Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors Through: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent Date: December 10, 1994 Subject: Desegregation Update Sines this months desegregation update includes a number of items in progress, I have attached a summary of those items. On occasions when items continue from a previous month and no new information is available to report, I will present the report orally to you. .-vSIVSD JAN 2 7 1995 0ffic3 of OesegregrJcn MonitoringLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting December 15, 1994 Program Budget Document (PBD) When the PBD was first implemented, many non obligation items were included. At the time, we were uncertain about the precise definition of an obligation. Extensive discussions were held at that time about what was and was not an obligation. We knew then that some cleanup would be necessary. Working with the document this past year has helped. The distinction between obligations and observations or procedures is clearer. We began the cleanup process in November. Program managers were asked to review their sections of the PBD and mark items they believed were not appropriate for the document. These were two types: 1) completed, one time obligations and 2) items that were not obligations but normal procedure within the program area or simply observations. Their responses were returned to the Office of Desegregation. They are being compiled. These items will be noted in the second quarter PBD and dropped from the third quarter copy of the PBD. Some items will transfer to other documents such as the job description for the program manager or the procedures record for the program area. A paper trail will be established for each item dropped from the third quarter PBD. None of the ongoing obligations will be dropped. This procedure applies only to the PBD. Audit of Obligations (Attachment) The purpose of the annual Audit of Obligations is to catalogue and merge into the Program Budget Document (PBD) all desegregation obligations incurred during the previous year. In October 1993, all previous obligations under the desegregation plans were researched and included in the PBD. This years audit is for the period from October of 1993 through October of 1994. All court orders, hearing transcripts, monitoring reports, and stipulations were reviewed for that period. The obligations were extracted from the documents and listed. The list was reviewed by the Superintendents Council, the Superintendent, LRSD Attorneys, and the LRSD Office of Desegregation. This year research on the audit includes an update on the sums of each obligation. Responsible persons were asked to report on the status on their listed obligations. Responses were reduced to codes. Evidence of the sums of each is mainuined by the person responsible. A copy of the completed audit is included with this update. Original Magnets: Geographic Preference (Anachment) The issue of geographic preference is on the Magnet Review Committees uble. Geographic preference refers to the practice of considering the racial balance impact on the area school by the transfer of a smdent to a magnet. This means that some students may not transfer to magnets because doing so will negatively impact the racial balance of their area school.Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting December 15, 1994 2 At a meeting of the MRC on November 19, I informed them that we use geographic preference in selecting students for magnets. Though this issue is being reviewed as if it is a new concept, it is not. It is protected by the Magnet Stipulation (February, 1987). It is also a practice in PCSSD since magnets were established. Attached is a memorandum presented to the MRC stating reasons for supporting the practice and encouraging their support. Desegregation Plan Modifications (Attachment) them. A number of sections of the plan are being reviewed with a eye toward modifying As you know, the process is time consuming. We hope to have a number of modifications before you by the board meeting in march. Any modifications must be approved by the Board of Directors before they are filed with the Court. Therefore, you will have an opportunity to review any modifications before they are final, illustration of the plan modification process. Attached is a graphic Registration Preparation for February registration is complete almost. The details of that information will be presented to the Board at the January meeting. Generally, the dates and activities are as they were last year. Director of Communications Interviewing for the position of Director of Communications has begun. Almost 200 applications were received. We hope to have someone in the position no later than mid- January. Decewdier 12, 199^-Desegregation Plan Amendment Process Students Patrons Teachers Committees Adininisti*aturs Demographic Changes Failure of Deseg. Process Propose Change (in writing) Changes in Law Changing Circumstances I I Office of Desegregation (LRSD) If approved 1. Initial Evaluation 2. When appropriate: Surveys & Public Meetings held Informal Consultation with Parties 3. Final Recommendation to Superintendent 4. Superintendent Recommends to Board Submit to Court Share with Parties If the Court approves, the plan shall be amended noting the approved date. Little Rock School District K MayoLittle Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Magnet Review Committee From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent Date: December 12, 1994 Subject: Magnet Selection: Geographic Preference Little Rocks original magnets are among the most successful schools in the area. Their reason should not be blurred by the thrill of success, however. They developed from the need to voluntarily desegregate ail schools. So weighty is this goal in Pulaski County, that it has bound parties and patrons in a web of priorities punctuated by dilemmas. Too often, these dilemmas ignore the greater goal of educating students. The decision before the MRC is another dilemma. In short, it is the conflict between voluntary desegregation and extra funding. If geographic preference is prohibited in selecting students for magnet schools, a few more seats can be filled, drawing more funding. Area schools, however, will become more racially identifiable violating the intent of desegregation. If geographic preference is permitted, the prospects of desegregation are preserved, but some magnet seats will be empty wiout additional state funding. The position of the MRC is an important one. The success of voluntary desegregation will be inhibited or enabled by the decision. This decision will be a statement about the priorities of the MRC. By opposing geographic preference, funding becomes the priority. By supporting g'
eographic preference, voluntary desegregation remains the priority. In weighing your decision, the following information may be helpful: 1. The position of the U. S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, is clear on dilemmas involving the goal of desegregation and funding. In its 1991 decision concerning plan modifications, the Court stressed the following: .... We wish to dispel, in particular, any notion that an asserted lack of funds on the part of any of the three school districts would Justify a reduction in their commitment to desegregation....' 2. Geographic preference was and is a standing policy in the Pulaski County Special School District, according to Billy Bowles, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
3. The primary goal of the MRC is desegregation. The court order establishing the MRC requires that the MRC shall have as its primary objective the furtherance of effective desegregation."* 4. Geographic preference, applied to student selection, drives the desegregating process. It is permitted by the Magnet Stipulation as noted here: ' Appeal of Little Rock School District. Pulaski County Special School District No. I. North Little Rock School District. 2 and Mrs. Lorene Joshua. 949 F.2d 253, 255 (Sth Cir. 1991). Magnet Review Committee Court Order (September 3, 1986), page 2.Magnet Review Committee Magnet Selection: Geographic Preference 2 SEAT ALLOCATION .... The three districts agree that each district will establish an open enrollment policy for magnet schools and will be permitted to determine how children will be selected for the magnet seats allocated to each district pursuant to that policy. This provision shall not prohibit the establishment of geographic preference areas where appropriate. 5. Regardless of the position taken by the MRC, every seat will never be filled unless the pool of white students requesting magnets increases dramatically. This condition is created by seat restrictions of race and grade level, two restrictions necessary to desegregation. The student selection practices of the Little Rock School District support geographic preference. We would appreciate your support of this practice. C
Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent Chris Heller, LRSD Attorney Magnet Stipulation (February 16, 1987), page 5.Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Through: From: Date: Board of Directors perintendent Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent January 12,1995 Subject: Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of January. RECE'' ip , .. (Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting January 26,1995 Program Budget Document (PBD) When the PBD was first implemented, many non obligation items were included. At the time, we were uncertain about the precise definition of an obligation. Extensive discussions were held at that time about what was and was not an obligation. We knew then that some cleanup' would be necessary. Working with the document this past year has helped. The distinction between obligations and observations or procedures is clearer. We began the cleanup process in November. Program managers were asked to review their sections of the PBD and mark items they believed were not appropriate for the document. These were two types: 1) completed, one time obligations and 2) items that were not obligations but normal procedure within the program area or simply observations. Their responses were returned to the Office of Desegregation. They are being compiled. These items will be noted in the second quarter PBD and dropped from the third quarter copy of the PBD. Some items will transfer to other documents such as the job description for the program manager or the procedures record for the program area. A paper trail will be established for each item dropped from the third quarter PBD. None of the ongoing obligations will be dropped. This procedure applies only to the PBD. Original Magnets: Geographic Preference (Attachment) The issue of geographic preference was addressed by the Magnet Review Committee at it's December 13 meeting. Geographic preference refers to the practice of considering the racial balance impact on the area school by the transfer of a student to a magnet. Our practice did not allow students to go to magnet schools if their transfer negatively affected racial balance at the area school. We have changed that practice as a result of the request of the MRC. It is important to realize that this will cause our area schools to resegregate. At a meeting of the MRC on November 19, I informed them that we use geographic preference in selecting students for magnets. Though this issue was reviewed as if it were a new concept, it was not. It is protected by the Magnet Stipulation (February', 1987). It is also a practice in PCSSD since magnets were established. Attached is a memorandum presented to the MRC stating reasons for supporting the practice. Desegregation Plan Modifications (Attachment) A number of sections of the plan are being reviewed with a eve toward modifying them. As you know, the process is time consuming. We hope to have a number of modifications before you by the board meeting in Afarch. Some of theDesegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting January 26,1995 9 modifications will be proposed because of budget cuts. Anv modification must be approved by the Board of Directors before it is filed with the Court. Therefore, you will have an opportunity to review them before they are final. Attached is a graphic illustration of the plan modification process. Registration (Attachment) Preparation for February registration is complete. Registration information is attached. Generally, the dates and activities are as they were last year. Attendance Zone Analysis (Attachment) We have completed our analysis of students in and out of their attendance zones. Attached is a chart showing the breakdown by attendance zones. The first page represents totals by school and by attendance zones (across the top). The next few pages show the same information by race. The far right columns indicate the percentage of students who attend the school and live in the school's attendance zone. In other words, that is the percentage of those who attend their home school. A comparison is made between December 8,1993 and December 2,1994. I am pleased to report that our effort to return students to their attendance zone schools is paying off. Note that a positive number in the far right column indicates improvement over last year this time. Every school but four showed improvement. This is clear evidence that there is an effort to place our students in their home school unless they choose another school or program. Mayer, Ja^auuy 12, 1995Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM T0: Magnet Review Committee From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent Date: December 12, 1994 Subject: Magnet Selection: Geographic Preference Little Rock s original magnets are among the most successful schools in the area. Their reason should not be blurred by the thrill of success, however. They developed from the need to voluntarily desegregate all schools. So weighty is this goal in Pulaski County, that it has bound parties and patrons in a web of priorities punctuated by dilemmas. Too often, these dilemmas ignore the greater goal of educating students. The decision before the MRC is another dilemma. In short, it is the conflict between voluntary desegregation and extra funding. If geographic preference is prohibited in selecting students for magnet schools, a few more seats can be filled, drawing more funding. Area schools, however, will become more racially identifiable violating the intent of desegregation. If geographic preference is permitted, the prospects of desegregation are preserved, but some magnet seats will be empty without additional state fimding The position of the MRC is an important one. The success of voluntary desegregation will be inhibited or enabled by the decision. This decision will be a statement about the priorities of the MRC. By opposing geographic preference, funding becomes the priority. By supporting geographic preference, voluntary desegregation remains the priority. In weighing your decision, the following information may be helpful: 1. The position of the U. S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, is clear on dilemmas involving the goal of desegregation and funding. In its 1991 decision concerning plan modifications, the Court stressed the following: .... We wish to dispel, in particular, any notion that an asserted lack of funds on the part of any of the three school districts would justify a reduction in their commitment to desegregation....' 2. Geographic preference was and is a standing policy in the Pulaski County Special School District, according to Billy Bowles, Assistant Superintendent for Desegregation
3. The primary goal of the MRC is desegregation. The court order establishing the MRC requires that "the MRC shall have as its primary objective the furtherance of effective desegregation."* 4. Geographic preference, applied to student selection, drives the desegregating process. It is permitted by the Magnet Stipulation as noted here: ' Appeal of iutle Rock School District. Pulaski County Special School District No. I. North Little Rock School District, and Mrs. Lorenc Joshua, 949 F.2d 253, 255 (8th Cir. 1991). Magnet Review CommiHee Court Order (September 3, 1986). page 2.Magnet Review Committee Magnet Selection
Geographic Preference SEAT ALLOCATION .... The three districts agree that each district will establish an open enrollment policy for magnet schools and will be permitted to determine how children will be selected for the magnet seats allocated to each district pursuant to that policy. This provision shall not prohibit the establishment of geographic preference areas where appropriate. 5. Regardless of the position taken by the MRC, every seat will never be filled unless the pool of white students requesting magnets increases dramatically. This condition is created by seat restrictions oi race and grade level, two restrictions necessary to desegregation. The student selection practices of the Little Rock School District support geographic preference. We would appreciate your support of this practice. C: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent Chris Heller, LRSD Attorney 3 Magnet Stipulation (February 16, 1987), page 5.Desegregation Plan Amendment Process Students Patrons Committees Teachers AdministAtors Demographic Changes Failure of Deseg. Process Propose Change (in writing) I Changes in Law Changing Circumstances Office of Desegregation (LRSD) If approved 1. Initial Evaluation 2. When appropriate
Surveys & Public Meetings held Informal Consultation with Parties 3. Final Recommendation to Superintendent 4. Superintendent Recommends to mi B( oard Submit to Court Share with Parties If the Court approves, the plan shall be amended noting the approved date. Lillie Hoek School DixiricI K Mas Itt Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Principals From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent ^4^ Date: January 6,1995 Subject: LRSD 1995-96 Pre-Registration LRSD 1995-96 PRE-REGISTRATION TIMELINE DATE JANUARY 23-31 JANUARY 23 JANUARY 24 JANUARY 25 JANUARY 30 JANUARY 31 FEBRUARY 6-17 EVENT TIME MARCH 17 MARCH 27 - JUNE 1 MARCH 27 - APRIL 7 APRIL 3 APRIL 17 JUNE 2 - JULY 21 * Check Us Out" Week at LRSD Elementary Schools________ Open House - Incentive/Interdistrict Schools_______________ Open House - Elementary Magnet Schools_________________ Open House - Secondary Magnet Schools__________________ Open House - Elementary Area Schools _______________ Open House - Secondary Area Schools ___________________ PRE-REGISTRATION at all schools and LRSD Student Assignment Office_____________ Assignment notification letters mailed for students in grades K-12 Pre-Registration continues at Area Schools Desegregation Transfer applications (Secondary students) accepted in Student Assignment Office____________________ Assignment notification letters mailed for 4 year old students Assignment notification letters mailed for secondary Desegregation Transfer applicants____________ Summer registration at LRSD Student Assignment Office 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. "Check Us Out " Week is a time we have set aside encouraging prospective patrons to tour our elementary schools during school hours. C: Superintendent's Council Office of Desegregation Monitoring North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Special School District Joshua Intervenors Knight Intervenors Chris Heller JCount of fD ZSchool c 0) OJ Lillie Rock School District School Attended and Attendance Zone Totals December 2. 1994 9 5 School Badgetl_______ Bale ______ Baseline___ Booker Magnet Brady _________ tn 116 2 0 12 0 Carver Magnel 2 Chicot_______ Cloyer^le____ Dodd________ ______ Forest Pari Franklin_______ Fulbrighl______ Ga^nd Geyer Sphr>y Gj^s Magnet Jefferwn_____ M L7king Mablevate ___ McDermott 0 0 1 2 i P 0 0 0 1 i MeadowdifT Mrt^______ Otter^ree^ _ Pulaski ileighis Rightsell _____ Rockefeller Romitie________ Terry_____ WakeTield ____ Washington Watson______ Western tiills Williams Magnet WIson_______ Woodruff Hall k _____ F air K J______ Central K __ Parkview K McClellan K Granrt Toltl 0 0 2 p ~ 0 q 2 _o 15 Lp 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 160 ra - _S2_ ! 165 ' L? JO i 11 ! _9 3
2 3 ' J^ ' __ I _2 9 _2 I ' 4 0 3 1 S 6 1 io ii 7 0 Ji i 12 16 2 1 q' _o 3 0" 0 342 1 ar irr (a tn ) 0 i ^1 I 193 J2 0 I 3 i 8 ' j i _i ' _P i _j ' L 3 ' _ p : 0 is I _2 0 3 J 0 2 _q 8 3 0 J 3 _i _q 6 5 J4 _i _4 _g' 0 0 q 0 1 0 339 : S m 0 3 _2 11 i69 8 3 1 4 2 6 6 5 2 i io 4 0 J? _p 2 q _4 q 3 ~ 9 6 0 J5 _q _5 _28 2 J 3 i ? q 0 6 360 iliriM o u u 2 _3 16 8 2 8 ?? i _0 0 2 2 0 9 5 1 2 42 4 3 2 15 0 2 i4 ' 3 _1 5 ji 29 _1 4 6 p 'g 1 q 2 i 500 ar la o V > o u _ 1 _2 25 20 2 9 4 3 __2 3 2 _1 _ 6 5 i 6 23 _q -A 3 JI 2 1 8 4 5 _5 19 ^0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 ' 0 6 495 o a- 2 1 2 13 <0 0. 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' _P 1 1 5 2 6 0 _q _q 3 i2 0 6 0 0 16 9 5 0 0 0 1 0 " 230 0 a __12 1 1 ' I 0 6 P 10 3 5 4 2 3 __1 7 4 4 3 1 23 7 3 0 3 6 6 3 ' 6 i66 ' 8 i 0 2 6 1 c I o p 3 0 8 6 2 a 0 4 0 10 2 0 2 1 5 2 7 3 3 4 0 1 4 4 126 S E o a 0 7 4 18 10 0 0 22 3 4 2 13 1 1 3 4 2 1 a 0 2 0 3 2 3 1 195 0 1 c 5 _p 4 0 1 11 0 2 1 3 5 9 37 2 35 ' 3 2 10 5 3 17 6 6 0 5 ' 0 4 2 12 17 27 0 3 3 0 6 I 1. 2 7 12 19 0 7 10 11 4 4 20 5 0 4 7 20 2 14 3 0 0 11 0 1 3 0 0 7 4 1 0 12 2 12 1 3 & . ' o i S 36 4 15 27 4 34 19 3 11 4 I E c 2 i I o ? Office ol Desegregation Page 1 3 0 1 2 3 22 _0 _p 0 0 0 339 22 0 J ~ 1 2 3 0 0 0 _0 0 320 29 0 5 __1 2 0 0 0 2 0 __0 244 31 6 4 0 17 22 9 1 2 __1 0 2 0 399 1 1 0 9 3 2 0 3 __3 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 199 1 12 4 382 0 17 0 0 20 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 607 0 ' 5 0 0 296 18 0 1 4 2 1 __1 __1 0 1 2 452 15 I 5 9 2 7 4 17 5 5 7 9 11 __1 15 _3 20 2 0 _7 260 3 : a 4 1 3 2 12 0 9 26 23 4 3 2 8 0 0 10 2 2 2 32 2 _1 o' 2 0 1 4 " 0 6 0 6 0 5 2 2 5 2 3 0 15 0 14 8 19 2 0 15 1 1. 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 js5_ _ ? o N .5 4 0 1 0 4 5 3 IS 0 1 9 4 4 9 5 2 2 17 1 1 613 2 0 _!4 13 321 3 1 9 _ 1 1 J 2 J 2 0 2 P J 3 4 3 p 0 0 0 4 0 5 0 68 5 J 1 521 _P 0 0 0 0 270 6 I 0 ! _ 1 ' _J i 1 ' 5 __1 2 21 26 q 20 _q 14 JO 210 '5 0 __3 0 0 0 452 ' ' _P _P i 0 i i _2 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 a q a 0 0 0 __1 0 _ 0 2 _i 88 _q 0 __q 0 0 130 J? 300 562 J' 454 382 2 ?? J22 269 285 293 283 J 478 414 256 407 225 386 316 _551 659 422 __304 __4^ _W7 230 __19 _ 0 __J9 ___13 18 13611 *** 55 00% 62 46% 50 13X 5 Ijf' 65 18% 56 29% 56 18% 69 60% 57 99% 60 35% M25% 64 40% 60 88% 68 12% 64 M% 73 88% M 51% 73 78% 32 47% 61 71% 69 33% 75 ^% 39 45% 76 07% 61 64% 60 52% 36 26% TBwtsansCount of 10 School Radgell ' Badgett Total Bale Race Bieck V4iile 9^? V^tle ? School Bate Total Beekr>e Batalina Total Bookx Megr>el Other V^ite Blea V\4)ile Booker Magnet Total Brady Bl^ 9*^ V^'ile Bredy Total Carver Magnet Other \A4iite e S m 46 116 2 21? 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 5 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 c Carver Magnet Total Chicot BIX* Othx i^ite Chkot Total Cloverdale VMiite Cloverdale Total Dodd Other V^ile 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 a 0 b 0 1? 6 'i7 165 0 _p 0 0 5 0 5 10 10 _P 1 11 5 i 3 9 1 0 I (D 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Dodd Total Fair Perk O91W V^ite Fair Park Total Forest Park Bieck Other White 1 1, 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 7 Forest Park Total Franklin 1 Franklin Total Fulbnght Fulbright Total Blecfc IMiite Other V>mite 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 3 0 0 3 13 0 1 14 5 b 0 S line Rock School Dlatrlct School Attended end School Zone December 2,1994 1 J*1 3 49 193 _13 P 4 17 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 9 0 2 0 11 _0 5 10 ' 0 1 1 ' m 0 ' 0 0 2 0 1 3 _? 0 0 0 I _2 b 2 2 0 1 3 10 I 1 J 0 1 0. 0 0 0 0 _t 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 _0 10 11 10* 0 79 189 J 0 7 8 2 0 ii 3 1 b 0 1 3 0 i 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 9 2 2 2 6 2 0 3 5 1 s 19 9 0 2 9 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 8 171 4 07 262 "23 0 8 31 2 2p 1 1 0 0 0 0 _p 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 ' ~b 0 2 ' 1 1 0 1 2 21 0 25 11 i 8 20 2 0 0 2 6 0 3 0 33 0 1 34 212 5 32 249 3 0 1 4 3 0 0 3 2 b 0 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 0 2 Q 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 I 0 2 2 5 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 13 2 0 2 4 5 0 2 1 4 0 1 5 1 0 2 03 5 73 101 0 0 0 0 _0 6 0 0 _ 2 0 0 2 1 0 b 1 2 0 5 9 5 0 2 2 3 2 4 0 I 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 _4 1 2 2 3 0 2 2 2 0 1 I 5 b 5 11 0 3 14 2 0 0 2 5 0 s 3 0 0 0 8 0 3 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 I V) 1 2 I 0 0 0 0 1 1 105 3 52 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 13 0 0 13 2 0 0 4 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 0 4 5 12 0 2 14 2 0 1 2 1 11 01 4 12 0 1 107 252 3 0 0 3 7 _0 14 21 13 0 0 0 241 0 3 250 7 J 0 8 16 10 _1 5 24 7 3 8 18 1 Q 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 8 p 0 8 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 2 8 0 0 8 8 0 2 ' 0 2 2 0 0 2 12 0 2 14 5 1 2 8 0 2p 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 3 ' 2 ' 3 8 ' 2 0 3 0 " 2 _ 0 0 0 " 2 Z 0 _ 0 2 " p _ 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 13 1 2 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 1 a lili 1 5 1 9 11 IP 226 380 1 9 20 0 1 21 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 5 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 4 ' 39 _p 1 39 ' 2 _P 3 5 ~ p " 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _ 3 1 z 0 12 ~ 0 _ 8 21 1 1 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 _1 1 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 5 0 4 8 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 17 J.P 0 17 0 _0 b 0 2 ' _0 b 2 ' 13 0 ' 0 13 ' 2 ' IP ' 0 2 " 0 Z b 0 _ 0 12 0 0 12 4 0 0 4 0 2 7 J9 0 0 10 1 b 1 2 0 0 0 J 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 1 3 10 3 13 5 _ 0 7 12 5 0 0 5 0 ' 0 0 6 ' 10 _0 7 2 20 ' P 9 20 " 2 ' 0 ' 0 2 ' 0 ' 0 "o 0 0 0 b _ 0 _ 2 _ 0 _ S- 2 0 0 'o 0 1 0 2 5 1 8 14 10 2 5 17 4 2 7 13 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 0 1 17 4 2 2 0 3 0 3 0 n ' 0 ib 21 0 2 1 0 0 1 8 0 2 10 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 i 2 0 1 J 0 b 1, 8 2 2 0 7 _5 J 0 0 5 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _0 b 0 42 3 ' 40 05 ' J 0 0 1 0 2 _2 2 0 J. 2 2 2 2 2 "5 0 1 9 8 p ~ 0 9 12 1 4 17 2 0 0 2 p 0 4 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 3 0 0 3 6 ' 0 b 2 ' 0 -2. _2 3 0 3 ' 52 1 95 119 _p 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ' p 1 1 ' 0 0 J 1 1 0 1 0 0 Zp 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 p 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offlce of Deaegregatlon Page 1 0 i 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 J 0 I 1 i 0 b 0 0 0 1 1 J 0 0 1 51 _5 00 144 0 0 1 1 2 118 1 100 0 0 1 T 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 _1 1 0 0 2 4 p 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 T 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 3 5 2 0 0 2 3 0 3 8 0 2 2 0 0 lo 2 0 ' 0 2 2" 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 P 0 10 0 0 10 3 ' 0 0 ' 3 ' 2 " 0 3 ' 5 4 ' 0 0 i 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 8 8 0 _p' 2 2 ' 0 0 2' 5 ' 0 11 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 2 2 2 0 g 2 2 2 5 0 7 0 2 3 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 7^ 3 0 J 2 3 9 2 4 2 0 2 4 0 0 4 0 _? 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Ttdont From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent FEB 9 1995 Date: February 7,1995 Office of Qosegfegafion Monjicfing Subject: Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of February.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting February 23,1995 Registration Pre-Registration for the 1995-96 school year began on Monday, February 6, 1995 at all area schools, incentive schools, and the Student Assignment Office. The registration period will continue through February 17, 1995. All forms collected at schools will be forwarded to the Student Assigiunent Office for data input. The February 6 - 17,1995 period is for 4 year old program, kindergarten, students new to the LRSD, students requesting magnet assigiunent, and elementary desegregation transfer requests. The secondary desegregation transfer period will be from March 27 - April 7. The patron turn-out at the Student Assignment Office was approximately 500 persons on Monday, February 6, 1995. The Student Assignment Office staff was efficient in the organization of the registration process and the public commented positively. Total number of students registering will be available in the March Desegregation Update. Southwest Attendance Zone Analysis (Attachment) one Attached is an analysis of our southwest attendance zones. The first chart is a page chart which shows the percentage of students who attend southwest elementary schools and live in southwest. The information appears by school in the next to the last column at the right of the chart. For example, of those students attending Baseline Elementary, 90.29% come from southwest attendance zones. The average percentage of students living in southwest and attending southwest elementary schools is 80.13%. See the lower right comer of the chart. The last column of the chart indicates the percentage of black students who live in southwest attendance zones and attend the southwest schools. For example, black students living in southwest make up 67.64% of the total student eiurollment at Baseline Elementary. At Dodd Elementary, black students living in southwest make up 35.31% of the total student enrollment. Southwest attendance zones are shaded. All schools listed on the left are southwest schools. The second chart (two pages) shows where southwest elementary students attend school who leave southwest. Note that 19.87% leave southwest. Of southwest students, 8.68% chose to attend one of the original magnet schools. This leaves 11.19%. Some of these remaining students moved into southwest from incentive school attendance zones and chose to continue in the incentive school rather than transfer to a southwest school. Southwest students attending incentive schools are 4.20%. This is permitted under the plan. This leaves only 6.99% who attend school outside of southwest for miscellaneous reasons. Director of Student Assignment The position of Director of Student Assignment was advertised on January 10, 1995. The deadline for application was January 31, 1995. Due to the limited theDesegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 2 deadline was extended to February 20, 1995. After qualified applicants have been selected, an interview committee will interview and select a candidate for recommendation. April 1, 1995 has been established as a target date for the recommended candidate to report to work. School Closings Meetings were held on Tuesday, January 31, 1995 with interested parties regarding the recommendation of closure of Fair Park Elementary School, and on Tuesday, February 7, 1995 with interested parties regarding the recommendation of closure of Badgett Elementary School. Questions and recommendations by the public were encouraged. The Fair Park meeting had approximately 100 present and the Badgett meeting was not held as of this writing. New Streets Added To LRSD Zones With the metropolitan area of Little Rock growing rapidly on the west side, many new streets have been created. Some of these new streets extend into PCSSD. This means that students leave a Little Rock neighborhood to attend a PCSSD school. We may have to look at changing school district boundaries in the future. Listed below are streets that extend into the PCSSD
CHERRY CREEK SUBDIVISION (KANIS/BOWMAN ROADS) Cherry Laurel Drive (12705 and up) Misty Creek Drive Cherry Laurel Court Stoney Creek Drive Cherry Leaf Cove VILLAGES OF WELLINGTON SUBDIVISION (WEST OF ST. CHARLES) Governors Drive Bellewe Drive PEBBLE BEACH SUBDIVISION Lorian Drive Levant Drive Ledgelawn Drive (parts of) LRSD Biracial Committee The LRSD Biracial Committee is active and meeting monthly. We have had a slow start because of many new members and the job transfer of the LRSD Biracial Committee chair. Unfortunately, they have been unable to do two of their four required monitoring visits to the Incentive Schools. It is likely that they will do onlyDesegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 3 two monitoring this year. Dr, Glowers trained them for monitoring at their February meeting. They are beginning to come together. With much lively debate, they have approved a modification to the LRSD Biracial Committee portion of the desegregation plan. It will be included in the process with other modifications being collected at this time. 1104^ Mayo-, Aiioci-aie^Sapertrtt&nde^^ pebraary 7, 1995Couni of ID T ZScliool Little Rock School District Southwest Schools Decemtyr 2 1994 Pala School Baseline Race Black Other White Baseline Tctai Chicot Black White Chicot Total Cloverdale Black Other White C'ove'dale Total Dodd Diack Other Willie Dodd Total Geyer Springs Geyer Springs Total Mablevale Black Other White Diack Other White MaO'evaie Total MeadowcliH Black Other VlAiite Meadowchff Total Otter Creek Black Other White O*ter Creek Total Wakefield Black Other White Wakefield Total Watson Black Other V'\^ite W.Mson Total Fair K Black White Fair K Total McClellan K McCte'ian K Total Grand Total IsiacR I c0* tp < (O _0 _b 00 _q _ 0 00 _ 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 0 1 1 9 ra 03 0 0 00 1 1 b 1 _0 b 000 0000 0 0 2 _q 000 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 q 2 2 0 2 q0 1 q 20 0 q01 b b 1 2 01 2 0 b 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0| 0 1| 13 II 141 3 49 193 6 0 2 8 11 0 5 16 0 0 __ [ 1 5 0 10 15 16 02 18 2 0 0 28 0 0 6 re m 0 b q 0 2 b i 3 1b 0 11 10 21 1 n w (0 a o 3 e w o3 1 5 0 4 1 01 18 25 171 33 4 87 0 1 24 0 1 0 b 0 1 0 b 262 34 23 212 2 30 2 21 0 01 5 1 0 5 8 32 31 249 0 0 _1_ _2 6 0 39 1 0 1 2 3 83 0 5 0 0 2 2 q 0 1 73 4 161 6 00 6 1 0 0 _g 0 1 q 0 1 Q 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 20 J 0 i 2 0 0 0 0 0 01 b 0 b 2 0 X3 ro O 2 0 b 2 q "o 'b 0 0 q 0 04 0 Iw I o M c Oi 0 2 68 0 6 14 0 0 0 0 0 281 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Q 9 30 22 4 8 0 1 0 02210 0 42 23 3 0 0 3 5 0 27 12 11 0 3 0 0 15 11 3 0 2_ 5 5 0 0 S 25 17 0 4 0 3 29 20 1 0 x 1 2 0 2 66 120 2 4 2n 2 6 0 0 4 2j q 20 0 0 q0 q q 0 0 b 1 1 0 0 _0 01 b b 1 0 1 4 1 0 010 0 0 0 0 2 0 b 2 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 392 187 8 q 2 6 2 00 2 7 b 0 7 0 b b 0 0 0 0 00 17 0 _0 0 00 0 'o 0 21 0 b 21 J 0 b 1 4 0 0 4 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 2 J 0 b 20 9 0 0 J q 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 b b 1 0 0 0 00 11 0 4 1 b i 2 0 b b 0 L 0 0 15 3 "o 0 3 2 0 0 2 12 02 14 3 2 3 6 3 03 e 0 0 0 0 135 6 32 172 3 0 0 3 8 0 1 2 0 1 b b 1 0 b 0 0 0 29 J2 01 3 7 04 11 8 0 1 70 0 0 00 231 qq2 2 q q5 0 0 q q q b 0 0 q q 0 q q q 11 4 q 0 0 b 0 0 3 b 6 3 2 0 b 1 06 0 0 0 16 q 21 0 q J1 0 b b 0 0 o b 0 0 q 0 0 0 b b 0 _0 JO 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 2 5 _0 b b 0 13 b b 13 2 0 0 2 0 b 0 0 5 0 b 5 10 03 13 19 0 7 26 20 08 26 2 0 0 21 0 0 7 ts I 2au 1 11 6 ^0 1 q q 21 0 0 6 0 V 0 rl I 0 q 0 06 *6 0 1 ' 2 0 6 0 V co oN _q 0 b 0 _? q 0 0 1 4 1 ic- 3 o o2 tn t? J q 0 jJ_L 0 1 01 1 "i 0 -9 , 11 0 .1 0 0 10 10 01 4 b b 4 11 b 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 q ' 0 0 1 0 1 22 39 200 5 108 3133 00 35 00 s6 0 0 5 12 27 21 0 2 2 2 2 425 0 1 1 2 03 4 q b b 0 0 q 0 01 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 "0 6 8 1ft 41 11 J 1 0 2 V3 1 108 282 sS 0 0 s 0 10 3 b b 3 2 0 0 00 0 0 1I 8 0 0 0 '8 $o IJ 0 _q 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 i 1 q 04 2 b 0 2 4 0 b 4 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 b 0 1 . e 0 1 0 ft 10 12 0 b 0 * 0 0 327 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 2 0 b 2 0 ~0 b 0 0 'b 0 0 0 3 Office of Desegregation Page 1 2 0 0 27 0 10 17 8 0 08 8ft ft 185 283 0 0 0 0 0 '^0 0 0 2 0 2 . 0 0 301 0 q1 1 0 0 b 0 0 b 0 0 J 0 1 2 q q 1 10 0 0 00 0 0 00 6 q q 0 0 q q 0 0 q 0 b 0 q q 0 0 0 q 0 0 q q 0 0 q 0 b 0 J 0 b 10 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I o _o b 0 0 0 0 tg q '_o 0 0 5 0 o cE o (g _1 0 b M V e- > 1 I [* IM 2 b 0 2 q q b 3 2 q b 6 q 0 b 0 4 q 0 4 2 q b 10 0 0 0 _0 b b 0 19 0 3 22 _q q "o 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 25 0 11 {>1 42 t 1 q q 0 0 6 b b 6 q 0 b 3 1 0 b 1 3 b 0 3 1 q 0 4 2 0 b 1 J 0 b 1 1 IS 9 0 V2
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69I 82 82 c re d 26 2 28 17 3 20 8 ___8 42 28 70 12 2 21 35 9 1 1 17 50 3 49 102 16 2 18 49 2 2 53 27 __1_ 34 10 3 13 ___1_ __1_ 6 __6 ___5 ___5 835 Office of Desegregation Page 2 TB':.7_4 X.5Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Board of Director^ i. Superintendent From. Russ Mayo, Assc^ciate Superintendent Date: March 21,1995 Subject: Desegregation Update The attached mformation for the month of March. represents a supplement to the desegregation updateLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting March 30,1995 (Supplement March 21,1995) Registration Brochure (Attachment) At the request of Ms. Pondexter, additional information is provided to this month's Desegregation Update to the Board of Directors. Registration brochures are printed annually for parents and students residing in the Little Rock School District. The purpose of the brochure is to inform parents and students of the numerous choices available to them and how they might subscribe to those choices. Also included in the brochure is an insert with dates for registration events beginning in January and continuing through April. While it is desirable to have all brochures mailed before the middle of January, it is not absolutely necessary. Advertisement for late January Open House meetings and February Pre-Registration is not limited to the brochure. Press releases, public service announcements, flyers sent home from school, flyers posted in community business establishments, letters to ministers in churches, and school newsletters carry the majority of our awareness campaign. Therefore, our registration brochure is timely always as an information piece on the district. The style of the brochure was discussed with the Office of Desegregation Monitoring and received a favorable response last year. By using inserts, only certain pages must be revised each year and costs can be cut. Further, we can mail appropriate inserts individually when parents make an inquiry about a specific choice. The first attempt at this brochure came last year. A number of delays caused the mailing to occur after the Pre-Registration period. This year the revising and mailing of the brochure has been plagued with underestimates of quantities needed, the number of brochure jackets in inventory, and inserts needed to complete the job. Remember that we were without a Director of Communications during part of November, all of December, and part of January. In spite of this, on February 6, 12,312 were mailed including 1,505 to private school patrons. On March 15, an additional 3,331 were mailed. An additional 1,000 sets of inserts are due soon for mailing. AU brochures will be mailed prior to the beginning of our next registration period which begins March 27. This will complete the project. The total cost of the project for this year is $10,852.36. We wiU review whether or not this is a reasonable form of marketing in light of our current budget crisis. We did anticipate doing the brochure when this year's budget was constructed. A copy of the brochure is included with this update. Recruitment (Attachment) Attached is an update on recruitment from Becky Rather, our Coordinator of Recruitment. This is intended to address Ms. Pondexter's request for more information on recruitment. Mcu-chZl. 1995March 20, 1995 To: Dr. Mayo From: Becky Rather and Essie Middleton Re: Update on recruitment activities since Jan. 1,1995 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Sent list of private school students to schools area Jan 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Taped PSA on recruitment and how to register. Met with Parent Council Reported to PTA Council on pre-registration and recruitment. Delivered 1000 brochures to PCSSD (Dr. Hertz) Met with Susie Roberts at PCSSD on recruitment Gave bi-monthly report to Biracial Committee Evening meeting with Forest Park potential parents. Bi-monthly recruitment survey due in from each of the school teams. Meeting at Crystal Hill for M-M students. Mailed 86 letters to Churches and 34 to Day Cares offering speakers and information. letters to 4-year-olds on the waiting lists who were not assigned to schools encouraging them to pre-register in February. Mailed 1500 registration brochures to private school students. Began mailing registration brochures to all households. LRSD Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 4. Jan. 23-31 Presentations to 300 Alltel prospective employees moving here from Ohio and North Carolina. Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Held Check-Us-Out days in all elementary schools during school hours. Evening Open House in elementary magnets Dr. Mayo presentation to Junior League Evening Open House, secondary magnets Evening Open House, elementary magnets Evening Open House, secondary magnets Jan. 31-Feb. 1 Place Pre-registration posters throughout the city in grocery stores, housing projects, day care centers, etc. Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 15 Pre-registration flyer sent home with all LRSD students. Evening open house for incentive and interdistrict. Mailed information packets to Taylor Elementary in Jacksonville.Feb. 15 plan. Feb. 17 Feb. 2 0 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 March 2 March 3 March 7 March 7 March 8 March 9 March 9 March 12 Met with Mrs. Buchanan on Garland recruitment Mailed incentive school packets to Thelma Jasper, with Pulaski County Tri-District Early Childhood Program. packets to Bayou Meto Elementary PCSSD. Met with Mrs. Dade at Mitchell on recruitment plan. meetings. Called Dr. Hertz to ask for listing of all PCSSD and^LRSD incentive/interdistrict exchange ~~. She said they do not have any dates but 14 PCSSD schools are to be contacting incentive schools. Essie delivered labels of all black students from 4-year-old through 6th grade attending Romine to Dr. Hertz at PCSSD. Franklin teacher and Becky gave presentation at Joe T. Robinson Elementary. Essie made presentation to a parent meeting of Pulaski County Tri-District Early Childhood Program. Presentation to Janet Jones Realty Principals from Rightsell, Rockefeller, Franklin and Becky were scheduled at Murrell Taylor in Jacksonville, but meeting was postponed due to weather and has not been rescheduled as yet. Mailed packets to Southwest Airlines. March 13 March 15 Attended first planning meeting on booth for Riverfest in May. Bimonthly report to Bi-Racial committee. Meet with Pat Price to develop new 4-year-old brochure. Presentation to Prudential-McKay Realtors. Robinson parents and staff invited to Romine Becky made presentation to Highland Valley Methodist (just inside PCSSD) 10 Bayou Meto toured Rockefeller PT A. Represented LRSD at Southwest Airline ribbon and spoke with administrators about the 500 more new employees to come to Little Rock. March 15 Bi-monthly survey due from all school teams. March 28 Becky to present to Bayou Meto PTA April 24 Presentation to Cato Elementary Parent recruiters toured 24 families between 15 recruitment Jan. 4-MarchLITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS March 30, 1995 To: Board of Directors From: Russell Mayo, Associ e Superintendent Through: Henry) 1* ams Superintendent of Schools Subject: Desegregation Update DesegregationLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting March 30,1995 Pre-Registration Pre-Registration for the 1995-96 school year was held from Monday, February 6, through Monday, February 20, 1995 at all area schools, incentive schools, and the Student Assignment Office. The secondary desegregation transfer period will be from March 27 - April 7. There were 1,505 LRSD registration brochures mailed to private school patrons, 10,807 mailed to LRSD patrons, and an additional 5,311 will be mailed to LRSD patrons when the final printing is complete. The information contained in this brochures is applicable to the entire 95-96 school year. LRSD 1995-96 PRE-REGISTRATION TIMELINE DATE FEBRUARY 6-17 MARCH 17 MARCH 27 - JUNEl MARCH 27- APRIL7 EVENT PRE-REGISTRATION at all schools and LRSD Student Assignment Office_______ Assignment notification letters mailed for students in grades K-12__________________ Pre-Registration continues at Area Schools Desegregation Transfer applications TIME APRILS APRIL 17 (Secondary students) accepted in Student Assignment Office______________________ Assignment notification letters mailed for 4 year old students______________________ Assignment notification letters mailed for secondary applicants Desegregation Transfer JUNE 2- JULY21 Summer registration at LRSD Student Assignment Office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 2 The following information will provide an update concerning kindergarten, magnet, and four-year old registration: 1. Two years ago by this time, about 1,200 kindergartners registered. Last year, it was 1,400, and this year it is 1,490. We are doing a better job with advertising preregistration. Annually, we expect about 2,000 kindergartners to be enrolled by the first day of the new school year. Kindergartners Year Black White Total 1994-95 1343 727 1995-96 890 600 2,070 1,490* 2. First choice requests for the original magnets are as follows: Black White Total School Parkview (10th) Mann (7th) Booker (K) Carver (K) Gibbs (K) Williams (K) Appls 230 307 13 51 20 47 Seats 101 87 29 21 14 21 Appls 122 136 12 64 Seats Appls 96 87 18 14 14 Seats 352 443 18 59 32 111 197 174 47 35 23 35 5 8 9 Four-Year Old Applicants for the 1995-96 School Year Black Applicants 586 White Applicants 139 Total 725 Percentage Black 81% As of February 21,1995Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 3 LRSD Biracial Committee a The LRSD Biracial Committee is meeting monthly. The committee approved a modtikation to the LRSD Biracial Committee portion of the desegregation plan. The modification reduces the number of required monitoring visits from four (4) to two(2) per school year. The proposed modification will be included in the process with other modifications being submitted in the near future. The Bi-racial committee has planned the first of their scheduled monitoring visits. The committee was trained by LRSD Planning, Research, and Evaluation. will be given periodic updates on their progress. You LRSD Parent Council The Incentive School Parent Coimcil consists of representatives from each of the five (5) Incentive Schools and the Joshua Intervenors. Mr. Roy Albert, a Rockefeller parent, is the chairman of this council. The coimcil holds monthly meetings in which they assess the progress of the programs at the Incentive Schools. The Parent CouncU is scheduled to conduct monitoring visits to each Incentive School during the week of '^'7 Ol *1 nnr March 27-31,1995. Tozw Hall/Straight Talk Calendar DATE March 1 March 15 April 4 April 11 April 12 April 18 April 20 April 24 TIME 6:30 p.m 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. LOCATION Ftilbright Elementary 300 Pleasant Valley Dr.______ Franklin Incentive 1701 So. Harrison Central High School 1500 Park Street____________ Southwest Community Center 6401 Baseline LRSD Transportation Scott Hamilton_____________ University Park Adult Center 6401 West 12th_____________ Pulaski Height Jr. High 401 N. Pine________________ LRSD Board Room 810 West Markham SUBJECT Town Hall Straight Talk (PRINCnALS) Straight Talk (TEACHERS) Town Hall Straight Talk (TRANSPORT.) Town Hall Town Hall Straight Talk (ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF & CLASSIFIED STAFF) HOST J- Riggs Dr. Williams Dr. Williams P. Gee O.G. Jacovelli Dr. Williams K. O'Malley L. Poindexter K. Mitchell J. Magness Dr. Williams Mcvrch/T, 1995Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting September 26, 1996 LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The Biracial committee began plans for the 1996-97 school year on September 10, 1996. The committee will meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The October meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 1996, in the LRSD board room. LRSD COUNTS Attached is the count for September 4, 1996 (attachment 1). This count reflects numbers mmed into the Smdent Assignment Office by each school on Wednesday, September 4, 1996. The attached count compares 1995 12th day count with 1996 12th day count. The official October 1, 1996 count that is mmed into the state department will be taken on Tuesday, October 1, 1996. yVAnWGUSTS Waiting lists are being worked as space becomes available. All students (no shows) who never attended a LRSD school in the 1996 school year were dropped on Tuesday, September 3, 1996. Parents of students on the waiting lists for seats were contacted beginning Thursday, September 5, 1996, to offer seats where vacancies exist. Many parents requested time to consult with their child regarding the decision on seat acceptance. Also, due to the fact that Stanford 9 testing is scheduled for September 16 - 26, 1996, we must protect the integrity of the childs testing situation and not move smdents during the testing process. If a student cannot be in attendance in their new school by Wednesday, September 11, 1996, the smdent will remain in their current school until the testing is completed. Immediately following the completion of testing the smdent can go to the new school. Even though the two week period is set for testing, schools vary the test schedule, and smdents may miss parts of the test or have to repeat parts if they move during that period. The early move may result in incomplete test results.Central HS Fair HS__________ Hall HS__________ McClellan HS Parirview HS Sub-Totail w/o Magnetsi Cloverdale JH Dunbar JH_______ Forest Heights JH Henderson JH Mabelvale JH Mann JH_________ Pulaski Heights J! Southwest JH Sub-Totall w/o Magnetsi Badgett ) Bale_____________ Baseline_________ Booker Brady____________ Carver Chicot Cloverdale_______ Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright_________ Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Jefferson King_____________ Mabelvale________ McDermott
Meadowctiff | Mitchell j Otter Creak Pulaski Heights Rightsell Rockefeller | Romine j Temy |' Wakefield I Washington I Watson I Western Hills Williams_________ Wilson Woodruff iji A. COUNTS? XLS Little Rock School Distnct Twelfth Day Enrollment Count September 4. 1996 Swtambw S. J995 5 967! 513i 6111 2171 5981 253? 6781 149! 4391 370! 5: O ' 40! 12! 341 111 411 3 o u 5 u Sepiambar 4. 1996 S O' 2' 0 J 1520! 63.62% 840 72.74% 885 67.57% 838! 80.91% 8501 51.65% 1080 645. 51i 32931 1502! 1381 4933 66.75% 2854' 1132! 505! 61I 4531 2741 5631 6031 157! 1541 332! 1091 445 ! 3481 4481 3351 4101 731 97! 12! 211 141 141 61 341 12! 241 4083: 69.90% 578 87.37^ 748' 60.56^ 734 ' 76.70%) 771' 78.21%! u (I 5 II a I o 3759. 15111 137! 33141 1163! 1031 1611 2431 240! 421 78! 71' 3171 252! 2531 321 3581 3731 1191 2841 881 581 171! 1111 215! 52! 2081 2181 3831 181 2541 2541 226! 2241 1661 191 691 1241 2181 2811 2841 218! 3031 132! 2631 211! 307! 237! 961 41 138! 1841 1861 199! 1931 51 229! 1071 216! 75! 2361 2711 3631 421 4281 2071 3401 761 2081 105! 255! 228! 296! 1701 761 76! II 22! 71 271 26 18! 81 71 8! 10! 10! 12! 121 21 91 141 7! 14! 61 21! 01 01 71 171 41 171 101 241 201 261 91 31 161 91 81 4471 74.27% 827' 53.81% 795' 56.35% 507 80.87% 5407 69.52%! 4580- 72.36%! 204. 78.92% 343! 70.85% 318 75.47% 596 53.19% 398: 63.57% 623 51.52%) 4541 78.85% 438' 85.16% 2901 58.97% 277 77.62%! 436. 47.71%!' 413' 92.74%! 5201 48.85%!' 247! 91.50%!' 302! 74.17%!' 3041 54.61%!' 506! 43.08%!' 5161 55.04% 441' 68.71% 4951 53.13% 403! 76.18% 241! 98.34% 3291 41.95%) 402 46.27%) 202' 95.54%) 3531 64.87/^ 301' 71.76'%) 5311 44.44%) 4251 85.41%! 6611 64.75% 425. 80.00% 316! 65.82% 4991 51.10% 3811 77.69% 254 66.93%! Sub-Totall 89981 44711 4111 13880 64.83%! w/o Magnetsi Grand 7ota/ w/o Magnets i 7924' 3562 3361 11822 67.03%! 160501 7484 6861 24220 66.27%) 14092 5857 536 20485 68.79%! 579- 154 589' 195 765! 144 471- 368 11! 28 i 211 39! 3484 1506 1501 3013 1138 1111 531 47: 26: 432 297 ' 341 481 608 348 121 1061 1151 448 347 468 313' 417 74 11! 121 7! 271 71 26 3733 1420 150. 3285 1073, 123! 178' 260' 239 341 901 521 2! 17' 3! 3121 2461 291 231 96' 461 306' 271 22! 367 421' 157 193 122! 341 491 101 84! 55! 214, 225. 405' 260 243! 226! 1591 209 21 i 2301 2! 4! 9! 5, 7' 141 19! 681 12! 1281 131 282! 329 2491 306 99! 91 191 111 2711 1921 201 290 243! 135 246 227 225: 201! 34! 8' 169
193 4! 1291 5! II 7! 191 51 23! 2331 269. 761 171 231 378 i 28! 171 403: 236! 58! 382' 219' 258 291 i 188' 72! 101 911 31 2201 221 53! 131 77' 31 1776, 60.81% 744 - 77.32% 812 72.54% 930! 82.26% 878 53.64% 5140. 67.78%! 4262 70.6^ 604. 87.91% 763 56.62% 613 78.47% 726- 83.75% 4701 74.04% 822 ' 54.50% 788 59.39'%) 517 80.66^ 5303 70.39%!' 4481 73.31%!' 2141 83.18%!' 367' 70.84%)' 299- 79.93^' 587' 53.15%)' 373. 61.93^' 599 51.09%!' 523' 70.17%!' 480 ' 87.71%! 245- 64.08%! 257 75.10%)' 444 48.20%!' 433! 93.53%!' 5041 51.59%!' 2641 92.05%!' 306! 73.86,%! 300 53.00%)' 500! 41.80%!' 597' 55.11%)' 4161 73.56%]' 483! 56.11%)' 379 ! 76.52%]' 252! 96.43% 311! 43.41% 458' 53.71% 236! 96.19%!' 377' 59.68%!' 2941 68.37%!' 5251 44.38%)' 4231 89.36%l' 697' 57.82%!' 4641 82.33%) 313i 69.97% ' SOOi 51.60% 357! 81.51%]' 273' 68.86%!' 9220 4325 5411 14086 65.46%! 8170 3439 455 12064- 67.72%! 16437 7251 841 24529 67.01%! 14468 5650 689 20807 69.53%! Offica of Studonl Assicnmant ii 1891i -115 954! 12911 11991 10001 -210 -479 -269 -122 63351 -1198 53351 -1073 868! 8121 8581 907! 6141 8501 7451 737! -264 -49 245 -181 -144 -28 43 -220 6391' -1088 55411 -1060 2571 401! 390! 656! 467! 6131 5581 4921 3281 351' 3991 4341 540! 2981 3281 3531 4921 728! 5151 517! 4651 2981 3511 3741 2581 4691 4871 5151 492! 836! 492! 328! 5171 3941 3241 wt3 -34 -91 -69 -94 -14 -35 -12 -83 94 45 ___ 36 34 22 53 ____8 131 99 -34 -86 -46 -40 34 -22 -92 -193 10 -69 -139 -28 -15 -17 -37 -51 157171 -1631 13578! -1514 284431 -3914 244541 -3647Little Rock Scluxil District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting December 19. 1996 LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The LRSD Bi-racial committee continues to hold monthly established meetings. The committee conducted 3 monitoring visits during October. The committee is working to rewrite e bylaws, due to the restructuring of the committee in September 1995, by the parties. The new proposed bylaws will be presented to the Board for review upon completion. LRSD RECRUITMENT REPORT The Recruitment Report for the 1st quarter of 1996-97 school year is attached (Attachment 1). This report provides recruitment activities conducted by the two LRSD Parent Recruiters (Essie Middleton and Becky Rather) during the 1st quarter of the school year. An update through December 19, 1996, will be available for the December 19. 1996, board meeting.November 25, 1996 To: Nancy Acre, Director of Student Assignment From: Becky Rather & Essie Middleton, Parent Recruiters Re: Recruitment Report, 1st Quarter, 96-97 JULY 1-31 Developed ad for Kid's Directory featuring Incentive Schools, CARE, 4-year-old program and registration dates. Ad was distributed trhoughout month of July 2 10 10 12 Met with Suellen Vann about new Incentive School brochures Met with Mable Donaldson for infoirmation on Gifted/Talented in schools Mailed letter to all white students on 4-year-old waiting lists offering available seats Met with Parent Involvement Administrative Team about 14 17 17 19 19 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 29 29 30 31 31 new District Parent Involvement Policy Sent memo to Communications outlining agreed upon plans for Incentive Schools Presented recruitment plans for the year to Director of Student Assignment Met with Alliance for Our Public Schools LRSD 96-97 calendars ready for distribution to Realtors, prospective parents, etc. Registration letters and flyers mailed to 156 churches and childcare providers in the city. Attended monthly meeting of Parent Involvement Administrative Team Met with Janet Jones Realty to provide new calendars Work with new principal at Chicot on recruitment for school Met with Pat Price on Parent Involvement workshop Sent OERFs to McClellan and Henderson for recruitment efforts Met with Ark. Community Foundation Julie Wiedower represented office in Magnet Meeting Mailed calendars to all LRSD households infoirming them of registration, school opening dates, etc. Participated in Principal Workshop on Parent Involvement Attended Parent Involvement Conference with State Dept. Attended Nuts & Bolts on Planning Developed new letter to newcomers AUGUST 1 1 Press releases distributed on registration dates Hold Secretaries inservice on registration1&2 3 5 7&8 12 13 14 15 23 26 26 27 27 29 30 Distributed registration posters throughout city in grocery stores, housing projects, medical offices, youth centers. Department of Human Services, etc. Meet with McKay Realtors Worked on CARE closing at several schools Registration in Schools Attend Early Childhood meeting Attend PTA Council Workshop at Romine Met with Alliance for Our Public Schools Nancy Acre met with ODM, PCSSD, NLR Sent letter to Communications about Incentive brochure Interdistrict schools open houses Magnet elementary schools open houses Area schools open houses Incentive schools open houses Mann, Dunbar, Metro open houses Contact Sterling Ingram on extended day information SEPTEMBER 3 3 4 5 9 10 10 12 12 16 17 18 23 23 25 25 26 30 Assist Henderson PTA Junior High open houses Acre met with Bowles, Collins, Acklin, Jackson High school magnets open houses Area high schools open houses PTA Council meeting Board Room Report to Biracial Committee Attend Parent Involvement Administrative Team meeting Assist Henderson in Recruitment Attend Department of Education retreat Talked to Family Magazine about promotional stories due day - Gathered lists of names of recruitment team members from each school Worked with Sweeney Realty Review incentive school brochure Held meeting on planning 6th grade orientation Attended Kids Count meeting at Arkansas Children's Hospital Assist McCaskell Realty Attend Amendment One meeting at Governor's mansion The parent recruiters toured 16 families during the first quarter (July-Sept.) of 96-97. Each family tour includes between one and six schools, depending on the grade level of child and availability of seats.'}7 /pencil Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To
From: Date: Subject: Board of Directors Dr. Don Roberts, Superintendent January 23, 1997 Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of January.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting January 23. 1997 Registration Pre-Registration for the 1997-98 school year began on Tuesday, January 21, 1997, at all area schools, incentive schools, and the Student Assignment Office. The registration period will continue through January 31, 1997. All forms collected at schools will be forwarded to the Student Assignment Office for data input. The January 21 - 31, 1997 period is for 4 year old program, kindergarten, students new to the LRSD, students requesting magnet assignment, and elementary desegregation transfer requests. The secondary desegregation transfer period will be from March 10 - March 28. LRSD Biracial Committee The LRSD Biracial Committee is active and meeting monthly. The committee meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the LRSD Board Room. DECEMBER 27, 1996 COURT ORDER On December 27, 1996, Judge Susan Webber Wright approved a motion filed by LRSD seeking a six to nine month plan development period which LRSD would concentrate its efforts on developing plan modifications to improve education and desegregation within the district. Also, the court approved LRSDs withdrawal of the motion to reconsider the Courts ruling on the LRSDs motion to end federal court jurisdiction. LRSD has until September 30, 1997 to refile its motion for reconsideration.ft ' Qi/t M. Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: From: Board of Directf^s^ d Dr. Don Robert^ Sup Superintendent Date: Subject: February 21, 1997 Desegregation Update b 2 (f !9::- ifScSafSylT/'OiVMD 'e r The attached information represents the desegregation update for e month of February.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting February 27, 1997 REGISTRATION Registration for all new and kindergarten students to the LRSD and those students opting for transfer options began January 21, 1997, and continued through January 31, 1997. The following information will provide an update concerning kindergarten registration. KINDERGARTNERS Year 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Black 890 851 910 Non-Black 600 557 546 Total 1490 1408 1456 Attachment 1 is a Projection by School for the 1997-98 school year as of February 21, 1997. These numbers do not include NLRSD and PCSSD or Four-Year old students. Assignment letters for all kindergarten, new students, and students requesting options will be mailed to parents on March 5, 1997. The secondary desegregation transfer application period will be March 10, 1997 - March 28, 1997. Assignment notification letters will be mailed to parents on April 9, 1997. Four-Year old applicant numbers will be available for the board meeting in April. Notification letters to parents of Four-Year old applicants will be mailed on April 18, 1997. LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The LRSD Biracial Committee met on February 4, 1997. The committee unanimously voted to accept the new bylaws proposed by the committee. Attachment 2 is a copy of the newly adopted bylaws. The next meeting will be held March 4, 1997, at 6:00 p.m.Little Rock School District Projection by School 97-98 as of February 21, 1997 School Central HS Fair HS Hall HS McClellan HS Parkview Mag. HS SUB-TOTAL Cloverdale JH Dunbar JH Forest Heights JH Henderson JH Mabelvale JH Mann JH Pulaski Heights JH Southwest JH SUB-TOTAL Badgett Black White Other Total Bale ** Baseline *Booker Brady ** Carver Chicot * ** Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park * Forest Park Franklin ** Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Jefferson ** King Mabelvale * McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights Rightsell * Rockefeller Romine Terry ** Wakefield Washington Watson ** Western Hills Williams Wilson ** Woodruff SUB-TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 1179 668 572 875 403 3697 592 486 448 584 347 379 403 471 3710 163 240 225 277 217 277 330 413 139 178 201 386 257 224 220 153 195 320 285 244 270 235 121 216 226 233 195 232 349 360 391 202 238 300 185 8697 700 149 176 141 347 1513 45 305 ATTACHMENT 1 I 16104 I 138 110 124 327 334 116 1499 30 81 38 227 82 232 119 41 73 51 231 17 248 2 58 119 277 m 88 194 62' 6 152 196 4 141 65 269 25 208 52 90 198 56 60 4069 7081 50 11 29 25 33 148 29 36 18 18 9 29 16 22 177 2 18 8 31 36 23 32 13 5 6 7 10 9 18 7 14 9 28 12 20 7 6 10 17 4 21 25 27 21 69 10 2 15 16 6 564 ' 889 ' 1929 828 777 1041 783 5358 666 827 604 712 480 735 753 609 5386 195 339 271 535 335 532 481 467 217 235 439 413 514 244 285 286 481 625 385 458 339 247 283 429 234 395 285 528 395 637 453 294 451 372 ' 251 13330 ' 24074 I % Black 61.1% 80.7% 73.6% 84.1% 51.5% 68.9% 88.9% 58.8% 74.2% 82.0% 72.3% 51.6% 53.5% 77.3% 68.8% 83.6% 70.8% 83.0% 51.8% 64.8% 52.1 tw /O 68.6% 88.4% 64.1% 75.7% 45.8% 93.5% 50.0% 91.8% 77.2% 53.5% 40.5% 51.2% 74.0% 53.3% 79.6% 95.1% 42.8% 50.3% 96.6% 59.0% 68.4% 43.9% 88.4% 56.5% 86.3% 68.7% 52.8% 80.6% 73.7% 65.2% 66.9% Capacity 2040 916 1220 1180 993 6349 750 772 780 960 600 900 700 754 6216 285 414 402 656 443 613 573 587 280 338 453 512 580 298 360 328 537 721 471 537 428 298 358 509 278 499 431 582 481 706 562 358 492 446 318 16134 28699 *Does not include NLRSD and PCSSD students February 21, 1997 ** Does not include Four-year old studentsattachment 2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIRACIAL COMMITTEE BY-LAWS I. MEMBERSHIP The Little Rock School District Board of Directors Biracial Committee ("Committee") shall consist of up to 30 members. Twelve member positions on the Committee may be appointed by both the Little Rock School District Board of Directors and by the Joshua Intervenors. Knight Intervenors. Six member positions may be appointed by the IT. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP Each member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and shall be eligible for reappointment. The term of membership shall begin on July 1 of the year appointed and end on June 30 of the final year. One year for the purposes of Committee membership shall run from July 1 to June 30. III. RESIGNATION Whenever a member is unable to complete his/her term of appointment, the member shall submit a letter of resignation which shall be binding. majority vote of If a verbal resignation is given, the membership is needed to then a confirm the resignation, and the member shall be notified by letter from the Secretciry or Chairperson of the Committee's action. IV. REMOVAL FROM MEMBERSHIP A. A member who misses two scheduled meetings during one year shall automatically be terminated from Committee membership. The member may appear at the next scheduled meeting of the Committee to explain the reasons for his/her absence and request reinstated if a majority of the Committee votes to reinstate the member. If the Committee votes to reinstate the member, the Committee shall also by majority vote decide whether one or both of the member's absences shall be excused. B. A member who misses four scheduled meetings during one year shall be automatically terminated from Committee membership.V. MEETINGS The Committee shall meet at least once a month. The each meeting shall be determined by date and place of _______ , Special meetings may be called by the Little Rock School Board, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the Little Rock School District Superintendent or his/her designee. The Secretary of the Committee shall provide written notice of all regularly time, majority vote. scheduled and special meetings to all members of the Committee, members automatically terminated under Section IV. A. due to being absent from the last scheduled meeting, and the Little Rock School District Superintendent. VI. QUORUM A majority of votes cast at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall decide every question or natter submitted to the Committee at such meeting. A quorum shall be one more than one- half of the current Committee membership. A majority shall be one more than one-half of the members present at a meeting. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Officers shall be elected at the June meeting of the The following officers shall be elected: Chairman, Vice Committee. Chairman and Secretary. A majority shall be required for election of each officer./AonJ\ l99f iJ. Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Board of Directors Dr. Don Roberts, Superintendent March 27, 1997 March Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of March.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting March 27, 1997 REGISTRATION The 1997-98 four-year old registration was extremely successful. We had a total of 927 applicants during the period beginning January 21, 1997, and ending January 31, 1997. The racial breakdown of applicants is: 751 Black 176 White and Oer 927 Total The total capacity for the four-year old program is 720 seats. The racial breakdown of seat capacity is: 360 Black 360 White and O&er 720 Total The numbers listed above do not include the applicants accepted after March 10, 1997. Notification letters to parents of four-year old applicants accepted into the LRSD program will be mailed on April 18, 1997. LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The LRSD Biracial Committee met on March 4, 1997. Dr. Roberts attended the meeting and spoke with the committee in reference to the recent court approved motion. All monitoring of the Biracial Committee will cease until September 1997. The next meeting will be held April 1, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. in e LRSD Board Room.9^ Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Board of Directors Dr. Don Roberts, Superintendent April 24, 1997 April Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of April.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting April 24, 1997 DESEGREGATION TRANSFERS The Desegregation Transfer period for secondary students ended March 28, 1997. All students who applied for transfers were notified by mail on April 9, 1997, of the 1997-98 assignment. A total of 1157 students submitted applications for senior high schools, applications were approved. All A total of 210 smdents submitted applications for junior high schools. 161 (77%) of the applications were approved to their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choices. LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The LRSD Biracial Commitiee met on April 1, 1997. The comminee viewed a discipline video about the program currently in operation at Carver Magnet. The committee had mixed feelings regarding the program. Also, the committee was given a brief overview on the Vital Link program by Deana Keathley. The next meeting will be held May 6, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. in the LRSD Board Room. FOUR-YEAR OLD PROGRAM A total of 1026 applicants have applied for the four-year old program through April 21, 1997. The Little Rock School District has seats for 720 four-year olds. Parents were notified by mail on April 19, 1997, regarding their placement in the program or on the waiting list.Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: From
Date: Subject: Board of Directors Dr. Don Roberts, Superintendent May 22, 1997 May Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of May.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting May 22, 1997 RELEASE OF INCENTIVE SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN SEATS Incentive school kindergarten seats are reserved at 50/50 for black and white students. If enough white students are not available, we request the court to release the seats . - reserved for white students. The seats were released on May 19, 1997. Students on the waiting list for those seats will be notified by June 1, 1997.LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT RECE?VP^ MEMORANDUM APR 2 b 1995 Office of Desegregation Monitoring To: Through: From: Date: Subject: Board of Directors Dr. llii 1, Superintendent Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent April 27,1995 Desegregation Update April. The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month ofLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting April 27,1995 LRSD 1995-96 PRE-REGISTRATION TIMELINE DATE FEBRUARY 6-17 MARCH 17 MARCH 27 - JUNEl MARCH 27- APRIL7 EVENT PRE-REGISTRATION at all schools and LRSD Student Assignment Office_________ Assignment notification letters mailed for students in grades K-12__________________ Pre-Registration continues at Area Schools TIME APRILS APRIL 17 Desegregation Transfer applications (Secondary students) accepted in Student Assignment Office______________________ Assignment notification letters mailed for 4 year old students______________________ Assignment notification letters mailed for secondary applicants. Desegregation Transfer JUNE2- JULY21 1995-96 Waiting List Published___________ Summer registration at LRSD Student Assignment Office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. LRSD Biracial Committee The Bi-racial committee has planned the first of their scheduled monitoring visits to the Incentive Schools. The visits will begin on May 2, 1995. The committee was trained by LRSD Planning, Research, and Evaluation.Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 2 ApriJ/May Town Hall/Straight Talk Calendar DATE April 10 April 11 April 12 April 18 April 24 May 1 May 2 May 10 TIME 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. LOCATION Pulaski Heights Elementary Southwest Community Center 6401 Baseline LRSD Transportation Scott Hamilton_____________ University Park Adult Center 6401 West 12th_____________ LRSD Board Room 810 West Markham McDermott Elementary 1200 Reservoir Rd. Central High Pulaski Heights Jr. High 401 N. Pine SUBJECT Straight Talk (Asst Prin.)_______ Town Hall Straight Talk (TRANSPORT.) Town Hall Straight Talk (ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF & CLASSIFIED STAFF) Town Hall Straight Talk (TEACHERS) Town Hall LRSD Tool/Board Action Required ACTION Board review of tentative budget Conduct Board Work Session tentative budget % COMPLETE 0% SCHEDULED START 5-25-95 . on 0% 5-29-95 HOST Dr. Williams P. Gee Dr. Williams ICC/MaUey L. Poindexter Dr. Williams John Riggs Dr. Williams K. Mitchell J. Magness SCHEDULED FINISH 5-25-95 5-31-95 ApribZr. 1995Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Board Directors Through
Dr. H Superintendent From: Rugg IIIXXIkCXl^ACXL Mayo,^^sociate Superintendent Date: April 27,1995 Subject Desegregation Update The attached information represents a supplement to the desegregation update for the month of April.Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting April 27,1995 TELEPHONE REPORT The monthly telephone report for the Student Assignment office is listed in the chart below. The table indicates the number of calls received during each month since January, 1995. MONTH January February March April 1 - April 18 CALLS RECEIVED 4006 __________4269__________ __________4086__________ 2488 Desegregation Plan Modifications April 14,1995 The revised table below indicates the proposed plan modifications as of April 14,1995. Budget Related 1. McClellan Community School_____ 2. Staffing - Incentive Schools 3. Academic Progress Incentive Grants 4. Focused Activities Others 1. LRSD Biracial Committee________ 2. Student Assignments_________ 3. Parent Council - Incentive Schools 4. Parent Involvement/ Community Linkages 5. Spanish - Incentive Schools____________ 6. Recruitment of Private School Students 7. Incentive Schools Parent Recruitment Result Reduce Reduce Reduce Reduce Change Change 4 to 2 mon. visits Change Delete Change ChangeI'rt S - bitlie Rock School District MEMORANDUM To
Board of Directors Through
^j. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent From
Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent May 8,1995 MAY 2 4 1595 Subject
Desegregation Update Ofiica Ct Desegregaticn Moniicritig May. The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month ofLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting May 25,1995 LRSD Biracial Committee The Bi-racial committee began monitoring on May 2,1995. The monitoring visits to all Incentive Schools will be completed by May 31,1995. LRSD Tool/Board Action Required ACTION Board review of tentative budget Conduct Board Work Session tentative budget on SCHEDULED START 5-25-95 5-29-95 SCHEDULED FINISH 5-25-95 5-31-95 LRSD Pre-Registration Counts by School ______________as of May 8,1995 SCHOOL Central Hall Parkview Fair McClellan Mann Dunbar Forest Heights Pulaski Heights Southwest Henderson Cloverdale Mabelvale Booker Bale Bradv Badgett________ McDermott Carver Baseline Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Garland Gibbs Chicot Western Hills Jefferson BLACK 1057 632 404 665 735 444 495 513 484 444 624 507 392 298 228 228 127 251 318 228 184 199 385 232 164 318 192 205 WHITE 548 261 364 243 190 388 226 191 346 107 180 94 131 221 79 121 35 232 278 71 64 238 26 9 127 105 91 299 OTHER 47 28 33 7 14 21 14 22 7 20 26 8 3 19 10 18 0 19 17 5 7 8 14 27 14 6 7 7 TOTAL 1652 921 801 915 939 853 735 726 837 571 830 609 526 538 317 367 162 502 613 304 255 445 425 268 305 429 290 511 % BLACK 64.0% 68.6% 50.4% 72.7% 78.3% 52.1% 67.3% 70.7% 57.8% 77.8% 75.2% 83.3% 74.5% 55.4% 71.9% 62.1% 78.4% 50.0% 51.9% 75.0% 72.2% 44.7% 90.6% 86.6% 53.8% 74.1% 66,2% 40.1%Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 2 SCHOOL Cloverdale____ Dodd .Meadowcliff Mitchell King__________ Rockefeller Geyer Springs Pulaski Heights Rightsell Romine Washingl Williams Wilson :on Woodruff Mabelvale Terrv Fulbright Otter Creek Wakefield Watson TOTAL Attached BLACK 343 174 283 243 308 260 203 213 207 218 451 251 259 135 308 217 254 153 328 335 16,096 WHITE 65 89 100 8 229 142 69 215 8 75 213 226 87 77 119 311 299 191 50 79 7,917 OTHER 8 7 0 3 16 18 3 15 4 14 26 14 8 11 11 30 16 7 14 8 661 LKSD Desegregation Transfers TOTAL 416 270 383 254 553 420 275 443 219 307 690 491 354 223 438 558 569 351 392 422 24,674 % BLACK 82.5% 64.4% 73.9% 95.7% 55.7% 61.9% 73.8% 48.1% 94.5% 71,0% 65.4% 51.1% 73.2% 60.5% 70.3% 38.9% 44.6% 43.6% 83.7% 79.4% 65.2% you will find the information requested regarding the Secondary Desegregation Transfers. Ruji-Mciyo',Rationale for Junior High Desegregation Transfers 1995-96 The student assignment office received (208) desegregation transfer applications for junior high schools. 46% of the applications were granted for a total of 96 students. 78 seventh grade students, 40 seventh grade students were granted transfers to PHJH, 29 to FHJH, 3 to MJH, 5 to HJH and 1 to SWJH. 10 eighth grade students, 4 to FHJH, 4 to PHJH and 2 to hjh. 8 ninth grade students were granted transfers, 1 to FHJH, 6 to PHJH and 1 to HJH. Black students from the Cloverdale and southwest attendance zones received the majority of junior high transfers because the transfers benefited the sending and receiving schools where racial balance is a concern. Pulaski Heights JR High could have received more black students because of their racial balance, but capacity is limited. Transfers were granted to all students except, where racial balance would not remain constant or improve. Therefore, 16 eighth grade applicants and 5 ninth grade applicants were denied. Racial balance before and after transfers were as follows: SCHOOL Cloverdale Forest Heights Henderson Mabelvale Pulaski Heights Southwest BO 9 O* 3 I a J 83.3%| 71.3% 73.7% a 9 s 83.2% 71.3% 75.0% 74.5% 55.5%i 58.0% 79.3%i 77 6%'1995-96 SENIOR HIGH DESEGREGATION TRANSFERS TOTAL APPLICATIONS RECEIVED: 10TH GRADE IITH GRADE 12TH GRADE 176 21 4 APPLICATIONS GRANTED: lOTH GRADE IITH GRADE 12TH GRADE 119 21 4 percentage of total applications granted 71.6% APPLICATIONS DENIED: lOTH GRADE IITH GRADE 12TH GRADE 57 0 0 RATIONALE All 11th and 12th grade applications were granted because space was available and the number of applicants was so small as to not impact the racial balance at any of the four schools. Racial balance inhibited the movement of 57 10th grade The racial percentages of each school's applicants. 10th grade class before considering desegregation transfers were as follows: Central Hall Fair McClellan 59.4% 73.8% 73.6% 83.1% Therefore, any black students who requested a transfer out of Central to Hall, to Fair, or to McClellan were denied. Likewise, any white students who requested a transfer out of McClellan were denied. Two black students, one at Hall and one at Fair, who requested transfers to McClellan, also were denied.GRADE 10th little rock school district 10TH GRADE DESEGREGATION TRANSFERS I# OF REQUES 1 ro SCHOOL BLACK 26 54 51 1 TOTAL I 138~7 WHITE ^i3 11 14 0 38 I rOTAL 39 65 65 7 ~ 176 I SCHOOL Central Fair Hall McClellan [I# OF REQUEST FROM SCHOOL j BLACK 52 13 16 57 138 I WHITE 22 2 11 3 38 TOTAL 74 15 27 60 176Little Rock School District MEMORANDUM To: Through: From: Date: Subject Board of Directors Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent May 18,1995 Supplement to May Desegregation Update The attached information represents the supplement to the desegregation update for the month of May.1-ictie KOCK ocxiooi L>i5cricc Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting May 25,1995 LRSD Biracial Committee The Bi-racial committee began monitoring on May 2,1995. The monitoring visits to all Incentive Schools will be completed by May 31,1995, LRSD Tool/Board Action Required ACTION Board review of tentative budget Conduct Board Work Session tentative budget on SCHEDULED START 5-25-95 5-29-95 SCHEDULED FINISH 5-25-95 5-31-95 LRSD Pre-Registration Counts by School April 19, 1994 School Central HS Fair HS Hall HS McClellan HS Parkview Mag. HS Sub-Total w/o Magnets Cloverdale JH Dunbar JH Forest Heights JH Henderson JH Mabelvale JH MannJH Pulaski Heights JH Southwest JH Sub-Total w/o Magnets Badgett Bale Baseline Booker Brady Carver Magnet Chicot Cloverdale PBlk 1087 628 669 716 434 3534 3100 543 454 552 668 451 466 461 507 4102 3636 108 190 217 304 218 316 335 262 P Wh 577 283 318 212 302 1692 1390 131 246 180 265 165 366 367 131 1851 1485 46 60 60 248 140 262 145 76 POth 46 6 23 8 23 106 83 5 11 16 30 5 19 7 16 109 90 0 10 5 18 13 9 4 7 PTtlj 1710 917 1010 936 759 5332 4573 679 711 748 963 621 851 835 654 6062 5211 154 260 282 570 371 587 484 345 %Blk 63.57% 68.48% 66.24% 76.50% 57.18% 66.28% 67.79% 79.97% 63.85% 73.80% 69.37% 72.62% 54.76% 55.21% 77.52% 67.67% 69.78% 70.13% 73.08% 76.95% 53.33% 58.76% 53.83% 69.21% 75.94% P Blk 1057 662 627 738 402 3486 3084 507 495 508 626 394 430 482 445 3887 3442 124 229 223 290 231 309 326 330 April 17, 1995 PWh 548 244 255 194 354 1595 1241 95 223 174 191 131 378 340 107 1639 1532 38 75 74 216 122 278 105 66 POth 46 7 ___ 14 ___ 127 ___94 8 14 20 ___W 3 ___M 7 20 121 101 0 10 5 19 16 14 6 7 PTtl 1651 913 909 946 789 5208 4419 610 732 702 846 528 828 829 572 5647 5075 162 314 302 525 369 601 437 403 %Blk 64.02% 72.51% 68.98% 78.01% 50.95% 66.94% 69.79% 83.11% 67.62% 72.36% 74.00% 74.62% 51.93% 58.14% 77.80% 68.83% 67.82% 76.54% 72.93% 73.84% 55.24% 62.60% 51.41% 74.60% 81.89%Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting 1 School Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Garland Geyer Springs Gibbs Jefferson King Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Heights Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry Wakefield Washington Watson Western Hills Williams Wilson Woodruff E. Mitchell Day C Sub-Total w/o Magnets Grand Total w/o Magnets P Blk 169 175 177 275 232 158 193 167 199 297 280 235 274 190 160 177 166 247 235 126 217 319 433 303 191 252 234 118 19 8168 7110 15804 13846 April 19. 1994 P Wh 91 62 270 24 289 4 69 124 288 182 149 237 115 12 190 216 10 116 65 3 297 87 230 68 110 208 92 71 8 4724 3874 8267 6749 POth 9 6 5 6 17 20 5 9 5 7 5 20 0 4 8 14 1 9 12 1 30 6 19 1 2 8 8 5 0 308 264 523 437 PTtl 269 243 452 305 538 182 267 300 492 486 434 492 389 206 358 407 177 372 312 130 544 412 682 372 303 468 334 194 27 13200 11248 24594 21032 %Blk 62.83% 72.02% 39.16% 90.16% 43.12% 86.81% 72.28% 55.67% 40.45% 61.11% 64.52% 47.76% 70.44% 92.23% 44.69% 43.49% 93.79% 66.40% 75.32% 96.92% 39.89% 77.43% 63.49% 81.45% 63.04% 53.85% 70.06% 60.82% 70.37% 61.88% 63.21% 64.26% 65.83% P Blk 174 186 199 391 248 228 199 164 199 311 306 250 284 235 152 205 207 258 220 207 326 452 337 185 246 260 138 19 8648 7620 16021 14146 April 17,1995 P Wh 84 60 238 29 295 9 66 127 297 225 120 224 98 8 189 215 8 139 75 POth 7 7 5 14 17 26 3 14 7 20 10 18 0 3 7 15 4 18 14 PTtl 265 253 442 434 560 263 268 305 503 556 436 492 382 246 348 435 219 415 309 Closed 316 54 206 76 90 223 75 8 4621 3769 7855 6542 31 14 26 7 6 14 9 7 0 400 339 648 534 554 394 684 420 281 483 362 220 27 13669 11728 24524 21222 %Blk 65.66% 73.52% 45.02% 90.09% 44.29% 86.69% 74.25% 53.77% 39.56% 55.94% 70.18% 50.81% 74.35% 95.53% 43.68% 47.13% 94.52% 62.17% 71.20% 37.36% 82.74% 66.08% 80.24% 65.84% 50.93% 71.82% 62.73% 70.37% 63.27% 64.97% 65.33% 66.66%LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1995-96 DESEGREGATION TRANSFER APPLICATION SUMMARY __________________JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS ZTH GRADE: 8TH GRADE: 9TH GRADE: TOTAL APPLICATIONS RECEIVED: Total 169 26 13 208 Black 125 23 10 158 White 44 3 3 50 %Blk 74% 88% 77% 76% I# OF REQUEST TO SCHOOL | I# OF REQUEST FROM SCHOOL | GRADE 9th TOTAL BLACK 0 0 2 1 0 5 2 10 WHITE 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 TOTAL 6 0 4 1 0 6 2 13 SCHOOL CLOVERDALE DUNBAR FOREST HEIGHTS HENDERSON MABELVALE PULASKI HEIGHTS SOUTHWEST SMCX i 2 4 1 0 0 2 10 WHITE 6 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 TOTAL 1 2 4 3 0 0 3 13 GRADE 8TH TOTAL BLACK i 0 6 4 0 8 4 23 WHITE 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 TOTAL i 0 6 4 0 11 4 26 SCHOOL CLOVERDALE DUNBAR FOREST HEIGHTS HENDERSON MABELVALE PULASKI HEIGHTS SOUTHWEST BLACK 2 4 3 3 4 0 7 23 WHITE 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 TOTAL 2 5 3 5 4 0 7 26 GRADE 7TH TOTAL BLACK 0 28 5 8 66 6 125 WHITE i 0 13 4 1 18 1 44 TOTAL 13 0 41 9 15 84 7 169 SCHOOL CLOVERDALE DUNBAR FOREST HEIGHTS HENDERSON MABELVALE PULASKI HEIGHTS SOUTHWEST BLACK 24 12 9 16 21 0 43 125 WHITE 4 4 6 18 2 0 10 44 TOTAL 28 16 15 34 23 0 53 169 95-96 DESEG JH TRANSFERS Page 1LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors Through: From: Date: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent June 22, 1995 Subject: Desegregation Update June. The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of I I IJ i 1 Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting June 22,1995 REGISTRATION Registration will continue during the summer months at the Student Assignment Office. August registration will be held on August 7 -8, 1995 in the schools. The registration hours will be 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.. LRSD Biracial Committee The Biracial committee began monitoring on May 2,1995. The monitoring visits to all Incentive Schools were completed on May 31,1995. Each Incentive School was scheduled to be monitored one (1) time during the second semester. A final report will be prepared. i i IMEMORANDUM To: Through: From: Date: Boar^f Directors Lfc/<Qen^d>' Russ Mayo, j July U, 1995 'Wi ams/Superintendent iate Superintendent Subject: Desegregation Update July. The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month ofLittle Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting July 20,1995 REGISTRATION Registration will continue during the summer months at the Student Assignment Office. August registration will be held on August 7 - 8, 1995 in the schools. The registration hours will be 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.. LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The LRSD Biracial committee met on June 27,1995 to elect officers for the 1995-96 school year. The officers are: Kenyon Lowe - Chairman Delaney Fleming - Co-Chairman Liz Parkhurst - Secretary The Biracial committee will begin plans for the 1995-96 school year with a meeting on August 29,1995. SCHOOL RELOCATIONS Attachments 1 and 2 are proposed timelines for the relocation of Fair Park and Badgett pending court approval. Preparations are being made to meet deadlines of notification to parents regarding assignments and meeting dates and times. These letters will be mailed on July 10,1995 if court approval is given. The meeting times and dates for peirents will be: BADGETT - July 18,1995 FAIR PARK - July 20,1995 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Student Assignment personnel along with LRSD Parent Recruiters will be available to assist parents with questions, options, and paperwork dxiring these meetings.MEMORANDUM To
Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent Date
June 21, 1995 Subject: Closing of Badgett School Updated Timeline 1, 2. 3. 4. MikstBae ...... ...... Develop a list of key people in the community who should be contacted immediately Design possible scenanos for new attendance zones Business Case presented to the LRSD Board of Directors for approval__________ Notify patrons at February registration of the possibility that the school will dose. 5. Compile list and mailing labels of all students living in the Badgatt School attendance zone and Dstt 1/13/95 1/30/95 1/26/95 2/6/95 2/1/95 FcrsM: Modeste Mayo Williams Mayo Mayo 6. 7. 8. 9. those scheduled to attend the school. Sort the lists by
a) those who attend Badgett School but live outside of the attendance zone b) those who attend Badgett School but live in the attendance zone
and, c) those who do not attend Badgett School but live in the attendance zone.__________ Develop notice of relocation and date of community informabon meeting to send to
a) parents & students: b) community groups and churches
c) media (press release) d) for door-to-door delivery in the neighborhood Conduct informational meeting with the principal, faculty, and staff about the process Mail nobce of possible relocation and date of community information meeting to: a) parents & students: b) community groups and churches
c) media (press release)_________________________________________________ Deliver fliers, door-to-door, announcing the relocation and date of the information meeting 10. Conduct community information meetings 11. Notify finance person to indude this as a budget reduction strategy 12. Finalize a specific plan for new attendance zones_______________________________________ 13. Business Case presented to the LRSD Board of Directors for approval______________________ 14. File motion with the U. S. Federal Court to relocate students at Badgett School_______________ 15. Determine date for Student Assignment personnel to go to school and offer guidance to patrons about choices for their students. ________________________________________ 16. Develop letter to parents and students with announcement of dosing and choices asking for a response by a deadline. Deadline must be after student assignment guidance meeting._____ 17. Develop flyer to parents and students with announcement of dosing and date of guidance meeting at school to help patrons with choices.____________________________________________ 18. Receive court approvaP __________ 19. Mail letter of relocation and date of guidance meeting to patrons___________________________ 20, Deliver fliers, door-to-door, announcing the relocation and date of the guidance meeting________ 21. Inventory building_____________________________________________________________ 22. Conduct patron guidance and information meeting no later than___________________________ 23. Mail letters to parents and students with announcement and notifying them of new assignment 24. Remove materials and equipment from school_________________________________________ 25. Reroute transportation of students_______________________________________________ 26. Secure building_________________________________________________________________ 27. Reassign staff__________________________________________________________________ 28. Send final assignment notices to patrons and students C: SupennlcnJcnt's Cabinci * Kemaining iinwline ih hxscU on Cmin approval. 1/26/95 1/25/95 1/26/95 1/26/95 2/7/95 3/3/95 6/20/95 6/22/95 6/23/95 6/26/95 6/26/95 6/26/95 7/7/95 7/10/95 7/10/95 7/14/95 7/20/95 7121195 7131195 7131195 7131195 7131195 813195 Mayo Modeste Mayo Mayo Mayo Williams Mayo Williams Williams Mayo Mayo Mayo Williams Mayo Mayo Neal Mayo Mayo Eaton Cheatham Eaton Hurley MayoMEMORANDUM To: Dr. Henry P. M^illiams, Superintendent From: Russ Mayo, Associate Superintendent Date: June 21, 1995 Subject: Closing of Fair Park School Updated Timeline 6. 7. 8. ......... Develop a list of key people in the community who should be contacted immediatery__________ Design possible scenanos for new attendance zones Business Case presented to the LRSD Board of Directors for approval_____________________ Notify patrons at February registration of the possibility that the school will dose. Compile list and mailing labels of all students living in the Fair Path Schoo/ attendance zone and those scheduled to attend the school. Sort the lists by: a) those who attend Fair Park School but live outside of the attendance zone b) those who attend Fair Park School but live in the attendance zone: and. c) those who do not attend Fair Park School but live in the attendance zone. Develop notice of relocation and date of community information meeting to send to: a) parents & students: b) community groups and churches: c) media (press release) d) for door-to-door delivery in the neighborhood Conduct informational meeting with the principal, faculty, and staff about the process_________ Mail notice of possible relocation and date of community Information meeting to: a) parents & students: b) community groups and churches
c) media (press release) _____________________________________________________ 9. Deliver fliers, door-to-door, announcing the relocation and date of the information meeting 10, Conduct community information meetings 11. Notify finance person to include this as a budget reduction strategy_________________________ 12. Finalize a specific plan for new attendance zones 13. Business Case presented to the LRSD Board of Directors for approval 14. File motion with the U. S. Federal Court to relocate students at Farr Part Schoot___________ 15. Determine date for Student Assignment personnel to go to school and offer guidance to patrons about choices for their students._________________________________________________ 16. Develop letter to parents and students with announcement of closing and choices asking for a response by a deadline. Deadline must be after student assignment guidance meeting._____ 17. Develop flyer to parents and students with announcemeat of closing and date of guidance meeting at school to help patrons with choices.____________________________________________ 18. Receive court approval 19. Mail letter of relocation and date of guidance meeting to patrons________________________ 20. Deliver fliers, door-to-door, announcing the relocation and date of the guidance meeting 21. Inventory building_____________________________________________________________ 22. Conduct patron guidance and information meeting no later than________________________ 23. Mail letters to parents and students with announcement and notifying them of new assignment 24. Remove matenals and equipment from school 25. Reroute transportation of students_______________ 26. Secure building______________________________________________________________ 27. Reassign staff________________________________________________________________ 28. Send final assignment notices to patrons and students C: Supcrinlcndcnl's Cabinet 'Rcinntiiing timeline is hiced on Court iipprnviil Date 1/135 1/30/95 1/26/95 2/6/95 2/1/95 1/26/95 1/30/95 1/265 1/26/95 1/31/95 3/3135 sao/35 5722/35 5123135 5/25735 6/26/95 6/26/95 rnrss 7/105 7/10/95 7/145 7/20/95 7/21/95 713^1^5 7IZM35 7/31/95 7/31/95 a/3/95 Modeste Mayo Williams Mayo Mayo Mayo Modeste Mayo Mayo Mayo Williams Mayo Williams Wililams Mayo Mayo Mayo Williame Mayo Mayo Neal Mayo Mayo Eaton Cheatham Eaton Hurley Mayo'Ta/Zn /ffjtnd* /i/f- afiy MEMORANDUM To: Board [TS ? Through: Dr. Henry P. Willij !, Superintendent From: Rugs Mayo, Associate Superintendent AL-G - i/ Date: August 24,1995 Cuic: Subject: Desegregation Update The attached information represents the desegregation update for the month of August.Little Rock School District Desegregation Update Board of Directors Meeting August 24,1995 REGISTRATION Registration was held in the schools and the Student Assignment Office on August 7-8,1995. The Student Assignment Office will be closed to the public on August 18,1995 to process paperwork for aU students registered through August 17,1995 so they have an assigned school on August 21,1995. LRSD BIRACIAL COMMITTEE The Biracial committee will begin plans for the 1995-96 school year with a meeting on August 29,1995. LRSD COUNTS Attached is a projection of students registered for the 1995-96 school year comparing that with the 1994-95 data. (Attachment 1) DIRECTOR OF STUDENT ASSIGNMENT Ms. Nancy Acre was named Director of Student of Assignment. Ms. Acre will be an asset to our department and 1 encourage you to meet her if you have not done so. You may reach Ms. Acre at 324-2272 or *44.ai8?95 Little Rock School District Comparison August 3. 1994 to August 4. 1995 central HS Fair HS Hall HS McClellan HS Parkview Mag. I Blacki Whitei Other
Total %Black Black
Other Total! %8lack ! IO8O1 6541 I 697! 7391 442! 585i 294! 342! 218! 343! Sub-Totall 36121 17821 w/o Magnetai Cloverdale JH , Dunbar JH ! Forest Heights', Henderson JH Mabelvale JH
Mann jh Pulaski Height i 31701 14391 5221 462' 583 i 6911 4361 4741 4691 Southwest M I 507? 1261 256 i 1911 2831 1781 3861 3821 1241 Sub-Totall 41441 1926i w/o Magnetai 36701 15401 eadgecr Bale Baseline Booker Brady I Carver Magnet Chicot Cloverdale Dodd Fair Park Forest Park Franklin Fulbright Carland I i I 119' 2091 215! 316! 239! 318! 338! 297! 1701 1841 182! 3511 2391 2421 Ceyer Springs > 219| CiODS Jefferson I I King Mabelvale McDermott Meadowcliff ' Mitchell Otter Creek Pulaski Height i Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Terry I 1 165! 217! 3371 3111 2381 242! 201! 1671 189! Ttt? 2631 257! 501 76 i 62! 2681 1631 269' 156i 83! 96! 73! 2651 401 305! 5! 76! 1331 3001 2471 1691 2401 1241 121 201! 2201 1301 94! 50 6 22 9 24 111 87 6 12 17 32 6 22 8 17 1201 98 0 12 4 16 20 10 6 10 8 10 6 13 17 26 7 12 1715 954 1061 966 809 5505! 46961 654 730 791 1006 620 ozC 13 7 21 0 4 9 14 1 14 14 Wakefield i Washington i M/acon western Hills i Williams Wilson woodruff E. Mitchell 2261 3301 2931 891 4601 2361 3191 1961 801 1131 29 8 31 6 ' 2521 2121 ' 2571 102! i 1371 I T 921 I Sub-Totall 85791 50801 w/o MagneHi 75281 41981 Grand Total I I6335I S7SSI 882 859 648 61901 33081 169 297 281 600 4221 597 500 390 274 267 4531 404 561 273 302 310 523 597 487 499 366 217 377 423 184 407 365 548 427 727 405 2 311 9 10 7 473 369 236 382 335 673 520 140411 120611 37361 220651 6X97%| 68.55% 65.69% 76.50% 54.64% 65.61% 6730% 79.82% 63.29% 73.70% 68.69% 70.32% 53.74% 54.60% 78.24%l 66.95%i 69.14% 70.41% 70.37% 76.51% 5X67% 56.64% 53X7% 67.60% 76.15% 6X04% 68.91% 40.18% 86.88% 4X60% 88.64% 7X52% 53.23% 41.49% 56.45% 63.86% 47.70% 66.12% 9X63% 44.30% 44.68% 96.20% 64.62% 70.41% 41.24% 77.28% 63.27% 78.77% 63.02% 53.28% 69.65% 58.05% 61.10/(.| 62.42%! 63.47% 65.12%! 10811 673! 646! 7541 432! 3586 3154 5431 479! 5401 6461 3961 453! 498! 453 4008 3555 1291 2351 228! 315! 242! 326! 325! 371! 1901 191! 2151 395! 246! 231! 220! 165! 2061 312! 308! 264! 290! 252! 156! 211! 2061 2771 225! T 2301 3241 448! 349! 205 i 2541 277? 145! I 5761 266! 2901 1901 387! 1709 1322 911 285 i 1891 1941 1401 395! 356! 89 1739 1344 35, 841 71! 260! 150! 292! 106! 62! 101
681 245, 241 3081 71 70! 127! 300! 260! 126i 222! 1071 101 1911 217' 81 1501 761 3231 531 242! 86i 981 2331 871 811 89631 48801 79031 39681 165571 83281 14612 I 6634 I Office of Desegregation 51 9 28 16 35 139 104 8 17 21 29 3 23 10 21 132 109 0 15 6 28 16 18 7 7 7 10 8 15 ' 18 25 6 ' 15 7 18 11 22 0 3 7 17 4 ' 19 17081 948 964 960 354) 5434' 45801 642 781 750 869 539 871 864 563 58791 5008 164 334 305 603 408 636 43a Tao! 269 468 434 572 263 296 63.29% 70.99% 67.01% 7854% 50.59% 65.99% 6886% 84.58% 6133% 72.00% 74.34% 73.47% 5X01% 57.64% 80.46% 68.17% 70.99% 78.66% 7036% 74.75% 5X24% 5931% 51X6% 74X0% 8432% 63.76% 71.00% 45.94% 91.01% 43.01% 87.83% 7432% 307 53.75% 513 40.16% 590 445 ' 508 397 265 354 445 ' 218 14 32 14 34 9 5 15 9 9 450 "It? 3?! 5S7 3?< w w 724 31 5X88% 69X1% 51.97% 73.05% 95.09% 44.07% 47.42% 94.50% 62.11% 71.43% 3932% 82.86% 61.88% 444 78.60% 308 6636% 502 373 351 142931 122451 25606 21333 50.60% 74.26% 61.70% 6Z71% 6434% 64.66% 66.93% PROJCTSJtLSMWOAL MON-LRSD 8T0DEMT8 8TATI8TICAL BUMMARY REPORT AUQUBT 22, 1*94 - JUMB C, 1995 MLR SCHOOL DISTRICT QRRDE BM 1st 4th sth 7 th 8th 9th 9th 11th 11th Total PULASKI COUHTY ORADB BM 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 7 4th 1 sth 0 6th 0 7th 1 8th 0 sth 0 9th 2 10th 1 10th 2 10th 11th Total Grand Total 2* 0 9 16 RACB/OENDBR BF vr OH or TOTAL PROCESSED REFERRAL/DISPOSITIOH 0 0 0 0 0 1 LRSD transported home. 0 0 0 0 0
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.