
SCHOOL B Franklin* Garland Ish Mitchell Riffhtsell Rockefeller Stephens Total 364 268 157 220 194 243 225 1,671 INCENTIVE SCHOOL THREE YEAR ENROLLMENT COMPARISON 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 O T % Blk B W O T Blk B W O T Q, O Blk 72 15 7 19 16 39 0 168 12 2 0 0 1 2 1 18 448 285 164 239 211 284 226 1,857 81% 94% 96% 92% 92% 86% 100% 90% 343 211 142 183 191 217 190 1,477 59 18 4 24 1 87 12 205 9 11 0 0 1 5 0 26 411 240 146 207 193 309 202 1,708 83% 88% 97% 88% 99% 70% 94% 86% 428 262 188 285 282 304 236 1,985 71 15 9 27 6 131 8 267 8 2 3 0 1 5 1 20 507 279 200 312 289 440 245 2,272 84% 94% 94% 91% 98% 69% 96% 87%I 1 FRANKLIN SCHOOL ENROLLMENT GRADE LEVEL 4 yr. K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Self-C TOTAL PERCENT B 364 BLACK WHITE OTHER TOTAL % BLACK M F M F M F 17 14 12 13 1 3 60 52% 25 23 3 3 1 1 56 86% 36 29 7 3 0 0 75 87% 36 27 2 1 0 0 66 95% 31 25 4 3 0 0 63 89% 25 29 35 7 241 48% 1989-90 W 0 T 17 26 24 2 187 37% % Blk B 4 3 0 0 49 86% 4 3 1 1 64 86% 4 1 0 0 64 92% 1 0 0 0 10 90% 41 30 3 5 507 84% 72 12 448 81% 343 8% 6% 1% 1% 1990-91 1991-92 W 0 T % Blk B W 0 T % Blk 59 9 411 83% 428 71 8 507 84%GRADE LEVEL 4-year K 1 2 3 4 5 6 CBI TOTAL PERCENT B 268 BLACK M F 3 8 15 15 19 14 17 20 26 6 135 48% 1989-90 W 0 T 12 22 11 21 13 17 17 6 127 45% % Blk 15 2 285 94% GARLAND SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F B 211 OTHER M F TOTAL % BLACK 3 2 2 18 61% 1 1 1 28 39 3 2 10 4% 1 1 5 2 2% 1% 34 35 32 38 43 12 279 96% 95% 88% 100% 94% 97% 100% 100% 94% 1990-91 1991-92 W 0 T % Blk B W 0 T % Blk 18 11 240 88% 262 15 2 213 94%GRADE LEVEL 4 yrs K 1 2 3 4 5 6 CBI TOTAL PERCENT B 157 BLACK M F 8 6 24 15 9 8 11 11 3 95 48% 1989-90 W 0 T 7 164 4 7 16 11 10 17 20 6 2 93 47% % Blk 96% ISH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F B 142 OTHER M F TOTAL % BLACK 2 2 1 17 71% 1 1 15 40 2 1 29 19 25 87% 100% 90% 100% 100% 1 32 17 1 6 3 1 2 97% 100% 6 200 83% 94% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1990-91 1991-92 W 0 T % Blk B W 0 T % Blk 4 146 97% 188 9 3 200 94%GRADE LEVEL 4 yrs K 1 2 3 4 5 6 SC* TOTAL PERCENT B 220 BLACK M F 7 6 17 12 19 25 24 24 28 14 24 7 164 53% 1989-90 W 0 T 17 14 16 16 13 2 121 39% % Blk B 19 0 239 92% MITCHELL SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F OTHER M F TOTAL % BLACK 3 3 3 1 1 1 12 4% 183 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 15 5% 1990-91 W O T % Blk B 24 0 207 88% 285 20 35 46 46 41 46 31 38 9 312 1991-92 W 0 T 27 0 65% 83% 96% 89% 93% 96% 97% 97% 100% 312 91% % Blk 91%GRADE LEVEL 4 yrs K 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL PERCENT B 194 BLACK M F 4 1 16 14 27 21 17 19 27 15 23 21 19 154 53% 1989-90 W 0 T 14 22 16 128 44% % Blk B 16 1 211 92% RIGHTSELL SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1% 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1% 1990-91 W 0 T 191 1 1 193 OTHER M F 1 1 TOTAL 16 31 48 36 43 37 43 35 289 1991-92 % Blk 99% B W 0 T 282 6 1 % BLACK 69% 97% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100% 98% % Blk 289 98%GRADE LEVEL Infant 4 yr K 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL PERCENT B 215 28 243 BLACK M F 10 12 16 15 14 18 25 21 15 16 17 18 22 24 14 157 36% 1989-90 W 0 T 18 11 18 147 33% % Blk 33 2 250 86% 6 34 82% 39 2 284 86% ROCKEFELLER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F B OTHER M F TOTAL % BLACK 1 8 37 59% 15 13 1 60 52% 9 12 53 60% 11 12 69 67% 5 2 4 3 4 60 14% 195 22 217 7 2 45 69% 1 2 5 5 71 16% 1990-91 W 0 T 1 1 2 3 1% 71 16 87 5 5 271 38 309 % Blk 72% 58% 70% B 282 22 304 45 46 44 41 440 1991-92 W 0 T 116 15 131 5 5 78% 87% 80% 78% 69% % Blk 403 70% 37 59% 440 69%GRADE BLACK LEVEL M F 4-year 6 2 K 5 19 1 18 21 2 21 14 3 13 12 4 16 7 5 18 23 6 21 14 CBI 5 1 TOTAL 123 113 PERCENT 50% 46% B 225 1989-90 W 0 T % Blk 0 1 226 100% STEPHENS SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WHITE M F B 191 OTHER M F TOTAL % BLACK 3 1 1 5 2% 1 2 1 3 1 1% 1990-91 W 0 T % Blk B 5 7 203 94% 236 12 25 41 35 25 23 41 37 6 245 1991-92 W 0 T 67% 96% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 96% % Blk 8 1 245 96%LRSD EMPLOYEE COUNT 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 Certified 1,972 2,048 2,043 2,056 Non-certified 1,359 1,465 1,651 1,859 TOTAL 3,331 3,513 3,694 3,915LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT ENROLLMENT COMPARISON SCHOOLS 1988-89 Enrollment Q. O BLK 1989-90 Enrollment Q. 'O BLK 1990-91 Enrollment 'O BLK 1991-92 Enrollment *6 BLK Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson King Mabelvale Elem McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pul. Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield 279 72% 237 76% 222 75% 220 73% 414 72% 385 76% 375 81% 360 82% 400 73% 389 72% 370 74% 337 77% 647 55% 610 53% 614 56% 634 55% 447 446 560 446 414 341 423 442 598 299 239 335 197 488 94 586 506 456 261 361 326 241 300 472 233 522 501 64% 442 66% 456 72% 420 68% 50% 65% 63% 66% 72% 59% 74% 55% 92% 66% 51% 90% 56% 94% 63% 59% 69% 84% 58% 70% 81% 85% 76% 97% 59% 63% 589 531 419 394 332 392 448 576 285 205 338 164 479 535 514 432 239 342 307 211 250 425 226 513 464 46% 64% 70% 64% 72% 57% 81% 56% 94% 66% 51% 96% 50% 58% 61% 62% 92% 50% 71% 92% 86% 80% 100% 61% 65% 603 544 389 331 345 387 411 559 240 201 333 146 469 559 524 444 207 359 325 193 271 392 202 522 502 54% 67% 74% 59% 81% 53% 83% 52% 88% 72% 56% 97% 51% 57% 62% 65% 88% 50% 65% 99% 72% 82% 94% 55% 65% 601 531 392 303 320 402 507 506 279 254 339 200 484 505 511 427 312 356 342 289 403 357 245 512 479 54% 64% 78% 55% 80% 48% 84% 46% 94% 71% 56% 94% 43% 53% 57% 59% 91% 45% 54% 98% 70% 84% 96% 47% 69%SCHOOLS 1988-89 Enrollment a O BLK 1989-90 Enrollment O BLK 1990-91 Enrollment O BLK 1991-92 Enrollment *0 BLK Washington Watson Western Hills Williams Wilson Woodruff High Sch Kind SUB TOTAL Cloverdale Jr. Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Jr. Mann Pul. Heights Southwest SUB TOTAL Central High Fair Hall McClellan Parkview SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 519 98% 762 57% 841 57% 465 332 475 412 221 14,179 712 741 770 954 581 882 694 734 6,068 2,070 920 1,268 1,191 847 6,296 26,543 65% 64% 52% 70% 74% 66% 60% 81% 64% 64% 56% 59% 62% 70% 64% 57% 51% 50% 52% 58% 54% 63% 456 337 501 397 193 119 14,195 731 576 808 956 609 877 721 700 5,978 1,813 911 1,192 1,081 805 5,802 25,975 64% 59% 51% 66% 71% 76% 67% 64% 79% 67% 71% 61% 54% 63% 70% 66% 58% 56% 53% 59% 54% 56% 64% 518 339 505 418 186 113 14,336 764 663 772 902 620 886 722 655 5,984 1,580 866 1,212 1,003 804 5,465 25,785 67% 60% 56% 71% 65% 87% 66% 70% 64% 69% 75% 65% 58% 63% 75% 67% 59% 58% 57% 61% 54% 58% 65% 467 323 495 394 225 111 14,6W 745 691 765 859 665 872 761 704 6,062 1,721 882 1,082 980 844 5,509 26,254 72% 59% 55% 73% 64% 84% 71% 61% 71% 83% 65% 56% 62% 74% 68% 60% 61% 54% 65% 53% 59% 64%SCHOOLS Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson King LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT ENROLLMENT COMPARISON 1988-89 Enrollment 279 414 400 647 447 446 560 446 414 341 423 442 598 299 239 335 197 488 94 Mabelvale Elem 586 McDermott 506 Meadowcliff 456 Mitchell 261 Otter Creek 361 Pul. Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield 326 241 300 472 233 522 501 Q. 'O BLK 72% 72% 73% 55% 64% 50% 65% 63% 66% 72% 59% 74% 55% 92% 66% 51% 90% 56% 94% 63% 59% 69% 84% 58% 70% 81% 85% 76% 97% 59% 63% 1989-90 Enrollment 237 385 389 610 .442 589 531 419 394 332 392 448 576 285 205 338 164 479 535 514 432 239 342 307 211 250 425 226 513 464 "O BLK 76% 76% 72% 53% 66% 46% 64% 70% 64% 72% 57% 81% 56% 94% 66% 51% 96% 50% 58% 61% 62% 92% 50% 71% 92% 86% 80% 100% 61% 65% 1990-91 Enrollment 222 375 370 614 456 603 544 389 331 345 387 411 559 240 201 333 146 469 559 524 444 207 359 325 193 271 392 202 522 502 Q, BLK 75% 81% 74% 56% 72% 54% 67% 74% 59% 81% 53% 83% 52% 88% 72% 56% 97% 51% 57% 62% 65% 88% 50% 65% 99% 72% 82% 94% 55% 65% 1991-92 Enrollment 220 360 337 634 420 601 531 392 303 320 402 507 506 279 254 339 200 484 505 511 427 312 356 342 289 403 357 245 512 479 Q, 'O BLK 73% 82% 77% 55% 68% 54% 64% 78% 55% 80% 48% 84% 46% 94% 71% 56% 94% 43% 53% 57% 59% 91% 45% 54% 98% 70% 84% 96% 47% 69%SCHOOLS 1988-89 Enrollment *6 BLK 1989-90 Enrollment BLK 1990-91 Enrollment BLK 1991-92 Enrollment Q, *0 BLK I Washington Watson Western Hills Williams Wilson Woodruff High Sch Kind SUB TOTAL Cloverdale Jr. Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Jr. Mann Pul. Heights Southwest SUBTOTAL- Central High Fair Hall McClellan Parkview SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 519 98% 762 57% 841 57% 465 332 475 412 221 14,179 712 741 770 954 581 882 694 734 6,068 2,070 920 1,268 1,191 847 6,296 26,543 65% 64% 52% 70% 74% 66%? 60% 81% 64% 64% 56% 59% 62% 70% 64% 57% 51% 50% 52% 58% 54% 63% 456 337 501 397 193 119 14,195 731 576 808 956 609 877 721 700 5,978 1,813 911 1,192 1,081 805 5,802 25,975 64% 59% 51% 66% 71% 76% 67% 64% 79% 67% 71% 61% 54% 63% 70% 66% 58% 56% 53% 59% 54% 56% 64% 518 339 505 418 186 113 14,336 764 663 772 902 620 886 722 655 5,984 1,580 866 1,212 1,003 804 5,465 25,785 67% 467 72% 60% 56% 71% 65% 87% 66% 70% 64% 69% 75% 65% 58% 63% 75% 67% 59% 58% 57% 61% 54% 58% 65% 323 495 394 225 111 14,683 745 691 765 859 665 872 761 704 6,062 1,721 882 1,082 980 844 5,509 26,254 59% 55% 73% 64% 84% 65% 71% 61% 71% 83% 65% 56% 62% 74% 68% 60% 61% 54% 65% 53% 59% 64%EMKObU-IEHT SUMMARY Site: Fair
/llall SUrCIER SCHOOL '88 School First term Second term BM BF WM WF ^BM BF WM WF Total both terms BM BF WM WF f 81 lit. 81 6 M. A 11 3 Ik H- 11 L LI Ik 'I i 3 z L L 12 /s 3 Ik ^2.-5 6 IC (g J 6 /b lb o JJL LI S 71 Ik 11 8 3. ^6 a L C> & SL 1 I I Lk 1 2 a Ll 1 1 i ! 1 a a L 11 LL 1 1 IL IL 11 5 S 5 3 1 1. 1 Ik L 1 5 6 13. /:k 1 L 3 1 S J 6 L d 1 6 0 o 3 3 A 3 1 1 L 8 1. 1 L3i, I5& /LL 131 UL 13 551 I 53 L If ? _b 6 c 5 a L ! I I a I : 't Ik HlakjJL pia.r>.--<k3k L O 0 I 0 JS. 0 d 11 a 0 U d 1 6 11 0 O li111 6 o 1 6 0 0 L31 <5 11^ I lt e b 3 Ik i. d 3 o 1 o 3 (o U . .. E< I ! LRSD School Checklist Senior High Schools [5] GrocJes 10-12 Cenligl E-.--..,! Hoa, J A. Fair Sem St-uMQri Hall Bill Barnhouse i 1500 Park^72202 376 4751 5201 Dovid O Dodd, 72210 - 2 6700 H ", 72205 661.9000' 6609 _ McClean Rudolph Hov
d_'-'9-4 17 G'eyer Spr.n'gs, 722O9'~5'6T631^---------- Parxv.e.-.- r,ne Arts Magnet - Junious Bobbs - 2501'Sorrow. 722'077-2^5:^ Vocational-Technical Center [jj Grodes 10-12 Dr. Doyle D4fa2h'u7t'y-7^rScattH'a
u^^ Metropolitan I High Schools [8] Grades 7-9 ------Hinkson Rd..'7'2'20'9---^T4-2y -------Du.--,bo r A^on Lacey . IIQO Wright_Ave..'7'2206 - 375.557'i----- Dunbar ____ForesjJjeig^ - James Wi se - 5901 Evergreen, 72205 663-3391 Henderson . Brody Grodberry . 401 Barrow Rd Rd.. 72205 225-3358 PO 8ox 187, Mabelvale, 72103 455-2413 -------^^Mg3n^_. Dr, Victor Anderson - IQOQ . Roosevelt RH 7?^ -------Heights - D.-, Jim Haley - 401 N. Pine. 72205 . ____Sauthv.-est - Gail McLoughlin 372-3123 664-7073 3301 S. Bryor.t, 72204 - 565-4416 Elementory Schools [37] Grodes K-7 Badgett - Mgry Golstoi n - 6900 Pecan Read, 72206 - 490-1582 Bole - Levanno Wilson - 6501 W. 32nd, 72204 - 565-6671' ^aseline - Anna Totym - 3623 Baseline Rd., 72209 - 565-5536 .------looker Arts Magnet - Wiiligm Finn - 2016 Barber, 72206 Brady - Helen Thomps - 7915 W. Morkhom, 72205 t l- Carver C.'iicot - Ohs Preslar 11100 Chtcor Rd., PQ Sox 405. Mobelvole. 72103 - Clovergale - Jocqucl.ne Dedmci Dodd - Robert Nelson ' * 568-2554 n 376-3319 - 225.1815 - 6500 Hinkson Rd.. 72209 - 565-0986 112 ^'*73 Stogecoqch Rd., 72204 . 455.31,0 ^g^r Perk - Catherine Gill - 616 N. Harrison. 72205 - 0-------- uriii - QIC N. Harrison. 72205 - 666-0'59 - '^'^Stnig Ashley - 1600 N? Tyler, 72207 6AA.5415 nrgnklin - ,Coimie Aston - 1701 s. Horrison, 72204 . 666-0343 _lior^_,AA^, Huffn
300 Pleasant VnlleJn'?' 5j'-l=^l Cheryl A. Simmo 72212 - 224-2350 T ,.Cdp . E i j T I i I f ,___Eleanor Co. G'OOS Magnet - Donna Davis tx ns - 3615 W. 25th 72204 566-9436 5240 Mobelvole Pike. 72209 . 565-0184 15W. 16th, 72202 - 372-0251 2206 - 376-3629 r----l2_l^2L5rem^^ll^n - 2600 N. McKinley 72207 - --^'.'.?
..S?1'/_Go^'11__480^. 26th, 7'220~r6'3:^397 Mabelvale_Dor_othy F_aulne^_ 940, -------- - 'Mobelvole, 72103 - 455-2227 663-9472 663-6397 9401 Mabelvale Cut-off I-------^iDermoh^ynn_^ore - 1200 Reservoir'Rd., 7r207' 2'25:^ r _Meadasvcyf_.2^M^m-^ j-^e^ Dr-772ToT'56-5-63^ I _M,ichell - Donito Hu_ds_pth - 2410 Sattery_72206'-3'75-693T Otter Creek - Pgt Price lb'OOO Ot-e.'c^eek ,'27-722y9 I Elementary Schools - (continutd on back) 455-3320 I 7 i T I I I j i T 278 ! 149 I 83 321 I 417 I_A_ I 420 261 jl33 2.44 !121 I 232 I 394 f .L f T I J. i ! T I ' 365 65 67 3'1 I 173 I 3ry ! 472 I 440 I 8 -563 ! 285 i 261 I I 448 2546 38 I ^2' ! 420 i 424 I 2l9 248 ' 170 ' 177 I 351 I /tr I 15, T 451 i (<17 1 550 ! 513 j 25 413 ' 59 i 3/7 I ^47. ' 3(3 ' 512, 6 I wid i $37. 538 95 I fi07 I 257 I nr i <^71, i ! 320 i 298 i $17. 5 ' 235 i in i /OV : 303 95' 1 4. X I I -^^0 I 211 ' 7 490 j 2^7 I 2il ' 218 1 ^7 1 I ! 541 I iro I 3 7)'^ I T 531 j 2Ll~^ 465 j 2/7 i 280 l?7q ! 383 I nn I t I I - ^37
_223___97 _ s^'7.LRSD School Checklist Elementary School! [37] Grades K-6 {continued} Puloiln Heights - Eddie /<kCoy 19 N. Pine. 72205 663-9469 Rightseii Kgy Loss 911 W. 19th. 72206 374-7448 ____________ Rockefeller - Anne Mangan - 700 E. 17th. 72206 374-1226 Romine - Lionel Word - 3400 Romine Rd., 72204 225-3833 Stephens Stan Strauss 3700 W. 18th, 72204 - 663-8374 Terry - Nancy Volsen - 10800 Mara Lynn Dr., 72211 225-1215 Wakefield - Lloyd Slock - 75 Westminster, 72209 - 568-3874 Washington - Lonnie Sue Deon - 115 W. 27th, 72206 - 375-8275 Wotsen - Dr. Diana Glaze 7000 Volley Dr., 72209 - 565-1577 Western Hills - Margie Puckett - 4901 W'estern Hills, 72204 - 562-2247 Williams Magnet - Dr. Ed Jockson - 7301 Evergreen, 72207 - 666-0346 Wilson - Reine Price - 4015 Stannus Rd., 72204 - 565-0924 Woodruff - Karen Buchanan - 3010 W. 7th, 72205 - 663-4149 320
320 291 I 537 1 n -2- ' 9 Totals *260 spaces left open for white students. T i 472 nil y 'il ! 6lQQ
340 ' M2 i 2sa- 3* 2i2 5ty. sit _____ 195 14^7 -5 - 323 I /*V I ZVVT3drT~S 3 X 409 i W7 I 178 ! 275 245 I It* I /IV I I 12563 I I I T I I I T I T I I I I T ! + I T 7 I X u. -i. I I I I T I I I I i I t I 7LRSD enrollment school by school School Fair Hall McCiallan Cloverdale Juntor Forest Koighls Henderson.,,,, Mabsivaie Junior Man ri, Ptilasld Hefgbts ,$o utnwest.,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,, Badgett Bale Baseline .Booker... Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale .FairPaiK,.,,.,,:,,.,,,,,,,..,,,^ Forest Park .Franklin tuiOMIIilll Garland................. Geyer Springs ,Gk5b5, Ish Jetterson,,, Mabelvale ,, McDermott Meadowcttff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski,Heights,Sf. RIgWsei , Rockateller Ronsne Stephens Terry , .Wakefield......... Washington Watson.................. Western Hills ..Williams...........,..,,,,..,,,,,.,..,., Wilson Woodruff White 720 400 567 442 359 251 ...120.. 254 256 235 381 2sa ....198 . ..... 80.. Illft 280 11^21 308 188 122 111381 92 iBal ....,,.70..., 242 .,..,._15.,, 11691 ,,.,,,.159.., 7 190 :ia2 .,.,.19.. 1172 27 116 ,33
7a . 0 1197 160 Oil >.i<160., S40 -241 134 52 Black Other %Black Total 1,110 loll 632 647 448 470 454 11^:1 ... 680.. 372 ....476... Il&i 493 160 ....292. 282 325 292 ....272... 339 ... 294 . 253 240 llOa 262 93^ ......268.,. 136 ,,,,,,172,. 157 ,,,,,..,23.9. 311 314 - 220 170 33 III . 13. 3 ..1.8.. 10 2 s 20 2 .20. 11 9 0 5 ii 56 . 84 3 Mi 4 12 9 2 0 7, 0 ... 60 ilii 52 59 54 64 ..... 79 S? ..... 71. 61 54 63 70 73 76 Ji. / 10 '^2 72 53 66 ...46..... MOI 70 64 72 57 82 56 94 65 ...51............ 96 50 58- I , 61 62- 0 . ,, 32.. 0 J 2ia , 2 t94 . 215 - 2, t , 50 71 62 86 342 , 235 3t2 ' 4. 301 , 3 , 510 294 ,... tea 255 263 137 , ,1 2 1. 5 04 1.86.^ 92^ 1,212.... 1.097 825 lOlil 576 838 ...956.... 609 ...877... 72\ ...700... 237 ...38.5.... 389 .:...61Q.... 442 ...58.9.... SJ1 419 394 332 392 , 445.,.....,, 576 285 205 33a 454^.5 479 ,
53511 514.,,- 432 239 ,207 ao E-lOQ 61 65, 253163'1 464 36 , St9, 64 53 51 as 71 456 337|< ,501.,,. 397 193 { I Estimated Number of Transported Students in Proposed Plan (Does not include students in Magnet Schools, Metropolitan and Special Education) LRSD School Checklist Senior High Schools [5] Grades 10-12_______________________________ Central - Everett Hawks - 1500 Park, 72202 - 376-4751 J.A. Fair - Som Stueort - 5201 Dovid O. Dodd, 72210 - 224-6609__________ Hall - Bill Barnhouse - 6700 "H, 72205 - 661-9000 McClellan - Rudolph Howard - 9417 Geyer Springs, 72209 - 565-0314 Parkview Fine Arts Magnet - Junious Babbs - 2501 Barrow, 72204 - 225-6440 Vocotional-Technical Center [1] Grodes 10-12 _____________________ Metropolitan - Dr. Doyle Dillahunty - 7701 Scott Hamilton, 72209 - 565-8465 Junior High Schools [8] Grades 7-9 Cloverdale - Dexter Booth - 6300 Hinkson Rd., 72209 - 565-8426 Dunbar - Marion Lacey - 1100 Wright Ave., 72206 - 375-5574 Forest Heights - James Wise - 5901 Evergreen, 72205 - 663-3391 Henderson - Brody Gradberry - 401 Barrow Rd., 72205 - 225-3358 Mabelvale - Clell Watts - 10811 Mabelvale W., PO Box 187, Mobelvole, 72103 - 455-2413 ~ Mann Magnet - Dr. Victor Anderson - 1000 E. Roosevelt Rd., 72206 -_372-3123 Pulaski Heights - Dr. Jim Haley - 401 N. Pine, 72205 - 664-7073 Southwest - Gail McLaughlin - 3301 S. Bryant, 72204 - 565-4416 Elementary Schools [37] Grades K-6 Badgett - Mary Golston - 6900 Pecan Road, 72206 - 490-1582 Bale - Levanna Wilson - 6501 W. 32nd, 72204 - 565-6621 Baseline - Anna Tatum - 3623 Baseline Rd., 72209 - 565-5589 Booker Arts Magnet - William Finn - 2016 Barber, 72206 - 376-3319 Brady - Helen Thomas - 7915 W. Markham, 72205 - 225-1815 Carver Magnet School - Mary Guinn - 800 Apperson, 72202 - 374-3783 Chicot - Otis Preslar - 11100 Chicot Rd., PO Box 405, Mabelvale, 72103 - 568-2554 Cloverdale - Jacqualine Dedman - 6500 Hinkson Rd., 72209 - 565-0986 Dodd - Robert Nelson - 6423 Stagecoach Rd., 72204 - 455-3110 Fair Park - Catherine Gill - 616 N. Harrison, 72205 - 666-0359 Forest Park - Virginia Ashley - 1600 N. Tyler, 72207 - 666-5415 Franklin - Connie Aston - 1701 S. Harrison, 72204 - 666-0348 Fulbright - Mac Huffman - 300 Pleasant Valley Dr., 72212 - 224-2350 Garland - Dr. Cheryl A. Simmons - 3615 W. 25th, 72204 - 666-9436 Geyer Springs - Eleanor Cox - 5240 Mabelvale Pike, 72209 - 565-0184 Gibbs Magnet - Donna Davis - 1115 W. 16th, 72202 - 372-0251 Ish - Michael Oliver - 3001 S. Pulaski, 72206 - 376-3629 Jefferson - Margaret Gremillion - 2600 N. McKinley, 72207 - 663-9472 King - Bobbie Goodwin - 4800 W. 26th, 72204 - 663-6397 Mabelvale - Dorothy Faulkner - 9401 Mabelvale Cut-off PO Box 207, Mabelvale, 72103 - 455-2227 ~ McDermott - Lynn Moore - 1200 Reservoir Rd., 72207 - 225-6568 Meadowcliff - Jerry Worm - 25 Sheraton Dr., 72209 - 565-0324 Mitchell - Donita Hudspeth - 2410 Battery, 72206 - 375-6931 Otter Creek - Pat Price - 16000 Otter Creek Pkwy., 72209 - 455-3320 Elementary Schools - (continued on bock) B 506 444 508 300 1758 221 224 273 365 335 267 106 1791 0 0 0 91 44 0 79 130 35 0 233 0 64 0 225 130 200 205 0 168 1 NB , 70 r 372 182, 158 1413 : 45 195 189 172 149 94 149 993 0 0 0 16 16 0 45 12 45 0 53 0 11 0 22 13 7 25 0 2 T 1207 816 . 690 458 TO 266 419 462 537 484 361 255 2784 0 0 0 107 60 0 124 142 80 0 286 0 75 0 247 143 207 230 0 170 0/p /oD 42% 54% 74% 66% 83% 53 0/ 59% 68% 69% 74% 42% 0 0 0 85% 73% 0 64% 92% 44% 0 81% 0 85% 0 91% 91% 97% 89% 0 99% RTS, 24 16 14 9 5 10 9 10 9 7 5 55 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 3 2 0 6 0 o 0 5 3 4 4 0 3LRSD School Checklist Elementary Schools [37] Grades K-6 (continued) Pulaski Heights - Eddie McCoy - 319 N. Pine, 72205 - 663-9469 Rightsell - Koy Loss 911 W. 19th, 72206 - 374-7448 Rockefeller - Anne Mangan - 700 E. 17th, 72206 - 374-1226 Romine - Lionel Ward - 3400 Romine Rd., 72204 - 225-8833 Stephens - Stan Strauss - 3700 W. 18th, 72204 - 663-8374 Terry - Nancy Volsen - 10800 Mara Lynn Dr., 72211 - 225-1215 Wakefield - Lloyd Black - 75 Westminster, 72209 - 568-3874 Washington - Lonnie Sue Dean - 115 W. 27th, 72206 - 375-8275 Watson - Dr. Diana Glaze - 7000 Valley Dr., 72209 - 565-1577 Western Hills - Margie Puckett - 4901 Western Hills, 72204 - 562-2247 Williams Magnet Dr. Ed Jackson - 7301 Evergreen, 72207 - 666-0346 Wilson - Reine Price - 4015 Stannus Rd., 72204 - 565-0924 Woodruff - Karen Buchanan - 3010 W, 7th, 72205 - 663-4149 B 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 534 0 133 28 2430 NB 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 13 0 34 104 450 T 0 0 0 0 0 163 0 547 0 167 132 2000 %B 0 0 0 y 0 80% 0 98% 0 80% 21% 84% RTS 0 0 0 O 0 4 0 10 0 3 57 3 Senior High _____Enrollment (%B1ack) = 52% Transported (% Black) = 55% Junior High______________________ _____Enrollment (% Black) = 65% Transported (%Black) = 64% Elementary Enrollment (% Black) = 69% Transported (% Black) = 84% Note: Elem. % Black Enrollnient + 25% = 69 25% = 52%-^ 85%TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS April 2, 1990 Office of the Metropolitan Supervisor James Jennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation Monitoring and Program Development Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Herb Cleek, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Attendance Zone Report Introduction The following report is submitted in compliance with the March 5 court order to review all attendance zones and make projections for the 1995-96 school year. Three sets of data are examined in this report: (1) School enrollment figures (2) Census tract data (3) Zone block (geocode) counts These sources of data should not be viewed in isolation of each other. Popula- tion trends are confirmed when different sources of data, over a period of years, suggest or establish the same pattern of growth or decline. Enrollment Comparisons and Census Projections The simplest way to project for the future is to examine any trends that have occurred in the past. In using past trends to project for the future, allowances must be made for any anticipation of deviations from the trends. In regard to projecting school enrollment, the method of studying past trends to project for the future is quite reliable. The Little Rock School District has used past school enrollments to project school enrollments for the future.Although school enrollments have been used in the past for projection purposes the task of projecting the numbers of students in each attendance zone for tie 1995-96 school year cannot be done by using past school enrollments. The Little Rock School District has used four different assignments plans over the past four years. The 1986-87 school year was the last year for an elementary $ pairing plan. Primary schools on the west side of the District were paired with intermediate schools on the east side of the District. In 1987-88, the year of annexation, the Little Rock School District used a new attendance zone plan and converted all primary or intermediate schools to K-6. Students were manditorily assigned to schools, based on the new attendance zones, and then a1lowed to transfer if desegregation requirements could be upheld. The dis- trict referred to this plan as "controlled choice. II zones and "controlled choice zones 11 In 1988-89, the attendance (zones A & B) were abolished and all stu- dents could select any school in the district. The present school year, 1989-90, marks the return to the use of an elementary attendance zone plan. The plan applies only to kindergarten, rising, and new students and grandfathers all remaining students. The 1989-90 attendance zone plan is extremely different from the 1987-88 attendanze zone plan. As a result of all of these factors, the analysis of school enrollment trends prior to the 1989-90 school year cannot be used to project attendance zone trends in the future. The 1989-90 school year will serve as the baseline year for the study of school enrollment trends. Attendance zone projections can also be determined by analyzing census tract information. Although the boundaries of the census tracts are different from the boundaries of the school attendance zones, census tract projections are still useful in identifying trends in various geographic areas. In 1988, the Little Rock School District employed The Grier Partnership (in collaboration with Stanton Leggett and Associates) to conduct a demographic study. The demographers reviewed census tract projections from Metroplan and UALR. The next section of this report will examine the results of the demographic study. An attempt will also be made to compare 1988-89 and 1989-90 attendance zone counts. Each student in the Little Rock School District is assigned a geocode or zone block number based on his/her home address. Attendance zones consist of several contiguous zone blocks or geocodes. zone includes one or more satellite areas. In some cases, an attendance A satellite is an attendance area that is detached from the immediate school vicinity and is usually a consider- able distance from the school site. The 1988-89 school year was the first year for the District to load and maintain a computerized file of all zone block counts. As a result, this comparison will be based on one year of experience. Demographic Study As stated earlier, the demographers reviewed census tract projections from UALR and Metroplan. It should be noted that census tracts do not match the attend- ance zones used by the Little Rock School District. School data are recorded for geocodes, or zone blocks, and not for census tracts. According to the demographer, "about 83 percent of all geocodes fall entirely within a single census tract. II Although the geocodes are not fully compatible with the census tracts, an examination of census data should yield valuable information concerning long-term trends.The Grier report notes that "change in the schools appears to be moving in concert with changes in the city as a whole -- population losses in close-in older neighborhoods, growth in certain outlying areas. In terms of specific areas, between 1980 and 1986, Metroplan estimated that there were losses in almost every census tract on the eastern side of the city, in the tracts close to downtown, and in those on the near west side but east of University Avenue. These areas are represented by tracts 1-20 (with the exception of Tract 16) on Attachment A ("Changes in Total Population By Census Tract, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1980 to 2010"). zones: These tracts cover the following school attendance -- Rightsell -- Rockefeller -- Mitchell -- Badgett -- Washington -- Stephens -- Garland -- Ish -- Franklin -- Forest Park satellite -- Terry satellite -- McDermott satellite -- Oefferson satellite -- Brady satel1ite -- Otter Creek satellite -- Meadowcliff satellite The census tract table indicates that almost half of the tracts in this area will experience growth during the period of 1980-2010. However, it is impossible to determine how much of the projected growth will occur in a specific census tract by 1995-96. ience a decline during the 30-year period. The remainder of the tracts in this area will exper- The same problem related to determining when and what degree of growth will occur also applies to projecting losses. The overall effect of gains and losses in this area will result in a net increase of 846 persons over a 30-year period. A net increase in total population of 846 persons over a 30-year period will probably have no effect on the boundaries of the attendance zones in 1995-96. Most of the growth during the 30-year period is expected to occur in tracts 41.04, 42.03, and 42.04. These tracts are located on the western boundary of the Little Rock School District. Tract 41.04 covers the Mabelvale and Otter Creek areas. Tracts 42.03 and 42.04 cover portions of the Fulbright, Terry, Wilson, and Dodd attendance zones. The growth in tract 42.03 should also affect the Forest Park satellite zone located on the northwest tip of the di strict. Again, there is not enough data to predict how the projected growth will affect these attendance zones in 1995-96.Although the census data provides useful information for identifying population trends, it will be necessary to wait for the 1990 census results in order to make specific projections. Linder normal circumstances, long-term projections are based on data collected over a 3-5 year period. It is difficult to recognize an ongoing pattern or trend by merely comparing two separate years. Since census information is collected every 10 years, it will be necessary to rely on a comparison of 1980 and 1990 census results. The Little Rock School District Student Assignment Office will begin immediately to develop a plan for recording student address information by census tracts This will enhance the District's ability to correlate long-term census projections with student information gathered annually. Geocode Comparisons The comparison of zone block (geocode) student counts is another method that can be used to identify student population trends. Attachment B compares 1988-89 and 1989-90 zone block and attendance zone counts. These counts only reflect students enrolled in the Little Rock School District. It was noted earlier that the census data indicates a population decline in the area east of University. the same trend. The comparison of zone block information indicates 1988-89 to 1989-90. mately 30 students. Most of the incentive schools experiences small gains from However, the Garland attendance zone declined by approxi- The area east of University Avenue experienced a net gain of 149 students. As noted earlier with the census data, the gain of 149 students in the area east of University Avenue is the net result of gains and losses in this area. Although the comparison of geocode counts is a viable method for identifying enrollment trends and making projections, at least three years of geocode data should be used to ensure reliability. The Little Rock School District did not have the capability to maintain accurate geocode information prior to the 1988-89 school year. Therefore, it is recommended that the District be allowed to collect the 1990-91 geocode information before preparing the 1995-96 attendance zone projections. Attendance Zones and Building Capacity The Little Rock School District currently uses 90% of its total non-magnet elementary capacity (See Attachment C). The District has stated on several occasions that the elementary building capacity, particularly in central and east Little Rock, needs to be increased. The District's capacity problem is compounded by the fact that the interdistrict magnet program reduced the number of elementary seats available to Little Rock students. Also, programs such as PAL (Program for Accelerated Learning) and Gifted/Talented have caused a reduction in school capacity.Attachment C shows the number of students who reside in each attendance zone. All of these students are currently enrolled in a non-magnet (area) school even though the school may not be their attendance zone school. (NOTE: Attachment C DOES NOT show the number of students currently enrolled in each attendance zone school. It shows the number of students who live in the attendance zone even though they may attend a non-attendance zone school. The District fully understands the reason for the court's concern about attendance zone projections and adjustments for the 1995-96 school year. However, the elementary capacity must be addressed before attendance zones are adjusted. Otherwise, any adjustments will simply shift the current capacity problem from one school to another school. In regard to the incentive schools, the District has proposed to expand Rightsell and Mitchell (if a new school site in the vicinity cannot be located) close Ish, Stephens, and Garland, and build a new school at the Old King School site. The plan to close and rebuild incentive schools should be finalized before any attendance zones are adjusted. Recommendations As already stated in this report, several factors preclude the District from being able to make reliable attendance zone projections at this time. In light of these factors, the District respectfully recommends the following: 1. The District will prepare attendance zone projections after the release of the 1990 census results. 2. 3. 4. 5. The District will begin immediately to develop a plan for recording student address information by census tracts. Attendance zone projections will also be based on any trends identified by comparing 1990-91 kindergarten and first grade enrollment figures. Both of these grade level assignments are based on the new attendance zones. The District will be allowed to collect the 1990-91 geocode information in order to be able to compare 1988-89 and 1990-91 geocode counts. The plan to close and rebuild incentive schools should be finalized before attendance zones are adjusted.pi ATTACHMENT A e TABLE 5 CHANGES IN TOTAL POPULATION BY CENSUS TRACT* LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 1980 TO 2010 Census Tract 1980 Total Tract 2010 Total Tract Change 1980-2010 No. Pct I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.01 20.02 21.01 21.02 22.01 22.03 22.04 22.05 23 24.01 24.02 40.01 41.03 41.04 41.05 41.06 41.07 41.08 42.03 42.04 860 4,491 2,726 1,508 4,904 3,956 2,969 773 806 4,391 4,831 2,675 5,262 3,417 8,175 5,258 867 6,406 5,029 5,748 5,568 8,468 4,095 5,196 4,935 7,938 6,940 920 11,100 7,378 5,539 3,813 1,354 6,211 6,660 4,058 6,361 8,260 6,614 1,600 4,000 3,200 1,000 5,200 4,000 3,200 800 800 4,600 4,600 2,200 4,800 3,800 10,000 5,100 850 5,900 4,500 5,700 5,600 8,000 6,000 5,600 5,300 8,800 9,500 950 16,800 13,800 4,500 5,500 6,800 12,200 8,400 4,900 7,200 38,900 22,000 740 (491) 474 (508) 296 44 231 27 (6) 209 (231) (475) (462) 383 1,825 (158) (17) (506) (529) (48) 32 (468) 1,905 404 365 862 2,560 30 5,700 6,422 (1,039) 1,687 5,446 5,989 1,740 842 839 30,640 15,386 86.0% -10.9% 17.4% -33.7% 6.0% 1.1% 7.8% 3.5% -0.7% 4.8% -4.8% -17.8% -8.8% 11.2% 22.3% -3.0% -2.0% -7.9% -10.5% -0.8% 0.6% -5.5% 46.5% 7.8% 7.4% 10.9% 36.9% 3.3% 51.4% 87.0% -18.8% 44.2% 402.2% 96.4% 26.1% 20.7% 13.2% 370.9% 232.6% 186,460 266,600 80,140 43.0% *Data for both 1980 and 2010 are for the entire census tract. In some cases. the tract boundaries currently extend beyond the city limits into unincorporated portions of Pulaski County. SOURCES: 1980 data from 1980 Census of Population. 2010 projections from Metroplan, Planning Support Document, Pulaski Area Transportation Study, May 1987.ran ATTACHMENT B LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT ZONE BLOCK COMPARISON ZONE BLOCKS FOR BADGETT PAGE 1 1988-89 1989-90 3201 19 10 -9 3250 57 68 + 11 3251 23 -1 3253 26 20 -6 3255 4 3 -1 3640 19 + 15 TOTAL 133 142 +9 4 ZONE BLOCKS FOR BALE 1988-89 1989-90 0521 56 42 -14 0531 33 40 +7 0532 58 55 -3 0534 29 -4 1921 11 +9 1922 28 31 +3 1923 icr 27 +2 1924 57 64 +7 1925 10 8 TOTAL 307 322 + 15ZONE BLOCKS FOR BASELINE PAGE 2 3401 3406 3410 3415 3420 3425 3430 3620 3625 3652 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 32 39 +7 107 28 33 21 24 16 OCT 23 11 320 89 33 31 19 17 14 34 19 6 301 -18 -7 +9 -4 -19ZONE BLOCKS FOR BRADY RASE 3 0540 0591 0592 0593 1010 1020 1311 1321 1331 1332 1630 1712 1713 1716 1910 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 6 11 +5 86 67 -19 17 13 -4 0 7 9 17 14 -3 32 38 +6 21 20 0 25 51 10 42 21 357 0 36 6 35 48 15 31 19 344 -21 + 16 +6 + 10 -3 +5 -11 -3 -13ZONE BLOCKS FOR CHICOT PAGE 4 3435 3440 3445 3464 5408 7401 7405 7410 7415 7425 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7474 7476 7479 7480 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 10 13 +3 6 0 50 29 79 21 55 R7 32 9 24 7 18 17 30 32 495 13 +7 0 0 34 36 79 27 54 30 16 27 21 9 I CT 14 15 0 23 488 -16 +7 0 +6 -3 +7 +5 -3 +7 -3 -15 -9 -7ZONE BLOCKS FOR CLOVERDALE ELEM RABE 5 3601 3605 3615 3630 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 7310 7375 7387 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 26 + 1 19 12 -1 18 14 -4 4 0 -4 12 21 +9 10 19 26 31 44 15 30 38 316 13 +3 0 31 33 60 28 21 11 87 357 -19 + 16 +3 +6 -19 +49 +41ZONE BLOCKS FOR DODD PAGE 6 1722 1728 4001 4010 4017 4020 4025 4046 4049 4052 4053 5467 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 61 51 -10 39 55 + 16 17 16 -1 79 73 -6 4 3 -1 20 20 0 54 46 -8 23 35 18 0 3 353 18 37 +4 0 0 0 -3 341 -12ZONE BLOCKS FOR FAIR PARK PAGE 7 1988-89 1989-90 0511 13 +4 9 0512 8 7 -1 0513 68 60 -8 0554 54 51 -3 0920 63 crcr -8 1110 33 31 nil 32 48 + 16 1120 8 6 1121 6 0 -6 TOTAL 281 271 -10 ZONE BLOCKS FOR FOREST PARK 1988-89 1989-90 0411 4 0 -4 0412 12 -12 0 0413 KT 3 0420 14 15 0553 92 76 -16 0556 65 57 -8 0811 10 -1 0821 39 41 0910 54 47 -7 6110 ETC 27 -28 + 1 9 6125 0 0 0 TOTAL 350 275 -75ZONE BLOCKS FOR FRANKLIN PAGE 8 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 0528 0529 0530 0538 0539 0571 0575 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 57 60 65 87 35 30 35 30 71 36 54 51 631 63 50 70 84 33 21 32 26 59 47 24 53 48 610 +6 -10 -3 -9 -3 -4 -12 + 11 +4 -1 -3 -21I ZONE BLOCKS FOR FULBRIGHT PAGE 9 1210 1405 1410 1440 1714 1810 1811 1812 6115 6120 6122 6171 6188 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 28 23 5 0 21 97 89 -8 19 21 104 108 +4 58 32 65 24 25 12 31 497 66 39 66 IS 0 13 30 519 +8 +7 + 1 6 + 1 -1ZONE BLOCKS FOR GARLAND PAGE 10 1988-89 1989-90 0581 42 44 0582 no 57 -53 0584 95 80 -15 0585 50 73 +23 0586 10 21 + 11 0587 42 44 TOTAL 349 319 -30 ZONE BLOCKS FOR GEYER SPRINGS 1988-89 1989-90 3405 71 74 +3 4401 4405 15 20 +5 4410 38 32 -6 4415 17 17 4420 21 26 +5 4429 29 17 -12 4430 10 18 +8 0 TOTAL -5ZONE BLOCKS FOR ISH PAGE 11 1988-89 1989-90 0473 44 49 +5 0476 42 45 +3 0477 23 30 +7 0479 35 30 -5 0480 43 41 0485 TOTAL 57 + 10 ZONE BLOCKS FOR JEFFERSON 1988-89 1989-90 1220 6 6 0 1230 12 -6 6 1231 7 11 +4 1240 157 165 +8 0431 38 37 -1 0432 53 72 + 19 0433 38 30 -8 0434 26 28 0435 19 18 -1 0438 45 49 +4 TOTAL 401 422ZONE BLOCKS FOR MABELVALE ELEM PAGE 12 3635 3654 3655 5401 5402 5405 5406 5407 5415 5452 5455 5462 5465 7325 7383 7388 7390 7420 7475 TOTAL 19S8-S9 1989-90 34 64 30 16 14 28 7 13 18 19 15 1 13 31 0 57 28 27 437 48 67 31 12 23 30 6 14 15 18 21 0 12 35 67 34 40 516 + 14 +3 + 1 -4 +9 +2 -1 + 1 -3 -1 +6 -1 -1 +4 +21 0 + 10 +6 + 13 +79ZONE BLOCKS FOR MCDERMOTT PAGE 13 0552 0561 0562 1310 1312 1420 1421 1430 1520 1531 1541 1542 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 64 62 63 78 + 15 88 24 0 33 39 107 29 10 21 0 478 ZONE BLOCKS FOR MEADOWCLIFF 1988-89 84 -4 19 0 0 40 20 19 19 0 488 1989-90 -8 + 1 + 15 -9 +9 -3 0 + 10 0533 72 65 -7 0535 64 75 + 11 0536 14 11 -3 0537 62 70 +8 2110 94 76 -18 62 76 + 14 4015 16 11 -5 4048 29 40 + 11 TOTAL 413 424 + 11ZONE BLOCKS FOR MITCHELL PAGE 14 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0451 0452 0453 0457 0458 0459 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 28 44 + 16 30 18 25 42 26 46 42 36 340 ZONE BLOCKS FOR OTTER CREEK 1988-89 28 23 12 31 36 49 48 36 350 1989-90 -8 -4 +6 +5 -13 -11 + 10 +3 +6 0 + 10 0471 44 47 +3 0472 49 69 0475 68 "7^ +7 5460 29 19 -10 5470 1 3 5472 0 0 0 5475 40 46 +6 5476 43 45 5477 26 46 +20 5478 cr 9 +4PAGE 145 5492 7 15 +8 TOTAL 312 374 ^62ZONE BLOCKS FOR PULASKI HGHTS ELEM PAGE 15 1988-89 1989-90 0610 19 21 +3 0620 24 16 -8 0630 3 0640 7 14 +7 0641 5 14 +9 0651 7 12 J 0660 77 96 + 19 0710 30 31 + 1 TOTAL 174 207 +33 ZONE BLOCKS FOR RIGHTSELL 1988-89 1989-90 0439 0 73 +73 0448 0 70 +70 0449 crer 61 +6 0450 59 58 -1 0454 0 0464 31 44 + 13 TOTAL 165 306 + 141 AZONE BLOCKS FOR ROCKEFELLER PAGE 16 1988-89 1989-90 0232 7 7 0 0440 59 50 -9 0456 44 48 +4 0460 54 41 -13 0461 63 67 +4 0462 53 54 + 1 0463 19 31 + 12 TOTAL 299 298 -1 ZONE BLOCKS FOR ROMINE 1988-89 1989-90 1715 67 77 + 10 1717 102 80 1721 93 81 -12 1723 30 32 1724 46 53 +7 1727 98 98 0 TOTAL 436 421 -15ZONE BLOCKS FOR STEPHENS PAGE 17 0441 0572 0573 0574 0583 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 34 38 +4 97 82 -15 37 58 81 307 ZONE BLOCKS FOR TERRY 1988-89 45 67 81 313 1989-90 +9 0 +6 0436 70 54 -16 0437 64 56 -8 0563 78 68 -10 1510 21 23 1511 75 68 -7 1512 27 33 +6 1515 39 -17 1530 8 13 1532 21 34 + 13 1550 53 42 -11 1610 7 8 + 1 1620 11 12 + 1 3330 4 0 -4 TOTAL 478 433 -45ZONE BLOCKS FOR WAKEFIELD PAGE iS 7201 7210 7220 7230 7235 7240 7245 7250 7276 7277 7279 7280 7281 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 73 71 9 18 +9 10 10 0 35 37 39 97 +58 21 27 +6 34 37 11 26 25 10 14 344 31 30 24 31 11 9 418 -3 -7 + 13 -4 +6 + 1 -5 +74ZONE BLOCKS FOR WASHINGTON PAGE 19 0111 0112 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0210 0220 0240 0301 0455 0474 0478 0481 0482 0483 0484 TOTAL 1988-89 1989-90 14 16 16 18 0 29 +7 39 33 -6 79 55 -24 17 62 14 99 0 12 71 27 39 61 78 58 35 790 0 48 93 120 24 0 51 27 43 74 103 73 38 867 -17 -14 +8 -6 + 120 -1 -12 0 +4 + 13 I er +3 +77ZONE BLOCKS FOR WATSON PAGE 20 19SS-S9 1989-90 7301 48 59 + 11 7305 28 31 +3 7315 76 61 -15 7330 18 11 -7 7377 38 62 +24 7378 19 19 0 7381 0 7382 44 55 + 11 7384 26 + 1 7385 24 +4 7490 9 6 -3 7495 18 13 343 389 +46 V^ONE BLOCKS FOR WESTERN HILLS 1988-89 1989-90 1725 34 29 -5 1726 33 41 +8 1822 94 95 + 1 2010 46 41 -5 51 68 + 17 2020 37 42 TOTAL 295 316ZONE BLOCKS FOR WILSON PAGE 21 1988-89 1989-90 1711 23 19 -4 1813 53 53 0 1821 72 79 +7 1823 89 109 1824 46 54 +8 3301 28 38 + 10 3312 51 36 -15 3316 18 19 +1 TOTAL 380 407 +27 ^X^QNe blocks for woodruff 1988-89 1989-90 0650 13 10 -3 0670 68 101 +33 0662 23 26 +3 TOTAL 104 137 +33SCHOOL BADGETT BALE BASELINE BRADY CHICOT CLOVERDALE DODD FAIR PARK FOREST PARK FRANKLIN FULBRIGHT GARLAND GEYER SPRINGS ISH JEFFERSON MABELVALE MCDERMOTT MEADOWCLIFF MITCHELL OTTER CREEK PULASKI HEIGHTS RIGHTSELL ATTACHMENT C LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTAL 142 322 301 344 488 357 341 271 275 610 519 319 226 252 422 516 488 424 350 374 207 306 K-6 CAPACITY 241 399 384 491 483 424 353 351 431 556 607 300 236 200 491 533 562 454 280 378 328 260 CAPACITY % 59% 81% 78% 70% 101% 84% 97% 77% 64% 109% 86% 106% 96% 126% 86% 97% 87% 93% 135% 99% 63% 118%PAGE 2 SCHOOL TOTAL CAPACITY CAPACITY % ROCKEFELLER 298 420 71% ROMINE 421 492 86% STEPHENS 313 260 120% TERRY 433 537 81% WAKEFIELD 418 469 89% WASHINGTON 867 820 106% WATSON 389 469 83% WESTERN HILLS 316 325 97% WILSON 407 398 102% WOODRUFF 137 209 66% TOTAL 11,851 13,141 90% (NOTE: These capacity figures do not reflect the proposed capacity changes in the incentive schools for the 1991-92 school year.)Optional Enrollment Request Form Elementary (Kindergarten-6th) School Year 1990-91 Application Period 3/5/90 -3/30/90 Little Rock School District Notification Period Letters of notification will be mailed on April 13,1990 Student's Last Name Street Address city First Name KT Race Sex Zip Information tor Parents/Guardlan * Please complete the right side of this form. Name of Parent/Guardian Date of Birth Montri DaylYear * This Is an application only. The Student Assignment Office will be responsible for all optional enrollment request assignments. * All assignments are subject to desegregation and capacity requirements. If demand exceeds supply, a lottery will be used to fill vacancies. * Students who are not selected will have their names placed on a prioritized waiting list. The waiting lists will carry over each school year until the student Is selected or until the student moves to the next organizational level * Letters of notification will be mailed on April 13, 1990 * For more Information please call the Student Assignment Office at 370-1609. TO BE COMPLETED BY SCHOOL SITE STAFF _____________FORM SUBMITTED Month Day Year Time Home Phone Number Work Phone Number Current School Assignment Grade 1990/91 Parents may make up to four (4) choices from the options listed below.Rank your choices In numerical order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th). INCENTIVE SCHOOLS ____Garland (PreK-6) ____ Ish (PreK-6) ____ Mitchell (K-6) ____ Rightsell (K-6) ___ Stephens (PreK-6) HIGH SCHOOL KINDERGARTENS ____ Central High ____Hall High ____ Fair High ____ McClellan High ____ Parkview High Form Submitted By: School: TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT ASSIGNMENT OFFICE INTERDISTRICT MAGNET SCHOOLS ___ Booker Arts Magnet (K-6) ____ Carver-Basic Skills/Math Science (K-6) ____ Gibbs International Studies (K-6) ____Rockefeller Coop Early Childhood Education Demonstration (PreK-6) ____Washington Basic Skills/Math Science (PreK-6) ____Williams Basic Skills (K-6) Student ID Number: Request Approved Date: SPECIALTY SCHOOL _Badgett Aerospace (K-6) Request Denied Date: MAJORITY-TO-MINORITY TRANSFERS (K-12) ____ Parents Interested in Majorlty-to-Minority Transfers to PCSSD or NLRSD should contact the Student Assignment Office. SAO LitHe Rock School District, 810 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72201, (501) 374-3361 OFFICE OF METROPOLITAN SUPERVISOR 201 EAST MARKHAM SUITE 510 HERITAGE WEST BUILDING LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY MAGNET SCHOOL ENROLLMENT September 28, 1990 TEACHER GRADE TOTAL WHITE BLACK OTHER % BLACK Miller P-K 20 9 11 0 55% Cenire P-K 21 9 12 0 57% Robinson K 20 8 12 0 60% Sellers K 18 7 11 0 61% Thomas K 18 10 8 0 44% Boyce K 18 8 9 1 50% Steinkamp K 17 6 9 2 53% Moran 1 21 6 15 0 71% Perez 1 23 6 16 1 70% Keith 1 19 6 13 0 68% Ford 1 21 5 15 1 71% Brown 1 17 4 13 0 76% Comer 1 22 7 15 0 68% Boyd 1 20 5 15 0 75% Thompson 1 21 6 15 0 71% Jackson 2 23 7 16 0 70% Chandler 2 23 11 12 0 52% Jenning 2 23 10 13 0 57% Williams 2 22 7 14 1 64% Shackleford 2 22 9 12 1 55% I WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY ENROLLMENT- page 2 TEACHER GRADE TOTAL WHITE BLACK OTHER % BLACK Scrubbs 3 23 11 12 0 52% Schoessel 3 23 12 11 0 48% Rhea 3 23 11 12 0 52% Wood 3 22 11 11 0 50% Clark 3 24 12 12 0 50% Kelly 4 24 8 16 0 67% Johnson 4 23 9 14 0 61% Morris 4 24 10 13 1 54% Callaway 4 23 9 14 0 61% Morgan 5 23 7 16 0 70% Moore 5 24 12 12 0 50% Taber 5 24 12 12 0 50% Guin 5 24 13 11 0 46% Raper 6 25 12 13 0 52% McCleein 6 28 14 12 2 43% Hunsoker 6 28 16 11 1 39% Resource 9 2 7 0 78% TOTAL 803 327 465 11 5W:LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS November 29, 1990 TO
Board of Directors FROM: THROUGH: Dames Dennings, Associate Superintendent for Desegregation'^-^ Monitoring and Program Development Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools SUBDECT: First Quarter Enrollment - 1990-91 School Year Please find attached the enrollment report for the first quarter of the 1990-91 school year. cc: Senior Management Team LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS COMPARISON OF ACTUAL ENROLLMENT FOR FIRST QUARTER OF 1990-91 AND 1989-90 1990-91 Actual enrollment as of October 31, 1990, first Quarter of the 1990-91 School Year. WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK Special Schools Elementary (w/o Kindergarten) Junior High Schools 48 4041 1861 High Schools (w/o Kindergarten) 2159 26 8209 4004 3077 0 144 87 87 74 12,394 5,952 5,323 35% 66% 67% 58% SUB TOTAL 8109 15,316 318 23,743 65% Kindergarten 681 1,206 21 1,908 63% GRAND TOTAL 8790 16,522 339 25,651 64% 1989-90 Actual enrollment as of November 1, 1989, First Quarter of 1989-90 School Year. WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK Special Schools Elementary (w/o Kindergarten Junior High Schools 47 3905 1917 High Schools (w/o Kindergarten) 2408 28 8212 3883 3186 1 76 119 12,236 97 83 5,897 5,677 37% 67% 66% 56% SUB TOTAL 8277 15,309 300 23,886 64% Kindergarten 628 1,269 20 1,917 66% GRAND TOTAL 8905 16,578 320 25,803 64%GRADE K 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNGR TOTAL ELEM. 7 8 9 UNGR TOT. OR HIGH 10 11 12 UNGR TOT. SR HIGH TOTAL: SPEC SCHOOLS DI ST TOTALS SUMMARY OF FIRST QUARTER ENROLLMENT October 31, 1990 WHITE BLACK OTHER* TOTAL %BLACK 681 727 659 670 684 666 595 40 4722 589 638 601 33 1861 703 718 709 29 2159 8742 48 8790 1206 1450 1271 1279 1408 1380 1309 112 9415 1366 1391 1182 65 4004 1082 980 967 48 3077 16,496 26 16,522 SUMMARY OF STUDENTS LISTED IN "OTHER" SPANISH ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER ESKIMO/AMERICAN INDIAN OTHER 21 30 21 24 29 14 26 0 165 21 26 40 0 87 32 30 24 1 87 339 0 339 CATEGORY: - 93 - 218 - 24 - 4 1908 2207 1951 1973 2121 2060 1930 152 14,302 1976 2055 1823 98 5952 1817 1728 1700 78 5323 25,577 74 25,651 63% 66% 65% 65% 66% 67% 68% 74% 66% 69% 68% 65% 66% 67% 60% 57% 57% 62% 58% 65% 35% 64%LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT FIRST QUARTER ENROLLMENT OCT. 31, 1990 SCHOOL/GRADE WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK CENTRAL UNGRADED 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 0 203 174 227 604 0 604 5 308 278 307 898 49 947 0 12 9 13 34 0 34 5 523 46r 547 1536 49 1585 100.00% 58.89% 60.30% 56.12% 58.46% 100.00% 59.75% FAIR UNGRADED 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 14 107 126 107 354 3 357 12 184 160 132 488 10 498 0 3 4 1 8 0 8 26 294 290 240 850 13 863 46.15% 62.59% 55.17% 55.00% 57.41% 76.92% 57.71% HALL UNGRADED 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 12 147 180 156 495 10 505 12 223 202 236 673 8 681 0 7 5 3 15 0 15 24 377 387 395 1183 18 1201 50.00% 59.15% 52.20% 59.75% 56.89% 44.44% 56.70% MCCLELLAN UNGRADED 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 3 127 121 113 364 2 366 19 209 200 158 586 17 603 1 6 2 2 11 0 11 23 342 323 273 961 19 980 82.61% 61.11% 61.92% 57.88% 60.98% 89.47% 61.53% PARKVIEW UNGRADED 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 0 119 117 106 342 0 342 0 158 140 134 432 11 443 0 4 10 5 19 0 19 0 281 267 245 793 11 804 0.00% 56.23% 52.43% 54.69% 54.48% 100.00% 55.10% Page - 1SCHOOL/GRADE CLOVERDALE UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK TOTAL DUNBAR UNGRADED TOTAL 7 8 9 7 8 9 FOREST HEIGHTS UNGRADED 7 8 9 TOTAL HENDERSON UNGRADED 7 8 9 TOTAL MABELVALE UNGRADED 7 8 9 TOTAL MANN UNGRADED 7 8 9 TOTAL PULASKI HEIGHTS UNGRADED 7 8 9 TOTAL 2 61 75 80 218 1 190 180 155 526 0 1 2 2 5 3 252 257 237 749 33.33% 75.40% 70.04% 65.40% 70.23% 120 55 56 231 158 143 111 412 3 0 3 6 281 198 170 649 56,23% 72.22% 65.29% 63.48% 7 62 70 83 222 5 44 74 88 211 9 64 76 67 216 104 134 113 351 4 76 100 78 258 9 156 186 174 525 16 214 250 209 689 16 142 147 92 397 196 166 152 514 8 153 138 148 447 Page - 2 0 7 3 8 18 0 5 8 9 22 0 0 1 1 2 4 5 6 15 0 1 2 4 7 16 225 259 265 765 21 263 332 306 922 25 206 224 160 615 304 305 271 880 12 230 240 230 712 56.25% 69.33% 71.81% 65.66% 68.63% 0.00% 81.37% 75.30% 68.30% 74.73% 64.00% 68.93% 65.63% 57.50% 64.55% 64.47% 54.43% 56.09% 58.41% 0.00% 66.52% 57.50% 64.35% 62.78%SCHOOL/GRADE SOUTHWEST UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK TOTAL BADGETT UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL BALE UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL BASELINE UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 58 54 36 154 15 157 181 141 494 0 5 7 12 21 215 240 184 660 0.00% 73.02% 75.42% 76.63% 74.85% 2 6 4 8 10 11 5 46 11 57 3 10 10 8 11 14 4 60 7 67 13 14 11 6 14 13 71 19 90 3 16 25 35 39 17 21 156 9 165 4 50 38 47 46 41 44 270 32 302 49 42 38 37 30 30 226 37 263 Page - 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 6 1 7 1 1 2 0 0 0 4 1 5 5 22 29 43 49 28 26 202 20 222 7 60 48 56 61 55 49 336 40 376 63 57 51 43 44 43 301 57 358 60,00% 72.73% 86.21% 81.40% 79.59% 60.71% 80.77% 77.23% 45.00% 74.32% 57.14% 83.33% 79.17% 83.93% 75.41% 74.55% 89.80% 80.36% 80.00% 80.32% 77.78% 73.68% 74.51% 86.05% 68.18% 69.77% 75.08% 64.91% 73.46%SCHOOL/GRADE BOOKER UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL BRADY UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL CARVER UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL CHICOT UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 43 36 34 40 46 34 233 30 263 44 50 51 52 53 56 306 44 350 1 4 0 3 0 0 8 1 9 88 90 85 95 99 90 547 75 622 50.00% 55.56% 60.00% 54.74% 53.54% 62.22% 55.94% 58.67% 56.27% 2 20 17 17 16 19 5 96 21 117 31 40 43 45 38 44 241 23 264 10 31 25 20 21 22 20 149 27 176 3 52 41 47 56 51 45 295 37 332 38 44 49 54 54 53 292 34 326 8 66 46 43 46 42 48 299 50 349 Page - 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 0 5 1 2 0 1 1 2 7 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 5 73 59 65 73 70 51 396 58 454 70 86 92 100 93 99 540 58 598 18 98 71 63 67 65 68 450 77 527 60.00% 71.23 o, *6 69.49% 72.31% 76.71% 72.86% 88.24% 74.49% 63.79% 73.13% 54.29% 51.16% 53.26 *0 54.00% 58.06% 53.54% 54.07% 58.62% 54.52% 44.44 *0 67.35% 64.79% 68.25 Q, 68.66% 64.62% 70.59% 66.44% 64.94% 66.22%SCHOOL/GRADE CLOVERDALE UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL DODD UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. FAIR PARK UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 FOREST PARK UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 13 13 26 19 12 14 97 10 107 35 45 34 46 52 41 253 29 282 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 48 58 60 65 65 55 351 40 391 72.92% 77.59% 56.67% 70.77% 80.00% 74.55% 72.08% 72.50% 72.12% 3 22 17 16 11 28 18 115 19 134 4 20 28 28 28 25 40 173 19 192 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 3 7 43 45 44 39 54 59 291 38 329 57.14% 46.51% 62.22% 63.64% 71.79% 46.30% 67.80% 59.45% 50.00% 58.36% 14 9 8 8 6 6 51 10 61 56 41 40 37 42 32 248 29 277 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 71 50 48 45 48 38 300 39 339 78.87% 82.00% 83.33% 82.22% 87.50% 84.21% 82.67% 74.36% 81.71% 29 23 31 20 19 22 144 33 177 19 26 39 35 33 30 182 26 208 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 5 49 49 71 55 52 54 330 60 390 38.78% 53.06% 54.93% 63.64% 63.46% 55.56% 55.15% 43.33% 53.33% Page - 5SCHOOL/GRADE FRANKLIN UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL FULBRIGHT UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL GARLAND UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 GEYER SPRINGS UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 5 5 7 11 6 11 46 11 57 5 33 43 34 38 41 35 229 32 261 0 5 2 2 1 0 3 13 3 16 7 7 8 14 4 7 47 13 60 7 65 54 33 46 53 42 300 49 349 4 47 30 54 41 42 47 265 27 292 14 18 23 26 37 39 35 192 16 208 16 16 14 22 36 16 120 27 147 Page - 6 0 1 0 3 3 1 1 9 0 9 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 7 0 7 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 71 59 43 60 60 54 355 60 415 9 83 73 88 82 84 82 501 59 560 14 24 27 30 39 40 40 214 19 233 23 23 22 36 40 23 167 40 207 87.50% 91.55% 91.53% 76.74% 76.67 88.33% 77.78% 84.51% 81.67% 84.10% 44.44% 56.63% 41.10% 61.36% 50.00% 50.00% 57.32% 52.89% 45.76% 52.14% 100.00% 75.00% 85.19% 86.67% 94.87% 97.50% 87.50% 89.72% 84.21% 89.27% 69.57% 69.57% 63.64% 61.11% 90.00% 69.57% 71.86% 67.50% 71.01%SCHOOL/GRADE GIBBS UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL ISH UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL JEFFERSON UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL MABELVALE UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 17 16 29 24 20 126 15 141 26 26 25 34 27 23 161 25 186 1 1 3 1 0 0 6 0 6 47 44 44 64 51 43 293 40 333 55.32% 59.09% 56.82% 53.13% 52.94% 53.49% 54.95 *6 62.50% 55.86% 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 6 33 17 16 26 11 15 124 16 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 35 17 16 27 11 15 127 16 143 100.00% 94.29% 100.00% 100.00% 96.30% 100.00% 100.00% 97.64% 100.00% 97.90% 3 30 33 34 38 31 26 195 32 227 2 38 34 45 33 25 32 209 28 237 6 36 32 32 35 36 33 210 27 237 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 6 1 7 9 69 65 67 74 67 60 411 60 471 66.67% 52.17% 49.23% 47.76% 47.30% 53.73% 55.00% 51.09% 45.00% 50.32% 4 60 39 29 44 57 51 284 31 315 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 6 98 74 74 77 83 83 495 60 555 66.67% 61.22% 52.70% 39.19% 57.14% 68.67% 61.45% 57.37% 51.67% 56.76% Page - 7SCHOOL/GRADE MCDERMOTT UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 23 33 22 35 22 27 162 29 191 2 46 38 59 47 54 47 293 26 319 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 8 2 71 72 82 82 76 74 459 59 518 100.00% 64.79% 52.78% 71.95% 57.32% 71.05% 63.51% 63.83% 44.07% 61.58% MEADOWCLIFF UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 23 17 24 25 17 18 124 28 152 49 47 39 49 39 34 257 31 288 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 3 72 64 64 75 56 53 384 59 443 68.06% 73.44% 60.94% 65.33% 69.64% 64.15 6 66.93% 52.54% 65.01% MITCHELL UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 0 10 2 3 2 2 2 21 5 26 7 30 26 24 19 29 18 153 31 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 40 28 27 21 31 20 174 36 210 100.00% 75.00% 92.86% 88.89 Q. 90.48% 93.55% 90.00% 87.93% 86.11% 87.62% OTTER CREEK UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 26 26 26 20 26 28 152 24 176 22 23 24 31 26 24 150 32 182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 49 50 51 52 52 302 56 358 45.83% 46.94% 48.00% 60.78% 50.00% 46.15% 49.67% 57.14% 50.84% Page - 8SCHOOL/GRADE PULASKI HEIGHTS UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL RIGHTSELL UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROCKEFELLER UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL ROMINE UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 22 17 16 7 12 7 81 23 104 26 30 29 33 31 33 182 31 213 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 2 6 49 47 46 41 43 41 267 56 323 53.06% 63.83% 63.04% 80.49% 72.09% 80.49% 68.16% 55.36% 65.94% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 23 6 4 7 8 2 50 26 76 3 9 8 11 8 7 6 52 8 60 33 33 27 27 21 17 158 32 190 34 24 27 25 26 23 159 33 192 10 58 41 40 39 37 52 277 43 320 Page - 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 3 33 34 27 27 21 17 159 33 192 60 31 31 33 34 25 214 59 273 13 67 49 51 47 46 59 332 51 383 100.00% 97.06% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.37% 96.97% 98.96% 56.67% 77.42 Q. *6 87.10% 75.76% 76.47% 92.00% 74.30% 55.93% 70.33 76.92% 86.57% 83.67% 78.43% 82.98% 80.43% 88.14% 83.43 84.31% 83.55%SCHOOL/GRADE STEPHENS UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL TERRY UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL WAKEFIELD UNGRADED SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 WASHINGTON UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 5 33 32 30 39 37 28 199 32 231 0 29 27 22 24 23 21 146 21 167 2 47 45 58 38 44 43 277 39 316 7 35 23 19 32 30 17 163 28 191 40 37 41 44 46 52 260 26 286 0 45 40 41 54 54 57 291 39 330 7 115 65 57 52 51 34 381 51 432 Page - 10 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 7 2 1 1 1 0 0 5 2 7 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 7 0 7 0 2 2 0 1 0 3 8 3 11 7 35 24 21 33 32 19 171 32 203 75 70 72 84 83 80 464 60 524 0 75 68 65 79 79 78 444 60 504 9 164 112 115 91 95 80 666 93 759 100.00% 100.00% 95.83% 90.48% 96.97% 93.75% 89.47 95.32 87.50 % g. 'o Q. *6 94.09% 53.33% 52.86% 56.94% 52.38% 55.42% 65.00% 56.03% 43.33% 54.58% 0.00% 60.00% 58.82% 63.08% 68.35% 68.35% 73.08% 65.54% 65.00% 65.48% 77.78% 70.12% 58.04% 49.57% 57.14% 53.68% 42.50% 57.21% 54.84% 56.92%SCHOOL/GRADE WATSON UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BIACK SUBTOAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 30 22 28 25 27 152 19 171 55 43 51 55 58 55 317 41 358 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 75 74 73 84 84 82 472 60 532 73.33% 58.11% 69.86% 65.48% 69.05% 67.07% 67.16% 68.33% 67.29% WESTERN HILLS UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 19 17 14 19 22 14 105 17 122 29 32 31 31 31 38 192 19 211 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 3 48 49 46 50 53 53 299 37 336 60.42% 65.31% 67.39% 62.00% 58.49% 71.70% 64.21% 51.35% 62.80 o WILLIAMS UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 30 32 31 41 30 26 190 26 216 38 37 38 49 45 39 246 33 279 2 0 1 2 0 2 7 0 7 10 69 70 92 15 61 443 59 502 54.29% 53.62% 54.29% 53.26% 60.00% 58.21% 55.53% 55.93% 55.58 o. WILSON UNGRADED 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 4 32 13 13 12 14 18 106 12 118 16 39 52 37 42 41 36 263 43 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 20 71 65 50 54 55 56 371 55 426 80.00% 54.93% 80.00% 74.00% 77.78% 74.55% 64.29% 70.89% 78.18% 71.83% Page - 11SCHOOL/GRADE WOODRUFF UNGRADED WHITE BLACK OTHER TOTAL %BLACK SUBTOTAL KIND. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 5 5 7 16 9 51 9 60 10 17 15 18 20 31 111 8 119 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 0 4 19 22 21 26 36 42 166 17 183 52.63% 77.27% 71.43% 69.23% 55.56% 73.81% 66.87% 47.06% 65.03% EASTER SEALS UNGRADED TOTAL 15 15 5 5 0 0 20 20 25.00% 25.00% ELIZ. MITCHELL UNGRADED TOTAL 26 26 13 13 0 0 39 39 33.33% 33.33% E. MITCHELL(DAY) UNGRADED TOTAL 7 7 8 8 0 0 15 15 53.33% 53.33 Page - 12OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING 201 EAST MARKHAM, SUITE 510 HERITAGE WEST BUILDING LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE RACIAL BALANCE January 22, 1991 Teacher's Name Total Black White Other % Non White Brown 21 14 7 0 67% Pilgrim 20 14 6 0 70% Keith 20 13 7 0 65% Thompson 20 14 6 0 70% Moix 23 17 5 1 78% Comer 20 14 6 0 70% Ford 21 14 6 1 71% Moran 21 14 7 0 67% TOTAli III i io IGracie ROCKEFELLER ELEMENTARY RACIAL BALANCE BY GRADE January 22, 191 Total Black White Other % Non White Infants-2 yr olds 27 16 11 0 59% 3 yr olds 17 10 7 0 59% 4 yr olds 58 34 23 1 60% Kindergarten 59 33 26 0 56% 1st 60 32 25 3 58% 2nd 32 25 6 1 81% 3rd 33 27 6 0 82% 4th 34 25 8 1 76% 5th 36 27 9 0 75% 6th 26 23 3 0 88% SUB TOTAL Infants-lst gr 221 125 92 4 58% 2 nd-6 th 161 127 32 2 80% TOTAL ill Bi i wFOREST HEIGHTS JR. AND HENDERSON JR. CAPACITY & ENROLLMENT FIGURES January 23, 1991 Forest Heights Capacity 780 Enrollment 1-23-91 748 96% filled to capacity Henderson Capacity 960 Enrollment 1-23-91 893 93% filled to capacityCENTRAL HIGH INTERDISTRICT MAGNET PROGRAM # OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING AND RACIAL BALANCE # OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING ON A M-TO-M TRANSFER January 22, 1991 Called Jane O'Neal, information. Registrar at Central. She did not have the Would be able to provide the number of students in the interdistrict classes but was not sure that would be the total number of students in the magnet program. She was not sure exactly who was in the magnet program and was not sure if anybody at Central could provide that information. Called Gladys Adair, Attendance Secretary at Central. She was not sure if she could get the information. Did not think that information was available from Central. Sue Pederson from Student Assignment had sent her a list of all students at Central on M-to-M transfers, but did not know which of those students participated in the magnet program. Called Sue Pederson, District. Student Assignment Office, Little Rock School Sue was to call back with the information. With the return call on January 23, Sue reported Student Assignment Office did not have the information available and she would have to call Mr. Hickman. Sue was told of the deadline this office was under and that the information was needed. On the morning of January 24, Mr. Hickman's office was called to see if the information was ready. Patty Teach, Mr. Hickman's secretary, said Mr. Hickman was out of the office and had not returned Sue Pederson's call. Ms. Teach did not have the requested information. Sue Pederson called to report in order to provide the requested information the international class rosters would have to be gone through by hand to mark out students that took more than one magnet class. After that was completed, she would be able to identify the M- to-M students and have a count of participants, but it would take a few days . Sue was told a few days would probably be too late for our deadline, but I would call her back after talking with Ann Brown. James Jennings then called to say he understood this office had requested some information and to make sure we understood what would have to be done. I told him that I had talked with Sue and was to call her that afternoon after discussing the situation with Ann Brown. not know he was under a court deadline. Mr. Jennings said he did I told him he was not. This office was the one under a deadline to the court. I told Mr. Jennings I would contact Sue that afternoon after talking with Ann regarding the timeline for the requested information. After talking with Ann, I called Sue Pederson on the afternoon of January 24 to tell her a few days would be too late for us to meet the deadline, but the information was valuable and needed to be provided to our office. Sue was not available and was to return my call. On the morning of January 25th I again called the Student Assignment Office and could not get through, therefore, I told Linda Bryant to continue trying to get Sue Pederson and give her the message that a few days was too late for the information to be provided to meet our deadline, but since the requested information was valuable. available. to please provide it to our office when Sue Pederson was contacted with that message. She replied the information was in the process of being collected and would be forwarded to this office.OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING 201 EAST MARKHAM, SUITE 510 HERITAGE WEST BUILDING LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1st GRADE RACIAL BALANCE January 22, 1991 Teacher's Name Total Black White Other % Non White Brown 21 14 7 0 67% Pilgrim 20 14 6 0 70% Keith 20 13 7 0 65% Thompson 20 14 6 0 70% Moix 23 17 5 1 78% Comer 20 14 6 0 70% Ford 21 14 6 1 71% Moran 21 14 7 0 67% TOTAL is 2Grade ROCKEFELLER ELEMENTARY RACIAL BALANCE BY GRADE January 22, 191 Total Black White Other % Non White Infants-2 yr olds 27 16 11 0 59% 3 yr olds 17 10 7 0 59% 4 yr olds 58 34 23 1 60% Kindergarten 59 33 26 0 56% 1st 60 32 25 3 58% 2nd 32 25 6 1 81% 3rd 33 27 6 0 82% 4th 34 25 8 1 76% 5th 36 27 9 0 75% 6 th 26 23 3 0 88% SUB TOTAL Infants-lst gr 221 125 92 4 58% 2nd-6th 161 127 32 2 80% TOTAL Bi IFOREST HEIGHTS JR. AND HENDERSON JR. CAPACITY & ENROLLMENT FIGURES January 23, 1991 Forest Heights Capacity 780 Enrollment 1-23-91 748 96% filled to capacity Henderson Capacity 960 Enrollment 1-23-91 893 93% filled to capacityCENTRAL HIGH INTERDISTRICT MAGNET PROGRAM # OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING AND RACIAL BALANCE # OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING ON A M-TO-M TRANSFER January 22, 1991 Called Jane O'Neal, information. Registrar at Central. She did not have the Would be able to provide the number of students in the interdistrict classes but was not sure that would be the total number of students in the magnet program. She was not sure exactly who was in the magnet program and was not sure if anybody at Central could provide that infoirmation. Called Gladys Adair, Attendance Secretary at Central. if she could get the information. She was not sure available from Central. Did not think that information was Sue Pederson from Student Assignment had sent her a list of all students at Central on M-to-M transfers, but did not know which of those students participated in the magnet program. Called Sue Pederson, District. Student Assignment Office, Sue was to call back with the information. Little Rock School With the return call on January 23, Sue reported Student Assignment Office did not have the information available and she would have to call Mr. Hickman. Sue was told of the deadline this office was under and that the information was needed. On the morning of January 24, Mr. Hickman's office was called to see if the information was ready. Patty Teach, Mr. Hickman's secretary, said Mr. Hickman was out of the office and had not returned Sue Pederson's call. Sue Pederson called to report information the international i Ms. Teach did not have the requested information. in order to provide the requested class rosters would have to be gone through by hand to mark out students that took more than one magnet class. After that was completed, she would be able to identify the M- to-M students and have a count of participants, but it would take a few days. Sue was told a few days would probably be too late for our deadline, but I would call her back after talking with Ann Brown. James Jennings then called to say he understood this office had requested some information and to make sure we understood what would have to be done. I told him that I had talked with Sue and was to call her that afternoon after discussing the situation with Ann Brown. not know he was under a court deadline. Mr. Jennings said he did office was the one under a deadline to the court. I told him he was not. This I told Mr. Jennings I would contact Sue that afternoon after talking with Ann regarding the timeline for the requested information. After talking with Ann, I called Sue Pederson on the afternoon of January 24 to tell her a few days would be too late for us to meet the deadline, but the information was valuable and needed to be provided to our office. available and was to return my call. Sue was not On the morning of January 25th I again called the Student Assignment Office and could not get through, therefore, I told Linda Bryant to continue trying to get Sue Pederson and give her the message that a few days was too late for the information to be provided to meet our deadline, but since the requested information was valuable. available. to please provide it to our office when Sue Pederson was contacted with that message. the information was in the process of being collected and would be forwarded to this office. She repliedArkansas Democrat Thursday...August 30^ 1990 Little Rock School District enrollment Elementary Schools Badgett Bala Baseline Booker Brady .
Carver Chicot Cloverdale Elementary Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs . ^ , , , Gibbs Ish Jeflerson Mabelvale McDermott ,MeadowcliH _____ Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights . Rightsail Rockatelier , Romina - , Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington 'iigK
:: Watson Western Hills Williams ( Wilson ' - Woodruff Elementary total Junior High Schools Cloverdale Jr. Dunbar
? Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Jr.
- . Mann ' Pulaski Heights Southwest White 57 65 Percent Total Black Other black enrollment 166 287 5 98 244 262 115 256 176 96 333 >305 303 347 275 8 134 187 69 264 179^^ 58 260 12 309 277 209 49,,'.:::j33 141 Ai, 226 228 196 185 ,135 196 '299 320 ' 74% 223 80 357 71 342 55 A : : 72 7 54 2 66 3 2 7 1 6 10 6 6 ,,,3, 10 149 260 3 28 194 178 /
:156 113 5 66 45, 10 218 164 :1,:308:. 163 121 220 A21, 59 199 : 195 193 300 184 284 330 416 312 207 280 :i308 115 5 1 4 3 3 ,. .5
6 2 2 5 2 4 4,646
i8,907 i|T37 203- 235 ^211' 199 495 398 Wis 637 :<10 3 :::,16 15 74 603 424 ' 566
525 374 58 323 79 52:S 83 51 90 73 56 99 46 56 61 63 87 47 63 87 , 73 86 93 56 66
60-.s':y 65 63 55 :71
S 65 65 333 386 374 543 231 182 332 'te
136 428 530 526 412 222 334 317 201 263 348 197 507.,: 500 *:73O:
:'i 477 330 505 j-::,431,to: 178 13,690 I I 206 .
<:375 348 512 266,412 145 449 16 8 10 70 63 69 75 65 58 60 74 Junior high total 1,813 : 3,772 High Schools 708 636 721 851 581 876 - 686 604
5 .Central , Fair Hall McClellan j-Parkview High school total 568:
366 508 ,32 9 59 58 . 1,460 883 495, 606 17: , ,1,118 368 570 5 339 448 '12 2,136 2,992 75 60 56 56 943 799 5,203ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6,1990 LRSD 7th day enrollment 1989 1990 Sr. high White Black %Black White Black %Black Central Fair Hall McClellan Parkview Total Jr. hiah 743 379 538 459 357 2,476 1,101 507 610 634 450 3,302 58 57 53 57 55 56 574 380 479 378 349 862 493 642 642 439 2,160 3,078 59 56 57 62 55 58 Cloverdale Junior 225 Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Junior Mann Pulaski Heights Southwest Total Elementarv.... Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady I Carver i Chicot I Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin i Fulbright Garland 111 244 254 221 395 257 177 1,884 451 409 482 641 353 462 418 492 3,702 65 78 66 70 61 53 61 73 65 223 229 216 219 219 351 264 152 493 402 526 642 395 514 444 497 1,873 3,913 68 63 69 73 64 58 62 75 67 Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek 57 88 97 244 147 306 168 128 132 95 159 70 244 16 68 153 10 239 225 188 153 17 173 Pulaski Heights Sr. 92 Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson Western Hills Williams Wilson Woodruff Total Grand total 17 28 78 0 200 164 12 152 139 223 128 51 4,461 8,321 185 296 279 320 273 259 319 282 254 244 221 340 . i 275 256 129 168 133 233 303 314 257 201 167 213 190 198 335 213 299 262 437 288 193 238 246 134 8,976 15,980 76 75 73 56 64 45 65 68 66 72 58 81 54 93 65 55 93 49 57 61 62 92 49 69 91 87 80 100 59 61 97 65 58 51 66 71 66 64 57 65 93 268 117 262 182 98 131 64 175 56 260 14 57 141 4 227 266 197 155 28 178 109 4 72 47 10 222 165 317 166 124 220 117 60 4,726 168 292 275 336 328 307 364 281 191 272 202 322 293 214 141 186 140 216 282 326 275 192 166 201 197 196 314 188 289 321 443 333 209 276 301 120 9,157 8.759 16.148 75 80 75 55 73 . 53 66 74 * 59 81. 53 83 52 90 71 56 97 -48 51 61 64 87 48 64 98 73 86 94 56 65 58 66 62 55 72 65 58 64LRSD enrollment - Oct. 1990 10-12-90 I Sr. high Non-black 1990 Black %Black 1989 % Black Central Fair Hall McClellan Parkview Total Jr. hiah 652 364 528 393 369 2,306 977 515 703 630 447 3,272 60 59 . 57 62 55 58 60 , 56 52 59 54 57 ! Cloverdale Junior Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale junior Mann Pulaski Heights Southwest Total Elementarv
229 240 ^<242 230 216 371 268 163 1,959 535 423 530 672 404 515 454 492 4,025 70 64 69 75 65 58 63 75 67 64 79 67 71 61 .J 54 63 70 66 Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland ... Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson Western Hills Williams I Wilson Woodruff Total Grand total 56 73 98 268 126 276 182 100 137 66 182 68 266 29 56 146 4 232 238 201 157 24 179 114 2 76 69 12 233 176 324 171 135 224 120 66 4,886 166 302 272 346 330 327 362 289 194 279 205 343 293 211 145 187 142 237 321 323 287 183 180 211 191 195 323 190 289 326 438 347 204 281 298 120 9,337 75 81 74 56 72 54 67 74 59 81 53 83 52 88 72 56 97 51 57 61 65 88 50 65 99 72 82 94 55 65 57 67 60 56 71 65 66 __64 76 76 72 53 66 46 64 70 64 72 57 M 82 56 "" 94 66 51 96 50 58 -"ifc 61 62 92 50 71 92 86 80 100 61 65 98 64 59 51 66 w '5^ 71 67 64 CORRECT FIGURES - A number of figures in the October 1990 Little Rock School District enrollment chart in Thursdays newspaper wrere incorrect The chart today has correct figures. Also, because of a reporting error, a story that accompanied the chart contained some erroneous information when comparing last years official enrollment with this years to calculate the difference. The Little Rock district actually has 190 fewer students than in October 1989.LRSD loses 264 students, still 64% black LRSD enrollment - Oct. 1990 10-12-90 Sr. high f Non-black 1990 Black % Black 1989 %Black BY BRENDA CREDIT Democrat Staff Writer Enrollment in the Little Rock School District fell this year, while the percentage of black students remained the same at 64 percent, according to figures released by the district Wednesday. The districts overall enrollment was down 264 students to 25.785, compared to 26,049 last year. The number of white students increased by 123, from 9,028 in 1989 to 9,151 this year. The districts black enrollment dropped from 16,726 last year to 16,634 this year, a difference of 92 pupils. The high schools level of black high school students numbered 3,354 in 1989 and 3,174 in 1990, a loss of 180. Enrollment was down in senior highs because of the M- to-M (majority-to-minority) transfers, said James Jennings, associate district superintendent. The majority-to-minority program allows black students to transfer to the North Little Rock or Pulaski County Special school districts. White students in those districts may transfer to the Little Rock School District. Enrollment in district elementary schools is 66 percent black, the same as last year. The total number of students, however, is up from 14,083 in 1989 to 14,336 in 1990. Three district elementary schools have a black enrollment greater than 90 percent: Ish, 97 percent
Rightsell, 99
and Stephens, 94. The schools with 80 percent or more black enrollment include: Bale, 81 percent
Fair Park, 81
Franklin, 83
Garland, 88
Mitchell, 88
and Romine, 82. At the junior high level, the number of black students increased from 3,937 in 1989 to 4,025 in 1990, an additional 88 students. The number of white students also increased, from 1,951 last year to 1,959. Central Fair Hall McClellan Parkview Total Jr. high ..... Cloverdale Junior Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Junior Mann Pulaski Heights Southwest Total Elementarv..... Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson Western Hills Williams Wilson Woodruff Total Grand total 652 364 528 393 369 2,306 977 515 703 630 447 3,272 60 59 57 62 55 58 60 56 52 59 54 57 229 240 242 230 216 371 263 163 1,959 535 423 530 672 404 515 454 492 4,025 70 64 69 75 65 58 63 75 67 64 79 67 71 61 54 63 70 66 56 73 98 268 126 276 182 100 137 66 182 68 266 29 56 146 4 232 238 201 157 24 179 114 2 76 69 12 233 176 324 171 135 224 120 66 4,886 166 302 272 346 330 327 362 289 194 279 205 343 293 211 145 187 142 237 321 323 287 183 180 211 191 195 323 190 289 326 438 347 204 281 298 120 9,337 16.634 75 81 74 56 72 54 67 74 59 81 53 83 52 88 72 56 97 51 57 61 65 88 50 65 99 72 82 94 55 65 57 67 60 56 71 65 66 64 76 76 72 53 66 46 64 70 64 72 57 82 56 94 66 51 96 50 58 61 62 92 50 71 92 86 80 100 61 65 98 64 59 51 66 71 67 64 i CORRECT FIGURES - A number of figures in the October 1990 Little Rock School District enrollment chart in Thursday's newspaper were incorrect. The chart today has correct figures. Also, because of a reporting error, a story that accompanied the chart contained some erroneous information when comparing last year's official enrollment with this year's to calculate the difference. The Little Rock district actually has 190 fewer students thar in October 1989.LR grade schools add 220 whites in reversal August 30, 1990...Thursday ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT THU LRSD third day enrollment BY CYNTHIA HOWELL Democfal SlaU Writer White enrollment in the Little Rock School Districts elementary schools was up 220 pupils Wednesday, an apparent reversal of the districts history of losing while children in early grades. However, the gain was not enough to offset the loss of white students in junior and senior high schools. Between this year and last year, the district lost 299 white high school students - 164 of them at Central High - or 12 percent of the while enroll- ncnl in the senior highs. The listricl also lost 46 white junior high students. Wednesday, the third day of school, was the first day district officials compiled enrollment figures for 1990-91. The numbers, when compared with 1989, showed: The overall enrollment for the day was 24,556, an in- crease of I4I students over last years 24,415. or that total, 8,595 students were white, 15,671 were black, and 290 students were of other races. The number of black students increased 252 over last year. The enrollment Wednesday was 63.8 percent black and 36.2 percent white. Last year, the racial composition of the district was 63.2 percent black and 36.8 percent white. "Im very encouraged by the: elementary school numbers,: Dr. Ruth Steele, di.slrict superintendent. said Wednesday evening. She said about half of the district's regular, non-magnet, non-incentive schools had increases in the number of white pupils. Fulbright Elementary, for example, had 20 new while pupils and Pulaski Heights Elementary had an Increase of 19. In all, 16 of 25 reg-: See STUDENTS, Page 9B Sr. hlqh While 1989 1990 Students Continued from Arkansas Page utar elementary schools showed increases in while enrollment. ' Steele credited the increase of whites lo stability provided by the district's student assignment policies. Beginning last year, all kindergarten and other new students were assigned to schools based on the attendance zones in which they live. A.s a result, most parents are able to know where their children will attend school all 13 years. The district has lost while elementary pupils each year since 1987, when the district annexed some Pulaski County students and schools. In 1987, the district had 4,864 white elementary pupils. The district lost while elementary pupils in most of the years preceding the annexation. Steele said Wednesday she didn't know the reason for the loss of while students in the upper grades. All but two secondary schools, Dunbar and Pulaski Heights junior highs, showed decreases in white enrollment. Little Rock School Board President Skip Rutherford called the loss a remnant of the districts old controlled- choice student assignment plan. is one kindergarten class at a time. The district has 4,646 while elementary pupils, compared with 4,426 last year
8,907 black elementary pupils compared with 8,762 in 1989
and 137 children of other racc.s compared with 113 la.stycar. According to district statistics, there are non-magnet. non-Incentive elementary .schools that fall outside the districts court-ordered r.ncial- ratio requirements to be 51 percent to 76 percent black. Bale. Franklin, Fair Park, and Romine clementaries exceed the 76 percent cap. Steele said her staff will examine the attendance zones for the schools and consider programs to attract whites to those buildings. A comprehensive gifted education program is proposed for Romine. Cloverdale and Geyer Springs elementaries, which have high black enrollments, also will be monitored. Otter Creek and Jefferson elementaries have black enrollments below 50 percent. Steele said black enrollments at those schools should increase this week as more pupils enroll in the district. The district has six incentive schools that originally had black enrollments in excess of 80 percent. Incentive schools arc eligible for special programs and extra funding. Central Fair Hall McClellan Parkview Total Jr. high .......... Cloverdale Junior Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Junior Mann Pulaski Heights Southwest Total Elementary..... Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights nighlsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson Western Hilts Williams Wilson Woodruff Total Grand total Black %B1ack While Slack %Black 732 389 524 442 348 2.435 1,014 426 567 603 446 3.056 56.7 51.6 51.5 57,4 55.3 55,9 568 366 495 368 339 2,136 860 508 606 570 448 2,992 58.9 57.5 54.2 60.4 56.1 57.5 225 103 248 250 231 394 250 153 1,859 420 393 476 632 341 457 400 482 3.601 64.0 78.9 64.9 70.1 59.4 52.5 60.4 74.3 65.0 203 235 211 199 206 348 266 145 1,813 495 398 494 637 375 512 412 449 3,772 69.9 62.6 68.5 74.9 64.5 58.4 60,1 74.3 66.6 Tm very encouraged by the etemenfary school numbers. That plan abolished attendance zones and permitted students lo choose their schools. The plan drove away hundreds of white students who were unable to get their school choices because they would put the schools out of compliance with court-ordered racial-ratio requirements. The plan left the district with smaller classes that are now moving through the secondary schools, Rutherford said. "Were coming back little by little, he said of elementary school numbers. "Ive said that the way to rebuild this district Rockefeller Elementary, which was 84 percent black last year, was 73 percent black ns of Wednesday, The school has an early-education magnet program. Washington Elementary, which svas 97 percent black last year, was converted to a magnet school and is 57 percent black this year. As a magnet. some of the white pupils enrolled at Washington come from the Pulaski County Special and North Little Rock districts. The same Is true at Dunbar Junior High, which was 79 percent black last year and is 63 percent black this year as a result of a new magnet program on international studies. Rutherford called Dunbar, Washington and Rockefeller success stories. 56 84 93 244 144 305 161 142 131 93 160 69 240 16 70 153 10 237 213 184 147 20 172 94 17 40 79 0 199 153 11 145 143 221 129 51 4.426 180 294 279 319 268 261 314 253 247 239 214 331 267 250 126 168 125 225 206 303 247 205 163 212 166 225 323 196 290 261 421 275 187 243 245 132 8.762 8,720 15.419 76.3 77.8 73.6 56.3 64.1 45.7 65.7 63.7 64.8 72.0 56.8 80.3 51.8 93.6 64.3 51.2 92.6 48.4 57.3 61.1 62.4 91.1 48,7 68-6 91.2 84.0 79.6 99.5 58.8 62.9 97.2 65.2 56.5 51.7 65.5 70.6 65.9 63.2 57 65 98 262 115 256 176 96 134 69 179 58 260 12 49 141 1 226 228 196 149 28 178 113 5 66 45 10 218 164 308 163 121 220 121 59 4.648 166 287 244 333 305 303 347 275 187 264 200 309 277 209 133 185 135 196 299 320 260 194 156 199 195 193 300 184 284 330 416 312 207 280 308 115 8.907 8,595 15,671 74.4 80.4 71.3 55.2 71.9 53.5 66.1 73.5 57.9 79.3 51.8 82.6 51.0 90.5 73.1 55.7 99.3 45.8 56.4 60.8 63.1 87.4 46.7 62.8 97.0 73.4 86.2 93.4 56.0 66.0 57.0 65.4 62.7 55.4 71.5 64.6 65.1 63.8LRSD loses 264 students Still 64% black BY BRENDA CREDIT Democrat Staff Writer Enrollment in the Little Rock School District fell this year, while the percentage of black students remained the same at 64 percent, according to figures released by the district Wednesday. The districts overall enrollment was down 264 students to 25.785, compared to 26,049 last year. The number of white students increased by 123, from 9,028 in 1989 to 9,151 this year. The districts black enrollment dropped from 16,726 last year to 16,634 this year, a difference of 92 pupils. The high schools level of black high school students numbered 3.354 in 1989 and 3,174 in 1990, a loss of 180. Enrollment was down in senior highs because of the M- to-M (majority-to-minority) transfers, said James Jennings, associate district superintendent. The majority-to-minority program allows black students to transfer to the North Little Rock or Pulaski County Special school districts. White students in those districts may transfer to the Little Rock School District. Enrollment in district elementary schools is 66 percent black, the same as last year. The total number of students, however, is up from 14,083 in 1989 to 14,336 in 1990. Three district elementary schools have a black enrollment greater than 90 percent: Ish, 97 percent
Rightsell, 99
and Stephens, 94. The schools with 80 percent or more black enrollment include: Bale, 81 percent
Fair Park, 81
Franklin. 83: Garland, 88
Mitchell, 88
and Romine, 82. At the junior high level, the number of black students increased from 3,937 in 1989 to 4,025 in 1990, an additional 88 students. The number of white students also increased, from 1,951 last year to 1,959. LRSD enrollment - Oct. 1990 10-12-90 Sr. high f Non-black 1990 Black %Black 1989 %Black Central Fair ' .'' Hall McClellan Parkview Total Jr. hiah ........... Cloverdale Junior Dunbar Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Junior Mann Pulaski Heights Southwest Total . , Elementarv........ Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady ... Carver Chicot .zirw'wjiisSbOS. Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright"'?^: Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Ish Jefferson Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff ?- SI Mitchell Otter Creek S.... Pulaski Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson . Western Hills Williams ,. Wilson ' .1 I Woodruff I Total L Grand total 652 364 528 393 369 2,306 977 515 703 630 447 3,272 60 59 57 62 ? 55 58 60 56 52 59 54 57 >. 'W- 229 , 240 .. 242 230 216 371 268 163 1,959 535 423 530 672 404 515 454 492 4,025 70 ..s 64 69 75 65 : 58 63 75 . 67 is: 64 79 67 71 61 54 63 70 66 I 56 73 98 - 268 126 276 182 100 137 66 182 68 266 29 56 146 4 <3
232 238 ' 201 157 24 179 114 2 76 69 12 233 176 324 171 135 224 120 66 4,886 166 302 272 346 330 327 362 289 194 279 205 343 293 211 145 . 187 142 237 . 321 323 287 183 180 211 191 195 323 190 289 326 438 347 204 281 298 120 9,337 75 81 74 56 , 72 54 67 ..74
59 81. . . 53 83 52 -i 88 . 72 56 97 51 , 57 61.. 65 88 - 50 65 99 72 82 94 55 65 57 67 60 56 71 65 66 64 76 76 72 53 66 46 64 70 64 72 57 82 56 w - .. , 94 66 ' ,51 .. 96 50 58 61 62 92 50 71 92 86 80 100 61 65 98 64 59 51 66 71 67 64 CORRECT FIGURES - A number of figures in the October 1990 Little Rock School District enrollment chart in Thursday's newspaper were incorrect. The chart today has correct figures. Also, because of a reporting error, a story that accompanied the chart contained some erroneous information when comparing last years official enrollment with this year's to calculate the difference. The Little Rock district actually has 190 fewer students thar in October 1989. I
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.