Office of Desegregation Monitoring Schedule of Formal Monitoring Visits to the Incentive Schools DATE SCHOOL TEAM LEADER Wednesday, October 30, 1991 Mitchell Connie Hickman Monday, November 4, 1991 Rightsell Connie Hickman Tuesday, November 5, 1991 Rockefeller Horace Smith Wednesday, November 6, 1991 Ish Melissa Guldin Tuesday, November 12, 1991 Stephens Margie Powell Wednesday, November 13, Garland Horace Smith 19991 Thursday, November 14, Franklin Melissa Guldin 19991 . The monitoring team will arrive at each school by 8:30 AM.TO: POLLY FROM: MONITORS RE: SCHOOL VISITS Below is the schedule of school visits to go over the Incentive School Monitoring Reports: May 18 Rockefeller, 9:00 AM (Horace) May 19 Rightsell, 9:00 AM (Margie and Connie) Franklin, 1:30 (Margie) May 20 Stephens, 9:00 AM (Margie and Connie) Ish, 2:00 PM (Margie and Horace) May 21 Mitchell, 9:00 AM (Connie and Horace) Garland, 1:00 PM (Horace and Connie)OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING 201 EAST MARKHAM STREET, SUITE 510 HERITAGE WEST BUILDING LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 To: From: Incentive School Principals Desegregation Monitoring Team: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith Date: October 23, 1991 Subject: Incentive School Monitoring Visits Enclosed you will find a schedule of our upcoming school monitoring visits. In addition, ODM's Monitoring Guide for all schools and the supplemental Incentive School Monitoring Guide are included. We encourage you to share this information with your staff. Both documents were developed in our office and reviewed by LRSD administrators. The guide reflects the provisions of the settlement plans adopted by the school districts of Pulaski County. The items to be monitored under the Incentive School Guide are taken directly from the 1989 LRSD Settlement Plan, Volume II. The JDR number cited after each description refers to page numbers of the court document. During our visit to your school, we will make every effort to be as unobtrusive as possible. In order to complete our report we will need an area in which to work and copies of the following data: - school profile - master schedule - student handbook - volunteer records - EPSF class modality grids - parent/teacher conferences documentation - discipline records by race, gender, Eind grade level - PT A membership lists, sign in sheets, agenda and minutes - parent/community committee membership hst, agenda, minutes - staff development records for the previous year and this year to date - special education enrollment figures by race, gender, and grade level We will also need time to meet with you early in the day to go over the specific items in the Incentive School Monitoring Guide. All documentation required will be compiled by our staff. You will not be expected to complete any of our monitoring forms. Our team wiU be available for an exit conference at the end of the day. Completed copies of the Monitoring Guides will be forwarded to you within ten working days from our site visit. A copy of the completed guides will also be furnished to the central office and the court. We look forward to visiting your school. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to call on your team leader, designated on the monitoring schedule, at 376-6200. cc: Dr. Ruth Steele James JenningsDATE Wednesday, October 30, Monday, November 4, Tuesday, November 5, Wednesday, November 6, Tuesday, November 12, Wednesday, November 13, Thursday, November 14, Office of Desegregation Monitoring Schedule of Formal Monitoring Visits to the Incentive Schools SCHOOL Mitchell 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 19991 19991 TEAM LEADER Connie Hickman Rightsell Rockefeller Ish Stephens Garland Franklin Connie Hickman Horace Smith Melissa Guldin Margie Powell Horace Smith Melissa Guldin , The monitoring team will arrive at each school by 8:30 AM.Office of Desegregation Monitoring United States District Court Eastern District of Arkansas Ann S. Brown, Federal Monitor 201 East Markham, Suite 510 Heritage West Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501)376-6200 Fax (501) 371-0100 To: James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Incentive School Principals From: ODM Monitors: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Connie Hickman, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, and Horace Smith Subject: Review of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides Date: May 29, 1992 Attached you will find your advance copies of the Incentive School Monitoring Guides. These are being provided to allow you to review the information, alert our office if an error exists, and incorporate corrections. As you review the document, remember that the Guides reflect the situation that existed at each school at the time of our initial visit. Updates have been included at the end of each report. This updated information reflects our communications with you during the entire school year. Any corrections must be submitted in writing to our office no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, June 1,1992. If no corrections are needed, you may retain your copies of the documents. Reports which have been changed will be reprinted and the corrected version furnished to you by Friday, June 5, 1992. We look forward to your reactions. Please remember that the deadline for changes is 5:00 p.m. Monday.Date: April 23,1993 To: From: Subject: Incentive School Principals Desegregation Monitoring Team: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Margie Powell, Horace Smith, and Connie Hickman-Tanner Incentive School Monitoring Visits Enclosed you will find a schedule of our upcoming monitoring visits. As you recall, you received a copy of the revised ODM Incentive School Monitoring Guide last December. If you need an additional copy, please contact our office. During our visit, we will make brief classroom visits. In order to complete our report we will need an area in which to work and copies of the data listed below. The numbers following each of the items corresponds to a page number in the General Guide or provision number in the Incentive Guide. W e will also need time to meet with you early in the day to discuss specific items in the monitoring guide. You will not be expected to complete any of our monitoring forms We look forward to visiting your school. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to call on your team leader, designated on the monitoring schedule, at 376- 6200. Discipline, Suspension, Expulsion data by race and gender - General Guide p. 7 Current Gifted and Talented Enrollment data - General Guide p. 8 Field Trip Documentation p. 22 - #31 Building Discipline Plan (including time-out strategies) p. 25 - #41 Pre-Professional Documentation p. 26 - #42 Individual Student Test Profiles p. 26 - #44 Building-level Counseling Plan p. 27 - #45 Updated Staff Roster (only if additional staff has been added since the School Profile was compiled) List of the Parent Center Committee by race, gender, and position p. 36 - #68'Vv- List of e Parent Center Committee recommendations and indication of recommendations incorporated into center p. 36 - #68 Parent Center sign-in sheets and check out documentation p. 36 - #68 TSe naine, gender, race, and phone number of the parent trained to operate e Parent Center p. 36 - #68 _ Copies of e Parent Centers monthly communication packet p. 36 - #68 (V^List of parent meetings including topic, time, location, and sign-in sheets p. 37 - #69, 71 Home visits documentatiorf^p. 37 - #69, p. 38 - 71 Copy of parent handbook and copies of school monthly calendars p. 38 - #71 Description of the mechanism designed to ensure that parents regularly sign homework p. 38-#71 - Description of early indicators and early intervention programs including alert and success cards to update parents on their childs progress p. 38 - #71 List of community meetings and activities including topic, time, location and sign-in sheets p. 38 - #71 List of three-leey-communicators by race p. 38 - #71 Number of signed, contracts and description of follow-up procedures p. 39 - #72 Speakers bureau roster byname, gender, and position and list of speaking engagements including time, location, and participant sign-in sheets p. 39 - #74 Extended Day Schedule . Office of Desegregation Monitoring United States District Court Eastern District of Arkansas Ann S. Brown, Federal Monitor 201 East Markham, Suite 510 Heritage West Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 376-6200 Fax (501) 371 -0100 Date: April 26, 1993 To: From: Subject: Janet Bernard, Associate Superintendent Desegregation Monitoring Team: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, Horace Smith, and Connie Hickman Tanner Incentive School Monitoring Visits - Schedule and Request for Documents ODM is planning to monitor the incentive schools on the dates indicated on the enclosed schedule. We will need the following information from the districts central administration staff. In order to expedite this process, please furnish the information below by May 14. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Description of the incentive school parent program, including program goals, objectives, timelines, and person responsible for this program Copy of community needs assessment and results List of adult education opportunities, description of how parents were notified, the type, location, and time of the educational opportunities, and number of participants by race and gender Description of the parent internship program and a list of parent interns at each of the incentive schools by race and gender Description of the parent/ teacher mentorships and a list of parent/ teacher mentorships at each incentive school by race and gender Documentation of parent workshops including topic, time, location, number of participants by race, gender, and childs school, and evaluation results Volunteer documentation including the number of volunteers by race and gender and the number of hours at each school. Mentor documentation by race, gender, participation hours, and a brief description of the types of activities shared by students and their mentorsIncentive School Monitoring Information (Cont) Mentor training records List of community meetings including time, location, and copies of sign-in sheets Documentation of identified parent pick-up points for school functions Parent Council membership list by race, gender, organization represented, monitoring instrument, and quarterly reports Extended year schedule/ plan cc: Dr. Mac Bernd Marie ParkerOffice of Desegregation Monitoring United States District Court Eastern District of Arkansas Ann S. Brown, Federal Monitor 201 East Markham, Suite 510 Heritage West Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501)376-6200 Fax (501) 371-0100 Date: April 27, 1994 To: From: Subject: Sterling Ingram, Associate to the Deputy Superintendent Desegregation Monitoring Team: Ann Brown, Melissa Guldin, Bob Morgan, Margie Powell, Horace Smith, and Connie Hickman Tanner Incentive School Monitoring Visits - Schedule and Request for Documents ODM is planning to monitor the incentive schools on the dates indicated on the enclosed schedule. We will need the following information from the districts central administration. In order to expedite this process, please furnish the following information by May 16,1994
1993-94 Incentive School Staffing Committee membership by school represented, race, and sex Minutes of 1993-94 Incentive School Staffing Committee meetings Documentation of hiring criteria and procedures established by the Incentive School Staffing Committee Copy of the 1993-94 incentive schools staffing needs assessment guide Documentation (e.g. agendas, handouts, guides, etc.) of inservice held during the 1993-94 school year regarding the staffing needs assessment process Documentation of the LRSD Human Resources Departments involvement in the staffing assessment process Copy of the Spanish curriculum currently in use in the incentive schools Description of the incentive school parent program, including program goals, objectives, timelines, and person responsible for this program Copy of community needs assessment and resultsIncentive School Monitoring Information (Cont) List of adult education opportunities, description of how parents were notified, the type, location, and time of the educational opportunities, and number of participants by race and gender Description of the parent internship program and a list of parent interns at each of the incentive schools by race and gender Description of the parent/ teacher mentorships and a list of parent/ teacher mentorships at each incentive school by race and gender Documentation of parent workshops including topic, time, location, number of participants by race, gender, and childs school, and evaluation results Volunteer documentation including the number of volunteers by race, gender, and the number of hours at each school Mentor documentation by race, gender, participation hours, and a brief description of the types of activities shared by students and their mentors. Mentor training records List of community meetings including time, location, and copies of sign-in sheets Documentation of identified parent pick-up points for school functions Parent Council membership lists by race, gender, and organization represented Copies of Parent Council monitoring instrument, meeting minutes, and quarterly reports Biracial Committee membership list by race, gender, and address Copies of Biracial Committee meeting minutes, monitoring schedule, and monitoring guide Copies of 1993-94 Planning Research and Evaluation quarterly reports of the Biracial Committee monitoring visitsIncentive School Monitoring Information (Cont) A list of all incentive school recruitment strategies or activities planned and implemented for the 1993-94 school year Examples: A. If a strategy involves developing a brochure: identify the person(s) responsible for its development and distribution
provide a copy of the brochure it it has been completed
identify the audience targeted to receive the brochure
state the brochure distribution dates
identify the amount of money allotted for the brochures development and distribution, the amount actually spent to date, and the amount remaining
and explain how you will track the brochures results. B. If an activity involves a presentation: identify the person(s) responsible for developing and making the presentation
identify the audience targeted for the presentation
briefly describe the type of presentation, and its date and location
provide sample participant sign-in sheets
and explain how you will track the results of the presentation. If you have any questions and/ or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. cc: Dr. Russ MayoDate Schedule of ODM Monitoring Visits to the Incentive Schools School Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Rightsell Tuesday, February 28, 1995 Rockefeller Thursday, March 2,1995 Garland Friday, March 3, 1995 Franklin Tuesday, March 7, 1995 Mitchell1996 ODM INCENTIVE SCHOOLS MONITORING SCHEDULE Tuesday, April 2 - Rightseil Wednesday, April 3 - Garland Thursday, April 4 - Mitchell Monday, April 8 - Rockefeller Tuesday, April 9 - FranklinIncentive School Monitoring Schedule Date School Team Leader Friday, April 30 Mitchell Connie Wednesday, May 5 Rockefeller Melissa Friday, May 7 Stephens Margie Monday, May 10 Ish Margie Wednesday, May 12 Franklin Horace Friday, May 14 Garland Connie Monday, May 17 Rightsell Horace First Draft of the school reports is due Friday, June 18. Subsequent deadlines will be discussed at the April 23 meeting.IO-12'H5 l-^ora.ce.'s SeheAucle, - S'iaPPi DI b'lonlVoDn i:3O - h'li'-ichel I J^ncen'J'ix/e vScVtool iO:i3 ' /^^hiseil iocenlive School l:OO~ GCLrlancfi- Znceniiwe School 2:00' RockePelter incenkwe Schoolk 501374413? WALKtP l-H'.'J r IR''l 443 P01.--Q3 NP'i 14 "?7 11:5> t /OHN W.. WALKER,P.A. at Law 1723 Broaelway^ Little Rock, ArkanSiis 72206 Telephone (501) 374-3/5S Fax (501)374-4187 FAY TRANS.MiSSION COVER, SHEET T0
fitX: 77 Q-j ! 60 ! OCO Dtrtt: ,.fc,.<----- cover sheet)] PAGE(S), IN'CLUDING yOlU SHGVLD RECEIVE f <?. (including THIS COVER SHEET. IE YOU DG NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL <(501) 374-3758>. The information contained in this facsimile message is att '.ey privileged and ccnfidential infonnadon intended only for the use of the indiUdual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to u.e intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseiranation, disuibution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communicaUon in error.^^please immediate notify us by telephone, and return the original message to us a------------------ at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you.501 ^1413? WhLKEP LhIm FIrT't P02. 03 HA'r , 1 = 3 John W. \^alker, EA. ATifaNEY At Law 1723 Br0
Wway Little Rock, .a.rkansa? ( Telepho.VS (501
374-37 FAX (301) 374-4187
Ce JOHN .V. WALKER RALPH WASHINGTON NLARK BLRNSTTE AUSTIN PORTER. JR KIMBERLY R. DICKSON Via Facsimile - 324-2146 May 14, 1997 Dr. Don Roberts Superintendent of Schools Little Rock School District 810 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Dr. Roberts
I have previously written a letter to zir. Chris Heller regarding our concerns about monitoring of the Incentive Schools. I am writing you now to indicate that we have not been invited participate in the decisions regarding possible Incentive School modifications with the task force you have assigned. You should be already aware that we have received criticisms that the vzork of the committee is negative to the spirit of the settlement to You should agreement and that some of the participants are negative to the interests of ohe African .American incentive school children. Based upon that information, Ms, Joy Springer, of my office, invited herself to one of the meetings. This meeting was on March 2S, 1997. It is our view that our participation in this process has not been sought at the preliminary staaes our role as monitors has been denigrated. Thi and that The ODM, however, has been favored and is represented by Mr. Gene Jones, Via are concerned about the manner in which decisions about the Incentive Schools are being considered and the active participation by Soard more than ------ ------J member, Ms. Judy Magness, in u' I am actually surprised that if a Board member was appointed to the committee that it was not the zone process. that representative. I am also disappointed that the white student interests seem to be the primary focus of the activity. I arrive at that conclusion because of the disproportionate membership of tne Rockefeller Incentive School (2 members, while several of the more African American incentive schools, had no representatives). Franklin and Garland, A change occurred in represntation after Ms. Springer's suggestion that the committee was not rnclusive. Had the leadership been sensitive, this glaring omission v/ould not have been so evident. inclusive. We reiterate our expectation that the desegregation plan Will be followed and that we ' - ' - - Will be materially involved in, and made knowledgeable about, the District's plans from the inception.5013744187 IJALKEh LhI.I FI Efl 44S F03O3 MAY 14 ?' Page May 14, 1997 Letter to Dr. Don Roberts Thank you for your attention to this natter. cc
Ms. -Ann Brown erely, CJohn Walker WW
j s Mr. Chris Heller Ms. Margaret Gremillion Ms. Sadie Mitchell 50137441 hWLKER LAW FIRM 453 0^ 14 '97 t John w. Walker, p.a. .ATi'oi-i.\-EY .At Law 1723' Litt
Rock, .4RKANS.ts 72206 TEiEr'HO.VE (501) 374-3753 FAK (,501.) 374-4187 JOHN W. WALKEH RAL.DH WASKINOTO.V M.AHK BURNETTE AUSTI.N PORTER, -JR. May 14, 1997 Mr. Christopher Heller Friday, Eldredge & Clark 2000 First Commercial Bldg. Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Re: LSSD V. PCSSD Dear Cliris: This ts in response to your response to my response today regarding the monitoring visit that I hope to make with Ms. Margaret Gremillion. Please advise me of your authority to monitor or monitoring. Also, please be advised that I still wish to speak with Ms. Gremillion and to have the information that I have requested. Is there information or access to Ms. GremiiJion? reason that you do not wish for me to have the I understand that you are out of the office maybe until Monday and that if I 1 iiwi >uu arc oui oi me omce mayoe until Monday and that if I am to pursue Mils issue, I must do so pursuant to your timetable and limitations. That is simply unacceptable. I will however, defer receipt of the information until Monday. Any time much later than that would be cutting it rather close to the end of school when information will become less readily assessable to all concerned. I am keeping the court aware of our continuing efforts to represent our client, in this instance, by the simple method of obtaining information. I do plan to ask her for specific relief next week on a pest haste basis if we cannot work this out. Thank you for your attention to this matter. /yjohn W. Walker JWW:Jp cc
Dr. Don Roberts Ms. Margaret Gremillion Ms. Sadie Mitchell Ms Ann Brown Clerk of the Court a51313744137 lAlHLr'hh Lnl't FIRM PQl 02 14 John IV, Walker, P.A 1723 Broadisiay Little Rock, AR 72206 (501) 374-3758 Fax: (501) 374-4187 PAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date
To: May 14, 1997 Ms. Ann Bro:m Fax: 371-0100 Re
LRSD V. PCSSD John W. Walker yOL/ SHOULD RECEIVE 2 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. I YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CAIL (501) 374-3758. IF p\e informailon contained in this facsimile message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of tins message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to rhe intended recipient, you are hereby noticed that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this convnunication is strictly prohibited. If you have received Oils communication in error, please immediate notify us by telephone, and return the original rness-age to us at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you.5013744137 bJALK'ER LAW FIRM 444 KAY 14 11:43 JOHN VV. Walker, P.a. Attorney Ar Law 1723 BiKizUAVAY Little Rock, ARK.t\SAS 72206 Telephome (5011 074-3755 F.iX 1501) 374-418? JOKN W. WALl-TEh' RALPH W ASHINGTON MARK BURNETTE AUSTIN PORTER. JR KiMBEELY R. DICKSO.N Via Facsimile May 14, 1997 376-2147 Chris Heller Friday, Eldredge & Clark 2000 First Commercial Sank Building Little Rock, AR 72201 Re: LR-C~82-S66 Deaf Mr. Heller: We are trying tc fulfill our monitoring responsibilities, especially with respect to the Incentive Schools , ,------------------ uviiuuxi, when we seek to inquire of Ms. Margaret Gremillion regarding plans for those schools. If the District is taking the position now that we can not engage in monitoring programs without going through your office and the procedure you have set forth in your letter dated May 13, it would appear that rhe District now seeks to preclude our monitoring. 1997, S' At no time in the past have we been Moreover, no other monitors are so restricted, need not remind you that our representative status secures our right. restricted. O I We believe that no one in the District' - - - administration has lookedcarefully at the programs which are in place at the Incentive schools and other schools as required by the plan, is very curious that when we attempt to focus our attention on this subject you attempt to block us at the pass, to meet with Ms. Margaret Gremillion at 4:00 p.m. In anticipation of that meeting, even if it is not held," like to have any and all writings that she and those working under ner supervision have made regarding the Incentive Schools on a school by school basis by 4:00 p.m. today. It I still hope as scheduled. I would I would also xike to knov/ what recommendations the Office cf Desegrecation ' "" ' regarding the Incentive Schools which have not been shared with us a. Monitoring has mad' CJ of this date. In view of the face that the Judge has approved withdrawal cf monitoring by the Office of Desegregation Monitoring during this time so that ODM could have a different role U118 orme rnar ouw role, we are the only defenders at this time of the existing plan and therefor believe we are entitled to this information. ------------- By copy of this letter, I also asking that Ms. Ann Brown provide a detail e response to the question regarding recommendations provided by her office to the District.5013744157 UAI_kEP LAW FIRM 444 POj MAY 14 "?' 11:44 Page 2 May 14, Letter to chri 1997 Heller I also bothers me that , ... Board member is seeking to involve herself in the administration of the incentive school i.e. Ms. Judy Magness. . programs, Ms. Magness is no friend of the Incentive Schools and has consistently sought to have them altered and the funds devoted to them redirected. By copy of this letter, I am asking for a detailed explanation of her involvement with the Incentive Schools and whether she has been opportunity to select staff, afforded the , , . determine programs and otherwise engage in administrative type actions. z___ll^^. sensitive subject, but I remind you that ail''Board'members equal and that if anyone should be concerned about the well being of the black children in the Incentive Schools, it should at least be Doctors Michael Daughtery and Katherine Mitchell who represent tne zones in which the Incentive Schools Ms. I' I realize that this is a are are located. Magness was elected from the Pulaski Heights^-Hall Hioh iaI -Mi 1 i OThe- _______________ ... . . School-Williams Magnet School area, I believe, favored by the district as you know. Those schools are Inasmuch as you have to share this letter with board members, please advise Ms. Magness that we believe that anv clans regarding any of the schools in the District should be shared with the Joshua Intervenors as they are beincr considered rather than after they have been developed. cooperation. The plan contemplates Your letter signals an end to any possible cooperation and undermines the prospect for anv plan modification without court involvement. . Surely your letter is thoughtful with respect to that issue and for this reason I am submitting a cooy of your letter to the Clerk of the Court with yuui xeooer co one cierx Of our response for filing with a request that the Clerk bring it to the attention of Judge Wright. I also plan to ask the Court of Appeals to allow us to supplement our existing appeal appendix with your letter and mv response. JWW:j s cc: r^cer^lyj j icerelv ohn W. VJalker f Dr. Don Roberts Ms. Margaret Gremillion Ms. Sadie Mitchell Ms. Ann Brown Mr. James w. McCor.mack, Clerk of the Court1374418' WALKER LAW FIRN 444 PQl riHi' 14 '?' 11
I JOHN IV. WALICER,P.A. Attorn^ at Law 1723 Broadwajr Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 Telephone (501) 374-3758 Hvc (501) 374-41S7 TFL^\^SMISS.iON COVER SHEET lymte: < T^: /J. fttx
3 '1 ile: '3oh./v YOU SHOULD :RCEIVE [__(including cover sheet)] EAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL <{3'^1) 374^3753>. The informalicn contained in this facsimile message is attorney privileged and confidential infcxn-iaticn Intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not th^e intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediate notify us by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you.* 5013744137 l-WLkER LAW FIRM 471 POl MAY 15 3' 13:31 I JOHN IV., WALKER,P.A. Attorn/^ at Latv 1723 Brcad^vaj Little Reck, Arkansas 72206 Telephone (50.1) 374-3758 Fax (501) 374-4187 E\X TR.\NSMISSION COVER SHEET Dfttf: T: lU
Seiukr: YOU SHOULD RECEIVE [ (including cover sheet)] PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL <(501)374-375S>. Ths inforn^.alion contained in this facsimile message is attorney privileged and coni'idenLial information Intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the Intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of tltis communication is strictly prohibited. If vou have received this ccmmtmication In error, please S M1 k I * t v T kf . *** A immediate notify us by telephone, and return die original message to us at ths above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you.501374413? WALKER LAW FIRM POl 'Ol NAY 15 '?' JOHN w. lULPH WASHINGTON MARK BURNEITE AUSTIN PORTER. -JR. KIMBERLY R. DtCTISON John w. Wklker, P.A. ArroK.'sfY At Lay. 1723 BftO.vLWAY Juiri'i-i
Rock, Ark-^xsas 72206 Tele?!!' (501) 374-3758 FAX (501) 374-4187 Via Facsimile May 15, - 376-2147 1997 Chris Heller Friday, Eldredge & Clark 2000 Commercial Bank Building Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Mr. Heller: It is one o'clock. I have your 11:15 a.m. fax wherein you say that you are available to respond to any complaint that I may have regarding selection of incentive .chool principals. I am v/riting because you are apparently not available, according to your office. After this letter I will be unavailable. I renew' my request to speak with Ms. Gremillion, not necessarily because I have a complaint but because she is the responsible party for implementing what is essentially my ideas regarding the way the six predominately black schools should be dealt with. At no time has Ms. Gremillion sought to meet with ms to discuss the Incentive Schools. Ms. Estelle Matthis, Mr. Sterling Ingram and I met many times, sone of which you were present, to discuss and refine the plan where there were concerns regarding either the theory or rhe implementation of the plans. My desire to talk with Ms. Gremillion is a result of what appears to be an attempt to focus away from remediation of achievement disparities of minority youth and to continue the trend of bad mouthing these schools. You personally, I, district officials and the Board all agreed that these would be the bes schools in the District. especially since thi I intend to see that they are, representative's counsel. is my obligation as the class This means. Chris, that before I can intelligently complain regarding implementation I must be able to examine the information and to converse with information sources. That is normal monitoring, access to nor the State. That is what you do not deny ODM Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, / Z /jjdnn W. WalkerUi' 7441S7 UIALkEP LAI'I FlPI't 471 PG2 Page 2 Letter to Chris Helier May 15, 1997 ' W
j s c: Dr. Don Roberts Ms. Margaret Gremillion Ms. Sadie Mitchell Ms. Ann Brown
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.