Little Rock School District, school board meeting minutes and correspondence

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LITILE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT February 29, 1996 Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring 201 East Markham, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Ms. Brown: I am enclosing minutes ofLRSD Board of Directors meetings held on December 7 and December 21, 199 5, and January 4 and January 11, 1996. Please let me know if you have any questions, or ifl can provide additional information. Sincerely, ~ Beverly J. Griffin, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 810 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 324-2000 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 11, 1996 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on January 11, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Pat Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: I. Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes CALL TO ORDER Linda Pondexter, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all Board members. The teacher ex-officio representative on the Board, Ms. Shirley Thomas from Western Hills Elementary School, and student ex-officio member of the Board, Justin Smith, from Hall High School, were also present. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 11, 1996 Page 2 II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of conducting the following items of business: 1. Toyota Foundation Tapestry Program Grant Application 2. Community Mobilization Grant Application 3. Desegregation Committee 4. Student Hearings
nI. ACTION AGENDA Toyota Foundation Tapestry Program Grant Application Carver Magnet Elementary School is applying for a grant from the Toyota Foundation for $9,944, to improve science instruction through the use of computer technology. Dr. Williams recommended Board approval of this application. Mr. Riggs made a motion to approve the superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Community Mobilization Grant The Arkansas Department of Health, Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention is offering grant awards up to $20,000 for violence prevention and reduction of illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The District, in partnership with the City of Little Rock alert centers, would use these funds to train community leaders and develop programs to meet their goals. The superintendent recommended approval of the grant application. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion was accepted unanimously. Desegregation Committee Ms. Pondexter asked for the Board to approve formation of a committee of citizens to further study the desegregation plan. She asked for Board members to submit names of community members who would provide meaningful input. The committee is to consist of approximately 30 members and would include all parties, including ODM, Joshua and Knight Intervenors, and District administrators. Names of selected committee members will be provided to the Board for approval by Ms. Pondexter. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 11, 1996 Page 3 Mr. Riggs made a motion to approve formation of the desegregation committee. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Motion to Suspend the Rules Ms. Magness made a motion to suspend the rules to consider an item that was not a part of the agenda. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Ms. Magness made a motion to officially sanction the Financial Advisory Committee of the District. This committee was formed during the Strategic Planning process and has continued to function in an advisory capacity. Ms. Gee seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board took a brief recess and reconvened at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Riggs made a motion to move into executive session for the purpose of conducting student hearings, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. STUDENT HEARINGS Larry Robertson, student hearing officer, was present to provide information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Each of these students is appealing their expulsion and asking for reinstatement. Robert Blacksher was recommended for expulsion from J.A. Fair for possession of a weapon. The knife was found during an all-school scan. Robert indicated that the knife belonged to his cousin, and he did not intend to bring it to school. He apologized to the Board for his actions and promised not to be any other trouble to school officials. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement on strict probation. Mr. Riggs made a motion to uphold the superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Pedro Smith was recommended for expulsion from Cloverdale Jr. High for possession of brass knuckles. School administrators indicated that continued behavior problems and threats of violence would pose a problem in the school environment, if Pedro was allowed to return to Cloverdale. It was recommended by the Superintendent that Pedro be placed at the Alternative Learning Center. Dr. Mitchell moved to uphold Dr. Williams' recommendation. The motion was seconded by Dr. Daugherty and it passed unanimously. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 11, 1996 Page 4 Jason Hampton, 12th grade student from J.A. Fair, was recommended for expulsion for possession of a weapon. A security officer found a pocket knife in Jason's pocket, attached to his key ring, while searching a group of students who were caught smoking on campus. Jason admitted that the knife was his, but reported that he did not consider it a weapon and had no intention of using it to harm anyone. Dr. Williams-recommended reinstatement on probation for the remainder of the school year. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to accept the superintendent's recommendation and Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. The Board returned from executive session and reported that the Board had accepted the superintendent's recommendation on three student disciplinary hearings. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Riggs made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. APPROVED= 1 ,e2s- re:, I Sue Strickland, Secretary Whereas, the Strategic Planning Committee for the Little Rock School District has recommended that Action Planning Team 9 be commissioned to serve as the initial committee of a budget development advisory committee
and Whereas, the Superintendent of the Little Rock School District has recommended that members of the Board of Directors join this committee to develop a budget for the 1996-97 school year
and Whereas, current policy of the Little Rock School Board states that "Once the budget has been prepared by the administration, the Board will hold budget hearings, at which time the Board members will discuss the proposed budget and invite questions and discussions relative to the budget items"
and Whereas, the Little Rock School District promotes community involvement in decisions that affect its patrons
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District hereby commissions Action Planning Team 9, and other individuals who may volunteer to serve as budget advisors, to form the Advisory Committee for Financial Stability, and to join them in conducting a series of public hearings as the 1996-97 Fiscal Year Budget is developed. Adopted this 11th day of January, 1996. ~J Sue, Secretary UTILE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET UTILE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 4, 1996 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on January 4, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas . . iMEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Pat Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Linda Pondexter, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all Board members. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 4, 1996 Page 2 II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The agenda for the meeting included the following items. 1. Dress Code at the ALC 2. Review of the Laidlaw Contract 3. Student Hearings 4. Personnel Discussion III. ACTION AGENDA Alternative Learning Center Dress Code Action on implementing a dress code for students at the ALC was tabled at the regular meeting of December 21, 1995. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to remove this item from the table for the Board's consideration. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. Dr. Dau_gherty moved for adoption of a uniform dress code for students at the ALC. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried 5-2, with Ms. Magness and Dr. Mitchell casting "no" votes. Review of the Laidlaw Contract Jerry Malone, District attorney, presented information regarding a review of the Laidlaw contract. Attorney Jim Clark collaborated with Mr. Malone in the contract review, but was not present at the meeting. The issue of the review was to determine whether or not the District is contractually liable to pay taxes on new buses purchased by Laidlaw. Mr. Clark's opinion was that the District is not contractually obligated to make those payments. The Board agreed by consensus that District administrators would continue to work with the attorneys to negotiate this aspect of the contract. The Board moved to executive session at 6:46 p.m., for the purpose of conducting student hearings on a motion by Mr. Riggs, seconded by Dr. Daugherty. The motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 4, 1996 Page 3 STUDENT HEARINGS Larry Robertson, student hearing officer was present to provide information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Ira Mullins was charged with possession of a weapon at J.A. Fair High School. Ira admitted that the knife was in his coat pocket, he stated that he had not brought it to school intentionally, and he apologized to the Board for the incident. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement under strict probation and asked that Ira receive conflict resolution counseling and tutoring in academic subjects. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 7-0. The second student hearing was scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. and the student had not yet arrived. Therefore, the Board moved to executive session for the personnel discussion portion of the agenda. After the personnel executive session, student hearings resumed at 7:30 p.m. Freddie Ezikiel was charged with possession of a weapon at Forest Heights Jr. High School. The building principal reported that Freddie was a constant disruption to the learning process at Forest Heights and suggested that an alternative learning environment would be more appropriate for Freddie. Dr. Williams recommended placement at the ALC or another alternative learning environment. Larry Robertson agreed to work with Freddie's guardian in finding appropriate placement. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the recommendation, seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Riggs made a motion to move into executive session, seconded by Ms. Magness, and approved unanimously. for the purpose of conducting a personnel discussion. The Board returned at 7:25 p.m. Ms. Pondexter reported that no action was taken in executive session. Mr. Riggs made a motion to authorize the Board President to correspond with the Superintendent by letter. The motion was seconded by Ms. Magness and passed 6-1, with Dr. Mitchell abstaining from the vote. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING January 4, 1996 Page 4 Student hearings were resumed on a motion by Mr. Riggs to move back to executive session, seconded by Ms. Magness and carried by a unanimous vote. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Magness made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Riggs. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Li a Ponexter,Presden APPROVED: / ~5-'1(, LIITLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LIITLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. on December 21, 1995, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The President, Ms. Linda Pondexter, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Patricia Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs, IV MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: I. Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent of Schools Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes CALL TO ORDER The Vice-President, Ms. Gee, called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five Board members. Dr. Daugherty and Ms. Pondexter arrived at 6:12 p.m. The ex-officio teacher, Ms. Mary Lawson, from Watson Elementary School, and ex-officio student, Angie Staley, from J.A. Fair High School were also present. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 2 II. READING OF MINUTES: Minutes from the regular board meeting of November 16, 1995, and from special meetings of November 7, 1995, and December 4, 1995, were presented for Board approval. Dr. Mitchell moved for approval of the minutes, Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it passed S-0. III. PRESENTATIONS: A. SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Williams presented a superintendent's citation to Brandi Romandia, who is a sixth grade student at Bale Elementary. Ms. Romandia recently won the Arkansas Grand Prix in wheelchair racing competition. Jodie Carter and McClellan High School staff members were present to accept recognition from the Superintendent and Board. McClellan Business/Communications Magnet High School received the 1995 National Programs of Excellence in Business Education Award as the top business education school in the nation. Phyllis Smith and Tony Hunnicutt recently attended a conference in Denver where they received a plaque and a $1,000 cash award for further development of the business program at McClellan. Other McClellan staff members who were present for this recognition included Angela McCallie, Shirley Hodges, Audrey Smith, Jeri Bob King, Nancy Leslie, Pat Leach, and Brenda Stuckey. Dick Picard teaches at Parkview Arts and Sciences Magnet School. He was not present at the meeting, but was awarded a superintendent's citation for his development of LabNet, which connects teachers across the U.S. through the Internet. Dana Duncan was present to accept a superintendent's citation in recognition of her selection as the 1996 Teacher of the Year. Ms. Duncan has been a classroom teacher for 46 years and is currently assigned to Romine Interdistrict Elementary School. In conclusion, the teacher ex-officio, Ms. Mary Lawson of Watson Elementary School, and the student ex-officio, Angie Staley, senior from J.A. Fair were awarded superintendent's citations for their month of service on the Board. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 3 B. PARTNERSHIPS The Superintendent recognized new partnerships between the community and LRSD schools. Partnership certificates were presented to each of these individuals. Mary Williams and Leta Jo Anthony representing the Leadership Roundtable, partnering with Henderson Health Sciences Magnet School, represented by Principal James Washington. Stephanie Adams, Betty Boyd, Cindy Outlaw, and Faye Albert, representing Target Stores in their new partnership with Henderson Health Science Magnet School, represented by James Washington. Mrs. Gee made a motion to accept the new partnerships, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion carried unanimously. C. CITIZENS COMMITTEES Mr. Jim Dailey, Mayor of the City of Little Rock, comments of support for the Board and administration. He commended the District for exceptional course offerings, one-of-a-kind programs, and the number of national merit semifinalists produced by the LRSD. He expressed pride in the students of our district and specifically recognized Jerome Strickland, senior at Parkview Magnet High School, and the students at Woodruff Elementary for the successful conflict resolution program. The city education task force has committed their energy to designing community goals to bring central Little Rock schools together. He commended the Board and the Superintendent for the work that went into the Strategic Planning process and indicated that he would highlight a District school each month in his monthly message to the city. Mayor Dailey reminded the Board of the "Power of Unity" in the community and he urged the Board to work together to better the school system and the central Arkansas community. He invited Board members to attend the State of the City address at City Hall on January 2, 1996, at 10:00 a.m. D. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Office of Desegregation Monitoring No report. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 4 2. Classroom Teachers Association No report. 3. Joshua Intervenors No report. 4. Knight Intervenors No report. S. PTA Council No report. E. BOARD MEMBERS Ms. Magness, wearing a Woodruff Elementary School t-shirt, reported that she had recently attended a PTA meeting at Woodruff, and invited the public to attend a town hall meeting at Woodruff on January 9, 1996. Ms. Magness had attended town hall meetings for discussion of the facilities study held at Pulaski Heights, Jefferson, and Wakefield Elementary Schools. She expressed appreciation to the community for their support and to the citizens who requested the special meeting held on December 7. She apologized for not being able to attend that meeting. Ms. Magness asked Board members to pledge to work cooperatively with each other and with the superintendent to make the District the best it can be. Ms. Strickland reported on visits to Mabelvale and Otter Creek Elementary Schools. She thanked the Mabelvale community for welcoming her to their school and for the gift basket that was presented to her at their meeting. Ms. Pondexter attended a program at Terry Elementary School and had attended facilities meetings at Mitchell and Mabelvale. She thanked the Chamber of Commerce for inviting the Board and administrators to their luncheon. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 5 IV. :REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Robert "Say" McIntosh asked for volunteers to sign up to work at his annual Christmas Party. He made comments regarding the media not covering the good news about kids and he urged parents to get involved in the schools. Hafeeza Majeed reported that she had participated in the Strategic Planning process and expressed support for the ideas that were expressed in the special meeting of December 7. She questioned the intent of the participants of that meeting regarding the needs and concerns of the African American community. She asked for the African American community to voice their concerns regarding the needs of black children. Stephanie Johnson, former LRSD Board member, complimented the Mayor for his commitment to the LRSD. She expressed concerns related to the Future Little Rock process and the city's support for the McClellan Community School. She asked for continued support for the 1/2 cent sales tax, as those funds provide prevention and intervention programs for the youth of the city. William Fields spoke on behalf of the McClellan Community Education program and asked for the Board to support the budget of the McClellan Community School program. Janice Wilson the PTA President at Woodruff Elementary presented a roster of names in support of Dr. Williams and expressed support for his leadership abilities. Phyllis Haynes representing the Capitol View-Stift Station Neighborhood Association, detailed several reasons for keeping Woodruff open: 1) the successful conflict management program at Woodruff
2) the strong partnership that exists between Woodruff school and the community
and 3) belief in the preservation of older neighborhoods. Joe Meehan, representing the Woodruff Community Development Corporation, detailed the work of this organization. They are working to revitalize and stabilize the Woodruff neighborhood by working to purchase and restore older homes for resale to lower income families. He asked for the Board to consider allowing this inner-city school to remain open as a vital part of the community. Louis Leslie distributed copies of a letter to the Board in support of keeping Woodruff open. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 6 J.C. Smith asked for the Board to review insurance coverage provided by Laidlaw Transportation Service. His son was on a school bus that was involved in an accident. Laidlaw provided him with all of the details and claim forms needed to file a claim, but their carrier Crawford and Company, was very slow in responding to his questions. Donna Massey, representing the New Party, expressed concerns with views presented by the business leader/speakers at the special meeting of December 7. She asked for more participation from the low income community when the concerns addressed by the business community are discussed further. Kathy Wells spoke regarding the improvement of the financial condition of the District and made several suggestions to facilitate this task. V. ACTION AGENDA A. Lease Agreement: Watershed Human and Community Development Agency The Watershed Agency has leased the old Gilliam Elementary School for the past six years. The superintendent recommended Board approval to extend the lease for another year. Ms. Gee moved to approve extension of the lease, seconded by Ms. Magness. The motion carried unanimously. B. Mini-Grant Submissions The Board was asked to approve submission of several mini-grants. The grants submitted include: Washington Magnet Elementary, $600 from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation to develop technology curriculum
Watson Elementary, $1,000 from the Arkansas Department of Education for a student recognition program
Geyer Springs Elementary, $400 from the Weyerhaeuser Foundation for an ecology program
and Jefferson Elementary, $400 from the Weyerhaeuser Foundation to prepare students for science and math careers. Ms. Magness made a motion to approve submission of the mini-grants. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riggs, and passed unanimously. C. Forest Park Grant Application The Forest Park staff is preparing a $24,000 grant application to the Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust for a program to utilize educational technology to raise achievement scores and reduce racial disparity. The Board was asked to REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 7 approve the submission of this grant. Ms. Gee made a motion to approve the grant submission, Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried 7-0. D. Establishment of a Dress Code at the Alternative Learning Center Dr. Daugherty requested establishment of a dress code for ALC students. Dr. Williams asked for the Board to delay formal action until the ALC staff has completed the established process for implementation of a dress code. Dr. Daugherty spoke in favor of approving the dress code immediately. Mr. Riggs made a motion to table action until the January Board meeting, seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The motion carried 6-1 with Dr. Daugherty casting the "no" vote. E. Negotiations with Laidlaw Ms. Pondexter relinquished the Chair to Ms. Gee for the purpose of making a motion to authorize District attorneys to review the Laidlaw contract to determine if any additional "hidden" costs, such as the sales tax for new buses, are a part of the District's obligation under the current contract. The attorneys are to return to the Board with a report at the agenda meeting in January. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. F. Donations of Property The Board was asked to approve acceptance of donations to the District. Ms. Strickland made a motion to accept the items, Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. Donated items are listed in the following chart. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT DONATIONS ITEM DONOR Meadowcliff Elementary Meadowcliff Elementary Mabelvale Jr. High $250.00 cash $25.00 cash Zoom Fax Modem/ External/Cables Rushing & Mason Equipment Company Wal-Mart Stores Wal-Mart/Geyer Springs REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 8 \SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT Booker Arts Magnet McClellan Business/ Communications Teachers of Tomorrow McClellan Business/ Communications Teachers of Tomorrow McClellan Business/ Communications Teachers of Tomorrow F. Personnel Changes ITEM 20 International Strings Violins $100 cash $100 cash $50.00 cash DONOR Booker Arts Magnet Student Council Sidney Moncrief Pontiac Dealership Twin City Bank/Geyer Springs Boatmen's National Bank The Superintendent recommended acceptance of the personnel changes printed in the agenda. Ms. Strickland moved for approval of the personnel changes, seconded by Mr. Riggs, and the motion carried unanimously. G. Financial Reports Financial reports for the period ending November 1995 were printed in the agenda for the Board's review and approval. Mr. Riggs moved for acceptance of the financial reports. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 6-1, with Ms. Gee casting the "no" vote. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Desegregation Update The monthly Desegregation Update was printed in the agenda. The Board posed no questions regarding this report. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 9 B. Budget Update Ms. Pondexter asked that Board members review their calendars and be prepared to schedule a budget worksession early in January. Fred Smith was present to answer questions and provide information requested by Board members. Mr. Smith had distributed information previously requested by Board members, including reports on 1) the bidding process for purchasing computers
2) a status report on ServiceMaster supplies and equipment purchases, and a report on implementation of the contract with ServiceMaster
3) a SeiviceMaster Financial Analysis report. C. Inclusion Program Dr. Patty Kohler, Director of the Division of Exceptional Children, presented a report to the Board on the District's Inclusion Program. D. Implementation of the Strategic Plan Linda Young, New Futures Liaison, presented an update to the Board on implementation of the Five-Year Strategic Plan. E. Discussion: Prevention of School Closings Dr. Daugherty requested discussion regarding fostering collaboration with the city of Little Rock in an effort to prevent school closings. Dr. Williams reported that District administrators continue to meet with city officials and suggested that this would be a topic for the next joint meeting with the city Board of Directors. VII. AUDIENCE WITH INDMDUALS OR GROUPS None. The Board moved to executive session for the purpose of conducting student hearings after a brief recess. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 10 VIII. DISCIPLINARY STUDENT HEARINGS: Larry Robertson, student hearing officer, provided information regarding students who had received expulsion recommendations but had not requested a hearing before the Board. Those students are as follows: Corey Eubanks, Central High School Barbara Miller, Forest Heights Vick Norman, McClellan Pedro Smith, Cloverdale Jr. High Nicholas Thompson, J. A. Fair Tyjuan Townsend, McClellan The Superintendent recommended upholding the schools' expulsion recommendations for these students. In addition, the Board was asked to uphold the expulsion of Cardrick Flowers, who was schedulep to appeal his expulsion before the Board but did not attend the meeting. Cardrick had been charged with inciting to riot at McClellan High School on October 13, 1995. Mr. Riggs moved to accept Dr. Williams' recommendation, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion carried 7-0. Freddie Ezikiel was also scheduled to appear before the Board, but did not attend. He had contacted Mr. Robertson to notify him of transportation difficulties. Freddie was recommended for expulsion from Forest Heights for possession of a weapon. He will be allowed to reschedule his hearing before the Board. Darrecus Robinson had been expelled from Parkview in September for possession of a firearm. His previous Board hearing resulted in an expulsion for the first semester with provisions for reinstatement second semester. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to reinstate Darrecus to Parkview, on strict probation for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried 6-1, with Ms. Magness casting the "no" vote. REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 21, 1995 Page 11 ADJOURNMENT Mr. Riggs made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Dr. Mitchell and carried unanimously. dwWi~ Linda Pondexter, President APPROVED: / J.-5-r '- kc!LtJc1~1 Sue Strickland, Seretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on December 7, 1995, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Michael Daugherty Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Sue Strickland Ms. Judy Magness ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Linda Pondexter, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five Board members. The teacher ex-officio member of the Board, Ms. Mary Lawson from Watson Elementary School, was also present. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 2 II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called at the request of citizens who presented a petition bearing signatures of over 500 members of the community. Other business to be considered included approval of grant requests, a report on the District's test results, and student disciplinary hearings. III. ACTION AGENDA Grant Approval: Staff Development Grant The Eisenhower Southwest Consortium for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Teaching has offered the opportunity to apply for a grant of $95,000 over a five-year period
UALR has agreed to contribute the required 20% matching funds. The Board was asked to approve administration's application for these grant funds. Mr. Riggs moved for approval of the grant application, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried by a 5-0 vote. Grant Approval: Capital Improvement Grant The Board was asked to approve the application for Adult Education Capital Improvement funds in the amount of $169,000. These funds are available through the Arkansas Department of Education Vocational and Technical Education Division, and are to be used to renovate and repair the adult education facility at 1401 Scott Street. Dr. Mitchell moved for approval of the grant application, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it passed 5-0. Reports: LRSD Needs Assessment and Stanford Achievement Test Results Dr. Edwin Jackson, Director of Planning, Research and Evaluation, previously provided the needs assessment and fall test results for the Board's review. He provided a brief overview of the needs assessment and a summary of the District's fall test results. He was asked to be prepared to provide additional information at the regular meeting in December. There was discussion among the members of the Board regarding the creation of additional alternative schools. Dr. Daugherty suggested developing a partnership with the city for more alternative classrooms. Dr. Mitchell suggested that the Board come to agreement on the type of alternative educational setting needed for elementary school students. She suggested that more staff development for the SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 3 current teaching staff would be more appropriate than establishing more alternative classroom space. Ms. Pondexter agreed with Dr. Mitchell and suggested that this should be the subject of further discussion. COMMUNITY PRESENTATION The special meeting, requested by a petition from the community, began at 6: 10 p.m. Mr. Jim Hathaway served as moderator and reported that the meeting was called for the purpose of showing the community's support for public education in Little Rock, to renew a commitment to the District, and to express appreciation for the role of Board members. The presentation was to address several issues, including the financial stability of the District, the stability of the administration, the desegregation case and achievement of unitary status, public perception of the District, and how the District's problems impact economic development in Little Rock. Steve Shults, who served on the Strategic Planning Committee for financial stability, commented on the financial condition of the District as it relates to the decline in student enrollment. He reported that the most urgent task facing the District is stopping the decline in student enrollment and attracting families back to the District. He asked for the Board and administration to improve cooperation and communication, especialJy in regard to the upcoming budget decisions. He asked the Board to recognize the progress Dr. Williams' administration had made in the areas of financial stabililty and accountability. Mr. Shults stated concerns regarding the special Board meeting that was called on October 31, 1995
the public was not allowed an opportunity to make comments, or have input before or during that meeting. The public perception of that action generated a climate of instability that sent a message of "too little cooperation among the Board members and the community, and between the Board and administration." He asked Board members to foster genuine cooperation between and among each other
to begin to focus on providing the best education possible for the students
to put aside personality differences, personal agendas, and power plays
and to use their own best judgement when making decisions that affect the children. He asked the Board to implement measures to stop declining enrollment in the District, to focus on the budgeting process, to communicate and cooperate with each other and the administration, to focus on the children and not on special interest groups, and to extend the superintendent's contract as a means of increasing the public perception of stability in the District. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 4 Leta Jo Anthony, president of Leadership Roundtable, stated that she frequently participates in educational, political, and economic development issues and their impact on the African-American community. Those interests are the reason she is concerned about the plight of the students of the LRSD, and she repeatedly asked "What About the Children?" She expressed concern about the leadership demonstrated by the Board: "the displaced egos, the personal agendas, and the group agendas that distract from the mission of quality education for the children." Ms. Anthony commented on true integration of the District beginning with the Board. Curriculum and programs can be developed to address the needs of all the children but without the leadership of the Board, a quality education cannot be achieved. Baker Kurrus co-chaired the Strategic Planning team which studied the Desegregation Plan. He provided a historic overview of the development of the Plan and the settlement agreement of 1989. The original intent of the Plan was to promote desegregation and financial stability and neither of these objectives are being achieved. Public schools are not being built in the growth areas of the city (Fulbright was completed in 1982)
private schools are being built and are experiencing rapid growth in enrollment. To rebuild and reinvigorate public support of the schools, community members must begin to accept each other as persons committed to public education regardless of race
to become allies instead of enemies, committed to a common goal. Mr. Kurras stated perceived realities: 1) People will not send their children across the city for the purpose of desegregating the schools, even for enhanced programs, if they have a choice. 2) Once these students have been removed from the public school system they will not choose to return. 3) Incentive schools are not fair to anyone, especially to black children. Double funding was to provide compensatory education for minority children and to attract white families back into the public schools. Double funding has had no effect on improving the education of the children and several area schools now have the same characteristics as Incentive Schools. 4) A one-race District will never be desegregated. Middle class families are leaving Little Rock for Bryant, Benton, Conway, and other communities and private schools are growing in record numbers. In order to prevent further resegregation of our city, Mr. Kurrus stated that schools will have to be built in growth areas in order to provide public educational opportunities for children who live in these areas and for all children in the city. He stressed that the petitioners who requested this meeting are supporters of the District who are willing to work to make improvements in the schools and in the community. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 5 He called on the Board and all parties involved to tackle the problems facing the District with level-headed, diplomatic efforts. Ben Smith attended on behalf of Parents for Public Schools, and serves as one of the founding members of this organization. This group was formed to support and strengthen public schools in Little Rock. Members are committed to restoring and sustaining productive parental involvement and community-wide support for public education. They view public education as an important part of society and an essential part of democracy. Cooperation and collaboration are critical elements to sustaining the public school system. When considering the racial and class lines of our city, it is evident that we have more in common than we have differences. Parents for Public Schools believe that it is the responsibility of all parents to hold educators accountable for meeting the needs of children and preparing them for responsible citizenship. Persistence and preservation of the public schools as a building block of the local community will secure a competitive place in a global society. Mr. Smith stated that there is a negative perception in the community of public education in Little Rock. He asked the Board to join with Parents for Public Schools to address and repair the negative image of the schoo} district. Jim Argue, State Representative, reported on Act 915 of 1995, at the invitation of Parents for Public Schools. Act 915 was intended to prevent fiscal or academic crises in the education of students. The Act, to be finalized in March, will define "fiscal distress." Phase 1 districts will be required to develop and file an improvement plan to address problem areas
Phase 2 districts will receive directives on policies and management practices and will be required to implement those directives
districts who fail to meet guidelines would be classified as Phase 3 districts. Under Phase 3, the Arkansas Department of Education would have the authority to remove the superintendent and administrators, disband the Board of Directors, elect a new Board, hire new administrative personnel, and possibly annex the district to an adjoining district. The rational for this process is based on the fact that the responsibility for educating the students is ultimately the State's. He asked the Board to chart a course to address the concerns and needs of the students, tax payers, teachers, plaintiffs and the federal court. He expressed confidence in the knowlege that citizens want to see progress, and that local control and initiative are better than having another external influence. The quality of the education is the most important factor. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 6 Rett Tucker, representing the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce, announced that the Chamber will focus their full attention in meeting the challenges of the LRSD during 1996. They plan to work toward financial and administrative stability in the District in order to facilitate growth and prosperity for the city. He invited all Board members to attend the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting next Tuesday in the Clinton Ballroom of the Excelsior Hotel. John Steuri, chief executive officer of Alltel Information Services, represented Fifty for the Future. This group has reviewed the financial aspects of the LRSD and they believe that the District is headed for bankruptcy. He offered full support of the business community to help the Board and District to avoid this action. Mr. Steuri voiced his support for Superintendent Williams and named the superintendents who have served since 1982 (Kelly, Jones, Cannon, Steele, Bernd, Matthis). The perception of instability, financial and administrative, has contributed to the declining tax base and white flight. He stated that Dr. Williams has not been allowed to do his job by the Board's micromanagement and he suggested that the Board has not honored the commitments of the Board that hired Dr. Williams. Mr. Steuri asked Board members, Dr. Williams, District staff, ODM, and others to work m~re actively with the business community to get the District moving forward. In closing, Jim Hathaway summarized the presentation and asked Board members to put individual interests aside, and to focus on the children in Little Rock. STUDENT HEARINGS Larry Robertson, student hearing officer was present to provide information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Allen Poole from McClellan, and Alana Tullos from Central, had accepted their expulsion recommendations and did not appeal to the Board for reinstatement. Mr. Riggs made a motion to uphold the recommendations for expulsion of these two students. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Several students who had previously appealed suspensions/expulsions were reinstated by the Board on strict probation and were present as a requirement of their probationary return to school. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 7 The students were: Justin Caple, McClellan Jeff Hicks, Cloverdale Jr. High Antwon Williams, Henderson Jermaine Ingram, Forest Heights The Board reviewed attendance, academic, and citizenship reports provided by Mr. Robertson and building principals. Each of these students had violated at least a part of their probation requirements and were advised that this was their last opportunity to remain in school. The Superintendent recommended allowing the students to remain in school with the understanding that if any other disciplinary sanctions are required, they will be expelled from the District. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the superintendent's recommendation and Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Mr. Riggs casting the "no" vote. Erica Harris had been recommended for expulsion from Southwest Jr. High School for possession of a weapon on 11-09-95. Erica was represented by Joy Springer. Erica stated that she had taken the knife to school the previous day as protection from some neighborhood youth. Erica's mother reported that she had been depressed since the recent death of her father and had been receiving counseling to deal with depression and anger. Superintendent Williams recommended Erica be reinstated on strict probation
the Board asked that continued counseling be included as a part of the probationary requirement. Ms. Gee moved to accept the recommendation of reinstatement, Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried 5-0. Carlton Logan was recommended for expulsion on 11-13-95 from McClellan Community High School for possession of a razor blade. Carlton had threatened to "cut up" a female student. He apologized for his actions and asked the Board to give him a second chance. Mr. Carter, McClellan principal, offered to contribute to the counseling and supervision of Carlton. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement, on strict probation, with continuance of counseling at the Healthy Family/Step-Up Centers. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the administration's recommendation and Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion failed 4-1, with Dr. Mitchell casting the "yes" vote. Mr. Riggs made a replacement motion to expel Carlton. Ms. Gee seconded the motion. After discussion with the building principal Ms. Gee withdrew her second and the motion died. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING December 7, 1995 Page 8 Dr. Daugherty made a motion to reconsider the superintendent's previous recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried 4-1, with Mr. Riggs casting the "no" vote. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation to reinstate Carlton. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried 4-1, with Mr. Riggs casting the "no" vote. Grant Brewer, 7th grade student from Dunbar, was charged with possession of a weapon on 11-29-95. Grant had inadvertently brought a pocket knife to school after using it at a weekend camping trip. He had not used the knife in a threatening or harmful manner. Some other students took the knife from Grant and turned it in to the teacher. The Superintendent recommended Grant be reinstated on strict probation. Mr. Riggs moved to accept Dr. Williams' recommendation, seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The motion carried 5-0. Dominique Givens was charged with possession of a weapon at Wilson Elementary School
he is a six year old kindergarten student. Dominique admitted taking the knife to school, but not with the intention of hurting anyone. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement Mr. Riggs moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Dr. Mitchell and it carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Riggs made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. qi~~~ _ _,Lrida Pondexter, Presitle APPROVED: / -d 5- t (o LITILE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT April 8, 1996 Ann Brown, Federal Monitor Office of Desegregation Monitoring 201 East Markham, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Ms. Brown: I am enclosing minutes of LRSD Board of Directors meetings held on January 25, February 8, February 15, February 22, and March 5, 1996. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide additional information. Enclosures HPW/adg Sincerely, ~~ Henry r/ Williams, Superintendent 810 West Markham Street Little Rocle. Arkansas 72201 (501) 324-2000 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 (Edited - changes appear in Bold Italics) APR 10 1996 Office Of D e~ gn ~ion A' r IOln!J The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. on January 25, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The President, Ms. Linda Pondexter, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Patricia Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Riggs, IV ALSO PRESENT: I. Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes CALL TO ORDER Board President, Ms. Pondexter, called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four Board members. Dr. Daugherty and Dr. Mitchell arrived at approximately 6: 15 p.m. The ex-officio teacher, Ms. Shirley Thomas, from Western Hills Elementary School, and ex-officio student, Andy McMillan, from Hall High School were also present. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 2 II. READING OF MINUTES: Minutes from the regular board meeting of December 21, 1995, and from special meetings of December 7, 1995, January 4, 1996, and January 11, 1996, were presented for Board approval. Ms. Gee moved for approval of the minutes, Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. III. PRESENTATIONS: A. SUPERINTENDENT B. Dr. Williams presented superintendent's citations to John Ingram and Larry Vanderpool, who are Plant Services Department employees. These gentlemen were working at McDermott Elementary School when they heard an explosion. They located a fire in a container of chemicals in a storage room and quickly extinguished the fire, minimizing damage to the building. Jessica Bumgardner and Morgan Miller, students from Washington Magnet Elementary School were present to accept recognition from the Superintendent for winning a poster contest sponsored by the Junior League of Little Rock. This contest, Rainbows and Ribbons, is intended to increase AIDS/HIV awareness in the elementary schools. The teacher ex-officio, Ms. Shirley Thomas, from Western Hills Elementary School, and the student ex-officio, Andy McMillan, from Hall High School were awarded superintendent's citations for their month of service on the Board. In conclusion, Dr. Williams presented certificates to Board Members who have completed required training by the Arkansas School Boards Association. Ms. Strickland and Dr. Daugherty were recognized for completing a required six hours of inservice training
Ms. Pondexter has completed 15 hours of training and has been named an Honor Board Member. PARTNERSHIPS The Superintendent recognized new partnerships between the community and LRSD schools. Partnership certificates were presented to each of these individuals. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 3 Mr. George Pree representing the Black Eyed Pea Restaurants, partnering with Brady Elementary School, represented by Principal Ada Keown. Mr. George Pree representing the Black Eyed Pea Restaurants, partnering with Chicot Elementary School, represented by Principal Otis Preslar and Ida Pettus. Fred Smith, Harold Bailey, Monroe Washington, and John Ruffins, representing Pi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity in their new partnership with Mitchell Incentive School, represented by Ken Milton. Taibi Kahler, representing Kahler Communications in partnership with Southwest Junior High School, represented by Mr. Johnny Neeley, Principal. Debbie Milam, Susan Leslie, Phyllis Haynes, Ellie Lipke and Teresa Knight, representing the Capitol View/Stift Station Neighborhood Association in partnership with Woodruff Elementary School, represented by Pat Higginbotham, principal. Mrs. Gee made a motion to accept the new partnerships, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion carried unanimously. C. CITIZENS COMMITTEES None. D. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Office of Desegregation Monitoring Melissa Gulden reported that the ODM third annual racial balance monitoring report would be ready for distribution within the next week. This report is based on October I enrollment data received from the three districts. 2. Classroom Teachers Association Frank Martin asked the Board to consider peaceful and rational means to resolve the differences that exist among all the parties involved in the District and he asked all parties to commit their energies to rebuilding the REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 4 educational system. The CTA is planning to bring in a team of experts to help heal the wounds by focusing on cooperation and collaboration. Community leaders will be invited to participate in the workshops to build confidence in the educational system in Little Rock. 3. Joshua Intervenors John Walker expressed appreciation to the CTA for taking the initiative to begin the joint effort discussed by Mr. Martin. He also commended the Board for agreeing to establish the committee for review of the issues surrounding the Desegregation Plan. He expressed concerns about recommendations made to the Board that he feels would undermine the collaborative efforts for improving policy. He used as an example the Financial Advisory Committee, and stated that this committee was not fully representative of the community. He expressed doubt regarding the validity of the Facilities Study and asked the Board not to take any action regarding the findings of the study without more representative participation from the community. 4. Knight Intervenors No report. 5. PTA Council No report. E. BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Mitchell attended the DARE graduation program at Mabelvale Elementary School. She commended the building administration and the sixth grade teachers for the inspirational program and the work that they are doing to prevent drug/alcohol abuse. Dr. Daugherty challenged the community to spend some time volunteering in the public schools. Ms. Strickland announced a community meeting on February 5, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Otter Creek Clubhouse, for the purpose of discussing concerns of the community. Dr. Williams and Principal Jim Fullerton have been invited to respond to questions regarding the future of Mabelvale Junior High School. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 5 Ms. Pondexter announced the appointment of Cora McHenry and Bill Bowen as cocbainnen of the committee established by the Board to review the desegregation plan. Ms. Pondexter selected these individuals for their expertise in education, business and labor. Ms. Pondexter asked the Board to suspend the rules to ratify this appointment. Suspension of the Rules Ms. Magness made a motion to suspend the rules to allow action on the appointment recommended by Ms. Pondexter, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept the appointment of Ms. Cora McHenry and Mr. Bill Bowen as co-chairmen of the committee. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IV. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Robert "Say" McIntosh addressed the Board asking parents to take responsibility for their own children to insure that the children grow up knowing right from wrong. He was critical of Fifty for the Future and the presentation made at the special Board meeting last month. Rev. Daniel Bowman expressed concern about the future of the children in our community and asked for more community and Board support for the Superintendent. Kenny Fisher is a maintenance employee who expressed concerns about the inservice programs that are being conducted by ServiceMaster. V. ACTION AGENDA A. Elementary Fine Arts Textbook Adoption The Board was asked to approve the adoption of Elementary Fine Arts Textbooks. The committee selected Share the Music (K-6 )
Discover Art (K) and Adventures in Art (1-6). This adoption covers the period from 1996 - 2002. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept the recommendation of the committee
Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 6 I B. Grant Application: Busch Gardens Environmental Awards Program Carver Magnet School staff asked for the Board's authorization to apply for grant funding from Busch Gardens in the amount of $2,500 to partner with Umoja Studios in developing a garden and conservation program. Dr. Williams recommended approval of the application. Ms. Strickland made a motion to approve submission of the grant, seconded by Ms. Gee. The motion carried unanimously. C. Grant Applications The District grantwriter has prepared four grants for submission. The Superintendent recommended the Board's approval of the grants. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept Dr. Williams' recommendation. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. SCHOOL I PROGRAM/SPONSOR I AMOUNT I Bale Elem. Tapestry Program/Toyota Foundation $ 3,287 Forest Park Elem. Artist in Residence/ Arkansas Arts 6,000 Council Carver Magnet Artist In Residence/ Arkansas Arts 5,000 Council Central High Prevention Services/ Bureau of Alcohol 20,000 and Drug Abuse Prevention/ Ark. Dept. of Health D. Adult Education Direct and Equitable Proposal Dr. Williams recommended approval of the annual submission of the application for Direct and Equitable funding from the Arkansas Department of Education for operating the Adult Education Program. This application requests $42,417.32 and allows the District to serve educationally disadvantaged adults. Ms. Gee moved to accept the recommendation, Ms. Strickland seconded the motion, and it carried by a 6-0 vote. E. Franklin Elementary School Sewer Easement The City of Little Rock requested a right-of-way easement agreement to allow for construction of a sewer line on the Franklin Elementary School property. The Superintendent recommended approval of the request. Ms. Strickland moved for REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 7 acceptance of the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. F. KLRE/KUAR Separation and Lease Agreements The District terminated its participation with UALR in the operation of KLRE/KUAR on June 30, 1995. The FCC requires a separation agreement before UALR can change the license to sole ownership. This agreement would also allow UALR to continue to lease the property at 7701 Scott Hamilton, owned by the District, for operation of the radio stations. Ms. Gee made a motion to approve the Separation and Lease Agreements. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. G. Proposal to Operate an Evening High School The District received $222,134 this school year from the Arkansas Department of Education to enhance alternative education programs. The proposal requests $166,440 of this funding for operation of an Evening High School Program for students in grades 10-12 beginning in February 1996. A business case was presented for the Board's review and the Superintendent requested approval. Dr. Mitchell made a motion to accept the proposal, seconded by Ms. Magness. The :iotion carried 5-1, with Dr. Daugherty casting the "no" vote. H. Security Guard Recognition District security personnel have petitioned for recognition as an employee group for the purpose of negotiations. The LRCTA presented the petition in compliance with Board policy "HD." The administration recommends recognition for purposes of negotiations. Ms. Magness moved to approve the recommendation of administration. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it was unanimously accepted. I. Joshua Attorney's Fee Request Dr. Daugherty requested placement of this item on the agenda and made a motion for District attorneys to enter into negotiations with John Walker to settle the requested fee petition prior to January 31. Ms. Pondexter seconded the motion for the purpose of debate. A settlement proposal was submitted by Mr. Walker to District attorney, Mr. Chris Heller. Mr. Heller was present to answer questions of the Board and to make a recommendation for Board consideration. A copy of the proposal and Mr. Heller's recommendations are attached to these minutes. Mr. Heller indicated that he would - REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 8 prefer to work through the court and would request an extension of the January 31 deadline. Dr. Daugherty amended the motion to instruct District attorneys to enter into negotiations with Joshua on settlement of the fee request and to return a recommendation for settlement within a reasonable time (30 days). Ms. Pondexter agreed to the amended motion and it carried unanimously. J. Acceptance of Offer: Westside Junior High School (Suspension of the Rules) Ms. Magness made a motion to suspend the rules for consideration of the offer on Westside Junior High School. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6- !!- Volunteers of America have made an offer to purchase Westside Junior High School for $100,000.00. The Board was asked to approve and accept the offer. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the offer, Ms. Strickland seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. K. Donations The Board was asked to approve acceptance of donations to the District. Ms. Strickland made a motion to accept the items, Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Donated items are listed in the following chart. DONATIONS SCHOOUDEPARTMENT ITEM DONOR Otter Creek Elementary $500.00 cash Otter Creek Women's Association Instructional Technology Six IBM PC's Baptist Health Systems Romine Elementary Math/Science Association of Black Software Engineers of Arkansas Pupil Services/Drug Abuse Monitors/keyboards Complete Health, Inc. Prevention Program and hard drives Birmingham, AL King Elementary DTK Computer Mr. & Mrs. David Gunnel System McClellan Community School $500.00 Cash Ark. Coalition for Diversity in Education, UAPB REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 9 L. Personnel Changes The Superintendent recommended acceptance of the personnel changes printed in the agenda. Ms. Magness moved for approval of the personnel changes, seconded by Ms. Strickland, and the motion carried unanimously. M. Financial Reports Financial reports for the period ending December 1995 were not available for printing in the agenda due to recent problems with the District's computer system. December financial reports will be presented to the Board at the February Board meeting. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Desegregation Update The monthly Desegregation Update was printed in the agenda. The Board posed no questions regarding this report. B. Budget Update There was no formal budget report. A budget worksession will be scheduled within the next few weeks for review of budget information that was provided previously. Ms. Pondexter reported that she would appoint a committee (Dr. Daugherty, Ms. Strickland, and Mr. Riggs) to work on the Superintendent's Incentives as a part of the budgeting process. C. Middle School Update Members of the Middle School Steering Committee, Annie Abrams, Patrick Mahaffey, Terry Hughett and John Burnette made a brief presentation to the Board. The committee recommended implementation of a districtwide restructuring of the grade configuration, i.e., elementary schools (pre-kindergarten through grade 5), middle schools (grades 6, 7, and 8) and high schools (grades 9-12). Complete implementation is recommended after a two year transition period to be effective in the 1998-99 school year. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 10 D. Report: Community Based Conflict Management Training Grant Award The Community Revitalization Project office at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has notified the District that a grant in the amount of $40,000 has been approved. Ms. Elston was present at the meeting to answer questions and provide additional information. E. Report: ADA Update Doug Eaton was present to answer questions regarding the District's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. A report was printed in the Board agenda. F. Report Facility Study Implementation Planning Committee Doug Eaton provided a report to the Board regarding the work of the Facility Study Implementation Planning Committee. A brief report was published in the agenda. G. Report: Implementation of Uniform Policy for ALC Students Vic Anderson provided an update on tbe status of implementation of the ALC uniform policy. A smvey of parents and students has been conducted and the Board has acted to implement the dress code. Dr. Williams expressed concerns about how the uniforms would be paid for, as some parents have related that they cannot afford to buy school uniforms in the middle of the school year. Dr. Daugherty will work with Dr. Anderson to work out the remaining details. H. Discussion: Funding for Televising Special Board and Agenda Meetings There was some discussion regarding establishing partnerships with the business community to pay for televising special Board meetings and agenda meetings. It was suggested that the District could generate revenue for this purpose by offering sponsorships. VII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None. The Board moved to executive session for the purpose of conducting student hearings on a motion by Ms. Magness. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. The Board took a brief recess at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:20 p.m. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 11 VIII. DISCIPLINARY STUDENT HEARi GS: Larry Robertson, student hearing officer, provided information regarding eight students who had received expulsion recommendations and had requested an appeal hearing before the Board. Each of the students were found to be in possession of a weapon and were recommended for expulsion as required by Arkansas law. Mary Mann, 7 year old student from Terry Elementary, was found to have a small pocket knife in her purse. Students on the playground reported to a supervision aide that they had seen the knife. Maiy stated that she had not brought the knife to school with the intention of harming anyone. Kenyatta Price, 6 year old student from Wilson Elementary, brought a pocket knife to school in her purse. Kenyatta stated that her 4 year old brother had put it in her purse. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement for both Mary Mann and Kenyatta Price. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Ms. Strickland and it carried unanimously. Natarsha Martin, Henderson Junior High School 7th grade student, was found with a pair of scissors. Natarsha had previous discipline problems at Henderson and the school requested an alternative placement. Dr. Williams recommended Natarsha be placed at the Alternative Leaming Center for the remainder of this school year. Ms. Strickland made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0. James Williams, Henderson Junior High 8th grader, was found with a razor blade in his coat pocket during a security scan. James reported that he was not aware that the razor blade was in his pocket and that another student had been wearing his coat. School personnel did not object to reinstatement at Henderson. The Superintendent recommended reinstatement under strict probation for the remainder of the school year. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept Dr. Williams' recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 12 Davion Parker is a 7th grade student at Pulaski Heights Junior High. Davion was found with a razor blade in his back pants pocket. He stated that he found the razor blade, still in its' wrapper on the playground. He did not bring the blade to school, but had picked it up with intention of turning it in. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement Ms. Gee moved to accept the superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Dr. Daugherty. The motion passed unanimously. Nakesha Hunt attends Metropolitan Vocational Technical School for one class each day. She attends Central High School for all core courses and is a senior. Nakesha had several razor blades in her purse that were found during a random scan. She reported that she bad not intended to bring the blades to school and had no intention of using them as a weapon. The Superintendent recommended reinstatement and Ms. Magness made a motion to accept that recommendation. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Leonard Jenkins is a 9th grade student at Pulaski Heights Junior High School. During a morning bus scan, Leonard was found to be in possession of a small pocket knife. School administrators had no objection to Leonard being reinstated, as he had not previously been a discipline problem. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement on strict probation for the remainder of the school ye~lf. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Ms. Magness and carried unanimously. Tracy Scott, Mabelvale Junior High School 8th grader, was charged with possession of a razor blade. It was found in her jacket pocket after she was involved in a disagreement with another student. The Board voted to accept the Superintendent's recommendation to place Tracy at the ALC with the condition that she receive counseling. Dr. Mitchell made the motion, Ms. Magness seconded, and it was approved by a 6-0 vote. The Board voted unanimously to return from executive session at 9:35 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Strickland, seconded by Ms. Gee. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendations in the matter of the eight students whose appeals were heard. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 13 The Board moved into executive session for the purpose of conducting an employee hearing at 9:40 p.m. The employee, Ms. Betty Forbes, was represented by Mr. John Walker
Mr. Jerry Malone represented the District. There was discussion regarding whether the matter of Ms. Forbes transfer was, in fact, a grievabie issue and whether the Superintendent has the right to reassign noncertified staff. Mr. Malone stated that the Superintendent has a contractual right to reassign employees under his supervision. Since there is no applicable law or Board policy preventing Ms. Forbes' reassignment, he asked the Board to deny the request for a grievance hearing. Brady Gadberry advised the Board on District policy GDPDA which provides regulations for the employee grievance process. Ms. Magness made a motion that the Board follow its' own policy and procedures and vote to end the matter at this point and find that it is a non-grievable matter according to District policy
Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. After discussion, Dr. Mitchell asked Mr. Malone to make a recommendation for the Board's consideration. He suggested that the Board go on record that Ms. Forbes is to retain the title of Staff Assistant, that her pay will not be affected by her reassignment, that the reassignment was not based on any performance issue and there would, therefore, not be anything negative placed in Ms. Forbes' personnel records. Ms. Magness amended the motion to include recommendations stated by Attorney Malone. Dr. Mitchel] seconded the motion
the amendment to the motion failed 4-2, with Ms. Magness and Dr. Mitchell casting the "yes" votes. On the main motion, that the issue is a non-grievable matter, the motion failed 4-2, with Ms. Magness and Dr. Mitchell casting "yes" votes. (Ms. Magness and Dr. Mitchell left the meeting at 10:50 p.m.) Ms. Pondexter asked that the evidence be presented and that Ms. Forbes be allowed to testify on her own behalf. Mr. Leon Modeste and Ms. Beverly Griffin were called as witnesses by Mr. Walker
Dr. Williams declined to be questioned. Mr. Walker asked the Board to declare that Ms. Forbes was wrongfully removed
that she is entitled to be reinstated
and that in the event the administration changes Ms. Forbes would be entitled to the first vacancy that occurs in that office. In the meantime, she is to be treated as she would have been had she been maintained in that position and that her position would be secure. REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 1996 Page 14 Dr. Daugherty asked for the terms to be more clearly defined and Ms. Pondexter restated the recommendations for settlement of the matter before the Board: Ms. Forbes will maintain the title of "Staff Assistant" and will be maintained on the AN salary schedule
Ms. Forbes will receive any salary increases to which she would be entitled on the AN salary schedule
there will be nothing negative placed in Ms. Forbes personnel file
and she will be considered eligible to return to her former assignment if there is a vacancy in that office and if a change in the current administration occurs. Ms. Strickland moved for approval of the recommendations as stated by Ms. Pondexter. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried 4-0. Ms. Pondexter asked the Superintendent to review the space distribution in the office of federal programs and see if there is a way to make all of the personnel in that office more comfortable in their work environment. The Board returned from executive session at 12:55 a.m. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Gee made a motion to adjourn at 12:58 a.m., seconded by Dr. Daughetty and carried unanimously. ~t4~ LinPor{dexter, Presint APPROVED: ~-d~-1& LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 8, 1996 -- C ~p 101996 0fflw er Dt:st:Qmgation Monitoring The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on February 8, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, immediately following the regularly scheduled agenda meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Pat Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Mr. John Riggs, IV Dr. Katherine Mitchell ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes CALL TO ORDER Pat Gee, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four Board members. Teacher ex-officio, Mary Jane Weindorf from Williams Magnet School, and Brandy Marks, student ex-officio from McClellan High School were also present. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 8, 1996 Page 2 II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the following items: 1) Grant Approval: Apple - Partners in Education Program 2) Grant Approval: Central High School Staff Development 3) Student Hearings III. ACTION AGENDA Grant Approval: Apple - Partners in Education Program The Apple Computer Corporation has offered grant funding to support technology usage through a partnership between Franklin Incentive Elementary School and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Dr. Williams asked to approve the application for these funds. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept Dr. Williams' recommendation. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried 4-0. Grant Approval: Central High Staff Development Central High School developed a proposal to be submitted to the City of Little Rock Education Commission for grant funding in the amount of $62,150 for staff development to improve student performance in math and science. Dr. Williams recommended the Board approve the application. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to approve the recommendation, seconded by Ms. Magness. The motion was approved 4-0. Ms. Magness made a motion for the Board to move into an executive session to consider student disciplinary appeals hearings. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. The Board took a brief recess and reconvened for the purpose of holding the hearings at 6:30 p.m. Student Hearings Larry Robertson, student hearing officer, was present to provide background information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Each of these students were expelled for weapons possession and are appealing their expulsion and asking the Board for reinstatement. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 8, 1996 Page 3 Brian Whitmire is a 7th grade student from Cloverdale Junior High School. He was found with a knife during a random security scan. The principal requested an alternative placement for Brian and indicated that she would prefer not to have Brian reinstated to Cloverdale. Dr. Williams recommended placement at the ALC for the remainder of the school year. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. Terrance Bland, Central High School 11th grader, was found in possession of a metal tube that contained a 2 1/2" knife, during a random security scan. Terrance reported that he had not taken the knife to school intentionally, and that he had forgotten that it was in his bookbag. Mr. Whitehorn indicated that the administration would not object to Terrance being reinstated since he had not previously caused any disruptions to the school environment. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement to Central under strict probationary terms. Ms. Magness moved to accept the reinstatement Ms. Gee seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. Antonio Penny is a senior who attends Metropolitan and Central High Schools. He was found to be in possession of a razor during a random scan at Metro. Antonio stated that he used the razor blade as a tool in his work as a DJ. He stated that he forgot that it was in his pocket and that he did not intend to bring it to school. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement on strict probation. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion carried unanimously. Issac Williams was found to have a knife in his coat pocket at Henderson Jr. High School. Issac admitted that he brought the knife to school to defend himself. The school administrators asked that Issac be provided an alternative placement. Dr. Williams recommended Issac be placed at the ALC. Ms. Magness moved to accept the recommendation of the administration. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. The Board returned from executive session at 7:25 p.m. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendations for the four students whose appeals were heard. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. -4 ' I y SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 8, 1996 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT The special meeting was adjourned by Ms. Gee at 7:26 p.m. without a formal motion. APPROVED: }.-J.d.-C/l ~a"' C Se Strickland, Secretary UTILE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET UTILE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 15, 1996 APR 1 0 199 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on February 15, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Pat Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs, IV . MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes CALL TO ORDER Ms. Pondexter, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:43 p.m. There was no roll call, as the President stipulated the presence of a quorum. Mr. Riggs arrived at 5:45 p.m. and Dr. Daugherty arrived at 5:55 p.m. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 15, 1996 Page 2 II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the following business: 1) Student Hearings 2) Contingency Plan 3) Budget Worksession Ms. Gee made a motion to move the Board into executive session for the purpose of conducting student hearings. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. III. ACTION AGENDA Student Hearings Dr. Linda Watson, was present to provide background information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Eacn of these students were expelled for weapons possession and are appealing their expulsion and asking the Board for reinstatement. Kasey Coleman is a 9 year old 4th grade student from Terry Elementary School, who was found to be in possession of a Swiss army knife. Kasey had shown the knife to two other students, but had not attempted to use it in a harmful manner. The principal had no objection to reinstatement. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement on strict probation for the remainder of the school year. Ms. Gee moved to accept the reinstatement recommendation, seconded by Ms. Magness. The motion carried 5-0. Andre Alexander, Dunbar Jr. High School 9th grader, was found in possession of a knife. Andre indicated to the security officer that he did not know that the knife was in his coat pocket. Dr. Williams recommended placement at the ALC under strict probationary terms. Dr. Mitchell moved to accept the recommendation. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-1, with Ms. Gee casting the "no" vote. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 15, 1996 Page 3 Tomonica Jenkins is a 10th grade student at Central High School. She was found with a kitchen knife in her book bag during a random scan. Tomonica stated that she bad used the knife to peel an apple on her way to school and had no intention of using the knife as a weapon. The assistant principal had no objection to reinstatement and indicated that she had no previous discipline problems with Tomonica. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation, seconded by Ms. Magness and the motion carried unanimously. Christopher Perkins was found to have a knife in his coat sleeve at Cloverdale Jr. High School. The school administrators asked that Christopher be provided an alternative placement and felt that returning him to Cloverdale would be disruptive to the learning environment. Dr. Williams recommended Christopher be placed in the Step One Program at the Pulaski County Juvenile Justice Center. Mr. Riggs moved to accept the recommendation of the administration. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 6-1, with Dr. Daugherty abstaining. Rawleigh Ralls, 11th grade student from Central High School, was charged with possession of a pocket knife. Rawleigh had entered the LRSD January 10, 1996, from a public !ichool outside the State. The pocket knife was on his key chain and he was not aware that it would be considered a weapon. Rawleigh was represented by Attorney David H. Williams. The school administration had no objection to reinstatement at Central. The Superintendent recommended the Board allow Rawleigh to return to school. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. The Board returned from executive session at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendations on five student appeals. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 7-0. The Board took a brief recess and returned at 6:45 p.m. Contingency Plan Ms. Pondexter asked for the Board to approve the establishment of a committee that would work to review candidates for the Superintendent's position in case there is a vacancy. The committee would advise the Board and recommendations of the committee would be brought to the Board for approval. Ms. Gee made a motion to approve formation of the committee. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 5-2, with Ms. Magness and Dr. Mitchell casting the "no" votes. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING February 15, 1996 Page 4 Budget Worksession The Board reviewed preliminary budget data provided by Fred Smith and a brief review of the business cases was conducted. ADJOURNMENT The special meeting was adjourned 8:15 p.m. without a formal motion. APPROVED: J. cJ..J -1& LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 APR 1 0 1996 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. on February 22, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The President, Ms. Linda Pondexter, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Patricia Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Mr. John Riggs, IV MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Board President, Ms. Pondexter, called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five Board members. Dr. Daugherty arrived at 6:15 p.m. Neither of the ex-officio representatives to the Board were present at the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 2 II. READING OF MINUTES: Minutes from the regular board meeting of January 25, 1996, and from special meetings of February 8, 1996 and February 15, 1996 were presented for Board approval. Ms. Magness requested an editorial addition to the minutes of January 25, 1996, regarding a recommendation made by the Middle School Committee. Mr. Riggs moved for approval of the minutes with the suggested editorial change. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. III. PRESENTATIONS: Resolution Mrs. Cristina Parsons, widow of Floyd W. Parsons was present to accept a resolution honoring Mr. Parsons for bis many years of service to the students of the Little Rock School District A copy of that resolution is attached to these minutes. A. SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Williams presented a superintendent's citation to Mr. Kirby Shofner, who has been selected by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers as the Arkansas Earth Science Teacher of the Year for 1994-95. Mr. Shofner teaches biology and geology at Central High School. B. PARTNERSHIPS The Superintendent recognized new partnerships between the community and LRSD schools. Partnership certificates were presented to each of these individuals. Mr. Charlie Cook and Mr. Ken Quimby representing The Aerospace Education Center, partnering with Mann Magnet Jr. High School, represented by Principal Marian Lacey. Mr. Dale Wood representing the American Federation of Musicians, Local 266, partnering with Pulaski Heights Jr. High School, represented by Principal Mona Briggs and Duane Barbour. Ms. Janis Hardin, representing Kentucky Fried Chicken in their new partnership with Pulaski Heights Jr. High School, represented by Principal Mona Briggs and Duane Barbour. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 3 Barbara Williams, representing Curtis Woods Insurance Agency in partnership with Wakefield Elementary School, represented by Ms. Levanna Wilson, Principal. Wayne Eatmon, representing Dominos Pizza in partnership with Williams Magnet Elementary School, represented by Ms. Mary Menking, Principal. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the new partnerships, seconded by Ms. Gee. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Williams asked for the Board to approve reordering the agenda for a special presentation by the PTA Council. The Board members had no objection and Karen Greenlea, Assistant Principal at Romine, made the presentations. The following students were honored for participation in a contest sponsored by the PTA Council in recognition of American Education Week. Art Contest (Primary): 1st Place Sarasijhaa K. Desikan 2nd Place Sarah Digby 3rd Place Shaina Harvey Honorable Mention Ozella Bryant Essay Contest (Intermediate): 1st Place Jasmine Desai 2nd Place Mindy Clark 3rd Place Sara Beth Wyatt Honorable Mention Terra Holman Essay Contest (Junior High): 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Christopher Harris Drew McClure Christopher Brannon Essay Contest (Senior High): 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Amy Frank Angel Shelton Shameka Brown Carver Magnet Western Hills Geyer Springs Geyer Springs Booker Magnet Terry Jefferson Bale Mann Mann Mann McClellan McClellan Hall REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 4 C. CITIZENS COMMITTEES Tina Gatson, representing the Committee to Rebuild Chicot made a brief presentation at the request of Ms. Gee. Plans are being made for moving into the new Chicot facility the first week of March. Parents, students, and teachers will assist in the move. Ms. Gatson reported that Mr. Eaton had been cooperative in responding to concerns of the committee regarding updating the security system. A grand opening celebration is planned for April 13, 1996, and Board members will receive invitations tc attend. D. 1. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Office of Desegregation Monitoring Melissa Guldin repmted that the ODM staff will begin meeting with Incentive School principals regarding the monitoring process. They hope to complete the visits by the end of March or the first of April. 2. Classroom Teachers Association Frank Martin spoke on behalf of the Districts1custodians and asked the Board to terminate the contract with ServiceMaster. He noted problems concerning schedule changes, addition of duties and responsibilities, female custodians working night shifts, and a contention that job assignments are impossible to complete. 3. Joshua Intervenors John Walker expressed appreciation to the Board for appointing a committee to review the Desegregation Plan and its overall effectiveness in meeting the needs of the children and the community. He expressed agreement with Frank Martin's comments concerning the custodial employees and complaints regarding the ServiceMaster contract. He also stated that there are serious problems in some District schools in interaction between the school staffs and minority students. These negative experiences are causing Black students to dislike school resulting in higher drop out rates and school failure. 4. Knight Intervenors No report. 5. PTA Council No report. The presentation of PTA awards was reordered to an earlier time in the agenda. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 5 E. BOARD MEMBERS No reports. IV. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Mike Thomas, civics teacher at Forest Heights Junior High School, addressed concerns regarding disciplinary problems in his school and provided a copy of a report that had been printed in the newspaper which indicated a number of students had been recommended for expulsion but were allowed to return to school. He asked the Board to consider providing an atmosphere of safety in the schools. Robert "Say" McIntosh discussed problems with black-on-black crime and the general lack of concern in the community for the well-being of the children. Nathan Dendy, retired agent for union local 630, stated that he was speaking on behalf of organized labor and expressed concern regarding the ServiceMaster contract. Willie Givens exp,ressed dissatisfaction in his experience with ServiceMaster. His greatest concern was with having custodians working alone at night. Barbara Hobbs, custodian at Cloverdale Elementary school, asked the Board for assistance. Her schedule had been changed without consideration for her wishes and she did not feel the changes allowed her enough time to complete her daily assignment. Reginald Henderson, custodian at Washington Magnet School, indicated that the staffing changes in his building eliminated some necessary positions. He feels that he is unable to keep the building clean with the schedule and staff changes made by ServiceMaster. Nancy Dedmon, custodian at Cloverdale Elementary, discussed changes that had been made in her schedule and asked the Board to consider the safety of the custodial employees. Annette Jones, custodian at Pulaski Heights Elementary, expressed dissatisfaction with the changes in her schedule and indicated that she had been reassigned to part time. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 6 Brenda Henderson, custodian at Pulaski Heights Junior High, was rescheduled to work 3:00 p.m. to midnight. She asked the Board to reconsider their decision to contract with ServiceMaster. Josephine Thornton is the head custodian at Franklin Incentive School. She discussed duties other than custodial responsibilities that are a part of her job and asked the Board to consider the employees. Two unidentified female speakers addressed concerns regarding problems at Forest Heights Junior High and asked the Board to see what can be done to insure the safety of the children. V. ACTION AGENDA A. 1996-97 Student Calendar The student calendar for the 1996-97 school year was presented for the Board's approval. The LRSD and Pulaski County calendars are identical
the North Little Rock School District calendar is slightly different. Representatives of the three districts met during development of the calendars and attempted to make them as similar as possible. Dr. Williams asked the Board to approve the recommended student calendar. Ms. Gee moved for approval of the calendar, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0. B. Southwest Junior High School Our Club/Pre-charging Court Program Mr. James H. Carter, director of the Office of Juvenile Services, developed a proposal for operating "Our Club" at Southwest Junior High School. The program will provide services for children and families living in the 72204 zip code area. Those services will include tutoring, life skills classes, support group counseling, and recreational activities outside the regular school day. Pulaski County Juvenile Services, the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney's office, and the City of Little Rock have collaborated in funding the program. The District's costs will be limited to utilities and custodial services (approximately $3,394). The Superintendent recommended approval of the proposal. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to accept the recommendation, Ms. Magness seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 7 I C. Expanded Program Equipment Grants The Vocational Education Division of the District has prepared a grant proposal to purchase additional equipment for Mann Magnet Jr. High School ($54,600)
and home economics equipment ($41,460) for Forest Heights and Pulaski Heights Jr. High Schools. Dr. Williams asked for the Board's approval to submit the application which is due to the Arkansas Department of Education on March 1, 1996. Mr. Riggs made a motion to approve the submission. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. D. Grant Submissions The Board was asked to approve grant submissions as listed in the following chart. Ms. Strickland moved for approval, Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0. SCHOOL I PROGRAM/SPONSOR 1MOUNT I Carver Magnet Elementary School Environmental Matching Grant $1,000. Program/Entergy Corporation Rockefeller Incentive School O1oir Performance and Music Appreciation 1,000. Program/Ark. Humanities Council ALC/Cloverdale/Forest Prevention Services Program-substance abuse 20,000. Heights/Pulaski Heights/ and violence/Ark. Department of Health Mabelvale/Southwest E. Pulaski Heights Elementary Computer Lab Upgrade Pulaski Heights Elementary School requested the Board's approval to use their Title I allocation ($55,000) to upgrade the Academic Support computer labs. Mr. Riggs spoke in support of the proposal, but suggested that the District consider placing more computers in the individual classrooms instead of having students move into labs for computer time. Ms. Magness also spoke in favor of the proposal and asked the administration to keep in mind the technology recommendations of the Strategic Planning Committee when computer purchases are required. The Superintendent recommend~ the Board's approval of the proposal. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the-7superintendent's recommendation, Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0'. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 8 F. Lease Option Telesite Services: Brady Elementary The Superintendent asked the Board to pull this item for consideration at a later date. District attorneys are continuing to work on the lease agreement and will bring the item for Board approval when terms of the contract are fully negotiated. G. Disposition of Old Forest Heights Junior High School The old portion of Forest Heights Junior High School was to be demolished in 1990
in 1992 the Board decided to wait before tearing down the building in hopes that the Adult Education Center could move from the old Eastside Junior High School location. The FI-IJH buildings have deteriorated to the point that they would not be suitable for relocation. Dr. Williams recommended that the Board vote to proceed with the demolition. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Mr. Riggs asked that the community and the Forest Heights PTA have input in the decisions made regarding use of the space that will remain when the building is torn down. Mr. Eaton was asked to provide a brief report at the March 14, agenda meeting. H. District Hiring and Purchasing Freeze Board President Pondexter requested adoption of a Resolution implementing a spending and hiring freeze for the District. A copy of that Resolution is attached as a part of these minutes. Ms. Gee made a motion to adopt the Resolution, seconded by Dr. Daugherty and carried unanimously. I. Desegregation Committee Appointments Ms. Pondexter provided Board members with the names of recommended appointments to the Desegregation Committee. She indicated that an effort was made to balance the committee by race, gender, and school board election zone. The Board approved the co-chairmen, Cora D. McHenry and Bill Bowen, at a special meeting on January 11, 1996. Recommended committee members are: Alfred Angulo, Chris Baber, Ann Brown, Irma Hunter Brown, Eleanor Coleman, Danny Dillard, Panky Fells, Frank Martin, Estelle Matthis, C. E. McAdoo, Patricia McGraw, Betty Mitchell, Thelma Phillips, Win Rockefeller, Alice Rowe, Frank Smith, and Teresa Young. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 9 Ms. Pondexter reported that she had asked for the committee to provide their recommendations to the Board within sixty (60) days. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the committee members as recommended by Ms. Pondexter. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. J. Donations The Board was asked to approve acceptance of donations to the District. Ms. Gee made a motion to accept the items, Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Donated items are listed in the following chart. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT DONATIONS ITEM DONOR M. L. King Magnet Elementary Metropolitan TV Production Program Chicot Elementary (Special Education Programs) Chicot Elementary (For use by Emily Golden) K. Personnel Changes $500.00 cash $500.00 cash Apple IIGS Computer System Apple MacIntosh Performa Computer System Anonymous Anonymous Kimberly Golden Margaret P. Golden The Superintendent recommended acceptance of the personnel changes printed in the agenda. Mr. Riggs moved for approval of the personnel changes, seconded by Ms. Magness, and the motion carried unanimously. L. Financial Reports The financial reports for December 1995, and January 1996, were provided for the Board's review and approval. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the financial reports, Mr. Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board took a brief recess at 7:48 p.m. and reconvened at 8:10 p.m. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 10 Suspension of the Rules Ms. Strickland made a motion to suspend the rules for consideration of an action item which was not on the agenda. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Ms. Strickland moved to suspend the Facilities Implementation Committee and to form a committee to study the declining enrollment of the District. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion. Ms. Gee asked to amend the motion to include suspension of 1he Middle School Steering Committee until the middle school concept and the study on declining enrollment is complete. Ms. Magness questioned the reason for suspending the middle school committee since implementation was not to take place for two years. Part of the committee's work was to study the overalJ impact of middle school implementation, including on M-M transfers. Mr. Riggs also expressed concern for terminating these two committees and suggested that the people who seive on these committees be available to serve as a resource to the newly formed desegregation committee. He suggested that the scope of the facilities committee be expanded to include options other than just the issue of school closings. Ms. Strickland disagreed with his suggestions. The Board approved amending the main motion to include suspension of the middle school steering committee by a vote of 4-2. On the main motion, as amended, the Board again voted 4-2 in favor of the motion, with Ms. Magness and Mr. Riggs casting the "no" votes. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Desegregation Update The Desegregation Update was printed m the agenda and the Board had no questions regarding the report. B. Budget Update Fred Smith asked the Board to consider scheduling a budget worksession for the purpose of making budgetary decisions which will be submitted to the court in midMarch. Ms. Pondexter asked administration to poll Board members for a common date and to schedule a meeting for this purpose. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 11 C. Transportation Update: Laidlaw Ed Streeter and Mike Jones provided an update on Laidlaw operations. A copy of his report was distributed for the Board's review. Mr. Streeter reported that new computer software had been installed and Laidlaw will begin routing students next school year. Routing was done this school year by the District's transportation department staff. D. Report: Feasibility of Contracting Information and Financial Services The Board has requested research into the possibility of saving money by contracting out infonnation and financial services. This research is being conducted and a report will be provided to the Board when it is complete. E. Update: Consultant Fees A report on usage of consultants was requested by Ms. Gee. The report was printed in the agenda. F. ServiceMaster Report Fred Smith answered questions from Board members regarding the criteria used to determine whether ServiceMaster is fulfilling the terms of the contract. Ms. Pondexter was concerned with contract paragraph 6.6 and with the "energy management" section of the contract. Mr. Smith assured the Board that the contract requirements were being monitored. He will be meeting with ServiceMaster supervisors to determine if problems regarding scheduling and safety can be discussed and solved. Ms. Pondexter asked for a full discussion of the issues regarding ServiceMaster be held at the March agenda meeting. G. Standardized Dress Code for the ALC Vic Anderson provided a brief update for the Board regarding implementation of the ALC Dress Code. It was hoped that the effective date would be March 1, however students are being given additional time for purchase of uniforms and disciplinary sanctions regarding violation of the dress code will not take effect until March 25. Ms. Magness questioned a part of the dress code that would require the faculty and staff to also abide by the dress code. Dr. Williams asked for the Board to consider provisions for smocks or cover-garments for those students who cannot afford to purchase the uniforms. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 12 Suspension of the Rules Dr. Daugherty moved to suspend the rules in order to consider an item not on the agenda. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Dr. Daugherty made a motion to budget an appropriate amount of funds to supplement implementation of the dress code for students who cannot afford to purchase the uniforms. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. H. Computer Technology/Franklin Incentive School Lucy Lyon provided a report for the Board's review detailing the cost involved in updating the computer lab at Franklin Incentive School. Dr. Daugherty had additional questions regarding the report and will meet with Ms. Lyon for clarification. I. Change to AP Grading Scale, 1995-96 School Year Dr. Anderson provided a report in response to a request from Board Member Gee. There were no additional questions regarding the report. VII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None. VIII. DISCIPLINARY STUDENT HEARINGS: Linda Watson, interim student hearing officer, provided information regarding Monte Gentry who was recommended for expulsion from McClellan High School. Monte had been involved in a gang-related altercation on January 16, 1996. He did not appear before the Board for reinstatement. Administration recommended expulsion for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Riggs made a motion to accept the recommendation, seconded by Ms. Strickland. The motion carried 6-0. REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 22, 1996 Page 13 ADJOURNMENT Mr. Riggs made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it and carried unanimously. ~CLJ-ci:SLcuJ
Sue Strickland, Secretary ~t,mdndimrllll Whereas, Floyd W. Parsons served as Superintendent of the Little Rock School District for 11 years
and Whereas, Mr. Parsons worked to unify the diverse communities of the school district through his administrative talents, intellect., and use of humor
and Whereas, Mr. Parsons demonstrated through his words and deeds his commitment to education
and Whereas, Mr. Parsons was respected by students, staff, community residents and school board members
and Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District recognizes and honors the valuable contributions Mr. Parsons made to the children of our city
and Whereas, Mr. Parsons' contributions will long be remembered by members of this community, NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District pays tribute to the life of Mr. Floyd W. Parsons by recognizing his valuable leadership to this district. Adopted this 22nd day of February, 1996. ct!t~-'~ {
a Ponct6ter, Presiaent RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District recognizes its fiduciary responsibility
and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes the critical financial situation the District faces in the development of a balanced budget for the 1996-97 school year
and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes the importance of the ending fund balance of the 1995-96 school year to the budgeting process for the 1996-97 school year
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Directors supports the Superintendent of Schools in putting into place a freeze on all non-salary expenditures from fund 02 (operations and maintenance) except for those purchases necessary for the implementation of the desegregation plan, for materials and supplies essential for the operation of the District for the remainder of the year, or for emergencies
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Directors supports the Snperintendent of Schools in implementing a hiring freeze for all replacement hiring except that which would take place due to attrition, resignation, inability to serve, or for safety and security positions which are necessary for the safe, orderly, and efficient operation of the District. ADOPTED this 22nd day of February, 1996. BOARD OF DIRECTORS LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT President let. Board ~/ l. o k oeo-,__Q LitteRoc School District Board Secretary April 25. 1996 Little Rock School District Of-TICE OF COMML
'.'JC.-\TIONS 810 \\'est .\larkham Street Li1tk Rock. AR 7:!201 , 501 ) 324-2020 FAX (50 l l 324-~0.:.1 ~IEDL.\ ADVISORY For more information: Zeornee' Herts. 324-2020 Change Made to LRSD Board Meeting Agenda The agend:1 ror the Little Rock School District Board or'Directors meeting has been revised to include ::m item pertaining to the rehuilding or St~phens Elementary School. Board member John Riggs haci
:,reviously requested rhat che item be includ-:d on tonight's agenda, however it was i1ladverrently omitted. The item will be an action agenda item. The monrh iy ~oard meeting will beg1n at 6:00 p.m. in the LRSD board room located at S1 0 \\i. :'vfarkham. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 5, 1996 C APR 1 0 199i 1 ot De 1ega.,on fvfon,wnng The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a special session on March 5, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Pat Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daughtery Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Mr. John Riggs, IV Dr. Michael Daughtery ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry Williams, Superintendent Ms. Diane Edwards, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Pat Gee, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. At roll call presence were four Board members. Dr. Daughtery arrived at approximately 6:45 p.m. and Ms. Pondexter at approximately 7:35 p.m. II. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the following items: 1) Budget worksession 2) Student Hearings However, when the meeting was called to order the Board notified the public that there would only be two Board members present after the Student Hearings to attend the Budget Worksession, therefore the Board was postponing the Budget Worksession until such a time as a quorum could be present. Student Hearings Dr. Linda Watson, interim student hearing officer, was present to provide background information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Each of these students were expelled for weapons possession, physical assault or sexual miscondut and are appealing their expulsion and asking the Board for reinstatement. Brandi Palmer is a 10th grade student from Metropolitan Vo-Tech. She was found with a knife during a full school scan. The principal requested that Brandi be returned to school on probation. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement to Metropolitan Vo-Tech. Dr. Mitchell moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Judy Magness seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. Karen Baker is a 9th grade student from Mann Magnet Junior High School. Karen transferred to the District from North Carolina in October, 1995 and enrolled in Forest Heights Jr. High School and since has been accepted into Mann Magnet Jr. High. During a full security scan karen was found to have a red Swiss-type army knife in her backpack. When questioned Karen stated this knife is for her job to open boxes. This was later verified by her employer. Karen and her mother stated in an administrative hearing on March 4, 1996 that they had not received a copy of the LRSD Secondary Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook nor signed the contract page. Ms. Marian Lacey, principal indicated that she would have no objections to Karen's reinstatement to Mann Magnet. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement to Mann under strict probationary terms. Dr. Mitchell moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. At approximately 6:27 p.m. the Board went out of executive session and into regular session. At this time Linda Watson, interim Student Hearing Officer, made the recommendation for 14 students to be expelled for the remainder of the school year due to various offenses of LRSD Rules and Regulations (see attached list). Dr. Williams supported Dr. Watson's recommendation. Ms. Magness seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Ms. Gee asked if there was anything being done by the District to curtail Gang violence in our children. Dr. Victor Anderson was asked by Dr. Williams to respond to this question. Dr. Anderson advised that there are support groups at individual schools, couselors at the schools and other organizations in the city that are trying to help with this ever growing problem of gang violence. Ms. Gee asked if the Board could make it mandatory that if a student is expelled for gang violence that he/she seek help through one of these organizations before they are admitted back into school. Dr. Williams stated that as a District we would be over stepping our bounds. That as a District we could suggest that they be counseled but could not enforce mandatory counseling in this area. Ms. Magness stated that there is a program such as the D.A.R.E. program at our elementary schools that is being administered in the Blytheville School Districts and that maybe we should check into that. Dr. Williams reported that the District's Social Studies Department had stated that maps and globes were out-dated and did not have countries that are in our news today. Marie McNeal, Social Studies Supervisor, had put together a packet for the Board of surveys from each school regarding the number of current maps and globes and also a cost analysis from three different vendors (see attached). These purchases will be in excess of $55,000 but are needed by the Distri9t. Dr. Williams recommended that the Board approve monies to purchase the needed maps and globes. The motion was made to accept the Superintendent's recommendation by Ms. Magness, and seconded by Dr. Mitchell. The motion carried 4-0. Mr. Fred Smith asked if the Board could decide tonight on the S.O.S. Business Case that had previously been brought before it. This Business Case is a savings for the District and needs immediate attention. Ms. Magness made the motion to approve the S.O.S. Business Case and Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. The Board also decided that they would vote on additional Business Cases at the March 14th Agenda Meeting. The Board went back into Executive Session at 6:27 p.m. Kenneth Price is a 9th grade student from Forest Heights Jr. High School. Kenneth was accused of sexually harassing a female student during third period class. After investigations by the Student Hearing Officer, Mr. Collier the assistant principal, and the office of Safety and Security, Kenneth was recommended for long-term suspension. An appeal hearing with Dr. Victor Anderson, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools was held on February 29, 1996. Again, the recommendation was upheld. After the Board went into executive session they returned with the Superintendent making a recommendation for Kenneth to be assigned to the Alternative Learning Center for the remainder of the school year under strict probationary terms. Kenneth will be able to reapply for regular school in the fall as long as he abides by his probationary terms and then his record will be esponged of the charge. Ms. Magness moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. The Board returned from executive session at 7:45 p.m. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendations for the three students whose appeals were heard. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Gee made a motion to adjourn at 7:39 p.m. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ~~() Suerickand,Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 14, 1996 (Edited - changes appear in Bold Italics) The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special Board meeting at 5:00 p.m. on March 14, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The President, Ms. Linda Pondexter, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Patricia Gee Ms. Sue Strickland Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness Dr. Katherine Mitchell MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Riggs, IV. ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Henry P. Williams, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Russell Mayo, Associate Superintendent Ms. Diane Edwards, Recorder of Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Board President, Ms. Pondexter, called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. Ms. Willingham, teacher ex-officio representative to the Board, was present at the Board meeting. The student ex-officio representative was not present. At 5:10 p.m. Ms. Pondexter called for the Board to go into Executive Session for Student Hearings. Student Hearings Dr. Linda Watson, interim student hearing officer, was present to provide background information regarding students who were recommended for expulsion from the District. Each of these students were expelled for weapons possession and/or physical assault and are appealing their expulsion and asking the Board for reinstatement. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 14, 1996 Page 2 Andrea Moore is a 10th grade student from Hall High School. She was found with a double-edged razor during an all school scan. The principal requested that Andrea be returned to school on probation. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement to Hall High School. Dr. Mitchell moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Michael Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Mitchell Younts is a 10th grade student from Hall High School. Mitchell was seen coming onto campus from the vicinity of Hall Drive by the campus security officer. As the officer approached Mitchell she smelled cigarette smoke. After Mitchell was directed to empty his pockets a single blade razor was found wrapped in paper inside his wallet. Ms. Gayle Bradford, principal indicated that she would have no objections to Mitchell's reinstatement to Hall High. Dr. Williams recommended reinstatement to Hall under strict probationary terms. Ms. Gee moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Magness seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. Shamika Hudson an 8th grade student from the Alternative Learning Center is charged with Physical Assault on a Staff member. This is the second time that Shamika has not been present at a set hearing date. Dr. Williams recommended to uphold the expulsion recommendation made by Dr. Marshaleck, principal of the Alternative Learning Center. Ms. Gee moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Michael Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. At approximately 5:26 p.m. the Board went out of executive session and into regular session. At this time Ms. Magness made the motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation for these students. Dr. Daughtery seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. A. Report: Old Forest Heights Junior High School Building Doug Eaton presented to the Board the timeline for the asbestos removal and demolition of buildings one (1) and seven (7) on the east campus. (See attached) On or about June 1 the demolition will begin. The estimated completion time for demolition, regrading and resodding of site is thirty (30) days. The entire project should be completed by July 1, 1996. Mr. Eaton also stated that Duane Benage, Principal of Forest Heights Junior High School is making initial contact with community groups and PTA to solicit recommendations and assistance with regard to area beautification once the buildings have been removed. B. S.O.S. Business Case This business case was voted on at the 03/05/96 meeting
however, it was not an open meeting so the vote had to be made again. Ms. Magness made a motion to accept the business case and Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 14, 1996 Page 3 C. Rebuilding Stephens School Ms. Pondexter called that rules be suspended to allow patrons from ACORN representing rebuilding Stephens School address the Board. A number of patrons were present at this meeting to voice their concerns that the Stephens school was not being rebuild. Ms. Zebralon Dukes, of Acorn, was the spokesperson for the group. Ms. Dukes said the group had many concerns as to why the school had not been rebuild when we have the money. Dr. Williams stated that we have part of the money but not all that is needed to rebuild. Dr. Daugherty stated that a tax increase was suppose to give us part of the money to rebuild but we had not received the money from the state. Dr. Daugherty stated that in a conversation with the city that he understood the city was waiting on the District.Ms. Magness stated that the Judge had questioned rebuilding facilities study that was done. Dr. Williams remarked that the Judge wanted to know if we could use a 700 seat elementary school. Dr. Williams recommended that we petition the court regarding the rebuilding of the Stephens school. Dr. Daugherty moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Strickland seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Ms. Magness made a motion to amend the Superintendent's recommendation to include the legal opinion from the Court and the financial impact report regarding Stephens school. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. At 5:41 p.m. the Board took a short break. At 5:45 p.m. the Board resumed. D. ServiceMaster Richard Grant with ServiceMaster made a presentation concerning ServiceMaster's work the District to date. Attached is a copy of his presentation. After this presentation Mr. Grant was open for questions from the Board. Dr. Daugherty questioned 3.2, 3.28 of the Contract between LRSD and ServiceMaster. This section of the contract states that there will be no change in work hours or work condition. Dr. Daugherty stated that changing an employee from working at one school for eight hours a day to an employee working at two schools four hours each per day and changing an employee from a day shift to a night shift is changing an employees work hours and conditions and this is in violation of ServiceMaster's contract. At this time four LRSD employees spoke in opposition of ServiceMaster. Barbara Hobbs from Cloverdale Elementary stated she had been working by herself since March 6, she has spoken with Harrison Fairfax of Plant Services but no one else will speak with her. Safety and not being able to keep her building clean is a great concern of Ms. Hobbs. Next Willie Givens of Central stated there are "too many chiefs and not enough indians". The custodial staff has been reduced at Central to five employees. There is no way that five employees can keep Central clean inside and out. Everyone is on a schedule that is so tight it doesn't allow for variations that happen in a school. Ms. Betty Mitchell with the CTA stated her concern was that 12 month employees had been changed to 9.25 month, 8 hour employees had been SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 14, 1996 Page 4 changed to 4 hour, daytime workers had been changed to night workers. All of this had been done with no consideration to the employee's situation. Kenny Fisher of Cloverdale Jr. High stated that this is counter-productive to change to ServiceMaster in mid-school year and the fact that it is impossible for one custodian to thoroughly clean a building with 82,000 sq. ft. Ms. Gee said that she would publicly like to thank Mr. Fisher for everything he had done for her son while he was a student at Cloverdale Jr. High. Mr. Fisher had been more than a custodian, he was mentor, teacher, counselor and friend and she appreciated all that he had done. Dr. Mitchell asked why had custodians been cut? Who is responsible for getting subs in the buildings? Who has ultimate authority? When after hours activities are taking place is overtime paid to the custodians? At this Dr. Daugherty made a motion that LRSD restore all service employees to their former positions except those affected by pay increases or dismissed by due process. This was seconded by Ms. Gee. Ms. Magness questioned the Board's authority as they are a policy making unit and not administrative. Ms. Magness encouraged the Board to wait until we check our legal position. Dr. Daugherty then called for the question. Roll was called: Motion carried 4-2. Ms. Pondexter - Yes Ms. Gee - Yes Ms. Strickland Dr. Daugherty Ms. Magness Dr. Mitchell - Yes - Yes - No - Abstained The Board then recessed at 6:45 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 7:00 p.m. E. Approval of 1996-97 Proposed Budget Ernie Davis on the Advisory Committee for Financial Stability presented the Committee's recommendations to the Board for consideration. See attached. Dr. Daugherty asked if the reduction in full-time staff members reflected this in administration staff as well as teachers? Ernie Davis stated that it did. Mr. Ernie Davis stated that the committee felt the Board should study the proposed budget in detail in order to determine where expenditures could be reduced while still delivering a high-quality level of service to all students. He also stated that the entire committee or members of the committee would be in agreement to meet with the Board and/or staff members to assist in revising the budget if the Board so desired. Ms. Pondexter said she felt that was an appropriate thing and a consensus was made for the Board to meet with th~ committee on Monday, March 18, 1996, 5:30 p.m. in the LRSD Board Room. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING March 14, 1996 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT Ms. Magness made a motion to adjourn at 7:11 p.m. Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVED: 5 o23 -C/(, ~ ==[) SuStriclclarrd, ~ry LIITLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LIITLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 28, 1996 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. on March 28, 1996, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The President, Ms. Linda Pondexter, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Pondexter Ms. Sue Strickland Ms. Patricia Gee Dr. Michael Daugherty Ms. Judy Magness
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources.

<dcterms_creator>Little Rock School District</dcterms_creator>