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Agenda RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2005 OFFICEOF DESEGREGATION MONITORING Little Rock School District Board of Directors' Meeting OFFICE OF DESEG. MONITORING .I . ,, -::o m 4 C: ,I z31: ,> 1::0 I-< I-., C: I,..Zn... -~ I Z :en
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im .,n - 0 5., Czl n =. ~ z <II I. 11. Ill. IV. V. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS October 27, 2005 5:30 p.m. PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS A. Call to Order B. Roll Call PROCEDURAL MATTERS A. Welcome to Guests REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS: A. Superintendent's Citations B. Partners in Education - New Partnerships Carver Magnet Elementary with Raytheon Aircra'ft Company Otter Creek Elementary with Meyer Stagecoach Florist C. Remarks from Citizens (persons who have signed up to speak) D. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A. Remarks from Board Members B. Review of Annual Report C. Student Assignment Report D. Budget Update E. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects F. Internal Auditors Report G. Technology Update APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS: A. Minutes Regular Meeting - 09-22-0S Special Meeting - 09-14-0S Special Meeting - 10-13-0S , "0 -
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,,: ,'".,', '~ ' ii: 0 =l N m z (I) October 27, 2005 Page2 VI. BOARD POLICY AND REGULATIONS REVIEW A. AD: Mission Statement B. First Reading: AC - Nondiscrimination First Reading: ACD - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion First Reading: ACH - Anti-Harrassment C. Second Reading: Policy GBK - Staff Concerns, Complaints and Grievances, with Regulations GBK-R D. DKC-R: Regulations for Out of Area Travel, Travel Expense Authorization, Reimbursement and Travel Limits VII. HUMAN RESOURCES A. Personnel Changes VIII. FINANCE & SUPPORT SERVICES A. Property Easement: J. A. Fair High School B. Property Easement: Gibbs Elementary School C. Donations of Property D. Financial Report IX. CLOSING REMARKS: Superintendent's Report: 1. Dates to Remember 2. Special Functions X. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE HEARINGS XI. ADJOURNMENT , "ti --m
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-<a ,'- zC"T':I )0 -t " lS >z ~ u, I. PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS CA.LL TO ORDER/ ROLL CALL II. PROCEDURAL MATTERS/ wi:1 ~nui: Tn n, ri:i:Tl: Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS A. SUPT. CITATIONS B. PARTNERS IN EDUCATION C. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: October 27, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Partners in Education BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District Partners in Education program is designed to develop strong relationships between the community and our schools. The partnership process encourages businesses, community agencies and private organizations to join with individual schools to enhance and support educational programs. Each partnership utilizes the resources of both the school and the business for their mutual benefit. RATIONALE: The following schools and businesses have completed the requirements necessary to establish a partnership and are actively working together to accomplish their objectives. FUNDING: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the board approve the following partnerships: Carver Magnet Elementary School and Raytheon Aircraft Company Otter Creek Elementary School and Meyer Stagecoach Florist PREPARED BY: Debbie Milam, ViPS Coordinator !=' a, C: 8 !!l C: ~ m r>
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:j z Cl) RAYTHEON AIRCRAFT COMPANY 2400 Grundfest Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 Raytheon Aircraft Company Partnership with George Washington Carver Magnet School Little Rock, Arkansas 2005 Partnership Activities I. Career Day - March 19, 2005 A. RAC's Chief Pilot spoke to four 2nd grade classes 1. Presentation entitled "Planes Come in Many Shapes - How a Plane Flies" 2. Gave each student a brochure about RAC planes and a frisbee 11. Mentoring Program A. Volunteers from RAC 1. Provide support to teachers and administrators as requested 2. Provide support/services to students as identified 3. Provide motivational speakers for students Ill. Book donation A. RAC's Women's Net\vork Initiative group will donate books. Carver's Literacy Coach will present proposals for group to consider. IV. Tour of Company A. 5 th grade students will tour RAC facility 8. RAC will provide a pizza lunch for students V. Safety Presentation A. RAC Safety Engineer will speak to students LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT CARVER MAGNET SCHOOL Carver Magnet Partnership Activities with Raytheon Aircraft Company 2005-2006 1. Display of winning Invent America, Science and Math Fair projects at Raytheon. Carver specialists, Kim Washington and Suellen DiMassimo would set up and take down after contact to Arti Vanzandt.) 2. Birthday cards sent to Raytheon employees produced by Carver students during art chasses. (Raytheon to get birthday list to Erik Brown, Art Specialist.) 3. Invitations to Raytheon for classroom readers during VIPS Reading Day and Read Across America. (Carver contacts, Lori Watts and Karen Sebourn, Media Specialists) 4. Campus Leadership Representative from Raytheon. We would appreciate one of our contacts attending our four meetings per year. We will get at least a week's notice. This is an advisor activity.) 5. Building of a relationship between Raytheon team members and our Young Astronauts Specialist, Ed Scott, for further support. 6. Raytheon speakers for Career Week. (Contact
Counselor, Tracye Thomason) Phone 447-4000 Littie Rock. Arkansas 72202 r> ~ C: C m :!i ~ czi ii: m :!i !=' a, C: 8 !!l C: ~ m r> ill ' I
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l z "' Partnership Proposal Meyer Stagecoach Florist and Otter Creek Elementary Meyer Stagecoach Florist commits to the following partnership activities: Provide a floral centerpiece each month to be used in the cafeteria for Super Citizens' and Peacemakers' Table of Honor. A drawing will be held and one of the students being recognized will win the centerpiece to take home. Assist with other school activities throughout the school year when possible. Otter Creek Elementary commits to the following partnership activities: Provide artwork for the florist Provide choir to perform on holidays and/or special occasions Acknowledge Meyer Stagecoach Florist as a Partner in Education Invite the partner to school events and volunteer recognition events LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: TO: October 27, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Annual Board Meeting BACKGROUND: The Arkansas Department of Education rules which govern Standards for Accreditation require that public school districts hold a public meeting prior to November 15 of each year to review and discuss its annual report detailing progress toward accomplishing its district's program objectives, accreditation standards, and proposals to correct deficiencies. Additionally, all accreditation and evaluation studies and reports shall be discussed. A brief review of the highlights from our annual report will be presented at the October Board Meeting. RATIONALE: To comply with 7.03.3 of the rules governing Standards for Accreditation. FUNDING: None required. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend the Board accept this report. PREPARED BY: Suellen Vann, Communications Director Joseph Mittiga, Governmental/Legislative/Public Affairs Officer :n .z.... m 0~ n~ 3> 0 C: 0 =I 0
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o m ~ r> !!l C: C =g ~..... > en n en 1z5 :I: m !i !:I a, C: 8 !!l C: ~ m LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: October 27, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed. D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: 2005 - 2006 Student Enrollment Report BACKGROUND: The district's official October 1, 2005 enrollment report was submitted to the Arkansas Department of Education on Thursday, October 20, 2005. The report reflects an increase of 656 students in grades P4 - 12, with the total 2005-2006 count being 26,524. Last year (2004-05) at this same time enrollment stood at 25,868. RATIONALE: The October 1, 2005 Enrollment Report is an annual report due to the Arkansas Department of Education. The LRSD Office of Information Services, Student Registration and individual schools work together to compile the information submitted to ADE. FUNDING: The District has the potential of an increase in funding, from the ADE, when the first two quarter average of the 2005 - 2006 school year is compared with the average daily attendance of the 2004 - 2005 school year. ATTACHMENT: A comparison of the October 1, 2005 - 2006 and October 1, 2004 - 2005 is provided for your review. PREPARED BY: Dr. Linda Watson, Senior Director of Student Services :n .z.... m 0~ n j!: 3 > ,ooC =i !6 "' :< g ...... z m ~ m ~ !" n 0 z ~ ~ n.... . i5 z 00 z 0 1-0cUl5 HIGH SCHOOLS B w CENTRAL 1273 1033 FAIR 1006 127 HALL 1083 151 MCCLEUAN TT9 50 PARKVIEW 559 496 ACC 109 18 ALC 193 5 FELDER 32 2 ALT. AGENCIES 26 12 SUB TOTAL 5060 1894 MIDDLE SCHOOLS CLOVERDALE 491 27 DUNBAR 531 218 FOREST HEIGHTS 531 121 HENDERSON 503 65 MABELVALE 519 TT MANN 429 365 PULASKI HEIGHTS 411 307 SOUTHWEST 419 19 ALC 80 5 FELDER 2 1 ALT. AGENCIES 12 8 SUB TOTAL 3928 1213 ELEMENTARY BALE 273 23 BASELINE 219 17 BOOKER 324 253 BRADY 332 40 CARVER 290 211 CHICOT 418 34 CLOVERDALE 85 7 DODD 162 80 FAJRPARK 86 38 FOREST PARK 81 309 FRANKLIN 427 10 FULBRIGHT 152 445 GEYER SPRINGS 301 15 GIBBS 158 117 JEFFERSON 142 294 KING 409 .187 MABELVALE 257 50 MCDERMOTT 296 115 MEAOOWCLIFF 289 42 MITCHELL dosed OTTERCREEK 374 154 PULASKI HEIGHTS 152 167 RIGHTSELL 178 4 ROCKEFELLER 358 107 ROMINE 290 28 STEPHENS 527 11 TERRY 375 185 WAKEFIELD 366 20 WASHINGTON 516 78 WATSON 419 7 WESTERN HILLS 220 48 WILLIAMS 233 177 WILSON 242 15 WOODRUFF 219 17 ALT. AGENCIES 8 33 SUBTOTAL 9178 3338 GRAND TOTAL 18166 6445 10-21-05 LRSD OFFICIAL ENROLLMENT 2005-06 vs. 2004-05 1-0cUM 0 TOTAL %BLK B 116 2422 53% 1125 36 1169 86% 897 155 1389 78% 1103 35 864 90% 849 74 1129 49% 565 2 129 8,4'1, 112 2 200 96% 164 1 35 91% 0 38 70% 29 421 7375 69% 48-44 118 636 TT% 560 62 811 65% 453 24 676 79'4 533 62 630 80% 518 17 613 85% 515 56 850 50% 439 16 734 56% 404 22 460 91% 466 2 87 92'4 TT 0 3 67% 1 22 59'4 27 380 5522 71% 3992 38 334 82% 262 60 296 74% 235 30 607 53% 323 22 394 8-4% 248 32 533 54% 260 112 564 74% 392 21 113 75% 276 47 289 56% 141 6 130 66% 141 17 407 20% 71 3 440 97% 373 36 633 24% 144 17 333 90% 263 22 297 53% 164 6 442 32% 155 23 619 66% 363 31 338 76% 205 47 458 65% 253 32 363 80% 272 150 52 580 64% 314 15 334 45% 140 2 184 97% 262 12 4TT 75% 306 47 365 79% 245 9 547 96% 473 96 656 57% 307 105 491 74% 353 50 644 80% 427 32 458 91% 439 18 286 TT% 206 50 460 51% 240 19 276 88% 255 2 238 92% 215 1 42 19% 16 1112 13628 67% 8889 1913 26524 68% 17725 w 0 TOTAL %BLK 981 97 2203 51% 125 36 1058 85% 184 177 1464 75% 51 25 925 92% 465 78 1108 51% 18 6 136 82% 12 2 178 92% 17 2 48 60% 1853 423 7120 68% 24 98 682 82% 223 71 747 61% 133 22 688 TT% 57 55 630 82% 102 17 634 81% 368 66 873 52% 295 9 708 57% 15 12 493 94% 6 0 83 93% 13 0 40 68% 1236 350 5578 72% 26 31 319 82% 25 31 291 81% 253 29 605 53% 48 22 318 78% 204 32 496 52% 44 100 536 73% 17 67 360 TT% TT 43 261 54% 37 9 187 75% 270 20 361 20% 9 5 387 96% 381 29 554 26% 15 21 299 88% 120 26 310 53% 268 6 429 36% 211 33 607 60% 37 15 257 80% 102 51 406 62% 49 28 349 78% 5 1 156 96% 162 35 511 60% 137 9 286 49% 0 0 262 100% 126 21 453 67% 27 49 321 76% 15 11 499 95% 189 81 577 53% 12 86 451 78% 74 62 563 76% 11 6 456 96% 43 13 262 79% 172 49 461 52% 16 14 285 89% 18 2 235 91% 42 2 60 27% 3242 1039 13170 68% 6331 1812 25868 68% LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: October 27, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: October 2005 Construction Report - Bond Projects BACKGROUND: The media center expansion at Carver and the remodeling of Meadowcliff have been completed. I hope you have had an opportunity to see the finished products because you will be impressed. The demolition of Cloverdale Elementary School has begun and will be completed by the end of November. The attached report shows six (6) new projects that are being funded by the sale of QZAB Bonds for $2,189,175. The projects, identified as priority by the LRSD Maintenance Department because of the number of service calls for, equipment failures, replaced inadequate heating and air conditioning equipment in those six schools. RATIONALE: Monthly reports are submitted to the Board to keep members up-to-date on construction projects in the District. FUNDING: Bond Funds RECOMMENDATION: Report item
no action necessary. PREPARED BY: Bill Goodman, District Engineer ~ .... m 0 :,: z -< :D m ~ Facility Name Central Media ~dale Elementary Gibbs Henderson Mabelvale Elem. Mabelvale Elem. WITTiams CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2005 BOND PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION I Project Description I Cost I t::st. t,
ompletJOn Date Roof $85,000 Dec-05 - - Demolition - $520,750 - Nov-05 Addition - $705,670 - Dec-05 Skylight Replacement - $319,000 - Nov-05 HVAC (QZAB) $220,0QQ__ Nov-05 - Site Work - $6,QQQ__ O-ct-05 Drainage Repair $29,200 Nov-05 BOND PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION - FALL/ WINTER 2005-06 Facility Name I Project Description I Cost I Est. compIetIon Date J. A. Fair Sewer Line $82,900 Unknown -- -- Rightsell Renovation $2,494,000 Unknown BOND PROJECTS PLANNING STARTED CONST. DATE TO BE DETERMINED Facility Name I Project Description I Cost I t:st. t,
ompIeuon Date Administration Annex Electrical Upgrade $9,166 Unknown Alternative Learning Center Electrical Upgrade - - $2,696 Unknown Booker HVAC (QZAB) --- - - - $239,56~ - - Unknown Booker Electrical Upgrade Unknown Unknown - - - Brady Metal Roof - $250,000 Unknown Central HVAC (QZAB) $919.~ Unknown f-- - - - - Chicot Electrical Upgrade Unknown Unknown I- - - - Child Nutrition Renovation $6,500 Unknown f----- -- -- - -- Dunbar HVAC (QZAB) - $278,800 Unknown Fair Park HVAC (QZAB) $79,480 Unknown f----- - - - ~tHeights Remodel $1,547,~ - Unknown Fulbright Addition/Traffic Planning -- -- $2,500- Unknown --- -- Henderson Renovation -- -- $450,000 Summer 2006 Mann HVAC (QZAB) -- $382,400 Unknown --- -- Mitchell Renovation $2,212,493 Unknown Pulaski Hgts. MS Energy monitoring system installation - Unknown Unknown Terry Addition Planning $2,500 Unknown BOND PROJECTS NOT YET STARTED I I I est. t,
ompIeuon Facilitv Name Project Descriotion Cost Date Administration Annex ADA Adaptations $32,351 Unknown Adult Education ADA Adaptations -- $248.~-- Unknown --- - -- - - -- Structural Repairs $53,918 Unknown - ~ative Learning Center ADA Adaptations $43,134 Unknown --- ~-- Roof Repairs -- $26,959 Unknown Restroom Renovation $37,742 Unknown -- Booker ADA Adaptations -- $107,835 Spring 2006 Cashion Building ADA Adaptations -- $21 ,567 Unknown Dodd Restroom Renovation $26,959 Unknown Facility Services ADA Adaptations - $32,351 Unknown Install Water Meters at Cooling Towers $4,313 Unknown I-Emergency Lighting Replacement $80,876 Unknown ~ - Land Purchase - Booker $100,000 Unknown - - - - --- Fulbright Renovate Restrooms $10,784 Unknown - -- -- ADA Adaptations $21 ,567 Unknown Garland - - - - - Renovation - $900,000 Partially Complete ADA Adaptations $188,711 Unknown - ----- Geyer Springs Replace Restroom Stalls $4,313 Unknown - ADA Adaptations $21,567 Unknown Facility Name Henderson IRC McDermott Quigley Rockefeller CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2005 BOND PROJECTS NOT YET STARTED I Project Description I Cost I _ADA Adaptations _ $70,091._ ADA Adaptations _ $21 ,567 _ Restroom Renovation _ $21 ,567 Restroom Renovation _ $32,350 Restroom Upgrades $53,918 DressingRoom Renovation - $37,742 ADA Adaptations = $26,959 - Interior Renovation $16,175 Transportation - Laid~ ADA Adaptations - $32,351 - West Little Rock School New School - $11 ,782,638 - Facility Name Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Annex Alternative Learning Ctr. Alternative Learning Ctr. Badgett Badgett Bale Bale Bale Bale Baseline !3ooker Booker Booker Booker Booker Booker Brady Brady __ Brady Carver Central Carver BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I Project Description I Cost I Asbestos abatement _ $380,495 ~ sh air system ___ $55,000 Flre alarm - $32,350 - HVA-C -_- ___ ~= $70,000 _ Energy monitoring system installation Energy monitoring system installation Energy efficient light~-Partial asbestos abatement Fire alarm -aassroom addition/renovatfon Energy monitoring system Partial roof replacement HVAC-- Renovation Gym Roof --A- DA Rest rooms Energy efficient lighting Energy monitoring s- y-s~te_m_i_n-st-allation -,-Asbestos abatement Fire alarm ------- Addition/renovation ~ergy efficient lighting-- - Asbestos abatement $15,160 $82,000 $237,237 $18,250 $2,244,524 $269,587 $664,587 $953,520 $48,525 $25,000 $170,295 $23,710 $10,900 $34,501 $973,621 $80,593 $345,072 Energy monitoring system installation ____ $14,480 Renovation - Interior $10,200,266 Media Center Expansion Parking lot HVAC Renovation - Band Area $167,490 $111 ,742 $225,000 Carver Central Central Central Parking Central/Quigley Central/Quigley Central/Quigley Central -=--Reflecting Pond _ $57,561 $174,000 Central Central Central Central Chicot Chicot Cloverdale Elem. Student parking Stadium light repair & electncal repair Athletic Field Improvement -Irr~igati-on~ Sys~tem ------- - - -- Purchase land for school - ------------- Roof & exterior renovations Ceiling and wall repair Fire Alarm System Design/Installation Front landing tile repair Drainage Sound Attenuation Energy efficient lighting $265,000 $38,000 $14,500 Unknown $2,000,000 $24,000 $80,876 $22,470 $64,700 $43,134 $132,678 Est. Completion Date Unknown Unknown -- Unknown Unknown -- Unknown U-nknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Est. Completion Date Mar-03 Aug-03 Aug-03 Nov-04 ~y-02 Oct-01 Dec-01 Jul-01 Aug-02 Dec-02 Mar-02 Dec-01 ~g-01 Aug-04 Oct-04 --- - Aug-~ Apr-01 Oct-01 Feb-02 - Mar-02 Nov-04 - - Sep-02 Aug-02 May-01 - Sep-05 Oct-05 Aug-03 Dec-04 Sep-04 Aug-03 ~g-03 Aug-03 - Aug-03 !ID Dec-02 Dec-02 Oct-01 Aug-01 Aug-01 Aug-04 Jul-04 Jul-01 2 Facility Name Cloverdale MS Cloverdale MS Dodd Dodd Dodd Dodd Dunbar Facilities Service Facility Services Fair Park Fair Park Fair Park Fair Park Fair Park Fair Park J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Fulbright Fulbright Fulbright Fulbright Fulbright Franklin Geyer Springs Gibbs Gibbs Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson IRC Jefferson Jefferson Laidlaw Mablevale Elem Mabelvale Elem. Mabelvale Elem. CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I Project Description I Cost Energy efficient lighting $189,743 Major renovation & addition $1 ,393,822 Fire Alarm Upgrade $9,200 Energy efficient lighting $90,665 Asbestos abatement-ceiling tile $156,299 Replace roof top HVAC $215,570 Renovation/addition $6,149,023 Interior renovation $84,672 Fire alarm $12,000 Remodel $799,000 Parking Lot $185,000 Roof $245,784 HVAC renovation/fire alarm $315,956 Energy efficient lighting $90,162 Asbestos abatement-ceiling $59,310 6 classroom addition & cafeteria/music room addition $3,155,640 Energy efficient lighting $277,594 Press box $10,784 Security cameras $12,500 Athletic Field Improvement $38,000 Irrigation System $14,000 Roof repairs $391 ,871 Restrooms $152,881 Replace window units w/central HVAC $485,258 Diagonal parking $111 ,742 Energy efficient lighting $119,788 Energy efficient lighting $134,463 Energy monitoring system installation $11 ,950 Replace roof top HVAC units $107,835 Parking lot $140,,000 Roof repairs $200,000 Renovation $2,511 ,736 Roof Repair $161 ,752 Energy efficient lighting $76,447 Energy monitoring system installation $11 ,770 Major renovation & addition $8,637,709 Asbestos abatement $168,222 Energy efficient lighting $42,931 Infrastructure improvements $93,657 Energy efficient lighting $296,707 Intercom Security cameras $10,600 Lockers $43,854 Energy efficient lighting $193,679 Roof replacement gym $107,835 Asbestos abatement Phase I $500,000 Asbestos abatement Phase 2 $250,000 Energy efficient lighting $109,136 Asbestos abatement $43,639 Renovation & fire alarm $1 ,630,000 Parking lot $269,588 Fire Alarm Upgrade $12,000 Energy monitoring system installation $12,150 Replace HVAC units $300,000 I Est. Completion Date Jul-01 Nov-02 Oct-04 Aug-01 Jul-01 Aug-02 Nov-04 Mar-01 Aug-03 Aug-05 Aug-05 May-05 Apr-02 Aug-01 Aug-01 Aug-04 - Apr-01 Nov-00 Jun-01 Jul-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Aug-05 Nov-03 Aug-03 May-01 Jun-01 Aug-01 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Mar-03 Jun-04 Apr-01 Jul-01 Sep-03 Aug-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Apr-01 Feb-01 Jun-01 Dec-04 Jul-01 May-01 Aug-01 Aug-02 Jul-02 Oct-01 Nov-02 Jul-01 Oct-04 Aug-01 Aua-02 3 CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Facili Name Proect Descri tion Mabelvale Elem. Asbestos Abatement Mabelvale Elem. Energy efficient lighting Mabelvale MS Renovate bleachers Mabelvale MS Renovation Mann Partial Replacement Mann ~phalt walks Mann Walkway canopies Mann Boiler replacement Mann Fencing Mann Partial demolition/portable classrooms McClellan -Parking Lot Overlay McClellan Athletic Field Improvement McClellan Irrigation System -- McClellan Security cameras McClellan Energy efficient lighting McClellan Stadium stands repair McClellan Intercom McClellan Classroom Addition McDermott Fire Alarm Upgrade McDermott Energy efficient lighting McDermott Replace roof top HVAC units Meadowcliff Fire alarm __ Meadowcliff Asbestos abatement Meadowcliff Engergy efficient lighting Meadowcliff Remodel Metropolitan Replace cooling tower Metropolitan Replace shop vent system Metropolitan Energy monitoring system installation Mitchell -- ~ilding Remediation Mitchell Energy efficient lighting __ Mitchell Energy monitoring system installation Mitchell Asbestos abatement - - Oakhurst (Adult Education) New Windows Oakhurst HVAC renovation Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Parkview Energy monitoring s stem installation Energy efficient lighting Asbestos abatement Parking lot 6 classroom addition Parking Improvements Addition -- Parkview HVAC controls Parkview Roof replacement __ __ Parkview Exterior lights __ _ Parkview HVAC renovation & 700 area controls Parkview Locker replacement Parkview Energy efficient lighting __ Procurement Energy monitoring system installation Procurement 7=Tre alarm Pulaski Heights Elem/Middle Cafeteria Ceiling Pulaski Hei hts Elem/Middle Replace Ent Doors Cost $107,000 $106,598 $134,793 $6,851 ,621 $11 ,500,000 The total $1 .8 million is what has been used so far on the projects listed completed for Mann. - -- $65,000 $38,000 $14,750 - $36,300 _ $303,614 $235,000 $46,000 $2,155,622 $7,700 $79,411 $476,000 $16,175 $253,412 $88,297 $365,600 $37,203 $20,000 $17,~ $165,000 $103,642 $16,695 $13,000 $215,000 $237,237 $10,695 $81,828 $10,000 $138,029 $888,778 $142,541 $2,121,226 $210,000 $273,877 $10,784 $301 ,938 $120,000 $315,000 $5,290 $25,000 $33,378 $13,990 Est. Completion Date Aug-02 Dec-02 Aug-01 Mar-04 Apr-04 Dec-01 Dec-01 Oct-01 Sep-01 Aug-01 ~r-05 Jul-03 Jul-03 Jun-01 May-01 Aug-01 Feb-02 Jul-04 Sep-04 Feb-01 --- Aug-02 Jul-01 Aug-02 Dec-02 Oct-05 Dec-00 ~y-01 Aug-01 Jul-04 Apr-01 Jul-01 Jul-01 Aug-05 Aug-01 May-01 ~pr-01 Aug-02 Aug-0~ Oct-02 Aug-03 Dec-04 Jun-02 Sep-01 Nov-00 Aug-01 Aug-01 Jun-01 Jun-02 Au -03 Aug-05 Au -05 4 :n .z... m
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,, Cl) CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Facility Name I Project Description I Cost Pulaski Heights Elementary Clean Exterior Walls $98,660 --- Pulaski Hgts. Elem Renovation $1 ,193,259 Pulaski Hgts. Elem Move playground $17,000 Pulaski Hgts. MS Renovation $3,755,041 Rightsell Energy efficient lighting - $84,898 Rockefeller Energy efficient lighting $137,004 Rockefeller Replace roof top HVAC $539,175 Rockefeller . Parking addition $111 ,742 Romine Asbestos abatement $10,000 Romine Major renovation & addition $3,534,675 Scott Field Track Renovations $289,056 Security IT ransportation Bus cameras $22,500 Southwest New Corridor Ceiling $300,000 Southwest Addition $2,000,000 Southwest Asbestos abatement $28,138 Southwest New roof $690,000 Southwest Energy efficient lighting $168,719 Southwest Drainage I street widening $250,000 Student Assignment Energy monitoring system installation $4,830 Student Assignment Fire alarm $9,000 Tech Center Phase 1 Renovation $275,000 Tech Ctr/ Metro Renovation Addition/Renovation - Phase II $3,679,000 Technology Upgrade Upgrade phone system & data Terry Energy efficient lighting $73,850 Terry Driveway & Parking $83,484 Terry Media Center addition $704,932 Wakefield Rebuild $5,300,000 Wakefield Security cameras $8,000 Wakefield Energy efficient lighting $74,776 Wakefield Demolition/Asbestos Abatement $200,000 Washington Fire Alarm Upgrade $11 1600 Washington Security cameras $7,900 Washington Energy efficient lighting $165,281 Watson Energy monitoring system installation $8,530 Watson Asbestos abatement $182,241 Watson Energy efficient lighting $106,868 Watson Asbestos abatement $10,000 Watson Major renovation & addition $800,000 Western Hills Electrical Upgrade & HVAC $622,160 Western Hills Fire Alarm Upgrade $8,400 Western Hills ADA Rest rooms $25,000 Western Hills Asbestos abatement $191,946 Western Hills Intercom $7,100 Western Hills Energy efficient lighting $106,000 Williams Renovation $2,106,492 Williams Parking expansions $183,717 Williams Energy efficient lighting $122,719 Wilson HVAC for Cafeteria $56,000 Wilson Renovation/expansion $1 ,263,876 Wilson Parking Expansion $110,000 Woodruff Parking addition $175,000 Woodruff Renovation $246,419 I Est. c..
ompIetIon Date Sep-05 Nov-04 Dec-02 Nov-04 Apr-01 - Mar-01 Aug-01 Aug-02 Apr-02 Mar-03 May-05 Jun-01 Aug-05 Nov-04 Aug-00 Oct-03 Jan-02 -- Aug-03 Aug-02 Aug-03 Dec-01 Jun-04 - Nov-02 Feb-01 A~g-02 Sep-02 Dec-04 Jun-01 Feb-01 Nov-02 -Oct--04 Jun-01 Apr-01 -- Jul-01 Aug-01 - Aug-01 - Aug-02 - Aug-0~ Aug-05 -- Oct-04 - ~ug-04 Aug-02 Dec-01 Jul-01 -- Mar-04 Dec-03 Jun-01 Mar-05 --- Feb-04 ---- _!\ug-__ Aug-05 Auq-02 5 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: October 27, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Board Auditor Report BACKGROUND: Monthly report to School Board. RATIONALE: Summary report of activities. FUNDING: No changes. RECOMMENDATION: None. PREPARED BY: Sandy Becker !1:1 Date: To: From: Re: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS October 27, 2005 Board of Directors Sandy Becker, Internal Auditor Audit Report- October This is the seventy-second communication regarding status of the current year projects and reviews. Activity Funds a) Working with two high schools, two middle school and two elementary schools to resolve financial issues in their activity and related funds. b) Reviewing monthly financial information for all schools and assisting in resolving balance issues. c) Training school staff at schools on financial processes by request. Activities Advisory Board (AAB) a) Assist the Activities Advisory Board in its mission to strengthen the effectiveness and viability of activities in the District. b) The AAB has forwarded a Booster Club Guidelines Package to be included in official publications of the District after review. Board Policy and Regulation a) The routing of Professional Leave and Travel Requests is being worked on to make the process more efficient and to prepare for the process being automated to improve documentation and provide information for decision making. Technology a) Monitoring technology plans and technology meetings to determine how use of technology will improve and streamline the workflow for staff persons. b) Working with Procurement on the use ofbarcode scanners for checking and updating inventory records. This is being done to help more quickly update and check electronic equipment records at the various sites. a) Served as a trainer for financial portion of Nuts & Bolts, Bookkeeper & Secretaries Training, Security Guard Training, individual school in-service meetings, and others as needed. Working to facilitate best means to improve financial processes and increase accountability for resources. Training new bookkeepers on bookkeeping procedures as requested. Provided training with the Arkansas PT A on financials controls and financial preventive maintenance. Audit Report - October 2005 Page 2 of2 b) Placed training material, smart worksheets, and other helpful items on the Teachers Lounge section of the Little Rock School District web page. c) Coordinated guidelines and aids to inform and assist new activity sponsors of specific tasks relating to each activity. Added new checklist for spirit sponsors and smart spreadsheet for fundraiser reconciliation. This information is now in the Teachers Lounge section of the District web page. d) Developed skills test for financial positions. Audit Area Sampling and Review of Financial Procedures Other a) Pulling samples of district expenditures to test for accuracy, accountability, and compliance with District policies. Reviewing district payroll processes for compliance, economy and efficiency, internal controls, and cost control. Working with Financial Services Payroll on internal control and processing issues. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) a) b) c) d) e) Working with Financial Services on internal controls and rules for payroll processes and implementation of a new interface system. Monitoring other selected risk areas for efficiency, cost effectiveness, and compliance with District policies. Reviewing grant programs. Working with Child Nutrition on implementation of streamlined information processing system with Information Services and Child Nutrition Staff. Monitoring cost reduction efforts in the District. Monitoring combined payroll and human resources issues for compliance with board direction and internal controls. Reviewing leave accountability system. Assisting schools to track and reconcile Teacher School Supply Funds. Provided technical assistance to school staff on grant writing. Served as co-chair of Strategic Team One - Financial Resources. Served as District coordinator of United Way's Day of Caring (April 17, 2005. Eleven schools participated. Sharefest is scheduled for October 29, 2005. Assisting LRSD PT A's in financial process training. Problem Resolution a) I have made myself available to help resolve financial issues, assist in improving processes, and help find solutions to questions that arise. Please let me know if you need further information. My telephone number is 501-447-1115. My e-mail is DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 October 27, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Technology Report BACKGROUND: Since the last Board meeting the following technology activities took place: Technology Plan Revision Committee has started the process of revising the district's technology plan. The plan will be coming to the board in February 2006. Implementation of Edline, the program that allows parents to view grades, has begun on the middle school level. Teachers at Mabelvale Middle are being trained by district technology staff. The computer refresh program has continued at designated district sites. RATIONALE: To implement the LRSD Technology Plan 2003 - 2006 FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept this report. PREPARED BY: John Ruffins, Director, Computer Information Services Lucy Neal, Coordinator, Technology and Media Services LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: TO: October 27, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Policy Review: AD - Mission Statement BACKGROUND: The Board conducts periodic reviews of policies and regulations to ensure that these regulatory directives remain current and complete. Board member Tony Rose requested a review of Policy AD, which consists of the Mission Statement adopted in September 1998. The current mission statement was in effect at the time the LRSD 2003-2008 Strategic Plan was developed. RATIONALE: To ensure consistency between official Board policy and other documents used to administer the District's programs, projects, goals and objectives. FUNDING: No funding required. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Strategic Planning committee take into consideration the board authorized version of the mission statement and adopt it as the mission statement for strategic planning purposes. PREPARED BY: Roy G. Brooks ~ ::c >c: ~!
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,o ii-< !II LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: AD LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Little Rock School District is to equip all students with the skills and knowledge to realize their aspirations, think critically and independently, learn continuously, and face the future as productive contributing citizens. This mission is accomplished through open access to a diverse, innovative and challenging curriculum in a secure environment with a staff dedicated to excellence and empowered with the trust and support of our community. Adopted: September 24, 1998 DATE: TO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 October 27, 2005 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Policy Review and Proposed Revisions BACKGROUND: The Board conducts periodic reviews of policies and regulations to ensure that these regulatory directives remain current and complete. Board member Tony Rose requested a review of specific policies and has suggested updates as follows: Policy AC - Nondiscrimination The current policy AC, Nondiscrimination, was adopted in September 1998. The proposed revision of this policy changes the term "sex" to "gender and sexual orientation." The changes are indicated on the first reading proposal attached. Policy ACD - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion Policy ACD, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion, was adopted by the Board in September 1998. The proposed revision of this policy replaces the language of the entire policy, emphasizing the Board's commitment to nondiscrimination based on religious beliefs. Policy ACH - Anti-Harrassment The current policy ACH, Anti-harassment, consists of language that should be considered as regulatory administrative directives. The proposed revision separates the policy from the directives. RATIONALE: To ensure that the Board's policies and regulations remain up-to-date and accurate. FUNDING: No funding required. ~ :z: > C: -~ rilz
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ID 5 .... !I' c- RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval on first reading of Policies AC, ACD, and ACH. PREPARED BY: Roy G. Brooks LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: AC NONDISCRIMINATION The commitment of the Little Rock School District to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity, and human dignity requires that decisions involving students and employees be based on individual merit and be free from discrimination in all its forms. It is the policy of the Board of Education that there will be no discrimination because of race, color, religion, ~. gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or handicap/disability in the placement, instruction, and guidance of pupils
the employment, assignment, training, or promotion of personnel
the provision and maintenance of physical supplies and equipment
the development and implementation of the curriculum, including the activities program
and in all matters relating to the instruction, supervision, administration and Board policy development. Revised: Adopted: September 24, 1998 Legal References: Title VI and Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title I and Title 11, Civil Rights Act of 1991 Equal Pay Act of 1963 Executive Order 11246 of 1995 Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 and regulations, 34 C.F .R. part 104 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections 503 and 504 Section 504, 34 C.F.R. part 104 Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990 Vietnam-era Veterans Readjustment Act, 1974 Age Discrimination Act, 1975 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967 Arkansas General Laws Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997 Cross References: Board of Education Policies ACA, ACB, ACC, ACD, ACE, ACF ~ :c > C: ~
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C LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACD NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION Tho First Amendment to tho United States of America's Constitution requires that public schools remain religiously neutral. All students, staff, and faculty have tho right to choose or not to choose their own religion and thoro will bo no discrimination of any kind based upon an individual's religion. It is the policy of the Board of Education that no student, faculty, or staff in the Little Rock School District will, on the basis of religious belief, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any District educational program, activity, or employment. Revised: Adopted: September 24, 1998 Legal References: See Code AC Cross Reference: Board of Education Policy AC LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE : ACH ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY It is the policy of the District to maintain a learning environment that is free from harassment. The District prohibits any and all forms of harassment because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, religion, or disability or protected activity (i.e. opposing unlawful harassment or discrimination or participating in an investigation. Any such conduct will result in disciplinary action and notification to the proper authorities. It will be a violation of District policy for any student, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel of the District to harass a student through conduct of a sexual nature, or regarding race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, religion, disability, or protected activity as defined by this policy. It will also be a violation of District policy for any teacher, administrator or other school personnel of the District to tolerate sexual harassment or harassment because of a student's race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, religion, disability or protected activity as defined by this policy, by a student, teacher, administrator, other school personnel, or by any third parties who are participating in, observing, or otherwise engaged in activities, including sports events and other extracurricular activities, under the auspices of the District. For the purpose of this policy, the "school personnel" includes school Board of Education members, school employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, or persons subject to the supervision and control of the District. The District will act to promptly investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, religion, disability or protected activity to promptly take appropriate action to protect individuals from further harassment
and, if it determines that unlawful harassment occurred, to promptly and appropriately discipline any student, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who is found to have violated this policy, and/or to take other appropriate action reasonably calculated to end the harassment. fl ~ :r >. Cf
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:o r-n m en .. ~ .n,:_., ~~ 1:z nO a:m -<IIO I en - C: ~~ .. ::0 ii-< LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACH continued This policy will be broadly interpreted as evidence of the District's commitment to equality of opportunity, human dignity, diversity, and academic freedom. No person will retaliate or threaten retaliation against another person for reporting, testifying or otherwise participating in any investigation, or proceeding relating to a complaint of harassment. Revised: Adopted: July 23, 2001 Legal References: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 1965, 42 U.S.C. 2000d Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12134 Cross References: Student Handbooks and Personnel Handbook 2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACH-R Anti-Harassment Regulation PROCEDURE FOR COMPLAINTS OF HARASSMENT These regulations are intended to protect the rights of students, employees, administrators, the Board of Education and visitors on District property and to outline procedures, which will be followed in the event harassment occurs on District property or at an event sponsored by the District. The following definitions will be used for the purpose of enforcing the AntiHarassment Policy, ACH. DEFINITIONS Racial or Color Harassment Racial or color harassment includes unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's race or color, such as nicknames emphasizing stereotypes, racial slurs, comments on manner of speaking and negative references to racial customs. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It also includes conduct that is not sexual in nature but that is engaged in because of the gender of the victim. It includes condact that is also criminal in nature such as rape, sexual assault, stalking, and similar offenses. Under federal law, sexual harassment is prohibited regardless of the sex of the harasser, i.e., sexual harassment may occur even if the harasser and the person being harassed are the same sex. Sexual Orientation Harassment Harassment on the basis of sexual orientation is unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's sexual orientation, such as negative name-calling and imitating mannerisms. Marital Status Harassment Harassment on the basis of marital status is unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's marital status, such as comments regarding pregnancy or being an unwed mother or father. ~ ::c > C: - ~ ~z
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a i6--< ?I ~ "m' I: mz C' tL <- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACH-R (continued) National Origin Harassment Harassment on the basis of national origin is unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's national origin, such as negative comments regarding surnames, manner of speaking, customs, language, or ethnic slurs. Religious Harassment Harassment on the basis of religion or creed is unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's religion or creed, such as derogatory comments regarding surnames, religious tradition, or religious clothing, or religious slurs, or graffiti. Disability Harassment Harassment based on a person's disabling mental or physical condition and includes any unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct, directed at the characteristics of a person's disabling condition, such as imitating manner of speech or movement, or interference with necessary equipment. REPORTING PROCEDURES Any person who feels he/she is being harassed may wish to consider informing the offending person that the behavior is inappropriate and not appreciated. Oftentimes, this is all that is required to stop the harassing behavior. You are not, however, required to take this step prior to filing a complaint. Any student, District personnel, or visitor who believes he/she has been the victim of harassment by a student, teacher, administrator or other school personnel of the District, or by any other person who is participating in, observing, or otherwise engaged in activities, including extracurricular activities, under the auspices of the District, is encouraged to immediately report the alleged acts to the building principal. If the principal is the perpetrator of the harassment, the report of the incident will be made to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent, Associate Superintendent for School Services or the Director of Human Resources. Any teacher, administrator or other school official who has knowledge of or receives notice that a student or visitor has or may have been the victim of harassment by a student, teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel is required to immediately report the alleged act(s) to the building principal unless the principal is the perpetrator. If the harassment involves the 2 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACH-R (continued) principal, the incident will be reported to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent or Associate Superintendent for School Services. Upon receipt of the report, the principal, Assistant Superintendent or Associate Superintendent will notify Safety and Security personnel to conduct an investigation of the allegation. A third party may be involved in the investigation. The parent of the student (victim) will be notified immediately, unless after consultation with the student, it is determined not to be in the best interest of the student. If the alleged harassment is committed by a student, the student's parent/guardian will be notified that an investigation is being conducted. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible. A prompt, thorough and impartial investigation will be conducted of all complaints of violation of this policy. Upon completion of the investigation, a written report will be submitted to the principal, Assistant Superintendent, or Associate Superintendent. The report will include a determination as to whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual and whether they appear to have violated District policy and/or law. Notification of the outcome of the investigation will be sent to all parties involved. If the allegation is substantiated, the District will take immediate and appropriate corrective action, including the following: 1. a student will receive a disciplinary sanctioned as outlined in the Student Handbook, and/or notification to the proper authorities. 2. a staff member will receive a disciplinary sanction as outlined in the Employee Handbook and/or the proper authorities will be notified. 3. a report of the incident regarding a visitor who committed an act while on District property or at an event sponsored by the District, will be referred to the proper legal authorities. 3 ..~ :,, ,.-z n> .i:,::nz z:m -lllo I Cl> ,".'.C,,: "i3
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' LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: ACH-R (continued) Notwithstanding this policy, employees may file a charge of discrimination with the U.S. EEOC. Employers who wish to file a charge must do so within 180 days of the last act of alleged harassment. Revised: Adopted: July 23, 2001 Legal References: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 1965, 42 U.S.C. 2000d Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12134 Cross References: Student Handbook and Personnel Handbook 4 DATE: TO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 September 22, 2005 Board of Directors Larry Berkley President, Board of Directors SUBJECT: Policy Revision: GBK and Regulations: GBK-R BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors periodically reviews policies and regulations which provide the district's administration a clear line of authority for operating the district in an efficient and effective manner. A review of Policy GBK, Staff Concerns/Complaints/Grievances and the accompanying regulations, GBK-R, are modeled after Act 1357 as amended by the Arkansas Legislature in 2003. These documents describe the process an employee must use in resolving work-related grievances. A copy of Act 1357 is attached for your information. The policy and accompanying regulations in their present form do not clearly encourage employees to adhere to the board approved process. School Board members are also part of the grievance process and our obligations also must be more clearly defined. In addition, Policy GBK does not strongly communicate that the Board will not tolerate reprisal or retaliation directed at employees who follow the appropriate process and policy in resolving disputes with the district or its' administrators. RATIONALE: Policies should be clear and concise and offer specific directives to staff and administration. The revision of GBK and GBK-R prescribes a more thorough process for resolving employee grievances and protects employees from retaliation. FUNDING: This policy revision carries no financial implications. 8 z ?
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o r-n m u, RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt on second reading the revisions to Policy GBK. Although not required by board policy, endorsement of regulations GBK-R is also recommended as identified in the attached documents as underlined text. PREPARED BY: Larry Berkley President, Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: GBK STAFF CONCERNS/COMPLAINTS/GRIEVANCES It is the policy of the Board of Education to have written grievance procedures which will result in encouraging employees to express themselves on subjects concerning condition of employment, in fostering a better understanding of policies, and in ensuring all employees that their questions and concerns are considered fairly(,) and rapidly(,). (and without reprisals .) It is the expressed intent of the Board of Education that there shall be no reprisals or retaliation of any kind made, nor will any be tolerated, against any employee who exercises his or her rights under this policy. "Grievance" will mean any concern related to personnel (policies)~ (or) salary .. federal or state laws and regulations, or terms or conditions of employment raised by an employee. "Employee" will mean a person employed by the District under a written contract. The specific processes and provisions applicable to grievance procedures are outlined in the Grievances/Concerns/Complaints regulation, GBK-R. The Board of Education encourages an employee to resolve a grievance or any other issue through the chain of command process prescribed by this policy and regulation or by a negotiated agreement. Revised: Adopted: November 18, 1999 References: Board of Education Regulation GBK-R Legal Reference: AC.A. 6-17-208 8 ~ iz5 "' .. ~ ,n.:_,, .,,z n> 11:z nO z:m -<IIO I en '- C: :~ ..
a 5 .... C: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: GBK-R GRIEVANCE/CONCERNS/COMPLAINTS Purpose Some groups of employees are covered by grievance procedures defined in their respective negotiated agreement. For those employees not covered by a negotiated agreement the following process will apply. Communication and discussion can resolve the majority of questions and problems that cause difficulties between the employer and employee. When resolution is not reached rapidly, the employer and the staff member may proceed to effect resolution in writing as defined in this procedure. The purpose of the resolution procedures is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions consistent with the legal standards of "due process," to problems that may from time to time arise. The purpose is to (obtain better understanding of policies, to) encourage employees to express themselves more effectively on subjects concerning conditions of employment, and to ensure to all employees that their questions and problems are considered fairly, rapidly and without reprisals. Documents and Confidentiality All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance will be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants and will be destroyed three years after the last official entry. All parties will hold the resolution proceedings in confidentiality at all levels. Normally, the resolution process should be conducted at times that do not interfere with the assigned duties. Process "Grievance" means any concern related to personnel policy, salary, federal or state laws(,) and regulations, or terms or conditions of employment, raised by an employee. "Employee" means a person employed by a school district under a written contract. The first step in the procedure is to seek an informal resolution between the employee and the immediate supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved at the informal phase, the grievance is to be committed to writing and sent to the applicable supervisor within five calendar days of the incident resulting in the grievance. The employee will immediately thereafter schedule a meeting with the appropriate supervisor to discuss the complaint and resolutions sought. The parties should act in good faith to expedite the process. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: GBK-R Upon request, the applicable supervisor will schedule a meeting with the grievant within five workdays of receipt of the written grievance. If the problem is not resolved in the meeting held with the supervisor, and the employee indicates a desire to pursue further, a written request must be submitted within five workdays for an appeal to the Office of the Superintendent or designee. Appeals The appeal will be heard in the Office of the Superintendent/designee within ten workdays of the request for an appeal. An employee who has not been satisfied with the answer at the Superintendent's level may request that the grievance be submitted to the Board of Education. The request will include a written statement setting forth the issue(s) to be reviewed by the Board of Education and is to be addressed to the President of the Board c/o Superintendent's Office. Other Provisions An employee seeking to resolve a grievance as defined above is required to use the terms and conditions of their negotiated agreement for resolution of grievances. Employees not covered by a negotiated agreement are bound by the provisions of this policy. In either case, the responsibility for ensuring that the prescribed due process is adhered to and will not be circumvented is shared at all levels of the district, up to and including the Board of Education. Employees who have begun or who are considering initiating a grievance procedure either under the terms of this policy or under the terms of a negotiated agreement are prohibited from undertaking any action that seeks to circumvent the prescribed process. Specifically, employees are prohibited from conveying or causing the conveyance of information about their grievance to members of the Board of Education prior to completing the chain of command process prescribed by this policy or their negotiated agreement. Employees must be aware that receipt of such information by a member of the Board may be cause for that Board member to recuse him/herself from an employee grievance hearing. Likewise, members of the Board of Education, by definition of their role in the process, must refrain from any involvement in an employee grievance until the process formally reaches the Board as prescribed in this policy or a negotiated agreement. Members of the Board should always encourage an employee to resolve a grievance or any other issue through the chain of command process prescribed by this policy or by a negotiated agreement. Date: August 5, 2005 Legal Reference: Act 1357 of 2003 f> 8 z ?. 0z u, .. ~ n:,, ~-z n> i::z nO a:m ... go I u, '--C ~~
10 ii ... l 2 3 4 Stricken language would be deleted from and underlined language would be added to the law as it existed prior to this session of the General Assembly. State of Arkansas 84th General Assembly Regular Session, 2003 Act 1357 of 2003 SENATE BILL 913 5 By: Senators Wilkins, Broadway 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For An Act To Be Entitled AN ACT TO AMEND ARKANSAS CODE 6-17-208 TO PROVIDE FOR PROCEDURES TO THE GRIEVANCE LAW
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Subtitle AN ACT TO AMEND ARKANSAS CODE 6-17-208 TO PROVIDE FOR PROCEDURES TO THE GRIEVANCE LAW. 19 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: 20 21 22 23 SECTION 1. Arkansas Code 6-17-208 is amended to read as follows: 6-17-208. Grievance procedure. (a)(l) It is the public policy of the State of Arkansas that~ 24 ill~ Each school district shall have a written 25 grievance procedure which provides for an orderly method of resolving 26 concerns raised by an employee at the lowest possible administrative level 27 and in a clear and timely manner for both partiesj 28 29 30 31 (B) All school employees shall have the right to file grievances and have those grievances heard. A group of employees who have the same grievance may file a group grievance. (2)(A) "Grievance" means any concern related to personnel 32 palieies er salary policy, salary, federal or state laws and regulations, or 33 terms or conditions of employment, raised by an employee
and 34 (B) "Employee" means a person employed by a school 35 district under a written contract. 36 (b)(l) The grievance policy shall at least include the following 11111!1111111111111111111111111~ 03082003LDH0835.JMB291 1 2 As Engrossed: S3/27/03 provisions: S8913 (A) A procedure for resolving the matter informally with 3 the employee's immediate supervisor
4 (B) A procedure to appeal in writing an unsatisfactorily 5 resolved grievance from the immediate supervisor to the superintendent of 6 schools or his or her designee
7 (C)(i) A procedure to appeal in writing an 8 unsatisfactorily resolved grievance from the superintendent or his or her 9 designee to the school board at the next regularly scheduled school board 10 11 12 13 14 meeting unless both parties have agreed to a different date. (ii) The hearing shall be open or closed at the discretion of the employee. (iii) If the hearing is open, the parent or guardian of any student under the age of eighteen (18) years who gives testimony may 15 elect to have the student's testimony given in a closed session
and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (D) The right of all parties to be represented by a person of his or her own choosing, at least at the sehool aoaFa lm,rel but not by a member of a party's immediate family at any level of the procedure. (2)(A) The determination by the principal, superintendent, or their designees that the concern expressed by the employee is not a grievance may be appealed to the school board for a final decision. (B) At the hearing, the employee shall have an adequate 23 opportunity to present the grievanceT but no less than ninety (90) minutes, 24 and both parties shall have the opportunity to present and question 25 witnesses. 26 27 28 29 30 (c) The grievance policy shall be adopted in accordance with this subchapter and other applicable policies of the district. (d) There shall be no reprisals of any kind against any individual who exercises his or her rights under this act. (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a school 31 district to enter into an agreement recognizing an organization for the 32 purpose of negotiating personnel policies, salaries, and educational matters 33 of mutual concern. 34 35 Is I Wilkins 36 APPROVED: 4/15/2003 2 03082003LDH0835.JMB291 r> g z ~ 0z U>
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o 5--1 !D ~ U> m ii: m :5 DATE: October 27, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 TO: Board of Education FROM: Roy Brooks, Ed.D Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: DKC-R - Regulations for Implementing Policy DKC - Out of Area Travel Travel Expense Authorization / Reimbursement / Travel Limits BACKGROUND: The Board of Education periodically reviews policies and regulations which provide the district's administration a clear line of authority for operating the district in an efficient and effective manner. A review of Policy DKC-R Travel Expense Authorization / Reimbursement / Travel Limits describes the process an employee must use when traveling on school business. Key changes are the addition of travel limitations, credit card one day hotel charge directions, identification of travel coordinators, and due dates for professional leave forms. These changes are recommended to make the travel process more cost efficient and timely. RATIONALE: This revised policy will enhance operational efficiency and monitor professional leave during instructional time that impacts student achievement. FUNDING: This policy revision carries no financial obligations. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept the revisions to Policy DKC-R. New text is underlined. Eliminated text is marked through. PREPARED BY: Hugh Hattabaugh, Deputy Superintendent Sandy Becker, Internal Auditor Linda Austin, Grants Coordinator Valerie Hudson, Executive Assistant ~ :c C: . f
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,J i5 ... !D C t.. ' LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: DKC-R TRAVEL EXPENSE AUTHORIZATION/ REIMBURSEMENT/ TRAVEL LIMITS Travel will be for necessary school business purposes. Prior approval for all travel, including prepaid expenses, will be obtained before any expenses are incurred. Economical and reasonable modes of transportation, lodging, and other expenditures in accordance with the purpose of the travel must be used. A copy of the full agenda for the conference or training will be provided with the request for travel and request for professional leave. To insure that maximum impact can be achieved, the following regulations apply to all out-of-district travel. Out-of-district travel will be defined as being outside Pulaski County, AR. Travel Limits A maximum of two out of state trips per year apply to all District staff. Additional travel may be authorized if travel expenses are funded through a non-District related source and the travel is approved as being in the best interest of the District. When additional travel is required due to the job responsibilities, travel beyond the maximum may be approved by request of their supervisor and approval of the superintendent or their designee. Travel by the superintendent is addressed in Board Policy CBG. In state travel will be approved only for necessary and reasonable school business. Travel Day The travel day will begin at 6:00 a.m., include breakfast, lunch, dinner and one night's lodging, and will end the following morning at 6:00 a.m. Request for reimbursement of expenses incurred in less than full travel days must reflect a reasonable allocation based on the expense limits directed herein for a full travel day. Meal costs will be prorated by one half for that travel day if travel begins after 2:00 p.m. and for a return time prior to 2:00 p.m. Meals and Incidental Costs Meals costs will be determined by the last accepted federal per diem schedule. An electronic copy will be available in the Teachers Lounge section of the District webpaqe. Partial days meal cost will be determined by the departure and return time as indicated in the above section. Meals included in the cost of registration will be deducted from the per diem amount as follows: breakfast (20%), lunch (30%), and dinner (50%). No deductions will be made for continental breakfasts. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: DKC-R (continued) Lodging Expenses The District will reimburse actual lodging expense incurred in travel for the District. Lodging will be reimbursed only for the days of the conference attended plus night(s) required based on the conference schedule. Economical and reasonable lodging in accordance with the purpose of the travel must be used. Reimbursement for lodging expenses will require lodging receipts that indicate the employee has paid for the lodging. Receipts from personal cred it cards will not be accepted unless accompanied by the receipt from the lodging establishment. If the rate for lodging exceeds the federal maximum for lodging, a justification must be provided (i.e. no local travel costs between hotel and conference hotel
legitimate safety concerns
or room sharing to reduce cost). Travelers are encouraged to use cost saving initiatives such as appropriate sharing of rooms, car pooling and like arrangements. Using District Pro-Card for Travel After the travel form has been approved, go to your principal/ director and request to use the site's main Pro-Card (usually the principal 's / director's) to do the following: a. Secure a hotel reservation
b. Purchase airline tickets on-line (use website of your choosing, or online service, etc). Do not use any on-line service that requires you to enter your card number to find a rate)
c. Book airfare or obtain the estimated cost of airfare using a local travel agency
however, employees are encouraged to book tickets using available on-line services. d. Pay for registration fees
e. Purchase transportation tickets for multiple persons from same location traveling to same destination. If amount is expected to exceed $1,000 contact Procurement. f. Individual employees cannot use the Pro-Card to pay for the following~ 1. Hotel room
2. Meals
3. Auto rental
4. Incidental expenses. You will receive an expense check to pay for these items that have been approved on your travel form. If an issue arises regarding a one day deposit on lodging, contact Procurement for assistance. 2 .!=.=,' z >z (") ~ en ~ ::c > C: . ~
o~ ~ is z C: m
o r-n m en C E, t. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: DKC-R (continued) Travel Coordinator Any individual identified as a travel coordinator by Procurement that regularly handles multiple employees travel may in coordination with Procurement propose cost saving options associated with group travel. Procurement identifies travel coordinators as individuals who regularly handle travel for multiple employees. Travel coordinators may propose cost saving options associated with group travel. Such options will require written approval of the Chief Financial Officer. Travel to Destination The District will reimburse travel expenses to the maximum limit for point-to-point costs for coach fare on common carriers. Receipts or ticket stubs are required for reimbursement of common carrier costs. If an employee chooses to use a personal automobile, reimbursement will not exceed the current per mile rate approved by the District or point-to-point coach fare, whichever is less. When more than one employee travels to the same location in a personal automobile, mileage will be reimbursed only to the employee whose personal automobile is used. When automobiles are used for transportation to a destination, car pooling for multiple attendees is recommended. Mileage requests may be denied when the best interest of the District is not met after taking into account the circumstances of the request. Local Travel at Destination Actual reasonable expenses of local travel by common carriers at the destination will be reimbursed. Mass transit or taxi fare does not require receipts if all local travel claimed for the trip is less than thirty dollars. Receipts are required if the claim is over thirty dollars. Automobile Rentals - At Destination Automobiles will not be rented at District expense without prior approval of the superintendent or his / her designee and in no case without documentation, in advance, that automobile rental will be less expensive to the District than the cost of public transportation to meeting, conferences, etc. Reimbursement is conditioned upon advance authority as well as receipts from the leasing agency. Automobile Rentals - Travel to Destination If an employee chooses to rent a vehicle to travel to an approved destination, the employee will only be reimbursed the lesser of common carrier coach rates or round trip map mileage to and from the destination. If a vehicle is rented for multiple attendees, 3 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: DKC-R (continued) the limit for reimbursement will be the lesser of common carrier coach rates for two employees or round trip map mileage to and from the destination for two employees. The approval or disapproval level will be at least at the equivalency level of an associate superintendent for this type of arrangement. Reasonableness must be documented. Advance Request for Professional Leave and Travel The fif6t two forms listed below must be submitted at least thirty days prior to travel if an advance is requested. If there is no District expense for this trip or no advance required the deadline will be three weeks prior to the trip. The third form should be filled out only when multiple attendees from the same location or area are attending the same ew<ent. If an employee has not sent in documentation for the advanced funds within sixty days, payroll deduction will be made for the non-documented advance that has not been reimbursed. Request for Absence for Professional Meetings - to be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions on that form. This request must be submitted three weeks prior to the desired leave. Travel Authorization - Advance I Actual Cost - to be submitted in accordance with the instructions on that form. Non-travel items will not be included on advances or reimbursed with travel. Registrations and common carrier expenses (to and from the destination) should be paid by separate check to the vendor unless you used your district Pro-Card. Trav-e! 81:Jmmary for SGhoo! When multiple attendees from tho same area or school are going to tho same educational e.iont. A tra11ol summar,i will bo prepared by tho administrator of that school or area and sent with tho other documents. No employee will be reimbursed for out-of-district travel unless the required forms are submitted and approved in advance by the area supervisor, funding source manager (if required) and financial services. These forms must cover the entire cost of travel, the total days absence requested, be accompanied by the full agenda of the conference or event to be attended, and be delivered together for approval. Requests for travel will be completed in a timely manner to avoid registration penalties, and to obtain good rates for hotels, airlines, registration, etc. No travel will be paid from any source for which the required forms have not been completed and approved. Revised: March 24, 2005 Date: May 25, 2000 4 8 z !'
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a ii-< Request for Absence for Professional Meetings Name _____________________ _ Title ________________ _ School/ Department ______________________________________ _ Conference Name ------------------- Conference Date(s) ____________ _ Departure Date __________ AM PM Return to Duty Date _________ 0 AM O PM SECTION I: ALL PERSONNEL YES ONO NIA I. This is the only state conference I will be attending this year. YES NO NIA 2. This is the only national conference I will be attending this year. YES NO NIA 3. My choice of airfare/ hotel was based on the moderate price range offered. YES NO NIA 4. A plan has been developed to maximize coverage of sessions by all attendees for the benefit of my department and the District. (Auach conference agenda and plan) YES ONO NIA 5. Appropriate personal or vacation leave has been requested for pre or post conference stay. YES ONO NIA 6. This job-specific travel is based on my job performance responsibilities. YES ONO NIA 7. Request that expenses be paid by the District. If Yes, complete Travel Authorization form. YES ONO NIA 8. This travel will be covered by my site operating budget. If No, indicate the source of funds SEC'TIO:\ II: l\"STRl 'C'TIO\"AL STAFF D YES D NO ON/A 9. A substitute will be requested for this absence. 0 YES ONO N/A 10. Does extra duty pay apply? If Yes, list date(s): _______________ _ D YES ONO O N/A 11. Attendance at this conference/seminar is linked to a school-wide staff development goal that is related to the ASCIP, disparities or professional development plans. 12. Teachers requesting expenses and who will be chaperoning students should check: No. of students chaperoned___ 0 Will use personal vehicle O Will use transpgrtation other than personal vehicle 13. 1f you have answered No to any of the above questions, please provide an explanation: Please note the following: Departments will rotate attendance of staff yearly with the expectation that returning attendees share information as a requirement of attendance. Use of IDEA I Title funds, will be limited with a priority placed on school-based instructional staff funding for staff development. I understand that this travel is related to my professional responsibilities, must be approved by the principal, administrator or associate superintendent. In addition, I understand that this travel and expenses should be paid for by the association / organization and that temporary duty leave will be granted, with approval ofmy supervisor, for my attendance at this conference/ seminar. I certify to the best of my knowledge the above information is correct and understand that all information is subject to state and internal auditors. Approved Signature of Teacher or Other Employee Date 0 Disapproved Signature of Principal or Immediate Supervisor - (In-State Travel) Date Associate Superintendent - (Out of State Travel only) Date I/you have any questions, contact Sandy Becker, Internal Auditor, at 447-1115. Travel Authorization - Advance/ Actual Cost Name/ Title ______________ _ School/ Dept. ________ _ Date __ _ Conference Name ________________ _ Conference Date(s) _________ _ Conference Location __________________________ (Attach copy of agenda) Departure Date ________ Time ____ _ Return Date ________ Time ___ _ Dates Covered: (Write dates in table below) ~ stJt, .': \*<',M- ,-,. "Ill C !' , w. TH F ' SA SU M :ru . w . ' TH i -,F -"'1 ,SA
!:'. Method of Travel: D Air D Personal Vehicle D Carpool with other D Other __________ _ Registration Amount $ __________ _ Cost of Airfare or other Transportation $ _______ _ Requisition# for Registration _________ _ Requisition# for Carrier ____________ _ Expenses Advance Actual Difference Mileage ___ _ Miles @ ___ Per Mile $ ___ _ $ ____ _ $ ___ _ Meals/ Per Diem: # of Days _______ _ $ ___ _ $ ___ _ $ ___ _ Lodging: (Attach original itemized receipt) # of Nights__ Room Rate __ Tax% __ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ___ _ Other Expenses: (Taxi, etc.) ________ _ $ ___ _ $ ____ _ $ ___ _ Total Expenses $ __ _ $ __ _ $ __ _ Total Due: $ ______ _ D To Traveler D From Traveler SF FUNCT , OPUNIT OBJ I Requestee Supervisor Overall Supervisor Funding Source Mgr. Financial Services Approval of Travel and/ or Advance Date __ _ Date __ _ Date __ _ Date __ _ Date __ _ Approval of Actual Costs Date __ _ Date __ _ Date __ _ Date. __ _ Date. __ _ 8 z ~ iz5 "' ~ ::c ,.. C: ~! m :a~ ~lS zc: ,m.. .:.a, m "' "'5!! n:., ~z n> 11:z n<"> z:m ... go I c,, '- C: ~~ :0 ij .... DATE: TO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 October 27, 2005 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Personnel Changes BACKGROUND: None RATIONALE: To staff allocated positions within the District FUNDING: Operating Fund RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the following personnel changes be approved at the indicated positions, salaries and classifications. In accordance with A. C.A. 6-17-1502, it is recommended that one additional year of probationary status is provided for all teachers who have been employed in a school district in this state for three (3) consecutive years. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 19, 2005 for regular schools are considered intern teachers. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 8, 2005 for EYE are considered intern teachers. bf~ PREPARED BY: David E. Hartz, Senior Director of Human Resources 8
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a :6 ... Personnel Changes Page2 September 22, 2005 NAME START DATE/ POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Resignations/Terminations Certified Em~lo)lees Adams, Bernard Alternative Learning/ 9-18-95 Reason: Personal RIGHTS ELL 8-10-05 Bryant, Michael Science/ 7-17-02 Reason: Accepted another J. A FAIR 8-2-05 position Gall, Janet Elementary II/ 8-22-88 Reason: Leaving the city ROMINE 9-16-05 Gangluff, Tracey Speech Pathology/ 8-9-04 Reason: Leaving the city CHICOT 9-16-05 Goodman, Tamara Elementary V/ 2-24-03 Reason: Accepted another KING 8-1-05 position Kinslow, Nancy 4Yr Old/ 8-12-99 Reason: Health Reasons CHICOT 10-14-05 Mccorkle, Frances Elementary V/ 8-15-94 Reason: Retired ROCKEFELLER 9-8-05 McMurray, Victor Social Studies/ 8-27-8ii Reason: None given CENTRAL 8-2-05 Miller, Bruce Algebra 1/ 10-1-86 Reason: None given CENTRAL 8-1-05 Paige, Jr. Willie Assistant Principal (.57)/ 8-28-68 Reason: None Given MCCLELLAN 8-29-05 Peyton, Chanda English/ 2-2-00 Reason: Accepted another HENDERSON 8-4-05 position Tarpley, Glynda Special Education/ 8-14-95 Reason: Personal TERRY 9-20-05 Walther, Tammy English/ 8-13-98 Reason: Returning to school J. A FAIR 8-2-05 SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 1-17 48196.00 TCH925 4-09 42662.00 TCH10 2-17 49217.00 TCH925 62-12 50928.00 SPE925 1-17 47715.00 TCH925 6-14 51845.00 4YR925 6-18 56209.00 TCH925 4-19 54561 .00 TCH925 4-19 54561.00 TCH925 66-20 72864.00 ADC10 5-06 40756.00 TCH925 6-18 56209.00 SPE925 4-07 40351 .00 TCH925 Personnel Changes Page 3 September 22, 2005 fl 8 z >..... START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL 0z NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY u, New Certified Employees Bisbee, Donanne Art/ 8-16-05 1-05 33673.00 J. A. FAIR TCH925 annual 33146.86 prorated Boyd, Debbye General Science/ 8-11-05 2-17 49705.00 ALC TCH925 .!=.,' z Brakefield, Vance Band/ 8-11-05 4-04 37069.00 >z n PARKVIEW TCH925 >,... u, Bruhl, Rita Elementary I/ 8-22-05 2-04 34021 .00 ROMINE TCH925 annual 32780.00 prorated Burns, Josiah Elementary Ill/ 8-17-05 3-08 39976.00 ?< n KING TCH925 annual ,... 0 u, 39338.02 z C) prorated
, m Coleman, Donna Special Education/ 8-17-05 6-06 42556.00 i u, SOUTHWEST SPE925 annual 41669.42 prorated Daneshvar, Tamara Spanish/ 8-11-05 1-01 30190.00 CENTRAL TCH925 ~ Tl :.,, - Davis, Judith Special Education/ 8-11-05 5-05 39798.00 ~~ s:z Tl 0 FOREST HEIGHTS SPE925 a:m "I "'u"", '-C Dongmo, Annick Math II/ 8-11-05 4-01 34747.00 :~
J MCCLELLAN TCH925 5 ..... Germany, Pamela Music/ 8-24-05 6-20 58812.00 RIGHTSELU TCH925 annual WASHINGTON 56055.19 prorated Green, Raefani English/ 8-11-05 1-01 30190.00 !J:I ~ CENTRAL TCH925 u, m !I: m :5 t.. Personnel Changes Page4 September 22, 2005 NAME Grubb, Kelly Hays, Mark Hill, Natasha Hunter, Broderick Jeffus, Brandon Johnson, Harvey Madden, Sammye Mayberry, Kimberly McDonald, Thomas McMillan, Tashenia McNeil!, Janie START DATE/ POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Kindergarten/ 8-18-05 DODD Science/ 8-11-05 MABELVALE MIDDLE English/ 8-11-05 CLOVERDALE MIDDLE Elementary V/ 10-12-05 OTTER CREEK Physics/ 8-11-05 MCCLELLAN Electronics/ 8-3-05 METRO Mathematics/ 8-11-05 FELDER Typing/ 8-22-05 MABELVALE MIDDLE Social Studies/ 8-15-05 FELDER Business Education/ 8-5-05 MCCLELLAN Algebra I/ 8-11-05 CENTRAL SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 1-01 30040.00 K925 annual 29403.80 prorated 1-02 30770.00 TCH925 1-03 31351.00 TCH925 1-09 38318.00 TCH925 annual 29736.36 prorated 4-01 34747.00 TCH925 1-12 43107.28 VOC10 annual 41801.00 prorated 2-12 43311 .00 TCH925 1-01 30190.00 TCH925 annual 29246.56 prorated 4-01 34747.00 TCH925 annual 34385.05 prorated 1-04 33359.00 TCH950 4-18 46446.00 TCH925 Personnel Changes Page 5 September 22, 2005 f> 8 z .>... START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL 0 z NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY "' Mitchell, Mary Kindergarten/ 10-11-05 4-18 53326.00 GEYER SPRINGS K925 annual 41660.94 prorated Moye, Randall American History/ 8-17-05 1-16 46446.00 MCCLELLAN TCH925 annual 45478.37 prorated !.=.,' Perkins, Michael Physical Education/ 8-2-05 4-06 42469.50 z >z PULASKI HEIGHTS TCH925 C') MIDDLE ,... "' Priebe, Kurtis Algebra 1/ 8-11-05 3-01 33209.00 MCCLELLAN TCH925 Robinson, Renee Physics/ 8-17-05 4-07 40553.00 CENTRAL TCH925 annual ?< 39708.15 C,..'.) 0 prorated "z' C)
a Scruggs, Clare Arkansas History/ 8-11-05 4-01 34747.00 m J. A. FAIR TCH925 I "' Sharlow, Alan Band/ 8-11-05 1-5 33673.00 MCCLELLAN TCH925 Sherlin, Phillip Science/ 9-12-05 1-01 30190.00 MABELVALE MIDDLE TCH925 annual .. ~ 26887.97 ,, :., - prorated :.n, >z a::z ., C') z: m Staley, Jerry Art/ 8-11-05 4-18 53326.00 -<Do I (I) '- C: PULASKI HEIGHTS TCH925 :~ MIDDLE/DUNBAR
a ii .... Stewart, Sherrie World History/ 8-11-05 1-01 30190.00 CENTRAL TCH925 Weaver, Nellieann English/ 8-11-05 1-01 30190.00 SOUTHWEST TCH925 !I" Wingfield, Elizabeth English/ 8-22-05 1-04 32512.00 ~ PULASKI HEIGHTS annual "m' :I: MIDDLE 31326.67 m !
prorated C Personnel Changes Page6 September 22, 2005 NAME POSITION / SCHOOL START DATE/ SALARY END DATE CLASS Resignations/Terminations Non-Certified Employees Anderson, Almarie Instructional Aide/ 3-13-03 33-16 Reason: Accepted another CHICOT 9-27-05 INA925 position Armstead, Victoria Secretary/ 4-11-88 39-20 Reason: Deceased ACC-METRO 10-14-05 CLK10 Bonds, Dorothy Child Nutrition/ 8-12-03 7-06 Reason: None given ROCKEFELLER 8-29-05 FSH650 Carter, John CARE/ 2-28-05 3-17 Reason: None given CARE 9-30-05 CARE Clark, Phyllis Child Nutrition/ 3-10-04 3-01 Reason: None given MANN 9-12-05 FSH550 Davis, Doris Bus Monitor/ 10-15-85 1-10 Reason: Resigned without TRANSPORTATION 9-19-05 BUSMON notice Dobbins, Malinda Instructional Aide/ 8-16-04 33-16 Reason: Accepted another FOREST HEIGHTS 8-8-05 INA925 position Ghant, Natlyn CARE/ 8-19-05 3-05 Reason: Resigned without CARE 10-04-05 CARE notice Green, James Custodian/ 9-27-04 36-07 Reason: Terminated CENTRAL 10-28-05 CUS12 (misconduct)-No appeal pending Hardman, Melissa Instructional Aide/ 2-7-05 33-16 Reason: None given FOREST HEIGHTS 8-10-05 INA925 Hart, Andrew Custodian/ 1-20-99 31-10 Reason: Deceased MABEL VALE 8-22-05 CUS925 ELEMENTARY Haynes, Danielle Instructional Aide/ 10-23-00 33-13 Reason: Accepted another WOODRUFF 10-26-05 INA925 position ANNUAL SALARY 16109.00 32544.00 11111 .00 10.36 per hour 9350.00 14107.00 16109.00 8.38 per hour 20184.00 16109.00 14897.00 14735.00 Personnel Changes Page7 September 22, 2005 r, 8 z ?
START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL i5 z NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY "' Lewis, Johnetta CARE/ 8-29-05 2-03 7.85 Reason: None given CARE 10-2-05 CARE per hour Mays, Barbara Custodian/ 8-21-94 31-14 16781 .00 Reason: Job Abandonment KING 8-15-05 CUS928 Millen, Shirley Child Nutrition/ 2-11-91 3-14 9933.00 Reason: None given WAKEFIELD 10-20-05 FSH550 !.=.,' Murphy, Demetria Custodian/ 8-13-04 31-01 11379.00 z >z Reason: None given MCCLELLAN 4-19-05 CUS928 0 ,>- "' Ricks, Anjanette Instructional Aide/ 2-13-05 33-16 16109.00 Reason: Personal ALC 8-17-05 INA925 Roberts, Caroline Child Nutrition/ 9-20-02 7-02 11111 .00 Reason: Job Abandonment FRANKLIN 8-8-05 FSH650 ?< Schultz, Barbara Instructional Aide/ 9-1-01 33-17 16595.00 ,0- Reason: Deceased MABELVALE MIDDLE 8-9-05 INA925 0 !!? z C) Scott, Frank Custodian 3-22-04 31-03 12085.00 "m' ~ Reason: Personal BALE 10-6-05 CUS925 :",'
"' Seawood, Ruth CARE/ 3-18-02 1-06 7.74 Reason: Returning to school CARE 9-15-05 CARE per hour Skinner, Melva Instructional Aide/ 8-13-01 33-13 14735.00 Reason: Personal FOREST HEIGHTS 8-1-05 INA925 ~ .., Smith, Beverly CARE/ 9-2-05 2-05 8.18 z >z Reason: None given CARE 9-26-05 CARE per hour 0 m """' Swanigan, Shirley CARE/ 1-13-97 1-08 8.05 C.,,: Reason: None given CARE 9-30-05 CARE per hour ~ ~ Thomas, Anthony Custodian/ 8-27-02 31-05 16380.00 Reason: Failure to report MCCLELLAN 7-1-05 MAINT after hired Vick, Jo Ella Instructional Aide/ 10-13-89 33-10 13459.00 Reason: None given FOREST PARK 9-30-05 INA925 !JI ~ Walter, Minnie Instructional Aide/ 4-3-00 33-11 13875.00 "m' ~ Reason: None given RIGHTSELL 8-10-05 INA925 m 3 c-
IC < Personnel Changes Pages September 22, 2005 NAME Whaley, Billy Reason: Leaving the city Allen, Tracy Annamraju, Sivakamini Backus, Rebecca Bailey, Ada Bailey, Pamela Balfour, Belinda Barber, Jimmy Bealer, Carol Blackmon, Lonzell Brandon, Rita POSITION / SCHOOL Maintenance/ FACILITY SERVICES START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL END DATE CLASS SALARY 9-7-82 10-15-05 52-20 47976.00 MAINT New Non-Certified Employees Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-10 15463.00 ALC SOFR9 annual 14358.50 prorated Instructional Aide/ 8-11-05 33-16 16109.00 FOREST HEIGHTS INA925 MIDDLE Nurse/ 8-11-05 52-09 34548.00 FOREST HEIGHTS NURSES CARE/ 9-12-05 2-05 8.18 CARE CARE per hour Instructional Aide/ 8-11-05 33-16 16109.00 J. A. FAIR INA925 Child Nutrition/ 8-31-05 3-01 9350.00 HALL FSH550 annual 8847.31 prorated Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-16 18491.00 HALL SOFR9 annual 17170.21 prorated Instructional Aide/ 9-26-05 33-16 11759.57 TERRY INA925 annual 9789.05 prorated CARE/ 9-12-05 2-04 8.01 CARE CARE per hour Instructional Aide/ 8-28-05 33-03 13889.00 ROCKEFELLER INA12 annual 11643.12 prorated Personnel Changes Page9 September 22, 2005 !"' 8 z ~ START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL i5 z NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY Ul Brown, Cynthia Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 33-18 17094.00 FELDER INA925 annual 16539.60 prorated Brown, Dewayne Custodian (.5)/ 9-6-05 31-01 5689.50 MABEL VALE CUS925 annual ELEMENTARY 4947.39 !=' prorated .., z >z (") Brown, Edmonda Media Clerk/ 9-16-05 31-06 16872.00 >,... FELDER CLK925 annual Ul 14628.38 prorated Butler, Carolyn Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 33-16 16109.00 FOREST HEIGHTS INA925 annual 15586.55 ?< prorated (,.".). 0 Ul z Butler, Kamarious Instructional Aide/ 10-6-05 33-16 16109.00 C) :,0 m CHICOT INA925 annual i 12953.80 Ul prorated Butler, Tiffani Instructional Aide/ 9-28-05 33-16 16109.00 TERRY INA925 annual 13409.65 prorated ,, ~ :., - Cogshell, Joy Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 33-09 13070.00 ~~ II: z FELDER INA925 annual ,, (") z:m ... go 12646.11 I Ul '- C: prorated :~ :,O :5 .... Coleman, Sharon Child Nutrition/ 8-22-05 3-01 9350.00 WASHINGTON FSH550 annual 9249.46 prorated Criswell, Chasina Instructional Aide/ 9-1-05 33-07 12307.00 ROCKEFELLER INA12 annual ?I 11309.14 ~ Ul prorated m ii:: m ~ Personnel Changes Page 10 September 22, 2005 NAME Davis, Jennifer Davis, Sandra Duty, Rochelle Garrison, Dontornice Glasper, Nancy Glenn, James Gooden, Shamekia Gonzalez, Luis Grafals, Vera Harvell, Lola START DATE/ POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Instructional Aide/ 9-1-05 ROCKEFELLER Security Officer/ 9-2-05 J. A. FAIR Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 FELDER Instructional Aide/ 8-17-05 FOREST HEIGHTS CARE/ 9-12-05 CARE Security Officer/ 9-2-0q WILSON Security Officer/ 9-2-05 CLOVERDALE MIDDLE Security Officer/ 9-2-05 HALL Instructional Aide/ 9-19-05 OTTER CREEK CARE/ 9-12-05 CARE SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 33-09 16603.00 INA12 annual 13707.31 prorated 36-10 15463.00 SOFR9 annual 14358.50 prorated 33-16 16109.00 INA925 annual 15586.55 prorated 33-04 11253.00 INA925 annual 11009.69 prorated 1-02 7.13 CARE per hour 36-10 15463.00 SOFR9 annual 14358.50 prorated 36-10 15463.00 SOFR9 annual 14358.50 prorated 36-11 15929.00 SOFR9 annual 14791.00 prorated 33-04 7539.51 INA925 annual 6479.90 prorated 2-08 8.64 CARE per hour Personnel Changes Page 11 September 22, 2005 p g .>z.. . START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL i5 z CLASS SALARY U> NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Hawkins, Tony Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-10 15463.00 CENTRAL SOFR9 annual 14358.50 prorated Higgins, Judy Assistant Registrar/ 8-2-05 39-12 25632.00 HALL CLK10 p Hines, Terry Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-10 15463.00 .., z > FULBRIGHT SOFR9 annual z n 14358.50 >,... U> prorated Hunter, Roshuanda Custodian/ 8-17-05 31-01 11379.00 MCCLELLAN CUS928 annual 11255.32 prorated ?< n lstifan, Najat Instructional Aide/ 8-28-05 33-09 16603.00 ,... 0 !!? ROCKEFELLER INA12 annual z c:, 13918.26
o m prorated I
,,: U> Jackson, Jeffery Custodian/ 8-3-0~ 31-04 12453.00 CENTRAL CUS928 Jackson, Mary Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 33-04 11253.00 FELDER INA925 annual 10888.04 .. ~ prorated ,, :.., ~,, z> 1,, :nz Joiner, Lawrence Custodian/ 8-13-05 31-01 13616.00 zm -<!lo DUNBAR CUS925 annual I U> :... C: 6808.00 :~ ..
o prorated :6 .... Jones, Angela Child Nutrition/ 9-9-05 3-01 9350.00 ROCKEFELLER FSH550 annual 8495.43 prorated Lopez, Miguel Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-10 15463.00 !JI CLOVERDALE SOFR9 annual ~ U> m MIDDLE 14358.50
a: m prorated !!'
r Personnel Changes Page 12 September 22, 2005 NAME Leech, Cynthia Lewis, Alice Luster, Porchia McClendon, Marcus Mosby, Lashaun Murphy, Marc Murray, Danette Norfleet, Floyd Nuoffer, Mary START DATE/ POSITION/ SCHOOL END DATE Child Nutrition/ 8-25-05 BRADY Child Nutrition/ 9-19-05 OTTER CREEK Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 J. A. FAIR CARE/ 9-26-05 CARE Security Officer/ 9-2-05 PARKVIEW Custodian/ 8-18-0? METRO Guidance Secretary/ 8-15-05 PARKVIEW Security Officer/ 9-2-05 J. A. FAIR Secretary/ 9-12-05 FELDER SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 3-01 9350.00 FSH550 annual 9098.66 prorated 3-01 9350.00 FSH550 annual 8193.82 prorated 33-06 16109.00 INA925 annual 15586.55 prorated 2-02 7.70 CARE per hour 36-16 18491.00 SOFR9 annual 17170.21 prorated 31-01 14532.00 CUS12 annual 12491 .34 prorated 38-12 24876.00 CLK10 annual 23773.12 prorated 36-16 18491 .00 SOFR9 annual 17170.21 prorated 39-12 25632.00 CLK10 annual 22096.55 prorated Personnel Changes Page 13 September 22, 2005 ~ 8 z ?
START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL 0 z CLASS SALARY "' NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Palos, Matilde Child Nutrition/ 9-28-05 3-01 9350.00 BASELINE FSH550 annual 7942.47 prorated Parker, James Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-10 15463.00 WAKEFIELD SOFR9 annual 14358.50 !=' prorated .., z >z C") Piggee, LaQuinton Custodian/ 9-19-05 31-01 11379.00 >,... PULASKI HEIGHTS CUS928 annual "' ELEMENTARY 9894.78 prorated Riley, Janice Child Nutrition/ 9-28-05 3-01 9350.00 FRANKLIN FSH550 annual 7942.47 ?< C") prorated ,... 0 !!! z C) Romes, Robert Custodian/ 8-15-05 31-01 11379.00
a m METRO CUS928 ~
,,: "' Shirrill, Annette Nurse(.5)/ 9-16-0? 52-08 13411.20 WILSON NURSES annual 11664.95 prorated Simmons, Gregory Instructional Aide/ 8-11-05 33-16 16109.00 .. si! ALC INA925 ,, :., rn -z ,, > a::z ,, C") Stewart, Eddie Security Officer/ 9-2-05 36-16 18491.00 zm ... go HENDERSON SOFR9 annual I rn .... C: 17170.21 ~~ prorated
6 .... Turner, Edward Custodian/ 9-15-05 31-01 14532.00 STEPHENS CUS12 annual 11440.09 prorated Ward, Angela Instructional Aide/ 8-19-05 33-16 16109.00 !I' TERRY INA925 annual "~' m 15586.55 ii: m prorated :: C Personnel Changes Page 14 September 22, 2005 NAME Wells, Barbara White, Renetta White, Tremmel Wilborn, Cynthia Young, Monica START DATE/ POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Custodian/ 9-6-05 CENTRAL Child Nutrition/ 8-31-05 HALL Instructional Aide/ 9-16-05 KING Nurse/ 9-26-05 GEYER SPRINGS/ WOODRUFF Instructional Aide/ 10-5-05 FRANKLIN SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 31-01 11379.00 CUS928 annual 10575.05 prorated 3-01 9350.00 FSH550 annual 8847.31 prorated 33-04 11253.00 INA925 annual 9732.32 prorated 52-08 33528.00 NURSES annual 28114.62 prorated 33-16 16109.00 INA925 annual 13432.55 prorated DATE: TO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 October 27, 2005 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Property Easement: J. A. Fair BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District is undertaking a project to relocate the sanitary system at J. A. Fair High School from its present connection-point on Dodd Road to one that is closer and within the confines of the city streets immediately south of the school. In order for this connection to be allowed, an easement must be attained from Kenwood Estates, Inc. RATIONALE: The Little Rock School District presently operates a pumping station at J. A. Fair High School that pumps sewage approximately one-half mile to the city main. Recently another main has been relocated south of the school in the Kenwood Estates area. It is possible for us to connect to this main, eventually abandon the pumping station and the one-half mile of line that we now have, and provide much better service to the Little Rock School District. FUNDING: This project will be funded out of the bond funds for J. A. Fair High School. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached easement and allow the administration to proceed. PREPARED BY: Douglas Eaton, Director of School Construction 8 z ?
0z "' ,,>..<.. .> < c:z: 5~ c::o ~z I: C) m.z.. . "' !II ~ "m' I: m ~ C' RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT (CORPORATION) KNOW ALL ME BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Kenwood Estates , Inc . , GRANTOR, a corporation organized under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Arkansas , by its _________________ , and ______________ duly authorized by proper resolution of its Board of Directors, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars($~, and other valuable consideration paid by the Linle Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , do hereby, subject to prior recorded mortgages and easements, if any, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the use and benefit of the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee, GRANTEE, and unto its successors and assigns forever, the following described easements: 1. A PERMANENT RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND EASEMENT for the purpose of permitting the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee and the Little Rock Wastewater Utility to clear and keep clear the surface of the right-of-way and to (a) lay, construct, operate , maintain , repair, replace, reconstruct, test, inspect and add sewer mains and sewer lines whether on or more, and without the payment of additional compensation therefore
(b) keeping the easement clear of all buildings and other improvements of any kind
and (c) having the right to free ingress and egress across adjacent land of the GRANTOR(S) to the lands hereinafter described. Subject to prior easement of record and except as hereinafter stated, the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee shall have the exclusive use of this right-of-way and easement
and the GRANTOR may hereinafter use the surface of the easement for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights hereby conveyed, but may not place a building, footing, wall, structure, or other improvement upon the right-of-way except that, after the initial sewer construction is completed , the GRANTOR may pave the easement surface and may use it for driveways, walks, or parking areas. The GRANTOR may permit other utility service to cross this easement at approximately right angles, but only if such utilities first comply with whatever specifications the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Comminee and the Little Rock Wastewater Utility may designate at the time for the protection of its own facilities. This permanent easement shall be upon the following described lands situated in Pulaski County, Arkansas, to-wit: SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Part of Lots 17 and 18, Kenwood Estates Subdivision - Phase 2, in the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows
The East 7.5 feet of Lot 17 and the West 7.5 feet of Lot 18 of the said Kenwood Estates Subdivision - Phase 2, in the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, said easement being a total width of 15 feet and containing 1,834 square feet more or less. 2. A TEMPORARY RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND EASEMENT for the purpose of permitting the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee and the Little Rock Wastewater Utility to remove all timber and obsrruciions therefrom and to make excavations, store excavated material s, tool s. supplies and equipment and provide working space. This temporary easement shall begin when the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee and the Little Rock Wastewater Utility commence the initial work on the permanent easement and shall terminate one year after that date or when that work is completed, whichever is earlier. This temporary easement shall be upon the following described lands situated in Pulaski County, Arkansas, to-wit: None (Intentionally left blank). Upon completion of the initial or any subsequent work by the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee, the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee shall backfill and thoroughly compact all excavations to minimize settling and shall level the surface over its excavations and pipelines, remove all excess ex...:avated m:nerials and debris and leave the premises in a clean sanitary condition. If the initial or any subsequent work by the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee damages any fence, curb or paved surface upon the rights-of-way, the Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee, an its expense, shall repair or replace the damaged portion with materials of like quality and as nearly possible to its prior condition. The execution of this easement does not give the GRANTOR the right to connect to or receive service from any sewer or wastewater facility
the right to make connections and receive service shall be subject to the rules, regulations, policies or ordinances in effect at the time of application. To have and to hold said easements, rights and privileges unto the GRANTEE, and unto its successors and assigns forever, for the purposes aforesaid. And GRANTOR(S) covenants with GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, that subject to prior recorded mortgages and easements, if any, it will forever warrant and defend the title to said easements and rights against the claims of all persons whomsoever and that GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, shall have at al! times the quiet use and enjoyment of said easements and rights. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the name of the GRANTOR is hereunto affixed by its and its seal affixed by it's ________________ , this _______ day of -------- 2005. By: ATTEST: (Corporate Sea!) ?< n 5 en z C)
o I en C" STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF PULASKJ ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On this day personally appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, duly qualified, commissioned and acting, -----------------, and --------------- to me well known, who stated that they were the ______________ and _________________ ,of _______________ _ , a corporation, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing easement for and in the name and behalf of said corporation, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said easement for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and official seal on this ____ day of _______ _ 2005 Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) . , I I I I . n~ sc r
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,:, ~z :I: C'l m"' z .... !lD DATE: TO: FROM: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 October 27, 2005 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Property Easement: Gibbs Elementary School BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District is undertaking an expansion program at Gibbs Elementary School. In order to complete this project, an easement must be granted to Entergy Arkansas, Inc., to locate a transformer on our property to meet the needs of the facility. RATIONALE: In order to provide an updated service to meet the existing and future needs of Gibbs Elementary School, a new transformer must be located on site. Entergy has requested that we grant them an easement to locate this transformer that will give them access for repairs when necessary. The easement will be as shown on the attached drawing. FUNDING: The funding for this project will be covered by the LRSD bond funds allocated to Gibbs Elementary School. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached easement to Entergy Arkansas, Inc., for this project. PREPARED BY: Douglas Eaton, Director of School Construction :><- >< >" c:c 5~ c
,:, ~z
I: C'l mu, z -< ST A TE OF ARKA SAS COUNTY or, PULASKI Line/ProJect lden11fica11on: WR 22366 RIGHT-OF-WAY INSTRUME T ENTERGY ARKANSAS, I C. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: ________________ , Grantor(s), acting ind1v1dually, and for, and on behalf of, my/our heir , successors, assigns and any other person claiming the ownership to the property hereinafter described, collectively "Grantor", for and in consideration of one dollar, in hand paid, and other good and valuable considerauon, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, assign, convey unto and warrant and defend Entergy Arkansas, Inc., and its uccessor and assigns, collectively "Grantee", a right-of-way, servitude and easement JO feet in width, for the location. construcuon, reconstruction, improvements, repairs, operation, inspection, patrol, replacement and maintenance of electric power and communication facilities, or the removal thereof, now or in the future, including, but not necessarily limited to, poles, cross arm , insulators, wires, cables, conduits, hardware, transformers, switches, guy wires. anchors and other equipment, structures, material and appurtenances, now or hereafter used, useful or desired in connection therewith by Grantee over, across, under or on that land of Grantor in the County of Pulaski, State of Arkansas described as follows, to-wit: See attached description Together with the right of ingre sand egress to and from said right-of-way across the adjoining land of the Grantor and the nght to attach wires and cables of any other party to Grantee's facilities. Unless otherwise herein specifically provided, the center line of the electric power and communication lines initially constructed on this right-of-way shall be the center line of said right-of-way. Grantee shall have the full and continuing right to clear and keep clear vegetation within or growing into said rightof- way and the further right to remove or modify from time to time trees, limbs, and/or vegetation outside the said right of way which Grantee considers a hazard to any of its electric power or communications facilities or a hazard to the rendering of adequate and dependable service to Grantor or any of Grantee's customers, by use of a variety of methods used in the vegetation management industry. Grantor shall not construct or permit the construction of any structure, obstruction or other hazard within the said right-of-way, including but not limited to, house, barn, garage, shed, pond, pool or well, excepting only Grantor's fence(s) and Grantee's facilities. Grantor shall not construct or permit the construction of any buildings or other structures on land adjoining said right-of-way in violation of the minimum clearances from the lines and facilities of Grantee, as provided in the National Electrical Safety Code. Grantor, if husband and wife, do hereby release and relinquish all of our rights of curtesy, dower, and homestead to the said right-of-way. 1Rc, U-1/16/%-EAIJ E00193 04/96 I ' WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Right-of-Way Instrument on this _ da1 of GRA TOR: ACKNOWLEDGME T ST ATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF ______________ _ BE IT REMEMBERED that on th1 day come before me the undersigned, a otary Public, within and for the county and state aforesaid, duly commissioned, and acting _________ to me well known as the Grantor 111 the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that had executed the same for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. The above-signed person(s) acknowledged that _________ freely and voluntarily released and relinquished all rights of dower homestead and/or curtesy in the above described easement. W11ness my hand and seal as such otary Public this __ day of ___________ , 2004. Commission Expires ____ _ otary Public !SEAL] 1Re1 . 0-1/1<,/%-EAI) E00193 04/96 8 ! lz5 u, !.=.,' z >z n
!! u, ?< n 5 u, z C) ::a i u, EASEME T DESCRIPTIO Part of Block 280 of the Original City of Little Rock, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the orthwest comer of said Block 280
thence along the Easterly rightof- way line of Cross Street, South 0932'27" West 57.30 feet to the POI T OF BEGI 11 G
thence South 8027'33" East 13.00 feet
thence South 0932'27" West 15.00 feet
thence North 8027'33" West 13.00 feet to a point on the Easterly right-ofway line of Cross Street
thence along said right-of-way line orth 0932'27" East 15.00 feet to the POI T OF BEGI I G, containing 195.0 square feet, more or less. I vz REBAR/ FOUND / \ w l> 0 1 STORY BRICK BUILDING FF 345.98 APASvtHPGH ALT\ r----_ I I ---r-::::-r N ~ BASKETBALL GOAL I 04~ ASPHALT CLos'D\ .// PAVING _/ ------ ------ ' I FF f/1 347.30 I ""'' FF 350.00 1 STORY BRICK BUILDING ----11: W, PLAYGROUN !.:.I, z z> C') ~ Cl) ?< n 5 Cl> z C) i Cl> DATE: TO: October 27, 2005 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Donations of Property BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District receives donations from businesses and individuals on a regular basis. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District that donations are not formally accepted until they are approved by the Board of Directors. RATIONALE: District policy states that, in order to maintain the centralized fixed asset property accounting system, all property donation requests are forwarded to the Director of Procurement. The Procurement Department forwards the requests, along with the appropriate recommendations, to the Board of Directors for acceptance and approval. In order for proper recognition and appreciation to be conveyed to the donor, donor's name and current mailing address should be included in the donation memo. FUNDING: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached donation requests be approved and accepted in accordance with the policies of the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District. PREPARED BY: .if'oarral Paradis, Director of Procurement ~ ~Gwen Caraway, Fixed Asset Property Manager !=' -n z >z C') ~ tJ> ?< C') 5 tJ> z C)
JO m i tJ> i!!! )( o::c 5~ C:
JO ~z 31::C) m<J> .z. . DONATIONS School/Department Item Donor Bale Elementary School $1,000.00 check UALR Children International to be used for student incentives Central High School $100.00 cash to the Rita Cunningham Troubadours/Debate Club Central High School $3,000.00 cash Cheryl Miller on behalf of towards the purchase RCF Corporation of a laminator for the Ninth Grade Academy Lab Central High School $400.00 cash to the Dr. Randal Hundley Troubadours/Debate Club Central High School $100.00 cash to the John Parke Troubadours/Debate Club Chicot Elementary School supplies valued The 39er's Class of St. School at approximately James United Methodist $250.00 Church J. A. Fair High School $288.77 check for paint Otter Creek Assembly of and labor for painting God Church the baseball dug-outs Forest Heights Middle Chairs, valued at $825.00, Arkansas Capitol Corporation School for the conference room Forest Heights Middle Musical instruments Mr. Douglas Braswell of School valued at $1 ,200.00 Easy Cash Pawn Shop Forest Park Elementary Funds totaling $48,926.88 Forest Park PT A School to be distributed for the programs outlined in the attached letter from the PTA School/Department Item Donor Fulbright Elementary $966.43 cash to be Fulbright PTA School used to purchase a Dell computer Fulbright Elementary $200.00 cash for Sam Storthz Ill School volunteer expenses for the Reading Buddies Fulbright Elementary Printer, valued at $157.00, Bob Derryberry School for the Health room Fulbright Elementary Safety signs and rubber Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Rains School safety mats valued at of the Federal Highway $1,661.58 Administration and Valerie .~., and Jay McDaniel z >z n >,.... UI BALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL To: D" lal Paradis, Procurement Director From.~ . arbara Anderson, Principal Datet eptember 23, 2005 Re: Donation Bale Elementary received a check in the amount of $1000.00 from UALR Children International as an incentive for completing student projects during the last school year. The money has been deposited in our school activity account to be used for student's incentives. It is recommended that this donation be approved in accordance with LRSD policies. We are grateful to this organization for their support of our students and their families. RECEIVED SEP 2 6 2005 6501 West 32llll Street Phone 501-447-3600 Fax 501-447-3601 Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 .Cittfe 'Rock Centra{ J{ifJfi Scfioo{ 1500 Soutli Park Street .ittfe 'Rock, .'Arkansas 72202 'Phone 501-447-1400 :fax 501-447-1401 DATE: 9/28/2005 TO: DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCURl
f fAvC~t '-- SUBJECT: DONATION Rita Cunningham of 5424 Southwood Road, Little Rock, AR 72205 graciously donated $100 to the Troubadours/Debate Club. It is my recommendation that this donation be. accepted in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2005 pR O CURE f,
EfJ T ?< (') 0 u, z C) XI I u, :><- >< >. o::i: 5~ C XI ~z :I: C) mu, ~ Litt{e 'Rock Centra{ J-figfi Scfioo{ 1500 Soutfi Park Street Litt{e 'Rock, .. 'Arkansas 72202 'Phone 501-447-1400 ]'ax 501-447-1401 DATE: 9/1/2005 TO: DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCU~ME~
:,. . _ . FROM: NA CYROUSSEAU,PRINCIPAL~~ SUBJECT: DO ATIO , V O Cheryl Miller on behalf of RCF Corporation at 5 Shackleford Plaza, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72211, generously donated $3,000 towards the purchase of a laminator to be utilized in the lab of our Ninth Grade Academy. It is my recommendation that this donation be accepted m accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. RECEiVED SEP 6 2o05 w PROCUREMENT Littfe 'Rock Centra{ J-fi/Jfi Scfioo{ 1500 Soutfi 'Park Street Litt{e 'Rock, .Jlrkansas 72202 Pfione 501-447-1400 ]"ax 501-447-1401 DATE: 9/28/2005 TO: DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT FROM: NANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL ~.,,, SUBJECT: DONATION Dr. Randal Hundley of 5515 Country Club Boulevard, Little Rock, AR 72207, very graciously donated $400 to the Troubadours/Debate Club. It is my recommendation that this donation be accepted in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2005 PROCUREf.J1EtJT Littfe 'Rock Centra[ Jfigfi Scfioo[ 1500 Soutli 'Park Street Litt{e 'Rock, .Jlrkansas 72202 Plione 501-447-1400 :fax 501-447-1401 DATE: 9/28/2005 TO: DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT FROM: NANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL ~ SUBJECT: DONATION John Parke of 60 Sherrill Road, Little Rock, AR 72202 graciously donated $100 to the Troubadours/Debate Club. It is my recommendation that this ~onation be accepted in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2005 PROCUR~c ~.../.\ .,I. '.f... Jr CHICOT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL To: Darral Paradis, Procurement Director From: Jane Harkey, Princip~ Date: Sept. 23, 2005 Re: Donation \ The 39er's Class of St. James United Methodist Church has donated approximately $250 worth of school supplies to the students of Chicot. We are extremely appreciative of their generosity. It is recommended that this donation be approved in accordance with LRSD policies. The 39er's Class St. James United Methodist Church 321 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock, AR 72212 111 00 Chicot Road Phone (501) 447-7000 Fax (501) 447-7001 Mabelvale . Arkansas 72103 ~ >< >" C :C t ! C::,, ~z 31:C'l mu, .z.. . J. A. Fair Magnet High School Science and Technology Systems 13420 David 0. Dodd Road Little Rock, AR 72210 Phone 501-447-1700 . Fax 5-1-448-/701 To: Darrell Paradis, Director of Procurement From: Randy Rutherford, Princip~ Re: Donation Date: September 21 , 2005 I would like to recommend that the following donation to J. A. Fair High School be approved in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. A check in the amount of $288. 77 for paint and labor in painting the baseball dug-outs. Otter Creek Assembly of God Church P. 0 . Box 30190 Little Rock, AR 72260 RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2005 PROCU~
,J .' '.
ii.. .. FOREST HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL To: From: Date: RE: Darrell Paradis p Dr. Debbie Price D October 4, 2005 Donation Forest Heights is pleased to accept the generous donation of chairs for our conference room from Arkansas Capitol Corporation. The chairs are valued at $825.00. Please accept this donation in accordance with Board policy. Mr. Jay Wisener Executive Vice President of Arkansas Capitol 200 East Commerce Little Rock, AR 72201 RECEIVED OCT 5 2005 PRO C: : :~ ~. !
EfJ T 5901 Evergreen Street Phone (501) 447-2700 Fax (501} 447-2701 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 ?< n,.. 0 U> z C) i U> FOREST HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL To: Darryl Paradis From: Dr. Debbie Price Date: October 4, 2005 Re: Donations oP Forest Heights is pleased to accept the generous donation of musical instruments from Mr. Douglas Braswell from Easy Cash Pawn. The instruments are valued at $1,200. Please accept this donation in accordance with Board policy. Mr. Douglas Braswell Easy Cash 8601 W. Markham Little Rock, AR 72205 RECEIVED OCT 5 2005 5901 Evergreen Street Phone (501) 447-2700 Fax (501) 447-2701 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 FOREST PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL To: Darral Paradis, Director Procurement Department From: Theresa J. Courtney-Ketcher, Principal Date: September 22, 2005 Subject: Forest Park PTA Donations Darral, The Forest Park PTA has donated items totaling $48,926.88 to the school. Attached you will see an itemized statement in the form of a letter from the PTA. I recommend that these donated items be approved in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. Attachment TCK/pac ------ 1\ECE\\JEO
)tr i 2 2ons 1600 North Tyler Street (501) Phone 447-4500 Fax (501) 447-4501 Little Rock, Arkansas 72207 ?< (") 5 !!? z C)
o I U> FOREST PARK ELEMENTARY PTA September 6, 2005 Theresa Courtney-Ketcher Principal Forest Park Elementary School 1600 N. Tyler Street Little Rock, AR 72207 RE: Donations Dear Mrs. Courtney-Ketcher, The Forest Park Elementary PTA has donated $48,926.88 to the school for the following: Staff Appreciation Principal's Discretionary Fund Classroom Supplies, Instruction and Maintenance Art Instruction & Materials Computer Maintenance Grounds Expense Space Camp Spanish Instruction & Materials Student Recognition Accelerated Reader Program Parental Involvement Field Day Fifth Grade Graduation Student Recruitment Please contact me if you have any questions. ~~9J'Mb1tl[~ Janis P. Thibault PTA Treasurer cc: Melanie Fox, Martha Hill, Christy Clark $2,236.79 $1,000.00 $12,168.35 $2,255.39 $9,445.35 $2,000.00 $13,371.05 $2631.75 $1,437.63 $719.26 $1,661.31 RECEIVED \)tr 2 2 2005 Fulbright Elementary Memo To: From: Darral Paradis, Director Of Procurement Deborah Mitchell, Principal CC: Date: September 28, 2005 Re: Donations to Fulbright Elementary The Fulbright PTA, 300 Pleasant Valley Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas 72212, has generously donated $966.43 for a Dell computer for our website. Sam Storthz Ill, 810 N University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72205 has donated $200 for volunteer expenses for Reading Buddies, our canine-assisted literacy intervention program. Bob Derryberry, 6800 Waterview Pl., Sherwood, AR 72120, has donated a Printer valued at $157 to our health room. It is recommended that these donations be approved with thanks in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District board of Directors. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, -t~J-cuA J1u7fiJdL Deborah Mitchell Principal DM:lam RECE\VED \)tr 2 9 2005 -.... - Fulbright Elementary Memo ( To: Darral Paradis, Director Of Procurement- From: Deborah Mitchell, Principal CC: Date: September 1 , 2005 Re: Donations to Fulbright Elementary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Rains, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Office Bldg Room 3128, 700 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201, and Valerie and Jay McDaniel, 1800 Sawgrass Drive, Little Rock, AR 72212, have generously donated Safety Signs and rubber safety mats valued at $1,661.58. It is recommended that these donations be approved with thanks in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District Board of Directors. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~~w~ Deborah Mitchell Principal DM:lam LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: October 27, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Financial Reports BACKGROUND: Financial reporting is designed to keep the Board of Directors up-to-date regarding the District's current financial condition. Financial reports are submitted monthly to the Board for review and approval. RATIONALE: September 2005 financial reports are submitted for the Board's review and approval. FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the September 2005 financial reports as submitted. PREPARED BY: Jean A. Ring, Director Finance and Accounting LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ANO CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ANO 2005 APPROVED RECEIPTS % APPROVED RECEIPTS % 2004/05 09/30/04 COLLECTED 2005/06 09/30/05 COLLECTED REVENUE-LOCAL SOURCES CURRENT TAXES 61,436,691 12,467,263 20.29% 67,268,610 13,829,345 20.56% DELINQUENT TAXES 12,135,000 986,045 8.13% 9,200,000 989,051 10.75% 40% PULLBACK 31,250,000 0.00% 33,000,000 0.00% EXCESS TREASURER'S FEE 205,000 0.00% 210,000 0.00% DEPOSITORY INTEREST 155,000 0.00% 145,000 0.00% REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES 185,000 0.00% 204,000 0.00% MISCELLANEOUS AND RENTS 485,000 13,590 2.80% 365,000 45,766 12.54% INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 245,000 82,243 33.57% 750,000 265,233 35.36% ATHLETIC RECEIPTS 215,000 48,071 22.36% 195,000 56,182 28.81% TOTAL 106,311 ,691 13,597,212 12.79% 111,337,610 15,185,577 13.64% REVENUE - COUNTY SOURCES COUNTY GENERAL 22,000 5,644 25.65% 21,500 5,021 23.35% TOTAL 22,000 5,644 25.65% 21,500 5,021 23.35% REVENUE- STATE SOURCES EQUALIZATION FUNDING 65,082,694 11 ,852,204 18.21% 66,095,1 55 11 ,749,284 17.78% ALTERNATIVE LEARNING 1,927,250 481 ,812 25.00% 1,100,000 0.00% ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 193,739 0.00% 200,000 0.00% NATL SCHL LUNCH STUDENT FUNDING 6,498,240 1,181,498 18.18% 6,877,920 1,250,530 18.18% PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,141 ,165 1,141,165 100.00% 953,144 953,144 100.00% SETTLEMENT PROCEEDS{STRS/HEAL TH) 8,275,000 1,387,526 16.77% 8,200,000 1,333,980 16.27% VOCATIONAL 1,350,000 195,052 14.45% 1,785,000 214,600 12.02% HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 2,100,000 0.00% 2,425,000 132,581 5.47% EARLY CHILDHOOD 5,542,510 1,430,540 25.81% 4,000,000 1,341,500 33.54% TRANSPORTATION 4,125,000 1,325,044 32.12% 4,252,900 0.00% M TO M TRANSFERS 4,575,000 414,913 9.07% 4,100,000 0.00% ADULT EDUCATION 934,380 109,000 11.67% 926,543 111,615 12.05% AT RISK FUNDING 395,000 9,400 2.38% 10,000 0.00% TAP PROGRAM 382,903 7,645 2.00% 288,623 142,623 49.41% TOTAL 102,522,882 19,535,799 19.06% 101 ,214,285 17,229,857 17.02% REVENUE - OTHER SOURCES TRANSFER FROM CAP PROJ FUND 770,000 0.00% 770,000 0.00% TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,295,000 8,416 0.65% 1,370,524 0.00% TRANSFER FROM MAGNET FUND 1,849,008 0.00% 2,194,000 0.00% TOTAL 3,914,008 8,416 0.22% 4,334,524 0 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING 212,770,581 33,147,071 15.58% 216,907,919 32,420,456 14.95% REVENUE - OTHER FEDERAL GRANTS 22,887,794 1,972,536 8.62% 20,152,896 897,433 4.45% DEDICATED M & 0 4,500,000 57,924 1.29% 4,784,200 43,067 0.90% MAGNET SCHOOLS 27,964,934 2,191,329 7.84% 28,849,578 1,274,413 4.42% CHARTER SCHOOL 1,340,000 350,000 26.12% TOTAL 55,352,728 4,221 ,789 7.63% 55,126,674 2,564,913 4.65% TOTAL REVENUE 268,123,309 37,368,860 13.94% 272,034,593 34,985,370 12.86% LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2005 APPROVED EXPENDED % APPROVED EXPENDED % 2004/05 09/30/04 EXPENDED 2005/06 09/30/05 EXPENDED EXPENSES SALARIES 117,324,912 14,828,817 12.64% 122,589,665 20,206,775 16.48% BENEFITS 36,185,811 4,383,568 12.11% 35,925,642 5,784,395 16.10% PURCHASED SERVICES 20,959,918 2,682,273 12.80% 22,438,191 2,985,497 13.31% MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8,725,914 1,850,893 21 .21% 10,128,394 2,653,710 26.20% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,760,600 283,330 10.26% 2,473,965 272,044 11.00% OTHER OBJ
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.