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LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 22, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Micheal Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER/ ROLL CALL Mr. Rose called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Ms. Strickland arrived at 5:35 p.m. In addition, student representative Marcus Kennedy from McClellan High School, and teacher representative Julia Banks, from Wakefield Elementary School, were also present. II. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ WELCOMING COMMENTS Mr. Rose welcomed the audience and asked Dr. Holmes to proceed with the presentation of recognitions and citations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page2 Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Superintendent's Citations Dr. Holmes introduced Yang Dai, a student at Central High School. Yang achieved a perfect score of 1600 on her SAT this year, and a perfect 36 on the ACT assessment as a sophomore. Yang was congratulated for this achievement. The College Board reports that only 900 students in the country achieve a perfect score on the SAT, and only about 1 in 8,300 students make a perfect score on the ACT. Anna Musun-Miller, a Central High School senior, was recognized for her selection as a regional winner in the annual Cum Laude Paper Competition sponsored by the Cum Laude Society. The competition recognizes students for original thought and superior scholarship. She received $500 from the Cum Laude Society in recognition of her achievement. Students from the Parkview Magnet High School Student Congress team recently participated in the Arkansas Student Congress, a mock legislative session held annually at the Arkansas State Capitol. This team won the overall award and each participant also received individual awards. The participating students were: Adam Baldwin, Graham Campbell, Abby Epperson, Luke Frauenthal, Malaiha Iqbal, Sam Kauffman, John Marcus Phillips, Emily Soderberg, and Andy Stroman. Their teacher and sponsor is Pat Treadway. The Superintendent presented a certificate of recognition to Barbara Blaine, counselor at Western Hills Elementary School. Ms. Blaine recently received the Distinguished Professional Service Award from the Arkansas Counseling Association. As a member of this association, she recently completed a three-year appointment to the association's national public policy and legislation committee. Dr. Holmes introduced Carol Fleming, a speech pathologist at Pulaski Heights Middle School. She is serving as president-elect of the Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and was awarded a superintendent's citation in recognition of her service to the community and to her professional organization. David Hughey from Geyer Springs First Baptist Church attended the meeting, representing members of the church who participated in Share Fest. This church group worked at Otter Creek Elementary School and Mabelvale Magnet Middle School, painting, planting and making other improvements to the school campuses. Other Share Fest volunteers were recognized at the December Board meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page 3 Estelle Matthis was invited to attend the Board meeting to receive a plaque honoring her husband, James Matthis, who recently passed away. Mr. Matthis had retired as a vice principal at Mann Magnet Middle School in June 2002. The plaque read: 'The Board of Education of the Little Rock School District expresses its condolences to the Matthis family and its deepest appreciation to James Matthis for his many years of commitment to his students, his school, and the Little Rock School District." Judy Martin, like Ms. Matthis, recently lost her husband, Frank Martin, who was the Executive Director of the Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association. Although Mr. Martin was not an employee of the LRSD, he worked for the benefit of our teachers and Ms. Martin was given a plaque honoring his memory. The plaque read: 'The Board of Education of the Little Rock School District expresses its condolences to the family of Frank Martin and acknowledges the important role Frank had in representing the membership of the Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association." Board Member Bryan Day was presented a certificate of completion from the Arkansas School Boards Association recognizing his completion of six hours of inservice study. Arkansas law mandates that Board Members complete a certain number of hours of training each year in the duties and responsibilities of a Board member under the school laws of Arkansas. Marcus Kennedy, McClellan High School student, and Julia Banks, Wakefield Elementary School teacher, were awarded citations of appreciation for their service as ex officio representatives to the Board for the month of January. Lastly, Dr. Holmes introduced John Carter, LRSD security officer. Mr. Carter has been assigned to provide safety recommendations and security to the 810 West Markham Street administration building staff. B. Remarks from Citizens Vanessa Pace-Hampton, student council sponsor at Parkview Magnet High School, introduced the Parkview Student Council vice-president, Derrick Raney. Derrick announced that Parkview would be the host school for the Arkansas Association of Student Councils in April 2004. The school is working with City Year of Little Rock to attract young leaders of student councils across the state to attend the conference. They asked the Board and the Superintendent to assist them in their efforts to provide a quality experience for the students, and he indicated that additional information and invitations would be sent to administrators, board members and the Superintendent as additional plans are developed. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page4 James Floyd, from the Wright Avenue Neighborhood Association, yielded his time to Shirley Johnson, representing the Mitchell Elementary School PT A. Ms. Johnson said that Mitchell parents are opposed to the dispersing of Mitchell students to Stephens and Washington Elementary Schools. The PTA is interested in working through whatever steps are necessary to get their students back to a neighborhood school, and they want their children to be able to walk to school instead of having to be bused. The current situation has caused some families a great deal of distress by having siblings separated between two schools, and it has caused the community distress by the appearance that the LRSD is trying to destroy the community by closing the school. She asked the Board to repair the school, and get the children back to the Mitchell campus as soon as possible. Dr. George Blevins addressed the Board and asked for an explanation of why the issue of closing Mitchell School is back on the table. He suggested that the cause of projections of reduced enrollment at Mitchell is directly related to the way that students are being assigned to Mitchell School. He stated that the building is in the condition that it is because of a lack of routine maintenance and upkeep. The matter of public trust is at issue here, and the Board was reminded that the Mitchell Community supported the millage issue because of promises that were made to make improvements to Mitchell School. Otis Kirkland stated that he has two children who attend Mitchell Academy. He asked that the Board take whatever steps necessary to keep the school open and in good working order. The school is a part of the community, and it is important to the community for the children to be able to attend their neighborhood school. Annie Abrams introduced herself as a parent advocate for three generations of students in the Little Rock School District. She retired from the LRSD, and has "worn many hats" in her efforts to advocate for various human rights causes. She stated that the issues surrounding the current discussion on Mitchell Academy boil down to simple issues of accountability, accessibility of educational opportunities, and achievement by the District to provide what is "right" for every child. Mitchell School is an anchor in the community and in the City of Little Rock. She noted recent investments by the city providing new street lights, tree-plantings, grants for after school programs at Mitchell and other efforts to keep the Wright Avenue area and Mitchell School community thriving as a contributing sector of the city. She urged the Board to keep the school open and operational as a part of the identity of the community in which it is located. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page5 D. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Grainger Ledbetter, Executive Director of the L. R. Classroom Teachers Association, was present at the meeting. He greeted the Board, but made no additional comments or presentation. IV. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Remarks from Board Members Dr. Mitchell congratulated Jeffrey Trimble, Jr., a Mann Magnet student who represented the City of Little Rock and the State of Arkansas in the Jr. National Young Leaders' conference at the Martin Luther King Salute to Greatness. She stated that he did an exceptional job of presenting himself and representing our District in this event. In addition, Dr. Mitchell complimented Jo Evelyn Elston and high school counselors who recently sponsored a graduate follow-up luncheon. The luncheon was provided for students who graduated from the LRSD last year, including students who are now attending schools from all over the country, from trade schools and two-year colleges, four year colleges in-state, and other colleges and universities across the country. These students provide perspective for counselors on how well they were prepared in the LRSD to succeed in post-secondary educational opportunities. The discussion benefits the students, but most importantly provides insight for counselors and administrators to serve future students. Mr. Kurrus thanked Dr. Blevins, Ms. Abrams and other speakers who advocated for Mitchell Academy at tonight's meeting. He stated that Mitchell Academy was a marvelous school. He then read a quote from a recent Arkansas Democrat Gazette article, attributed to Mr. Dagtas who recently was granted a charter to operate the LISA Academy. Mr. Kurrus noted that the quote and the article were insulting and insensitive to the issues of public education and the exceptionally good education that is available in the LRSD. Schools like Mitchell Academy would be ultimately affected by the granting of charters to operate schools like the LISA Academy. LISA would not be providing transportation or services for special needs students, but would draw from available state funds that would come to public school students. Mr. Rose thanked Mr. Kurrus for his comments and stated that "Baker is my hero." We have great schools, great students, great families, and caring employees who provide the best possible public education for every child who comes through our doors." In addition, he commented on the recent State of the Union address, and noted that "the current administration is not a friend of education." REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page6 B. Student Assignment Report Mr. Babbs reviewed current student assignment processes and noted that 72 students had been processed for NCLB transfers. He announced open enrollment from January 26 through February 6
parents are encouraged to pre-register their children at their attendance zone school or at the student registration office. When registering, parents must provide a birth certificate, social security card and proof of residence. In addition, he announced the annual Magnet School Fair which is to be held on Saturday, January 24 at Park Plaza mall. C. Budget Update Dr. Stewart provided a brief report on his recent monitoring of legislative sessions. He noted the possibility that $500,000 - $700,000 would be allocated for poverty programs, but no actual figures had been provided. He felt that it was good news that no reductions had been announced, and that the legislature remains very focused as they grapple with the funding formula and other aspects of accountability issues. As of the date of this meeting, 50 acts had been signed, 10 or 15 bills had passed through the House and Senate, but had not been signed into law by the governor. Reorganization of the state's school districts is still very much part of the discussions. D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects Mr. Goodman reviewed the summary report provided in the Board's agenda. Dr. Mitchell asked him to review construction plans at Fair Park Elementary School, noting that it needs a new roof. E. Internal Auditors Report Mr. Becker was present and noted that his report was printed in the agenda. No additional information was provided. F. Technology Update Ms. Neal was present and reviewed the summary report provided in the Board's agenda. She noted that 134 teachers would begin on-line staff development this week. AETN and the Arkansas Department of Education are providing video clips correlated to curriculum standards which will be available on-line. Mr. Berkley asked that Ms. Neal provide a report or a demonstration on how our teachers are integrating technology in their daily classroom instruction. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page 7 G. Update: Division of Exceptional Children Barbara Barnes provided a written summary and a brief report, as requested by the Board. V. APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS A. Minutes Minutes from a special meeting of the Board of Directors held on December 11, 2003, and from the regular meeting held on December 18, 2003 were presented for review and approval. There were no corrections noted and the minutes were approved. B. Personnel Changes Routine personnel changes were printed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Holmes recommended approval. Mr. Berkley made the motion to approve personnel items as presented. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VI. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION A. Second Reading - Policy Revisions: IKF - General Education Graduation Requirements Policy IKF General Education Graduation Requirements was presented for the Board's review and second reading adoption. Arkansas Act 1748 of 2001 was revised by Act 1729 of 2003, changing the grade range from K-9 to K-8 for the requirement of 20 minutes of physical activity three times each week. The policy revision puts the LRSD in compliance with State law. First reading approval was granted at the December Board meeting. Mr. Berkley moved approval
Dr. Mitchell seconded and the motion carried unanimously. VII. SCHOOL SERVICES A. Magnet Schools Assistance Program Update Debbie Price, Director of the Magnet Schools Assistance Program, provided a written summary of MSAP activities and achievements. Dr. Holmes provided a brief background report and discussed a few of the program highlights. No Board action was requested or required upon receipt of the report. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page8 B. 2004 Magnet Schools Assistance Program Grant Proposal Linda Austin, Director of Planning and Development, presented the 2004 Magnet Schools Assistance Program Grant proposal for the Board's review and approval. The proposal was printed in the agenda and a resolution in support of the submission was provided for the Board adoption. Mr. Berkley moved to approve the proposal as presented. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. VIII. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve the acceptance of recent donations to schools and Departments within the District. The donations are listed in the following chart. Marcus Kennedy, student ex-officio, read the items listed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to accept the donated items
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Central High School $500.00 cash to be applied toward the Central High School Class of 1993 completion of the reflectino oool Cloverdale Magnet Middle $240.00 gift card Wal-mart Super Center School Food coupons in the amount of $200.00 Buraer Kina Wilson Elementary School $400.00 cash to be used to purchase Elite, Inc. suoolies for students Woodruff Elementary $100.00 cash match for volunteer hours Wal-mart #126 School from Tamela Warren , Woodruff parent to ourchase aood conduct incentives Little Rock School District 7,01 0 copies of the book "The Search Aromatique, Inc. for the Smell of Christmas to be distributed to students in 23 elementary schools. Donation valued at $104,800.00 B. Financial Reports The monthly financial summary reports were provided to the Board as part of the printed agenda. Mr. Milhollen was present to review the reports and respond to questions. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, improving the academic achievement of all students and maintaining an equitable, nondiscriminatory learning environment will forever be the core of the Little Rock School District's mission
and WHEREAS, despite past efforts, there remain schools within the District where minority group enrollment exceeds 75%, thus constituting minority group isolation
and WHEREAS, school choice is viewed as a healthy method of providing opportunity for students to take advantage of unique curriculum offerings, special emphasis and program activities
and WHEREAS, magnet schools expand educational choices, provide meaningful courses of study to which students can relate and set high expectations for all students for further education and the world of work
and WHEREAS, magnet schools enhance parental and community involvement and encourage the use of community resources, thus improving the effectiveness of education in our District
and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Little Rock School District Board of Education endorses and approves the Voluntary Plan for submission with the LRSD 2004 MSAP proposal to the U.S. Department of Education. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on behalf of the Little Rock School District Board of Education on this 22nd day of January, 2004. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, improving the academic achievement of all students and maintaining an equitable, nondiscriminatory learning environment will forever be the core of the Little Rock School District's mission
and WHEREAS, despite past efforts, there remain schools within the District where minority group enrollment exceeds 75%, thus constituting minority group isolation
and WHEREAS, school choice is viewed as a healthy method of providing opportunity for students to take advantage of unique curriculum offerings, special emphasis and program activities
and WHEREAS, magnet schools expand educational choices, provide meaningful courses of study to which students can relate and set high expectations for all students for further education and the world of work
and WHEREAS, magnet schools enhance parental and community involvement and encourage the use of community resources, thus improving the effectiveness of education in our District
and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Little Rock School District Board of Education endorses and approves the Voluntary Plan for submission with the LRSD 2004 MSAP proposal to the U.S. Department of Education. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on behalf of the Little Rock School District Board of Education on this 22nd day of January, 2004. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 22, 2004 Page 9 IX. CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Holmes reminded families that open houses are being held this week and that the specific information is included on the school calendar. Report cards go home next week. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Berkley moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVED: J.. Q&
. 0 c.f R. Micheal Dauerty,Secreta LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2004 RECE VED MAR 2 9 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 12, 2004, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Mike Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER President Tony Rose called the special meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present at roll call. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The printed agenda for the special meeting contained the following action items: A. Personnel Action B. Employee Hearing SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2004 Page2 Ill. ACTION AGENDA: A. Personnel Action The administration asked the Board to approve a personnel promotion in the Department of Early Childhood Education. Alma Dawson was promoted from an eleven month contract to a twelve month contract to begin on Monday, February 16, 2004. Mr. Berkley moved to approve the recommendation, Mr. Day seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. B. Employee Hearing Employee James E. Johnson requested a hearing before the Board in regards to the administration's recommendation for termination of his employment as an instructional aide in the LRSD. Mr. Johnson had retained an attorney in this matter
neither he nor his attorney appeared for the hearing. The LRSD was represented by Attorney Khyaam Eddings. The recommendation for termination was based on Mr. Johnson's falsifying his application for employment, indicating that he had never been convicted of a crime. A routine background check by the Human Resources Director, Beverly Williams, indicated that in fact Mr. Johnson had been charged with more than one criminal offense: a Class B felony in June of 1996 and a class C felony in July of 1996. There was a brief discussion of the possibility that Mr. Johnson's criminal records might have been expunged, and whether any of the offenses might have been as a juvenile. Dr. Daugherty exited the hearing at 7:10 p.m. On advice of counsel, the Board was asked to only consider the fact that the application was falsified, and since neither the employee nor his attorney were present to respond to the Board's questions, those issues should not be a part of this hearing. Mr. Day made a motion to accept the administration's recommendation for termination based on falsification of the employment application. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2004 Page 3 IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Kurrus. APPROVED: J ~(p -0~ R. Micheal Dauerty, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT February 18, 2004 Ann Marshall, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring One Union National Plaza 124 West Capitol, Suite 1895 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Ms. Marshall: RECEIVED FEB 2 O 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING I am enclosing minutes of the LRSD Board of Directors meetings held on October 23, November 6, November 20, December 11, and December 18, 2003. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide additional information. Enclosures Sincerely, b- Beverly J. Griffin Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 447-1002 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 26, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Micheal Daugherty Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: Bryan Day ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Mr. Rose called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Five members of the Board were present at roll call
Mr. Kurrus arrived at 5:40 p.m., and Mr. Day was absent. In addition, student representative Derrick Rainey from Parkview Magnet High School, and teacher representative Carolyn Clements, from Washington Elementary School, were also present. II. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ WELCOMING COMMENTS Mr. Rose welcomed the audience and asked Dr. Holmes to proceed with the presentation of recognitions and citations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page2 Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Superintendent's Citations The Superintendent presented certificates of appreciation to the ex officio representatives to the Board for the month of February
Carolyn Clements, teacher from Washington Magnet Elementary School, and Derrick Rainey, student from Parkview Magnet High School. B. Partners In Education Debbie Milam introduced Kaye Rainey, who announced the upcoming Parent Institute and invited Board members to participate in the day-long parent involvement activities. The Institute will be held at Parkview Magnet High School on Saturday, March 6, 2004, starting at 9:00 a.m. Ms. Milam presented a new business and school partnership for the Board's adoption: Twin City Bank - no representative in attendance
certificate was previously presented, in partnership with Bale Elementary School - represented by Cathoria Johnson Mr. Berkley moved to approve the formation of the partnership
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. C. Public Education Foundation of Little Rock John A. Riggs, President of the Public Education Foundation of Little Rock, addressed the Board in his annual report of the operations of the Foundation. As part of the report, the goals of the Foundation were listed as: 1. To implement "Value Added" Reporting
2. To improve and enhance teacher quality
and 3. To provide innovative idea grants to LRSD teachers. During the 2003 school year, $100,000 was provided to LRSD teachers who applied for grants to enhance quality classroom instruction and to implement strategies to increase student performance. These funds were presented in a "sweepstakes" with teachers being caught totally by surprise on the day when the prize money was distributed. A copy of the financial balance sheet was presented for the Board's review, indicating total assets in the amount of $263.591.33. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 3 D. Remarks from Citizens Mim Hundley addressed the Board regarding the elimination of some Pre-AP classes, and concerns regarding students who need the Pre AP opportunity to become ready for future AP classes. She noted specifically students who aren't mature enough to succeed in an AP class, but who benefit from the more rigorous Pre-AP classes, over the courses labeled "regular." Ms. Hundley noted that Pre-AP world history, U.S. History, and English IV were of particular concern to her and she asked the Board to reconsider their decision to allow the curriculum revisions that eliminated these courses. Otis Kirkland discussed recent decisions about renovations and repairs that are needed at Mitchell Academy. He expressed disappointment in the lack of maintenance that has been provided at Mitchell over the years, and wondered why it took so long for the District's administration to realize that there were health and safety hazards present in the building. He also expressed his opinion that the student assignment plans are designed to have a negative effect on the enrollment at Mitchell and that Mitchell would ultimately be closed because of the efforts to reduce the enrollment. He asked the Board to keep Mitchell open and to show compassion and concern for the welfare of the students and families in the Mitchell neighborhood. James Floyd echoed some of the same comments made by Mr. Kirkland and noted that Mitchell is an institutional anchor in the community. He asked the Board to consider the impact that will be made on the community once the Clinton Library and the Heifer Project headquarters are completed. He noted the importance of the Wright Avenue corridor, and stated that many young families are now taking advantage of the opportunity to buy and renovate some of the older homes in the Wright Avenue and Mitchell School communities. Terrance Bolden advised the board that he lived on Battery Street, about four blocks from Mitchell Academy. He feels that the Board has backed away from promises made during the millage election and stated that there were trust issues that should be considered. He feels that schools in his area have been neglected over the years, and that funds for routine maintenance are riot fairly and equitably distributed across the schools in the LRSD. He stated that "promises have been made, and promises must be kept." Dr. George Blevins is the Vice-President of the Wright Avenue Neighborhood Association. He stated that Dr. Les Carnine, former superintendent of schools, had encouraged members of the Wright Avenue area to continue to work to keep Mitchell open. He stated that he felt then that "forces were at work" to force the closure of Mitchell. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page4 Dr. Blevins, like the previous speakers, stated that the matter of "public trust" is the issue of most concern, and he asked the Board to fulfill the promises made to the community. He asked the Board to make the commitment
to allocate the funds to repair the school, and to provide for proper upkeep and maintenance into the future. E. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Grainger Ledbetter, Executive Director of the L. R. Classroom Teachers Association, was present at the meeting. He greeted the Board, and offered assistance to the administration in the "spirit of working together." In light of the uncertainties surrounding funding through NCLB legislation and other possible revenue sources, he asked the Board to consider holding open forums across the District for teachers to provide input on new approaches to meeting the needs of the students. He asked that the administration gain the insight of those who spend their days in the classroom when deciding which new programs and remedial strategies are selected. He stated that the teachers want to be able to balance the use of their skills with the requirements of the new programs so that they can individualize the instructional approach in their classrooms. In addition, Mr. Ledbetter stated that career teachers were interested in developing partnerships with new or inexperienced teachers to implement professional development through experience and demonstration of effective classroom management skills. He reported an "amazing number'' of complaints received during his first four months on the job regarding the lack of assistance from building administration when disciplinary actions are required. He stated that teachers are reporting kids "out of control" and that more emphasis seems to be placed on the due process rights of the students instead of support for the teachers who are being challenged to provide an educational environment that is conducive to learning. IV. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Remarks from Board Members Dr. Mitchell thanked Mr. Ledbetter for his comments and stated that she was very pleased that the CT A was interested in developing a partnership to aid in the training of new teachers. She stated interest in having the Superintendent and administration begin immediately to work with the CTA leadership to develop the necessary programs. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 5 Dr. Mitchell also noted the "embarrassingly low" number of parents who participate in the District's parent involvement workshops. She encouraged parents to become more involved in the programs that are developed and designed to assist them in their child's educational experiences. Ms. Strickland also thanked Mr. Ledbetter for his comments. She reported that she had attended the open house at Metropolitan Career and Technical Center and was pleased with the manicure she received from one of the cosmetology students. She thanked Mr. Peterson for inviting her to observe at Metro. Mr. Kurrus thanked Mr. Ledbetter for his comments and stated the importance of realizing that "we are all in this together." Mr. Rose mentioned a radio broadcast that aired earlier in the week regarding the percentage of children in Arkansas who suffer from hunger. The free and reduced lunch programs through the federal government impact the lives of Arkansas' public school children. He asked the audience to think about hunger issues, and to support the Arkansas Food Bank, the Rice Depot, and other programs which provide food for those who do not have as much as they need every day. Dr. Daugherty discussed his concerns regarding the stress of day to day living that affect the well being of teachers and other District employees. He encouraged the administration to look at ways to implement stress reduction strategies for employees and to investigate ways to encourage employees to take advantage of programs that are offered. B. Student Assignment Report Mr. Babbs reported that the Student Registration Office was on target for the mailing of approximately 25,000 letters notifying students and parents of their school assignments and choice options. They will be mailed on March 5. He noted that school choice applications are being accepted and processed and that letters notifying them of their status will be sent as soon as the availability of seats is known. He noted that he is on standby, waiting for the Board to determine the make-up of the committee that will work to develop student assignment plans for the 2005-06 school year and beyond. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 6 C. Budget Update Dr. Stewart reminded the Board of his discussion at the February agenda meeting, whereby he noted an error in the calculation of state funding in the amount of $7.7 million. As he surmised at the time of the agenda meeting, that money should have been calculated into the projections for the North Little Rock and Pulaski County Special School Districts, and the error has now been corrected. He reported that preliminary estimates, based on last year's enrollment levels would provide approximately $25 million, but reminded the Board that the bottom line changes each time one of the factors used to calculate state aid is revised or adjusted. He noted that the recent legislature had provided formulas that were intended to provide more resources to the schools and districts with lower socio-economic factors which should result in the LRSD receiving additional funding for schools with 90% or greater free/reduced lunch status. D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects Mr. Goodman reported that he had been visiting schools where construction and renovation projects were recently completed to assess some of the buildings where there are problems. He said that he was working with the contractors building-by-building to get the problems corrected. He reported that Dr. Holmes had visited the Mann building, and that he was pleased with the overall project, but noted that there were still a few areas where corrections and adjustments needed to be made. E. Internal Auditors Report Mr. Becker was present and noted that his report was printed in the agenda. No additional information was provided. F. Technology Update Ms. Neal was asked by the Board to present a brief technology demonstration. She invited Barbara Kennedy and Teresa Knapp from Dodd Elementary School to bring some of their students and show the Board how technology has been incorporated and integrated into the daily classroom curriculum. Students Autumn Brown and Tara Gordon displayed some of the projects completed by the students and presented their perspective of learning through computers. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 7 The Board took a brief recess at 7:05 p.m. and returned at 7:15 p.m. V. APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS A. Minutes Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on January 22, 2004, and from a special meeting held on February 12, 2004, were presented for review and approval. There were no corrections noted and the minutes were approved. B. Extension of PN Agreement On January 27, 2004, the Classroom Teachers Association and the LRSD reached an agreement to extend the current contracts for all classifications of employees through March 7, 2004, so that the negotiations process can continue. Mr. Ledbetter signed for the union, and Beverly Williams, Human Resources Director, signed for the District. The Board was asked to endorse the agreement. Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the agreement
Mr. Berkley seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. C. Personnel Changes Routine personnel changes were printed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Holmes recommended approval. Mr. Berkley made the motion to approve personnel items as presented and Ms. Strickland seconded the motion. Dr. Mitchell had a question regarding one of the individuals listed as a certified new-hire and offered an amended motion to approve all of the items listed in the recommendation with the exception of certified appointments. Dr. Daugherty seconded the amended motion and it carried unanimously. The original motion as amended, was approved unanimously. The certified employee recommendations will be reviewed and presented for approval at the next meeting. VI. SCHOOL SERVICES A. Naming of Facilities: Mann Magnet Middle School The faculty, staff, parents and students of Mann Magnet middle School submitted a request to name the school auditorium in honor of Mr. James L. Matthis. Mr. Matthis was a thirty-six year employee of the LRSD, beginning his career as a vocational coordinator at Mann High School. At the time of his retirement, he was an assistant principal at Mann Magnet Middle School. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 8 The recommendation to name the auditorium in Mr. Matthis' honor was prepared according to Board policy FF: Naming of Facilities and was presented to the Board by Mr. Jim Fullerton, Mann principal. Mrs. Estelle Matthis was present and expressed her appreciation to the Board for acting in such a timely and considerate manner. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to approve the recommendation as presented by the faculty, staff and students of Mann Magnet Middle School. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. B. Resolution to 4G: Attendance Rubric Sadie Mitchell and Lloyd Sain presented a proposal to resolve the issue of Domain 4, Item 4G: Attendance and Punctuality of the new Professional Teachers' Appraisal System. The administration and the Classroom Teachers' Association have reviewed the recommendations and provided the Board with a compromise developed through on-going discussions. After a brief discussion, it was noted that no action, or a "no" vote on the compromise agreement would be an endorsement of the rubric as the Board previously approved it in the summer of 2003. Ms. Strickland moved to approve the recommended revisions to the PTAS attendance and punctuality rubric, and Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion. Mr. Rose requested a roll call vote: Dr. Daugherty, Dr. Mitchell and Ms. Strickland voted to approve the motion
Mr. Rose, Mr. Berkley, and Mr. Kurrus voted no. The vote was a tie, and the motion failed. C. School Improvement Report: An Overview of the Schools and School Improvement Progress, Grants, and Initiatives Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Sain provided a written summary report at the request of the Board. Ms. Mitchell reviewed the report briefly, and offered to respond to any questions the Board might have regarding the report or the status of schools on school improvement. VII. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Information: Land Sale - Forest Heights Middle School Mangan Properties made an offer to purchase land immediately west of Forest Heights Middle School for the sum of $200,000. This property had been declared as surplus in March of 1983, and was appraised in the amount of $188,000 in December of 2003. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the sale of surplus property
Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page9 B. Lease Agreement: Miles Memorial Church The Miles Memorial CME Church requested use of the parking lot at the Procurement Office at 1800 East Sixth Street. Their use of the lot would be during LRSD non-work hours, and would allow sufficient parking for the church on Sunday and after hours while their parking lot is under construction. The lease is for one-year, at one dollar per month, March 2004 through February 2005. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to approve the lease agreement, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. C. Resolution: Refinance / Consolidation of Outstanding Debt Mr. Paradis presented a request for the Board to authorize the refinance and consolidation of the District's outstanding lease-purchase and post-dated warrant debt. Approval of the resolution would result in a saving of approximately $52,000. Mr. Berkley moved to approve the resolution
Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. Construction Budget Revision / Mitchell and Rightsell Elementary Schools Dr. Holmes recommended the Board's approval of a request to increase the budgeted amounts for construction and renovation at Mitchell and Rightsell Elementary Schools. Based on estimates of the needed repairs, an additional $1.54 million is needed for Mitchell, and $1.78 million is needed for Rightsell. Mr. Kurrus moved to approve the Superintendent's request, and Mr. Berkley seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. E. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve the acceptance of recent donations to schools and Departments within the District. The donations are listed in the following chart. Derrick Rainey, student ex-officio representative, read the items listed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to accept the donated items
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 10 SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Bale Elementary School VCR / DVD player and nine Magna Brian Minchew, parent of Bale Student Doodle Deluxe Boards to the special education self-contained dassroom Central high School $300.00 Cash to the women's Rush Harding, Ill basketball team $500.00 Cash to the women's Ronald Crawford basketball team J. A. Fair Magnet High Four sections of 6' concrete pipe, Woody Rigdon of Hanson Pipe & School valued at $200.00 for outdoor Products, Inc. dassroom Delivery Services, valued at $150.00 for Gary Gaul I DUIT Construction delivery of pipe for use in outdoor Company dassroom 200 tons of rock fines, valued at Haskell Dickinson / Granite Mountain $500.00 for outdoor dassroom Quarries M. L. King Magnet Hewlett-Packard copier, valued at $130 M. L. King PTA Elementary School for Health Services Dept. $1,500 cash for student incentives and Mr. & Mrs. Duane Jackson and Ms. classroom materials for Pre-K and Genevieve Jackson Kinderaarten curriculum Metropolitan Career and Paints, primers, sealers, and other Perry Gravitt / Hackman Paint & Supply Tech Center materials to the Paint & Body Shop Company valued at $21,675.30 Pulaski Heights Middle $10,000 cash: $4,000 for the library, Winthrop & Lisenne Rockefeller School $1,000 for middle level English and science books, foreign language materials and special education department. $500.00 each for Math Counts and Quiz Bowl Woodruff Elementary School supplies and uniforms valued at Dassault Falcon Jet Corp. School $350.00 LRSD Athletic Department 124 metal gym lockers valued at David Ensminger $11,560.00, installed at Forest Heights Middle School, and 14 large mirrors, valued at $3,500 to be placed in the weight room at Quigley Stadium Mahlon Marlin Professional Educational books valued at $3,500.00 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Librarv F. Financial Reports The monthly financial summary reports were provided to the Board as part of the printed agenda. Mr. Milhollen was present to review the reports and respond to questions. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 26, 2004 Page 11 VIII. CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Holmes announced the annual Clementine Mathis Rouse scholarship banquet, and notified the Board that a table would be provided for Board members who would like to attend. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available. The Board took a brief recess prior to convening for an employee hearing. They returned at 9:25 p.m. IX. HEARING Michael Peterson requested a Board hearing as a result of a salary grievance. He requested that the hearing be open to the public, and was represented by Attorney Robert Scull. Attorney Khyaam Eddings represented the District. Mr. Peterson had previously requested a review of the duties and responsibilities of his position
it was his belief that he should be paid comparable to a high school principal in his role as vocational administrator at Metropolitan Career & Technical Center. Mrs. Williams, Director of Human Resources, had reviewed Mr. Peterson's background, his salary history, and his position at Metropolitan and had denied the request for a salary adjustment. At the Superintendent's request, Sandy Becker audited Mr. Peterson's salary history and Mr. Becker was present at the hearing to review those findings with the Board. Ms. Williams reviewed personnel file documents, and Carol Green responded to questions regarding the duties and responsibilities of Mr. Peterson at Metropolitan Career and Technical Center. The Board recessed at 10:45 and returned at 11 :00 p.m. Ms. Strickland made a motion to uphold the administration's recommendation to deny Mr. Peterson's request for a salary adjustment. Mr. Berkley seconded the motion, and it carried 5-0-1, with Dr. Mitchell abstaining from the vote. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Berkley moved to adjourn at 11 :00 p.m. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVED: Jc)~ 04 TonyR.Rose, President ~/>e~ JJ ~ R. Micheal DaJKerty, Secreiary RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Little Rock School District (the "District") desires to consolidate/refinance various leases/existing debt related to the District's lease/purchase of various items of equipment utilized by the District in its day-to-day operations
and WHEREAS, the District desires to accomplish this consolidation/refinance by entering into a Master Lease/Purchase Agreement with Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Little Rock School District Board of Directors that Don Stewart, as Chief Financial Officer of the District is authorized, on behalf of the District, to enter into, execute, and deliver that certain Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement with Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC, related to the District's lease and/or acquisition of certain equipment utilized by the District in its day-to-day operations (the general form of which Agreement is attached to this Resolution). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as the Little Rock School District Board of Directors on this 26th day of February, 2004. Director Katherine Mitchell Michael Daugherty H. Baker Kurrus Larry Berkley Tony Rose Sue H. Strickland Brian Day ___ ABSENT __ _ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 11, 2004 RECEIVE MAR 2 9 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 11, 2004, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Mike Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER President Tony Rose called the special meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. All members of the Board were present at roll call. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING There was no printed agenda for the special meeting. The meeting was called solely for the purpose of conducting an executive session for a personnel discussion. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 11, 2004 Page2 Ill. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board moved into a closed executive session at 5:35 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Berkley. Mr. Day seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board returned from executive session at 6: 10 p.m. and reported no action was taken in closed session. Mr. Berkley made a motion to authorize the Board's president to negotiate a contract with Ray & Associates for the purpose of conducting a superintendent search. Mr. Kurrus seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0-1, with Dr. Mitchell abstaining. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Kurrus, seconded by Mr. Berkley. APPROVED: 3 J,&
Ot..f LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Micheal Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL RECE VED MAY 11 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING Mr. Rose called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Five members of the Board were present at roll call
Mr. Kurrus arrived at 5:45, and Mr. Berkley arrived at 5:55 p.m. In addition, ex officio representatives Tyler Fuller, student at Central High School, and Shannon Smith, teacher from Watson Elementary School, were also present. II. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ WELCOMING COMMENTS Mr. Rose welcomed the audience and asked Dr. Holmes to proceed with the presentation of recognitions and citations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page2 Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Superintendent's Citations Dr. Holmes introduced Nancy Rousseau, Central High School principal, for an announcement and presentation of citations to members of the Arkansas Repertory Theater and the Arkansas Arts Council. Ms. Rousseau and Kimberly Dade, Central's communications teacher, were accompanied by several students dressed in Renaissance period costume. The students delivered invitations to the Board and to members of the audience to the CHS Renaissance Fair, to be held on Saturday, April 3 at Quigley Stadium. The fair was made possible by a grant from the Arkansas Arts Council and the Repertory Theater. Joy Pennington, Executive Director of the Arts Council, and Leslie Golding and Susan Nichols, representing the Repertory Theater, were presented with certificates of appreciation for their generous contributions to the Central High School drama and arts department. Members of the McClellan Magnet High School Teachers of Tomorrow organization recently attended the Phi Delta Kappa National Future Educators of America conference in Dallas. At this convention the McClellan chapter of TOT won first place in the Scrapbook category. The team members present were LaDonna Mahomes, Stephanie Caster, and Gabriella Hicks. Their sponsor Gladys Godley and TOT Coordinator Wanda Baskins were also present and all received Superintendent's citations in recognition of their achievement. Samuel Meredith, Central High School band director, and the assistant band director Alan Sharlow were presented with certificates in recognition of their recent Division 1 ratings at the Arkansas Region 6 band contests. The CHS symphonic and concert bands received the highest awards possible at this year's competition. It was noted that it had been since 1988 that CHS had received a division 1 rating, and the students and directors were congratulated for their accomplishment. Derrick Raney, senior at Parkview Magnet High School, received a citation in recognition of his selection as the recipient of the 2004 Clementine Mathis Rouse student achievement scholarship in the amount of $1 ,000. The teacher winner of the Rouse Scholarship fund in the amount of $500.00 was Shirley Krannichfeld, first grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School. Ms. Krannichfeld could not be present at the meeting, but will receive a citation from the Superintendent and a plaque from the Rouse family scholarship. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page 3 B. Partners In Education Debbie Milam presented new business and school partnerships for the Board's adoption: Baseline Elementary School, represented by Eleanor Cox, in partnership with Southwest Produce Metropolitan Career & Technical Center, represented by Mike Peterson, in partnership with Pulaski Technical College, represented by Larry Lewallen Williams Magnet School, represented by Anne Pattillo, in partnership with AARP, represented by Maria Diaz Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the formation of the partnerships
Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Student Performance The agenda was reordered by consensus to allow the student performance to take place at this point in the agenda. Students from Baseline Elementary School performed for the Board. They were accompanied by Principal Eleanor Cox, and their teacher, Debbie Headley. The students are participating in World Drumming, and will perform a concert with 17 other schools across the District on May 2, at the Arkansas Repertory Theater. C. Remarks from Citizens Bridgette Marshall, parent of a student at McClellan High School, discussed the process she had been through in her efforts to have one of her son's grades changed. She stated that he had been injured in a football game and was not offered provisions to help him make up class work that would have raised his grades. The student is currently enrolled at the Accelerated Learning Center Evening School to make up some of the credits that he missed. It was her assertion that the students were not being treated fairly at McClellan. Dr. George Blevins addressed the Board regarding the superintendents' search and the selection process. He announced a town hall meeting on April 20, sponsored by Concerned Citizens United. The purpose of the meeting is to gain community input into the process of identifying and hiring the next superintendent. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page4 D. First Tee Golf & Life Skills Program Tony Hourston, from the First Tee Golf and Life Skills Program, addressed the Board regarding the program and their efforts to reach more children in the community. First Tee teaches responsibility, judgment and sportsmanship. Approximately 3,500 children participate currently, and the registration fee is $25.00 per year. He offered his telephone number for PE Coordinators to contact him in efforts to involve more LRSD students. E. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Katherine Knight addressed the Board and offered collaboration and cooperation in various areas to improve students' performance in the classroom. Ms. Knight noted that she and the Superintendent, along with other LRSD administrators and state level reading directors, had met with Barbara Kapanis, a consultant for the Reading First Initiative. In addition, Ms. Knight announced that Hazel Louks, a NCLB specialist, was offering a professional development opportunity for teachers who were interested. She stated some concern regarding the supplemental services providers under NCLB, and whether there were any measures of accountability, taking into consideration past performance and success records. Ms. Knight concluded her remarks by thanking the Board and the negotiating teams for the successful negotiations of the contracts. She stated that teachers were excited about the raises, as well as the perfect attendance incentives offered. The union had met to ratify the contract on Monday, and the ratification of the contract was included on the LRSD board agenda of this meeting. IV. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Remarks from Board Members Mr. Kurrus announced that the baseball diamond at Central High School had been completed, and that he had attended the opening day ceremony. In addition, he thanked Mr. Hourston for the presentation on First Tee. He stated that these programs, as well as other athletic programs offered by the LRSD were good for kids. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page 5 Dr. Mitchell announced the Clementine Mathis Rouse scholarship fund, which provides a $1,000 per year renewable scholarship to a LRSD student each year. The scholarship banquet has been scheduled and the audience was invited to purchase tickets to support this worthwhile event. It was noted that over $30,000 had been awarded to LRSD students through this program. In addition, Dr. Mitchell congratulated Marian Woods for her efforts to provide more professional development for our employees. She encouraged parents to get their students ready for the spring testing administrations. In closing, she thanked Dr. Holmes for coming into the LRSD when we needed someone to step up, and she encouraged him to consider applying. Mr. Rose announced that he had visited Watson Elementary School to read on Dr. Seuss' birthday. He was impressed with the cleanliness of the building, and he thanked the custodial staff for their efforts to keep the building and grounds in good condition. Mr. Rose commented on the recent legislative reports and information from the special session. He encouraged the staff and the audience to continue talking to their senators and representatives to encourage them to finish the job they started in the special session. Much more needs to be done to fund the educational programs in Little Rock and across the state. It was agreed by consensus to reorder the agenda to allow the proposal for renaming Mabe/vale Magnet Middle School to take place at this point in the meeting. It will be reported under the section and heading previously designated in the Board's agenda. After a brief recess, the board returned at 7:00 p.m. A motion to suspend the rules to consider business added to the agenda since the date of the agenda session was offered by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Dr. Daugherty, and carried unanimously. The action on all contract related items was taken at this point in the agenda, but will be reported under the section and heading designated in the Board's agenda. B. Student Assignment Report Mr. Babbs reported that student assignment procedures were continuing according to their timetable in preparation for the 2004-05 school year. Assignment letters for the four-year-old classes are to be mailed on April 9, and if additional seats become available, the staff will fill the spaces with students who are currently on a waiting list. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page 6 V. C. Budget Update Dr. Stewart was present, but had nothing to report. D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects Mr. Goodman reported on the status of repairs and renovations at Mitchell Academy. The opening of bids will take place on April 7, and the general construction will begin in July or August. The remainder of his report was printed in the Board's agenda. E. Internal Auditors Report Mr. Becker was present and noted that his report was printed in the agenda. No additional information was provided. F. Technology Update Ms. Neal provided a brief summary report as part of the Board's agenda. In addition, she invited Board members to observe technology training that will be taking place in June and July at the UALR technology center. Board members were invited to contact Ms. Neal for additional information. APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS A. Minutes Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 26, and from a special meeting held on March 11, 2004, were presented for review and approval. There were no corrections noted and the minutes were approved. B. Personnel Changes Routine personnel changes were printed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Holmes recommended approval. Mr. Berkley made the motion to approve the changes as presented. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page? C. Ratification of PN Agreement A suspension of the rules was required for the Board to consider ratification of the PN agreement, presented by Beverly Williams, Director of Human Resources. Mr. Berkley moved to suspend the rules, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. All components of the agreement were finalized on March 12, 2004, and a copy of the tentative agreement was printed in the Board's agenda. The agreement provided 2.875% salary increase for the 2003-04 school year, and a 10% increase for the 2004-05 school year. Mr. Berkley moved to approve the negotiated agreement between the L.R. Classroom Teachers Association and the LRSD Board of Directors. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0-1, with Mr. Rose abstaining from the vote. Mr. Rose indicated that his abstention should not reflect any disapproval of the PN agreement, but that it was offered to eliminate any possible appearance of conflict of interest. Mr. Rose's wife, as a teacher in the LRSD, will receive the compensation and benefits approved by the Board's vote. He asked that the vote be recorded as unanimous, in spite of his abstention. D. Salary Adjustments, 2003-04 School Year The rules were suspended in order to consider action on the salary adjustments and contract agreements for all employee groups not included on the teacher's salary schedule. The motion to suspend the rules was offered by Mr. Kurrus, seconded by Dr. Daugherty, and recorded as unanimous. The recommendation provided the same salary adjustments as that negotiated for teachers. Ms. Strickland moved to approve the recommendation, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Slip Sheet: Mr. Kurrus offered a motion to suspend the rules to consider an item presented just prior to the Board meeting, and not included in the printed agenda. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The action would approve an extension of the written agreements for bus drivers, aides, monitors and security officers, from March 25, 2004 until April 26, 2004, at which time it is expected that these groups will conclude their negotiations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page8 Ms. Strickland moved to approve the extension as presented by the CTA and the LRSD negotiating team. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. E. Student Calendar, 2004-05 The proposed student calendar was presented for the Board's review and approval. It was printed in the Board's agenda, but had been added after the agenda session, and therefore required a suspension of the rules. Ms. Strickland moved to suspend the rules, Mr. Berkley seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the calendar as presented. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Carol M. White Physical Education Program Proposal The U. S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, recently published guidelines for the 2004 grant applications under the Carol M. White Physical Education Program. Margo Bushmaier, Mary Paal, and Annette Scogin are developing the application, which requests funding in the amount of $627,000 over a three-year period. The grant would provide a coordinator of elementary physical education, equipment to enable student participation in physical education activities, staff development, and implementation of "Nifty Nutrition" educational materials for elementary school students. All students within the LRSD would benefit from receipt of the grant funding. The Board was asked to approve the submission of the grant application. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to approve the submission, Mr. Berkley seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. VII. SCHOOL SERVICES A. Naming of Facilities: Media Center / Mabelvale Magnet Middle School The faculty, staff, parents and students of Mabelvale Magnet Middle School submitted a request to name the library at MMMS in honor of Mr. Carl Martin. Mr. Martin is a life long resident of Mabelvale, and has served as the school's historian and friend for many years. Mr. Martin and his family were present. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page 9 A brief history of Mr. Martin's ninety-three year involvement in the Mabelvale community was printed in the Board's agenda. Ann Blaylock, principal, and Stella Cameron, media specialist, as well as other members of the Mabelvale faculty were present, including Kathy Farley, Martha Flowers, Pam Wallace, and Judge Evans. Ms. Strickland made a motion to approve the naming of the media center at Mabelvale Middle School in honor of Mr. Carl Martin. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. A dedication ceremony will be planned and Board members will be notified once specific information is known. VIII. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve the acceptance of recent donations to schools and Departments within the District. The donations are listed in the following chart. Ms. Strickland read the items listed in the Board's agenda, and made a motion to accept the donated items
Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Booker Arts Magnet GE Refrigerator, valued at $200.00 for Jeffrey Carson Elementarv School the teachers' lounae J. A. Fair Magnet High 156 backboards, valued at $1 ,000 for David Rainey of Smurfit-Stone School use by students in science fair projects Container Corp Forest Park Elementary New iron fencing at east, north and west Forest Park PTA School playground perimeters, valued at $19,850 Stonework surrounding play equipment areas, valued at $17,867 Multipondo play equipment and installation, v3lued at $2,798.35 Gibbs Magnet Elementary $2,500 to be applied toward the Susan M. Wixon School installation of a sorinkler svstem Jefferson Elementary Six DVD players, 1 DVDNCR combo Jefferson PT A School player, valued at $775.00 Parkview Arts / Science Four iMac computers with separate Patrick R. Carrington Magnet School components, color printers, and miscellaneous computer supplies to the Journalism Department, valued at $3,035. Rightsell Academy 15 Dell P2//300 computers w/separate Acxiom Corporation components, valued at approximately $1 ,000. REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 25, 2004 Page 10 IX. B. Annual Audit/ Financial Report Mark Milhollen introduced Mr. Don Smith, from Thomas & Thomas, CPA, Inc. A copy of the annual audit report had been presented to the Board under separate cover. Mr. Smith made a brief summary report and responded to questions. Under Arkansas law, the Board is required to approve the annual audit prior to submission to the state department of finance. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the audit
Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Mr. Milhollen reviewed the regular monthly audit reports. There were no questions, and the Board accepted the report. C. Financial Reports The monthly financial summary reports were provided to the Board as part of the printed agenda. Mr. Milhollen was present to review the reports and respond to questions. CLOSING REMARKS The Superintendent reviewed upcoming events printed in the District's calendar, including a reminder of the March literacy exams, and dates for distribution of report cards in early April. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Berkley moved to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVED: LJ-~l-04 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDEKIT March 26, 2004 Ann Marshall, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring One Union National Plaza 124 West Capitol, Suite 1895 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Ms. Marshall: RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2004 OFFICE OF DESElIBEGATICN MOMITORING I am enclosing minutes of the LRSD Board of Directors meetings held on January 22, February 12, February 26, and March 11, 2004. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide additional information. Enclosures Sincerely, Beverly J. Griffin Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 447-1002 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING April 8, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 8, 2004, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Mike Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes Susan Whitson, Court Reporter I. CALL TO ORDER RE E ED MAY 11 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING President Tony Rose called the special meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. All members of the Board were present at roll call. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of conducting an employee hearing. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING April 8, 2004 Page2 Ill. EMPLOYEE HEARING: Employee Kenneth Moore, who was represented by Attorney Jack Kearney, requested the hearing after being notified that he was being recommended for termination. Mr. Moore requested that the hearing be open to the public. Attorney Chris Heller represented the District. Court Reporter Susan Whitson, was present, and a full copy of the hearing transcript will be made a part of these minutes when that document becomes available. A letter to Mr. Moore recommending termination of employment was mailed on November 6, 2003. He had been placed on administrative leave, effective August 22, 2003. The letter detailed twelve specific acts of conduct considered to be insubordinate and in open conflict with the principal of Hall High School, and other unprofessional actions which were detrimental to the overall environment at Hall High School. Mr. Moore had been on paid administrative leave since August 22, 2003. Mr. Heller called witnesses for the District, including Detective Kevin Simpson of the L.R. Police Department, Tandy Hunjan, special education teacher at Hall High School, Pat Taylor Shelton, guidance secretary at Hall High School, Marshall Slayden, curriculum coordinator at Hall High, Beverly Williams, Director of Human Resources, and Vernon Smith, Jr., Principal at Hall High School. Mr. Kearney called Mr. Moore as a witness, and two parents and a former Hall High School student stood in the audience in support of Mr. Moore. They were not asked to take the stand as witnesses. The Board reviewed the documents presented by Attorney Heller, and reviewed specific instances of disparaging and derogatory remarks made by Mr. Moore directed at the Principal Smith. In addition, Mr. Moore had reported a threat of violence to the LR Police Department, and his written statement was included as part of the documentation. Mr. Moore indicated in his report that he took the threat to be of a serious and reportable nature
as a result, the individual was charged with terroristic threatening. When Mr. Moore was called as a witness in the case in the Municipal Court of Pulaski County, he changed his story and indicated that she might have been just "blowing off steam," and that he didn't think she would really have acted on her threats. The Board withdrew to deliberate at 11 :25 p.m. They returned to the board room at 11 :40 p.m. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING April 8, 2004 Page 3 Mr. Berkley made a motion stipulating that the District had proven evidence presented as listed below: 1. That Mr. Moore had disparaged and insulted the Principal and other LRSD administrators in a conversation at Hall High School with special education teacher Tandy Hunjan on August 21, 2003
That he had made insulting, derogatory and racially disparaging comments about the Principal to other staff members at Hall High School
That he refused to leave the Principal's office on August 12, 2003 after being directed to do so by the Principal
That he attempted to learn the Principal's social security number from a clerical staff member at Hall High School
and That he initially refused to provide a statement about events witnessed when an individual disrupted the freshman orientation at Hall High School. 2. That Mr. Moore had engaged in other unprofessional actions which were detrimental to Hall High School as follows: He told LRSD administrators and LR Police officers that he had received a credible threat from a former Hall High School teacher. His statement resulted in the termination recommendation and prosecution of the teacher. Mr. Moore provided testimony at the trial
however, he stated in court that he did not consider the threat to be credible. His testimony was inconsistent with statements previously given to and relied upon by the LRSD, the LR Police Department and the Pulaski County Prosecutors Office. Mr. Moore presented false and misleading information to the Director of Human Resources stating that he had been cleared of allegations that he engaged in abusive behavior towards a student, when in fact the charges had not been cleared. Mr. Moore improperly gained access to the confidential files of the Arkansas Department of Human Services and obtained information regarding an LRSD student. The motion was seconded by Mr. Day, and carried unanimously. Mr. Berkley made a motion to uphold the recommendation to terminate Mr. Kenneth Moore based on the above finding of facts. Mr. Kurrus seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING April 8, 2004 Page4 IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11 :42 p.m. on a motion by Dr. Mitchell, seconded by Ms. Strickland. APPROVED: L.J -~~ - 0 c..{ y, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Micheal Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER/ ROLL CALL Mr. Rose called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Ms. Strickland arrived at 5:50 p.m. In addition, ex officio representatives Lenora Nunnley, student at J.A. Fair High School, and Darnell Bell, teacher at Western Hills Elementary School, were also present. II. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ WELCOMING COMMENTS Mr. Rose welcomed the audience and asked Dr. Holmes to proceed with the presentation of recognitions and citations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page2 Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Superintendent's Citations Dr. Holmes presented a citation to Caroline Allen, junior at Central High School. Caroline is the goalkeeper for the Lady Tigers soccer team, and was recently named the Gatorade Arkansas High School Girls Soccer Player of the Year. A superintendent's citation was presented to Jeffery Trimble, Jr. in recognition of his recently receiving the Youth Achievement Award from the Arkansas Martin Luther King Jr. Commission. Jeffery attends Mann Magnet Middle School. Ryan Spencer Higgins was recognized for receiving the 2004 John W. Harris Leadership Award from the National Beta Club. Only 50 Junior Beta Club members nationwide were selected to receive this award. Ryan is an eighth grader at Dunbar Magnet Middle School. The Parkview Magnet School Women's Basketball Team received citations for winning the state 5-A championship. Coaches Lahoma Howard and Kiffany Davis were presented with citations. It was noted that this was the first time the Parkview Women's team had won a state championship. Coach Howard was recognized for being selected as the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Coach of the Year, and junior player Crystal Boyd was named Miss Basketball of the Year for 2004. Coaches William Hardiman and John Kelley were recognized , along with representative members of the Parkview men's indoor track team. This team won the state 5-A championship in indoor track - - a first for a team from the Little Rock School District. The state spelling bee champion, Anne Ye, was recognized for winning this competition for the second year in a row. Anne is an 8th grader from Dunbar Magnet Middle School. She will represent Arkansas at the National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. in June. Members of the Mathcounts State championship team, coached by Trela Cook, received certificates of recognition from the Superintendent. Team members were Sho Mamiya and Miles McCullough, from Pulaski Heights Middle School, and Anne Ye and Peter Liu from Dunbar Magnet Middle School. These students will travel to Washington, DC for the national Mathcounts competition in May. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page 3 Certificates were presented to Susan Garner, Central High School yearbook advisor and journalism teacher, and members of the 2003 Central yearbook staff. Jessica Rutledge, this year's editor, was present to accept the citations. Taylor Publishing Company selected the 2003 Central Yearbook as the overall winner nationwide in the Theme and Design category. Representatives of Rotary Club 99, Karen Fetzer and Ron Boyeskie, were present to receive certificates of appreciation for a Rotary project in which every third grade student received a dictionary, and storybooks were placed in elementary school libraries. The project is coordinated through the ViPS office staff and Debbie Milam, who serves as the Rotary Club 99 Literacy Chair. Quiz Bowl championship teams were introduced and awarded certificates of recognition by Diane Rynders, LRSD Gifted & Talented Coordinator. Elementary Division I champions, from Jefferson Elementary School, were Andrew Manley, Joel Temple, Jane Bashaw, Avery Zorn, Sid Perry, April Terry, Madison Smith, Brendon Holmes, and Trey Finney. Their coach, Karin McAtee, and their principal, Roberta Mannon, were also present. The Elementary Division II champions were from Geyer Springs Elementary School. T earn members included Lakacia Lloyd, Chesery Lowe, Kristin Bell, Jenny Howell, Sarah Kline, Shane Burris, Damion Donovan, and Christopher Rodgers. Their coach Barbara Hodges, and their principal Donna Hall, were also present. The Middle School Division team was from Mann Magnet Middle School. Team members included Silas Altheimer, Cyrus Bahrassa, Dillon Hupp, Melissa Wilcox, and Jillian Peterson. Their coaches Bonnie Bumpers and Jason Finney were also recognized . The Mann team went on to win first place in the SA Junior High Division at the statewide competition. The state championship team included Silas Altheimer, Cyrus Bahrassa, Aaron Campbell, Dillon Hupp, Will Pierce and Dalton Wise. Lawrence Watts from Central High School was named Most Valuable Player from all of the 5-A high school teams in the state at the Governor's Quiz Bowl. His Coach, Lenora Murray, was present as well. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to Bill Gatewood and Georganne Cisco from the Old State House Museum for donation of the facility and volunteer services for the Quiz Bowl finals. Scott Morgan and Beth Collins were awarded certificates for hosting the preliminary competitions at Western Hills Elementary School. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page4 Students from Metropolitan Career & Technical Center recently participated in the Arkansas Skills USA competition in Hot Springs. Mike Peterson introduced the students and their instructors, and each of them was given a certificate of recognition for their achievement. The instructors and students are listed: Instructor/ Course Student Award Darrell Berry / Micah Davidson Gold - Photooraohv Advertising Design Erin Richey Bronze - Photography State Pin Desion Award Carl Grummer I Jeff Merkt Bronze - Technical Drafting Architectural Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Jordan Brown State & National Skills USA Courtesy Coros Linda Soderling / Cosmetology Katrina Brown Silver - Hair stvlino Shammeka Starks Silver - Nails Chealse McClendon Silver - Nails Jakita Bass Bronze - Nails LaTonva Rauls Bronze - Model Chef Woody Powell / DeAndrea Gooden Gold - Commercial Bakina Culinary Arts A'Nvseian Lane Silver - Commercial Bakina Steve Averil/ Doug Petz Gold - Diesel Truck Diesel Technology Jonathan Motl Silver - Diesel Truck Scottie Elmore Bronze - Diesel Truck Robert Belk Gold - Diesel Farm Justin Wilson Silver - Diesel Farm Jason Bredlow Bronze - Diesel Farm James Birtcher / Joshua Stramiello Gold - Extemporaneous Speaking Law Enforcement Carla Stallings/ Brian Kelly Gold - Job Interview Medical Professions Mitchell Perry / Robin Dixon Bronze - Graphic Communications Printing Technology Jerald White/ Paul Wilson Bronze - Secondarv Weldina Welding Toby Lutman, Kris Doan, Bronze - Quiz Bowl Jesse Delling, Aaron Kubli, Wilson Paul In addition, Carl Grummer I Architectural Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Instructor at Metropolitan received the Skills USA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award for Outstanding Service to Arkansas Skills USA. The final Superintendent's citations were given to the ex officio representatives to the Board for the Month of April: Darnell Bell, teacher at Western Hills Elementary School, and Lenora Nunnley, student at J. A. Fair Magnet High School. B. Remarks from Citizens Vanessa Hampton, the Student Council Sponsor at Parkview Magnet High, introduced Derrick Rainey, Reginald Cleaver and Carlton Wamble. These students participated in the recent statewide Student Council conference held at Parkview. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page 5 Thirty schools from around the state participated in the conference, and the student council representatives were present to thank the Board and the Superintendent for their contributions to the success of the conference. City Year sponsored a community service activity, the Superintendent addressed the group at the opening event, and Board Member Bryan Day was recognized for his contributions to the conference through the City of Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department. Anne Williams, fourth grade teacher at Carver Magnet Elementary School, addressed the Board regarding the attendance component of the PTAS evaluation instrument. She stated that although she has accumulated 62 days of sick leave, she was given a poor evaluation, below basic, for missing a few days of school during a recent illness. She and other teachers want the Board to reconsider this component of the evaluation process and to work with the union to come up with a method of evaluation that does not penalize a teacher for being ill or for having to use sick time when another family member is ill. C. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Grainger Ledbetter thanked the negotiations team for the cooperative process in coming to agreement for all the various employee groups. He stated that they were almost complete and that teachers were especially encouraged by the $3,000 stipend that would be available to teachers who complete the National Board Certification process. IV. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Remarks from Board Members - Mr. Rose made comments regarding the LISA Academy and the recent announcement that the school would be located in the far western part of the city. He stated that the State Board of Education should reconsider their approval of this charter school because taking it out of the inner city will drastically change the dynamics of the school and the resulting enrollment will have a negative impact on the LRSD enrollment. He stated that he personally had received three recruiting letters from LISA, and that he is appalled that state funds will be taken from the public schools to fund this private academy. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page6 Mr. Kurrus continued on the topic of LISA Academy, stating that an estimated $600,000 will be taken from the LRSD to fund this private school for the approximately 107 students who have enrolled thus far from our District's boundaries. He thanked the two State Board of Education members who voted against LISA, and he stated the ADE might want to reconsider their approval after seeing how they have changed the basic plans from application to implementation. B. Student Assignment Report Mr. Babbs did not have a formal report, but did provide the list of names recommended to serve on the Student Assignment Committee. He will contact all of these individuals and coordinate a meeting to begin the process of reviewing the current attendance zones and school assignment policies and procedures. Dr. Daugherty has been asked to co-chair as the Board's representative on the committee. C. Budget Update Dr. Stewart was present, but had nothing to report. D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects Mr. Eaton reviewed the written report provided by Mr. Goodman and printed in the Board's agenda. E. Internal Auditors Report Mr. Becker was present and noted that his report was printed in the agenda. He reported that the recent United Way Day of Caring had resulted in community service projects at eight of our schools. F. Technology Update Ms. Neal highlighted topics printed in the report provided for the agenda. The Technology Center is scheduled to open in June, and Board members were invited to tour at their convenience. Two professional development days are scheduled next week, and staff will be involved in computer training on those days, teachers as well as administrators and other staff. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page 7 G. OCR Compliance Review Karen Broadnax, ESL SupeNisor, provided a written report for the Board's review and approval. The findings of the OCR review and investigation were printed in the agenda, and evidence was included indicating that the District had satisfactorily fulfilled the terms of the Commitment to Resolve. Mr. Day made a motion to accept the report as presented. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS A. Minutes Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 25, and from a special meeting held on April 8, 2004, were presented for review and approval. There were no corrections noted and the minutes were approved as submitted. B. Personnel Changes Routine personnel changes were printed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Holmes recommended approval. Mr. Kurrus made the motion to approve the changes
Mr. Berkley seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VI. SCHOOL SERVICES A. Summer Educational Programs Dennis Glasgow reviewed a proposal for providing summer enrichment programs on a pilot basis to students who need reinforcement of basic skills, and for students who need credit recovery for failing courses in secondary school. The District is challenged to find a variety of educational opportunities for student enrichment. Mr. Glasgow reviewed the RFP and explained the recent state legislation that requires the District to offer free credit recovery courses for those students who are in the free and reduced lunch socio-economic status. Since budgetary requirements were still unknown, Mr. Day made a motion to table. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page8 VII. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Regulation: GBEA-R - Conflict of Interest An explanation of the requirements for compliance with Arkansas statute 6-24- 101, Act 1599 of 2001, was provided in the Board's agenda. Mr. Paradis presented the regulations to implement our compliance. No vote was required. B. Request for Dedication of Right of Way: Parkview Magnet High School Mr. Eaton provided a request to dedicate to the City of Little Rock a right-of-way easement on 26th Street near Parkview High School to fulfill the requirement of a conditional use permit. This easement is on the east side of the campus and will not detract in any way from the operations of the school. Street and drainage improvements will be made in this area, and will benefit access and traffic around the school property. Mr. Day moved to approve the right of way easement
Mr. Berkley seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. C. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve the acceptance of recent donations to schools and Departments within the District. The donations are listed in the following chart. Student ex officio, Lenora Nunnley, read the items listed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to accept the donated items
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Central High School $848.00 for bus expenses for 9t " grade Leslie Golden and Susan Nichols students to attend a production of Arkansas Repertory Theatre Romeo & Juliet at the Repertory Theatre The novel, "Bleachers," by author John Kevin Crass of the Friday, Eldredge & Grisham to each member of the Tiger Clark Law Firm Football Team. Total value of the donation, $1 ,603.49 Cloverdale Magnet Middle Burger coupons, valued at McDonalds, RCN Enterprises, Inc. School approximately $500.00 to be used as student incentives A framed oil painting of the school, Mr. Carey Hilburn valued at approximately $350.00, to be hung in the front office REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 22, 2004 Page 9 DONATIONS OF PROPERTY (continued) SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Mabelvale Magnet Middle Seven computer tables and a portable Fidelity Information Services, Inc. School AV computer station for the technology through Becky Bowling center of the new library. Total value approximately $1,400. LRSD Assorted office furniture and a Canon Mark Ross, Ross & Ross, PA typewriter, valued at approximately $100. Two Mark 100 AF Metal/Weapon Little Rock National Airport Detection Systems with an extra control module, valued at approximately $7,500. D. Financial Report The monthly financial summary reports were provided to the Board as part of the printed agenda. Dr. Stewart was present to review the reports and respond to questions. VIII. CLOSING REMARKS The Superintendent briefly reviewed upcoming events as printed in the District's calendar. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. APPROVED: 5-JO . 0 t.f R. Micheal Dau LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING May 13, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2004, immediately preceding the regularly scheduled agenda meeting, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Mike Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Berkley ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER President Tony Rose called the special meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Mr. Berkley was absent. In addition, ex officio representatives were also present: Susan Bonominio, teacher at Williams Magnet School, and Keenan Williams, student at Hall High School. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of reviewing Summer Educational Program recommendations and to authorize the budget required to conduct those programs. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING May 13, 2004 Page2 SUMMER EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: Dennis Glasgow reviewed the recommendations and provided the Board with a brief background of the process used to develop the summer enrichment and credit recovery summer school programs. This item had been presented previously in the April Board meeting, however action was tabled at that time pending additional budget information. Mr. Day made a motion to approve the recommended budget for the proposed summer programs. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. APPROVED: 'J-
)O. O'f LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT May 10, 2004 Ann Marshall, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring One Union National Plaza 124 West Capitol, Suite 1895 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Ms. Marshall: RECEIVED MAY 11 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING I am enclosing minutes of the LRSD Board of Directors meetings held on March 25 and April 8, 2004. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide additional information. Enclosures Sincerely, ~ Beverly J. Griffin Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 447-1002 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING May 19, 2004 RECEIVED JUL 1 3 200
DESE OFFICE OF GREGATIDN f,,ONfTORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Daugherty ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER President Tony Rose called the special meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Dr. Daugherty was absent. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the consultant's recommendations for the position of superintendent of schools EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Berkley made a motion to convene an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0. The Board returned from executive session at 8:45 p.m. and reported that no action was taken. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING May 19, 2004 Page2 IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED:~ .l l( Oc./ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 RECEIVED JUL 1 ,'.> 2004 DESEGREG1:rtif OF f,,ONITORING The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The meeting date was rescheduled from May 27 to accommodate the annual high school graduation ceremonies. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Micheal Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Morris L. Holmes, Interim Superintendent Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Mr. Rose called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Dr. Daugherty arrived at 6:55 p.m. In addition, ex officio representatives Susan Bonominio, teacher at Williams Magnet Elementary School, and Keenan Williams, student at Hall High School, were also present. 11. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ WELCOMING COMMENTS Mr. Rose welcomed the audience and asked Dr. Holmes to proceed with the presentation of recognitions and citations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May20,2004 Page2 Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Superintendent's Citations Dr. Holmes announced that Yang Dai had been selected as a Presidential Scholar, one of 141 selected this year nationwide. She will be recognized with the other selected students June 19 - 22 in Washington. DC. Yang could not be present, but the citation presentation included recognition of many achievements
Yang earned perfect scores on the ACE and the SAT, and has chosen to graduate early to attend Princeton in the fall of 2004. Students at Cloverdale Magnet Middle School were recognized for successful participation in the Economics Fair at Henderson State University. Their teacher, Amy Walker, was present and introduced the winning students, Theo Pippins, Aisha McDonald, and Mahogany McClure. Amanda Verma, a junior at Central High School, was recognized for her participation in the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium in Baltimore, MD. Amanda won first place in the medicine and health category, for research done at UAMS under the direction of Dr. Thomas Kelly. Amanda received a $16,000 scholarship and a trip to London in June to participate in the International Youth Science Forum. Kristian Henderson was selected to receive a $25,000 scholarship in the annual Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarship Program. The scholarship is provided in coordination with the American Association of School Administrators, and Kristian, a junior at Central High School, was selected as one of nine national winners. She will attend the awards ceremony in Riverwoods, Illinois this summer. Kris Zumwalt, a seventh grade student at Cloverdale Magnet Middle School, won first place in the Sybil Nash Abrams Memorial Student Poetry Contest. The award included a cash award and an invitation to attend the Poets' Roundtable of Arkansas Spring Workshop in Springdale this summer. Members of the Geyer Springs Neighborhood Association attended the meeting in recognition of the newly formed BFI Children of Promise Scholarship Foundation. Donna Hall, principal of Geyer Springs Elementary School, Willie Hinton, Ward 2 Alderman, and Dale Stevener, General Manager of BFI were present. Joan Adcock, member-at-large of the City of Little Rock Board of Directors, read the poem Children of Promise, written by Joa Stafford-Humphrey. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 3 The Children of Promise fund will provide scholarships for Geyer Springs students who maintain good grades and citizenship throughout their middle and high school years. Their achievements will be tracked, and the scholarship funds will be made available when they enter post-secondary educational programs. Terese Klaus, a sixth grade social studies and science teacher at Henderson Magnet Middle School, was recently named the Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year by the Bowman Road Sam's Club store. Ms. Klaus is a first year teacher, and was nominated by her principal, Marvin Burton. Jo Evelyn Elston, Director of Pupil Services, introduced members of her staff and student representatives of participating Peer Helpers groups. As a community service project, students raised $5,520, which was donated to The Arkansas Rice Depot. Students from Carver Magnet Elementary School raised over $1 ,000.00 and students from Booker Magnet Elementary School raised over $900.00. School Counselors Tracy Thompson, Vivian Johnson and Tammy Ringler were present as well. The District's Director of Human Resources, Beverly Williams, was recognized for her recent election to a three-year term on the Alumni Association Board of Hendrix College in Conway. Bryan Day, Zone 3 representative to the Board, was recognized for becoming certified as an Honor Board Member by the Arkansas School Boards Association. The certification indicates completion of 15 hours of mandatory and voluntary school board member training. Several employees were recognized on their recent retirement from the LRSD: Edith Blythe, Ollie Bradford, Mary Jane Cheatham, Larry Cobbs, Barbara Folsom, Sarah Williams, and Joyce Wyatt. Each of them received a plaque in appreciation for their many years of service to the District. The final Superintendent's citations were given to the ex officio representatives to the Board for the Month of May: Suzanne Bonaminio, teacher at Williams Magnet Elementary School, and Keenan Williams, student at Hall High School. B. Partners in Education Prior to recognition of the partnerships, Debbie Milam announced the District's total number of volunteer service hours, which was celebrated recently at the annual VIPS Night for the Stars. A total of 464,000 volunteer hours accumulated during the 2003-04 school year, valued at over half-million dollars. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May20,2004 Page4 IV. Ms. Milam presented one new business and school partnership for the Board's adoption: Baseline Elementary School, represented by Charlotte Cornice, in partnership with McDonald's on Geyer Springs & Baseline Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the formation of the partnership
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. C. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Katherine Wright Knight announced a recent gift to the District's Mah/on Martin Staff Development Library at the Instructional Resource Center
$2,200 worth of digital camera equipment will be available for teachers to use on loan. Ms. Knight thanked Dr. Holmes for his service to the District over the past few months. She thanked the Board for having the foresight to bring him in as the interim superintendent, and she expressed hope that he would be considered as the next permanent superintendent. She stated that this had been a very good year with no major public crises, due in part to respect and admiration for Dr. Holmes' leadership. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Remarks from Board Members Dr. Mitchell reported that she had attended the SECME Awards Program, coordinated by Jo Evelyn Elston and the Pupil Services staff. She commended the students on their work and remarked that their "amazing projects" were evidence of what can be achieved when students start early taking math, science and technology courses. Dr. Mitchell also attended the Bob Sarver Memorial Banquet to recognize students who help each other and learn to "give back" to their peers. Mr. Kurrus expressed pride and appreciation for a successful school year. He thanked parents, students, teachers, and all who were involved in making the educational experience a positive one for his children and all students in the LRSD. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 5 Mr. Kurrus commented briefly on the commemoration of the May 17, 1954 ruling by Justice Earl Warren, known as the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. He had attended a community meeting where Attorney Chris Mercer spoke on the topic of "separate but unequal" and he stressed the importance of positive attitudes and "getting to know our neighbors." Mr. Day congratulated all the high school students who would be graduating the following week from LRSD high schools. He thanked his fellow Board members for the good experiences he has had over the past eight months. Mr. Rose thanked the LRSD and all who have been involved in providing an excellent education to his daughter. Ms. Strickland commented on the report provided in the Board's agenda regarding the newly formed Student Assignment committee. She thanked the committee members for agreeing to serve, and asked that future meetings not be scheduled on Wednesday nights. B. Student Assignment Report Mr. Babbs was not present, but had provided a written report for the Board's agenda. The report included a brief summary regarding the first meeting of the Student Assignment Committee, notice and recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, and an update on the process of the District's attempt to expand Pre-K programs. C. Budget Update Dr. Stewart briefed the Board on the process being utilized to prioritize the budget. Department managers had submitted their wish lists and the process of prioritizing would begin with a detailed review with the Superintendent and Cabinet members. On the revenue projections, no revisions of the original estimated state aid had yet been provided, but notice of tax assessments indicate an increase in the average growth projections. The reappraisals are becoming effective gradually and will impact revenue incrementally as those taxes are collected. Dr. Holmes made brief remarks regarding the budget process, and stated that he would be coordinating the meetings for discussion of projected revenue and establishing a reasonable fund balance. He wanted the public to be aware that the revenue dollars are limited, and that reduction in expenditures should be expected in order to maintain a reasonable balance and provide the salaries promised to employees. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 6 D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects Mr. Eaton reviewed the report provided by Mr. Goodman and printed in the Board's agenda. Construction projects across the District are underway and many will be completed over the summer. Mr. Eaton also detailed several moves that will be accomplished over the summer, with students at Wakefield returning to their new building, and students from Mitchell moving to the Badgett School building while renovations are underway at their school. E. Internal Auditors Report Mr. Becker reviewed the report printed in the Board's agenda. No additional information was requested. F. Technology Update Ms. Neal reported briefly on the highlights of the report provided in the agenda. She noted that staff development technology sessions held on May 3 were well attended and that teachers were gaining technology experience and expertise at a fast pace. Ms. Neal also noted that Henderson Health-Science Magnet Middle School is installing and implementing an EAST lab. Approximately half of the E-rate applications have been approved and appeals are in process for the half that were questioned or denied. V. APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS A. Minutes Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on April 22, and from a special meeting held on May 13, 2004, were presented for review and approval. There were no corrections noted and the minutes were approved as submitted. B. Personnel Changes Routine personnel changes were printed in the Board's agenda. The administration requested and recommended approval. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the changes
Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page? C. Rehire of Current Staff Members In addition to the routine personnel matters, the administration recommended approval to rehire all current LRSD employees with the exception of those who hold positions funded with grant funds which end prior to June 30, 2005. Mr. Kurrus made the motion to approve the administration's recommendation
Mr. Berkley seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. D. Contract Negotiations Contracts negotiated with the LR Classroom Teachers Association were presented for the Board's review and approval. The changes apply to the 2004-05 school year and affect previously negotiated agreements with transportation employees, including bus drivers, aides, and monitors, and with the District's security officers. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to ratify the agreements reached by the negotiating teams for transportation and security employees. Mr. Day seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. VI. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION A. Federal Grant: Smaller Learning Communities Linda Austin reported that she had submitted a grant application to the U.S. Department of Education for a Smaller Learning Communities grant for Central and Fair High Schools. The grant would provide $749,928 to restructure the schools into smaller learning communities based on students' career and academic interests. The proposal, when implemented, would improve overall academic achievement in reading and mathematics and would enhance teachers' professional development opportunities and incorporate research-based strategies into the instructional day. It is expected that notification will be made by the end of September. Mr. Berkley moved to authorize the administration to maintain the submission. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. B. Federal Grant: Community Technology Center Ms. Austin reported on a second Federal grant proposal for a Community Technology Center grant, in partnership with EAST, Inc. to expand the Central High School 9th grade technology center. The amount of the application was $500,000 with an equal in-kind match requirement. The proposal would expand access to technology and training for residents of the REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 8 Central High community, provide after school, Saturday and summer programs for students and the community, and enhance teachers' technology-based strategies through increased professional development opportunities. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to authorize the submission
Mr. Berkley seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. C. State Grant: 21 st Century Community Learning Center With the Board's authorization, a proposal to fund a five-year 21 st Century Community Learning Center grant will be submitted to the Arkansas Department of Education. The funds would provide a community learning center at Mabelvale Magnet Middle School which would provide after school, before school, Saturday and summer learning programs. The proposal requests a total of $540,000 over a five-year period. Mr. Berkley moved approval of the submission. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. D. State Grant: Enhancing Education Through Technology Grant Lucy Neal presented a request for the Board to maintain a submission to the Arkansas Department of Education for an EEET (Enhancing Education Through Technology) Grant. The application was due on May 13, 2004. The grant was submitted in partnership with the North Little Rock and Pulaski County Special School Districts, and would provide a total of $300,000 to provide training for teachers in using the mobile Alphasmart technology labs at Cloverdale Middle School, Henderson Middle School, Mabelvale Magnet Middle School, and Southwest Middle School. The LRSD's share of the grant would be $100,000 and no matching funds are required. Ms. Strickland moved to approve the administration's request to maintain the grant submission. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. E. State Grant: Arkansas Better Chance for School Success The Early Childhood Department staff submitted a request for the Board's review and approval of an application to the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education for funding of programs for three and four year old children who reside in the LRSD. The ABCSS (Arkansas Better Chance for School Success) program provides early access to educational experiences to pre-school children who are "educationally deprived" as defined by Act 49 of 2004. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 9 The proposal would provide up to $5.5 million from the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Early Childhood Education. Dr. Stewart responded to questions regarding the District's current funding of early childhood programs and how this money would be used to expand and enhance what the LRSD is already funding . Dr. Mitchell made a motion to approve the request for application. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. F. Adoption of Health Textbooks The Health textbook adoption committee provided their recommendations for the replacement of textbooks for the District's health education courses. Health has traditionally been offered as an elective in grades 9 through 12, and as part of the physical education curriculum in 6th grade. Health will be added to the science curriculum at the 5th grade level in the 2004-05 school year. Age appropriate recommendations for textbook adoption were presented for the Board's review and approval. Larry Berkley and Sue Strickland served as the Board's representatives on the adoption committees. Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the selections of the committee
Ms. Strickland seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. G. Adoption of Family & Consumer Science Textbooks/ Industrial Technology Education Textbooks Textbook recommendations for Family Consumer Science and Industrial Technology for grades 7 through 9 were presented for the Board's review and approval. Carol Green, the Career and Technical Education Director, headed the review committee, and all Family and Consumer Science middle and high school teachers were given the opportunity to provide input and recommendations for the adoption. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the list of textbooks presented for review. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Recommendations for Compliance with Act 1220 of 2003 Margo Bushmiaer, Coordinator of Health Services, presented a recommendation to bring the LRSD into compliance with Act 1220 of 2003. This legislation mandates a school nutrition and physical activity advisory committee that will include members of the Board, administrative staff, food service personnel, teachers, parents, students, health professionals and REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 10 community members. A roster of the members of the Physical Activity Advisory Committee was presented for the Board's approval. Mr. Berkley made a motion to approve the recommended committee. Mr. Day seconded the motion, and it carried 7-0. B. CARE Program Tuition Increase Jo Evelyn Elston, Director of Pupil Services, presented a recommendation to increase the amount charged for the District's before and after school CARE Program by $15.00 per month
from the current $110 per month to $125.00 per month. CARE is a self-supporting program, and the proposed increase would bring the revenue in line with expenses that will incur when CARE employees are given the raises approved by the Board for all LRSD personnel. Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the recommended increase. Mr. Berkley seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. C. Student Handbook Revisions, 2004-05 Dr. Watson provided recommendations for the revision of the 2004-05 student handbook. At the request of the student representative to the Board, a review of Rule 26 will be conducted, which designates the sanctions for possession of a cell phone or pager. The Board had discussed this request at the agenda meeting, and Dr. Watson agreed to review the suggestion with discipline/ handbook committee members and building principals. Ms. Strickland moved to approve the handbook revisions as printed in the Board's agenda. Mr. Kurrus seconded the motion and it carried 7-0. Dr. Watson will return at the June agenda meeting with the results of the review for the Board's information and a possible revision or amendment. VIII. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve the acceptance of recent donations to schools and Departments within the District. The donations are listed in the following chart. Student ex officio, Keenan Williams, read the items listed in the Board's agenda. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to accept the donated items
Mr. Day seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 20, 2004 Page 11 SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Central High School $500.00 cash to the CHS Jazz Band Regions Financial Corp. $100.00 cash to the CHS Lacrosse Joe & Sage Arnold Club $750.00 cash to the CHS Jazz Concert Donnie Pointer / Coca-Cola Benefit Geyer Springs Elementary $100.00 cash to the Early Childhood Jeffrey M. Graham, Attorney Department Pulaski Heights Elementary $1 ,200 cash for trophies and books for Entergy Engineering Dept. most improved readers Pulaski Heights Middle $2,000.00 cash to the PHMS Winthrop and Lisenne Rockefeller School Mathcounts team for travel expenses to National Competition in Washington, DC LRSD Three printers, one fax machine and Jean Sonk assorted computer cables and wires, valued at $200.00 B. Financial Report The monthly financial summary reports were provided to the Board as part of the printed agenda. Mr. Milhollen was present to review the reports and respond to questions. IX. CLOSING REMARKS The Superintendent asked Dr. Lacey to review the upcoming high school graduation dates and middle school commencement ceremony schedule. X. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS Dr. Watson presented summary information for two students being recommended for expulsion from the District. The first student, Anthony Speakman, was a 10th grade student at Hall High school. It was reported that Anthony was in possession of a loaded gun on the school campus. Anthony stated that he found the gun on the school grounds
witnesses stated that Anthony had shown the gun to students during the lunch period on the previous day. One of the witnesses took a police officer to Anthony's home, and the weapon was located there. REGULAR BOARD MEETING May20,2004 Page 12 The administration recommended a one-year expulsion as required by Arkansas Law. If the courts do not assign Anthony to a detention facility, it is recommended that he be placed at the Juvenile Justice Center Step One program. Mr. Berkley moved to approve the recommendation for one-year expulsion and placement at the JJC for Anthony Speakman. Mr. Kurrus seconded the motion and it carried 4-2, with Dr. Daugherty and Ms. Strickland voting against the motion. Board members asked Dr. Watson to note in the record that if the student was not placed in a detention facility on the weapons charge, he had a right to a Board appeal hearing Terrell Price was a 9th grade student assigned to the Alternative Leaming Center. Terrell and three other students were on the football field at McClellan High School after school on February 18, 2004. Witnesses stated that Terrell pulled a gun and fired into the air, then ran into the community behind the school. A young man who was standing near Geyer Springs Road was hit by a bullet at the same time the shots were fired on the football field. Terrell did not have an administrative disciplinary hearing because he was detained by the Juvenile Courts and has been assigned to the Juvenile Justice Center awaiting his court appearance on separate and unrelated charges. The administration recommended a one-year expulsion as required by Arkansas law. If the courts release Terrell from the JJC before the calendar year expires, the LRSD will reassign him to that program. Mr. Kurrus moved to approve the administration's recommendation. Mr. Berkley seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: ~ -~4-0i Robert M. Daerty, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING June 8, 2004 RECEIVED JUL 1 -3 2004 DES OFFICE OF EGREGAT/ON fr10NITORJNG The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special session at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 2004, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Tony Rose presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Rose Larry Berkley Mike Daugherty Bryan Day Baker Kurrus Katherine Mitchell Sue Strickland MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER President Tony Rose called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Six members of the Board were present at roll call
Dr. Daugherty arrived at 5:07 p.m. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called in response to a petition from Concerned Citizens United. Mr. Rose addressed the audience and stated that 45 minutes would be allotted for the group to make their presentation. Each Board member would then be allowed an opportunity to made comments. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING June 8, 2004 Page2 Ill. PRESENTATION/ SPEAKERS Mark Perry, Executive Director of New Futures for Youth, introduced himself as a committed supporter of the LRSD. He expressed appreciation for Dr. Morris Holmes and the work that Dr. Holmes had done over the past year as interim superintendent. Mr. Perry asked the Board to carefully consider the qualities and qualifications of the person selected to be the next superintendent. He asked whether that person would stay in Little Rock for a number of years, and whether that person would come here with a commitment to the community that Dr. Holmes has exhibited. He stressed the importance of seeking the input of the community when selecting the next Superintendent of Schools. Otis Tyler asked the Board to review the "gaps" that exist in the community beyond test score and achievement gaps. He noted the "gaps" exist in housing, city services in specified neighborhoods, infrastructure, income levels, and the differences in the educational background of parents or grandparents who are raising children. He stated that Concerned Citizens United was interested in promoting "direct democracy" and had a desire to engage the District's Board and administration in robust conversation that would lead to reasoned and informed judgments. Annie Abrams stated that Concerned Citizens United was organized with the intent of serving as an impetus to include all citizens, parents and other community members in ensuring academic achievement for all children, especially those from lower income neighborhoods. She stated that CCU was challenged to confront the LRSD Board in order to gain a participatory role in the selection of the next Superintendent of the LRSD. She stated that Morris Holmes would provide stability that had not been present during the past few years in the LRSD, and she expressed a firm belief that he would remain committed to the children of this city. She expressed confidence that the LRSD would continue to produce "thinkers" and committed citizens for the 21st century. Kathy Wells introduced herself as a community activist anti a member of the CCU. She recommended Morris Holmes for the position of Superintendent of Schools and stated that the Board had made a grave mistake by not offering an interview to Dr. Holmes. She stated that the Board could rectify that mistake by allowing an interview immediately. Ms. Wells listed Dr. Holmes' past work history and experience as a teacher, principal, and Superintendent of a large school district. She stated that Dr. Holmes had a reputation for being a hard worker who inspired leadership. Ms. Wells reminded the Board that they had adopted a Strategic Plan that was developed through participation with members of the community and she asked them to follow through on the plan that they adopted. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING June 8, 2004 Page 3 IV. Dr. George Blevins presented a PowerPoint slide show that compared statistics and demographic information through a variety of charts and graphs. The information provided was a result of his research of the websites of the school districts where the candidates for the LRSD Superintendency are currently employed. Terrance Bolden reviewed the purpose of the incorporation of the group Concerned Citizens United. He stated that community members were disenfranchised, and that the LRSD Board had an opportunity to make things right by taking action that is fair and right. He stated support for Morris Holmes, and said that the Board and the community owed Dr. Holmes a degree of dignity and respect for his 35 - 40 year career as an educator, and for the year that he gave as Interim Superintendent. Mr. Bolden asked the Board to consider offering Dr. Holmes an opportunity to interview for the position of Superintendent, and he asked the Board to seriously consider why they did not consider him a candidate in the first place.
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources.
<dcterms_creator>Little Rock School District</dcterms_creator>