DRAFT LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL: GRADES: PRINCIPAL: ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL(S): 19__ 19Staffing School Enrollment SCHOOL PROFILE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 Course Offerings and Levels 2 Course Offerings and Extended Educational Levels - Elementary - Secondary Programs 3 4 School/District 6 Initiated Honors and Awards Committees/Parental 7 Involvement Extracurricular Activities Students Retained 8 9 Staff Development Update - Staff Development Update - Certified Staff Support Staff Staff Development Training - Staff Development Training - Test Results Certified Staff Support Staff 10 11 12 13 15 Student Discipline 16 School Climate 17 Survey Results 18 Annual School Improvement Plan Academic Progress Grant Proposal Special Programs (coe, 19 20 21 22-1- SCHOOL ENROLLMENT GRADE LEVEL WHITE MALE FEMALE black MALE FEMALE other MALE FEMALE total TOTAL PERCENT < J -2-* Please 1. 2. 3. Spec use COVRSE OFFERINGS AND LEVELS - SECONnABV GRADE LEVEL * TEACHER Language Arts Mathematics. Social Studies Science S WHITE MALE FEMALE u D E BLACK MALE N T 8 FEMALE OTHER MALE FEMALE T : WHITE E A C H MALE FEMALE black MALE E R 8 FEMALE OTHER MALE FEMALE I I I I I * Please use the following indicators: 1. 2. Advanced Placement EXAMPLE: grade 4 . Honors/Gifted Regular Special Education Resource 10 2 (Honors/ Gifted) Duplicate ferra as needed. -4-( COURSE OFFERINGS AND levels - SECONDARY GRADE LEVEL TEACHER Others W H HALE SI T : T E female 0 B L KALE E N ack female T other KALE FEMALE T WHITE KALE * Please 1. 2. 3. 4. use the following indicators: Advanced Placement Honors/Gifted Regular Special Education Resource EXAMPLE: Duplicate form as needed. -5- E R female grade 20 2 BLACK MALE female OTHER MALE female I i I I I I i (Honors/ Gifted) EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS -PROGRAM WHITE MALE FEMALE black MALE FEMALE OTHER MALE Governor's School FEMALE AEGIS* Program Boys'/Girls' state Alternative School Summer School Summer School fMPTl *Academic Enrichment for the Gifted in the Summer -6-SCHOOL/DISTRICT INITIATED HONORS AND AWARDS (List ALL Honors and Awards-be specific) AWARD WHITE MALE FEMALE black MALE FEMALE OTHER MALE FEMALE (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) -7-ZiCTIVITY O-E. CLUB w M. JtALE _____MJL : T E FEMALE -M B ERB H I __D LACK HALE FEMALE OTHER MALE FEMALE ( PtlRACTRRICUlAR ACTTVITIES II H T E SPOWBORS MALE FEMALE black MALE FEMALE other MALE female W H MALE T E female black PQSITIOKS MALE FEMALE OTHER MALE I female' \ I I I--- I I I -I--------- _____i I Duplicate as needed. -9-STAFF DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (To include CERTIFIED teachers and administrators.) NUMBER OF STAFF COMPLETING TRAINING RELATED TO EQUITY MULTICULTURAL CURRICULUM DELIVERY STRATEGIES THAT ENHANCE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA) IDEA School Improvement Training Cooperative Learning Steps to Effective Teaching Gifted and Talented Reading Whole Language Math High Scope Computer PROGRAM FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING 1 cycle 2 cycles 3 cycles DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT Assertive Discipline Classroom Management STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN EXTRACURRICULAR PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES **EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ***CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELING OTHER TRAINING (SPECIFY) ACTIVITIES ** This particular category should who are administrators only. be answered by school staff members ***This particular category should who are counselors. be answered by school staff members -11-STAFF DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (To include SUPPORT PERSONNEL.) NUMBER OF STAFF COMPLETING '' TRAINING RELATED TO EQUITY DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT I STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES EXTRACURRICULAR PARENT/COMMUNITY RELATIONS OTHER TRAINING -12-VI. STAFF DEVELOPS tT TRAINING NUMBER OF CERTIFIED STAFF ( AREAS training RELATED to EQUITY Racism in the Desegregation Seuing Prejudice Reduction Human Relations Interpersonal Cross-Cultural Communication Identify Staff Development Trainers MULTICULTURAL CURRICULUM DELIVERY Learning Styles/Modes Curriculum Assessment Curriculum Infusement DATES Black ADMIMSTRATORS male White Other JIack FEMALE White Other Black CURRENT YEAR ACTIVITIES ALL OTHER CERTIFIED STAFF AIALF. White TOTAL Other Black fEMALE, __WhJls_ Other Peer Tutoring Cross Age Tutoring English as Second Language (If applicable) Identify Staff Development Trainers CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Identify Staff Development Trainen -13- AREAS DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT Identify Staff Development Trainers STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN extracurricular ACTIVITIES Idoitify Staff Development Trainers PARENT,TEACHER CONTERENCES Idottify Staff Development Trainers EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Recruitment Aaivities Assignment of Staff Other (Specify) Idortify Stiff Development Trainers CROSSCLLTLRAL COLNSELING Advisement Effective Models/Approaches Counseling Identify Staff Development Trainers OTHER TRAINING (SPECIFY) Identify Staff Development Trainen 0 le answere 1 I STAFF DEVELOPA )T TRAINING NUMBER OF CER l IFIED STAFF page: ( DATES Black >y administrators only. ADMINISTRATORS male White Other FEMALE While Other Black The 0 e answero' -14_ ALL OTHER CERTIFIED STAFF male. White TOTAL Other JSlask FEMAL WhlU Other ly counselors only.STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING NUMBER OF NON-CERTIFIED STAFF CURRENT YEAR ACTIVITIES AREAS DATES STAFF training related to equity Racism in the Desegregation Setting Prejudice Reduction Black male White Other female Black White Other TOTAL Human Relations Inlerpcnonal Cross-Cuhural Cominunicaiion Idcniify Staff Development Trainers DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT Referral Process and Procedures Criteria Identify Staff Development Trainers STt'DENT INVOLVEMENT IN EXTRACVRRICVLAR ACTIVITIES (If Applicable) Identify Staff Development Trainers PARENT/CO.MMUMTY RELATIONS Identify Staff Development Triinen OTHER TRAINING (Specify) Identic Staff Development Tiainen -15-CURRENT STUDENT DISCIPLINE REPORT (Please insert after this page.) -17-SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY RESULTS (Please insert after this page.) -18-COMPREHENSIVE OUTCOMES EVALUATION (COE) SURVEY RESULTS (If applicable, please insert after this page.) -19-ANNUAL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (Please insert after this page.) -20-ACADEMIC PROGRESS GRANT PROPOSAL (Please insert after this page.) -21-SPECIAL PROGRAMS CBI NGA 4-YEAR-OLD EARLY CHILDHOOD NEW FUTURES OTHERS: (Please list.) (Please insert infonnation on any applicable special programs after this page.) -22-'pro /! // bk>rn-.I Little Rock School District OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT November 1, 1993 RECEIVED NOV 0 1 1993 Mrs. Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring Heritage West Building 201 East Markham Street, Suite 510 Office of Oessgi aiij.'i Little Rock, AR 72201 'e: School Profiles Dear Mrs irown: Enclosed please find copies of the Little Rock School District school profiles for all schools in the District. As you review the document, you will find that the information from the Special Services Department has not been computer programming requirements. included. due to technical That information must be sent to you under separate cover. I anticipate that this information can be supplied by Wednesday, November 3. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Henry P. Williams Superintendent of Schools HPW:nr Encl. 810 West Markham street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501)824-2000 Little Rock School District March 21, 1994 RECEIVED MAR 2 1 1994 Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring Heritage Building - West 201 E. Markham, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72201 Office of Desegregation Monitoring Dear Ms. Brown
During a review of the School Profiles which were produced for the second semester monitoring report, it became clear that there might be a possibility of incorrect interpretation of the staffing information included in the reports submitted last fall. The computer program which generates the information counted every individual holding a unique position in the school. This method of calculation caused us to count some employees in the same school multiple times thus possibly causing the reported racial balances to be in error. This method of calculation has been altered in the new set of reports which are being submitted at this time. This change will become apparent when you compare staffing information for this semester with last semester. We feel, though, that this alteration in the program will more accurately reflect the true staffing picture in the schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Dr. Robert Glowers, Director Planning, Research and Evaluation cc: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Estelle Matthis, Deputy Superintendent Jerry Malone, LRSD Attorney John Walker, Attorney 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501)324-2000 I L TO: FROM: RE: DATE: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Planning, Research and Evaluation Ms. Estelle Matthis, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Mr. Sterling Ingram, Assistant to the Deputy RECE5V~ NOV 31994 Office of Desegregation Menijgnfig Ms. Margaret Gremillion, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Ms. Sadie Mitchell, Acting Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Dr. Richard Hurley, Director of Human Resources i/Ms. Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Mr. Jerry Malone, LRSD Attorney Mr. John Walker, Joshua Intervenors Attorney . Robert Glowers, Director School Profiles November 2, 1994 Enclosed are the school profiles for the fall 1994-95 term. Chapter 1 information is not available as of the time the attached profiles were run. Other information reflected in the school profiles is current as provided by the principals and various district databases. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact Dr. Paul Smith at 324-2120. RLC:it Enclosures cc: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Planning, Research and Evaluation RECEIVE' TO
Ms. Estelle Matthis, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Mr. Sterling Ingram, Assistant to the Deputy FROM RE: DATE: FEB 1 7 1995 Office of Desegregation Moriiibimg Ms. Margaret Gremillion, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Ms. Sadie Mitchell, Acting Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Mr. Dennis Snider, Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Dr. Richard Hurley, Director of Human Resources y Ms. Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Mr. Jerry Malone, LRSD Attorney Mr. John Walker, Joshua Intervenors Attorney >T)r. Robert Glowers, Director School Profiles February 20, 1995 Enclosed are the school profiles for the spring 1994-95 term. Chapter 1 information for secondary schools is not available as of the time the attached profiles were run. When Chapter 1 data becomes available for secondary schools it will be provided to you. Other information reflected in the school profiles is current as provided by the principals and various district databases. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact Dr. Paul Smith at 324-2120. RLC:pjs Enclosures cc
Dr. Henry P. Williams SchoPr l.Doc LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT " U It kisz ^23 J .' Date: September 14, 1995 it To: Principals From: Dr. Ed Jackson, Director Planning, Research and Evaluati SEP 1 5 159 / / 2 Cffxe of Oesegi Subj: School Profile Input Data and Request for Other Information Deadline for Data Input: October 6, 1995 The LRSD Desegregation Plan mandates that each school annually develop a school profile, the purpose of which is to ...provide an overview of a schools success or its impact on students so that changes and/or interventions can take place as needed (Goal VII, No. 5, p.4O). In an effort to assist you in the development of a school profile, a copy of each of the following items is enclosed with this memorandum: Educational Equity Monitoring Instrument Effectiveness Indicators for the Education Equity (EE) Monitoring Instrument * Educational Equity Monitoring Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) * Instructions for Completing the School Profile * Data Entry Instructions for the School Profile Entry Screens After reviewing this material, please share the information related to the program monitoring process with the faculty at your school. Several items on the monitoring checklist indicate that requested information is contained in the School Profile (SP). However, it will be necessary for you to provide written responses to some of these items and house them with the profile. At least one week before the monitoring visit, please forward to PRE a copy of the responses to the items listed below: 1.4, 3.2, 3.3, 5.1, 7.1,8.1,10.5, 10.6 and 11.4 Additionally, please have available the School Improvement Plan and/or COE study/update, current Discipline Management Report, and the School Security Plan. Please complete the attached form on Title 1 Mathematics and Reading students by race/gender and send it to PRE with the numbered items above. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Paul J. Smith in the PRE office at 324-2120. For technical assistance, please contact Helen McCraw or Bob Connolly in Information Services at 324-2055. Your prompt attention and cooperation will be appreciated. Encl: (6) cc: Dr. Henry P. Williams Mrs. Ann S. Brown, Director of Office of Desegregation Monitoring Dr. C. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Mrs. Margaret Gremillion, Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Mrs. Sadie Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Dr. Victor Anderson, Assistant Superintendent, SecondaryTITLE 1 Mathematics and Reading Students :3 by Race/Gender Total Membership Sr? I 5 J995 Office of 'JI ue
^iey.n,n ..cnaOfii,ij School: WHITE BLACK TOTAL ACTIVITY GRAND TOTAL % BLACK M F M F M F Mathematics Reading TOTAL On this Title 1 form, please add other students to the white category. The following school-wide Title 1 buildings do not need to complete this form: Garland, Rightsell, Rockefeller, Watson and WoodruffJ 3c? 1 1595 Office Cl Dsss!y '3a
c?i .icnuoniig LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Little Rock, Arkansas September 1995 08/23/95 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Equitable Placement by Race/Gender in School Programs 1 2.0 Curriculum 2 3.0 School/District Initiated Honors and Awards 4 4.0 Committees 4 5.0 Extracurricular Activities 5 6.0 Student Achievement/Assessment 5 7.0 Special Education 6 8.0 Gifted and Talented Education 7 9.0 Staff Development 8 10.0 Parental Involvement 9 11.0 Student Discipline 10 12.0 Building Leadership/Management 11 Key: I = Interview O Observe SP = School ProfileLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING 1995-96 SCHOOL
Observers are required to provide evidence for each criterion. Please print observations and evidence in sufficient detail to indicate positive practices and areas in need of improvement. Observers should review the School Profile prior to completing this form. CRITERIA 1.0 Equitable Placement bv Race/Gender in School Programs The school ensures equal access and fair treatment in all programs resulting in optimum conditions for student learning. CIRCLE ONE SP 1.1 The composition of the school staff ensures that students have access to, and contact with, i varied staff of certified and non-certified personnel. EVIDENCE
YES NO SP 1.2 School enrollment reflects the racial/ethnic composition prescribed by the court approved desegregation plan. EVIDENCE
YES NO SP 1.3 Class/course enrollments generally reflect the racial/ethnic composition of the school. EVIDENCE
YES NO aEducational Equity Monitoring Page 2 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE SP 1.4 If needed, strategies to eliminate disproportionate class/course enrollments or one- race classes are evident. EVIDENCE
________________________ YES NO SP/0 1.5 Indicate specific subject, (math, science, language, etc.) room number and approximate number of students of any one race classes. Rm# Nvimber of students Rm#___Number of students Rm#___Number of students Rm#___Number of students Race___Time__Subj ect__ Race___Time__Subj ect__ Race___Time__Subj ect__ Race___Time__Subj ect__ 2.0 Curriculum The school provides a curriculum that is reflective of cultural differences. Local and/or state-developed course content guides enhance multicultural content in all curriculum areas. O/I 2.1 In classrooms observed, the teachers have adequate materials and equipment to deliver the curriculum. EVIDENCE: ___ _______________________________ YES NO O/I 2.2 Current and complete student records are maintained in the classroom and school office to monitor the progress in achievement of the individual learner (i.e. grade books, Abacus reports, PRFs, interim and parent conference reports, report cards, lesson plans). EVIDENCE:_______________________________ YES NO 0 2.3 All students are actively involved in classroom instruction. EVIDENCE: ______________________________________ YES NO Educational Equity Monitoring Page 3 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE 0 2.4 Classroom seating patterns promote interaction among students of different race/gender. EVIDENCE: YES NO O O 0 O/I I 2.5 2.6 There is evidence that the multicultural curriculum is being implemented. 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 Bulletin boards, displays of projects, publications, and productions throughout the school (including the media center) reflect the racial/ethnic/gender differences of the student body and/or multiculturalism. EVIDENCE: Bulletin boards, displays of projects, publications, and productions in the classroom reflect the racial/ethnic/ gender differences of the student body and/or multiculturalism. EVIDENCE: There is a display of student work. EVIDENCE: Multicultural objectives of the curriculum guides are taught. EVIDENCE: The library media specialist annually evaluates the adequacy of multicultural materials in the media collection and continually evaluates new materials to be considered for purchase. EVIDENCE: YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 4 ____________________________CRITERIA____________ 3.0 School/District Initiated Honors and Awards CIRCLE ONE The school ensures that no student is denied access to being selected for honors and awards through establishment of non-biased and equitable policies and procedures. SP 3.1 A variety of awards and honors is provided in areas such as scholarship, citizenship, sports, school and attendance, clubs, and organizations. EVIDENCE: YES NO SP 3.2 Written procedures and requirements governing honors and awards are distributed to staff, students and parents. EVIDENCE: YES NO SP 3.3 The offerings and procedures regarding honors and awards are evaluated regularly for equity and to determine if new awards are necessary to meet student needs. EVIDENCE: YES NO SP 3.4 The distribution of honors and awards is generally reflective of the school population. EVIDENCE: YES NO 4.0 Committees The school staff ensures that appointments to all school based committees are made in a non-biased and equitable manner which results in committees with diverse population that have knowledge of educational programs for a varied student population. SP 4.1 The composition of each appointed school based staff/parent committee generally reflects the staff/student populations. EVIDENCE: YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 5 CRITERIA 5.0 Extracurricular Activities The school's extracurricular program helps to develop important academic/non-academic skills, abilities and interests. SP 5.1 Procedures are evident to assure that students are apprised of information regarding various opportunities in extracurricular activities/ extended educational programs. EVIDENCE: ________________________________________ SP 5.2 Participation in extracurricular activities/ extended educational programs generally reflects the school population. EVIDENCE: ___ _________________________________ 6.0 Student Achievement/Assessment The school staff implements non-discriminatory procedures for administration, analysis, and use of the most recent standardized tests. SP 6.1 When test results are examined, achievement of white students remains stable or increases as black student achievement improves. EVIDENCE
______________________________ SP/0 6.2 Goals and strategies are developed and implemented to decrease the achievement differences between black students and white students on the following measure of student achievement. ...Stanford Eight Achievement Test EVIDENCE
CIRCLE ONE YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 6 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE SP 6.3 Failure/retention rates reflect the school population. EVIDENCE: ______ YES NO SP 6.4 Graduation rates reflect the school population, (high school only) EVIDENCE: YES NO O/I 6.5 Test taking skills are taught throughout the year. EVIDENCE: YES NO 7.0 Special Education The school staff ensures that student placement and services provided in the special education program are non-discriminatory. SP/I 7.1 Strategies to eliminate disproportionate student assignment to special education are evident. EVIDENCE: YES NO O/I 7.2 The teachers have adequate materials and equipment to deliver the curriculum. EVIDENCE: YES NO 0 7.3 Facilities are comparable to those of the campus in general. EVIDENCE: ______.________________________ YES NO 0 7.4 Classrooms are integrated into the total school environment. EVIDENCE: _____________________________________ YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 7 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE O/I 7.5 Facilities for special education meet the needs of the students served. EVIDENCE: YES NO O 7.6 Current copies of student records are maintained in the classroom to monitor the progress and achievement of the individual learner (i.e., grade books, lEP goals and objectives, lesson plans). EVIDENCE: YES NO 8.0 Gifted and Talented Education The school staff ensures that student placement and services provided in the Gifted/Talented program are non~discriminatory. SP/I 8.1 Strategies to eliminate disproportionate student assignment to gifted ^nd talented are evident. EVIDENCE: YES NO O/I 8.2 The teachers have adequate materials and equipment to deliver the curriculum. EVIDENCE: YES NO 0 8.3 Facilities are comparable to those of the campus in general. EVIDENCE: r YES NO 0 8.4 Classrooms are integrated into the total school environment. EVIDENCE: YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 8 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE O/I 8.5 Facilities for gifted and talented meet the needs of the students served. EVIDENCE
________________________________________ YES NO 0 8.6 Current copies of students' records are maintained in the classroom to monitor the progress and achievement of the individual learner (i.e., test results, identification folder, progress folder). EVIDENCE: ________________________________________ YES NO 9.0 Staff Development The staff development plan for the school demonstrates commitment to educational equity. SP/I 9.1 Staff development activities related to educational equity to enhance the achievement of a diverse student population have been provided and are ongoing (i.e.. Cooperative Learning, TESA, PET) . EVIDENCE: ____________________ YES NO SP/I 9.2 Staff development activities in teaching strategies for multicultural curriculum delivery have been provided. EVIDENCE: ___________ ________________________ YES NO SP/I 9.3 Staff development activities related to discipline/classroom management have been provided (i.e., assertive discipline, conflict management, and positive classroom discipline, etc.). EVIDENCE: __________________ YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 9 SP/I 9.4 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE Regular classroom teachers are provided ongoing training in understanding the remedial programs. EVIDENCE: _______________________________________ YES NO 10.0 Parental Involvement The school provides equitable opportunities for parental involvement in the district/school activities. O/I 10.1 The school utilizes a variety of methods (memo, letter, phone, home visits) to encourage parental involvement in school and in home supported educational activities. (List in order of effectiveness.) EVIDENCE: _____________________________ YES NO SP/I 10.2 All identifiable groups of parents are actively involved in school functions. EVIDENCE: YES NO SP/I 10.3 Documentation is available to indicate that parents are actively involved in each phase of remediation programs in which their child(ren) participate(s). EVIDENCE: ___ _______ YES NO I 10.4 Contact is made regularly with the home to communicate positive/negative (as appropriate) information related to student behavior and/or achievement. EVIDENCE: ______________________ YES NO SP 10.5 School patrons and parents are given an opportunity to actively participate in developing the local School Improvement Plan/Comprehensive Outcome Evaluation (COE). EVIDENCE: ________________________________________ YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 10 ____________________________CRITERIA__________________________ SP/I 10.6 Mini-seminars at PTA meetings and/or in the community have been held to make parents aware of district structure, policy and programs, and ways to access them. EVIDENCE
___________________________________ CIRCLE ONE YES NO 11.0 Student Discipline The staff ensures that student disciplinary policies and practices are non-discriminatory. I 11.1 Infonnation, including the staff's expectation for student conduct, in the foirm of handbooks and/or public presentations regarding student disciplinary policies and procedures is distributed to all students and parents. EVIDENCE
YES NO I 11.2 School staff has plans, procedures, and practices which are designed to enable students to remain in school, promote academic success and alleviate behavior problems. EVIDENCE
_________________________________ YES NO SP 11.3 Suspension and expulsion rates are generally representative of the student population. EVIDENCE
YES NO SP/I 11.4 If needed, strategies to eliminate disproportionate discipline sanctions among identifiable student groups are evident. EVIDENCE
______________________________________ YES NO 0 11.5 Classroom instruction proceeds in an orderly manner. EVIDENCE
___________________________________ YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 11 0 ______________________CRITERIA________________ 11.6 How visible are the following persons in CIRCLE ONE directing/controlling students? the following for each person(s). Indicate one of A. B. C. Very active/very visible Somewhat active/somewhat visible Not active/not visible Principal Assistant Principal(s) Teachers Supervision Aides/Security EVIDENCE: ____________________ 12.0 Building Leadership/Management In the desegregated setting, the principal must demonstrate a strong commitment to educational equity. SP/0 12.1 The school has a clear, concise, well-written statement of specific"improvement goals. EVIDENCE: ____________________________________ YES NO 0 12.2 The campus and building are clean and free of debris and graffiti. EVIDENCE: ____________________________________ YES NO O 12.3 Hallways are orderly. EVIDENCE: _____ YES NO I 12.4 There is evidence that curriculum monitoring occurs. EVIDENCE: ___________________________________ YES NOEducational Equity Monitoring Page 12 CRITERIA CIRCLE ONE O/I 12.5 There is evidence that the guidance program provides equitable services to all students (i.e., counselor's scheduleindividual/group). EVIDENCE
______________________________________ YES NO I/O 12.6 District and school security guidelines are YES NO /SP being followed. EVIDENCE
______________________________________________EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS FOR THE EDUCATIONAL EQUITY (EE) MONITORING INSTRUMENT 1.0 EQUITABLE PIACEMENT BY RACE/GENDER IN SCHOOL PROGRAMS Sc? 1 - 1995 RATIONALE: Office cf Desegregaiicn . Supports well being of society . Provides a comfortable school climate with optimum conditions for student learning and development . Supports the intent of the law by providing equal access and fair treatment in all programs . Aids in the socialization of students Enhances cultural pluralism Racial isolation does not support the idea of pluralism on which this country is based GENERAL DESCRIPTION: . Racially balanced (at least 25 percent black) certified and (at least 25 percent white) non-certified staff reflects appropriate percentage . Racial/Gender Balance (at least 25 percent black) in staff assignments, programs, content areas, and grade level . School enrollment to be within the appropriate racial range for 1994-1995 school year. This information is available after October 1, 1994, following a districtwide census. . Racial/gender enrollment of classrooms and courses to generally reflect the racial/gender composition of the school Racial and gender enrollment of extended educational programs to generally reflect the racial/gender composition of the school Plan to eliminate one-race classes, if one-race classes identified are Class enrollments comply with state standards . Strategies to increase the number of minority students in upper level courses/class groupsEffectiveness Indicators Page 2 2.0 CURRICULUM RATIONALE
That element in the school environment through which students gain knowledge and information . Provides the opportunity for students to develop a sensitivity for and acceptance of differences Staff has high expectations that all students will achieve GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Implementation of a culturally diverse, scoped, sequenced, multicultural, interdisciplinary and bias free LRSD curriculum Interaction among students promoted by classroom seating patterns An adequacy of materials and equipment to support the prescribed curriculum (Adequacy - can you implement the curriculum with what you have?) . Varied teaching strategies reflected by display of student work Evidence of assessment/reteaching/retesting, when necessary Current and complete documentation of student progress Teachers demonstrate use of multiculturally infused curriculum Students participating in heterogeneous groups to allow for cross racial interaction Displays of bulletin boards, materials, and publications that reflect the cultural diversity of the student population and/or multiculturalism 3.0 SCHOOL/DISTRICT INITIATED HONORS AND AWARDS RATIONALE
Enhance the total well-being of the learner academically, socially, and psychologically Promote positive self-concept and self-confidence Promote a healthy school environment which encompasses school spirit, collegiality, and cohesivenessEffectiveness Indicators Page 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION
A variety of awards and honors Written procedures and requirements governing honors and awards are evident and distributed to staff, students and parents A process to evaluate the honors and awards program for equity Plans to eliminate any racial/gender inequities relative to distribution of honors and awards Non-athletic and athletic awards and honors (secondary schools) are perceived as comparable through visible evidence (displays) and promotion activities (school programs), e.g. student of the month. National Honor Society, honors assembly programs, contin- iuous curriculum development 4.0 COMMITTEES RATIONALE
Diversified parent and staff participation which strengthens commitment to the school and its goals Diversified membership to assure a wide range of perspectives and creative problem solving GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Racial/gender composition of appointed school-based committees (-25% to 12.5% of black student enrollment) generally reflects the school population 5.0 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES RATIONALE
Provide opportunities for development of self-concept, self-esteem, leadership skills, and socialization skills in a multi-ethnic social environment Help to develop important academic/non-academic skills, abilities and interests GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, etc.) generally balanced (-25% to +12.5% of black student enrollment) by race and sexEffectiveness Indicators Page 4 . Adult sponsorships generally balanced (-25% to +12.5% of black student enrollment) by race and gender Recruitment practices to promote participation of all races and both genders in extracurricular activities 6.0 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT/ASSESSMENT RATIONALE
. Provides an assessment of the outcomes of teaching/learning based on disaggregation of data by race and gender Offers an opportunity to determine the success of district goals . Provides an assessment for student program/course placement Complies with requirements set by the Arkansas Legislature Provides an assessment of student strengths and weaknesses Identifies each student's needs for success in the school setting GENERAL DESCRIPTION
All students' strengths and weaknesses assessed and their educational programs planned accordingly Evidence that graduation/promotion/retention rates are monitored and analyzed to reduce disparities in achievement (disaggregated by race/gender) Test results used for diagnostic and prescriptive purposes and reported in a manner that is clear and helpful to administrators, teachers, students, and parents . Strategies to close the disparity in test scores among identifiable groups 7.0 SPECIAL EDUCATION RATIONALE
Serves a vital function in meeting the special needs of students who, because of physical or mental characteristics, require particular educational servicesEffectiveness Indicators Page 5 Ensures equitable treatment based on race/gender through appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and placement procedures GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Clear, well-defined referral, assessment and placement procedures Special Education facilities that are comparable to other educational programs on the campus and integrated into the total school environment Varied teaching strategies reflected by display of student work Evidence of assessment/reteaching/retesting, when necessary Adequate textbooks, materials, and equipment available for all students to participate in classroom learning experiences Strategies to decrease any over-representation of minorities Adequate facilities to meet the needs of the students served 8.0 GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION RATIONALE
. Meets the needs of students who are academically above the general school population and/or who demonstrate special skills and abilities Provides an enriched and more challenging learning environment Adequate referral, appropriate assessment, and well-defined criteria for giftedness for equitable placement in gifted/ talented programs GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Students identified through teacher referral, standardized test results, academic performance, and other criteria deemed appropriate by the school staff A planned and organized strategy to address any problem of under-representation of identifiable groups in gifted and talented programs Varied teaching strategies reflected by display of student work Evidence of assessment/reteaching/retesting, when necessaryEffectiveness Indicators Page 6 Sufficient textbooks, materials, and equipment available to deliver the curriculum to all students in the class Gifted and talented facilities that are comparable to other educational programs on the campus and integrated into the total school environment Adequate facilities to meet the needs of the students served 9.0 STAFF DEVELOPMENT RATIONALE
A staff development plan that demonstrates commitment to educational equity by providing appropriate training in
general knowledge of educational equity equitable staffing practices strategies for teaching the multicultural curriculum strategies to enhance student achievement Staff behavior that demonstrates commitment to quality desegregated education GENERAL DESCRIPTION
. Ongoing staff development programs designed to enable staff members to fulfill the district/school mission and purpose Staff development provided at a variety of places and times Appropriate inservice provided to enable each staff member to understand his/her role and responsibility in the implementation of the districtwide desegregation plan Documentation of staff development participation All teachers have inservice relative to the delivery of the district curriculum 10.0 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT RATIONALE
Seeks the involvement of parents with all subgroups represented Emphasizes the positive impact that parental involvement has on student learningEffectiveness Indicators Page 7 Participation of identifiable groups and selected communities of parents Utilizes a variety of methods to solicit the involvement of parents who do not traditionally participate GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Documentation of school-home communication and contact . Documented evidence showing how all identifiable groups of parents have been actively solicited . When financially possible, transportation provided for parents who need the service . School functions conducted in community facilities near identifiable groups of parents School functions scheduled to accommodate all parent groups . Provision for regularly informing and involving parents regarding all aspects of their child's school performance Documentation that parents are actively involved in remediation programs in which their students participate (support workshop attendance, conferences, ASDP signatures, etc.) . Opportunities to develop leadership skills among all parent groups . Documentation of parental involvement in writing the school plans 11.0 STUDENT DISCIPLINE RATIONALE
Involves effective classroom management Helps students to take responsibility for their actions and to act in socially appropriate ways GENERAL DESCRIPTION
No disproportionality among identifiable groups of students when discipline sanctions are analyzed (-25% - +12.5% of the black student enrollment at the school) Evidence of strategies to eliminate disproportionality in disciplinary sanctions, if such disproportionality existsEffectiveness Indicators Page 8 . Teachers receiving staff development and training to become effective in discipline management and classroom management more . Discipline program monitored, evaluated, and updated to decrease any disproportionality among identifiable groups of students . Evidence that a handbook/policy clearly states expectations for student conduct and that these policies are distributed and explained . School staff very active and visible in directing/controlling students 12.0 BUILDING LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT RATIONALE
. Principal's strong commitment to educational equity Demonstrates that education is valued for all parents, students and staff Accepts responsibility for clear management of administrative tasks Articulates how business is to be conducted on the campus Assumes a pro-active (not reactive) role Demonstrates visible leadership GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Clear, concise and well-written improvement goals for equity . Physical environment which supports the goals of quality teaching and learning, i.e., clean buildings, no debris, orderly halls, no graffiti Equipment and learning aides in good condition, i.e., bulletin boards, chalk boards Evidence that the principal monitors the curriculum . Evidence which indicates that all students are served by the guidance program, i.e., counselors' schedules/daily logs individual/group counseling . A system to receive information from fonner students and patrons regarding the quality/needs of the total program A safe and secure campus for all students, LRSD employees, and visitorsI r EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) SEP 1 1595 Office of Desggrsgaiion fviomtonng Monitoring_.activities-Will..be-coordinated by.the Planning, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) staff with the assistance of the building principal. During the site visits team members will wear identification badges. 1.0 PRE-CONFERENCE When the monitoring team arrives at a school, a pre-conference will be held with the principal, following points usually will be discussed during the pre-conference visit. The 1.1 UNUSUAL EVENTS - The principal should share with the team any unusual events that might be occurring at school during the time of the monitoring visit. 1.2 LIST OF TEACHERS - The principal should provide the monitoring team with a list of teachers by name, room number, and grade level. 1.3 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS - The monitors will need to know in which rooms substitute teachers are assigned on that day. 1.4 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS - This pre-conference will provide the principal an opportunity to share with the team any highlights or outstanding activities which may be occurring during the site visit. 1.5 PRIVATE MEETING AREA - The principal will need to provide a room with privacy for the team so that
random sample of teachers can be selected to be monitored. a 1.6 1.5.1 This room might also be used by the team to reach and write the team consensus at the conclusion of the monitoring visit. - SCHOOL PROFILE A completed School Profile should be available for the team to review. The School Profile should be completed according to directions from the PRE Department.EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) Page 2 2.0 EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING The educational equity monitoring will not include evaluation. personnel 2.1 ANONYMITY - The staff members who will be visited will not be identified. 2.2 MONITORING IN CLASSROOMS - The monitoring team members will enter the classrooms and monitor the programs with as little disruption of the educational process as possible. 2.3 TEACHER ORIENTATION - The principal should discuss the monitoring process with the teachers. The following should be included in the discussion and meeting. 2.3.1 CHECKLIST - The principal should provide the teachers with a copy of the monitoring checklist(s). 2.3.2 TOCHER TIME - Teachers should allow a few minutes to respond verbally to the monitors about some items on the monitoring checklist. The monitors will probably not have time to wait until the teacher's break time. 2.3.3 INSTRUCTION - Teachers should not stop the teaching process when the monitor enters the room, but at the first convenient stopping point, they should take time to answer the monitor's questions. 2.3.4 SAMPLE OF STUDENTS The monitors may ask a sample of students a few questions during the monitoring visit. 2.3.5 RECORDS If the student records are displayed in a prominent place in the classroom,.the monitor will be able to the records with minimum disruption to instruction. assess 2.3.6 SITE VISITS - Two monitoring visits will be conducted during the school year.EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) Page 3 3.0 TEAM CONSENSUS making an appropriate number of classroom visits mnni t.t-5 1 i ______* monitors-will-meet-and-compile-the-team the 4.0 EXIT CONFERENCE consensus. If The team consensus will be shared with the principal or their designee during an exit conference at the school, if no conference is held, the principal will need to telephone the appropriate PRE specialist for a phone conference as soon as possible. 4.1 PRINCIPAL COMMENTS - At this time the principal will be provided the opportunity to make comments about the findings to clarify issues and make the report more accurate. 5.0 WRITTEN REPORTS A copy of each consensus report is sent to each school. PRE staff writes a districtwide summary report at the The conclusion of each semester. 5.1 The Associate Superintendent for Desegregation request corrective action, if necessary. may 5.2 SHARE REPORTS - The principal should share the consensus monitoring reports with the school staff so that the reports may be used to continually improve the plan implementation. soLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Planning, Research and Evaluation SEP 1 b 1995 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SCHOOL PROFTT P DATE DUE: October 6, 1995 Office of Desegregaiicfl Momii. The process for completing the school profile involves: 1. Data entry at the school site into the AS/400 on an ongoing basis 2. Data provided by central office departments 3. Data entry at the school site using the LRSD School Profile Menu 4. Written narrative statements and additional information provided by the building principal The instructions which follow pertain only to items on the monitoring instrument which require direct data entry via the School Profile Menu (SPM) and ones which necessitate written narratives/additional information. Technical instructions for data entry, provided by the Information Services Department, are attached. Items requiring data entry using the School Profile Menu: 3.1 Variety of honors and awards List honors and awards that are provided at the school, e.g., A Honor Roll, B Honor Roll, Citizenship Honor Roll, service, music, art, and athletic awards. (Menu Items 4 and 5, SPM) 3.4 Distribution of honors and awards Provide data at the end of each semester. (Menu Items 4 and 5, SPM) 4.1 Committees Complete as indicated. (Menu Items 6 and 7, SPM) 5.2 Extracurricular activities/extended educational programs Complete as indicated. (Menu Items 2 and 3, SPM) 9.1 -9.3 Staff Development Complete the Prior to 95-96 column. Current year activities should be updated on an on-going basis. (Menu Items 8-11, SPM)Page 2 School Profile In addition to the foregoing items, please provide the information requested in Menu Item 1, "Staff Assignment for Advanced Placement/Honors/GT, II of the School Profile Menu. Items requiring narrative answers or additional types of information: 1.4 Disproportionate class/course enrollments Provide a written copy of strategies requested, if such strategies needed. 3.2 Procedures and requirements governing honors/awards Provide a copy of the written procedures, ones which are distributed to staff, students, and parents, governing honors and awards. 3.3 Evaluation of honors/awards Include a' statement concerning the process used to evaluate honors/awards as requested in this item. 5.1 Apprisal of students concerning extracurricular activities/extended educational programs Include a statement describing the procedures used to apprise students of information regarding extracurricular activities/extended educational programs. 6.2 Goals and strategies relative to achievement Include a copy of the School Improvement Plan/ COE Study/COE Update, whichever is applicable. 7.1 Special Education assignment If assignment to special education classes is disproportionate, provide strategies used to eliminate the disproportionality. 8.1 Gifted and Talented Education Same as Number 7.1 above, but relative to G/TPage 3 School Profile 10.3 Documentation recrardinq the remedial process Documentation requested should be on file in the appropriate place at the school. 10.5 Parental Involvement/School Improvement Plan Documentation of the above involvement. Parent signatures are one example of such documentation. 10.6 P.T.A. seminars Agenda from the meeting, notice sent home concerning the above, etc. 11.3 11.4 Suspension/expulsion rates Provide the current copy of the Discipline Management Report. Strategies regarding discipline sanctions Include a copy of the strategies requested, if needed. 12.1 Improvement goals Include requested statement. 12.6 See 6.2. District and school security guidelines Include a copy of the school's security plan.- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 1 I Data Entry Instructions for the School Profile Entry Screens SEP 1 - 1993 - Before you start - Office ot Desesregsiion Mcniioring In order to understand the documentation that follows, it is important that you know how to find certain keys that we will be referring to on your computer keyboard. In order to do this, you first have to know whether you are accessing the AS/400 computer through a PC or a Terminal. The discussion in the box below addresses this issue. If you already know the answer to this question, you may skip to the next section. Are You Accessing the AS/400 through a PC or a Terminal? You are using a PC i You do not have an <F24> key (the highest F key on a PC is <F12>). You do have a 3 1/2 inch wide horizontal slot on the fi-ont of the PC in which to enter a diskette. ' You are using a Terminal if
You do have an <F24> key. The <F24> is one of 24 F keys or function keys at the top of your keyboard on a terminal. You do not have a 3 1/2 inch wide horizontal slot on the fi-ont of your PC in which to enter a diskette. Table J Once you have determined which type of device you are using to access the AS/400 (a PC or Terminal), study the keys discussed below in Table 2. Be sure that you can find these keys on your keyboard before proceeding further. Key Name: <ENTER/CTRL> key Location, on PC Use the lower right hand Ctrl key for an enter key. <TAB> key <BACKTAB> key <NEXT PAGE> key Labeled Tab>1 and can be found on the left side of the keyboard. While holding the Shift key ft press theTab ! key found on the left side of the keyboard. Labeled Page Down and can be found to the left of the number keypad. Location on Terminal Labeled Enter and can be found directly under the ft (Shift) key in the lower right hand comer of the alpha key section of the keyboard. Labeled >1 and can be found on the left side of the keyboard. <PREVIOUS PAGE>key L/abeled Page Up and can be found to the left of the number keypad. Labeled !< and can be found near the upper right side of the keyboard. While holding the Shift key ft press the Roll? key found at the bottom near the right on your keyboard While holding the Shift key ft press theRollT key found at the bottom near the right on your keyboard Table 2 R.Conno!ly- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 2 - If all else fails: <F3> to exit - The following pages contain a set of detailed instructions on how to navigate through the School Profile Entry Screens and to enter necessary data from your school for the School Profile Report. We have taken great care to insure these instructions are accurate and clear. Nevertheless, we realize that, for any number of reasons, you might get stuck or end up looking at a screen that does not look anything like what the instructions tell you to expect If this happens, you can always call Information Services for assistance. There is one thing that you can try first Once you get into a School Entry Screen, no matter where you are in the program, you can always exit the program and go back to the menu by simply pushing the <F3> key found near the top of your keyboard. Once you get back to the menu you can move quickly back through whatever instructions that you have already read by following the instructions printed in bold letters. - Bringing up the screen - To enter information on any School Profile Screen: Select the LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL PROFILE MENU (option #14) off the STUDENT MANAGEMENT MAIN MENU. Your screen should now look like this: MENU LSM610: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL PROFILE MENU 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11. 12 . Staff Assignment for Adv. Placement/Honors/GT Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Total Membership . Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Adult Sponsors . . Schoolwide Student Honors/Awards - Schoolwide Student Honors/Awards - 1st Sem. .. 2nd Sem. . School Committees/Parental Involv. - Employee School Committees/Parental Involv. Parents 89 . 90 . Staff Staff Staff Staff Development - Development - Development - Development - LRSD School Profile Educational Equity . . . Multicultural Curriculum Discipline/Classrm Mgmt . Other Staff Dev. Activity Reports ................. SPHONORC SPEXTRAIC SPEXTRA2C SPHSEMIC SPHSEM2C SPSCOMMIC SPSCOMM2C SPSTFDVIC SPSTFDV2C SPSTFDV3C SPSTFDV4C SCHPROC Change Assignment Exit ACS Option or Menu Item Flashing cursor appears here Select the menu item for the panicular screen on which you wish to enter information. We will use item #2: Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Total Membership as an example. The screens all work in much the same way so that by learning how to do this example, you will know how to enter information in any of the other screens. Type the number 2 then press <ENTER/CTRL>. [r. Connolly - Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 3 Your screen should now look like this: MODE: F ACTION: EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DISTRICT : SCHOOL: ACTIVITY WHITE M F BLACK OTHER M F % : BLACK TOTAL F3=Exit Flashing cursor appears here F12=Cancel M F : TOT - Entering your schools ID - Type LRS in the box (which we call a field) labeled DISTRICT. Notice that when you fill a field with characters, the cursor automatically jumps to the next field. The cursor is now flashing in the box labeled SCHOOL. Type your school number in this box. Be sure to type your school number as a three digit number with leading zero(s). For the remainder of these instructions we will use School #1 as an example. We will enter our school number as 001. Press <ENTER/CTRL>. |R.Connolly I- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 4 Your screen should now look something like this (note: your screen may show different Activities than the ones listed in the example below): MODE: F ACTION: F EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 Al TVITY Flashing cursor appears here :iTE F BLACK M ] OTHER M : TOT V
BLACK 'potball Drin Team Cheerleaders Student Govt TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel ot Ot OV Ot 0% Ot F 1 2 3 4 S laiLS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Entering your data - The screen consists of five (5) lines which are numbered in the left hand column of the screen. Each line is broken up into fields (designated by the underlines). To enter data in a field, you must first move the cursor to that field. To move the cursor to the next field, press the <TAB> key. To move the cursor back to a previous field, press the <BACKTAB> key. Go ahead and enter your data at this time. Notice that the cursor will not stop on the TOT or %BLACK columns. The same is true of the TOTAL row (at the bottom of the screen). These are areas that will later reflect summary information about the data that you are entering. The information in these areas will not change at the time you are entering data. In order for the summary information to reflect the figures that you have entered, you must completely exit the screen and then come back into the screen. Notice also that we have left the ACTIVITY descriptions that were used for your school last year. If you wish to change any of these descriptions, just type over top of them. If you wish to eliminate a description, just type over it using the space bar and ignore that line. - Saving your changes - This screen allows you to enter five (5) lines of data at a time. We call these five lines a page because they are like looking at one page in a book. There are up to 30 lines available for entering data in this particular screen. Before you move to a new page (of 5 more lines), you must first permanently save the data that you have just entered oh this page. R.Cotinolly- Lillie Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 5 To save the data you have just entered, you must press the <ENTER7CTRL> key. Note: if you do not press the enter key after entering new data, the new data will not be permanently saved in the computer. For example, if you press the <F3> key to exit this screen without having first pressed the <ENTER/CTRL> key, then when you come back into the screen it will not reflect any changes or data that you have entered. It will look exactly the way that it did before you entered your changes. If you have entered data on all five lines of the first page, then when you press the <ENTER/CTRL> key, your data will be permanently saved and a new page (consisting of the next five lines) will appear on the screen. If you did not enter new data in any lines at the bottom of the first page, then those lines will appear at the top of the next page after you press the <ENTER/CTRL> key. For example, if you did not enter any new data in lines 3, 4, and 5 on the first page, then when you press the <ENTER/CTRL> key you will see lines 3 to 7 on the next page instead of lines 6 to 10. If this is confusing, do not worry about it, just understand that pressing the <ENTER/CTRL> key will not always cause the screen to advance a full five lines. Assuming that you entered dau in all five lines of the previous page and pressed the <ENTER/CTRL> key, your screen should now look something like this (note: the ACTIVITY names may be different for your school): MODE: F ACTION
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 10 ACTIVITY WHITE M BLACK M OTHER M J : TOT : % : BLACK FCS German Club Int1 Club TARS CCE 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% F F F 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% F3=Exit F12=Cancel Notice that the item numbers on the left hand side now go fi-om 6 to 10, instead of going from 1 to 5 like they did on the first page. These item numbers tell you which lines of data you are looking at. At this point you may enter more data as you did on the first page. R.Connolly [- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 6 - Moving between pages - If you wish to move back to a previous page you may do so using the <PREV1OUS PAGE> key. If you need to move to a later page you may do so by pushing the <NEXT PAGE> key as many times as is necessary. If you need help locating the previous or next page keys check Table 2 at the beginning of this document. WARNING!!!! If you enter new data on a page, be sure to press the <ENTER/CTRL> key before you move to another page. If you enter new data on a pag4 and then press the <NEXT PAGE> or <PREVIOUS PAGE> key before you press the <ENTER/CTRL> key, you will lose the new data that you entered on that page. Unfortunately, the computer will not warn you about this when you go to do it, therefore we are warning you now! - Exiting the Program - As we mentioned earlier, you can press the <F3> key to exit back to the menu at any point. This concludes our discussion of item #2
Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Total Membership. If you have any questions, please call us at Information Services: 324-2055. I R-Connoliy- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 7 School Profile Entry Screens The follow pages show each of the School Profile Entry Screens. We will not give detailed entry instructions for every screen. The detailed instructions that we have just given in the preceding example should enable you to enter data in any of the other screens, because, as we noted earlier, the screens behave very similarly. We have tried to point out the unique features of each of the screens in the notes that follow. If you are still having difficulty after reading these notes, please call Information Services for help. 1. Staff Assignment for Adv. Placement/Honors/GT - This screen should only be filled in by the Secondary Schools. There are only five lines available for entry in this particular screen. Therefore, this screen docs not require any paging. However, if you do not enter new data in any lines at the bottom of the screen, those lines will appear at the top of the next page after you press the <ENTER/CTRL> key (as with any of the screens). If you were finished entering data at that point, then just press the <F3> key and it will take you back to the menu. Also note that on this screen the descriptions (Academic Area) are fixed and cannot be changed. MODE: F ACTION: STAFF ASSIGNMENT FOR AP/HONORS/GIFTED/ENRICHED Secondary Only DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL
001 ACADEMIC AREA WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F : TOT : % : BLACK English Math Science Social Studies Foreign Language TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I R.Connoii7- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 8 2. Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Total Membership - This screen was discussed in detail earlier and is pictured again here for your convenience. MODE: F ACTION
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 ACTIVITY WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F 1 : BLACK : TOT Football Drill Team Cheerleaders Student Govt TAILS TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel OV Ot 0% Ot 0% 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 Oi 3. Extracurricular/Ext. Ed. - Adult Sponsors - This screen is nearly identical to the previous screen except for the fact that it deals with Adult Sponsors instead qf Total Membership. MODE: F ACTION: EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ EXTENDED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ADULT SPONSORS DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 ACTIVITY WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F : TOT 1 : BLACK Football Drill Team Cheerleaders Student Govt TAILS TOTAL F3=Exie F12=Cancel ot 01 01 01 01 01 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R-Connoilyj- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 9 4. Schoolwide Student Honors/Awards - 1st Sem. - This screen is for First Semester data only. In addition to the description field (Honor/Award) and the race and gender count fields, there is also a field for entering grade level. MODE: F ACTION: SCHOOLWIDE STUDENT HONORS/AWARDS FIRST SEMESTER DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 :HONOR/AWARD :GRADE: WHITE M F BLACK ! F OTHER M F : TOT : BLACK 1 "A' Hon.Roll 2 Citizenship TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel 0 0% ov OV 0* 0% M 0 0 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Schoolwide Student Honors/Awards - 2nd Sem. - This screen is identical to the previous screen except that it is for entering Second Semester rather than FirsLSeihester, MODE: F ACTION: SCHOOLWIDE STUDENT HONORS/AWARDS SECOND SEMESTER DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 : HONOR/AWARD :GRADE: WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F : TOT : * : BLACK ov ov OV Ot Ot TOTAL Ot F3=Exit F12=Cancel 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R-Connolly- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 10 6. School Coramittees/Parental Involv. - Employee MODE: F ACTION: SCHOOL COMMITTEES/PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT EMPLOYEES DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 COMMITTEE WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F : TOT V : BLACK BIRACIAL COMMITT P.T.A. BOARD MBR PARENT WORKSHOPS IMPROVEMENT COMM TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel ov 0% OV 0% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. School Committees/Parental Involv, - Parents MODE: F ACTION: SCHOOL COMMITTEES/PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT PARENTS/PATRONS DISTRICT: LRS SCHOOL: 001 COMMITTEE WHITE M F BLACK M F OTHER M F : TOT % : BLACK BIRACIAL COMMITT P.T.A. BOARD MBR PARENT WORKSHOPS IMPROVEMENT COMM TOTAL F3-Exit F12^Cancel 0% Ot Ot ov OV Ot 1 2 3 4 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I R.Connony- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 11 8. Staff Development - Educational Equity MODE
yy/yy 1 2 3 4 3 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 F3=ExiC F12=Cancel R.Connolly- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 12 10. Staff Development - Discipline/Classrm Mgmt. MODE: F ACTION: DISTRICT: LRS STAFF DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL: 001 CERTIFIED STAFF Number Completed DISCIPLINE/CLASSRM MGMT. SUPPORT STAFF Number Completed SPEC. TRAINING: PRIOR yy/yy DURING : yy/yy = PRIOR : DURING
yy/yy = yy/yy 1 ASSERTIVE DISCIP 2 CLASSROOM MGMT. 3 CONFLICT MGMT. 4 5 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 11. Staff Development - Other Staff Dev. Activity MODE: F ACTION: DISTRICT
yy/yy = yy/yy PRIOR : DURING: yy/yy = yy/yy- AT RISK TOTAL F3=Exit F12=Cancel 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 [ R-ConnoH^- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 13 12. LRSD School Profile Reports - Selecting this menu option will take you to a screen that launches a School Profile Report. You probably do not need to run this report. Planning, Research, and Evaluation will run this report on white 8 1/2 x 11 paper and send it to you when it is needed. Havin
this option on your menu will allow you to run additional copies of this repon. But if you do decide to this report, there are some things that you should be aware of: ig run 1. 2. This is an overnight report - you should not expect to print this repon until the day after you ask for it. This report is really a series of individual reports that run at one time. Altogether these reports comprise about 20 pages. 3. This report was designed and formatted to print on a laser printer. If you were to try to print this report on a regular dot matrix printer it may be difficult or even impossible to read. Therefore you should not try to run this report unless you have a laser printer that is connected to the AS/400 at your school. If you are not sure whether you have a laser printer or if it is connected to the AS/400, then call and ask Information Services. When you select this option your screen will look like this: SCHPRO SCHOOL PROFILE REPORT Type Information. Then Enter. District School . Enter - Current School's Year Term 1,2,3 or 4 Command ===> F2=Description F10=Select F3=ExiC J Fll=Entry F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F7=Backwards F9=Find F24=More Keys To run this report, type LRS in the field labeled District. The cursor jumps to the field labeled School. Type in a three character school number (use leading zeros if necessary). The cursor then jumps to the field labeled Year. Type in the last two digits of the last year of this school year. For example, for the 1994-95 school year you would type 95. The cursor moves to a field labeled Term 1,2,3 or 4. Type in the number of the current term (nine week period). The cursor jumps back to the field labeled District Press the <ENTER/CTRL> key. I R-ConnoIiV- Little Rock School Profile Technical Instructions - Page 14 The screen should look something like this: 9/09/ __ACS. FY LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Submittal Prompt____________ 10:46:33 BOBS2 -------------R&fj., ACS JSET 02 Job: SCHPROC LRSD School Profile Reports Is ready to run IN BATCH MODE Please fill in the requested data (if any) Or cancel if you do not wish to run this now JOBQ : Normal 2 - High Priority 3 - Night JOBQ QNORMAL QHIGH QNIGHT Library ACS400 ACS400 ACS400 JOBQ Priority: Output Queue: YQURPRTR (1 high - 9 low) (maximum = 3 ) in Library QUSRSYS 1 1 5 Cancel? H Make sure the field labeled Output Queue has the device name of your laser printer that is hooked to the AS/400. Press the <ENTER/CTRL> key. Your report should run overnight and be ready to print on your laser printer tomorrow morning. R.ConnollyRECEIVED DEC 61995 OHice of Desegregation Moruioriiiy LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION 810 W. Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1330 (501) 324-2120 Date: December 6, 1995 To: Mrs. Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring From: Dr. Paul J. Smith, Specialist Planning, Research and Evaluation Tlirough: Dr. Ed Jackson, Director Planning, Research and Evaluation Re: School Profile L f.lti /' Enclosed please find the 1995-96 school profiles for the Little Rock School District. We extend our apologies for not meeting your deadline of November 22, 1995. The reports are just now being copied in the printshop. In the future we shall send these reports to you in a more timely basis. Thank you for your consideration. Encl: (50) cc: Dr. Henry Williams Dr. Russell Mayo A Brown.doc R LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATIOItifce 810 W. Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1330 (501)324-2120 FE3 ] c 1996 Of DesejregaLcfi Date: February 19, 1996 To: Mrs. Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring From: Dr. Paul J. Smith, Specialist Planning, Research and Evaluation Through: Dr. Ed Jackson, Director Planning, Research and Evaluation Re: School Profile Enclosed please find the 1995-96 second semester school profiles for the Little Rock School District. These profiles were run on January 13 and 14, 1996. Principals and central office data entry personnel were encouraged to update the school profile immediately after changes occurred to keep the data ciurent and complete at all times. Encl: (50) cc: Dr. Henry Williams Dr. Russell Mayo Joshua Attorneys CTA Plant Services Assistant Superintendents A Brownl.docJOHN w. Walker, P.A. Attorney At Law 1723 Broadway Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 Telephone (501) 374-3758 FAX (501) 374-4187 RECEIVED JOHN W. WALKER RALPH WASHINGTON MARK BURNETTE AUSTIN PORTER, JR. OCT 2 5 1996 Office of Oesegregaiion Monaonna October 24, 1996 Dr. Don Roberts Interim Superintendent Little Rock School District 810 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. James Smith Superintendent of Schools North Little Rock School Distinct 2700 Poplar Street North Little Rock, AR 72114 Mr. Bobby Lester Superintendent of Schools Pulaski County Special School District 925 East Dixon Road Little Rock, AR 72206 Re: School Profiles 1996-97 School Year Gentlemen: I note in Ms. Brown's letter to you dated October 18, 1996 that she requested that you provide to her office by November 15, 1996 school profiles on all schools in your respective district We would appreciate your sending the same to us. Thank you for your cooperation. Incere ^4/ oy C. , pringer bshua Intervenors JCS/ cc: Ms. Ann Brown Mr. Billy Bowles Mr. Bobby Acklin o PCSSD" PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 925 East Dixon Road/P.O. Box 8601 Little Rock, Arkansas 72216 (501) 490-2000 7 0/ DATE: November 12, 1996 u' Ji-, 1 - - ^996 TO
FROM:. Mrs. Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Mr. John Walker, Walker Law Firm Billy J. Bowles, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation SUBJECT: School Profiles tf'ki en As you requested, enclosed are copies of the 1996-97 school profiles. If you have questions or concerns please call. ps Enclosures c Mr. Sam Jones f
Cf RECEIV' A NOV 1 5 1996 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 RECF Ft"** . PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION Office 0* Desegregation Monitoring NOV Office o< Dasegiegaiioii iviVxHVliU
1^*^ MEMORANDUM Date: November 15,1996 To: Ms. Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Mr. John Walker, Joshua Intervenors Attorney Mr. Clay Finley, LRSD Attorney From: Through: Dr. Ed Jackson, Director Shirley Lewis, Planning Special! Subject: First Semester School Profile Reports Please find enclosed copies of School Profiles for LRSD schools. Schools were given an initial deadline date of October 7 to input school profile data. PRE monitors and principals reviewed the information in preparation of the first semester equity monitoring visits and made corrections and/or updates. The enclosed reports are a result of these corrections and updates. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jackson or me at 324-2120. enclosure c: Dr. Don Roberts, Superintendent Dr. Vic Anderson, Assistant Superintendent - Secondary Ms. Margaret Gremillion, Assistant Superintendent - Elementary Ms. Sadie Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent - Elementary CTA President LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION RECEIVED MEMORANDUM NOV 4 1997 Date: October 31, 1997 OFFICE Of DESEGREGATION MONITORING To: Ms. Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Mr. John Walker, Joshua Intervenors Mr. Clay Findley, LRSD Attorney From: Shirley Lewis, Planning Specialist Through: Dr. Ed Jackson, Director, Planning, Research and Evaluation Subject: First Semester School Profile Reports Please find enclosed copies of LRSDs School Profiles. The information reported by the r.9 schools reflect activities for the first nine weeks (1st Quarter), (r If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jackson or me at 324-2120.SCHOOL MATERIALS MISSING Cloverdale JR. High Staff Development Test Material Henderson Test Material Mann Magnet Test Material Pulaski Heights Staff Development School Map Badgett Student Retention Bale Staff Development Test Material Baseline School Committees/Parental Involvement Student Retention Carver Magnet Test Material Chicot Staff Development Test Material Cloverdale Elem. Test Material Dodd Test Material Fair Park Forest Park 11 Franklin II Fulbright tl Geyer Springs II Gibbs Magnet It Mabelvale Elem. McDermott Staff Development Test Material Meadowcliff Test Material Pulaski Heights Test Materials Romine Staf Development Test Material Terry Test MaterialSchool Materials Missing Wakefield -School Committees/Parental Involvement -Test Material -Staff Development -School Map Watson Test Material Western Hills It Wilson Staff Development Test Material Woodruff Test Materials
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.