Arkansas Department of Education's (ADE's) Project Management Tool

Little Rock School District, plaintiff vs. Pulaski County Special School District, defendant.
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DMSION IVED ov 2 6 1997 OlflCE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAINTIFF v. No. LR-C-82-866 PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, et al. DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF FILING In accordance with the Court's order of December 10, 1993, the Arkansas Department of Education hereby gives notice of the filing of ADE's Project Management Tool for November, 1997. Respectfully Submitted, WINSTON BRYANT Attorney General -
__~ /, ~ TIMO'i1-tva. ~ER#95019 Assistant Attorney General 323 Center Street, Suite 200 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-2007 Attorney for Arkansas Department of Education , IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DIVISION LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL V. PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL MRS. LORENE JOSHUA, ET AL KATHERINE W. KNIGHT, ET AL NO. LR-C-82-866 ADE'S PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL RECEIVE NOV 2 S 1997 OFFiCE OF DESffl ~,~ITORING DEFENDANTS INTERVENORS INTERVENORS In compliance with the Court's Order of December 10, 1993, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) submits the following Project Management Tool to the parties and the Court. This document describes the progress the ADE has made since March 15, 1994, in complying with provisions of the Implementation Plan and itemizes the ADE's progress against timelines presented in the Plan. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ACTIVITY I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS A. Use the previous year's three quarter average daily membership to calculate MFPA for the current school year. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 B. Include all Magnet students in the resident District's average daily membership for calculation. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) 8. Include all Magnet students in the resident District's average daily membership for calculation. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Sa_sed on the 1mormation=availa61e at Octooer'31, 19'97, ~ ADE i
al~ulated for FY 97(98, subject to_periodic adjustments. C. Process and distribute State MFPA. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 At October 1997, distributions of State Equalization Funding for FY '97/98 were as follows: LRSD - $11,470,002 NLRSD- $6,618,198 pc~sD -J1p, 111,014 !The allotments of State Equalization Funding calculated for FY 97/98 at October 31, 1997, subject to periodic 2 c
ljustments, were _as follows: LRSD - $42,056,681 NLRSD- $24,266,733 PCSSD- $55,410,722 D. Determine the number of Magnet students residing in each District and attending a Magnet School. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Based on the information available, the ADE calculated at October 3~1, 1997 (or FY 97 /9~, suofect io periodic apj1cJstments. 2 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) E. Desegregation Staff Attorney reports the Magnet Operational Charge to the Fiscal Services Office. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, as ordered by the Court. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 F. Calculate state aid due the LRSD based upon the Magnet Operational Charge. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 G. Process and distribute state aid for Magnet Operational Charge. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 IJ bistributions'fo'r Fy ~7{98""at b.d8Deri 3'1
199'7 !~talea, $2,~55,317. otment calculated at October 1997for FY 97/98 was $9,002,821, '4 'OY~'1i. .............. ~~x:ic-................... = .,.,...,._ bjecJ to. p~ri.odic agjuslments. H. Calculate the amount of M-to-M incentive money to which each school district is entitled. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 3 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) H. Calculate the amount of M-to-M incentive money to which each school district is entitled. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 t
alculated f r FY 97/98, _subject to periodic adjustments. I. Process and distribute M-to-M incentive checks. J . 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, September - June. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Distributions for FY 97/98 at October 31, 1997 were: LRSD - $709,626 ~LRSD - $283,222 PCSSD - $1,164,468 The allotments calculated for FY 97 /98 at October 31, 1997, subject to periodic adjustments, were: LRSD - $3,548,125 NLRSD-$1,416,112 PCSSD - $5,822,342 Districts submit an estimated Magnet and M-to-M transportation budget to ADE. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, December of each year. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In September 1997, the Magnet and M-to-M transportation budgets for FY 97/98 were submitted to the ADE by the Districts. K. Reginald Wilson notifies General Finance to pay districts for first two-thirds of the Districts' proposed budget. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 4 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) K. Reginald Wilson notifies General Finance to pay districts for first two-thirds of the Districts' proposed budget. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In September 1997, General Finance was notified to pay the first onethird payments for FY 97/98 to the Districts. It should be noted that the Transportation Coordinator is currently performing this function. L. ADE pays districts for first two-thirds of their proposed budget. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In September 1997, General Finance made the first one-third payments to the Districts for their FY 97/98 transportation budget. At October 1997, the following had be~n paid for fY 97/98: LRSO - $1,019,861.33 NLRSD- $141,696.00 PCSSD- $536,541.00 M. ADE verifies actual expenditures submitted by Districts and reviews each bill with each District's transportation coordinator. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In August 1997, the ADE transportation coordinator reviewed each district's Magnet and M-to-M transportation costs for FY 96/97. N. Purchase buses for the Districts to replace existing Magnet and M-to-M fleets and to provide a larger fleet for the Districts' Magnet and M-to-M Transportation needs. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, as stated in Exhibit A of the Implementation Plan. s I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) N. Purchase buses for the Districts to replace existing Magnet and M-to-M fleets and to provide a larger fleet for the Districts' Magnet and M-to-M Transportation needs. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In FY 94/95, the State purchased 52 buses at a cost of $1,799,431 which were added to or replaced existing Magnet and M-to-M buses in the Districts. The buses were distributed to the Districts as follows: LRSD - 32
and PCSSD- 14. The ADE purchased 64 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $2 ,334,800 in FY 95/96. The buses were distributed accordingly: LRSD- 45
and PCSSD- 12. In May 1997, the ADE purchased 16 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $646,400. In July 1997, the ADE purchased 16 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $624,879. 0 . Process and distribute compensatory education payments to LRSD as required by page 23 of the Settlement Agreement. 1 . Projected Ending Date July 1 and January 1, of each school year through January 1, 1999. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 96/97. P. Process and distribute additional payments in lieu of formula to LRSD as required by page 24 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. 6 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) Q. Process and distribute payments to PCSSD as required by Page 28 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1994. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Final payment was distributed July 1994. R. Upon loan request by LRSD accompanied by a promissory note, the ADE makes loans to LRSD. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing through July 1, 1999. See Settlement Agreement page 24. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The LRSD received $3,000,000 in June 1997. As of this reporting date, the LRSD has received $15,000,000 in loan proceeds. S. Process and distribute payments in lieu of formula to PCSSD required by page 29 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. T. Process and distribute compensatory education payments to NLRSD as required by page 31 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date July 1 of each school year through June 30, 1996. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. 7 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) U. Process and distribute check to Magnet Review Committee. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Distribution in July 1997 for FY 97/98 was $75,000. This was the total amount due to the Magnet Review Committee for FY 97/98. V. Process and distribute payments for Office of Desegregation Monitoring. 1. Projected Ending Date Not applicable. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Distribution in July 1997 for FY 97/98 was $200,000. This was the total amount due to the ODM for FY 97/98. 8 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. 1. Projected Ending Date January 15, 1995 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In May 1995, monitors completed the unannounced visits of schools in Pulaski County. The monitoring process involved a qualitative process of document reviews, interviews, and observations. The monitoring focused on progress made since the announced monitoring visits. In June 1995, monitoring data from unannounced visits was included in the July Semiannual Report. Twenty-five per cent of all classrooms were visited, and all of the schools in Pulaski County were monitored. All principals were interviewed to determine any additional progress since the announced visits. The July 1995 Monitoring Report was reviewed by the ADE administrative team, the Arkansas State Board of Education, and the Districts and filed with the Court. The report was formatted in accordance with the Allen Letter. In October 1995, a common terminology was developed by principals from the Districts and the Lead Planning and Desegregation staff to facilitate the monitoring process. The announced monitoring visits began on November 14, 1995 and were completed on January 26, 1996. Copies of the preliminary Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were provided to the ADE administrative team and the State Board of Education in January 1996. A report on the current status of the Cycle 5 schools in the ECOE process and their school improvement plans was filed with the Court on February 1, 1996. The unannounced monitoring visits began in February 1996 and ended on May 10, 1996. 9 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION (Continued) A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In June 1996, all announced and unannounced monitoring visits were completed, and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Districts provided data on enrollment in compensatory education programs by race, gender, and type of program. The Districts and the ADE Desegregation Monitoring staff developed a definition for instructional programs. The Semiannual Monitoring Report was completed and filed with the Court on July 15, 1996 with copies distributed to the parties. Quantitative and qualitative indicators were displayed with specific information provided on cost and enrollment in compensatory programs. Announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools began on October 28, 1996 and concluded in December 1996. In January 1997, presentations were made to the State Board of Education, the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee, and the parties to review the draft Semiannual Monitoring Report. The monitoring instrument and process were evaluated for their usefulness in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on achievement disparities. In February 1997, the Semiannual Monitoring Report was filed. Unannounced monitoring visits began on February 3, 1997 and concluded in May 1997. In March 1997, letters were sent to the Districts regarding data requirements for the July 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and the additional discipline data element that was requested by the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee. Desegregation data collection workshops were conducted in the Districts from March 28, 1997 to April 7, 1997. A meeting was conducted on April 3, 1997 to finalize plans for the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report. Onsite visits were made to 11 Cycle 1 schools who did not submit accurate and timely data on discipline, M-to-M transfers, and policy. 10 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION (Continued) A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) As of June 1997, the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were finalized. In July 1997, the Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were filed with the court, and the ADE sponsored a School Improvement Conference. Copies of the Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were made available for the Districts to review on July 10, 1997 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The purpose of the review was to provide the Districts an opportunity to review the report prior to submitting it to the Court. Desegregation monitoring staff members were available to answer questions. Representatives from each district participated. In August 1997, procedures and schedules were organized for the monitoring of the Cycle 2 schools in FY 97/98. A Desegregation Monitoring and School Improvement Workshop for 55 educators from the Districts was held September 10, 1997. Monitoring expectations, instruments, data collection and school improvement visits were discussed. As of October 1997, 10 of the Cycle 2 announced monitoring visits were completed, and 36 technical assistance visits were conducted. On October 9, 1997, a planning meeting was held with the desegregation monitoring staff. Deadlines, responsibilities, and strategic planning issues were discussed regarding the completion of the Semiannual Monitoring Report. Reminder letters were sent to the Cycle 2 principals outlining the data collection deadlines and availability of technical assistance. In November 1997, technical assistance visits were conducted, and announcecl monitoring visits of the Cycle 2 schools were completed. 11 Ill. A PETITION FOR ELECTION FOR LRSD WILL BE SUPPORTED SHOULD A MILLAGE BE REQUIRED A. Monitor court pleadings to determine if LRSD has petitioned the Court for a special election. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Ongoing. All Court pleadings are monitored monthly. B. Draft and file appropriate pleadings if LRSD petitions the Court for a special election. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 To date, no action has been taken by the LRSD. 12 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION A. Using a collaborative approach, immediately identify those laws and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. 1 . Projected Ending Date December, 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. 8. Conduct a review within ADE of existing legislation and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date November, 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. C. Request of the other parties to the Settlement Agreement that they identify laws and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date November, 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV. E. of this report. D. Submit proposals to the State Board of Education for repeal of those regulations that are confirmed to be impediments to desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. 13 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION (Continued) E. Submit proposals to the Legislature for repeal of those laws that appear to be impediments to desegregation. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 A committee within the ADE was formed in May 1995 to review and collect data on existing legislation and regulations identified by the parties as impediments to desegregation. The committee researched the Districts' concerns to determine if any of the rules, regulations, or legislation cited impede desegregation. The legislation cited by the Districts regarding loss funding and worker's compensation were not reviewed because they had already been litigated. In September 1995, the committee reviewed the following statutes, acts, and regulations: Act 113 of 1993
ADE Director's Communication 93-205
Act 145 of 1989
ADE Director's Memo 91- 67
ADE Program Standards Eligibility Criteria for Special Education
Arkansas Codes 6-18-206, 6-20-307, 6-20-319, and 6-17-1506. In October 1995, the individual reports prepared by committee members in their areas of expertise and the data used to support their conclusions were submitted to the ADE administrative team for their review. A report was prepared and submitted to the State Board of Education in July 1996. The report concluded that none of the items reviewed impeded desegregation. As of February 3, 1997, no laws or regulations have been determined to impede desegregation efforts. Any new education laws enacted during the Arkansas 81st Legislative Session will be reviewed at the close of the legislative session to ensure that they do not impede desegregation. In April 1997, copies of all laws passed during the 1997 Regular Session of the 81 st General Assembly were requested from the office of the ADE Liaison to the Legislature for distribution to the Districts for their input and review of possible impediments to their desegregation efforts. In August 1997, a meeting to review the statutes passed in the prior legislative session was scheduled for September 9, 1997. 14 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION (Continued) E. Submit proposals to the Legislature for repeal of those laws that appear to be impediments to desegregation. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) On September 9, 1997, a meeting was held to discuss the review of the statutes passed in the prior legislative session and new ADE regulations. The Districts will be contacted in writing for their input regarding any new laws or regulations that they feel may impede desegregation. Additionally, the Districts will be asked to review their regulations to ensure that they do not impede their desegregation efforts. The committee will convene on December 1, 1997 to review their findings and finalize their report to the Administrative Team and the State Board of Education. In October 1997, the Districts were asked to review new regulations and statutes for impediments to their desegregation efforts, and advise the ADE, in writing, if they feel a regulation or statute may impede their desegregation efforts. lri~Octobef1{:f97, lne Ojstricts were requested to advise:the-ADE, in ~rJting, noJater than, N9vember_ 1, 1997 of any f'!ew lawJhat might i-mm- pede~their desegregation efforts. As of, November 12, 1997, no :0. :)(},. .
'Y " \" :,, ~ritten',,,responses were received from the Districts. t The ADE ~. % ,_'<""',M """ -
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J_ fOnCIY,,des th.,.at &!he D1stncts do ,not'feel that,apy1newjpw negatively illlpacts th.~Jr d~~g[~gation efforts. 15 V. COMMITMENT TO PRINCIPLES A. Through a preamble to the Implementation Plan, the Board of Education will reaffirm its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement and outcomes of programs intended to apply those principles. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The preamble was contained in the Implementation Plan filed with the Court on March 15, 1994. B. Through execution of the Implementation Plan, the Board of Education will continue to reaffirm its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement and outcomes of programs intended to apply those principles. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Ongoing C. Through execution of the Implementation Plan, the Board of Education will continue to reaffirm its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement by actions taken by ADE in response to monitoring results. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Ongoing D. Through regular oversight of the Implementation Phase's Project Management Tool, and scrutiny of results of ADE's actions, the Board of Education will act on its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 16 V. COMMITMENT TO PRINCIPLES (Continued) D. Through regular oversight of the Implementation Phase's Project Management Tool, and scrutiny of results of ADE's actions, the Board of Education will act on its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 At each regular monthly meeting of the State Board of Education, the Board is provided copies of the most recent Project Management Tool (PMT) and an executive summary of the PMT for their review and approval. Only activities that are in addition to the Board's monthly review of the PMT are detailed below. In May 1995, the State Board of Education was informed of the total number of schools visited during the monitoring phase and the data collection process. Suggestions were presented to the State Board of Education on how recommendations could be presented in the monitoring reports. In June 1995, an update on the status of the pending Semiannual Monitoring Report was provided to the State Board of Education. In July 1995, the July Semiannual Monitoring Report was reviewed by the State Board of Education. On August 14, 1995, the State Board of Education was informed of the need to increase minority participation in the teacher scholarship program and provided tentative monitoring dates to facilitate reporting requests by the ADE administrative team and the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee. In September 1995, the State Board of Education was advised of a change in the PMT from a table format to a narrative format. The Board was also briefed about a meeting with the Office of Desegregation Monitoring regarding the PMT. In October 1995, the State Board of Education was updated on monitoring timelines. The Board was also informed of a meeting with the parties regarding a review of the Semiannual Monitoring Report and the monitoring process, and the progress of the test validation study. In November 1995, a report was made to the State Board of Education regarding the monitoring schedule and a meeting with the parties concerning the development of a common terminology for monitoring purposes. 17 V. COMMITMENT TO PRINCIPLES (Continued) D. Through regular oversight of the Implementation Phase's Project Management Tool, and scrutiny of results of ADE's actions, the Board of Education will act on its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In December 1995, the State Board of Education was updated regarding announced monitoring visits. In January 1996, copies of the draft February Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were provided to the State Board of Education. During the months of February 1996 through May 1996, the PMT report was the only item on the agenda regarding the status of the implementation of the Monitoring Plan. In June 1996, the State Board of Education was updated on the status of the bias review study. In July 1996, the Semiannual Monitoring Report was provided to the Court, the parties, ODM, the State Board of Education, and the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee. In August 1996, the State Board of Education and the ADE administrative team were provided with copies of the test val idation study prepared by Dr. Paul Williams. During the months of September 1996 through December 1996, the PMT was the only item on the agenda regarding the status of the implementation of the Monitoring Plan. On January 13, 1997, a presentation was made to the State Board of Education regarding the February 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report, and copies of the report and its executive summary were distributed to all Board members. The Project Management Tool and its executive summary were addressed at the February 10, 1997 State Board of Education meeting regarding the ADE's progress in fulfilling their obligations as set forth in the Implementation Plan. 18 V. COMMITMENT TO PRINCIPLES (Continued) D. Through regular oversight of the Implementation Phase's Project Management Tool, and scrutiny of results of ADE's actions, the Board of Education will act on its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In March 1997, the State Board of Education was notified that historical information in the PMT had been summarized at the direction of the Assistant Attorney General in order to reduce the size and increase the clarity of the report. The Board was updated on the Pulaski County Desegregation Case and reviewed the Memorandum Opinion and Order issued by the Court on February 18, 1997 in response to the Districts' motion for summary judgment on the issue of state funding for teacher retirement matching contributions. During the months of April 1997 through June 1997, the PMT was the only item on the agenda regarding the status of the implementation of the Monitoring Plan. The State Board of Education received copies of the PMT and its executive summary at the July 14, 1997 board meeting. Additionally, copies of the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and executive summary were also provided to board members. The State Board of Education received copies of the PMT and its executive summary at the August 11, 1997 board meeting. The Implementation Phase Working Group held its quarterly meeting on August 4, 1997 to discuss the progress made in attaining the goals set forth in the Implementation Plan and to direction regarding the critical areas for the current quarter. A special report regarding a historical review of the Pulaski County Settlement Agreement and the ADE's role and monitoring obligations were presented to the State Board of Education on September 8, 1997. Additionally, the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report was presented to the Board for their review in accordance with the requirements contained in the ADE monitoring documents. In October 1997, the State Board of Education was provided copies of the monthly PMT and its executive summary. Additionally, a special draft report regarding disparity in achievement was submitted to the State Board Chairman and the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee. 19 V. COMMITMENT TO PRINCIPLES (Continued) D. Through regular oversight of the Implementation Phase's Project Management Tool, and scrutiny of results of ADE's actions, the Board of Education will act on its commitment to the principles of the Settlement Agreement. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) 20 VI. REMEDIATION A Through the Extended COE process, the needs for technical assistance by District, by School, and by desegregation compensatory education programs will be identified. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 During May 1995, team visits to Cycle 4 schools were conducted, and plans were developed for reviewing the Cycle 5 schools. In June 1995, the current Extended COE packet was reviewed, and enhancements to the Extended COE packet were prepared. In July 1995, year end reports were finalized by the Pulaski County field service specialists, and plans were finalized for reviewing the draft improvement plans of the Cycle 5 schools. In August 1995, Phase I - Cycle 5 school improvement plans were reviewed. Plans were developed for meeting with the Districts to discuss plans for Phase II - Cycle 1 schools of Extended COE, and a school improvement conference was conducted in Hot Springs. The technical review visits for the FY 95/96 year and the documentation process were also discussed. In October 1995, two computer programs, the Effective Schools Planner and the Effective Schools Research Assistant, were ordered for review, and the first draft of a monitoring checklist for Extended COE was developed. Through the Extended COE process, the field service representatives provided technical assistance based on the needs identified within the Districts from the data gathered. In November 1995, ADE personnel discussed and planned for the FY 95/96 monitoring, and onsite visits were conducted to prepare schools for the FY 95/96 team visits. Technical review visits continued in the Districts. In December 1995, announced monitoring and technical assistance visits were conducted in the Districts. 21 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) A. Through the Extended COE process, the needs for technical assistance by District, by School, and by desegregation compensatory education programs will be identified. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) At December 31, 1995, approximately 59% of the schools in the Districts had been monitored. Technical review visits were conducted during January 1996. In February 1996, announced monitoring visits and midyear monitoring reports were completed, and the field service specialists prepared for the spring NCA/COE peer team visits. In March 1996, unannounced monitoring visits of Cycle 5 schools commenced, and two-day peer team visits of Cycle 5 schools were conducted. Team lists and materials for two-day visits were prepared, and written reports of two-day team visits were prepared. Technical assistance was provided to schools in final preparation for team visits and to schools needing any school improvement information. In April and May 1996, the unannounced monitoring visits were completed. The unannounced monitoring forms were reviewed for completeness and included in the July monitoring report. The twoday peer team visits were completed, and annual COE monitoring reports were prepared. In June 1996, all announced and unannounced monitoring visits of the Cycle 5 schools were completed, and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Districts identified enrollment in compensatory education programs by race, gender, and type of compensatory program. The Semiannual Monitoring Report was completed and filed with the Court on July 15, 1996, and copies were distributed to the parties. During August 1996, meetings were held with the Districts to discuss the monitoring requirements. Technical assistance meetings with Cycle 1 schools were planned for the 96/97 school year. The Districts were requested to record discipline data in accordance with the Allen Letter and to include the race, gender, and years of experience of the teacher. In September 1996, recommendations regarding the ADE monitoring schedule for Cycle 1 schools and content layouts of the semiannual report were submitted to the ADE administrative team for their review. Training materials were developed with training schedules outlined for Cycle 1 schools. 22 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) A. Through the Extended COE process, the needs for technical assistance by District, by School, and by desegregation compensatory education programs will be identified. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In October 1996, all schools in the Districts identified their technical assistance needs by utilizing their school improvement plans. Technical assistance needs were identified and addressed to prepare each school for their team visits. The announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools began on October 28, 1996. In December 1996, the announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools were completed, and technical assistance needs were identified from school site visits. In January 1997, the ECOE monitoring section identified technical assistance needs of the Cycle 1 schools, and the data was reviewed when the draft February Semiannual Monitoring Report was presented to the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee, the State Board of Education, and the parties. In February 1997, field service specialists prepared for the peer team visits of the Cycle 1 schools. NCA accreditation reports were presented to the NCA Committee, and NCA reports were prepared for presentation at the April NCA meeting in Chicago. In March and April 1997, 76 visits were made to schools or central offices to work with principals, ECOE steering committees, and designated district personnel concerning school improvement planning. As of May 1997, 111 visits were made to schools or central offices to work with principals, ECOE steering committees, and designated central office staff concerning school improvement planning, and a workshop was conducted on Learning Styles for Geyer Springs Elementary School. A School Improvement Conference was held in Hot Springs on July 15-17, 1997. The conference included information on the process of continuous school improvement, results of the first five years of COE, connecting the mission with the school improvement plan, and improving academic performance. In August 1997, technical assistance needs were evaluated for the FY 97/98 school year. 23 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) A. Through the Extended COE process, the needs for technical assistance by District, by School, and by desegregation compensatory education programs will be identified. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In October 1997, technical reviews of the ECOE process were conducted by the field service representatives. The field service representatives provided technical assistance to the Districts through meetings with the ECOE steering committees, assistance in analyzing perceptual surveys, and by providing samples of school improvement plans, Gold File catalogs, and web site addresses to schools visited. l_n November 1997, technic
af r~view')5'f1the EC0E process were f:onaucted_by the field servi~ r~preenJ~iio~opjunction wi!h the ~nnounc~d' rn.onitoring visits. B. Identify available resources for providing technical assistance for the specific condition, or circumstances of need, considering resources within ADE and the Districts, and also resources available from outside sources and experts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VI.F. of this report. C. Through the ERIC system, conduct a literature search for research evaluating compensatory education programs. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 An updated ERIC Search was conducted on May 15, 1995 to locate research on evaluating compensatory education programs. The ADE received the updated ERIC disc that covered material through March 1995. 24 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) C. Through the ERIC system, conduct a literature search for research evaluating compensatory education programs. (Continued) _ 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In August 1995, a new ERIC disc arrived, and an updated search was conducted. These articles were reviewed. An ERIC search was conducted in September 30, 1996 to identify current research dealing with the evaluation of compensatory education programs, and the articles were reviewed. An ERIC search was conducted in April 1997 to identify current research on compensatory education programs and sent to the Cycle 1 principals and the field service specialists for their use. D. Identify and research technical resources available to ADE and the Districts through programs and organizations such as the Desegregation Assistance Center in San Antonio, Texas. 1. Projected Ending Date Summer 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VI.F. of this report. E. Solicit, obtain, and use available resources for technical assistance. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VI.F. of this report. F. Evaluate the impact of the use of resources for technical assistance. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 25 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) F. Evaluate the impact of the use of resources for technical assistance. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 From March 1995 through July 1995, technical assistance and resources were obtained from the following sources: the Southwest Regional Cooperative
UALR regarding training for monitors
ODM on a project management software
ADHE regarding data review and display
and Phi Delta Kappa, the Desegregation Assistance Center and the Dawson Cooperative regarding perceptual surveys. Technical assistance was received on the Microsoft Project software in November 1995, and a draft of the PMT report using the new software package was presented to the ADE administrative team for review. In December 1995, a data manager was hired permanently to provide technical assistance with computer software and hardware. In October 1996, the field service specialists conducted workshops in the Districts to address their technical assistance needs and provided assistance for upcoming team visits. In November and December 1996, the field service specialists addressed technical assistance needs of the schools in the Districts as they were identified and continued to provide technical assistance for the upcoming team visits. In January 1997, a draft of the February 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report was presented to the State Board of Education, the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee, and the parties. The ECOE monitoring section of the report included information that identified technical assistance needs and resources available to the Cycle 1 schools. Technical assistance was provided during the January 29-31, 1997 Title I Mid-Winter Conference. The theme of the conference centered around the Improving America's Schools Act which emphasizes creating a learning community by building capacity schools to better serve all children and empowering parents to acquire additional skills and knowledge to better support the education of their children. 26 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) F. Evaluate the impact of the use of resources for technical assistance. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In February 1997, three ADE employees attended the Southeast Regional Conference on Educating Black Children which facilitated the ADE in identifying and obtaining technical assistance resources. The focus of the conference was Excellence Without Excuse - Educating All Children. Participants received training from national experts who outlined specific steps that promote and improve the education of black children. On March 6-9, 1997, three members of the ADE's Technical Assistance Section attended the National Committee for School Desegregation Conference in order to identify and obtain technical assistance resources for use in desegregation efforts. The participants received training in strategies for Excellence and Equity: Empowennent and Training for the Future. Specific information was received regarding the current status of court-ordered desegregation, unitary status, and resegregation and distributed to the Districts and ADE personnel. The field service specialists attended workshops in March on ACT testing and school improvement to identify technical assistance resources available to the Districts and the ADE that will facilitate desegregation efforts. ADE personnel attended the Eighth Annual Conference on Middle Level Education in Arkansas presented by the Arkansas Association of Middle Level Education on April 6-8, 1997 which identified technical assistance resources available to the Districts. The theme of the conference was Sailing Toward New Horizons. In May 1997, the field service specialists attended the NCA annual conference and an inservice session with Mutiu Fagbayi in their continuing efforts of identifying resources for providing technical assistance. An Implementation Oversight Committee member participated in the Consolidated COE Plan inservice training. In June 1997, field service staff attended a SAT-9 testing workshop to facilitate their efforts of identifying resources for providing technical assistance to the Districts. 27 VI. REMEDIATION (Continued) F. Evaluate the impact of the use of resources for technical assistance. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In July 1997, the field service specialists participated in the three-day School Improvement Conference held in Hot Springs. The conference provided the Districts with information on the COE school improvement process, technical assistance on monitoring and assessing achievement, availability of technology for the classroom teacher, and teaching strategies for successful student achievement. In a continuing effort to identify and provide technical assistance resources to the Districts, Field Service personnel attended the ASCD Statewide Conference and the AAEA Administrators Conference in August 1997. On August 18, 1997, the bi-monthly Team V meeting was held and presentations were made on the Early Literacy Leaming in Arkansas (ELLA) program and the Schools of the 21st Century program. The ELLA program provides staff development to classroom teachers with an emphasis on grades K-3. The Schools of the 21st Century program emphasizes a coordination of efforts and resources within the community to prepare children in their early years for school. In September 1997, technical assistance was provided to the Cycle 2 principals on data collection for onsite and offsite monitoring. In an effort to obtain resources for technical assistance, the Lead Planner, the Equity Coordinator, the Reading Specialist, and the Assistant Director for Accountability attended the Region VI Desegregation Conference in October 1997. Current desegregation and educational equity cases and unitary status issues were the primary focus of the conference. On October 14, 1997, the bi-monthly Team V meeting was held in Paragould to enable members to observe a 21st Century school and a school that incorporates traditional and multi-age classes in its curriculum. 28 VII. TEST VALIDATION A. Using a collaborative approach, the ADE will select and contract with an independent bias review service or expert to evaluate the Stanford 8, or other monitoring instruments used to measure disparities in academic achievement between black students and white students. 1. Projected Ending Date March, 1995 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 On March 29, 1995, letters were sent to four national experts about conducting a test bias validation of the Stanford Achievement Test, Eighth Edition, Form K (SAT-8). Dr. Paul Williams, Deputy Director of Educational Testing Service (ETS), contacted the ADE in April of 1995 concerning the proposal for validating the SAT-8 test. The ADE requested that Dr. Williams conduct a validity study of test items used in the SAT-8. Dr. Williams submitted a final proposal for his services. The ADE Bias Review Test Committee met Friday, July 7, 1995, and approved Dr. William's contract proposal. The final contract was forwarded to Dr. Williams for his signature. The contract was signed in August 1995, thereby, completing this goal. B. By April 1994, establish a bias review committee to oversee the bias review process, and invite representatives of the Districts and parties to meet with the bias review committee. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Complete. ADE established a Bias Review Committee in April 1994. In accordance with the Implementation Plan, representatives from the Districts and the parties were invited to attend and participate in this and all meetings of the Bias Review Committee. 29 VII. TEST VALIDATION (Continued) C. Upon completion of test validation procedures by the bias review service or expert, the ADE will adopt and use a validated test as a monitoring instrument. 1. Projected Ending Date March 1995 and ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Dr. Paul Williams met with the staff of the Psychological Corporation to review their methods and procedures. In August 1995, he met with the staff at Georgia State University to review the statistical methods that would be used in the analysis. Dr. Williams reported difficulty with the bias-review study in receiving the names of the bias panel and the complete SAT-8 data set from the Psychological Corporation . Dr. Williams submitted an invoice totaling $8,961 for Task I activities of the SAT-8 validity study for partial fulfillment of the test validation study. On December 6, 1995, a contract extension for Dr. Williams was reviewed by the Legislative Council. In January 1996, he indicated that he was in the final stages of the test validation, and the ADE was presented a draft report in March 1996. In May 1996, Dr. Williams stated that the wrong data sets were sent to him by the Psychological Corporation resulting in Task 3 having to be redone. A new draft of the final report was received by the ADE in July 1996. In August 1996, copies of the test validation report were provided to the State Board of Education and the ADE administrative team for their review. On September 10, 1996, the LRSD notified the ADE that they had reviewed the test validation report and would like to meet with the ADE to discuss the report. The ADE Director indicated that he would schedule a meeting with the LRSD to discuss the report. In October 1996, historical files and data were provided to the ADE Director, the ADE Assistant Director for Technical Services, and the ADE Assistant Director for Planning and Curriculum for their review in preparation for a meeting with the LRSD regarding the validity study. 30 VII. TEST VALIDATION (Continued) C. Upon completion of test validation procedures by the bias review service or expert, the ADE will adopt and use a validated test as a monitoring instrument. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) Test validation procedures by the expert have been completed. A recommendation was drafted proposing the use of the SAT-8 by the ADE as the validated test for monitoring. The ADE is presently working to arrange a meeting with the Administration of the LRSD to discuss the test validation study. Effective September 22, 1997, the State Board of Education hired a new Director of the General Education Division, which should allow the ADE to move forward in this matter. In October 1997, the GED Director was updated on the history of the test validation process to provide the Director with background information in preparation for a meeting with the LRSD. 31 VIII. IN-SERVICE TRAINING A. Through an interactive process with representatives of desegregating districts, identify in-service training needs. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VIII.D. of this report. B. Develop in-service training programs to address in-service training needs of desegregating districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VIII.D. of this report. C. Implement in-service training programs to address in-service training needs of desegregating districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section VIII.D. of this report. D. Evaluate in-service training programs developed and executed to address inservice training needs of desegregating districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 32 VIII. IN-SERVICE TRAINING (Continued) D. Evaluate in-service training programs developed and executed to address inservice training needs of desegregating districts. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In April 1995, the Tri-District Staff Development Committee were provided an overview of the Scott Alternative Learning Center's operation and met with students and staff. In May 1995, the Districts were in the process of self-assessment and planning for fall staff development. The Districts worked on staff development to be incorporated into their fall 95/96 preschool calendars. The uniqueness of each district's needs and their schools was considered in the planning by utilizing the results of needs assessment instruments. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on September 13, 1995 to plan for an ADE administered Classroom Management grant. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on September 19, 1995 to finalize the Classroom Management grant proposal. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on October 24, 1995 to discuss program and staff development evaluation models that might be available to the Districts. On November 15, 1995, the ADE met with an ODM representative to discuss the progress the ADE had made in attaining the objectives outlined in the Implementation Plan with regard to inservice training. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on November 21, 1995 to discuss upcoming training events and various NLR programs that focus on non-academic needs. A new program consisting of placing a graduate student of social work, a field supervisor, and a OHS worker in the district at no cost to the district was discussed. Additionally, NLR provided an overview of their program for credit deficient students. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on December 19, 1995 to discuss information dealing with ways to broaden the perspective of multicultural education. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on January 17, 1996 to discuss proposed changes in the standards regarding media centers and NLRSD's staff development strategic planning committee. The committee reviewed a video on diversity produced by the Arkansas Elementary Principals Association. 33 VIII. IN-SERVICE TRAINING (Continued) D. Evaluate in-service training programs developed and executed to address inservice training needs of desegregating districts. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on February 21, 1996 to discuss the implications of budget cuts on staff development programs and PCSSD's request for unitary status for their staff development program. The committee also discussed the need for computer literacy, technology training, and acquisition of hardware and software by the Districts. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on March 27, 1996 to discuss available resources concerning sexual harassment. ADE regulations in relation to staff members attending professional association conferences as well as the district staff development and potential sites for training seminars were also discussed. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on April 30, 1996 to discuss the reconfiguring of Jacksonville Junior High, PCSSD professional development schedules, and APSCN on-line timelines. A tour of the Washington Magnet school was also conducted. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee received a demonstration of UALR's Baum Decision Support Center's capabilities regarding consensus and planning on May 29, 1996. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee did not meet during September, October, and November 1996 because of scheduling conflicts and the extended medical leave of the ADE liaison. On December 18, 1996, the Tri-District Staff Development Committee met to discuss the linkage between the Implementation Plan, staff development, and student achievement. On January 21, 1997, the Tri-District Staff Development Committee met and discussed sharing middle school strategies and the Districts' training catalogs. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on February 25, 1997 to discuss their current staff development programs and an overview of the relationship of their current programs with their desegregation plans. 34 VIII. IN-SERVICE TRAINING (Continued) D. Evaluate in-service training programs developed and executed to address inservice training needs of desegregating districts. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on March 26, 1997 to observe the Great Expectations Program, a program designed to instill confidence and self-esteem in students at Bale Elementary, one of five schools in the LRSD participating in the program. The principal and mentor teachers provided information on the components and philosophy of the program, and students demonstrated selected components. The PCSSD may adopt the program for selected schools in their district. The committee was provided with an update of pertinent information on resources available to the Districts. The committee decided that the ADE liaison to the committee would gather documentation of completed staff development directly from the Districts, instead of the Districts providing this information at the committee meetings. New information on teacher licensure and rules and regulations was shared with the Tri-District Staff Development Committee at their April 1997 meeting. A report was presented to the committee on information from the Arkansas Council for Social Studies about an October 1997 meeting on integrated curriculum. The Districts will provide principal retreats this summer as a part of their staff development. The PCSSD will sponsor a renowned speaker on strategies to serve at risk youth in August 1997 in which the committee is invited to attend. The LRSD shared survey results from a pilot administration to four teachers in each district. The survey found the sample to be strong in content but lacking in context and process. Plans to address these needs will be developed. In another survey to certified and noncertified LRSD staff, stress management was the major concern. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on May 14, 1997 to participate in a teleconference with the five 1996 awardees of the National Awards Program for Model for Professional Development. The PCSSD shared their summer and fall staff development catalog with the members. The committee will reconvene in the fall of the 97/98 school year. The Tri-District Staff Development Committee is scheduled to meet on September 30, 1997 to discuss collaborative actions for FY 97/98. 35 VIII. IN-SERVICE TRAINING (Continued) D. Evaluate in-service training programs developed and executed to address inservice training needs of desegregating districts. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The Tri-District Staff Development Committee met on September 30, 1997 to discuss their staff development for the 1997 /1998 school year. The PCSSD had a pre-school in-service for the faculty, and the LRSD conducted a Principals Academy with an expert on the math and science initiative which lasted several days. The NLRSD is providing staff development by satellite. 'fheTn-bistncfStaff~Develo-pmenf'committee met on October 28, ~ ~ - 1997. The LRSD and NLRSD shared some of their staff development course offerings with the c::pmmittee, and the PCSSD discussed ways of optimizing opportunities for staff development with specific ~mptiasiS..QIJ Jhejun.iQ[JJlgb,~q_hoq_l co_nflict reQlytion training. In November 1997, the Lead Planner provided technical assistance to the certified staff of Central High School regarding data disaggregation, test score analysis and ways to improve student achievement. 36 IX. RECRUITMENT OF MINORITY TEACHERS A. Facilitate communication between the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs. 1. Projected Ending Dates (See dates on individual key activities) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 A staff member of the ADE's certification department attended all of the college career days in FY 94/95 in Arkansas and one out-of-state. In FY 95/96, ADE certification staff members attended career and job fairs at the following colleges and universities: Philander Smith College
UA-Pine Bluff
Harding University
and Jackson State. ADE certification staff met with representatives from the Districts to ensure they were aware that ADE personnel were available to provide assistance in recruitment and certification of minority teacher candidates. A job fair was conducted at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff on December 4, 1996. The Districts were advised of the ADE's availability for providing assistance in recruitment and certification. In February 1997, ADE certification staff members attended teacher job fairs at Henderson State University, Arkansas Tech University, and University of Central Arkansas to facilitate communication between the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs. ADE certification staff members attended teacher job fairs at Harding University, UA-Fayetteville, UA-Pine Bluff, and ASU in April 1997 to facilitate communication between the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs. From April 16, 1997 through May 6, 1997, ADE certification staff members attended teacher job fairs at Philander Smith College and SAU to facilitate communication between the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs. Additionally, ADE staff attended an out-of-state teacher job fair at Jackson State University at Jackson, Mississippi. Recruitment activities were suspended for the summer, but they wi ll resume in the later part of September for FY 97/98. On September 25, 1997, the ADE's Professional Licensure Supervisor attended a career day job fair at Philander Smith College to provide support to the Districts in recruiting teachers. 37 IX. RECRUITMENT OF MINORITY TEACHERS (Continued) A. Facilitate communication between the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) B. Beginning in 1994, by May and November of each year, Districts will supply to the ADE information about shortages of teachers by grade and subject area. 1. Projected Ending Dates Ongoing, as stated. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Letters were sent in May, August, and December 1995 to the Districts requesting information regarding teaching positions available by grade and subject areas. In May and November 1996, the Human Resources offices of the Districts were requested to provide information regarding teaching positions available by grade and subject area. On February 4, 1997, the ADE again requested that the Districts provide information to ADE regarding teacher shortages. During February 1997, the NLRSD and the PCSSD responded to the ADE regarding teacher shortages. NLRSD teacher shortages are expected in the areas of Special Education, Mathematics, the Sciences, Foreign Language, and English as a Second Language. PCSSD teacher shortages are anticipated in the areas of Foreign Language, Mathematics, the Sciences, and Gifted and Talented Education. On May 20, 1997, information was requested from the Districts regarding teacher shortages. Follow-up letters were sent to the Districts on July 11, 1997 requesting information on teacher shortages that was initially requested in May. 38 IX. RECRUITMENT OF MINORITY TEACHERS (Continued) C. Beginning in 1994, by May and December of each year, request information from colleges and universities about the numbers and types of minorityteacher graduates. D. 1. Projected Ending Dates Ongoing, as stated. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In May and December 1995, letters were sent to all Deans and Certifying Officers of Institutions of Higher Education in Arkansas requesting information on minority teacher graduates. Letters were sent to all Deans and Certifying Officers of Institutions of Higher Education in Arkansas in May and November 1996 requesting information on minority teacher graduates. On May 20, 1997, letters were sent to all Arkansas colleges and universities with teacher education programs requesting minority teacher graduate information. Within 30 days of receiving data from colleges and universities provide the Districts data on teacher openings to the colleges and universities on minority graduates to the Districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In June 1995 and January 1996, ADE sent the information received from Arkansas colleges and universities on minority teacher education graduates to the Districts. In July 1996 and January 1997, ADE sent the information received from Deans and Certifying Officers on minority teacher education graduates to the Districts. On February 3, 1997, a list of minority teacher graduates from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville was forwarded to the Districts. The information on these graduates was received after the initial list was compiled. The addition of these graduates was sent to the Districts as an addendum to the list of graduates compiled on January 16, 1997. 39 IX. RECRUITMENT OF MINORITY TEACHERS (Continued) D. Within 30 days of receiving data from colleges and universities provide the Districts data on teacher openings to the colleges and universities on minority graduates to the Districts. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The ADE provided the Districts with the Minority Teacher Graduate Report which was compiled from the minority teacher graduate information received from Arkansas colleges and universities in July 1997. E. Each November, ADE will request information from the Districts on the effectiveness of ADE's minority recruitment assistance, including an assessment of the minority teacher candidates' database. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 On November 30, 1994, letters were sent to the Districts requesting feedback on the effectiveness of the ADE's minority recruitment assistance. Follow-up letters were sent on March 17, 1995 since no responses had been received. Additional follow-up letters were sent to the Districts in August 1995 because the ADE had received no responses from the Districts. A planning and evaluation meeting was scheduled on January 11, 1996 with representatives from the Districts. The Districts did not attend the meeting. In February 1997, letters were sent to the Districts requesting feedback on the effectiveness of ADE's minority recruitment assistance. The NLRSD and the PCSSD submitted favorable evaluations concerning the effectiveness of the ADE's recruitment assistance efforts. The ADE did not received any information from the LRSD regarding this matter. 40 X. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MINORITY TEACHER CANDIDATES A. Assist ADHE in identifying, analyzing, addressing and eliminating racial disparities in the allocation of scholarships. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section X.D. of this report. B. Representatives of the ADE and the ADHE will work together, review ADHE's available data to identify racial disparities in allocation of scholarships. C. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section X.D. of this report. Using its knowledge about public schools, teacher education and certification, and through a collaborative effort with the Districts, ADE will analyze racial disparities in ADHE scholarship allocations. ADE will report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations about racial disparities in allocating scholarships to ADHE. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section X. D. of this report. D. Working with the ADHE, the ADE will use its relationships in the public education institutional settings to assist implementation of measures designed to reduce racial disparities in allocation of scholarships. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 41 X. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MINORITY TEACHER CANDIDATES (Continued) D. Working with the ADHE, the ADE will use its relationships in the public education institutional settings to assist implementation of measures designed to reduce racial disparities in allocation of scholarships. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In April 1995, ADE met with representatives of ADHE concerning identification and analysis of possible disparities in scholarship allocations. In June 1995, a collaborative effort was made between the ADE and ADHE to enhance the rate at which minorities were applying for the 1995 teacher scholarships with special emphasis on the areas of science, math, and foreign language through a direct mail program. In July 1995, representatives from the ADE and the Districts met to review the scholarship applications. The Implementation Committee on Financial Assistance to Minority Teacher Candidates discussed ways to increase minority awareness of the scholarships available for minority teacher applicants. The committee agreed to meet quarterly to identify, analyze, and address elfminating racial disparities in scholarships. The committee met in December 1995 to discuss the distribution of scholarships for the 95/96 school year. The committee meets on a continuous basis to review scholarship distributions and discuss ways of improving the pool of applicants for minority teacher scholarships as detailed further in Section X. E. of this report. E. Monitor the allocation of scholarships to minority students by the ADHE
evaluate the impacts of new approaches and new legislation on an ongoing basis. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 During the May 1995 Legislative session, Acts 188, 189 and 259 regarding scholarships were passed. A meeting to monitor and analyze the distribution of scholarships for the 95/96 school year was held on December 15, 1995. 42 X. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MINORITY TEACHER CANDIDATES (Continued) E. Monitor the allocation of scholarships to minority students by the ADHE
evaluate the impacts of new approaches and new legislation on an ongoing basis. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The committee met on June 7, 1996 to review the scholarship applications for minority teacher candidates for the 96/97 school year. Representatives from the ADHE stated that the ADHE expected to have the resources to fund: 56 scholarships under the Emergency Secondary Education Loan Program
100 scholarships under the Minority Teacher Scholars Program
and 13 scholarships under the Minority Masters Fellows Program. The committee also discussed ways of increasing the scholarship applicant pools, and a recommendation was made to make scholarships available to parttime students. In September 1996, a proposal was submitted to the Assistant to the Director for Legislative Services recommending the Legislature offer minority teacher scholarships to part-time students. The committee met on October 23, 1996 to review the scholarships awarded for the 96/97 school year. The following scholarships were funded: 60 scholarships totaling $144,266 for the Emergency Secondary Education Loan Program
20 scholarships totaling $107,500 for the Minority Masters Fellows Program
109 scholarships totaling $505,093 for the Minority Teacher Scholars Program
and 258 students in the Freshman/Sophomore Minority Grant Program received scholarships totaling $374,000. In March 1997, information on minority teacher scholarships and how to apply was provided to the Districts and Arkansas colleges and universities. The Districts were informed of ADHE's scholarship promotional efforts and legislative updates. The next meeting of the committee will be in September 1997. On April 8, 1997, notifications were sent to all Arkansas colleges and universities on the Minority Teacher Scholars Program reminding them that the deadline for receiving applications was June 1, 1997. This information was also provided to the Districts. The Minority Teacher Scholarship Committee will meet on October 9, 1997 to discuss the scholarships awarded for FY 97/98. 43 X. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MINORITY TEACHER CANDIDATES (Continued) E. Monitor the allocation of scholarships to minority students by the ADHE
evaluate the impacts of new approaches and new legislation on an ongoing basis. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The Minority Teacher Scholarship Recruitment Committee met on October 9, 1997 to discuss the scholarships awarded for FY 97/98. The ADHE Assistant Coordinator for Student Financial Aid provided a comprehensive presentation on scholarships awarded for the 97 /98 school year. There were 235 scholarships awarded in the Freshman/Sophomore Minority Scholarship program totaling $344,988. The Emergency Secondary Education Loan program awarded 52 scholarships for a total of $119,370. There were 83 scholarships for $403,520 awarded in the Minority Teachers Scholars program. The Minority Masters Fellows program awarded 20 scholarships for a total of $73,750. The ADHE representative indicated that during the 1997 regular legislative session legislation was passed to allow hispanics and asians to participate in the minority scholarship programs. It was stated that the average GPA for minority teacher scholarship recipients had increased to 3.13, and that the dollars awarded in the Minority Masters Fellows program were down from last year because most of the recipients were part-time students. The committee discussed numerous avenues that might be utilized to inform minority applicants of scholarships available. Communication with the faculty of Arl<ansas colleges and universities regarding the availability of scholarships was discussed as a way of infom,ing teaching students of possible resources available to them. The next quarterly meeting of the Minority Teacher Scholarship Recruitment Committee will be February 19, 1998. 44 XI. MINORITY RECRUITMENT OF ADE STAFF A. Administer the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan developed by the ADE staff and Board of Education and officially adopted by the Board of Education (see Exhibit B for the ADE's Minority Recruitment Plan with specific objectives and timelines). 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The Minority Recruitment Committee met on Friday, April 14, 1995. New committee members were assigned tasks and goals to increase the effectiveness of the Minority Recruitment Plan. At the Minority Recruitment Committee meeting on May 18, 1995, the committee was divided into four working sub-teams to update the annual plan. Each team focused on one of the four goals in the Minority Recruitment Plan and monitored specific task completions. From June to October 1995, subcommittees met and worked on monitoring the progress of the ADE in accomplishing the tasks outlined in the Minority Recruitment Plan. In September 1995, the ADE reached an agreement with the Arkansas Statewide Systemic Initiative (ASSI) for conducting an audit of the Minority Recruitment Plan. The committee reviewed the recommendations and comments for updating the plan at the November 1995 meeting and reviewed the final draft at the December meeting. The ASSl's audit findings were presented to the committee on January 16, 1996. It was determined during the initial review that the files were incomplete to the extent that an accurate audit was not possible. The auditor met with the committee in March 1996 to review the additional documentation in the files. The auditor prepared the final report in April 1996 indicating that of the 89 actions contained in the Minority Recruitment Plan, 74 of the items had been completed, nine were in progress, and six had not been started. The audit stated that of the 22 items in Goal 1, 15 were completed , one was in progress, and six had not been started. Goal 2 contained 14 items, 13 of which were completed and one in progress. Goal 3 consisted of 30 items with 29 items completed and one in progress. Goal 4 consisted of 23 items with 17 items completed and six in progress. 45 XI. MINORITY RECRUITMENT OF ADE STAFF (Continued) A. Administer the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan developed by the ADE staff and Board of Education and officially adopted by the Board of Education (see Exhibit B for the ADE's Minority Recruitment Plan with specific goals, objectives and timelines). (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The Minority Recruitment Committee met on June 6, 1996 to discuss updates and revisions addressed in the audit and the new racial/gender report on Grades 21 and above. Since the completion of the audit, Goals 2.3.4 and 3.3.8 were completed, and a list of recommendations for retention activities was written. Also, a random sample of ADE employees was asked to fill out questionnaires, but only a limited number were returned. In August 1996, the Minority Recruitment Committee met and discussed the actions necessary to complete Goals 1 and 4 contained in the Minority Recruitment Plan. At the September 1996 meeting, the committee was updated on the progress of all four goals in the Minority Recruitment Plan. The committee heard an analysis of application and hiring practices and discussed the relevance of the data. Suggestions made by the State Board of Education regarding the Employee Tracking Data Check Sheet were discussed at the February 1996 meeting of the Minority Recruitment Committee. Goal 1 of the Minority Recruitment Plan will be completed when the employee tracking sheet is finalized. The Minority Recruitment Committee met on March 14, 1997 and March 27, 1997 to discuss the draft Revised Minority Recruitment Plan and progress toward completing Goal 4. The committee passed a motion to omit Section 1.1 from Goal 1 of the draft revised plan. Additionally, the committee suggested that communication be made an integral part of each goal of the revised plan. The committee discussed the need for professional training programs, incentives for educational opportunities, and upward mobility for all staff within the ADE. In an effort to complete Goal 4, a representative from the ADE communication section presented development costs for media materials to the committee. Additionally, a representative from the ADE MIS section discussed the possibility of using the network to disseminate information to employees. It was suggested that the committee continue to receive assistance from MIS on the orientation video. 46 XI. MINORITY RECRUITMENT OF ADE STAFF (Continued) A. Administer the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan developed by the ADE staff and Board of Education and officially adopted by the Board of Education (see Exhibit B for the ADE's Minority Recruitment Plan with specific goals, objectives and timelines). (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued} In an effort to represent all sections within the ADE, the committee recommended that representatives from the ADE communication and MIS sections be added as members to the committee. Currently, neither section is represented on the committee. The Minority Recruitment Committee met on April 18, 1997 to discuss the need to revise the action steps for each of the committee's four goals. The committee decided to schedule a two-day retreat in an effort to review all goals and actions. The Minority Recruitment Committee met on May 19, 1997 to discuss the agenda for the annual retreat and revisions to the action plan emphasizing recruitment and retention at all grade levels. A two-day annual retreat was held on June 18-19, 1997 at the Teacher Retirement Building. The retreat facilitated the revision of the Minority Recruitment Committee's action plan for their four goals. Dr. Gary Chamberlain, UALR faculty member, served as the facilitator. The revised plan was distributed to the Minority Recruitment Committee at their July 18, 1997 meeting for final approval before it is submitted to the administrative team and the State Board of Education. The Minority Recruitment Committee meeting scheduled for September 12, 1997 was rescheduled for September 30, 1997 due to members scheduling conflicts. The meeting will be reported in the November PMT. !the Minorily'7Recruitmen Committee met wifh fhe ADE Deputy pirector i~ November 1997 to provide him w~IJ..@-copy of th~ revised plan and fe,_~iye_his i11pJ.Jt .Qn the plan. B. Monitor minority representation at all levels of ADE and assess the effectiveness of the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 47 XI. MINORITY RECRUITMENT OF ADE STAFF (Continued) 8. Monitor minority representation at all levels of ADE and assess the effectiveness of the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 As of August 1995, the ADE had hired or transferred 38 employees in Grades 21 and above in the General Education Division. This group was composed of 11 black females, 5 black males, 16 white females, 4 white males, 1 other female, and 1 other male. The racial composition of the these employees was 52.6 percent non-minority and 47.4 percent minority. As of October 1995, there were 161 filled positions in the GED in Grades 21 and above. There were 27 minorities or 22.9 percent in Grades 21 and above. An analysis on Goal 1 regarding application and hiring practices was presented at the September 1996 meeting. Samples of graphs and tables for presenting the data were distributed at the meeting. The Minority Recruitment Committee met on December 13, 1996 to discuss the latest draft of the ADE Employee Tracking Data Check Sheet. The committee recommended various format changes including the addition of a table of contents and an executive summary. The committee met on January 17, 1997 to continue the discussion on the draft ADE Employee Tracking Data Check Sheet. The Assistant Director for Planning and Curriculum agreed with all but three of the committee's recommendations for the employee tracking sheet. He requested that the committee continue discussions on this matter. The Minority Recruitment Committee met on February 14, 1997 to discuss the status of the Employee Tracking Data Check Sheet. The employee tracking sheet will enable the committee to monitor the recruitment and retention of minority employees by unit and section at every grade level and monitor minority representation at all grade levels within the ADE. The committee also discussed the lack of minority employees in some areas and the loss of several minority employees. There were also discussions regarding the possibility of revising the new Minority Recruitment Plan that has been submitted to the ADE administrative team. 48 XI. MINORITY RECRUITMENT OF ADE STAFF (Continued) B. Monitor minority representation at all levels of ADE and assess the effectiveness of the ADE Minority Recruitment Plan. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) The committee received information on Arkansas pupil enrollment by race at their March 14, 1997 meeting. Arkansas enrollment figures for October 1, 1996 revealed that 73. 7% of all students are white, 23.4% are black, 1.8% are hispanic, 0.7% are asian, and 0.4% are native american. In an effort to assess the effectiveness of the action steps for each goal, agenda items are being developed for the committee's June retreat. The committee recommended that invitations be sent to Senator Beebe, Julie Cullen, Gene Wilhoit, and all State Board members. At the May 1997 Minority Recruitment Committee meeting, the committee discussed reviewing the most recent quarterly hiring and retention report and revisions to the action plan at the annual retreat. Discussions during the July retreat focused on the current plan, the original purpose of the plan, and necessary changes with input provided by committee members and speakers from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, Employment Securities, and the ADE. 49 XII. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION A. Improve the effectiveness of the ADE's existing rules, regulations, and site evaluation form for assessing the desegregation impacts of school construction between school districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section XII.C. of this report. B. Review existing rules, regulations and site evaluation forms and their application to school construction projects within districts and between districts. 1. Projected Ending Date October 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for th is item is detailed under Section XII.C. of this report. C. Amend the rules, regulations and site evaluation forms as they apply to all districts contiguous to the three Pulaski County school districts to assure that the school construction analysis specifically addresses the impacts on racial balances of individual school sites within the three districts. 1. Projected Ending Date October 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 ADE's School Site Selection Committee met on April 21, 1995 to revise the proposed rules and regulations. The proposed rules and regulations were presented to the State Board of Education on May 8, 1995. The Board voted to table the decision on public comment until the proposed rules and regulations were reviewed by the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General's Office reviewed the revised school construction draft and provided a letter of approval. 50 XII. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION (Continued) C. Amend the rules, regulations and site evaluation forms as they apply to all districts contiguous to the three Pulaski County school districts to assure that the school construction analysis specifically addresses the impacts on racial balances of individual school sites within the three districts. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) On June 12, 1995, the State Board of Education voted to place the revised School Site Approval rules and regulations for public comment. The hearing was held on June 19, 1995 in the ADE Auditorium, and a copy of the revised draft was sent to all school districts in an ADE Director's Memo. Proposed rules and regulations underwent a third revision and were presented to the Board in July 1995 with a request for final approval. The revised rules and regulations were approved by the State Board of Education on July 10, 1995. On August 3, 1995, the proposed School Site Approval rules and regulations were reviewed by the Legislative Council. Due to questions raised by the staff attorney for the Legislative Council, the council voted to defer review until their next meeting so that additional information could be obtained to resolve the questioned items. The proposed School Site Approval rules and regulations were reviewed by the Legislative Council on September 7, 1995 and went into effect on September 8, 1995. Goal completed. No additional reporting required. 51 XIII. ASSIST PCSSD A. Detennine if the PCSSD wants and needs assistance in lowering the cost of Black History course offerings to its certified staff. 8. 1. Projected Ending Date April, 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 A letter was mailed to the desegregation director of the PCSSD on March 16, 1995 regarding offering assistance in facilitating a special arrangement with colleges and universities for reducing the cost of a black history course offering to the PCSSD certified staff. In a letter dated April 3, 1995, the PCSSD responded that their staff development director was working with UALR to develop the black history course offerings. No additional assistance was requested of the ADE. Goal completed as of June 1995. If PCSSD wants assistance, communicate with local colleges and universities to facilitate the Black History course offerings to PCSSD teachers at the lower costs possible. 1. Projected Ending Date September 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 UALR informed the ADE that they had contacted PCSSD regarding their willingness to provide non-credit black history studies for the PCSSD. UALR indicated that as of November 11, 1994 they had received no response from the PCSSD. Two universities offered assistance in providing teachers in the PCSSD a black history course. The ADE had not received requests for any assistance with the facilitation of a black history course in the PCSSD as of February 27, 1995. On April 3, 1995, the PCSSD informed ADE that its staff development director was working with UALR to develop the black history course offering. No additional assistance was requested of the ADE. 52 XIV. SCATTERED SITE HOUSING A. Through Executive Branch communication procedures, ADE will inquire about State land holdings in Pulaski County and about the availability of State land holdings for use as building sites for scattered-site housing. 1. Projected Ending Date Not applicable. 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The ADE had previously inquired about State land holdings in Pulaski County and about availability of State land holdings for use as building sites for scattered site housing. All materials were distributed to the appropriate district representatives. There has been no contact with the PCSSD on Scattered Site Housing since July 1995. Goal completed. No additional reporting required. 53 xv. STANDARDIZED TEST SELECTION TO DETERMINE LRSD LOAN FORGIVENESS A Meet with and propose to the representatives of the LRSD that the current Stanford 8 standardized test, following a bias-free validation study, be used to measure the District's progress toward meeting the loan forgiveness thresholds of the Settlement Agreement. 1 . Projected Ending Date May 1994 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 On April 21, 1995, a letter was sent to the LRSD Superintendent suggesting meeting dates to discuss the variables which affect student achievement. On May 1, 1995, the ADE Director was advised of the need to discuss the selection of the SAT-8 to measure the LRSD's progress toward meeting the loan forgiveness threshold of the Settlement Agreement. On May 21, 1995, the ADE staff discussed the status of the selection of the test relevant to the ADE's Implementation Plan. The Variables Committee, a subcommittee of the Test Selection Committee, received evaluations on the relationship of the various types of scores that could be used on the SA T-8 Test. The Variables Committee recommended using the state-adopted norm referenced test to determine the achievement levels of black and white students. Based on the evaluations, they indicated that scaled scores or raw scores would appear to be the better metrics to use for this purpose. The recommendation from the Variables Committee was submitted to the Test Selection Committee and the ADE Director on July 28, 1995. Until the test validation has been completed, no additional progress can occur on this objective. For the progress being made on the test validation process see Section VII. of this report. In August 1996, copies of the test validation report were provided to the State Board of Education and the ADE administrative team. Additionally, the LRSD Director of Planning, Research and Evaluation was provided a copy of the test validation report. 54 XV. STANDARDIZED TEST SELECTION TO DETERMINE LRSD LOAN FORGIVENESS (Continued) A. Meet with and propose to the representatives of the LRSD that the current Stanford 8 standardized test, following a bias-free validation study, be used to measure the Districts' progress toward meeting the loan forgiveness thresholds of the Settlement Agreement. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) On September 10, 1996, the LRSD notified the ADE that the district had reviewed the test validation report and would like to meet with the ADE to discuss the report. The Director of the ADE indicated that he would schedule a meeting with the LRSD to discuss the report. In October 1996, historical files and data were provided to the Director of the ADE, ADE Assistant Director of Technical Assistance, and ADE Assistant Director of Planning and Curriculum for their review in preparation for the meeting with the LRSD regarding the validity study. In February 1997, a memorandum was sent to the Assistant Directors of Technical Assistance and Planning and Curriculum which summarized the test validation and variables subcommittee work and outlined the next step of formalizing an agreement with the LRSD on the use of the SAT-8 and the choice of raw or scaled scores as the metric. Effective September 22, 1997, the State Board of Education hired a new Director of the General Education Division, which should allow ADE to move forward in this matter. In October 1997, the GED Director was updated on the history of the test validation process to provide the Director with background information in preparation for a meeting with the LRSD. 55 XVI. MONITOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS A. Fully implement the Extended COE Improvement Plan Process in all schools in the three Pulaski County school districts. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section XVI.D. of this report. 8 . Conduct the Extended COE School Improvement Plan peer review process in 20% of the schools each year (every school every five years) and provide peer review team recommendations to the schools reviewed. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section XVI. D. of this report. C. Receive from all schools, annual reports on progress toward meeting recommendations of School Improvement Plans. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section XVI.D
of this report. D. Follow-up and assist schools that have difficulty realizing their school improvement objectives. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In June 1995, ADE personnel reviewed the Extended COE packet and prepared for holistic reviews of the Cycle 5 schools. 56 XVI. MONITOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (Continued) D. Follow-up and assist schools that have difficulty realizing their school improvement objectives. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 In July 1995, year-end reports were finalized by the field service specialists. Plans to conduct holistic reviews of the draft school improvement plans of the Cycle 5 schools, and plans for the 95/96 school year were discussed. In August 1995, holistic reviews of the Cycle 5 school improvement plans were conducted. A school improvement conference was conducted, and documentation for technical review visits in the 95/96 school year was discussed. In October 1995, computer programs used by Effective Schools proponents were ordered for review, and a draft monitoring checklist for ECOE was developed. In November 1995, two meetings were held to plan for 95/96 monitoring. Onsite visits were conducted to prepare schools for the FY 95/96 team visits, and technical review visits continued in the Districts. In December 1995, technical assistance visits were conducted, and monitoring occurred in all schools in the Districts. As of December 31, 1996, approximately 59% of the schools in the Districts had been monitored, and technical review visits continued. In February 1996, announced monitoring visits in the Districts were completed. The field service specialists completed the midyear monitoring reports and prepared for the spring NCA/COE peer team visits. In March 1996, unannounced visits and peer team two-day visits of Cycle 5 schools were conducted. Written reports of two-day team visits were prepared, and field service specialists provided assistance to schools on their school improvement plans. In April and May 1996, unannounced monitoring visits were completed, and monitoring forms were scanned for inclusion in the July monitoring report. Team visits were completed, and the annual COE monitoring reports were prepared. 57 XVI. MONITOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (Continued) D. Follow-up and assist schools that have difficulty realizing their school improvement objectives. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In June 1996, the data from the announced and unannounced monitoring visits of the Cycle 5 schools was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Semiannual Monitoring Report was filed with the Court, and copies were distributed to the parties. Information was included on cost and enrollment in compensatory programs. All school improvement plans were monitored in the Cycle 5 schools. Reports regarding the two day team visits were included in the Semiannual Monitoring Report. In August 1996, meetings were held with the Districts regarding announced monitoring requirements. Technical assistance meetings with Cycle 1 schools were planned for 96/97. The Districts were requested to record discipline data in accordance with the Allen Letter. In September 1996, recommendations on the monitoring schedule and content layouts of the semiannual report were submitted to the ADE administrative team for their review. Training materials were developed with tentative training schedules outlined for Cycle 1 schools. In October 1996, a meeting was held with the Districts to identify, update, and modify the schools in Cycles 1 - 5. Monitoring packets for the Cycle 1 schools were presented during the Principal's Monitoring Workshops. Technical assistance was provided to the Cycle 1 schools regarding their school improvement goals. Announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools began on October 28, 1996, and technical assistance was provided to schools in realizing the goals established in their school improvement plans. In December 1996, the field service representatives completed the announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools and provided assistance to the schools in achieving their school improvement goals. The ECOE monitoring reports on the Cycle 1 school improvement plans were included in the Semiannual Monitoring Report and presented to the State Board of Education, the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee, and the parties in January 1997. 58 XVI. MONITOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (Continued) D. Follow-up and assist schools that have difficulty realizing their school improvement objectives. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In February 1997, the field service specialists prepared for the spring peer team visits of the Cycle 1 schools and prepared the annual NCA reports. The NLRSD Cycle 1 ECOE team visits were completed in March 1997. Cycle 5 schools submitted their progress reports from their FY 95/96 team visits, and the outcomes will be reviewed and compiled for inclusion in the PMT after all have been received. Assistance was provided to the Districts based on the results of monitoring visits and specific requests. Team visits were completed in April 1997 for the PCSSD. The LRSD prepared for their team visits, and Cycle 5 school progress reports were received. Assistance was provided to the Districts based on the monitoring reports and specific requests. An expanded team meeting of Team Vwas held on April 7, 1997 to provide training for monitoring activities and evaluating school improvement plans during team visits. A presentation was made on Act 338 of 1991 . ECOE team visits were scheduled, and all Cycle 1 peer team external visits were conducted as of May 1997. Assistance was provided based on the results of the monitoring visits and specific requests. As of June 1997, all Cycle 1 schools had their ECOE team reports provided to them for their review, and information was mailed to the Cycle 5 schools regarding their progress reports. Assistance was provided based on information received in progress reports or specific requests. The July 15-17, 1997 School Improvement Conference was held in Hot Springs and emphasized the COE school improvement process. The conference focused on Phase II of COE and the need for the continuation of school improvement. The field service specialists provided technical assistance throughout the conference on school improvement activities and plans and answered questions from delegates. As of August 1997, dates for the ECOE team visits of the Cycle 2 schools were established for FY 97/98, and progress reports were in the final stages. Technical assistance was provided as progress reports were evaluated and when specific requests were made. 59 XVI. MONITOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (Continued) D. Follow-up and assist schools that have difficulty realizing their school improvement objectives. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) Technical assistance was provided to the Cycle 2 principals at the Desegregation Monitoring and School Improvement Workshop held on September 10, 1997. In October 1997, technical reviews of the ECOE process were conducted along with the announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 2 schools. The field service representatives discussed the ECOE process with principals, ECOE steering committees, and faculty and worked with teachers on analyzing perceptual surveys. Additionally, the field service representatives emphasized the need for a database on achievement and provided guidance regarding their school improvement plans. fn November 1997, teclinfcai reviews 'of the- ECOE process'were conducted along with the announced mon~ori,ng v)sits of the Cycle 2 schools. 60 XVII. DATA COLLECTION A. Through the School Improvement Plan annual reporting and monitoring process, collect, analyze and monitor data required in the May 31, 1989 Monitoring Plan. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 Data was collected in May 1995 from all schools during the unannounced visits. Information that was unavailable during the announced visits was collected during the unannounced monitoring visits. In June 1995, data was collected from the Districts and analyzed for inclusion in the July Semiannual Monitoring Report. In July 1995, data from perceptual surveys was reviewed. In August 1995, the data elements to be reviewed and the data collection process for FY 95/96 were articulated to the Districts. In September 1995, the data collection format for the 95/96 school year was distributed to the Districts. Financial information for FY 93/94 and FY 94/95 was requested from the Districts, and principals were given inservice training regarding FY 95/96 monitoring. The Districts provided fourth quarter data on discipline, testing, nonpromotes, and budget for inclusion in the February 1996 Semiannual Monitoring Report. A workshop to develop a common terminology for monitoring purposes was conducted on October 17, 1995 with the Districts. The workshop identified the data available in the Districts to fulfill the requirements of the Allen Letter's 14 elements. The group correlated the data elements to the five monitoring forms. Monitoring data was verified for inclusion in the February Semiannual Monitoring Report. Data on nonpromotes was analyzed for inclusion in the February Semiannual Monitoring Report. Announced monitoring visits began on November 14, 1995. The preliminary February Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were presented to the ADE administrative team and the State Board of Education. Announced monitoring visits were completed on January 26, 1996. Unannounced monitoring visits began in late February 1996 for the Cycle 5 schools in the Districts and were completed in April 1996. 61 XVII. DATA COLLECTION (Continued) A. Through the School Improvement Plan annual reporting and monitoring process, collect, analyze and monitor data required in the May 31 , 1989 Monitoring Plan. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) A supplemental report to the February 1, 1996 Semiannual Monitoring Report was filed with the Court on April 8, 1996. Data requests for information were forwarded to the Districts. Information was reviewed, analyzed, and formatted for inclusion in the July Semiannual Monitoring Report. The data received from the Districts was analyzed and reviewed. Instructional program reporting was clarified after the Districts and ADE desegregation staff collaboratively established a definition. All data collected for the July 1996 Semiannual Report was disaggregated, analyzed, and displayed in color graphic form for reporting. In August 1996, the Districts were provided with the monitoring requirements and expectations for the 96/97 school year. In September 1996, arrangements were made for data collection, and monitoring formats were revised. Technical assistance was provided to the LRSD on data collection and formatting of certified staffing data. Monitoring packets for the Cycle 1 schools were developed in October 1996 and presented during the Principal's Monitoring Workshops. In November 1996, data specified by the Allen Letter was received, reviewed, and formatted for the February 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report. In December 1996, the remainder of the quantitative data specified in the Allen Letter was reviewed and formatted for inclusion in the February 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report. The Semiannual Monitoring Report was finalized in January 1997 and presented to the State Board of Education, the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee of the Arkansas General Assembly, and the parties. In February 1997, the Lead Planning and Desegregation Monitoring Section developed the format for the July 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and obtained Cycle 1 SAT-9 test data from the ADE's Assessment Section. 62 XVII. DAT A COLLECTION (Continued) A. Through the School Improvement Plan annual reporting and monitoring process, collect, analyze and monitor data required in the May 31, 1989 Monitoring Plan. (Continued) 2. Actual as of November 28, 1997 (Continued) In March 1997, data forms were sent to the Districts to assist with the submission of information for the July Semiannual Monitoring Report. Some data was collected through existing reports submitted by the Districts for the annual report. In April 1997, the Districts were notified that the deadline for data collection submission was April 24, 1997. ADE desegregation staff received training on software useful in desegregation reporting. As of May 14, 1997, all data was received from the Districts. In June 1997, the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were finalized and presented to the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee on June 25, 1997. In July 1997, the Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were filed with the Court and copies were distributed to the State Board of Education and the parties. In August 1997, data requirements for the February 1998 monitoring report were sent to the Districts. In September 1997, Cycle 2 principals and the Districts' superintendents were provided with the data requirements for monitoring and data analysis. In October 1997, the financial information requested for inclusion in the February 1998 monitoring report was received from the Districts. 63 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Timothy Gauger, certify that a copy of the foregoing document was served by first class mail on this 25th day ofNovember, 1997, on the following person(s) at the address(es) indicated: M. Samuel Jones, III Wright, Lindsey & Jennings 2000 Boatmen's Bank Bldg. 200 W. Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 John W. Walker John Walker, P.A. 1723 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201 Richard Roachell Roachell & Street 401 W. Capitol, Suite 504 Little Rock, AR 72201 Christopher Heller Friday, Eldredge & Clark 2000 First Commercial Bldg. 400 W. Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 Stephen W. Jones Jack, Lyon & Jones 3400 TCBY Tower 425 W. Capitol Little Rock, AR 72201 Ann Brown ODM 201 E. Markham, Ste. 510 Little Rock, AR 72201 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DMSION JAN 5 199B OfFICE OF DESEGREGATION M0NITORJNQ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAINTIFF v. No. LR-C-82-866 PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, et al. DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF FILING In accordance with the Court's order of December 10, 1993, the Arkansas Department of Education hereby gives notice of the filing of ADE's Project Management Tool for December, 1997. Respectfully Submitted, WINSTON BRYANT Attorney General Assistant Attorney General 323 Center Street, Suite 200 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-2007 Attorney for Arkansas Department of Education IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS WESTERN DIVISION LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL PLAINTIFFS V. NO. LR-C-82-866 PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL DEFENDANTS MRS. LORENE JOSHUA, ET AL INTERVENORS KATHERINE W. KNIGHT, ET AL INTERVENORS ADE'S PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL In compliance with the Court's Order of December 10, 1993, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) submits the following Project Management Tool to the parties and the Court. This document describes the progress the ADE has made since March 15, 1994, in complying with provisions of the Implementation Plan and itemizes the ADE's progress against timelines presented in the Plan. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ACTIVITY I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS A. Use the previous year's three quarter average daily membership to calculate MFPA for the current school year. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 8. Include all Magnet students in the resident District's average daily membership for calculation. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) B. Include all Magnet students in the resident District's average daily membership for calculation. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 C. Process and distribute State MFPA. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 ~ NOV!!Jl~t 1997, 9istnbutiQ[IL<>t St!'@EsfuaJi?
itiqn 1:_un.~ih9. foJ,.E.Y ~ll98 were ~s f9ll0~: LRSD- $15,293,336 NfRSD:. $8,824,2&,\ PCSSD-$20,149,352 iThe allotments of State Equalization Funding calculated for FY 97/98 ~t November 3Q, 1997, subject tQ periodic adjustments, were as follows: CR"sD - $42,056,681 ~LRSO -0$24,266,733 PC.SSD -$55,41..0,722 D. Determine the number of Magnet students residing in each District and attending a Magnet School. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 eased on_ the information available, the ADE calculated at November 80, 1997(or FY 97/~8, sul?_ject to periodic aclj!,l~tments. 2 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) E. Desegregation Staff Attorney reports the Magnet Operational Charge to the Fiscal Services Office. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, as ordered by the Court. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 F. Calculate state aid due the LRSD based upon the Magnet Operational Charge. 1. Projected Ending Date 2. Last day of each month, August - June. Actual as of December 31, 1997 13ased_.~m) Qe informati~ availa6ie, t ~,7'-1:fE,JalcOlateaffat NQYeQ1bfil !f0,i1997 for FY 9]/9,!!,
:.subject !2 periopif aojustments. G. Process and distribute state aid for Magnet Operational Charge. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Distributions for FY 97/98 at November 32, 1997 totaled $3,273,756. ~llotment calculated at November 1997 for FY 97/98 was"$9
002,821 , subject to 'periodic agju~!ments. =- -~ -" . M - -- H. Calculate the amount of M-to-M incentive money to which each school district is entitled. 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, August - June. 3 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) H. Calculate the amount of M-to-M incentive money to which each school district is entitled. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 I. Process and distribute M-to-M incentive checks. J . 1. Projected Ending Date Last day of each month, September - June. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Qistri6ution.sJQ(E.Y. 977gs,i.E! 99,7
twer~: l!'RSD ._.,,$-1, 064".'439 NLRSD - $434,833 i:>csso- $1)4s.zo2 !fhe allotments calculated for FY""97/98 at Nov~oer"30: 1~97, subject to periodic ~djustments, were: LRSD- $3,548,125 NLRSD - $1,416,112 PC_SD - $5,82,2,342 Districts submit an estimated Magnet and M-to-M transportation budget to ADE. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, December of each year. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 In September 1997, the Magnet and M-to-M transportation budgets for FY 97/98 were submitted to the ADE by the Districts. K. Reginald Wilson notifies General Finance to pay districts for first two-thirds of the Districts' proposed budget. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 4 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) K. Reginald Wilson notifies General Finance to pay districts for first two-thirds of the Districts' proposed budget. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 In September 1997, General Finance was notified to pay the first onethird payments for FY 97/98 to the Districts. It should be noted that the Transportation Coordinator is currently performing this function. L. ADE pays districts for first two-thirds of their proposed budget. M. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 In September 1~7, General FipF,ice, "J_aciethe ~_[st one-thlro ~a.yment~ to the Qi~trict~J2r their,FY: 9,7/98 tra!!p.Qrt~tiol budget ~! Nov~ffi!:>.er 1~fil,Jh~ folfowiQg ha''o't
een p1Ja~forJ::Y:El't98: ~ RSD-$1,019,861.33 LRSD- $141,696.00 CSSD,.:,.153(?,541 QQ ADE verifies actual expenditures submitted by Districts and reviews each bill with each District's transportation coordinator. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, annually. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 In August 1997, the ADE transportation coordinator reviewed each district's Magnet and M-to-M transportation costs for FY 96/97. N. Purchase buses for the Districts to replace existing Magnet and M-to-M fleets and to provide a larger fleet for the Districts' Magnet and M-to-M Transportation needs. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing, as stated in Exhibit A of the Implementation Plan. 5 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) N. Purchase buses for the Districts to replace existing Magnet and M-to-M fleets and to provide a larger fleet for the Districts' Magnet and M-to-M Transportation needs. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 In FY 94/95, the State purchased 52 buses at a cost of $1 ,799,431 which were added to or replaced existing Magnet and M-to-M buses in the Districts. The buses were distributed to the Districts as follows: LRSD - 32
and PCSSD - 14. The ADE purchased 64 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $2,334,800 in FY 95/96. The buses were distributed accordingly: LRSD - 45
and PCSSD- 12. In May 1997, the ADE purchased 16 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $646,400. In July 1997, the ADE purchased 16 Magnet and M-to-M buses at a cost of $624,879. 0 . Process and distribute compensatory education payments to LRSD as required by page 23 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date July 1 and January 1, of each school year through January 1, 1999. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 96/97. P. Process and distribute additional payments in lieu of formula to LRSD as required by page 24 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. 6 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) Q. Process and distribute payments to PCSSD as required by Page 28 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1994. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 Final payment was distributed July 1994. R. Upon loan request by LRSD accompanied by a promissory note, the ADE makes loans to LRSD. S. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing through July 1, 1999. See Settlement Agreement page 24. 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 The LRSD received $3,000,000 in June 1997. As of this reporting date, the LRSD has received $15,000,000 in loan proceeds. Process and distribute payments in lieu of formula to PCSSD required by page 29 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. T. Process and distribute compensatory education payments to NLRSD as required by page 31 of the Settlement Agreement. 1. Projected Ending Date July 1 of each school year through June 30, 1996. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Obligation fulfilled in FY 95/96. 7 I. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (Continued) U. Process and distribute check to Magnet Review Committee. 1. Projected Ending Date Payment due date and ending July 1, 1995. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Distribution in July 1997 for FY 97/98 was $75,000. This was the total amount due to the Magnet Review Committee for FY 97/98. V. Process and distribute payments for Office of Desegregation Monitoring. 1. Projected Ending Date Not applicable. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Distribution in July 1997 for FY 97/98 was $200,000. This was the total amount due to the ODM for FY 97/98. 8 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. 1. Projected Ending Date January 15, 1995 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 In May 1995, monitors completed the unannounced visits of schools in Pulaski County. The monitoring process involved a qualitative process of document reviews, interviews, and observations. The monitoring focused on progress made since the announced monitoring visits. In June 1995, monitoring data from unannounced visits was included in the July Semiannual Report. Twenty-five per cent of all classrooms were visited, and all of the schools in Pulaski County were monitored. All principals were interviewed to determine any additional progress since the announced visits. The July 1995 Monitoring Report was reviewed by the ADE administrative team, the Arkansas State Board of Education, and the Districts and filed with the Court. The report was formatted in accordance with the Allen Letter. In October 1995, a common terminology was developed by principals from the Districts and the Lead Planning and Desegregation staff to facilitate the monitoring process. The announced monitoring visits began on November 14, 1995 and were completed on January 26, 1996. Copies of the preliminary Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were provided to the ADE administrative team and the State Board of Education in January 1996. A report on the current status of the Cycle 5 schools in the ECOE process and their school improvement plans was filed with the Court on February 1, 1996. The unannounced monitoring visits began in February 1996 and ended on May 10, 1996. 9 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION (Continued) A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 (Continued) In June 1996, all announced and unannounced monitoring visits were completed, and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Districts provided data on enrollment in compensatory education programs by race, gender, and type of program. The Districts and the ADE Desegregation Monitoring staff developed a definition for instructional programs. The Semiannual Monitoring Report was completed and filed with the Court on July 15, 1996 with copies distributed to the parties. Quantitative and qualitative indicators were displayed with specific information provided on cost and enrollment in compensatory programs. Announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 1 schools began on October 28, 1996 and concluded in December 1996. In January 1997, presentations were made to the State Board of Education, the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee, and the parties to review the draft Semiannual Monitoring Report. The monitoring instrument and process were evaluated for their usefulness in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on achievement disparities. In February 1997, the Semiannual Monitoring Report was filed. Unannounced monitoring visits began on February 3, 1997 and concluded in May 1997. In March 1997, letters were sent to the Districts regarding data requirements for the July 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and the additional discipline data element that was requested by the Desegregation Litigation Oversight Subcommittee. Desegregation data collection workshops were conducted in the Districts from March 28, 1997 to April 7, 1997. A meeting was conducted on April 3, 1997 to finalize plans for the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report. Onsite visits were made to 11 Cycle 1 schools who did not submit accurate and timely data on discipline, M-to-M transfers, and policy. 10 II. MONITORING COMPENSATORY EDUCATION (Continued) A. Begin testing and evaluating the monitoring instrument and monitoring system to assure that data is appropriate and useful in monitoring the impacts of compensatory education programs on disparities in academic achievement for black students and white students. (Continued) 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 (Continued) As of June 1997, the July 15, 1997 Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were finalized. In July 1997, the Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were filed with the court, and the ADE sponsored a School Improvement Conference. Copies of the Semiannual Monitoring Report and its executive summary were made available for the Districts to review on July 10, 1997 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The purpose of the review was to provide the Districts an opportunity to review the report prior to submitting it to the Court. Desegregation monitoring staff members were available to answer questions. Representatives from each district participated. In August 1997, procedures and schedules were organized for the monitoring of the Cycle 2 schools in FY 97/98. A Desegregation Monitoring and School Improvement Workshop for 55 educators from the Districts was held September 10, 1997. Monitoring expectations, instruments, data collection and school improvement visits were discussed. As of October 1997, 10 of the Cycle 2 announced monitoring visits were completed, and 36 technical assistance visits were conducted. On October 9, 1997, a planning meeting was held with the desegregation monitoring staff. Deadlines, responsibilities, and strategic planning issues were discussed regarding the completion of the Semiannual Monitoring Report. Reminder letters were sent to the Cycle 2 principals outlining the data collection deadlines and availability of technical assistance. In November 1997, technical assistance visits were conducted, and announced monitoring visits of the Cycle 2 schools were completed. ffl December f997 I technlciia sslstance "'v1s1ts" w~re" conaucted if.egardif!9 ,team_,xi~ts,.,and tectlpig:al re'!J,,ew re. comm,e11dations, anfl pies of the infusion document and ~pe~iual SJ!~ ~ er~ .LOVi~,JQ
_sro29lsJ n t eE OE,
>r~,- 11 Ill. A PETITION FOR ELECTION FOR LRSD WILL BE SUPPORTED SHOULD A MILLAGE BE REQUIRED A. Monitor court pleadings to determine if LRSD has petitioned the Court for a special election. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 Ongoing. All Court pleadings are monitored monthly. B. Draft and file appropriate pleadings if LRSD petitions the Court for a special election. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 To date, no action has been taken by the LRSD. 12 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION A. Using a collaborative approach, immediately identify those laws and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date December, 1994 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. B. Conduct a review within ADE of existing legislation and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. C. 1. Projected Ending Date November, 1994 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. Request of the other parties to the Settlement Agreement that they identify laws and regulations that appear to impede desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date November, 1994 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV.E. of this report. D. Submit proposals to the State Board of Education for repeal of those regulations that are confirmed to be impediments to desegregation. 1. Projected Ending Date Ongoing 2. Actual as of December 31 , 1997 The information for this item is detailed under Section IV. E. of this report. 13 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION (Continued) E. Submit proposals to the Legislature for repeal of those laws that appear to be impediments to desegregation. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 A committee within the ADE was formed in May 1995 to review and collect data on existing legislation and regulations identified by the parties as impediments to desegregation. The committee researched the Districts' concerns to determine if any of the rules, regulations, or legislation cited impede desegregation. The legislation cited by the Districts regarding loss funding and worker's compensation were not reviewed because they had already been litigated. In September 1995, the committee reviewed the following statutes, acts, and regulations: Act 113 of 1993
ADE Director's Communication 93-205
Act 145 of 1989
ADE Director's Memo 91- 67
ADE Program Standards Eligibility Criteria for Special Education
Arkansas Codes 6-18-206, 6-20-307, 6-20-319, and 6-17-1506. In October 1995, the individual reports prepared by committee members in their areas of expertise and the data used to support their conclusions were submitted to the ADE administrative team for their review. A report was prepared and submitted to the State Board of Education in July 1996. The report concluded that none of the items reviewed impeded desegregation. As of February 3, 1997, no laws or regulations have been determined to impede desegregation efforts. Any new education laws enacted during the Arkansas 81st Legislative Session will be reviewed at the close of the legislative session to ensure that they do not impede desegregation. In April 1997, copies of all laws passed during the 1997 Regular Session of the 81st General Assembly were requested from the office of the ADE Liaison to the Legislature for distribution to the Districts for their input and review of possible impediments to their desegregation efforts. In August 1997, a meeting to review the statutes passed in the prior legislative session was scheduled for September 9, 1997. 14 IV. REPEAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS THAT IMPEDE DESEGREGATION (Continued) E. Submit proposals to the Legislature for repeal of those laws that appear to be impediments to desegregation. 2. Actual as of December 31, 1997 (Continued) On September 9, 1997, a meeting was held to discuss the review of the statutes passed in the prior legislative session and new ADE regulations. The
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.

<dcterms_creator>Arkansas. Department of Education</dcterms_creator>