Memos received

ADE Memos - Received 9-17-97 To Provide Financial Incentives for National Baord Certification of Teachers Public Hearing Transfers of Students/Relations with other Schools Petition for Transfer of Students Special Education Programs Special Education Program Approval and Required Data Collection Relations with Election Authorities Results of the Annual School Election, September 16, 1997 Research/ Administrator Reports Title I, ESEA Quarterly Report of Cash Distribution Tuition/ Administration of Nonresident Students Tuition Agreement Form Special Education Programs Public Hearing: Proposed Rules and Regulations to Implement the Braille and Large Print Textbook Appropriation Arkansas Young Writer's Award Winners Celebration of Young Readers and Writers Banquet Curriculum Development, Adoption and Review Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing African-American History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501) 682--i-P.> RAYMOND SIMON, Director NO: ACC-98-023 Page: 1 of 4 Date: September 11, 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Secondary Principals Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: None Middle/Jr. High Principals Elementary Principals There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Accountability: Frank Anthony Subject: To Provide Financial Incentives for National Board Certification of Teachers Regulatory Authority: Act 1225 of 1997 Contact Person: Skip Hibblen, Coordinator Professional Licensure Index Code: GCFC Phone No: (501) 682-4342 The 1997 Arkansas Act 1225 outlined procedures for the Arkansas Department of Education to provide financial incentives for National Board's certification of teachers. The attached rules and regulations have been approved by the State Board of Education at it's September 8, 1997 meeting and have been properly filed. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Chalnnan-WILLIAM B. FISHER, ParacoaW VluChainnan- LUKE GORDY, Van Bun,n Memben: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., FJ Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocen JoNELL CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXOr., Arkadelphia JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., McGehtt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR., Tn rbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttle Rock ANITA YATES, BaatonvWe An Equal Opportunity Employer I ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RULES AND REGULATIONS To Provide for Financial Incentives for National Board Certification of Teachers 1.00 Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Regulations to Provide for Financial Incentives for National Board Certification of Teachers. 1.02 These regulations are enacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Act 1225 of 1997. 2.00 Purpose 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to set forth regulations to provide for financial incentives for National Board Certification of Teachers. - 3.00 Definitions 3.01 NBPTS: National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. 4.00 Eligibility Requirements 4.01 Application shall be made to the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure for petition of state funding. Components of the application shall include: a) proof of possession of a valid Arkansas teaching license, b) proof of three (3) or more years of teaching experience in an Arkansas public school, and c) proof of formal application to the NBPTS. 4.02 Shall NOT have previously received state funding for participation in any area in the NBPTS program. 4.03 Applications will be funded on a "first-come, first serve" basis. 5.00 Payment of fees 5.01 Shall apply only to the extent that funds are appropriated to the Department of Education. 5.02 The Department of Education shall pay one-half() of the NBPTS participation fee. 5.03 Other assistance, if determined to be necessary by the Department of Education, may include substitute pay for a maximum of three (3) days of approved paid leave for teacher participating in the NBPTS program. Repayment of Moneys 6.01 Repayment of state moneys for the NBPTS participation fee is required if recipient: (a) does not complete the certification process, or (b) after completing the certification does not teach in the Arkansas public school system for two (2) continuous school years. 6.02 Repayment of moneys is not required due to: (a) death or disability of teacher, or - (b) other extenuating circumstances as may be recognized by the State Board of Education. ACT 1225 OF 1997 "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR FINANCIAL INCENTIVES FOR NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS." BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards ( .. NBPTS") was established in 1987 as an independent nonprofit organization to establish high and rigorous standards for teachers
to develop and operate a national voluntary system to assess and certify teachers who meet these standards
and advance related education reforms for the purpose_of improving student learning in the United States. In order to apply for the NBPTS certification process, the NBPTS requires teachers to have three (3) years or more of teaching experience, to have graduated from an accredited college or university. and to possess a valid state teaching license. A teacher may become NBPTS certified by successfully completing a year-long certification process in which the teacher must develop a portfolio of student work and videotapes of teaching and learning activities for NBPTS review. participate in the NBPTS assessment center simulation exercises, and successfully pass an examination testing content knowledge. SECTION 2. (a) The State Department of Education shall pay one-half (1/2) of the NBPTS participation fee and provide, if determined to be necessary by the State Department of Education, substitute pay for a maximum of three (3) days of approved paid leave for teachers participating in .the NBPTS program. A teacher shall have completed at least three (3) years teaching in the Arkansas public school system before applying for NBPTS assistance under this act, and shall not have previously received state funding for participation in any certification area in the NBPTS program. (b) A teacher who receives state moneys for the NBPTS participation fee, but who does not complete the certification process or who becomes certified buf does not teach in the Arkansas public school system for two (2) continuous schoo~years after receiving the NBPTS certification, shall repay the state the amount it contributed to the NBPTS participation fee. (1) Repayment of moneys contributed by the state are not required if the teacher does not complete the NBPTS certification process or does not teach in the Arkansas public school system for two (2) continuous school years after completing the certification process due to the death or disability of the teacher or other-extenuating circumstances as may be recognized by the State Board of Education. (c) Provisions of this act shall apply only to-the extent that funds are app~ated to the Department of Education to pay for these provisions. SECTION 3. Codification aause SECTION 4. Severability aause SECTION S. Repealing aause Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK AR KAN ~A~ 722ul - l 07 l ( ~Ul J h~~ --l~ 75 RAYMOND SIMON. Director NO: FIN-98-115 Page: 1 0f 1 Date: September 11. 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Other: Other Educational Agencies Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: Optional There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Internal Administration: Dr. Bobbie Davis Subject: Public Hearing Index Code: BEE Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution of Funding to Isolated School Districts Proposed Rules and Regulations Related_to General Facilities Funding Proposed Rules and Regulations Related to Growth Facilities Funding Proposed Rules and Regulations Related to Student Growth Funding Proposed Revisions to the Rules and Regulations Governing Special Education Expenditure Requirements Regulatory Authority: Act 1307 of 1997 Section 2 (17) (28), Act 1318 of 1997, Acts 197 and 1194 of 1995, Ark_ Code Ann. 6-20-303 as amended by Act 1307 of 1997 Contact Person: John Kunkel Diane Sydoriak Phone No: 682-4258 Phone No: 682-4221 NOTICE: The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), Finance and Administration, will hold a public hearing on Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Criteria Used to Identify and Distribute Funding to Isolated School Districts
Growth Facilities Funding
Student Grow1h Funding
and Proposed Revisions to the Rules and Regulations Governing Special Education Expenditure Requirements. The public hearing will be held Tuesday, September 30, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. in the auditorium of the Arch Ford Education Building, #4 Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas. Copies of the proposed rules and regulations are attached. Written comments from the public will be accepted until Monday, October 13, l 997 _ Those comments should be sent to: John Kunkel. Associate Director Arkansas Department of Education #4 Capitol Mall, Room 202-A Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1071 STATt
BOARD OF F:DIJCATION : f'halnnan - WILLIAM ll t"JSHER, Paraiould Vke Chairman LI 1,.t I_. RI)\ I ,, u,,,en M<mben: EDWIN 8. ALDERSON, ,JR., El Dorado CARLE RAl:GETT, Roin JoNELL CALDWELL, llryant MARThA IJl>,.U."\, Arkot1p1u .JAMES McLARTY 111, Nowport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., M~h LEWIS THOMPSON, JR.. Texarkana SHERRY WALKER, Littl< Rock ANITA YATES, S.ntonW An Equal Opportunity Employ<r 1.00 Arkansas Department of Education Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution of Isolated Funding Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Regulations governing the distribution of funding to Isolated School Districts in accordance with Act 1381 of 1997 and Ark~sas Code Annotated 6-20-303 (17) as amended by Section 2 (17) of Act 1307 of 1997. 1.02 These regulations are enacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Arkansas Code Annotated 6-11-105 (Repl. 1993) and 6-20-305 (1995 Supp.). 2.00 Purpose 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to establish criteria by which a school district may choose the basis for calculation of the district's isolated funding and to establish a isolated funding factor. 3.00 Definitions 3.01 Isolated Funding - The state financial aid provided to local school districts with an average daily membership of less than three hundred fifty (350) from funds made available for that purpose. 3.02 Isolated Funding Factor - A factor calculated by dividing the isolated funding by the total amount qualifying school districts would be eligible to receive based on the calculation of aid as defined by law. 4.00 Selection of Method of Calculation 4.01 School districts with an ADM of less than 350 will not be required to apply for isolated funding as established by Arkansas Code Annotated 6-20-303 (17) as amended by Section 2 (17) of Act 1307 of 1997. 4.02 School districts which may elect to qualify for isolated funding as provided in Act 1318 of 1997 shall apply to the Department of Education. 5.00 Application for Aid 5.01 School districts applications to qualify for isolated funding, in accordance with Act 1318 of 1997, shall be on forms provided by the Arkansas Department of Education. 5.02 Applications to qualify for isolated funding are due by May 15, preceding the school - year for which Isolated Funding is to be provided. 5.03 The Department of Education shall review all applications for isolated status to determine compliance with all eligibility criteria. 6.00 Funding Distribution 6.01 Isolated funding shall be calculated as defined by law. 6.02 Funds shall be distributed by multiplying each qualifying school district's isolated funding by the Isolated Funding Factor. 1.00 Arkansas Department of Education Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution of General Facility Funding Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Regulations governing the distribution of General Facility Funding. 1.02 These regulations are enacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Arkansas Code Annotated 6-11-105 (Repl. 1993) and 6-20-301 et seq. (Supp. 1995). 2.00 Purpose 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to provide the calculation for distribution of General Facility Funding. 3.00 Definitions 3.01 Average Daily Membership (ADM) - The total number of days attended plus the total number of days absent by students in grades kindergarten through twelve (K-12) during the first three quarters of the previous school year, divided by the number of school days actually taught in the school district during that period of time I rounded up to the nearest hundredth. 3.02 Base Local Revenue Per Student - The revenue per student to which the state equalizes calculated by taking the sum of the total available State aid for State Equalization Funding per student and ninety-eight (98%) of the base millage times the total state assessed valuation, and seventy-five (75%) of miscellaneous funds collected in the previous year, divided by the total state ADM. 3.03 General Facility Funding -The amount of funds budgeted by the State Board in any specified year provided to qualifying school districts for the purchase of school buses, furniture, equipment, computer software or renovation or repairs of existing facilities. 3.04 General Facility Funding Factor - The amount of funding per Average Daily Membership (ADM) not to exceed a rate established by the State Board of Education. 3.05 Local Revenue Per Student-In each year, ninety-eight percent (98%) of the amount of revenue available, whether or not collected, in a local school district, solely from the levy of the uniform rate of tax, plus seventy-five percent (75%) of the average miscellaneous funds collected in the previous five (5) years or previous year 4.00 3.05 Local Revenue Per Student (Continued) whichever is less divided by the average daily membership of such local school district for the previous year. 3.06 Miscellaneous Funds - Those funds received by a local school district from federal forest reserves, federal grazing rights, federal mineral rights, federal impact aid, federal flood control, wildlife refuge funds, severance taxes, funds received by the district in lieu of taxes, and local sales and use tax dedicated to education pursuant to 26-74-201 et seq., 26-74-301 et seq., 26-75-301 et seq., and 14-164-301 et seq .. 3.07 Qualifying School Districts - The school districts having a Department of Education approved facilities needs assessment justification. 3.08 State Equalization Funding Per Student - The amount of state financial aid per ADM provided to each local school district calculated by subtracting the Local Revenue Per Student from the Base Local Revenue Per Student. 3.09 State Wealth Index - The result of one ( 1) minus the ratio of local revenue per student divided by state equalization funding per student. Calculation 4.01 For districts qualifying for general facility funding, multiply the Average Daily Membership (ADM) times the product of the state wealth index and the general facility funding factor. 4.02 One calculation to determine the distribution of general facility funding shall be made each school year. No adjustments in general facility funding will be made during that specified year. 4.03 Local districts whose local revenue per student is above the state equalization funding per student shall not be eligible for general facilities funding. 5.00 Funds Carried Forward 5.01 Funds may be carried forward but shall remain restricted to purchases defined in Section 3.03. - - 1.00 Arkansas Department of Education Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution of Growth Facility Funding Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education regulations governing the distribution o! Growth Facility Funding. 1.02 These regulations are enacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Arkansas Code Annotated 6-11-105 (Repl. 1993) and 6-20-305 (Supp. 1995) 2.00 Purpose 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to provide the calculation for distribution of Growth Facility Funding. 3.00 Definitions 3.01 Growth Facility Funding - The amount budgeted by the State Board of Education to be provided to qualifying school districts in any specified year for capital outlay which means for the acquisition of land or a school site, construction of new school facilities and bond payments for the same purposes. 3.02 Growth Facility Funding Factor - The amount of funding per Average Daily Membership (ADM) growth sufficient to expend the funds budgeted by the State Board of Education in any specified year for those Districts who qualify as defined by Section 3.06. 3.03 Average Daily Membership (ADM)- The total number of days attended plus the total number of days absent by students in grades kindergarten through twelve (K-12) during the first three quarters of the previous school year, divided by the number of school days actually taught in the school district during that period of time/ rounded up to the nearest hundredth. 3.04 Average Daily Membership Growth (ADMG)-The difference between the ADM for the previous year and the ADM for first quarter of the current year. 3.05 State Average ADM Growth- The difference between the total previous year ADM for all school districts and the ADM for all school districts for the first quarter of the current year. 3.06 Qualifying School Districts - The school districts whose ADM growth exceeds the state average ADM growth and which have a Department of Education approved facilities needs assessment justification. 4.00 Calculation 4.01 For districts qualifying for growth facility funding, multiply the Average Daily Membership Growth (ADMG) times the ratio of total funds available for allocation divided by the total increase in student's in those local school districts eligible for growth facilities funding. 5.00 Funds Carried Forward 5.01 Funds may be carried forward but shall remain restricted to purchases defined in Section 3.01. 1.00 Arkansas Department of Education Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution of Student Growth Funding Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Regulations governing the distribution of Student Growth Funding. 1.02 These regulations are epacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Arkansas Code Annotated 6-11-105 (Repl. 1993) and 6-20-305 (1995 Supp.). 2.00 Purpose 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to establish criteria by which the State Department of Education will distribute student growth funding. 3.00 Definitions 3.0 Student Growth Funding - The amount of state financial aid provided to each local school district from the funds made available for that purpose. 4.00 Calculation 4.01 Student Growth Funds shall be calculated as the base local revenue per student multiplies by eighty hundredths (.80) times the increase, if any, in such local school district's average daily membership for the first two quarters of the current year over the local school district's average daily membership for the previous year. 5.00 Funding Distribution 5.01 By December 30th of each year the Department of Education shall distribute seventy five percent (75%) of student growth funds to districts calculated on the increase in the first quarter average daily membership in the current year over the local school district's average daily membership for the previous year. 5.02 Upon completion of the calculation of each local school district's average daily membership for the first two quarters of the current year, the Department of Education shall distribute the balance of student growth funding. 5.00 ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING SPECIAL EDUCATION EXPENDITURE REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL EDUCATION 5.01 CALCULATmG TIIE EXPENDITURE FOR SERVICES ON BEIM:LF OF STUDENTS 1.vITII DISABILITIES 5.01.1 BASIC EXPENDITURE REQUIREMENT TO BENEFIT SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS The flfflOttnt to be e'll:pended fur serviees ttn:d sttpports thttt direedy ttn:d indireed, benefit stttdents eYalttttted as speeial edttetttion students in aeeordttn:ee with e'll:isting federal ttt1:d state lttVvs ttn:d Department of Edttetttion regttltttions is ealettlttted as fulloN: A. Caleulttte a three ,ear a.erage pereentttge not to e'll:eeed hvelve and one half (12.5%), based on the three (3) im:meditttely preeeding Deeember 1 eottnts of students in speeial edttetttion (in the distriet)
and B. Mttltiply the three year a. erage pereentage not to e'll:eeed tv, el e ttn:d one half (12.5%) time the aterage dail) membership (of the distriet) and mttltiply the resttlt times sil<ty futtr httndredths (.64) times the Base Loeal Reventte Per Student. 5.01 ~ CALCULATING THE MINIMUM EXPENDITURE REQUIREMENT FOR eN BEHALF OF SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS 5.01.r:-1 The minimum budgeted expenditure per capita on behalf of special education students must be equal to the expenditure requirement for the most recent fiscal year for which information is available, consistent with maintenance of effort requirements under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 5.01 .2.2 For loeal edttetttion ageneies v.'hose ealettltttion is greater thttn: the most reeent fiseal , ear fur v,hieh infurmation is a'vailable, the loeal edttetttion agene, mttst bttdget the inereased fl:fflottnt or five pereent (5%) more than the most reeent foeal year fur v,'hieh infurmtttion is !l"tailable, .vhiehe .'er is the lesser amottnt. Any loeal edttetttion ageney may ehoose te e}ff'end more than the mini:mttm reei:ttired e'll:penditure. ror local cth1cation a!!
cncics v hosc calculation in 5.01.l is less than the c>tpcnditurc in most recent fiscal )CM fer v hich information is a.ailablc, the local education agcnc) must bttdget an amottnt eqttal to the e>tpenditttres of the most recent fiscal year fur v hieh information is a.ailable throttgh any combination of state and local funds. 5.02 ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES 5.02.1 MEETING THE MINIMUM EXPENDITURE REQUIREMENT ON BEHALF OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 5 .02.1.1 Any expense incurred by a local education agency as a result of providing special education and related services to eligible individuals with disabilities may be budgeted and counted as meeting the expenditure requirement. Maintenance and operating costs of a district may be charged as special education expenses on a pro-rated basis consistent with the instructions for completing the consolidated state and federal application for the use of funds under the IDEA. Costs for building and/or upgrading facilities for special education services may be charged as special education expenses on a pro-rated basis consistent with the instructions for completing the consolidated state and federal application for the use of funds under the IDEA. A local education agency may count for purposes of meeting the minimum expenditure any expenditures for services/supports which benefit students with disabilities including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: A. Broad-based staff development activities which provide staff with skills and knowledge that will improve instruction for all children. B. Instructional materials and supplies, including technology, which will enhance the learning environment and improve instruction for all children. C. Trained instructional paraprofessionals to increase the ability of the teacher to address the diverse learning and behavioral needs of all students within the classroom or other instructional setting. D. Specialized staff, such as school psychology specialists and licensed social workers, to increase access to specialized services that may be needed to meet the diverse learning and behavioral needs of all students within a building or district. .. E. Specialized services for students with diverse learning and behavioral needs who may not be identified as eligible students under the IDEA. F. Special Education and related services to eligible students with disabilities, ages 3 to 5 ( or kindergarten), may be counted to meet the minimum expenditure requirement. G. Pre-referral interventions for students not yet identified as eligible students with disabilities under the IDEA. H. Services for students who are qualified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but who are not eligible under the IDEA. I. Services and support for students exiting special education services who are no longer receiving services in accordance with an IEP. 5.03 PROVISION FOR WAIVER 5.03.1 Distriets may ela:im a.n e,teeptien frem the htel.e a:nd ene ha:lfpereent (12.5%) bttsed en the three yea:r tt. erage Deeember 1 ehild em:mts if the distriet ettn pretide deeumenttttien thttt (1) the distriet htts high gro1tth in the distriet inelttding tt gre wth in the nttmber ef students reeei ving speeittl edttetttien serviees, er (2) the tt't erttge dttily membership ef the distriet is se sma:H thttt ttsing the 12.5% ettp .. ill athersely ttffeet the distriet's bttdget for speeittl edttetttien servtees. 5.03.2 A eemmittee ..-ill retiew the requests for wa:iver a.nd make reeem:menda:tiens te the Arka.nsa:s Depttr..ment ef Edttetttien for ttetien. 5:-B4 WAIVER OF STATE AND LOCAL EXPENDITURES FOR COMPLIANCE 5.03 WITH FEDERAL NONSUPPLANT 5:-B4:+ Local education agency applications for federal funds under the IDEA must meet 5.03.1 the nonsupplanting requirements in 34 Cede ef Federttl Regttltttiens 300.230. the amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA. 1997). 5.04.2 Alleua:nee is mttde in 34 CFR 300.230(b)(I) ttnd (ii) for: 5.03.2 Section 613(a)(2)(B) of the 1997 IDEA states: a local educational agency may reduce the level of expenditures where such reduction is attributable to: Al the voluntary departure. by retirement or otherwise. or departure for just cause. of special education personnel: ID decrease in the emollment of children with disabilities: Q the termination of the oblii:ation of the ai:ency. consistent with this part. to provide a proi:ram or special education to a particular child with a disability that is an exceptionally costly program, as determined by the State educational agency, because the child: ill has left the jurisdiction of the agency: QU has reached the age at which the obligation of the agency to provide a free appropriate public education to the child has terminated: or illD no longer needs such program of special education: or ID the termination of costly expenditures for long-term purchases, such as the acquisition of equipment or the construction of school facilities. A. deereases in enrollment of children nith disabilities, ftnd B. ustmlly large amounts offttnds expended fer such long term pUi'f'OScs as the acquisition of equipment and the construction of school facilities. 5. 04 .3 Additional allo .vftnec Wt ill be considered fer high costs associated .v-ith stttdcnts in residential or other high cost placements that arc no longer rcceirting such scniccs from the local education agency n'ftich inctHTed the costs the prc1tious year. 5-:G4:4 To qualify for an allowance under 5.05.2(B) 5.03.2(0) a district must incur the i.0.3..J. cost within a single year rather than amortize the cost against the district's required expenditure as is currently provided within the consolidated application for the use of state and federal funds for special education. Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 Sl ATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. AR KANSAS 72201 -1071 (~OJ ) M,~--1-1 75 RAYMOND SIMON, Director NO: FIN-98-117 Page: I of~ Date: September 11 , 1997 Forward Copies To: Type of Memo: Regulatory Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Response Required By: Those Affected Assistant Director, Internal Administration: Dr. Bobbie Davis Subject: Transfers of Students/Relations with other Schools Petition for Transfer of Students Index Code: LB Regulatory Authority: Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-316, 6-18-317, and 6-18-318 Contact Person: Sheri Davis Phone No: 682-4258 Enclosed is a Petition for Transfer of Students form. You may make copies of this form for your use or request copies from the Department of Education when necessary. In compliance with Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-3 I 6, please make note of the following: I. Forms for use in transferring children from one (I) school district to another shall be provided by the Department of Education. Please use the attached form
it supersedes all other transfer forms. Old forms will no longer be accepted. It is necessary for all signatures and effective dates to be completed before approval. 2. After the petition has been approved by the board of directors of the resident school district and the board of directors of the receiving district, copies of transfers shall be filed by the receiving district with the office of the county clerk, with the administrative offices of the respective school districts, and with the Department of Education. 3. This legal transfer of a student from one ( 1) district to another places the responsibility for the education of the student on the receiving district and permits the recei\'ing district to count these children in a\'erage daily membership for state aid purposes. Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-317 states: "(a) Boards of director of local school districts arc prohibited from granting legal transfers in the following situations: (I) Where either the resident or the receiving district is under a desegregation-related court order or has ever been under such a court STATE BOARD ot EDl'C'ATION: C'halnnan WILLIAM U t'ISHt'.R, Paraio.W Vkt Chairman Ll'KF. GORD\ , Van Bunn l\.ltmMn: EDWJ!lt B. ALDERSO!I, JR., EJ Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocrn JoNUJ CAl.DWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXO'-, .\rkadelplua .JAMES Mel.ARTY Ill, !'icwport BETTY PlCKETT, Conway RIC'HARD <. SMITH, JR., McGehee LEWIS THOMPSO!'i, JR., Tuarkana SHERRY WALKER, Uttk Rock ANITA YATES, BaltonvWe An Equal Opportunity Employer Director's Communication No. FIN-98-117 September 11, 1997 Page 2 of2 order
and (2) The transfer in question would negatively affect the racial balance of that district which is or has been under such a court order." The transfer form is accompanied by an affidavit on the reverse side of the form. Each member of both boards must sign the affidavit stating that the transfer does not violate the prohibition set forth in subsection (a) of this section. Any district not currently under a desegregation-related court order but which has been under such a court order in the past may apply to the State Board of Education for a waiver of the prohibition set forth in Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-318. PETITION FOR TRANSFER OF STUDENTS - STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF _______________ _ TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE _________________________ _ (Resident School District) I, ________________ , petition that my children or wards, as listed below, now residing in the ____________________ School District in _________ County, Arkansas, be transferred to the _________________ School District in _________ County, Arkansas, for educational purposes under the provisions of Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-316 authorizing such a transfer, effective the ___ day of ____ _ 19 __ . NAME AGE NAME AGE (Signature of Petitioner) CONSENT OF RESIDENT DISTRICT The Board of Directors of _______________ School District of ____________ _ County, consents to have the student (s) listed above transferred from said school district. Date Board Authorized Transfer President of School Board CONSENT OF SERVICING DISTRICT The Board of Directors of ______________ School District of _____________ _ County, consents to have the student (s) listed above transferred to said School District. Date Board Authorized Transfer President of School Board File approved copies with: (1) resident district, (2) servicing district, (3) county clerk and (4) Department of Education, Local Fiscal Services, Room 202-A, Little Rock, AR 72201. If the school districts are in different counties, copies should be filed with both county clerks. FIN-09-00-016 9/97 (See reverse side) TRANSFER OF STUDENTS AFFIDAVIT According to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-317: "(a) Boards of directors of local school districts are prohibited from granting legal transfers in the following situations: (1) Where either the resident or the receiving district is under a desegregation-related court order or have ever been under such a court order
and (2) The transfer in question would negatively affect the racial balance of that district which is or has been under such a court order." Whereas, the Board of Directors of ____________ School District, in _________ County (resident district), and the Board of Directors of School District, in ________ _ County (servicing district), have agreed to have the student(s) listed below transferred ____________ , 19 _ , and in granting this transfer have in no way violated Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-317. Name Age Name Age RESIDENT DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS' SERVICING DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS' SIGNATURES SIGNATURES FIN-09-00-016 9/97 Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK . ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501 l 6b2-.l -Pj RAYMOND SIMON. Director NO: ACC-98-021 Page: 1 of2 Date: September 11, 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-op Directors Other: Special Education Supervisors Type of Memo: Administrative Response Required By: All There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Accountability: Frank Anthony Associate Director, Special Education: Diane Sydoriak Subject: Special Education Programs Special Education Program Approval and Required Data Collection Regulatory Authority: 34 CFR 300.382
300.600 Contact Person: ADE Area Supervisors Clent Holly Susie B. Nelson Index Code: IlIBA Phone No: (501) 682-4225 (501) 682-4223 (501) 682-4222 Enclosed is a data collection packet which contains forms and instructions for special education program approval and needs assessments for personnel and inservice training. The packet is designed to consolidate data collection activities, thus reducing the burden on district personnel for reporting required data throughout the year. To expedite the reporting process, information on your Local District Special Education Summary Form and Special Education Service Provider Form submitted for FY 1996-97 has been copied and is being provided for verification only. The Local District Special Education Summary Form will provide information needed to approve your district's special education program for FY 1997-98. Only students identified as disabled and who are receiving special education services in approved programs may be counted for the calculation of special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B. Districts may also use information submitted on this form to analyze technical as5istance needs in special education. (over) STATE BOARD Of' EDUCATION: Chairman - WILLIAM b. tt:>Ht.k, l'anio..W Vlu Chairman - LUKE GORD\-, Vlln Buron Mmben: EDWIN 8. ALDERSON, JR., El Dondo CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocn JoNELL CALDWELL. Bryant MARTHA DIXOili, Ari<adlplua ,JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., M<Gehtt LEWIS THOMPSON. JR .. Tn rbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttl, Rock ANITA YATES. BentonvW An Equal Opportunity Employu Director's Communication No.: ACC-98-021 Page 2 of2 Following the receipt and review of the special education program approval information, Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Area Supervisors will notify district superintendents as to the status of their special education program. If a program is not approved, recommendations for obtaining approval will be provided. The district must then submit a revised Local District Special Education Summary Form for reconsideration. Questions concerning the Local District Special Education Summary Form should be directed to the ADE Special Education Area Supervisor. The two (2) additional forms (Special Education Personnel Needed and Inservice Training Needs Survey), in conjunction with the Special Education Service Provider Form, will provide information needed to respond to annual federal data reporting requirements mandated by PL 94-142, Part Band Part D. These data may also be used to determine manpower trends in special education and to determine the potential supply of personnel in the present and future. Information provided on the Inservice Training Needs Survey will provide a basis for establishing state priorities for inservice training topics and audiences. If you have questions about the Special Education Service Provider Form contact Clent Holly. Contact Susie Nelson if you have questions about the Special Education Personnel Needed or Inservice Training Needs Survey Forms. The completed forms are due on or before October 1, 1997, and should be forwarded to: bt Arkansas Department of Education Special Education Grants and Data Management 4 Capitol Mall, Room 105-C Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1071 INSTRUCTIONS PART/ LOCAL DISTRICT SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM SUMMARY FORM A computer printout of the FY 1996-97 Local District Special Education Summary Form is enclosed in the Superintendent's packet only. Changes for FY 1997-98 should be made with a red pen on this form, signed by the Superintendent and Special Education Supervisor and returned to the address listed in the enclosed memo. Please ensure that changes for .l!ll data points are indicated (e.g., race, gender, per period range). Incomplete forms will be returned, thus delaying the approval process. If there is not enough space on the computer printout to add new units, please use the enclosed blank computer form for that purpose. ITEM I Identify each unit by placing the appropriate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) of the position in the corresponding box, which is identified on the form as item "I" (i .e., 1.0 for FTE). A teacher serving students in two settings (i .e., resource room, consulting teacher) should be listed under ~ setting with the corresponding FTE for each setting. A resource room teacher or speech therapist providing services on different campuses within the same district should combine his/her caseload district wide and list under resource room or speech therapy. If, on the other hand, two or more districts share a teacher or a speech therapist, each district is responsible for reporting the FTE of the position under the appropriate item I category. To determine the FTE for a teacher assigned to the integrated classroom model (ICM), calculate the percentage of students with disabilities (up to one third of the total class size). Refer to Informational Director's Communication No. 93-250 and Administrative Director's Communication No. 94-196 for additional information. This FTE should be placed in the Resource Room column. ITEM IT Utilizing the following codes, identify the categorical unit type of each teacher. A unit is only considered categorical if 100% of the students served in the unit have the same disability. Classes composed of students with various disabilities are considered non-categorical (NC) programs. Teachers in these classrooms should be entered as NC under Item II. AU Autism DIB - Deaf/Blindness HI - Hearing Impairment MR - Mental Retardation MID - Multiple Disabilities OI Orthopedic Impairment OHI Other Health Impairment SED - Serious Emotional Disturbance ITEMID SI SLD TBI VI Speech or Language Impairment Specific Learning Disability Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Enter the level of teacher unit according to the following codes: ITEM IV E MS JH SH - Elementary Middle School Junior High Senior High JE - Junior High and Elementary JS - Junior and Senior High SE - Senior High and Elementary All - Elementary Through Senior High For each unit position listed which reflects a personnel change, red line existing personnel information. List the name that appears on each teacher's certificate or license, last name first. Use a red pen to delete positions no longer in existence. Enter the Special Education Supervisor's name only if he/she has instructional duties part of the day. New units may be added on the computer printout as space allows. Do not list here other types of purchased services providers. Do not list names of aides or other noncertified support staff. Do not send copies of teacher contracts. ITEMV Enter the Social Security Number of school personnel listed. For purchased service speech therapists, list licensure number or, if not applicable, Social Security Number. Please check for accuracy. ITEM VI Enter "a, b, c, or d" in Column VI according to personnel certification status, as follows: a. A teacher in his/her first year of teaching special education in Arkansas, but not fully certified, who has: - a valid Arkansas Teaching Certificate, - an approved Deficiency Removal Plan (DRP) and will have a minimum of 12 hours in special education no later than the end of the third quarter. 2 b. A teacher in his/her second year of teaching special education in Arkansas, but not fully certified, who has: - a valid Arkansas Teaching Certificate, - an approved DRP and will have a minimum of21 hours in special education no later than the end of the third quarter. (See note at the end ofltem VI.) c. A teacher in his/her third year of teiiching special education in Arkansas with more than 21 hours in special education, but not fully certified, who has: - a valid Arkansas Teaching Certificate, - an approved DRP, and - a letter from the Arkansas Department of Education recommending to the State Board of Education that additional time be granted to meet certification deficiencies. A copy of this letter must be attached to the Special Education Program Summary Form. Failure to do so could result in partial or conditional approval of a special education program. d. Full certification in special education or appropriate licensure. NOTE: If certification is not obtained by the end of the two-year period, a letter from the Superintendent to the Associate Director of Special Education must be written indicating the special circumstances and requesting additional time. The letter will be reviewed by the ADE. The ADE will recommend to the State Board of Education whether or not the district should receive additional time to meet certification deficiencies. ITEMVIl Enter the number of hours the staff member is engaged in special education instruction, including up to one allowable planning period. ITEM VIII Enter the total number of students identified as disabled currently assigned to each position under the "TL" column. This total should equal the sum of the five columns which follow it. Designate the number of students served by category as follows: BM - Black Male BF - Black Female ITEM IX WM - White Male WF - White Female Enter the per period range for cl ass size (i.e., 2-5). 3 HM - Hispanic Male HF - Hispanic Female ITEMX For personnel listed where an aide is assigned, enter for part-time aide or E for full-time aide. ITEM XI Indicate with an "X'' in this column any personnel providing speech therapy as a purchased service. ITEMXIl Indicate with an "X'' in this column any personnel assigned to the integrated classroom model. To complete this form, obtain the appropriate signatures and date the form. PERSONNEVPROGRAM STANDARDS RELATIVE TO PROGRAM APPROVAL I. PROVISIONS FOR QUALIFIED PROVIDERS A. TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROGRAM APPROVAL Certification of teachers for accreditation is not the same as the qualification requirements for program approval. The requirements for program approval are for the purpose of funding. For certification requirements related to accreditation, please contact an ADE Field Service Specialist. Special education teachers not fully certified in special education MUST forward a copy of their most current transcript and an approved DRP to their ADE Area Supervisor, Special Education. Failure to do so could result in the district's program not being fully approved. As course work is completed, an updated transcript must be forwarded to the ADE Area Supervisor, Special Education. Course work should be completed in a timely manner. If a situation arises which prohibits the completion of course work by the end of the third quarter, an extension to June 1, 1998, may be granted if requested in writing by the superintendent. This request should be made to the ADE Area Supervisor, Special Education. Approval of a DRP must be obtained from the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure, ADE. (See Regulatory Director's Memo No. 90-46.) The following is an excerpt from Regulatory Director's Memo No. 87-26 which lists the guidelines to be followed when correcting certification deficiencies: 1. Individuals who are completing courses under an approved DRP must complete a minimum of21 hours during the two-year period following the filing of their plan. 4 2. If certification is not obtained at the end of the two-year period, the ADE will recommend to the State Board of Education whether the district should receive additional time to meet certification deficiencies. 3. Enrollment in a college or university to complete course work must commence either the semester the person is employed or the one which immediately follows. B . . SUBSTITUTES When a fundable teacher is unable to fulfill a contract, the district may count the cost of hiring a substitute as a special ducation expenditure using the following criteria: I. Substitute (non-certified or certified, but not in special education): For the purpose of special education program approval a substitute teacher should not be used for more than forty-five ( 45) consecutive days in the same position unless an emergency situation prevails at which time permission may be granted for a total of ninety (90) days by the State Department of Education, Special Education. 2. Substitute employed as a speech therapist must meet minimum ADE certification or licensure requirements. C. QUALIFIED EXAMINERS Examiners utilized by districts must be qualified as required on pages 2-4 and 2-5 of "Program Standards and Eligibility Criteria for Special Education." (Hereafter referred to as the Program Standards.) Use of student evaluators is discussed on page 2-5 of the Program Standards. The name of each examiner ( or supervisor of examiners, if contracting with a group) is required for verifying qualifications. As a result of Ark. Code Ann. 17-24- 101 and 102, Licensed Professional Counselors, whose training warrants inclusion of psychological testing on their Statement oflntent, may be employed as examiners by public schools in Arkansas. Il. CONTRACTEDPROGRAMS Program approval for provision of services by private providers is determined by the application submitted by the private provider to the Department of Education, Special Education. Approved programs are listed in the Arkansas Education Directory. The Local Education Agency is not responsible for seeking approval of the private provider
however, districts may not count students served for State Equalization Aid or IDEA Part B funds unless the program providing services has been approved. 5 Local school districts that purchase educational services for their students from another district or approved special education program must complete a tuition agreement which is ultimately approved by the Department of Education, Finance and Administration. Ill. TEACHER/PUPIL RATIO A. TEACHER/PUPIL RA TIO: CASELOAD 1. Refer to Program Standards page 7-1, for maximum caseloads. 2. Exceptions to the stated teacher/pupil caseload are detailed on pages 7-1 and 7-2 of Program Standards. 3. Waiver from the Maximum Teacher/Pupil Caseload a. Should an emergency situation arise creating the need to request a waiver from the maximum teacher/pupil ratio, the district must submit a letter to its Area Supervisor stating the reason(s) for exceeding the maximum teacher/pupil ratio and outlining a remediation plan. The Area Supervisor will forward a letter approving or disapproving the variance. b. Ten percent (10%) of the teacher/pupil ratio is the maximum variance approvable before funding is affected. For example, the noncategorical teacher/pupil ratio is 1.25
ten percent resource room maximum variance equals 2.5. When approved, the teacher/pupil ratio may increase to 1 :28. For a self-contained maximum teacher/pupil ratio of 1: 15, a ten percent (10%) variance equals 1.5. When approved, the teacher/pupil ratio may increase to 1: 17. c. Prior to approval for the ten percent (10%) variance, a full-time teacher aide must be employed for that class by the requesting district. For a I :6 classroom, a fulltime aide is already required
therefore, an additional aide must be employed before a district's waiver will be approved. d. If a district fails to secure approval for a variance of the teacher/pupil ratio, yet exceeds the teacher/pupil ratio outlined in Program Standards, page 7-2, the district's program will not be considered an approved program. Consequently, state and federal funds cannot be generated by the nonapproved program. e. Under no circumstances will a waiver be granted for an increase in maximum teacher/pupil ratios for speech/language therapists or teachers serving students in indirect placement. 6 B. TEACHER/PUPIL RA TIO: PER PERIOD CLASS SIZE NOTE: For itinerant instruction (excluding speech therapy) and resource services, a maximum of five (5) students per period, the number served should be as near to five (5) as possible Districts will NOT be cited for noncompliance with state standards when the per period class size is eight (8) students without an aide, if conditions warrant such an exception. However, the adopted guideline of five (5) students per period is considered to be best educational practice and should be adhered to whenever possible. Additional exceptions to the adopted guideline of fiv~ (5) students are: 1. Pre-vocational and vocational students who attend one class per day in the area of personal/social adjustment. 2. When the teacher has an aide to assist in follow-through activities, the per period load may be adjusted upward not to exceed 40% of the initial teacher/pupil ratio listed on page 7-1 of Program Standards. For example, the per period number may be increased to ten (10) students for noncategorical classes. The number of students served per period may not be increased beyond the allowable adjustments noted in 1 and 2, regardless of the approved maximum caseload, inclusive of waiver granted. C. INDIRECT SERVICES CASELOAD Districts will comply with guidelines issued by the ADE, Special Education Unit, for caseloads and services for consulting teachers providing indirect services. INSTRUCTIONS PART II SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICE PROVIDERS CURRENTLY EMPLOYED FORM A computer printout of the FY 1996-97 Special Education Service Providers Form is enclosed in the Superintendent's packet only. ITEMS I AND II Make changes in personnel on the computer printout with a red pen. List only personnel which are not included on the Local Special Education Program Summary Form (Part I). Obtain appropriate signatures and return to the address listed in the enclosed memo. Please note: Social security numbers are not necessary for non-certified personnel. 7 ITEM Ill Enter "a" or "b" to indicate certification or licensure status, as follows . Use NI A for employees not requiring certification or licensurc. a. holds full certification or licensure b. holds valid Arkansas Teaching Certificate and an approved DRP ITEM IV List the FTE for each person listed in the appropriate service provider column, including purchased service personnel, based on a 40-hour work week. The FTE for a speech-language pathology assistant/aide should be placed in the Teacher Aide column. ITEMY Indicate with an "X" in this column any purchased service personnel. ITEM VI Indicate with an "X" in this column any personnel assigned as a speech-language pathology assistant. ITEM VII Indicate with an "X" in this column any personnel assigned as a speech-language pathology aide. INSTRUCTIONS PART III SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONNEL NEEDED FORM Complete identifying information at the top of the form. One form per district must be submitted. COLUMN A Indicate the current position vacancies by FTE that exist for the district. If two or more districts share personnel, each district is responsible for reporting its FTE of the position. 8 COLUMNB Indicate with a plus(+) and FTE your projections for additional personnel by position type, or a minus (-) and FTE your projections for any decrease in personnel for each year listed. PART IV INSERVICE TRAINING NEEDS SURVEY Complete identifying information at the top of the form. One form per cooperative or district should be submitted. If a school district has its own early childhood program, submit only one form with needs indicated in the appropriate columns and rows. Early childhood programs in educational cooperatives will complete a separate form. For each target group in your cooperative or district needing training, select three (3) inservice training areas from the Inservice Training Areas list. Enter the content code of the in service training area and indicate number of personnel to be trained in the designated columns. Completed forms should be returned to the address listed in the cover memo. 9 SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONNEL NEEDED 1997-98 School Year - School District___________ County _____ Date ___ _ LEA# ---- Person completing this form ________________ Phone __________ _ COLUMN A COLUMNB NO.OF Net Change in Position(+ or - and nwnber) CURRENT DESCRIPTION OF POSITIONS VACANCIES 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 I. Supervisors/ Administrators 2. Mildly Disabled 3. Mod./Prof Disabled TEACHERS 4. Ser. Emot. Disturbed OF 5. Visually Impaired SPECIAL EDUCATION 6. Deaf/Hard of Hearing STIJDENTS 7. Mentally Retarded 8. Leaming Disability 9. Physically Handicap. I 0. Speech/Language Pathologist 11. Teachers of Preschool Disabled 12. Occupational Therapist 13. Physical Therapist 14. Adaptive PE Teacher 15. Rec. & Therapeutic Rec. Spec. 16. Diagnostic & Evaluation Staff I 7. Interpreters 18. Psychologist 19. Rehabilitation Counselors 20. Audiologist 21 . Paraprofessional (Teacher Aides) 22. School Social Worker 23 . Job Coach/Vocational Ed. Teacher 24. Workstudy Coordinator 25. Counselors 26. Other Professional Staff 27. Non-professional Staff - 34 CFR 300. 382 Part ID ADE Form No. SPED-00-00-00lR 8/97 IN SERVICE TRAINING NEEDS SURVEY Arkansas Department of Education Special Education/ Preschool (FY98) Co-op/School District ____________ _ LEA# ____ _ Education Service Cooperative your district belongs to: _______________ _ Name and title of person completing this ~orm: __________________ _ Date:____________ Phone: ______________ _ No. To No. To No. To Target Group Content Be Content Be Content Be Code Trained Code Trained Code Trained LEA Supervisors Early Childhood Coordinators Superintendents Co-op Director Principals Special Education Teachers Pre-School Spec Ed Teachers Speech/Language Pathologists Regular Education Teachers Regular Pre School Teachers Parents/Surrogate Parents Volunteers/Peer Tutors Paraprofessionals Job Coaches School Psych. Specialists/ Psych. Examiners Support Personnel (School Counselors, Nur -es, Phys./Occup. Therapists, etc.) Operations Personnel (Secretarial, Clerical, Maintenance, Transportation, Food Service, etc.) Head Start Other (Specify) 34 CFR 300.382 Part IV ADE Form No. SPED-01-00-0l0R 8/97 Content Code IN-SERVICE TRAINING AREAS (for students with Disabilities ages 3-21) 00 I Applying federal, state and local regulations to the provisions of Special Education and Related Services (laws, procedural safeguards, etc.). 002 Selecting assessment/diagnostic instrument, techniques or procedures 003 Interpreting assessment results and developing recommendations for intervention 004 Developing leadership skills to facilitate change (including team building) 005 Developing integrated curricula and programs for students with severe/profound disabilities 006 Utilizing strategic planning for developing a local CSPD plan 007 Integrating students with disabilities into regular school-based programs (non-academic activities, classroom modifications, learning styles, placement options, consulting teacher model and teacher assistance team model) 008 Applying classroom organization and management techniques 009 Using paraprofessionals, peer tutors and/or volunteers in educating all students with disabilities 010 Involving parents in a parent-school partnership 011 Developing conflict resolution and negotiation skills 012 Using effective conferencing skills 013 Developing curricula for students in secondary special education 014 Assessing speech/language disorders, developing intervention strategies (i.e. to include integrated speech therapy) 015 Assessing communication skills and implementing augmentative-assistive systems, including non-symbolic communication 016 Developing and implementing preschool programs on a public school campus 017 Developing and implementing programs for preschool children with disabilities (3 to 5 years), including consulting teacher model in preschool special education (see #7 reg.) 018 Training for transition of children with disabilities from Part H to preschool programs 019 Developing strategies for transitioning preschool students with disabilities to kindergarten 020 Training for transitioning students with disabilities from school to adult options 021 Developing strategies for returning students from restrictive settings to local school building sites 022 Other (Specify) Arkansas DIRECfOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201 -1071 (501) 682-4-P.5 RAYMOND SIMON, Director NO: FIN-98-114 Page: 1 of 1 Date: September 11, 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Type of Memo: Administrative Response Required By: All Assistant Director, Internal Administration: Dr. Bobbie Davis Subject: Relations with Election Authorities Index Code: KLB Results of the Annual School Election, September 16, 1997 Regulatory Authority: Ark. Code Ann. 6-14-115 & 6-14-121 as amended by Act 443 of 1997 Contact Person: Yvonne Williams Phone No: 682-4485 Each year the office of Local Fiscal Services collects results of the annual school election of each school district and compiles a state summary. Please complete and return this fonn with a copy of the ballot (regular or absentee) by September 30. 1997. The date for run-off elections will be October 7, 1997. RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 I. Number voting for and against the proposed millage ___ FOR ___ AGAINST. 2. Please place a check mark on the ballot beside the name of the board member in each position who won the election. 3. If there were other issues on the ballot, please indicate if they passed or failed . 4. TOT AL MILLS voted in the September 1996 election _______ _ 5. MILLS voted in the September 16, 1997 election: Dedicated M&O(Capital Outlay) ____ Debt Service ___ Total Mills __ _ Signature of Superintendent School District and LEA # District Telephone Number County Please return to: Arkansas Department of Education, Local Fiscal Services, #4 Capitol Mall, Room 202-A, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 ST ATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: O..U- - WILLIAM B. FISHER, P......... Va~ LUICE GORDY, Van Bun,n M.,.llen: EDWINB. A.LDERSON,JR., l!IDo,...o CARLE.BAGGETT,11.opn JoN!LLCALDWU.L...,_ MARTHADIXOl'i,Arudlphsa JAMES McLARTY Ill, N-,or1 BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD r. SMITH, Jll., Mee-. . LEWIS THOMPSON, JR .. Tn run SHERRY WALKER, Uttlo Rock ANITA VA TES, Jlaloevlllo An Equal Oppommlty Employor Ari<ansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501) 682-4-P.$ RAYMOND SIMON, Director Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Other: Title I Coordinators NO: SI-98-019 Page: 1 of 1 Date: September 11, 1997 Type of Memo: Administrative Response Required By: All There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, School Improvement and Instructional Support: Frank Anthony Subject: Research/ Administrative Reports Index Code: CL Title I, ESEA Quarterly Report of Cash Distribution Regulatory Authority: 34 CFR Part 80.40 Contact Person: Brenda Irvin Phone No: 682-4482 Enclosed is your Title I Quarterly Report of Cash Distribution for the second quarter. Instructions for completion of the form may be found on the reverse side. Please be sure to complete and return to the Federal Finance Office prior to September 20, 1997. PLEASE RETURN A COPY TO: Arkansas Department of Education Federal Finance 4 Capitol Mall, Room 204-A Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1071 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: C'llalfflWI - WILLIAM H. FISHER, Para1.W VluCllaifflllUI - LUKE GORDY, Van BuN'n Mtmlien: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Ro1n JoNELL CALDWELL. Bryant MARTHA DIX01', Ariladtlphi JAMES McLARTY JJJ, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., McGehtt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR., Tn rbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttlt Rock ANITA VATES. BeatonvWt An Equal Opportunity Employtr Second Quarter TITLE I - !ASA QUARTERLY REPORT OF CASH DISTRIBUI'ION Item 1: Budget Needs for the Second Quarter category A. Total Budgeted By Object B. Expenditures 07-01 to 09-30 by Object C. Total Budget Needs 10-01 to 12-31 by Object D. Remaining Available By Object Item 2: Reconciliation Employee Salaries Object 10 1 Employee Benefits Object 20 2 Purchased Services Object 30 3 A. Beginning Cash Balance 07-01 $ _______ _ B. Revenue Received 07-01 thru 09-30 $ ________ _ C. Available 07-01 through 09-30 $ ______ _ D. Expenditures Through 09-30 $ ________ _ E. Cash on Hand 09-30 $ ______ _ F. Budget Needs 10-01 thru 12-31 $ _______ _ G. Total Funds Requested this Quarter $ _______ _ (F inus E) Ite 3: Requested Funds by Month A. October B. Noveber C. Deceber D. Total Amount Requested (Must Equal Item 2--0) $ ________ _ $ _______ _ $ ________ _ $ ________ _ Materials Supplies Object 40 capitol outlay Object 50 5 Other Objects Object 60 6 Total for All Objects 4 7 FOR DEPAR.nttml' OF EDUCATION USE ONLY 1991 Ftlfids Pald 1<!9B Etmtir-: P'ai ii $ ________ _ $ ________ _ $ ________ _ $ _______ _ $ _______ _ $ _______ _ --------. $ _______ _ $ _______ _ $ ________ _ $ _______ _ $ ________ _ $ _______ _ $ ________ _ $ _______ _ Date Paid School District ________________________ _ County ________ _ LF.A Code Number __ _ Form ~e- red By Requir CFR Part 80.40 T~ e ADE . 0006 Phone N1111ber__,..,..---- 07/1992 Item 1: Item 2: Item 3: QUARTERLY REPORT OF CASH DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS Enter in the total amount budgeted by Object in Line A. These amounts are found in the budget on Page 3 of the approved program (Part A, Line 3 Totals). INDIRECT COST SHOULD BE INCLUDED UNDER OB.lECT 60. On Line B enter the expenditures 7-1 to 9-30 by Object. On Line Center the total budget needs of your district for the months of October, November, and December by Object. Do not request funds budgeted for Indirect Cost until June. The entries for Line Dare determined by subtracting the entries in Lines Band C from the entries in Line A. Line A Line B Line C Line D Line E Line F Line G Enter the Cash on Hand as of July 1. This amount will be on the Notice of Grant Award as well as in the district's books. Enter the total revenue you have received or expect to receive for the time period July 1 through September 30. Add cash on hand (Line A) and total revenue received (Line B). Enter sum in this blank. Enter total expenditures (expended or expected to be expended by September 30). This entry should equal Line B, Column 7 of Item 1. Subtract total expenditures (Line D) from total available (Line C) and enter cash on hand September 30. Enter total budget needs of your district for the months of October, November, and December. Subtract Line E cash on hand from Line F total budget needs this quarter to determine total funds requested. The amount requested should always be in even dollars--NO CENTS! Enter the funds needed for October, November, and December. The total is equal to Item 2, Line G, above and does not include cash on hand. TO INSURE PAYMENT IN EARLY OCTOBER, THIS FORM SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE FEDERAL FINANCE OFFICE BY SEPTEMBER 20. Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARI\.ANSAS 72201 10.,1 (501) 61-
2 4-P5 RAYMOND SIMON, Director NO: FIN-98-116 Page: 1 of2 Date: September 11. 1997 Type of Memo: Regulatory Fonvard Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Response Required By: Those Affected There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Internal Administration: Dr. Bobbie Davis Subject: Tuition/ Admission of onresident Students Index Code: JFAB Tuition Agreement Form Regulatory Authority: Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-202 (d) (I). 6-18-204 Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-205 (b) (I) (A), 6-18-316 (f) Contact Person: Sheri Da\ is Phone o: 682-4258 A Tuition Agreement form is enclosed for use by those school districts which find it necessar) to purchase educational services for their students from another district or an approved special education agency. lfyou have need for such forms. please reproduce the attached form as needed. The receiving district may enter into a tuition agreement with either the resident district or the parents of the child/children involved. whereby the resident district or the parents \\ ill make tuition payments to the receiving district to compensate for the educational cost of the transferring student. Please refer to the above mentioned codes for conditions in enrolling a student in grades 9-12 in another district under a tuition agreement. the amount required to pay under these circumstances. and the course of action to take because of failure to pay under these and other circumstances. A tuition agreement must be approved by each district/agenc) involved. The receiving district/agency shall keep attendance records on the children attending that district/:1gency under a tuition agreement. I hese attendance records shall be reported to the resident district qua1terl) STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Chairman WILLIAM 8 . nsm.R, P n,:ould Vk Cluunnan - Ll'KE GORD\, \'an Burrn '1-hmbort : EDWIN B ALDERSO!li, JR, El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Roen JoNELl, CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA mxo, . .\rl.adelptua .JAMES McLARTY 111, N~r1 BlsTTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., M~htt LEWIS THOMPSO,. JR., Tnarkana SHERRY WALKER, Uttk Rock ANITA YATES. BattonvW An Equal Oppomanity Employu Director's Communication No. FIN-98-116 September 11, 1997 Page 2 of2 so the resident district will in tum have correct records to report to the Department of Education for aid purposes. After completing a tuition agreement, mail the original and three copies to the Department of Education. After reviewing the tuition agreement, the Department of Education will mail approved copies to the resident district, receiving district/agency and the county school supervisor. (File tuition agreement in quadruplicate) TUITION AGREEMENT The _______________________ (Resident District) of __________ County hereby agrees to pay to _____________ _ ___________ (Servicing District) of ____________ County tuition in the amount of$ _____ per pupil for providing educational services to its students in _______ (grades) during 19 _ -19 _ . CONDITIONS*: ________ -'-------------------- *The specifics of the agreement should be given here, i.e., whether the payment is per enrollment, ADA or ADM, for the current or previous year
how payment is to be made (annually, semi-annually, monthly, etc.)
who pays transportation and/or any other costs
are attendance records to be furnished
and other pertinent information. RESIDENT DISTRICT SERVICING DISTRICT (Signature, President of Board) (Signature, President of Board) (Signature, Superintendent) (Signature, Superintendent) ADDRESS ADDRESS Approved: _____________ _ Date: ________________ _ Public School District or approved Special Educational School. "District" may include "Educational Cooperatives" established pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 6-13-902 . ._end all copies to the Department of Education, Local Fiscal Services, #4 Capitol Mall, Room 202-A, ~ ittle Rock, Arkansas 72201-1071. FIN-09-00-015 9/96 ,,. - .-,,
. - (l)1~~=-=E::".:~=-i\~R~~==M~s~E~N-T-0F_
E~o:.:.u:.:.:R,.:_'C:.:.JX=M:r.:.:.:u.:..:.:.i1 0~C/li.:.:.:.N::.:..N _ W, 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201:1071 (501) 682-4-P> RAYMOND SIMON, Director Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-op Directors Others: LEA Supervisors *EC Coordinators *Other Interested Parties NO: ACC-98-022 Page: 1 of 1 Date: September 11, 1997 Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: Optional There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Accountability: Frank Anthony Associate Director, Special Education: Diane Sydoriak Subject: Special Education Programs Index Code: IHBA Public Hearing: Proposed Rules and Regulations to Implement the Braille and Large Print Textbook Appropriation Regulatory Authority: Public Law 94-142, as amended Contact Person: Diane Sydoriak Phone No: (501) 682-4221 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with a copy of Proposed Rules and Regulations to Implement the Braille and Large Print Textbook Appropriation and to provide notice of the public hearing on these proposed regulations. The Public Hearing is scheduled for: October 2, 1997 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Auditorium of the Arkansas School for the Blind 2600 West Markham, Little Rock, AR Written comments will be taken until 4:30 PM on October 11, 1997. Written comments should be addressed to: Diane Sydoriak, Associate Director Arkansas Department of Education Special Education #4 Capitol Mall, Room 105-C Little Rock, AR 72201-1071 * W",U be maikd by Specilll Eactdlo., STATE90ARDOFl!.DUCATION: CW.---WJLUAMK.nSHl'.a. .......... Vlee<::...--~GOllDY,\ll"ttl M-Mn: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JJl., l!'l Denllo CARL I. L\CGETT, llepn Jel'IU.L CALDWa.L, .,_ MARTHA DIXON, Arilalltlphia JAMES McLAllTY Ill, Nowport BETTY PICKETT, c-y RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., McGdltt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR., Tnarbna SHERRY WALKER. UUlt Rock ANITA YATES..___.. An f.ltual Opport.any Eaployu 1.00 ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROPOSED RULES AND REGULATIONS To Implement the Braille and Large Print Textbook Appropriation Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Regulations to Implement the Braille and Large Print Textbook Appropriation. 1.02 These regulations are enacted pursuant to the State Board of Education's authority under Act I 005 of I 997. 2.00 Purpose 3.00 2.01 It is the purpose of these regulations to set forth the criteria for determining student eligibility for adaptive textbooks (i.e. braille and large print). 2.02 These regulations define the process for local school district access to such adaptive textbooks for students with visual impairments. Definitions 3.01 For the purpose of these regulations, adaptive textbooks are defined to mean braille and large print. 3.02 IDEA refers to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 3.03 IEP means the individualized education program for a student with disabilities under the IDEA. 3.04 Learning Media Assessment (LMA) authored by Koenig, A. & Holbrook,C. ,1995, is a structured systematic procedure used to gather information and document decisions regarding the selection of reading and writing media for students who are visually impaired. 3.05 Minnesota Braille Skills Inventory published by the Minnesota Department of Education, 1995, is a comprehensive assessment of braille skills including knowledge of braille contractions, nemeth code, foreign language codes and computer braille. 3.06 Informal Reading Inventories (IRls) as used in these regulations refers to commercially available IRis which are adapted into braille and large print and used as a part of continuing assessment to determine student progress in reading as measured by reading comprehension and reading rate. 3.07 Reading rates are measured using informal reading inventories and content texts and are one component of the data needed to determine efficiency in a student's current literacy media. 3.08 Informal functional vision assessment as used in these regulations refers to teacher observations which provide evidence of a student's use of visual ability in near and distance tasks. 4.00 Administration 4.01 The braille and large print textbook program for students with visual impairments shall be administered by the Arkansas School for the Blind in conjunction with the Arkansas Department of Education's designee from Internal Administration. 5.00 Eligibility For Adaptive Textbooks 5.01 The following criteria should be considered when determining the appropriate reading medium for students with visual impairment. 5.01.1 Observations made by, but not limited to, the classroom teacher, parent, vision teacher and regional vision consultant. 5.01 .2 Assessment by a regional vision consultant, vision teacher or reading teacher to include the following, as appropriate. 5.01 .2.1 Learning Media Assessment Minnesota Braille Skills Inventory informal functional vision assessment reading rates 5.01.3 Eye specialist report detailing acuity, pathology and prognosis. 5.01.4 Media/functional vision evaluation by a low vision specialist. 5.01.5 Student's IEP team recommendation. 6.00 School District Access to Adaptive Textbooks 6.01 Local school districts must assess any student whose visual impairment adversely affects his/her educational performance as to the student's need for adaptive textbooks. 6.02 For the purpose of these regulations, the criteria stated in Section 5.00 shall be the minimum criteria for determining student eligibility. 6.03 Local school districts may seek assistance for assessing a student's need for adaptive textbooks by calling the Educational Services for Visually Impaired located at the Arkansas School for the Blind. 6.04 Following a determination that a student is eligible for adaptive textbooks, the regional vision consultant serving the local school district will approve the purchase of textbooks for each student determined eligible. 6.05 The regional vision consultant will complete an Educational Materials Center book order form and transmit the form to the Educational Materials Center at the Arkansas School for the Bltnd. 7.0 Costs 7.01 There shall be no charge to local school districts for the large print or braille textbooks, unless the book is lost or is severely damaged. 7.02 Should a textbook be lost or sustain such damage as to render the book unusable, the district will be billed for the costs associated with replacing the book. Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK . ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501) 61i2-4-l 7 j RAYMOND ~IMOr-.. Director NO Sl-98-020 Page: l of2 Date: September 11, 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors Middle/Jr. High Principals Elementary Principals Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: Those Affected Other: Librarians There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, Accountability and School Improvement: Frank Anthony Subject: Arkansas Young Writer's Award Winners Celebration of Young Readers and Writers Banquet Regulatory Authority: None Index Code: AEB Contact Person: James A Hester Phone No: 501-682-4371 The Arkansas Young Writer's Award, sponsored by the Arkansas Elementary School Council, is completing its third year of operation. The annual banquet "A Celebration of Young Readers and Writers" will be held at Sherwood Forest, Sherwood on Thursday, September 25, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. Barbara Robinson, author of The Best School Year Ever, Charlie May Simon Medallion Winner, and Mary Hahn, author of Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story, Honor Book winner will do presentations at the banquet. Please see enclosed map and instructions for ordering tickets and books. Twenty-four young authors will be recognized as outstanding writers. The students being recognized are as follows: Mary Hitt Lain Lawrence Wendy Owen Marcy Tarno Lauren Bridges Brandi Aleshire Amy Cessor Jessieville Elementary Russellville Middle School Rose Bud Eiementary Maynard Elementary Benton Middle Van Cove Lakeside Middle, Lakeview "The Wind "How Mr. Shears Got a Job at the White House" "The Lucky Coin" "Unknown Protector" "Buttercup Wishes" "Bees" "At Least Somebody Loves Me" STATE BOARD Of EDUCATION: Chairman - WILLIAM II. HSHF.R, Poraiollld Vkt Chairman - LUKE GORD) . \-an Buren MrmlN,n: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARI. E IIAG<
ETT, Roe~ JoNELL CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA lllXO.,, , .\rl..od,lphia ,JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conwoy RICHARD C'. SMITH, JR., Mc:Gehtt LEWI~ THOMPSON, JK, l <>arl...ul SHERRY WALKER. Uttlt Rock ANITA YATES, S...ton~W An Equal Opportunity Employu Courtney Magness Lisa Mccullen Stahr Mangrum Heather Johnson Clarke Lindsey Gray Christie Surber Jessica Baker Nicole Billingsley Rebecca Moss Christopher William Ison Luke Rothwell Justin Burris Emily Tyson Judy Jenkins Katy Stone Brandy Trout Newark Elementary Van Cove Elementary Buffalo Island Central West Elementary College Station Elementary, Pulaski County Belwood Elementary, North Little Rock "A Wish" "Relaxation" "Ernie, The Nerd--Yet My Best Friend" "What Reading Means to Me" "The Planet That Glowed" L. F. Henderson Elementary, "The Haunted House" Ashdown Oakbrooke Elementary, Pulaski County Prescott Middle School Bright Star Elementary Cato Elementary Pulaski County "The Tornado" "The Holocaust" "Our Darling Emrnaly" "It Could Happen" Walker Elementary, Springdale "My Trip Through The Tunnel" Oakbrooke Elementary, Pulaski County Bright Star Elementary Maynard Elementary L. F. Henderson Elementary, Ashdown Tuckerman Elementary "The Field" "The New Kid" "Mothers Birthday Surprise" "Sunsets" "Hiding In The Bathroom" A CELEBRATION OF YOUNG READERS AND WRITERS BANQUET PLEASE RETURN NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 19, 1997 I/we will attend the Celebration ofYoung Readers and Writers Award Banquet on Thursday, September 25, 1997, at Sherwood Forest in Sherwood. The price is $11.00 for students and $18.00 for adults. Make checks payable to the ARKANSAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COUNCIL. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH, ONLY CHECKS. Enclosed is $- -------for- ---------student reservations. En closed is $ for adult reservations. DO NOT SENT TICKET ORDERS TO SHERWOOD FOREST Your confirmation may be obtained at the registration table before the banquet. The confirmation will be under your school district name, or if it is an individual, it will be under the name of the person(s) attending the banquet. Registration will begin at 4:30. No tickets sold on site. Name Name Name School and City School and City School and City Mail to: James A. Hester, Secretary/Treasurer Arkansas Department of Education Arkansas Elementary School Council 4 Capitol Mall, Room 302-B Little Rock, AR 72201-1071 REGISTRATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY SEPTEMBER 19, 1997, AND RECEIVED BY SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 I - BOOK ORDER INFORMATION I would like to order the following books to be picked up on Thursday evening, September 25, I 997, at Sherwood Forest in Sherwood. Make checks payable to the Arkansas Elementary School Council. Please do not mail cash, only checks. In the event, when your order is received all books have been sold, you will be notified by telephone of the lack of books and your check will be returned. Books can be picked up on Thursday evening, September 25, 1997, at the time of registration. Name of person purchasing books Work telephone number Name of School City THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER by Barbara Robinson Enclosed is for hardback books $15 .00 each Enclosed is for aperback books $5 .00 each TIME FOR ANDREW: A GHOST STORY by Mary Hahn Enclosed is -------for --------hardback books $15.00 each Enclosed is _______ for ________ _.aperback books $5.00 each TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED --------- Mail to: James A. Hester, Secretaryffreasurer Arkansas Department of Education Arkansas Elementary School Council 4 Capitol Mall, Room 302-B Little Rock, AR 72201-1071 DEADLINE FOR SENDING IN BOOK ORDERS IS SEPTEMBER 19, 1997 Lit t1e lb::k I-)'.) I-est
1-bry.larl Ave. G mi 11.nidptl Aiq:ort 1111 W. H1ryla--cf A~. B.:-1234 Ari<ansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 722011071 (501) 682-44 75 RAYMOND SIMON, Director Forward Copies to: Superintendents, Co-op Directors Secondary Principals Middle/Jr. High Principals Elementary Principals NO: SI-98-021 Page: Page 1 of 1 Date: September 11, 1997 Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: None There are attachments to this memo. Assistant Director, School Improvement and Instructional Support: Frank Anthony Subject: Curriculum Development, Adoption and Review Index Code: IG Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing African-American History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness Regulatory Authority: Act 326 of 1997 Contact Person: Dr. Gayle Potter Phone No.: 501-682-4558 The Arkansas Department of Education will hold a public hearing on the proposed rules and regulation for African-American History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness. The hearing will be October 3, 1997, beginning at 1 :00 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Arch Ford Education Building in Little Rock, Arkansas. A copy of the proposed rules and regulations for African-American History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness is attached. Written comments regarding the proposed rules and regulations will be accepted by Dr. Gayle Potter, Associate Director, Curriculum and Instruction, #4 Capitol Mall, Room 106-A, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, until October 30, 1997. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Chairman-WILLIAM B. FISHER, Pan10.W VluClwnnan - LUKE GORDY, Van Bun,n Mrmben: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Roa:n JoNELL CALDWELL. Bryant MARTHA DIXON, Arkadrlplua JAMES MtLARTY Ill, Nnrport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, JR., M~ LEWIS THOMPSON, JR., Tnarbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttk Rod, ANITA YA TES, Bmtonvlllr An Equal Opportunity Employer ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROPOSED RULES AND REGULATIONS AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY AND RACIAL AND ETHNIC AWARENESS 1.00 African-American History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness 1.01 These regulations shall be known as the Arkansas Department of Education Regulations Concerning AfricanAmerican History and Racial and Ethnic Awareness. 1.02 The State Board of Education enacted these regulations pursuant to its authority under Act 326 of 1997. 2.00 Purpose of Regulations 2.01 The purpose of these regulations is to establish a task force to select instructional resource materials appropriate for teaching African-American history in all grade clusters in kindergarten through grade twelve in the public schools to advance in the training of educators in racial and ethnic awareness. 3.00 Definitions 3.01 Training: training of school district personnel in the use of instructional materials combined with the development of their greater awareness of ethnic and racial differences. 3.02 Black History Task Force: the only group commissioned to recommend instructional resource materials for use in African-American History. 4.00 Composition of seven person task force 4.01 These regulations indicate that the seven (7) members of the Black History Task Force shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Black History Advisory Committee of the Arkansas History Commission. 4.02 These regulations mandate that the Black History Task Force of seven (7) members is to be composed of classroom teachers representing each of the grade clusters in K-12 and an historian from an institution of higher learning. Members shall represent the regional diversity of Arkansas. 5.00 Reviewing bodies 5.01 For the purposes of these Rules and Regulations, a "reviewing body" is any person or organization that would serve to evaluate or critique the work of the Black History Task Force. 5.02 These regulations maintain that the Black History Task Force will not be composed of any person from any reviewing body, such as the Arkansas Department of Education or the Black History Advisory Committee. 6.00 Distribution of Funds 6.01 When funds are available for African-American History expenditures in public schools, such funds will be distributed for the purchase of materials from a prepared resource list on a per pupil basis to local school districts or to educational service cooperatives. However, the Arkansas Department of Education may elect to fund pilot programs on a competitive basis, in lieu of per pupil disbursements. 6.02 At least ninety (90) percent of all funding shall be dedicated to the purchase of material and/or required training. 7.00 Training 7.01 Each school district shall send a district trainer for training as a resource for others in the district in the use of instructional materials and in racial and ethnic awareness and sensitivity. 2 7.02 All training for African-American History implementation shall be delivered through the statewide system of education service cooperatives and the three (3) Pulaski County school districts. 7.03 During the required training session, each trainer shall receive training in developing greater awareness of ethic and racial differences, improving interpersonal skills, and enhancing racial harmony. 7.04 All training required by the Black History Task Force for teachers of African-American History shall be concluded by August 1, 1999, if funds are available. 7.05 All materials recommended by the Black History Task Force for teachers of African-American History shall be authorized by August 1, 1999, if funds are available. 3 ADE Memos - Received 9-24-97 Funding Proposals, Grants and Special Projects, ~ ight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Act Proposed Rule and Regulations on Duty to Report Student Criminal Acts School District Annual Report Textbook Selection Use of Technology Resources in Instruction Internet Use by District Owned Computers Results of the Annual School Election, September 16, 1997 Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ,-S, .. ATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501) 682-4-P.S RAYMOND SIMON, Director SEP 2 t 1997 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-Op Directors NO: SI-98-023 Page: 1 of2 Date: September 18, 1997 Type of Memo: Administrative Response Required By: Optional There are attachments to this memo. (Eleven Page Evaluation Report) Assistant Director, School Improvement & Instructional Support: Frank Anthony Subject: Funding Proposals, Grants and Special Projects Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Act Index Code: DD Regulatory Authority: Title II of Improving America's Schools Act Contact Person: Gayle Potter Phone No: 682-4558 This memo contains the district's 1997-98 allocation for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development program, Title II of the Improving America's Schools Act (!ASA). Also included are forms to report activities and expenditures from 1996-97 and to project professional development initiatives for the new year. This is year three of a three-year project. In Year One each applicant was required to design a three-year professional development plan based on identified needs in the district (cooperative). Unless the needs have significantly changed, this year's activities will continue to be linked to that original plan. The application packet requires applicants to report on activities conducted during 1996-97, complete the expenditure report reflecting both Title II funds and required matching, and project a budget and time line for the 1997-98 project year. Listed are some major program guidelines that must be followed in the administration of the Eisenhower Professional Development Program. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Chairman - WILLIAM B. FISHER, Pn1CMIW VkcChalnnan - LUKE GORDY, Van Burtn Mtmbtn: EDWIN B. ALDERSON.JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocrn JoNELLCALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXON, Arkadtlplua JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C'. SMITH, JR., McGehtt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR, Tuarkona SHERRY WALKER, Uttlt Rock ANITA YATES, BmtonvWt An Equal Oppommlty Employtr ASSURANCES LEAs completing the application assure the SEA that it will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements as they relate to the application. Also applicant assures that: A. Teachers and children in private schools will share equitably in proposed LEA activities and that adequate notice of the opportunity to participate will be provided. B. Programs ofin-service training and retraining will take in account the need for greater access to and participation in mathematics and science programs by students from historically underrepresented groups, minorities, individuals with limited English proficiency, the economically disadvantaged, and the handicapped. C. Funds received under this program will be used to supplement, not supplant, programs in mathematics and science. D. The LEA agrees to keep such records and provide such information to the Department as reasonably may be required for fiscal audit and program evaluation consistent with the responsibilities of the Department under Title II. PROJECT ASSURANCES Identify the person(s) who will be responsible for administration of the proposed activities at the LEA (Cooperative) level. Name: Position: Telephone Number: The signature certifies that the proposed activities will be carried out in keeping with this proposal and the assurances above, and the LEA named on the application has authorized me as its official representative to file this application. Superintendent of Schools/Cooperative Director Date 1997-98 Schedule of Activities List project activities to be conducted during the 1997-98 project year. You must be as specific as possible in that monthly payments will be based on this schedule of activities. Project Activity Title II Funds Matching Month Scheduled (Copy and use additional pages if necessary.) - Materials. Eisenhower Program funds may be used to purchase supplies and materials that are necessary to conduct training activities. This does not include sets of materials for any individual teacher's classroom. Support for partnerships between schools, consortia of schools or local educational agencies, and institutions of higher education, to support both academic and pedagogical training for current and pre service teachers. Preparing teachers in the effective use of educational technology as instructional tools for increasing student understanding of mathematics and science. Professional development to ensure that girls and young women, minorities, limited English proficient students, individuals with disabilities, and the economically disadvantaged have full opportunity to achieve the challenging State content standards. Providing financial or other incentives for teachers to become certified by nationally recognized professional teacher enhancement programs. Preparing teachers to work with parents and families on fostering student achievement in mathematics and science. Special Provisions of the Legislation LEA Consortia. Under Section 2204 of the Act, any LEA receiving an Eisenhower Program allocation of less than $10,000 is required to form a consortium with at least one other entity receiving Eisenhower Program funds. Waiver Provision. The State Education Agency may waive the consortium requirement when a local district is able to demonstrate that it can implement an effective program of professional development as required in the Act with limit~ funds. Consideration of a waiver will depend on the overall potential of the project to meet the determined professional development needs within the LEA
the remote location of a district making expenses of a cooperative project more costly or outcomes less effective
or the extent to which project activities are supported by other local, state or federal funds. Local Cost Sharing. Each local educational agency shall provide not less than 33 percent of the cost of the activities proposed under this part, excluding the cost of services to private school teachers. Waiver of Cost Sharing. The State education agency may approve a waiver of the Local Cost Sharing requirement if a local education agency can demonstrate that such agency is unable to meet the 33% match requirement due to economic hardship and that compliance with such requirements would preclude such agency's participation in the program. LEA Focus on School-Level Activities. At least 80% of the funds available to an LEA must be spent on school-level activities as determined by teachers and other staff through the needs assessment. No more than 20% of the funds may be used for district-wide activities including reasonable administrative expenses (generally not to exceed 5% of the total grant amount). Information Sheet Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Authorized Activities: Each local educational district, school, or cooperative that receives funds under this program shall use such funds for activities that give teachers and administrators the knowledge and skills to provide students with the opportunity to meet the Student Learning expectations as listed in the Arkansas curriculum Frameworks. Professional Development activities funded under this program shall meet the following criteria: Be tied to the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks Take into account recent research on teaching and learning
Provide professional development which incorporates effective strategies, techniques, methods and practices for meeting the educational needs of diverse groups of students, including girls and women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, limited English proficient individuals, and economically disadvantaged individuals
Include strong academic content and pedagogical components
and - Be of sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teacher's performance in the classroom. Examples of Eligible Activities as described in the Act: Professional development for teams of teachers, and, where appropriate, administrators, pupil service personnel, or other staff from individual schools, to support teaching consistent with the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks. Support and time, which in the case of teachers may include released time with pay, for teacher, and, where appropriate, pupil service personnel and other school staff to enable such teachers and staff to participate in mathematics and science subjects that are Offered through professional associations, universities, and other providers. Activities that provide follow up for teachers who have participated in professional Development activities that are designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills learned by the teacher are implemented in the classroom. 1997 -1998 Budget Information Allocation of Funds Public School Allocation Private School Allocation Carryover from 1996-97 _____ _ Carryover from 1996-97 _____ _ New allocation 1997-98 ------ New allocation 1997-98 ------ (see printout) (see printout) Public School Subtotal Private School Subtotal Required Matching (33% of 97-98 Public School A/location) - Identify the source of matching funds. Note: Funds allocated for project activities must equal the sum of Total Grant Award and Required Match unless a waiver is requested and approved. (1996-97 Program Evaluation) 6. Budget Summary of Public/Private schools. Total grant award amount for public schools for 1996-97 (Includes any carry over from I 995-96) $ ______ _ Provide amount spent in each of the following categories: Reimbursement and/or stipend Consultant fees and expenses Materials and supplies used for conducting training Administrative expenses Other (please specify) Total project expenditures for 1996-97 Amount of 1996-97 Grant Award unspent to be carried forward. $ ----- Total grant award amount for private schools for 1996-97 (Includes any carry over from 1995-96) $ ------- Provide amount spent in each of the following categories: Reimbursement and/or stipend Consultant fees and expenses Materials and supplies used for conducting training Other (please specify) Total project expenditures for 1996-97 Amount of 1996-97 Grant Award unspent to be carried forward. $ ____ _ 7. Matching Funds/In-Kind Support for Professional Development Activities a. Local district or State funds used to match Title II expenditures $ ------ b. Other Federal funds used to match Title II expenditures $ ------ Source _______________ _ c. In-Kind contributions used to match Title II. $ ------ d. Total $ ------ (1996-97 Program Evaluation) 3. List the total number of participants in each of the following categories: (non duplicate count) A. Teachers B. Preservice teachers C. Administrators/Supervisors D. Other school staff Total 4. List the number of participants who were: A. Male B. Female 5. List the number of participants who were: A. White, non-Hispanic B. Black, non-Hispanic C. Hispanic D. Asian, Pacific Islander E. American Indian/ Alaskan Native 2. (1996-97 Program Evaluation) Private School Information Number of Participants Number of Participants Number of for Mathematics for Science Hours Trained Activity Elem. MIS Sec. Elem. MIS Sec. 1. (1996-97 Program Evaluation) Public School Information (List each activity conducted during Number of Participants Number of Participants Number of the 96-97 project year.) for Mathematics for Science Hours Trained Activity Elem. MIS Sec. Elem. MIS Sec. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Improving America's Schools Act School District or Cooperative: Address: City: County: EVALUATION REPORT 1996-97 School Year Zip: Telephone: Please return completed application on or before November 3, 1997 to: Dr. Gayle Potter Arkansas Department of Education #4 State Capitol Mall, 106-A Little Rock, AR 72201-1071 . .. Other Subject Areas. The IASA provides for subject areas other than mathematics and science to be included in the program. The extent to which funds may be directed to activities involving teachers other than mathematics and science teachers is dependent on the level of funding at the national level. For the 1997-98 year, 22. 7 percent of the funds may be directed to professional development in subject areas other than mathematics and science activities. Consortium. "Any local education agency that receives an allocation of less than $10,000 under this Title shall, ... form a consortium with at least one other local agency or institution receiving assistance under the act." Refer to the Information Sheet for conditions and procedures under which this agreement may be waived. Cost Sharini, Each local educational agency is required to provide not less than 33 percent of the cost of activities proposed under this Title, excluding the cost of services to private school teachers. Refer to the Information Sheet for conditions and procedures under which this requirement may be waived. Allocation and Distribution of Funds Allocations are based on two factors: 50 percent is distributed based on the total enrollment from public and participating private schools (where applicable), and fifty percent is distributed in the same proportion as funds received under Part A of Title I of the Improving America's Schools Act. Funds must be distributed based on the schedule of activities. It is imperative that the proposal identify, to the extent possible, activities that will be conducted during the year and that a cost be projected for each activity. The schedule of payments will be based on monthly needs to fund those activities. Current grant awards extend through September 30, 1997. Any expenditure of funds after that date must be by extension of the grant award or carried over into the new project. Once the plan has been reviewed and approved, the effective date of the new grant award will be the date that the new Schedule of Activities and Evaluation of the 1996-97 project were received by the Department of Education. Applications should be received on or before November 3, 1997. Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ATE C' APITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. AR KANSAS 72201- l 07 l (501) 682 -~-n
RAYMOND SIMON, Director NO: ACC-98-024 Page: 1 of 1 SEP 2 4 1997 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING Date: September 18, 1997 Forward Copies To: Superintendents, Co-op Directors *Other Interested Parties Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: None There is an attachment to this memo. Assistant Director, Accountability: Frank Anthony Subject: Proposed Rule and Regulations on Duty to Report Student Criminal Acts - Regulatory Authority: Act 1243 of 1997 Index Code: nH Contact Person: Theresa W. Dixon Phone No: (501) 682-4227 The Arkansas Department of Education will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule and regulation on Duty to Report and Investigate Student Criminal Acts. The hearing will be held October 6, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Arch Ford Education Building in Little Rock, Arkansas. A copy of the proposed rule and regulation is attached. Written comments regarding the proposed rule and regulation will be accepted until October 27, 1997. Comments should be addressed to: Theresa Dixon Staff Attorney Arkansas Department of Education #4 Capitol Mall, Room 404-A Little Rock, AR 72201 * Will be mailed by Attorney's Office STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Oudnnan . WILLIAM B. FISHER, Pancoalcl Vice Ownnan . LUKE GORDY, Van Buren Memben: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocen JoNELL CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXOI',, Ari<adelphia ,JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C'. SMITH, JR., McGehtt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR .. Tnarbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttk Rock ANITA YATES. BaatonvWe An Equal Opportunity Employer ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROPOSED RULES AND REGULATIONS ON DUTY TO REPORT STUDENT CRIMINAL ACTS 1.00 Regulatory Authority 1.01 These regulations shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education regulations governing the duty of school personnel to report student criminal acts. 1.02 The State Board of Education enacted these regulations pursuant to its authority under Ark. Code Ann. 6-17-113, as amended by Act 1243 of 1997. 2.00 Purpose of Regulations 2.01 The purpose of these regulations is to provide guidelines under which schools will report felony incidents or other crimes involving acts of violence against a teacher, school employee or student to law enforcement authorities. - 3.00 Definitions 3.01 "Felony" means a crime of a more serious nature than those designated as misdemeanors, as defined by Arkansas statutes. ~ Ark. Code Ann. 5-1-106 which classifies felony crimes. (A) Examples of a felony involving violence include, but are not limited to: Murder in the first degree, A. C. A. 5-10-102 Murder in the second degree, A. C. A. 5-10-103 Kidnaping, A. C. A. 5-11-102 Aggravated robbery, A. C. A 5-12-103 Rape, A. C. A. 5-14-103 Sexual abuse in the first degree, A. C. A. 5-13-201 Violation of a minor in the first degree, A. C. A. 5-14-120 Battery in the first degree, A. C. A 5-13-201 Terroristic act, A. C. A. 5-13-310 Unlawful discharge of a firearm from a vehicle, A. C. A. 5-7 4-107 3.02 "Other crime involving an act of violence" means the equivalent of "crime of violence" as defined by Ark. Code Ann. 5-74-103 (c) and 5-74-202 (c): 'any violation of Arkansas laws where a person purposely or knowingly causes, or threatens to cause, death or physical injury to another person or persons.' 3.03 "Reasonable belief' means the belief that an ordinary, prudent person would form under the circumstances in question and are not recklessly or negligently formed . See Ark. Code Ann. 5-1-102(18). 3.04 Student "enrolled" means a student who is registered to attend the school. 3.05 "Law enforcement officer'! means any public servant vested by law with a duty to maintain public order or to make arrests for offenses. See Ark. Code Ann. 5-1-102(12). 4.00 School Reporting Responsibility 4.01 The principal or designee who has direct knowledge or who has received information leading to a reasonable belief that a student enrolled in the public school has committed a felony on school property or while under school supervision/authority shall report the incident to the superintendent. 4.02 The principal or designee who has direct knowledge or who has received information leading to a reasonable belief that a student enrolled in the public school has committed a crime involving an act of violence against a teacher, a school employee, or a student shall report the incident to the superintendent. 4.03 The superintendent or designee shall report the incident to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. 5.00 Guidelines for School Reporting 5.01 If a principal or designee has reason to believe that an incident has occurred that satisfies the provisions of these rules and regulations, the incident must be reported to the superintendent. 5.02 The age of the student or other mitigating factors should not be considered when deciding whether to report the incident. 5.03 Possible defenses to criminal acts should not be considered when deciding whether to report the incident. (Example: self-defense). 5.04 An attempt should not be made to distinguish between degrees of involvement when several students are involved. All students who may have participated in or planned an incident should be reported. 5.05 An attempt should not be made to distinguish between attempt and a complete crime. A student who has taken substantial steps toward committing a crime as described herein may have committed a felony and should be reported. 5.06 Incidents that should be reported include, but are not limited to: (A) Crimes against persons when the result of student conduct is believed to be: Death (capital murder, first degree murder, manslaughter)
Deprivation of liberty of another (kidnaping, first degree false imprisonment)
Physical injury to another (first and second degree battery)
Others were put at risk of death or serious physical injury (aggravated assault). (B) Crimes against property when it is believed that: Property was taken by deception or theft, and value is over $200
Property was taken by threat or by force
The property taken was a credit card
A fire was started
A student remained in school building to commit a crime
A student broke into school building to commit a crime
A student broke into building, structure, vehicle or object containing money or products. (C) Sex offenses if sexual contact is believed to be have occurred: By force
Victim was under age 14
Victim was unable to consent because of mental defect or mental incapacity or because he or she is physically helpless. (D) Drug offenses if a student is believed to possess: Drugs or controlled substances
Drug paraphernalia. (E) Weapon offenses if a student is believed to possess: A bomb
Any firearm
Metal knuckles or similar device. 6.00 Failure to Report 6.01 The statute carries a Class C misdemeanor penalty for any person who fails to report, as required by the statute. Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72201. 1071 (501) 682-4-P.> RAYMOND SIMON, Director SEP 2 1997 OFFICE Or DESEGREGATION MOfUTORING FORWARD COPIES TO: X SUPERINTENDENTS, X CO-OP DIRECTORS TYPE: No: SI - 98 - 024 Date: September 18, 1997 Page: 1 of 1 RESPONSE REQUIRED BY: X REGULATORY ATTACHMENTS All ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/SECTION: Frank Anthony, School Improvement& Instructional Support SUBJECT: School District Annual Report INDEX CODE: CM - REGULATORY AUTHORITY: N/A CONTACT PERSON: Oliver Dillingham PHONE NO: 682-4213 Equity Assistance Center The purpose of the Annual Equity Compliance Report is to assure that each local school district is in compliance with Standard I, 1993 Revised Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools, which states: All school districts' policies and actions shall be nondiscriminatory and shall be in compliance with state and federal laws. State Code Annotated 6-10-111 (1987) Section 3, requires each district to annually report to the Arkansas Department of Education, Equity Assistance Center, regarding its compliance with civil rights responsibilities. Federal laws (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) have specific requirements of public schools as recipients of federal funds . The attached 1997 Annual Equity Compliance Report should be completed and returned to the Equity Assistance Center by Wednesday, October 15, 1997 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Clwnaan -WILLIAM H. FISHER, PancoaY VluC'halnnan - LUKE GORDY, Van Burrn MemMn: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rocen JoNELL CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXON, Arkadelphia , JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD r. SMITH, JR., McGehtt LEWIS THOMPSON, JR., Tnarbna SHERRY WALKER, Uttk Rock ANITA YATES, Badoavllk An Equal Opportunity Employrr ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ANNUAL EQUITY COMPLIANCE REPORT 1997-1998 District ________________ County __________ _ Education Cooperative ________________________ _ District's Equity Coordinator ___________________ _ Coordinator's Positionffitle. ______________________ _ Address ___________________________ _ Telephone _____________ Fa~------------- PLEASE RESPOND RELATIVE TO THE DISTRICT'S STATUS 1. Is there a district Equity Self-Evaluation process used annually to determine if the district is in compliance with Standard I, Civil Right Laws of 1964, Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504? _ Yes _ No 2. Is the district's non-discrimination policy posted throughout the district's facilities and included in all handbooks, application forms and recruitment materials? _Yes __No 3. Are strategies to alleviate inequities and comply with state and federal regulations included in each school's improvement plan? _ Yes __No The signatures below certify that the district is in compliance with state and federal civil rights regulations and with Standard I for Accreditation of Arkansas public schools. Superintendent's Name: ________________________ _ Signatures/Dates: __________________________ _ Superintendent Date Board President Date Board Secretary Date SECTION 504: DISABILITY Identify the designated Section 504 Coordinator (34C.F.R. 104.7) District County _________ _ Education Cooperative _______________________ _ District's Equity Coordinator _____________________ _ Coordinator's Positionffitle _____________________ _ Address __________________________ _ Telephone. ______________ Fa ____________ _ Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, state: "no otherwise qualified handicapped individuals ... shall, solely by reason of their handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. " 1. Has the district designated at least one person to coordinate efforts to comply with Section 504? __ Yes __ No 2. Does the district have grievance procedures that incorporate due process standards and provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any prohibited action? __ Yes __ No 3. Does the district provide appropriate provisions for children that have been identified with disabling conditions under 504 to ensure equal educational opportunities? __ Yes __ No 4. Has the district taken appropriate steps to notify students, parents and the general public of its duty to assure equitable access to educational programs? __ Yes __ No 5. Are there district procedures to locate and identify students with disabilities who do not qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act? __ Yes __ No TITLE IX: GENDER EQUITY Identify the designated Gender Equity Coordinator {34C.F.R.106.8)* District ___________ ____ _ County ___________ _ Education Cooperative ________________________ _ District's Equity Coordinator _____________________ _ Coordinator's Position/fitle ______________________ _ Address ___________________________ _ Telephone. ______________ Fa,._ ____________ _ Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: "No person. .. shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance. " The Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving federal assistance . Please indicate the district's status relative to the following requirements of Tide IX of the Education Amendments Acts of 197 4, Tide VI and Tide VIl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 1. Does the district have a specific policy against harassment and a written code of conduct that publicizes it? __ Yes _No 2. Does the district's policy contain the minimum elements of a definition and prescribe methods of notifying people? __ Yes ____No 3. Are there references to harassment in the district's student handbook and the employee's handbook? __ Yes ____No 4. Does the district have a grievance procedure to handle complaints about harassment and to monitor its effectiveness? __ Yes ___ No 5. Has information about the grievance procedure been distributed to students and employees? _ Yes _No TITLE VI: RACE Identify the individual designated to respond to race equity issues. District ________________ County __________ _ Education Cooperative ________________________ _ District's Equity Coordinator ____________________ _ Coordinator's Position/fitle _____________________ _ Address ____________________________ _ Telepbone _____________ Fa ____________ _ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: "No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or nation origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. " 1. Does the district have board adopted grievance procedures that encourage local resolution of problems rather than resorting to the formal civil rights complaint procedure? __ Yes _No 2. Does the district distribute its grievance procedures and policy of nondiscrimination to the students, parents and general public annually? __ Yes _No 3. Is there a district policy and procedure that ensure that no student is denied equitable access to instructional services, transportation, student activities, facilities, honor and awards learning materials, guidance and counseling, and curriculum and instruction? __ Yes __ No 4. Does the district utilize a variety of methods to encourage all identifiable groups of parents to become involved in school functions? __ Yes __ No 5. Are the district's policies of nondiscrimination posted in all facilities and disseminated prior to the beginning of each school year to students, parents, employees and the general public? __ Yes ____No .. TITLE VI: NATIONAL ORIGIN Identify your district's English as a Second Language (ESL) Coordinator. District _ ______________ County _________ _ Education Cooperative ________________________ _ District's Equity Coordinator ___________________ _ Coordinator's Positionffitle. ______________________ _ Address ___________________________ _ Telephone. _______________ Fax. _____________ _ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C Sec. 200d et seqJ requires that: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. " In addition, insofar as national origin regulations are applied to those students who are limited in their english proficiency, the May 25 Menwrandum from DHEW requirements state that: "Where the inability to speak and understand the English language excludes national origin minority group children from effective participation in the educational program offered by a school district, the district must take affirmative steps to rectify the language deficiency in order to open its instructional program to these students. " Indicate your response to the following statements: 1. Does the district have, in place, a process that ensures that national origin students are provided opportunity for full participation in the full life of the school, including all academic services, counseling, extracurricular student activities, and placement in gifted and talented programs, advanced placement and honors courses? __ Yes __ No 2. Has the district identified language minority students, assessed their level of English proficiency, and provided all Limited English Proficient (LEP) students with an educational program that develops English skills and provides for appropriate, understandable content and subject matter instruction? __ Yes __ No 3. Does the district ensure that staff training, curriculum materials, and evaluation procedures are appropriate for LEP students? __ Yes _ No 4. Does the district ensure that LEP students are not mis-assigned to special education classes due to their inability to speak and understand English. __ Yes __ No 5. Does the district ensure that parents who are not proficient in English are provided with appropriate, understandable, and sufficient information about all school activities? __ Yes __ No 6. Does the district takes steps to modify a program for LEP students when that program is noteffective? __ Yes __ No Arkansas DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 STATE CAPITOL MALL LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201-1071 (501) 682-4.n..
, RAYMOND SIMON, Director SEP 2 4 1997 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION MONITORING Forward Copies To: Superintendents Co-op Directors Secondary Principals Middle/Jr High Principals Elementary Principals NO: IA-98-009 Page: 1 of 1 Date: September 18, 1997 Type of Memo: Informational Response Required By: Those Affected Attachments: None Assistant Director, Internal Administration: Dr. Bobbie Davis Subject: Textbook Selection Index Code: IJJ Regulatory Authority: Arkansas Code Annotated 6-21-401-413 (Rep!. 1993) Contact Person: Sue McKenzie Phone No: 682-4593 The State Recommended List of Textbooks and other Instructional Materials for Language arts, grades kindergarten through eight and the Textbook Caravan Itinerary normally sent to districts in September will be sent following the state Board Meeting in October. The anticipated dates for the textbook caravan, this year are November 3 through December 15, 1997. The dates for filling reports of adoption will be adjusted accordingly. Beginning the textbook caravan later will allow full attention to be given to the state standardized testing to take place in late September and early October. The accompanying attachments provide information to update the present State Recommended List of Textbooks and other Instructional Materials. The information covers substitution of new materials made by publishers, price reductions and some ISBN number corrections. A listing of the latest off list materials on state contracts is also included. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Chairman . WILLIAM B. FISHER, Paragould Vice Chairman LUKE GORDY, Van Buren Members: EDWIN B. ALDERSON, JR., El Dorado CARLE. BAGGETT, Rogers JoN ELL CALDWELL, Bryant MARTHA DIXON, Arkadelphia JAMES McLARTY Ill, Newport BETTY PICKETT, Conway RICHARD C. SMITH, .JR., McGehee LEWIS THOMPSON, ,JR, Texarkana SHERRY WALKER, Little Rock ANITA YATES, Bentonville An Equal Opportunity Employer ADDENDUM Please Make the following changes in your Textbooks /Instructional Grades 7-12 (Gray Binder) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Social Studies: Government and Civics American Government: Principles and Practices Page 20, ISBN Number change Incorrect ISBN 0-02-823919-0 Page 21 Substitution, Old Title Section Quizzes Cpyt. Ed. 1996 4 0-02823836-2, Student Text, Copyright 1996, 2nd edition New 0-02821913-9, Student Text, Copyright 1998, 3rd edition ISBN Correction - 0-0283847-8, Chapter and Unit Tests, 1998, 3rd edition Mosby Publishers Science: Applied Science Page 0-81518805-6 understanding the Human Body, 1994 Correct ISBN 0-02823919-9 1998 3 (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill now distributes this title, Educator's Book Depository Supplemental Health, Page 7 Scott Foresman ISBN correction Incorrect number 0-67359824-8 Student Text, Soft bound Social Studies, Page 55 Rand McNally Number correction Incorrect number Correct number 0-67329824-8 528-17715 Atlas of American History transparencies,set of 14 Correct Number TRP-17715-5 Social Studies, Page 10 Prentice Hall The American Nation: Beginnings to 1877 0-13-427048-7 American heritage Single User Version CD-ROM/Win 0-13-427121-1 American heritage Single User Version CD-ROM/Mac 9-13-432311-4 Guided Reading Audiotapes, English America: Pathways Page 13 0-13-831124-2 Guided Reading Audiotapes, English Version World Georgraphy, Page 36 Prentice Hall 0-13-828013-4 Guided Reading Audiotapes English Version World Georgraphy, Page 34 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 0-02-14 73339-0 World Regions, Pupil Edition Glencoe/McGraw-Hill . Teen Health Course 1 and 2 0-02-651774-4 Student Text 0-02-651792-2 Conruct Resolution 0-02-651796-5 Building Life Management Skllls 0-02-651794-9 Personal and Social Development 0-02-65177~5 Concept Mapping Activities 0-02-651783-3 Enrichment Activlttes 0-02-651782-5 Decision-Making Activities 0-02-651781-7 Health Labs 0-02-651784-1 Cross-Curriculum Acttvlties 0-02-651785-X Performance Assessment 0-02-651786-8 Test Program 0-02-651798-1 Cooperative Leaming Activity Cards Package 0-02-651802-3 Poster Package 0-02-6527 46-4 Deallng with Sensitive Issues 0-02-6527 44-8 Cultural Diversity In the Health Classroom 0-02-651512 1 Death and the Adolescent 0-02-651788-4 Parent Letters and Acttvlties (Engllsh/Spanlsh) 0-02-651803-1 Engllsh Audlocassette Package 0-02-651804-X Spanish Audlocassette Package 2 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Price 49.97 49.97 45.47 45.47 45.47 39.78 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 24.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 18.99 16.98 12.99 12.99 12.99 14.97 18.99 25.98 18.99 13.99 12.99 14.54 - 12.99 75.00 75.00 - 0-02-.652766-9 Spanish Summaries, Quizzes & AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 19.98 0-02-6527 48-0 Teen Health Course 1 Video Kit 1996 1 6-8 299.99 0-02-651813-9 Testmaker, Apple 1996 1 6-8 72.00 0-02-651814-7 Testmaker, IBM 1996 1 6-8 72.00 0-02-651815-5 Testmaker, MacIntosh 1996 1 6-8 72.00 0-02-651816-3 Videodisc Program (Engllsh/Spanlsh) 1996 1 6-8 195.00 0-02-651823-6 VHS Program (Engllsh/Spanlsh) 1996 1 6-8 99.99 0-02-651799-X Teaching Transparencies Binder 1996 1 6-8 120.62 0-02-651801-5 Teaching Strategies and AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 15.12 Teen Health, Course 2 0-02-652566-6 Student Text 1996 1 6-8 32.97 0-02-652712-X Developing Responsible RelaUonshlps 1996 1 6-8 6.99 0-02-652590-9 Violence PrevenUon 1996 1 6-8 6.99 0-02-652588-7 Alcohol. Drugs, and Tobacco EducaUon 1996 1 6-8 6.99 0-02-652710-3 HIV/AIDS 1996 1 6-8 6.99 0--02-652573-9 Concept Mapping AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 22.98 0-02-652577-1 Enrichment AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 19.98 0-02-652576-3 Decision-Making AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 14.97 0-02-652575-5 Health Labs 1996 1 6-8 14.97 0-02-652578-X Cross-Curriculum AcUvlUes 1996 1 6-8 14.97 0-02-652581-X Performance Assessment 1996 1 6-8 18.99 0-02-652579-5 TesUng Program 1996 1 6-8 22.98 0-02-653122-4 CooperaUve Leaming acUvlty Cards Packa
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.

<dcterms_creator>Arkansas. Department of Education</dcterms_creator>