. Assoc. Sup 2.2 (improved staff diversity will be shown by staffing repons) 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 HR Director Minority Recruiter HR Directors * Three Districts (Minority Recruiter) 2.3 50/50 Staffing ratio desired outcome. 1.1 Completion of (Identification of prospects)Program Seq #: 26 Page: 4 Program Name: Teacher Recruitment Revision Date July 14. 1995 Program Code: 08 Program Goal: Primary Leader: 125 125 (To organize recruitment and retention Richard Hurley Secondary Leader: programs for the purpose of developing equny in ihe employee composiiion Iha. raneeis racial and eihnic diversity.) Rohcrt Robinson Plan Reference Page Number Objectives 1. To develop joint recruiting efforts and procedures with particular emphasis on minority teacher recruitment. 2. To share the applicant pools among the districts Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 07/01/95 06/30/96 HR Directors (Minority Recruiters) 1. Increase in minority staffing among certified staff and more proportional representation among support staffs. A. Recruitment Registry and available applicants shared in critical staffing areas 1.1 Share planning, resources and conucts for recruitment of staff, both cenified and non-certified A. Recruiting schedule and TOT plans in place 2.1 Use teachers in the recruitment process. 26, 4 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 50% 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 HR Directors * (Minority Recruiter) HR Directors (Minority Recruiter) HR Directors (Minority Recruiter) l.I Increase in minority staHlng among certified staff and more proportional representation among support staff. 2. Proportional representation of minority and majority employees in all staffing categories. 2.1 (List of teachers who participated St activities) I iPage: 5 Program Seq jC: 26 Revision Date July 14. 1995 Program Name
Teacher Recruitment Program Code: 08 Primary Leader
Richard Hurley Secondary Leader
Robert Robinson Program Goal: (To organize recruitment and retention programs fur the purpose of developing equity in the employee composition that reflects racial and ethnic diversity.) 125 Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. To monitor distribution of staff across grade levels and support areas. A. Recruiting Team comprised of teachers, principals and central office personnel available to assist recruiter 2.2 Certified and non-certified applicant pools will be shared with the agreement to assist each other in correction of disproportionate staffing. 3.1 The principals will be accountable lo ensure equitable distribution of teachers by grade level and subject area. 26, 5 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 HR Directors (Minority RecruiteriPrincipals Principals, HR Directors (Minority Recruiter). Assoc./Asst. Supts. 2.2 (An established applicant referral system for teacher employment in any of Pulaski County's public schiHds) 3 Proportional representation of minority and majority employees in all staffing categories. 3.1 Statistical data that minority teachers have access to teaching oppottunilies al all grade levels, in all subject areas aiHl in ail programs AP Honors. G/T. etc. iPage: 6 Program Seq 9-. 26 Revision Date July 14. 1995 Program Name: Teacher Recruitment Program Code: OK Primary Leader: Richard Hurley Secondary Leader: Robert Robinson Program Goal: (To organize recruiimeni and retention programs for the purpose of developing equity in the employee composition that reflects racial and ethnic diversity.) 125 126 Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. To identify students who may be future teachers and provide support programs to them. 4.1 Establish future teacher clubs in elementary, junior high and senior high schools. 07/01/95 06/30/96 HR Directors (Minority Recruiter) Principals and Teachers (HR Directors, Minority Recruiter) Principals & Teachers 5. To establish a joint committee to address district planning for support of students who wish to become teachers. 07/01/95 06/30/96 HR Directors (Minority Recruiter, Principals) A. Teachers of Tomorrow Clubs in place 07/01/95 10/2/95 B. Teachers of Tomorrow Academy in place - 3rd year 07/01/95 08-22-95 26, 6 '4. (Adoption of a comprehensive Teachers of Tomorrow Program for students considering careers in teaching.) 4.1 IiKrease the number of smdenis entering the teaching profession. 5. (Committee minutes reflect a support mechanism ensuring a "shared vision" for minority future teachers.)Page: 7 Program Seq #: 26 Revision Date July 14, 1995 Program Name: Teacher Recruitment Program Code: 08 Primary Leader: Richard Hurley Secondary Leader: Robert Robinson Program Goal: (To organize recruiimeni and retention programs for the purpose of developing equity in the employee composition that reflects racial and ethnic diversity.) 126 126 126 126 126 Plan RefererKe Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Dale Completion Date Respoasibility Evaluation Criteria 6. To establish a joint committee for planning recruitment strategies and procedures. 5.2 Create "contracts of intent" to hire future teachers upon degree and certification completion. 5.3 Provide internship opportunities for students of education. 6.1 Production of a set of recruitment procedures and limelines to be developed jointly to increase effectiveness and define recruitment. A. Recruiting schedule 6.2 Develop a cooperative agreement for recruitment of certified and non-certified staff with reservation of a number of slots so that employee categories will be desegregated. 6.3 Improve teacher working conditions to maintain teachers in the profession. 26, 7 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 50% 06/30/96 06/30/96 HR Directors (Minority Recruiter. PriiKipals) HR Direclor (Minority Recruiter, Principals HR Directors, (Minority Recruiter) HR Directors (Minority Recruiter HR Directors (Minority Recruiter) (Minority Recruiter) HR Directors, Support Services and Ihincipals 5.2 (Number of contracts intent signed) 5.3 (List of interns to be recruited for full-time employment). 6. (A support mechanism will be in place tn ensure successful recruitment and retention programs for minorities.) 6.1 Completion of the document 6.2 Racial ratios in all staff commensurate with district and court approved guidelines. 6.3 Increase district staff retention.LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 27 Page: 1 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Educational Equity Monitoring Program Code
22 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell, Mayo, Jr. Secondary Leader: Dr. Ed Jackson Program Description: LRSD will use the methods of monitoring to assess educational programs: Monitoring education desegregation based upon the educational equrty concept will be used in the schools. A second monitoring and evaluation instrument will be geared toward the program in the Incentive Schools The district-wide biracial committed is responsible for annual monitoring of desegregation implementation. The Little Rock School District will mortitor for educational eguity in all schools in the District The monitoring will be conducted by the Planning, Research and Evaluation (PRE) staff with assistance from local biracial committees consisting of parents. Each committee will conduct at least one school visit each semester, using a monitoring instrument developed during the spring and summer of 1990 by the three districts in Pulaski County, the Arkansas Department of Education, and the Desegregation Assistance Center in San Antonio. Texas The Incentive Schools will be monitored at lease once each Quarter by members of the district-wide bi-facial committee. The committees will report semi-annually to the superintendent the progress or lack of progress in the following areas: Separation of Races In School Programs
Extra Curricular Activities
Achievement Disparity, Handicapped Education, Gifted and Talented Education, Staff Development
Curriculum (multi-cultural)
School/District Initiated Awards/Honors
Committees (appointed). Parental InvoNement
Student Discipline
Building Leadership Management. Human Relations. This is LRSD's written plan for the long-range planning and budgeting process to be used in developing the 1994-95 budget, which was filed in response to a court Order dated June 15, 1993 (Docket No 1849). LRSD commits to do the following things during the planning and budgeting process: Determine the needs of the district, particularly legal obligations under the desegregation and settlement plans
Define goals and_ objectives
Define programs to achieve those objectives, particulartv those reguired by the desegregation plans Measure performance and expenditures. Prepare information for corrective decision making. District Goal Support: In this document, LRSD commits to a needs assessment process which wilt include three community forums, one each for area schools, magnet schools and incentive schools LRSD also commits to conduct a program inventory of desegregation programs during the needs assessment period which begins in August, 1993 for the 1994-95 budget year LRSD will also identify non-desegregation programs to be merged with the list of desegregation programs in order to create a complete "Program Inventory Report " The LRSD Board will conduct a work session to review the Program Inventory Report, establish tentative written goals and objectives, review and provide guidance related to proportional allocation formulas, establish written priorities, identify any additional programs for "fast track" evaluation, and consider strategies for funding short-falls. This document also describes the steps LRSD will take to develop a budget document from the desegregation audit and program inventory. Finally, this document proposes a planning budget calendar with specific activities scheduled from July, 1993 through August, 1994 Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: (To provide information to determine the level of educational equity for all studentsfto coordinate the planning and budgeting process ) [ Plan References: L 224 ] FY Program Budget: $478,054.39 1st Qtr Expend: $161,918.28 3rd Qtr Expend: FTE 6 YTD Expenditures: $314,553.74 2nd Qtr Expend: $152,635.46 4th Qtr Expend: Related Function Codes: 27. 1Program Seq #: 27 Program Name: Educational Equity Monitoring Program Code: 22 Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 224 12/09/93MR* LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: (To provide information to determine the level of educational equity for all students to coordinate the planning and budgeting process ) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Page: 2 Revision Date: Dr Ed Jackson Responsibility February 13, 1996 Evaluation Criteria (2. To conduct quarterly monitoring visit by the LRSD District-wide Biracial Committee.) 2.1 Review monitoring design prior to July 1 of each year. A. Cosmetic changes made to the monitoring instrument prior to July 1. 2.2 Submit any revisions to the LRSD Board of Directors and Joshua Intervenors by August 15 of each year. 2.3 Present any unresolved revision to the Court for resolution. 2.4 Conduct semester visits using the approved monitoring instruments. A. Equity monitors and school bkracial team monitored all of the District Elementary and secondary schools during the second quarter B. Monitoring scheduled developed for second semester 2.5 Coordinate monitoring activities with other internal monitoring groups including district biracial committee, school biracial committee, and the Department of Planning. Research and Evaluation. Such coordination will help avoid monitoring gaps and duplication and also ensure more effective use of time and other resources. 27, 2 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 10/01/95 12/01/95 07/01/95 06/30/96 07/01/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 12/31/95 12/15/95 06/30/96 Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Associate Supt for Desegregation Legal Staff, Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc. Supt for Desegregation, LRSD Biracial Committee Director of Planning, Research and Evaluation 2. Semester monitoring reports will identify Findings based on the established monitoring design. (2.2 Copy of revisions submitted and evidence of response for LRSD Board of Directors and Joshua Intervenors.) (2.3 Any Court directive relative to the proposed revision.) (2 4 Copies of completed monitoring instruments.) 2.5 (Coordination of site visists among committees, inservice of committee members or liason activities related to monitoring visits.)Page: 3 Program Seq *: 27 Revision Date: February 13, 1996 Program Name: Educational Equity Monitoring Program Code: 22 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Dr. Ed Jackson Program Goal: (To provide information to determine the level of educational equity for all students to coordinate the planning and budgeting process ) Plan Reference Page Number L133 CO 103 Objectives 10. LRSD should have systematic approach to budgets cuts that will evaluation of adverse effects Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. LRSD shared monitoring scheduled with the Arkansas Department of Education and the district biracial committee. 3.1 Develop and implement corrective strategies in areas identified through the monitoring process. 3 2 Formative and summative evaluations of parent and crtizen involvement activities will be done through guidelines established by the Little Rock School District's Planning, Research and Evaluation Department. These evaluations will be used to guide the District in achieving its long- range goals. 4.9 A description of what strategy the district will use to specificallv address the continuing shortfall of funding, and how this strategy will be incorporated in the ongoing long-range planning and budgeting process, This description should include the rotes of the key participants, anticipated outcomes, and time frames. 10.1 Development and submission of Business Cases 27. 3 10/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 07/01/95 12/31/95 06/30/96 06/30/96 06/30/96 Assoc Supt. for Desegregation. Desegregation Facilitator. Principals Director PRE. Manager for Support Services Superintendent and Superintendent's Council 4 9 Production of written strategy 10.1 Business Cases submitted to CourtPage: 4 Program Seq #: 27 Revision Date: February 13. 1996 Program Name: Educational Equity Monitoring Program Code: 22 Primary Leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo Secondary Leader: Dr Ed Jackson Program Goal: (To provide information to determine the level of educational equity for all students to coordinate the planning and budgeting process.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Selected program managers notifed to write business cases. 11/30/95 11/30/95 27, 4Program Seq #: 28 Program Name
Commiimeni to Desegregatinn/Leadership Program Code: 35 Primary Leader: Program Description: District Goal Support: Program Goal: Plan References: FY Program Budget
YTD Expenditures: Related Function Codes: LRSD FY 95-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Board of Directors Secondary leader
Page: I Revision Date: Dr. Henry Williams Februaiy 13. 1996 The Lillie Rock School Dv:lr,cl fa commilled lo Ihe belief Ihal all children can leac
Ihe eliminalion of achievemeni dfaparily belween black and while sludenis on norm-referenced and crilerion referenced lerts. improving educal
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.