VOLUME I LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1993-94 FOURTH QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT August 15, 1994 Exhibit 1 SEQUENCE # PAGE# Preface 1 Mission 2 Goals 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SEQUENCE # SCHOOL OPERATIONS CLUSTER (BUFF) PAGE# District Financial Summary 4 Definitions 6 Organization of the Report 8 Cluster Budget Documents 10 09A 09B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 School Operations (Principals) School Operations (Centri Off. Adm.) Extracurricular Participation Student Hearing Officer In-School Suspension New Futures Academic Incentive Grants/Focused Activities McClellan Community School Unassigned Testing Assistance - Disadvantaged Job Fair 191 419 519 553 557 614 623 628 703 709 CURRICULUM CLUSTER (PINK) ORGANIZATIONAL CHART (WHITE) 712 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 HIPPY 4 Year Old Program/City Wide Early Childhood Education Program Academic Support Program (PAL) Multicultural Curriculum Special Education Gifted Education Federal Programs Vocational Education 12 24 36 49 82 156 166 172 1PREFACE The mission statement and goals for Little Rock School District are the guides for all decision-making. The information gained from the Fourth Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Desegregation Programs provides additional direction for quality, interim and/or summative decision-making for the district. Specifically, programs with poor performance or expenditure problems will have been addressed with corrective action continuously during the year rather than after the year is completed. The report enhances the districts ability to monitor and report achievements and expenditures relative to the programs identified in the Desegregation Plan for the most efficient and functional program planning on a quarterly basis. Several reporting practices should be noted. First, the fourth quarters report requires an additional volume for desegregation program reporting so that the growth and accumulation of the many achievements reported by schools and programs during the fiscal year of 1993-94 (FY 93-94) are accommodated. Consequently, the fourth quarters report for desegregation programs consists of Volume I (Seq (Zs 1-18) and Volume II (Seq #s 19-82). Principals and Central Office Administrators have reported achievements in the fourth quarters report. 09A is the designated sequence number for reporting by Principals, and 09B is the sequence number relative to Central Office Administrators reporting. The desegregation audit was completed during the third quarter. Additional desegregation obligations continue to be reflected in the program budget documents of the fourth quarter report. These additional obligations come from the desegregation audit which includes Court orders, ODM monitoring reports ordered by the Court, and Court Hearing transcripts. (Underlined print denotes additional desegregation obligations language.) A continued refinement and adjustment period throughout the fiscal year 1994-95 (FY 94-95) will be necessary for language clarification of the additional desegregation obligations. The Little Rock School District will endeavor to make the language more consistent and uniform with the spirit and intent of the various obligations. The Fourth Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Desegregation Programs contains the following: (1) The Mission Statement of Little Rock School District
(2) The Goals of Little Rock School District
(3) LRSD Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Summary
(4) Definitions and Data Elements
(5) Organization of the Report
(6) Program Budget Documents Grouped by Clusters
and, (7) The LRSD Organizational Chart. 1LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to provide a quality, integrated educational program which encourages all children to achieve their optimum academic, social, and emotional development. To that end, the students in the Little Rock School District will develop an appreciation for ethnic and cultural diversity, develop skills in problem solving and conflict resolution, and demonstrate mastery of the Districts curriculum. This will be achieved through the collaborative efforts of a Board, a dedicated and competent staff, and of parents and citizens committed to fairness, racial equity and adequate support for education. 2I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT GOALS The LRSD will implement integrated educational programs that will ensure all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. The LRSD will develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. The Little Rock Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. The LRSD will solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. The LRSD will provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. The LRSD will ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. 3Little Rock School District Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Page 1 Program Code 01 I 02 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 49 51 52 Program Name HIPPY______________________________ 4-YEAR OLD PROGRAM______________ STUDENT HEARING OFFICER OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION EXTRA-CURRICULAR PARTICIPATION TEACHER RECRUITER STAFF DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS MULTICULTURAL PROGRAMS ACADEMIC INC GRANTS/FOCUSED ACT ORIGINAL MAGNETS SPECIAL EDUCATION @ WASHINGTON SECURITY D/P SYSTEM STUDENT INFORMATION M-TO-M MAGNET SCHOOLS EDUCATIONAL EQUITY MONITORING COMPUTERIZED TRANSP SYSTEM ROMINE INTERDISTRICT THEME McClellan community school IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION JOB FAIR TESTING ASSISTANCE UBRARY SERVICES__________________ PARENT RECRUITING VIPS RECRUITING PREJUDICE REDUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND________________ OFFICE OF INCENTIVE SCHOOLS WRITING TO READ Budget 93-94 266,763.02 1,523,742.24 94,381.61 433,102.41 5,000.51 48,299.53 465,627.29 1,815,582.10 197,446.69 352,294.55 4,488,582.00 55,695.66 756,876.66 792,523.74 2,254,912.65 387,378.66 8,000.00 16,867.82 170,112.24 650,406.55 1,092.82 5,066.96 479,954.32 40,000.00 19,090.73 5,000.00 300,000.00 1,749.42 6,000.00 PTES 21.0 66.5 2.0 10.0 1.0 7.0 70.0 1.0 38.0 4.0 64.0 4.0 2.0 25.0 30.0 2.0 YTD Expense 262,389.25 1,687,767.37 96,590.18 457,137.16 4,962.82 48,299.53 368,534.47 1,392,558.81 133,733.55 234,362.12 3,944,705.41 53,652.29 779,584.72 788,702.49 1,882,670.33 416,602.39 7,420.00 66,047.22 170,112.24 733,656.11 1,667.23 4,808.61 369,772.74 22,400.02 34,478.27 0.00 0.00 29,689.61 0.00 1st Quarter 31,286.27 136,599.40 22,646.74 100,300.49 4,962.62 9,695.16 69,080.94 156,246.67 19,443.65 26,486.11 0.00 8,178.16 91,086.44 593,453.22 287,665.69 149,459.45 0.00 0.00 62,090.64 70,413.69 153.38 75.16 61,580.87 10.26 5,857.49 0.00 0.00 76.77 0.00 2nd Quarter 69,819.02 387,557.20 27,973.85 111,334.76 ________0.00 10,475.07 81,164.99 499,040.09 23,307.68 3,860.21 ________0.00 12,566.50 213,556.49 122,425.14 451,600.64 167,904.22 0.00 0.00 38,451.48 195,153.72 212.33 1,643.82 110,920.97 2,012.50 8,585.07 ________OW 0.00 0.58 0.00 3rd Quarter 77,045.71 371,664.65 22,978.74 107,969.35 ________0.00 6,500.61 80,688.95 409,425.82 23,107.72 43,379.45 ________0.00 13,633.99 225,849.71 37,136.87 456,681.67 174,967.62 7,420.00 53,893.60 28,741.36 206,169.31 323.25 1,215.42 91,974.51 3,671.19 6,361.01 ________0.00 0.00 752.73 0.00 4th Quarter 84,236.25 789,946.12 22,990.85 137,512.56 ________0.00 21,628.67 137,399.59 325,846.03 67,874.50 160,636.35 3,944,705.41 19,273.64 249,092.08 35,687.26 686,722.33 (73,728.901 ________0.00 12,153.62 20,628.76 261,899.39 978.27 1,874.21 105,296.39 16,706.07 13,674.70 ________0.00 0.00 28,859.53 0.00 % Budget Spent 98.36% 110.76% 102.34% 105.55% 99.25% 100.00% 79.15% 76.70% 67.73% 66.52% 87.88% 96.33% 103.00% 99.52% 83.49% 106.06% 92.75% 391.56% 100.00% 86.27% 152.56% 94.90% 77.04% 56.00% 180.60% 0.00% 0.00% 1697.11% 0.00% 4Little Rock School District Quarterly Desegregation Expenses Page 2 Program Code 53 54 56 57 59 61 64 65 66 72 73 74 75 ______________Program Name________ SCIENCE LABS______________________ COMPUTER LABS____________________ COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM EXTENDED DAY FIELD TRIPS_________________________ TRANSPORTATION (ADD'L) INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES_______________ EXTENDED YEAR INCENTIVE/RECOGNinON RECOMMENDED STAFFING___________ REQUIRED STAFF DEVELOPMENT TEACHER STIPENDS/INSERVICE OTHER INCENTIVE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES TOTAL Budget 93-94 12,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 747,247.70 33,000.00 15,000.00 496,451.04 99,938.45 14,581.91 808,481.42 52,878.29 72,725.98 51,088.13 18^253,447.10 PTE's 42.0 31.0 420.S YTD Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 901,086.26 32,998.03 14,960.92 431,734.23 71,462.59 11,407.45 765,939.27 25,028.78 35,713.00 64,361.65 16,348,997.12 1st Quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,550.48 3,210.95 0.00 38,306.87 31,884.03 1,428.45 58,107.81 1,459.85 24,542.02 20,724.59 2,136,064.74 2nd Quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 192,460.04 7,404.63 14,960.92 114,714.15 1,295.45 3,093.35 190,828.11 16,290.74 5,393.24 11,775.22 3,097,782.18 3rd Quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 239,020.28 10,063.17 0.00 108,005.96 0.00 4,366.15 203,400.97 5,017.06 4,335.48 12,558.44 3,038,560.75 4th Quarter 0.00 _________0.00 0.00 444,055.46 12,319.28 0.00 170,707.25 38,283.11 2,519.50 313,602.38 2,261.13 1,442.26 19,303.40 8,076,589.45 % Budget Spent 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 120.59% 99.99% 99.74% 86.96% 71.51% 78.23% 94.74% 47.33% 49.11% 125.96% 89.57% 5DEFINITIONS AND DATA ELEMENTS The following are definitions of terms and data elements used in the Program Budget Documents. Program: A program is an established plan of operation, composed of a group or series of related activities which are carried out to serve a specific area of identified need. Program Description: A program description includes a purpose, scope and content, and participants/beneficiaries related to the respective program. Program Goal: A program goal is a broad guiding statement and should describe the overall aim(s), purpose(s), or ambition(s) of the specific program. Objectives: Program objectives present explicitly the desired impact the program should have on a problem. They should provide detail to the goals. Strategies: Strategies are the jobs, tasks, efforts, or actions undertaken in a program which contributes to the accomplishment of the objective. Achievements: Achievements are efforts, tasks, evidence, performance, or actions undertaken in a program which contributes to the accomplishment of the strategy. Achievements are placed in alpha order underneath the relative strategy. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation criteria are statements which specify the end product of an objective or strategy and establish measurable and observable levels of performance of the product. Page: Each Program Budget Document uses one of two formatted pages. Program Sequence It (Seq. #): The purpose of this sequence number is to establish a reference for placing programs in order within the planning document. Revision Date: This date is the actual date the program document was first documented or last changed. Program Name: To eliminate confusion, an established name for each program has been assigned by the district planner. Program Code: This is a unique accounting code assigned by Financial Services which links budget and expenditure information to the associated program. 6Definitions and Data Elements (cont.) Primary Leader: The Primary Leader is the cabinet-level associate responsible for the management and operation of the respective program. Secondary Leader: The Secondary Leader is the associate who is back-up to the Primary and will function in that capacity in the absence of the Primary (i.e. the Program Manager or the Principal). District Goal Support: Each program directly supports at least one district goal. If more than one district goal is relative, then the appropriate district goals have been listed in descending priority order. Plan Reference: Specific plan and page references will directly cite one of the following desegregation documents: L = LRSD Desegregation Plan
I = Interdistrict Desegregation Plan
S = Settlement Agreement
C = Court Orders
T = Transcripts
P = Pleadings
M = Monitoring Reports. The format should be L23 or 113-20, for example. This element has been left blank if the program is not directly cited in one of the desegregation documents. Plan Reference Page Number: Source references listed for each objective and strategy have been used. If the objective or strategy is desegregation document related, the specific desegregation document and page upon which this objective or strategy has been found should be listed. If the objective or strategy is not related to a desegregation document, then whatever source was used has been listed. This element is contained on page 2 and succeeding pages. Beginning Date: This is the actual date a particular strategy began. For consistency, all dates should be printed in the following manner: MM/DD/YY, (09/30/93). Completion Date. This is the actual date a particular objective or strategy was completed. For consistency, all dates should be entered in the following format: MM/DD/YY, (09/30/93). If an activity toward a strategy has been started but not completed, a percent of completion (75%) should be entered. Responsibility: This is the name of the individual tasked with ensuring an activity has been accomplished. 7ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT This section provides guiding information about the text of the Fourth Quarter Status Report Program Planning and Budget Document for Desegregation Programs. Pagination. Every page in the text is numbered using Arabic numerals. Pages are consecutively numbered (e.g.,1,2,3,...) throughout the report at the bottom of the page beginning with the "Preface." The "Table of Contents" is on page i, page ii, and page iii. Print. The report employs two kinds of print density. Bold Print denotes original language of the desegregation document(s). Lighter print enclosed in parentheses (parenthetical statements) identifies language that is not literal in the desegregation document(s). The parenthetical statements of lighter print have been integrated throughout the program budget documents for clarification of original language in the desegregation document(s) and/or for providing information generalized from the original language of the desegregation document(s). Parenthetical information should not be construed to mean new legal obligations nor expansion of the obligations under the desegregation document(s). Underlined Print. Underlined Print denotes additional desegregation obligations language which has been inserted verbatim in the third quarter report of FY 93-94. These additional obligations come from the desegregation audit which includes Court orders, ODM monitoring reports ordered by the Court, and Court hearing transcripts. Clusters. Programs have been sorted into broad categories called clusters. Clusters include programs or schools grouped together because of similar and related operational functions. For convenience and management of the report, similar programs have been grouped into six color-coded clusters. To locate a program, determine the relative cluster of the program by using the "Table of Contents" and then refer to the program sequence number (Seq K) or page number for facilitating program reference in the report. School Operations Program (09A and 09B). The School Operations program description warrants that both Principals and Central Office Administrators provide quality planning for students. Therefore, the School Operations Program is divided into two sections for reporting achievements by both Principals and Central Office Administrators. The sequence number for reporting by Principals (i.e., schools) is 09A, and the sequence number for reporting by Central Office Administrators is 09B. For the fourth reporting period, the inclusionary dates cited in the "Beginning Date" column and "Completion Date" column are 04/01/94 and 06/30/94, respectively. These inclusionary dates represent the boundaries for the fourth quarter. The generic dates of 04/01/94 and 06/30/94 are used to uniform and conform reporting in the School Operations program budget documents. Specific date information relative to the achievements of Central Office Administrators follows each documented achievement. 8Organization of the Report (continued) As a final note, the School Operations Program (09A) classifies the area, interdistrict, and magnet schools into three organizational levels: elementary, junior high, and senior high. Incentive Schools. The Incentive Schools cluster provides program reporting information for the following schools: Franklin, Garland, Rockefeller, Mitchell, Stephens and Rightsell. Non-Monetary Tracking. No entry on page one in the fiscal year program budget field and/or the quarter expenditure field of a Program Budget Document means desegregation money has not been tracked to the respective program. Organizational Chart. An organizational chart is provided. 9CLUSTER BUDGET DOCUMENTS 10Curriculum Cluster * * * * * * * * HIPPY 4-Year Old Program/City Wide Early Childhood Education Program Academic Support Program Multicultural Curriculum Special Education Gifted Programs Federal Programs Vocational Education 11Program Seq #: 01 Program Name: Program Code: Program Description: District Goal Support
Program Goal: Plan References: FY Program Budget: YTD Expenditures: LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT HIPPY (Home Instruction Program For Preschool Youngsters) 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Page: 1 Revision Date: July 28, 1994 HIPPY is a home based developmental program which recognizes the mother as the first significant teacher of the child. HIPPY assists the mother in preparing the child to be successful in kindergarten, therefore assisting in the reduction of the disparity gap between black and white students. HIPPYS major focus is in the shadow areas of major incentive schools and in the Southwest Little Rock area. HIPPY serves primarily economical and educational disadvantaged families. Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be successful: and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Page L-5. L-14. 15,16 $266,763.02 $262,389.25 1st Qtr Expend: 2nd Qtr Expend: $31,286.27 $69,81902 3rd Qtr Expend: 4th Qtr Expend: $77,04571 $84,238.25 FTE 21 E Related Function Codes: ] 12LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page
2 Program Seq 01 Revision Date
June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L14 Page Number 1. To promote the HIPPY program 07/01/93 June 30. 1994 Staff Mailed letters Appear on show (Documentation of PSA) 1.1 To compose and mail Public Service Announcement for local radio stations and Channels 14 and 16 flyers. 07/01/93 06/30/94 Staff A. Staff member appeared on channel 16 08/22/93 08/22/93 8. Mailed PSA to channels 4, 7, 14, & 16 07/08/93 07/08/93 C. Forwarded PSA to LRSD Communications Department 07/08/93 07/08/93 2. To select HIPPY aides D. Printed & distributed flyers (342 distributed) E. Mailed announcements and flyers 08/23/93 08/03/93 07/01/93 09/30/93 08/03/93 06/30/94 13Page: 3 Program Seq #: 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L14 L14 Page Number 3. Initial training of aides and staff 4. To enroll families into program. 2.1 Interview and select fourteen (14) aides. A. Interview & select aides B. Printed & mailed forty two (42) flyers to area churches C. Mailed job announcement to channels 14, 16, & 38 3.1 Arrange logistics with State Regional Office for the initial training A. Contacted Principal at Washington Magnet school to assist & arrange use of facilities for Regional Training 8. Conducted pre-initial training for aides 07/01/93 08/23/93 09/28/93 08/03/93 08/23/93 07/01/93 08/24/93 09/02/93 08/01/93 06/30/94 10/11/93 09/28/93 08/03/93 09/03/93 06/30/94 08/24/93 09/03/93 10/01/93 Staff Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Coordinators Pay the bill (requisition paid) Pay the bill (Documentation of family enrollment) 1 4Page: 4 Program Seq #: 01 Revision Date
June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success: and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L14 L14 L14 L14 Page Number 5. To recruit families 6. To determine service of coordinators 7. To assign families to be serviced by aides. 8. To organize instructional material. 4.1 Conduct home interview and enroll families into program. A. Conducted registration for interested parents 5.1 Compose and mail correspondence to community churches to recruit families and instructional aide trainees. A. Mailed correspondence to forty two (42) area churches 6.1 Identify families to be served by each coordinator A. Assigned families to Coordinators 7.1 Identify families to be served by each aide A. Assigned families to aides 5 07/01/93 08/17/93 08/17/93 07/01/93 09/28/93 08/02/93 09/15/93 08/30/93 07/01/93 08/30/93 06/30/94 08/18/93 08/18/93 06/30/94 09/28/93 08/02/93 09/15/93 09/30/93 06/30/94 08/30/93 Supervisor Coordinators Staff Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Secretary of HIPPY Certification of aides (position of aides filled) Assignment of families to Coordinators Assignment of families to aides Printing completed (received ordered curriculum)Page: 5 Program Seq 01 Revision Date: June 14. 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date L14 L14 Page Number 8.1 Print curriculum material. 07/01/93 Completion Date 06/30/94 Responsibility Supervisor Coordinators Evaluation Criteria 9. To familiarize aides of the HIPPY implementation in LRSD. A. Ordered printed curriculum from Dushkin Publishing 9.1 Conduct three (3) day workshop A. Invited five (5) LRSD personnel and other experts to Inservice Training 08/17/93 07/01/93 09/07/93 08/17/93 06/30/94 09/21/93 10. Obtain material for program J Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Agenda/Receive material (documentation of 3 day workshop) G6 Page: Program Seq #: 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code
01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success: and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Page Number Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria B. Invited four (4) LRSD personnel and other experts to Inservice Training C. Invited seven (7) LRSD personnel and other experts to Inservice Training D. Invited elevin (11) LRSD personnel and other experts to Inservice Training 10.1 Order material A. Requisitioned materials for program implementation B. Requisitioned materials for program implementation C. Acquisitioned materials for program continuance 10/26/93 12/07/93 01/04/94 03/01/94 07/01/93 07/01/93 10/10/93 11/18/93 02/22/94 05/27/94 06/30/94 a 09/30/93 12/30/93 02/01/94 17Page: 7 Program Seq #: 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L14 Page Number 11. To orientate enrolled families to the HIPPY program. 09/21/93 09/21/93 Supervisor Coordinators Families enrolled in program (documentation of parent orientation) 11.1 Conduct orientation meeting Orientation conducted 09/21/93 07/01/93 06/30/94 A. Secured space for orientation Requested use of Adult Education Auditorium from Adult Education Director, Paulette Martin 09/07/93 09/07/93 B. Invited speakers to orientation. Pat Price. LRSD Early Childhood Coordinator, Maria Mitchell, LRSD Baseline Elementary Teacher 09/16/93 09/16/93 C. Prepared program agenda for orientation 09/20/93 09/20/93 ^3Page: 8 Program Seq 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code
01 Primary Leader: Estollu Matthis Secondary Leader
M.iri.iii Shdiiil Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L15 Page Number 12. Identify meeting sites of group meetings. 10/13/93 10/13/93 Coordinators Confirmation of site (documentation of letters) 12.1 Secure meeting sites for group meeting, (mailed letters to building principals) 12.2 Mail out notification of meeting sites. A. Identified appropriate school site for group meetings B. Developed flyers C. Distributed flyers to parents 10/13/93 10/13/93 10/13/93 10/12/93 10/12/93 10/13/93 10/13/93 10/13/93 10/12/93 10/12/93 Coordinators Coordinators B. Agendas prepared weekly for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd quarter (100%) B. Agenda's prepared weekly 10/01/93 100% 19Page: 9 Program Seq 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success: and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date L15 Page Number Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 13. To schedule implementation of HIPPY curriculum. 07/01/93 06/30/94 Supervisor Coordinators 13.1 To schedule aides weekly home visits and group. 13.2 To schedule area group meeting - print fivers. 13.3 To schedule weekly service for aides. 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 13.4 Schedule aides first teaching with (own child). 07/01/93 06/30/94 L15 L15 14. To provide parents with information that will assist them with their children. 15. To evaluate aide trainees mid point (15th week). 07/01/93 06/30/94 Supervisor Coordinators Received materials 14.1 Schedule workshop for parents and aides, mail out and print materials. A. Book Fair B. "How to Develop Self Esteem Wilma Kirk Lee C. Parent Appreciation/Motivational program 15.1 To evaluate each aide trainee. 20 07/01/93 11/11/93 10/19/93 03/25/94 07/01/93 06/30/94 11/11/93 10/19/93 03/25/94 06/30/94 Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators CoordinatorsPage: 10 Program Seq *: 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code
01 Primary Leader
Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L15 Page Number 16. To determine program success Supervisor Coordinators Completion of survey LI 5 17. Began second-part of program's implementation. L15 18. Evaluation of aides (week 30) 16.1 Conduct survey of parents print materials 17.1 Implement second part of HIPPY curriculum: A. Print material B. Print flyers C. Mass mail out 18.1 Evaluate aides O "I 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 Supervisor Coordinators Supervisor Coordinators Coordinators Evaluation using the Early Prevention of School Failure or a similar model which is comparable in validation scope and developmental grounding, will be conducted on the HIPPY participants as they enter and exit the kindergarten. A standardized achievement test will be given to each child at the end of the third grade level. Participation of parents Materials completed CompletedPage: 11 Program Seq #: 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY Program Code: 01 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marian Shead Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success
and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L16 L16 L16 L16 L16 Page Number 19. Provide parents with information to be successful with their children 20. Build the aides children self esteem. 21. Graduation of HIPPY children and aides reception. 22. Evaluate aides 23. Staff in place. 07/01/93 06/30/94 Supervisor Consultant fee paid 19.1 Obtain a site and speaker and schedule a lecture for parents 19.2 Held Parent Appreciation/Motivational Program 03/25/94 20.1 Activity 21.1 Staff win organize A. Obtain site for graduation (Mann Magnet Auditorium) B. Invite speaker (Rev. Hezekiah Stewart) C. Invite Platform Guests D. Mail invitations to parents, LRSD personnel, and community leaders (mailed 302) 22.1 Schedule final evaluation of trainees in the program 23.1 To begin implementation of HIPPY program. 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 03/10/94 04/08/94 05/11/94 05/16/94 07/01/93 07/01/93 07/01/93 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 03/10/94 04/08/94 05/11/94 05/16/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/30/94 Supervisor Staff Staff Staff Staff Coordinator Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Coordinators Coordinator Consultant fee paid Completion of program Staff began implementation of program 99Page: 12 Program Seq 01 Revision Date: June 14, 1994 Program Name: HIPPY PrugiBin CihIv: Gl Pihnory Londor: Socuiiilnry lonilar: M.iimii SIkiihI Program Goal: To prepare economically disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten with the necessary skills to be success: and to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly black students as it relates to the achievement disparity between black and white students. Plan Reference doc Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L16 L16 Page Number 24. Maintain regular staff. 24.1 Secretary 07/01/93 07/01/93 06/30/94 06/30/94 Supervisor To assist in the implementation of program 26. To assist in traveling expense. 07/01/93 06/30/94 Aides Pay stipend 25.1 Aides made home visit. 26. The home-based program and the four-year- old school-based program will collaborate in the areas of parental involvement and teacher training. 07/01/93 06/30/94 27. The Little Rock School and Pulaski County School Districts will collaborate and coordinate the on-going implementation of the HIPPY Program. 07/01/93 06/30/94 23LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 02 Page: 1 Revision Date
August 9, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program/City-Wide Early Childhood Program Program Code
02 Primary Leader
Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Description: The purpose of the program is to meet the growing needs of disadvantaged students and to Improve the racial balance at schools that are difficult to desegregate by incorporating Early Childhood Education programs into the Elementary schools. The program provides experiences for young children which meet their needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas - physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Priority for identification of program sites will be given to areas that have a very high concentration of low income students and in schools that are difficult to desegregate. The District's preschool curriculum model will be implemented in all incentive schools and other selected schools in the Little Rock School District. Effective the 1990-91 school year, this model will be an integral part of the effort to improve the academic achievement of minority and economicallv disadvantaged children and to attract white students to the schools. icng rang
four ycsr c!d) pier, y. address demographic, instructional, and structural needs. LRSD will continue to use the four-vear-oM program as a means to meet the needs of disadvantaged students and desegregate schools that A lonq-ranqe (four-year-old) plan will District Goal Support: are difficult to desegregate. Goal #1 - Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal #2 - Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal #3 - The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Goal #4 - Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal #5 - Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. Goal #6 - Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: The District will implement the Four-Year-Old Program by the 1994-95 school year according to the provisions of a lonq-range implementation plan developed for additional four-year-oid classes and approved by the Court (720 seats). Plan References: L7. L10. L17. 18. 19 FY Program Budget
$1,523,742.24 1st Qtr Expend: $138,599.40 3rd Qtr Expend: $371,664.65 FTE 67 YTD Expenditures: $1,687,767.37 2nd Qtr Expend: $387,557.20 4th Qtr Expend: $789,946.12 ] Related Function Codes: 1Program Seq 02 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L17 L17 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Page: 2 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Pat Price Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. Identify and assign new four-year old program participants in the incentive schools. Beginning with the 1991-92 school year, the program is in place in the schools listed below: 1991-92 Badgett Franklin Garland Mitchell Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Washington Woodruff Ish - Closed 93-94 1992-93 Bale Geyer Springs Cloverdale Watson Wilson 1993-94 Baseline Chicot King Brady Fair Park 1.1 Provide pre-registration inservices to elementary principals. A. Pre-registration inservice provided to elementary principals. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 04/06/94 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 04/06/94 Student Assignment Office Student Assignment Office Communications Department Principals 1. Applications returned to Student Assignment and assignments made 1.1 Dates of inservice agenda List of participantsPage: 3 Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Number L17 Objectives Strategies 1.2 Conduct media publicity for pre-registration. A. Add run 09/04/93 through 09/06/93 recruiting children for six schools with openings. B. November 17, 1993, distributed brochures to State Interagency Coordinating Council on four- year-old programs C. Decembers, 1993, brought brochures to UALR Day Care Program for distribution. D. Article in Arkansas Democrat gazette on the district's Early Childhood Program in Sunday's paper April 3, 1994. E. Article in Arkansas Democrat Gazette on Preregistration for the district's Early Childhood Program in Tuesday's paper April 5, 1994. F. Flyers on pre-registration information sent to all LRSD parents of children in Kindergarten through sixth grades. Also to a list of parents in Pulaski County targeted schools. G. Incentive school recruitment held at the three malls and Riverfest - 2000 flyers put out for distribution at each location. Beginning Date July 1, 1993 07/09/93 11/17/93 12/09/93 04/03/94 04/05/94 04/08/94 05/21/94 Completion Date June 30, 1994 35% 50% 75% 85% 90% 95% 05/27/94 Responsibility Student Assignment Office Communications Department Evaluation Criteria 1.2 (Documentation of participating and identified PSA's: Radio and TV stations sent to Oates aired Pre-registration announcement) c4 Page: Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23. 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pill Prico Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.! Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria LI 7 L17 L17 2. Recruit teachers and aides as needed. H. Pre-registration information printed on Parent/Community Involvement Calendar. Distributed to Partners/Business, schools, churches, and civic organizations. Also sent flyers with more detailed information to the above agencies. I. Pre-registration information sent to all Case Management Staff at Project Family Comprehensive Child Development Program Case Managers received memo from Core Services Coordinator to encourage parents to register for the four-year-old program and Headstart. 1.3 Assign four*year old students. A. Assignments were made from applications in accordance to racial balance requirements on 06/09/93, 07/09/93, and 07/23/93 1.4 Four-year-old students will be tagged on the AS400 student information management system. 2.1 Interview interested teachers and aides as needed. 04/08/94 04/06/94 July 1, 1993 07/09/93 07/01/93 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 04/08/94 04/07/94 June 30, 1994 Student Assignment 1.3 (Assignment notifications to parents Enrollment in classes) 07/23/93 06/30/94 June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 Supervisors, Human Resources Director, Principals Supervisors, Human Resources Director, Principals 2. (A list of qualified applicants.) 2.1 A list of qualified applicants. (Employment of teachers and aides for new and open positions.) A. Teachers and aides hired for every classroom. 07/09/93 08/16/93 075 Page: Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students: to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Number L17 L17 Objectives 3. Obtain curriculum materials, supplies, and furniture as needed. Strategies 3.1 Complete and send orders to vendors. Beginning Date July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Completion Date June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 Responsibility (Purchasing Dept. Supervisors) Principals Supervisors Evaluation Criteria 3. (Confirmation of purchase orders.) 3.1 Materials available A. Materials, supplies and equipment available in all new classrooms. 07/01/93 07/01/93 L17 L17 L17 4. Train teachers and aides in the implementation of E.C.E. curriculum.) 4.1 Conduct orientation and inservices. A. Principals training July 28th and 29th, 1993. B. Teachers training August 17, 1993. C. Training for principals and teachers held September 30, October 15 and 16, November 4 and 5, December 6, 1993, January 31, 1994, February 18, 1994, and March 28, 1994. D. Training for instructional assistants held November 4 and 5, 1993. E. Training for principals, teachers, and instructional aides: April 13, 14, 15, and 16, 1994 4.2 Conduct montNy inservices. A. Inservice training - July 28, 1993
July 29, 1993
August 17, 1993
September 30, 1993 B. Inservice training: October 15 and 16, 1993
November 4 and 5, 1993
December 6, 1993
January 31, 1994
February 18, 1994
March 28, 1994
April 13, 14, 15, and 16, 1994 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 07/28/93 08/17/93 09/30/93 11/04/93 04/13/94 July 1. 1993 07/28/93 10/15/93 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 70% 70% 90% 50% 04/16/94 June 30. 1994 35% 04/16/94 Supv/Staff Dev Supv/Staff Dev Supv/Staff Dev 4. (Documentation of inservice evaluations.) 4.1 Agenda (Documentation of inservice evaluations) 4.2 Agenda (Documentation of inservice evaluations) O6 Page: Program Seq ttz 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Number L17 L17 L17 Objectives 5. Familiarize parents with Four-Year Old Program. Strategies 5.1 Conduct parent orientation meeting and parent conference. A. Parent Orientation - 08/20/93 Fair Park
09/13/93 Area Schools
09/14/93 Magnet Schools and Romine
09/20/93 Incentive Schools B. Parent Conference Day - 10/25/93
02/14/94 (Parent Conferences are held throughout the year.) 5.2 Include four-year old children in Master Schedule - students receive services of counselors, music teachers, school nurses, librarians, physical education and art teachers. Beginning Date July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 08/20/93 10/25/93 July 1. 1993 Completion Date June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 35% 06/07/94 June 30. 1994 Responsibility Classroom teachers Classroom teachers Principals Evaluation Criteria 5. (Documentation of meetings and evaluations.) 5.1 Number of parents attending Parent/Teacher Conferences 5.2 Master schedules A. Master schedules reflect services children receive. 07/01/93 09/10/93 L18 5.3 Ensure key experiences occurring in the classroom. A. Twenty-eight classroom visitations this quarter. July 1. 1993 08/23/93 June 30. 1994 35% Principals Classroom Teachers Supervisors 5.3 5.3 Curriculum checklist (Classroom observations and monitoring reports.) B. Twenty-nine classroom visitations this quarter. 10/01/93 70% C. Twenty-six classroom visitations this quarter. D. Thirty-four classroom visitations this quarter, visits and met requirements. E. All 11 new programs had licensing site visits and met requirements. 01/03/94 04/05/94 10/01/93 90% 06/07/94 10/23/93 9Page: 1 Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Number L18 L18 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6. Evaluate effectiveness of Four-Year Old Program. F. All 15 new programs had licensing site visits and met requirements. G. License renewal has taken place for 12 of the 15 previously existing programs. 6.1 Administer appropriate evaluation to four- year-olds. 6.1 (Maintaining portfolio assessments on four- year-olds.) A. Portfolio assessments began on all children B. Sampling of portfolio assessments reviewed in 18 classes 30 08/23/93 10/01/93 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 07/01/93 07/01/93 10/21/93 05/06/94 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 35% 56% (Principals Classroom Teachers Supervisors Planning. Research, and Evaluation, Assoc. Supt.) Classroom teachers (Classroom teachers) 6. (Annua) review of assessment data beginning at the end of the kindergarten year of each child participating in the program. EPSF Post Assessments) (Comparisons of the progress of children who did and did not participate in the program.) (Standardize achievement tests will be given to each child at the end of the third grade level. These tests will provide data indicating the success of the Early Childhood Program as an intervention strategy.) 6.1 Evaluation results 6.1 (Documentation of portfolios recording the work which children do and what they know.)Page: 8 Program Seq 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To implement the Four-Year-Old Program in selective schools. (To meet the needs of disadvantaged students
to improve racial balance in schools that are difficult to desegregate.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria C. Sampling of portfolio assessments reviewed in 20 classes 07/01/93 03/21/94 L18 L18 6.2 Analyze student assessment test data and prepare report for LRSD Board of Directors. 6.3 Utilize results for program improvement. July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 Assoc Supt Supervisor Planning, Evaluation, and Testing (Assoc Supt Supervisor) 6.2 Evaluation report 6.3 (Areas targeted for improvement.) 7. Support the continued work of the LRSD Early Childhood Task Force as a valuable avenue for parent, teacher, and community input. July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 31Program Seq #: 02 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 L19 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Page: 9 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Pat Price To combine the efforts of the L.R.S.D., P.C.S.S.D., N.L.R.S.D., Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage students in the city of Little Rock. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2. To develop a plan for planning a city-wide early childhood program. 3. To initiate the planning for the implementation of a city wide early childhood program. 1.4 To receive a letter of support from each agency desiring to participate. 2.1 To establish planning procedures and identify key committees and chairpersons needed for the planning process. 2.2 To identify appropriate additional representatives from each participating agency for each committee. 2.3 To delineate the goals to be addressed and the tasks to be accomplished by each committee, including appropriate timelines to be met. 3.1 To conduct periodic meetings to review progress of each committee. 3.2 To identify resources needed by identified by each committee, including monetary. July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 Key representatives from each agency Key representatives from each agency Key representatives from each agency Key representatives from each agency Key representatives from each agency Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs File record letters Structured plan for planning on file. Record of committee members Record of committee members Minutes of meetings Identification of committee 22Page: 10 Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To combine the efforts of the L.R.S.D., P.C.S.S.D., N.L.R.S.D., Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage students in the city of Little Rock. L19 L19 Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies 3.3 To review the first draft of the comprehensive plan and to make recommendations for refinement. 3.4 To submit the final draft for approval to all participant Boards of Directors (where applicable). Beginning Date July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 Completion Date June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 Responsibility Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Evaluation Criteria Submission of first draft Draft submitted to Board L7 IN) 1. (To collaborate with HIPPY, P.C.S.S.C., N.L.R.S.D., Head Start, and other entities in order to fulfill the district's expectations for a quality Early Childhood Education Program.) (N) L10 IN) 1.1 (To establish a schedule of regular meetings of representatives of the various entities.) (N) July 1, 1993 July 15. 1993 (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSD/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.1 (Schedule and minutes of all meetings) A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15, 1993, and July 21, 1993. 07/01/93 07/15/93 L10 (N) 1.2 (Supervisors meet to discuss individual program needs and to determine if resources can be shared.)(N) July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSb/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.2 (Roster of participants and minutes of meetings) A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15, 1993, and July 21, 1993. 8. Meetings held: October 13 and November 12, 1993 C. Meetings held: February 21, 1994
March 14, 1994
April 18, 1994 07/01/93 10/01/93 01/03/94 35% 70% 04/18/94 n oPage: 11 Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: August 12, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code
Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To combine the efforts of the L.R.S.D., P.C.S.S.D., N.L.R.S.D., Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage students in the city of Little Rock. Plan Reference Page Number L10 (N) L10 (N) LIO (N) Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.3 (To plan joint inservices for administrators, teachers and instructional assistants.)(N) A. Preliminary planning meetings held: July 15, 1993, and July 21. 1993. B. Joint inservices held: November 4, 5 and December 6, 1993 C. Joint insen/ices held: January 31, 1994 and April 23, 1994 1.4 (To plan joint parent involvement activities.)(N) A. Plans are being developed * discussed at meetir>g on October 12, 1993 and Novenber 12, 1993 B. Surveys sent to parents and surveys tallied C. Work session for planning sunner parent involvement activities. 1.5 (To use a student referral system allowirtg parents on a waiting list to kr>ow about vacartties.XN) A. meeting Krwwn vacancies are shared at each July 1,1993 07/01/93 10/01/93 01/31/94 July 1,1993 10/01/93 01/18/94 06/10/94 July 1. 1993 10/01/93 June 30,1994 06/30/94 06/30/94 04/23/94 June 30. 1994 06/30/94 06/30/94 06/10/94 June 30. 1994 06/10/94 (LRSD Supenrisors and PCSSD/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) / (LRSD Supervisors arvi PCSSD/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) (LRSD Supervisors and PCSSD/NLRSD and Headstart Supervisors of ECE programs) 1.3 (Roster of participants and evaluations of inservices) 1.4 (Roster of participants and evaluations of inservices) 1.5 (List of vacancies each entity has.) 4Page: 12 Program Seq #: 02 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Four-Year Old Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Pat Price Program Goal: To combine the efforts of the L.R.S.D., P.C.S.S.D., N.L.R.S.D., Head Start and other entities to provide quality early childhood experiences to as many disadvantage students in the city of Little Rock. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.6 A representative from the Little Rock School District Student Assignment Office will meet each year with parents from both programs to review the kindergarten assignment process. The annual sessions on kindergarten registration will also be used to provide information on magnet school opportunities. 07/01/93 06/30/94 1.7 Beginning in the 1990-91 school year, a list will be compiled of all graduates from the three early childhood programs. These students will be identified in the Little Rock School District mainframe computer system according to their respective programs. 07/01/93 06/30/94 1.7 At the end of each year for grades K-3, these students will be monitored on the basis of standardized tests, criterion- reference tests, EPSF screening, or any other academic measures that are available and applicable. The entities will review these results on an annual basis, prior to the beginning of the following school year, and make programmatic changes, individually and collectively, as needed. These students will be compared to a control group in order to isolate the effectiveness and/or deficiencies of the various early childhood programs. -'JLRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 1 Program Seq #: 03 Page: Revision Date: August 9, 1994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: 10 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Adams/Stovall/Parker/Trowell Program Description: Name and Location of Academic Support Programs - The name of all district remediation programs will be Academic Support Programs. Alt school programs will be located at each school site, except Metropolitan Vocational-Technical Education Center. Purpose - The purpose of the Academic Support Program is to provide support for participating students in grades one through twelve in the areas of reading, language arts, and mathematics. The program reinforces and enhances the academic achievement of these targeted students. The support will be provided by certified reading specialists, English and mathematics teachers in the regular classrooms, additional classes, and labs. Scope and Content - The Academic Support Program offers a variety of options to the individual schools for providing accelerated reading/language arts and mathematics learning experiences for students identified through a process using multiple criteria. The program is characterized by providing either direct or indirect services to identified students through additional classes, smaller class sizes, or in-class assistance at the secondary level and in-class assistance or limited pull-out at the elementary level. Partlcipants/Beneficiaries - Target students are initially identified from the student population scoring in the annual student assessment. Multiple criteria, including student grades, teacher recommendations, and student records are used to select students from the eligible population to participate in the Academic Support Program. District Goal Support: (1) Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. (2) Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. (3) Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. (4) Provide a safe and orderly climate that is conducive to learning for all students. (5) The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. (6) Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for ail students in the mainstream setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. I Plan References: LP 1-20 FY Program Budget: $1,815,582.10 1st Qtr Expend: $158,246.87 3rd Qtr Expend: $409,425.82 FTE 70 YTD Expenditures: $1,392,558.81 2nd Qtr Expend: $499,040.09 4th Qtr Expend: $325,846.03 1 Related Function Codes: ]Program Seq #: Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number March 19. 1993 Revised Academic Support Program P 1 P 4.13 P 7.10 p 13 LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Page: 2 Revision Date: August 2, 1 994 The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. To identify and serve students who are at-risk in language arts and mathematics. 1.1 Explain the Academic Support Program options to local school administrators. 1.2 Provide an overview of how all the individual Academic Support Programs will be coordinated for continuity of services to children and efficient use of resources. -All schools will implement the Board- approved uniform curriculum. -The established critical attributes of the Academic Support Program will be evident in each school. -The revised curriculum (K-12) has been sequentially developed and the objectives have been correlated to the skills in Arkansas Minimum Performance Test. Stanford Achievement Test-Eighth Edition, and existing computer-assisted instructional software. -To provide for continuous improvement of teachers, records will be maintained on staff development activities. -New staff members will be targeted for appropriate staff development activities as well as participation in the district's "New Teacher Initiative. 1.3 Select the local school's appropriate Academic Support Program. (Indirect/direct/extended services) July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 July 1. 1993 June 30. 1994 June 30. 1994 June 30. 1994 June 30. 1994 Local school teams Associate Supt. for Curriculum Associate Supt. for Curriculum, Directr of Federal Programs. Curriculum Supervisors Local school administrators 1. (Print-out of eligible students is provided to local school teams. Uniform District criteria are used (Stanford 8 cutoff score and multiple criteria) to identify targeted students.) 1.1 (Schedule of meeting.) 1.2 (Observation reports and staff development activities records are on file.) 1.3 (Selection on file at building-level and in office of Director of Federal Programs.) - <Program Seq Program Name: Academic Support Program Page: 3 Revision Date: August 2, 1994 Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number p 11.13 p 12,13 p 12.13 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.4 identify students selected for participation in each program by school/grade level. A. Students identified and selected. 1.5 Select staff (identify by position) responsible for delivering Academic Support Program. A. Staff selected for 1993-94 school year. 1.6 Schedule the academic team's staff. A. Schedules on file at Office of Federal Programs. B. Schedules on file at Office of Federal Programs. C. Schedules posted in classrooms. D. Schedules posted in classrooms. July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 Local school teams 1.4 (Print-out of eligible students is provided to local school teams. Uniform District criteria are used (Stanford 8 cutoff score and multiple criteria) to identify targeted students.) 07/07/93 09/30/93 July 1, 1993 08/01/93 July 1, 1993 08/23/93 10/01/93 08/23/93 10/01/93 June 30, 1994 09/30/93 June 30, 1994 50% 11/23/93 50% 11/23/93 Principal Principal 1.5 {Staff assignments are determined at the building level and assignments filed at the Office of Federal Programs.) 1.6 (Schedules are developed listing team's contact time, number of students served, and other variables associated with the team's responsibilities.)Page: 4 Program Seq #: Revision Date: August 2, 1 994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal
The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional arxJ technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number p 13 p 7.8,20 P 1 p 14 p 14 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1.7 Implement selected school options at local level. A. Programs options implemented. 1.8 Utilize resources invested in PAL remediation approach by reallocating staff positions, computer hardware, software programs, and other equipment and materials toward the new approach to remediation. July 1, 1993 June 30. 1994 Principal and staff 1.7 (Schedules of targeted students reflect implementation of the selected school option(s).| 07/01/93 09/30/93 July 1. 1993 June 30, 1994 (Principal, Coordinator of Media Services, Director of Federal Programs, and Curriculum Supervisors) 1.8 (Technology Department's inventory and schedules of staffing reflect reallocations of resources.) 2. To prescribe a personalized intervention plan for eligible students. 2. (To prescribe a persona) education plan for targeted students.) 2.1 Cluster schools and develop a staff development schedule for curriculum clusters. 2.2 Begin training staff responsible for delivering each Academic Support Program. '3 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1993 June 30, 1994 June 30, 1994 June 30. 1994 Principal and staff Directors of Staff Development and Reading: Supervisors of Language Arts and Mathematics Directors of Staff Development and Reading: Supervisors of Language Arts. Mathematics and IRC Specialists 2. (Personal education plans of targeted students reflect implementation of the selected school option(s).) 2.1 (Staff development schedule on file.) 2.2 (Staff training for participants will include program administration (student selection process, record-keeping, progress reports) instructional strategies, parental involvement, and others.)Page: 5 Program Seq #: Revision Date: August 2, 1 994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria p,16 -Specialized Content Area Strategies (Curriculum Cluster) A. Workshops -Elementary/Secondary Reading Portfolios Secondary Reading Computer Training 09/07/93 10/19/93 09/07/93 10/19/93 -Elementary Reading/Mathematics Instructional Practices 02/17/94 02/17/94 Secondary Mathematics Academic Support 02/21/94 02/21/94 Secondary English Council 02/21/94 02/21/94 -Secondary Reading Teachers 02/21/94 02/21/94 -Hall High English Teachers Portfolio Assessment 03/09/94 03/09/94 -Secondary English/LAP Teachers Instructional Strategies 03/21/94 03/21/94 Applied Math I and II 04/06/94 04/06/94 -"Oawn-On-Me-Math" - Elementary Chapter I 05/17/94 05/17/94 -Elementary/Secondary Reading and Mathematics Academic Support Program - End of Year Awards 06/08/94 06/08/94 p 7.8,10.14,17 -Team Planning A. Workshops Elementary Reading/Mathematics Administration Organization 08/17/93 08/17/93 -Secondary Reading/Mathematics Administration Organization 08/17/93 08/17/93 -Elementary Reading/Mathematics Record Keeping 09/13/93 09/13/93 40Page: 6 Program Seq #: Revision Date: August 2, 1 994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts arxJ mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria -Secondary Reading/Mathematics Record Keeping 09/14/93 09/14/93 Secondary English Council Record Keeping 10/18/93 10/18/93 -Chapter I Mid-Winter Conference 01 /26/94 01/26/94 -Southwest Jr. High English Teachers: Making Language Learning Meaningful 10/08/93 01/27/94 -Secondary Counselors: Placement Forms 02/15/94 02/15/94 -Elementary Reading Teachers/Media Specialists: Literacy Month Celebration 03/09/94 03/09/94 -Elementary Counselors: Placement Forms 03/16/94 03/16/94 -Chicot Elementary: Special Education/Chapter I Inclusion 03/23/94 03/23/94 -Secondary Principals: Math Plus 04/25/94 04/25/94 Secondary Math Council 04/19/94 04/19/94 p 7.8,10,14,16 -Federal Program Meeting 05/02/94 05/02/94 -Teachers As Learners (1-6 Classroom Teachers, Reading Teachers) -Learning Styles/Cultural Diversity (Review) A. Workshops -Elementary Reading/Kindergarten/Principals Shared Reading and Writing -Elementary Reading/Grade 1/Principals Shared Reading and Writing -Elementary Reading Teachers/Classroom Teachers: Cinderella Variants Across the Curriculum 41 05/23/94 11/02/93 11/03/93 01/19/94 05/23/94 11/02/93 11/03/93 01/19/94Page: 7 Program Seq #: Revision Date: August 2, 1 994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria p 7,8,10,14,17 -Interactive Teaching/Learning (Curriculum Cluster) A. Workshops Elementary Reading/Mathematics Instructional Practices Secondary Reading and Social Studies Grade 6 - Integrated Videodisc Program -Elementary Reading Teachers/Classroom Teachers: Teachers As Learners Rightsell Staff: Integrated Learning Critical/Problem Solving in Mathematics -Central Arkansas Reading Council - King Elementary 10/20/93 10/21/93 02/02/94 02/07/94 04/07/94 04/28/94 10/20/93 10/21/93 02/02/94 02/07/94 04/08/94 04/28/94 p 7,8.10,14,17 -Mastery Learning -Secondary English Teachers: Management Strategies for LAP 03/21/94 03/21/94 p 7,8,10.14,18 -K-3 Initiative Summer School Training 04/19/94 05/19/94 -Cooperative Team Learning (Review Curriculum Cluster) A. Workshops -Elementary Reading/Principals/Kindergarten Shared Reading and Writing Elementary Reading/Grade 1/Principals - Shared Reading arxJ Writing -Shared Reading/Writing K-1-Reading Teachers (120) 11/02/93 11/03/93 04/06/94 11 /02/93 11/03/93 04/06/94 ^2Program Seq #: Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code
Primary Leader
Secondary Leader: Page: Revision Date
August 2, 1 994 8 Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria -Shared Reading/Writing (Classroom Demonstration - Mabelvale & Meadowcliff) 04/06/94 04/06/94 p 14 2.3 Monitor the implementation of above. July 1. 1993 June 30, 1994 Principals, district-wide staff development team, and computer specialists 2.3 (School visits/observations are made to provide feedback (oral/writtenl to trained staff.) 2.3 (Monitor the implementation of the Academic Support Program options. These programs may vary from year-to-year.) A. Monitoring schedule document was developed assigning the reading and mathematics staffs to schools. B. There have been 111 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 33 on-site visits to secondary schools. C. There have been 72 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 37 on-site visits to secondary schools. D. There have been 56 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 55 on-site visits to secondary schools. E. There have been 82 on-site visits made to elementary schools and 50 on-site visits to secondary schools. F. State Department Chapter I team and LRSD team monitored the implementation of program. 06/01/93 08/23/93 10/01/93 12/31/93 03/29/94 05/09/94 08/17/93 35% 70% 90% 06/30/94 05/13/94 (Principals, district-wide staff development team, curriculum supervisors, IRC specialists) ^3Page: 9 Program Seq #: 03 Revision Date: August 12, 1994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number P 7,9.10,19 p7,15 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.4 Monitor instruction and learning in Academic Support Program settings on a regular basis and observe to determine: Teachers involving students in a variety of classroom activities that address learning styles and cultural diversity. -Teachers selecting methods and strategies that capitalize on students Interests and experiences. Teachers demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness in delivering instruction. -Teachers utilizing effective classroom strategies, such as tutors, small-group instruction, and extended day/week programs, to maintain the gains students have made. Teachers interacting with students in a caring manner. -Teachers recording of students data that shows Increased student achievement and social skills (letter and citizenship grades, standardized test scores, attendance). 2.5 Provide technical assistance and maintenance workshops as needed in the above staff development areas. A. Technical assistance has been provided 50 times in elementary schools and 27 times in secondary schools. B. Technical assistance has been provided 64 times in elementary schools and 33 times in secondary schools. 07/01/93 July 1.1993 08/23/93 10/01/93 06/30/94 June 30,1994 06/30/94 06/30/94 Principals Principals, district-wide staff development team, and computer specialists (Principals, district-wide staff development team, curriculum supervisors, IRC specialists) Teacher observations and evaluations on record. 2.4 (Requests for technical assistance are documented and evaluated. Feedback related to improvement or change is recorded.) /- 4^Page: 10 Program Seq #: 03 Revision Date: August 12. 1994 Program Name
Academic Support Program Program Code
Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number P 7.10,15 P 1 p 10,15 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3. To reduce or eliminate pull-out academic support programs. C. Technical assistance has been provided 58 times in elementary schools and 17 times in secondary schools. D. Technical assistance has been provided 13 times in elementary schools and 1 time in secondary schools. 2.6 Schedule school based meetings to assess program effectiveness. A. School-based meetings were held in 5 secondary schools. B. School-based meetings were held in 3 secondary schools and 4 elementary schools. 3.1 Collect appropriate data for end of school program evaluation, including pre and post standardized test scores, student grades and attendance, samples of student work, and parent/teacher/student recommendations. 45 12/31/93 03/29/94 July 1,1993 12/31/93 July 1,1993 July 1.1993 06/30/94 06/30/94 June 30,1994 06/30/94 June 30,1994 June 30,1994 Principal Principal and staff
Dir. of Federal Programs Principal and staff
Dir. of Federal Programs 2.5 (Records of dates of meetings and participants, minutes of meetings, and issues related to program effectiveness are maintained.) 3. (Individual student folders that include a systematic collection of student work, pre and post standardized test scores, grades, and recommendations to provide individual/group/school progress are maintained for continuous student and program progress.) 3.1 (Individual student folders that include a systematic collection of student work, pre and post standardized test scores, grades, and recommendations to provide individual/group/school progress are maintained for continuous student and program progress.)Page: 11 Program Seq #
03 Revision Date: August 12, 1994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number p 10,15,19,20 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Personal education plans of targeted students filed in individual student folders in Academic Support Classrooms. B. Personal education plans of targeted students filed in individual student folders in Academic Support Classrooms. 3.2 Analyze the above data to evaluate program effectivness In meeting Its particular programmatic goals and objectives of remediating student achievement and contributing to the overall reduction of disparity between black and white students. 46 10/01/93 12/31/93 July 1,1993 06/30/94 03/25/94 June 30,1994 Associate Supt. for Curriculum, Assistant Supts., Curriculum Supervisors, and Principals 3.2 Academic Support Programs will be successfully operating in all district schools as evidenced by: 'increased student achievement. Improvement on standardized test scores. Increased numbers of students moving from bottom quartile to the next quartile. Increased number of students moving above the 50th percentile. -Grade distribution reports (by semester) reflecting an increase in letter grades of "C or better in the core areas for each student. -Grade distribution reports (by semester) by class and grade level reflecting an increase in attainment of letter grades of "C" or better in the core areas. -Improved attendance for targeted students.Page: 12 Program Seq #: 03 Revision Date
August 12, 1994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equrtable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number p 15 P 5 P 1.20 p9 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3.3 Identify modification for the Academic Support Program for 1993-94. 3.4 Support and extend teaming opportunities for students by making available to targeted students before-school, at lunch, after-school, and periodic extended weeks computer lab instruction. July 1.1993 August 23, 1993 June 30,1994 June 30,1994 4. To provide parents the knowledge and skills needed to promote the education of their children at home and at school. A. After school tutoring in reading and mathematics provided in 10 schools to 546 students in grades 1-9. 4.1 Assist parents in obtaining the knowledge and skills needed to promote the education of their children at home and at school through: -providing timely information regarding students' achievement and behavior. -involving them in informative and effective conferences concerning their childs education. -involving parents as partners in their childs educational process. A. Provided inservice on LRSD Home Study Guides for administrators. B. Provided inservice on LRSD Home Study Guides for parents. C. Telephone conferences with parents (12). 47 July 1.1993 July 1,1993 08/17/93 09/08/93 08/23/93 June 30,1994 June 30,1994 08/17/93 09/08/93 06/30/94 Associate Supt. for Curriculum, Assistant Supts., Curriculum Supervisors and Principals Director of Federal Programs, Principals (Principal and staff, Director of Federal Programs, Curriculum Supervisors) (Principal and staff. Director of Federal Programs. Curriculum Supervisors) 3.3 (The 1993-94 school year will reflect modifications.) 3.4 (Schedules will reflect additional instructional services.) 4. Parental involvement will show an increase in the numbers of parents attending parent conferences and parent training sessions and visiting schools. 4.1 (Records of parental involvement activities on file.)Page: 13 Program Seq #: 03 Revision Date
August 12, 1994 Program Name: Academic Support Program Program Code: Primary Leader: Secondary Leader: Program Goal: The goal of the Academic Support Program is to provide equitable language arts and mathematics learning experiences for all students in the mainstreamed setting by supporting them with the instructional and technical assistance needed to reduce the learning disparity. Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria D. Telephone conferences with parents (8). 10/01/93 06/30/94 E. Academic Support * district-wide parent workshop (150 participants) 12/05/93 06/30/94 F. Parent Invobement Meeting 01/05/94 01/05/94 G. State Parent Meeting (23 participants) 01/26/94 01/28/94 H. Parent Involvement Meeting (29 participants) 02/12/94 02/12/94 I. Parent Executive Committee Meeting (7 participants) 02/16/94 02/16/94 J. Parent Advisory Council Meeting: King School 02/21/94 02/21/94 K. Parent Involvenwnt Day Planning (32 participants) 03/12/94 03/12/94 L. Parent Involvement Day (85 Participants) 03/20/94 03/20/94 M. Chapter I Advisory Regional Conference 03/26/94 03/28/94 N. Telephone Conferences With Parents (6) 03/29/94 06/30/94 O. Parent Awareness Provided in Secondary Curriculum Cluster Meetings. P. Parent Involvements (15) 04/19/94 04/01/94 05/05/94 06/30/94 Q. Awards Programs (5) 04/01/94 06/30/94 R. Related professional meetings (10) 04/01/94 06/30/94 S. Parent participants for the year (1,963) 08/23/93 06/30/94 48LRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Program Seq #: 04 Page: Revision Date: July 26, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal 1 Program Description: 1. The Multicultural Curriculum Program is designed to provide equity and excellence in all curricular and program areas in the Little Rock School District. (6) The program is further designed to reduce the disparity that exists between black and white students in academic performances and the low representation of black students in advanced placement courses as well as in special activities and programs. (1,6) 2. In order to achieve the components identified in the Multicultural Curriculum Program, multicultural curriculum guides will be used in all schools. Teachers will receive extensive and ongoing staff development in the use of the guides as well as training in the implementation of strategies, techniques, and activities to use to ensure that instruction meets the cultural, academic and social needs of all children. (1,3,6) To suplement existing instructional materials focusing on cultural diversity from a multicultural perspective will be purchased for use in all schools and programs. 3. The participants in the Multicultural Program consists of all teachers, K-12, in core area subjects in addition to music and art teachers. Students of all social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds will be affected the greatest by activities outlined in the Multicultural Curriculum Program. 4 Students will be provided opportunities to develop better self-esteem. 5. Students will have opportunities to examine the artistic, musical, scientific, literary, social and political accomplishments of many ethnic groups District Goal Support: Goal No. 1. Implement integrated educational programs that will ensure that all students grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing disparities in achievement. Goal No. 6. Ensure that equity occurs in all phases of school activities and operations. Goal No. 2. Develop and maintain a staff that is well-trained and motivated. Goal No. 4. Solicit and secure financial and other resources that are necessary to fully support our schools, including our desegregation plan. Goal No. 3. The Little Rock School Board, administration, staff, and students will demonstrate in their day to day behavior that they accept each individual as a valued contributor to society and view cultural diversity among students, staff and the community as a valued resource upon which our community and nation can draw as we prepare for the 21st Century. Program Goat: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan References: L66 - 80 PK Program Budget: $197,446.69 1st Qtr Expend: $19,443.65 3rd Qtr Expend: $23,107.72 FTE YTD Expenditures: $133,733.55 2nd Qtr Expend: $23,307.68 4th Qtr Expend: $67,874.50 Related Function Codes: zigLRSD FY 93-94 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page: 2 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 66 L 66 L 66 L 76 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 1. To provide teacher learning opportunities through formal course training 1.1 Contact local colleges and universities to obtain information on proposed course offerings related to ethnic studies for the summer and fall. 1991 1.1 (LRSD will receive announcements from local colleges/universities on proposed multicultural courses) A. Completion of initial contact 07/91 1.2 Receive and advertise course offerings to all certified staff, including opportunities for tuition reimbursement and/or salary credit A. Course offerings received/advertised for fall, 1993 B. Course offerings received/advertised for spring 1994 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 01/91 (07/01/93) 07/19/93 07/01/93 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 07/91 (06/30/94) 08/16/93 12/17/93 (Director of Staff Development, Subject Area Supervisors, Principals) Assoc Supt.* Educ. Programs Dean of Grad. Sch. Academic Deans (Director of Staff Development) (Supervisor of Social Studies) Assoc Supt' Educ Programs Office of Human Resources 1. (Multicultural strategies will be implemented in schools as assessed by administration during classroom observations and teacher conferences) 1.1 List of college offerings 1.1 (The number of teachers who have received multicultural training will increase.) 1.2 Copy of information provided 0 VPage: 3 Program Seq 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSO and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 66 L 66 L 66 L 66 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria C. Course offerings for summer 1994 received and advertised 1.3 Identify participants in summer and fall courses A. Participants identified in initial course 07/01/93 (07/01/931 08/91 06/08/94 (06/30/941 02/92 Employees (Director of Human Resources) 1.3 Copy of academic course completion on file in Personnel office (Office of Human Resources) 2. To develop a district-wide multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue 2. (To maintain district-wide multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue) 2.1 Review and catalogue present audio/visual materials related to multicultural curriculum A. Completion for initial development on 05/90 B. Audio/visual materials reviewed and catalogued for current term 2.2 Purchase additional audio/visual materials from the 1988-89 budget A. Initial purchase completed 05/90 B. Additional materials purchased 5i (07/01/931 (07/01/93) 07/89 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 07/01/93 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 05/90 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 05/90 06/30/94 (Subject area supervisors) Supv of Media Services (Subject area supervisors) Supv of Media Services (Subject area supervisors, principals) 2. (Multicultural resources will be used for classroom instruction) 2.1 Current catalogue listing 2.1 (Copies of updated multicultural audio/visual catalogue will be distributed) 2.1 (Multicultural materials will be checked out and used by instructional staff in the schools) 2.2 Requisition material 2.2 (Materials ordered, received, and catalogued for distribution/use)Page: 4 Program Seq 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 66 L 66 L 66 L 67 L 67 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 2.3 Identify and catalogue other resources for multicultural audio/visual materials, i.e., AR Dept of Education, LR Public Library, AR Library Commission A. Initial identifying and cataloging completed on 12/89 B. Resources from organizations identified and catalogued for current term 2.4 Revise, print and distribute multicultural audio/visual resource catalogue for the LRSD A. Initial revision, printing, and distribution completed in 08/89 B. Audio-visual catalogue updated and copies distributed to schools 08/06/93 2.5 Place initial supplemental order for multicultural audio/visual materials from the 1989-90 budget A. Initial supplemental order placed in 06/90 (07/01/93) 07/01/89 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 06/89 07/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 (06/30/941 12/01/89 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 08/89 08/06/93 (06/30/94) 06/90 Supv of Media Services Superv of Media Services Media Specialists 2.3 2.4 2.4 Completed catalogue Distribution of catalogue (Multicultural materials will be checked out by schools) 2.5 Requisitions submitted 2.5 (Materials are available for check-out/use) 3. To plan and implement the Instructional Materials Fair (Multicultural) 3. (To supply information about multicultural materials for purchase to teachers, parents and the community) (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (Assoc Supt for Educational Programs) (Supv of Media Services) 3. (Multicultural materials wilt be used by instructional staff in all schools) 3. (Evaluate the effectiveness of the Multicultural Fair) 3.1 Involve a team of parents, community resources, and teachers in detailed planning for the Fair-specific dates, time, place and format-to be held as a component of 1988-89 pre-school conference 3.1 (To plan and implement the Instructional Multicultural Materials Fair for current term) (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (08/93) 02/22/94 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Supv of Media Services) 3.1 Implementation Plan 3.1 (Involved input from parents, community, and teachers)Page: 5 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 67 A. Initial development completed on 06/30/88 B. Phone contact has been made with NLR and PCSSD on 08/04/93 and 09/14/93 regarding Fair for 1993-94 term C. Two tri-district meetings held to discuss Fair. Date set for February 22,1994, sponsored by NLRSD 3.2 Identify national and local vendors of multicultural instructional materials 06/01/88 08/04/93 11/16/93 (07/01/931 06/30/88 09/14/93 11/30/93 106/30/94} Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 3.2 Completion of mailing list 3.2 (Major suppliers of multicultural materials will be invited to exhibit at the Fair} A. Initial identification of vendors completed on 04/30/88 03/88 04/30/88 L 67 3.3 Establish pre-school conference dates and extend invitation to vendors 3.3 (Establish date for Fair) (07/01/93} (06/30/94} Executive Staff Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 3.3 Conference scheduled 3.3 (Fair date placed on District master calendar) A. Initial dates and invitations extended on 05/88 03/88 05/88 L 67 3.4 Confirm Fair participants (07/01/93} 12/13/94 Supv of Media Services 3.4 Confirmation 3.4 (List of participating vendors) A. Initial confirmation of participants completed on 07/30/88 07/01/88 07/30/88 L 67 3.5 Acquaint principals and central office staff with plans and Fair relationship to desegregation efforts A. Initial item completed on 07/30/88 (07/01/93} 07/01/88 (06/30/94} 07/30/88 Assoc Supt for Deseg and Schools 3.5 Staff agenda 3.5 (Staff can relate Fair to the District's desegregation efforts)Page: 6 Program Seq 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 67 L 67 L68 L 68 L 68 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 3.6 Conduct media campaign for Fair to staff and parents A. Initial media campaign completed on 08/88 B. Fair advertised to LRSD patrons and staff 3.7 Host tri'district "Instructional Materials Fair" 3.7 (Host the Multicultural Fair rotating the site among the three districts) A. Initial hosting of Fair completed on 08/88 among the three districts) B. Phone contact has been made with NLR and PCSSD on 08/04/93 and 09/14/93 regarding Fair for 93-94 term C. NLRSD scheduled to host Fair on February 22, 1994, at North Little Rock High School, East Campus D. Multicultural Fair held on February 22, 1994, at North Little Rock High School, East Campus (07/01/931 07/88 01/21/94 107/01/93) 08/88 08/04/93 07/01/93 02/22/94 106/30/941 08/88 01/21/94 (06/30/94) 08/88 09/14/93 02/22/94 02/22/94 4. To develop criteria for textbook review and adoption 4.1 Revise Board policy for textbook adoption A. Board policy revised on 08/22/91 4.2 Identify an ad hoc committee to review criteria presently being used in LRSD and other districts for textbook adoptions (10 members) (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 12/10/90 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 08/22/91 (06/30/94) Supv of Media Services, Dir of Communications Assoc Supt of Educational Programs working with committee (Assoc Supt for Curriculum. Subject Area Supervisors) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 3.6 Publicity 3.6 (Fair is advertised to the public) 3.7 Validate Fair participation 3.7 (Materials ordered/purchased) 4. (Criteria checklist implemented by textbook committees) 4.1 Approved criteria 4.2 Roster of committee membersPage: 7 Program Seq 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1,2,3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 68 L 68 Objectives Strategies A. Initial identification completed on 12/11/90 4.3 Conduct staff development training on avoiding sex and race bias and stereotyping in textbooks 4.3 (Textbooks on the approved Arkansas State Department of Education's textbook list are free of sex/race bias) A. Initial training completed in 12/91 B. Partial training conducted 09/15/93 by the reading department C. Additional training conducted during reading textbook adoption meetings 4.4 Submit revised policy and criteria to the Board of Directors for first reading Beginning Date 12/01/90 (07/01/931 07/91 09/15/93 11/01/93 (07/01/93) Completion Date 12/11/90 (06/30/941 12/91 10/27/93 12/02/93 (06/30/94) Responsibility Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Arkansas State Dept, of Education) Superintendent Assoc Supt for Ed Progs Evaluation Criteria 4.3 Schedule of meeting and agenda 4.3 (Textbooks selected will be free of sex/race bias) 4.4 Board agenda A. Revised policy/criteria submitted to Board of Directors on 06/20/91 06/20/91 06/20/91 L 68 4.5 Adopt policy on textbooks (07/01/93) (06/30/94) LRSD Board of Directors 4.5 Board agenda L 68 A. Policy adopted 08/22/91 08/22/91 08/22/91 4.6 Utilize a local consultant to train staff on "Avoiding Sex and Race Stereotyping in Textbooks" (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Curriculum Supervisors) 4.6 4.6 Monitoring (Textbooks are free of sex/race stereotypes) A. Initial utilization of consultant completed in 12/89 B. Partial inservice training to teachers on "Avoiding Sex and Race Stereotyping in Textbooks" conducted during adoption cycle 07/89 12/89 09/15/93 10/27/93 JPage: 8 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1,2,3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 68 L 69 L 69 L 69 L 69 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 4.7 Select and recommend to Board for adoption of textbooks (elementary and secondary) based on criteria for adoption A. Based on criteria for adoption, the reading textbook was selected and recommended to the Board for approval (07/01/93) 07/01/93 (06/30/94) 12/17/93 5. To develop and implement a multicultural curriculum for pre-kindergarten through grade 6 5. (To implement the LRSD curriculum, K-6, which is multicultural) 5.1 Plan and host at least three (3) public meetings to receive suggestions from patrons on areas to be included in a multicultural curriculum A. Completed in 12/89 during initial development 5.2 Identify and retain the services of a national expert in multicultural curriculum development (lead consultant for two (2) year contract). A. Completed in 09/88 during initial development 5.3 In cooperation with the lead consultant, the Division of Educational Programs will issue a detailed curriculum development timeline for the year, including a checklist for task completion A. Completed in 10/88 during initial development (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 09/88 (07/01/93) 09/88 (07/01/93) (10/88) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 12/89 (06/30/94) 09/88 (06/30/94) (10/88) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Curriculum Specialists) (Principals, Teachers, Asst. Supts., Curriculum Supervisors) Assoc Supt for Educ Prog Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Lead Consultant Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 4.7 Board approval 4.7 (Criteria checklist was used for textbook selection) 5. (Observation of curriculum implementation during classroom visits/teacher conferences) 5. (Improvement in student performance and assessment of attitude regarding learning) 5.1 Transcript of suggestions 5.2 Contractual commitment for the 1988-89 school year (Dr. James A. Banks was used) 5.3 Timeline/checklist (Timeline included in this document 5.5 - 5.17) ^.cPage: 9 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. lApplies only to page 76, obiectives 1, 2, 3. 4.1 Plan Reference Page Number L 69 L 69 L 69 Obiectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.4 Develop expectations for members participating on multicultural curriculum committee A. Completed in 11/88 during initial development B. Expectations developed also during the curriculum revision process 5.5 Identify curriculum committee members and contract for services: 8 - Health/Scienca 5 * Music 14 - Reading/Language Arts 3 - Art 4 - Social Studies 4 Libraries 38 5.5 (All core curriculum areas were involved In the development of guides) 5.5 (Curriculum areas revised were: Reading. Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science) A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Identification completed with revised curriculum 5.6 Obtain multicultural curriculum units from models used in other cities A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Multicultural curriculum units obtained also during revision process 107/01/93) (06/30/94) Lead Consultant Assoc Supt for Educ Programs 5.4 Expectations 5.4 (Contractual agreements with curriculum writers) 10/88 11/88 10/91 11/91 (07/01/93) 08/88 09/91 (07/01/93) 07/88 07/91 (06/30/941 10/88 10/91 (06/30/94) 10/88 10/91 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 5.5 Identification of committee members S.6 Copies of multicultural materials distributed to committee membersPage: 10 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76. objectives 1. 2, 3. 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3. 4,) Plan Reference Page Number L 70 L70 L 70 L 70 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.7 Develop expectations for use of local resource consultant in multicultural curriculum development A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development 6. Expectations developed also with revised curriculum 5.8 Secure the services of six (6) local resource consultants to serve on the districtwide curriculum development committee A. Completion in 10/88 with initial development B. Consultants utilized also with revised curriculum 5.9 Conduct Inservice session on "Methods for Developing Multicultural Teaching Strategies" to include (a) understanding the rationale, trends, and goals multicultural curriculum, (b) developing a conceptual framework for multicultural curriculum, and (c) establishing procedures for developing a multicultural curriculum A. Completion on 03/11/89 with initial development B. Staff development conducted in conjunction with the revised curriculum procedures 5.10 Conduct task completion monitoring as identified in timeline A. Completion in 11/91 with initial development 107/01/931 08/88 09/91 (07/01/93) 08/88 11/91 (07/01/93) 12/14/88 10/91 (07/01/93) 10/91 i06/30/94j 10/88 10/91 (06/30/94) 10/88 05/30/92 (06/30/94) 03/11/89 11/91 (06/30/94) 11/91 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Curriculum Supervisors) Div of Educational Programs (Assoc Supt for Educational Programs) 5.7 List of expectations 5.8 Contract services of consultants 5.9 Participants' written evaluation 5.9 (Original inservice completed
ongoing inservice will be documented and evaluated by participants) 5.10 Implementation of monitoring instrument 8Page: 11 Program Seq ft: 04 Revision Date: June 23. 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 70 L 70 L 70 L 70 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria B. Task completion monitoring conducted also during the curriculum revision process 5.11 Operationalize the curriculum development timeline (monthly meetings with specific dates developed in cooperation with committee members) A. Completion in 05/91 with initial development B. Curriculum development timeline operationalized also during the curriculum revision process 5.12 Review and edit the comprehensive guides in each content area at each grade level A. Completion in 07/89 with initial development B. Guides reviewed and edited also during the curriculum revision process 5.13 Type and print ail guides A. Completion in 07/89 with initial development B. Guides typed and printed also during the curriculum revision process 5.14 Conduct inservice for all elementary principals and teachers A. Completion in 09/89 with initial development 10/91 (07/01/93) 10/88 10/91 (07/01/93) 05/89 05/92 (07/01/93) 06/89 06/92 (07/01/93) 08/89 12/91 (06/30/94) 05/91 05/30/92 (06/30/94) 07/89 06/30/92 (06/30/94) 07/89 07/30/92 (06/30/94) 09/89 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Curriculum Supervisors) 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.13 Agenda of each meeting Implementation of guides schools) Guides completed (Guides delivered to 5.14 Agenda 5.14 (Curriculum implementation) 5.14 (Inservice on revised curriculum is ongoing) ^9Page: 12 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Ciiiriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76. objectives 1. 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, obiectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria B. Inservice for elementary principals and teachers conducted also during the curriculum revision process 08/01/92 08/31/92 L 70 5.15 Involve principals and teachers in ordering multicultural materials from local building budgets: (07/01/93) (06/30/94) a. Make available materials catalogues to building level principals Assoc Supt for Educational Prog Elem Teachers Principals b. Order and acquire materials based on curriculum to be taught A. Initial catalogue provided during 89 term 07/01/89 08/30/89 L 70 Principals 5.15 Acquisition of materials 5.15 (Instructional materials representing diverse groups will be present in all schools) B. Materials ordered and acquired C. Additional catalogues/brochures were provided to principals for current term during preschool conference, department meetings and on request D. Materials ordered based on existing curriculum for current term 5.16 Extend inservice through scheduled district level regular elementary cluster meetings (reading, language arts, social studies, art, and music) A. Initial inservice conducted 07/01/89 08/17/93 08/17/93 (07/01/93) 07/89 09/30/89 05/20/94 05/05/94 (06/30/94) 08/90 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 5.16 (Inservice on revised curriculum is being offered through minicourses and building meetings during the 1993-94 school year) B. Inservice extended during 93-94 term in all curriculum areas and programs 07/93 06/16/94 60Page: 13 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 70 L 72 L 72 L 72 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 5.17 Host three (3) education meetings for parents of elementary children to provide an overview of the comprehensive multicultural curriculum A. Completion in 09/89 during initial development B. PTA meetings/audio/visual broadcasts were conducted to give board members and parents an overview of the revised multicultural curriculum guides C. Discussion of the revised multicultural curriculum is being addressed at PTA meetings/parent conferences (07/01/93) 08/89 06/15/92 09/09/93 (06/30/94) 09/89 12/18/92 06/30/94 Division of Educational Programs 5.17 Program and roster of participants 5.17 (Assessment of multicultural education during parent conferences) 6. To develop and implement a multicultural curriculum for grades 7-12 (To implement the revised curriculum 7-12, which is multicultural) 6.1 Verify second year contract of national expert in multicultural curriculum A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development 6.2 In cooperation with the lead consultant, the Division of Educational Programs will issue a detailed curriculum development timeline for the 1989*90 school year, including a checklist for last completion (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 04/89 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 06/89 (06/30/94) (Principals, Teachers, Asst. Supts., Subject Area Supervisors) Div of Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 6. (Observation of curriculum implementation during classroom visits/teacher conferences) 6. (Improvement in student academic performance and assessment of attitude regarding learning) 6.1 Contractual commitment entered into for second year (Dr. James A. Banks was used) 6.2 Timeline completed (Timeline included in this document 6.5 - 6.19) 1Page: 14 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development 04/89 06/89 L 72 6.3 Plan and hold at least three (3) public meetings to receive suggestions from patrons in areas of multi-curriculum and programming (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 6.3 Suggestions received, reviewed, and considered A. Completion in 12/89 during initial development 09/89 12/89 L 72 6.4 Develop expectations for member participation on multicultural curriculum committee (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Assoc Supt for Desegregation 6.4 List of expectations 6.4 (Contractual agreements with curriculum writers) L 72 A. Completion in 05/89 during initial development G. Expectations developed also during the curriculum revision process 6.5 Identify secondary curriculum committee members and contract for services: 4 4 4 4 Reading Librarians Math Science 12 English 12 Social Studies 4 Music 4 Art A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development B. Committee identified also during the curriculum revision process 04/89 05/89 07/91 09/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Assoc Supt for Desegregation 6.5 Contractual implementation for each committee member 06/89 06/89 09/91 10/91 r2Page: 15 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 73 L 73 L 73 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.6 Obtain multicultural curriculum units from models used in other districts A. Completion in 09/89 during initial development B. Multicultural units obtained also during curriculum revision process 6.7 Develop expectations for use of local resource consultants in multicultural curriculum development A. Completion in 06/89 during initial development B. Expectations developed also during multicultural curriculum development 6.8 Identify secondary social studies, music, and art committee: 1991: 1992: 1993: 19 teachers: 7 social studies 6 music 6 art 11 teachers: 3 social studies 4 music 4 art 11 teachers: 3 social studies 4 music 4 art (07/01/93) 06/89 06/91 (07/01/93) 06/89 06/91 (07/01/93) (06/30/941 09/89 10/91 (06/30/941 06/89 06/91 (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Supervisor of Social Studies (Supervisor of Social Studies, Teachers in identified areas. Assoc. Supt) 6.6 Secure multicultural curriculum units for committee members 6.7 Develop expectations 6.8 Roster of committee (Guides for social studies, music and art with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms)Page: 16 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity In the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, obiectiyes 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria A. Committee members identified with phase in developed for social studies, music, and art 04/91 07/25/93 L 73 6.9 Secure the services of eight (8) local resource consultants to serve on the districtwide curriculum development committee (07/01/931 106/30/941 Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 6.9 Contract for services agreement entered into L 73 Phase in Multicultural and learning (social studies, music, and art) (Needs to be deleted from this column) (Implemented after the identification of committee members, 6.8) A. Completion in 07/89 during initial development B. Local resource consultants utilized during the revised curriculum process 6.10 Conduct inservice session or "Methods for Developing Multicultural Learning Strategies" to include (a) understanding the rationale, trends, and goals of multicultural curriculum and (b) establishing procedures for developing a multicultural curriculum 07/89 07/89 12/91 05/30/92 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs Supervisor of Social Studies 6.10 Roster of participants A. Completion in 10/89 during initial development 07/89 10/89 B. Staff development conducted in conjunction with the revised curriculum procedures 07/92 04/93 6.10 (Original Inservice completed. Ongoing inservice will be documented and evaluated by participants) C. Extended staff development conducted at preschool, department, cluster, and school meetings 08/16/93 06/30/94 D. Role-playing and group projects 07/01/93 06/30/94 E. Discussions of race relations and ethnicity as they relate to the classroom, the school and the society 07/01/93 06/30/94 L 74 6.11 Conduct last task completion monitoring as identified in timeline (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Programs 6.11 Tasks completed in accordance with timeline 04Page: 17 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, obiectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria L 74 L 74 L 74 A. Completion in 12/89 during initial development B. Task completion monitoring conducted also during the curriculum revision process 6.12 Operationalize the curriculum development timeline (monthly) meetings with specific dates developed in cooperation with committee members A. Completion in 05/90 during initial development B. Curriculum development timeline operationalized during revision process 6.13 Review and edit the comprehensive guide for each content area at each grade level (social studies, music, and art) A. Completion in 05/90 during initial development B. Guides for social studies, music, and art reviewed and edited 6.14 Type and print all guides for social studies, music, and art A. Social Studies guides typed and printed 09/89 12/89 10/91 06/04/93 (07/01/93) (06/30/94) Supervisor of Social Studies (Teachers in identified areas. Assoc. Supt. for Curriculum) 6.12 Meetings held according to timeline 6.12 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) 09/89 10/91 {07/01/931 04/90 06/91 (07/01/93) 06/91 05/90 06/04/93 106/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 6.13 6.13 Review and edit guides (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) 05/90 06/11/93 (06/30/94) 07/15/93 Assoc Supt for Educ Programs Supv-Soc Studies 6.14 Guides typed and printed 6.14 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms)Page: 18 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23, 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code
12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal
To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1,2,3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria B. Draft forms of music and art guides in schools 06/91 08/16/93 L 74 6.15 Conduct inservice for all secondary administrators and teachers 107/01/93) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educ Programs 6.15 Monitoring of inservice 6.15 (Guides for social studies, art and music with a multicultural focus will be implemented in LRSD classrooms) L 74 A. Completion in 09/90 during initial development B. Inservice for secondary administrators and teachers conducted also for revised curriculum and phase-in 6.16 Involve principals and teachers in ordering multicultural materials from local building budgets: (a) Make available materials catalogues to building level principals (b) Order and acquire materials based on curriculum to be taught A. Initial catalogues/brochures distributed to building principals by curriculum coordinators B. Materials based on curriculum ordered and acquired C. Additional materials based on revised curriculum ordered and acquired nc 07/90 09/90 07/91 08/20/93 (07/01/90) (06/30/94) Assoc Supt for Educational Programs 6.16 Materials purchased 6.16 (Instructional materials representing diverse groups will be present in all secondary schools) 07/90 07/90 08/17/93 09/90 12/90 03/25/94Page: 19 Program Seq 04 Revision Date: June 23. 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Marie McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD and the NLRSD to promote multicultural activities and curriculum development. (Applies only to page 76, objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.) Plan Reference Page Number L 74 L 75 L 75 Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria 6.17 Monitor the use of curriculum guides A. Periodic curriculum monitoring being implemented 6.18 Extend inservice through scheduled district level regular council meetings (reading. English, social studies, science, art, and music for the secondary level) A. Inservice extended with revised curriculum 6.19 Host three (3) education meetings for parents of secondary children to provide an overview of the comprehensive multicultural curriculum A. Completed on 09/30/90 with initial development B. PTA Open House meetings were conducted to give parents an overview of the revised multicultural curriculum guides C. Curriculum overview/explanation is conducted at PTA meetings and parent conferences (07/01/93) 09/01/93 (07/01/93) 07/93 (07/01/93) (07/01/93) 09/01/90 09/92 09/09/93 (06/30/94) 06/30/94 (06/30/94) 06/30/94 (06/30/94) (06/30/94) 09/30/90 12/92 06/30/94 Principals Area Supervisors Assoc Supt and Staff for Educational Programs Assoc Supt for Educational Programs (Content Area Supervisor. Principals) 6.17 Schedule/Documentation 6.17 (Observation of curriculum implementation during classroom visits and teacher conferences) 6.17 (Improvement in student achievement and attitude toward self and learning) 6.18 Agenda of meetings, roster of participants 6.18 Additional inservice will occur through minicourses and council meetings during 1993- 94) 6.19 Program and roster of participantsPage: 20 Program Seq #: 04 Revision Date: June 23. 1994 Program Name: Multicultural Curriculum Program Code: 12 Primary Leader: Estollo Matthis Secondary Leader: Marin McNeal Program Goal: To ensure educational equity in the elementary and secondary curriculum and program areas. (Applies to entire document except for page 76. objectives 1. 2, 3. 4.) To collaborate with the PCSSD
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.
<dcterms_creator>Little Rock School District</dcterms_creator>