Joshua Intervenors, Preliminary School Report, North Little Rock School District and Pulaski County Special School District

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JOSHUA INTERVENORS PRELIMINARY SCHOOL REPORT NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT AND PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 1991-92 CURRICULUM JOSHUA J IJ'l'ERVENORS PRELIMINARY SCHOOL REPORT Rjdgeroad Mi.ddle School 1) Ljmited number of Africun-American displays. 2) Ljmited examples of multicultural infusion into lesson plans. J) There is a di sproporti 011.l te number of blacks in resource 1 Lasses. '1) \vltites exceed blacks two to one in gilled/talented ('lasses . 5) Whites exceed h 1 ucks tin ce to one in honors cl asses. DISCIPLINE 1) There is a dispcoport io11ate number of long [ arms issued lo black utudents, more blacks a1e sent to Alternative School, and more are giv 11 in-house suspension. 2) '1'11 is school i ~
reported as one who refers the most students to tile Alternutive School. STAFF AND S'l'UDEU'l' DEVEI.OPMEH'I' 1) There is a need for more black teachers
only 4 of 38 are black. 2) A 1 I specialty I t'uchcrs il 1e while. 3) '1'11 giftedital e nted p1oqrum is not represent,1live of lhe ,verall blacl. stuclenl population. l'AREtf'l'AL l llVOLVEMEl!T 1) 'l'ltcre is no dtH..:umentc:1 l i 011 of parental contact regarding interim repo1 ts. 2) Ulc1ck parent pt1tl.icipalion is extremely low. I XTRACURR I l 'ULAR ACTIV I 'I' I ES 1) 'l'hc chec1 lead i 111J squad ltc1s too few black memlJP u
. 2) Gi 1 ted/t<1 lf-ntcd proqr<1m is not representa ti (' o [ over<1 l l popula ion cc 11cer11i1HJ black students. < ENERAL SC:IIOOL CLIMATJ. 1) l'rincipal s ems resistant: to the inco1 poration of multicultural education
this is reflecled in the :~taf fs' sel J -expecta lions re9arding this a 1cc.1. ,JOSHUA 1 ll'rERVENORS PRE I ,TMINARY SCHOOL REPORT CURRlCULUll 1) 1,j mited amount of Africa11-American displays. 2) I. i mi ted documontatio11 of Al rican-America11 activities infused into daily lesson plans. DI SCI PLitll: 1) Black stude11ls were qiven twice as many behavior documents and referr,1 I ~
as were whites. 2) Bl ,1ck students 1 lso rec< i ved more in-house suspensions. STAFF AND ~
'l'UDEN'l' DEVEI.OPMEll'I' 1) Al I specialty l oachet-s .ite \Jhite except one. 2) Al I functional 1esource l.udenls are black. J) All mentally 1 Ptarded 1 source students are black. 4) 'l'lle G/'r progr<1m has sj x whi Le students and only three black
this is disproporLionate when compared to the black populalion of the school, which is 62%. 5) 'l'llere is a need for 11101 e black teachers. (On I y 2 of tile 11 teachers ,11 e bl acf~.) GENERAL S< IIOOL CLIMA'l'I~ I) A large di t<'ll l ocn t ed to he east of t Ile school 's e ntrance pos s an exL1cme danger to any student who may be in that pc1rticula1 c1rea. Hext to thi s ditch is a tJUlley that is apptoximately fifty feet deep, whjch c reates an i 11tolernl> I P and hazardous set ti 11tJ. CURR I ('I I I I I I ,J OS II ll A I ll'l'ERVENORS PR1:r.1M fl !AR\' SCHOOL REPORT HQli i n!,O i l t-:1 ementary 1) 111iled c1mount ot At t i,:,111-American displays. :i) i,11i l vd d ucu menld l i <>1l ,it Afri can-American activities in t o .t , i I y I es sun p le, 11:
. DISC!l'l,1111 t) 11,....,1e are no p<11L!nls or students involv ed in pl an , t,,vu 1 op men t . STAFI /.,1', ,'l'llllEl!'I' DEVF.1.O1'111-:11'1' I) ,1, 1 L! is a need lnr rnoi,, b lack teachers . n , 11 il clusses .ti" piul ,ILllld t ic . l) 1 I, 1!11Li 1e sch llo I <1.trn i 11 i s trative s t aff is white. ,1 1 i I 1'" uncl I-IP'I' s, 01 ,.:
,> I I, I acks are d isproporti onate ,) ,,,ly tlin~e ot tli...., si,:Leen non-certified p ersonnel <1re I, I dCk . PAREll'l'A I I I !VO t.VE11El1'1' I) i 111_
1: putent p,1rli<:ip11l1on i s not i n p r oport ion wi t h t llu t ,il whites . :i) 11 l''l'A oft icc,1s .i,,, \Jl1il.e . ,JO'.illllA 11l'l'ERVENORS PREI.I fl I IIAl~Y :
CHOOL REPORT CURRl CIJ 1.111 I 1) 1111,1sion isn 't hiCJllliqllled in lesson plans. ~) 1.11,ilt.:tl documenLal ioll lli African-American activities into d,ii ly lesson pli.111~
. DISCTl'l.111 1. l) 'l'l1<! 1e is a cti~
p1opu1tionate number of disciplinary .,, :l ions taken u<Jd i 11sl black students. STAFF Alli :,'l'lJl)E ll'J' DEVELOPtll:11'1' l) '1'l1,1c js a necct 101 more black teachers: 3 white male , ,placements we1 u 111<11llc. 2) 1,, :
1..!t1<..:e of one ro1c" clc1sses . J) 11 1'1', c1ml MPT sl..:or,s ol ldacks are disproportionate. l) 1 ,,1e is a dist,iopu1t ionate number of whited in G/T ,.lo1:
ses cornpc11 t.:,I tu 1,1.tcks. PAREll'l'/1.1 I IIVOLVEMEtl'l' l) 11i1 uri m reports c.ll'C nut tequired to be signed by parents . 2) 1111 monitoring p1u t~s:_
in place for the use of interim 1 upoets , ie. fol lll\J up phone cal ls , visits, or lette1s. EXTRAClJI ' I' It '\l LAR ACTTV1 'l'l E:i 1) I' ,1 L:iciputi,)n ot !Jlt1cl. acti,1il 1, is dispropo1Li,<. students in most extracurricular CURRl('lJI 1111 , I 0:
11tIA l ll 'l'ERVENORS l'Rl:
1,llllll i, 1~'.' :iCIIOOL REPORT R~):j!d._ c: 1 l y 11 i dd le School 1) 1 i 111 i Led amount o L l\ l t i , <111-American displays. 2) 1.i11il8d documenlaliun "l African-American activities into .i.1 i I y l esson pl <1n~,. 01SC1l'LlIII, 1) 111, 1e are no rcco1 cb m.i i ntained when students are removed 11um c.
]assrourns ,.111d i11Lo hallways. 2) '!,'" hers are able Lu Lice students in hallways. 1) 'll1on.? ure no im.:L,nl ivc!, or reward programs to recogni ze 1 Ill..) enlire stud, nl p,q,11lation. S'l'AFI l\1111 'i' l't)l)Etl'l' OEVEl.01 '111:ll'I' l) 111,,1e js only one lllc1c..:I: male in the G/T program. i) 'l'l1L! ass ignmenl o I 1111 i l es compared to blacks to honors ,: l osses is Jisp1 opoi l ionate .l) :
, '/L! t ,11 speci u I L!d11,:<1 l ion classes are all bl ack . <1) 11/1.'1'1> <1nd MP'I' sco1,~~
111 lilacks are disproportionate. CURRl ClJ I ,1,11 ,JCJ:
llllA i ll'l'ERVENORS J>Rl ' l.111111/\H'i :
CIIOOL REPORT 1) 'I'll 1 :_
school j s i.-1c<1l: i 11 Lhe areas of defined correctives ,111d goals/objectives. 2) "~ 1y limited mulli1.:11IL111<1l displays. l) ,
1~' limited c.l 0r:u111l.!11li.1l iun of African-American activiti es Il l d,li ly ]CS!:.>011 pl.111.>. DISC! Pl , l lll. 1) 1t.i11dbooks are nol qiven the attention needed
there is 1 il.tlc emphasis pl.i ,:don them. 2) 1li.:1e is no progr<1111 lllttl promotes good behavior as of yet ,, l l ll is school . !) 111, 1e <1rc only 2 l ,J.1cl: <1dvisory council members. STAFI /,Iii ,1 lJllEtl'l' DEVEl.01'111:jl 'I' I) 111,,n~ is nor qui1emc.rnl in place to ensure the return of 111Lcrim repo1 ts, v1
11 it the student is failing. 2) '1'11,! school's <1dmi11isln1Live staft is virtually white
1l1cn.! is only u vice principal who is black. :3) tlf\l' t, :.
cores of bl.ic
l,s .11~ disproportionate. PARE! l'l'A I. I II VO r.v1-: r-u:N'l' 1) 1!, l.! 1c js no acliVl: l ''IA ttL this school. EXTRAClll t' l t'll l.AH AC'l'lVl'l ll-':
1) 11,e 1e arc scvc1<1 I 11 I <1ck students who vo iced concern 1 ,'(Jdnlinq ttldl111e 11l 11 um teacher:.
. CURRl Cl! I 1111 ,J(l:
llllA I ll 'l'ERVENORS PRE'I.l MI IIAW, SCHOOL REPORT ]{Q<! c L~ y E1 ementary 1) 1 i1111L ..,u display!..i ol IJlt1cl~s in media center. 2) .,<:'-, Lc11 Leacher::, voi L:ed concern regarding split classes. 3) 1,i111ILL!d multicultut,tl di::,plays . 4) 1 i ,11 i ted docume11Li.1 l i un u I African-American activities in d I i l y lesson::... DISCl PLI 111: l) 1.11 L!nts and students ate not fully utilized in developing l l1L! ::,chool's di!..icipl i11..
plan. STAFF Alll1 :,' l'l)f)EN'I' OEVEI.OPlll: 11'1' L) ,1 1 tllree replacenwnt ~
.ind one addition to the staff, none 11,! 1._
blc.1cJ.::. PARE
Il 'l'/\ 1, 111 1/0!.VEMEll'l' 1) '" I 1111leer program i ~
n,) l where it should be. ClJRRl<'IJI 1111 ,Jo:
C BO0L REPORT I) 11,, lilJ1ary ls lhclo11 ~.1.utdards and needs to be complet c,d .illll 11pdc.1t,~d. 2) 11i1,imal rnulti-cullu1,1l l ist>lays. l) 1 i 111 i LL!d documentul i u11 u 11 Aft"ican-American activities into ,l.1ily lesson pl<1n~
. DISCll'l.lill' I) ,,1 llle seventy-Lll1L!L! l11. .. :l1avior documents issued, all wet-e qivL!n to blacks. 2) 111.ic:ks recei vcd <1 11~ i gber percentage of counseJ or , ,_
1 e 1-ra ls th<1 n \Ill i l C!.
, .. l) 1111 IL!r Junior lliyll :
,LhooL and Oak Grove High School ,,.:tL!rrred t:hL! must !.il~1.dents. STAFF Alli> :i'l'lJDEtl'r DEVELOl'llEft'I' l) ,n,ly one black tt1clw1 uut of twelve on staff. PAREff'l'A I. 1 IIVOJ.VEME!l'I' l) 'I 11, ~ l L! is no acL i V,! i''I'/\ ,..i r E"I'O. CURRl C'll l I JI I ,I0'.illll/\ I ll'l'ERVENORS PRE1.I f-1I11/\ll'/ t
C!IOOL REPORT l} 11,il much diversity S<.:!Cll in the classroom. 2) 1. i 11, i l <.:!d mu1 ti cul tu Lc1 I in l us ion in lesson plans. orsc111 1.IIII 1} 11" 1t.!cords m inlai,1cl 101 "time-out" periods. S'l'AFF Alli> :,'l'lJDEll'I' OEVELOPflEll 'l' 1) <J11 I y four of t\-1cnl y c1 c1ssroom teachers are black. 2) 1111 I y i.,
evcn of Llie Lld 1Ly-two students in G/T are black. 3) 111 the three reso11n
e L<.:!ucher , all are white. 4) 'I'll<.:! cnli1c adminh
l1.itive school staff is white. !J) 11/\'l'l) und MP'r sconss ul lJlacks are disproportionate. 6) <111ly two of Llie l11t11teen non-certified personnel are Ii I c1ck. ,J0:
IIIIA II1'I'!::RVENORS PREl.1I-l I llAl<Y '.
C!IOOL REPORT ~, ol ~ 1-: l ementa:ry I) 1 1 u1 i LL
d mu] ticu 1 t11 ,u I di :..
plays .n I i111il.ed documL
11L,lio1, of multicultural infusion int o , I .i i I y l cs son [> l c1 11 ~
DJSCl l'Ll III I) . 111, 1<!11l.s plc1cud in I Ile hallways. S'i'AFF Alli . ,' l'lJJ)Elfi' DEVEi ,Ol'lll'l l'I' l) 111 ll1e 19 studcnU
in lllc G/T program, only 4, or 21% are 2) 1 'J'() and MP'!' s,
ot:-es of black students a1e .t I Llproport i 011..1 tL
. 1) 't'li. ntirc admini:,t1<1tivc school staff is white. CURRl CUl.1 111 .ro~
({I IA 11 l'l'ERVENORS PRELI 1-11 !I A l~V :iCHOOL REPORT 1) 1 i 111 i t.ctl amo1 int o J At I i cc1n-American displays. 2 ) 1.111,ttl.!d doc11menLal 10 11 u l African-American activities. 3) 1,11~ spl j t cLas::
, \Jl1id1 needs to be eliminated. 4) 111~ 1 L! is a di spropoL l j u11c1te number of blacks in resource. ~) 'I' program has d di Gpruportionate number of whites based <>11 U1e black sL11dL11L pupulation. CURRl ClJ I ,lJI I ,ro~
iyly911 !liJ ls Elementary 1) 1,1milcd djsplays ot At-i-ican-American culture. ?. ) l ll1 IL j cu1 tut a I c.1cl iv i ty is minimal in some lesson pli.111 t ,ool, s. DISCJ PLI I l l : I) '1'11, populat1.on oE Ute school is approximately 18% blacl., \1. L blacks slil I 1uceive more discipline than whites. S'T'AFF Allll 'i' l'lJllEN'l' DEVELOPl-ll'. 11 '1' J) 1l1 c- f1A 'l'6 und MP'l' scutu ::.
uf blacks are disproportionate. 2) 'll1 t.: 1c is a neecJ fuL 1110L e black teachers. J) 'I'll,, number of b] dcl sltlllents in G/T is disproportionate in compariso11 lo the total black population at this :a
hool . CURRl ClJT.1111 ,JOSlllJA I N'l'ERVENORS PRELTM III/\HY SCHOOL REPORT Sylvan II i l Is ,Junior High 1) 1.iltle emi,,hasis placed on infusion of multicultur<1l <1,
in lesson plans by principal. 2) f.lul it.cultural resoun
e quides aren't being utilized. 3) 1.i111iled multicultu1c11 dit.
plays. 4) ~
'-'vera l leachers did not have their lesson plan books. DTSCJPT.I1II~ 1) 'l 'll 1e is no student input in developing the handbook. 2) 111I L!S ure nnl poslL!d i11 Lhe classrooms. S'l'AFF Allti ~. l'lll)l'.tl'l' OBVE1.0PMl:tl'I' l) 'l 'l1e, e are no records m<1 intained for short periods of ti me :,p8nl outside tile classroom
ther school has 1,0 t 1111cti oning policy re(Jdrding this area. 2) f-11\'l0 and MPT scores ot blacks are disproportionate. PAREl1'1'A I. I IJVOLVEMEN'l' 1) '!'here j s no toll m,-up documentation regarding parent - l L!acher conferen,
'-'s. EXTRACUl<l< I C'llLAH AC'I'IVI'I' rE:
1) lll<1ck students'pc1rl:.icipation on the drill team isn' t tl:!presentative at llw school 's population. GENERAL :
c!IOOL CLIMA'l'E l) ~
~vc.:ra 1 students don I t t eel welcomed as M to M transfers. JOSIIUl\ l lJ 'l'ERVENORS PRELTM fNARY SCHOOL REPORT ~yly~rn !Ii l ls High CURRICUT.IH1 1) t.imited mult.icultural displays. 2) 1.i111ited do---umenlation uf multicultural infusion int o d<dly Jesson pltrns. 3) '1'11,. teilcher in 1oorn I 08 did not have her plan book. DISCJPI.J m: 1) '!'here have been 51 s uspensions this year, of which 32, or 1,2. n, have been b 1 ack. 2) !I,> purents or sl:uuents involved in development uf dis...:ipJiri"' plan. J) l{ulus aren't posLL
d in most classrooms. STAFF 11111, , l'llDEN'l' Dt:VEJ.Ol'lll: 11 I' 1) 'l'l!Ln:! are no blacl. cuu11selors at the school. 2) 'l'l1ete is a need tu1 11101 1.
black teachers. J) 'l'lll'te ure no bluck AL' leachers. 4) '!'Ill
of Lice supporl slal t is virtually all white. !::>) '!'here are no b lacl~ !::i Ludents in the G/T program. 6) '!'l1ere were classes with no black students t
nrol 1 ed--AP EnyJ i sh, Algebra, \Jriting, Calculus, a11J /',Lt. 7) '!'ht.! office still f i~
virtually all white with tl1e ..,,:ception of 0111..! bluck vice-principal. PAREIITAL lllVOLVEMENT 1) 'l'he school h<1s no L''l'A, and there is no parenLil involvement. 2) 'llw VIPS program is lacking in black participation. 3) l'hone contact is seldom made for cases of faili 11g dCademics or inlerim reports. EXTRAClJHI{ I CULAR ACTIVI'l' 11::
1) 'I Ile re is only one b I ack cheerleadet . GENERAL SCIIOOL CLIMATE 1) '!'here is a racial tension in the school. 2) '!'here was a crossburning a few days prior to our visit. 3) illack students voiced concern that the counselors are not them the same opportunities as whiLe <1ffording :::
tudents. 4) '!'here is a widespread feeling that the principal isn I t receptive to bJctck students. 5) Black studenls feel that they are more strongly disciplined than aLe white sludents for the same 1easons. CURRICULUM JOSHUA rwrERVENORS PRELTMTNARY SCHOOL REPORT Tgylor Elementary 1) Hot much emphasis placed on mu1ticultural education
t..herefore, 1 esson plans did nol L-eflect this. 2) Limited, if no, displays in classtooms. DISCIPL1NE 1) !lo responsibility for behavior placed on student
no parent involvement. 2) Rules not L:onsistent throughout building
many sets of 1ules that may be difficult for elementary students Lo L:omprehend . 3) 110 records maintained for di ~
L: iplinary referrals o r <1ctions . STAFF A!W S'I'UDENT DEVELOPMEll'l' 1) st..udents are responsible for rel.urning interim report s
110 system to mon i Lor their use. 2) Administrative leadership is lacking regarding multi cul t.ura 1 eduL:ation
this is also evident in the classrooms . 3) Only three out of eighteen classroom teachers are black. 4) MAT6 and MPT scores are disproportionate. 6) Only three of the fifteen non-certified personnel aL-e black. PAREIITAL lllVOLVEMENT 1) !lo P'1'A . 2) Awards and rewards are viewed as a "waste ot time", and parents are not invited to lhe school ve L-y often l or lhis reason. CURRICULIJM JOSHUA IN'l'ERVENORS PRELIMTllARY SCHOOL REPORT Tolleson Elementary 1) very limited number of multicultural display s , pdrlicularly Lhose depjcting Afrjcan-American culture. 2 ) Very limited documentation of the infusion of mult icultural aclivitjes , particularly of African- American culture. OISCIPLTJII:: 1) 'l'he black pdncipal does all the descipline in the school, whereas traditionally, vice -principals have this respnnsibiljty. The vice-principal is white. STAFF Al!D :
TUDENT DEVELOPME!l'l' 1) 'l'llcre are o!1ly fo11r black teachers out of the twenty-four <lssigned to the school . 2) llt l'l> and MPT scores oi blacks are disproportionate. 3) 'l'lle number of sludents in functional or academic resou1 ce is all black. CURR I ClJ 11 II I I) 1 mi ted ,JO'.ill\1/\ I ll'l'ERVENORS PRI-:1.1 ~1111/\H'f SCHOOL REPORT tllll i tc.:ll I l lll"d I diversity , ldSSl"OOlll~. 2) i1.iilecl lliCJllliCJhl inq 0 1 lesson plans. DTSCll'l.1 111 displayed in tile I} 111<- 1 70% oJ the dist
iplinary suspensions have been issued '" bluck st..udcnls. STAFF /1111 :i'l'lJl)J,:tl'l' OEVEl.Ol'lll: 11 I' I) 11 , 11,1,!/school counsv I 111s unl y make r egular contact with ) 00 . l 11d
nts. :n I I, 1 :
yeur , this scl1tio I replaced staff vacancies with all 111 i le leache1s. !) 111,I',' l\-/o o r e l eve11 dt.:!p<11 tment heads are black. f'AREll ' I'/\ I 111 \: OlNEMEl~ 'r l) llu 1equirement to LL Lu111 interim reports. 2) 11, monitoring syslL:111 l u L ensuring parent contact. 1) 1111.:tc is no P'I'SA ot VII~
at this school. 4) 1 ilerc is no 01w emp I oyed at this school to act <1s ,:oonJinator 101 d pc11e11tal involvement group. ~) 1 l1<.:Ce is no c1cl iv" I> i - 1 .i...:ia l commi L tee at this school. EXTRAClJI I l,'lJIAH AC'l'IVI'l' IF:i I} 111o1cl: cheerle.idc1:
<111 not representative
neither a1e l lie schooJ ' s 11u\h
pdpur staff, i.ldvanced placement, u r 11,il ional Honor ~ioci ly . 2) 11J.1d: pul."licip<1lio11 in lhe TAG seminar is low. GENE HA!. :,1 11001. CLTMA'I'E I} 1/1denincJ dispa1il :: l >< l1-1een black and white students. CURRl('llJ tlJJ ,J0!,111 I/\ 11 l'l'ERVENORS PRl:I.IMlll /\ l<'i' :iCIIOOL REPORT !Jo1t_l1_!ki<1ltt s Elementa.r_y_ I) 1. i 111 i Led amount of A 1 1 i t:<1 n-American displays. ~) 1.i,11iled docurnentali u 11 ,, 1 African-American activities into I Ii I y I esson pl on:,. 3) 111, <1teu of scicnc1.
found to be highlighted with the 111.i:.
l J 1equenly
ul l1L 1 :
need to d ocument infusion, al so . 4) Jli, 1l! an:i lllrc-, split ,lt1ssroorns (J/4, 4/5, 5/6). S'T'Af F Al II 1 :,' l'llDElrl' I EVELOPMEll'I' I) 1Jwn
is a need 101 111<>1~ black teachers
only one of tl1e 1~ are black. ? ) 1-. 1,
llers need 1t1ore 1t111 l l i cultural ttaining on infusion c1nd identifyjng 111c.1l:cr1<1l tor daily l essons in all subject s. CURRIClll 1111 JOSlllll\ i ll'l'ERVENORS PRl'.Ll fl 111 /\1<\' :
C!IOOL REPORT !!orth Lit tl~ ){~!( ): Alternative Center I) 11111il'ed nun:!)er or A11i,:<111-American displays . >) 1 ,1 j nslu
of nn11 l i cultural infusion into lesson I' I dllS . DISCI l'I 1111 1) 11.1 spec i I i c i nccn l i 1, :
for good behavior have b e:cn 11H.:uq>o 1atcd as 01 yt l. 1) 111111,ber of bL1ck sl udu11ts present is disproportionate
111,Jll~ thc1n 50u . CURR I C.:ll I I II I .l"OSIIIJA I ll'rERVENORS PRl:LJMTIJAH't SCHOOL REPORT tlorth Little HOl :L Jli_gh School--East I) 1. 1111 i Lctl umuunt o L A f 1- i L'd n-American displays. :!.) 1,111tileu tlocumentatjun u l African-American activities into dtii ly l essson plc111s. 3) ,n .. classroom visHetl ,1herein the teacher did not have I L0 SSOl1 plans. DISC I l'l.1111 , I) 111.ict students receivul 49 of the 71 suspensions issued l I) Ucll.C! :>.) 11 , 1 s school is repo1t1...d to be one which refers the most ., Lutlenls to the School. STAFI' Alll1 :,' l '!JDEN'I' DEVEI.OPMEll'l' l) 11,._. 1-e is a neud to1 moLe black t e achers
only 15 of 78 Jl"e black. 2 ) flf\'l l) scores of bl acl:s d I e disproportionate. 3) 1nily 2 of the B depdLt111tan t heads are black. CURR I C'll I 111 I ,1O:
11tlA I1/'l'ERVENORS l'Hl:J.11-IIIIAl<Y SCHOOL REPORT l) i 111 i ted amount of A 1-r j cd n-American displays. ~) 1 11n i Led docurnentc.J l i 0 11 of African-American activitj es i11Lu daily l esson plc1ns. 1) '1'11, ! LC \Jere sev eta l 0 1w-1ace classes. 4) 111(.
medja cente1 1 ~ . African-American collection is 111,Hiequute
ove 1 u I l, not visually stimulating. ~) ,
'I' [Jtogram does not. 1Lpresent bl ack enrollment
semirw r lid:..
no black slud1.:nt :
. DISC I !'I 1111 : I ) 111 ":k males r ce i ve l><l" of discipUnary actions issued. S'l'AFI-' I 1111 : :'l' IJDt:II'I' nEVEI.O!'rlEll'I' I) '!'I,, 1e i s a need 101 111<,1c black classroom teachers
only ii. al the 72 <11,! 1,1," I. l ) 11,, mc1jorily ol ll1e <1d .inced placement classes are whi te
" l I eds t seven <1 t 1.: " I I 1-1 hit e . l) l ' l, v majodty ol tile ~5fH.:,ia l education classes are blacL 4) 111,11 : I
co..id1es <1te 1 0 11 i11 number. PAREl!'l'AI , 1 IIVOLVEMEU'l' 1)
1 qnatu res aren ' t 1 d Jll i 1ed of parents on interim repor ts . EX'I'HA( 111 I< I< 'l 111\H AC'I' LV "l 'I' T 1 :
I) 1 ,,e cost o I' t Ile h,>mecuming dance prevented a number o f ., l 11clenls 1 rum <1 l t L!lhl i 11cJ, particularly black students. GElll :!Ud I till()]. CLli-iA'l'J: I) 111q11oved school 1,,01<11 ,
umpared to previous y ear. CURRJCll I ,lll I JOSllllA I ll'rERVENORS PRl:LH1TIIARY SCHOOL REPORT No1-th Ptt l ask L.l! School 1) 1, 1 mi led amount of mull icul tural displays, particular} y l l10se depicting Al 1-iL:dn-American culture. 2) l.t111ited documentation ot the infusion of multicultural ,tlivities, parlit
uldt ly African-American culture. J) 1., lv<1nced placement c I c1sses and gifted/talented classes ,te dispropot Lion<1lu in number. DISC! l'LI 111: 1) Tv.1d1ers are nol 1c , 111 i I l'll by the pt-incipal to post school ,H- classroom n1 I e:_
. 2) 1,1 the five suspun:
ions, 3 or 60% were black m<1le :
tudents. 3 ) '1 l1e school I s di ~
c i p I i ne plan wcts developed by a Jew :
u l e,_t students, L, .id1ers and the principal, but no 11ct1-ents \Jere involvc.:d. ,J) 11 1 ecords arc mc.1 i 11Ld i 11ud for time spent away from the ,
I dSSt"OOliiS. STAFF All Ji :i'l'l!DEIJT DEVEl.01'111:II I' I) ,11 the 52 certified pei-...
onnel, only 6 are black. 2) 1, 1 lhe 8 department hu,Hls, none are black. J) 'I l1 c re is only one IJ I ucl male teacher in the school 4) 1 l1L:t-e were seven nL:\J l achers hired this year
none were I, l ~1ck . '.,) 'l'l1L I e are el ve11 <,ne 1t1ce classes at this school
half "1 c advanced c I <1:,:
, Hhich may indicate tracking. ri) 'l'l,c: 1-u is no syst 111 in place to monitor the use of intetim , eports . /) tl'l'b :.
ores ol blt1cl: :
dte disproportionate. PAREll'l 'AI t llVOLVEMFtJ'r I) 'l'l1<'l'C is nu P'l'A/1''1'() Ol"<J,ll1iZation . EX'l'HAClll ' l'lt'IJLAR ACTIVl'l'ILS 1) 11,u student counL:il i.
t1ll white. 2) 'l'l1un.
! is only onL: l,lut
l cheerleader . .l) 'l'li12re are no bli.1L:k dr i 11 team members. 4) 11.,. Pierson, Lile clleet\ead ing sponsor, was not willinq to 1cLogni ze the i mpl i l
utions of having only one bl <1ck , :lieerl eader and ma l:cs no special effort to improve l>lac..:k participaliun. CURR l ClJ 1.111 I Jo:
111JA I ll'l'ERVENORS PRl:LlfHIIAHY SCHOOL REPORT 1) 1,imited mu1lic11lt11rc1l infusion into lesson plan s , , s pecially in Ll1e so~ i al studies area. 2 ) lh> ,HJministralive le<1de1ship in this area on the part of the principal . l) 1,i:
plays not cunsistcnt in the classrooms. 1) lll1111bcrs of bl<1ck sludL:nts in adv<1nced placement and in 11,1 Li onal 1101101 ~
uc i L! Ly are disproportionately low i n 1 L:lc1Lion lo schuol population . rnsc I l'I.111 1. I) :,t ,,dents aLe not .ii tonlcct the oppotlunity of some type of 1 emporar:
s11spens ion before tiley are automatically ..., 11spencled fat l In L!C days for a t irst time infraction . t ll is practice Is inconsistent \1 i th the n eed to te,1ch .11HI reteach de:
i 1vd behavio1 that the princi p,11 , .t 111tends Lhc.1 l. Ill: L:lllfl I uys . ?.) Jl,J pc.1rents or sl 11dl: 11ls involved in developing the l1<1ntlbook. l) :
111d enls are pcruli t Led Lo stand in the hallways, and no 1L:conls are ni.1i1il:<1ined
also, classwork that would l! l1<1bl c the :
l:11dc1il to continue lear ning is11 1 t 11 cessarily t:al.,~n i1,tu the hall\/o.1y. 4) tl1L:te is nu emplw:
crn r-eteachincJ desired b ehavior. t
TAFl0 ' /\1111 ~i'J'UDEN'l' OEVELOPfll~ll' l' l ) / I I counse 1 ors a I e \Ill it e . L) 11A' l'6 and 1-11,1 s or-es of black students c1re di sp r-oportionct t ,_! . 3) l'l1L!l'L! is a need I ur mo1 e black classroom tea chers
onl y 7 ,>l 4 1 are b L,cl:. PARl ll'l'/1 I I IIVOVEMl::ll'P I) 11inima1 p<1renl: involvement expected regarding inte1im 1o.
uo to l I u11-11p after required nine \leek contact. EX'I'l<ACIII 11,1JJ.AH AC1 lVl 'l' l l.:i I) tll<1ck paet!cipc1l:io11 i11 c heerleadi11tJ is low. CURR I C'lJ I t If I ,JO!illllA I ll'l'ERVENOHS PRl:f.l 111 IIAHY SCHOOL REL10RT oc
il.llrogl,~ Elementary 1) amounl ot multicultural displays, particularly l llosc depicting A Id c,111-American culture. 2) 1,i111ited documunL1tion of the inlusion of multiculturt1l "c.
tivjties , p<.11Licularly those of Afdcan-Americ .. rn ,:u I ture. 1) 1.i111ilcd review of plan books by ptincipal. DISCIPl.1111. ] ) 111 is school reporLs 58 behavior documents issued, but the ,ccords shm-1 1B. \Jlwt is tlw racial makeup of the uthcr 20 docurne11t'.
? STAl-F /\llll :i'l'!Jl)I-:IIT IJ8VEl.0l'lll
IJ'I' l) c,1 the six d 'pi.It L1t1l~nl chairper!c.iuns, there was only one I) I clCk, ,!) I1!,'l ' l> und MPT sco1,~s 01 lilacks ar ... , disproportionate. PAREll'l'AI. 1 IIVOLVEMENT 1) 'I'll ere is only one IJ I ucl~ out of s Ix persons serving on L11e l''l'A board. CURR T cu I ,l I r-1 ,JO!
l(llA I lfi'ERVENOR~, PRELIMTl!ARY SCHOOL REPORT 1) Limited multicultun.1) displays. 2) Limited documentation of the intusion of multicultur,il <1ctivities, part iL-ult11 ly Afric<1n-American culture. STAFF Allll S'l'LJDENT DEVEJ.OPHEll'l' 1) 'l'llere j s a need fot- more black tL:c.1chers. 2) 'l'ltere is a wide di!:_
purity in Lest scores for bla c k :
tudents. J) 'l'he school 's entire administrative staff is white. PAREll'I'A L 11 !VOLVEMENT 1) ll l.1ck parent participalion is lo\/. CURR I Cl 11 .I II I ,JOSllllA I ll'l'ERVENORS l'RF:LIMTtlARY i,CIIOOL REPORT 1) 1 i111ilcd multiculturul displays. 2) 1.i111iled d,Jcumentatio11 of multicultural infusion into .tc1ily lcs--
on plans. DISCIPr.IIII 1) 11, incent.i\2 programs .. ,hool .~Ltcndanc..:
i 11 place for students excelling in unly Honor Roll and academic 2) ,:.lL:llcnc-., . '1'11 is scllool lids a 1111111lJer .:,:Jiau]. STAFF 11111, . i'l'llI>Ell'l' DI::VEJ.OPMEll'I' of referrals 1) l'I, 1c j s <.1 need for 11101 e black teachers. to Alternatj ve 2) 1. I .ven new teachers \1e1 e hired this year
all were while. J) 11 ...
L 01' tlw Al' classe...
re white. We observed one 10th . 1,,Hle Enc:
Jjsll c]a::.
s ll1<.1t was all white. ,1) "'1 I y J ot the :!2 no11-ce1 t ified personnel are black. :...) 11 ,1'<, dtHl Ml''I' scores ot !,tacks are disproportionate. EXTRAClll l( I< 'II LAH AC'J'JVI'l'IES l) 'l'IIL te are no black cllL:erleaders and only two blacks on l Ii , d t i I 1 t e <1 m . GENEl~AI. :i<'IIOOL Cf.IMA'rE 1) 111 .icl
stud nts do not I eel welcome in the school. 2) 111i~
school cu1rently l1<1::.i a white male vice-principal \1!10 ,,scs dctog tut y l <11HJlt<11Je toward black students. ClJRRTC'lll 1111 ,1OS 11\JA I l l'l'ERVENORS PRJ:I.TM TII AW/ SCHOOL REPORT P~g)L]I i I I Elementary 1) 1 i111ilL!d amo!111t of Al 1 i ,c1n-American d isplays. 2 ) 1. i .. , ill'-Ll documentatiun ,, 1 Afri can-American act i vitie s i nto .i 1i l y lesson p)ans . "3) 'l'I,, schoo) has sevL! split cla sses which need to be , I i 111 i nu ted . ,1) 111,, Chapter one pt oqram is o v erl oaded with black ., tudents
tr,1ckinrJ SL!1.: 111s apparenl . STAFF Al l i ,
"J 'llDEJl 'l' DEVE!.OPMEll'I' J) 1J 11 1c is a need fo1 mu 1u b l ack teachers
onl y one of t en 1 :
black . .IOSllllA I ll 'l'ERVENORS PRE! ,TM1 tlAHY :
CHOOL REPORT Pi.!s.~Y i ~\I ]:1 ementary CURRT CU I l 11 I 1) 11,1 i ted amount of Af d cdn-American displays. 2 ) 1,11 ilLld doc:.:menlation ul African-American activities into I.ii ly les"'on plans . J ) 11,, n ~ are f our spliL ,:lasses in 2/ 3, 3/4, 4/5, and 5/ 6 , 1, c.1d es which need Lo IJLl eliminated. 4) 'I' ll ,, c.
/'l' cl ass a L t..h i :
cl1ool is nol racially balanced. STAFF All\ 1 :,' l'lJDEN'l' DEVELOPMEll'l' 1) I lf\.' 1'6 and MP-1 scores of blacks are disproportionate. 2 ) 11. ,, , e is only one blut:I
teacher oul of eighteen on staff il 1 his schoo I . 3 ) 1 1. -:.wrv j ce.::
hc.1ve l i U I e to do with the importance o f ,o111lt..icultural infu s i u 11 and educat..ion. PAREll'l'A I. 1 IIVO I.VEMEIIT 1) 11, ,, 1c are no bl ack urti cers on the PTA. CURR I Clll ,111 I JOSIIIJA I ll'!'ERVENORS PRELTMIIIARY SCHOOL REPORT 1) 11111itcd mulUc11ltural displays. 2) 1,1mitcd docu111entat.io11 of multicultural infusion into ,l.i ily lesso,1 pl<1n~, particuldrly African-Americiln ,unlcnt. J) 1111.,ed on the populal iu11 of the school, the black student l"'llu1ation in the G/'1' pt:'ogram is too low. D[SCIPl.1111 1) '1'11,., d iscipl inc pl ttn 11c1s developed by administrators, "nly
no parunts ut :..
ludents involved in this process. 2) 1111 .tucumentatiun fat l i111e spent oulside the classroom . S'l'AFI" Al Ii 1 .
'l'lJDl:: 11'1' LJl.::VEf.OPMEll'I' 1) 11, ,~ school's adminh
t1<1live staff is totally white. 2) 1,,. I-IA'I'6 s ..... orL!s at bl<1cks are disproportionate. Also, t lw blacJ~ 6th grildc 1-11''1' scores in mathematics, science .i11d sociul studiec.
,1tL! disproportionate. 3) 1111~tc is a need for 11101 e black teachers. 4) Tl,L!te are no !JI ck :..
ialty teachers on staff. CURR I Cll 1.1111 1 ) I i Ill i ted JOS!llJA I ll'T'ERVENORS PRET.IMIJIARY SCHOOL REPORT Pim~~v0gd Elementary documentation .id j I y lesson p I dn:
, of multicultural infusion into particulurly African-America n , 11 l ture. 2 ) 1. i111ilcd multic11ltur<1I displays DISC I PLI Ill , 1) 111, : 1c were ,10 current :
l utistics rega rding discipline. STAFF Al 11 > ~i'l'UDENT DEVET.OPMEll'I' I) '1' 11 , MAT6 and MPT scores of blacks are disproportionate. PAREll'l'A I 11 IVOLVEMENT I) ' 1'111
P'l'A board is lol<1l ly white. JOSIIII /\ I ll 'l'ERVEtlORS Ptn:J.TM 111/\1< / S 11001, REPORT CURH I< '1 1 i 1111 I) 1 1111 i Led m11 lt i cul tutc1 I 11 111< ' 1 ic,111 c11ll11r u . 111lctmu clic1Lt! le vc! I I , Vt! I . 1 1111ilcd documcntal i u 11 displays, particularly '!'here were very few ,111<..l almost none at the l\fricanat L he prinwry of multicultural infusion into ,l1ily l ess u n pl ,111 :
, particularly African-Ameri can , 11 I L111 e . l ) , ,, wil e , i
\-Jere not <1 \/ <11e of their role regarding the i1it11:
io11 o [ multi c 11ll 11r,ll <1ctivjties. DISC'l l ' l ,I Ill I 1 11, 1 t: 1 :
110 cluct11ne11l i t1 11 reg<1rding the time students spend 111 tile "co 11f e 11 11< room" used for discjplinary I f , I (' l I , I I !
. i ll L! I c i :
110 ,,.pc c l. ud ol e mpl1 <1 :
i :, !j l11d v 11l
. S'l'AI F , Ill :
t'IJDt-:11 '1' IJt-:Vl'. t.OPMl: 11 '1' Oil retea c hing desired behavior I 1 111 c ,e ii
011 l y 0 11 l> Lack cla s sroom teacher out of 11,i J"l.ecn.
, J 111 ,. 1t! 11 i1~
a11 e x c ,~~ :. i ve numl>er of substitute teacl1ers t1 111 imJ the v i s it. J) 1l1t: 1e 1-mre f.i vc ne11 l1i1es fot this school year, of which 11 c1 11c \/C l , hlt1 c k. I 1 11 ,'l' c, , lnl !JI .ide 111 1 .i 11d several of the 6Lh grade 11PT :,c1, 1e!
o l IJl.i c l~ :, l 11d , 11ls arc di!
proportionate. CtJRRI('lll 1111 JOS!lllA I ll'l'ERVENORS PR1':LTM1!1 Al<'i' :
Cl!OOL REPORT l) 11 ,11 itecJ number of AJ1 i, :c1 n-American displays. 2 ) 1 i 1,1 i l.1.
J Jocurne11Latiu11 <1 I African-American activities into .t.ii ly lesson plan~. STAFF Al11, i' l'!JI)EIJ 'l' DEVEI.OPME!l 'I' I) 11, lIA'l'6 t1nd Ml '' !' scu1 l,:, o l blacks are disproportionate. :n 11, l"t.! is <l need tor 11\(ill black teat
hers. CURR I ('Ill I II clO!:jllll/\ 11/'l'ERVENORS l'JH:L IMil/ fll<, :
CHOOL REPORT lementary I) t y limitc:d a1110111il of multicultural displays, 1,.itl icu1ui-1y Lhos, <1,1 icting Afri c an-American culturC::. :n ,,, ,y 1jndLeJ lllOlllll ,1 documentation of multicultUldl ":LivjUcs , pt.1rlic1i1.11-1y those of Afri can-Americc1n ''II l l: tl l"C . STAFF Alli, :
'l'lJDL: IJ'l' DEVEI.OPMEII'I' I) 11 l'u urn.1 several c.1 ,~-1.
of the 6th grade MPT scores o f til,1cl(s are dispropo1 l innate . . i I 1111 ~ one of th~ c I e 1 e11 11011-certified personnel is blacl'.. PAREII I "1 t 1JV<ll.VEMEtl'l' I) 111 1,11cnt 01cJ,1niz,1l i .. 11 lioard is all white. CdRRl( 'lll 1111 .JOSI!IIA I ll'l'ERVENORS t>Hl :I.lMill/\1<'.' SCHOOL REPORT I) 1 1,11 il ed mulitc11Jlur,tl '11 :..
plays . .:. ) 1 1,.i ih:!u docunwntati un <> L multicultural activities bejng 111Jt1sed into dail y l, :,:
ons. STAFI' .l\ l 11, " l'IIIH'.I1'I' DEVEi ,OPMEll'I' I) 11,, (ntire sch ool adrni111:..
trative staff is white. L ) 11, , 1 '-' c1re only t\10 l , lt1 ,: I. classroom teachers. j) I I ll! un] Y suspension l 11 j '., year was a black male, -1) 111\'1'1) <rnd MP'l' ~.:., n.!s of black students ate , Ii :..
pi-oporL ion a Le . CURRl('lll 1111 ,JOSI!llA I ll'l'ERVENORS l'RELTM111fll{'i' :
C!IOOL REPORT 1) 1 1 ,11 l1ooks ,1re not Ji iql, I iyhted in some classrooms . . n 11,1.
iLl Llll! unly :,cl,u<>l in the district \Jith a MA'.
'r 1,,ut.Jium, but its e111,,1 lment is primarily white. q 11,, Al t,ll.t cl c1s~cs a1 '-- 111,,.,tly white. ,I) 1, I ,il
l:Ll oulnu111ber uli i l es in all areas of resource ,11cl.! compuced lo l 1!1 l utal percentage of blacks in l11e . ,
l100 1. ~,) 11,'-' number ol b)acl::
in G/T classes falls below tile 1<:cL:plc1b1e level ul p,itticipation when compared to tile I" 1,
enl<lCJ'c: ol blacI.:, 111 the school. D[SCI i'i.1111 I) 11, , number of susp, 11!, i u11s and beh vior documents issued tll IJl<.1cl:s e,:ccecl l),.,:L.! given t o whites, although tile 1,l<1.:I: populacion J!, ,,1tlnumbeced lJy the while. S'l'AFF /\1111 .,'l'lll)Ell'I' DEVE!.OL'Ml:11' 1' I) 1 I,, fIA'P6 and Ml'l' scu1 v:
of blacks i.1re disproportionate. :i) 1, , d toL more Ii I ack l v 11 !1ers . PARE!l'l'/11 I tl'/<>LVEMEIJ'l' 1) ,,,ily one of the six olliLers of the PTA is black. 2) 11., t, is in 1,l,11 Lo monitor the use of interim 1 ,ipotLs . EXTl<A<'lll I 1 'Ill.AH AC'l'IVl'l'I ES - I jlldle-- GE!lhl<AI ll<H>L C:LlM/\'f'I'. I) effort:"l ici)hil iu11 sl1u11 I be made to encourage in l Ii, .a.
hool Is breakfast program. more CURRI CIJI 1111 ,TOSllllA I ll'l'ERVENORS PRl-:LTMHl !\H'i SCHOOL REPORT Bi1you J:Ic t d Elementary 1) , , , y 1 ind ted rnul ti <..
11 l l 111al displays of African-American , 11 l Lure . 2 ) , , 1y J i r.1 1 ted doc u111 L,ntation of the infusion o f ,11 111 itc11ll,1r-al acti v il i ~s, particularly African-Americ n , 11 I l.11 c c . CURHl('IIJ IIJJ ,TOSII\JA I ll'l'ERVENORS PRl:L1MIIIAI{'.' :
CIIOOL REPORT !Jeh1ood 1: I ementary I) 1 1111i led number 01 Al I i ,:.1 11-American displays. -~) 1 1 "' i Led drn:11me1,lali u11 ,, 1 African-American activities inlo . lc1 i l y 1 e~.:
on pli.rn: , . STAFI' /1111, ,' l'IJl)J::11'1' t1EVEl,OPMEll'l' I) 1J,.1e are r.o black cl<1~
t-oom teachers at this school. ~) 11,, MA'l'6 and Ml''I' sc,,1 v~, of blacks <1re disproportionate. J) 11 .. 1 ,, c.1te Jive !Jlcll 'I.., uut oL twelve students receiving ,J>e,~ ittl prog1ams . . J) . , t1uu 1 honot-s dnd .111.i Id:
are disproportionate to bL1ck .
tudenl.s. EX'l'HACIJI I ' 1 'Ill.AH l\C'i'J VI 'I' I ES I) 1111: te is onli one 1,1.i,
I male setving on the schooJ 's .,l11dc11l council . ,J OSlllJA 11 l'l'ERVENORS PRJ-:T.TMIII.I\H'! :iCIIOOL REPOR'r CURRI 'lJ1.1111 I) 1 ,, .. 1lc<l number of Af1i,:<1n-American displays :~) 1 1, .. ilt.:d dou1mentatiu11 ,11 African-American activities inlo l,:_
un plans. j) ,1, 11,.
e nl 1nc.111ipulaliv,:_
is given unwarranted emphasis ,1s , J ,e cur~ ol mu] l i l"lJ I Lural education. According) y, , ,<11
lH.!l"!.i sho111d l,l! t 1,dned, vi c.1 in-services, on tile , ... ,tllod:_
c,f te<1chi111J 11111lti-cultural education. STAFl' i\111 ,'l'lllll:IJ'I' f")f:VELOPMEll 'I' l) 2) 11,, ,l toL more lJlack ll:.t< l1crs. 11 1,, :..
cott2s in CJlad,:
' l) are disptoportionate for bl,wk , t 1tdl!t1L:_
. 'l'lle sc"1 L'., 1 n grades l -3 are low, overall. JJ 111, !,cotes ot lilac!:: .,, , disproporl ionate . I) ,.1,,1 im teporl:_
ill, 11ul reviewed by the administrati ve I d(.ll I Ly. l'AREll'l'/,i t liVOf.Vl'Hl-:11'1' I) 11. 1u is only one l>l,11!, PTA ofticer out of the seven t ul c.1 l mernbct :_
. 2) i I I tJ1d on Paci I i c '1'<,<1111 1111Jmbers are Hhi te. J) 1 d,q11<1tc cmpht1:
i!ci i.
111,l placed on Lhe return of intet im 1 .ports 01 t 1112 nol i Ii, 1tion of t1rents regarding the t e. CURRl Cll 1,111 I .fOS!ll If\ l ll'l'ERVENORS l'Rl:LTM11lf\H't :
C!IOOL REPOl<'l' cerit 1 ,1 I I, 1 ementary 1) 1 , .. ,il.ud t1rnc1rnt of Al I i,.111-American displays. 1) 1 j,,.ilcd doc.:111ne11tatju11 "' At:rican-American actjvities into , 1.1 i I y 1 cs:3on plan:c
. l) Tl, , chapte, One p1 uCJ 1 <11\\ appears to be tracking black . l11llL,11Ls
24 stutl111l~. ure encolled and 21 of them ate 1, I -1,I,. DTSCll'l.llll I) 11 .. 11<1 t-ents or stll(k11l :
11ere involved in the development . ,1 lllc djscipline pl.111. Sl'AFI' /,1111 .
l'lll)l:ll'I' 1.,EVEl.Ol'MEll'I' I ) 2) I I,, I'-' is , \/cl-d I , "Ulll j I\Cj , 1 ,orn:
. a need tot tec1cl1ers ll'Olll tine PAREl!'l'AI I 1I\/l11.VEMEt:"I' 111l>1, black teal"hers. , 1, 1,,,d concern that those teachct s ~
LI L'l!t received better equipment und I) 111\ otticers an.! p1-,clc,i,1inantly whil.e. JOS!lll/\ I ll'l'ERVENORS PRl'.LTMTII/\H't SCHOOL REPORT Col I ege_ ~
l c1 l i Q!1 Elementary CURR! Clll .111 I I) 'I I, i:.
sc..:houl 's ,l \lllcnls--27 ,inimurn uf 1,,o,11am. giftcLl und talented program serves 152 black <11111 125 white. There should be a 50 b I acl, students participating in t..he 2) 1 i 1,1 i LL!d Africa11-Ame1 i c..:.i11 displays. l) 1 i111iLecJ c.Jocumentation ul African-American activities inLo ,l-1ily lesson plan:,. DISCI l'I.1111 I) 11, school is~
11ed 111u1<..! behavior documents and counsel or 11..!IL!LT<1ls l:o LJlu,l.:
llldn to \lhitl!s. srAFI' /,Iii . :"t'llDEll'l' DEVEI.OPMEll'I' I) , 111..! MAT6 and MP'r scot<..!~, of blacks are disproportionate. II1e Ml''!' sc..:or<.Js a1<..! "l I ocious . :~) 1!1< :
cllool needs mo1<.J t,l<1ck teache1s. j) 1111 1,~ <1tI..! S<...!Vt.:11 isls at this school, and only one I.
I> I ,H
l. CURRl CU I I 111 JOS!llJA l ll'rERVENORS l'Rl: f.l MTIJ/\HY '.,CIIOOL REPORT l) 11 i:
i1Jle multiculturc1I displays are lacking throughout the .. d100I. 2) 1,illliled dor.urnuntat:ion ut the infusion of multicultural 11Uvitie::
, pdrticuL11 ly African-American culture. DISC! 1'1.1111 1) t lie t\10 behavior du1 :11ments issued by the school, they ,,_, ,e issueu lo bL1<:I: 111,1les, only. STAFI' /Ill :
' l'lll)l-:11 '1' DEVEI.OPMEIJ'I' I) 11,.,n~ a,-e only sevlalllvl' l1 blacks assigned to G/T out of l l1L! 11 i ncLy-t\-10 st11dL1il :.
. 2) '11,...,rc are only two lJldl
ks out of Lhe twenty-three nonL! ttitie~ personnel <1l this school. 3) 1'11 lucull~ advisory l 1,111mittee has only one black membu. ,1) 11 /.' l'C, ond Hu q1.i , I,, MP'I' scores of blacks t11e , I i~
p1-opo1tio11<1te. CURR r C'IJ I .111 I JOSl!llA I ll 'l'ERVENORS PRl-:L1MT!IAWt :,CIIOOL REPORT l) 1,i 111 i tcd c1mo11nt of Al 1 displays. 2) 1.i 1,1 i Led documentation ul African-American activities into .t,1 i I y 1 essons. 1) 1 ,,, 11 uf Ll1e eleven clti:
toom teachers are split K/1, 2/1, 1/:.i I and 5/6) . DISC! 1'1.1111 I) ,.1 nine suspensions issued thus Jar have been given to 1, lack students . 2) , di spropo!:Li onate 11u111l,er of long forms were issued to I, I <1(:k students . STAFF t.1111 'lllDE ll'l1 OEVEI.OPMEll'J' 1) '!'I,, t L: is a need ior mu1 L! black teachers . n 11 spc..:c ialist:
are \lililc. J) .1 1 Ll1c school ' s
-,1.tlf members are :-:cept ion ol 2 lJ I <1t
I. teachers and one white with the blac k lunchruom , ide. 1) , ,1, I'/ 5 ol l he 29 st11dL 111 s assigned to G/T are black. l AREll'l't.I i llVOLVEMElll' l) 111, l''l'A has no blacl
,,I I icers . EXTHAC'l II 1 I 1 'II I.AH AC'l'l Vl 'I' 11:S l) I I t lw student cou1,c i I otficers a1e white. ,JOSllllA 11l'l'ERVENORS l'RELTMT!I/\R\ :iC!IOOL REP01<1' p11pr i>e I: I cmentary CURR I CIJ 1,1 IM M \ ,1(.1 ~I 11 1 ) 2) 1,i111itcd rnu1i.t~uJtuc<.1l displays. 1, 1 rn I led i rn1 of rnulticu1 tural \ \iy\( ' c1 ) 1,,:~~ 1nfus1on inlo d,ii I y lesson pl ans. 1) 1111,Ju disparity in fllpha program between blacks and \/ l1 ites. DISC I l'l 1111 I) 11, tl.! is a feelinrJ ,1111O1HJ several students that discipline .it this sd10ol is 111u1L: punit..ive than strict, ie. rul es 1u11liddi1ir:
t,ilkin<J i11 Lhe cafeteria. S'l'AFI Alli, i' l'IJDl:Jl'l' DEVELOPME!l l' 1 ) 11, , 1 1 or m0,:-e IJ 1 ack I L'd' llcrs. ~) 1,,l'--'1im rcporL,
all' qi vu n only Cdsual attention by llie i ,1i nci pa 1. j) ,1 1,, .ind 111''1' sco1es ,,1 !, lacks are disproportionate. PARE!l'l'/11 , 11\/01.Vl 11E11'1' I) 1,,111rnitt:cet, have a cli:,1,orportionatc number of white Lo 1 I ,,cl: me1,,l)C1 :, . CURR I Cl JI ,11 I I ,fOSllllA IIl'l'ERVENORS PRELIMil!AH'{ SCHOOL REPORT 1) 1,i111ited ctocumcntatjnn ot the infusion of multicultural .icl i v it i es , partj cu I <1 1 I y African-American culture. DISC I Pl.I 1W l) '1'11.: l hree suspension 110\ cd were black males. STAFF Alli) :
'f'IJl)EU1' OEVELOPMEtl'I' 1) 'tl1,,1e is a neeu for moru black teat:hers. 2) '1"11<.!Le are 26 or 74% bl.ick students enrolled in r e source ,
I asses . 3) 111'-' principal and vh:e-principal are white and four of l lie olher five oft ice administrative staff persons ,He 1lso wllit.e . 1) 111 11, <.1nd Mi 'I' test scoI :, of blacks are disproportionate. GENEl<AL :
1 ll\)(}I, cr.rr-iA'l'E 1) 11HlerCJart!:'n :
tudcnl::, \1cre observed lying on the b<1 re t I ou L. in t1s . Pere i l t 11 I ' s class. CURR I ClJ l ,I 11 J ,JOSllllA I IJ'l'ERVENORS PREL1MTNARY SCIIOOL REPOHT Fuller ,1,mio1 High School r 1~ I ' l ' . \1'11 ' 1) 1,i1,,ited mulitcultural di::.
plays. 2) I. i mi Led docurnentat i 011 of multicultural .i.aily lesson plans. STAFF Alli, :
' l'lJllEU'l' DEVET.OPMEtl'I' infusion inLo 1) 1,.vim-1incJ of lesson pl<1ns are not a part of monitorjng dune by the prjncip<1l ::.
. 2 ) 111,11
t1nd MP'l' scores ol IJlacks are disproportionate. EXTRAClJl, 1 1, tJ I.AR AC'l'IV f'I' I ES l) 11, -mbership in the llt1Lional .
quad c1nd d 1 i 11 LL:dlll are l>luck stuuenl popult1Lion. Honor Society , cheerleadi ng not representative of ll1e GENERAL :, 11oo r. CLIMATE I) 1 1 ,, Englist1 d c partrne 11l chairperson, Ms. Porter, voices 1lw opinion thut <1I I !>lack people speak poorly. she 1 I ::.
o has i I I -de I i 11 L:d objectives for the English depar-tment tega td i 11q multicultural infusion <111d ,,d ivities . CURRTCU f.1111 J"OSlllJA l ll'l'ERVENORS PRELIMIIH\HY SCIIOOL REPORT Gl~UlY i QH 1nementary 1) Limited amount of Aft"ican-American displays in the ,: 1 ussrooms. 2) 1.i111ilcd documentation ol African-American activities into di1ily lesson plans. 3) '111, ! n .! ure three splil <
l .1ssrooms (1/4, 4/5, 5/6). 4) 'Jli,, G/ 'l' progl'."am should lJe more in line with the school's lilacl: enrollment ol ') (,% . DTSCIPJ.1111' l) I 1,11ents and students sl1ou 1 d be involved in developing the discipline plan. S"rAFF Alli> :i'PllDENT DEVELOPME!l'r l) 'l 'l1ete is a neetl for 11101e black teachers
all those in !' - 6 ,11'."C white. 2) fl i\'1'6 aml l-lP'l' scan:,:.
of blacks are disproportionate. 1>vcn1ll MAT6 scores i11 grade 3 and MPT areas of reading ind soci.:d sludie~
i 11 CJtade 6 are particularly low. PAREll'l'AJ. I 1IVOLVEMEN'r 1) I 1Jleri m reports should l ie sent at least once per year lo ,,very sludenL on only at times of tailure. ,fOSHLJA l lJ'PERVENORS PRELTMUJARY SCHOOL REPORT !!9.:rrl I: I ementary CURRT Cll I ,I II l 1) llcither mulUcultur<1l infusion nor displays ate t:onsistent in the cl <1ssrooms. 2) 1111usjon into lesson pl<1ns isn't adequate in many of the 1) 4) 1 ooms. l<t
ource guides were Ii brary antl v1er-e nul 'I 'll'-' media center \hlS , 11Llures, especially STAFF Alli> :
J'llDEtl'l' DEVEl.OPMEll'I' 1ocated in an anteroom of the <1ccessible to the teachers. I acking in emphasizing different Atrican-American culture. 1) tli1ly seven out of l\1e 11ty-three bl<1ck classroom teache1s .ite on staff at this
l'hool. ?.) 111 J'c, and MP'l' scores ul blacks are disproportionate. GENERAL :
1I1oor. CLTMA'T'E 1) l h".!dia center was I cH.:king in emphasizing different ,
1lltures, especially Alrican-American culture. CURR l Cll I ,l Ii I JOSIIIJA I ll 'l'ERVENORS PREI.IMI!IAH '/ ~
C!lOOL REPORT Tnd i an 11 i I I ~
Elementary 1) 1,i111itcd amount of Af1 i,
<1 11-Amerlcan displays. 2) 1, illlited Jocumenlation ul African-American activities inlo d-ii ly lesson plans. 3) 'I'll, L.L! urc Liu-cc spJ il , l <1ssrooms ( K/1 , 2/ 3, 4/5). OTSCI Pl.I Ill. 1) .. d111inistrative inpul, u11ly , in developing the disc ipUne ,,1 an . STAFI-' Allli :i'l'(J[JEtl'I' DEVEI.OPMEll'I' 1) '1'11<: 1e:: is a need for mon.i black teachers . 2) 11111',' 10 ot the 32 slutknls assigned to G/T are black. 3) 11 111cipl does not rL!vi1..:11 interim reports. PAREll'l'/\1. 111\/O1.VEMEtl'l' 1) !It.di to increase b) ctcl, Jl<l rent participation. 2) 'll1v1c is only one lil.t, I officer out of five on the l''l'A t,uarcl . EXTRAC'll I{ I' I 1 :ll LAH AC'i'T VT'I' f ES 1) 1111ly 14 of the stucknl ctmbassadors are black. CURRJCUl,llll ,JOS illlA I IJ'l'ERVENORS PRELIMINARY :
CIIOOL REPOR'r J~gKsonyil I~ Elementary 1) t.irnitecl infusjon of rn11tticultural activities in lesson 1lclllS. 2) 11t1ILic11ltural clisplc1y~ ,1ren 1t consistent throughout the :,d)UOI . S1'AFF Alll1 :
" l'IJDEN'l' DEVEI.OPMEtl'I' 1) 1111ly 12.6% of the std! are black
there is a need mo r-e t, lack teachers. 2) 'l'vuchers had j nadcqui..l t e knowledge of their roles in luuching mullicult11tc1l perspectives. J) 11 /\' l'b and r1P'l' scores ut blacks are disproportionate. PAREll'l'AI I IIVOLVEMEII'!' 1) 11!,1,:J~ pnrent participalion is low. 2 ) ,11,I',' one of five P1'A l>ut1 n.l members is black. CURR I ClJ !.l 111 ,fOS!lllA 11l'l'ERVENORS PR~:1.1 MTNAHY ~iCJIOOL REPOR'r ,Tacksonvi 1 le [!grth Junior !!i.911 l} 11ut much emphasis placed on infusion at the principal 's level of administrdlion. 2) 1.i111ilcd amount of AJticun-American displays. :3) 1.i111ilcd documenlation ol African-American activit..ies in I t, S.ciOn pl [1115. DTSCIL'l.llll, l} 'l 'llete are no records tn<dntained ior time spent outside llle classroom. S'l'AFF Alll l :i"l'lJDEN'I' OEVEI.OPMEll'I' 1) I< ,
ords for th is sclwo L show that there are only seven lilack classroom ledci1ers
3 white slaff members wete .odded
ancl only on of the staff replacements wete 2) ' 1'111..!te is no consisl.e1H~Y among stdff members concerning lhe use of interim t~uorts. 3) 11 /,' 1'6 and MP'r scores o t 111 acks are cl isproporti onate. 1,1 acl . . PAREll'l'A I, I IIVOLVEMEtl'l' 1) 'l'ilerc is no active l"l'A or VIP' s program. 2) 11,,~i-e is minim<1l bl<1ck pdrticipation in PALS program. 1) 111,mber of black stmlenl office monitors and gifted c1nd t<1l cntcd parlicip<1t1l !
is disproportionate. GEt1ERAL :i <'ll001. Cl,l!'!A'l'E 1) :,.! vctal CJ t.he te.id1ers visited displayed resist<1nt ,tULude~-- One \1llite male coach, in particuldr, I i tera 11 y Wtl 1 ked d\lt1Y from me as I approached Iii m l,etore class to t...c1ll. \/ith him. CURR fClJl.llrl JOSlllJA I 11TERVENORS PRELIMINARY SCHOOL REPORT
Jct~k2 o!)vi1 lg ~outh Junior Higl1 J) 1. i 111 i ted African-American displays. 2} 1.imited documentation of multicultural da i 1 y lesson plans, particular] y of ,
111 Lure. J) Al I specialty teachers <lre white. D1SC [PLI 111-: activities into Afrjcan-American 1) 'l'lle school's racial nwkcup is only JO% black, yet blacks 1cceive more behaviu1 documents, counselor- referrals, Alternative School and jn-house suspensions. STAFF Allll ~
' l'lJDEN'r OEVELOPMEll'I' 1) 11 i lh the exception of the principal, the school 's administrative stail is all white. 2) 011 l y one of the seventeen non-certified personnel, Lhe custodian, is black. J) '!'here is a neeLl for more black teachers. 4) (l1ily eleven of the litly-three students assigned to G/T ,u-e black. 5) 011ly Lhirty-nine of the one hundred sixty-seven students assigned to honors cl.isses are black. 6) 'I'll~ MAT6 and Ml''l' scores of blacks are disproportionate. 7) All certified additions and replacements to staff were \lh i te. EXTRACUlrn I ClJLAR ACTIVI'l'IES 1) cl\eerleading and dri 11 team squads are not represented 11 i th an cqui table nurnber of blacks. GENERAL :,('l!OOL CLH1A'I'E I) !IL~ cafcteda needs to be renovated. CURRTCUT,llfl iTOSJllJA l llTERVENORS PREL1MTtlARY SCHOOL REPORT ,Tacksonv i l 1 School J) 1,imited multicult11r<1l displays, particularly those dup i c
tj ng Afr ican-Ametican culture. 2) Limited documentatio11 of multicultural infusion into daily lesson plans, particularly African-American ,
u l ture. OISCIPLIIJE l) 110 parent involvement in school's discipline plan. 2) 1 >1 the 22 .c
uspensions j ssued as of 11/1/91, 12 or 54. 5% \Jere black. J) uv e r 50% of di sci pl i ndry referrals were issued to bla c k ,.
tudents. STAFF Alli) ~
ruoENT DEVET.OPMEll'l' 1) Advanced placement classes are predominantly white . During our visit, \-Je saw one all white European Histoly class. 2) 'l 'h8re are three counsel ors and all are white. J) 'l'here are no blacks on the faculty advisory committee. 4) Only 10 of the 64 certitied personnel are black. ~) '!'here are only 11 black students in the G/T program. 6) I-IA'l'6 test scores of black students are disproportionate. 7) The re is no moniotoring system of interim reports. PARENTA I , I INOLVEMENT 1) I'll ere is no PTA/P'l'O org,rnization. 2) communication with patents is poor. J) 'l'l1ere is a lack of total parent involvement. 4) 'I'll(.
! parent advisory/Bi-racial committee is selected only liy teachers. EXTRACUl<R I CUT.AR AC1'IVITES 1) 'l 'l1e school's student council is 84% white, while Lhe sLudent ~opulation is 24% black and 76% white. 2) 'l't.ere is only one block cheerleader and one black dd ll L cam meml..,er. 3) 'l'ltere are five head coaches at this school
none are l.Jlack. 4) c
yrnnastics should not be permitted in the try-out process 1or cheerleadjng. Allowing it to remain still creates <1 bias for those v ho hove training in this area. GENERAL :
c 1100L CLTMA'rE J) :
ul11e teachers voiced concern regarding the school's JO\:/ 111ora le. CURRIC!J I ,llM JOSHUA 1 tJTERVENORS PRELIMINARY SCHOOL REPORT Lke~QQ~ Elementary 1) l.irnLted amount of African-American displays. 2) l,imited documentation of African American activities infused into daily lesson plans. STAFF Alli) S'l'UDENT DEVET.OPMEtl'l' 1) 11eed for more black teachers
currently, there is only une black out of Lhe 12 teachers on staff . 2) Al I Lhe specialists ilre white. CURRICIJJ.llH JOSilllA l llTERVENORS PREf.TMJtlARY SCHOOL REPORT L 9~ewood Middle School l) Limited amount of African-American displays. 2) 1. i 11ti tcd documentation of African-American activities daily lesson plans . J) 11 lack resource students outnumber their counterparts two lo one. 4) 'l'lw fourth period resource class is all black. 5) u t the 73 resource students, 68 are black. 6) c
/' 1' classes total opproximately l 83 students, of only 28 are black. According to the school's population, there should be a minimum of 64 :..
tudents in this program. DISCIPLJ 11 I~ a wide between black and into white which black black whjte 1) '! 'here is djsparity referrals (6/7 students at the Alternative School are black.) 2) !lo parenl::, were involved in the development of the discipline pl an. STAFF Alli> S'rUDENT DEVELOPME!l'r 1) '!'here is a need for more black teachers
only five of the thirty-five teachers are black. 2) 11 1\'1'6 and MPT s c ores for blacks are disproportionate. PARENT A I, 1 NVOLVEMENT l) '!'h ere are 110 blac k officers on the PTA. EXTRACUl{I< I CULAR AC'l'IVI'l'I ES l) 'l'he number of black students involved in office monitoring is low in comparison to white participation
the same is true for student council. CURRICULlJM JOSIIllA fNTERVENORS PRELIMTIJARY SCHOOL REPORT La11dmark Elementary 1) 'l'hcre was limited displays on African-American culture. 2) l,j111ited documentation of African-American activities into daily lesson plans. srAFF Atll) STUDENT DEVELOPMENT 1) 'l'lle school's administrative staff is totally white. 2) 'l'liere is a need for more black teachers. J) 'l'he MAT6 and MP'L' scores of black students are disproportionate. 4) All of the students in resource (MR) were black. 5) 'l'he school needs to review interim reports. PARENTAL ltJVOLVEMENT 1) '!'here are only two blacks out of the seventeen PTA board otficers . CURRICUL!JM JOSHUA INTERVENORS PRELIMINARY SCHOOL REPORT r~wson Elementary 1) 'l'lle school ueeds more in-service training on the infusion uf multicultural activities into daily lesson plans. 2) r1i1iimal displays of African-American culture. 3) '! 'Ile principal should monitor curriculum more than l!lonthly. STAFF AND S'l'UDENT Dt:VELOPME!l'L' 1) '! 'here is a need for more black teachers. 2) 'l 'hc school's adminj strati ve staff is completely white. 3) only two of the iourteen non-certified personnel are black. 4) '!'he MAT6 scores of blacks are disproportionate. 5) '!'he MPT scores of 6th grade black students in the areas of language arts and science are disproportionate. 6) only three of the twenty-three G/T students are black. 7) All specialty personnel are white. CURRICULllM JOSlllJA INTERVENORS PRE LIM CNARY SCHOOL REPORT .LYn~tLDri ve Elementary 1) Limited amcunt of African-American displays. 2) Limited documentation of African-American activities into daily lesson plans. 3) 'l'hLs school has several split classes which need to be eliminated. DISCIPLTIIE 1) 110 parent jnput in discipline plan. sl'AFF Alli) STUDENT DEVELOPrIEll'P 1) '!'here is a need for more black classroom teachers
only two of tile thirteen are black. PARENTAL 1NVOLVEMENT 1) '!'here are no blact PTA officers. CURRICULUM JOSHUA INTERVENORS PRELIMTNARY SCHOOL REPORT Meadow Park Elementary 1) r.i nd ted amount of African-American displays. 2) r,j i,ii ted documentation of African-American activities in lesson pJ.-1ns. 3) There are tnree split classrooms (K/1, 2/3, 4/5). STAFF AIID S'l.'UDENT DF.VELOPMENT 1) There is a need for more black teachers
only 3 of the 12 are black. 2) All specialists are white. 3) 'l'he two new hires were white teachers.
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources.