Little Rock School District, school board meeting minutes

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LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting January 16, 1992 AY 1 \992 Ollice of Desegregado11 Mo .. 1tcnng The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 6:27 p.m. on January 16, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs . o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Merlyn Watson, Teacher Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The president called the special meeting to order at 6:27 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting had been called for the purpose of considering a Resolution Authorizing Application for School Assistance in Federally Affected Areas
to consider the Refinancing of Bonds
to conduct student disciplinary hearings
and ,. to have an executive session to discuss personnel matters. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR SCHOOL ASSISTANCE IN FEDERALLY AFFECTED AREAS: Dr. Steele directed the Board members' attention to the Resolution previously sent to them and recommended that it be adopted by the Board. Mr. John Moore moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REFINANCING OF BONDS: The Superintendent explained that the District would realize as much as $970,000 in savings by refinancing the District's bonds dated June 1, 1987. She directed the Board's attention to the Notice of Intention to Issue Refunding Bonds and recommended that the Board adopt the Resolution which reads: "This School Board will authorize Stephens Inc. to file application with the State Board of Education to issue bonds in the estimated amount of $7,350,000 for the purpose of refunding the District's bond issue dated June 1, 1987. The sale of the proposed issue is subject to determination by the Board that the savings generated is adequate to justify the issuance of the refunding bonds." Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation for adoption of the Resolution. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS: Mr. Rudolph Howard presented the following students for noncontested long-term suspensions: Johnny Brown, Marlon Bunting, T. J. Dunnick, Michelle Fagan, Tonya Harrell, Deloris Hubbert, Billy Hume, Marcus Jackson, Carla Jones, Angela Lee, Stephanie McClain, Sam Roberts, Jermaine Simmons, Rayna Stephens, Robert Tenpenny, Tasha Williams, and Tenika Williams. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the above students be suspended long-term. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Howard presented Deon Sheard's and Britt Vickers' petition for reinstatement. Dr. Steele recommended that these students be reinstated under strict probation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried with six (6) affirmative votes. Mr. John Moore dissented. The Board held a hearing in connection with Bridgette Bynum's petition for reinstatement to school. After hearing testimony concerning Bridgette's readiness to return to school, the Superintendent recommended that the Board reinstate her on strict probation for the second semester of the 1991-92 school year at the Alternative Learning Center. Mr. Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried with six affirmative votes. Mr. John Moore dissented. The Board held a hearing in connection with a recommendation for the expulsion of Jackie Keener. Jackie was represented by Mr. Austin Porter. The District was represented by Mr. Tommy Meeks. After hearing testimony and questioning by Board members and the Superintendent, Dr. Steele recommended that Jackie be returned to J. A. Fair High School but that Mr. Howard work with the parents and faculty to provide some kind of community service activities for ten (10) hours per month involving people who are younger than he, working with them to reflect on this event and what it has meant to him. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried with five (5) affirmative votes. Mr. Moore and Mrs. Jacovelli dissented. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Pat Gee moved that the Board retire into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board retired into executive session at 8:16 p.m. and reconvened at 9:47 p.m. Upon reconvening, the Board president announced that no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn. motion, and it carried unanimously. Dr. Mitchell seconded the There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. ovelli, President Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: ~/-
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.._ ---"'-,~--,.______.'----- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting January 17, 1992 MAY 1 '992 omce of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 1:12 p.m. on January 17 , 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Merlyn Watson, Teacher Ex Officio Member ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Ms. Susan Jernigan, Search Consultant Mrs. Jan Cummings, Search Consultant CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Mrs. Jacovelli called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called to conduct a work session with the search consultants. Board of Directors Special Meeting January 17, 1992 2 Mrs. Jacovelli introduced Ms. Susan Jernigan, a consultant with Sockwell & Anderson from Charlotte, North Carolina
and Ms. Jan Cummings, President of C-Net, from Coral Springs, Florida. The Board members and the consultants engaged in dialogue concerning the professional and personal characteristics the Board members would like to have in a new superintendent. They discussed what would be happening in the District a year from now for the Board to feel the Superintendent was successful. Among the items mentioned was (1) that the desegregation plan would be successfully working
(2) that there would be fewer private school students
(3) that there would be a marked increase in student achievement
(4) that the management of the District would address the needs of students and understand that well over 50 percent of the students are living in households below the poverty level and 65 percent are black
( 5) that there would be a marked increase in M to M transfers
(6) that we would be seeing some white students entering the incentive schools
(7) that we would have a balanced budget
(8) that the management of the District would be proactive rather than reactive
(9) that the Board could have data showing that remedial programs are working and those not working would be discontinued
(10) that the new superintendent would be recognized by the community as an effective leader
(11) that the new superintendent would be able to bring the Board together
(12) that the new administration would practice open communications districtwide
(13) that trust and confidence would be established between the District and the community
(14) that the schools would be safer
(15) that it would be easier for patrons to work through the bureaucracy. Other discussion centered around the evaluation process -that of the superintendent and of programs. Further discussion centered on the biggest obstacles a new superintendent would face. Board members mentioned the budget as an obstacle
the lack of management flexibility because of court orders, union contracts, and fear of additional litigation. Some Board members told the consultants that they would not mind having a "non-traditional" superintendent or chief executive. Others indicated that they felt it was important for the new superintendent to have experience as a building principal. Others said it was important that the new superintendent has progressed through various positions in education. Others said it was important that the new superintendent have experience in an urban school district and have a "track record." In a discussion on management style, Board members indicated that they would like a superintendent who manages from the "bottom up" and who would move the District toward site-based management, Board of Directors Special Meeting January 17, 1992 particularly in items like hiring and budget. 3 During the discussion about compensation, the Board members indicated that they would like to leave the salary negotiable or $120,000 tops. The president asked for action on the contract with the consultants. Mr. John Moore moved that the Board enter into the contract with the co-consultants Jernigan and Cummings. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. upon motion by Ms. Pat Gee, a second by Mr. John Moore, and unanimous approval of the Board. Mrs. O. G. Jovelli,President Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: ---",'---b- -'7,/ 9~ .-2. --- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 Office of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 5:59 p.m. on January 23, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Merlyn Watson, Teacher Ex Officio Miss Beverly Tolliver, Student Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: I. Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist ACTION: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The Board president called the meeting to order at 5:59 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. II. ACTION: READING OF THE MINUTES The chair directed the Board members' attention to the Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 2 minutes of the special meeting on December 2, 1991
the special meeting on December 12, 1991
and the regular meeting on December 19, 1992. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the minutes be approved as submitted. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. III. CONSENT: CONSENT ITEMS Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the new partnership between McDonald's of Little Rock and Mitchell Elementary School. Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. A check for $28,000 was presented to the District by Mr. Bob Mason, Executive Director of the Little Rock Housing Authority, for a payment in lieu of taxes. Mr. Mason thanked the Board for the cooperative relationship the Housing Authority and the District enjoy and noted that both entities work with the same students. IV. PRESENTATIONS A. Superintendent's Comments Dr. Steele presented a Superintendent's Citation to the Friends of the Central Arkansas Library System (FOCAL) for their generous donation of $4,000 to the District's Reading is Fundamental (RIF) program. Mr. Rod Lorenzen, President of the FOCAL group, accepted the Citation. A Superintendent's Citation was also presented to the Greater Little Rock Optimist Club and the Christmas tree chairperson, Mr. Bob Jones, in recognition and appreciation for the Club's donation of Christmas trees to the District's elementary schools. Dr. Steele also saluted the school nurses in celebration of National School Nurse Week, January 20-24. Superintendent's Ci tat ions were also presented to the Board's teacher and student ex officio members for the month of January: Ms. Merlyn Watson, a teacher from Badgett Elementary, and Miss Beverly Tolliver, a student at Parkview Arts & Science Magnet. B. Citizens Committees None reporting. Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 c. Board Members 3 Ms. Pat Gee expressed appreciation for the citizens who took time to attend the various meetings conducted last Saturday with the Superintendent's search consultants. Dr. Katherine Mitchell expressed her thanks for the people who have encouraged her to remain on the Board and said she would continue to pray about her decision and asked that her friends pray with her. Dr. Mitchell also encouraged the teachers and principals in the buildings who are preparing for AfricanAmerican history month during February. She expressed support for paying tribute to African-Americans who have contributed a great deal to the development of our country but whose contributions have been omitted from the history books. In response to an article in one of the weekly newspapers in which student performance in the Little Rock School District was compared with students in private schools, Mr. John Moore enumerated the outstanding accomplishments of students in the District and cited other advantages of education in the Little Rock School District that are unavailable in private schools. He also reminded the audience that there are in excess of 20,000 students in the District that did not bring a gun, be expelled, suspended or even had to go to the principal' s office. He commended the dedicated employees who work diligently to help children. V. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Mr. Gene Remley told the Board that children in the Little Rock School District are learning about guns and knives, gangs, food fights, drugs, gambling, and racism. He related an incident in which his daughter was sprayed with dog mace and that he was not satisfied with the way discipline was handled. He asked that the Board evaluate its policies because a lack of discipline was robbing children of their education. Mr. Robert Hall said he represented a core parents from Terry, Fulbright, and McDermott, who are about the leadership, safety, and racial balance at Junior High School, their attendance zone junior high. the Board to do everything possible to get approval health/science magnet. group of concerned Henderson He urged for the Mr. Terrence Cain, a member of the Council for AfricanAmerican Progress, a partner with Garland Elementary School, explained the background of the Kwanzaa celebration for which the principal at Garland was reprimanded. He asked that District Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 4 policy be changed to allow administrators to deal with partners directly. He said the personnel action against Mr. Robert Brown, principal at Garland Elementary School, was a result of a lack of communication and understanding and a lack of respect for the partnership. Mr. Dale Charles spoke in support of Mr. Robert Brown and agreed that the personnel action was unwarranted. He told the Board that Mr. Brown is a role model for kids and that he has been punished for something he did not do. He asked that the Board investigate this issue and if there is something wrong that it be reversed. Mr. Jimmy Cunningham, a member of the Council of AfricanAmerican Progress, challenged the Board to come out on Saturday mornings and assess the deficiencies the children at Garland have concerning their heritage. He alleged that this is a result of institutional racism and asked that the District allow the Portland Baseline Essays to be included in the curriculum and to support the notion of Afro-Centric materials being included throughout the curriculum. VI. ACTION: ACTION ITEMS A. Donations Dr. Steele recommended that the following donations be approved by the Board: 1. Improvements to the athletic practice field to allow for baseball to be played at Hall High School by the Hall High Baseball Booster Club
2. $2,155 to purchase mini-blinds for ten classrooms at Williams Magnet School by the Williams PTA
3. One large cookie cutter, one set of upper case alphabet, and one large apple to Western Hills Elementary School by the Western Hills PTA
4. An IBM PC printer to Henderson Junior High School by Mr. Edwin Conway, a patron
5. Photographic equipment to Parkview Arts/Science Magnet High School by Dr. Virginia Vollmer. Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 B. student Calendar for 1992-93 School Year 5 Dr. Steele explained the way in which the calendar was established and recommended that the Board approve it as submitted in the printed agenda. Dr. Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion carried with six affirmative votes. Mrs. Robin Armstrong dissented. C. Nomination for Biracial Advisory committee Discussion ensued concerning the ability to recruit members to the Committee to represent southwest Little Rock and to keep a full committee operating. Dr. Steele recommended approval of Terry Root to serve on the Biracial Advisory Committee. Mrs. Armstrong moved the recommendation. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. School Restructuring Dr. Steele recommended that based on discussions with the Board, the Board would participate in training designed to enhance the roles and relationships of entities working with school reform, possibly scheduling two evening sessions for such a purpose. Mr. Jackson moved the superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. E. Personnel Changes Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the resignations/terminations, employment of new staff, retiree, those returning from leave, and those asking for leaves of absence as reflected in the printed agenda. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. F. Financial Reports Dr. Steele recommended approval of the financial reports as submitted in the printed agenda and the budget revision as presented on the slip sheet. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried six (6) to one (1). Mrs. Jacovelli dissented. Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 23, 1992 VII. REPORT: REPORTS OF SUPERINTENDENT A. Update on Desegregation 6 Discussion ensued with Mr. James Jennings concerning a method of tracking the progress of incentive schools, the attendance policy and the method of referring students to the Department of Finance and Administration, and the method of marketing the new magnet programs. B. Update on No More Excuses: A Plan to Increase Learning Discussion ensued concerning testing, the PAL program, and costs for the program hardware. Mrs. Matthis briefly reported on the progress of the curriculum committees. c. Report on Compliance with AP and Honors Guidelines There was a discussion on what steps the administration is using to assure compliance with the guidelines for placing students in gifted and talented classes. Additional discussion centered around Advanced Placement classes and whether to require students in AP to take the AP test. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None IX. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS None ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. upon motion by Mrs. Armstrong, a second by Mr. Hamilton, and unanimous approval of the Board members. Pr"ident ~#JLev Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT RECe:,,,,e.o 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET i.,
.::b'I~ LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting January 30, 1992 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 5:03 p.m. on January 30, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Robin Armstrong ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting had been called for the purpose of conducting an employee hearing and several student disciplinary hearings. EMPLOYEE HEARING: - In a closed session, an appeal hearing was held at the request of John Wallace in connection with a recommendation for termination Board of Directors Special Meeting January 30, 1992 2 as a bus driver for the District. After hearing all testimony and evidence presented during the hearing and after questioning by Board members, the Acting Superintendent, Tony Wood, recommended that the Board uphold the termination recommendation. Mr. John Moore moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried five (5) to one (1), with Dr. Katherine Mitchell casting the dissenting vote. STUDENT HEARINGS: In an closed session, an appeal hearing was held at the request of Allenza Johnson in connection with a recommendation for expulsion from school. After hearing all testimony and evidence presented during the hearing and after questioning by Board members, Mr. John Moore moved that the Board find that the facts as presented by the administration in the summary by Mr. Rudolph Howard are true and in accordance with the testimony held in the appeal hearing. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli relinquished the chair to Mr. Bill Hamilton and seconded the motion. The motion carried four (4) to two (2) with Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Mitchell casting the dissenting votes. Following the finding of fact, the Acting Superintendent, Mr. Tony Wood, recommended that the Board support the administration's recommendation for expulsion. Mr. John Moore moved the administration's recommendation. Mrs. Jacovelli relinquished the chair to Mr. Hamilton and seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion failed with a tie vote, three (3) to three (3). Mrs. Jacovelli, Mr. Moore, and Ms. Gee voted in favor of the motion. Dr. Mitchell, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. Jackson voted in opposition to the motion. Following the failed motion, Mr. Tony Wood told the Board that based on its decision made tonight, it would be appropriate to consider some other alternative to sending the student back to Henderson Jr. High School. Mr. Hamilton moved that Allenza Johnson be assigned to the Alternative Learning Center and that he come back before the Board before he can go to any other school. Mr. Dorsey-Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to two (2). Mr. Moore and Mrs. Jacovelli dissented. Following the vote, Mr. Moore left the meeting at 7:43 p.m. and asked that the record reflect his leaving and commented that the action just taken by the Board had placed the Little Rock public schools in a very grave situation. Mrs. Jacovelli stated that she hoped it would not take one of our students getting killed Board of Directors Special Meeting January 30, 1992 until we get the message that this can't go on. 3 With five (5) Board members remaining, in a closed session, the Board conducted an appeal hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Shane and Shawn Crutchfield. After hearing testimony and examining the evidence and questioning by Board members, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, told the Board that its policy was quite clear concerning gang membership and that it left him no alternative except to recommend expulsion consistent with the policy. Mr. Dorsey Jackson recommended that Shane and Shawn Crutchfield be enrolled in the Alternative Learning Center
that they be enrolled in Changing Directors and be placed on strict probation for the balance of this school year and then appear back before the Board for reinstatement to Forest Heights Jr. High next year. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved that Shane and Shawn Crutchfield be allowed to return to one of our junior high schools other than Forest Heights Jr. High or the Alternative Learning Center. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Wood directed the Board members' attention to the noncontested expulsion recommendations of Tyrone Devlin, Cassandra Jones, and Jeneya Van. He also pointed out the non-contested recommendations for long-term suspension recommendations of Antonio Beasley, Alvin Brown, Eric Dailey, Clifton Frye, Anarian Jackson, Steven King, Kendrick Land, and Patrick Olive. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of the non-contested expulsion and long-term suspension recommendations. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting, Ms. Gee moved to adjourn. Mr. Hamil ton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 0 . 0, . ~~ covelli,President Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: _ __..~._,._,-=-:...,?,-/---'~~~- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS RC AUG 1 1f 1992 Board of Directors Special Meeting February 10, 1992 Office of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:16 p.m. on February 10, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 5:16 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of hearing a recommendation on security measures in our schools. RECOMMENDATION OF SECURITY MEASURES: Dr. Ruth Steele expressed concern that the District has experienced an increase in the number of weapons and serious incidents on our school campuses and recommended that the Board approve two proposals, effective immediately, to enhance security in our secondary buildings: 1) the use of metal detectors in the secondary schools and at athletic events
and 2) an increase in security personnel. She explained that the metal detectors will be used as a deterrent for those entering our buildings and athletic events with weapons and that they will be used in both random and planned searches. Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion, and following discussion and a demonstration of the metal detector, the motion carried five (5) to one (1), with Dr. Katherine Mitchell dissenting. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved to adjourn. Mr. Dorsey seconded the motion. There being no further business within the call for the special meeting, the motion unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Jackson to come carried covelli, President Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: lj ... J 3 _. 'J "l.,. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting February 13, 1992 AUG 1 4 19~2 Office of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 5:22 p.m. following the Board Committee meeting on February 13, 1992. The special meeting was conducted in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:22 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The president announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering student disciplinary recommendations. NON-CONTESTED EXPULSIONS AND NON-CONTESTED LONG-TERM SUSPENSIONS: Mr. Rudolph Howard directed the Board members' attention to the recommendation for expulsion of Jermaine Glass, Nathaniel Lewis, Latonia Smith, and Jermaine Thomas. He also directed the Board members' attention to the recommendations that the following students be suspended long-term: Edgar Corneau, Tamika Dailey, Chris Eason, Randy Goodlow, Robert Hill, Gerald Hood, Brian Mccuien, Naketa McKinney, Keyon Neely, Ryan Parker, Mercedes Sims, and Latonya Strain. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendation on the non-contested expulsions and long-term suspensions. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Dr. Katherine Mitchell joined the meeting at 5:35 p.m. HEARINGS ON CONTESTED EXPULSION RECOMMENDATIONS: In a closed session, a hearing before the Board was conducted at the request of Timmy Morrison. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board members, Dr. Steele recommended that Timmy Morrison be expelled for eleven (11) days and withdrawn from the Little Rock School District, exit code 27, as recommended by the hearing officer and that he be required to reappear before the Board before re-entpring next year. Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session, a hearing before the Board was conducted at the request of Derrick Brown. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board members, Dr. Steele recommended that the expulsion be modified to a long-term suspension from January 28 to February 21 and that his reinstatement be on strict probation for the remainder of the 1991- 92 school year. Mr. John Moore moved that Derrick Brown be reinstated, having served a length of time equal to a long-term suspension and that he be allowed to return to school this next Monday. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion. The motion failed three (3) to three (3). Mr. Moore, Mr. Jackson, and Mrs. Armstrong voted in favor of the motion. Ms. Jacovelli, Dr. Mitchell, and Ms. Gee voted in opposition to the motion. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to accept the administration's recommendation for a long-term suspension until February 21, 1992. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried with four affirmative votes. Mr. John Moore voted in opposition to the motion, and Dr. Katherine Mitchell abstained from the vote. HEARINGS ON CONTESTED LONG-TERM SUSPENSIONS: In a closed session the Board held a hearing at the request of Harold Brown. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board, Dr. Steele recommended that Harold Brown be suspended long-term for the remainder of this school year. Mr. Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session the Board held a hearing at the request of Herman Conley. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to accept the administration's recommendation for a long-term suspension for the remainder of the 1991-92 school year. The motion carried four (4) to two (2), with Ms. Gee, Mrs. Jacovelli, Mrs. Armstrong, and Mr. Jackson voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Moore and Dr. Mitchell cast the dissenting votes. In a closed session the Board held a hearing at the request of Michael Gray. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board, Dr. Steele recommended that the Board uphold the administration's recommendation for a long-term suspension for the remainder of this school year. Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried with five (5) affirmative votes. Mr. Dorsey Jackson left the meeting prior to the vote on Michael Gray. Mr. John Moore left the meeting at 7:55 p.m. In a closed session the Board held a hearing at the request of Patricia Scarver. After hearing testimony and questioning of witnesses by the Board, Dr. Steele recommended that the Board uphold the administration's recommendation for a long-term suspension for the remainder of this school year. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REINSTATEMENT OF MICHAEL HEARNE: Dr. Steele directed the Board's attention to the case of Michael Hearne, who was expelled by the Board on October 24, 1992. She explained the mitigating circumstances concerning this student and recommended that the Board reinstate him and deal with the case correctly under the law. Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Or. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. APPEARANCE BY MICHA WILLIAMS Micha Williams appeared before the Board as a condition of his re-entering the school system. The Board wished him success as he re-enters school. LONG-TERM SUSPENSION RECOMMENDATION OF DON MALLORY: In a closed session, the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Don Mallory. After hearing wi~nesses, examination by the administration and the attorney for Mr. Mallory, Austin Porter, and questioning by Board members, Dr. Steele recommended that you uphold the recommendation of the hearing officer for a long-term suspension. Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. DEFERMENT OF ACTION ON QUASH! GAMBRELL: Quashi Gambrell was scheduled for an appeal hearing but did not appear. The Board deferred action on the administration's recommendation for long-term suspension until Mr. Howard can determine the cause of Quashi's absence. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Robin Armstrong moved the Super intendant's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. o. G. Jacolli,President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: __ 4_/4,-:.o_i_f_9_z. _ I I LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS EC V Board of Directors AUG 1 4 l~IJ2 Special Meeting February 20, 1992 Oltice of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 6:17 p.m. immediately following the Board Committee meeting. The special meeting was conducted in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton EX OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Leigh Underwood, Teacher Ex Officio Miss Latisse Mays, Student Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of approving a Resolution Approving the Issuance of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes (TRANS), and to consider a personnel matter. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION PROMISSORY NOTES. Dr. Steele directed the Board members to the Resolution Approving the Issuance of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes (TRANS), and recommended that the Board adopt the Resolution. Discussion ensued with Mr. Mark McBryde of Stephens, Inc., the underwriter for the TRANS. Following discussion concerning the District's relationship with Stephens, Inc., the ratings of the notes, and the procedure Mr. McBryde will use to complete the transaction, Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved adoption of the Resolution. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. John Moore left the meeting at 6 p.m. prior to the vote. RESIGNATION OF LORNA WELLS: The Superintendent directed the Board members' attention to the resignation of Lorna Wells and recommended that it be accepted. Mr. Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting, Mr. Jackson moved to adj ournt. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. o. G. Jacov~President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS AUG 1 4 19Y~ Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 Office of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled meeting at~ p.m. on February 27, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Leigh Underwood, Teacher Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. ACTION: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The president called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. Dr. Katherine Mitchell joined the meeting shortly after roll call. II. ACTION: READING OF THE MINUTES Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of the minutes of the special meeting on November 14, 1991
the special meeting on November 19, 1991
the special meeting on January 16, 1992
the Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 special meeting on January 17, 1992
the regular meeting on January 23, 1992
and the special meeting on January 30, 1992. III. CONSENT: CONSENT ITEMS New Partnerships Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the following partnerships: Metropolitan National Bank and Watson Elementary School
and Waste Management of Arkansas (North) and Baseline Elementary School. Mr. John Moore approved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Certificates were presented to representatives of the new partnerships and the schools' respective principals commemorating the formation of the partnerships. IV. PRESENTATIONS: A. superintendent's citations Dr. Steele recognized Mr. James Washington, assistant principal at Hall High School, for his courage, thoughtfulness, and prompt action in his response to an incident involving a student with a weapon which averted a possible tragedy. The superintendent presented a Superintendent's Citation to the Junior League of Little Rock commemorating 70 years of service to the city and especially its service to the Little Rock School District. Mrs. Mary White Thomas, the 1992 president, accepted on behalf of the Junior League. 2 In honor of the work AP&L is doing with the District, the Superintendent presented a citation to the company for its outstanding contribution to public education. Mr. Doug Castleberry accepted the citation on behalf of AP&L. Dr. Steele also honored the recipients of the AP&L Challenge Grants by presenting them a Superintendent's Citation. The recipients were Shelly Oliver of Brady Elementary
Frances Cawthon of Jefferson Elementary
Clell Watts of Mabelvale Jr. High School
Michael Oliver of McDermott Elementary
Jerry Worm of Meadowcliff Elementary
Kay Loss of Pulaski Heights Elementary School
Anne Mangan, of Rockefeller Incentive School
Charity Smith of Southwest Junior High School
and Dr. Diana Glaze of Watson Elementary School. The Superintendent also honored two schools Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 that did not make the top 15 sleeted by the five-member panel 3 this year but were awarded $500 grants: Teresa Courtney accepted for carver Magnet School
and Dr. Victor Anderson accepted for Hall High School. Dr. Steele thanked the teacher and student ex officio Board members for the month of February and presented Leigh Underwood and Latisse Mays a Superintendent's Citation in appreciation for their service. On behalf of Angel Wilson, Mrs. Gwen Ziegler accepted a Superintendent's Citation in recognition of Angel winning the "My Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages Wish" contest which resulted in her school getting computers from Southwestern Bell Telephone. B. Citizens Committees None reporting. c. Board Members Mrs. Robin Armstrong commended Pat Gee for suggesting that metal detectors be put in the schools. She also commended the Department of Safety and Security. I Mr. Dorsey Jackson reminded the Board and audience that March 3 is Teacher Appreciation Day and expressed appreciation to teachers for their work with our children. Dr. Katherine Mitchell recognized Dunbar's Math Counts team for winning the Central Arkansas Region Math Counts contest. She also noted that Mann won third place. Ms. Pat Gee expressed disappointment that the Board did not know about the meeting at Gibbs Magnet School in which the proposed new school site was discussed with members of the community. She urged that trust be established by communications within the District and expressed hope that we can begin building trust. Mrs. Armstrong commended the Pulaski Heights Junior High mock trial team and noted that the 9th grade team defeated Mount st. Mary's Academy and McClellan High School. She indicated that the 9th grade team will be competing with J. A. Fair High School in the next round. Dr. Mitchell commended the schools she has visited on their Black History Month presentations and said she looked forward to the day when African-Americans' contributions are Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 4 included in our curriculum and there won't be a need to set aside a month to learn about it. V. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS: Mr. Jimmy Cunningham urged the Board to infuse Afrocentric materials into the curriculum. on behalf of the Council for African-American Progress, he asked for a response before next Board meeting. Mr. Terrence Cain urged the Board to implement the Portland Baseline Essays as a supplement to the current multiethnic curriculum. Mr. Frank Martin said the administration has not scheduled a single bargaining session on behalf of the ESP units who voted on December 3 to have Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association represent them. He told the Board that there is a growing restlessness among these workers. He also reminded the Board that the custodians have never had their pay restored from several years ago when their hours were cut. He told the Board that the security personnel had shown an interest in organizing and asked that the District make public the report on sexual harassment at the Transportation Department. I Ms. Lela Brown showed the Board a student's art work that was made into a placemat and used at the PTA Founders Day celebration. She told the Board that the art work illustrated that poor image that black children have of themselves and their people. She urged the Board to alleviate this poor self image through teaching of black history and the positive contributions of African-Americans. Rev. Daniel Bowman urged that the Board employ a black superintendent and that the District teach more black history in our schools. VI. ACTION: ACTION ITEMS A. Donations Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the donation to Meadowcliff Elementary School by the school's PTA of a Cookie Cutter Set, Alphabet/Decorative Dies and Laminex Laminator. She also asked that the Board approve the donation of a 26'' Color TV and VCR to Meadowcliff by the AP&L Grant and Sam's Club and a portable electric typewriter by Sam's Club. In addition, Dr. Steele recommended the approval of a donation of a piano to Fair Park Elementary School by Blue Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 5 Cross/Blue Shield of Arkansas, and that the Board approve the donation of National Geographic Magazines to Carver by Dr. Aubrey Hough. Mr. John Moore moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. B. Conveyance of Pankey Property Dr. Steele recommended that the Board authorize the execution of the deed of the Pankey property to the Pankey Community Improvement, Inc. as reflected on the deed specimen in the printed agenda. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. c. First Reading on Policy and Regulations on Sexual Harassment The Superintendent recommended that the Board for first reading the Policy on Sexual Harassment. Mr. Jackson moved approval of the policy for first reading. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unani'm ous 1 y. I approve Dorsey Dr. D. Proposal for Pilot Program at Washington Math/Science Magnet School: "Unlocking Words with Latin Program" Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the pilot program at Washington Math/Science Magnet School called "Unlocking Words with Latin Program." Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. E. Application for New or Expanded Vocational Education Programs for School Year 1992-93- Exploring Industrial Technology Education at Southwest Junior High School Dr. Steele explained that this program replaces the old Industrial Arts and Practical Arts for 7th grade and Mechanical and Construction Exploration for the 9th grade and completes the phase-in of these programs. She recommended that the Board approve this program for Southwest Jr. High School. Mr. Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 F. Proposed Changes to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Dr. Steele explained that our legal counsel had issued a legal opinion that the Board could institute an expulsion requirement for certain violations so long as proper notice was given to the rule change. Discussion ensued with Board members expressing views in favor and in opposition to the rule change. Mr. Chris Heller discussed the legal implications of the rule change. The Board recessed for a break at 7:21 p.m. and reconvened at 7:35 p.m. After returning from recess, the issue was withdrawn from consideration. G. Approval of Deed and Temporary Construction Easement 6 The Superintendent recommended that the Board authorize the administration to execute the necessary documents to convey to the City of Little Rock a 69,000 square foot piece of property along and in front of Romine School for the purpose of street improvements. Mr. John Moore moved th~ Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. H. Personnel Changes Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the personnel changes in the printed agenda including a request for a sabbatical leave for Mary Jane Cheatham. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. I. Financial Reports, 1990-91 Audit, and Contract Extension for Auditors Dr. Steele recommended that the financial reports be approved as published. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried five (5) to one (1). Mrs. Jacovelli cast the dissenting vote. Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the 1990- 91 audit by Thomas & Thomas. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of the audit. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 Dr. Steele recommended that the contract of Thomas & Thomas be extended for one year. Mr. Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VII. REPORT: REPORTS OF SUPERINTENDENT A. Update on Desegregation Mr. James Jennings answered questions from Board 7 members concerning the First Monitoring Report on All Schools and the principals' responses. There was extensive discussion concerning the desegregation plan's requirements for certain percentages in staffing and participation in extracurricular activities as opposed to "goals and strategies" to remove barriers to equitable staffing and participation in activities. B. Update on Advanced Placement Testing There was no discussion on the report
however, there was an inquiry about the fine arts credit earned at Mann Magnet School being recognized as a graduation credit for fine arts. C. Update on Salary Study I Mr. Ivey reported that he had spent some time with Dr. Louise Miller, and she had approved the study approach. He further reported that he is trying to get the Chamber of commerce Management Task Force members lined up to lend guidance to the study. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None The Board recessed for a break at 8:37 p.m. and reconvened at 9:07 p.m. Mr. John Moore left the meeting. IX. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the petition of Kwan Cummings for reinstatement to school. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele recommended that Kwan Cummings' petition for reinstatement be denied. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and carried with four (4) affirmative votes. Dr. Katherine Mitchell abstained from the vote. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the petition of Cedric Reeves for reinstatement to school. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele recommended that Cedric be expelled for the remainder of this school year. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Robin Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 8 In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Sylvester Carter. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele recommended that the Board accept the finding of fact as indicated in the background material previously furnished to the Board, statement 4, a) through i). Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to one (1). Dr. Katherine Mitchell cast the dissenting vote. Following the finding of fact, Dr. Steele recommended that Sylvester Carter be expelled for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to one ..LlJ_. Dr. Mitchell cast the dissenting vote. In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Cory Whitmore. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele 1recommended that Cory Whitmore be returned to school under strict probation. Mrs. Armstrong moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Phillip Smith. After hearing all testimony, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that Phillip Smith be expelled by the Little Rock School District but allowed to return to school at the completion of his treatment program and based upon a favorable recommendation from the physician at Baptist Hospital and upon receiving a report from Mr. Howard that such a favorable recommendation has been received. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Marcus Waters. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele recommended that Marcus Waters be allowed to return to school and that if he would be happier at another school that he work with Mr. Howard to effect a different school assignment. Mrs. Armstrong moved the superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 27, 1992 In a closed session, the Board held a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Tony Gibson. After hearing all testimony, Dr. Steele recommended that Tony Gibson be expelled for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to one ..LlJ_. Dr. Katherine Mitchell cast the dissenting vote. The Board reviewed the recommendations for expulsions and long-term recommendations which are not contested. Dr. Steele recommended that the Board expel the following students: Arthur Abraham, James Hughes, Roshanda Marbley, and Don Molden. Dr. Steele also recommended that the Board long-term suspend the following students: Chris Bell, Derrick Bowman, Lenika Brown, Andrew Clendening, Thomas Grantham, Tywan Green, James Gurley, Donald Haire, Lawrence Jackson, Jerry Johnson, Brian Maxwell, Demond McElrath, Tremell McIntosh, Mark Nance, Felicia Parker, Brian Shields, Mark Smith, William Teague, Terrance Waits, Ali Webster, and Terrance Williams. Mrs. Armstrong moved the superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT 9 There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. upon motion of Mrs. Armstrong, a second by Ms. Gee, and unanimous approval of the Board members. lli, President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: _tfL.-._. ..
..~--3_-_i_.,.'l_,___ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting March 5, 1992 AUG 1 4 1992 Office of o. . esogregat,on Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting on March 5, 1992. The special meeting was conducted in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 81 o West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The Board president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee EX OFFICIO MEMBER PRESENT: Ms. Lois Tyler, Teacher Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair read a letter of resignation from Mrs. Robin Armstrong and announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of accepting the resignation and considering a process for filling the vacant Board position. RESIGNATION OF MRS. ARMSTRONG: After the chair read the letter of resignation from the Board of Directors from Mrs. Robin Armstrong, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the Board accept the resignation. Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. PROCESS FOR FILLING VACANCY: Mr. Hamilton moved that the Board use the same process to fill the Board vacancy that it had used in the past. Ms. .Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning the timeline for taking applications. Mr. Jackson moved that applications and resumes be received for the Board vacancy until March 17, 1992. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come within the call for the special meeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. upon a motion by Mr. Jackson, a second by Mr. Hamilton, and unanimous approval of the Board members present. o. G. Jaco~, President Pat Gee, Secretary Approval: __V ..__-~-=---=3"--_9--"-
)_ _ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting March 19, 1992 AUG 1 4 19)~ The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting following the Board Committee meering at 6:05 p.m. on March 19, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 81 0 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie O. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Tony Wood, Deputy Superintendent Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Moore joined the meeting in progress. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the zone 4 Board vacancy and to conduct student hearings. INTERVIEWS OF CANDIDATES FOR ZONE 4 BOARD VACANCY: The Board interviewed John Maginn, Julian Palinski, Kathy Wilkins, L. N. Hudson III, George Cannon, Daniel Medlock, and Sue Ball for possible appointment to the Board as a representative of Zone 4 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Robin Armstrong. Following the interviews, Ms. Pat Gee moved that the Board appoint Dr. George Cannon to fill the unexpired term of zone 4. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS: Upon motion of Mr. Dorsey Jackson, a second by Mr. Bill Hamilton, and unanimous approval of the motion, the Board approved the non-contested expulsion recommendations of Chevee Avery, Michelle Fagan, Marquis Frazier, and Tony Williams. Included in the motion was the approval of the non-contested long-term suspensions of Lorenzo Brent, Andrew Clendening, Andrew Coleman, Terrance Dixon, Orlando Goss, Lamar Holmes, Calvin Hunt, Marcus Johnson, Torry Johnson, Sharletta Lambert, Latesha Lewis, Anthony Oliver, Corey Perkins, Marshall Phillips, Daricko Porter, Antoine Robinson, Terrance Saulsbury, Jonathan Shackleford, Eric South, James Thomas, Kevin West, Charles Williams, Lance Woodard, and Bobby Jones. The Board considered the contested reinstatement petition of Phillip Smith. The administration's recommendation was to reinstate Phillip to the Alternative Learning Center. Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board considered a recommendation from the administration that Micha Williams be enrolled in the Alternative Learning Center in lieu of expulsion. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved the administration's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. John Moore joined the meeting. The Board held a hearing in connection with an expulsion recommendation of Candice Godrey. After hearing testimony and considering all evidence, the administration recommended that the charges be upheld but that Candice be suspended to time served and be enrolled in the Alternative Learning Center for the remainder of this school year on strict probation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing in connection with a recommendation that Donnie Graham be suspended long-term. After hearing testimony and considering all evidence, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the hearing officer's recommendation be upheld -- that he be expelled for the remainder of the year. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion. Discussion ensued concerning procedure. Mr. Jackson withdrew his motion and Mr. Moore withdrew his second. Mr. Tony Wood recommended that Donnie Graham be suspended long-term until the end of the school year. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. John Moore seconded. The motion carried unanimously. In an open session, the Board conducted a joint hearing in connection with a recommendation that Ynotha Carroll and Orande Holmes be suspended long-term. After hearing testimony from both students and considering all the evidence, Mr. Tony Wood recommended that Ynotha Carroll be allowed .to return to school on the next Monday but that another school assignment be made based upon the recommendation of the principal. Mr. John Moore moved the adminstration's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning the discipline sanction of Orande Holmes. Mr. Tony Wood, recommended that Orande Holmes be admitted to another school other than Mabelvale Jr. High to start the fourth nine weeks. Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session, the Board conducted a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Anthony Alexander. After hearing testimony and considering the evidence of the case, the administration recommended that Anthony be allowed to attend the Alternative Learning Center when the first available slot is present on strict probation. Ms. Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to adjourn. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. i,President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED =-~~-'-~-3_ -_- &_ )_'1.- _ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS AUG 1 4 l~l'J2 Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 Ofrice of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled meeting at 6 p.m~ on March 26, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. George Cannon Mr. Willie D. "Bill" Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell (Joined the meeting at 6:15 p.m.) EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Lois Tyler - Teacher Representative Miss Taneesa Edge - student Representative ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruths. Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Norma Rodgers, Acting Recorder of Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. ACTION: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. II. ACTION: READING OF MINUTES: Because of the illness of the Recorder, Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, approval of the minutes was deferred until the April Board Meeting. Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 III. CONSENT: CONSENT ITEMS New Partnerships 2. Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the following new partnerships: Arkansas Power and Light and Rockefeller Magnet Elementary School
Hou Win McDonald's and Rockefeller Magnet Elementary School
Babcock and Wilcox St. Company and Pulaski Heights Jr. High Mom's Corner Market and Watson Elementary School Our Neighborhood Newspaper and Baseline Elementary Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Beta Pi Omega Chapter and Southwest Jr. High School College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Arkansas at Little Rock and McClellan Community High School Dr. George Cannon moved approval of the partnerships. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion
and it carried unanimously. Certificates were presented to each of the partners and representatives of the school commemorating the new partnerships. IV. PRESENTATIONS: A. Superintendent's Citations Dr. Steele presented a Superintendent's Citation to Angel Wilson, a 6th grader at Wilson Elementary School,. for being a winner in the "My Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages Wish" contest. A Citation was also presented to Nathan Scott Clements, a Parkview Arts senior, who placed second in our State's Good Citizen essay contest which was sponsored by the Arkansas Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. A Citation was presented to Robbie Dennie, McClellan
Jennifer Lee Edwards, McClellan
Cameron Jones, Hall
Brandi Jones, J.A. Fair
Adam Kirby, Central
Julian Lacey, Parkview
Latisse Mays, Central
and David Luke Smith, Hall. These students were recognized as the recipients of the Ward, Cundiff and Aaron Memorial teacher and student awards which is made possible by the Pulaski Heights Lions Club. The students were selected to receive Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 3. the awards if they had a grade-point average of at least 3.5, had demonstrated community leadership, and had participated in extracurricular activities. Teachers receiving these awards were selected on the basis of excellence in teaching, community involvement and volunteer time spent working with students. These teachers were Carolyn F. Davis, 3rd grade teacher at Williams Magnet: Laverne G. Goldsby, counselor at Cloverdale Jr. High
Judy B. Goss, Speech/ Drama instructor, Parkview
Shirley Krannichfeld, first grade teacher at Wilson Elementary
and Helen Tate, mathematics instructor, Forest Heights Jr. High. Superintendent's Citations were presented to the Central Arkansas MATHCOUNTS COMPETITION winners. In the regional competition, the four-member team from Dunbar placed first among 24 schools in the 11-county Central Arkansas region. Third place honors went to Mann Magnet. Members of the team, Mike Lubansky, Fletcher Foti, Brian Chen and Annika Walters were honored. In the State Competition, Dunbar placed second and Mann placed third. Brian Chen won 2nd in overall state competition and will go to Nashville to compete later in the year. Anita Leung from Henderson placed 3rd in overall competition .. Martin Davis, Mann Magnet placed in the top 10. Lenora Murray, Mathematics instructor and sponsor for the MATHCOUNTS Competition was also recognized. Also recognized and thanked were the student ex-officio board member, Taneesa Edge from J. A. Fair and Lois Tyler our teacher ex-officio member from Parkview. Additionally, Jackie Boykin was given a Citation for the Food Services Department in recognition of their outstanding services to the District and their contribution to the state. A Superintendent's Citation was given to the Communications Department for the outstanding brochure for which they developed and distributed to the Realtors in the Greater Little Rock area. B. Citizens committees Mr. Benny Smith, Chairperson of the Biracial Advisory Committee reported to the Board on the findings of the Committee. Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 4 . Ms. Gail Quinn, Aerospace Curriculum Specialist from Long Beach, California spoke to the group stating that she has been employed by the Aerospace Museum/School Committee to help develop a grant to fund the Aerospace School. Ms. Quinn told the Board that funding would be sought through the U. S. Department of Education. c. Board Members Mrs. Jacovelli recognized Robin Armstrong, former Board Member who recently resigned from the Board, with a plaque. Each Board Member thanked Robin for her service to the District. v. Remarks from Citizens In looking at the long list of patrons who had signed up to address the Board, Mrs. Jacovelli reminded the Board of the policy the Board had adopted in November in which it stated that ... "citizens who had signed up to speak would be required to state the subject of their remarks prior to the convening of the meeting. The Board may vote to set time limitations or require representatives to speak for large groups whose interests are similar. Persons speaking about issues on the agenda for Board action will be given priority during the "Remarks from citizens" section. If additional time is required for citizens or employee remarks or if there is a large delegation wishing to address a single issue not on the agenda, the Board may vote to defer their comments to the "Audience with Individuals or Groups" section in order to complete the pending agenda in a timely manner." In keeping with the policy, Mr. Moore suggested they hear the subcontracting issues first. Mr. Jackson suggested hearing from three individuals on the subcontracting issue at this segment of the meeting and hear from the remainder at the end of the meeting in "Audience with Individuals or Groups. Mr. Hamilton moved they hear from all individuals at this time and give each person three minutes in which to speak, seconded by Dr. Mitchell, and the motion failed with Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Hamilton voting "yes" and Mrs. Jacovelli, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Gee, Mr. Jackson and Dr. Cannon voting "no." Mr. Moore then moved that they hear from all the patrons and employees who had signed up to speak on the subcontracting issue and then hear from two or three people who had signed up to speak on each of the individual issues, including Afro-Centric Curriculum. Dr. Cannon seconded the motion and it passed 5-2 with Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Mitchell casting the dissenting vote. Eleanor Coleman, President - Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association
Ms. Net~ie Nichols, bus driver
and Mr. Frank Martin Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 5. Executive Director of the Classroom Teachers Association spoke to the Board urging them to not go to contracted services. Nettie Nichols presented a petition to the Board which included 53 names asking for a special meeting of the Board to talk about contracted services. Mr. Donald Foster, Custodian, urged the Board to think about the individuals who have given many years of service to the District. He asked them to consider the vital part they play in keeping the education of the children going. Mr. Daniel Trotter, Custodian, told the Board the group has people who have been in the District for 25 or 30 years. He told the Board they need their jobs. Mr. Robert Jones spoke to the group about repairs that needed to be done at the Incentive Schools. Mr. Jimmy Cunningham, Mr. Allen Thompson, Ms. Odette Woods, Ms. Lavern Gipson, Mr. Louis Carlock, Ms. Gloria Aboagye, and Terrance Cain expressed concern that the curriculum in the elementary schools is inadequate to teach the children about Black History. He urged the Board to make changes in the Curriculum by adding Afrocentric Education. 1 VI. ACTION: ACTION ITEMS: A. Donations of Property Dr. Steele directed the Board members' attention to the donation requests in the printed agenda as follows: Meadowcliff Elementary, $500 toward purchase of Quiz Bowl materials donated by Metropolitan National Bank
McDermott PTA asks to donate curtains to the cafetorium and sod, plants, and bushes for landscaping to McDermott Elementary School. Enhanced Training Opportunity Program, Inc. is asking to donate twelve (12) AT&T personal computers to Adult Education Department. carver PTA is asking to donate an industrial size weed eater to Carver Magnet School. Mr. Jackson moved the acceptance of these donations, Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 B. Contracted Services 6. Mr. Jackson expressed concern that the document on contracted services had been misunderstood. He is recommending a feasibility study to be done by the people in the District. He told the Board that a study needs to be conducted on all persons in the District from the bottom up. Mr. Jackson moved that the administration conduct a feasibility study during a thirty day timeline from this date. Mr. Moore seconded the motion. After much discussion, the president called for a ten minute break. Upon returning from a break, Mr. Jackson amended his motion stating that the Board set a timeline of January 1, 1993 to have the feasibility study completed, but in the meantime he wishes to direct the administration to bring a balanced budget to the April Board Meeting for the 1992-93 school year. Mr. Moore seconded the motion and it passed 6-1 with Dr. Mitchell casting the dissenting vote. At 8 : 2 5 p. m. Mr. Moore moved that the Board go into Executive Session, Mr. Jackson seconded the motion and it passed 6- 1 with Ms. Gee casting the dissenting vqte. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m., with the President announcing that no action was taken. Mr. Moore stated that Mr. Jackson had left the meeting. c. School Uniforms Dr. Steele recommended that upon verification by an independent survey of kindergarten parents at Williams Magnet School that uniforms are supported, that the school be authorized to proceed with use of uniforms for the 1992-93 kindergarten class. This recommendation does not include any use of public school funds for the purchase of uniforms. Mr. Moore moved approval of the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Ms. Gee and it passed unanimously. D. Second Reading on Policy and Regulation on Sexual Harassment Upon review of the policy and regulation on sexual harassment, the Superintendent recommended its approval on a second reading. Mr. Hamil ton moved approval of the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Dr. Cannon and it passed unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 E. State Recognition Program Grant 7. The Superintendent reported that the Alternative Learning Center has received a $1,000 State Recognition Grant called PAY: "Program for At-Risk Youths." Ms. Gee moved approval of the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Hamilton and it passed unanimously. F. Proposed Course Additions - Dunbar International studies Magnet School The Superintendent recommended the addition of at least one International Studies course be placed in each of the core disciplines at Dunbar International studies Magnet School. This would ensure an international emphasis throughout each department, while at the same time provide students who have specific curriculum interests an opportunity to be exposed to international themes and concepts through discipline other than social studies. Mr. Hamil ton moved approval of the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Dr. Cannon and it passed unanimously. G. Secondary Language Arts Textbook Adoption Recommendation 1 The Superintendent recommended the Language Arts Textbook Committee's selection of the D. c. Heath and Company Heath Grammar and Composition series for grades 7-12. Mr. Hamil ton moved approval of the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Dr. cannon and it passed unanimously. H. Phase II - IMPAC ILS Project Consideration for 1992-93 School Year The Superintendent recommended approval of the IMPAC ILS Project application for the 1992-93 school year. After much discussion Dr. Cannon asked if we could have the lab without it being a pull-out model. Dr. Steele amended her recommendation to accept this project if we can install these in classrooms in groups and not have another pull-out program in our schools. Ms. Matthis explained to the Board that at this time the school selection has not been made. Mr. Moore moved approval of Dr. Steele's amendment, seconded by Dr. Cannon and it passed 5-1 with Ms. Jacovelli casting the dissenting vote. Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 I. AP Chemistry 8. The Superintendent recommended approval of offering AP Chemistry at all five senior high schools starting with the 1992-93 school year. AP Chemistry is currently being offered only at J. A. Fair High School. Mr. Moore moved approval of the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Hamilton and passed with a 5-1 vote with Dr. Mitchell casting the dissenting vote. J. Policy on School Year The Superintendent recommended approval of the revised policy on School Year for first reading. This revision is recommended in order to conform to our current school calendar and state law stating that "student-teacher" contact time shall be for a minimum of 178 days or as prescribed by law. 11 Mr. Moore moved approval of the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Hamilton and it passed unanimously. K. Biracial Advisory Committee Nomination The Superintendent recommended approval of the nomination of Paul Austin to the Biracial Advisory Committee. Mr. Austin's application was presented for review. Mr. Hamilton moved approval of the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Moore and it passed with 5 11yes 11 votes and Ms. Gee abstaining. L. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Arkansas Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes (TRAN) The superintendent recommended approval of the resolution as submitted and authorize the administration to proceed with execution of final documents on the sale of Arkansas Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes. Dr. Mitchell moved approval of the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Moore and it passed unanimously. NOTE: Mr. Mark McBryde was present and told the Board that a sale had been executed on this date at 4 1/8 percent. M. Personnel Changes The Superintendent recommended approval of the personnel items as presented on the agenda. Mr. Hamilton moved approval of the personnel items, Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed 5-1 with Dr. Mitchell casting the dissenting vote. Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting March 26, 1992 N. Financial Reports 9. The superintendent recommended approval of the Financial Reports as submitted on the agenda. Mr. Hamilton moved approval of the reports, seconded by Mr. Moore and it passed 5-1 with Ms. Jacovelli casting the dissenting vote. VII. REPORT: Report of Superintendent A. Update on Desegregation In the absence of Mr. James Jennings, Ms. Hart asked the Board if there were any questions on the report as submitted. There was a brief discussion. Ms. Hart asked permission to address the Board on the report from the Biracial Committee. She stated that both she and Mr. Jennings were appalled at the report because "it was not an up-to-date report." Dr. Mitchell asked that the report be reviewed by Ms. Hart, Ms. Gill and Mr. Jennings. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS I Ms. Gloria Riggs, Mr. David Dotson, Mr. Timothy Flowers and Ms. Demetris Boyland addressed the Board on the implementation of Afro-Centric Instruction into the curriculum. Because Mr. Shawn Ricks had to leave the meeting, he had asked Mr. Jimmy Cunningham to address the Board again asking the Board to meet with Members of the African-American Progress Council. IX. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Employee Hearing Mr. Brady Gadberry, Labor Relations Specialist, represented the Board in a closed employee hearing with Ms. Monica O'Neal appealing a recommendation from Mr. Dick Johnson, Director of Transportation that she be terminated. After information presented from Mr. Gadberry and an opportunity for Ms. O'Neal to speak, the administration recommended her termination. Mr. Moore moved the approval of the administration's recommendation, seconded by Dr. Cannon and it passed unanimously. ' Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 26, 1992 Student Disciplinary Recommendations 10. Mr. Rudolph Howard presented the following non-contested disciplinary recommendations: Caffey, Derrick - Expulsion Richey, Haden - Expulsion . Brown, Robert - Long-Term Suspension Dillard, Fred - Long-Term Suspension Green, Avery - Long-Term Suspension Houston, Daron - Long-Term Suspension Woodruff, Kia - Long-Term Suspension Mr. Moore moved the administration's recommendations on the noncontested expulsions and long-term suspensions. Dr. Cannon seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board considered the expulsion recommendation of Britt Vickers in a closed session. considerable discussion ensued. Mr. Moore moved approval of the administration's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Hamilton and it carried with a 5-1 vote with Ms. Gee casting the dissenting vote. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Moore moved to adjourn. Dr. Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: , LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS AUG 1 4 IY92 Special Meeting April 7, 1992 Office of Deseg regatiu. :i :. ioni.t oring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:15 p.m. on April 7, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Tony Wood, Deputy Superintendent Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Brady Gadberry, Labor Relations Specialist Mr. Richard Johnson, Director of Transportation CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members, which constituted a quorum. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of conducting three (3) employee hearings. EMPLOYEE HEARINGS: Mr. Brady Gadberry announced that the first hearing was scheduled at the request of Valarie Graves but that she has not shown up at the appointed time. He told the Board that notification was given to Ms. Graves by certified mail. J since the employee did not show up for the hearing, the administration recommended that the Board uphold the recommendation of the Director of Transportation for termination for insubordination and inappropriate behavior effective immediately. Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Ms. Jacovelli relinquished the chair to Mr. Hamilton and seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. In a closed session, the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Dietrice White in connection with a recommendation for termination for a positive drug test. After hearing testimony and considering all evidence, Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation for termination because of .a positive drug test. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session, the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Carolyn Thomas in connection with a recommendation for termination for a positive drug test. After hearing testimony and considering all evidence, Mr. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation for termination based on the information provided to the Board that Ms. Thomas had tested positive for an illegal drug. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried with three affirmative votes. Dr. Katherine Mitchell abstained from the vote. Following the hearing for Ms. Thomas, discussion ensued with Ms. Thomas concerning a separate dispute concerning back pay. After an informal discussion, the administration indicated that it would take a look at the whole situatiqn and report back to the Board. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come within the call for the special meeting, Ms. Pat Gee moved to adjourn. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Mrs. o. Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: __t/: _'_.,"~3_-_,_2-_ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS AUG 1 4 1992 Board of Directors Special Meeting April 15, 1992 Oliic of Deseg .. 9::.10:1 Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 5:02 p.m. on April 15, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Dr. George Cannon ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members. Dr. Katherine Mitchell joined the meeting at 5:12 p.m. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of naming a person to be responsible for the Surrogate Parent Program and to conduct student hearings. SURROGATE PARENT PROGRAM: Mrs. Estelle Matthis explained that the Surrogate Parent Program is for special needs students who are living with foster parents or who are wards of the State. She further explained that volunteers are recruited to represent these children and the District is required to name a person to implement the program. The administration recommended that Dr. Patty Kohler be named the person responsible for implementing the surrogate Parent Program. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. EXPULSIONS: The chair directed the Board members' attention to the list of non-contested expulsion recommendations of Eric Allen, T. J. Dunnick, Darrell Freeman, Shanda Alexander, _Bara Nichols, Jeramauld Todd, William Wadlington, and Sean Phillips. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to accept the hearing officer's recommendation to expel these students. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. STUDENT HEARINGS: In a closed session the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Ryan Yant in connection with the administration's recommendation for expulsion. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented during the hearing, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, recommended that Ryan Yant be enrolled at the Alternative Learning Center for the remainder of this school year on strict probation as soon as space is available. Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried wi1th three (3) affirmative votes. Mr. Bill Hamil ton voted against the motion, and Dr. Katherine Mitchell abstained. In a closed session the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Jerry Bagwell in connection with the administration's recommendation for expulsion. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented during the hearing, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting superintendent, recommended that Jerry Bagwell be admitted to the Alternative Learning Center when space is available on strict probation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried with four (4) affirmative votes. Dr. Mitchell abstained. In a closed session the Board conducted a hearing at the request of Melissa Holleman in connection with the administration's recommendation for expulsion. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented during the hearing, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, recommended that Melissa Holleman be enrolled at the Alternative Learning Center as soon as possible when space is available on strict probation for the remainder of this school year. Mr. Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion. During discussion of the motion, Mr. Jackson amended the motion to include the provision that if the District cannot find space for all three of the students (Ryan Yant, Jerry Bagwell, and Melissa Holleman), then they would be admitted in reverse order as space is availaole (Melissa Holleman, Jerry Bagwell, Ryan Yant). Mr. Hamilton agreed to the amendment. The motion carried with four (4) affirmative votes. Dr. Katherine Mitchell abstained. RECESS The Board recessed at 7:15 p.m. for a break and reconvened at 7:35 p.m. Upon reconvening, the Board conducted a hearing in a closed session at the request of Freddie Lee in connection with the administration's recommendation for expulsion. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented during the hearing, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, recommended that another placement be considered for Freddie Lee and that he be allowed to continue his education on strict probation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. In a closed session the Board conducted a hearing in a closed session at the request of Shawn Porch in connection with the administration's recommendation for expulsion. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented during the hearing, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, recommended that Shawn Porch be expelled for the remainder of the 1991-92 school year. Mr. Jackson moved the administration's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carrie? three (3) to (2). Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Mitchell cast the dissenting votes. ADJOURNMENT
There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9: 40 p.m. upon motion by Mr. Jackson, a second by Ms. Gee, and unanimous approval of the Board members. o. G. Jacoveli, President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors AUG 1 .., 1'192 Special Meeting April 16, 1992 Office of o . esegregat,on Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:17 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS: Ms. Angela Nunn, Teacher Ex Officio Mr. Cameron Jones, Student Ex Officio ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruths. Steele, superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. Mrs. Jacovelli introduced the ex officio teacher and student Board members and welcomed them to the meeting. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The president announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of hearing an update on the superintendent's search and to consider a personnel recommendation. UPDATE ON SUPERINTENDENT'S SEARCH: Mrs. Jacovelli introduced Mrs. Susie Jernigan, one of the Search Consultants working for the District in searching for qualified candidates to fill the position of Superintendent of Schools. Mrs. Jernigan reported that she and Jan Cummings had been working for almost 15 weeks and had made over 300 contacts concerning the LRSD superintendency. Mrs. Jernigan further reported that they had about 18 serious candidates, 10 of which are sitting superintendents, six are deputy superintendents, associates, or assistant superintendents, one is a senior administrator, and one is a "non-traditional" candidate. She told the Board that the candidates come from districts in size of from 8300 students up to 77,000. Seventeen of the candidates are men
one is female
seven are African-American
the others are AngloSaxon. Mrs. Jernigan reviewed the process for narrowing the field of candidates to 5 or 6 semi-finalists and the process for bringing the candidates to Little Rock on the weekend of May 1 to meet with the Board of Directors and the public. Board members asked questions about the candidates and the process to be used from this point to the final selection of a superintendent. By common consensus the Board decided to have the semi-finalist candidates bring their spo4ses to Little Rock on the weekend of May 1. PERSONNEL ITEM: Dr. Steele reminded the Board that she had written last week about the need to employ an assistant principal for Romine Interdistrict School. She explained that the assistant principal is needed now to assist with recruiting for the next school year to help the school be successful as an interdistrict Computer Science/ Basic Skills School. She reviewed the credentials of Barbara Anderson and recommended that the Board employ her as the Assistant Principal at Romine Interdistrict School effective April 17, 1992. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. The motion carried four (4) to three (3). Dr. Mitchell, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. Moore voted in favor of the motion. Mrs. Jacovelli, Ms. Gee, and Dr. Cannon voted in opposition to the motion. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Bill Hamilton moved to adjourn. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m. o. G. Jacovei, President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED =-1Y1~0.. 1.... ~-'M ~l,_..l. .7.... -'-9"-~-- .. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 Office of Desegregafo, Mon1toring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 6:05 p.m. on April 23, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. ACTION: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The president called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. II. ACTION: READING OF THE MINUTES The chair directed the Board members' attention to the minutes of the special meeting on February 10, 1992
the special meeting on February 13, 1992
the special meeting on February 20, 1992
the regular meeting on February 27, 1992
the special meeting on March 5, 1992
the special meeting on March 19, 1992
the regular meeting on March 26, 1992
and the special meeting on April 7, 1992. Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton moved approval of the minutes as submitted. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 and it carried unanimously. III. CONSENT: CONSENT ITEMS New Partnerships 2 Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools, recommended that the Board approve the new partnership between The Willis Group, Inc. and McClellan Community High ~chool
Markham Parkway McDonalds of Little Rock and Ish Incentive School
and Pediatric Physical Therapy Services and Otter Creek Elementary School. Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. IV. PRESENTATIONS A. Superintendent's Comments Dr. Steele recognized the Watson Elementary School "Hot Stuff" team who won first place in the District and third place in the state in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette stock Market Game. She presented a Superintendent's citation to the students who made up the team: Deundra Baker, Laprisha Bennett, Neitrisha Buchanan, and Brandi Greer. Dr. Steele also recognized the team's teacher, Ms. Mary Ann Forrest, who is the gifted and talented coordinator at Watson Elementary School. Dr. Steele asked Mrs. Ellen Abney to make a presentation on behalf of McDonald's on Broadway. Mrs. Abney presented the McDonald's Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year Award to Dr. Anne Hanson, assistant principal at Parkview Arts/Sciences Magnet High School. The Superintendent also presented a citation to the April student ex officio Board member, Cameron Jones, and the teacher ex officio Board member, Ms. Angela Munns. B. Citizens Committees None Reporting. c. Board Members Mrs. Jacovelli stated that she asked Dr. Steele to convene a meeting with the Council of African-American Progress to share with members of the Council the work that has been done on a multi-cultural curriculum and expressed hope that this meeting will be a productive exchange of ideas and that the meeting will be held in early June. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 3 Mr. Dorsey Jackson thanked Mrs. Kumpuris for the new policy manual and commended James Jennings for getting a $10,000 grant on his own initiative. He also expressed the hope that the Biracial Advisory Committee and the administration could have communication with all the groups because a lack of communication creates more work, conflict, and a lack of harmony. Dr. Katherine Mitchell commended Mrs. Catherine Gill and the parents who atterlded the incentive sch9ol parents' breakfast. She also commended the CTA for receiving the Human Relations Award and for conducting workshops in improving human relations skills. V. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Mr. Allen Thompson told the Board to recognize that the typical African-American suffers from family and heritage deprivation and urged that this be addressed in his educational system through the use of the Portland Baseline Essays. Ms. Sharl Hill told the Board that she is disheartened about the curriculum and that African-American history should be included in all months, not just one month of the year. She said that there is a nationwide movement to include Afro-centric curriculum in the schools and that the Portland Baseline Essays are an excellent model. Mr. Patrick Oliver told the Board that African-American kids have not learned to appreciate their heritage and asked the Board to improve the education of children concerning their African heritage. Ms. Odette Woods spoke in favor of infusing AfricanAmerican history into the Little Rock School District and requested that the Board meet with representatives of the Council and hold a special meeting to address this issue. Mr. Christopher Woods urged the Board to start teaching more about African heritage. Mr. Bernard Murray told the Board that the Little Rock School District and the Pulaski County Special School District had been a source of alienation and frustration for black people and urged them to add African history to the curriculum. Mr. R. J. Williams encouraged the Board to take a look at what the school system is offering the children and to implement an Afro-central curriculum today. Ms. Rita Johnson asked the Board to implement an Afrocentric curriculum. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 4 Mr. Pele Shonowo urged the Board to implement an Afrocentric curriculum so the children can learn about their heritage. Mr. Terrence Cain spoke in favor of supplementing the curriculum with African-American curriculum. Mr. Jimmy Cunningham suggested that the Board make sure the new superintendent is sensitive to an Afro-Centric curriculum. He asked Mrs. Jacovelli to submit in writing the material she wants from the Council for African-American Progress. Mr. Ricardo Davis spoke of the need for all kids to have pictures of people in their school books that look like them. Mr. Dale Charles spoke in favor of a Afro-Centric curriculum and urged that the new superintendent be sensitive to an Afro-Central curriculum. VI. ACTION: ACTION ITEMS A. Journalism Textbook Adoption Dr. Steele recommended tha~ the Board adopt for Journalism I: Understanding Mass Media, National Textbook Company, publisher: and for Journalism II: Press Time, Prentice-Hall, Inc., publisher. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. B. Communications Textbook Adoption The Superintendent recommended that the Board adopt communications textbooks as outlined in the printed agenda. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. c. Policy on School Year - Second Reading Dr. Steele recommended that the Board adopt the Policy on School Year on second reading. Mr. Bill Hamil ton moved the superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. Personnel Items Mr. Pat Gee moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 5 The Board retired into executive session at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:50 p.m. Upon reconvening the chair announced that the Board had been discussing personnel matters and that no action was taken. Dr. Steele recommended that the Board approve the personnel changes listed in the printed agenda, including the reelection of certified personnel as outlined in Attachment I through VI of the printed agenda. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried six (6) to one (1). Mr. Dorsey Jackson cast the dissenting vote. E. Financial Reports The Superintendent recommended approval of the financial reports as presented. Mr. John Moore moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried five (5) to two (2) with Mrs. Jacovelli and Ms. Gee casting the dissenting votes. SUSPENSION OF THE RULES: Dr. Steele asked the Board to ~uspend the rules and vote on the ABC grant application and adopt a Resolution in support of the millage vote by the Pulaski County Special School District. Mr. Hamil ton moved to suspend the rules for the two purposes outlined by the Superintendent. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ABC GRANT: Dr. Steele directed the Board members' attention to the ABC Grant application and explained the this will be the second year for funding of the grant and asked that the Board approve submission of the grant application in the amount of $154,402.50, which is a five percent increase over last year's grant. Dr. Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. RESOLUTION: The Superintendent explained that the Pulaski County Special School District's financial stability is very important to the Little Rock School District and recommended that the Board approve a Resolution in support of the Pulaski county Special School District's efforts to pass an 8 mill tax increase. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved adoption of the Resolution. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 VII. REPORT: REPORTS OF SUPERINTENDENT A. Report on 1992-93 Budget 6 Dr. Steele reviewed the schedule of meetings that have been set with employee groups to get cost-saving suggestions from them. She explained that the District is looking at a $7,654,000 budget deficit and will be looking for ways to cut the budget to offset the deficit. Discussion ensued con9erning the deficit. B. Update on Desegregation Mr. James Jennings answered questions concerning the report that was slip-sheeted into the agenda. Mr. Chris Heller gave the Board an overview of the recent United states Supreme Court rulings having to do with school districts reaching unitary status. He pointed out that the u. s. Supreme Court decisions could be used as a guide to us as we work toward unitary status except that there is one important difference: that we are operating under a desegregation settlement agreement. He also reviewed the most recent motions of the Little Rock School District to (1) implement the McClellan program in phases over three years
and (2) asked to re-schedule the construction of King and Stephens. c. curriculum Revision Update There were no questions concerning this report. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None. IX. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Mr. Rudolph Howard directed the Board members' attention to the recommendation for a non-contested expulsion of Candace Jones and the non-contested long-term suspension of Chris Alexander, Landa Burns, Pamela Burns, Chester Dickerson, Ricky Epperson, Cameron Franklin, Shajuanna Harris, Talmadge Johnson, Darnell Lancaster, Jason Perkins, Tommy Phillips, Eddie Pride, Billy Robinson, Keven Summers, and James Thomas. The Superintendent recommended that the Board approve the non-contested expulsion and long-term suspensions as recommended. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. STUDENT HEARINGS: Mr. Tony Wood assumed the role of Acting Superintendent for the remainder of the Board meeting. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 23, 1992 7 The Board scheduled a hearing at the request of Aundra Ganaway
however, she did not appear at the appointed time and action was deferred. The Board considered the expulsion recommendation of Lashedric Dailey, but it was decided that it would be appropriate for Lashedric to enroll in the Alternative Learning Center with the approval of the hearing officer, the school officials, and the Board of Directors. Mr. Tony Wood recommended that Lashedric be assigned to the Alternative Learning Center on strict probation. Mr. Jackson moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mrs. Pat Gee left the meeting at 10:12 p.m. The Board held a hearing on behalf of Jeremiah Haney. After hearing all testimony and witnesses, Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, recommended that Jeremiah be expelled for the balance of the 1991-92 school year. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Jo h n Moore moved to adJ' oIu rn. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:56 p.m. overli, President Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: ?ih~ a-x J /'J:9d-- f LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meetings May 1, 1992 and May 2, 1992 AUG 1 4 19,c:'. Office of Desegregation Mo.:itoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting on May 1 and 2, 1992, in the offices of Huckabay, Munson, Rowlett and Tilley, P.A., 1900 First Commercial Building, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 1:26 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The special meeting was called for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the superintendency of the Little Rock School District. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Upon motion by Mr. John Moore, a second by Dr. George Cannon, and unanimous approval of the Board, the Board went into executive session at 1:27 p.m. to interview the candidates. Upon reconvening from executive session, the president announced that the Board had interviewed Dr. Michael Woodall and - Dr. Levi McIntosh and that no action was taken. RECESS: The Board recessed the meeting until 10 a.m. on May 2, 1992. RECONVENE: The Board reconvened the special meeting at 10:20 a.m. on May 2, 1992. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Upon reconvening, Ms. Pat Gee moved for an executive session to interview the remaining candidates for the superintendency of the Little Rock School District. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Upon reconvening from the executive session the president announced that the Board had interviewed Dr. Sam Wooten, Dr. Henry Williams, and Dr. Cloyde Bernd and that no action was taken. AJOURNMENT: Ms. Pat Gee moved that the special meeting adjourn. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. o. G. Jacove i ,President Pat Gee, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting May 3, 1992 AUG 1 4 1992 Oifice of Desci, sgc.t1c.n :ilo:11 or1r:g The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 3:06 p.m. on May 3, 1992. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: None PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of conducting an executive session to discuss the employment of a superintendent. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to retire into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board retired into executive session at 3: 07 p.m. and reconvened at 5 p.m. Upon reconvening from executive session the president announced that the Board had been discussing the information they had gleaned from their initial meetings with the candidates with whom they had spent the weekend, and no action was taken. She indicated that the Board had tentatively agreed to meet again on Tuesday evening, May 5. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Jackson moved to adjourn. Mr. Moore seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The special meeting adjourned at 5:07 p.m. O. G. Jacove 1 Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: flb.1 U, / 99
., ,.t LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting May 4, 1992 Oti:ce of Desegregation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:25 p.m. on May 4, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The vice-president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Dr. Katherine Mitchell MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The vice-president, Mr. John Moore, called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of three ( 3) Board members, which did not constitute a quorum. Dr. Katherine Mitchell joined the meeting at 5:35 p.m., thereby constituting a quorum. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called in response to a petition signed by more than 50 citizens. . . CONCERNS: The following citizens addressed the Board and spoke of their opposition to the proposal to sub-contract services currently being delivered by custodians, bus drivers, aides, food service workers, and secretaries: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Betty Floyd Mr. Willie Givens Ms. Debbie Vail Mr. REginald Gooden Ms. Charlcie Gibbs Ms. Gwen Porter Ms. Eleanor Coleman Mr. Frank Martin Ms. Neddie Nichols Mr. William Tayes Mr. Mike Campbell Ms. Marilyn Moore Ms. Thretha Jackson. The Board listened to the individuals' concerns and viewpoints. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come within the special meeting, Ms. Gee moved to adjourn. seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. the call for Dr. Mitchell The special Mrs. o. G. ,J.acovelli, President APPROVED: ~ .u' {9' '?k } Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors AUG 1 4 b,~ Special Meeting May 8, 1992 Office of Desegregation l.,
:,,1110,ing The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School in a lawfully-called special meeting at 7:52 a.m. on in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: District met May 8, 1992, West Markham Mrs. o. G. The president called the meeting to order at 7:52 a.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of extending an employment offer to a candidate for the superintendency. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. John Moore moved that the Board retire into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Special Meeting May 8, 1992 The Board retired into executive session at 7: 53 a.m. and reconvened into public session at 8:12 a.m. Upon reconvening the chair announced that no action was taken. EMPLOYMENT OFFER: Mr. John Moore moved that the Board offf?r the Superintendent's position to Dr. Cloyde McKinley Bernd conditioned upon the parties being able to negotiate a contract. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. After the vote Dr. Katherine Mitchell stated that as a member of the Board she was disappointed and embarrassed over the story that appeared in yesterday's newspaper. Further, she stated that she thought it was misleading to the public to say that no qualifications were considered and that it was misleading to say Dr. Williams was offered the position only because he is black. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting, Dr. George Cannon moved to adjourn. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion, and it carried uyanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m. o. G. Jacov~li, President Pat Gee, Secretary 2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Board of Directors Special Meeting May 5, 1992 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School in a lawfully-called special meeting at 7:08 p.m. on in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: None. ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Ms. Dianne Woodruff, Director of Communications CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: District met May 5, 1992, West Markham Mrs. o. G. The president called the special meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. Mr. John Moore joined the meeting at 7:11 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Pat Gee moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board retired into executive session at 7:11 p.m. and reconvened at 1 o: 5 4 p. m. Upon reconvening, the president announced that the Board had been discussing personnel matters but that no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board of Directors, Ms. Pat Gee moved to adjourn. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The special meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. ovelli, President Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting May 19, 1992 0111 SEP 1 1992 01 De uJeg on Monronng The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:11 p.m. on May 19, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The vice president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The vice president called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering student disciplinary recommendation and hearings. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS AND HEARINGS: Mr. Tony Wood, Acting Superintendent, directed the Board members' attention to the non-contested expulsion recommendations of Letitia Bohanan, Robert A. Brown, Adrian Calvin, Phillip Conway, Tywuan Green, Allenza Johnson, Roderick Johnson, Kiloe Page, Calvin Perry, Willie Shavers, Deangelo Smith, Keith Walker, and Derrick Williams. He recommended that the Board uphold the expulsion recommendations. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Wood directed the Board members' attention to the uncontested long-term suspension recommendations of Martinez Adams, Brent Armstrong, Chris Bell, Remont Brister, James Burton, Marvin Collins, David Ester, David Fudge, Eric Gaines, Aundra Ganaway, Latasha Grantham, Melody Grantham, Tywuan Green, Dewey Hatley, Tim Henderson, Shawn Henson, Ramantiney Johnson, Rashawn Landers, Rashawn Landers, Robert Lewis, Calvin Long, Chris Martin, Vick Norman, Gene Powell, Mack Rogers, Keven Sims, Stacie swiggins, Tekia Thompson, Bradley Washington, Brian Watts, Yashika Young, and Edward Nelson. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to one (1). Ms. Pat Gee cast the dissenting vote. Mr. Tony Wood directed the Board members' attention to the reinstatement petitions of Shandra Alexander, Jermaine Glass, and Candace Jones. He recommended that the Board afford these students an opportunity to be reinstated to school on strict probation and that the administration go ahead and schedule the three-day Changing Directions Program. Mr. Wood recommended that Shandra Alexander be allowed to attend the Alternative Learning Center for the 1992-93 school year. Ms. Gee moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Wood recommended that Jermaine Glass Alternative Learning Center for the 1992-93 Katherine Mitchell moved the Acting recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded carried unanimously. be enrolled at the school year. Dr. Superintendent's the motion, and it Mr. Wood recommended that Candace Jones be allowed to return to school and have the opportunity to attend summer school in 1992. Ms. Gee moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing on the contested long-term suspension of Chris Runnells. Mr. John Moore excused himself from the hearing because of a conflict of interest. Ms. Pat Gee assumed the chair. Mr. Runnells' father addressed the Board and indicated that he j ust wanted to express some concerns over the procedure. He indicated that he is not contesting the suspension itself. Following his statement to the Board, the Acting Superintendent recommended that the Board approve the long-term suspension of ... .. Chris Runnells. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board had scheduled a hearing for Anthony White but he did not appear for the hearing. The Board conducted a hearing on the contested long-term suspension recommendation of Alim Qaasim. Following the hearing, the Acting Superintendent recommended that the Board uphold the long-term suspension recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing on the contested expulsion recommendation of Leon Funchess. Following the hearing, the Acting Superintendent recommended that the Board uphold the expulsion recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Acting Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come within the call for the special meeting, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to adjourn. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: -~?_,,_cl,_7_-_9-_2_- ___ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Special Meeting May 21, 1992 SEP 1 1992 Office of De gr gat,c,n Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:50 p.m. on May 21, 1992, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The special meeting followed the regular Board Committee meeting. The vice-president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mrs. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. George Cannon MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ruth Steele, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Tony Wood, Deputy Superintendent Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Executive Asst. to the Superintendent Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The vice-president called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. RATIFICATION OF BOND SALE: Dr. Steele directed the Board members' attention to the breakdown of the proceeds from the refunding issue previously authorized by the Board of Directors. She recommended that the Board approve the Resolution approving the sale. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT'S CONTRACT: Mr. John Moore, the Board's vice president, directed the Board members' attention to the proposed Superintendent's contract previously provided to each Board member. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the Board retire into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Dr. George Cannon seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board retired into executive session at 5:55 p.m. The Board reconvened from executive session at 6:02 p.m. and the chair announced that no action had been taken during executive session. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that the Board enter into a contract with Dr. Cloyde McKinley (Mac) Bernd beginning July 1, 1992. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Following the vote it was announced that
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources.

<dcterms_creator>Little Rock School District</dcterms_creator>