MAGNET REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA October 8, 2013 I. Call to Order II. Review of the Corrected Minutes of August 13, 2013 Reading of the Minutes of September 24, 2013 Ill. General Report A. Correspondence B. Financial Transactions C. Newspaper Articles D. Recruitment Update 1. Principals' Recruitment Reports 2. October 1, 2013 Enrollment Report E. LRSD Original Magnet Schools Personnel - Vacancies and New Hires IV. Business and/or Action Items A. Student Registration Office Report on Seating Placement Process B. Discussion of LRSD's Monetary Support to Stipulation Magnet Schools C. Discussion of Magnet Schools Evaluation Report - New Submission D. Set Next Meeting Date V. Adjournment MAGNET REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES August 13, 2013 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Magnet Review Committee was held in the Magnet Review Committee Office, 1920 North Main Street, Suite 101, North Little Rock, Arkansas on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Members Present: Dr. Sadie Mitchell, Chairperson - LRSD Oliver Dillingham, ADE Dr. Robert Clowers, PCSSD Danny Reed, ADE Joy Springer, Joshua lntervenors Members Absent: Micheal Stone, NLRSD Guests: Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer - LRSD Margie Powell, ODM Corrected September 24, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. by Chairperson Dr. Sadie Mitchell. She immediately called for a reading of the minutes of July 10, 2013. Joy Springer offered one correction to the minutes. Oliver Dillingham made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected, and Dr. Robert Clowers seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. Copies of an e-mail received from Dr. Robert Clowers, PCSSD MRC representative, were given to Committee members. Dr. Clowers provided information that Dr. Janice Warren is now the Assistant Superintendent for Equity and Pupil Services, as well as continuing as the Director of Elementary Education. Dr. Clowers also provided contact information for Dr. Warren. No action was required by the MRC. An e-mail was sent to all Student Registration Offices to notify them of the scheduled date for the annual SWAP meet, planned for Monday, July 29, 2013, in the IVIRC Office. Copies were given to MRC members for their information. Dr. Sadie Mitchell provided MRC members with a copy of an e-mail she sent to a parent concerned about her student's acceptance to Central rather than Parkview. No action was required by the MRC. Bills in the amount of $174.78 were presented for payment. Oliver Dillingham made a motion to pay the bills, and Dr. Clowers seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously to pay the bills. With regard to newspaper articles since the previous MRC meeting, two e-mails were given to MRC members for their information. These articles came from the office of Hogan Lovells and related to Civil Rights issues. When talking about a recruitment update, it was noted that several contacts have been received from parents regarding their children's assignment for the new school year. The MRC Office has been answering their calls and following up on information at their request. An ad has been placed with the Metro Little Rock Magazine, which has a shelf-life of one year and is given to new families moving into the area. Copies were given to MRC members for their information. Vacancies and new hires at the Stipulation Magnet Schools include a new Principal at Mann Magnet, Keith McGee, and an Assistant Principal at Booker, Charlotte Cornice. Dr. Mitchell has requested that her secretary compile a list of all support staff and custodians who also have been hired, and she will have that available for the next MRC meeting. Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer at Little Rock School District, came to the table to present preliminary budget information for the Stipulation magnet schools. The average in the schools for the previous year is the basis for the -2- new budget. The average is down in all schools except for Gibbs, with the total average now at 3,371.88. Dr. Mitchell noted that the MRC used to submit the budget in July of each year, but now the timeline is set for a September submission. She called the Committee's attention to a Court Order received from Judge Price indicating that a September submission was in order. Mr. Bailey also noted that Arkansas is behind time in providing their indirect costs rates, and no information was received from the State until April, 2013. It should have been received in October, 2012. Mr. Bailey further explained that indirect costs are costs that are not used for student services. Ms. Springer asked Mr. Bailey if LRSD is going to continue with the magnet schools when none of the funding is available. Has it been discussed how LRSD will be funding the schools? Mr. Bailey said it all depends, but it has been discussed. They may have to re-do attendance zones. It all depends on the judge and whether he will want the schools to stay in existence. Dr. Mitchell noted that LRSD did not try for the MSAP Grant for Stipulation magnet schools. They had this grant before and are researching for different methods of funding. Dr. Clowers said that PCSSDis talking about a phase-out if funding is stopped for magnet schools. It will depend on the judge. Ms. Springer asked if all the districts are all planning for the ending of funding for magnet schools. Mr. Bailey said thinking is that there will be a five-seven year phase-out. But, you still have to see if districts will allow students to cross district lines. Dr. Mitchell thanked Mr. Bailey for coming before the MRC and told him they are looking for his budget submission in September. -3- A draft copy of a Job Description for Director of the Magnet Review Committee Office was given to all Committee members for their review. Ms. Springer wants to give it consideration and talk about it at the next meeting. She will need at least a day or two to go over it. Dr. Mitchell said she didn't know if there was an urgency for the posting. Danny Reed asked who does the interviewing and hiring. Dr. Mitchell said that LRSD does so in accordance with their guidelines, but with the input of the MRC. Dr. Clowers asked about the oversight of curriculum requirement. Dr. Mitchell that Donna Creer did a lot of work with the schools as the oversight of curriculum requirements. With regard to the Stipulation Magnet Schools Evaluation Report, MRC members were given a packet of correspondence which occurred recently with Dr. Jeanne Dreyfus, External Evaluator. In the end, Dr. Dreyfus felt it was a lot larger than she had expected and suggested that a new evaluator be hired. Dr. Mitchell said that she would talk to Dr. Karen DeJarnette, in LRSD, to see what could be done. Dr. Mitchell will report back to the MRC in September. A discussion was held with regard to Mann Magnet's discipline program. A copy of the report prepared by Cassandra Steele was given to each Committee member. Ms. Springer noted that she had asked if this discipline program was placed in all the middle school magnets, and the answer is yes. Ms. Springer is pleased that students will be able to access the program from their area school. Dr. Clowers complimented Ms. Springer about a great job she did recently for PCSSDd iscussing the deseg plan with school personnel. Dr. Mitchell said that all Business and Action Items, with the exception of Mann's discipline program will remain as agenda items for the next MRC meeting. It was agreed by consensus that the next MRC meeting will be held in the MRC Office on September 17, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. -4- When no further business was brought before the Committee, Joy Springer made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Oliver Dillingham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. -5- MAGNET REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES September 24, 2013 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Magnet Review Committee was held in the Magnet Review Committee Office, 1920 North Main Street, Suite 101, North Little Rock, Arkansas on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. Members Present: Dr. Sadie Mitchell, Chairperson - LRSD Dr. Robert Clowers, PCSSD Oliver Dillingham, ADE Joy Springer, Joshua lntervenors Michael Stone, NLRSD Members Absent: Danny Reed, ADE Guests: Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer - LRSD Margie Powell, ODM Jean Ring, Finance and Accounting - LRSD The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chairperson Dr. Sadie Mitchell. She immediately called for a reading of the minutes of August 13, 2013. Joy Springer requested a correction to the minutes, and Dr. Sadie Mitchell also noted one. Oliver Dillingham made a motion to accept the minutes, with corrections, and Micheal Stone seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. One item in correspondence was provided to MRC members for their information. This e-mail informed the Committee that, when the office was closed for a week at the end of August, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette donated the MRC's subscription newspapers to the NEWSPAPERin EDUCATIONp rogram. Bills in the amount of $1,314.51 were presented for payment. Dr. Robert Clowers made a motion to pay the bills, and Oliver Dillingham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Several copies of informative articles were given to MRC members for their information. Some of the articles were from a reputable Washington, D.C. law firm about civil rights rulings, and another article was from Magnet Schools of America about the success of magnet schools. Dr. Mitchell provided a brief overview. With regard to a recruitment update, Dr. Mitchell reported that an ad has been placed with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, WHERE WE LIVE, which is in magazine form with a wide circulation. She also informed the MRC that Magnet Fair will be held at McCain Mall this year on January 25, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Committee was also informed that several Open Houses were held recently, and the MRC had representation at them. Also with regard to recruitment, a report from each of the Stipulation magnet schools was given to MRC members. This report outlined the recruitment activities taking place by of each of the schools. Ms. Springer questioned whether the opening of new schools in Little Rock School District will have an effect on magnet schools, especially elementary and middle school recruitment. She said this needs to be brought to MRC's attention. Dr. Mitchell responded that she is keeping a watchful eye on the Stipulation magnet schools. She also noted that there always will be competition, and that is a good thing. Dr. Mitchell reported to the MRC that LRSD is transforming one of their middle schools to K-8 (Forest Heights) and Geyer Springs elementary to Gifted and Talented. -2- The ten-day count for Stipulation magnet schools was presented to MRC members. A discussion was held, and it was requested that someone from the Student Registration Office come before the MRC at the next meeting to explain their process for seating students. Dr. Mitchell said she would make the request to Student Registration. Dr. Mitchell's Office prepared a list of all new personnel in the Stipulation magnet schools. A copy was given to all Committee members. Dr. Mitchell noted that these employments are mainly replacements. Mr. Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer, and Ms. Jean Ring, Finance and Accounting, LRSD, came to the table to present the final Stipulation Magnet Schools Budget for 2012-13 and the proposed budget for 2013-14. The increase for the 2013-14 budget over the 2012-13 actual expenditures is approximately $350,000, and the proposed ADM is approximately $105 more. The increase takes into account salary step increases and insurance contributions. The amounts for the 2013-14 proposed budget are $30,632,134 for the six Stipulation magnets, with a figure of $9,085 for PPE. Ms. Springer asked where the money is that was in the PRE budget, and Mr. Bailey explained that budgets have been cut in LRSD. Dr. Mitchell then asked Mr. Bailey if it would be possible to prepare information that shows what LRSD is contributing to the costs in the Stipulation magnet schools. Mr. Bailey said that he would provide this information for the next MRC meeting. Dr. Mitchell asked for a motion to approve the 2013-14 proposed Stipulation magnet schools budget. Dr. Robert Clowers made the motion to accept the proposed budget, and Micheal Stone seconded it. The motion carried unanimously (6-0}, with Oliver Dillingham voting the proxy vote of Danny Reed for the ADE. Micheal Stone then moved to accept the actual expenditures for the Stipulation magnet schools for the 2012-13 school year. Oliver Dillingham seconded it, and the motion carried unanimously. -3- II ,. ,, ..., . I Dr. Mitchell reported that 20 applications have been received for the Executive Director position. Since the job posting has now closed, Dr. Mitchell will be working on forming an interview team and setting individual interviews. She plans to have a report on progress at the next MRC meeting. With regard to the Magnet Schools Evaluation Report, Dr. Mitchell reported that she has not had time to talk with Dr. Karen DeJarnette. She will talk with her but, if anyone has any suggestions, please let Dr. Mitchell know. A revised lnterdistrict Magnet School Enrollment Policy was provided to MRC members for their information. This revision covers the inclusion of sibling preference at the middle school level. Joy Springer made a motion to approve the policy as submitted, and Oliver Dillingham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. It was agreed by consensus to hold the next MRC on Tuesday, October 8, 2013, in the MRC Office. When no further business was brought before the Committee, Dr. Robert Clowers made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Micheal Stone seconded it. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. -4- Case: 4:82-cv-00866-DPM Document#: 4781-0 Date Filed: 10/17/2012 Page 9 of 16 L.lne Ii.em Cor.ts - .. Annro'\ced Actual Pr=osed. car
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)OO()r $2557 9?5 Magnet Review From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mitchell, Sadie [] Tuesday, September 24, 2013 5:09 PM Fields, Frederick Magnet Review MRC Meeting - October 8 The MRC has requested someone from SRO to attend the MRC meeting October 8 at 8:30 to discuss the magnet school assignment process. Can you come with them. It is all good, nothing negative? Sandy will give you a reminder call prior to that date. o virus found in this message. Checked by A VG - \\ \,\\\ .a,g.corn Version: 2013.0.3408 / Virus Database: 3222/6692 - Release Date: 09/23/13 Magnet Review Committee 1920 North Main Street, Suite 101 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114 (501) 758-0156 {Phone} (501) 758-5366 {Fax} {E-mail} September 25, 2013 The Honorable D.P. Marshall, Jr. Judge, U. S. District Court Eastern District of Arkansas 501 West Capitol Room B-149 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Judge Marshall: On September 24, 2013, Mr. Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer, Little Rock School District, provided the Magnet Review Committee with the budget figures delineating the actual expenditures for the Stipulation original magnet school budgets for 2012-2013, as well as the proposed budget for the 2013-2014 school year. The information is contained in the attachment and was presented to MRC members for their review and vote on that same date. The Magnet Review Committee, by formal motion and vote of 6-0 via actual attendance at the MRC meeting on September 24, 2013, approved the final budget (actual expenditures) for the 2012-2013 school year. The proposed budget for the 2013-2014 school year also was approved with a 6-0 vote during the same meeting. Listed below is a recap of the budget information which is now being presented to the Court for approval: l. FINAL 2012-2013 STIPULATED ORIGINAL MAGNET SCHOOLS BUDGET The total amount originally budgeted, $29,655,558, was based on a per-pupil expenditure of $8,480, calculated from a projected third quarter average enrollment of 3,497 students. Once the actual attendance (3,372) and expenditure ($30,280,949) numbers were determined, the final per pupil amount was calculated to be $8,980, which was $500 more than originally budgeted. A Funding By Source schedule is shown on Page 2 of the attachment representing the costs allocated to each of the four (4) parties. "Pursue the Possibilities of Magnel School Enrollment" The Honorable D .P. Marshall -2- September 25, 2013 2. PROPOSED 2013-2014 STIPULATED ORIGINAL MAGNET SCHOOLS BUDGET The total proposed budget for the 2013-2014 school year is $30,632,134, based on a proposed third quarter Average Daily Membership of 3,372, which results in a per-pupil expenditure of $9,085 and an increase of $105 per pupil from the 2012- 2013 actual rate. Final negotiations, including revisiting the salary schedule during the 2013-14 school year are not complete at this time. Included in the Funding by Source Summary portion of the attached report are the cost breakdowns for each school district and the State. The Magnet Review Committee respectfully requests the Court's review and approval of both the 2012-2013 finalized actual expenditures in the amount of $30,280,949, with a per pupil expenditure of $8,980, as well as the proposed 2013-2014 budget, attached herewith. The Magnet Review Committee is committed to maintaining the quality of the Stipulation magnet schools. We will continue to work with the host district as we exercise stringent oversight of the magnet schools' budget in an effort to achieve and ensure efficient management and cost containment to the greatest extent possible. Sincerely, ~ ,Y n ', - ~z9-~--~.A.{f\ff u:Ik uv Sadie Mitchell, Chairperson Magnet Review Committee SM/DGC:sl Attachment: Final 2012-2013 Stipulation Magnet Schools Budget Actual Expenditures Proposed 2013-2014 Stipulation Magnet Schools Budget cc: Office of Desegregation Monitoring Magnet Review Committee 1. Arkansas Business MAGNET REVIEW COMMITTEE BILLS TO BE PAID October 8, 2013 (Advertising in the Metro Little Rock Guide) 2. American Home Life (MRC's Office Rent for October, 2013) 3. American Home Life (MRC's Communications Expense for September, 2013) TOTAL BILLS TO BE PAID 2,195.00 825.00 182.50 $3,202.50 Magnet Review From: Sent: To: Subject: Magnet Schools of America (] Friday, September 27, 2013 3:37 PM Magnet Review U.S. Department of Education Announces MSAP Awardees ,. - .-MAGNET SCHOO~ OF AMERICA PRESS RELEASE U.S. Department of Education Announces New Awards for Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Washington, DC, September 27, 2013 - The U.S. Department of Education announced that 27 school districts in 12 states will receive $89.8 in funding through the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP). These grants will help school districts to create, expand, and improve public magnet school programs and increase school choice options for parents, families and students. MSAP is the only federal education grant that is designed specifically to promote school integration and diversity in America's classrooms. It was established in 1985 and has played an integral role in helping school districts create magnet schools across the country. "I am confident this new cohort of MSAP grantees will utilize this federal support to create truly dynamic educational programs that will prepare students for college and future careers," said Magnet Schools of America, Executive Director, Scott Thomas. "I am discouraged, however by the decrease in the overall number of awards that were given this year. Too many racially and socioeconomically segregated school districts still need federal assistance and support. MSAP provides desperately needed dollars that help revitalize schools and communities, and gives students real opportunity and access to bright futures." Over the last three years, the Magnet Schools Assistance Program has been reduced by approximately $8.2 million due to reprogramming of funds, across-the-board cuts, and sequestration. Since 2002, MSAP has been cut by almost $20 million. During the last grant cycle, 37 school districts received MSAP funding in 16 states. Only ten years ago, 50 school districts were able to receive awards. This downward trend is alarming to the magnet school community. MSAP grants are an invaluable resource for school districts that are seeking to improve the educational outcomes of students in low-performing and racially isolated schools. By implementing theme-based curriculum and instruction, magnet schools are able to breakdown traditional school attendance boundaries and attract students of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. A 2012 UCLA Civil Rights Project survey of previously funded MSAP school districts found that nearly three-quarters of federally supported magnet schools had waiting lists, demonstrating the high demand and popularity of these schools. The study also 1 found that student academic achievement increased in these magnet schools, and the programs were able to flourish and sustain themselves after the duration of their grant. This is a valuable return on investment of federal dollars. [1] Given this success, our association has strongly supported President Obama's proposals to increase funding for MSAP. In his first two budgets, the president requested a $10 million increase to the program, or $110 million in overall funding. This year, the White House has proposed another budget increase for MSAP in its FY 2014 budget. We hope that Congress will follow the president's lead and take steps to pass a budget that ensures MSAP is robustly funded. This will allow additional school districts to create high quality magnet programs that promote academic excellence and equity for all students. MSA encourages all its members to visit its Grassroots Action Center and ask Congress to increase support for the Magnet Schools Assistance Program. ### For additional information, please contact Executive Director, Scott Thomas at scott. thomas@mag net. ed u or John Laughner, Legislative and Communications Manager at [1] Reviving Magnet Schools: Strengthening a Successful Choice Option, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley and Erica Frankenberg, February 03, 2012 http: //civil rig htsproject. ucla .ed u/research/k-12-ed ucation/i ntegration-andd iversity/revivi ng-mag net-schools-strengthen i ng-a-successfu 1-choice-option/M SAPbrief-02-02-12. pdf Like us on Face book I} I View our profile on Linked fl:l Forward this email :C.VSafvUnsubscribc This email was sent to by Update Profile/Email Address Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe'" Privacy Policy. Magnet Schools of America 1909 K Street, NW Suite C-140 Washington DC 20006 No virus found in this message. Checked by A VG - Version: 2013.0.3408 / Virus Database: 3222/6703 - Release Date: 09/27/13 2 ...... ..,- ''u:i.L~::, trnai/ i'1:.:
rl) ConstanCt ont.act" l1 t 11.. '.JI, . U.S. Department of Education Awards $89.8 Million in Magnet School Assistance Progra ... Page 1 of 3 U.S. Department of Education AdvanceSde arch Search fl!llifu!!I !'l1lli ~ ti= Af12l!l:..ill. U.S. Department of Education Awards $89.8 Million in Magnet School Assistance Program Grants Grants will help 27 school districts in 12 states desegregate schools, expand school choice and increase parental options SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 Contact: Press Office, {202) 4011576, cma,rroorcsso@oevdl U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the award of $89.8 million in Magnet School Assistance Program {MSAP) {hqp:{ grants to 27 school districts in 12 states. The awards will help school districts increase public school choices for parents and help districts attract a diverse group of students from throughout their communities. "Magnet schools help increase public school options for parents and students in communities across the country," Secretary Duncan said. "These grants will help students gain access to challenging curricula that will help prepare them for college and 21st century careers." Magnet School Assistance Program grants, administered by the Department's Office of Innovation and Improvement, provide funding to districts for up to three years. The first-year grants range in size from $737,626 to $4 million. The awards will help school districts bring diverse groups of children together through the use of innovative educational programs and wlll create more school choices for parents. The funds awarded through MSAP also help school districts establish new magnet schools or expand existing magnet programs that are part of a school district's voluntary or required desegregation plan. The purpose of the program is to: Eliminate, reduce, or prevent minority group isolation in elementary and secondary schools with substantial proportions of minority students
Develop and implement magnet school programs that will assist in achieving systemic reforms and provide all students the opportunity to meet challenging state academic content standards and student achievement standards
Develop innovative educational methods and practices that promote diversity and increase choices in public elementary and secondary schools
Promote courses of instruction within magnet schools that will substantially strengthen students' knowledge of academic subjects and attainment of tangible and marketable vocational, technological, and professional skills
Improve the capacity of school districts to continue operating magnet schools after federal funding ends
and, Ensure that all students in magnet schools programs have equitable access to high-quality education that enables them to succeed academically and continue with post-secondary education or productive employment. Following is a list of HSAP grantees for fiscal year 2013: Arkansas Texarkana Arkansas School District - $3,142,066 Texarkana, Arkansas California Los Angeles Unified School District - $3,714,306 Los Angeles, California Napa Valley Unified School District - $2,834,293 Napa, California Oxnard School District - $4,000,000 Oxnard, California Pasadena Unified School District - $3,141,770 Pasadena, California San Diego Unified School District - $3,853,939 San Diego, California Ventura Unified School District - $3,379,273 Ventura, California Colorado Pueblo City School District #60 - $3,433,666 Pueblo, Colorado Connecticut htto :// www .ed.1 2:0v/ news/oress-releases/us-deoartment-educatio n-award s-89 R-m i 11io n-ma (1 qrrnnn11 . U.S. Department of Education Awards $89.8 Million in Magnet School Assistance Progra... Page 2 of 3 Bridgeport City School District - $3,239,384 Bridgeport, Connecticut LEARN - $3,979,313 Old Lyme (Hartford, Windham, New London and Norwich), Connecticut New Haven Public Schools - $3,733,989 New Haven, Connecticut Florida Brevard Public Schools - $3,999,747 Viera, Florida Seminole County Public Schools - $737,626 Sanford, Florida The School Board of Broward County - $3,993,290 Fort Lauderdale, Florida The School Board of Miami-Dade County - $3,532,735 Miami, Florida The School Board of Polk County - $3,997,000 Bartow, Florida Kansas Unified School District 259 (DBA Wichita Public Schools) - $3,999,993 Wichita, Kansas Massachusetts Springfield Public Schools - $3,850,000 Springfield, Massachusetts Michigan Lansing School District - $3,396,230 Lansing, Michigan Mississippi Clarksdale Municipal School District - $1,995,391 Clarksdale, M,ss,ssippi New York New York City Community School Districts 13 and 15 - $3,150,000 Brooklyn, New York New York City Community School District 28 - $2,836,829 Jamaica, New York South Carolina Richland School District Two - $1,683,734 Columbia, South Carolina School D,stnct Five of Lexington and Richland Counties - $3,990,500 Irmo, South Carolina Texas Galveston Independent School District - $4,000,000 Galveston, Texas Houston Independent School District - $3,999,597 Houston, Texas Waco Independent School District - $2,199,120 Waco, Texas Tags: Tweet 39 Like n<ls-R9R-mi11ion-m::io Q/1()/?()11 . U.S. Department of Education Awards $89.8 Million in Magnet School Assistance Progra ... Page 3 of 3 Notice of Language Assistance:~ I ~ I T &: W!fl1'1I' ~ I .et3.Ql I ll!lfilQ!I I PyccKH Q/1()/7()11 Attached is the title page and the Table of Contents to a recent report from Hogan Lovells, which is entitled, "The October, 2012 Term of the United States Supreme Court and Its Impact on Public Schools." The report is 24 pages long
however, if anyone wants a copy I do have it in electronic form and would be happy to forward it on to you. THE OCTOBER 2012 TERM OFTHE U ITED STATES SUPREME COURT A D ITS IMPACT O P BLIC SCHOOLS By John W. Borkowski Christopher A. Lott TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. RACE-CONSCIOUS DECISION-MAKI G II. EMPLOYMENT A. VANCE V. BALL STATE UNIVERSITY B. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER V. 1 3 6 6 NAS~R 8 C. GENESIS HEALTHCARE CORP. V. SYMCZYK 10 D. EMPLOYMENT CASES THE COURT DECLINED TO REVIEW 12 III. VOTING RIGHTS 13 IV. FOURTH AME DME T 16 V. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE 17 A. THE DEFINITION OF "SPOUSE" U DER FEDERAL LAW 17 B. ST ATE DEFI ITIO S OF MARRIAGE 19 VI. SPECIAL EDUCATIO 20 VII. A PREVIEW OF THE OCTOBER 2013 TERM 21 A. RACE AND THE POLITICAL PROCESS 21 B. AGE DISCRIMI A TIO I EMPLOYMENT 22 C. EST ABLISHME T CLAUSE 23 D. CASES WHICH THE COURT MAY REVIEW 23 Magnet Review From: Sent: To: Subject: Magnet Review Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:29 PM 'Price, Deborah' RE: parkview requireent Okay, thank you. I will make the changes on our forms for 2014-15 ! Sandy From: Price, Deborah [mailto:Deborah.Price@lrsd.org1 Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:27 PM To: Magnet Review Subject: RE: parkview requireent Yep have band From: Magnet Review [] Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 2:44 PM To: Price, Deborah Cc: Mitchell, Sadie
Fields, Frederick
Crawford, Andreia Subject: RE: parkview requireent Yes, please do it since it does not apply anymore. We still do have the Band requirement though, don't we? Thanks, Sandy From: Price, Deborah [mailto:Deborah.Price@lrsd.org1 Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 2:39 PM To: Magnet Review Cc: Fields, Frederick
Crawford, Andreia Subject: parkview requireent Sandy, The course offered for math have changed for next year. 8th grade students will not be able to take prealgebra or algebra I - so the requirement of a C or better for Parkview Science needs to be removed. I need your permission to do this!! No virus found in this message. Checked by A VG - Version: 2013.0.3408 / Virus Database: 3222/6710 - Release Date: 09/30/13 INTERDISTRICT MAGNET SCHOOL APPLICATION OFFICEU SEO NLY Dater eceivedb y homed istrict (Please Print or Type) Time_: __ _ STUDENT'S NAME: _______________ Soc. Sec.#: _________ _ YOUR RESIDENT DISTRICT: NORTH LITTLE ROCK PULASKI COUNTY ____ _ GRADE LEVEL AS OF SEPTEMBER, 2013: __________________ _ SCHOOL ATTENDED DURING THE 2012-13 SCHOOL YEAR: ____________ _ DATE OF BIRTH: _________ SEX: _______ RACE: ________ _ ** ADDRESS: _______________________________ _ (Street Address Only - No P.O. Box) City: _________________ State: ________ Zip Code: ______ _ PARENT OR PERSON HAVING CUSTODY OR CHARGE OF STUDENT: _________ _ ** PARENT'S MAILING ADDRESS (IfDifferent Than Above): ___________________ _ City: _________________ State: ________ Zip Code: ______ _ **HOME PHONE:____________ ** BUSINESS PHONE:~c~1n~a,-ca~te-w~h-,c~h-p-a,--ennu~-tm-w~h--o-e,-~-,~-kJs -a~t ** CELL NUMBER: ___________ _ **MESSAGE NUMBER: _________ _ ** Please use current/ accurate information. If we cannot reach you, we cannot process your application ORIGINAL MAGNET SCHOOL DESIRED: (Indicate l", 2"", and 3'" Choice) Elementary Booker Arts (K-5) Carver Basic Skills/ Math-Science (K-5) Gibbs International Studies (K-5) Williams Traditional (K-5) SIBLINGS ENROLLED IN ELEMENTARY MAGNETS: Secondary Mann Arts ( 6-8) Check box if you have a preference for orchestra Mann Science (6-8) Parkview Arts (9-12) Rank your special program preference Student Name School in numerical order: !. __________________ _ *Band Prcrcquisilc one year band experience grades 71 I Dance Drama 2. ------------------- Orchestra 3. ------------------- Visual Arts Vocal Music (For questions regarding sibling preference, contact your Student Registration Office or the Magnet Review Committee, 758-0156) __ /Parkview Science (9-12) ~.,.,,. "c o DOES THIS STUDENT REQUIRE TRANSPORTATION? DOES THIS STUDENT RECEIVE SPECIAL SERVICES? IF YES, PLEASE INDICATE HOW SERVICES ARE RECEIVED: *Note Prerequisite =-necessary ___ YES --- YES ___ NO --- NO cr1nPrcAI~ or Algebra'_/ HEALTH PLAN --- IEP/SPECIAL EDUCATIO SECTION 504 ACCOMMODA TIO PLA ___ SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION I give permission to the current school my child attends to release any information needed to complete processing of this application. PARE T'S SIG ATURE: --------------------------------- (PI case print . Then sign) Date Please return to your resident school district: North Little Rock School District Pulaski County Special School District Office of Desegregation Equity and Pupil Services 2700 Poplar, P.O. Box 687 925 E. Dixon Road, P.O. Box 8601 North Little Rock, AR 72115 Little Rock, AR 72216 771-8050 234-2020 For questions or additional information, call: Magnet Review Committee Office - 758-0156 If you wish to withdraw this application for any reason, you may do so prior to assignment of your child. Once assignment 1s made, your child is obligated to attend the interdistrict magnet school for the semester in which the assignment was made. Magnet school seating is subject to racial guidelines and other conditions for placement. You will be notified by letter if your child has been assigned to a magnet school or remains on the magnet school waiting !Jst. Date 10-7-13 10-171, 8, and 21-13 10-25-13 11-7-13 11-121, 3, and 14-13 11-21-13 STIPULATIOMNA GNETS CHOOL RECRUITMENATC TIVITYR EPORT School BookerA rts MagnetS chool Activity Grade Level Flu Clinic-parents, staff, students, K-5 community DreamK eepersG' arageS ale K-5 Fall Festival K-5 "WhoW ill be the Sun?"S econdG radeP lay 2 Check Us Out from 9:00 A.M. to 1 :30 P.M. K-5 Person Responsible Uvita Scott, Nurse TamaraR inglera nd MarionH owse, Counselors CherieA bston,P TA President D.J.R amseya nd MariahR eescano, Drama Specialists Cheryl A. Carson, Principal Family Math and Literacy Night-Bring a K-5 Susan Blue, Literacy Coach
Tina Brown, Friend! Math Coach
Merilyn Burruss, Math Coach
a nd HeatheTr heodoreP, arent Facilitator Date 10/10 10/22-25 10/7- 10/11 10/30 STIPULATIOMNA GNETS CHOOL RECRUITMENATC TIVITYR EPORT School_Carver __________________ _ Activity Grade Level Person Responsible Math/SciencFea milya nd FriendsC arnival PK-5 ScienceM, atha ndY oungA stronautS p. Red Ribbon and Bully Free Week (info to PK-5 Counselor parentst o sharew ith otherf amilies) LoveY ourS choolW alkingP athP rogram PR-5 PhysicalE ducationS pecialist (info homet o parentst o sharew ith other AmericorpV istaV olunteer families) BookC haracteDr ressU p Day( community PK-5 Librarian volunteersin vitedt o judge) Recruitment Activities for Gibbs Magnet School of International Studies & Foreign Languages October 1, 2013 1. Publicity in the local news media and LRSD website A. Gibbs has been in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette newspaper twice already this year: (1) AUGUST-First Day of School with Fathers Bringing Students to School .
c.,- - __ ....,._ ' Arkansas DemocratGazette/ MELISSA SUE GERRITS 08/19/13 - Amy Nicholas embraces daughter Avery Nicholas, 7, at Gibbs Magnet Elementary School August 19, 2013 while they wait to hear which classroom Avery will be in for her first year of school at Gibbs. B. Gibbs has been featured on local television four times this year: (1) AUGUST - Japanese Students and Teacher from Niigata, Japan at Gibbs (2) SEPTEBMER - 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance with Firefighter Ceremony (3) SEPTEMBER- Ozark Water Project ( 4) SEPTEMBER 27 - Benefit and Swab Party for Teecumpsy Wiggins (4th grader with leukemia) at Dunbar Community Garden C. Gibbs has been featured on LRSD website three times already: (1) Gibbs Educator Selected for Global Conference in NYC Gibbs Educator Participates in Japan Society's Global Conference in NYC In May, Ms. Vicki Stroud Gonterman, International Studies Specialist at Gibbs International Magnet School, received a select invitation to participate in the Third Annual Going Global: International Student Social Networking Conference for Educators organized by the Japan Society. Gonterman, one of only ten US-based educators invited, attended the three day conference, August 7-9 in New York, with educators from Japan and Pakistan. The all-expenses paid conference was sponsored in part by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership and the Toshiba International Foundation. The U.S.-Japan Foundation submitted Gonterman's name for inclusion in the conference as she was their 2006 Elgin Heinz Humanities Educator of the Year. Gonterman now has a Japanese "Kamishibai" lesson published on line with the Japan Society on their educator's website! Click here to view the lesson Also, as a result of participation in the conference, Gonterman is currently establishing a new partnership with an international elementary school in Japan. Photo: Gonterman is sitting on the far right of the first table with educators from Japan and Pakistan. (2) Two LRSD Teachers Win Competitive Study Opportunity at the Truman Library Chris Gonterman, Physical Education Teacher at Hall High School, and Vicki Stroud Gonterman, International Studies Specialist at Gibbs International Magnet Elementary School, have both been selected as winners of the Summer Teachers Seminar entitled, "U.S. Presidents and the Middle East: Truman to Obama," offered by the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri this July. The two will attend the weeklong conference, along with teachers selected from across the United States, attend lectures, and utilize the Truman Library's primary source documents on Presidential Policy Making in the Middle East to create lesson plans. The competitive application process included a personal essay explaining the content and pedagogy that would be utilized in their classroom along with an application and resume. (3)Reading Quiz Bowl Results Results for Gibbs Magnet's First Reading Bowl! ibbs International Magnet School has just concluded its first Reading Bowl of the year! Students in grades 3-5 had an assigned book over the summer. Upon fheir return to school in August, the children anticipated involvement in a quiz bowl competition around their book. The competition was conducted in each classroom. The winning team in each classroom faced off against the winning team in the opposing grade level homeroom! Homeroom winners were: Third Grade - Mrs. Jennifer White's students
4th Grade - Mrs. Julie Davis's students
and Fifth Grade - Ms. Jennifer Gillespie's students! Each student on the winning teams received a certificate with their team photo. A trophy is also displayed outside each classroom! These children exhibited great sportsmanship! They are looking forward to the next Reading Quiz Bowl at Gibbs! Pictured above are ( 1) fourth graders and (2) third grade students competing in the first-ever Gibbs Reading Quiz Bowl! D. Gibbs is currently featured on the LRSD Access Channel with our "9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance" which included First Lady of Arkansas, Ginger Beebe, reading to a Kindergarten class and many other service volunteers reading in grades K-3. 2. Community Involvement: (1) SEPTEMBER 27 - Gibbs fifth graders perform at Opening Ceremony of WorldFest annually for school and community relations (City of Little Rock and LR Racial and Cultural Diversity Commission). Photos to appear on LRRCDC Website. (2) Other community events such as with the Clinton Foundation or the Sister Cities Commission as requested during the year. 3. Weekly newsletter (every Wednesday) 1st Quarter-The newsletter is called El Mundo, Spanish for The World. See separate attachments. 4. Special Days at School for Families ( 1) SEPTEMBER 6 - Grandparents Day Luncheon (2) Dads Day Luncheon (October) (3) Moms Day Luncheon (TBA) (4) Coffee Cafe (monthly) for parents and staff before school in media center September 13, October 4 5. Special Evenings at Gibbs: (1) AUGUST - New Student/Family Orientation (2) SEPTEMBER - Open House (3) MONTHLY - Scouting Nights (4) QUARTERLY - PTA Meetings SEPTEMBER 12 - 1st PTA Meeting (5) OCTOBER 22 - Family Math and Literacy Night (6) OCTOBER 23 - Fun Family Skate Night (Red Ribbon Week) (7) Family Movie Night (March) (8) International Fest (May) (9) Science Fair Family Meeting (grades 3-5) (10) Musicals each year performed by students OCTOBER 7 - "The Arts, Music, and Play: The Gibbs Way" Musical by 3rd and 4th graders (two performances, 1:00 and 6:00 p.m.) May be filmed for the LR Access Channel. 6. Magnet Schools Fair, Saturday, January 25, 2014 (1) Information booth with teachers and parents (2) Foreign Language Performances 7. Tours of the School (1) Scheduled Tours - International Studies Specialist gives scheduled tours of the school. (2) NOVEMBER 11-15 - Check Us Out Week-(including Check Us Out Days - November 12-14). We offer a week of tours with parent volunteers or International Studies Specialist. (3) JANUARY 27-FEBRUARY 7 - Open Enrollment Period. We offer tours with parent volunteers or IS Specialist for that two week period. Compiled and submitted by Vicki Stroud Gonterman El Mundo Le Monde Die Welt The World Gibbs International Magnet School Vol. No.16 Issue'No. 6 , , Gibbs Magnel School oflnternational Studies and Foreign Languages :121 C: = Inside this Newsletter IMPORTANT EVENT DATES BENEFIT FOR "LADY T" GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE AT GIBBS INTRODUCING ... MS. GASKELL NEW MINI U.N. OFFICERS FIFTH GRADERS TO PERFORM AT WORLDFEST NEWS FROM THE NURSE GIBBS PT A NEWS Important Event Dates HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH PINWHEELS FOR PEACE Thursday, September 26 5th TO WORLDFEST War Memorial Park Friday, September 27 BENEFIT FOR "LADY T" Dunbar Community Garden Friday, September 27 GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE AT GIBBS Saturday, September 28 FAMILY MATH & LITERACY NIGHT Tuesday, October 1 KST CLUB 2nd/3rd Grades Wednesday, October 2 COFFEE CAFE Friday, October 4, 7:30 a.m. COMPUTER POWER DAY Henderson Middle School Saturday, October 5 3rd141h GRADES MUSICAL 1 :00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 7 KST CLUB 4th/5th Grades Wednesday, October 9 GIBBS FLU CLINIC Monday, October 14, 12:30-3:00 PARENT CONF. EVENING Thursday, October 17 STAFF PD/RECORD DAY NO STUDENTS Friday, October 18 PARENT CONF. MORNING NO STUDENTS Monday, October 21 BENEFIT FOR LADY T YOU ARE INVITED to a Benefit and Swab Party for TEECUMPSY WIGGINS, Gibbs 4th grader in Ms. Long's classroom, at the Dunbar Community Garden, 1800 S. Chester Street, ( directly behind Dunbar Community Center), this Friday, September 27, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by local bands and local talent. There will be fun activities such as 5-minute makeovers, armbands, and raffle tickets. Concessions will also be available. A bone marrow donor registration will be available. Contact Colette Young at 501.350.5067 for more infonnation. GREEN APPLE DAY OF El Mundo SERVICE By Ian Hadden The Green Apple Day of Service Project by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Central Branch Chapter that will be done at Gibbs on Saturday, September 28, from 8:00 a.m.noon, will be the installation of a butterfly/reading garden. The new garden will be located in the green space between the center wing and the intermediate wing. We have a landscape plan that has been professionally developed. Most of the funding is coming from the USGBC Chapter. Folks are invited to help or just to stop by and check out the project. NEW MINI U.N. OFFICERS By Ms. Gonterman The 2013-14 Gibbs Mini United Nations Ambassadors had their first meeting on Monday, September 23, and elected new officers: Xander Parker - Secretary General and Nina Millender - Deputy Secretary General! Jane Landrum is the new Assistant Deputy. Our Peacebuilding Committee Chair is Laila Meredith (Spain), and Simon Nuckle (U.K.) chairs the Humanitarian Assistance Committee. Congratulations to these outstanding 5th grade leaders! FIFTH GRADERS TO PERFORM AT WORLD FEST By Ms. Gonterman Every year since the late l 980's, Gibbs International Magnet School has been asked to perform at the Opening Ceremonies of WorldFest, and Le Monde Die Welt each year our students and teachers exclaim, "Yes, of course!" It is a service to the community that we enjoy while also celebrating the diversity of our city, state, nation, and planet! Thank you, City of Little Rock and the Little Rock Racial and Cultural Diversity Commission, for inviting us once again for this honor! Students will open with the traditional and colorful International Flag Parade of Nations. Then the fifth graders divide into their three foreign language groups for performances. For the rest of the festival, students complete a "treasure hunt" where they interview people from other cultures, make crafts, play games, and visit exhibits representing many different nations around the world. INTRODUCING ... MS. GASKELL My name is Lauren Gaskell, and I am the new kindergarten teacher at Gibbs. I was born in Little Rock and grew up in Bryant. I graduated from the University of Central Arkansas with a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. I have taught at Crystal Hill Magnet Elementary (1 '1), Chenal Elementary (K and 1 '1), and Oakbrooke Elementary (3rd ). I have been married to my husband, Kevin, for five years in December. We have a 3 month old son named Ethan. We have two cats, Lucy and Squeakers. My hobbies include running marathons, reading, taking photographs, theater, and music. My husband and I love going on Disney cruises and while on those cruises we have been to Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. I have lots of expectations for my class this year but the most The World important is for my kindergarteners to grow to love learning and leave my class more than ready for first grade. I am thrilled to be a part of the Gibbs team and already feel very much a part of the family. Thank you to everyone for taking me in and helping me learn the ropes. I look forward to a wonderful year! HEALTH NEWS By Nurse Greiner Flu season is here. Following are tips as to when to keep your child(ren) home from school: ' Fever of I 00.4 or higher
' Diarrhea
' A contagious disease (chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye or conjunctivitis), until advised to return
and ' Obvious injury or illness. SA VE THIS DA TE: On Monday, October 14th , flu shots will be available to students and their families at Gibbs Magnet from 12:30 till 3:00 p.m. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to be here with your child to get flu immunizations. I will be sending out the appropriate forms the first of October. GIBBS PTA NEWS By President Johnson Our PT A membership drive is ongoing! Membership is only $5.00. Remember to save your Box Tops for Education which is an easy way to raise funds for our PT A. Mark Saturday morning, September 28, on your calendar so you can join in the Green Apple Day of Service at Gibbs building a new butterfly reading garden. Watch for upcoming information about our fall fundraiser! Gracias, El Mundo Le Monde Die Welt The World Gibbs International Magnet School Vol. No. 16 Issue No. 7 , Gibbs Magnet School orTnternational Studies and Foreign Languages ". l?7'17'fj
" , fH = Inside this Newsletter IMPORT ANT EVENT DATES GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE AT GIBBS SPECIAL NOTES OF THANKS FIFTH GRADERS PERFORM AT WORLDFEST INTRODUCING ... MS. DEBORAH BAKER Important Event Dates KST CLUB 2nd/3rd Grades Wednesday, October 2 COFFEE CAFE Friday, October 4, 7:30 a.m. COMPUTER POWER DAY Henderson Middle School Saturday, October 5 3rd/4th GRADE MUSICAL "Music! Art! And Play! The Gibbs Wayt" 1 :00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 7 KST CLUB 4th/5th Grades Wednesday, October 9 NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH WEEK OCTOBER 14-18 GIBBS FLU CLINIC Monday, October 14, 12:30-3:00 NATIONAL BOSS DAY Wednesday, October 16 PARENT CONF. EVENING Thursday, October 17 STAFF PD/RECORD DAY NO STUDENTS Friday, October 18 PARENT CONF. MORNING NO STUDENTS THAT DAY Monday, October 21 FAMILY MATH/LITERACY NIGHT Tuesday, October 22 GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE Have you seen the new butterfly reading garden between the west and middle wings by the central hallway? How lovely the walkway and planting beds are! Autumn flowers are blooming in the garden now. Thank you, Green Apple Day of Service Volunteers, from all of us at Gibbs! Special thanks go to Mr. Ian Hadden, the U.S. Green Building Council, Ms. Alfreda Johnson, and the Gibbs PTA THANK YOU, GIBBS! THE WIGGINS'S FAMILY Thank you to everyone that came out on Friday night to my benefit show. My parents told me a lot of people from the school came out to show their support. Someone took pictures and I looked at them and I saw the news story on Friday night. Thank you to everyone that was swabbed to see if they match me so I can return to school soon. I'm ready to come back I miss being at school. Since being in the hospital, I have learned to appreciate the little things like El Mundo going outside and having visitors. When my counts are low I can't leave my room or have visitors and sometimes all I want to do is just ride my bike or go to the movies. My doctors say I'm doing much better and hopefully soon I will go home. My mom has promised me that when I am allowed to go home, she will let me go to the movies with Grayce
I'm looking forward to seeing the new One Direction movie. My mom tells me that people at school ask about me all the time. Thanks everybody for thinking about me. I'm still the same Lady T-Bird, I still sound the same but I just look a little different. Once I finish chemo and have my bone marrow transplant my hair will grow back and I will be just like everyone else. (From Teecumpsy, "Lady T-Bird") This summer my family's lives were changed in a dramatic way. Although we received devastating news, it was awesome to know that our Gibbs family was committed to being with us the whole way. Since Teecumpsys' diagnosis, you all have helped us in numerous ways. This past Friday you continued to show your support. Parents and staff volunteered to have their cheeks swabbed, you made donations, purchased armbands, and participated in the silent auction and raffle. Again you reaffirmed to us that you're in this with us. Thanks for everything!!! Thanks for making Friday a success. The garden was the best place to host the party. I felt Teecumpsy's presence there. Seeing her school mates running around, playing, laughing, and enjoying food made me feel Lady T-Bird was right along with the others having fun. Friday was a good day! With your support we were able to swab 135 people and LeMonde Die Welt raised over $2,000.00! ! ! Some of the proceeds will go to and the remainder will go towards treatment/expenses related to Lady T's bone marrow transplant. Many have asked how they can give financially. An account has been set up at Centennial Bank
the account name is Shontea elson for the benefit of Teecumpsy Wiggins. Again, thank you to our Gibbs family. (From Ms. Toshua Wiggins) 5TH GRADERS AT WORLD FEST B Fifth graders at Gibbs performed at the Opening Ceremonies of WorldFest, an annual tradition. It is a service to the community that we enjoy while also celebrating the diversity of our city, state, nation, and planet! Students opened with the colorful International Flag Parade of Nations. Deputy Secretary General Nina Millender led the festivalgoers in the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the fifth graders said the Pledge in our three foreign languages, French, German, and Spanish. Secretary General Xander Parker carried the flag of the United Nations and explained how Gibbs has a Mini United Nations. Representing the three foreign languages and holding corresponding flags the following students told the audience about our foreign language program: Simon Nuckle (French), Aidan The World Luckadue (German), and Neyla Palacios (Spanish). Next, Maisy Tedder (German) announced the group performance, and the students performed the traditional German festival dance, the Birdie or Chicken Dance. Fun was had by all festival participants! INTRODUCING ... MS. DEBORAH BAKER Hello, my name is Ms. Deborah Baker and I am the new Resource Teacher at Gibbs. My hometown is Little Rock and I am a product of LRSD in grades 1st- 81h_ I went to college at the University of Arkansas and graduated in 1980 with a BSE in Special Education and Elementary Education. I am a trained Certified Academic Language Therapist and a former Reading Recovery teacher I have also taught at Pulaski Heights Elem, Stephens, Bale, Brady, and Forest Park in Little Rock and in Pulaski County schools. I was in private practice for four years. I have been married for 32 years and have three children: Stephen (30) married with my 2 grandchildren in the Navy, Kevin (28) married, and Leslie (24). We have two dogs, registered labs, Porter and Buck. My hobbies are being outdoors around water activities and working in the yard. The teachers I have met and collaborate with have been very welcoming and helpful. The building is clean and friendly. Here is a message to my students, "You are all winners." I will work hard for my students each and every day, and I want my students to work hard, too. Gracias, Dr. Felicia Hobbs, Principal Date 11/13- 5/14 8/13-5/14 1/13/14 11/13- 5/14 8/13-5/14 8/13-5/14 11/13- 5/14 11/10/13 10/15/13 8/13-5/14 STIPULATIOMNA GNEST CHOOL RECRUITMENATC TIVITYR EPORT School:W illiamsT raditionaMl agneSt chool Activity Grade Level SCHOOTLO UR SCHOOWL EBSITE K-5 PRE K ROUNDUP K FOLLOWU PC ALL K UPDATEM ARQUEE BROCHUREPSL ACEDA T SCHOOL K BUSINESPSA RTNERS STUDENATR TWORPKL ACEDA T SCHOOL K-5 BUSINESPSA RTNERS HOSTH ISPANICH ERITAGFEE STIVAL K-5 HOSTF LUC LINIC(O PENT OP UBLIC WILLIAMSM AGNEBT UMPERS TICKERS K-5 Person Responsible Mary Rowe PTA &STAFF SheffieldD uke Terri Cross PTA MargareRt oulston Amanda Mamula AssemblyC ommittee Nurse Kelly PTA Date 9/19/13 10/02/13 10/29/13 11/12/1-3 11/14/13 STIPULATIOMNA GNETS CHOOL RECRUITMENATC TIVITYR EPORT SchoolH: oraceM annA rts/S cienceM agneMt iddleS chool Activity GradeL evel PersonR esponsible Performanc-eO penH oused: anceb, and&, Middle MarcusJ ohnsonB, eckyW ebb&, Traci piano Presley Casto f Wicked Middle TraciP resleyH, ollyW hite&, OlympiaS mith MannM agneFt allF estival Elementary TraciP resleyH, ollyW hiteM, arcusJ ohnson, YvonneB oldenL, isaW alker-WheelTero,m McDonaldS,u sanC hambersB,e ckyW ebb, LaurenM arlinK, imW ashingtoWn, endy Welch CheckU sO ut Elementary WelchW endyK, imW ashingtoYn,v onne BoldenS, usanC hambersL,a urenM arlin, Lisa Kindrick Date 10/4/13 10/5/13 10/8/13 11/1/13 STIPULATIOMNA GNETS CHOOL RECRUITMENATC TIVITYR EPORT School: ParkviewH ighS chool Activity Grade Level Person Responsible "Art MayE scapeY ou" 10th- 12th Alzheimer'sW alk 10th-1 2th "Tales of the Crypt" 10th-1 2th Mailo ut recruitmenlte tterst o all 8thg radersi n 8th the PCSSDN, LRSDa nd LRSDt o visit during RecruitmenOt penH ousea t Parkviewo n TuesdayN, ovembe1r 2th. *Playbill for Arkansas Repertory Theatre - All year * Arkansas Symphony Orchestra *Arkansas Art Center Children's Theatre *Ballet Arkansas *Continuous advertisement year round Fred Boosey Fred Boosey Fred Boosey Marilyn Brewster NEW STAFF 2013-2014 NAME OF SCHOOL: BOOKER ARTS MAGNET SCHOOL POSITION NAME OF STAFF RACE ASSISTANT CHARLOTTE CORNICE AA PRINCIPAL FOURTH GRADE BENJAMIN GRANT C TEACHER RESOURCE JANE HARKEY C TEACHER MEDIA SPECIALIST EMILY HESTER C FOURTH GRADE MELANIE MINOR C TEACHER VISUAL ARTS CARRIE PORTER C TEACHER FIFTH GRADE RACHEL SCHNEIDER C TEACHER AUXILIARY KATIE MURPH C SUBSTITUTE GENDER F M F F F F F F NAME OF NEW STAFF 2013-2014 SCH00L:_CARVER ___________________ _ POSITION NAME OF STAFF RACE GENDER FIRST GRADE CYNTHIA FINSTROM w F FIFTH GRADE LYNETTE PITTS B F SUB GEORGIA O'NEAL B F NEW STAFF 2013-2014 NAME OF SCHOOL: __ GIIBBS _______________ _ POSITION NAME OF STAFF RACE GENDER AUX SUB LINDSEY GORE w F NEW STAFF 2013-2014 NAME OF SCHOOL: WILLIAMS TRADITIONAL MAGNET POSITION NAME OF STAFF RACE 1ST GRADE CARISE ECHOLS B 4TH STACI HULA w ART AMANDA MAMULA w PE ANTONI LASKER B COUNSELOR CHARRITA HUNNICUT B CURRICULUM VIVIAN EV ANS B SPECIALIST MEDIA CLERK SANDRA MCINTOSH B AUXILIARY EMILY HANSON w SUBSTITUTE GENDER F F F M F F F F NEW STAFF 2013"2014 NAME OF SCHOOL: MANN MAGNET ARTS/SCIENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL POSITION NAME OF STAFF RACE GENDER SPANISH ASHLEY BOSHEARS WHITE FEMALE TEACHER ENGLISH WILLIAM BRAZLE WHITE MALE TEACHER 6TH MATH SHEA DRAKE BLACK FEMALE 6TH MATH DIANE Ross WHITE FEMALE 8TH MATH SARA GAINES WHITE FEMALE 7TH MATH CHRISTY MCNEARY BLACK FEMALE 6TH SCIENCE STARLETTE INGRAM WHITE FEMALE 7TH SOCIAL CLARICE SUMMONS BLACK FEMALE STUDIES 8TH SOCIAL ANGLEA MORRISON BLACK FEMALE STUDIES 7TH MATH AMISTA SUTTON WHITE FEMALE ENGINEERING TREMAYNE WHITE BLACK MALE TECHNOLOGY 8TH SCIENCE WANDA MILES WHITE FEMALE NEW STAFF 2013-2014 NAME OF SCHOOL: PARKVIEW HIGH SCHOOL POSITION NAME OF STAFF SPECIAL ED CHANDLE CARPENTER HISTORY TEACHER PATRICK DONOVAN EAST LAB PHILICIA BELL ENGLISH TYESHAIL MILLER TEACHER ENGLISH DEANNAH JOHNSON TEACHER *CAREER COACH FRANK NEWSOME *CAREER COACH ROBERTO CANDELARIA ASST. HEAD TORRENCE TILLMAN CUSTODIAN INTERIM DANCE ALLISON CLARK TEACHER MEDIA CLERK LAUREN CRAWFORD RACE GENDER B F w M B F B F w F B M H M B M w F B F ~CAREER COACf--1 POSITIONS ARE PAID ThROUGh PULASKI TECH!\JiCAJ COL LFGE BY WAY oc- ARKAtVSAS l'FPAPTMEl!T OF ',1'.f,EEP. FOUCA 1t0N Magnet Review From: Sent: To: Subject: From: Bailey, Kelsey Mitchell, Sadie [] Monday, October 07, 2013 4:26 PM Magnet Review FW: REPORT FROM KELSEY BAILEY Sent: Monday, October 07, 2013 4:22 PM To: Mitchell, Sadie Subject: RE: REPORT FROM KELSEY BAILEY Dr. Mitchell, Here are the additional general operating & program expenditures that LRSD expended last fiscal year for the Stipulated Magnet Schools. Ms. Rector is still working on the all the facility renovations. BOOKER 128,896.74 CARVER 248,186.31 GIBBS 366,146.72 MANN M/S 122,577.42 PARKVIEW 129,397.13 WILLIAMS 51,713.73 Grand Total 1,046,918.05 Kelsey Bailey Chief Financial Officer Lillie Rock School District 810 W Markham Lillie Rock, AR 72201 Phone: (501) 4-17-1010 Fax: (501) -1-17-1159 No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2013.0.3408 I Virus Database: 3222/6729 - Release Date: 10/07/13
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.
<dcterms_creator>Arkansas. Department of Education</dcterms_creator>