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Agenda C DEC 1 2004 OFFICE OF DESEGREGATION 1110NITORING Little Rock School District Board of Directors' Meeting Happy Holidays! 2 0~ .> :mc ,- ,- r- - -1:I: Oz o> :c :c c-< m-.. :c C: -z
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D (") en.>.... c5 z (I) Regular Board Meeting December 16, 2004 Page2 VI. CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION A. Quarterly Update with Revised Regulation IL-R B. Elementary Reading/ Language Arts Textbook Adoption C. Proposed Changes to Middle / High School Curriculum Programs VII. HUMAN RESOURCES A. Personnel Changes VIII. BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION: A. Mitchell Elementary School B. Fair Park Elementary School C. Donations of Property D. Financial Report IX. CLOSING REMARKS: Superintendent's Report: 1. Dates to Remember 2. Special Functions X. EMPLOYEE HEARINGS XI. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Goal Setting/ Process for Superintendent's Evaluation XII. ADJOURNMENT n"tl >.. -:,.:.m0.. ,.... _ _,
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no action necessary. PREPARED BY: Bill Goodman, District Engineer p z .m.... c_
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omplellOn Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Carver I Media Center Expansion $167,490 I Unknown Forest Heights Remodel 1 $1,547,000 Unknown Gibbs !Addition 1 $705,670 I Jiin-05 Meadowcliff IRemodel _____ I $164,150 . Mar-05 Mitchell !Renovation ___ I $2,212,493 1 Unknown Oakhurst (Adult Education) New Windows $215,000 Jun-05 BOND PROJECTS PLANNING STARTED CONST. DATE TO BE DETERMINED I I I t:Sl. vompletlon Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Booker Electrical Upgrade ___ _ Unknown I Unknown Chicot Electrical Upgr~ _ Unknown I Unknown Cloverdale Elementary Addition __ $520,750 _ Unknown Fair Park Addition $799,000 Unknown Garland Pulaski Hgts. MS Rightsell Western Hills Woodruff ~model Unknown Unknown Energy monitoring system installation Unkno~ Unknown Renovation - $2,494,000 _j_ _ Unknown I Electrical Upgrade & HVAC - $640,000 Aug-05 Parking addition $193,777 Unknown BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Facility Name Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Annex Alternative Learning Ctr. Alternative Learning Ctr. Badgett Badgett Bale Bale Bale Bale Baseline Booker Booker Booker Booker Booker Booker Brady Brady Brady I I I Est. Completion Project Description Cost Date Asbestos abatement $380,495 Mar-03 Fresh air system $55,000 Aug-03 Fire alarm _ - $32,350 Aug-03 HVAC $70,000 Nov-04 Energy monitoring system installation May-02 Energy monitoring system installation $15,160 Oct-01 Energy efficient lighting _ $82,000 Partial asbestos abatement _ $237,237 Fire alarm _ $18,250 Classroom addition/renovation $2,244,524 -Energy monitoring system Partial roof replacement HVAC Renovation Gym Roof ADA Rest rooms Energy efficient lighting Energy monitoring system installation Asbestos abatement Flre alarm Addition/renovation Energy efficient lighting Asbestos abatement + $269,587 $664,587 $953,520 $48,525 $25,000 $170,295 $23,710 $10,900 $34,501 $973,621 $80,593 $345,072 Dec-01 - Jul-01 Aug-02 Dec-02 Mar-02 Dec-01 Aug-01 Aug-04 Oct-04 Aug-04 Apr-01 Oct-01 Feb-02 Mar-02 Nov-04 Sep-02 Auq-02 CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD DECEMBER 16, 2004 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Est. Completion Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Carver Energy monitoring system installation $14,480 May-01 Carver Parking lot 1 $111,742 1 Aug-03 Central HVAC Renovation - Band Area 1 $225,000 Dec-04 Central ,Reflecting Pond $57,561 i Sep-04 Central Parking Student parking 1 $174,000 Aug-03 Cc-e-_n_tr_a_l/-Q_u_i_g,,~le--y"_ ___~ Stadium light repair & electrica_l re__p,__a_ir_ _____ $:c2.::-6=--5=-'-0",-=0--0=----'------'A---'-u.:...g,,_--0-'---3'--- l Central/Quigley IAthletic Field Improvement $38,000 Aug-03 Central/Quigley I Irrigation System $14,500 1 Aug-03 Central Purchase land for school I Unknown Dec-02 Central I Roof & exterior renovations $2,000,000 , Dec-02 Central Ceiling and wall repair , $24,000 i Oct-01 t-:C=--e-_n--t,-r_a.,I.. .________F~ ir_e_A-,-l-ar_m_ S-y'--s-,--t_em_D_e_s_i
g"-n_/_ln_s_ta_ll_atio_n_ __,! ___$' --8_0--,'-8_7_6--i-l __ Aug-01 Central Front landing tile repair $22,470 Aug-01 Chicot Drainage $64,700 Aug-04 Chicot Sound Attenuation $43, 134 Jul-04 1C-_lo_v_e_rd_a_le_E_le_m_._ ___- -l-E-''n--e=-_rg,,.,y__e=f-f ic,g,,_'h-'-t'-i'-n.:g
'---------- ~, ___$_ 1_32,~6_78-+1-- __J_ ul-01 Cloverdale MS IEnergy efficient lighting $189,743 _J_u_l-_0_1 t=C,-l-o_v,..e.,_rd_a_le_M_S_ _____M_ a_,j_o_r_r_eno_v_a_ti_on_&_a_d_d_it_io_n_ ____. ..._ __ $c._1.,,3_9_3.,,_8_2_2_1..._ Nov-02 Dodd Fire Alarm Upgrade ,____ ___ $:_9,2_0_0--'-_ _ Oct-04 Dodd Energy efficient lighting $90,665 Aug-01 Dodd Asbestos abatement-ceiling tile - - _ - $156,299 __ Jul-01 Dodd Replace roof top HVAC _ $215,5_7_0 __ ~ -02 t=D,--u_n_ba_r ________ Renovation/addition _ $6, 149,0_2_3~-- Nov-04 Facilities Serv_ic_e_ ____ln te_ri_or re_n_ova_t_io_n____ __ _ $84,672 Mar-01 Facility Services Fire alarm $12,000 Aug-03 Fair Park I HVAC renovation/fire alarm - _ - ~ 15,956 _ Apr-02 FairPark Energy efficient lighting $90,162 Aug-01 Fair P_a_rk_ _______A_ sbestos abatement-ceiling - $59,310~ Aug-01 J. A. Fair J. A. Fair J. A. Fair 6 classroom addition & cafeteria/music room addition ------+E_n_e_rg, y efficient lighting Press box J. A. Fai_r ________ S_e_c-ur-ity - cameras J. A. Fair +Athletic Field Improvement - J. A. Fair Irrigation System ---- J. A. Fair __J3_oof repairs ____ _ Forest Park - Replace window units w/central HVAC Forest Park ___ -=_ ~ Diagonal parking-- Forest Park _ Energy efficient lighting Fulbright Energy efficient lighting Fulbright Energy monitoring system installation Fulbright Replace roof top HVAC units Fulbright Parking lot -- Fulbright Roof repairs Franklin Renovation Geyer Springs Gibbs Gibbs Hall Hall Hall Hall Roof Repair Energy efficient lighting Energy monitoring system installation Major renovation & addition Asbestos abatement Energy efficient lighting Energy efficient lighting $3,155,640 $277,594 $10,784 $12_,500 $38,000 $14,000 $391 ,871 $485,258 $111,742 $119,788 $134,463 $11 ,950 $107,835 $140,000 $200,000 $2,511 ,736 $161 ,752 $76,447 $11 ,770 $8,637,709 $168,222 $42,931 $296,707 Aug-04 Apr-01 Nov-00 Jun-01 Jul-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 Aug-03 May-01 Jun-01 Aug-01 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Mar-03 Jun-04 Apr-01 Jul-01 Sep-03 Aug-01 Jul-01 Aor-01 2 z -m<_c
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Energy efficient lighting I $106,598 Dec-02 Mabelvale MS Renovate bleachers $134,793 Aug-01 Mabelvale MS I Renovation $6,851,621 Mar-04 Mann 1 Partial Replacement --i-- $11,500,000 Apr-04 Mann !Asphalt walks -, Dec-01 Mann The total $1.8 million Dec-01 -- Walkway canopies ----- . is what has been Mann I Boiler replacement used so far on the Oct-01 Mann Fencing -- projects listed __S ~-01 Mann - Partial demolition/portable classrooms completed for Mann. Aug-01 McClellan ~letic Field Improvement - $38,000 Jul-03 McClellan Irrigation System $14,750 Jul-03 McClellan Security cameras _ ~ $36,300 Jun-01 McClellan Energy efficient lighting $303,614 May-01 McClellan Stadium stands repair $235,000 Aug-01 --- - Intercom_ __ 1 McClellan $46,000 Feb-02 -- - $~55,622 C ---- McClellan Classroom Addition Jul-04 --- -- ----- -- McDermott Fire Alarm Upgrade $7,700 . Sep-04 -- - - ~ McDermott Energy efficient lighting ~9,411 Feb-01 Replace roof top HVAC units - - -- ~ - McDermott - - $476,000 Aug-02 ~ Meadowcliff Fire alarm $16,175 Jul-01 ~ Meadowcliff Asbestos abatement $253,412 ~ Aug-02 Meadow-cliff - - Engergy efficient lighting $88,297 Dec-02 Metropolitan Replace cooling tower $37,203 Dec-00 - Metropolitan Replace shop vent system $20,000 May-01 Metropolitan Energy monitoring system installation $17,145 Aug-01 Mitchell Building Remediation $165,000 Jul-04 Mitchell Energy efficient lighting $103,642 Apr-01 Mitchell Energy monitoring system installation $16,695 Jul-01 Mitchell Asbestos abatement $13,000 Jul-01 Oakhurst HVAC renovation $237,237 Aug-01 Otter Creek Energy monitoring system installation $10,695 May-01 Otter Creek -Energy efficient lighting $81,828 Apr-01 Otter Creek Asbestos abatement $10,000 Aug-02 Otter Creek Parking lot $138,029 Aug-02 Otter Creek 6 classroom addition $888,778 Oct-02 Otter Creek Parkinq Improvements $142,541 Auq-03 3 CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD DECEMBER 16, 2004 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED l Est. Completion Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Parkview Addition $2,121,226 Dec-04 Parkview HVAC controls $210,000 I Jun-02 Parkview Roof replacement $273,877 I Sep-01 Parkview Exterior lights , $10,784 Nov-00 Parkview HVAC renovation & 700 area controls $301,938 Aug-01 Parkview Locker replacement 1 $120,000 Aug-01 Parkview Energy efficient lighting I $315,000 Jun-01 Procurement Energy monitoring system installation $5,290 : Jun-02 Procurement Fire alarm $25,000 I Aug-03 Pulaski Hgts. Elem Renovation $1, 193,259 Nov-04 Pulaski Hgts. Elem Move playground $17,000 Dec-02 Pulaski Hgts. MS Renovation $3,755,041 ' Nov-04 Rightsell Energy efficient lighting $84,898 , Apr-01 Rockefeller I Energy efficient lighting $137,004 I Mar-01 Rockefeller 'Replace rooftop HVAC $539,175 1 Aug-01 Rockefeller , Parking addition $111,742 Aug-02 Romine Asbestos abatement I $10,000 Apr-02 Romine 1Major renovation & addition $3,534,675 Mar-03 Security/Transportation I Bus cameras I $22,500 Jun-01 Southwest Addition 1 $2,000,000 I Nov-04 Southwest I Asbestos abatement $28, ~ Aug-00 Southwest New roof ---------+- $690,000 Oct-03 Southwest Energy efficient lighting I - $168,719 Jan-02 Southwest Drainage / street widening -- ---+--- Aug-03 Student Assignment Energy monitoring system installatio_n_-+- $4,830 - - Aug-02 Student Assignment Fire alarm - --,--- $9,0~ - Aug-03 Tech Center Phase 1 Renovation __ $275,000 - Dec-01 Tech Ctr/ Metro Renovation !Addition/Renovation - Phase II $3,679,000 Jun-04 Technology Upgrade Upgrade phone system & data - ___ ---,.- Nov-02 Terry Energy efficient lighting --___ .....___ $73,8~ - Feb-01 Terry ____ Driveway & Parking ,____ $83,484 Aug-02 Terry 'Media Center additi~ _-_-_ -_-_-_-_-___ $704,932 Sep-02 Wakefield __ Security cameras __ _ _ _.,__ $8,000 Jun-01 Wakefield__ Energy efficient lighting __ $74,776 Feb-01 Wakefield ___ Demolition/Asbestos Abatement .___ $200,000 _ Nov-02 Washington Fire Alarm Upgrade $11,600 Oct-04 Washington ~ ~ Security cameras - $7,900 -_ Jun-01 Washington Energy efficient lighting $165,281 Apr-01 Watson _ Energy monitoring system installation $8,530 Jul-01 Watson Asbestos abatement $182,241 Aug-01 Watson _ Energy efficient lighting _ $106,868 _ _ Aug-01 Watson Asbestos abatement $10,000 Aug-02 Watson Major renovation & addition $800,000 Aug-02 Western Hills Fire Alarm Upgrade $8,400 Oct-04 Western Hills ADA Rest rooms $25,000 Aug-04 Western Hills Asbestos abatement $191,946 Aug-02 Western Hills Intercom $7,100 Dec-01 Western Hills Energy efficient lighting $106,000 Jul-01 Williams Renovation $2,106,492. Mar-04 Williams Parking expansions _ $183,717 Dec-03 Williams Energy efficient lighting $122,719 Jun-01 Wilson Renovation/expansion $1,263,876 Feb-04 Wilson Parking Expansion $110,000 Aug-03 Woodruff Renovation $246,419 Auq-02 4 z ~5!
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C --<e enn ..., c5 z .'..'.". m n :r: z 0 8 -< .C, , C ~ m Between fifteen hundred and two thousand Sharefest 2004 volunteers partnered with eleven Little Rock School District schools. We gratefully acknowledge their hard work and assistance in building stronger community ties and providing assistance to the students and staff of the Little Rock School District. At Southwest Middle School volunteers from Fellowship Bible Church - landscaped. front beds with plants and mulch, painted student playground, cleared park area for outdoor classroom and park, installed picnic tables in park area, installed 1600 ceiling tiles in all hallways, four wall murals were painted, painted the parent center, painted inspirational words in gym, provided large amount of school supplies for students. There is an ongoing relationship including tutoring, student sponsorship, mentoring throughout the year. At Otter Creek Elementary volunteers from Geyer Springs First Baptist Church: painted the small student restrooms in the classrooms, painted the lounge and the restrooms in the lounge, built a box to house the sound system in the cafeteria, created 3 sidewalks around the new wing, landscaped - trimmed and added mulch, and built a table that will collapse in the lounge. Volunteers from Hunter United Methodist Church re-landscaped the main flower bed of Romine Elementary School. Second Baptist - John Barrow volunteered at Henderson Middle School. With persons from the PT A and staff they created a new landscape bed in front of the Henderson Memorial, planted new plants all planting beds, re-mulched all flower beds, painted all railings and posts, painted a new crosswalk to the athletic field, painted all of the picnic tables for student and staff use, and re-did the bulletin board in the assistant principal hallway. At the Alternative Center, the front doors in the Main building were painted, all hallway doors in the Main building was painted along with Cubicles in several rooms were painted. The men of St. Mark Baptist Church have committed to come back once a month to do detailed projects for the ALC. Cloverdale Middle School's partner was Second Baptist - John Barrow. They re-painted the large area map of Arkansas on the front parking lot, mulched the landscape beds, improved the drainage in the front of the building to allow water to drain better, and spread three loads of compost onto the low areas in the front of the school. At Franklin Elementary, volunteers from Fellowship Bible Church painted a mural all around the auditorium. The stage was repainted. The teachers lounge was made over (added counter top, new furniture, appliances, pictures, lamps, new curtains, and painted). They added an outdoor classroom on the south side of the building, they painted the outside concrete wall and added the school name and mascot to the wall, they planted trees, created new flower beds, added seating benches around the school outside, built bookshelves for classrooms, mulched areas with wood chips, installed soccer goals in the back of the school, they painted a new entrance mural (the falcon) at the entrance of the building. Fellowship Bible has officially partnered with the Franklin School and the surrounding community. At J.A. Fair Magnet High School volunteers from Geyer Springs First Baptist Church, staff members, and community volunteers build planting beds with landscape timbers, and improved the front part of the school by installing the small bridge, and moving and spreading approximately twelve tons of compost and top soil to create a new plant environment. Dunbar Magnet Middle School's partner was Fellowship Bible Church. The following projects were completed at Dunbar: Thirty-seven (37) plus whiteboards were installed, team names and logos painted in assigned areas, character names and phrases painted, the office was painted, office curtains installed and hung, auditorium seats fixed and oiled, library shelves built, 55 gallon trash cans painted, landscaping projects completed were a) holly bushes pulled, b). hardwood mulch, c) pea gravel, d) bushes planted, e) flowers planted, f) potting soil distributed, the library books were organized and pictures hung up, character education and international banners were hung up, two trophy cases were built and installed, an oak tree was trimmed, and a bobcat mural was painted. Mabelvale Magnet Middle School had as a returning partner Geyer Springs First Baptist Church. The projects undertaken by the volunteers were: building picnic tables (12), painting classroom doors (6), replacing and planting additional shrubbery, pruning the shrubbery at the front of the gymnasium, raking and cleaning existing flower beds, painting the concession area in the gymnasium, building and staining bookcases (18), general cleanup, and hanging three murals created by the art students as a tribute to Mabelvale Magnet Middle School. The Adult Education Center's partner was Fellowship Bible Church. Volunteers from Fellowship painted five classrooms to include bookshelves and trim, the library, hallways, the assistant principal's office, three bathrooms, and the outside doors. Also painted was a beautiful mural at entrance of the auditorium. They refinished the wood banisters on the stairwell, spread gravel on a muddy driveway, put woodchips around Head Start play ground, painted the teachers lounge, installed new blinds in the teachers lounge, replaced furniture in the teachers lounge, put two concrete benches on the campus, and are working on a outside sign for the building. The library is being recarpeted by Facilities to complete the library project. General partners with the ShareFest 2004 project was the City of Little Rock which provided free mulch and compost for the various sites and the Little Rock School District Facilities Department which provided paint, paint supplies, and delivery for the donated mulch and compost from the City of Little Rock, for wood chips from a lumber mill, and topsoi I from a nursery. p z ~2 ~~ > C: r-u, >!!! c:o oz a' ::0 r-m ::c C') . se
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, DATE: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 December 16, 2004 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Quarterly Update Report with Revised Regulation IL-R BACKGROUND: A quarterly written update by the Planning, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) Department was completed in accordance with the District Court's 2004 Compliance Remedy (Memorandum Opinion of June 30, 2004, pp. 61-67). This report includes an expanded evaluation agenda (revised IL-R), descriptions of four program step-two evaluations to be completed this school year, and resumes of two external evaluators available to conduct the step-two evaluations. RATIONALE: We must broaden our Program Evaluation Agenda and perform step-two evaluations to comply with Judge Wilson's order and to accommodate changes in responsibilities in carrying out evaluation activities. FUNDING: No additional funding requirements. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept the Quarterly Update Report and approve the revised regulation ILR. r> n C: n~ C,...:. C: :I: n ::c ?
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,,,~ :I:,=. a:, nc: :m:c"z' rm ,-Cl) mCJ> ,-Cl) mm [I:~ n m DATE: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 December 16, 2004 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Elementary Reading/Language Arts Textbook Adoption BACKGROUND: The Elementary Reading/Language Arts Textbook Selection Committee of the Little Rock School District has completed the textbook selection process as outlined in the Board of Education's Policies and Regulations manual. The committee participated in the District's textbook caravan and other informal meetings, including a one-day study session, to be able to make a quality recommendation to the Board. Textbook samples were also available in the Elementary Schools and at the IRC for review by teachers and principals. RATIONALE: As a result of the process, the committee recommends that the Board authorize purchase of the Houghton-Mifflin Reading Series as the textbook of choice for the Little Rock School District Elementary (K-5) Reading/Language Arts program. The Houghton Mifflin Reading/Language Arts Textbook was selected for, but not limited to, the following reasons: Quality of literature included in the student anthology Organization of the instructional materials Alignment of instruction with the District's Literacy Plan Alignment of scope and sequence with the Arkansas State Standards and Framework The textbooks will be made available for review by the Board upon the request of the Board. Once the Board has approved the selection, the textbooks will be available for review by the general public in the VIPS office or in Room 1 of the IRC. fl n C: ~ n C....:. C: 31: n ::r:: ~ C) m "' ?-
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, ,n. n ~ It was the textbook committee's charge to intensely study the various reading/language arts textbook samples and to make a quality, informed decision. In all of my years of working with committees, this committee was by far the most professional and most committed to the process to ensure a quality decision. A list of the committee members will be made available upon request. FUNDING: Textbook funding is provided by the District and by the State. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept the recommendation of the Elementary Reading/Language Arts Textbook Selection Committee. PREPARED BY: Krista Underwood, Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Literacy DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 December 16, 2004 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Proposed Changes in the Middle and High School Curriculum Programs for 2005-2006 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Board Policy IG, Curriculum Development, Adoption, and Review, and Board Policy IGA, Curriculum Program Alignment and Coherence, all curricular revisions are to be approved by the Board of Directors. RATIONALE: In response to the diverse needs of our students as well as our commitment to continuous cultivation of their growth, new courses were developed and current course descriptions and assignment levels were amended. Furthermore, upon review of our Middle and High School Curriculum Programs, it was deduced that courses were being offered year-after-year in which students were not enrolled. Consequently, due to a lack of enrollment or program termination such courses are slated to be deleted. MIDDLE SCHOOL A summary of the proposed middle school curriculum changes for the 2005-2006 school year are as follows: Business Education 1. Delete Exploratory Multimedia - duplication of course numbers 2. Delete Introductory Economics - continued lack of enrollment 3. Delete Real World Economics - continued lack of enrollment 4. Delete International Economics and the World of Business - continued lack of enrollment Career & Technical 5. Add Environmental and Spatial Technology (EAST Lab - 6th graders)
,,,~ s: := l a, .-,c: ::c (J) mz I= ~ mv, .... (J) mm ~~ ,n,, English 6. Delete 7. Delete 8. Delete Reading & Writing Workshop (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Reading & Writing Workshop 7 (Alt Prog)- program no longer exists Reading & Writing Workshop 8 (Alt Prog)- program no longer exists Foreign Languages 9. Delete Exploratory Foreign Language & Culture - grades 7 & 8 (offered only at grade 6) 10. Delete 11. Change 12.Change 13. Change 14. Change Math 15. Delete 16. Delete 17. Delete 18. Delete 19. Delete 20. Delete 21. Delete 22. Delete Science 23. Delete 24. Delete 25. Delete 26. Delete 27. Delete 28. Delete 29. Delete 30. Delete Exploratory German - continued lack of enrollment French I Grade 8 - using high school course number Spanish I Grade 8 - using high school course number German I Grade 8 - using high school course number Latin I Grade 8 - using high school course number Mathematics 6 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Mathematics 6 (Alt Prog)- program no longer exists International Money Grade 7 - continued lack of enrollment International Money Grade 7 & 8 - continued lack of enrollment Mathematics 7 (Alt Prog-double block) - program no longer exists Mathematics 7 - (Alt Prog)- program no longer exists Geometry Pre-AP - not offered in middle school any longer Mathematics 8 (Alt Prog)- program no longer exists Science 6 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Scientific Illustration - continued lack of enrollment Technical Writing - continued lack of enrollment Science 7 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Seminar in Health Science - continued lack of enrollment Health Science I - continued lack of enrollment Seminar in Health Science - continued lack of enrollment Science 8 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Social Studies 31 . Delete Exploring the Teaching Profession - course no longer offered due to lack of enrollment 32. Delete 33. Delete 34. Delete 35. Delete 36. Delete 37. Delete Social Studies 6 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Economics 11 - continued lack of enrollment Amateur Radio - continued lack of enrollment International Economics and the World of Business - lack of enrollment Social Studies 7 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Social Studies 8 (Alt Prog) - program no longer exists Special Education 38. Delete Mathematics 6 Resource Room (two-period block) - lack of enrollment 39. Delete Mathematics 7 Resource Room (two-period block) - lack of enrollment 40. Delete Mathematics 8 Resource Room (two-period block) - lack of enrollment 41 . Add Directed Studies HIGH SCHOOL A summary of the proposed high school curriculum changes for the 2005-2006 school year are as follows: Art 1. Delete Pottery A & Pottery B - they were combined to make Pottery a full year course Business Education 2. Change Financial Planning course description to clarify course content 3. Change International Finance course description to clarify course content 4. Change Web Design and Animation course description to clarify course content 5. Change Securities and Insurance course description to clarify course 6. Delete 7. Delete 8. Delete 9. Change content and change grade levels to be taught Rapid Writing A - continued lack of enrollment Rapid Writing B - continued lack of enrollment Junior Executive Training - continued lack of enrollment Banking & Finance Operations to Banking & Finance Operations/Teller Training Career and Technical Education 10. Change Introduction to Engineering Design course description to clarify course content and change grade levels to be taught 11. Change Computer Integrated Manufacturing course description to clarify course content 12. Change Principles of Engineering course description to clarify course content and change grade levels to be taught 13. Change Economics and the World of Finance change grade levels to be taught 14. Change Introduction to Financial Services course description to clarify course content 15. Add 16. Delete 17. Delete 18. Add 19. Add Engineering (Project Lead the Way) (McClellan only} Introduction to Medical Professions Education - duplication of course number Salesmanship - continued lack of enrollment Engineering Design and Development (EDD) (Project Lead the Way) (McClellan only) Guide to Networks (J. A Fair only) r> C 0 z .... 0 z en .0.,. ,,
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, n,. n ~ English 20. Delete 21 . Delete 22. Delete 23. Delete 24. Delete 25. Delete 26. Delete 27. Delete 28. Delete 29. Delete 30. Delete Drama I International Studies - continued lack of enrollment English II Workshop (double block) - lack of enrollment English II Pre-AP Workshop (double block) - lack of enrollment Journalism II - replaced by Journalism II Newspaper 052404 or Journalism II Yearbook 052402 Journalism Ill - replaced by Journalism Ill Newspaper 053404 or Journalism Ill Yearbook 053402 Journalism IV - replaced by Journalism IV Newspaper 054404 or Journalism IV Yearbook 054402 English IV International Studies AP - continued lack of enrollment English I Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place English II Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place English Ill Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place English IV Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Foreign Languages 31. Delete Spanish II (University Course) - continued lack of enrollment Mathematics 32. Add 33. Delete 34. Delete 35. Delete 36. Delete 37. Delete 38. Delete 39. Delete 40. Delete 41 . Delete Metropolitan 42. Add 43. Delete 44. Delete 45. Delete 46. Delete 47. Delete 48. Delete 49. Delete Music 50. Delete Science 51 . Change 52. Delete Transition to College Mathematics Calculator Applications - ADE failed to approve ACT Preparation: Mathematics - ADE failed to approve ESL Modeling Algebra I - no longer offered Modeling Algebra I Pre-AP - no longer offered ESL Algebra I Pre-AP - no longer offered Algebra II Pre-AP (double block)- no longer offered Algebra I Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Algebra II Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Geometry Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place GIS Spatial Projects and Community Exchange (S.P.A.C.E.) Lab (Homeland Security and Economic Development) Machine Tools I - never reached minimum number of students to make class Industrial Technology Education - continued lack of enrollment Exploring Industrial Technology- continued lack of enrollment Residential Construction I - continued lack of enrollment Machine Tools II - never reached minimum number of students to make class Residential Construction II - continued lack of enrollment Residential Construction Ill - continued lack of enrollment Music of the Movies - class never made Physics 11 AP to Physics 11 AP-B Biology I Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place 53. Delete 54. Delete Chemistry I Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Physics I Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Social Studies 55. Delete Psychology (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack 56. Delete 57. Delete 58. Delete 59. Delete 60. Delete 61. Delete 62. Delete 63. Delete 64. Delete 65. Delete 66. Delete of enrollment Sociology (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack of enrollment Teacher Apprenticeship (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack of enrollment Service Learning (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack of enrollment Introduction to Education (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack of enrollment Community Resources for Children and Families (TOT), course no longer offered due to continued lack of enrollment World Cultures, course no longer offered due to lack of enrollment Global Studies - continued lack of enrollment Economics - continued lack of enrollment Civics Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place World History Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place US History Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place Special Education 67. Add Directed Studies 68. Delete Reading I RR - continued lack of enrollment 69. Delete Communications IA RR - continued lack of enrollment 70. Delete Read I SC - continued lack of enrollment 71 . Delete Reading II RR - continued lack of enrollment 72. Delete Reading II SC- continued lack of enrollment 73. Delete Reading Ill RR- continued lack of enrollment 74. Delete Reading Ill SC- continued lack of enrollment 75. Delete Reading IV SC - continued lack of enrollment Non-Credit 76. Delete Plato Lab - Plato Lab Program no longer in place FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION: The Division of Instruction would like to recommend that the Board of Education approve these additions, deletions, and modifications to the middle school and high school curriculum programs for 2005-2006. PREPARED BY: Dr. Olivine Roberts p ..., z >z n ~
r, m ~ ?-~ !I: := l a, nC :c !!? ,m- mz ,- (/) mcn ,- (/) mm ~~ n DATE: December 16, 2004 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Personnel Changes BACKGROUND: None RATIONALE: To staff allocated positions within the District FUNDING: Operating Fund RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the following personnel changes be approved at the indicated positions, salaries and classifications. In accordance with A.C.A. 6-17-1502, it is recommended that one additional year of probationary status is provided for all teachers who have been employed in a school district in this state for three (3) consecutive years. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 19, 2004 for regular schools are considered intern teachers. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 9, 2004 for EYE are considered intern teachers. PREPARED BY: Beverly Williams, Director of Human Resources !.:.,I z >z (") ~
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I:~ n Personnel Changes Page2 December 16, 2004 NAME START DATE/ SALARY POSITION/ SCHOOL END DATE CLASS Resignations/Terminations Certified Employees Vinson, Willie Consulting Teacher/ 8-13-98 6-07 Reason: Accepted another CLOVERDALE ELEM 12-16-04 TCH925 position New Certified Employees Austin, Robert Chemistry/ 11-08-04 4-10 MCCLELLAN TCH925 Beard, William Social Studies/ 9-15-04 1-01 MCCLELLAN TCH925 Boyd, Debbye General Science/ 10-21-04 2-16 ALC TCH925 Bryant, Sharon Title I/ 10-19-04 6-16 HENDERSON TCH925 Ervin, Nickey Algebra I/ 11-8-04 4-09 J. A. FAIR TCH925 Hooper, Ruth Music/ 11-10-04 2-16 TERRY TCH925 FULBRIGHT Rybard , Aleta English/ 9-27-04 1-04 HENDERSON TCH925 ANNUAL SALARY 43500.00 43818.00 annual 29668.44 prorated 34575.00 annual 30253.13 prorated 47715.00 annual 35290.70 prorated 53898.00 annual 40423.50 prorated 42662.00 annual 28885.73 prorated 47717.00 annual 31811 .33 prorated 32350.00 annual 26958.33 prorated Personnel Changes Page3 December 16, 2004 NAME Sullivan, Martha Thomas, Homer Turner, Ressie POSITION/ SCHOOL 4 Yr Old/ RIGHTSELL Social Studies/ ALC English/ ALC Certified Promotion NONE Certified Transfer NONE START DATE/ END DATE 11-15-04 10-6-04 11-2-04 SALARY CLASS 1-16 TCH925 6-13 TCH925 2-02 TCH925 Resignations/Terminations Non-Certified Employees Burnett, Tarneisha Care/ 9-13-04 2-03 Reason: Resigned without CARE 11-01-04 CARE notice Carter, Noda Instructional Aide/ 4-05-02 33-11 Reason: Resigned without CHICOT 11-10-04 INA925 notice Geisler, Sherry Bookkeeper/ 10-12-98 45-15 Reason : Personal CHILD NUTRITION 12-1-04 AN12 ANNUAL SALARY 46215.00 annual 30087.89 prorated 50434.00 annual 40188.00 prorated 30617.00 annual 21368.11 prorated 7.85 per hour 13875.00 33528.00 fl C 0 ~ 0z tJ> ..0,. ,, ~ ~
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<,o <'i Personnel Changes Page4 December 16, 2004 START DATE/ SALARY NAME ANNUAL POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY New Non-Certified Employees Blackman, Margie Care/ 10-25-04 1-05 7.56 CARE CARE per hour Brewington, Kimberly Bus Driver/ 11-18-04 2-01 9481.00 TRANSPORTATION BUSDRV annual 6338.42 prorated Coakley, Kevin Instructional Aide/ 11-11-04 33-03 5795.02 CHICOT INA925 annual 3915.55 prorated Dickerson, Bobbie Care/ 11-08-04 1-07 7.89 CARE CARE per hour Faulkner, Janet Child Nutrition/ 11-01-04 3-01 9350.00 CHILD NUTRITION FSH550 annual 6786.29 prorated Glover, Jimmie Instructional Aide/ 10-29-04 33-03 10934.00 HENDERSON INA925 annual 7801 .56 prorated Gonzalez, Luis Security Officer/ 11 -1-04 36-16 18491 .00 HALL SOFR9 annual 13,106.26 prorated Hodrick, Marcia Child Nutrition/ 11 -18-04 16-01 14012.00 HALL FSMGRS annual 9193.06 prorated Khabeer, Renette Child Nutrition/ 11 -15-04 3-01 9350.00 ROMINE FSH550 annual 6384.14 prorated Personnel Changes Page 5 December 16, 2004 ~ START C DATE/ 0 SALARY ANNUAL z .... NAME POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY 0 z "' .0. , "'D ~ Logan. Ira Nurse/ 11-03-04 52-07 32544.00 ~ :,0 FRANKLIN NURSES annual 22543.50 prorated Maxwell, Marilyn Child Nutrition/ 11-09-04 3-01 9350.00 MCDERMOTT FSH550 annual !=' 6585.22 .., z prorated z 0 > 9481 .00 ,... Montgomery, Timothy Bus Driver/ 11-18-04 2-01 :,0 m TRANSPORTATION BUSDRV annual ~ :,0 6338.42 .... prorated Morehead, Maudella Instructional Aide/ 11-22-04 33-03 10934.00 BOOKER INA925 annual ?< !i< 6974.12 mo !I:,... prorated ""Do ,-Cl> 0-< z-m Cl 5689.50 m:,o Ogorio, Rosa Custodian/ 11-15-04 31-01 ::cm ~ ~ ROMINE CUS925 annual ~ $i1 3834.23 Cl en "' prorated Scaife, James Custodian/ 11-8-04 34-04 14532.00 FRANKLIN CUS12 annual 11563.76 prorated
,,~ Sterley, Pamela Care/ !I: :- 11 -8-04 1-02 7.13 =l a, oC CARE CARE per hour ::c:!!! mz r-m r-cn men ,... "' mm !I: :,0 Watson, Phyllis Bus Driver/ 11-18-04 2-04 11450.00 < n TRANSPORTATION BUSDRV annual 7654.78 prorated White, Donna Bus Driver/ 11-18-04 2-04 11450.00 TRANSPORTATION BUSDRV annual ?' ... 7654.78 :,,
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:t :, n r n ~ Personnel Changes Page6 December 16, 2004 NAME Tucker, Debbie Tate, Sharrell START DATE/ POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE Reclassification PO Entry/Inventory Control 7-1-04 Specialist/ PURCHASING DEPT. Special Programs 7-1-04 Coordinator/ PURCHASING DEPT. Approved leave as recommended by the Superintendent Nichols, Valerie- medical leave without pay (effective 11-19-04) SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 48-20 42576.00 AN12 48-20 42576.00 AN12 DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 December 16, 2004 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Mitchell Elementary School BACKGROUND: Mitchell Elementary, with a capacity of 283, had only 156 students enrolled on October 1, 2004, with 125 of those students living in the Mitchell attendance zone. Taking into account the fifth grade students who will move on to middle schools, only 114 attendance zone students will be affected by this action. Based on the current enrollment, the instructional cost per pupil is $10,167.55, which is approximately twice the amount spent at other elementary schools in the District. Constructed in 1908, Mitchell is unable to meet current educational standards without extensive and costly repairs and renovations. In January 2004, the Board approved funding for remediation work at Mitchell. Projects have been undertaken with approximately $356,395 spent for asbestos removal and moisture and mold remediation. Additional renovation work would bring the facility up to current codes but not in line with neighboring state-of-the-art schools, and would require additional allocation of resources. RATIONALE: The operation of low enrollment schools has been a concern in the District for several years. In May of 2000 the Board of Directors adopted Policy FBC-Closing of Schools, that allows for the consideration for closure based on factors such as excessive cost of operation due to enrollment and excessive cost of renovation and repair due to the age and physical condition of the facility. Schools in similar situations, such as Stephens, Garland, Badgett and lsh, were closed because of low enrollment coupled with high operational and renovation costs. FUNDING: N/A )< )< ,... =m )< >m c<"> <... C: 0-< ~~ Zcr 3: rr mer Zcr -<c :z RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation for closing Mitchell Elementary School was provided in detail in the October report to the Board District Operation of Schools with Low Enrollment. Consideration has been given to the decline in enrollment, the capacity to accommodate the current attendance zone students at neighboring schools, and an analysis of per pupil instructional and construction costs. It is not in the best interest of students, nor is it financially prudent, to continue to use Mitchell as an elementary school. The administration recommends that we work with the community to develop other options for utilizing this facility in the future. The recommendation, which will affect students currently assigned to Mitchell Elementary School, would be effective at the beginning of the 2005-06 school year. PREPARED BY: Mark D. Milhollen, Manager Financial Services DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 December 16, 2004 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Fair Park Elementary School BACKGROUND: Fair Park Elementary, with a capacity of 304 and an October 1, 2004 enrollment of 187, is the second lowest enrollment school in the District. Constructed in 1929, Fair Park has an unusually high instructional cost per pupil at $7,016, with a low utilization factor of 61 %. The bond issue provided funding for projects in the amount of $1.3 million. To date, heating and ventilation systems have been updated, asbestos has been removed, and energy efficient lighting has been installed. The funds remaining from the bond/ millage allocation, approximately $800,000, will remain at Fair Park and be used to convert the facility for use as an Early Childhood Center. RATIONALE: As the second lowest enrollment school in the District, Fair Park Elementary warrants a review of the options available. Board Policy FBC---Closing of Schools, provides for consideration to close a school if certain factors exist, including excessive cost of operation due to enrollment. However, converting the Fair Park facility to an early childhood education center will provide alternate educational use for the facility within a reasonable budget and timeframe. The District could realize an enhanced environment for young children and a better utilization of resources by reconfiguring the use of the Fair Park facility to an early childhood center. Focusing more attention and resources on early intervention for children will not only better prepare them for elementary and secondary grades, but most likely would bring additional students into the District that would carry into the future. We believe the community will support using the facility as an early childhood center. FUNDING: N/A X X ,- = mX m on <- C: 0--< C: - i: zm er ...., cer 2 RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation for converting Fair Park Elementary School into an Early Childhood Education Center was provided in detail in the October report to the Board District Operation of Schools with Low Enrollment. Consideration has been given to the decline in enrollment, the capacity to accommodate the current attendance zone students at neighboring schools, and an analysis of per pupil instructional and construction costs. The benefits of operating an early childhood education center at that location would provide a better utilization of District resources and an extension of educational services to the community. Based on these facts and dialogue with the educational community, the administration recommends the reconfiguration of Fair Park from a Pre-K - 5 to an early childhood education center. The recommendation, which will affect students currently assigned to Fair Park, would be effective at the beginning of the 2005-06 school year. PREPARED BY: Mark D. Milhollen, Manager Financial Services DATE: TO: December 16, 2004 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Donations of Property BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District receives donations from businesses and individuals on a regular basis. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District that donations are not formally accepted until they are approved by the Board of Directors. RATIONALE: District policy states that, in order to maintain the centralized fixed asset property accounting system, all property donation requests are forwarded to the Director of Procurement. The Procurement Department forwards the requests, along with the appropriate recommendations, to the Board of Directors for acceptance and approval. In order for proper recognition and appreciation to be conveyed to the donor, donor's name and current mailing address should be included in the donation memo. FUNDING: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached donation requests be approved and accepted in accordance with the policies of the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District. PREPARED BY: 0-{j Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement \:'1 Gwen Caraway, Fixed Asset Property Manager X X ,- ,= mX m en ~c:: c0-:-:<- ~~ ~ g: ~~ C 2 DATE: TO: December 16, 2004 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Donations of Property BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District receives donations from businesses and individuals on a regular basis. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District that donations are not formally accepted until they are approved by the Board of Directors. RATIONALE: District policy states that, in order to maintain the centralized fixed asset property accounting system, all property donation requests are forwarded to the Director of Procurement. The Procurement Department forwards the requests, along with the appropriate recommendations, to the Board of Directors for acceptance and approval. In order for proper recognition and appreciation to be conveyed to the donor, donor's name and current mailing address should be included in the donation memo. FUNDING: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached donation requests be approved and accepted in accordance with the policies of the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District. PREPARED BY: (}(j Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement \ '1 Gwen Caraway, Fixed Asset Property Manager DONATIONS School/Department Item Donor Bale Elementary $1,000.00 cash The Payless Shoe Source School to be placed in Business-School Partnership the school activity Program fund Central High School $300.00 cash to the Mr. Ronald Crawford, in girl's basketball team behalf of the Arkansas Amateur Basketball Foundation Central High School $250.00 cash to the Mr. Rush Harding girl's basketball team Central High School $250.00 cash to the Mr. Robert Lyle art department Central High School $120.00 cash to be Ms. Paula Aultz used for student incentives Otter Creek Elementary $500.00 cash to be Otter Creek Land School applied toward the Company purchase of shirts fo, teachers and staff Romine Elementary $200.00 cash for use Hunter United Methodist School by pupil service team Women's Unit, Hunter toward purchase of United Methodist Church school uniforms and/ or supplies for needy students/families Romine Elementary $100.00 cash to be Crain Chevrolet School placed in activity fund for Romine Day Treatment Program student incentives Department Item Donor Woodruff Elementary $16,000.00 cash to the Arkansas A+ Schools School A+ program for providing Network arts enrichment activities for students, professional development for teachers and art supplies. Funds will also be used for enhancement activities for strings instrument, dance, art and drum !.=.,' ensemble programs and z > to bring artisans to Woodruff nz 5,: to work with staff, parents ,-
a:, and students. m
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a.:., Woodruff Elementary School supplies The Veterans of Foreign School valued at $100.00 Wars of the U.S., Lt. Walter E. Parker Post #1316 Woodruff Elementary $1,000.00 cash to be Wal-Mart #124 ?< ?< mo School applied toward the !I:,- ,--ceon construction of 0- -<Z me, "Peaceable Place" m
a:, :cm mediation garden ~ ~ on the grounds ~~ c, en en Woodruff Elementary $1,250.00 cash Wal-Mart #126 School ($500.00 donated as a match for volunteer hours from Woodruff parent and Wal-Mart >< employee, Tamela Warren >< ,- =m and $750.00 to be applied >< >m toward the construction on <-C 0-< of "Peaceable Place" ~~ mediation garden) ~ g: ~~ ""'cz BALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: November 9, 2004 TO: Darral Paradis, Director, Procurement and Materials Management FROM~arbara Anderson, Principal Bale Elementary RE: Donation The Payless Shoe Source Business-School Partnership Program has generously donated $1000.00 to Bale Elementary School on ovember 9, 2004. The money will be put in the school activity fund. We would like to especially thank Ms. Sherry Young, Training Supervisor with Payless Shoes for making the presentation of the check at Bale's morning assembly. It is my recommendation that this donation be approved in accordance with the policies of the Board of Education of the Little Rock School District. DATE: TO: FROM: Little Rock Central High School 1500 South Park Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Phone 501-44 7-1400 Fax 501-44 7-1401 NOVEMBER 12, 2004 DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT NANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL 1iltU-dJ,a0 SUBJECT: DONATION Ronald Crawford, in behalf of the Arkansas Amateur Basketball Foundation, graciously donated $300.00 to our girl's basketball team. It is my recommendation that this be accepted in accordance with the donation policies of the Little Rock School District. ><,>..<. = m>< e>mn c...c c0---< ~~w~ mv Zv --<c
z DATE: TO: FROM: Little Rock Central High School 1500 South Park Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Phone 501-44 7-1400 Fax 501-44 7-1401 NOVEMBER 12, 2004 DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT NANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL Y}eu~u SUBJECT: DONATION Rush Harding of 4 Valley Creek View, Little Rock, AR 72223, graciously donated $250.00 to our girl's basketball team. It is my recommendation that this be accepted in accordance with the donation policies of the Little Rock School District. DATE: TO: FROM: Little Rock Central High School 1500 South Park Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Phone 501-44 7-1400 Fax 501-44 7-1401 NOVEMBER 12, 2004 DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF---~OCUREMENT NANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL J /CJ.,,tl!.J.i,{lt,U SUBJECT: DONATION Robert Lyle of 40 River Ridge Circle, Little Rock, AR 72227, graciously donated $250.00 to Little Rock Central High School's art department. It is my recommendation that this be accepted in accordance with the donation policies of the Little Rock School District. DATE: TO: FROM: Little Rock Central High School 1500 South Park Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Phone 501-447-1400 Fax 501-447-1401 11/23/2004 DARRAL PARADIS, DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT vj,Y,, SUBJECT: ANCY ROUSSEAU, PRINCIPAL J}l{t.
Jttf,Lv DO ATIO \ Paula Aultz of 36 St. Andrews, Little Rock, AR 72212, contributed $120.00 to Little Rock Central High School for student incentives. It is my recommendation that this be accepted in accordance with the donation policies of the Little Rock School District. OTTER CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: "Team Work makes the Dream Work" Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement Janis Tucker, Principal Novemberl6,2004 Donation Otter Creek Land Company has donated $500.00 to help purchase shirts for the teachers and staff at Otter Creek Elementary. It is recommended that this donation be accepted in accordance with the policies of the Board of Education of the Little Rock School District. Thank you for your consideration. >< ><,.... = m>< e>mn c....c:: 0--< ~~ Zen
i: rr mer. ~~ :z ROMINE INTERDISTRICT SCHOOL Theme: Computer Science and Basic Skills November 12, 2004 TO: Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement FROM: Lillie Scull, Principal RE: Donation ~' ~ t' The donor listed below has generously donated $200.00 to be used by our pupil service team toward purchase of school uniforms and/or school supplies for students/families needing assistance: Hunter United Methodist Women Hunter United Methodist Church 330 l Romine Road Little Rock, AR 72204 Contact person { s}: Mable Donaldson, Treasurer It is recommended that this donation be approved with thanks in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District Board of Directors. Thank you for your consideration. H1mter Ullited Mell10dist w0111e11 Hunter united Methodist church November 2, 2004 Dear Ms. Scull: 3301 Romine RMd Little Ri1ck1 Arki111s,1S 7220-J-The United Methodist Women's Unit of Hunter United Methodist Church and Hunter United Methodist Church members have contributed a total of $200.00 to be used by your school counselor to purchase uniforms and school supplies for those students who need the assistance in the purchase of these items. We donate this money in honor of Ms. Jean Piggee. Ms. Piggee is the oldest member of our Women's unit and so we honor her by contributing the enclosed funds for your students. Mrs. Gracie Carter is the coordinator for this project. We had a rummage sale and members donated funds for this project. We plan to have this as an ongoing project as a part of our church's outreach ministry. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mrs. Carter. Yours truly, __ 1}(cJ--fL/ (/
z)~ Mable Donaldson, Treasurer Hunter United Methodist Women >< ><,.... = m>< >m on c....c:: 0--< ~~ ~g: ~~ --<c :z ROMINE INTERDISTRICT SCHOOL Theme: Computer Science and Basic Skills November 30, 2004 TO: Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement FROM: Lillie Scull, Principal f. '$. .,. SUBJECT: Donation Crain Chevrolet has generously donated $100.00 to Romine Elementary School. This money will be put into the Activity Fund and used for incentives for students in the Romine Day Treatment Program. It is my recommendation that this donation be approved in accordance with the policies of the Little Rock School District. Contact Person: Ms. Crystal France Crain Chevrolet 6700 South University Little Rock, AR 72209 WOODRUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ''Jin 'Eztenefecf :)ear 'Eaucation Schoo[" To: Mr. Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement From: Janice M. Wilson, Principal Date: November 17, 2004 Re: Donations Arkansas A+ Schools Network has donated $16,000.00 to the Woodruff Elementary A+ program. We sincerely appreciate this donation, which will provide arts enrichment activities for Woodruff students, professional development for teachers, and art supplies. Funds will also be used to support activities for enhancement of our strings instrument program, dance, art, and drum ensemble programs. These funds will also be used to bring artisans to Woodruff to work with our staff, parents, and students. We recommend that this donation be accepted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Little Rock School District. Marie A. Parker, Director Arkansas A+ Schools Network College of Education University of Arkansas 311 West Avenue Annex Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 3010 West 7th Street Phone (501) 447-7300 Fax (501) 447-7301 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 ><,>..<. = m>< m on c....c c0--< ~ r? :I: V. ~ u: -4 ~ C :z WOODRUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ''Jl.n 'E?<__tcncfecf ')ear 'Eaucation ScfiooC) To: Mr. Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement From: Janice M. Wilson, Principal Date: November 1 O, 2004 Re: Donations The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., Lt. Walter E. Parker Post #1316, graciously donated school supplies to Woodruff Elementary, valued at $100.00. We sincerely appreciate this donation, which will be given to students in need of supplies. We recommend that this donation be accepted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Little Rock School District. Adj. Napoleon Tillman Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Lt. Walter E. Parker Post #1316 2304 Arch Street Little Rock, AR 72206 3010 West 7th Street Phone (501) 447-7300 Fax (501) 447-7301 Little Rock, Arkansas 7220 WOODRUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL '~n fzte.naccf ')ear faucation Schoo[" To: Mr. Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement From: Janice M. Wilson, Principal Date: November 9, 2004 Re: Donations Wal-Mart #124 has donated $1000.00 to Woodruff Elementary, to be used to assist in construction Woodruff's "Peaceable Place" mediation garden on the grounds. we sincerely appreciate this donation, which will provide plants and building materials for our mediation garden. We recommend that this donation be accepted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Little Rock School District. Wal-Mart #124 Jason Manns, Store Manager 8801 Baseline Road Little Rock, AR 72209 Ms. Bumiegha Combs Assistant Manager Wal-Mart #124 8801 Baseline Road Little Rock, AR 72209 3010 West 7th Street Phone (501) 447-7300 Fax (501) 447-7301 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 >< >< :- ~ ~ m on '-C 0 --< ~~ Zv, lC IT mv z..., vc 2 WOODRUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ''Jln 'Ei(tencfecf ']car 'Ecf ucation Scfioof 11 To: Mr. Darral Paradis, Director of Procurement From: Janice M. Wilson, Principal Date: November 1 0, 2003 Re: Donations Wal-Mart #126 has donated a total of $1, 250.00 to Woodruff Elementary. A portion of the funds, $500.00, was contributed as a match for volunteer hours to our school from Woodruff parent and Wal-Mart employee Tamela Warren. The remainder of the funds, $750.00, will be used to assist with the construction of Woodruff's "Peaceable Place" mediation garden. We sincerely appreciate this donation, and recommend that it be accepted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Little Rock School District. Wal-Mart #126 Renita Thompson, Personnel Manager 700 Chenal Little Rock, AR 72211 Tamela D. Warren 912 Johnson Street Little Rock, AR 7204 3010 West 7th Street Phone (501) 447-7300 Fax (501) 447-7301 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: December 16, 2004 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Financial Reports BACKGROUND: Financial reporting is designed to keep the Board of Directors up-to-date regarding the District's current financial condition. Financial reports are submitted monthly to the Board for review and approval. RATIONALE: November 2004 financial reports are submitted for the Board's review and approval. FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the November 2004 financial reports as submitted. PREPARED BY: Mark D. Milhollen, Manager Financial Services X >< := mX m on <-C 0-< ~~ ~"' m z -< LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2003 AND 2004 APPROVED RECEIPTS % APPROVED RECEIPTS % 2003/04 11/30/03 COLLECTED 2004/05 11/30/04 COLLECTED REVENUE-LOCAL SOURCES CURRENT TAXES 57,547,800 20,927,350 36.37% 61 ,436,691 23,738,299 38.64% DELINQUENT TAXES 10,100,000 6,939,208 68.71% 12,135,000 3,879,273 31 .97% 40% PULLBACK 29,600,000 31 ,250,000 EXCESS TREASURER'S FEE 210,000 205,000 DEPOSITORY INTEREST 180,000 155,000 REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES 150,000 185,000 MISCELLANEOUS AND RENTS 380,000 220,826 58.11% 485,000 66,215 13.65% INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 200,000 56,591 28.30% 245,000 138,537 56.55% ATHLETIC RECEIPTS 240,000 118,641 49.43% 215,000 124,843 58.07% TOTAL 98,607,800 28,262,617 28.66% 106,311,691 27,947,166 26.29% REVENUE - COUNTY SOURCES COUNTY GENERAL 21 ,000 11 ,594 55.21% 22,000 11 ,183 50.83% TOTAL 21,000 11,594 55.21% 22,000 11,183 50.83% REVENUE-STATE SOURCES EQUALIZATION FUNDING 53,226,139 19,354,959 36.36% 65,082,694 23,704,408 36.42% ALTERNATIVE LEARNING 1,927,250 963,624 50.00% ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 193,739 NATL SCHL LUNCH STUDENT FUNDING 6,498,240 2,362,996 36.36% PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,141 ,165 1,141 ,165 100.00% REIMBURSEMENT STRS/HEAL TH 8,300,000 2,024,292 24.39% 8,275,000 2,775,052 33.54% VOCATIONAL 1,400,000 430,364 30.74% 1,350,000 528,811 39.17% HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 1,675,000 93,470 5.58% 2,100,000 95,850 4.56% EARLY CHILDHOOD 273,358 135,094 49.42% 5,542,510 2,593,434 46.79% TRANSPORTATION 3,875,562 1,243,841 32.09% 4,125,000 1,325,044 32.12% INCENTIVE FUNDS - M TO M 3,900,000 736,844 18.89% 4,575,000 1,244,739 27.21% ADULT EDUCATION 920,337 152,263 16.54% 934,380 159,488 17.07% POVERTY INDEX FUNDS 560,545 267,486 47.72% TAP PROGRAM 285,245 142,623 50.00% 382,903 7,645 2.00% AT RISK FUNDING 360,000 395,000 9,400 2.38% TOTAL 74,776,187 24,581,235 32.87% 102,522,882 36,911,656 36.00% REVENUE - OTHER SOURCES TRANSFER FROM CAP PROJ FUND 770,000 770,000 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,350,000 18,519 1.37% 1,295,000 8,155 0.63% TRANSFER FROM MAGNET FUND 1,632,430 1,849,008 TOTAL 3,752,430 18,519 0.49% 3,914,008 8,155 0.21% TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING 177,157,418 52,873,965 29.85% 212,770,581 64,878,160 30.49% REVENUE - OTHER FEDERAL GRANTS 24,075,790 4,554,092 1892% 21,531,929 5,898,962 27.40% DEDICATED M & 0 4,000,000 725,821 18.15% 4,500,000 686,501 15.26% MAGNET SCHOOLS 24,689,351 3,440,020 27,964,934 4,700,776 16.81% TOTAL 52,765,141 8,719,933 16.53% 53,996,863 11 ,286,239 20.90% TOTAL REVENUE 229,922,559 61 ,593,898 26.79% 266,767,444 76,164,399 28.55% LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2003 AND 2004 APPROVED EXPENDED % APPROVED EXPENDED % 2003/04 11/30/03 EXPENDED 2004/05 11/30/04 EXPENDED EXPENSES SALARIES 100,684,982 29,777,981 29.58% 117,324,912 34,814,130 29.67% BENEFITS 26,483,772 7,729,211 29.18% 36,185,811 9,790,728 27.06% PURCHASED SERVICES 19,719,297 6,769,882 34.33% 20,959,918 6,423,581 30.65% MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8,185,459 4,033,046 49.27% 8,725,914 3,462,370 39.68% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,575,580 195,999 12.44% 2,760,600 457,890 16.59% OTHER OBJECTS 8,384,567 331 ,506 3.95% 10,770,418 440,411 4.09% DEBT SERVICE 12,098,342 4,699,176 38.84% 12,474,809 4,590,834 36.80% TOTAL EXPENSES OPERATING 177,131,999 53,536,801 30.22% 209,202,382 59,979,945 28.67% EXPENSES-OTHER FEDERAL GRANTS 26,056,193 5,641,014 21.65% 23,853,134 5,488,675 23.01% DEDICATED M & 0 4,000,000 1,869,745 46.74% 5,007,809 1,520,297 30.36% MAGNET SCHOOLS 24,689,351 6,278,304 25.43% 27,964,934 7,196,468 25.73% TOTAL 54,745,544 13,789,063 25.19% 56,825,877 14,205,441 25.00% TOT AL EXPENSES 231,877,543 67,325,865 29.04% 266,028,259 74,185,386 27.89% INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (1,954,984) (5,731,968) 739,184 1,979,012 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE FEDERAL, MAGNET & DED M & 0 3,558,580 3,558,580 4,005,957 4,005,957 OPERATING 9,026,855 9,026,855 6,531 ,706 6,531 ,706 ENDING FUND BALANCE FEDERAL, MAGNET & DED M & 0 1,578,177 (1 ,510,550) 1,176,943 1,086,755 OPERATING 9,052,274 8,364,018 10,099,905 11,429,921 TOTAL 10,630,451 6,853,468 11,276,848 12,516,676 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2004 PROJECT BEG BALANCE INCOME TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES END BALANCE 07-01-04 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 11-30-04 $6,200,000 BOND ISSUE FAIR 17,956.90 2,900.00 15,056.90 MCCLELLAN 77,219.02 77,219.02 CLOVERDALE MIDDLE 396.12 396.12 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL 95,572.04 0.00 0.00 2,900.00 0.00 92,672.04 $136,268,560 BOND ISSUES ADMINISTRATION 4,906.21 80,000.00 34,521.12 50,385.09 NEW WORK PROJECTS 6,088,520.49 799,000.00 2,477,070.65 887,411.05 3,523,038.79 SECURITY PROJECTS 14,541.25 14,541.25 LIGHTING PROJECTS 20,856.80 20,856.80 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 7,567,591.92 575,970.21 233,032.23 6,758,589.48 RENOVATION PROJECTS 13,366,715.04 4,437,368.56 2,008,638.40 6,920,708.08 TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 1,569,424.27 1,143,377.19 238,874.77 238,046.83 2,235,879.86 SUBTOTAL 28,632,555.98 1,143,377.19 879,000.00 7,763,805.31 3,367,128.51 19,523,999.35 REVENUES PROCEEDS-PROPERTY SALE 445,618.31 181,104.00 626,722.31 DUNBAR PROJECT 5,266.71 5,266.71 PROCEEDS-BOND SALES 14,143,144.75 (879,000.00) 13,264,144.75 PROCEEDS-QZAB SALE 1,293,820.97 1,293,820.97 INTEREST 5,037,437.95 386,399.64 5,423,837.59 SUBTOTAL 20,925,288.69 567,503.64 (879,000.00) 0.00 0.00 20,613,792.33 GRAND TOTAL !l~ ~a !ll Zl l Zl!l llll!l aa QJli2 Z Z Z!l~ al a aZ l~ ~l !l!l i:a!l !l~ Zi: PROJECT ALLOCATIONS EXPENSE PROJECT CATEGORIES THRU 11-30-04 2000-01 ADMINISTRATION 753,846.55 889,772.32 NEW WORK PROJECTS 39,585,097.95 443,467.00 SECURITY PROJECTS 265,814.17 113,930.47 LIGHTING PROJECTS 4,883,405.13 2,641,482.13 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 18,920,386.34 791 ,385.63 RENOVATION PROJECTS 51 ,641 ,607.54 397,615.34 TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 12,878,988.97 575,016.53 UNALLOCATED PROCEEDS 14,557,965.72 TOTAL 143,487,112.37 5,852,669.42 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ISSUE PROJECT HISTORY THRU THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2004 EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 I THRU 11-30-04 (485,325.77) 149,597.63 114,896.16 1 34,521 .12 4,589,606.29 11 ,671,442.11 15,993,062.06 2,477,070.65 109,609.73 I 27,732.73 0.00 1,832,392.06 379,661.38 9,012.76 0.00 4,218,294.40 3,455,350.67 2,887,763.72 575,970.21 4,119,045.21 15,666,239.90 I 18,091,992.05 4,437,368.56 4,325,201.40 4,500,374.61 I 765,594.97 238,874.77 I I 18,708,823.32 35,822,666.30 37,890,054.45 7,763,805.31 ~ ENDING ENCUMBERED ALLOCATION THRU 11-30-04 SUBTOTAL 11-30-04 I 0.00 t 703,461.46 50,385.09 887,411 .05 36,062,059.16 3,523,038.79 0.00 251,272.93 14,541 .25 0.00 I 4,862,548.33 20,856.80 23~.032.23 l 12,161,796.86 l 6,758,589.48 2,008,638.40 44,720,899.46 6,920,708.08 238,046.83 10,643,109.11 2,235,879.86 14,557,965.72 3,367,128.51 109,405,147.31 34,081,965.07 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS BY FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER.30, 2004 - Fund Purchase I Maturity I Institution Interest Rate Type Principal Date Date j j I I Operating 11-29-04 TFN Bank of America 1.870% Repo 5,340,000.00 Operating 11-29-04 t 12-01-04 Bank of America 1.880% Treasury Bills 5,499,425.56 t Operating 11-10-04 I 12-10-04 Twin City Bank 2.250% CD 4,659,613.28 Total I 15,499,038.84 Activity Fund 11-23-04 TFN Bank of America 1.790% Repo 1,225,000.00 Total - 1,225,000.00 Bond Account 09-06-04 03-07-05 Regions - 1.843% CD 400,000.00 Capital Projects Fund 07-14-04 01-10-05 Metropolitan 1.930% CD 1,000,934.31 Capital Projects Fund 01 -30-04 j 01-31 -05 Bancorp South 1.850% CD 2,100,244.72 Capital Projects Fund 08-17-04 l 08-16-05 Twin City Bank 2.610% CD 11,000,000.00 Capital Projects Fund 06-10-04 01-10-05 Bank of America 1.670% -Treasury Bills 5,385,005.84 f Capital Projects Fund 08-02-04 I 02-05-05 Twin City Bank 2.580% CD 4,500,000.00 Capital Projects Fund 08-02-04 l 08-02-05 Twin City Bank 3.030% CD 4,500,000.00 Capital Projects Fund 09-15-04 03-15-05 Bank of the Ozarks 2.210% CD 10,366,251 .16 Capital Projects Fund 11-23-04 TFN Bank of America 1.790% Repo 3,665,000.00 Total 42,917,436.03 - Deseg Plan Scholarship 06-22-04 12-08-04 I Bank of America 1.600% Treasury Bills 779,103.78 Total 779,103.78 Rockefeller Scholarship 06-10-04 I 01-10-05 Bank of America I 1.670% Treasury Bills - 252,468.56 Total I 252,468.56
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.