Second quarter status report, 1994-1995
exhibit 1
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VOLUME II LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994-95 SECOND QUARTER STATUS REPORT PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGET DOCUMENT FOR DESEGREGATION PROGRAMS PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 24, 1995 FEB 2 4 1995 01 8 1 D EXHIBIT I School Support Cluster Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment Staff Development Library/Media Computerized Transportation Data Processing Safety and Security Teacher Recruitment Educational E.quity Monitoring Commitment to Desegregation/Leadership Summer School (Jnterdistrict) Summer Leaming Program - JTPA Contingency Facilities Guidance/Counseling Program Leadership Employment Practices Bidding Practices (Procurement) 483 Progrm Seq I : 20 Program Nm: Program Cock: Program DHcriptlon: Ditrlct Goal Support: Program Goal : VTD ExpendlturH : LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Revialon Date: February 3, 1995 Office of Oeaegregation/Sludent Assignment 06 Primary leader: Dr. C. Russell Mayo, Jr. Sacondery leader: TBA The Office of Desegregation Is charged with monitoring the implementation of the Desegregation Plan which includes the appropriate assignment of students to school1. The capacitiea of the elementary area schools are determined in accordance with Arkansas accreditation standards which have the following limits: Grade: Kindergarten First-Third Fourth-Sixth Ma,cimum Number of Students Per Class (Average) 1.Q ll ll Maximum Number of Students in Any Class l 1 1! The overall racial compo1ition of the elementary eree school and the space available for recruitment at those schools depend upon the number of students who enroll in Incentive and lnterdistrict Schools . The Initial racial composition of the Incentive Schools is expected to be predominately black. It is expected that at least 600 black LRSO students will attend lnterdistrict Schools. Ensure 1het equity occur in all phases of tchool activitiea and operations To implement a student assignment procest thet is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan L 139 SSl 1,645.41 $108,505.23 Jtd Otr Expend: FTE 13.0 9214,702.20 $108, 196.97 4th Otr Expend: 48J Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 139 LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 20 Otfu of Desegrega110n/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russell Mayo To mp~ment a student assignment process that rs consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectlvn Strategies (1 0 To mplement magnet school asslgments) t 1 Magnet Schoots - The assignment process to (onginaij magnet schools w1ff not change under lh,s Plan 1 2 Monitor Student Assignment and enrollment at Magnet Schools A. Student assignments are revtewed on a weekfy basis B Wart,ng lists ire reviewed in order to till vacanaes (2 O To mplement 1nterd1stnd school assgnments) 2 1 lnlerd1strtet Schools - LRSO and PCSSO agree to establtsh interdrslnct schoots as descnbed tl'l the lnlerd1slr1C1 Desegregation Plan A Stx 1nterd1slnct schools have been estabhshed (3 O To implement elementary area school assignments) The total ca12acrt:i of the elemenla!X area schools ,s 9 678 4'.Jd Secondary Leader: Beginning Complellon Date Date 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 06/30/95 07/01194 50% 09/30194 70% 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 12/2119 07/01194 06/30195 Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 TBA Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Assoc Supt for 1 O Assignments are consistent Oesegregahc>n with the Desegregation Plan as evidenced by an annual review of assignment data Assoc Supt for Desegregation Assoc Supt. for Desegregation Assoc Supt for 2 0 Assignments are consrstent Desegregation with the Desegregahon Plan as evidenced by an annual review Assoc Supt for of assignment data Desegregatton Assoc Supt for 3 0 Assignments are consistent Desegregahon with the Oesegregahon Plan as evidenced by an annual review of assignment data Program Seq I: Program Name: Program Code Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 139 20 Office of Oesegregahon/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To mpk!ment a student assignment process that Is consistent with the approved Oesegregat10n Plan Objectives Strategies 31 Students will be assigned to the elementary area schoots by attendance zones A Elementary area school sludenls assigned 3 2 The elementary area school attendance zones are drawn to estabhsh a raclat balance at each school of 55 percent black and 45 percent white w,th a variance of 5 percent The recruitment of white students to elementary area schools may tf'ICfease the percenlage of white students at these schools, but no school shall have a racial compos,Uon of greater that 60 percent white 3 3 Students presently assigned lo elementary area schools wlll be given the option to remain In these schoots (grandfathe,ed) A Targeted students were notified of opt+ons 3 4 After grandfathered students have been assigned . students in the attendance zone will be assigned lo the elementary area schools A Students are ass'9ned and notified of assignments to attendance zone school 3 5 If there Is no space available at a student's zoned school or If assignment of the student to the school would pul the school out of comphance w1lh racial balance requirements, the student will be assigned to the dosest school with capacity whteh meets racial balance requirements A Students are reassigned and notified 4 fl :1 Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/0119 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 1 Enrollment Data Oesegregahon 07/01194 10/ 18194 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Oesegregat+on 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 3 Student requests to remain Desegregation In area schools are granted 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 4 Attendance zone students Desegregation are assigned based on available seats. 07/0119 09/20/94 07/01 /94 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 5 Students are reassigned in Desegregation accordance w,th Oeseg Ptan 07/01194 09/2019 Program Seq #: Program Name Program Code Program Goal Plan Rererence Page Number L 148 20 Otf,ce of Desegregahon/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C RusseN Mayo To mplement a sluden1 assignment process that ,s cons,stenl w,th the approved Oesegregahon Plan ObjecUves Str31legies 36 The elementary school zones wlll provide feeder pattern for etementary students going lo Jun10r high school sludenls goong lo high school 3 7 Students in elementary area school zones wtll be g,ven the opbon to select an incenllve school ( 0 To lmpJement incentive school assignments) The caea~ of the W'lcentrve schools IS 2 558 41 Each lnoentrve school will have an attendance zone that encompasses the neighborhood around the school (prn,ary attendance zone) 2 Students presentty assigned to ,ncent,ve schools w,H be given the ophon 10 rema1n In these schools (grandfathered) 3 Aner grandfathered students have been Identified and assigned. students in the prmary attendance zone w,n be assigned to the lncentrve schools A Students were assigned as space was allowed AN 111centJve school students w,n have the opl10n to be ass,gned lo an elementary area school to be selected by LRSO ,n accordance with desegregahctn conslderat10ns 4 !] .! Page: Revision Date: February 1 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Date Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 6 A feeder pattern is Desegregabc>n established for the organizahonal levels 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 7 Options were granted m Oesegregahon accordance lo assignment plan 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for O Incentive School Desegregation Assignments are made 10 accordance with the Oesegregat10n Plan requwements 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 1 School zone maps Oesegregat10n 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Desegregation 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 3 Enrollment data
school Desegregat10n zone maps 07/01194 98% 07101194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Enrollment data Desegregat10n Program Seq#: Program Name
Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number co 194 co 194 20 Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr. C Russell Mayo To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Stralegies A. Elementary desegregation transfer applications processed. 4 .5 In order to assist in meeting the desegregalton requirements, a certain number of seats for black and white students will be reserved for each prekindergarten and kindergarten class. The seals reserved for white children shall not remain ~ermanent!:1 vacant if unfilled. Sufficient time should be alk>wed for limel:t vigorous and sustained recruitment efforts before filling these seats. A. Seats are reserved until judge releases. B. Assignments are monitored to ensure acceptable racial balance. 4.6 The incentive schools wilt have a maximum {!U{!ivteacher ratio of 20 to 1. Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07101194 50% 07101/94 06130/95 Assoc Supl, for 4.5 Reserved seats are Desegregation available by race for pre kindergarten and kindergarten students. 07/01194 06130195 07101194 09120194 07101194 06130195 I ', Program Seq # Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number co 19 20 Otr,ce of Desegregahon/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C RusseN Mayo To mplement a student assignment process thal rs cons1Sten1 wrth the approved Desegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies 7 There may be more than 20 students E!!r classroom however there w,U be an aide tn each class and e
ossible a second teacher in those classes 4 8 Assgn students with sens,t,v9: to the relahonsh!l! between (
!lacement stabt19: and academe (!r~ress as weU as the need lo measure the mead or incentive er2:9rams or student achrevement 4 9 Student assgnment erocess must be the resul of caretu~ coordinated decmon-making The incentrve school staffs and the LRSD deeartments reseonslble for desegregation student recruitment and ass!gnment and (
!lannlng and evaluahon must assess the short-and long-term academe and social mead of any antgated student reass!gnments 4 10 The drstnc:t must be able to demonstrate that the investment has eald the exeected drvidends for chttdren if not1 changes must be made gutek~ before ch1kfren are k>st ak>ng wrth the settlement money 49 Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria Date 07/0119 06130195 07/0119 06/30195 QllQ!fil 06130195 ~ 06130195 Program Seq I : Program Name
Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number 20 Office of Oesegregalton/Student Ass.gnment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russell Mayo To rnplemenl a student assignment process that ,s consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 4 11 When making student assgnments kee12 in mind that there es a relahOnsh!e: between double funding and enrollment f!gures that re2resents the greatest return on investment The d1stuct is bound lo kee12 its 12ledge lo double fund each tncenhve school for SIX :iears or as long as the school maIntaIns an enrollment above 80% black D1Stnct must also kee12 in mind that the incentrve schoots educate on~ a small ~rt,on of the ciass that 2revailed in the desegregation lawsud Ensure that a 12ort10n of the 1ncenhve school funding fulfilts the 12lan's commitment lhat "the chltdren who are tn rac.all:iisolated settings are 12rovded meaningful 0122ortunl11es for desegregated ex12enences/actrv1ties " 4 12 The District Is obl!9aled to reserve 40 to 50% of seats In the lncenlrve schools at the kindergarten level for whrte students A. Seats were reserved B Court order released seats seats filled. 49::
Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 06/30/95 4 12 Enrollment Data 07/01/94 10/15/94 07/01/94 97% Program Seq # Program Name Program Code Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number 20 Office ot Oesegregahon/Sludent Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russett Mayo To rnplement a student assignment process thal IS cons,slenl with the approved Oesegregahon Plan Objectives Strategle, 4 13 With regard to reserved seating at N'lcentrve schoots the court Indicated that the eart~s reeresentahons to the Eghth Circuit regutred that a target racial balance at tncentrve schools be 50% of each race at least '" the erek1ndergarten and ktndergarten levets It stated that lhtS eroeort10n IS lo guide the Dtst,ict in the number of seats whteh are klIha~ reserved for ere kw,dergarten and kindergarten students The court "reluctanttt alk>wed seals reserved for white students lo be released after a reasonable f
!!nod ontt rf hrne!Y
vgorous and sustained recruitment efforts to fin the seats wrth white chtkfren were unsuccessful The cour1 staled that recruitment efforts must be thorough!:! documented bi the District to the exlent that the cour1 can detenmne that the ert~s are dtlgenttt t!):ing to recruit white students to the incentrve schoots before releas,ng ani reserved seats The court encourages the eart,es to rn12~ment an~ add1bon1I recruitment measures that woukf ad desegregat10n of the incentrve schools as a whole With regard to eued--teacher ralta the court ordered the maxmum indrvdual classroom enrollment at incenlrve schools would be as follows 18 sludents In four ~ear okf ciasses as agreed bi the eart,es 20 studenls W1 k,rider:9arten 23 students Nl grades 1 lhrough 3 25 sludents in grades 4 through 6 In additKJn the court ordered that lhere be at least one full hme 1nstruciKJnal aide f
!!r incenhve school classroom Ill those schools where ani classroom contains more than 20 students Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Complelion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria Date 07/01194 06130195 Progra"m Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 140 L 140 20 Offtce of Desegregahon/Studenl Ass19nment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To implement a student asstgnment process that is consrstent wrth the approved Desegregat10n Plan Objectives Strategtes (50 To implement Oesegregahon Transfers} 5 1 Junior and senior high school students may transfer to another school as long as lhe reassignment allows both the sending and recerving school to comply with the desegregation requirement and a seat is available The minimum black percentage IS 25 percent below the distrtctwlde percentage of blacks in grades 7-12 The mtnimum and maximum black percentages constrtule the desegregation requirement (for acceptable range) for a desegregation transfer The desegregat10n requirements In secondary schoots ts that al schools wlll remain within a range of 12 1/2 percent above lo 25 percent below the d1stnctwtde percentage of black students at each organizal10nal level (1 e , high school and junior high school) 5 2 Elementary students may transfer to an 1ncenhve school only tf such a transfer enhances desegregation at the incenlrve school Oesegrega110n transfers will be granted to elementary area schools that are difficult to desegregate A Requests for transfers were reviewed/approved In accordance with criteua 5 3 A student may make two desegregation transfers at each organtZallonal level (pumary, 1ntermed1ate, jun10r or sen10r high school) The purpose of the second desegregat10n transfer 1s lo allow a sludent lo return to his or her previous school assignment A Requests for desegregahon transfers are rev.ewed to ensure compliance 497 Page: Revision Dale: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01194 06130195 Assoc Supt for 51 Racial composrtt0n of Desegregation student enrollments are wrthin acceptable ranges 07/01194 06130195 Assoc Supt for 5 2 Transfers renect an Desegregation improvement 1n racial balance 07/01194 09/20194 07/01194 06130195 Assoc Supt for 5 3 Desegregation transfer Desegregation reports reflect appropnate utilization by students. 07/01/94 50% Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code
Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 140 20 Office of Desegregahon/Studenl Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To mptement a student assignment process that ,s consistent wl1h the approved Desegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies 54 Desegregahon transfers win be granted during a hml1ed penod once each year (Secondary Schools only) 5 5 LRSO wlfl provide transportahon for desegregahon transfer students where it is cost etfedrve to do so A Requests for transportahon department (DesegregaUon transfer students assigned lo existing bus routes ) (6 0 To mptement Sibling Transfers) 61 Sabling transfers do not appty to magnet schools (NOTE. Siblings are brothers/s1Sters, or hatf-brothers/sisters, residing al the same address wl1h brothers/sisters, or half-brothers/sisters, who are enrolled .., the LRSO) 6 2 A student entering the LRSO after the 1991 - 92 school year wlfl not be alk>wed lo make a sibling preference transfer to a school outside the students attendance zone 6 3 Any student who makes a sibling preference transfer before the 1991 -92 school year may remain at the school to whch the student transferred until graduation to the next organizahonal level Page: 10 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluallon Crlleria Dale Date 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 54 Desegregahon transfer Desegregalton reports reflect appropriate use by students 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 5 5 Maintain records of number Desegregahon of studenls transported using desegregahon transfers 07/01194 09120194 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 61 PubHsh/distnbule Desegregat,on procedures regarding sibling transfers 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 6 2 Publish/drslribute DesegregaUon procedures regardmg sibling transfers 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supl for 6 3 Student transfers reflect Desegregation acceptance/ ret9ctt0n of transfer optJons Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 141 20 Office of Desegregat1on/SIudent Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To mplement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Oesegregahon Plan Objecllves Strategies 64 Sibling preference transfers wm be granted If a seat is available and the transfer will alk>w both the sending and receNmg schools to compty with the desegregation requirements 6 5 Sibling transfer apphcants must have a sibhng currentty enrolled in LRSD Sibling transfers will be granted onty to sIbhngs of grandfathered students (7 To mplemenl Transfer of Chlkjren of Employees Assignments) 7 1 LASO employees may enroll their children at the schools where they wortr. 7 2 Thes prov1Sion ,s not intended to authonze interd,stnct transfers (transfers to NLASD or PCSSO) other than those authorized by the court approved desegregation plan 7 3 The transfer of the cMdren of employees Is sub,ect to desegregahon requirements and the capacrty of the partleular school 7 4 LASO is not obhgated to provide transportation Page: 11 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 6 4 Oocumentahon of sibling Oesegregahon transfers meet desegregation requirements 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 6 5 Sibhng transfer reqwrements Desegregation are in accordance with established requirements 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for Desegregation 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 7 1 Employees' chikiren are Desegregation enrolled In schools requested In Human Resources accordance wrth eslabhshed Director requirements 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 7 2 All interd1strict transfers are DesegregatK>n court approved 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 7 .3 Student transfers are Desegregation consistent with capacities and desegregation requirements 07/01/94 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 7 4 Transportat10n ,s provided Desegregation by patrons of empk)yees Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 141 142 20 Off',ce of Desegregation/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russell Mayo To mpk!ment a student ass,gnment process that is cons,slenl wrth the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 7 5 Th,s prov&Sk>n does not apply to magnet schools 7 6 The order of preference for ass,gn,ng the children of employees as ksted below 761 F1rst preference attendance zone students wrlh siblmgs 7 6 2 Second preference attendance zone students without sbl1ngs 7 6 3 Thard preference cMdren of empk>yees 7 6 Fourth preference desegregahon transfers 7 6 5 fifth preference M-I0-M lransfers 7 6 6 Sixth preference Act 609, Act 62-4, and tegal transfers A In compkance (8 To imptemenl the Reassignment Process) Page: 12 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responslblllly Date Date Evaluation Criteria 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt ,or Oesegregahon 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 7 6 Documentalton of Desegregat10n assignments 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Oesegregahon 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Desegregation 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Oesegregahon 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for Oesegregahon 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 07/01194 06/30195 Desegregation 07/01194 09/20194 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 8 O The assignment process Is Desegregation consrstent with lhe desegregation requ1remen1s Program Seq # : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal. Plan Reference Page Number 20 Off,ce of Oesegregahon/Sludent Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russell Mayo To implement a student assignment process !hat ,s consistent with the approved Oesegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies 8 1 Every effort will be made to install portable bwkhngs m order to accommodate overflow s1tuahons al a particular grade level Only~ a bwkhng cannot be ff1Slalled, the student will be reassigned to the nearest school thal has a seat available in the student's feeder zone If the student cannot be assigned to any of the schools m the student's feeder zone, the student win be reassigned to a school 1n a contiguous feeder zone The Student Assignment Office will be responsible for all reassignments Reassigned students will be placed on the waH1ng 11st for the appropriate attendance zone school A Requests for portables are reviewed , alternate assignments are made 1n compliance with capaoty requirements and court mandates B Waiting lists are compiled for area schools 8 2 The mmmum black percentage for each elementary area school 1s 40 percent black Any assignment that causes a school to fall bek>w the m1mmum black percentage wlll not be granted In such cases, the student will be reassigned to the nearest school that meets the m,nmum black percentage requirement and has a seat available If the student cannot be assigned to any of the schoots tn the student's feeder zone, the student will be assigned to a school in a contiguous feeder zone A Alternate assignments are made in compliance wrth desegregation requirements Page: 13 Revision Date: February 1. 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01194 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 8 1 Portables are installed 1n Oesegregalton accordance with Deseg Plan 07/01/94 09/20194 07/01194 09/20194 07/01/94 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 8 2 Rosters reflect student Desegregation assignment percentages are within acceptable racial balance 07/01194 09/20194 Program Seq I : Program Name Program Code: Program Goal. Plan Reference Page Number L 142 20 Office of Oesegregabon/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russeh Mayo To implement a studenl assignment process that is consrstent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies (9 To establrsh effectrve and etfc~nt student assignment procedures) 91 The Student Assignment Office wilt monitor new assignments, process all data entry work for elementary schools (data entry tasks decentralt1ed 1992-93 school year), process interd1stnd M-to-M transfers and magnet asstgnments, reassign students because of overc,owdedness or desegregahon requ11ements, consider appeals, condud rec,uitment efforts (transferred to recrurtment program), process desegregation transfer, assign al early childhood and incent,ve school students, and process aN special transfers (Act 609, Act 624, e1c) A Assignments are rev.awed lo ensure racial balance B Appeals Committe reviews/approves/re.iects assignment appeafs 9 2 New students lo lhe 01stnct who enroll after May 17, 1989 w.U not have lo come lo the Student Assignment Office to obtain an assignment Each school wIff be aulhonzed to enrol students who INe w1th1n the attendance zone of lhal school Page: 14 Revision Date: February 1. 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Dale 07/01194 06/30/95 Assoc Supt for 9 0 Assignment procedures are Desegregation effective and consistent with the desegregahon requirements 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 9 1 The student assignment Desegregation process wdl be effective in assigning students and process special transfers to assist wrth racial balance 07/01194 09/20194 A Enrolment Data 07/01194 50% 8 Roster of committee members Agendas from meetings 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supl for 9 2 Each area school will have Desegregation the ability to assagn students with1n their attendance zone Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number 20 Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To impkm-.ent a student assignment process that tS consistent wrth the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 9 3 The Student Ass19nment Handbook includes the ltmelme and procedures used by the schools and the Student Assignment Office to assign students The Student Assignment Handbook wlll be revtSed each year, as necessary, to reflect any changes In the procedures for assigning students Changes will be made as needed to mdude new deadhnes and to mporve the mplementation of the court-approved student assignment plan The handbook w1U be devek>ped by the Student Assignment Office and distributed to the schoots and lhe parties each year (10 To monitor all aspects of the Oesegregahon Plan) 101 Review Program Budget Documents to identify potential problems 1 O 2 Conduct site visits as necessary A Site visits conducted 10 3 Develop and mplement tmprovemenl plans as needed Page: 15 Revision Dale: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responslbillly Evaluatlon Criteria Date Date 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 93 Revised Student Oesegregal10n Assignment Handbook is pubhshed and d1stnbuted 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supl for 10 0 ldenllficat10n of Desegregation implementation and effectiveness problems as evidence by the Program Budget Document 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 10 1 Budget Documents are Oesegregat10n, reviewed and problems are Desegregation IJSted. Factlltator 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 1 O 2 Site visits are documented Desegregation , 07/01194 60% Desegregation Fac1htator 07/01194 06/30195 Assoc Supt for 10 3 Improvement Plans are Desegregation, developed and implemented Desegregation Fac,htator Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 226 L 226 20 Office of Oesegreg1hon/Student Assignment 06 Or C Russen Mayo To mplement a student assagnment process that IS constStent w,th the approved Desegregahon Plan Objectlve1 Strategies 104 Monor imptementabon of mprovemenl plans 10 5 LRSO wlK assist the ADE ., ldenl!!)flng e1oshng and ero~sed statutes and regulahons that ffl~de desegregahon 10 6 LRS01 if aee~1ng for aeeroval of new conslrud10n or major school HiQansK>n shaN erovlde desegregahon mead statement saning forth evidence that the 11:ro(!osed !!!:Qrovements do not have a segregahve effed {Subm1Sst0n to @ft 10 7 loan (!roceeds from State shab be used for desegregahon eu~oses and w"I not be utilized or 11dwe9:tt: as a vehicle for generating income for LRSO through h!Qher interest rales 10 8 A desegregation facilitator will be hired to wont dire~ with bufldN'lg 11:r1n~als The desegregabon fac,htalor will be sole~ res129:nslble for lden1~1r1g eroblems or eradices that ml!!de the ~lementahon of gua!!!:x desegregated educat10n in each budding The facihlalor will atso be res11:onsibte for erovKt1ng technical ass11tance 10 but6ding 11:rinc1eals and their slaffs 1 for desegregat10n related concerns 10 9 The desegregat10n faciltlator w,n re2ort dired~ to the Assoc,ate Sul!!!:ontendenl for Desegregahon However the desegregation facaMator wll work ve!l'. dose~ with the remaining associate sue:ennlendents as needed Paga: 16 Revision Date: February 1. 1995 Secondary leader: TBA Beginning Completion Rosponslblllty Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/9,C 07130/94 Assoc Supt for 10 Scheduled observahons of Desegregation. Improvement Plans are Desegregahon documented Fac1htator ~ 06/30/95 07/01/9,C ~ 07/01/94 ~ 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 06/30/95 Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 226 16 16 20 Office of Oesegregat,onlStudenl Ass19nmenl 06 Primary leader: Or C Russell Mayo To mplement a student ass19nment process lhat tS constStent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 10 10 The desegregallon fac,hlator wlll focus on all as~cts of desegregahon imQlementallon This includes but ts not hmrted to achievement d1s12ar[t extracurricular activities class ass!9nments gutdance and counseling staffing and staff interact10n student mteract10n1 and 12arent mvotvement 10. 11 LRSD shan make guarter~ re(!Orts to the Office of Oesegregahon Monitoring 10 12 Where disE!anties in E!rograms and activihes exist LRSO wlll idenl!b: anat:l'.ze for cause and share wrth the a212ro12nate momtonng authorities A recommended course of achon m remed,ahon will then be lmQlemenled. LRSO shall give SQ!Oal attent10n to ant Imbalance and E!lacement into SQ!:ctal education honors talented and grfted advance Qlacement classes extra cumcular aci1V1ties ex12ulsions and SUSE!ensions1 and reward and E!Unishmenl s
tslems An ob~ctive of this IE!Qra1sal shall be to elm1nate negative stereott121ng based u12on race or socK>econom,c status 10 13 long-term goals and desegregalK>n goals have to be 1ncor12orated into the stud:!'. of jun10r h!9h CaQaC!!)'. Page: 17 Revision Date: February 1. 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 ~ QI!Q.!!!!! 06/30/95 10 11 Al the end of each :!'.ear a determinat10n of the effectiveness of the Distnct's NTIQlementation of the desegregation ,2Ians shall be conducted b:t the Oistnct subIect to the Court's review. LRSO's monitors wlll be ,2rovtded reasonable access to records and facihhes 12rovlded that reguests for access are not disru12t1ve unreasonable or intrusive 07/01/94 06/30/95 QI!Q.!!!!! 06/30/95 Program Seq I
Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number co 165 20 Offtee of Oesegregahon/Sludenl Ass.gnment 06 Primary leader: Or C Russell Mayo To mplemenl a student assignment process lhat Is consistent wdh lhe approved Oesegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies 10 141 The court wants a 121an to address junior hgh ca12ac~ busing burden on blacks and recruiting while students mto junK>r hgh ~ 1 O 15 This order concerns LRSO's mohon to close lsh lncentNe School on the ground lhat the survex 12rocess aeeroved bx the court tndicaled that on~ 192 students WtSh to attend lsh The court granted the mohon The court notes that rls aeeroval of LRSO's mohon to close lsh does not excuse LRSO from ils ob!!g:ahon to recruit whrte students to desegregate the remaining incent,ve schools The court slates that II w,1 close~ watch all eroeosed school ciostngs and school caeac!!}'.: alterahons to detemune whether there Is a devek>eing eattem of closing schools Nl areas large~ Inhabited bx black crhzens white increasing lhe ca,ea~ of schoots In areas large~ tnhabiled bx white Cltllens 10 16 Court grants in eart a mohon of LRSO for aeeroval of varK>US construd10n (!rO~ds The court a,eeroves construdion of a cafeteria at Chicot Elemenla!)'. School as long as lhe new construd10n does not increase the schoors caeac!!x The construct10n 12'0!:d at Jefferson Elementa!X School is not ae,eroved because of ,eolenhal effed of the attendance zones of the new King lnterdistnct School on the Jefferson satenite zones The court 1ndates lhat LRSO mai eeht10n the court for ae,eroval of the Jefferson construdK>n after the attendance zones for King are firm and court ae,eroved In Ifs renewed ee11t10n the court stales LRSO must include the foflowing ,nformahon the current ca12ac!!}'.: of Jefferson anx changes in school caeagx that w," result from the 12roeosed conslruchon 1 and the erecise number of ,QQrtable buikhngs that w,H be removed and the number that wilt remain at lhe school as a result of the eroeosed construction Page: 18 Revision Dale: February 1, 1995 Secondary leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria Date 07/01/94 ~ 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 06/30/95 Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number co 166 co 166 20 Office of Oesegregahon/Student Ass,gnmenl 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russell Mayo To mplement a student ass.gnment process that 1s consistent with the approved Oesegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies A Construction of a cafeteria at Chicot Elementary completed 10 17 PrK>r to granting aeeroval for the Williams Ek!menta!) School construcbon ero~ct LRSD must _Qrovlde the court with the following informahon the schoors current caeac!!Y:1 the number of sguare feet that wrll be added to 1he school b:t: the conslrucuon ani change ,n the eroeor1ional aHotment of !he school's magnet seats among the LRSD NLRSO and the PCSSD the erecise number of eonable buildings lhat will be removed and lhe number that w,U remain at the school as a result of the ero12osed construchon1 and ciar~ how the eresent adm,mstrahon area w1N be rearranged i e a single mulh12u~ose area or two se12arate areas one for ex12anded cafeteria seace and one for indoor recreatton 10 18 Before !he cour1 w1H consider a1212rov1ng the construction 12roject at J A Fair H!9h School the LRSD must account for the 1 270 sguare feet difference between the 3 450 ~uare feel of the old seace nd the 2 180 of new s~ace and s2ec1!:t: the exact number of new classrooms that wlU result from the construction Page: 19 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 05/94 08/22/94 10 16 Final Inspection 07/01/94 06/30195 10 17 Final lnspechon 07/01/94 06/30/95 Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number P 166 P 166 20 Otr,ce of Oesegregat10n/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Or C Russett Mayo To mptement a student assignment process lhal is consIstenI w,th lhe approved Desegregahon Plan Objectives Strategies 10 19 This LASO motion seeks a,e,eroval of construction ,erol!:dS al Chcol Jefferson W1lhams and Fair The court 81?:E!:roved on!x the construd10n of the cafetonum at Ch,cot Etemenla!): School (see Order dated ~nl 30 1993 (Docket No 18151 1 The comb1nat10n of the LRSO mohon and the court Order a,e,erovIng it '" ,eart regu1res LRSO 10 construd a cafetonum at Ch,cot School which wdl tnc,ease the stie of the school bx e,eroximate!x J 000 !9uare feet and have sutricent ca,eacitx lo seat at one tme more than one-half of the chatdren enrolled at ChfCOt The cafetorium shoutd have been constructed in lime for the beg,nnrng of the 1993-94 school xear 10 20 LRSO filed Its s,eecaat Studx Jr H!9h Ca,eacrhes and Prof!!d10ns and "Custochal Calculahon Omaha Formula" The Jr H!!jh Ca,ea!!::i Sludx contains no desegregahon regu1rements and Is In lhe ,erocess of being revised With res,eect to the calculat10n of the reguired number of custodians ,eer building. LRSO has lotd the court that II utih.zes the Omaha formula that this cak:ulat10n rs checked at least once ~r xear and that the number of fuff-hme egu
valent ,2os1t10ns is adIusled where se:ecrfK: bulkf1ng reguirements regu1re an adIustment 10 21 limit enrortment in 1!:!e four-iear-old e:rogram to 18 students ,eer class A Actrwty compteted Page: 20 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 06/30195 07/01194 06/30195 10 21 Class Enrollment Data 07/01194 09/30194 Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number 20 Office of Desegregation/Student Assignment 06 Primary Leader: Dr C. Russell Mayo To implement a student assignment process that is consistent with the approved Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 10.22 limit enrollment in grades K-6 to class sizes that are consistent with state standards. A Activity completed 10.23 With reseect to grandfathering students are encouraged to return to their school zones. TheJ: were notified b:t letter March 1994. A. Activity completed 50'1 Page: 21 Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Secondary Leader: TBA Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 06/30195 10.22 Class Enrollment Data 10.23 Enrollment Data 07/01/94 09/30/94 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 09/30/94 Progrem Sq I : 21 P,ogrm Code: Progrm DHcrlptlon: Dltitrlct Goal Suppon: Program Goal: YTD Ep nditur 1 : Staff Development 09 Primary Uader: LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Estelle Matthis Secondary LHder: Paga : Raffllon Data: February 3, 1995 Merion E. Wood, The Staff Development Department WH Htabliahed to promote the implementation of the duegregation ptan through activhiet that will rHult in improved academic achievement. lnseMce opporturwtiH designed to incraHa Iha affectiveneH of cur,iculum delivery together wilh training tailored to improve interactions mono and ac,011 all linea will occur. Additionally, this department will provide aupport and rHource for litebHed staff development uperiencet . Goa No. 1. Implement integrated educational program that will anaura that aU students grow acedemically, aociaUy end emotionally with emphetil on bt11ic 1kills end academic enrichment while closmg d1speritiH in achievement. Goel No. 2. D velop end me,n1ein 111ft that it welHreined end motivated. Goel No. 3 . The l11tle Rock School Board, admini,1retion, 1teff, and atudents will demonstrate behavior end human relation, 1kill1 that value people es human beings and that are consistent with an appreciation and under1tanding of multicultural diver1ity. Goel No. 5 . Provtde a - la end ordarlr climate thal 11 conducive to learning for aU 11udent1. Goel No. 8. Ensu,e that equity occur1 in aU phase, of 1chool 11ctivhie1 end operations. The Staff Development Department will provide activitiH that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan re1ulting in improved academic achievement. In support of the goal of providing 1taff development and information to p11rant1 relative to studant succea, LRSO will pur1ue the following objectives by the following means: Updete 1k1t11 of ell d,suicl staff on e regular be,i1 nd to keep aU ptaff ebreast of development, in their field of endeavor L 126-128 '352,932.12 71,968 .88 3rd Otr bp nd : FTE 8 .0 t 149,770.85 $77 ,801.97 4th Otr upend: Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 126 L 126 LRSD FY 94.95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 21 Staff Development 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Page: Revision Date: Manon E Woods (To provide staff development actMhes that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting 1n improved academic achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date 1. To provide staff develppment lnservlce to (07/01194) (06/30195) (Supennlendent, Improve race relations and equity Staff Development, Central Office Staff) 1.1 Continue to articulate vision/mission ot Fall 1988 Ongoing Superintendent LRSO to community (07/01194) (06/30/95) (Central Office, Director of CommuntcatiOns) A District goals were issued to all departments 07/01 /94 09/22194 for the 1994-95 school year January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria 1 0 (Increased minorrty staff representation in areas needed) 10 (Increased representation of minority students m programs currently under-represented) 1.0 (Admm,straHon or Human Relations Survey will reflect improvement in race relations and equity) 1.1 Public participation Dissemination of material 11 (Increase in number of students returning to public school) 11 (School 01strict's required Annual Report to Community will include mtss10n/goals for LRSO) Program Seq # Program Name: Program Code Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number l126 l126 l126 21 Staff Development 09 Primary Leader: Estelle Matth,s Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Manon E Woods (To provide statt development actov!ies that w,11 promote the implementat10n of the desegregation plan resutt,ng in "'1proved academic achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date 1.2 Schedule nd Implement workshops ind 1988-89 Ongoing Oeseg. Asst. actlvllles related to Improving race School Year (06/30/95) Center (DAC) and relations for the following groups: (07/01/9~) a. Board of Directors Central Office b. District Administrators Slaff c. Certified Slaff (Slatt d. District Suppart Sufi Development Department, Pnncipals) 1.3 Plan and Implement an evening Fall 1988 Fall 1988 DAC Consultant aymposlum for the community on "Community lnvolvemenl In Deaegregated Schoof Setting" 1 3 (Item completed in Apnl and August, 1988, and es nol recumng) 1.4 Monitor lmp'8menbltlon of above Fall 1988 Ongoing Assoc Supt for atrateglea (07/01/94) (06/30/95) Educational Prog (Superintendent, District Biracial Committee) A Human Relahons (bus drrvers) 08/11/94 08/11/94 B Human RelatJOns/Classroom Tips (lnstruct,onal 08/18/94 08/18/94 Aides) C lmprovtng Race Relat,ons (Garland) 08/25/94 25% D Human Orvers,ty (Wakefiekf) 09/21/94 09/21/94 E Equrty (Baseline) 09/21/94 09/21/94 January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 1.2 Roster of participants 12 (Increased mInonty staff representation in areas needed) 12 (Increased representation of mtnonty sludents in programs currently under-represented) 1 2 (Admtn,slrahon of Human Relalions Survey will reflect improvement in race relations and equIly) 1.3 Roster of participants 13 (Symposium was held ,n Aprij and August, 1988) 1.4 Meetings held 1.4 (Attendance al pubhc meetings) 1 4 (0,sluct-wlde Biracial Monitoring Report will reflect 1mprovement In minority represenlat10n in an areas needed) Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Rcferenc.e Page Number L 126 L 126 21 Slaff Oevelopmenl 09 Primary leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary leader: Marion E. Woods (To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resu/ling in improved academic achievement.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date F. Equity (McDermott) 09121/94 09121194 G Equity (Cenlral High School) 12107194 12107194 H Equity (Melropolilan) 12107194 12107194 2. Provide lnservlce on cooperative learning (07101194) (06130195) (Slaff strategies In a heterogeneous classroom Development Department, Content Area Supervisors) 2.1 lnservice teachers and administration on July 1991 Ongoing Staff Dev Dept cooperative learning based on Slavin and (07101/94) (06130195) Content Area Johnson and Johnson (or other appropriate Supvs cooperative learning models) A Cooperative learning 10117194 10124194 B. Cooperative Learning 11107194 11114194 513 January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria 20 (Increased involvement in group activities in the classroom) 2 .0 (Improved classroom climate and social interactions among all students) 2.1 Training model 2 .1 (Increased involvement in group activities in the classroom) 2 .1 (Improved classroom climate and social interactions among all students) Program Seq #
Program Name Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L126 L 126 L 126 21 Staff Development 09 Primary Leader: Eslelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Manon E Woods To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development actrvities that will promote the mplementahon of the desegregabon plan resuthng Hl mproved academic achievement) Objective Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date 2.2 Monitor teachers' use or cooperative (07/01/9) (06/30/95) Principal leamlng strategies (Slatt Development Department, Content Area Supervtsors) JO Provide lnservlce on additional strategies (07/01/94) to Improve Instruction In desegregated (06/30/95) (Slatt school aetting Development, (To amprove 1nstruct10n through the use of Content Area effedrve teaching st,ategies in the school Supervisors) sen,ng} 3.1 Provide lnservlce opportunities on: July 1991 Ongoing Staff Dev Dept a. Effective Schools Model PET (07/01/94) (06/30/95) {Content Area b. Teaching/Learning Styles Supervisors) c. Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA) d. Classroom Management (and/or olher appropnate 1nservice opportunities) " EtteCIIYe Schools Model PET PET Refresher 11/01/94 11/01/94 b PET Refresher 12/08/94 12/08/94 B Teachmg/Learnmg Styles January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 2.2 Classroom observation and documentation 22 (Random observahon of classrooms where teachers have been t,amed) 22 (Random survey of cooperahve learning participants regardtng effects of implementat,on in their classrooms) 22 (Pnncipal wlll observe cooperahve leammg strategies during routme classroom vIsllahons) 30 (lnaease In achievement of students of teachers In identified programs) 3.1 Roster of participants Workshop evaluallons 3 1 (Number of part,c.pants from a cross-sechon of d1stnct Slaff invotved In the ldenhfled programs} Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Pago Number 21 Slaff Developmenl 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Manon E. Woods (To provide staff development ad,vrhes that will promote the rnplementat10n of the desegregation plan resutllng In 1mproved academic achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date a Provided Learmng Styles for the Alternative 09112/94 09112/94 School and McClellan High School b learning Styles (ChtCOI, Southwest, 10121/94 12/07/94 Franklm, Parkview) C Teacher Expedat10ns and Student Ach.,vemenl (TESA) a TESA 11114/94 33% 0 Classroom Management a Provided for new teachers 08111/94 08111/94 b Provided for new teachers 09/19/94 09126/94 C Provided for new teachers 10110/94 10119/94 d Provided for new teachers 10117/94 10124/94 E (and/or other appropriate mservice opportunities) Secondary Sett-Esteem 10120/94 10120/94 b Al-Risk 10124/94 10124/94 C Al-Risk 11107/94 11/07194 d Cooperative Team learmng 11/07/94 11114194 Elementary Sett-Esteem 12/05/94 12/05194 f Th1nk1ng Skills 12108194 12/08194 3 2 Send selected staff lo erofess1onal 07/01/94 06130195 develo~ment sessions In order to mcrease the number of ava1lab~ trainers and In return for a commitment to assist with collegial staff develoement January 31 . 1995 Evaluation Criteria Program Seq # Program N
ame Program Code Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number L 127 L127 21 Staff Development 09 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthrs Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Mar10n E Woods To provide staff development to Improve r
ace relations and equity. (To provide staff devek>pment actrvrhes that win promote the mplementat10n of the desegregahon plan resulting ,n mproved academ,c achtevemenl) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responslblllty Date Date A Great Epedabon Training 08/30194 09/01194 B COE Training 08/23194 08/23194 C Great E.xpectat10n Training 12/07194 12/07194 3 3 Provide d1slrict-wlde '1:t29:ram of slaff development l!1!lUfil ~ A Pnnled and d,stributed Staff Development 09/01194 11/01194 Catalogue/Calendar B Scheduted woril
shops and mmtCOurses 08/23194 50% 40 Provide lnservlce on "Effective Implementation of the LRSO Otsclpllne (07/01194) (06/30195) (Director of Pupil Management System" Personnel} 4.1 Continue to Involve counselors, July 1991 Ongoing Director of Pupil principals, assistant principals, and (07/01194) (06/30195) Services teachers In discipline management In a desegregated school setting (Pupi Services Oepartmen1, Princ,pats, Counselors) A Schoots d1slnbuted Students Rights/Responsibll1hes Handbook 09/06194 09/30194 B Training provided Kl Students 09/06194 09/30194 Righls/Responsibilrttes Handbook C Provided Posrtrve D1sc,phne workshop for 09/12194 09/12194 Romine January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria 40 (Decrease in the number of students who recerve disc1pl1nary sanct10ns) 40 (Oec,ease in the d1sproporttonate number of m,nonty students who recerve disciplinary sanctions) 4.1 Roster of participants 4 1 (Building Level D1sc,phne Management Plans eslabhshed for all schools) 4 1 (Counseling classes will include ouentalton to lhe building level plan and d1stnct-wlde Rights and Respons,bllrties Handbook) Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L\27 21 Start Development 09 Primary leader: To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity . Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary leader: Marion E. Woods {To provide staff development activities that will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date D. Provided Discipline Management workshop for 09/12/94 09/12/94 Forest Park E. Provided Violence Prevention for Mabelvale Jr. 10/13/94 10/13/94 High F. Provided Positive Oisciphne for Fair High 10/13/94 10/13/94 School G. Provided Discipline workshop for Gibbs 10/13/94 10/13/94 H. Provided Discipline workshop for Carver 11/02/94 11/02/94 I. Provided V10Jence Prevention for Cloverdale Jr. 11/02/94 11/02/94 J. Provided Cooperative Discipline for Rightsell 11/02/94 11/02/94 K. Provided Conflict Resolution for Rockefeller 12/07/94 12/07/94 4.2 Monitor use of dlsclpllne management Fall 1988 Ongoing Principals system (07/01/94) (06/30/95) Counselors School Teams A Schools distributed Students' 09/06/94 09/07/94 Rights/Responsibilities Handbook 8 Training provided in Students' 09/06/94 09/07/94 RightslResponslbililies Handbook C. Provided Positive Discipline workshop for 09/12/94 09/12/94 Romine D Provided Discipline Management workshop for 09/12/94 09/12/94 Forest Park January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 4.2 Documentation 4.2 (Quarterly Behavior Management Reports) 4.2 (Building level biracial committee reports will be used to monitor and/or adjust discipline plans) 4.2 (Oistrict~wide Biracial Committee) Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 127 L 127 21 Slaff' Development 09 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Maoon E Woods To provide Slaff development to Improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development actrvlties that will promote the mplemenlahon of the desegregation plan resulting tn wnproved academte achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date E Provided VKJlence Preventton for Mabelvale Jr Hogh 10/13194 10/13194 F Provided Positrve Drsc1pl1ne for Fair High 10/13194 10/13194 School G Provded DtSc,pline workshop for Gibbs 10/ 13194 10/13194 H Provided Drsc,pltne workshop for Carver 11/02194 11/02194 I Provded VKJlence PrevenlKJn for Cloverdale Jr 11/02194 11/02194 J Provided Cooperatrve D1scipl1ne for Righlsell 11/02194 11/02194 K Prowded Conflict Resolul10n for RodlefeUer 12/07194 12/07194 50 Provide PAL (Academic Support) teacher, with 1trategie1 for ptannlng and dellvertng (07101194) (06/30195) (Assoc mOf'"e than one type of Instructional Super1nlendenl, grouping Academic Support (To provde academte support teachers wdh Supervisors, strategies for planntng and deliverH1g more Content Area than one type of MlstructKJnal grouping) Supervrsors. Slaff Oevelopmenl) 5.1 Conllnue to Investigate and research Fii 1988 Ongoing Assoc Supt for 1ources of strategies, models and (07/01194) (06/30195) Educational Prog ctlvllles of successful small and large group Instructional practices within (Staff heterogenous classes Development Department. Content Area Superv.sors, Academte Support Supervisors) January 3 t . t 995 Evaluation Criteria 50 (lnaease m achievement for all students In Academte Support Programs) 50 (Decrease in achievement gap 1n representative population) 50 (Decrease m number of students requinng academic support services) 5.1 Identification of sources 51 (Provide staff wllh 1nformat10n from current research monthty) Program Seq I Program Name Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number l127 L 127 L 127 21 Slaff Development 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relatlons and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: MartOn E Woods (To provide staff development actrvrties that will promote the fflplementahon of the desegregation plan resulting In improved academic achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date 5.2 Conduct workshop to address the Fall 1988 Fall 1988 Supervisor of following: (07/01194) (06/30195) Math and English grouping theory and strategies (Content Area b. demonstration of strategies for varied Supervisors, Instruction Staff Development Department) 60 Provide lnservlce to assist principal and (07/01194) (06/30195) (Asst faculties with strategies for promoting Superintendent, student achlevement and growth Planning, Research and Evaluahon, Staff Devek>pment, Content Area Supervisors) 6.1 Continue to provide lnservlce for Fall 1988 Ongoing Div of Schools principals on methods for developlng their (07/01194) (06/30/95) Eval and Testing school Improvement plan IRC Specialists (Asst Superintendents) A School Improvement - Carver 09/2 1194 09/21194 10 January 31 1995 Evaluation Criteria 5.2 Written evaluation by participants 52 (Increase m achievement for aH students in Academic Support Programs) 52 (Decrease in achievement gap In represenlat,ve populahon) 52 (Decrease in number of students requiring academic support services) 52 (Pnnc,pal will observe through classroom observal10ns and teacher conferences) 60 (lnc,ease in achievement for all students) 60 (Decrease In achievement gap m representative populal10n) 6.1 Comprehensive and accurate product 6 1 (Number of workshops m Integrating the Cumculum, literature-based Instruction, Authentic Assessment and/or other relevant methodologies) 61 (Better school mprovement plans are submrtted) Program Seq # Program Name: Program Code Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L127 21 Slaff Developmen1 09 Primary Leader: Estelle ManhtS Page: Revision Cate: Secondary Leader: Manon E Woods To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. (To provide staff development actrvlties that w.U promote the mplementahon of the desegregatJon plan resulting in mproved academic: achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Cate Cate B School Improvement - Woodruff 09121/94 09121/94 C School Improvement Garland 09121/94 09121/94 D School lmprovemenVlmprovmg Achievement - McClellan 12/07/94 12/07/94 E School Improvement Wakefield 12/07/94 12/07/94 1.2 Continue to assist principals In revising July 1991 Ongoing Assoc and Asst school Improvement plans through the (07/01/94) (06/30/95) Supts anatyals of disaggregated data A Staff Development Speciahsts ptovlded Test- 10112/94 12/07/94 Taking rips and Strategies to staff members at lhe following schools Badgett, Baseline, Booker, Gibbs, Fair Park, and Woodruff 6.3 Continue to provide special schoot-Nsad 1991 School Ongoing Staff Dev Cept program and content area lnservlce Year (06/30/95) Content Area meetings scheduled on a regular basis (07/01/94) with specific sessions on content Supervisors methodology and Interpersonal relaUons Principals for program lmplementaUon In a desegregated setting A Workshops and mtn1COurses scheduled 08123/94 50% throughout the year (See Slaff Development t 994 95 Catalogue/Calendar) 11 January 31 . 1995 Evaluation Criteria 6.2 Completed plans 62 (Provide wrrtten feedback and opportunnies for shanng 'What Wotks" m vanous bu11d1ng-level plans) 62 (Plans renect strategies that evolved from disaggregated data) 6.3 Workshop agendas and evaluations 63 (A computer based comp1lahon of 1ndrvldual employees/school-wide staff development aclrvihes w1U be available) 63 (Student achievement will mc,ease. d1sparlly gap 1n representahve populahon wlll decrease) Program Seq#, Program Name Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L127 L 128 L1 28 L 128 21 Slaff Development 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Cate : Secondary Leader: Manon E Woods (To provide staff development acl.lv1lles that wtll promote the impkm-.enlahon of the desegregation plan resuttmg in improved academte achievement} Objectives 7.0 Form trl-dlstrlct committee for collaborative procedures Strategies 64 To E!:rovlde SE!:ec1al assistance for teachers as requested A Special assistance provided throughout the year and also al monthly work sessions at the IRC 7.1 Establish trl-distrlct committee A Tn-drstrtci committee established B A $2 ,500 00 grant for Classroom Management was rece,ved to offer two classroom management training sess10ns C A second $2,500 00 grant for Classroom Management was received to offer two additional Classroom Management traInIng sessions 7.2 A B Meet four times per year, two times each semester. The committee functions will be to ldentl!}: and im~lement staff develo(!ment strategies that will assist the districts In fulfilling exe!clatlons of "maintaining guali~" desegregated school districts. Tr1-d1stnct committee meetmg TrHitSlnct committee meehng rJ. ') 'I Beginning Completion Respanslbllity Cate Cate 07101194 06130195 08123194 50% July 1, 1991 Ongoing (Directors of Staff (07/01194) (06130195) Development from LRSD, PCSSD, and NLRSD) July 1, 1991 Ongoing (Directors of Staff Development from LRSD, PCSSD, and NLRSD) 09113194 09113/94 08111/94 09/26194 10110194 10124194 (07/01194) (06130195) (Directors of Staff 07101/94 06130195 Development from LRSD, PCSSD, and NLRSD) 09113/94 09113194 09120194 09120194 12 January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria 7.0 Ongoing analysis 70 (Tri-district workshops wdl be held) 7.1 Ongoing analysis 7.1 (Tri-district committee was formed in August. 1991) 72 (Record of meetings and collaborative nature of areas addressed) Program Seq Program Name
Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L128 L 128 21 Slaff Development 09 Primary Leader: Eslelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Manon E Woods (To provide slatt developmenl aclr.1~,es lhal will promole lhe implemenlalion of lhe desegregalion plan resulting ,n improved academic achievemenl) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date C Tr1-chst11ct commrttee meetmgs (NLR, LRSO, 10/06194 12121194 PCSSO) (10/06194, 11/08194, 12/06194, 12121194) D Tri-drslnct Resourc.e Gude 11123194 50% 7.J Plan any acUvllles appropriate for (07/01194) (06/30195) (Directors of Slaff collaboratlon, e.g., community meetings, etc. Devek>pment from LRSD, PCSSD, 80 Provide staff development companent for and NLRSO) (07/01194) (06/30195) (Board of effective staff development In Directors, desegrei
pted chool setting Supenntendent Director of Slaff Development) 8.1 Establish staff development component July 1991 Ongoing Board of b. Staff Development Dept Peraonnel July 1991 Ongoing Directors/Supt Staff Development Office C. July 1991 Ongoing Human Staff Development Catalogue/Calendar (07/01194) 10/07194 Resources Dir of Staff Dev Slaff Oevek>pment Department established with Acting 01fector 07/01194 09129194 b Slaff Development Off,ce established 07/01194 07/13194 13 January 31 , 1995 Evalualion Criteria 73 (Documentation ot number of act1V1bes among the three d1stncts) 80 (Gillher and anatyze data from school d1stnct participants on lhe effecllveness of the staff development act1V11ies des,gned to address lhetr specific needs) 8.1 Implementation of Staff Development Dept Employment of Director, four specialists and one secretary 8 1 a (lmplemental10n of Staff Development Department in July, 1991) 8.1b Office Is operational 8 1 b (Office was established m July, 1991 8.1c Distribution of catalogue/ calendar 8 1 c (Staff Development Catalogue/Calendar distributed annuany Program Seq Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number l124 l124 l124 l124 21 Slaff Oevelopmenl 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Manon E Woods (To provide slaff devek>pment act1v1hes that will promote the mpHm,entahon or the desegregalton plan resulllng 1n improved academic achievement) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date C Staff Development Catalogue/Calendar 09/01/94 11/01/94 printed and d11trlbuled d Staff Development Professt0nal Library 07/01/94 08122/94 Catalog 8 2 Certified staff members ,adm,mstrators and 07/01/94 06/30/95 teachers} shaH be trained to teach and counsel black and educatt0nally
-advantaged students A A staff member hired to teach and counsel 07/0t/94 07/13/94 black and educahonalty-advantaged students 8 3 The Little Rock School o,stnct w,u hire a five- 07/01/94 06/30/95 member staff devek>E!:menl team fo, this E!:Ur.J20Se A Slaff Development team of four (4) people 07/01/94 80% hired to provide effective Slaff Development m desegregated school setting 1 One Acting Director 2 One Secretary 3 Two Speaahsts 4 One Incentive School Spec1al1st 8 4 The little Rock School Otsloct Staff 07/01/94 06/30/95 DeveloE!:ment Oe12artment wlll be res12ons1ble for ll'TlE!:lemenhng the staff devek>E!:ment services A Provided Staff Development duung earty 09/21/94 50% release days (52 schools provided vart0us 1nservices during earty release days) 8 5 The staff develoE!:ment goals and E!:rograms current~ used by: the D1slr1CI such as TESA PET 07/01/94 ~ and others1 will be continued but a far more creahve and com12rehensive staff develoQmenl er29ram suitable tor the needs of all emQloy:ees and volunteers will be lfTIE!:lemented 5?J 14 January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria Program Seq I Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number L12 l124 l1 24 21 Staff Development 09 Primary leader: Eslelle MatthlS Page: Revision Date: Secondary leader: To provide staff development to Improve race relations and equity. (To provide Slaff developmenl ac11vies lhal w,N promote the mplementat10n of the desegregat10n plan resulting ,n mproved academoc achoevemenl) Manon E Woods Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Rosponslbllity Date Date A Cooperalrve Learntng (10/ 1719 . 101219 , 11/0719 , 11/1 19) 10/1719 11/14194 B Secondary Sett-Esteem 10/20194 10/2019 C At-RISk 10/2419 11/08194 D Leaming Styles 10/2719 11/22194 E PET Refresher 11/0119 12/08/94 F leadership for Change 11/0919 11/09/94 G TESA 11/1 19 33% H Elementary Sett-Esteem 12/0519 12/0519 I Think"1g Skills 12/0819 12/0819 8 6 The dtStncts will co212erate in des!gnmg a fresh and extended eeroach lo staff deveJoement 07/0119 06/30195 Included tn the ,elanning be commung: resource ~rsons and alf d,slrtet ~rsonnel reseons,bJe for delrvenng training to staff1 and to ,earent votunteer 1 or student committees or groups ... Heahng Racrsm - Coty of Lottie Rock 1011519 10/1519 8 7 Slaff develoe!!!!nt will based u,22:n certain bask: ,erw,912:tes of human behav,or tearn1ng erocess and change d~nam1Cs 07/0119 06/30/95 8 8 The drverse tra,mng needs of staff al all em,eJoxment )evels WIii be met 07/01194 06/30195 A ProvKfed Human Relat,ons workshop for Bus Drivers 08/11/94 08/11/9 B Provided Human Relations workshop for lnst,ud,onal Aides 08/18194 08/18/94 15 January 31 , 1995 Evaluation Criteria Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number l 124 l124 l124 l125 l125 l125 21 Staff Development 09 Primary Leader: To provide staff development to improve race relations and equity. Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary Leader: Marion E Woods (To provide staff development activities tha1 will promote the implementation of the desegregation plan resulting in improved academic achievement.) Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Date 8.9 The District will establish resource banks which identi~ the training skills or specialized 07101/94 06130195 knowledge of em12loees and volunteers which can be sha1ed through staff develo12ment activities. A Resource Bank organized by subject 11/23/94 11/23/94 8 10 Comeuter dala bases will be used to record each emplo:r:ee's staff develoement histo!)I:. 07/01/94 06/30195 A Computer data base used to record each staff 07/01/94 50% development activity for all employees each quarter 8 11 Carefully: ~tanned "training of trainers" events will be actively: used 10 exeand in-house 07101/94 06130195 tra ining expertise. 8 12 lnterdistrici training activities wilt be 07/01/94 06130/95 freguenU:r: offered for groUQS of em~loy:ees and ~ 8.13 The District will deal decisive!~ with the issue 07/01/94 06130/95 of racism and will involve au staff students and Qarents in a comerehensive i
_,rejudice reduction program. A. Healing Racism Workshop 10/15/94 10115/94 B Healing Racism Seminar 12112/94 50% 8 14 Certain areas of training and staff develoement will be SQecialt~ emphasized: 07/01194 06/30195 utilization of volunteer resources Qre12aration of subslilute teachers and aids and training for parents. 16 January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 22 Proorm Heme: Program Code: Program DHcrlptlon: Progrm Goal: FY Progrm Budget: YTO EapenditUfH: Aeltted Function Codet: LASO EY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Pege: Ravt.lon Dte: February 3, 1995 Library/Medi 32 Primary Leeder: Secondary Leeder: Lucy Lyon Eech child in th Little Rock School Oi1trict hould be given cc111 to hi1/her full mea ur of the instruction .. resourcH. Library/media eervicet will be detigned to provide for extension end enrichment of bHlc 1kill1 end will alto accommodate the varied IHrning 1tylH of 1tudent1 in different inetructionel groupe. BecauH student will have opportunitiH to wor1c. and le rn in the library/media center under the direction of trained teech r libr ri n, they will be able to approach learning In a variety of way,, lhu1 accommodating lhair individual stytH and also providing for the edd1tionel time on IHk" or enrichment that many 1tudant1 need in order to Internalize the material initiafly presented. The Otttrict 't plan It to offer library/media program to Hrv IHrners with diverH needt, background end ebilitiet through comprehensive program detigned to better support Oi1trict goals end tudent ned with regard to learn,ng 1t'y4e1, relevance ol instruction, 1upport of multicultural achoo! cumculum, end the application of learning to reel -life eituetiona. Library/media services will be designed to provide for extension end tnrichment of be ic tkillt end will also eccommodata the varied learning 1tyte1 of 1tudent1 in different in,tructionel group,. Students will have opportunities to work tnd IHrn in the hbrry/media center under the direction of I lfeined teacher-librarian. The Unle Rock Schoof District' library/media program will fulfill it1 potential H en euential contributor to the pt trict' successful desegregation plan. Upon implementation of the elementary program a review of the secondary program will commence with 1pecial attention being given to meeting the interettt end need, of the D11trict'1 diverse population, Goal 11 - Implement Integrated educetione4 program, that wiM ensure that ef1 student grow ecedemicelly, socially end emotionally with emphHit on basic skills end academic enrichment while clo1ing di pariliH in achievement. Go8' 12 Develop nd maintain ttff that it well -train.ct end motivated. Goat 13 The Little Rock School Board, edminittretion, eteff, and 1tudent1 will d1mon1trete in lheir day to day behavior that they accept Heh lndividuM valued contributor to tociety to tociely end view cultural divertity among 11udent1, tff end the community es valued retource upon which our community end nation can drew H we prepare for the 21at Century. Goel IIS En ure lhat equity occurt In all phasH of echool activitiet end operation,. The d11tnet w,11 provide Heh ttudent with llbrery/m.die HrvicH In accordance with the HHnti role outlined in the di1trict'1 Oetegregation Plan. L 108, L 107, L 109, L 110 '427,230.43 1 tt Otr Expend: '49,509.88 3rd air Expnd: FTE 30 t 129,978.22 2nd Otr Expend: $80,485.34 4th Otr Expend: Program Seq II : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number l109 Ll06 l109 l 109 LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Page: 22 Revision Date: l1brary/Med1a 32 Primary leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon The d1s1ocl will provide each student with hbrarylmed,a services m accordance with the essential role outhned 1n the d1stnct's Oesegrega 11on Plan Objectives 1. Implement th dist,ict' proposed new elementary library/media program. 1 I ro provide eqrntable access to hbury resources 1nclud1ng m111t1cultut al and audiovisual resources for all students.I Strategies 1.1 Hi,e ct.1 ~i~n~t~fin'a fltric~~1 help '- ii "' .. _. . .,. ., _.. A Act,vity :ii,~et I~, see 1993 94 p. 32
w cmonion/oa.lin~w" i l1 I} t ,' f
~ ilM m..t. A _ Ac1,v1ty completed/obhga11on met ,n 1989, see 1993 94 p. 32 I"'. ') ., J ' I Beginning Date Completion Responsibility Date 107/01/941 106/30/951 (Coordinator of Library Services, Principals, Librarians) ~ED 0 6/30/95 Dir of Human Sen,. Supv of Inst Tech rtn 06/30/95 Consultant, Supv of Inst Tech, Advisory Committee Librarians Janua,y 31. 1995 Evaluation Criteria 1. Comparison of survey results 1988-1993 will show increased use. 1. Comparison of data collected monthly will show: Student visits will increase. Volume of books checked out will increase. Independent research by students will be documented to show use. Number of classes/groups scheduled by teachers will be documented to show use. 1. 1 Contracts (Contracts are on flle 1n Human Resources .) 1.2 Agenda for meetings !Agendas are on file in the Dept of Instructional Technology.) Program Seq II: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goat Ll09 LI09 L109 Ll09 L109 ll09 Plan Reference Page Number 22 L1brary/Med1a 32 Primary Leader: Page: 3 Revision Date: January 31, 1995 The d,s1roct w,11 p, each student with hb,ary/med,a services ,n accordance wllh lhe essent,al role outhned ,n lhe d1s1uc1's Desegrega11on Plan Estelle Ma11h,s Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon Objective, Stretegie1 1.3 Identify equlpmenl and materia, necessary :E~
:~-bof 11e1,~ oHenngs. r"''ti A. Activity comple ed o l1ga11on met ~ see 1993 94 p . 32 1.4 Order equipment and materials necessary lncfudi09 AV 1ohwa,e, 1Determ1ne/purchase core matenals needed for each elementary school.) 1.5 P,..,.,.,ompnr
AV filmi.,
doo ' . 1 t1 a , ~l :a A Act1v1ty c rl, 1n .... ... 1993 94 p. 32 Beginning Dare Completion Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 ED 107/01/941 106/30/951 m 06/30/95 Re,ponsibility Coordinator of library Servicet Supv of Inst heh, Coor of lib Services. (l1brarlansJ Supv of Inst Tech Evaluation Criteria 1.3 Report/List (Surveys and list are on Mc m the Dept. of Instructional Technology.) 1.4 Purchase orders IMate11als supporting the curriculum will be used 1n each elementary school.) 1.5 SupS,,emantal list (List on file ,n Dept. of lnstruc11onal Technology.) 1.6 Develop procedures, guidelines. poticy statement,, and curricutum guides. A. Ac11v11y completed/obllga11on met 1n 1989 . 1993 94 p. 32 "CO Pl fflf 1.6 File copies ICumculun, guide, polices, and procedures on file 1n Dept. of lns1ruc11onal Technology.I 1.7 Conduct lnservice end curriculum 07/01/94 development for classes for librarian,. principals, and teachers. library media specialists will rovide lnservica trainin to buildin -levet staff in the use of materia,s and equipment. 1.8 Procau new material including cataloging. 07/01 /94 06/30/95 06/30/95 Consultant, Supv 1 7 !Agendas and memos) of Inst Tech, Coor fAgendas and memos on hie in end Advisory Dept of Instructional Committee Technology.) librarians, Media Staff 1.8 ComS,,etion memo P,ogrnm Seq #: Program Name: Program Code Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number L 109 ll 10 Ll 10 Page: 22 Revision Date: January 31, 1995 l1brary/Med,a 32 P,imary leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon The district w+II prOv,de each student wnh l1brary/med1a services in accordance w11h the essential role outlined In the d1st11ct 's Oesegrega11on Plan Objectiwes Strategies A ActlVlty completed/obhgauon met in 1989, 1993 94 p , 32 1.9 Rec91ve requests for AV materials for tac semester 1989. A. ActlVlty completed/obhga11on met in 198 1993 94 p 32 1. 1 O Schedule films\videos as possibte. !Schedule videos correlated to LASO cumculum as requested bv teachers Use of 16mm him 1s ou1dated I A Videos scheduled dally and were current on 09/30194 1. 11 Hire full time librarians end fuM time clerks for eech elementery schoot H needed. A Full time librar1ans and clerks slatted based on LASO formula 1.12 Develop a maintenance proposal which assures prompt and efficient repair of all AV equipment lndependenl of the time of year. IMa1nta,n procedures for prompt and efficient repair of AV equIpmen1 I A First quarter repair record 155 aud1ov1sual machines, 19 computer monitors B Second quar1er repair record 135 AV machines and 31 compute, monnors S2 .l Beginning Date 107/011941 07101194 07101194 07101194 07101/94 07101/94 10101 /94 Completion Date 106/30/95) 06/30195 09130/94 06130195 09/30194 12/ 31 194 Responsibility Evaluation Crite,ia 1.9 Checkoff list ll1st on hie In Dept. Of lnstructtonal Technology .) Supv of Inst Tech 1.10 Schedule ICoor Lib Serv) (Videos correlated to curriculum will be used in each school.I Dir of Human 1. 11 Contracts Serv, Supv of Inst (Sufhc1en1 staff will be in place Tech. Coor lib to meet slate and North Cenlral Serv. Principals Standards for hbrarians . lib, arv clerks will be staffed according 10 LASO formula. based on enrollment.I Supv of Inst Tech 1.12 Copy of proposal (Coor lib Servi N1ne1v percent of equipment sen1 In will be repaired w11h1n a week. Program Seq I : Program Name
Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number ll 10 l109 L110 22 l1brary/Med,a 32 Primry leader: Page: Revision Date: The d1S111c1 w,11 prov,de each s1uden1 w,1h hb,a,y/med,a se,vices ,n accordance w,1h lhe essen11al role ou1hned ,n lhe dos111cl's Oeseg,ega11on Plan Eslelle Matrh,s Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon Objectlve1 Strategies Beginning Date Completion Responsibility Date 1.13 Notify tHche,s via librarians of the faff achedule ffilm1/video1) , 07/01/94 06/30/95 Supv of Inst Tech Unstrucllonal vtdeos coHelated to LASO !Coor lib Servi cumculum are scheduled Use of 1 6mm Mm is outdated) A Teachers are no11hed weekly of current videos 08/29/94 50% 1.14 Suppfy r_.m,/videos per tchedute. 07/01/94 06/30/95 Supv of Inst Tech fCoor lib Servi A Vtdeos supphed on weekly basis. 09/06/94 50% 1 15 Develop a seven to ten year AV equipment Sept. 5. 1989 Nov. 1, 1989 Supv of Inst Tech purchase pfan based on accepted fife pan, for equipment end equity considerations. Tho go~ la to devfH e pfan which will provide the district with consistent line item cost each year to aimpfify budgetary planning end prevent the necasshy for large one-time upenditures as i now required .., 1. 16 Order suppff., and printing. Cl 11\l'P (Ell pv of Inst Tech A Activ11y completed/obhgation met 1n 1989, ~ 1993 94 p 32 1. 17 Conduct inHrvice for hbra,ians and library clerks. 107/01/94) 106/30/95) Coor of lib Serv librarians A lnserv1ce for hbrarians held on 08/12/94, 08/16/94, 09/27/94, 12/01 /94 08/12/94 50% January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 1.13 File copy (Videos correlated to the curriculum will be used 1n each school.) 1.14 Weekly delivery (Videos correlated to curriculum will show 1.15 Copy of plan (Copy of plan on file in Department of lnstruc11onal Technology,) 1.16 Copies of purchase orders {Copies of purchase orders on flle in Dept. of Instructional Technology.) Agendas IOua,tetly data will reflect an increase ,n hbrary use .) P,ogram Seq I: P,og,am Name Prog,am Code: Program Goal P1an Reference Page Number L\06 L\07 l1 07 L 107 l1 07 Page: 22 Revision Date: L1bra,y/Media 32 Primary leader : Estelle Matthis Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon The d1StflCt will provide each student with l1brary/med1a services 1n accordance with the essenti al ro le outlined m the d1s1t1c l"s Oese91egat1on Plan Objecti ves Shategies Beginning Date Completion Responsibility Date 2 (To extend and ennch the bas,c skills In ways 07/01 /94 06/30/95 Principals, that meet sIudents var1od learning styles and librarians p,omote hie long learning ) 2.5 L1brar:t media S(!ec1ahsts will (!Ian with 07/01/94 06/30/95 Pr incipals, classroom teachers for mate11als needed for librarians classroom units . A LMS/Teachers planned for ma1enals August 08/22/94 11 /30/94 through November Elementary = 10,031 and Secondary 7,306 2.6 Ltbrar:it media S(!ec1ahsIs wtll (!Ian w ith 07/0 1/94 06/30/95 Principals, class,oom building stafl for at least one school librarians wide read1!:!9 mot,vat,on actIvIIy each xear. A Reading Mo11Val 1on Acl Ivi 11es for August 0 8122/94 11/30/94 through Novembe, Elementary 110 and Secondary 32 2 . 7 . librarx media S(!eciahsts will '2Ian w ith ~ 06/30/95 Pr incipals, clilssroom teachers for l1brar:t: Instruc1Ion to be Librarians correlated to classroom mst,uction. A LMS/Teachers plan for mstrucI,on August 08/22194 11 /30/94 through November Elementary 2,634 and Secondary s 2,0 10 2.8 l1brarx media S(!ecial1sts will ins truct 07/01 /94 06/30/95 Principals, studenls In hterarx skills and re ference/studx librarians !!!!!!.. A LMS Instruct1on of hbrarv skills August 08/22/94 11/30/94 through November Elementary 170,514 students
Secondary = 48,827 students 6 Januarv 3 1, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 2. (As a resull ol increased planning and instruction bv LM Spec1ahsI. test scores will increase on norm and criterion referenced tests.) 2.1 (Improved planmng with teachers w ,11 increase sIudcnI tests scores.I 2 2 (More books w ill be checked out in each school.I 2.3 (Improved plannmg w1Ih teachers will resu lt in higher achievement for student s I 2 4 (Abacus assessment wilt show mastery of reference/sIudy skills I Program Saq # : Program Name: Progr1m Code: Prograr" Goll: Plan Reference Page Number 133 133 134 22 L1brary/Med1a 32 Primary Leader: Page: Revision Date: The d1s1r1ct will provide each student wuh hbrarv/med,a services in accordance w11h the essenl!al role outlined in the d1stncrs Desegre9011on Plan Secondary leader: Estelle Matthis Lucy Lyon ObJecth,es StrategiH Beginning Dale Completion Responsibility 1. Date The selection of materlals/resourcH to 1.1 Continue hosting Muttl-Oistrlct, Multicultural Annually Ongoing Library Media support the curriculum In desegregated school Resource Sharing Fair. In the future, the fair site Director or districts Is a multi-dislrict go of the library win rotate emong the three di.Urfct1. responsible medie programs. person linclud,ng NRLSDi A Tri d1srrict meeting held to discuss fair 08/25/94 08/25/94 8 Multicultural Materials Fair hosted by LASO 12/01 /94 12/01/94 1.2 Begin host1Q9 Multi District Resource ShanQg Fair with book and AV mater1als vendors rotating the site among the three districts, 07/01/94 06/30/95 A 12/01/94 12/01/94 Multicultural Matemtls Fair hosted by LASO 2. The lntervke training libra,y media ataH 2.1 Plan to host multi-district lnservice meelings Ongoing Ongoing library Media members to desegregated school districts la a such H the one sponsored by the PulHkl County Directors or multi district goal of the Hhfary media programs. Educational Service Cooperative in April of 1988 to eaptain the new national guidelines for school responsible Nbrary media program planning. person !including NLRSDI A MuII1 d1srr1ct inservice held 12/01/94 12/01/94 2.2 Plan to host lnservice tr9ining for multi 07/01/94 Ongoing district lihfa,y media specialists using district empfoyHs. 3 . Utilization of television technology In desegregated school districts Is a multidistrict goal of the ltbrary media programs. 3.1 lm.,tement utilization of ceble channel 19 07/01/94 To be Library Media and/or videotapes produced at Metro to teech besi1 skills, etc. established Directors or responsible person January 31 , 1995 Evaluarion Criteria Resources will be selected, purchased, and utilized by teachers and sIuden1s as 1hoy teach the curriculum of lhe desegregitted school d1st11cIs. lnservice training will develop skills for hbrary medial spec,ahsIs who work In desegregated school districts Students will gain practical voca11onal e)lperience in running a telev1s1on s1ud10
students will benefit from 1nsuuct1onal urnts provided over cable system or re corded for later classroom use Program Seq#: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: 134 134 Plan Reference Page Number L106 Page: 22 Revision Date: Library/Media 32 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Secondary Leader: Lucy Lyon The d1st11c1 w1II provide each student with library/media services in accordance with the essential role outlined in the district's Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies 4. Recruitment of minority Library Media 4.1 Contact teachers training institutions/recruit Specialists ln desegregated school districts is a teachers for training programs in library media multi-district goal of library media programs. certification. 5. Multi-district communication for library media 5.1 Copy memos relating staff development program administrators is a goal for 1he opportunities to other district administrators. programs. 5.2 Mee1 informally for sharing sessions. A . Informal tri-district sharing meeting held 08/25/94 and 09/20/94 Beginning Date Completion Date Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 07/01/94 08/25/94 06/30/95 25% 6 . The summative evalua1ion will involve a pre and post survey instrument for a comparison between the classroom teacher responses from the survey done in 1988 and from a follow-up survey to be conducted in 1993. CO PlElD A . Activity completed via Fast Track in fall of 1993. Responsibility Library Media Directors or responsible person (including NLRSD Library Media Directors or responsible person (including NLRSDI January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria Hiring and placement of minority media specialists will occur Better communication will lie achieved Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: LI06 l 107 ll07 ll07 ll07 ll07 ll07 Plan Rererence Page Number 22 l1brary/Med1a 32 Primary leader: Page: Revision Date: Estelle Matthis The dos1oc1 w,11 p,ovode each s1uden1 wuh ht,,a,y/med,a se,v,ces ,n acco,dance w01h lhe essenloal ,ole ou1hned m lhe doslocl's DAseg,ega10on Plan Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon ObjeetivH Strategies Beginning Oate Completion Date Responsibility January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 6.1 Th,ee fifths instead of 1/4 of the teachers will consider themselves frequent users of the school library. 6 .2 Students will have access at the point of need. 6 .3 Only 1 of 10 students instead of 4 out of l O will indicate that they seldom or never go the hbrary to use the library/media center materials for a class assignment. 6 .4 Only 1 /5 instead of 1 /2 of the teachers will report that they rarely or never planned learning actIvI11es involving hbrary media acttv1tIes or sk,11 instruction. 6.5 Ma1or barriers or constraints noted in the sp11n9 1988 survey will not repeat as major stumbhng blocks to 1he program. 6.6 Increased s1uden1 vIs11s to the library medial center on a daily and weekly basis will be evidenced through documentation. 6 . 7 Increase will be evidenced by the volume of books checked out by categories : f1ct1on and Dewey categories Program Seq I: Program Name: Program Code: Program Go~ Plan Reference Page Number l107 L108 l108 L 108 22 library/Media 32 Primary Leader: Estelle Matthis Page: Revision Date: Secondary leader: Lucy Lyon The d1slr1ct will provide each student with library/media services in accordance with the essential role outhned 1n the district 's Desegregation Plan Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Responsibility Date 7. Libraf'x medi 2clalist w lH ennuellx evaluate 07/01/94 06/30/95 the collection for adegyec:t of multicultural materiel, and will continuallx evaluate new materiel to be considered for purchase. 8 . Recommendetions fo, multicultural materials 07/01/94 06/30/95 will be shared with all e:rincl2
els and librarian1 and recommended for core purchase for all ~ 9. The 1992 92 schoot xear will be used to 07/0 1/94 06/30/95 as1ablish baseline data fo, determining 2rogress. 10 January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria 6.8 The number of students who visit the hbrar:t for mde2endent research will be documented to indicate an mcrease in usage and the gualit:t of research conducted b:t students will be im2roved. 6 .9 The number of classes/ groues scheduled and su2erv1sed bl'. the classroom teacher will be documented. Prog,am Seq I : Program Name: Program Code : Program Goa,: Plan Reference Page Number 22 l1brary/Med1a 32 Primary leader: Page: Revision Date: The dostoct will provide each student wnh hb,ary/med,a services 1n accordance with the essential role outhned 1n the d1s1r1c1's Desegregation Plan Secondary leader: Es1elle Matthis Lucy Lyon Objectives Strategies Beginning Date Completion Responsibility 10. Undertake comearetlva studr: of librerr: Date 07101194 06/30195 resources among the Incentive sch~s es well es other schools of comeareble size to bring .about eritit: of holdings through en e~itable purchasing e<>!!c't: A. Chart of hbfary resources on file 1nd1ca11ng holdings of incentive schools 09101194 09101194 11. buffding ece to Increase libra,r: 07101194 06/30/95 caeacltiH at Mitchen end Gertand. Purge the shelves of outdated and well worn materials. At Mitchell boob most fr9!:!nttx used bx the four-xear old erogram kindergerten1 and first grades could be eermanentlx e!aced in the Individual classrooms since those grades are aN houHd In structures that are detached from the main building. 11 January 31, 1995 Evaluation Crileria l'roaromSoq I: Proarans Namt: Program Code: Proarom 0-riplioa: Ui<lricl Gui Support: l'roaram Goal: Plan RtftrfQCts: Yl O u,-titurft: RfflllN fuoct.ioo Codes: LRSD FY 94-95 PROORAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 2J Rni.1ioa Date: Compultriud Tnnaportation Routin, Syllc:m 24 Primary L<odtt: Or. C. Ruucll M1yo Soada,ylaclt,-: Miry Jane Chuth1m Tnnll)OfUhon 1y1tcm provide the mun, (or ltudcnta to have acccu to v1riou1 achool opliona and educ11ional pmsnm1, H well H extracurricular 1ctivi1ic1. The 0111ric1 will continue lo UK 1tt 1utom1kd routins 1y11cm to make cnicicnl ute of dilllricl rcliOUrcc, in provtdinc lnruiportation to thoac studcN cliaiblc for tnruportation. Studcnu ah1l1 be provided lnMpOtUtKK\ in ordtr lO attend their H1i1ned tchooh and i11 proannu and 1ctivitic1 Enture that cquily occun in all phHu of .chool activitica and operation,. To P""'idc N(c, cfficicn1, and rcli1blc lnnaporution (or the .tudcnla of lhc LlnJc Rock School Dillrkt. L227 Sl,000.00 111 Qtr Expmd: S0.00 3rd Qtr Expmd: SO 00 Joel Qtr Exp<nd: S0.00 4U. Qtr Expmd: Fcbni1ry l, I 99S FTE Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L227 L227 LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 23 Computenzed Transportation Routmg System 24 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To provide safe, effkient and rehable transportahon for the students of lhe Lrttle Rock School 01stnct Objectives Strategies 1 0 The Transporutlon Department will 10 Determine resource requ1rements necessary request additional resources to help provide to support programs and procure them. Provide transportation 1upport for evening and transportation support as required extended day programs. A Resource requ11ements were tdentlfted Additional buses are on order to support the m,ssion B As departments make requests for support the Transportat10n Department makes every effort to support the request 11 In 1990-91 the District reduced Its number 11 Procure resources necessary lo support two of runs from three to two. run system and imptement two run system A Routes were hmited to the number that could be supported by the buses available for a two run system 1 2 LRSD has made progress In the utillz.atlon 1 2 Student and geographlC data k>aded in ol the ECOTRAN MAPNET System ... 1988-89 system, and personnel trained and prof1etent 1n school opening. computenzmg routmg A llem completed 06190, and is not recurring 1 3 There Is extensive work to be done In 1 3 A cooperative effort between Transportation updaling the geographic files, table with the Department, LR City Engineers, Student LRSD database. AsslQnment, and ECOTRANS staff w,11 help to ensure that software reflects accurate geograph1e 1nformatK>n A Aff new streets were added to the map As new streets are added the map 1s updated Secondary Leader: Beginning Completion Date Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 50% 07/01/94 50% 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 08/22/94 08/88 06/90 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 90% Page: Revision Date: January 31 , 1995 Mary Jane Cheatham Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Director of 1 0 Adequate service provided Transportation in support of programs Determined by divKt1ng number requested by number provtded Director of 1 1 All buses assfgned only two Transportation routes Director of 1 2 Students effectrvely and Transportat10n eff1e1ently routed to facll1tate a smooth school opemng 198889 Director of 1 3 Significant reduction 1n Transportation street address errors introduced Director of by poor/inadequate data entry Information Services Program Seq#
Program Name Program Code Program Goal Plan Reference Page Number L227 23 Computeozed Transportahon Routing System 2 Primary Leader: Dr C Russell Mayo To provide safe . efftetent. and rehable transportahon for the students of the Little Rock School Oistrlci Objectives Strategies 1. School attendance areas and updated walk ,. School anendance areas not 1nihated Walk zone, need to be encoded Into map mes zones encoded into map for maximum bus uhilzahon A Changes aealed by the closing of Stephens school were encoded into the map 1 5 (Transportation Safety Pollcle1 need to be 1 5 A comprehensive review of all LRSO polictes reviewed and updated properly . Changes wlll germane to lransportahon must be performed and be Incorporated from Applicable Board PO,lcJes recommendahons/changes reduced lo wntmg and and Administrative Directives}. incorporated mto appl1eable documents A A comprehensive rewnhng of the Practices and Procedures for the department was completed and rev.ewed by the Or,vers' Council before publcat,on and d1slrlbuhon 1 6 (Assignment promotion population region 1 6 Information downloaded from mainframe on tables need to be created to ensure proper media format compahble with HP Vectra student assignment) A Download completed with lape from Data Processing Page: Revision Date: January 31 . 1995 Secondary Leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of 1 4 No student required to Transportation exceed four block/six bk>ck walk 07/01/94 08122/94 07/01/94 07/01/94 Director of 1 5 Pubhshed poltCies on Transportation student behavior/safety on LRSD buses Published pohcies for drivers/driver aides lo assist tn 07/01/9 09/30/94 c.ommumcahng the dIstocts posIllon on transportation safety procedures Frequent meetings to address safety issues and concerns Attendance verified through signin sheets Review of supervisor's monrtormg report 07/01/94 06/30/95 Oireclor of l 6 Routes generated based Transportation upon current assignment 07/01/94 08/15/94 informaI1on Program Seq #
Program Name: Program Code Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number 23 Computerized Transportation Routing System 24 Primary leader: Dr C Russen Mayo To provide safe eff1C1ent. and reliable transportalton for the students of the Little Rock School O,strd ObjecUves Strategies 1 7 All school attendance areas will be 1 7 encoded Into the geographic tables. Wale zones established in accordance wn.h district policy and software c11teua selection Corresponding walk zones will be generated A Walk zones were established because of the for schools, all transportation policies will be dosing of Stephens reviewed and updated. I 8 An entire new stop network will be generated to Improve efficiency and most 1 8 Transportation staff wi,1 update and revise al routes based upon census data provided by economically utilize District resources. Information Services A Addruonat census informahon ts inctuded when it is avaitable lo the Transpartahon Oepartmenl Page: Revision Date: January 31 , 1995 Secondary leader: Mary Jane Cheatham Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 07/01/94 06/30/95 1 7 Two mile hst published and 07/01/94 dtslnbuted to school staff Add 08/10/94 lransportahon poficies and procedures 07/01/9 06/30/95 Director of 1 8 Written request for student Transportation data forwarded 07/01/9 95% Census incremental in1haled by routing supervisor Research system error l1shng to w1th1n 5% CompJet10n of first day routes puor to registration Program Seq I
Pro0ram Nam. Program Code: Program DHcrlpdon: Oktrlct Ooal Support Program Goel FY Program llud~t YTO bpandlturH: Rltd Funclion CodH: LASO FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 24 Rn'Mlon Date: February 3, 1995 Oa1a Proce11lng 17 Prlm..-y Leader: Or. Robert Clower Secondary leader: David Bea,on To provtde the resourcH (Hardware, Software, Tr.inlng, Programming, Computer Operations, and Hardware and Software Supportl neceuary to collect, ,tore end report information on LRSO a1udent1 . Information ServicH will provide the computer rHources neceuary to collect, atore, and report 1tudent information in a timely and accurate manner. School and central office -based etatf, parents, end student, will benefit hom accurate upto~ate information on student. To implement Integrated education.a progrema to en,ure lhet .ti 1tudent1 wiH grow academically, socially and emotionally with emphasis on basic skills and academic enrichment while closing d1spa11t1es in ech,evement. To provide th programs and date bHH neceHary to coflect and store all pertinent student information. To provide 11U necessary reports required to support school end central office based functions . To prov,de atl necHHtY information taqulrlld by outside lnt rHtl . To provtda timely response to all requHts for information. L129, L130 I 71 2.289.22 1at Otr Expand: t 508,929.33 3,cf Otr Expend: FTE 4.0 t636, 767 .88 2nd Ou bpend: t29.838.55 4th Otr bpnd: Program Seq # : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 129/130 L 129 L 129 L 129 24 Data Processing 17 LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Primary Leader: Or Robert CJowers Page: Revision Date: February 1. 1995 Secondary Leader: To provtde the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student informat10n To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central offa based funcbons To provtde all necessary informahon required by outskie lrlterests To provide lmety response to aN requests for informahon David Beason Objecllvu Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 1 Data Processing (Information Services Department) will provide the necessary 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of 1.A (Administration has support for all school and centr
1I office lnforma110n recerved aN requ11ed reports for based functions. Services tho school year) 1.B (An data is accura1ely stored and is retnevable) 1 C (Quality reports are bemg delivered on tune) Programs wilt be develo~ed and m~lemented relat1Ve to lhe following areas 1 O (Complaints are no longer ~ 06/30/95 being rece1Ved about Klformahon not being avatlable). 11 (Coiled, Slore. and Report) Dropout 07/01/94 06/30/95 DKector of 11 (Reports are available S1"tisllc1 (to Include the ability to generate data by race, gender, grade on Information which accuratety report dropout school by school as well as District. Services statistics) wide basis). 12 (Score, Coltect, Store, and Report) Test 07/01/9 06/30/95 Director of 1 2 (All test results are stored Scores (to Include capacity to score tests and to generate data by race, gender, Information in the computer and are Servtees renected 1n pertinent reports) grade, school, subject area, and district wide). A Tag students for JTPA 09/15/9 504 8 Wrote Stanford 8 report showing last 08/15/9 08/15/9 years reading, math, and language scores that where less lhan 35 8 C lested Comparrson (93 vs 94) of 11/16/94 11/17/94 complete battery scores for 7th grade students at select schools for Planning, Research & Evaluahon study
i 4 Program Seq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 129 L 130 24 Data Processing 17 Primary Leader: Or Robert Clowers Secondary Leader: Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Oa\ltd Beason To provide the programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student tnformat10n To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based funct10ns To provide an necessary informat10n required by outside mterests To pro\lKie timely response to all requests for information Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responslblllty Evaluation Criteria Date Date 0 Created diskette with 9th graders at 11/23194 11/30194 select schools showing their K-4 MAT 6 Reading Comprehensive scaled scores for study 1 3 (Coned, Store, and Report) Student 07/01194 06/30195 Dtrector of 1 3 (All available student Achievement Data (to Include the lnformat10n achtevement data is stored and capacity to monitor test scores, grade Services reported as requested) distribution and other Identified achievement data by race, gender, grade, subject, school and district-wide). A Load SAT-8 test data onto AS/400 07115194 07/20194 B Transferred sludent and baste data from 09/08194 09/09/94 Student Management System to Abacus Test scan sheets where generated for all schoofs C Print Abacus test answer sheets, 08/20194 50% attendance scan sheets and grade scan sheets D Allowed Secondary RegtSlrars to update 07/01/94 50% Transcnpt History Data drstrict wide 1 4 (Collect, Store, and Report) Attendance 07/01194 06/30195 Diredor of 1 4 (Attendance data tS (shall be kept In such a way as to allow Inform a hon accurately stored and reported data to be gathered for any period of Services to the state wrlh minimum time, for wlthdrawals and re-enrollment, manual comp1lahon for students by grade, school, race, gender, and dlslrict-wlde). A Pre-select attendance entry records for 08115/94 08/15194 all expected incoming students B Pnnt Anendance scan sheets on a 08/20194 50% weekly basis to assist 1n ga1heung Attendance Data 54J Program Seq #: Program Name Program Code. Program Goal'. Plan Reference Page Number L 130 L 130 Data Processing 17 Primary Leader: Or Robert Clowers Page: Revision Date: February 1. 1995 To provode the programs and data bases necessary lo collect and store all pert,nenl student ,nformat10n To provode all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions To provide all necessary mformahon required by outside interests To provide timely response to all requests for informahon Secondary Leader: David Beason Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria Date C Automated State 9 Weeks Report using Monarch & Excel 10/15194 10/30194 1 5 (Co1'8ct, Slore, and Report) Olsclpllnary 07/01194 06/30195 Director of 1 5 (Dlsc1plme data is Data (by offense, school, teacher, class, subject, race, gender, district.wide, and Information accurately entered and reported over ny period of time). Services as required) A Added to field to Drscephne Database to allow traciung of final vs recommended 11/30/94 12/01194 sanchon 8 P11nted letters to all suspended students 12119/94 12/19194 16 (Collect. Store, and Report) Student 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of 1 6 (Sludent assignment data rs Assignment Data (by race, age, gender, class, school, grade, level, and district~ lnformahon stored and all reporting wide). Services requirements are met) A Promoted students 10 next grade using the Student Ass,gnment cntenon 07/15/94 07/15/94 8 Randomized student school choices and placed on the Wart,ng list Screen. 07/30194 07130/94 C Ran October 1 counts report 09/30/94 09/30/94 0 Punted d1stndwlde school profiles for schoots lo evaluate 09/30/94 09/30/94 E Automated State Oct 1st Report for certirled and non-certified staff 10/01/94 10/15/94 F Produced drskelte wrth Free & Reduced lunch data for Student Assignment 11/23/94 11/30/94 Program Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number L 130 24 Data Processing 17 Primary leader: Dr Robert Clowers Secondary leader: Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 David Beason To provKie lhe programs and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student information To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based functions. To provide all necessary mformalion required by outside interests To provide timely response to all requests for information Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Cate Date 2 Data Processing Department (lnformalion 07/01194 06/30/95 Director of 2. (The District requirements for Services Department Staff) will have 1he Information computer resources are being capacity to respond to District needs as Services met). required by District goals and state and federal laws such as grade distribution and the ability to Identify specific students and cohorts of students. 2.1 (The Information Services Department will 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of 2 1 (All employees requiring maintain adequate computer hardware and Information access lo student records have support to meet the needs of the district). Services access to terminals). A Move telephone lines, computer lines, 07/01/94 50% and computer equipment as requested. 8 Provide user support on the operation of 07/01/94 50% computer equipment. C Provide user support for Abacus 07/01/94 50% equipment. 0 Provide access to Sludenl Software for 07/01194 50% performing routine data entry and reporting . E Reinstalled the equipment at Williams 09/20194 09/21/94 Magnet as a result of the new construction that took place during the summer. F Purchased and installed a tape back-up 09/14/94 09/30/94 unrt with the appropriate software to accommodate the programs that are being destgned for budgeting procedures between lnlormalfon Services and Financial Services I Progr,1m Seq #: Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number 24 Data Processing 17 Primary Leader: Or Robert Clowers Page: Revision Date: February I , 1995 To provide the programs and data bases necessary lo collect and store an pertinent student informa110n To provide aN necessary reports reqwed lo support school and central office based functoons To provide all necessary informat10n required by outstde interests To provtde tmety response to aN requests for 1nformahon Secondary Leader: David Beason Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria Date G Purchased and InstaOed an IBM 608 09114/94 09130/94 line Matruc Printer lo accommodate the large amounts of pnnhng required from the AS/ 00 users of lhe O,stoct To
s wilt also speed up the pnnling process with the add1bonal printer This printer Is located in the Operations Department of Information Services H Purchased HP 1200C Oeskjet Pnnter and 09122/94 09130/94 the HP LaserJet + Printer located in the Office of Oesegregahon and Student Assignment I Purchased the new telephone system 07/01/94 08125/94 located In the Offa of Desegregat10n and Student Assignment J Purchased for the Office of Desegregation 09122/94 09122/94 and Student Assignment ,n lot were three each of the following Microprocessor, CD-ROM Drive, Disk Drrve, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, and an other required attachments K Purchased for lnformabon on 12115/94 12/15/94 PC to allow access lo the AS/ 00 and have the capab~fly of running software in a Windows environment L lnstal6ed J terminals and cabfing at Booker Magnet lo aNow access to the AS/400 10/01/94 10/04/94 M Installed cabling and equipment at the 11114/94 11/15/94 new Student Heanng Office to alk>w access to lhe AS/00 student S)'slem N Installed J new Hard Orrves into J 11116/94 11116/94 computers at Transportat10n Dept Program Seq II. Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal'. Plan Reference Page Number 24 Data Processing 17 Primary Leader: Or Robert Clowers Secondary Leader: Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 Oavtd Beason To provKie the prog,ams and data bases necessary to collect and store all pertinent student 1nformahon To provide all necessary reports required to support school and central office based funcltons To provide all necessary mformalt0n requ1ted by outside interests To provide timely response to all requests for informat10n Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Evaluation Criteria Date Date 22 (The lnformat10n Serv.ces Department will 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of 22 (All necessary software tS develop or acquire the software required to Information Installed and functioning support the needs of the dtstnct) Services properly to collect, store and report information in a tmely and accurate manner) A Purchased and installed Word Perfect 5 1 07/20/94 08/01/94 to schools and departments as requested B Provide technical support for data entry 1n 07/01/94 50% all schools usmg Word Perfect to enter data lnlo Iha LRSO Program Budget Document C Modified a series of approximately twelve 08123/94 50% (12) screens to allow schools to enter aggregated information not currently stored on the AS/400 database that was needed for the School Profile Report O Modified the School Profile Report to 08/23/94 50% show breakdowns by race and sex of all Items required by the Office of Oesegregat+on and Monitormg E Provided equipment matntenance, 07/01/94 50% cablmg, and communtcat10n hnes connecting users to the AS/400 system F P,ovtde telephone servtee and compuler 07/01/94 08/23/94 access to the Truancy Otras new location G Purchased Paradox 5 0 for Windows 10 09/14/94 09/14/94 assist with budgeting and financial procedures H Installed AS/400 Software Upgrade 08/10/94 08/15/94 VersK>n 2 3 from IBM This Wtl1 bnng the system up to dale ,n meeting the needs of the D,sloct 547 Program Seq #. Program Name: Program Code. Program Goal: Plan Reference Page Number 2 Data Processing 17 Primary Leader: Dr Robert Clowers Page: Revision Date: February 1, 1995 To provide lhe programs and dala bases necessary lo collect and slore aH pertmenl sludenl informaI10n To provide all necessary reports requ11ed lo support school and cenlral office based funchons To provide aff necessary 1nformahon reqwred by outside interests To provide tmely response to all requests for mformahon Secondary Leader: David Beason Objectives Strategies Beginning Completion Responsibility Date Evaluation Criteria , Date Purchased Crystal Reports Pro Version 07/29/9 07/29/9 3 0 to ass1St with add1honal programming for budgeting and rinancial procedures J Purchased Monarch for Windows vers10n 09/1 /9 09/1 /9 1 0 to assist with des19n1ng addrt10nal documents used for budgeting and financial procedures K Installed Mk::rosott Office Pro Version 4 3 07/20/9 09/20/94 and MIClosott VtSual Bas1C Pro Vers10n 3 O throughout the lnformat10n Services Departmenl to accommodate lhe starf ,n provld1ng informahon and support to the DtStrict users In a more bmety and professional manner L Acquired training for the Interim Director 09/29/9 09/30/94 of Information SeNices Department for Netware 3 12 Software to be able to provide the users with the support that is requested M Purchased in lot of three each were the 09/22/9 09/22/94 foftowmg software apphcat10ns located In the Off'ice of Oesegregal100 and Student Assignment Corel Pro Photo Sampler, MS-Dos 6 2, MIClosott Windows for Workgroups Vers10n 3 11 , Microsoft Otrice Pro Vers10n 4 3 on CD, and all other requested software 23 Comeutenzed Data Access- Comeuterized data access will be a real~ in an Incent1ve schools ~ 06/30/95 so that student data rs eas,~ accessible and access can be tmmediale for reeorts wh,ch mght be needed relal,ve to all school erogram aseecls 25 Program o .. c,lptlon: Dttltrlct Goal Support: Program Goal: Safety end Security 1e Primary Leeder: LRSD FY 94-96 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Martt MllhoUen Secondary lee<Hlr: Bobby JonH The Department of Safety and Security was e tablished for the purpoH of addre11ing Hfety and Hcurity issues in the Little Rock School District. Page: Ravitlon Data: February 3, 1995 ActiVltiH of the department include thoH prectice1 that Impact the aludente and etaff in ell echools . Additionally, staff from the numerou1 nonechool based location receive service from this department. In addition to a program director, the staff includea eupervisors that euuma te&ponsibility for pupil end personnel safety progrems, building protection programs, and school based security officers. The Safety end Security Department operation ere intended for the benefit of all 1tudent, ateff, end property in the Little Rock School Di:1trict. 5. a Hfe end orderty climate that i conducive to leernlng for II atudents. 2. Develop and maintain a 1taff that is well -trained and motivated. The lJltle Rock School Di strict will provtde resourcH to tupport an orderly and safe tchool district climate. L 28, I 30 lt-----------------1_e_1,_2_8_e. 1_2-1 1 t--1,_,_a_,_,_e1.1_,_n_d:_ _________11 1_1_,3_oo_.4_3_t-3r-d_a_,_,_E_P__n_d:_ -----------------------1,~ TO bpndlturH' $358,997.33 2nd Otr Expand: $241 ,898.90 4th Ott Expend: ~ 2587 S4:J Program Code: Program Ooel: Pt n R f r nce Pao- Number L 28 L 28 LASO FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 25 Safety and Security 16 Primary leader: Mark Milhollen The linle Rock School District w,11 provide rHources to 1upport an orderly and 1111 1chool di1tnct climate. Objective &trat glea 1. To prow::ta drug hH work environment for 1.1 Drug tHt all Transportation amptoyeH pnor the ufaty of etudent and mployeea. to th start of the school yHr. A. Drug IHI edminiat red 8. Drug IHI edmini1tared 1.2 Administer random drug tHtt to .ti employeet two timH during the school yHr A. Random drug tHt administered-Random THI I B. Random drug tHt administered-Random THt II 1.3 Administar drug tHt to etl drivers who u:perience n Hult accident A. THt edminittered to driver tfaoll B. THI admini1tered to driver et-faull 2. To provtde Hcurity st ff for U 1chools end 2.1 Maintain d11trict level st ff to provide ,1t .. Hcurlty 1ervicH district-wk:te A. School baud Hcurity 1taff esaigned to Heh HCOndery ,choo4 B. Furruh uniform, for Hcurity 1teff C. Furnish uniforms for security staff 3. To proY1de oft duty pohce protection for 3.1 Ort-duty police will be contrac ted to proY1de 1tudent1 and 11alt supervision t school events A. Ott-duty police contracted for 30 football game, S'.i .l Secondary LHdr: leglnnlng Dote Completion Data 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01/94 09/30/94 10/01/94 12/31/94 07/01/94 06/30/95 07/01 /94 25% 10/09/94 25% 07/01/94 06/30/95 A neCHHry 09/30/94 As neceHery 12/31/94 07/01/94 06/30/95 08/22/94 09/30/94 08/22/94 75% 10/01/94 95% 07/01/94 06/30/95 08/29/94 09/30/94 P ge: Re'fflllon Oat : January 31, 1995 Bobby Jones RHponeM,Mlty Evelu tlon Criteria Coordinator of RHults of initial drug teat Pupil/Per,onnet report Safety Coordinator of Reeult of monthly random Pupil/ParsonM drug IHI report Safety Coordinator of RHults of end of yaar at-fault Pupil/Personnel drug tHt report Safety Director of S fety Copy of tecurity anigned to and Security schools Director of Safety Copy of payroll voucher, end Security Program Saq I : Program Nam : Program Code: Program Goal: Pl n Raf rnoa Page Numbr L 28 130 25 Safely end Security 18 Primary laad r: Mark Milhollen The Li1tle Rock School Oi11nct w,11 proYKfe re1ourcH to eupport an orderly and Hf achool diatrict climate. Obj,ctl.,. ltret iN 8 . Off-duty police contracted for 22 volleyball gem C. Off-duty police contracted for 38 football ga,ne D. Oft-duty police contracted for 17 volleyball 0"""'' E. Off-duty potice contracted for 43 bHketbell gem 3.2 School bHed curity per1onnel eHiQned to provida uparviaion at achoo! event A. School BHed tecurity peraonnel Higned to 33 achool vent B. School BeHd Hcurity peraonnI Higned to 58 achool event, 4. To provtde 1upervt11on for Hf , secure bus 4 .1 Two marked Security cars provided to be 1top1 preeent and monitor Hlected bu 1top1 A. Both cars were used by Security to monitor bu, top 8 . Both car were used by Security to monitor bue stop1 4 .2 Security staff will monitor ,elected atops in the mornings and afternoon A . All atop Hlected have been monitored B. All 1top1 Hlected have been monitored 5 . Th Ofhce of Support Servtc end afl of 111 5 .1 Recruit from among public who do not deperrmenta w,11 eddrns queation1 of equity in typically apply for Hcur11y poaitions ell hmng and bidding pracllCH Paga: Ravielon Data: January 31, 1995 Sacondary L aCMr : Bobby Jones leglnnhlo Det Compt.tlon R pon lbMlty Evek.ietlon Critrie Oet 08/29194 09/30194 10/01194 12/31194 10/01194 12/31194 10/01194 12/31194 08/28194 09130/94 Copy of payroll memos on file In BualneH Office 08/22194 09/30194 10/01194 12/31194 07/01194 08/30195 Director of Safety Schedule on file in director' and Security office. Comparison of number of 1topa monitored in 1992-93 nd 1993-94 08/22194 09/30194 10/01194 12/31194 07101/94 08/30195 Director of Safety File memos available in and Security director office 08/22194 09/30194 10/01194 12131194 07/01194 08/30195 Director of Safety Uat of school atefl by race end end Security gender. Comparison of slaff by rec end gender for 1993-94 end 1994-95 Program Name: ,,og,am Coda: Plan Raferanot Paga Number L 28 25 Safety and Security 18 ,,1mery lAedar: Mark MlhoUen The Little Rock School Oittrict will provide rHourcH to eupport n orderty and - fe echoot dietrict climate. ObJactiH &trateolH 5 .2 Maintain etaff thet model equit_,.e hiring practice 8 . To conduct weapon rche In 'flltematic 8 .1 The LRSO will conduct w apont 1c n1 in manna, tchoot buitdingt and at athletic events A. Weapon, ,cant conducted in all Hcondery school buitding1 8. Weepon ,cane conducted t 30 footb U game, C. Weepon, 1c n conducted t 22 volleyball gomu 0 . Weapon, ec n conducted in II Hcond ry echool buitdingt E. We-s,on1 1c nt conducted at 38 football g mH F. W epont ec n conducted al 17 voHayball gem G. Wa pon1 1ctn1 conducted t 43 b tketball game, 7 . To monitor ell LRSO property t time, when 7 .1 LRSO will contr.ct with private firm for Ml occupied buitding monitoring A. Conlrect confirmed with Sonitrol of Cent,_. Arkent 1 , Inc. B. Contract confirmed with Sonitrol of Cantrel Arkan1a1, Inc. 7 .2 LRSO will employ two persona to anewer all elerm1 H they are received from dispatch A. LRSO amployH met with police et building to ntwar alarms Pge: Jenuery 31, 1995 S.condary LHCMr: Bobby Jone a.ginning Date Comp~don lileepOMibiffty Evatuatlon Criteria Date 07101/94 06/30/95 Director of Safety Utt of adminietr tive staff by end Security rece end gender 07101/94 08/30/95 Princlpalt Comparison of number of weapon, detected in 1993-94 with 1994-95 08/22/94 09/30/94 08/29/94 09/30/94 08/29/94 09/30/94 10101/94 12/31/94 10101 /94 12/31/94 10101/94 12/31 /94 10101/94 12/31/94 07101/94 08/30/95 Director of Safety Copy of original contract and Security 07101/94 25% 10/01/94 25% 07101/94 06/30/95 Director of Safety Copy of Safety end Security end Security Alarm Response sheets 07101/94 09/30/94 Progrem Code: Prog,em Ooel: Plan Rfrn~ Pege Number L 28 L 28 L 28 25 Safety and Security 16 Martt Milh<Mlen Th Llttl Rock Schoot Oi1uict will p,ome re ource to support n ordrty nd Hf school district climate. Ob}-ctlvH atrategiee 8 . LRSO employH met with police t building to answer alarm 7 .3 LRSO will pro...
de for motion detection, fence, audio, and perimeter atarma A. Contracted _.e,m company has provided HrviCH 8 . Contracted aterm company hH pro..,
ded Hrvie a 8 . To provide tor the management of school 8 .1 Schoof will develop 1tretegi a to rHpond to emergencies building emergenciea A. Principals will Hnd copiH of atr tegiH to Sfety and Security Department 8 . Princlp8'1 will Hnd copies of atrategiea to Safety and Security Department 9 . To provtde for an Emergency Operation 9 .1 Centrat office 1taff will determine rHponses Procedure for c entral office to district mergenciH A. Superintendent of Schoot, will provide all department copy B. Superintndnt of Schoof, will provide II departments copy 10. To pro\/tde photo 1.0 .'a for tecondry 10. 1 Safety end Security Department will 1chool1 upon request hom principals achedule 1.0 .'a H requeated In tchoola end centrat offices A. Photo 1.0.' provided when requHted by aecondery schoo41 8 . Photo I.0.'1 provided when requested by cent ,_. office C. Photo 1.0 . 's proVKfed when requuted by H eondary schools Page: Avilon Oat: January 31 , 1995 Secondary leader: Bobby Jone a.ginning Dete Completion RHponllbtffty Evaluetlon Criterie Dete 10/01/94 12/31 /94 07/01/94 06/30/95 Copy of contract
Personal obHrv tion 07/01/94 25% 10/01/94 25% 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of Safety CopiH of criaia re pon1 and Security material on Ma In office of Principat1 director 08/22/94 47% 10/01/94 51% 07/01/94 06/30/95 Superintende11t of Copy of materiel on file Schoo41 07/01/94 90% Copy on fll in aU district location 10/01/94 10/13/94 07/01/94 06/30/95 Director of Safety Copy of tchool requests on file and Security in director' office 08/22/94 09/15/94 07/01/94 09/30/94 10/01/94 12/31/94 \' Program Sq I : Program Name: Program Code: Program Goal: L 28 L 28 Ptan R frnc. Pa Numbar 25 Safety and Security 1& Primary Leader: Mark Milhollen The Utt1 Rock School Diatrict will provide rHourcet to aupport en orderly and tefe 1choot diatrict climate. Objective 11. To provide for achool evacuation ptana 12. To provtde for incident reporting throughout the dittrict &trat Qie D. Photo I.0.'1 provided when requested by centr8' office 11.1 Principela will conduct a achool fir drill Heh month and a copy raceivad in Safety and Security Dept. by the 10th school day of the month in which the drill ia held A. August fire drill conducted B. September lira drill conducted C. October fire drill conducted 0. November fir drill conducted E. Dcmbe, fir drill conducted 11 .l Principelt win report bomb thre tt to Safety nd Scurity Depertment 12.1 Incident, occurring within the school district will be rported to the Safety and Security Dept. uaing the LASO Incident Report form A. CopiH of Incident Reportt received will be filed B. Director will fu copiee to ineurance firm H needed C. CopiH will be forwarded to Procurement and Materiel Management Department H needed 0. CopiH of Incident Report, received will be Med E. Director will fax copies to insurance firm es needed F. Copies will be forwarded to Procurement end Material, Management Department at needed Secondary lHder: Beginning Date 10101/94 07/01/94 08/22/94 09/01/94 10101/94 10/01/94 10101/94 07/01/94 07101/94 07101/94 07/01/94 07101/94 10101/94 10101/94 10101/94 Comp~tlon o.,. 12/31/94 0&/30/95 1&% 9&% 88% 82% 71% 08/30/95 08/30/95 09/30/94 09101/94 09/30/94 12/31/94 12/31/94 12/31/94 Paga: Ravialon Date: Bobby JonH RHpOMlbHity Principe!, Principal,, Dirac tort, Supervitore January 31, 1995 Evaluation Criteria Copy on file in Safety-Security Office Filet in director' office Copiet on file in Safety Security Dept. -- l'rosnun Soq I: P"f'Olram Name: f'nl1!nun Code: f'nl1!ram 1-riptioD: llislricl Goal S.,pport: P'rotnm Goal: YTD r.,Jlpenditura: RMINI function Codes: LRSD FY 94-9S PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT 26 Pq:~: Rnivoa Date: hnuarJ IJ , 1995 Minority Teacher Rruitmenl OI l'rimary L<ador: Richard Huriey Socoadary l,,.d ... : Robert Robiruon Primary function it to recNit hi1h quality profe11ional ind 1Uppof1 ptl"IOMCI to mccl lhc di11ricl'1 ,oal, and objcctivu in a wide nngc of po1ition, in achoo! and lhc ccntnl adminiatntion office . To 1&.1pport linka:Ju between the achool dittricl ind hither education inatituttORI
1uumc ruponeibility for delc111ed pro,nnu related to llllff" rccruitmenl lo meet EEO and Affinnttivc Action and Pcraonncl Scrvicu hirint lllndanh
ruporuiblc for .. ,i1ncd and projecla I.hat will enh1ncc the productivity and efficiency of lhc human rclOUrtCI diviaion. Develop and maintain a lllfT that i, wclltnined and motivated. Dcvclopin, equity in e'""loycu compotition that rcn11 racial and ethnic divcnity. S l ,l92. 16 ht Qtr E.xpmd: $13,991.19 3rd Qtr E.xpmd: fTE 1.0 Sll ,392.74 lod Qtr E.xpmd: Sll ,393 .ll 41b Qtr E.xpmd: ProRram Stq I: Program Nam,: Proiram CCHlr: l'roRr:un Coal: 14] IAJ LRSD FY 94-95 PROGRAM BUDGET DOCUMENT Tuchu Rrcruilmtnl 118 Primary I.Aadtr: Richard Hurley Secondary Ludtr: (To organize rccru11mcn1 and rctcrmon programs for the purpo~ of developing equity in the employee com!)Oslllon tha1 reflects racial and cthrnc d1vcrsny ) Ohjtclivu I Updilc review or rccnutmg needs by age. race, sc:it an
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources.
<dcterms_creator>Little Rock School District</dcterms_creator>