Program planning and budget document, second quarter status report

RECEIVED U.S. DISTRICT COURT eastern district ARKANSAS FEB 0 7 1994 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT JAMES W. By.-------- , ly^RMA^. CLERK DEP CLERK PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT Planning, Research and Evaluation February 7, 1994 I j T '? - >& o' *<< r. - n- "-f : .*> f . .V h <1 < i A' J '^A
V 'i-c- tr- f > .b K ( ' . It- V ' I, t V J- -J- % V'. ' y -7'^- '-J-J .J . a H I kEB 0 S Iddt
^' f- -"tS.'* .'^ 11 , nftCffttr WNES M nccotnwcr crEUK 0 ? 7 fL cveiCbM oieitfci vMKynave ns DisiKicicontii BECEIAED TABLE OF CONTENTS SEQUENCE PAGE # SEQUENCE PAGE Preface 1 Mission Statement 2 16 17 18 Alternative Learning Center Testing Assistance - Disadvantaged Job Fair 366 409 412 Goals 3 SCHOOL SUPPORT CLUSTER (BLUE) 414 District Financial Summary 4 Definitions 6 Organization of the Report 8 Cluster Budget Documents 9 CURRICULUM CLUSTER (PINK) 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 HIPPY 4 Year Old Program/City Wide Early Childhood Education Program Academic Support Program (PAL) Multicultural Programs Special Education Gifted Education Federal Programs Vocational Education 11 23 33 41 75 128 137 143 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Commitment to Desegregation/Leadership Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Staff Development Library/Media Computerized Transportation System Data Processing Safety and Security Teacher Recruiter Educational Equity Monitoring Prejudice Reduction Summer School (Interdistrict) Summer Learning Program - JTPA ASSET Special Programs Facilities Guidance/Counseling Program Employment Practices Bidding Practices (Procurement) 415 419 431 448 456 460 468 475 486 490 492 500 504 507 510 513 520 522 RECRUITMENT CLUSTER (PURPLE) 528 SCHOOL OPERATIONS CLUSTER (BUFF) 159 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 School Operations Extracurricular Participation Student Hearing Officer In-School Suspension New Futures Academic Incentive Grants/Focused Activities McClellan Community School 160 303 324 327 339 346 351 37 38 39 40 Parent Involvement - Recruitment VIPS Recruitment Public Relations Unassigned 529 542 559 JSEQUENCE # PAGE # SEQUENCE tt PAGE # INCENTIVE SCHOQLS CLUSTER (YELLQW) 576 64 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Office of Incentive Schools Writing to Read Science Labs Computer Labs Foreign Language Labs Computer Loan Program Extended Day Field Trips Homework Centers Transportation Homework Hotline Mentors/Tutors Instructional Aides Extended Year Incentive/Recognition Resident Counseling Service Camp Pfeifer Monitoring Permanent Substitute Unassigned Extended Week Staffing Required Staff Development Teacher Stipends for Inservice 578 580 582 585 587 590 593 596 600 602 604 606 609 611 613 616 618 626 628 631 639 656 64 Other Incentive School Academic Programs -- Kindergarten Reading Across the Curriculum - Oral Expression Across Curriculum -- Learning Styles Inventory -- School Themes -- Semi-Departmental Instructional Tech - Study/Test-Taking Parent Home Study - Computer Managed Instruction Student Education Plans 658 ii 65 66 67 68 69 70 Other Incentive School Academic Programs (continued) - Specialized Programs - Incentive Programs Homework Criterion-Referenced Test Heterogeneous Grouping - Effective Schools - African/American History Social Skills -- Family Folklore -- Positive Imaging ~ Interpersonal Skills - Rites of Passage - Mentoring Program Special Activities - Peer Tutoring Program " Academic Reinforcement Clubs - Special Interest Clubs Latin Enrichment Program Unassigned Career Skills Development Support Services - Other Community Access/Field Trip - Community Involvement - Special Skills Program - Special Training - Parental Involvement - Learning Time Schedule Home/School Community Extracurricular Program - Attendance and Behavior Subject Related Extracurriculum 661 667 671 678 682SEQUENCE # PAGE # 71 Counseling/Social Work Community Services Access - College/Post Graduate Aware Study Skills -- Home/Neighborhood Meet Wellness Program 686 72 School Policies and Procedures - Other 707 73 Unassigned 74 Unassigned STUDENT CHOICES/OPTIONS CLUSTER (GREEN) 713 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Student Choices/Options King Interdistrict School Stephens interdistrict School Romine Interdistrict School Rockefeller Early Childhood Original Magnets Parkview Science Magnets M-to-M Magnet Schools (Central, Dunbar, Washington, Henderson, McClellan) 714 717 722 724 726 729 731 739 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART (WHITE) 741 iiiPREFACE The mission statement and goals for Little Rock School District are the guides for all decision-making. The information gained from the Program Budget Document Report will provide additional direction for quality, interim decision-making for the district. Specifically, programs with poor performance or expenditure problems will be addressed with corrective action during the year rather than after the year The report enhances the district's ability to monitor and report - tQ the programs identified in the is completed. '__ ----------- . - achievements and expenditures relative to the programs identified in the Desegregation Plan for the most efficient and functional program planning on a quarterly basis. In a separate volume, the district will incorporate nondesegregation programs into the Program Budget Document format that all programs, desegregation and nondesegregation, will be accounted for by the end of Additional obligations may be identified after the so the 1993-94 fiscal year. desegregation audit is complete. (1) The Mission The Program Budget Document Report contains the following: Statement of Little Rock School District
(2) The Goals of Little Rock School District
(3) LRSD Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Summary
(4) Definitions and Data Elements
(5) Organization of the Report
(6) Program Budget Documents Grouped by Clusters
and, (7) The LRSD Organizational Chart. 1LITTIiE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to provide a quality, integrated educational program which encourages all children to achieve their optimum academic, social, and emotional development. To that end, the students in the Little Rock School District will develop an appreciation for ethnic and cultural diversity, develop skills in problem solving and conflict resolution, and demonstrate mastery of the District's curriculum. This will be achieved through the collaborative efforts of a Board, a dedicated and competent staff, and of parents and citizens committed to fairness, racial equity and adequate suppoirt for education. B B1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS The LRSD will implement integrated educational programs that will ensure all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. The LRSD will develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. The Little Rock Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. The LRSD will solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. The LRSD will provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. The LRSD will ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. 3 2/7/94 Little Rock School District Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Page 1 No. 01 02 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 49 51 52 Program Name HIPPY_______________________________ 4-YEAR OLD PROGRAM______________ STUDENT HEARING OFFICER__________ OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION_________ EXTRA-CURRICULAR PARTICIPATION TEACHER RECRUITER________________ STAFF DEVELOPMENT________________ ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS MULTICULTURAL PROGRAMS_________ ACADEMIC INC GRANTS/FOCUSED ACT ORIGINAL MAGNETS_________________ SPECIAL EDUCATION @ WASHINGTON SECURITY___________________________ D/P SYSTEM STUDENT INFORMATION M-TO-M MAGNET SCHOOLS_________ EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING COMPUTERIZED TRANSP SYSTEM ROMINE INTERDISTRICT THEME_______ McClellan community school IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION____________ JOB FAIR____________________________ TESTING ASSISTANCE________________ LIBRARY SERVICES___________________ PARENT RECRUITING_________________ VIPS RECRUITING____________________ PREJUDICE REDUCTION______________ CONTINGENCY FUND________________ OFFICE OF INCENTIVE SCHOOLS WRITING TO READ Budget 93-94 266,763.02 1,523,742.24 94,381.61 433,102.41 5,000.51 35,188.38 465,627.29 1,815,582.10 197,446.69 352,294.55 3,914,000.00 55,695.66 756,878.66 792,523.74 2,254,912.66 387,378.66 8,000.00 16,867.82 170,112.24 850,408.55 1,092.82 5,066.96 479,954.32 40,000.00 19,090.73 5,000.00 300,000.00 1,749.42 6,000.00 4 FTE's 21 67 2 10 1 7 70 1 38 4 74 4 2 25 30 2 YTD Expense 101,105.29 526,156.60 50,620.59 211,635.25 4,962.82 20,170.25 150,245.93 657,286.96 42,751.33 30,346.32 0.00 20,744.66 304,642.93 715,878.36 739,266.33 317,363.67 0.00 0.00 120,542.12 265,567.41 365.71 1,718.98 172,501.84 2,022.76 14,442.56 0.00 0.00 77.35 0.00 1st Quarter 31,286.27 138,599.40 22,646.74 100,300.49 4,962.82 9,695.18 69,080.94 158,246.87 19,443.65 26,486.11 0.00 8,178.16 91,086.44 593,453.22 287,665.69 149,459.45 0.00 0.00 82,090.64 70,413.69 153.38 75.16 61,580.87 10.26 5,857.49 0.00 0.00 76.77 0.00 2nd Quarter 69,819.02 387,557.20 27,973.85 111,334.76 __________0.00 10,475.07 81,164.99 499,040.09 23,307.68 3,860.21 0.00 12,566.50 213,556.49 122,425.14 451,600.64 167,904.22 0.00 0.00 38,451.48 195,153.72 212.33 1,643.82 110,920.97 2,012.50 8,585.07 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 % Budget Spent 37.90% 34.53% 53.63% ___48.86% 99.25% 57.32% 32.27% 36.20% 21.65% _____8.61% 0.00% 37.25% 40.25% 90.33% 32.78% 81.93% 0.00% 0.00% 70.86% ____31.23% 33.46% 33.93% 35.94% 5.06% 75.65% 0.00% 0.00% 4.42% 0.00%2A7/94 Little Rock School District Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Page 2 No. 53 54 56 57 59 61 64 65 66 72 73 74 75 ______________Program Name________ SCIENCE LABS_______________________ COMPUTER LABS____________________ COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM__________ EXTENDED DAY______________________ FIELD TRIPS_________________________ TRANSPORTATION (ADDL)____________ INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES_______________ EXTENDED YEAR_____________________ INCENTIVE/RECOGNITION____________ RECOMMENDED STAFFING___________ REQUIRED STAFF DEVELOPMENT TEACHER STIPENDS/INSERVICE_______ OTHER INCENTIVE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES TOTAL Budget 93-94 12,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 747,247.70 33,000.00 15,000.00 496,451.04 99,938.45 14,581.91 808,481.42 52,878.29 72,725.98 51,088.13 17,665,753.96 FTEs 42 31 431 YTD Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 218,010.52 10,615.58 14,960.92 153,021.02 33,179.48 4,521.80 248,935.92 17,750.59 29,935.26 32,499.81 5,233,846.92 1st Quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,550.48 3,210.95 0.00 38,306.87 31,884.03 1,428.45 58,107.81 1,459.85 24,542.02 20,724.59 2,136,064.74 2nd Quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 192,460.04 7,404.63 14,960.92 114,714.15 1,295.45 3,093.35 190,828.11 16,290.74 5,393.24 11,775.22 3,097,782.18 % Budget Spent 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.18% 32.17% 99.74% 30.82% 33.20% 31.01% 30.79% 33.57% 41.16% 63.62% 29.63%DEFINITIONS AND DATA ELEMENTS The following are definitions of terms and data elements used in the Program Budget Documents. Program: A program is an established plan of operation, composed of a group or series of related activities which are carried out to serve a specific area of identified need. Program Description: related to the respective program. A program description includes a purpose, scope and content, and participants/beneficiaries Program Goal: A program goal is a broad guiding statement and should describe the overall aim(s), purpose(s), or ambition(s) of the specific program. Objectives: Program objectives present explicitly the desired impact the program should have on a problem. They should provide detail to the goals. Strategies: Strategies are the jobs, tasks, efforts. or accomplishment of the objective. actions undertaken in a program which contributes to the Achievements: Achievements are efforts. tasks. contributes to the accomplishment of the strategy, strategy. evidence, performance, or actions undertaken in a program which . Achievements are placed in alpha order underneath the relative Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation criteria are statements which specify the end product of an objective or strategy and establish measurable and observable levels of performance of the product. Page: Each Program Budget Document uses one of two formatted pages. Program Sequence * (Seq. *): programs in order within the planning document. The purpose of this sequence number is to establish a reference for placing Revision Date: This date is the actual date the program document was first documented or last changed. Program Neune: To eliminate confusion, an established name for each program has been assigned by the district planner. Program Code: This is a unique accounting code assigned by Financial Services which links budget and expenditure information to the associated program. 6 BDefinitions and Data Elements (cont.) Primary Leader: The Primary Leader is the cabinet-level associate responsible for the management and operation of the respective program. Secondary Leader: The Secondary Leader is the associate who is back-up to the Primary and will function in that capacity in the absence of the Primary (i.e. the Program Manager or the Principal). If more than one district goal is District Goal Support: Each program directly supports at least one district goal, relative, then the appropriate district goals have been listed in descending priority order. Specific plan and page references will directly cite one of the following desegregation documents
I = Interdistrict Desegregation Plan
S = Settlement Agreement
C = Court Orders
T = Transcripts
P Pleadings
M Monitoring Reports. The format should be L23 or 11320, for example. This element has been left blank if the program is not directly cited in one of the desegregation documents. Flan Reference: L = LRSD Desegregation Plan
113-20, Plan Reference Page Number: If the objective or strategy is desegregation document related or strategy has been found should be listed. then whatever source was used has been listed. Source references listed for each objective and strategy have been used. , the specific desegregation document and page upon which this objective If the objective or strategy is not related to a desegregation document. This element is contained on page 2 and succeeding pages. Beginning Date: in the following manner: This is the actual date a particular strategy began. MM/DD/YY, (09/30/93). Completion Date. For consistency, all dates should be printed For consistency, all dates This is the actual date a particular objective or strategy was completed. If an activity toward a strategy has been started should be entered in the following format: MM/DD/YY, (09/30/93). but not completed, a percent of completion (75%) should be entered. Responsibility: This is the name of the individual tasked with ensuring an activity has been accomplished. 7 idORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT This section provides guiding information about the text of the Program Budget Document Report. Every page in the text is numbered using Arabic numerals. Pages Pagination. a.* wax wwavw -.w ----------- - are consecutively numbered (e.g.,1,2,3,...] throughout the report at the bottom of the page . _______ - . ___ 4 n nnrra ITT beginning with the "Preface." The "Table of Contents" is on page i, page ii, and page iii. Bold Print Print. The Program Budget Document employs two kinds of print density. denotes original language of the desegregation document(s) . - parentheses (parenthetical statements) identifies language that is not literal in the desegregation document(s). The parenthetical statements of lighter print have been integrated throughout the Program Budget Documents for clarification of original language in the desegregation document(s) and/or for providing information generalized from the original language of the desegregation document(s). Parenthetical information should not be construed to mean new legal obligations nor expansion of the obligations under the desegregation Lighter print enclosed in The document(s). Clusters. Clusters include Programs have been sorted into broad categories called clusters. schools grouped together because of similar and related operational For convenience and management of the report, similar programs^ have been grouped programs or functions. . --------------- ---------. . - into six color-coded clusters. To locate a program, determine the relative cluster of the program by using the "Table of Contents" and then refer to the program sequence number (Seq #) or page number for facilitating program reference in the report. into six color-coded clusters. The School Operations cluster classifies the area, interdistrict, and elementary, junior high, and senior high. Organizational Level. magnet schools into three organizational levels: The Incentive Schools cluster provides program reporting information for the following Franklin, Garland, Rockefeller, Mitchell, Stephens and Rightsell. schools: ________
__-_____No entry on page one in the fiscal year program budget field and/or the quarter expenditure field of a Program Budget Document means desegregation money has not Non-Honetary Tracking. been tracked to the respective program. Organizational Chart. An organizational chart is provided. 8CLUSTER BUDGET DOCUMENTS 9Curriculum Cluster * * * * * * HIPPY 4-Year Old Program Academic Support Program Multicultural Programs Special Education City-Wide Early Childhood Education Program Federal Programs Vocational Education 10 yLRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT ProgrM Seq *: 01 Page: Revision Date: January 27, 1994 1 Prograa MaaK: HIPPY (Home Instruction Program For Preschool Youngsters) Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Description: HIPPY is a home based developmental program which recognizes the mother as the first significant teacher of the child. HIPPY assists the mother in preparing the child to be successful in kindergarten, therefore assisting in the reduction of the disparity gap between black and white students. HIPPY'S major focus is in the shadow areas of major incentive schools and in the Southwest Little Rock area. HIPPY serves primarily economical and educational disadvantaged families. District Goal St-sport: Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be successful
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. I Plan References: Page L*5, L-14, 15, 16 FY Progn Bui[^t: $266,763.02 1st Otr Expend: $31,286.27 3rd Otr Expend: FTE 21 YTD Expenditures: $101,105.29 =t 2nd Qtr Expend: $69,819.02 4th Qtr Expend: Related Fwiction Codes: 11 PCPK .LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page: 2 Prograa Seq *: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maae: HIPPY Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: To prepare ecorKmically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Page L14 1. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coaf}letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria To proaote the HIPPY program July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 Staff Nailed letters Appear on show (Documentation of PSA) 1.1 To compose and mail Public Service Armouncement for local radio stations and Channels 14 and 16 flyers. A. Staff member appeared on channel 16 B. Hailed PSA to channels 4, 7, 14, t 16 C. Forwarded PSA to LRSD Communications Department 0. Printed 8 distributed flyers (342 distributed) E. Mailed announcements and flyers 12 July 8, 1993 August 22 1993 July 8, 1993 July 8, 1993 Aug. 23, 1993 Aug. 3, 1993 July 8, 1993 August 22 1993 July 8, 1993 July 8, 1993 Sept. 30, 1993 Aug. 3, 1993 StaffPage: 3 Progm Seq f: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Haae: HIPPY Progri Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Hu^r Beginning Date Coaf>letian Date Responaibility Evaluation Criteria L14 L14 2. To select HIPPY aides 3. Initial training of aides and staff July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 Staff By applicants response (Documentation of selection of aides) 2.1 Interview and select fourteen <14) aides. A. Interview ft select aides B. Printed ft mailed forty two (42) flyers to area churches C. Hailed Job amouncement to channels 14, 16, ft 38 3.1 Arrange logistics with state for the initial training A. Contacted Principal at Washington Magnet school to assist ft arrange use of facilities for Regional Training B. Conducted pre-initial training for aides 13 Aug. 23 1993 Aug. 23 1993 Sept. 28, 1993 July 8, 1993 Aug. 3, 1993 Aug. 23, 1993 Aug. 24, 1993 Aug. 24,1993 Sept. 2. 1993 Oct. 11, 1993 Oct. 11, 1993 Sept. 28, 1993 July 8, 1993 Aug. 3, 1993 Sept. 3, 1993 Aug. 24, 1993 Aug. 24, 1993 Sept. 3, 1993 Staff Supervisor Supervisor Pay the bill (requisition paid) Pay the bill -Page: 4 Progri Seq f: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maae: HIPPY Progri Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: To prepare eco^ically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Misdier Beginning Date Collet ion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L14 L14 L14 L14 4. To enroll families into program. 5. To recruit families 6. To determine service of coordinators 7. To assign families to be serviced by aides. Aug. 31, 1993 Oct.1, 1993 Supervisor Coordinators (Docivnentation of family enrollment) 4.1 Conduct home interview and enroll families into program. A. Conducted registration for interested parents 5.1 Compose and mail correspondence to connunity churches to recruit families and instructional aide trainees. A. Hailed correspondence to forty two (42) area churches 6.1 Identify families to be served by each coordinator A. Assigned families to Coordinators 14 Aug. 31, 1993 Aug. 17, 1993 Aug.17, 1993 Sept. 28, 1993 Sept. 28, 1993 Aug. 2, 1993 Sept. 15, 1993 Aug. 30, 1993 Oct.l, 1993 Aug.18, 1993 Aug. 18, 1993 Sept. 28, 1994 Sept. 28, 1994 Aug. 2, 1994 Sept. 15. 1993 Sept 30, 1993 Supervisor Coordinators Staff Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators Certification of aides (position of aides filled) Assignment of families to Coordinators Assignment of families to aidesPage: 5 Progran Seq f: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Progn Maae: HIPPY Prograe Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograe Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Hiaber Begiming Date Ccii^>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 7.1 Identify families to be served by each aide Aug.30 1993 Sept 30, 1993 Coordinators L14 8. To organize instructional material. A. Assigned families to aides Aug. 30, 1993 Sept. 30, 1993 Secretary of HIPPY Printing completed (received ordered curriculim) L14 L14 8.1 Print curriculun material. July 1, 1993 Juw 30, 1994 Supervisor Coordinators 9. To familiarize aides of the HIPPY implementation in LRSD. 10. Obtain material for program A. Ordered printed curriculum from Pushkin Publishing 9.1 Conduct three (3) day workshop A. Invited LRSD personnel to Inservice Training Paulette Martin 9/17/93 Adult Education Director Dennis Glasgow 9-14-93 Interim Associate Superintendent Debbie Milam 9-21-93 VIPS Coordinator Leon Adams 10-26-93 Federal Programs Director Dr. Katherine Mitchell 11-16-93 LRSD Board Member Gwen Efird 12-7-93 Health Services Coordinator 15 Aug. 17 1993 Aug. 23 1993 Aug.17, 1993 Aug. 25, 1993 Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Agenda/Receive material (documentation of 3 day workshop) Receive materials (received ordered curriculun) (docunentation of requisition of material)t Page: 6 Prograa Seq *: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maae: HIPPY Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Harlan Shead Progri Goal: To prepare eco^ically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success? and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Minser Beginning Date Ccapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Aug. 17, 1993 Aug. 17, 1993 10.1 Order material Ordered Material 08-17-93 10-26-93 11-18-93 A. Requisitioned materials Oct. 26, 1993 Nov. 18, 1993 Oct. 26, 1993 Nov. 18, 1993 Requisitioned Materials 8-17-93 10-26-93 11-18-93 114 11. To orientate enrolled families to the HIPPY program. Sept.21, 1993 Sept.21, 1993 Sept. 21, 1993 Sept.21, 1993 Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators IG Families enrolled in program (docunentation of parent orientation) (documentation of correspondence & evaluation of orientation)7 Page: Prograa Seq f: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Haaa: HIPPY Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Hiaber Beginning Date Coifjletian Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 11.1 Conduct orientation meeting Orientation conducted 09*21*93 A. Secured space for orientation Requested use of Adult Education Auditorium from Adult Education Director Paulette Martin B. Invited speakers to orientation Pat Price LRSO Early Childhood Coordinator Maria Mitchell LRSO Baseline Elementary Elementary Teacher C. Prepared program agenda for orientation 174 Prograa Seq *: 01 Page: 8 Progri Maae: HIPPY Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Progri Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Prograa Goal: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies 15 Page Hiaber Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 12. Identify meeting sites of meetings. Group Oct. 13, 1993 Oct. 13, 1993 Coordinators 12.1 Secure meeting sites for Brw<> meeting, (mailed letters to building principals) 12.2 Nail out notification of meeting sites. Confirmation of site (docunentation of letters) Oct 13, 1993 Oct. 13, 1993 Coordinators Oct. 13, 1993 Oct.13, 1993 Coordinators A. Identified appropriate school site for groip meetings Oct. 13, 1993 Oct. 13, 1993 B. Developed flyers Oct. 12, 1993 C. Distributed flyers to parents Oct. 12, 1993 IS HPrograa Seq #: 01 Page: 9 Revision Date: Prograa Haae: HIPPY January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: '"nderaarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to Inprove the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Page Mi^aer Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Leia J. Brown, Manager Operator Service/Sales Southwestern Bell item Completed 8-31-93 08-31-93 12-31-93 Paulette Martin, Adult Director Item Completed 9-7-93 Education 09-07-93 12-31-93 Dennis Glasgow, Interim Associate Superintendent Item Completed 9-14-93 09-14-93 12-31-93 Debbie Milam, VIPS Coordinator Item Conpleted 9-21-93 09-21-93 12-31-93 Bernard Randall, Speech Therapy Specialist Item Completed 9-28-93 09-28-93 12-31-93 Estella Hayes, Cooperative Extension Service Item Completed 10-5-93 10-05-93 12-31-93 B. Prepared agenda I a*. in JPrograi Seq *: 01 Page: 10 Prograa Maae: HIPPY Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader
Estelle Matthis Prograa Goel: Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategics Page Hiadwr Beginning Date Coiq>letion Date Responsibility Evaliation Criteria Gene Hartsfield "Citizens Against Crime" Item Completed 10-12-93 10-12-93 12-31-93 B. Agendas prepared weekly for the Ist quarter <25X) Ui Ima Kirk Lee '*How to Develop Self Esteem" Item Completed 10-19-93 Leon Adams, LRSD Director of Federal Programs Item Completed 10-26-93 Office Leonard, Little Rock Police Dept. "Safety t Security" Item Completed 11-02-93 Leroy Randolph, State Health Department Item Completed 11-09-93 Dr. Katherine Mitchell, LRSD Board Menber Item Completed 11-16-93 Gwen Efird, LRSD Health Services Coordinator Item Conpleted 12-07-93 B. Agenda's prepared weekly 20 10-19-93 10-26-93 11-02-93 11-09-93 11-16-93 12-07-93 10-01-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 SOX HProgri Seq f: 01 Page: 11 Prograa Maae: HIPPY Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: 01 Prograa Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children particularly black students Priaary Leader
Estelle Matthis ---------to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be as It relates to the achievement disparity between black and white Secondary Leader: Marian Shead . -j^I*****' improve the educational outcomes of students, students. * Plan Reference doc L15 L15 L15 L15 L15 Page Hiaber Objectives 14. To provide parents with information that will assist them with their children. 15. To evaluete aide trainees mid point (15th week). 16. To determine program success 17. Began second-part of program's implementation. 16. Evaluation of aides Strategies 13.4 Schedule aides first teaching with (own child). 14.1 Scheele workshop for parents and aides, mail out and print materials. A. Book Fair 11-11-93 B. "Hou to Develop Self Esteem Ui Ima Kirk Lee 10-19-93 15.1 To evaluate each aide trainee. 16.1 Conduct survey of parents print materials 17.1 Implement second curriculum: A. Print material B. Print flyers C. Mass mail out 16.1 Evaluate aides part of HIPPY Beginning Date July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Coaf>letion Date June 30,1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 Responsibility Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators Evaluation Criteria Received materials Conpletion of survey Participation of parents Materials completed Completed o f -C X4 Page
12 Prograa Seq *: 01 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograai Maae: HIPPY Prograa Code: 01 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Prograa Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the ecAjcational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black a^ white students. Plan Reference doc Page Mtid>er L16 L16 L16 L16 L16 L16 L16 Cfcjectives Strategies Begiming Date Caqsletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 19. Provide parents with information to be successful with their children 20. Build the aides children self esteem. 21. Graduation of HIPPY children and aides reception. 22. Evaluate aides 23. Staff in place. 24. Maintain regular staff. 25. To assist in traveling expense. July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 Supervisor Consultant fee paid 19.1 Obtain a site and speaker and schedule a lecture for parents 20.1 Activity 21.1 Staff will organize 22.1 Schedule final evaluation of trainees in the program 23.1 To begin implementation of HIPPY program. 24.1 Secretary 25.1 Aides made home visit. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 June 30, June 30, June 30, 1994 1994 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 Supervisor Staff Staff Staff Staff Coordinators Coordinators Coordinator Supervisor Aides Consultant fee paid Completion of program Staff began inplementation of program To assist in the implementation of program Pay stipend OQLRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMEMT Prograa Seq *: 02 Page: 1 Prograa Maae: Four-Year Old Program/City-Uide Early Childhood Program Revision Date: January 27, 1994 Prograa Code: 02 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Prograa Description: The purpose of the program is to meet the growing needs of disadvantaged students and to improve the racial balance at schools that are difficult to desegregate by incor^rating Early Childhood Education programs into the Elementary schools. The program provides experiences for young children which meet their needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Priority for identification of program sites will be given to areas that have a very high concentration of low income students and in schools that are difficult to desegregate. District Goal St<iport: Goal Prograa Goal: Plan References: FY Prograa Budget: YTD Expenditures: [ Related Function Codes: - Implement integrated e<*jcational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with enphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal #3 The Little Rock School Board, acbiinistration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each diversity among students, staff and the comnunity as a valued resource upon which our commjnity and nation can draw as we prepare for the 2l8t Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students Goat 6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Goal #3 - The Little Rock Goal *4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. L7, LIO, L17, 18, 19 ] >1,523,742.24 >562,156.60 1st Qtr Expend: 2nd Qtr Expend: >138,599.40 >387,557.20 3rd Otr Expend: 4th Qtr Expend: 1 23 iLRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page: 2 Prograa Seq *: 02 Kevtaion Date: January 11, 1994 Program Naae: Four-Year Old Progran Program Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To i^lement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Miaber Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L17 L17 L17 L17 1. Identify and assi^i neu four*year old program | schools. participants in the incentive 1.1 Provide pre-registration inservices to elementary principals. 1.2 Conduct media piA>licity for pre- registration. A. Add run 09/04/93 through 09/06/93 recruiting children for six schools with openings. B. November 17, 1993, distributed brochures to State Interagency Coordinating Council on four-year-old programs C. December 9, 1993, brought brochures to UALR Day Care Program for distribution. 1.3 Assign four-year old students. A. Assignments were made from applications in accordance to racial balance requirements on 06/09/93, 07/09/93, and 07/23/93 24 July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 07/09/93 11/17/93 12/09/93 July 1. 1993 07/09/93 Jine 30. 1994 Jine 30. 1994 Jine 30. 1994 35X SOX 75X Jine 30. 1994 07/23/93 Student Assignaent Office Student Assivmmnt Office Comami cat ions Department Principals Student Assigrsmnt Office CcMLni cat i one Department Student Assijgiiit 1. Applications returned to Student Assigrment and assiipmKnts made 1.1 Dates of inservice agenda List of participants 1.2 (Documentation of participating and Identified PSA's: Radio and TV stations sent to Dates aired Pre-regi strat i on announcement) 1.3 (Assignment notifications to parents Enrollment in classes)Page: 3 Prograa Seq f: 02 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Haae: Four-Year Old Program Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Prograa Goal: To i^^leamnt the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Nimber L17 L17 L17 L17 L17 L17 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responaibility Evaluation Criteria 2. Recruit teachers and aides as needed. 3. Obtain curriculua materials, supplies, and furniture as needed. 4. Train teachers and aides in the iiqilesKntation of E.C.E. curriculia.) July 1, 1993 Joe 30, 1994 &<iervisors. Human Resources Director, Principals 2. (A list of qualified applicants.) 2.1 Interview interested teachers and aides as needed. A. Teachers and aides hired for every classroom. 3.1 Coofilete and send orders to vendors. A. Materials, sipplies and equipment available in all new classrooms. 4.1 Conduct orientation and inservices. A. Principals training July 28th and 29th, 1993. 6. Teachers training August 17, 1993. C. Training for principals and teachers held Septeflber 30, October 15 and 16, Hovember 4 and 5, and December 6, 1993. 0. Training for instructional assistants held Novenber 4 and 5, 1993. 23 July 1, 1993 07/09/93 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 07/01/93 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 07/28/93 08/17/93 09/30/93 11/04/93 Jme 30, 1994 08/16/93 Jua 30, 1994 Jww 30, 1994 07/01/93 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 70X 70X 85X SOX S(<)ervisors, Kuaan Resources Director, Principals (Purchasing Dept. Supervisors) Principals Sqaervisors Sipv/Staff Dev Sipv/Staff Dev 2.1 A list of qualified applicants. (Employment of teachers and aides for new and open positions.) 3. (Confirmation of purchase orders.) 3.1 Katerials available 4. (Docunentation of inservice evaluations.) 4.1 Agenda (Docunentation of inservice evaluations)Page: 4 Progri Seq*: 02 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maae: Four-Year Old Program Progri Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Progri Goal: To imlment the Four-Teer-Old Progna in wlective Khoois. ....... (To Beet the needs oi disedvontojed students
to inprove racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Mt^>er L17 L17 L17 117 5. Objectives Faailierize parents with Four-Tear Old Prograa. Strategies Beginning Date___ Coa^iletion Pate Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4.2 Conduct monthly inservices. A. Inservice training - July 28, 1993
July 29, 1993
August 17, 1993
Septesber 30, 1993 B. Inservice training October 15 and 16, Novenber 4 and 5, and December 6, 19^. 5.1 Conduct perent orientation aeeting and parent conference. A. Parent Orientation - 08/20/93 Fair Park
09/13/93 Area Schools
09/14/93 Magnet Schools and Romine
09/20/93 Incentive Schools B. Parent Conference Day - 10/25/93 5.2 Include foir-year old children in Master Schedule - students receive services of cowaelors, ausic teachers, school nurses, librarians, physical education and art teachers. K. Master schedules reflect services children receive. 2G July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 Sigiv/Staff Dev 4.2 Agenda (Documentation of inservice evaluations) 07/28/93 10/15/93 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 08/20/93 10/25/93 July 1, 1993 07/01/93 35X 85X Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 35X 70X Jtsa 30, 1994 09/10/93 Classrooa teachers Classrooa teachers Principals 5. (Docunentation of meetings and evaluations.) 5.1 Hiaber of parents attending Parent/Teacher Conferences 5.2 Master schedulesPage: 5 Prograa Seq *: 02 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maaa: Four-Year Old Program Prograa Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Progri Goel: In selective schools. To iaplcment the Four-Year-Old Progri ... ------------------ (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Mudier Objectives Strategies Beginning Pate Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L18 5.3 Ensure key experiences occurring in the classroom. A. Twenty-eight classroom visitations. B. Four new programs had licensing site visits and meet requirements. C. All 15 programs previously existing are licensed and meet requirements. D. Twenty-nine classroom visitations this quarter. E. All 11 new programs had licensing site visits and met requirements. F. License renewal has taken place for seven or the 15 previously existing programs. 27 July 1, 1993 08/23/93 08/23/93 08/23/93 10/01/93 10/01/93 10/01/93 Jine 30, 1994 35X 3SX 35X 70X 10/21/93 47X Principals Classrooa Teachers Si<)ervisors 5.3 Curriculia checklist 5.3 (Classroom observations and monitoring reports.>Page: 6 Prograa Seq f: 02 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Haae: Four-Year Old Program Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Progn Goal: To ispleaent the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Htadier L18 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6. Evaluate effectiveness of Four-Tear Old Program. July 1. 1993 June 30, 1994 (Principals Classroom Teachers Supervisors Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Assoc. Supt.) 6. (Annual review of assessment data beginning at the end of the kindergarten year of each child participating in the program. EPSF Post Assessments) L18 6.1 Adainister appropriate evaluation to four-year-olds. 6.1 (Maintaining portfolio assessments on four-year-olds.) A. Portfolio assessments began on all chiIdren B. Sampling of portfolio assesments reviewed in 18 classes July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 07/01/93 07/01/93 Jtf 30, June 30, 35X 56X 1994 1994 (Comparisons of the progress did and did participate in the program.) of chiIdren who not (Standardize achievement tests will be given to each child at the end of the third grade level. These tests will provide data Classrooa teachers (Classroom teachers) indicating the success of the Early Childhood Program as an intervention strategy.) 6.1 6.1 Evaluation results (Docunentation of portfolios recording the children do what they know.) work which and 2aPage: 7 Prograa Seq <: 02 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Maae: Four*Year Old Program Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Prograa Goal: To iiqileaant the Four*Year-Old Prograa in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Nudwr L18 L18 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.2 Analyze student assessaent test data and prepare report for LRSO Board of Directors. 6.3 Utilize results for progri iafiroveaant. 23 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 Jine 30. 1994 Jine 30. 1994 Assoc Si<>t Sifiervisor Planning. Evaluation, and Testing (Assoc Supt Supervisor) 6.2 Evaluation report 6.3 (Areas targeted for improvement.) -LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Prosraa Seq #: 02 Ps9e: 8 Prograa Maae: Four-Year Old Program Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: Prograa Coal: Priaary Leader: To combine the efforts of the L.R.S.D., P.C.S.S.D., N.L.R.S D students in the city of Little Rock. * Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage Plan Reference Psge Mi^jer L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. To develop a plan for planning a city- wide early chilcfiood prograa. 3. To initiate the planning for the iR>leaentation of a city wide early childiood prograa. 1.4 To receive a letter of sipport froa each agency desiring to participate. 2.1 To establish planning procedures and identify key coMittees and chairpersons planning process. needed for the 2.2 To identify appropriate additional representatives froa each participating each coMittee. agency for 2.3 To delineate the goals to be addressed and the tasks to be accoBfilished by each comaittee, including appropriate tiaelines to be aet. 3.1 To conduct periodic aeetinga to review progress of each coaittee. 3.2 To identify resources needed by identified by each coaaittee, includir^ aonetary. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jue 30, 1994 Jine 30. 1994 June 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Key representat i ves froa each agency Key representatives froa each agency Key representatives froa each agency key representatives froa each agency Key representatives froa each agency Assoc Si<>t for Educational Prograas Assoc Sipt for Educational Prograas Assoc S^it for Educational Prograas File record letters Structured plan for planning on file. Record of coaaittee aeaRiers Record of coaaittee amabers Minutes of aeetings Identification of coaaittee J JPrograai Seq #: 02 Page: 9 Revision Date: Prograa Maae: Four-Year Old Program January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Progri Goal: "<' ''t "nd other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage Plan Reference Page Niaber L19 L19 L7 (N) L10 (H) 1. Objectives Strategies 3.3 To review the first draft of the comprehensive plan and to make reccHBendationa for refinement. 3.4 To sUait the final draft for approval to all Directors (where applicable). participant Boards of (To collaborate with HIPPY. P.C.S.S.C.. N.L.R.S.O.. Head Start, and other entities in order to fulfill the district's expectations for a quality Early Childhood Education Program.) (N) 1.1 (To establish a schedule of regular meetings of representatives of the various entities.) (N) Beginning Date July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 Coapletion Date June 30, 1994 Jie 30. 1994 July IS, 1993 Responsibility Assoc Si<>t for Educational PrograsB Assoc S4Jt for Educational Prograas Evaluation Criteria SiAaission of first draft Draft sUaitted to Board L10 (M) A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15. 1993. and July 21. 1993. 1.2 (Supervisors meet to discuss individual program needs and to determine if resources can be shared.)(N) 07/01/93 07/15/93 L10 (N) July 1. 1993 Jme 30. 1994 A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15. 1993. and July 21. 1993. B. Meetings held: October 13 and November 12. 1993 1.3 (To plan joint inservices for adninistrators. teachers and instructional assistants.)(N) 07/01/93 10/01/93 July 1. 1993 35X 70X Jwe 30. 1994 (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSO/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSO/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSO/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.1 of 1.2 (Schedule and minutes all meetings) (Roster of partici^nts and minutes of meetings) 1.3 (Roster of participants and evaluations of inservices) Q f 3 XPrograa Seq f: 02 Page: 10 Revisfon Date: Prograai Naae: Four-Year Old Program January 11, 1994 Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Prograa Goal: "----S-O.. Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage Plan Reference Page Hisber Objectives Strategies Beginning ___Date Co^letion Pate Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L10 (M) L10 (N) A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15, 1993, and July 21, 1993. B. Joint inservices held: Noveaber 4, 5 and December 6, 1993 1.4 (To plan joint parent involveawnt activities.)(N) A. Plans are being developed discussed st meeting on October 12, 1993 and November 12, 1993 1.5 (To use a student referral system allowing parents on a waiting list to know about vacancies.)(N) A. meeting Known vacancies are shared at each 3.: 07/01/93 10/01/93 July 1, 1993 10/01/93 July 1, 1993 10/01/93 35X 70X Jtaa 30, 1994 (LRSO Supervisors and PCSSO/NLRSO and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.4 (Roster of participants and evaluations of inservices) 35X Jme 30, 1994 SOX (LRSO Supervisors and PCSSO/MLRSO and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.5 (List of vacancies each entity has.)Prograa Seq f: 03 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUHEMT Page: 1 Prograa Naaa: Prograa Code: Academic Support Program 10 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Revision Date: January 27, 1994 Prograa Description: Secondary Leader: Adams/StovaIl/Parker acadmi^achfevetnent S^arge^sJu^s'^n'gr^r^'^hr^'^t'a'^oviited'^"' tiriS Jh-'' hat will reinforce and enhance the the regular clasarooms, additional classes, a^^L provided by certified reading specialists, English and Hathenatics teachers in District Goal Si^port: d) Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. fiv maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. t < 1 Ga I 4 A a AAA. ___. J .1 grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic and academic _ ,, . . -------~ v.iw. la Hsgii tioiiicu Bru mocivateo. aj
a (6) Ensure that e<iuity occurs in all phases of school activities and as a valued we prepare for the Prograa Goel: Disparity reduction operations. to provide equitable language art. and matheaiatics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. E Plan References: l-P b 17, 16, 21, 22, 23, 18, 19, 1, 10-13 FT Prograa Budget
TTP Expenditures
>1,815,582.10 >657,286.96 1st Gtr Expend: 2nd Qtr Expend
>158,246.87 >499,040.09 3rd Qtr Expend
4th Qtr Expend: FTE 70 E I Related Function Codes: 3 33Prograa Seq *: 03 Prograa Maae: Academic Support Program Prograa Code: 10 Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Adams/Stovall/Parker to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Plan Reference Page Hiad}er March 19. 1993 Revised Acadeaic Sifiport Prograa P 1 P 17 P 17 P 17 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. The goal of the Acadeaic Si<]port Progri is to provide equitable language arts and mathentics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreaaed setting by st^iporting thea with the instmctionsl and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. 1.1 Explain the Academic Siiort Progri options to local school attainistrators. A. Meeting held to explain options. 1.2 Select the local school's appropriate Academic Si<3port Prograa (indirect/direct/extcnded services). A. Options selected for 1993-94 school year. 1.3 Identify students targeted for participation in each progri school/grade level. bp A. Students identified. 34 July b 1993 July 1. 1993 07/08/93 July 1. 1993 07/08/93 July 1. 1993 07/07/93 Jine 30. 1994 Jine 30. 1994 07/08/93 June 30. 1994 07/13/93 Jtste 30. 1994 09/30/93 1.1 Associate Sifierintendent for Curriculia. Assistant Si<>ts.. Dir. of Federal Programs 1.2 Local school adainistrators 1.3 Local school teams 1. (An analysis of 1993-94 achievement test data reveals a positive increase in student achievement and a decrease in student learning disparity in language arts and mathematics.) 1.1 (Sumtary handout of explanation is provided to staff.) 1.2 (Selection of program is submitted to Associate Superintendent of Curriculun.} 1.3 (Print-out of eligible students is provided to local school teams. Uniform District criteria are used (Stanford 8 cutoff score and multiple criteria) to identify targeted students.) 3 '3Page: 3 Prograai Seq *: 03 Revision Date: Prograa Maae: Academic Support Program Prograa Code: 10 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction Plan Reference Page Hi^wr p17 p 17 B January 11, 1994 Adams/Stovall/Parker to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coqiletion Date Responsibility Evaliation Criteria 1.4 Select staff (identify by position) responsible for delivering Academic Support Program. A. Staff selected for 1993-94 school year. 1.5 Schedule die acadeaic teea's staff. A. Schedules on file at Office of Federal Programs. B. Schedules on file at Office of Federal Programs. 1.6 laplcaent selected school options at local levels. A. Schedules are posted. B. Schedules are posted. C. Academic plans of targeted students filed in individual student folders in Academic Support Classrooms. 35 July 1. 1993 Jua 30, 1994 1.4 Principal 1.4 (Staff assignments are determined at the building level and assignments filed at the Office of Federal Programs.) 08/01/93 09/30/93 July 1. 1993 Jine 30, 1994 1.5 Principal 1.5 (Schedules are developed listing team's contact time, nutrber of students served, and other variables associated with the team's responsibilities.) 08/23/93 10/01/93 July 1. 1993 08/23/93 10/01/93 10/01/93 SOX 11/23/93 Jine 30, 1994 SOX 11/23/93 70X 1.6 Principal and staff 1.6 (Schedules and academic plans of targeted students reflect implementation of the selected school option(s).)Prograa Seq f: 03 Page: 4 Prograa Haae
Progn Code: Academic Support Progron 10 Keviaion Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Adams/Stovall/Perker Plan Reference Page Himber pp 16,21,22,23 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Ca^)letion ___Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.7 Begin training staff responsible for delivering each Academic Sipport ProgrM. A. Academic Support Program Workshops: Elementary Reading/Mathemstics Administration Organization Secondary Reading/Hathematics Adninistration/Organization Elementary/Secondary Reading Portfolios Elementary Reading/Mathemtics - Record Keeping Secondary Reading/HathefMtics - Record Keeping B. Academic Support Program Workshops: English Cotrtcil/Secondary Record Keeping Secondary Reading Computer Training Elementary Reading/Mathematics - Instructional Practices Secondary Reading/Social Studies Grade 8 - Integrated Videodisc Program Elementary Reading/Kindergarten/Principals Shared Reading/Writing Elementary Reading/Grade l/Principals - Shared Reading/Writing 3G July 1, 1993 08/17/93 08/17/93 09/07/93 09/13/93 09/14/93 10/18/93 10/19/93 10/20/93 10/21/93 11/02/93 11/03/93 Jme 30, 1994 08/17/93 08/17/93 09/07/93 09/13/93 09/14/93 10/18/93 10/19/93 10/20/93 10/21/93 11/02/93 11/03/93 1.7 Directors of Staff Developaent and Reading
Sq3ervi8ors of Language Arts, Katheaatics and IRC Specialists 1.7 (Staff training for participants will include program administration (student selection process, record-keeping, progress reports) instructional strategies, parental involvement, and others.)Page: 5 Prograa Seq *: 03 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Program Maae: Academic Support Program Prograa Code: 10 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Adams/Stovall/Parker Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction * to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Plan Reference Page Niadier p 18 p 19 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.8 1.8 Monitor the iapleaantation of above. (Monitor the iffplementetion of the Academic Support Program options. These programs may vary from year-to-year.) A. Monitoring schedule document was developed assigning the reading and mathematics staffs to schools. B. There have been 111 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 33 on-site visits to secondary schools. C. There have been 72 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 37 on-site visits to secondary schools. 1.9 Provide technical assistance and maintenance workshope me needed in the above staff development areas. 37 July 1, 1993 08/01/93 08/23/93 10/01/93 July 1, 1993 Jkw 30, 1994 08/17/93 35X 70X Jwe 30, 1994 1.8 Principals, district-wide staff developamnt team, and coi^juter specialists 1.8 (Principals, district-wide staff development team, curriculum supervisors, IRC specialists) 1.9 Principals, district-wide staff development team, and coaBXJter specialists 1.8 (School visits/observations are made to provide feedback (oral/written) to trained staff.) 1.9 (Requests for technical assistance are docunented and evaluated. Feedback related to improvement or change is recorded.) JF Prograa Seq *: 03 Page: 6 Progri Maae: Prograa Code: Academic Stpport Program 10 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: to provide equitable language arts and laathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Adams/Stovall/Parker Plan Reference Page Niaber P 19 P 19 Objectives Strategies A. Technical assistance has been provided 50 times in elementary schools and 27 times in secondary schools. Technical assistance has been provided 54 times in elementary schools and 33 B. tiaws in secondary schools. 1.10 Schedule school based aeetings to assess progri effectiveness. 1.11 Collect appropriate data for end of school prograa evaluation, includir pre and poet standardized test scores, student grades and attendance, saaples of student work, and parent/teecher/student recoHendations. 35 Begiming Pete 08/23/93 10/01/93 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Caaf>letion Date 35X 70X Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Responsibility 1.9 (Principals, district-wide staff development team, curriculun supervisors, IRC specialists) 1.10 Principal 1.11 Principal and staff
Dir. of Federal Prograas Evaluation Criteria 1.10 (Records of dates of meetings and participants, minutes of meetings, and issues related to program effectiveness are maintained.) 1.11 (Individual student folders that include a systematic collection of student work, pre and post standardized test scores, grades, and reconinendations to provide individual/group/school progress are maintained for continuous student and program progress.)Page: 7 Prograa Seq *: 03 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Naae: Academic Support Program Prograa Code: 10 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Adams/Stovall/Parker Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Plan Reference Page Rudder p 19 p 1, 10-13 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Co^letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.12 Analyze the above data to evaluate program effectivness. 1.12 (Analyze end of school program evaluation components.) 1.13 Assist parents In obtaining the knowledge and skills needed to promote the education of their children at hose and at school through conferences, workshops, and Little Rock School District Home Study Guides, etc. A. Provided inservice on LRSO Home Study Guides for administrators. B. Provided inservice on LRSO Home Study Guides for parents. C. Telephone conferences with parents (12). 3 A July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 08/17/93 09/08/93 08/23/93 Jme 30, 1994 Jine 30. 1994 08/17/93 09/08/93 35X 1.12 Associate Staler i ntendent for Curiculum, Assistant Scfierinten-dents. Dir. of Federal Prograam, Curriculum Si^rvisors and Principals 1.13 Principal and staff 1.13 (Director of Federal Programs, Curriculum Supervisors, Principal and staff) 1.12 (Results of standardized test scores are evaluated to determine the nuiber of students showing growth and the reduction of disparity.) 1.13 (Parents and staff are surveyed to evaluate parental involvement activities provided throughout the year. Results of the surveys are used to strengthen the parental involvement program.) Page: 6 Prograa Seq f: 03 Revision Date: January 11, 1994 Prograa Naae: Academic Support Program Prograa Code: 10 Primary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Adams/Stovall/Parker Prograa Goal: Disparity reduction to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning for all students in the mainstream setting. Plan Reference Page Niaber Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 0. Telephone conferences with parents (8). 10/01/93 70% E. Academic Support - district-wide parent workshop (150). 12/05/93 40X 4 >'>Prograa Seq *: 04 Prograa Haae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Prograa Description: 1. District Goal S^^port: Program Goal: Plan References
FT Program Budget
TTP Expenditures
Related Function Codes
LRSO FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET OOCUHEHl Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Page: 1 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 r?^'^rSirr::h5-:Se"c.X:::s?d:^?}:y^rx
:2urr!gi pr.r ^iticuitu. ^'urrtStTniuu:dorm:i?
JS'e'^uU^ir^id^lJ ^n^^oder^eS: of ell Children. (1,3,6) To silemmnt existing instructional materials focusing on cultural 3. The participants in the Multicultural Program----------- . cultural, and ethnic backgrounds will be affected the greatest by activities outlined in the Multicultural Curriculun Program. Teachers will Students of all social. academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and Goal Mo. 1. Implement integrated educational programs that mill ensure thet all students grow academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievemmt. ____ Goal Mo. 6. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities operations. Goal Mo. 2. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and our schools including our desegregation plan. Goal Mo. 4. Solicit and secure financial deionstl^ in^heir day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued Goal No. 3. me LUCie kocr scnooi bihiiu, .. thi o^ >aes a valued resource upon which our community and nation can drew as we prepare contributor to society and viea cultural diversity among students, staff and the community os for the 2l8t Century. (Aoplies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and progrm . _I.. - nUImmhiumc I ? 7 collaborate with the PCSSO and the HLRSO to promote multicultural activities and To ensure areas. To 166 80 >197,446.69 >42,751.33 1st Qtr Expend
2nd Qtr Expend
and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) ] >19,443.65 >23,307.68 41 3rd Qtr Expend
4th Otr Expend
FTE LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMEMT Page: 2 L II I 1 I I I "J Prograa Seq *: Prograa Naae: Prograa Code: Progri Goal: Plan Reference Page Niaber L 66 L 66 L 66 L 76 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Multicultural Currlculun 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal To ensure eckicational equity in the elementary and secondary currlculun and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. To provide teacher learning opportioities through formal course training 1.1 Contact local colleges and universities to obtain information on proposed course offerings related to ethnic studies for the subbkt and fall, 1991 1.1 (LRSD will receive announcements from local colleges/universities on proposed multicultural courses) A. Completion of initial contact 07/91 1.2 Receive and advertise course offerings to all certified staff, including opportunities for tuition reiiburseaent and/or salary credit A. Course offerings received/advertised for fall, 1993 B. Course offerings received/advertised for spring 1994 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 01/91 (07/01/93) 07/19/93 07/01/93 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 07/91 (06/30/94) 08/16/93 12/17/93 1 (Director of staff Developnent, Subject Area Supervisors, Principals) Assoc Sl^Jt.- Educ. Programs Dean of Grad. Sch. Academic Deans (Director of Staff Development) (Supervisor of Social Studies) Assoc Si4vt - Educ Programs Office of Hiaan Resources 1. (Multicultural strategies will be implemented in schools as assessed by adninistration during classroom observations and teacher conferences) 1.1 List of college offerings 1.1 (The number of teachers who have received multicultural training will increase.) 1.2 Copy of inforaation provided 42Page: 3 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Naaa: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Karie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. . .. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the HLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Mu^aer L 66 L 66 L 66 L 66 Objectives Strategies Beginning Pate Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.3 Identify participants in stmaer and fall courses A. Participants identified in initial course (07/01/93) 08/91 (06/30/94) 02/92 2. To develop a district-wide multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue (07/01/93) (06/30/94) 2. (To maintain district-wide multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue) 2.1 Review and catalogue present audio/visual materials related to Bulticultural curriculia A. 05/90 B. (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Conysletion for initial development on Audio/visual materials reviewed and catalogued for current term 2.2 Purchase additional audio/visual materials from the 1968-89 buc^t A. Initial purchase completed 05/90 B. Additional materials purchased 43 07/89 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 07/01/93 05/90 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 05/90 70X Eaployees (Director of Human Resources) (Subject area supervisors) S<Biv of Media Services (Subject area supervisors) St<^ of Media Services (Subject area supervisors, principals) 1.3 Copy of academic course coapletion on file in Personnel office (Office of Hunan Resources) 2. (Multicultural resources will be used for classroom instruction) 2.1 Current catalogue listing 2.1 (Copies of updated multicultural audio/visual catalogue will be distributed) 2.1 (Multicultural materials will be checked out and used by instructional staff in the schools) 2.2 Requisition material 2.2 (Materials ordered, received, and catalogued for distribution/use)Page: 4 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculim January 31, 1994 Progri Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To oraure ed^otionol equity in the elementery end secondary curriculun and proaram areas. {Applies to entire document except for page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the KLRSO to promote Rulticultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Hudier L 66 L 66 L 66 L 67 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.3 Identify and catalogue other resources for Bilticultural audio/visual materials, i.e., AR Dept of Education, LR Piblic Library, AR Library Coamission A. Initial identifying and cataloging completed on 12/89 B. Resources from organizations identified and catalogued for current term 2.4 Revise, print and distribute multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue for the LRSO A. Initial revision, printing, and distribution completed in 08/89 B. Audio-visual catalogue updated and copies distributed to schools 08/06/93 2.5 Place initial st<pleaental order for aulticultural audio/visual the 1909-90 budget iterials from A. Initial supplemental order placed in 06/90 (07/01/93) 07/01/89 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 06/69 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 (06/30/94) 12/01/89 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 08/89 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 06/90 of Media Services Si<>erv of Media Services Media Specialists 2.3 Collated catalogue 2.4 Distribution of catalogue 2.4 (Multicultural materials will be checked out by schools) 2.5 Requisitions stisitted 2.S (Materials are available for check-out/ use) 3. To plan and i^lement the Instructional Materials Fair (Multicultural) 3. (To supply information about multicultural materials for purchase to teachers, parents and the community) (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs) (Supv of Media Services) 3. (Multicultural materials will be used by instructional staff in all schools) 3. (Evaluate the effectiveness of the Multicultural Fair) 44 Page: 5 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Metier L 67 L 67 L 67 L 67 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date (UaT>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3.1 Involve a team of parents, coamuiity resources, and teachers in detailed plaming for the Fair-specific dotes, time, place and format-to be held as a co^Mnent of 1968-09 pre-school conference 3.1 (To plan and isplement the Instructional Multicultural Materials Fair for current term) A. Initial development conpleted on 06/30/88 B. Phone contact has been made with NLR and PCSSO on 08/04/93 and 09/14/93 regarding Fair for 1993-94 term C. Two tri-district meetings held to discuss Fair. Date set for February 22,1994, sponsored by NLRSD 3.2 Identify national and local vendors of multicultural instructional materials A. Initial identification of vendors conpleted on 04/30/88 3.3 Establish pre-school conference dates and extend invitation to vendors 3.3 (Establish date for Fair) A. Initial dates and invitations extended on 05/88 3.4 Confirm Fair participants A. Initial confirmation of participants completed on 07/30/88 43 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (08/93) 06/01/88 08/04/93 11/16/93 (07/01/93) 03/88 (07/01/93) 03/88 (07/01/93) 07/01/88 (50%) 06/30/88 09/14/93 11/30/93 (06/30/94) 04/30/88 (06/30/94) OS/88 (06/30/94) 07/30/88 Assoc Sifit for Educational Programs (Supv of Media Services) Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs Executive Staff Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs Sqw of Media Services 3.1 Iapleaantation Plan 3.1 (Involved input from parents, community, and teachers) 3.2 Cospletion of nailing list 3.2 (Major suppliers of multicultural materials will be invited to exhibit at the Fair) 3.3 Conference scheduled 3.3 (Fair date placed on District master calendar) 3.4 Confirmation 3.4 (List of participating vendors) Page: 6 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculun Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goat: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. ................ " (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Himber L 67 L 67 L 67 L 68 L 68 Objectives Strategies Beginning Pate Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. To develop criteria for textbook review and adoption 3.S Acquaint principals and central office staff with plans and Fair relationship to desegregation efforts A. Initial item completed on 07/30/88 3.6 Concfcict media caapaiffi for Fair to staff and parents A. 08/88 Initial media campaign conpleted on 3.7 Host tri-district "Instructional Materials Fair" 3.7 (Host the Multicultural Fair rotating the site among the three districts) A. Initial hosting of Fair completed on 08/88 among the three districts) B. Phone contact has been made with NLR and PCSSO on 08/04/93 and 09/14/93 regarding Fair for 93-94 term C. NLRSD scheduled to host Fair on February 22, 1994, at Horth Little Rock High School, East Campus 4.1 Revise Board policy for textbook adoption A. Board policy revised on 08/22/91 4G (07/01/93) 07/01/88 (07/01/93) 07/88 (07/01/93) 08/88 08/04/93 07/01/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 12/10/90 (06/30/94) 07/30/88 (06/30/94) 08/88 (06/30/94) 08/88 09/14/93 06/30/94 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 08/22/91 Assoc St<it for Deseg and Schools Supv of Media Services, Dir of Coaassti cat i ons Assoc of Educational Programs working with coamittee (Assoc Supt for Curriculun, Subject Area Supervisors) Assoc Si^it for Educational Programs 3.5 Staff agenda 3.5 (Staff can relate Fair to the District's desegregation efforts) 3.6 PiAilicity 3.6 (Fair is advertised to the public) 3.7 Validate Fair participation 3.7 (Materials ordered/purchased) 4. (Criteria checklist implemented by textbook committees) 4.1 Approved criteriaPage: 7 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progri Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document gxce^t for ^ge 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to pafle 76, ob|ectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) areas. Plan Reference Page Member L 68 L 68 L 68 L 68 L 68 Objectives Strategies Begiming pate Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4.2 Identify an ad hoc coamittee to review criteria presently being used in LRSD and other districts for textbook adoptions (10 meafaers) A. Initial identification con|>leted on 12/11/90 4.3 Conduct staff development training on avoiding sex and race bias and stereotyping in textbooks 4.3 (Textbooks on the approved Arkansas State Department of Education's textbook list are free of sex/race bias) A. Initial training conpleted in 12/91 B. Partial training conducted 09/15/93 by the reading department C. Additional training conducted during reading textbook adoption meetings 4.4 SiRait revised policy and criteria to the Board of Directors for first reading A. Revised policy/criteria submitted to Board of Directors on 06/20/91 4.5 Adopt policy on textbooks A. Policy adopted 08/22/91 4.6 Utilize a local consultant to train staff on Avoiding Sex and Race Stereotyping in Textbooks" A. Initial utilization of cc^isultant completed in 12/89 47 (07/01/93) 12/01/90 (07/01/93) 07/91 09/15/93 11/01/93 (07/01/93) 06/20/91 (07/01/93) 08/22/91 (07/01/93) 07/89 (06/30/94) 12/11/90 (06/30/94) 12/91 10/27/93 12/02/93 (06/30/94) 06/20/91 (06/30/94) 08/22/91 (06/30/94) 12/89 Assoc Si^it for Educational Programs Assoc Sept for Educational Programs (Arkansas State Dept, of Education) Si<)erintendent Assoc Si<>t for Ed Progs LRSD Board of Directors Assoc S(<>t for Educational Programs (Curriculum Supervisors) 4.2 Roster of coamittee meabers 4.3 Schedule of meeting and agenda 4.3 (Textbooks selected will be free of sex/race bias) 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 Board agenda Board agenda Monitoring (Textbooks are free of sex/race stereotypes)Page: 6 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculum January 31, 1994 Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure ed^otionol equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 75, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to paae 76. objectives 1. 2, 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Nudier L 68 L 69 L 69 L 69 L 69 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Coapletion ___Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5. To develop and ieplement a multicultural curriculta for prekindergarten through grade 6 5. (To implement the LRSO curriculum, K 6, which is multicultural) B. Partial inservice training to teachers on "Avoiding Sex and Race Stereotyping in Textbooks" conducted during adoption cycle 4.7 Select and recound to Board for adoption of textbooks (elementary and secondary) based on criteria for adoption 5.1 Plan and host at least three (3) pti>lic meetings to receive suggestions from patrons on areas to be included in a multicultural curriculua A. Completed in 12/89 during initial development 5.2 Identify and retain the services of a notional exp^ in aulticultural curriculia development (lead consultant for tuo (2) year contract). A. Completed in 09/66 during initial development 5.3 In cooperation with the lead consultant, the Division of Educatioral Programs uill issue a detailed curriculim development timeline for the year, including a checklist for task co^letion A. Completed in 10/88 during initial development 09/15/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 09/88 (07/01/93) 09/88 (07/01/93) (10/86) 10/27/93 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 12/89 (06/30/94) 09/88 (06/30/94) (10/86) Assoc Stpt for Educational Programs (Curriculum Specialists) (Principals, Teachers, Asst. Supts., Curriculum Supervisors) Assoc S(A>t for Educ Prog Assoc Sipt for Desegregation Assoc Sept for Educational Programs Lead Consultant Assoc Su^jt for Educational Prograam 4.7 Board approval 4.7 (Criteria checklist was used for textbook selection) 5. (Observation of curriculun implementation during classroom visits/teacher conferences) 5. (Improvement in student performance and assessment of attitude regarding learning) 5.1 Transcript of suggestions 5.2 Contractual coMitment for the 1968-89 school year (Dr. James A. Banks was used) 5.3 Timeline/checklist (Timeline included in this docunent 5.5 5.17) 4 uPage: 9 Prograa Seq *: Prograa Naae: Prograa Code: Progn Goal: Plan Reference Page Hudaer L 69 L 69 L 69 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Multicultural Curriculun 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal To ensure eeccfAcjjccaattiioonnaall equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program aarreeaass.. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO arxi the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76~ objectives 1. 2. "3. 4.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.4 Develop expectations for meabers participating on aulticultural curriculim committee A. Completed in 11/88 during initial development B. Expectations developed also during the curriculun revision process 5.5 Identify curriculum caaittee mudicri and contract for services: 8 - Health/Science 5 - Music 14 - Remding/Language Arts 3 - Art 4 * Social Studies 4 - Libraries 38 5.5 (All core curriculun areas were involved in the development of guides) 5.5 (Curriculun areas revised were: Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, Hath, and Science) A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Identification completed with revised curriculum 5.6 Obtain multicultural curriculus uiits from models used in other cities A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Multicultural curriculun units obtained also during revision process 4 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Lead Consultant Assoc S^>t for Educ Prograaa 5.4 Expectations 5.4 (Contractual agreements with curriculun writers) 10/88 11/88 10/91 11/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs 5.5 Identification of coamittee metiers 08/88 10/88 09/91 10/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs 5.6 Copies of multicultural materials distributed to committee mrabprs 07/88 10/88 07/91 10/91 1 Prograai Seq *
04 Page: 10 Revision Date: Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculun January 31, 1994 Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Prograa Goal: Secondary Leader: Harie McNeal To ensure educational equity in the eleaentary and secondary curriculun and program areas. Tn nnl I akn..*. *1. ___a ..u. . . . ... ..II u- . -.t .u 7.--------- iww.i. 0'1 mcos. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76. objectives 1 2 3 4 ) To collaborate with the PCSSO end the NLRSD to promote milticultural activities and curriculum development. (AccLies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. .>' * va.aancnv VI poyc 19, VWJVUllVett I, , J, (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Niaber L 70 L 70 L 70 L 70 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coi^>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.7 Develop expectations for use of local resource consultant in multicultural curriculum development A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Expectations developed also with revised curriculun 5.8 Secure the services of six (6) local resource consultants to serve on the districtwide curriculia development coamittee A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Consultants utilized also with revised curriculun 5.9 Conduct inservice session on Methods for Developing Multicultural Teaching Strategies* to include (a) uiderstanding the rationale, trends, and goals Bulticultural curriculum, (b) developing a conceptual frmaeworfc for multicultural curriculun, and (c) establishing procedures for developing a ailticultural curriculuai A. Completion on 03/11/89 with initial development B. Staff development conducted in conjunction with the revised curriculun procedures 5.10 Conduct task coapletion monitoring as identified in timeline OU (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sign for Educational Prograaa 5.7 List of expectations 08/88 09/91 (07/01/93) 08/88 11/91 (07/01/93) 12/14/88 10/91 (07/01/93) 10/88 10/91 (06/30/94) Assoc Sigit for Educational Programs 5.8 Contract services of consultants 10/88 05/30/92 (06/30/94) 03/11/89 11/91 (06/30/94) Assoc Sigit for Educational Programs (Curriculun Supervisors) Div of Educational Programs (Assoc Supt for .Educational Programs) 5.9 Participants* written evaluation 5.9 (Original inservice completed
ongoing inservice will be docunented and evaluated by participants) 5.10 Ii^leaentation of onitoring instruaent Page: 11 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculun Progri Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Mudaer L TO L 70 L 70 L 70 Objectives Strategies Beginning Pate Coapletion Pate Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Conpletion in 11/91 with initial development B. Task completion monitoring conducted also during the curriculun revision process 5.11 Operationalize the curriculua development timeline (annthly meetings with specific dates developed in cooperation with coHittee mr^frs) A. Completion in 05/91 with initial development B. Curriculun development timeline operationalized also during the curriculun revision process 5.12 Review and edit the coaprebensive guides in each content area at each grade level A. Completion in 07/89 with initial development B. Guides reviewed and edited also during the curriculun revision process 5.13 Type and print all guides A. Completion in 07/89 with initial development B. Guides typed and printed also during the curriculum revision process 5.14 Conchjct inservice for all eleaantary principals and teachers 31 10/91 10/91 (Or/01/93) 10/88 10/91 (07/01/93) 05/89 05/92 (07/01/93) 06/89 06/92 (07/01/93) 11/91 12/91 <06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 5.11 Agenda of each meeting 05/91 05/30/92 (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educational Prograaa 5.12 I^lementation of guides 07/89 06/30/92 (06/30/94) 07/89 07/30/92 (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs Assoc Stpt for Educational Prograas (Curriculun Supervisors) 5.13 Guides coapleted 5.13 (Guides delivered to schools) 5.14 Agenda 5.14 (Curriculun implementation) 5.14 (Inservice on revised curriculun is ongoing) I I J r^r Page: 12 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goel: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1, 2, 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Mudier L TO Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Completion in 09/89 with initial development B. Inservice for elementary principals and teachers conducted also during the curriculum revision process 08/89 08/01/92 09/89 08/31/92 L TO 5.15 Involve principals and teachers in ordering multicultural materials from local building budgets: a. Make available materials catalogues to building level principals (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Si4>t for Educational Prog Elem Teachers Principals b. Order and acquire materials based on curriculua to be taught A. Initial catalogue provided during 89 term B. Materials ordered and acquired C. Additional catalogues/brochures were provided to principals for current term during preschool conference, department meetings and on request 0. Materials ordered based on existing curriculum for current term 5.16 Extend inservice through scheduled district level regular elearnntary cluster meetings (reading, language arts, social studies, art, and music) A. Initial inservice conducted B. Inservice extended during 93-94 term in all curriculum areas and programs 07/01/89 07/01/89 08/17/93 08/17/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 07/93 08/30/89 09/30/89 90X 70X (06/30/94) 08/90 SOX Principals Assoc Sifjt for Educational Prograam 5.15 Acquisition of materials 5.15 (Instructional materials representing diverse groups uill be present in all schools) 5.16 (Inservice on revised curriculum is being offered through minicourses and building meetings during the 1993-94 school year) 0Progn Seq: 04 Page: Revision Date: Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculun Progn Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progn Goel: To ensure educational equity in the elemntary and secondary curriculun and program areas. 13 January 31, 1994 (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO end the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Hiadwr L 70 L 72 L 72 L 72 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6. To develop and ii^ilcarnnt a multicultural curriculia for grades 7-12 (To implement the revised curriculun 7*12, which is multicultural) 5.17 Most three (3) education meetings for parents of elementary children to provide an overview of the co^xehensive aulticultural curriculus A. Completion in 09/89 during initial development B. PTA meetings/audio/visual broadcasts were conducted to give board members and parents an overview of the revised multicultural curriculun guides C. Discussion of the revised multicultural curriculum is being addressed at PTA meetings/parent conferences 6.1 Verify second year contract of national expert in multicultural curriculiB A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development 6.2 In cooperation with the lead consultant, the Division of Educational Programs will issue a detailed curriculus development timeline for the 1989-90 school year, including a checklist for last ccBfiletion bo (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Division of Educational Programs 5.17 Program and roster of participants 5.17 (Assessment of multicultural education during parent conferences) 08/89 09/89 06/15/92 09/09/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 04/89 (07/01/93) 12/18/92 75X (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 06/89 (06/30/94) (Principals, Teachers, Asst. Supts., Subject Area Supervisors) Div of Educational Programs Assoc Sipt for Educational Programs 6. (Observation of curriculun implementation during classroom visits/teacher conferences) 6. (Improvement in student academic performance and assessment of attitude regarding learning) 6.1 Contractual caanitment entered into for second year (Dr. James A. Banks was used) 6.2 Timeline co^leted (Timeline included in this docunent 6.5 * 6.19) r Page: 14 Prograa Seq f: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Haae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To onsure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculua and proaram areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3. .) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to proonte multicultural activities and curriculun development. areas. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Mudaer Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 72 L 72 L 72 A. Coapletion in 06/89 during initial development 6.3 Plan and hold at least three (3) piA)lic meetings to receive suggestions froa patrons in areas of ailti-curriculua and programing A. Coapletion in 12/89 during initial development 6.4 Develop expectations for mesber participation on mlticultural curriculua comittee A. Coapletion in 05/89 during initial development B. Expectations developed also during the curriculun revision process 6.5 Identify secondary curriculm coaaittee aeofaers and contract for services: 4 4 4 4 Reading Librarians Nath Science 12 English 12 Social Studies 4 4 Music Art A. Coapletion in 06/89 cAiring initial development B. Convnittee identified also during the curriculum revision process 04/89 06/89 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educational Prograaa 6.3 Suggestions received, reviewed, and considered 09/89 12/89 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sipt for Educ Prograas Assoc Sept for Desegregation 6.4 List of expectations 6.4 (Contractual agreements with curriculun writers) 04/89 05/89 07/91 09/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Prograaa Assoc Sept for Desegregation 6.5 Contractual inpleaentation for each coaaittee meober 06/89 06/89 09/91 10/91 H / O 4Progri Seq : 04 Psge: Revision Date: Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculum 15 January 31, 1994 Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader
Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: TO ensure educ.tional equity in the elenent.ry end secondary curriculun .nd progr areas. (*PPli re^o^iicuiS*!'' s To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to pafle 76, ob|ectives 1. Plan Reference Page llud)er L 73 L 73 L 73 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date (kapletion Date_ Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.6 Obtain aulticultural curriculia mits froa models used in other districts A. Completion in 09/89 during initial development B. Multicultural units obtained also during curriculun revision process 6.7 Develop expectations for use of local resource consultants in aulticultursl curriculia developaent A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development B. Expectations developed also during multicultural curriculun development 6.8 Identify secondary social studies, ausic, and art coaaittee: 1991: 19 teachers: studies 7 social A. (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sifrt for Educ Prograaa 6.6 Secure ailticultural curriculia units for coaaittee ackers 06/89 09/89 06/91 10/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sifit for Educ Prograas 6.7 Develop expectations 06/89 06/89 06/91 (07/01/93) 06/91 (06/30/94) Assoc Si<t for Educ Prograas S(s>ervisor of Social Studies 6.8 Roster of coHittee 1992: 11 teachers: studies 1993: 11 teachers: studies 6 ausic 6 art 3 social 4 ausic 4 art 3 social 4 ausic 4 art Convnittee members identified with phase in developed for social studies, music, and art 04/91 07/25/93 55 (Supervisor of Social Studies, Teachers in identified areas, Assoc. Supt) (Guides for social studies, music and art with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) Page: 16 t Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McMeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.> To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2. 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Nuiber L 73 L 73 L 74 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Coapletion Date Responaibility Evaluation Criteria 6.9 Secure the services of eight (8) local resource consultants to serve on the districtwide curriculua development coaaittee A. Completion in 07/89 during initial development B. Local resosurce consultants utilized during the revised curriculun process (07/01/93) 07/89 12/91 (06/30/94) 07/89 05/30/92 Assoc Si4>t for Educational Programs 6.9 Contract for services agreeaant entered into Phase in Multicultural arsi learning (social studies, aamic, and art) (Needs to be deleted from this column) (Implemented after the identification of committee mesbers, 6.8) 6.10 Conduct inservice session or ^lethods for Developing Multicultural Learning Strategies" to include (a) mderstanding the rationale, trends, and goals of multicultural curriculia and (b) establishing procedures for developing a multicultural curriculta A. Completion in 10/89 during initial development B. Staff development conducted in conjunction with the revised curriculun procedures C. Extended staff development conducted at preschool, department, cluster, and school meetings 6.11 Conduct last task collation monitoring as identified in timeline A. Completion in 12/89 during initial development B. Task completion monitoring conducted also during the curriculun revision process (07/01/93) 07/89 07/92 08/16/93 (07/01/93) 09/89 10/91 (06/30/94) 10/89 04/93 SOX (06/30/94) 12/89 06/04/93 Assoc Si<>t for Educatioral Programs Si^iervisor of Social Studies Assoc Si4>t for Educ Prograas 6.10 Roster of participants 6.10 (Original inservice completed. Ongoing inservice will be docunented and evaluated by participants) 6.11 Tasks completed in accordance with timeline buPage: 17 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progn Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Nudjcr L 74 L 74 L 74 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coiq>Letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.12 Operationalize the curriculum development timeline (monthly) meetings with specific dates developed in cooperation with ctsittee metiers A. Completion in 05/90 during initial development B. Curriculun development timeline operationalized during revision process 6.13 Review and edit the ccaprchensive guide for each content area at each grade level (social studies, music, and art) A. Completion in 05/90 during initial develqsment B. Guides for social studies, music, and art reviewed and edited 6.14 Type and print alt guides for social studies, usic, and art A. Social Studies guides typed and printed B. Draft forms of music and art guides in schools 57 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) S(<)ervi8or of Social Studies (Teachers in identified areas. Assoc. Supt. for Curriculun) 6.12 Meetings held according to timeline 6.12 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) 09/89 05/90 10/91 06/04/93 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Si^Jt for Educational Programs 6.13 Review and edit guides 6.13 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) 04/90 05/90 06/91 (07/01/93) 06/91 06/91 06/11/93 (06/30/94) 07/15/93 08/16/93 Assoc St^t for Educ Programs Sqsv-Soc Studies 6.14 Guides typed and printed 6.14 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms)Page: 18 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculun Progri Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to proaote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Nudier L 74 L 74 L 74 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coag>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.IS Conduct inservice for all secortdary a^inistrators and teachers A. Completion in 09/90 during initial development B. Inservice for secondary adninistrators and teachers conducted also for revised curriculun and phase-in 6.16 Involve principals and teachers in ordering multicultural materials froa local building budgets: (a) Make available materials catalogues to building level principals (b) Order and acquire materials based on curriculua to be taught A. Initial catalogues/brochures distributed to building principals by curriculun coordinators B. Materials based on curriculun ordered and acquired C. Additional materials based on revised curriculun ordered and acquired 6.17 Monitor the use of curriculia guides 5 u (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Sept for Educ Prograa 6.15 Monitoring of inservice 6.15 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) 07/90 09/90 07/91 (07/01/90) 07/90 07/90 08/17/93 (07/01/93) 08/20/93 (06/30/94) Assoc Sifit for Educational Programs 6.16 Materials purchased 6.16 (Instructional materials representing diverse groups will be present in all secondary schools) 09/90 12/90 75X (06/30/94) Principals Area Si<)ervisors 6.17 ScheduLe/Doctaentat ion 6.17 (Observation of curriculun implementation during classroom visits and teacher conferences) 6.17 (Improvement in student achievement and attitude toward self and learning)Page: 19 Prograa Seq f: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograai Maae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progri Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Himber L 75 L 75 L 76 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Periodic curriculun monitoring being implemented 6.18 Extend inservice through scheduled district level regular couicil meetings (reeding, English, social studies, science, art, and mmic for the secondary level) A. Inservice extended with revised curriculum 6.19 Host three (3) education meetifs for parents of secondary children to provide an overview of the cosfirehensive multicultural curriculum A. Completed on 09/30/90 with initial development B. PTA Open House meetings were conducted to give parents an overview of the revised multicultural curriculun guides C. Curriculum overview/explanation is conducted at PTA meetings and parent conferences 09/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 09/01/90 09/92 09/09/93 SOX (06/30/94) SOX (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 09/30/90 12/92 75X 1. To provide staff development in the area of aulticultural education (07/01/93) (06/30/94) 53 Assoc Supt and Staff for Educational Programs Assoc Si<>t for Educational Programs (Content Area Supervisor, Principals) (Director of Staff Development, Subject Area SiA*rvisors, Principals) 6.18 Agenda of meetings, roster of participants 6.18 Additional inservice will occur through minicourses and council meetings during 1993-94) 6.19 Program and roster of participants 1. (Multicultural strategies will be implemented in schools as assessed by adninistration during classroom observations and teacher conferences) 1. (Academic achievement of students will improve as evidenced by report cards and standarized tests)r Page: 20 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Program Naae: Multicultural Curriculum Progri Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progri Goal: 7w -- ---'Z (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3, 4.) To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. Plan Reference Page lfc^)er L 76 L 76 L 76 2. Objectives Strategies Begiming Pate Caaf>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria To provide access to and inforastion about aulticultural aaterials to teachers, parents, coaawity 1.1 Jointly negotiate for consultants to provide inservice for the districts 1.1 (Conduct staff development in the area of multicultural education) A. A joint colloberation using Or. James Banks as a consultant on 12/14*15/88 and 03/1011/89 2.1 Share responsibility for Multicultural Materials Fair to be held amuslly G 0 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) LRSO Assoc. Sqpt for Educ Prograas (Director of Staff Development) 1.1 Contractual agreeaent 1.1 (Roster of participants) 1.1 (Multicultural strategies uill be inplemented in LRSO classrooms as determined by classroom observations and teacher conferences) 10/88 11/89 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) (PCSSO ' Coor for Multicultural Curr Oev Dir of Library Serv LRSO - Assoc Supt for Educ Programs, Supv of Media Serv NLRSO - Coor of Instructional Materials) PCSSO Coot for Multicultural Curr Dev Dir of Library Serv LRSO - Assoc Sipt for Educ Programs Sqpv of Media Serv NLRSO - Coot of Instructional Materials 2. (Teachers, parents, community will have the opportunity to attend Multicultural Materials Fair) 2.1 Schedule of vendors 2.1 (The Multicultural Fair will be jointly planned by LRSO, NLRSO and PCSSO)Page: 21 Prograa Seq #: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities end curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Ntaber Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Plan and implement Multicultural Materials Fair. Phone contact has been made with NLR and PCSSO on 08/93 and 09/93 regarding Fair for 93-94 term 08/93 SOX B. Two tri-district meetings were held and date for Fair set for February 22, 1994 G i 11/16/93 11/30/93 Prograa Seq #: 04 Page: 22 Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculum Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Prograa Goal: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: To ^ure educatioml ec^ity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and r-c-------- To collaborate Mlth the PCSSO and the NLRSO to proaiote multicultural activities'and curriculi^'^Ceiopmem'? Marie McNeal program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1 2 3 4 ) :ies and rurrirni.. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.)' Plan Reference Page Miaber L 76 L 76 L 76 3. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date To provide inforaation to staff aeabers on the availability of graduate coursework in ajlticultural education 3.1 Write letters to institutions of Iflher eckjcation in the area concerning the need for such courses A. Contact made with area institutions of higher education corKerning needs for multicultural courses 8. LRSD Hill receive announcements of multicultural courses from local institutions of high education for courses during each school term (Fall, Spring and Summer) 3.1 Proaote such courses to the staffs of each school district 3.2 (Duplication of number) A. Promotion of courses have been advertised by LRSD to LRSD teachers and staff periodically as received G2 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 01/91 04/93 (07/01/93) 07/19/93 Co^letion Date (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 07/91 75X (06/30/94) 75X Responsibility (Director of Staff Development, Subject Area Supervisors, Principals) PCSSO > Coot of Instructional Materials LRSD - Assoc Si<}t for Educational Programs NLRSO - Coot of Instructional Materials PCSSO Coord of Multicultural NLRSO Coord of Instructional Materials (LRSD Director of Staff Developnent, Supervisor of Social Studies) Evaluation Criteria 3. (Multicultural strategies will be implemented in schools as assessed by a<kninistration during classroom observations and teacher conferences) 3.1 Letters on file 3.1 (The number of teachers enrolled in multicultural courses will increase) 3.1 ProBotional instnaents file 3.2 (Duplication of number) 3.2 (The nunber of teachers enrolled in multicultural courses will increase) 1Page: 23 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Name: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: IO uro oouc.iio,i oMuii, in Jio oi.iioiL.., ...i . iv-i-u p, pr. (Applies to entire docunent exceet for ^ge 76, objectives 1 2. 3. 4-) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76. obiectives 1, 2, 3. .) To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. Plan Reference Page Member L 76 L 76 L 77 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Co^letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. To investigate the possibilities of cooperating on strategies to acquaint staff and coaamities with aulticultural education 4.1 Meet to discuss possibilities of seaiinars, syaposiias, or other activities to preante ulticultural education aaung the three districts 4.1 (Plan, schedule, advertise and implement strategies) A. Planning meetings held in October and Novenber with representatives from the three districts 1. To enhance educational equity in instructional aethodology and teacher/student interaction G 5 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 10/15/93 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 11/16/93 (06/30/94) di (PCSSO Coor of Multicultural LRSD Assoc Supt for Educational Programs NLRSD Coord of Instructional Materials) PCSSD Coor of Multicultural LRSD Assoc. $i<)t for Educational Programs NLRSD Coord of Instructional Materials (Director of Coninunications, Director of Staff Development) (Curriculun Supervisors, Curriculum Specialists, Principals) 4. (Multicultural education strategies will be used in LRSD classrooms as determined by classroom observations and teacher conferences) 4. (Assessment of connunity di scuss i on/conferences, feedback from debriefing of multicultural education) 4.1 Minutes of meeting 4.1 (Three collaborative activities will be held to inform staff and community about multicultural activities) 1. (Assessment of instruction/teacher student interaction during classroom/school observation and conference) 1. (Increase in student achievement) 1Page: 24 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) areas. Plan Reference Psge Hudber L 77 L 77 L 77 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.1 Research and share effective instructional strategies at regularly scheduled comei I and program area meetings A. Effective instructional strategies researched and shared at council and program area meetings B. Program collaboration among content areas including Early Childhood Education conducted C. Infusion of multicultural education with interdisciplinary units of study developed and shared in all content and program areas D. Instructional materials and strategies shared at monthly IRC workshops 1.2 Purchase science sigiplies for teachers to facilitate the hands-on science approach A. Hands-on science supplies purchased for elementary and secondary schools 1.3 Purchase math manipulatives for teachers to facilitate hands-on math instruction A. Math manipulatives purchased (07/01/93) 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/01/93 (06/30/94) SOX SOX SOX SOX (06/30/94) 75X (06/30/94) 1SX Content Area Supervisors Sigjvs of Sp^ific Content Areas Sigivs of Sp:ific Content Areas L 77 1.4 Purchase sets of trade books for teachers to facilitate the eaphasis on literature and the wholeness of language approach (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Sipvs of Sproific ciantent Areas 1.1 Doctaentation within the Division of Educational Programs 1.1 (Assessment of inpiementation of instructional strategies through classroom observations and teacher conferences) 1.2 Materials purchased 1.2 (Hands-on science activities used in District classrooms) 1.3 Materials purchased 1.3 (Manipulatives are used in District math classrooms) 1.4 Materials purchased 1.4 (Whole language is used in District classrooms) G JProgn Seq*: 04 Page: Revision Date: Prograa Naae: Multicultural Curriculum Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progn Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. 25 January 31, 1994 (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Nu^r L 77 L 77 L 77 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Trade books purchased 1.5 Provide inservice for using Mterials identified in 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 A. Staff development being conducted in use of instructional materials for science, math, literature/whole language B. One math and two scierice staff development specialists are providing training in use of hands-on approach to target schools 1.6 Identify needs of teachers for iaproved delivery of instruction using student data, principal recwf ndntion, school i^JTOvement plans, and teacher f^mtionnaires as the basis for decision making. (Resource: LRSO Resource Staff Development Guide) A. Needs of teachers for improved delivery of instruction identified 1.7 SiAait the inservice needs to the Staff Developaent Department A. Needs submitted to Staff Development Department 6o 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 08/17/93 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/01/93 lOX (06/30/94) Sqpervisors of Spixific Areas (Curriculun Specialists, Principals) 1.5 Docuaentation of participants 1.5 (Desired instructional strategies are being implemented in District classrooms as assessed through classroom observations and teacher conferences) SOX SOX (06/30/94) Principals, Teachers, and Content Areo St<>ervi8ors 1.6 Observation of instruction 1.6 Disaggregation of data 1.6 (Individual Improvement Plans, HP's, reflect identified needs of teachers) 70X (06/30/94) Principals 1.7 Staff developamnt dooaentation (Needs identified in school improvement plans) 1I 70X Page: 26 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progri Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Miatoer L 78 L 78 L 78 L 78 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion pate Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. To incorporate aulticultural materials into the instructional programs 1.6 Schedule teachers as identified for the appropriate inservice A. Placement is based on teacher requests and adninistrative reconinendations 1.9 Monitor the teachers use of effective instructional and classrooa ansgeaent strategies A. Teacher use of effective instructional and classroom management strategies is monitored through classroom observation and teacher conferences 2.1 Review and assess appropriate ulticultural anterials A. Completed in 06/90 during initial curriculum developnent 6. Periodic review and assessment of appropriate multicultural material being conducted C. Reading materials assessed for multicultural component of texts during reading adoption 67 (07/01/93) <06/30/94) Staff Developaent Departaent 1.8 Staff developaent docuantation 1.8 (Inservice will be provided that addresses the needs of teachers as identified in the school improvement plan) 09/01/93 (07/01/93) 09/01/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 03/89 07/93 07/01/93 70X (06/30/94) Si<>ervisors of specific areas (Principals) 1.9 (Assessment of implementation of strategies through classroom observations and teacher conferences) SOX (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 06/90 75X 12/02/93 (Supervisors of Specific Areas, Curriculum Specialists, Principals) Si^jervisors of specific areas (Curriculum Specialists, Principals) 2. (Observe iirplementation of materials at teacher conferences and during classroom visits) 2.1 (Multicultural materials used in District classrooms)Psge: 27 Prograa Seq f: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculun Progri Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader
Marie McNeal Progri Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. ... To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. obiectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference page Mud?er L 78 L 78 L 78 L 78 3. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Pate Responsibility Evaluation Criteria To isfileaent organizational practices that Mill enhance educational etfjity 2.2 Identify and suggest Bilticultural material to be purchased at local school level by content and grade A. Identification/purchase of materials completed during initial development of curriculun B. Multicultural material identified and suggested for purchase periodically C. Multicultural materials purchased by content area supervisors and at the school level 2.3 Schedule uorfcshops on use of materials (Oiere appropriate) A. Workshops scheduled during initial curriculun development and purchase of initial materials Appropriate workshops scheduled on use of multicultural materials periodically B. 2.4 Monitor the use of appropriate multicultural materials A. Use of appropriate multicultural materials being monitored periodically through observations and teacher conferences GO (07/01/93) 08/69 07/01/93 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 08/89 08/16/93 (07/01/93) 09/93 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) 10/90 75X SOX (06/30/94) 06/90 SOX (06/30/94) SOX (06/30/94) Si<)ervisors of specific areas (Curriculum Specialists, Principals) Sipenrisors of specific areas (Curriculun Specialists, Principals) Supervisors of specific areas (Curriculum Specialists, Principals) (Assoc. Supt., Assist. Supt., Principals, Teachers) 2.2 (Titles/description of materials forwarded to schools) 2.3 (Catalogue listings) 2.3 (Multicultural materials used in District classrooms) 2.4 (Classroom observations/ teacher conferences reflect use of multicultural materials) (3. Educational programs in LRSD have equitable participation and success by all students) Page: 28 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa HaK: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Hatthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Prograa Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSO to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1. 2, 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Muder L 78 L 78 L 78 L 78 L 79 4. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria To ensure increased educational equity through inservice training 3.1 Provide teachers with training for effective in*class grouping A. Training in class grouping provided at council and program area meetings 3.2 Monitor iiplementation of strategies through classroom visitations and feedback in follow-i4> workshops A. Implementation of strategies monitored periodically 3.3 Review placearnnt criteria for enrichment/ honors and advanced placement classes A. B. (07/01/93) 08/93 (07/01/93) 09/01/93 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) 75X (06/30/94) SOX (06/30/94) Initial review completed in 01/89 Placement criteria for enrichment/honors and advanced placement classes reviewed and revised for current term 3.4 Provide sipport to principals in monitoring the distribution of students in higher level courses to assess gender and race equity A. Support given principals through periodic staff development for monitoring the distribution of students in higher level courses C3 09/88 02/93 (07/01/93) 07/20/93 (07/01/93) 01/89 05/93 (06/30/94) SOX (06/30/94) Supervisors of specific areas SifKrvisors of specific areas Assoc Si<)t of Educational Programs Assoc and Asst Sipts 3.1 (Grouping practices are equitable in LRSD classrooms) 3.2 (Assessment of classroom observation) 3.3 (Placement practices in LRSD classrooms will increase participation of black students in GT/Honors/AP classes) 3.4 (Classroom observation of student enrolIment and enrollment reports to central office will reflect equitable distribution of gender and race) 4. (Educational programs in LRSO have equitable participation and success by all students)Psge: 29 Prograa Seq *: 04 Revision Date: January 31, 1994 Prograa Maae: Multicultural Curriculun Prograa Code: 12 Priaary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Progn Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculun and program areas. To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculun development. (Applies to entire docunent except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) (Applies only to page 76. objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.) Plan Reference Page Muitier L 79 L 79 L 79 L 79 L 79 L 79 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date (kag>letian Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5. To ensure e<^ity in the selection and use of textbooks 4.1 Refer to activities outlined in items 1.2 1.4 above 4.1 (Purchase science supplies, math manipulatives, tradebooks) A. Hands-on science, math manipulatives. and trade books purchased 5.1 Ifwcntory and assess current textbooks for aulticultural presence A. Reading textbooks inventoried and assessed for multicultural presence during adoption cycle 5.2 Identify the deficiencies existing in current textbooks A. Deficiencies in current reading textbooks identified during adoption cycle 5.3 Select and purchase resource materials to replace or s(<f>leaRnt areas of deficiency A. Resource materials selected and purchased in all content areas 5.4 Provide training for use of st^jpleaental materials I V/ (07/01/93) 07/01/93 (07/01/93) (
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.