Incentive Schools: Report responses

TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 72201 recIEVED JUN 1 1992 Office ot Desegregation Monitoring Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Monitoring and Community Services Responses to Incentive School Monitoring Report Please find attached responses to the Incentive School Monitoring Report prepared by your office. It is my understanding that the response from Garland School was delivered directly to your office. cc: Dr. Ruth Steele Estelle Matthis Sterling Ingram Larry Robertson Arma Hart Chris Heller ITO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation ^^Bobbie Goodwin, Principal Rightsell Elementary SUBJECT: Review of Incentive School Monitoring Guide Page 18 - 2nd Paragraph - Bottom of Page A copy of PTA By-Laws is on file in office. Included are objectives for PTA Meeting Agendas, file in the office. Regular meetings are also on ILITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Rockefeller Elementary School 700 East 17th Phone 374-1226 Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 To: Office of Desegregation Monitoring ODM Monitors: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith Through: From: James Jennings, Associate Superintendent of Desegregation Anne Mangan, Principal, Rockefeller Incentive School Subject: Corrections of Review of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides Date: June 1, 1992 Please note the following corrections: Page 7 POSITION - Change Registrar to Bookkeeper Page 40 - #67 are social STATUS: worker, The recommended positions not filled alternative supervision aides and program specialist classroom specialist, Page 54 #23 Participants primary teacher, an intermediate teacher, parent and one grandparent. included the principal, a specialist. > a one Page 56 #55 in Camp Pfeifer. Four students from Rockefeller participated Page 56 #67 order would be followed, particularly discussed but Principals were told that the recent court Individual positions mentioned, principal so necessary. all rulings were in general not were Rockefeller Incentive School has an assistant a commitment regarding this position was not (The last two sentences on #67 do not necessarily reflect the situation at Rockefeller and could be deleted on our individual school report.)I -RECEIVED LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT JUN 1 1992 Stephens Elementary ScHOQtsEGREGATiON 3700 West 18 Phone 671-6350 Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 June 1, 1992 TO: OBM Monitors: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith FROM: Lonnie S.Dean, Principal SUBJECT: REVIEW OF THE INCENTIVE SCHOOL MONITORING GUIDES-CORRECTIONS Listed below are the corrections to the Review of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides: PATE 14 - DATA SUMMARY DELETE: She works with small groups and parents at least once a week. INSERT: She works with individual students, small groups, and with parents on an individual basis. PAGE 16 - SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS DELETE: and are planning a tutoring program for Stephens community. PAGE 16 - SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS DELETE: The principal stated that Pulaski Heights Junior High students provide mentoring services and have lunch with Stephens students. PAGE 18 - DATA SUMMARY/SITE OBSERVATIONS DELETE: and minutes were not kept. INSERT: Minutes are kept the PTA Secretary for 1991-92 school year. PAGE 23 - READING AND ORAL EXPRESSION DELETE: But fifth and sixth grade students use the newspaper for reading instruction. Monitoring Guides-Corrections Page 2 PAGE 23 - READING AND ORAL EXPRESSION INSERT: Newspapers are provided for each fifth and sixth grade student daily. PAGE 25 - INCENTIVE PROGRAMS - ITEM NO. 19 DELETE: (are on the honor roll) INSERT: A and B honor roll, outstanding citizenship PAGE 26 - A CLASSICS READING PROGRAM DELETE: Entire section please INSERT: The principal stated that there are classics available at Stephens. Teachers check out sets from media specialist. There is also a section the media center of classics. PAGE 26 - SOCIAL SKILLS - ITEM NO. 28 INSERT: The principal has asked staff not to speak to students sharply or harshly. They have been reprimanded about how they speak to students, how. staff address students. The principal monitors PAGE 30 - PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT - ITEM NO. 42 INSERT: All teachers will have on file signed homework to document parents seen the homework. All homework will be sent home on Thursday for parents signatures. PAGE 31 - ATTENDANCE AND BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES INSERT: Contractual agreements for behavior/attendance signed by teachers, parents, and students are on file in the principal's office. PAGE 31 - EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAM INSERT: The principal stated that we have office and mediamonitors. Each classroom have a set of literature books available. PAGE 32 - COUNSELING/SOCIAL WORK DELETE: and Pulaski Heights Junior High School students provide mentoring servicesMonitoring Guides-Corrections Page 3 PAGE 36 - ADDITIONAL ITEMS ITEM NO. 64 INSERT: Student Handbooks also, a copy of Stephens Incentive Schools' Parent Handbook. PAGE 38 - RECOMMENDED FULL-TIME POSITIONS - ITEM NO. 67 PLEASE REWRITE TO READ: Stephens staffing data indicates that recommended full time positions presently unfilled are alternative classroom specailist, supervision aides, assistant principal, music, resource, and speech. PAGE 40 - MINIMUM STAFF DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS AT&T Human Effectiveness Training was provided for principal during 1990-91 school year. PAGE 41 - STUDENT ASSIGNMENT 8 white students as of October 1, 1991 enrollment, and 1 other student. PAGE 45 - "DELETE last sentence "In addition to the mentoring program, Pulaski Heights Junior High School students provide mentoring services to Stephens' students.TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 RECEIVED JUN 1 1992 Office of Desegregation Monitoring James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Arma J. Hart, Desegregation Facilitator Update on Monitoring Report Page 24 - African, African American Curriculum Addition: Principals were requested to solicit additional follow-up training from Marie McNeal supervisor of Social Studies if needed after the meeting. Page 26 - The Latin Enrichment Program The 3 day training is June 10, 11, and 12. The announcement went out to principals, training. Gail Cloud and Alice Stovall will conduct the Page 46 - Attendance and Behavior Guidelines The aides were in attendance at the time-out workshop. Page 55 - Telephone Hotline The telephone hotline recording the messages describing the incentive schools is located in the basement of the administration building. The messages are on the line
however. the telephone company accidently interrupts the services when working on other telephone. The message is on again and will be monitored periodically to see if it is still working. Another hotline message will be set up in Student Assignment Office with Registration Information in July.* LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 30th and Pulaski Streets Ish Elementary School Phone 376-3629 Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 June 1, 1992 To: Arma Hart, Desegregation Facillitator From: Stan Strauss, Principal Subject: Monitoring Corrections Staffing/School Personnel: since figures in the School Profile were compiled. Several Staff changes have taken place at the school The remedial math teacher (a white female) shares the position with another teacher (a black female). They each work one and one half days. An additional instructional aide (a white female) has been hired to manage the PAL lab. The nurse is a white female and a white female has been hired for the Gifted and Talented classes. Extended Week: Figures for Saturday are included in this report.ISH SATURDAY SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS O(A oc ke-Ce l\er DATE BIACK WHITE OTHER TOTAL lo - 1>I1 u- n \ - w 5 - I 3' I M n o o i 1 F o 3 1 5 M F M F Ik o I 5 % BIACK I o o I 0 ( 0 o I 0 0 I o o ( OP Vue /o I op VoDATT BLACK M F ISH SATURDAY SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS o<4- WHITE OTHER TOTAL M F M F % BIACK \o/13 1 1 1 oo -S \ o 12 I 0 0 /f-j I 5 I o o \ ! 2. /iS 4 4 too <? 2 \o 12- 12 O_2e3^2^e2Sj^LOjSiI_2^^Ei_i-^2
-, TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 72201 RECEIVED JUN 4 1992 Office of Desegregation Mcnitoring Ann Brown, Office of Desegregation Monitoring James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Monitoring and Community Services Responses to Incentive School Monitoring Report Please find attached responses to the Incentive School Monitoring Report prepared by your office. It is my understanding that the response office. from Garland School was delivered directly to your cc: Dr. Ruth Steele Estelle Matthis Sterling Ingram Larry Robertson Arma Hart Chris HellerLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 30th and Pulaski Streets Ish Elementary School Phone 376-3629 Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 June 1, 1992 To: Arma Hart, Desegregation Facillitator From: Stan Strauss, Principal Subject: Monitoring Corrections Staffing/School Personnel: since figures in the School Profile were compiled. Several Staff changes have taken place at the school The remedial math teacher (a white female) shares the position with another teacher (a black female). They each work one and one half days. An additional instructional aide (a white female) has been hired to manage the PAL lab. The nurse is a white female and a white female has been hired for the Gifted and Talented classes. Extended Week: Figures for Saturday are included in this report.DATE BLACK V I',
1?. - ''I \ - w ( 2 - q M n G 4 H a F li a I 5 ISH SATURDAY SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS qA r? oc ke4\\cr WHITE OTHER TOTAL M F M F o 4 I 5 % BL\CK I o o 1 0 t> ( 0 o I 0 o I o o ( oo I PqVpISH SATURDAY SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS txT- 3^' s Va DATE BLACK WHITE OTHER TOTAL J \ 2- / (H ' / I? ' i 1 M -S 1 2 F M F M F I \ o 12 I 5 BLACK 1 oo I 0 0 I o C? 4 \c> IZ. I O U 12 <7 O ! oo tooLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 TO: James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation FROM: ^^Bobbie Goodwin, Principal Rightsell Elementary SUBJECT: Review of Incentive School Monitoring Guide Page 18 - 2nd Paragraph - Bottom of Page A copy of PTA By-Laws is on file in office. Included are objectives for PTA Meeting Agendas, file in the office. Regular meetings are also on ILITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT Rockefeller Elementary School 700 East 17th Phone 374-1226 Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 To: Office of Desegregation Monitoring ODM Monitors: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith Through: From: James Jennings, Associate Superintendent of Desegregation Anne Mangan, Principal, Rockefeller Incentive School Subject: Corrections of Review of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides Date: June 1, 1992 Please note the following corrections: Page 7 - POSITION - Change Registrar to Bookkeeper Page 40 - #67 STATUS: are social worker, The recommended positions not filled alternative supervision aides and program specialist. classroom specialist, Page 54 #23 Participants included the principal. primary teacher, an intermediate teacher, a specialist, parent and one grandparent. . a one Page 56 #55 in Camp Pfeifer, Four students from Rockefeller participated Page 56 #67 order would be followed. Principals were told that the recent court particularly discussed but all Individual positions were mentioned. rulings Rockefeller Incentive School has in general not were an assistant principal so a commitment regarding this position was not necessary. (The last two sentences on #67 do not necessarily reflect the situation at Rockefeller and could be deleted on our individual school report.)LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL Vk * I I ..< * RECEIVED DISTRICT JUN 1 1992 Stephens Elementary ScHOQfegEGRcGATioN 3700 West 18 Phone 671-635C Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 June 1, 1992 TO: OBM Monitors: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith FROM: Lonnie S.Dean, Principal SUBJECT: REVIEW OF THE INCENTIVE SCHOOL MONITORING GUIDES-CORRECTIONS Listed below are the corrections to the Review of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides: PATE 14 - DATA SUMMARY DELETE: She works with small groups and parents at least once a week. INSERT: She works with individual students, small groups, and with parents on an individual basis. PAGE 16 - SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS DELETE: and are planning a tutoring program for Stephens community. PAGE 16 - SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS DELETE: The principal stated that Pulaski Heights Junior High students provide mentoring services and have lunch with Stephens students. PAGE 18 - DATA SUMMARY/SITE OBSERVATIONS DELETE: and minutes were not kept. INSERT: Minutes are kept the PTA Secretary for 1991-92 school year. PAGE 23 - READING AND ORAL EXPRESSION DELETE: But fifth and sixth grade students use the newspaper for reading instruction. Mijnitocing Guides-Corrections Page 2 PAGE 23 - READING ANU ORAL EXPRESSION INSERT: Newspapers are provided for each fifth and sixth grade student daily. PAGE 25 - INCENTIVE PROGRAMS - ITEM NO. 19 DELETE: (are on the honor roll) INSERT: A and B honor roll, outstanding citizenship PAGE 26 - A CLASSICS READING PROGRAM DELETE: Entire section please INSERT: The principal stated that there are classics available Teachers check out sets from media specialist. at Stephens. There is also a section the media center of classics. PAGE 26 - SO..IAL SKILLS - ITEM NO. 28 INSERT: The principal has asked staff not to speak to students sharply or harshly. how they speak to students, how, staff address students. They have been reprimanded about The principal monitors PAGE 30 - PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT - ITEM NO. 42 INSERT: All teachers will have on file signed homework to document parents seen the homework. All homework will be sent home on Thursday for parents signatures. PAGE 31 - ATTENDANCE AND BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES INSERT: Contractual agreements for behavior/attendance signed by teachers, parents, and students are on file in the principal's office. PAGE 31 - EXTRACURRICLTJkR PROGRAMS INSERT: The principal stated that we have office and mediamonitors. Each classroom have a set of literature books available. PAGE 32 - COUNSELING/'SOCIAL WORK DELETE: and Pulaski Heights Junior High School students provide mentoring servicesMni L.oring Guides-Cor rec Lions Page 3 PAGE 36 - ADDITIONAL ITEMS ITEM NO. 64 INSERT: Student Handbooks also, a copy of Stephens Incentive Schools' Parent Handbook. PAGE 38 - RECOMMENDED FULL-TIME POSITIONS - ITEM NO. 67 PLEASE REWRITE TO READ: Stephens staffing data indicates that recommended full time positions presently unfilled are alternative classroom specailist, supervision aides, assistant principal, music, resource, and speech. PAGE 40 - MINIMUM STAFF DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS AT&T Human Effectiveness Training was provided for principal during 1990-91 school year. PAGE 41 - STUDENT ASSIGNMENT 8 white students as of October 1, 1991 enrollment, and 1 other student. PAGE 45 - "DELETE tt last sentence tl In addition to the mentoring program. Pulaski Heights Junior High School students provide mentoring services to Stephens' students.TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas June 1, 1992 James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Arma J. Hart, Desegregation Facilitator Update on Monitoring Report Page 24 - African, African American Curriculum Addition: Principals were requested to solicit additional follow-up training from Marie McNeal supervisor of Social Studies if needed after the meeting. Page 26 - The Latin Enrichment Program The 3 day training is June 10, 11, and 12. The announcement went out to principals, training. Gail Cloud and Alice Stovall will conduct the Page 46 Attendance and Behavior Guidelines The aides were in attendance at the time-out workshop. Page 55 - Telephone Hotline The telephone hotline recording the messages describing the incentive schools is located in the basement of the administration building. The messages are on the line
however. the telephone company accidently interrupts the services when working on other telephone. The message is on again and will be monitored periodically to see if it is still working. Another hotline message will be set up in Student Assignment Office with Registration Information in July.
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.