PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH July 1993 August 1993 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: August 31, 1993 ACTIVITIES 1.1 Designate lead planning person 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 BEGINNING DATE July 1993 COMPLETION DATE July 27, 1993 RESPONSIBILITY Superintendent EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Develop proposed budget calendar for budget year 1994-95 Begin Desegregation Program Inventory using desegregation audit as baseline Identify tentative list of various types of districtwide objective and perceptual data to be collected for the needs assessment Establish final budget calendar for 1994-95 that will allow the Board to monitor progress of the planning and budgeting process Begin to develop monitoring and reporting procedures and issue instructions, as needed Begin development of proportional allocation formulas Begin data collection July 21, 1993 July 26, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet May 31, 1993 July 9, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet July 21, 1993 July 21, 1993 April 26, 1993 August 17, 1993 May 1993 Program Planning and Budgeting Document (PPBD) dated July 30, 1993 July 26, 1993 July 27, 1993 August 27, 1993 November 30, 1993 November 30, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet Superintendent Superintendent and Cabinet Superintendent and Cabinet Lead planning person Sterling Ingram, Director of Planning, Research arid Evaluation designated - PPBD,* p.2 PPBD, Attachment 4 Final version (7-9-93) of Program Identification worksheet (See attached) Tentative list located in PPBD, page 4 and 5 Acceptance of Budget calendar by Board of Directors at July 27, 1993 work session
PPBD, Attachment 4 Meeting with Bill Mooney on August 27, 1993. Final version of data disk to follow. Topic covered during school start-up meeting MPT and Stanford-8 test resultsLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram DATE: August 31, 1993 MONTH ACTIVITIES BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT August 1993 (cont.) 2.5 Begin to identify programs for "fast-track" evaluation July 14. 1993 January 31, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet Academic Progress Grant - memo to Assistant Superintendents Student Assignment - August 18, 1993, 1:30 p.m. meeting conducted by Dr. H. Williams. Academic Support, Special Education, Vocational Education, Library Media August 30, 1993 meeting Substitute - August 26, 1993 meeting with LRCTA Out-sourcing - August 9, 1993 meeting with Coopers and Lybrand Stephens construciion 2.6 Complete Desegregation Program Inventory May 31, 1993 July 19, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet Final version of Program Identification worksheet (see attached) September 1993 3.1 Conduct worksession for analysis of collected data August 20, 1993 August 31, 1993 Superintendent and Cabinet Meeting agenda 3.2 Conduct Board work session September 9, 1993 September 30, 1993 Board and Superintendent TBAProject Management Tool filed in library: LRSD Reports/AW , FRIDAY, ELDREDGE & CLARK HERSCHEL H. PHIOAY. P.A. ROBERT V. UIGMT. P.A. W1UUIAM H. SUTTON. P.A. JAMES W. MOORE BYRON M. EISEMAN. JR.. P.A. A PARTNERSHIP OF INDIVIDUALS ANO PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ATTORNEYS AT LAW A JO' SLt, P.A. H.T. ECHOUS. P.A. 8UTTRY. P.A. { S. URSERY. P.A, ZEUERE. P.A. 2000 FIRST COMMERCIAL BUILDING 400 WEST CAPITOL OSCAR e. OAVIS. JR.. P.A. JAMES C. CLARK. JR.. P.A. THOMAS P. LEGGETT. P.A. JOHN DEWEY WATSON. P.A. PAUL B. BENHAM HI. P.A. LARRY W. BURKS. P.A. A. WYCKLIFF NISBET. JR.. P.A. JAMES EOWARO HARRIS. P.A. J. PHILLIP MALCOM. P.A. JAMES M. SIMPSON. P.A. MEREDITH P. CATLETT, P.A. JAMES M. SAXTON. P.A. J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL HI, P.A. DONALD H. BACON. P.A. WILLIAM THOMAS BAXTER, P.A. WALTER A. PAULSON 11, P.A. BARRY E. COPLIN. P.A. RICHARD . TAYLOR, P.A. JOSEPH 3. HURST. JR., P.A. ELIZABETH J. ROBBEN, P.A. CHRISTOPHER HELLER. P.A. LAURA HENSLEY SMITH. P.A. ROBERT S. SHAFER. P.A. WILLIAM M. GRIFFIN ill, P.A. THOMAS N. ROSE. P.A. MICHAEL S. MOORE. P.A. DIANE S. MACKEY, P.A. WALTER M. EBEL III. P.A. LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201-3493 TELEPHONE 501-376-201 1 fax no. 501-376-2147 September 30, 1993 KEVIN A. CRASS. P.A. WILLIAM A. WAOOELL. JR.. P.A. CLYDE Tab* TURNER. P.A. CALVIN J. HALL. P.A. SCOTT J. LANCASTER. P.A. JERRY L. MALONE. P.A. M. GAYLE CORLEY. P.A. ROBERT B. BEACH. JR., P.A. J. LEE BROWN. P.A. JAMES C. BAKER, JR., P A H. CHARLES GSCKWENO, JR., P A HARRY A. LIGHT, P.A. SCOTT H. TUCKER. P.A. JOHN CLAYTON RANDOLPH. P A GUY ALTON WAOE PRICE C. GARDNER J. MICHAEL PICKENS TONIA P. JONES DAVID 0. WILSON JEFFREY H. MOORE ANDREW T. TURNER JOHN RAY WHITE DAVID M.GRAF PAMELA 0. PERCEFULL CARLA G. SPAINHOUR JOHN C. FENOLEY.JR. COUNSIL WILLIAM J. SMITH WILLIAM A. ELDREDGE. JR.. P.A. B.S. CLARK WILLIAM L. TERRY WILLIAM L. PATTON. JR.. P.A. WRITSR'S OIRECT NO. (50H 370-1553 Mr. John Walker JOHN WALKER, P.A. 1723 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72206 RECEIVED Mr. Sam Jones WRIGHT, LINDSEY & JENNINGS 2200 Worthen Bank Building SEP 3 0 1993 200 West Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 Office of Desegregation Monitcring Mr. Steve Jones JACK, LYON & JONES, P.A. 3400 Capitol Towers Capitol & Broadway Streets Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. Richard Roachelle First Federal Plaza 401 West Capitol Avenue Suite 504 Little Rock, AR 72201 Ms. Ann Brown Heritage West Building, Suite 510 201 East Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Re: LRSD vs. PCSSD, et al Gentlemen and Mrs. Brown: Enclosed for each of you please find a copy of the Notice of Filing and attached documents submitted to the Court herein.Gentlemen and Mrs. Brown August 31, 1993 Page 2 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Jerry L. Malone LRSD Attorney JLM:nr cc: Estelle Matthis Sterling Ingram Mark MilhollenRECSIVSD IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DIVISION SEP 3 0 1953 Office of Dessgregaiion Ivoriii LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAINTIFFS vs. LR-C-82-866 PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1, ET AL DEFENDANTS Mrs. Lorene Joshua, Et Al Intervenors Katherine Knight, Et Al Intervenors NOTICE OF FILING The plaintiff. Little Rock School District ("LRSD"), for its Notice of Filing, states: 1. By order dated August 26, 1993, the Court directed the LRSD to submit to the Court, not later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day of each month, the most recent copy of any project management tool the district is using to guide, monitor, and control the development and implementation of its program planning and budgeting processes. 2 The LRSD has attached hereto as an exhibit a true and accurate copy of its project management tool reflecting 1994-95 program planning and budgeting activities to date.FRIDAY, ELDREDGE & CLARK 2000 First Commercial Bldg. 400 West Capitol Little Rock, AR (501) 376-2011 72201 Attorneys for Little Rock School District By: Je^rrryy LL.. MMaalloonnee ' Bar I.D. No. 85096 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Jerry L. Malone, do hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing notice of filing has been seirved upon the following persons by First Class Mail, postage pre-paid on this 30th day of September, 1993. Mr. John Walker JOHN WALKER, P.A. 1723 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72206 Mr. Sam Jones WRIGHT, LINDSEY & JENNINGS 2200 Worthen Bank Building 200 West Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. Steve Jones JACK, LYON 7 JONES, P.A. 3400 Capitol Towers Capitol & Broadway Streets Little Rock, AR 7201 Mr. Richard Roachelle First Federal Plaza 401 West Capitol Avenue Suite 504 Little Rock, AR 72201 Ms. Ann Brown Heritage West Building, Suite 510 201 East Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Jerry L. Malone LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLi IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DIVISION SEP 3 0 1993 Office of Desegreoation LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAINTIFFS vs. LR-C-82-866 PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1, ET AL DEFENDANTS Mrs. Lorene Joshua, Et Al Intervenors Katherine Knight, Et Al Intervenors NOTICE OF FILING The plaintiff. Little Rock School District ("LRSD"), for its Notice of Filing, states
1. By order dated August 26, 1993, the Court directed the LRSD to submit to the Court, not later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day of each month, the most recent copy of any project management tool the district is using to guide, monitor. and control the development and implementation of its program planning and budgeting processes. 2 The LRSD has attached hereto as an exhibit a true and accurate copy of its project management tool reflecting 1994-95 program planning and budgeting activities to date.FRIDAY, ELDREDGE & CLARK 2000 First Commercial Bldg. 400 West Capitol Little Rock, AR (501) 376-2011 72201 Attorneys for Little Rock School District By: j^errryy L. Marone Bar I.D. No. 85096 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Jerry L. Malone, do hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing notice of filing has been served upon the following persons by First Class Mail, postage pre-paid on this 30th day of September, 1993. Mr. John Walker JOHN WALKER, P.A. 1723 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72206 Mr. Sam Jones WRIGHT, LINDSEY & JENNINGS 2200 Worthen Bank Building 200 West Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. Steve Jones JACK, LYON 7 JONES, P.A. 3400 Capitol Towers Capitol & Broadway Streets Little Rock, AR 7201 Mr. Richard Roachelle First Federal Plaza 401 West Capitol Avenue Suite 504 Little Rock, AR 72201 Ms. Ann Brown Heritage West Building, Suite 510 201 East Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Jerry L. Malone PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 3.1 Conduct worksession for analysis of collected data 3.1.1 Develop preliminary list of issues for needs assessment 3.1.2 Identify the need for program modification or development Aug. 20, 1993 Aug. 31, 1993 Aug. 30, 1993 Aug. 20, 1993 Aug. 31, 1993 Jan. 31, 1994 Superintendent and Cabinet Superintendent and Cabinet Superintendent and Cabinet Meeting agenda Memorandum to attendees from Estelle Matthis Roster of attendees Memorandum to attendees from Dennis Glasgow, session facilitator Outline of process used in preliminary goal setting meeting Program modifications will be recommended after "fast-track" evaluation is completed. At this time we do not anticipate the development of any new programs.PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.2 Conduct Board Work Session 3.2.1 Review preliminary list of issues for needs assessment 3.2.2 Review Desegregation Program Inventory Report 3.2.3 Review and revise, if necessary, the mission statement 3.2.4 Establish tentative written goals and objectives 3.2.5 Establish written priorities Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Sept. 9, 1993 Nov. 30, 1993 Board and Superintendent Board and Superintendent Board and Superintendent Board and Superintendent Board and Superintendent Board and Superintendent Agenda of Board work session Copy of issues related to the goal s Copy of Program Inventory that was distributed to the Board Copy of revised mission statement Copy of tentative goals The Desegregation Plan is the priority. As we complete the needs assessment process including the broad-based input sessions and the monitoring of expenditures, the Superintendent will identify priorities for funding and will make recommendations to the Board as we move toward budget development.PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.2.6 Review and provide guidance related to proportional allocation formulas Sept. 9, 1993 Nov. 30, 1993 Board and Superintendent Staff identified the following formulas: School Budget (per pupil allocation) Supervision Aide formula - , 4-Year-Old Budget allocations Library books and materials Omaha formula Custodial Services Security/Campus Supervisors Food Service School/Department Copier Allocations State and North Central Association standards for staffing The Superintendent will make recommendations relative to the proportional allocation formulas 3.2.7 Consider strategies for funding shortfall Sept, 9, 1993 Nov. 30, 1993 Board and Superintendent At the Sept. 9, 1993 Board work session the following strategies were identified for the Board: 1. Effectively implement the program planning and budgeting process.PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.2.7 (continued) 2. Pursue receipt of additional local dollars through lobbying techniques and/or grant writing. 3. Vigorously pursue federal. dollars, especially through a team approach composed of the new grant writer and/or other selected individuals. 4. Examine thoroughly millage question and make appropriate decisions. 5. Explore possibility of program consolidation and different delivery of current programs and systems. 6. . Consider options on efficient use of all our physical plants - expansion/ closure/modification. 7. Conduct energy audits and evaluate data generated from that process.PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.2.7 (continued) 3.2.8 Identify any additional programs for "fast-track" evaluation. Sept. 9, 1993 Nov. 30, 1993 Board and Superintendent 8. Conduct transportation study to achieve effective utilization of transportation system. Copy of memorandum from E. Matthis to program managers establishing "fast-track" evaluation guidelines. Ho additional programs were added during the Sept. 9, 1993 work session.PROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.3 Define procedures for broad-based input sessions Aug. 5, 1993 Sept. 21, 1993 Director-Communications Superintendent and Lead Planning Person Sept. 21, 1993 memorandum from J. Wagner to M. Bassa 3.4 Planning and Budgeting support activities 3.4.1 Little Rock School Dist./ City of Little Rock collaborative efforts 3.4.2 Principals meeting to review: * mission statement * goals * Program Planning and Budget Document (PBD) * Program Budget Document terms and data element definitions * Desegregation Plan/School Operations * 1993-94 Budget Allocation 3.4.3 Inservice for inputing achievements on the PBD Sept. 15, 1993 Sept. 15, 1993 Sept. 23, 1993 Sept. 15, 1993 Sept. 17, 1993 Sept. 23, 1993 Legal Advisor Interim Superintendent Director-Planning, Research, Evaluation Controller Interim Superintendent Assistant Supt's. Lead Planning Person Controller ODH - Budget specialist Lead planning person Copy of agenda and hand-out materials Memorandum to principals announcing cluster meeting dates Agenda of cluster meetings Copy of PBD Terms and Data Element definitions Memorandum announcing inservice datePROGRAM MANAGER Sterling Ingram MONTH ACTIVITIES LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING MANAGEMENT TIMELINE (PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL) DATE: September 30, 1993 BEGINNING DATE COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBILITY EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT Sept. 1993 (cont.) 3.5 Desegregation update to LRSD Board of Directors 3.6 Conduct follow-up training for using the WordPerfect file Sept. 23, 1993 Oct. 5, 1993 Sept. 23, 1993 Oct. 8, 1993 Superintendent Interim Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and IRC staff Memorandum and attachments to the Board Memorandum to principals from Dennis Glasgow3.1 PRE-PLANNING GOAL SETTING LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT August 20, 1993 9 a.m. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1. Opening/Purpose Remarks Estelle Matthis Issues - Direction 2. ^'^^^s'tegic Planning Dr. Henry Williams 3. Discussion . Desegregation Plan . Existing District Mission Proportional Allocations - . Achievement Data . Attendance/Discipline Parent Involvement 4. and Goals Next Step . Cabinet Work Sessions Fonnulate Procedures for . Goal Setting Session Board of DirectorsTo: From: {IV. Subject: 3.1.1 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS August 25, 1993 Little Rock School District Goal Setting Committee 72201 stelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent Pre-Goal Setting Meeting I wish to express my appreciation to each of you for agreeing to serve on this very special committee. The district is in the process of goal setting that will culminate with our long-range strategic planning. We will provide the leadership for the Board and Superintendent by identifying a tentative mission statement and goals for the district. In order to accomplish this objective, we have scheduled a work session for August 31, 1993 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at approximately 8:30 p.m. be provided for participants. Lunch and dinner will We will convene the meeting at Calvary Baptist Church, 1901 N. Pierce Street in the Family Life Center. Enclosed are copies of some documents that you will need to review prior to August 31, 1993. a contact person for certain documents. For your convenience, we have identified These persons will assist you in the summarization of the content of these documents. We look forward to a very productive session on August 31, 199 3. If there are any questions, please contact me at 324-2012.1. 2 . 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.1.1 Agenda Preliminary Goal Setting Meeting Tuesday, August 31, Welcome and Statement of Purpose Clarification or Questions Regarding Resource Documents: Achievement Test Results Desegregation Plan Program Planning and Budgeting Document Goals Adopted by Board of Directors, September, 1989 LRSD Student Learning Outcomes Arkansas Board of Education Learner Outcomes Developing a Mission Statement for LRSD Process for Developing Preliminary Goals -Break- Preliminary Goal Setting Small Groups (Using Nominal Group Technique) -Lunch- Preliminary Goal Setting Large Group (Using Nominal Group Technique) -Break- Develop Preliminary List of Issues Related to GoalsSmall Groups (Using Nominal Group Technique) 1993 Estelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent LRSD Staff Dennis Glasgow, Facilitator Dennis Glasgow, Facilitator Facilitators: Sterling Ingram Donita Hudspeth Dennis Glasgow Dennis Glasgow, Facilitator Facilitators: Sterling Ingram Donita Hudspeth Dennis Glasgow -Break- (Between Goals) Reporting Session on Issues Large Groups Dennis Glasgow, Facilitator 9. Processing and Closure Estelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent3.1.1 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Preliminary Goal Setting Meeting Tuesday, August 31, 1993 Committee Members Anne Hansen - Principals Roundtable Lonnie Dean - Principals Rountable Lou Ethel Nauden - Classroom Teachers Association Eleanor Coleman - Classroom Teachers Association John Walker - Joshua Intervenors Joy Springer - Joshua Intervenors Katherine Mitchell - LRSD Board of Education Dorsey Jackson - LRSD Board of Education Carla Bobo - Parents Teachers Association Bettye Caldwell - Future LR Estelle Matthis - Cabinet Margaret Gremillion - Cabinet Bill Mooney - Cabinet Larry Robertson - Cabinet Brady Gadberry - Cabinet Mark Milhollen - Cabinet Jeanette Wagner - Cabinet Arma Hart - Cabinet Sterling Ingram - Facilitator Danita Hudspeth - Facilitator Dennis Glasgow - Facilitator Rene Carson - Recorder Marjorie Bassa - Recorder Kathy Penn-Norman - Recorder3.1.1 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 September 2, 1993 Dear Committee Member, Thank you for your valuable assistance in providing input to the Little Rock School District Board of Directors about the District's mission statement and goals and also about issues related to attainment of the goals. productive in terms of the task it was given. The group, worked very hard and was quite Enclosed are the results of the meeting. This information is being shared with the School Board for consideration at a goal setting meeting starting at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 9, 1993. Sincerely, Dennis Glasgow Pi. 'S'fp 08 ... LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to provide a quality, integrated educational program which encourages all children to achieve their optimum academic, social, and emotional development. To that end, the students in the Little Rock School District will develop an appreciation for racial and cultural diversity. develop skills in problem solving and conflict resolution, and demonstrate mastery of specific skills. This will be achieved through the collciborative efforts of a Board, a dedicated and competent staff. and of parents and citizens committed to fairness, racial equity and adequate support for education.1. 2. 3. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Developing and maintaining staff that is well-trained and motivated. (Communicating with colleges and universities about teacher training will be a strategy for this goal). The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate behavior and human relations skills that value people as human beings and that are consistent with an appreciation and understanding of multicultural diversity. 4. Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. 5. 6. Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations.These were goals that were considered but were not chosen as being the most important. Help students be productive in the 21st century by developing a capacity for life-long learning, problem solving skills, positive self-concept and a responsibility for learning. Provide a disciplined environment that promotes responsible citizenship. * By the year 1996: (1) reduce by 50% the number of students at grades 3 and 6 below the 50th percentile
and (2) increase by 50% the students scoring at the 90% percentile (on standardized tests) strongly promote parental involvement in the education of their children through home and school activities and encourage community involvement through partnerships and volunteerism. * Development and infusion of multicultural education in all areas of the curriculum. * Develop and maintain a system of accountability to the public of the District (achievement and resources).Note - The issues related to each goal which are listed on the following pages are stated subcommittees. problems (e.g., exactly as They are not in parallel form. reported by the Some are stated as behavior.), others Adults not modeling appropriate interpersonal are stated as overcome problems (e.g., strategies or activities Encourage student participation in to a cross-section of extracurricular activities.), while others are stated as programs) . needs All, (e.g., however, parental involvement involve areas in all school which were viewed as impediments to achieving the goals of the District.Issues related to Goal #1 Goal #1 ensure that Implement integrated educational programs that will all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. 1) Program development in areas where needs of all children are not met 2) Accountability (Staff,student, parents, and programs) 3) Objective criteria for determining program effectiveness 4) growth Measurement system to measure academic, social, and emotional 5) Needs assessment (local and District) 6) Adequate resources (human and financial) 7) Environment conducive to learningIssues related to Goal #2 Goal #2 - Developing and maintaining staff that is well-trained and motivated. (Communication with colleges and universities about teacher training will be a strategy for this goal.) 1) Accountability/change how do we deal with staff, i. e. teachers, principals, etc. who have not been held accountable in past (i.e. principal, etc.) 2) Monitor, evaluate, reinforce, and replicate 3) Recruitment and retention of quality staff and issuance of contracts in a timely manner 4) Quality inservice learning and.trainers 5) Needs assessment, i.e., building level and district-wide 6) Adequate resources (financial and human)Issues related to Goal #3 Goal #3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff and students will demonstrate behavior and human relations skills that value people as human beings and that are consistent with an appreciation and understanding of multicultural diversity. 1) Provide financial resources 2) Practices and procedures which will be used in teaching strategies relating to positive interpersonal relationships 3) Training in human relations (job performance related) 4) Lack of understanding of cultural differences 5) promote Communications to parents concerning teaching strategies that relationships enhanced achievement and positive interpersonal 6) Parental involvement in all school programs 7) Provide adequate time for staff development 8) The biases and practices that all of the players bring to the setting (i.e., segregated lounges, cafeteria) 9) Racial sensitivity programs for students, staff, and parents 10) Adults not modeling appropriate interpersonal behavior 11) Encourage student participation in a cross-section of extra curriculum activities 12) Lack of understanding of the desegregation plan 13) Need for a different type of staff development delivery system, other that the current five member staff 14) Employment practices at all levels 15) Effective monitoring of diversity in all programsIssues related to Goal #4 Goal H - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. 1) Lack of knowledge and commitment by public and District personnel to desegregation plan commitments. 2) Need hard data to evaluate programs in desegregation plan - - remove those that don't work. District and 3) More focused effort by all District personnel to promote school District. 4) Change in attitude in marketing (We have a lot to sell) progress in meeting LRSD goals. 5) Lack of knowledge of funding sources private) - such as Wal-Mart, Tyson (federal, state, 6) News coverage of schools needs to be more positive 7) Review and audit of personnel needs 8) Level of confidence of public in system 9) Instability in staff and staff changes promotes confusion. distrust, and lack of support to pass a school millage 10) Securing partners for all schools 11) State funding processesIssues related to Goal /5 Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. 1) Promote parent participation that includes parents and students helping to establish and support classroom/school rules 2) Identify community problems/conflicts that spill over into the school setting 3) Lack of commitment of staff for inservice training 1 4) Cost of purchasing materials/equipment to maintain attractiJ^ facilities and grounds 5) Cost of adding custodial staff and security personnel to maintain clean, attractive, and safe buildings 6) Teachers need to be trained to be effective in controlling student behavior 7) Role models (especially male) are needed for students at the elementary and secondary level 8) A planned program for citizenship, personal responsibility, and moral/ethical behavior is needed. 9) Expense and space for In-School Suspension Program Kids don't need to be on the street 10) Difficulty in getting parents to come to school for conferences and training 11) Physical structure of some buildings create safety problems (Too many doors, etc.) 12) Changing staff expectations about student behavior 13) Training of students/staff on the Rights and Responsibility handbooks to ensure consistent enforcement.Goal #6 Issues related to Goal #6 Ensure that equity occurs in activities and operations. all phases of school 1) What is equity? 2) The lack of a definition of site-based management in the LRSD 3) Provide financial resources 4) Practices and procedures which will be used in teaching strategies relating to positive interpersonal relationships 5) setting The biases and practices that all of the players bring to the 6) Racial sensitivity programs for students, staff and parents 7) Encourage student participation in a cross-section of extra curriculum activities 8) 9) Lack of understanding of the desegregation plan Employment practices at all levels 10) Effective monitoring of diversity in all programsThese were goals that were considered but were not chosen as being the most important. Help students be productive in the 21st century by developing a capacity for life-long learning, problem solving skills, positive self-concept and a responsibility for learning. * Provide a disciplined environment that promotes responsible citizenship. By the year 1996: (1) reduce by 50% the number of students at grades 3 and 6 below the 50th percentile
and (2) increase by 50% the students scoring at the 90% percentile (on standardized tests) strongly promote parental involvement in the education of their children through home and school activities and encourage community involvement through partnerships and volunteerism. Development and infusion of multicultural education in all areas of the curriculum. Develop and maintain a system of accountability to the public of the District (achievement and resources).Note - The issues related to each goal which are listed on the following pages are stated subcommittees. problems (e.g., exactly as They are not in parallel form. reported by the Some are stated as behavior.), Adults not modeling appropriate interpersonal others are stated overcome problems (e.g., as strategies or activities Encourage student participation in to a cross-section of extracurricular activities.), while others are stated as programs). needs All, (e.g., however, parental involvement in all school involve areas which were viewed impediments to achieving the goals of the District. as1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PROCESS USED IN PRELIMINARY GOAL SETTING MEETING MISSION STATEMENT Facilitator defined "mission statement" and shared current LRSD Mission Statement with participants Participants worked In three small groups to identify components needed In a revised LRSD Mission Statement Small groups shared ideas for a revised mission statement which were recorded on a chart tablet Ideas generated from small groups were discussed/debated by large group Each small group developed its "ideal" mission statement using its own ideas and those that were shared by the other groups A representative from each small group met to reconcile the three mission statements to produce a single mission statement The revised mission statement was shared with the large group and received approvalGOALS/ISSUES The Nominal Group Technique was used to establish preliminary goals. Participants were divided Into three small groups, each representative of the larger group. The Nominal Group Technique consists of the following steps: SMALL GROUP PROCEDURES Step 1 Silent Generation of Ideas Step 2 Round Robin Recording Step 3 Serial Discussion for Clarification Step 4 Clustering of Ideas Step 5 Preliminary Vote Step 6 Discusslon/Debate on Results of Preliminary Vote Step 7 Final VoteLARGE GROUP PROCEDURES Step 1 Summary and Clustering of Small Group Ideas Step 2 Large Group Discussion/Debate Session Using "Hot Seat" Approach Step 3 Large Group Vote3.1.2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS August 30, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Program Managers, Directors, and Supervisors FROM: Jie Matthis, Interim Superintendent SUBJECT: Procedures to be Used for Fast Track Evaluation of Desegregation Plan The districts Program Planning and Budgeting document identified a number of activities that are to be implemented during the 1993-94 school year. An activity for August 1993 is for the Superintendent and the Cabinet to begin to identify programs for "fast track" evaluation. A fast track evaluation will not have as many dimensions or details as a regular evaluation, since the evaluative process is conducted in a reduced time frame. Evaluation of the districts program will provide the information that is needed for us to determine if programs are effective and that such implementation will assist us in meeting our commitment to our Court-approved Desegregation Plan. The following guidelines are to be used to conduct fast track evaluations of targeted programs. 1. Prepare a comprehensive program description for each area or component that is targeted for evaluation. 2. Identify program goals for each area or component of the program that is being evaluated. 3. Identify the evaluation criteria that is to be used to fast track evaluate each goal. Include all evaluative measures and instruments that will be used in this process. 4. Identify any obstacles or problems that were encountered that hindered or impacted the obtainment of program goals. 5. Given the results of your fast track evaluation, recommendations for program additions, deletions, and/or changes are deemed appropriate. This data can be extremely helpful as you develop a strong business case for making a major decision(s) regarding continued implementation of various programs in the Desegregation Plan. The format for a business2 case is enclosed for your review. You will receive copies of the standard format that is to be used to fast track evaluate targeted programs. The following programs have been targeted for fast track evaluation: Targeted Program Personfs) Responsible 1. 2. 3. 4. All Employment Contracts Student Assignment Process Construction of Stephens Outsourcing Support Services 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. Special Education Vocational Education Academic Progress Incentive Grant Academic Support Program Library Media Services Resurvey Requirement Lucy Lyon Early Retirement Incentive Program Substitute Teachers Brady Gadberry Estelle Matthis Doug Eaton/John Riggs Doug Eaton/Charlie Neal Coopers and Lybrand Patty Kohler Carol Green Margaret Gremillion/Larry Robertson Leon Adams Mark Milhollen/Brady Gadberry LRSD/LRCTA We need each program manager to submit your preliminary evaluation report to my office by November 15, 1993. The final report is due by December 15, 1993. All evaluation reports will be submitted to the Board of Directors during January, 1994. /IksLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 3.2 PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING September 9, 1993 - 5 p.m. Overview . . Dr. Henry P. Williams Superintendent of Schools Observations: Pre-Goal Setting Work Session (August 31, 1993) Dr. Katherine Mitchell Dorsey Jackson Dennis Glasgow - Facilitator DISCUSSION-. Review and Revise the Mission Statement Board of Directors Establish Tentative Written Goals Board of Directors Review Preliminary List of Issues for Needs Assessment ....................... Board of Directors Sterling Ingram - Facilitator DISCUSSION. Review Desegregation Program Inventory Report................. Board of Directors Identify the Need for Program Modification or Development Board of Directors Review and Provide Guidance Related to Proportional Allocations Formulas..... Board of Directors Establish Written Priorities Board of Directors Identify Any Additional Programs for "Fast Track" Evaluation................ Board of Directors Mark Milhollen - Facilitator DISCUSSION. Consider Strategies for Funding Shortfall Board of Directors "Next Step"/Summary Estelle Matthis3.2.1 Issues related to Goal #1 Goal #1 Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. 1) Program development in areas where needs of all children are not met 2) Accountability {Staff, student, parents, and programs) 3) Objective criteria for determining program effectiveness 4) Measurement system to measure academic, social, and emotional growth 5) Needs assessment (local and District) 6) Adequate resources (human and financial) 7) Environment conducive to learning8) Lack of understanding of the desegregation plan 9) Employment practices at all levels 10) Effective monitoring of diversity in all programsIssues related to Goal #2 Goal #2 Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. 1) Accountability/change - - how do we deal with staff, i.e. teachers, principals, etc. who have not been held accountable in past (i.e. principal, etc.) 2) Monitor, evaluate, reinforce, and replicate 3) Recruitment and retention of quality staff and issuance of contracts in a timely manner 4) Quality inservice learning and trainers 5) Needs assessment, i.e., building level and di strict-wide 6) Adequate resources (financial and human)7) Provide adequate time for staff development 8) The biases and practices that all of the players bring to the setting (I.e., segregated lounges, cafeteria) 9) Racial sensitivity programs for students, staff, and parents 10) Adults not modeling appropriate Interpersonal behavior 11) Encourage student participation in a cross-section of extra curriculum activities 12) Lack of understanding of the desegregation plan 13) Need for a different type of staff development delivery system, other that the current five member staff 14) Employment practices at all levels 15) Effective monitoring of diversity in all programsIssues related to Goal #3 Goal #3 The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff and students will demonstrate behavior and human rela- tions skills that value people as human beings and that are consistent with an appreciation and understanding of multicultural diversity. 1) Provide financial resources 2) Practices and procedures which will be used in teaching strategies relating to positive Interpersonal relationships 3) Training in human relations (job performance related) 4) Lack of understanding of cultural differences 5) Communications to parents concerning teaching strategies that promote enhanced achievement and positive interpersonal relationships 6) Parental involvement in all school programsIssues related to Goal #4 Goal #4 Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Lack of knowledge and commitment by public and District personnel to desegregation plan commitments. Need hard data to evaluate programs in District and desegregation plan - - remove those that don't work. More focused effort by all District personnel to promote school District. Change in attitude in marketing (We have a lot to sell) - progress in meeting LRSD goals. Lack of knowledge of funding sources - (federal, state, private) - such as Wal-Mart, Tyson News coverage of schools needs to be more positive7) Review and audit of personnel needs 8) Level of confidence of public in system 9) Instability in staff and staff changes promotes confusion, distrust, and lack of support to pass a school millage 10) Securing partners for all schools 11) State funding processesIssues related to Goal #5 Goal #5 Provide a safe and orderly climate that Is conducive to learning for all students. 1) Promote parent participation that Includes parents and students helping to establish and support classroom/school rules 2) Identify community problems/conflicts that spill over into the school setting 3) Lack of commitment of staff for inservice training 4) Cost of purchasing materlals/equipment to maintain attraction facilities and grounds 5) Cost of adding custodial staff and security personnel to maintain clean, attractive, and safe buildings 6) Teachers need to be trained to be effective in controlling student behavior7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Role models (especially male) are needed for students at the elementary and secondary level A planned program for citizenship, personal responsibility, and moral/ethical behavior Is needed. Expense and space for In-School Suspension Program Kids don't need to be on the street Difficulty in getting parents to come to school for conferences and training Physical structure of some buildings create safety problems (Too many doors, etc.) Changing staff expectations about student behavior Training of students/staff on the Rights and Responsibility handbooks to ensure consistent enforcement.Issues related to Goal #6 Goal #6 Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. 1) What is equity? 2) The lack of a definition of site-based management in the LRSD 3) Provide financial resources 4) Practices and procedures which will be used in teaching strategies relating to positive interpersonal relationships 5) The biases and practices that all of the players bring to the setting 6) Racial sensitivity programs for students, staff and parents 7) Encourage student participation in a cross-section of extra curriculum activities8) Lack of understanding of the desegregation plan 9) Employment practices at all levels 10) Effective monitoring of diversity In all programsSTPROG08 REVISED 09 SEPT 93 3.2.2 1 2 3 29 5 6 27 28 7 SOURCE SPl SP2 BP6 BP7 PP9 OP12 SP20 BP21 BP24 BP28 SP BP28 OP28 OP28 BP34 BP35 OP39 PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION WORKSHEET IN PLAN SEQUENCE ORDER FINAL VERSION PROGRAM NAME PRIMARY SECONDARY Commitment to Desegregation Leadership HIPPY 4-year old program City-wide Early Childhood Education Program Rockefeller Early Childhood Magnet Special Programs Summer Learning Program JTPA ASSET Program School Operations Alternative Learning Center Testing Assistance - Disadvantaged Student Hearing Officer Office of Desegregation and Student Assignment In-School Suspension Job Fair Extra-Curricular participation Board Board Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Mayo Williams Mayo Matthis Matthis Matthis Williams Williams Shead Price Shead Price Price Glasgow Adams Young Anderson Anderson Robertson Anderson Gremillion Anderson Ingram Watson Matthis Anderson Elston Anderson Gremillion Robertson8 9 10 12 13 14 26 32 15 35 16 17 SOURCE BP44 BP46 BP48 SP58 BP63 SP81 OPS 2 BPS 6 PP86 BP93 PP95 SP96 SP98 BP106 BP114 PP124 BP125 BP129 BP129 SP129 PP130 PROGRAM NAME Teacher Recruiter Staff Development Academic Support Program Gifted Education Multicultural Programs Focused Activities Academic Incentive Grants Original Magnets Parkview Science Magnet McClellan Community School Recruitment of Private School Students Federal Programs Vocational Education Library Services Special Education Staff Development Prejudice Reduction Security required for safe Schools Data Processing System for Student Information (including CIMS and ABACUS) Facilities Employment Practices PRIMARY Gadberry Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Mayo Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Board TBA TBA TBA Gadberry SECONDARY Robinson Hudspeth Adams Woods Stovall Donaldson Various Robertson Anderson Gremillion Robertson Anderson Gremillion Anderson TBA Cole Rather Adams Green Lyons Kohler Hudspeth Williams Barnhouse Matthis Kingsella Eaton34 18 19 21 51 52 53 54 55 56 75 SOURCE PP130 PP131 BP131 PP139 BP143 SP145 PP146 OP148 OP148 OP149 BP152 BP153 BP153 OP153 BP153 OP153 PROGRAM NAME Bidding Practices PRIMARY TBA Parent Involvement/Community Mayo Linkages VIPS - Recruiting Student Assignments M-to-M Magnet Schools (Central, Dunbar, Washington, Henderson, McClellan) New Futures Facilities King Interdistrict School Mayo Mayo Mayo Matthis TBA Matthis Stephens Interdistrict School Matthis Office of Incentive Schools IS Writing to Read IS Science Labs IS Computer Labs IS Foreign Language Labs IS Computer Loan Program IS Other Incentive School Academic Programs - Kindergarten - Reading across the curriculum - Oral Expression across curriculum SECONDARY Neal Gill Milam TBA Young Matthis Mayo Mayo Gremillion Mayo Robertson Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Mayo Robertson Gremillion Robertson Gremillion Robertson Gremillion Robertson Gremillion Robertson Gremillion Robertson GremillionSOURCE PROGRAM NAME PRIMARY SECONDARY - Learning Styles Inventory - School Themes - Semi-Departmental - Instructional Tech. - Study/Test-taking - Parent Home Study - Computer Managed Inst. - Student Educ. Plans - Specialized Programs - Incentive Programs - Homework - Criterion-Referenced Test - Heterogeneous grouping - Effective Schools - African/Amer. History 57 BP154 IS Extended Day Matthis Glasgow Mayo 59 60 61 62 63 PP156 PP157 BP158 PP159 OP171 BP171 OP171 OP171 IS Social Skills - Family Folklore - Positive Imaging - Interpersonal skills - Rites of Passage - Role Model Program - Mentoring Program IS Special Activities - Peer Tutoring Program - Academic Reinforcement Clubs - Special Interest Clubs IS Field Trips IS Latin Enrichment Program IS Homework Centers IS Transportation (Add) IS Homework Hotline IS Mentors/Tutors Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo64 65 66 67 68 69 70 SOURCE BP172 PP172 PP172 BP172 PP173 PP175 BP176 OP176 OP176 OP178 OP178 PROGRAM NAME IS Instructional Aides (add) IS Supervision Aides IS Career Skills Development IS Extended Year IS Support Services - Other - Community Access/Field Trips - Community Involvement - Special Skills Prog. - Special Training - Parental Involvement - Learning Time Sched - Home/School Comm. - Extracurricular Prog. - Attendance and Behav. - Subj. Related Extracurr IS Counseling/Social Work - Community Services Access - College/Post Grad Aware - Study Skills - Home/Neighborhood Meet - Individual and Group Counseling - Wellness Program IS Incentive/Recognition IS Resident Counseling Service Camp Pfeifer IS Monitoring IS Permanent Substitute IS Additional Compensation PRIMARY Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis SECONDARY Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo71 72 73 74 22 24 SOURCE PP178 OP179 OP190 PP190 SP190 BP193 BP194 SP205 PP215 SP224 BP227 PROGRAM NAME IS School Policies and Procedures Others IS Extended Week IS Staffing - Recommended Full-time positions IS Staffing - Other - Staffing Committee - Staffing Needs Assessment - Staff Recruitment - Staff Selection - Staff Commit/Effect Monitor - Teacher Demonstration Program - Master Teacher Program - New Teacher Assist IS Alternative Classroom IS Required Staff Development IS Teacher Stipends for Inservice and Extra 5 days IS Parent Involvement IS Parent Recruitment Monitoring activities (Eval Dept) Computerized Transportation System PRIMARY Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Matthis Mayo Ingram TBA SECONDARY Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Glasgow Mayo Matthis Mayo Montgomery ***************************************************************** SIS Student Choices/Options Mayo Pederson Wi edower 25 019 Romine Interdistrict Theme Matthis Mayo33 SOURCE SI13 SI21 SI23 SI33 SI35 SI53 SI54 BI56 SI59 PROGRAM NAME Summer School Staff Development School Operations Library Media Special Education Vocational Education Guidance/Counseling Program PRIMARY Matthis Glasgow Matthis Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Parent Involvement/Community Matthis Linkages Public Relations Wagner SECONDARY Robertson Gremillion Anderson Hudspeth Robertson Gremillion Anderson Lyons Kohler Green Elston Mayo Mayo3.2.3 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to provide a quality, integrated educational program which encourages ail children to achieve their optimum academic, social, and emotional development. To that end, the students in the Little Rock School District will develop an appreciation for ethnic and cultural diversity, develop skills in problem solving and conflict resolution, and demonstrate mastery of the District's curriculum. This will be achieved through the collaborative efforts of a Board, a dedicated and competent staff, and of parents and citizens committed to fairness, racial equity and adequate support for education.3.2.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Ensure that equity occurs in ail phases of school activities and operations.3.2.7 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting September 9, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little in , or Directors of the Little Rock School District met too? special meeting at 5:20 p.m. on September 9, Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West 1993, on September 9, Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. Board Secretary, presided. Dr. Katherine Mitchell, MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. John Riggs Mr. Dorsey Jackson (NOTE: ARRIVED AT 5:40 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent Elect Mrs. ' -- - - Estelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent Norma Rodgers, Acting Recorder of Minutes Ms. Betty Forbes, Staff Assistant Mrs. Ms. Karen Carter, Franklin Incentive Teacher Representative Miss Tameka Dillard, Parkview Magnet, Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist School, Student Representative PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING
Dr. Katherine Mitchell, Board Secretary, called the meeting to order and announced that the special meeting purpose of considering the following issues: was called for the 1. 2. 3 . 4. Bond Refunding Stephens Site Selection Committee Personnel Long Range Goals/Mission StatementBoard of Directors Special Meeting September 9, 1993 BOND REFUNDING: Mr. Mark McBryde, Bond Consultant, explained to the Board the process for authorizing the Refunding Bonds in the converted principal amount of $5,385,000 for the purpose of refunding outstanding indebtedness. for the purpose The interest rate on these bonds would reduce from 7.06 percent to an average of 4.5 percent - a reduction of approximately 2.5 percent in debt service. The payments will remain on the same frequency. A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Delivery of Bonds
and Prescribing Other Matters Pertaining Thereto was presented to the Board for approval. (Copy Attached). Mr. John Riggs moved approval of the recommendation as discussed by Mr. McBryde, seconded by Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton, and it carried unanimously. PERSONNEL It was recommended that Dr. Marjorie Bassa be hired as the 12 month Planning, Research and Evaluation specialist. Dr. If approved. Bassa would assist with the coordination of the Program Planning and Budgeting process. Mr. John Riggs moved acceptance of the Interim Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton, and it carried 3-1 with Ms. Pat Gee voting "nay." NOTE: Mr. Dorsey Jackson arrived at 5:40 p.m. STEPHENS SITE SELECTION COMMITTEE: Mr. Jerry Malone, LRSD Attorney, explained the process that was used in making a recommendation for the location of the new Stephens Interdistrict School. Mr. Malone explained that Judge Susan Webber Wright had ordered a decision from a second committee to be made up of patrons from all three schools districts (Little Rock, North Little and Pulaski County Special School District). Mr. John Riggs, Board Member, chaired the committee and Rock served as a non-voting member. (2) bus tours. Five meetings were held with two District Administration Building. Each meeting was held at the Little Rock School The committee was instructed to consider busing burden on students, recruitment and safety in the selection process. Judge Wright and her law clerk, together with Mrs. Ann Brown, Desegregation Monitor, were present for one of the bus tours. At the final meeting, all members were present and turned in their tally sheets except one person and that person brought the tally sheet the next day. the tally sheets as follows: The sites were ranked fromBoard of Directors Special Meeting September 9, 1993 Stephens Incentive School site - 309 points UAMS/DHS - 264 points 7th and Jones (Lumber Yard) - 211 points Discussion was held on the possibility for the use of the Stephens Building if the recommendation of the committee was not approved. Mr. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jackson moved that the Board approve the recommendation from the Site Selection Committee by locating the new school at the Stephens School's present location. The motion was seconded by Mr. Willie D. Hamilton, and it carried unanimously. The Board called for a break at 6:40 p.m. and resumed at 7:10 p.m. LONG-RANGE GOALS/MISSION STATEMENT Dr. Henry Williams strategic planning. gave an overview of his concern for He stated he had requested that a committee be put together to review and revise the goals and mission statement for the District. ' This committee was made up of community people, staff, and Board members. Dr. Katherine Mitchell reported on the pre-goal setting She stated the groups began their meeting in open session and were placed in small groups. session. group were chosen to work with. The six highest goals from each The groups were facilitated by Donita Hudspeth, Sterling Ingram and Dennis Glasgow. Mr. Dorsey Jackson expressed his thanks to the administrative staff, community people, classroom teachers, Joshua Intervenors, PTA and Mr. Bill Mooney of ODM Office for their work on the goals and mission statement. Mr. Dennis Glasgow expressed his thanks to the group and served as a facilitator. He explained that the group had used the nominal group technique in establishing a mission statement and the goals. Mr. Glasgow reviewed the proposed mission statement and goals with the audience. After questions were answered, Mr. After questions were answered, Hamilton moved that the Board accept the preliminary statement and goals as presented by the committee. mission accepted by Ms. Pat Gee and it carried unanimously, preliminary Mission Statement and Goals is attached. The motion was A copy of the Mr. Sterling Ingram a facilitator on the discussion of the Desegregation Program gave a report. identify program modification or development
review and provide guidance related to proportional allocations formulas
establishment of written priorities
and identify any additional programs for "Fast Track" evaluation. He discussed a need to allocations Mr. Ingram distributedBoard of Directors Special Meeting September 9, 1993 guidelines to be used to conduct fast tract evaluations of targeted programs and format for program evaluation. Mr. and a facilitator for the _Mark Milhollen. . Controller, budgeting process, gave a short recap of eight strategies for funding shortfall, (copy attached) Estelle Matthis gave a summary of the goals and mission statement together with a wrap-up on the program planning and budgeting. ADJOURNMENT
Mr. seconded by Mr. unanimously. John Riggs moved that the meeting adjourn at 8:15, - (Bill) Hamilton, and it carried Willie D. John lore, President Approved: Dr. Katherine Mitchell, SecretaryLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to provide a quality, Integrated educational program which encourages all children to achieve their optimum academic, social, and emotional development. To that end, the students in the Little Rock School District will develop an appreciation for ethnic and cultural diversity, develop skills in problem solving and conflict resolution, and demonstrate mastery of the District's curriculum. This will be achieved through the collaborative efforts of a Board, a dedicated and competent staff, and of parents and citizens committed to fairness, racial equity and adequate support for education.LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS 1. Implement Integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. 2. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. 3. The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate In their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. 4. Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. 5. Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. 6. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities ^nd operations.1. 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. STRATEGIES FOR FUNDING SHORTFALLS Effectively implement the program planning and budgeting process. Pursue receipt of additional local dollars through lobbying techniques and/or grant writing. Vigorously pursue federal dollars, especially through a team approach composed of the new grant writer and/or other selected individuals. Examine thoroughly millage question and make appropriate decisions. Explore possibility of program consolidation and different delivery of current programs and systems. Consider options on efficient use of all our physical plants - expansion/closure/modification. Conduct energy audits and evaluate data generated from that process. Conduct transportation study to utilization of transportation system. achieve effective3.2.8 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS August 30, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Program Managers, Directors, and Supervisors FROM: Jie Matthis, Interim Superintendent SUBJECT: Procedures to be Used for Fast Track Evaluation of Desegregation Plan The districts Program Planning and Budgeting document identified a number of activities that are to be implemented during the 1993-94 school year. An activity for August 1993 is for the Superintendent nd the Cabinet to begin to identify programs for "fast track" evaluation. A fast track evaluation will ot have as many dimensions or details as a regular evaluation, since the evaluative process is conducted in a reduced time frame. Evaluation of the districts program will provide the information that is needed for us to determine if programs are effective and that such implementation will assist us in meeting our commitment to our Court-approved Desegregation Plan. The following guidelines are to be used to conduct fast track evaluations of targeted programs. 1. Prepare a comprehensive program description for each area or component that is targeted for evaluation. 2. Identify program goals for each area or component of the program that is being evaluated. 3. Identify the evaluation criteria that is to be used to fast track evaluate each goal. Include all evaluative measures and instruments that will be used in this process. 4. Identify any obstacles or problems that were encountered that hindered or impacted the obtainment of program goals. 5. Given the results of your fast track evaluation, recommendations for program additions, deletions, and/or changes are deemed appropriate. This data can be extremely helpful as you develop a strong business case for making a major decision(s) regarding continued implementation of various programs in the Desegregation Plan. The format for a business2 case is enclosed for your review. You will receive copies of the standard format that is to be used to fast track evaluate targeted programs. The following programs have been targeted for fast track evaluation: Targeted Program Person(s) Responsible 1. 2. 3. 4. All Employment Contracts Student Assignment Process Construction of Stephens Outsourcing Support Services 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (10. 11. Special Education Vocational Education Academic Progress Incentive Grant Academic Support Program Library Media Services Resurvey Requirement Lucy Lyon Early Retirement Incentive Program Substitute Teachers Brady Gadberry Estelle Matthis Doug Eaton/John Riggs Doug Eaton/Charlie Neal Coopers and Lybrand Patty Kohler Carol Green Margaret Gremillion/Larry Robertson Leon Adams Mark Milhollen/Brady Gadberry LRSD/LRCTA We need each program manager to submit your preliminary evaluation report to my office by November 15, 1993. The final report is due by December 15, 1993. All evaluation reports will be submitted to the Board of Directors during January, 1994. /Iks3.3 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas September 21, 1993 To: From: Re: Marjorie Bassa, Planning, Research & Evaluation Jeanette Wagner^^irector of Communications 1993/94 Community Forums The Community Forums have been set for the following dates at the following locations: Monday, October 11 - Cloverdale Elementary Tuesday, October 26 - Parkview Arts and Sciences Magnet High Wednesday, November 10 - Bale Elementary Tuesdav, November 16 - Forest Heights Jumor High Tuesday, November 30 - Rockefeller Incentive School After reading the document you prepared on the "Steps to Planning Forums Meetings," I began to separate out the actions and tried to list those who might be responsible for them. Let me know if you have any problems with the division of labor, so to speak. Dept, of Communications: 1. Acquire school locations for forums (seating for 90-100). 2. Prepare postcards announcing the forum dates and times 3. Prepare news release for Central Arkansas media 4. Write and send 30 second PSA to TV/radio stations 5. Arrange for any sound equipment needed for forums 6. Prepare sign-in sheets for forums 7. Arrange for Security personnel for forums Dept, of Planning, Research and Evaluation 1. Prepare minutes of planning meeting 2. Prepare agenda for forums 2. Prepare survey or method of written input from community 3. Prepare matrix or report of written input for superintendent41 Ih 0 3.4 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Date: August 5, 1993 To: Jeanette Wagner, Director of Communications From: Sterling Ingram/ irector Planning, Research and Evaluation Re: Program Planning and Budgeting Tasks Attached is a copy of the Planning and Budgeting document which was submitted to the court on July 29, 1993. Although the document has not been approved, I expect the basic framework will not be changed. On page 3 of Attachment 4, you will find that Community Forums and District Dialogue sessions will be conducted as part of the needs assessment process. You have been identified as one of the persons responsible for this task. Please plan for three area school forums instead of one for a total of five community forums, an addition that the Board wanted. This was As the lead planning person for the planning and budgeting process, I am requesting that as you make plans for the 1993-94 school year, please include the necessary strategies, timelines, etc. in your management plan which will be included in the budget document. bjg cc: Estelle Matthis Jerry Malone 3.4.1 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY OF LITTLE ROCK COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS AGENDA September 15, 1993 - 1:30 p.m. Overview of Desegregation Plan Jerry Malone Legal Adviser Linkages - LRSD Desegregation Plan and Future Little Rock Plans............... .............................................Sterling Ingram Director of Planning/Research/Evaluation Financial Implications ....................Mark Milhollen Director of Financial Services Remarks LRSD Board of Directors LR City Board of DirectorsGOALS FOR LITTLE ROCK A NEW FOCUS FOR CHANGE COMMUNITY AND RACIAL DIVERSITY * L.R. Race Relations Committee Annual Race Relations Summit * Multicultural Events & Festivals COMMUNITY IMAGE ENHANCEMENT Central High Museum CRIME PREVENTION AND PUBLIC SAFETY * Early Childhood Education After School Programs * Mentoring * Fighting Back * New Futures Insure the Children INTERVENTION Neighborhood Drop-Off Center Hearing Officer - Alternatives to Suspension TREATMENT Treatment Program EDUCATION NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION Early childhood education, mentoring, tutoring and intervention will be provided through neighborhood centers.CITY OF LITTLE ROCK-LRSD LINKAGE FUTURE LITTLE ROCK EDUCATIONAL TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Little Rock will: #1 - create and coordinate network of early childhood services. #2 - develop a strategic plan for determining the resources needed to develop a World Class Work force in the city. LRSD DESEGREGATION COMPONENTS # 1 - Early Childhood Education - HIPPY (Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters) - Four-Year-Old Program - CARE - Breakfast Program #2 - Vocational Education - JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act)CITY OF LITTLE ROCK-LRSD LINKAGE FUTURE LITTLE ROCK EDUCATIONAL TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Little Rock will: #3 - develop a human relations program with the objective of teaching children to function successfully in a safe learning environment. #4 - designate a LRSD administrator as Assistant Superintendent for Parent Activities. LRSD DESEGREGATION COMPONENTS # 3 - Safety and Security: The District Hearing Officer will develop plans to reduce the disparity of disciplinary actions. #4 - Associate Superintendent for Desegregation - VIPS (Volunteers in Public Schools) - Parent Involvement - Incentive School Mentor ProgramCITY OF LITTLE ROCK-LRSD LINKAGE FUTURE LITTLE ROCK EDUCATIONAL TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Little Rock will: #5 - work with the LRSD to review the school calendar to accommodate care and academic needs of children and their parents. #6 - establish an Educational Commission to carry out recommendations of Future Little Rock Education Task Force. LRSD DESEGREGATION COMPONENTS # 5 - Summer Learning Program - MPT Summer School - Incentive School Extended Year #6 - Joint Board Meetings of the Little Rock School District and the City of Little Rock3.4.2 Little Rock School District Office of the Assistant Superintendents 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 September 13, 1993 TO: .411 Principals FROM: Margaret Gremillion, .Assistant Superintendent Larry S. Robertson, Assistant Superintendent SUBJECT: Cluster xMeeting Dates Please mark your calendar for the following meeting dates: 1. Wednesday, September 15 - 3:00 p.m. Elementary principals and assistants - Gremillions Cluster *2. Thursday, September 16 - 1:30 p.m. Junior high principals 3. Thursday, September 16 - 3:00 p.m. Elementary principals and assistants - Robertsons Cluster *il . Friday, September 17 - 9:30 a.m. Senior high principals Secondary^ assistants will be scheduled at a later date. All meetings will be held in the Board Room. Mrs. Matthis will make a presentation to all clusters starting at the designated time on the School Operations Section of the Desegregation Plan. Elementary' principals will receive a sample of the report card and fact sheet to disseminate to their staffs. Tliank you for giving this your attention. /laj cc: Estelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent Dennis Glasgow, Interim Associate Superintendent - CurriculumINSERVICE IMPLEMENTATION: DESEGREGATION PLAN PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT September 15, 1993 - 3 p.m. Opening Remarks . .. Margaret Gremillion Assistant Superintendent Budget Document .............................................Sterling Ingram Director of Planning/Research/Evaluation Mission Statement/Tentative Goals ......... Estelle Matthis Interim Superintendent Desegregation Plan/School Operations Estelle Matthis 1993-94 Budget Allocations ....................Mark Milhollen Director of Financial Services Report Card Inservice Margaret Gremillion OtherINSERVICE IMPLEMENTATION: DESEGREGATION PLAN PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT September 16, 1993 - 3 p.m. Opening Remarks ........... Larry Robertson Assistant Superintendent Budget Document .............................................Sterling Ingram Director of Planning/Research/Evaluation Mission Statement/Tentative Goals Estelle Matthis Desegregation Plan/School Operations Estelle Matthis 1993-94 Budget Allocations .....................Mark Milhollen Director of Financial Services Report Card Inservice ......... Alice Stovall Director of Reading Judy Teeter Reading Specialist Other Larry RobertsonINSERVICE IMPLEMENTATION: DESEGREGATION PLAN PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT Junior High Principals - September 16, 1993 - 1:30 p.m. Senior High Principals - September 17, 1993 - 9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks ......... Estelle Matthis Interim Superintendent Budget Document .............................................Sterling Ingram Director of Planning/Research/Evaluation Mission Statement/Tentative Goals Estelle Matthis Desegregation Plan/School Operations Estelle Matthis 1993-94 Budget Allocations .....................Mark Milhollen Director of Financial Services OtherDEFINITIONS A 3.4.2 CONCPT04 REVISED 02 SEP 93 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT TERM AND DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS TERM DEFINITIONS. __ The following definitions are provided for general guidance, and will be used throughout the Program Planning and Budgeting Process. Program. composed of a group A program is an or series of established plan of operation, related activities which carried out to serve a specific area of identified need. are - -__________ A program is a major undertaking by the district to fulfill statutory, executive, and/or legal requirements. Programs are the district's methods of implementing goals and objectives. Programs will be a basis for work progress and fiscal reporting and monitoring. a Programs will be a Program Description. Generally, program descriptions do not currently exist on most programs, and will have to be written. program description should include at least three parts: A - Purpose. A one or two sentence statement of what the program is designed to accomplish. Scope and Content. activities that A general description of the purpose. description program. This of are to be undertaken to achieve the section might also the administrative include structure a J of brief the Participants/Beneficiaries. A specific statement of how many and what kind of persons will be affected by the program during one fiscal year. Program Goal. A program goal is a broad guiding statement and should describe the overall aim(s), purposefs), or ambition(s) of 7 . _ It is ageneral and enduring statement of purpose that expresses the district's fundamental intentions and the specific program. provides guidelines for planning the future development of the program. What is the program trying to accomplish? must have at least one goal, but may have several. Each program Objectives. Program objectives present explicitly the desired impact the program should have on a problem. detail to the goals. They should provide They tell in specific, measurable terms what is to be accomplished to implement adopted goals. The objective statement should: (A) tell what is to be achieved
(B) tell when the achievement is to be realized
(C) tell how the achievement of the objective will be measured. Each program goal must have at least one objective, but may have several. Strategies. Strategies are the jobs. tasks, efforts, oractions undertaken in a program accomplishment of the objective. which contributes to the A strategy is a combination of intermediate steps, and produces a distinct end product intermediate processes which only support other strategies. end products should be measurable or quantifiable where possible, showing how the objective is to be achieved. - not These Each objective must have at least one strategy, but may have several. Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation criteria are statements which specify the end product of an objective or strategy and establish measurable levels of performance for the oroduct. These end product, products should be measurable or quantifiable where possible, showing how the objective or strategy is to be achieved. The criteria should measure, if possible, the relative impact of the results on the problem which the objective or strategy is designed to solve. If a strategy or objective cannot be measured in terms of impact, the measurement can be stated in terms of the level (or volume) of strategy provided and/or the number of persons served. Each strategy must have at least one evaluation criteria, but may have several. to solve. DEFINITIONS B PROGRAM PAGE DATA ELEMENTS DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS. Each program will have Page. one of these cover pages. Extensive program narrative will carry-over onto a second page. The form is set up on diskette to allow for this carry-over. do not have to get everything on one page. so you Program Seq #. Each program will sequence number by the district planner. be assigned a unique The purpose of this sequence number is to establish a reference for placing programs in order the planning document. When the document is within assembled, programs are arranged in this sequence. The program sequence number will help facilitate look-up since there is front-to-back page numbering. no field
it should not change during the year. This element should be a static Revision Date. This date is the actual date this program document was last changed. This date will be entered by the person making the change each time the document is changed, this will change at least quarterly with date performance reporting. As a minimum, the regular Program Name. The district planner established name of the program in this field. will place the Name consistency will eliminate confusion, so try to use the designated name on all documents. change during the year. This elem.ent should be a static field
it should not Program Code. link budget and expenditure This is a unique accounting code which will to the associated program. The code will be assigned by Financial Services prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and all expenditures during the year should use this program code. should not change during the year. This element should be a static field
it Primary Leader. The Primary Leader is the cabinet-level associate responsible for the management and operation of this program. This person should have the authority to ensure all necessary actions are taken to make the program successful. This person is responsible for the correctness and timeliness of the planning document and all subsequent reporting. Secondary Leader. The Secondary Leader is the associate who is back-up to the Primary, and will function in that capacity in the absence of the Primary. Program Description. above, must be placed in this field. The program description. as defined static field
it should not change during the year. This element should be a District Goal Support. Each program must directly support onemore district goals. or If more than one district goal, the appropriate district goals should be listed in descending priority order. District goals will be established by the Board. order. This element should be a static field
it should not change during the year. Program Goal. The program goal, as defined above, must be placed in this field. but may have several. sequentially. Each program must have at least one goal. Each goal should be numbered and listed not change during the year. This element should be a static field
it should Plan Reference. Specific plan and page references will be listed in this section for those programs directly cited in one of the desegregation plans. L= LRSD Desegregation Plan. 1= InterDistrict Plan. The format should be L23 or 113-20. This element will be left blank if the program is not directly cited in one of the desegregation plans. This element should be a static field
it should not change during the year, unless by Court Order. FY Program Budget. The total budgeted dollars appropriate fiscal year will be shown in this element. for the The number will be the total for the program code, and will be supplied by Financial Services at the beginning of the fiscal year, element will change only if the budget changes. This FTE. This element reflects the Full Time Equivalents (FTE) budgeted for this program (at the program code level). The number will be the total for the program code, and will be supplied by Financial Services at the beoinnino of the fiscal vear. This beginning year. element will change only if the budget changes. lst/2nd/3rd/4th Qtr Expend. The actual expenditures for each quarter will be entered into the appropriate field during the quarterly reporting process. Financial Services will provide the information, but the Primary Leader is responsible for entering the information onto the form. Once entered, these fields should remain static unless an error is detected. YTD Expenditures. actual expenditures at the program level. This field is the year-to-date total of departments with expenditures against this program. This will include all Financial Services will provide the information once each quarter is closed, but the Primary Leader is responsible for entering the information onto the form. unless an error is detected. Once entered, these fields should remain static Related Function Codes. This field identifies all function- level accounting codes which combine to make the complete program budget. Each program will have at least one function code, but may have several. with one space between them. Each four digit code should be listed sequentiallyDEFINITIONS C OBJECTIVE PAGE DATA ELEMENTS DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS. Page. This is relating to the "program". the field. the sequential page number for all pages This number is automatically placed in Program Seq #. This should be the same number as program page. This number will objectives back to the major program. link all separate on the program Revision Date. This date is the actual date this program document was last changed. This date will be entered by the person making the change each time the document is changed, this date will change at least auarterlv with performance reporting. quarterly As a minimum, the regular The date on this page may be different from that on the program page since this objective page should change more frequently. Program Name. page. This name IS This should be the same name as on the program a further link back to the major program. Including the name on this page prevents the need to refer back for the program name. Program Code. This program page. should be the same code(s) as on the This code(s) is a link back to the major program. Including the code(s) on this page prevents the need to refer back for the program code. Primary Leader. program page. This should be the same person as on the Including this name on this page prevents the need to refer back for the leader 's name. Secondary Leader. that name on the program page. This name will generally be the same as objectives, However, if a program has several supporting objectives. the Secondary Leader may be different for those Program Goal. program page in this field. Include only one of the program goals from the For each program goal listed on the program page, there will be at least one objective page. Plan Reference Page Number. listed for each objective and strategy. Source references should be If the objective or strategy is desegregation plan related, list the specific plan and page upon which this objective or strategy is found. If the objective or strategy is not related to a desegregation plan Court Order, list whatever source was used. or be numbered to correspond to the appropriate strategy. Each reference should Objectives. the program goal. List all of the objectives required to satisfy Objectives should be listed in bold face.K n f^om a desegregation plan or court order should within parentheses. Each program goal must have at least one objective, but may have several. Spacing between supporting strategies. Objectives should be numbered sequentially under each goal. Strategies. the related objective. Wording not taken from List all be in bold face of the strategies required to satisfy Strategies should be listed in bold face, a desegregation plan or court order should within parentheses. Each objective must have at r but may have several. least one strategy, __ __ ___ numbered sequentially under each object! ve. Strategies should be Beginning Date. This is the actual date this particular thp ' f consistency, all dates should be entered in the following format
MM/DD/YY, 07/22/93. stated yet, leave this field blank. activity began. This If an activity has not Completion Date, activity was completed. This IS the actual date this particular - For consistency, entered the following format
activity has been in MM/DD/YY, all dates should be 07/22/93. started but not completed, give your best oues<5 on the percent of completion f75%l. Tf th. . completion (75%). started, leave this field blank. If the activity has Responsibility. This with ensuring this activity is accomplished. is the name of the individual tasked Evaluation Criteria. List at least one evaluation criteria p 1 . Include the specific measure of success Evaluation criteria should be listed in bold face. for each strategy. measure of tekZn snouiu oe listed in bold face. Wording not JS
^gfg^tion plan or court order should be in bold face within parentheses. Each evaluation correspond to the appropriate strategy, and should be numbered sequentially under each strategy. criteria should beLRSD PV 93 91 PROGRAM PUhOET DOCUMEN f f.n>n Scq tz Pace
RevisKm Hale: ('.Clin Name: l>mn Code: rrimary Leaden Secondary fxadcr. p.ram l>ewrip(ton: hict Goal Support: ".rain Goal: n Rcrcrcnccs: Program Rudget: I DPipcndilures: Lilcd Eunciton Codes: 1st Qtr Expend: 2imJ Qtr Expend: 3rd Qtr Expend: 4th Qtr Expenrl: I September 14, 1993 PTE LRSD lY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGlVr 1 liNT Page: 2 ISogiaitt $<x| /: Keviston Date: Suptvnilier 14, 1993 Ir Piogiaiu Name: I'lugram Cude: Pittgiain (kal: Plan Refeieiicc Page Number Oiijcetivcs Primaiy Ixader Sccotulary Ixadcr: Strategies Ucginuiiig Date Completion Dale Responsibility Evaluation CriteriaI I I'rogcMi S(X| Pi oginm Home: Pi ogr.-vR CtKic: Pt oqi :im Goal: Plan Reference Page Mtirbcr 1. Pngc 30 1.1 Pane 30 1.2 loie 30 1.3 Page 30 2. Page 30 2.1 Page 30 LRSD FT 93-9< PROCBAH DUOCET DOCUHrUI Primary Lcodcr: Secondary leader: Ihc inlet of the school opcroties goni is to provide cquitoblc cducotiooal opportunities (or all sturJents in the LRSO. Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Conpletion Date Page: 2 Revision Date: ResponsibiIity Septcmi^cr 2, WW Evaluation Criteria 1. To ensure on orgonizational structure wliich provides equal opportunity ond occess for parents, students and staff. 1. To review organixotional structure in .schools ond control office to ensure sufficient support for students orxJ stoff success and for the iffplementotion of the desegregation pion. 1.1 Appoint school-based biracial comiittees to monitor inplcmentation ond data. (Report to faculty) 1.2 A district-wide biracial cofnnittee will monitor district-wide desegregation efforts ond data and (report to Board) 1.3 Establish reporting system. 2. To provide inservice to raise staff awarencss/oxpectations of equity for stixtents. concerns 2.1 Inservice cycles for existing ofxl ru'u staff inchxJing: a. teacher expectations b. working with parents c. at-risk youth d. Icarnir>g styles (July 1, 1993) July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 (June 30, 1996) Jirx: 30, 1996 Jir 30, 1996 Jixxj 30, 1996 Jire 30, 1996 (Prine ipals,, Assistant Supts., Assoc. Si45t. Principals, Assistant Sijpts. Assoc. Stpt. of Educat ional Programs, Assoc. Sipt. for Dcsegregalion Associotc Si^ts., Assistant Sipts. Local schools, Staff Oevelopntent, Conmunicat ions Oepl., Staff Development, Academic Support) Appropriate Associate Sipts., Qtvi Staff Development 1. Sufficient program personnel ore in place to meet the rceds of all students in the program os measured by the monitoring instruBctit.. 1. (Satisfactory corrplianci with the E<kjc8tion Equity Monitoring Oocunont) 1. School-level docunentot ion of cymrterly meetings (minutes, rosters: 1.2 Report from the monitoring of the biracial conmittcc to (he Board 1.3 Monitoring reports district-wide birnciol cenmi t tees 2. Results of school climate survey 2. (Random survey results from Staff Oevelopnent) 2.1 Roster of tcnchers/pnrt icipating slnf f 2.1 Evaluation of irwcrvic- seopents by participants3.4.3 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Date: September 20, 1993 To: Principals and Selected Central Office Administrators From: Sterling Ingram, Director' Subject: Program Budget Document Inservice As discussed in the Implementation Desegregation Plan- Program Planning and Budget Document sessions, a training session for completing the Program Budget Document (PBD) is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 1993, in the Board Room at 1:30 p.m. You should designate the person to attend this session who will input evidence into the computer for your school. If you have questions, contact Dr. Marjorie Bassa at 324-2120. drg3.5 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING, RESEARCH AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT 810 WEST MARKHAM Date: To: From: Through: Re: LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 September 23, 1993 Board of Directors Sterling Ingra^^Director Planning, Research and Evaluation VesI Estelle Matthis, Interim Superintendent Program Planning and Budgeting Process Attached is a preliminary copy of the Program Budget Document for the School Operations section. language is identified in bold type. language is displayed parenthetically. Original Clarifying Schools were requested to provide evidence of completion or status after the end of each quarter as indicated in the Program Planning and Budgeting document. I am available for questions. bjgLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MONITORING AND REPORTING OPERATIONS FLOW AsdXant SuperIntandanta Maatar Dlakatta Planning, Raaaarch and Evaluation Financial Sarvloaa School Oparatlona Program Dlakattaa A V Schools Utater Dlakatta A Other Program Managers Flnanolal Information V Quarterly ReportProgroB Seq *: PrograM Naae: School Operations Progreai Code: Priaary Leader: Prograa Description: IRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Secondary Leader: Page: Revision Date: September 23, 1993 1 District Goal S^Dport: Prograa Goal: Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. The intent of the school operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportisiities for all students in the LRSD. Plan References: FT Prograa Budget: TTD Expenditures: Related Function Codes: 1st Qtr Expend
2nd Qtr Expend: 3fd Qtr Espend
4th Qtr Expend: FTE Progran Seq *: Progm Mane: School Operations Progrsa Code: Progras Goal
Plan Reference Page Nudser 1. Psge 30 1.1 Page 30 1.2 Page 30 1.3 Page 30 2. Page 30 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUHgMT Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: The intent of the school operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportwitiea for ell students in the LRSD. Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Coapletion Date Page: 2 Revision Date: Responsibility SeptMfeer 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria 1. To ensure an organizational structure lAich provides equal opporttaiity and access for parents, stulents and staff. 1. To review organizational structure in schools and central office to enaure sufficient support for students and staff success and for the iapleaentation of the desegregation plan. 1.1 Appoint school-based biracial coanittees to aonitor iapleaentation and data. (Report to faculty) 1.2 A district-wide birecial coaaittee will aonitor district-wide desegregation efforts and data and (report to Board) 1.3 Establish a reporting systea. 2. To provide inservice to raise staff awareness/expectations of equity concerns for students. (July 1, 1993) (June 30, 1994) (Principals,, Assistant Supts., Assoc. Supt.) 1. (Sufficient program personnel are in place to meet the needs of all students in the program as measured by the monitoring instrument) 1. (Satisfactory compliance with the Education Equity Monitoring Document) 1.1 Survey of staff - patrons July b 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jwe 30, 1994 Juw 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Principals, Assistant Si4>ts. Assoc. of Educational Prograas, Assoc. Sipt. for Desegregation Associate Sipts., Assistant Si4>ts. (Local schools. Staff Development, Communications Dept., Staff Development, Academic Support) 1.1 School-level docmentation of quarterly eatings (ainutes, rosters) 1.2 Report of the biracial coMiittee 1.2 (Report from the monitoring of the biracial conmittee to the Board) 1.3 Monitoring reports district-wide biracial coaaittees 2. Results of school cliaate survey 2. (Random survey results from Staff Development)ProgrM Seq *: Progran Maae: School Operations Prograai Code: Prieary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 3 Revision Date: Septewber 23, 1993 Prograa Goal: The intent of the school operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportuiities for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Nudser 2.1 Page 30 1. (cont'd) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. Page 30 3.1 Page 30 4. Page 30 2.1 Inservice cycles for existing end new staff including: a. teacher expectations b. working with parents c. at-risk youth d. learning styles 3. To provide programa bhich raise parental awareness of district structure, policy, and programs and ways to access them. 3. (Program which demonstrate high quality of parent Involvement) 3.1 Mini'seoiinars at PTA meetings and in the coomunity. 3.1 (Evidence of quality programs presented to parents.) 4. To Bionitor school standards to ensure high quality education for all students. July b 1993 July 1, 1993 (July 1, 1993) July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 (June 30, 1994) Jme 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Appropriate Associate Supts., and Staff DevelofHent (Connunications Dept., Staff Development, and Academic Support) District staff PTA Cornell (local and ares) 2.1 Roster of t eochers/part i c i pa t i ng staff Data-based iaprovesant in targeted stuctent schools 2.1 (Evaluation of inservice segments by participants) 3. Raster of attendance 3.1 Calendar showing programs held 3.1 (Calendar showing roster of participants and evaluation form) 3.1 (Evidence of parent participation
increase in nuiber of parents involved in school activities including VIPS, PTA, Parent Forims
and increase in student achievement data
and increase in ninber of students above the NCE on Stanford 8 and Abacus)Prograi Seq f: Prograa Maae: School Operations Rrograa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: P9c: 4 Revision Dote: Septenber 23, 1993 Prograa Goal: The intent of the school operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportmities for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Niaber 4.1 Page 30 4.2 Page 30 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Ccapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. (cont'd) 4.1 Review data 4.1 (List data, achievement, discipline, promotion, retention, increase or decrease of white students, niaber above and below state reference point to assess strengths, needs, and strategies.) 4.2. School aonitoring visits July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Associate Supt., Principals, Assistant Sigits. Planning, Research, and Evaluation 4.1 Calendars of visits 4.1 (Staff, facilities, climate, a^inistration, organization, and achievement levels) 4.2 Monitoring reports 4.2 (Staff Climate Survey)Progri Seq f: Prograa Hoae: School Operations Progri Code: Prograa Goal: Plan Reference Page Nudier 2. Page 31 1.1 Page 31 1.2 Page 31 2. Page 31 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primry Leader: Secondary Leader: The intent of the School Operations goal Is to provide equitable educational opportwities for all students 1n the LRSD. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date (kapletion Date Page: 5 Revision Date: Responsibility Septenter 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria 2. To provide a climate in each school which is based on the belief and expectation that all children can lesm and to provide resources necessary to support that belief. 2. (To work with teachers and principals to develop a positive school climate) 1. Provide education to staff and patrons regording school culture and positive school climate. 1.1 PTA Board and general meetings to have educational coaponents regarding climate and expectations. 1.1 (LRSD expectations, teacher-designed instrunent, clarify what kind of expectations-'schievement, behavior, attendance) 1.2 Use of cable Charnel 4 to carry brief messages to staff regarding expectations, working with at-risk and disadvantaged students, and creating positive climate. 1.2 (Clarify performance expectations, such as behavior eephasis on students falling below) 2. Monitor school climate and resource allocation. 2. (Review of annual school plan) July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 Jine 30, Jm 30, Jisw 30, Jm 30, 1994 1994 1994 1994 (Principals, Teachers, Assistant Sipts.) District personnel as desi^iated by the Associate Supt. (Principals, Teachers, Staff Oevelopnent, Conwuni cat ions Office) 1. Utilization of the school climate survey 1. (Results of school climate survey report) 1.1 Agendas of oeetings Neoaurable iaproveaants in individual school cliaates (1.1 Agendas of meetings and evidence of results of school climate survey report) 1.2 (Assessing performance of the school principal)Progri Sq: Prograa Maae: School Operations Prograa Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 6 Revision Date: September a, 1993 Prograa Goal: The intent of the School Operations goel is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all students in the LtSO. Plan Reference Page Ruter 2.1 Page 31 2.2 Page 31 2.3 Page 31 3. Psge 31 3.1 Page 31 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Co^>(etion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. (cont'd) 2.1 Monitor facility, staff morale, student achievement, status of media center books, and smterials. 2.1 (Assess staff morale, student achievement, etc.) 2.2 Erhance equipment, supplies, and materials in buildings. 2.2 (Provide resources) 2.3 Provide staff development and intervention plana as needed. 2.3 (To provide staff development to meet the instructional needs of principals, teachers, and all levels of staff) 3. To work with schools to help them desiffi prograam Uli ch meet the specific needs of their students. 3. (Assist teachers and principals in the development of individual programs which address learning needs of students) 3,1 Provide resource assistance to school staffs. 3.1 (Provide resources, both hunan and financial, to teachers and principals in the development of educational programs) July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 (July 1, 1993) July 1, 1993 Jm 30, 1994 Jm 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 (June 30, 1994) June 30, 1994 Assistant Si<its., Prirvipmls, Media Sujervisor Assistant S^Ts., Principals, Media Si<)ervisor (Curriculun Supervisors) Assistant Si^ns., Principals, Media Si^jervisor, Idmtified District Staff (Staff Development) (Associate Supt., Assistant Supts., Curriculun Supvs., Staff Development) Educational Programs (Associate Supt., Principals) 2.1 Reports of Sipervisors, Assistant Sipta. 2.2 (Inprovement in the climate and environment and kinds of materials that are available) 2.3 Staff Development roaters 2.3 (Kinds of staff development programs developed for needs) 2.3 Quality of education survey results 3. (Evidence of inpiementation of Desegregation Plan and School Inprovement Plan) 3.1 Completion of program designProgroi Seq *: ProgrsB Maae: School Operations Prograe Code: Prieary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 7 Revision Date: Septenter 23, 1993 Prograe Goal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational ofiportmitiea for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Huiber 3.2 Page 31 3.3 Rage 31 4. Page 32 4.1 Page 32 4.2 Page 32 Objectives Strstegies Begiming Date Coapletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. (cont'd) 3.2 Provide planning tiae and fonaats to school staffs) 3.3 Develop school profiles tJiich show complete data pictures. Set goals for iiyroveaant. 4. Establish a prograa to faailiarite parents with school expectations and to build a partnership aith thea. 4.1 Share schools' objectives, discipline policy, standards for testing, placing, and proaoting students. 4.1 (At the beginning of school, do an annual school letter that shares policies and objectives) 4.2 Involve parents as full partners in planning at schools for stud^s' growth and success. July 1, 1993 July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, 1993 1993 1993 1993 Jue 30, Jue 30, Jme 30, Jme 30, Jme 30, 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 Associate Si^it. for Educational Prograaa, Principals, School Principals and Staffs (Planning, Research, and Evaluation
Data Processing) (Asst. Supts., Principals, Media Supv.) Principals, Staffs Principals, Staff, PTA Board, Patrons 3.2 School profiles and Bonitored building plana 3.3 (Completed document) 4.1 Developaant of and sharing of school-based objectives, discipline policies, etc. 4.2 Statistical iaproveaent in student behavior and achieveaentPrograa Seq *: Progros Hose: School Operations Progrsa Code: Progri Goal: Plan Reference Page Ktaber 3. Page 33 1.1 Page 33 1.2 Page 33 2. Page 33 IRSO FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUHEHT Priaary Leader: Secondsry Leader: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportmities for all stulenta in the LRSO. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Page: 8 Revision Date: SepteiFber 23, 1993 Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. To develop and i^lement policies which influence school climate and isprove discipline and student attendance while also meeting individual student needs and lemming styles. 3. (Design and put into place programs which improve school climate and improve discipline and student attendance while also meeting individual student needs and learning styles) 1. Provide inservice training to district personnel on discipline in a desegregated setting. 1. (Focus on how to use techniques that foster positive student behavior in a desegregated setting) 1.1 Conduct inservice training on discipline management in all local schools. 1.1 (Conduct inservice on an ongoing basis on positive discipline management In all local schools) 1.2 Provide follow-tp training for new staff on a regular basis. 1.2 (Provide ongoing training for all stafO 2. Provide inservice to district personnel on behavioral styles and learning styles of students with divergent backgrounds. 2. (Conduct inservice on an ongoing basis on positive discipline management in all local schools) (July 1, 1993) As needed (July 1, 1993) July 1. 1993 (July 1, 1993) (June 30, 1994) (June 30, 1994) Jwe 30, 1994 (June 30, 1994) (Principals, Parents, Staff Development, Student Hearing Officer) Director of Pv<>il Services, BuiIding Principals, Assistant Sqots. (Student Hearing Officer) Building Principals, Director of Pi<>il Services (Student Hearing Officer) (Director of Pupil Services, Building Principals, Asst. Supts., Student Hearing Officer) 1. (Comparative data annual school report for student attendance and student management quarterly reports) 1. (Quarterly discipline management reports that will reflect a decrease in behavior referrals and suspensions) 1.1 (Rosters of meetings) 1.1 (Quarterly discipline management reports that Mill reflect a decrease in behavior referrals and suspensions) 1.2 (Quarterly discipline management reports that Mill reflect a decrease in* behavior referrals and suspensions) 1.1 (Quarterly discipline management reports that wilt reflect a decrease in behavior referrals and suspensions)Progm Seq *: Prograa Raae: School Operations Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 9 Revision Date: SeptefTber 23, 1993 Prograa Goal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Nuidier 2.1 Page 33 3. Page 33 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date CoiR>letion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. (cont'd) 2.1 Provide training for school-based iiqiroveaent teems (to involve staff and parents who will train staff at the school site with amual aaintenance). 2.1 (Provide ongoing training for staff to foster positive student behavior) 3. Provide a coaaittae to review attendance and discipline policies and data on an ongoing bMis to eneure equity of policy and policy adainistration. 3. (Each school is to establish a committee to conduct quarterly reviews of attendance and discipline data to assess conpliance with the goal of equitable policy and policy adninistration. Conduct and report results of quarterly reviews.) July 1, 1993 (July 1, 1993) June 30, 1994 (June 30, 1994) Associate S(<)ts., Staff Develofwnt, Identified Staff (Principals, Teachers, Hearing Officer, Data Processing)) (Principals, Teachers, Student Hearing Officer) 2.1 (Quarterly reports should include positive as well as negative reports which show an increase in the citizenship honor roll in elementary schools. Should show an increase in the nunber of students that acquire "Vs" and "2*8" in citizenship at the secondary level) 3. (Final report of the quarterly reviews)Progras Seq f: Progras Mase: School Operations Progras Code: Priaary Leader: Secondsry Leader: Page: Revision Date: 10 Septenber 23, 1993 Progrw Goal: intent of the School Operetione goel is to provide equitable educational opportiaiitiea for all atiaientt in the USB. Plan Reference Page Mmdier 3.1 Page 33 3.2 Page 33 3.3 Page 33 4. Page 33 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. (cont'd) 3.1 Coasiittee and aibcomittee to include principals, staff, patrorw, students (on the secondary level) and at least one (1) Board aeaber to review dots and recoHKnd asxiifi cat ions to meet students* needs and district needs. 3.1 (Establish a district-wide coamittee to review the local school committee reports which should Include attendance, discipline data Interventions by race and gender. The district-wide coamittee will report the results of the review to the Associate Supt. of Desegregation.) 3.2 Revise student hanAooki n needed 3.2 (Update student handbooks annually to ensure continued conpUance with district attendance and discipline policies) 3.3 The student hearing officer will be responsible for developing and annitoring pin to reduce the disparity of disciplinary actions. 3.3 (Use evidence of district-wide reports to provide guidance to local schools in formatting plans to reduce disparity of disciplinary actions) 4. Appoint Joint coamittee with PCSSD and NLRSO. 4. (. . .to establish a uniform attendance and discipline policy.) July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Associate Sipts., Principals, Teachers, Director of Pi4>il Services (Hearing Officer, Desegregation Facilitator) (Principals, Teachers) (Asst. Supts., Teachers, Parents, Principals, Student Hearing Officer) (Associate Supt. for Desegregation) 3.1 (Formal report Identifying results of analysis of data received from local school conmittees about level of compliance with district attendance and discipline policies) 3.2 (Student handbooks reflect compliance with current district attendance and discipline policies) 3.3 (Analysis of quarterly reports in chart form to determine decrease in reported discipline sanctions) 4. (Evidence of a mi form discipline policy)Prograa Seq f: Prograa Maae: School Operations Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Pege: Revision Dote: 11 Progri Goal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportuiities for all students in the LRSD. PlPaang eR eMfueirRe)nerce 4.1 Page 33 5. Page 34 5.1 Page 34 5.2 Page 34 6. Page 34 Objectives Strategies BeDgiantneing Co^D)aletetion Responsibility 3. (cont'd) 4p.o1 licRieevsie wa nad ttceonndsaenqcuee nacneds .disciplinary 5a.c roPsust tihne p dlaicset raicltte rwniathti vaets letoa sst uosnpee nssuiochn intervention to be pieced at each school. 5to.1 bDe erveevlioepw esdch aoto ld-biassterdic dt islecvipelli naend p tlaon a include suspension alternatives. b5e.2 reEgffuelcatirvlye naesssse sosef dt.hese alternatives to 6d.i sEcisptalinbleis ha nad sacttheonodla-bnacsee din csetundteivnet system at ea^ school. 6w.h ic(h. s. ho.ausld praerst uoltf tihne imanpnrouvael ds cahttoeonld apnlacne and a decrease in disciplinary sanctions.) July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, 1993 1993 1993 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 199L Jine 30, 1994 Jm 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Septenber 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria ASis<s>otsc.ia, te athprpeoein stecdho solt aff dTirsi-tDricisttsr ic(ut se Coaponent) s(Ptarifnf,c ipAaslsst,. Supts.) ASissstiss.ta, nt SPcrihnocoipl-ablass, ^ staffs S(Ptarifnfsc,i paSlcsh,o olbCaosnemd ittees, ASsuspitsst.a, nHt earing Officer) S(Ptarifnfsc,ip aSlcsh,o olbCaosnend ittees 4T.r1i -DReivsietrwic at nad ttreenvdiasniocne oanf d disciplinary policies 5re. p(oRret vtieow doetfe rsmusinpee nsions dseucsrpeeansseio nins oaut t-inodf-isvcidhuoaoll schools) 5S.u1p t(sS. uobmf isscshioono l top laAnsss tt. hat oiduet-notfi*fsyc haoltoel rnsaustipveenss ioton s) 5a.l2te rEnxaisttievnec ep laonf in each building 5S.u2p.t s(. Soubf msicshsoioonl ptola nAss stth. at oiduet-notfi-fsyc haoltoelr nsautsipveenss ioton s
eovuitd*eonf-csec hoof odl escuresapseen siino ns) 6sc. h(oSoul brmeipsosirotsn otof athnen uAals st. oSfu pitms.p rowveilml egnitv ea nde vaid ence daendc redaissec ipinli ntahery asttaenndctaioncnes ) Psge: 12 Progrsa Seq *: Revision Date: Septetrber 23, 1993 Progrsa Isae: School Operations Progrsa Code: Prioary Leader: Secondary Leader: Progrsa Goal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all students in the UISD. PlPaang eR eNfteardeienrce 6.1 Page 34 7. Page 34 7.1 Page 34 7.2 Page 34 Objectives Strategies BeDgiantneing CoaDpalteetion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. (cont'd) 6pr.1og rRaemv ieswo trhesaet arrechc oagnndi tdioenv emlodp rinewceanrdtsiv es will be individual to the school. 6a.n1n u(Tahlley troes edaertechrm wineil l rebev isreiovnie wneede ds of school incentive systems) s7t.u dPeronvtsid ew ictho mchsreolinnigc dinistecripvelinnMtio*ny afonrd /or attendance probleas. 7in.1te rAvcetnivtaioten dteiasmciap lainte s/acthteonodl. anMcaen date the pinsv^oillv ese trhveic ecso mteseealio tro w dioth asotnuidtoernintsB wahnod have discipline/attendance probleas. 7re.2g aIrndvinoglv eth peairre cnhtsi ldinre nth eth rtoeuemgh process meet ings/conf erences. 7a.n2d /o(.r d. is.acbipoulint aidrye nptriofibeledm as)ttendance July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 Jm 30. 1994 Jm 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 PSrtainfcf,i pals/ ASsipstisst.a, nVt IPS, Patrons T(Peaump, il Services PCaoruennstesl)ors, PGruiindcanipraa ls, DBcupiladritnage nts, SHetaaflfths , SSecrvhiocoel s Coordinator PParirnecnitpsa, lsPT, A OCfofiocveirls, , PTA CPoipmils eSloerrsv,i ces THeeaasleth, SScehrovoicl es 6su.1p pSotrat tvisatliicdaitly d oatfa ptlaon danisd cii^prloinveo aaennd tb einh avior 6sc.1h o(oSl urbempiossrtiosn too f thaen nAuasls t. Simupprtosv.e mweinllt sinho wd isanc ipline and behavior) 7an. d (Raettveinedwa nocfe driesccoiprdlisn ew ill dshioswc ipa lidneacrreya saen di/no r chronic atten^nce problems) 7in.1te rRveecnotridosn of cotnseling a7n.1d a(Rtteevnideawn coef dreiscocripdsli nwe ill cshhorwo naic ddecisrecaipseli nien athned /or attendance problems) 7im.2o lRveecaoerdnst of parents/tesa 7in.2cr e(a. se. .i nw thilel snhuonwb ear n of pthaere ntetasm p parrotciceispsa)ting in Prograa Seq f: Prograa Naae: School Operations Prograa Code: Prograa Goal: Plan Reference Page Muder 4. Page 35 1.1 Page 35 1.2 Page 35 (1.4 Page 35) 2. Page 35 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable edicationnl opportmitiea for all students in the LRSD. Objectives Strategies Begimino Date Caq>letian Date Page: 13 Revision Date: Responsibility Septeirter 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria 4. To provide guidance and comaeling service which address students* needs, are S(<]portive of strategies and interventions to eriiance student success and expectations, and provide coowni cat ions to families of students. 1. Infora students of all opportunities available to thea and encourage thea to take advantage of these opportinities. 1. (Identify academic, emotional, social, arxl physical needs of students.) 1. (Identify needs of students (elementary) 1. (Secure the needed services utilizing district and connun1ty*basad resources) 1.1 PiA>lish a docuaent annually idiich lists finmcial aid, vocational and hitter education opportmitiea for all students. 1.1 (Make available) docuantCs). . .) 1.2 Encourage students to take advantage of opportunities open to them. 1.3 (Follow up to ensure that referral was appropriate intervention to enhance student success and expectations) 2. Make parents partners in education of their children by amking information accessible to them and keeping them informed. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 June 30, 199* Jm 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Jine 30, 1994 Counselors, Principals (Pupil Services Teachers, Parents, Teachers) Principals, Counselors, Vocational Director (Teachers, Parents) (Principals, Teachers, Parents, Students) (Principals, Teachers, Parents (Principals, Teachers, Parents) 1. Guidance services. Annual Report, and Report Coaparison 1. (Reports will show all students needing services will receive them) 1.1 Pti>l1cat1onB of document 1.1 (Disseminate document to students and parents) 1.2 Statistical increase in nurtier of students, particularly minority students, receiving firwicial aid and proceeding into post secondary education (1.3 Documentation will show referrals were appropriate) 2. (Reports will reflect an increase in the nunber of parents involved as partners in the education of their children)Progrsa Seq f: ProgrM Hsaa: School Operations Progrsa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Progrsa Goel: The intent of the School Operations goal Is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Ihsber 2.1 Page 35 2.2 Page 35 3. Page 35 3.1 Page 35 4. (cont'd) Page: Revision Date: 14 SeptCTber 23, 1993 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Cospletion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.1 Hold a coKSiity educational Meeting each year during the spring to infora parents of curriculua and student opportunities (to Include co-curriculer activities) 2.1 (Identify courses and activities available which will help prepare students for post secondary education and career preparation) 2.2 Provide written infonaition to parents regarding curriculua and student stills. 3. To Make students aware of educational and post educational opportuiitles 3.1 Skills and eaploynent fair to be held annually in conjunction with business ccaauiity. 3.1 (. . .and College Night) July 1, 1995 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Principals, Couwelors, Director of Guidance, Associate and Assistant Si<]ts. Educational PrograsB, BuiIding Principals, Cosaaailcatlons Dept. (Counselors, Principals, Teachers, Vocational Director, Parents) Vocational Teachers, Comselors, Voltnteers in Schools, PTA (Director of Pupil Services) 2.1 Roster of aeetings (2.1 Nurber of students who graduate and elect advanced tralningZeducatlon by race and gender) (2.1 Report will show the targeted nurber of students who will enroll in upperlevel classes and elect to attend post secondary education) (2.2 Brochures and Parent Home Study Guide will be given to targeted parents. Videos will be available for check-out) (3. Disseminate docunents to students and parents) 3.1 Eaployaant Fair Student Attendance 3.1 (Participation rates of parents and students in the LRSD attending the employment fair and College Night will be conpiled and compared with previous attendance rates)Prograi Seq *: Progm Maae: School Operations Prograi Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 15 Kevition Date: Septenfcer 23, 1993 Prograa Goal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all students in the LRSD. Plan Reference Page Ihaber 4. Page 35 4.1 Page 35 5. Page 35 Objectives Strategies Begiming Date Caa|)letlon Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4. (cont'd) 4. Create coaamity linkages to assist students in need of special servicea. 4.1 Through Ford Collaborative, Neu Futures Initiation, city, courts, p(i>llc, and private service providers, provide school linkages with guidance staff for student special needs Interventions. 5. Create acadeaic Intervention strategies on a school basis. 5. (Include acadeaic. .In the annual school plan) 5.1 Each school to put into its annual plan a designed set of Interventions to help increase student acadenlc success
i.e, Peer Tutoring, Volmteer Tutors. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 JULY 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Ji 30, Juw 30, Jire 30, Jme 30, 1994 1994 1994 1994 (Ctxnselora, Principals, PcqaiI Services Team (Elen), Parents) Comaelors, LRSD New Futures Liaison, Associate and Assist. Siqits., Deputy Stjpt. (Principals, Staff, Asst. Si^ts.) Principals, Staffs of BuiIdings, Assistance froa Educational Prograas, Associate and Asst. Si^s. (4. Report will reflect the nuiber of conrunlty linkages and their ability to meet the needs of targeted students) 4.1 Established coasanity linkages 4.1 (Report will reflect the nmber of connunity linkages and their ability to meet the needs of targeted students) 5. (Annual School Report to include level of successful academic Intervention as identified in the annual school Improvement plan) 5.1 Amual plan and annual evaluation report coiqarlson 5.1 (Annual School Report to include level of successful academic Intervention as identified In the annual school ifiprovement plan)Progna Seq *: Progroi Mase: School Operations Progrsa Code: Progrsa Goal: c Plan Reference Page Nudaer 5. Psge 17 1.1 Page 37 LRSO FT 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOOJHEMT Priasry Leader: Seccnctary leader! The Intent of the School Operations goal Is to provide equitable educational opportwitiea for all students in the USD. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Conation Date Page: 16 Kevition Oete: tespcnsIblUty SeptentMr 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria 5. To provide guidance and cowseling ihich Bakes students ausre of their options and to assist students In acquiring habits snd attitudes necessary for success in school and In later life. 1. Provide Binicourses for students in study halls, testing skills, and pre- career skills in a sequenced program begiming in grade four and through high school. 1. (Offer test-taking, study skills, and pre-career skills through the elementary and secondary instructional and guidance programs) 1.1 Ninicourses to be developed in sequence begiming with grade four. (July 1, 1993) July 1, 1993 (June 30, 1994) Jwe 30, 1994 (Principals, Cowselore, Teachers, Staff Development) Principals, Classroom Teachers, VIPS, Guidance Cowselors, Staff Dvlp. 1. Data gathered frta ps^i I services tema 1. (Data gathered by the Pupil Services Team will reflect an increase In the nunber of students passing courses, nuiber of students who elect post high school career/educat i onaI opportunities, and a decrease in the drop-out rate) 1.1 Development of Binicourses 1.1 (Data gathered from grade distribution sheet will reflect an increase in nunber of students who passed the courses and elect post high school career/educational opportunities and a decrease in the drop-out rate) ' 1.1 (Scope and sequence chart grades 4-12 that includes skills targeted for each level)Prograa Seq f: Proora NaaK: School Operations Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 17 Revision Date: Prograa Goal: The Intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportmities for all students in the LKSD. PlPaang eR eNfueRrejenrce 1.2 Page 37 2. Page 37 2.1 Page 37 Objectives Strategies BeDgiantneing CoDqialetetion Responsibility 5. (cont'd) t1h.2e uPsreo voidf ec tuerarcichuelru as toaff f thdeesvee loapreaaesn.t in t1o.2 te(aOcfhfeerrs atpop rsoupprpiaotret tsetaacfhf indge voelfo pthmee nt curriculua) 2fu. tuRraeis ec aarewearr eonepstsio nosf .student of (about) c2a. re(Ienrc roepatsioen sst.u)dent knowledge of future a2n.1d Uasses coafb lrieesso buercgein vnoinlgm tiene ersle aine nctlaarsys es schools to address career options. July 1, July 1 July 1, 1993 1993 1993 Jme 30, JUK 30, Jts 30, 1994 1994 1994 September 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria Cstuarrfif c, uSiutsa ff DDeirveeclotoparent s(Ctaufrfr,ic uSlutanf f DDeirveeclotpomr,e nPt ipil Services) gTreaadcehse r4s--1- 2 (inVI PESd,u cPaatirotnne, rs CPouupnils eSloerrsv)ices, t1h.e2s eS t(acfof Bppaarrtaictivipea rtaioanb eirns ) s1.k2i ll(sS twafifl l ubsee oref flaeccqtueidre dIn dthaei lys tuindsetnrtusc* tiaocna daenmdic 1n achievement) 2ra. te(D, encurenabseer d odf rosptu-doeunt ts cwahore eerle/ecdt upcoast1t ohnaigI h school oinpcpreoartsuen)ities will 2w. il(lA nrenuflael cdt ias tpriecrct ensutargvee y sintucdreeanstse wInh o thpea ssn ucnobuerr seosf , cwahore eerle/ecdt upcoastito nh igh school doepcproeartsuen iItnie sth, ea nddro ap -out rate) d2a.1te sRoster of volisrteers, 2ra.1t e,(D necurrebaesre do f dsrotupd-oeuntt s cwahore eerle acnt d peodsut chaigtiho nsacl hool oinpcpreoartsuen)ities will Progras Seq f: Progrsa Nsae: School Operations Progrsa Code: Progrsa Goal: Plan Reference Page Rudar 6. Page 38 1.1 Page 38 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET POCUHEHT Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: The Intent of the School Operations goal Is to provide equitable educational opportmities for all students In the LRSD. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Coagdetlon Date Page
18 Revision Date: Responsibility Septetrber 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria 6. To monitor student class ratios and Instructional practices to ensure equal opportmities for all students. 1. Achieve equity in class structure by grade and by subject area. 1.1 Review class ratios by sd>ject, by class, (and) by teacher on a semester basis. July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Jme 30, 1994 Principals, Assistant Sigds., Associate Sipts. Principals, Assistant Sigits., Associate Sl<)tS. 6. Sufficient program persomel are In place to amet the needs of all students In the program as measmed by the monitoring Irmtnaent. 1. (Principals will be responsible for assigning students to grades and to subject areas in an equitable ratio as defined by the LRSD desegregation plan) (Principals are responsible for making sure that their school's profile reflects equitable educational practices) 1.1 Nonitoring of ratios* and student outcomes 1.1 (The school profile should reflect equity by grade structure and by subject area) *Ratios are not to be construed as quotas. The intent is for all barriers preventing full participation in classes and programs to be reanved.Progran Seq f: Prograa Naae: School Operations Prograa Code: Priaary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 19 Revision Date: Prograa Goel: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportmities for all students in the LRSD. PlPasng eR eHfiearbeenrce Y.2 Page 38 1.3 Page 38 2. Page 38 2.1 Psge 38 Objectives Strategies BeDgaimteing CoD^loetetion Responsibility 6. (cant'd) a1.c2t iAvditdieresss. disparities with intervention p1.a3r tRiceispnoveti o(and odrfe ssstu) dbeantrsri.ers to equitable 2p.r aAcctihcieevse. equity in student instructional 2b.y1 cRlaesvsie,w b gyr atedaec dheisr troinb uat isoenm ebsyt esr ubbajescist,. 2w.e1e ks(P irnin coirpdaelrs tow ialdl drreevsise wft nenaecdhl sntein e problems) July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Jm 30, 1994 Jm 30, 1994 Jm 30, 1994 Jm 30, 1994 Septernber 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria C(Toeuancsheelorsr,s , APsrisntc. ipSaulpst,s ., ASsuspotsc.i)ate C(Toeuancsheelorsr,s , APsrisntc. ipSaulpst,s ., Associate Supts T(Pearicnhceirpsa, lsS,t aff Development) APsrisnicsitp. oSlst,^ s., Assoc. S^)ts. d1e.2c re(aDsies pianr ietideusc awtioilnl al programs) w(Eailcl h inscclhuodoel 'sin taenrnvueanl tipolann daicstpivairtiiteiess )to address d1e.3c re(aDsies pianr ietideusc awtioilnl al programs) m(Peeritn ctoip aidlse natnidfy satnadf f wilt taod dereqsusi tabbalrer ieprasr teicxipisatitniogn panrdo fwileil)l docunent in school n(E awchil l scidheonolt'isfy a annn ual eprfofegrcatmiv ew hsictha fwf dilel vealsospmiset nt tienasctrhuecrsti oinna al ppprraocptriciaetes that will ensure equity) 2sc.1h eMduolensitoring of master 2p.r1in c(Eipaachl bwuiillld irnegq uire a gsruabdjee cdt,i sbtryi bculatisosn, sahnde ebt yb y oteradcehr etro emacohn nitoinre ewqeueiktys . inA cthoep y Atsos isista bnet forwarded to Superintendent) Prograi Seq *: Progm Naae: School Gpersticns Progrsa Code: Priaary Leedrr: Secondary Leader: Page: 20 Revision Date: Progri Coal: The intent of the School Operations goal is to provide equitable educational opportunities for all studaits In the LRSD. PlPaang eR eMfeiarbeenrce 2.2 Page 38 3. Page 38 3.1 Page 38 Objectives Strategies BeDgaimteing CooDfailetetion Responsibility 6. (cant'd) 2p.r2a ctices) wditihs pisnrtietirevse n(tIionn e aducctiavtiiotineasl . 3. Achieve equity in teaching aethods. 3p.r1in Pcirpoovildse a ninds eterevcichee rsa sIsnis traenfecree ntoce to vmaerthiaondst .learning styles and effective July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 Jine 30, 199A Jme 30, 199A Septentwr 23, 1993 Evaluation Criteria T(Pearicnhceirpsa, lsS,t aff Development) T(Pearicnhceirpsa, lsS,t aff Development) DSetsvefflo pment, PHurainanc ipRoelsso,u rce, AAssssot.c . Ssigi<r>tsts.,
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.