"Little Rock School District Board of Directors' Meeting" agenda

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Fro Return ~ ~ Keep or Toss D [ Post-It" 7668 03M 1993 Agenda RECEIVED JUN 2 ~ 2005 OfflCEOf DESEGREGATION MONIJORING Little Rock School District Board of Directors' Meeting JUNE2005 0 >-o
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oCz: on r- ... r- i5 oz 'f!! <J) r- I. 11. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS A. Call to Order B. Roll Call PROCEDURAL MATTERS A. Welcome to Guests REGULAR MEETING June 23, 2005 5:30 p.m. Ill. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS: A. Superintendent's Citations B. Remarks from Citizens (persons who have signed up to speak) C. Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association IV. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS: V. A. Remarks from Board Members B. Student Assignment Report C. Budget Update D. Construction Report: Proposed Bond Projects E. Internal Auditors Report F. Technology Update APPROVAL OF ROUTINE MATTERS: A. Minutes: Regular Meeting I 05-26-05 Special Meeting I 06-09-05 n,. .., j- ~ r- r--<- 0~ 0~ !~ll~..,
- aCz: on ,r.-.-.-~< n,..z,, ~ Regular Board Meeting June 23, 2005 Page 2 VI. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. A. Recommendations from the Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee (NPAAC) CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION A. PRE / Quarterly Update Report B. 2005-06 Evaluation Agenda HUMAN RESOURCES A. Personnel Changes BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION: A. Proposed Budget for Annual School Election B. First Reading: Policy FA- New Facilities Development Goal C. Resolution for Leasing Authority D. Request for Breakfast and Lunch Meal Price Increase E. Consulting Agreement F. Donations of Property G. Financial Report CLOSING REMARKS: Superintendent's Report: 1. Dates to Remember 2. Special Functions EMPLOYEE HEARINGS ADJOURNMENT :e "0 mh" 'g om
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l z (JI DATE: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRJCT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: June 2005 Construction Report - Bond Projects BACKGROUND: The planning for an addition to and the renovation of Forest Heights Middle School continues. The architect has been given a program (a list of items that the staff would like in the addition and remodeled areas) and is in the process of developing the costs, size and potential locations for the new building. Depending on available bond funds, a decision will be made soon regarding the staff requests. Several projects are being done this summer at Pulaski Heights Middle and Elementary Schools to enhance the appearance of the buildings. The outside brick walls of the Elementary School, auditorium and cafeteria are being cleaned and water-proofed . The front doors of the Elementary School are being replaced with new ones. A new ceiling will be installed in the cafeteria and all of the exposed steam piping and heating units will be removed . Another summer project is the . installation of new ceilings in the classrooms and corridors of Southwest Middle School which will improve the interior appearance of the building. When you drive by the school, it is obvious that the work recently completed has improved the exterior appearance of the school. In response to a request for information on projects not yet started, a new category has been added to the attached list entitled 'Bond Projects Not Yet Started .' RATIONALE: Monthly reports are submitted to the Board to keep members up-to-date on construction projects in the District. FUNDING: Bond Funds RECOMMENDATION: Report item
no action necessary. PREPARED BY: Bill Goodman, District Engineer :n .... ~ ::c % 0 8 -< C: -c C ~ m CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD JUNE 23, 2005 BOND PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION I I I t:st. t.
ompIetIon Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Carver ~ dia Center Expansion _ $167,490 Dec-05 Aug-05 __ Au~g-05 ~g-05 ~ ug-05 Dec-05 Central Renovation - Interior _____ $10,200,266 Fair Park Remodel $799,000 Fair Park Parking Lot ___ ____ _ __ $185,000 Forest Park Restr~oms ___ __ $152,881 Gibbs Addition __ ______ __ $705,670 -- - Oakhurst (Adult Education) New Windows ___ _ __ $215,000 -- ~ g-05 Pulaski Heights Elem/Middle Cafeteria Ceiling _ ___ $33,378 _ Aug-05 Pulaski Heights Elementary Clean Exterior Walls _ __ $98,660 - ~ g-05 ~ g-05 __ Aug-05 Aug-05 Aug-05 Pulaski Heights Elem/Middle I Replace Entry Doors ______ $13,990 Southwest I New Corridor Ceiling ____ $300,000 Western Hills IElectrical Upgrade & HVAC __ $622,160 Woodruff Parking addition $175,000 BOND PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION - SUMMER/ FALL 2005 I I I t:st. t.
ompIetIon Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Cloverdale Elementary Demolition _ _ __ $520,750 Aug-05 Henderson Skylight Replacement_ ___ $45,00-0~ Aug-05 Meadowcliff Remodel_________ __ $164,150 Aug-05 Rightsell Renovation $2,494,000 ~ Q-05 BOND PROJECTS PLANNING STARTED CONST. DATE TO BE DETERMINED I I I t:st. ~ompIe11on Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Booker Electrical Upgrade Unknown Unknown Chicot - -- Electrical Upgrade _-_-_-_-~ Unknown Forest H~ghts ====- Remodel ~ --- -- $1 ,547,000 -- - - -Un-known Unknown Mitchell Renovation -- - $2,212,493 - Unknown Pulaski Hgts. MS -- Energy monitoring system installation Unknown - Unknown BOND PROJECTS NOT YET STARTED Facility Name I Project Description I _Adm_inistration Anne_x_ ___ A,,,.D.._A_A.,-daptations -------~E_lectrical Upgrade Adult Education ADA Adaptations __ _ __ ----~S_tr_uctural Repairs -~ __ _ Alternative Learning Center ADA Adaptations ________ _ Electrical Upgrade Booker Cashion Building Dodd Roof Repairs .. Restroom Renovation ---~A_D_A Adaptations ____ A=-D_A Adaptations ______ _ Restroom Renovation I t:si. 1.,ompIeuon Cost Date __ $_3_2,351 Unknown $9,166-- Unknown -- $248,020 Unknown $53,918 Unknown $43,134 - Unknown - $2,696 - Unknown - $26,959 Unknown $37,742 Unknown $107,835 _ Spring 2006 $21,567 Unknown $26,959 Unknown -Fa-cility Services ADA Adaptations $32,351 Unknown ~ ___ ------~~_ _II_ ns_tall Water Metersa!Cooling Towers -.--- - $4,313 Unknown _______ E_m_ergency Lighting Replacem_e_nt _ Land Purchase - Booker Fulbright - Renovate Restroom-s -- ------ -- ~ ADA Adaptations Garland ~ovation -- --- ADA Adaptations ~trical Upgrade __ =~~---
_- Geyer S~pr_in~g~s ______ R_e~p_lace Restroom Stalls ADA Adaptations I ~ 80,876 - Unknown - $100,000 - Unknown $10,784 Unknown $21 ,567 Unknown $900,000-----i=,artially Complete $188,711 Unknown $6,988 Unknown $4,3_13__ Unknown ----,-- -- $21 ,567 Unknown Facility Name Henderson IRC Mabelvale Elementary McDermott Quigley Rockefeller Transportation - Laidlaw Transportation - LRSD West Little Rock School CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD JUNE 23, 2005 BOND PROJECTS NOT YET STARTED I Project Description I Cost I Renovate Office $10,784 ADA Adaptations $70,093 ADA Adaptations I I $21,567 I Restroom Renovation $21,567 I 1 Electrical Upgrade $6,211 I Restroom Renovation $32,350 1 Restroom Upgrades $53,918 I 'Dressing Room Renovation I $37,742 1ADA Adaptations $26,959 I Electrical Upgrade $1,618 I Interior Renovation $16,175 ADA Adaptations $32,351 Electrical Upgrade $1,294 1New School $11,782,638 Est. Completion Date Summer 2006 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall 2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown ---- Unknown - Unknown -- Unknown Unk-no-wn Unknown BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I I I Est. Completion Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Administration Asbestos abatement $380,495 Mar-03 Administration Fresh air system $55,000 Aug-03 Administration Fire alarm $32,350 Aug-03 Administration IHVAC - $70,000 Nov-04 --- Administration Annex Energy monitoring system installation May-02 -- --- Alternative Learning Ctr. ~ergy monitoring system installation $15,160 Oct-01 Alternative Learning Ctr. 1Energy efficient lighting $82,000 Dec-01 Badgett I Partial asbestos abatement $237,2~ -- - Jul-01 -- Badgett_ __ Fire alarm --$18~250 Aug-02 Bale --aassroom addition/renovation ~ $2,244,524 Dec-02 Bale I Energy monitoring system Mar-02 I- -- Bale Partial roof replacement - $269,5~ Dec-01 Bale HVAC $664,587 Aug-01 f- ~3,520 - Baselin-e --- Renovation ~ug-04 ~8,525 -- Booker Gym Roof Oct-04 - --$25,000- - Booker ADA Rest rooms Aug-04 -- --- - - -- Booker -- Energy efficient lighting $170,295 Apr-01 -- Energy monitoring system installation .. Booker --$- 23,710-=__ Oct-01 Booker Asbestos abatement $10,900 Feb-02 -- -- -- Booker Fire alarm $34,501 Mar-02 Brady Addition/renovation --- ---- $973,621- Nov-04 -- - Brady_ __ Energy efficient lighting -- - -+ $80,593 Sep-02 Brady Asbestos abatement $345,0~ Aug-02 --- -- $14,480 __ Carver Energy monitoring system installation May-01 -- Carver -- - Parking lot $111,742 - - Aug-03 Central HVAC Renovation - Band Area $225,000 Dec-04 -- Central Reflecting Pond $57,561 Sep-04 Central Parking -+- - Student parking $174,000 Aug-03 Central/Quigley Stadium light repair & electrical repair ~ $265,000 _ Aug-03 -- fentral/Q@ley .Athletic Field Improvement --- $38,000 Aug-03 Central/Quigley Irrigation System -- $14,500 - Aug-03 Central Purchase land for school Unknown Dec-02 ---- Central Roof & exterior renovations $2,000,000 Dec-02 2 ~ >n C: -.,
, l!!o 0 C: C: ..... > C: ~:IC m QO j!!z -<!!! '." .... ~ :zc 0 C: ~ m CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD JUNE 23, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I I Est. Completion Facility Name Project Description Cost Date Central Ceiling and wall repair $24,000 Oct-01 Central Fire Alarm System Design/Installation $80,876 Aug-01 Central Front landing tile repair $22,470 Aug-01 Chicot Drainage $64,700 1 Aug-04 Chicot Sound Attenuation $43,134 Jul-04 ---------------- 1-c,C-lo_v_e_rd_a_le-----,-E---,l..e..,_m_._ ____ __E,,n-_erg.,=y_e--fc-f,i-ci_ent....I,~igch---t-ci-n_.g,~ __________- -$=-_132~,67_8--r-____- ---,- f-C_lo_v_e_rd_a_le_ M_S_ _____ ,_E_n_erg.,=y_e_ff_icie_n_t lig,"-h-_ting"-----------'--__$_ 1_89',7-_43~'------ Jul-01 Jul-01 ~C_lov_e_rd_a_le_ M_S_ _____ ,_M_a~jo_r_ren_o_vation&a_d_d_it_io_n_ ________$1_ ,39_3_,82_2--r-----N-ov-02 f-D_o_d_d ________ _,_F_ire_A_la_r~m~Upgrad_e ________ t------c,-$_9~,2_0_0-+-- Dodd I Energy efficient lighting $90,665 Oct-04 Aug-01 Dodd Asbestos abatement-ceiling tile $156,299 Jul-01 Dodd Replace roof top HVAC $215,570 Aug-02 Dunbar Renovation/addition $6,149,023 Nov-04 ------------1- F a c i Ii ties Service Interior renovation $84,672 Mar-01 --------- Aug-03 May-05 Facility Services Fire alarm $12,000 f-F-a-ir-P~a-rk_ _______ _,_R-oof -- ---- $245,784 ~r-02 Aug-01 - Aug-01 Fair Park HVAC renovation/fire alarm -----$-3-15,956 ---- Fair_P_a_rk ______ _,_E_n_ergyefficient lighting __ _-_:_-_ $90,162 - ~F_a_ir_P_a_rk_ _______ ,_A_s_bes_tos abatement-ceiling ____$_ 5_9,31 O_ 6 classroom addition & cafeteria/music j J A. Fair room addition $3,155,640 Aug-04 J. A. Fair Energy efficient lighting 1 $277,594 ----Apr-01 J. A. Fair Press box , $10,784 r Nov-00 J. A. Fair Security cameras 1 $12,500 - - - Jun-01 ---'-------------+! ----c--- J. A. Fair Athletic Field Improvement $38,000 Jul-03 J. A. Fair Irrigation System $14,000 Jul-03 J. A. Fair Roof repairs --, - - $391,871 ~ -=-- Aug-03 Fores_t_P_a-rk_ ______R_ e_p-la-c~e-w- indow unitsw/centralH VAC l $485,258 Nov-03 Forest Park Diagonal parking 1 $111,742 --Aug-03 Fulbright Energyefficient lighting --- - $134:463 - - Jun-01 Forest Park Energy efficient lighting ~-$119 788 - May-01 Fulbright Energy monitoring system installation $11,950 _-_-_-_-_Aug-01 Fulbright - Replace roof top HVAC units I $107,835 - Aug-02 Fulbright Parking lot --- $140,000 Sep-02 Fulbright Roofrepairs ---r~--~- $200,000 - - Oct-02 Frank_lin_ -- - Renovation 1 $2,511,736 _ _ Mar-03 Geyer Springs Roof Repair ' $161,752 Jun-04 Energy efficient lighting -- -- $76,447 Apr-01 ------- Gibbs Gibbs ---------Energy monitoring s~tem installation __ _ $11 ,770 Jul-01 Hall Major renovation & addition '" $8,637,709 Sep-03 ------ Asbestos abatement $168,222 Aug-01 Energy efficient lighting --=-- _ _:-=- $42,931 Jul-01 Hall Hall Hall ___In frastructure improvements __ $93,657 Aug-01 Hall Energy efficient lighting _____ _ $296,707 _ Apr-01 1H--a--ll -------- Intercom Feb-01 Hall - Henderson Henderson ---- Henderson Henders-on- ---- Henderson Security cameras ______ _ Lockers --------- Energy efficient lighting - Roof replacement gym Asbestos abatement Phase I Asbestos abatement Phase 2 $10,600 $43,854 $193,679 $107,835 $500,000 $250,000 Jun-01 Dec-04 Jul-01 May-01 Aug-0~ Aug-02 3 CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD JUNE 23, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Facility Name I I I Est. Completion Project Description Cost Date ,_IR_C _________E_ ner~g~y_e_ff_ic_ie_n_t_~li g~h_ti~ng $109,136 Jul-02 Jefferson Asbestos abatement $43,639 Oct-01 ,_J_effer_s_o_n _______ R_enovation & fire alarm _____ _____ $1,630,000 Nov-02 Laidlaw !Parking lot $269,588 Jul-01 Mablevale Elem Fire Alarm Upgrade $12,000 Oct-04 Mabelvale Elem. Energy monitoring system installation $12,150 Aug-01 Mabelvale Elem. Replace HVAC units $300,000 _ Aug-02 Mabelvale Elem. Asbestos Abatement $107,000 Aug-02 Mabelvale Elem. I Energy efficient lighting __ $106,598 Dec-02 Mabelvale MS !Renovate bleachers $134,793 I Aug-01 Mabelvale MS Renovation $6,851,621 Mar-04 Mann Partial Replacement $11,500,000 Apr-04 1_M_a_n_n_ ________'A_s,p__h_a_lt wal_ks _________ The total $1_8 million I Dec-01 ,_M_a_n_n __________ W_a_lkw_a~y~ca_n_o~p_ie_s_ ________ is what has been Dec-01 ..,M._a_n_n_ ________ __,1B__o_ile_r_r_e,p_l_a_ce_ment _______ used so far on the Oct-01 ,_M_a_n_n ________ ___,F_encing~---- _______ projects listed Sep-01 Mann 'Partial demolition/portable classrooms completed for Mann. ' Aug-01 .,-----------+-----------'-- Mc CI e II an Parking Lot Overlay $65,000 Apr-05 McClellan Athletic Field Improvement $38,000 Jul-03 McClellan 'Irrigation System $14,750 Jul-03 McClellan Security cameras $36,300 Jun-01 1_M_c_C_lel_la_n_ _______ _E:_n_e
__r_g,'I-Ly-e':..f...fic:...i..e-'--n_t lighting $303,614 _____M ay-~ McClellan Stadium stands repair ___ - $235,0~ Aug-01 McCle~ - Intercom $46,000 _ _ Feb-02 McClellan Classroom Addition __ $2,155,622 __ Jul-04 McDermott Fire Alarm Upgrade _____ _ $7 ,700 Sep-04 McDermott Energy efficient lighting______ $79,411 Feb-01 McDermott Replace roof top HVAC units $476,000 Aug-02 Meadowcliff Fire alarm $16,175 __ ~ 1 Meadowcliff _ Asbestos abatement ------~-- $253,412 Aug-02 Meadowcliff ___E_ n_g,.,_er,g.,_y efficient lighting___ _ $88,297 Dec-02 Metrop_o_lit_a_n ______ ~ R_e~p_la_ce_c_ooling tower $37,203 ___ Dec-00 Metropolitan Replace shop vent system $20,000 _____ May-01 Metropolitan ~ nergy monitoring system installation $17,145 Aug-01 Mitchell Building Remediation $ 165,000 Jul-04 Mitchell IEnergy efficient lighting. _-_- =_-=__ ---$103,642 -- Apr-01 Mitchell Energy monitoring system installation $16,695~ - Jul-01 Mitch~ --- Asbestos abatement - - - ~ 3,000 --=== Jul-01 Oakhurst HVAC renovation __ $237,237 __ Aug-01 Otter Creek Energy monitoring system installation _ $10,695 __ May-01 Otter Creek _ Energy efficient lighting ___ _,_ _ $81 ,828 _ Apr-01 Otter Creek _ Asbestos abatement ___ + $10,000 _ _ Aug-02 Otter Creek Parking lot ________ + $138,029 __ _ Aug-02 Otter Creek 6 classroom addition ________ $888,778 Oct-02 Otter Creek 'Parking Improvements _____ $142,541 ___ Aug-03 Parkview __ ~ ddition _ ____ __ $2,121,226 Dec-04 Parkview HVAC controls ______ $210,000 Jun-02 Parkview ~of replacement_______ - $273,877- -- Sep-01 Parkview I Exterior ligh~ ____ __ ~ 0)84 _ _ Nov-00 arkview HVAC renovation & 700 area controls $301 ,938 _ Aug-01 Parkview Locker replacement ___ ~ $120,000 _ Aug~ Parkview Energy efficient liqhtinq $315,600 Jun-01 4 ~ >nc -o
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s:: mg,o p!z -<l :,, ... Pl ::c z 0 8 -< C: -0 C ~ m CONSTRUCTION REPORT TO THE BOARD JUNE 23, 2005 BOND PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I I I l::.st. c.
ompIetIon Facility Name Project Description Cost Date 1-P_ro_c_u_re_m_ en_t_ ____~ _E_ner__g,,~y_m_o_n_itor_in_g,,_s_y_stem installation _ _$
_5-,'-2-_9_0_ _____Ju_ n_-0_2-1 Procurement Fire alarm $25,0_00~ ____A_u g"'---03. Pulaski Hgts. Elem I Renovation - $1,193,2-59- -----No-v-0-4 , Pulaski Hgts. Elem Move playground ___ $17,000 Dec-02 >-P-u-la_s_ki H~g~t-s.-M- S----~I_R_e_n-ov~a-ti~o=n---- - $3,755,041 Nov-04 Rightsell Energy efficient lighting -- $84,898 Apr-01 -R--o'"c'--ke_f_elle_r_ ______E_ n-er...g,,~y-e-ff-ic-ie_n_t _lig,"-h-ting - ~ $137,004 - Mar-01 1-R_o_c_ke_f,elle_r_ ______R_ e.,p_la_ce_ ro_o_f_to.2p.. HVAC _ ::_ -$-'-5_3_9-'-'- 17_5_ ____A u,g,,_-_o-11 Rockefeller Parking addition $111,742 Aug-02 t-R_o_m_i-ne_ _______ 1 _A_s-be- s~tos abatement --- - $10,0_0_0 __ -----A~p~r--02- Romine Major renovation & addition - $3,534,675 Mar-03 >-S_c_ott_F_ie-ld--------T-ra~c-k_R_e_n_o_vations - $289,056 May-05 -- -----~~ Security/Transportation Bus cameras $22,500 Jun-01 Southwest ---A-dd- i-tio_n_________ - - $2,000,000 - Nov-04 - Southwest Asbestos abatem_ent_ __ _ $28,138 _ Aug-00 Southwest New roof $690,000 Oct-03 Southwest Energy efficientlighting ====- ~ $168,719 Jan-02 Southwest 1Drainage / street widening__ _ $250,000 _-- Aug-03 Stude-nt_A_s_s-ig_n_m_e_n_t ____En_ e_r-gy~m-o-nitoring system installation _ $4,830_ _____A~ ug-.Q_2 Student Assignment 'Fire alarm __- -- $9,000 Aug-03 Tech Center Phase 1 Renovation ..- $275,000 - - Dec-01 Tech Ctr/ Metro Renovation Addition/Renovation - Phase II _ : fil79Jmo- Jun-04 Technology Upg~rad_e ___ ---=U~p=gra_d_e~p~hone system &_d_ata__ _ ___ Nov-02 Terry Energy efficient lighting __ _ $73,850 _ _ Fe_b_-01 Terry Driveway & Parking $83,484 Terry 1Media Center addition - $704,932 Wakefield Rebuild ------- - $5,300,000 ------ Wakefield Security cameras $8,000 Wakefield__ 'Energy efficient lighting $74,77El Wakefield -----D- e- molition/Asbestos Abateme~ - $200,000 Washington Fire Alarm Upgrade $11.~Aug- 02 Sep-02 Dec-04 Jun-01 Feb-01 Washington Security cameras $7,900 __ Nov-02 Oct-04 Jun-01 Apr-01 Jul-01 Washing~t_on _______ E_n_e_rg~y_e_fficient lighting Watson Energy monitoring system installation Watson - --Asbestos abatement ---- Watson Watson Watson --____ E_n_ergy efficient lighting Western Hills Western Hills vv'estern Hills Western Hills Western Hills Williams Williams Williams Wilson Wilson Wilson Woodruff Asbestos abatement Major renovation & addition ----- Fire Alarm Upgrade -,
:oA Rest rooms Asbestos abatement Intercom Energy efficient lighting Renovation Parking expansions __ ~nergy efficient lighting HVAC for Cafeteria --- ---, Renovation/expansio_n ____ _ _ Parking Expansion Renovation $165,281 $8,530 $182,241 $106,868 $10,000 $800,000 $8,400 $25,000 $191,946 $7,100 $106,000 $2,106,492 $183,717 $122,719 $56,000 $1,263,876 $110,000 $246,419 ~ g-01 Aug-01 Aug-02 A~g-02 Oct-04 ----- - Aug-04 Aug-02 Dec-01 Jul-01 Mar-04 Dec-03 Jun-01 Mar-05 Feb-04 Aug-03 Aug-02 5 Vl. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. NPAAC RECOMMENDATIONS VII. CURRICULUM & INS] A. PRE/QUARTERL ~ E. INTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT F. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE V. ROUTINE tMTTERS A. MINUTES Date: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS To: Board of Directors @ From: Sandy Becker, Internal Auditor Re: Audit Report - June This is the sixty-eighth communication regarding status of the current year projects and reviews. Activity Funds a) Working with one high school, one middle school and two elementary schools to resolve financial issues in their activity funds. b) Reviewing monthly financial information for all schools and assisting in resolving balance issues. c) Training school staff at schools on financial processes by request. Activities Advisory Board (AAB) a) Assist the Activities Advisory Board in its mission to strengthen the effectiveness and viability of activities in the District. b) The AAB has forwarded a Booster Club Guidelines Package to be included in official publications of the District after review. Board Policy and Regulation a) The amended Out of District Travel regulation is being implemented. Technology a) Monitoring technology plans and technology meetings to determine how use of technology will improve and streamline the workflow for staff persons. b) Facilitating technology upgrade in cooperation with the English Department for Yearbook and ewspaper production staff in LRSD high schools to improve access to tools needed for students and staff. Training a) Served as a trainer for financial portion of uts & Bolts, Bookkeeper & Secretaries Training, Security Guard Training, individual school in-service meetings, and others as needed. Working to facilitate best means to improve financial processes and increase accountability for resources. Training new bookkeepers on bookkeeping procedures as requested. .'.."." ~ ::c z 0 8 -< C.. , 0 :!!
m Audit Report - June 2005 Page 2 of2 b) Placed training material, smart worksheets, and other helpful items on the Teachers Lounge section of the Little Rock School District web page. c) Coordinated guidelines and aids to inform and assist new activity sponsors of specific tasks relating to each activity. Added new checklist for spirit sponsors and smart spreadsheet for fundraiser reconciliation. This information is now in the Teachers Lounge section of the District web page. d) Developed skills test for financial positions. Implementing in coordination with Human Resources. Audit Area Sampling and Review of Financial Procedures Other a) Pulling samples of district expenditures to test for accuracy, accountability, and compliance with District policies. Reviewing district payroll processes for compliance, economy and efficiency, internal controls, and cost control. Working with Financial Services Payroll on internal control and processing b) c) d) e) f) g) h) a) b) c) issues. Working with Financial Services on internal controls and rules for payroll processes and implementation of a new interface system. Monitoring other selected risk areas for efficiency, cost effectiveness, and compliance with District policies. Reviewing grant programs. Working with Child Nutrition on implementation of streamlined information processing system with Information Services and Child utrition Staff. Monitoring cost reduction efforts in the District. Monitoring combined payroll and human resources issues for compliance with board direction and internal controls. Reviewing leave accountability system. Reviewing Teacher School Supply Fund Records for recommendations. Provided technical assistance to school staff on grant writing. Served as co-chair of Strategic Team One - Financial Resources. Served as District coordinator of United Way's Day of Caring (April 17, 2005. Eleven schools participated. Problem Resolution a) I have made myself available to help resolve financial issues, assist in improving processes, and help find solutions to questions that arise. Please let me know if you need further information. My telephone number is 501-447-1115 . My e-mail is sandy.becker@lrsd.org. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: TO: June 23, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Board Auditor Report BACKGROUND: Monthly report to School Board. RATIONALE: Summary report of activities. FUNDING: No changes. RECOMMENDATION: None. PREPARED BY: Sandy Becker ~ >n C: ..,
,o C!!n oc: C:,.... > C: ~ll: m QO p! z -< !!l != ... DATE: TO: FROM: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Technology Report BACKGROUND: Since the last Board meeting the following technology activities took place: Last month we reported that we had received over $ 1 million in e-rate funds for the 2003-2004 school year. All of the appeals that we filed on the 2003-2004 applications were upheld and fully funded. This week it was announced that our 2004-2005 application for telecommunications services was funded in the amount of $ 1.2 million, bringing our total this year to $ 1.4 million. Because of e-rate funds, we receive a 73% discount on all services related to the wide area network, local, long distance, paging, and cellular phone service. Our current Technology Plan covers the years 2003-2006. In order to meet state requirements for approval and to meet E-rate requirements the Technology Plan will have to be revised during the 2005-2006 school year. The new plan will have to be in draft form by the time we file our erate applications for 2006-2007 this December. It will have to be completed and approved by the Board in time for state submission in March 2006. Committees will be formed in August to begin the revision. RATIONALE: To implement the LRSD Technology Plan 2003 - 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept this report. PREPARED BY: Lucy Neal, Director, Technology and Media Services John Ruffins, Director, Computer Information Services -0 :r me ~~ % z
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, m m"' "' LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 DATE: June 23, 2005 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Recommendations from the Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee (NPAAC) BACKGROUND: Act 1220 of 2003 was created to combat the crisis of childhood obesity and associated health problems. In the 2003-04 school year, 36.7% of LRSD students were identified as overweight or at risk of becoming overweight. Act 1220 requires each school district in Arkansas to convene a Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee by 2004 that includes members from school district governing boards, school administrators, food service personnel, teacher organizations, parents, students and professional groups from the community. Federal legislation was passed in 2004 requiring all school districts with a federally funded school meal program to establish a committee by 2006 to evaluate nutrition and physical education policies and to promote best practices. The LRSD Nutrition Physical Activity Advisory Committee (NPAAC) is charged to: Annually assist schools in the assessment of each school campus utilizing the School Health index. Outcomes of this assessment will be incorporated into the school improvement plan. Review and make recommendations to the local school board regarding all food and beverage contracts. Maintain a list of non-food and healthy food alternatives for fundraisers. Monitor in-service education for food service staff. RATIONALE: To support compliance with Act 1220, the NPAAC met monthly since August 2004 and put forward recommendations to promote the health of our students. When children's health, nutrition and exercise needs are met, they have the cognitive energy to learn and achieve. Sound nutrition and adequate physical activity are linked to academic achievement, self-esteem, mental health and school attendance - all leading to stronger .., :r m c: ~! z z
D ,m...m~ (') C: ~ ~ ~~ m CJ) student performance. The LRSD Nutrition Physical Activity Advisory Committee is committed to creating health-promoting schools that support sound nutrition, physical activity and high academic achievement. We strongly support/endorse these recommendations and consider this the beginning of a long process. FUNDING: Funding is needed to meet the recommendations related to improving physical activity for elementary students in the following areas: 1. 2. Personnel FTE Salary - Certified Physical Education Teachers with Fringes 5 @ Total Staff Training Physical Education Aides (25@ 12 hours ea@ $13/hr ea) Child Nutrition Assistants (190@ 12 hours ea)@ 11/hr ea) $ $ Cost 50,000 250,000 3,900 $ 25,080 Legislation, from 2005, states all aides & assistants must have 12 hours of Staff Development annually. 3. Physical Education Curriculum (SPARK Curriculum) Sport, Play and Active Recreation for Kids Cost Curriculum Binders, K-2 & 3-5 Equipment Staff Development Total Grand Total $ 5,759 2,000 - 4,211 x 32 schools 5,198 $145,717.00 $424,697 Recommendations from NPAAC I. Fundraising Projects and Student Rewards Subcommittee 1. 2005-06 Fundraising projects, will achieve at least a 50/50 balance of healthy and less-healthy offerings. For single item fundraising sales, the sales Item must be healthy, for sales of multiple items, (e.g., sales from catalogs offering various products), at least 50% of the items must be either healthy items or non-food items. 2. Each secondary school shall appoint a staff person to monitor fundraisers by all school-related organizations or groups to ensure compliance with established guidelines. 3. Little Rock School District shall designate a representative to serve as a resource for schools in planning and coordinating fundraising activities and to serve as a liaison between the district and vendors to keep them informed of Little Rock School District policies related to fundraisers. 4. All schools are encouraged to sponsor fundraisers that promote physical activity. 5. For ongoing school "activity fund" sales, standard definitions, as published by the State Child Health Advisory Committee, for healthy concession stand items and serving sizes are consistent with those used for Little Rock School District vending machines and concession stands. (Table 1) 6. Unhealthy food and beverage items are not to be used as rewards in the classroom or school. The NPAAC will provide updated lists, to schools, annually of approved healthy food rewards
plan and conduct a series of school-based inservice meetings for school staff, PT A groups, campus leadership teams and other groups on appropriate alternatives to unhealthy beverage/food rewards. II. Nutrition Subcommittee A. Allowable Foods and Portion Sizes 1. At the elementary level, only extra milk (flavored, 1 % or skim milk), 100% juice and water will be sold a la carte. The maximum size will be 8 ounces. A single purchase will be limited to only two of each 4 oz. item. 2. At the middle school level, only extra milk (flavored, 1%, or skim milk), water (fluoridated, caloric sweetener <10 calories), 100% juice and a whole fruit will be sold a la carte. A single purchase will be limited to one of each item. Vended a la carte items will be limited to 100% juices, flavored and unflavored waters and milk. The maximum size will be 12 ounces. 3. High School - A la carte items will include foods that meet the standards for all foods served as a part of a reimbursable meal. Other snack items shall meet the standard and portion size of Table 1 from the Child Health Advisory Committee and Company Vending Guidelines. A single purchase will be limited to one of each item. B. Menu Planning 1. Annually, Child Nutrition will conduct a written survey in selected elementary and secondary schools to solicit suggested menu items for the coming school year. The surveys will be compiled and evaluated for inclusion in the menu planning cycle. 2. The LRSD Child Nutrition Advisory Council will create a forum for receipt of recommendations for menu changes from parents and others through the P.T.A. Council. It is also recommended that parents be surveyed to provide suggested menu items during pre-school registration. The results and analysis of the surveys and recommendations will be submitted to CN for evaluation and inclusion in the menu planning cycle. C. Nutrition Education Nutrition education will be incorporated into the overall curriculum as well as in Health and Science programs in grades K - 6. Wellness and nutrition education should be integrated into the one semester required health course offered in grades 9 - 12 and in other related courses. D. Professional Development for Child Nutrition Professionals 1. The director will be responsible for providing a minimum of twelve hours of annual training to CN assistants, as recommended by the State Child Health Advisory Committee. A record documenting the required in-service training shall be maintained by the CN Director. 2. Each school manager will be required to provide a 30-minute in-service each month. Child Nutrition assistants will be paid their regular hourly rate. Ill. Physical Activity Subcommittee A. Certified Physical Education Teachers There are currently nine certified elementary physical education teachers in the Little Rock School District. To achieve compliance with ADE guidelines it is recommended that: 1. The LRSD incrementally increase the number of certified PE teachers, at the elementary level, based on the following schedule: School Year NewFTE Total Certified FTE 2005-06 5 14 2006-07 5 19 2007-08 5 24 2008-09 5 29 2009-10 3 32 B. Staff Development Provide required training for all paraprofessionals and volunteers who serve as PE teachers. Currently there are 25 paraprofessionals teaching Physical Education under the direction of the classroom teacher. C. Standardized Physical Education Curricula The Little Rock School District will adopt a standard PE curriculum for each organizational level beginning with the elementary level in the 2006-07 school year and the middle and high school levels in the 2007-08 school year. D. Form Multi-disciplinary Community Partnership Addressing and correcting problems related to physical inactivity cannot be limited to the regular school day. We recommend that the district establish a multi-disciplinary community partnership to develop a public awareness campaign that promotes physical activity as a part of family life extending beyond the school day by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year. This campaign would include informing parents of the importance of physical activity after school hours and establishing after school physical activity programs (in addition to athletics) in partnership with neighborhood organizations and groups. E. StudentfTeacher Ratio The student I teacher ratio for PE classes will be consistent as for other academic classes. F. Access to Activity All students are entitled to PE and recess. It is recommended that physical education and recess not be withheld or used as punishment. IV. Vending Subcommittee A. Vending Food & Beverage Sales For all food and beverages sold / vended via machines, school stores and concessions shall follow the recommendations of Act 1220 Child Health Advisory Committee (CHAC) with implementation of all recommendations starting in school year 2005-06: Nutrition Standards for Competitive Food follow allowable Foods and Portion Sizes in Table 1, with the following exceptions: i) Low-fat Milk will follow the FDA Food Labeling regulations and refer to 1 % and fat-free only. ii) Food/snack vending: ~35% of total calories from fat,~ 10% of calories from saturated and trans fat combined and ~ 35% of total weight from added sugar (if added sugar not on label use total sugar). B. Beverage Vending & Concession Contracts 1. In 2005-06, a 50/50 product mix in student accessible machines progressing to 75/25 in 2006-07 and reaching 100% healthy choices by 2007-08 school year. 2. 50/50 product mix for the athletic department, administration facilities and teacher lounges so as to be the same as in other District facilities. 3. 50/50 Product mix for after-hour concessions with the recommendation that individual schools consider moving to 100%. 4. Concessions and other fundraisers may sell bottled water with school name and/or mascot on the label. 5. Beverage container size limited to 12 oz. except water, which may be larger. 6. Sports beverages will be restricted to the immediate area of physical education facilities. 7. Student to beverage machine ratio will be flexible based on the discretion of the building principal (most of the principals and students at our presentations thought the 1 to 100 ratio was too much but would like some flexibility if their physical plant campus expanded). 8. All beverages sold in vending machines and concessions be priced equally so that cost is not an influence on student purchases. Recommendation We request Board approval to implement all no-cost recommendations provided by the Nutrition and Physical Advisory Committee for the 2005-06 school year. We further recommend that items requiring funding be considered for implementation as the Board reviews the budget anc
l allocation of resources for the 2005-06 school year. Phase in of recommendations requiring additional personnel will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will require additional consideration by the administration and the Board of Directors. PREPARED BY: Margo Bushmiaer, Coordinator of Health Services, NPAAC Co-Chair Jo Evelyn Elston, Director of Pupil Services, NPAAC Member Junious Babbs, Associate Superintendent Table 1. Elementary/Middle/Junior/Senior High School Allowable Competitive Foods - Maximum Portion Size List Competitive Food or Beverage Chips (regular) Chips (baked or no more than 7.5 grams of fat per ounce), crackers, popcorn, cereal, trail mix, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, ierkv. pretzels Cookies Cereal bars Bakery items (e.g., pastries, muffins, doughnuts) excluding items that count as two-bread components served/sold onJy at breakfast. i Frozen desserts, ice cream(no L___more than l O grams of fat) I r I Whole milk, flavored or unflavored Low-fat milk (2% or less) , flavored or unflavored Fruit Juices or blends of jui-:cs with 100% iuice Sweetened non-carbonated beverages(:S15g sugar/serving) Carbonated beverages (:S 15g sugar/serving) Fruit snacks fortified with vitamin C ~ I Water- non-carbonated, L unflavored Prepared, Ready-to-Serve Maximum Portion Size 1.25 ounces 1.5 ounces 1.5 ounces 2.5 ounces 3 ounces - - 4 ounces --- 8 ounces 8 ounces 16 ounces 12 ounces -- 12 ounces 12 ounces 2.5 ounces Unlimited 7 i ~ . ne "D
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~ Zm ~en en NAME Bushmiaer, Margo Co-Chair Wheeler, Gary Dr. Co-Chair NUTRITION McCoy, Morlin, Co-Chair Borne', Eliza Burton, Marvin Cherepski, Stevie Davenport, Christy Dudley, Joan Milam, Debbie PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Scogin, Annette, Co-Chair Lincoln, Lynn, Co-Chair Brown,Sandra,RN Elston, Jo Evelyn McDaniel, Veronica Hickman, Natasha, RN Tollette, Binky Weber, Judy PhD FUND RAISING & AW ARDS Barksdale, Diane, Co-Chair Cox, Dana PhD, RD Co-Chair Smith, Paula Walker Hynes, Stephanie LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 2004-2005 Nutrition Physical Activity Advisory Subcommittee Members Lists REPRESENTING PHONE Coordinator, Health Services 447-7482 UAMS, ACH & Parent, Central Hiw 364-1416 Director, Child Nutrition 447-2450 12th Grade Student, Central 664-2626 Principal, Henderson 447-2800 Nurse, King Magnet 447-5105 ADH, Central Region 280-4950 Parent, Forest Park Elem. 663-4602 Director, VIPS 447-2967 Assistant Director, Athletics 447-2063 ADH, Pulaski County Central Health Unit 280-3369 Baptist Health - Community Outreach 202-1961 Director, Pupil Services 447-7490 ADH, SW Unit 565-9311 ADH & Parent, Central 280-4957 Pfeifer Camp 821-3714 UAMS, ACH & Parent, Terry Elem & Dunbar M.S. 364-3382 Principal, Carver 447-4000 Parent, Williams Magnet Elem. 614-4355 Parent, Williams Magnet Elem. 223-8332 Administrative Supervisor, Child Nutrition 447-2468 June I, 2005 EMAIL ADDRESS margo. bushmiaerra)lrsd. orn wheelerva.rv<@uams.edu morlin.mccov1mlrsd.orn: eborne1msbc11:lobal.net marvin. burtonra)lrsd.org stevanna.cherenskira)lrsd.org cdavenoortra)healthvarkansas.com erikora)aristotle.net debra.milamra)lrsd.org annette.scoginra)lrsd.org llincolnra)healthvarkansas.com sandrabra)baotist-health.org io.elston(a)lrsd.orn vdawsonlmhealthvarkansas.com nhickmanlmhealthvarkansas.com binkvra)ofeifercamo.com weberiudithlra)uams.edu marv.barksdalera)lrsd.orn danacox97 ra)sbcglobal.net ovsmithra)arkansas.net Steohanie.walker.hvnra)lrsd.org VENDING Blaine, Barbara, Co-Chair Counselor, W estem Hills 447-6900 Gamer, Carole RD, Co-Chair UAMS, College of Public Health 526-6606 Buck, Larry Principal, McClellan High 447-2100 Edgerson, Pat Parent, Forest Heights Middle & Central High 686-7981 Hendrix, Julie UALR/ Children International / Health Services & Parent, PHMS 663-5541 Lacey, Marian Dr. Administration, Asst. Superintendent, Secondary 447-1000 Montgomery, Darrel L. Hometown Health Improvement Leader, ADH 280-4963 Wheeler, Gary Dr. Co-Chair UAMS, ACH & Parent, Central High 364-1416 BYLAWS Bushmiaer, Margo - Chair Coordinator, Health Services 447-7482 Hill, Martha P~ent, Forest Park 282-0202 831-3864 Walker Hynes, Stephanie Administrative Supervisor, Child Nutrition 447-2468 Oll:l313100H:>S MO:1130008 11 S3:>l,\M3S SS3HIS08 xi S30H\/H:l13HHOSM3d 11 S3:>MOOS3M NVl'IOH 11111 91KOOl \/OH30\/ HOll\/01\/i\3 9 'O A 1M31M\/00/3Md "\/ 'llSHI Y wn,n:>IMMn:> 1111 barbara.blaineln'llrsd.orn: GamerCaroleBr@uams.edu Larrv. buckr@lrsd.org oedgersonr@uams.edu JMHENDRIXr@ualr.edu rnarian.lacevr@lrsd.om dmontgomen:(a),healthxarkansas.com wheelernarvr@uams.edu margo.bushmiaerr@lrsd.org j frenchhill(a),aristotle.net Stenhanie. walker.h vn ln'l lrsd.org 1H3Wd013i\30 S31ll11:>\/:1 v:1 A:>111od :oHIO\t3M u~ a DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 June 23, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Quarterly Update Report BACKGROUND: The third quarterly written update (June 1) by the Planning, Research, and Evaluation (PRE) Department was completed in accordance with the District Court's 2004 Compliance Remedy (Memorandum Opinion of June 30, 2004, pp. 61-67). This report includes descriptions of research activities related to four step-2 evaluations currently being conducted by Ors. Steven Ross and James Catterall, and lists four proposed step- 2 evaluations to be completed by these researchers next school year. Dr. Ross' team has completed nearly all its observations of classes and its surveys of principals, teachers, students, and parents participating in Compasslearning, Reading Recovery, and SMART/THRIVE. Dr. Catterall is conducting interviews and surveys for the evaluation of Year-Round (Extended-Year) Education. Joshua and ODM along with other stakeholders took part in planning discussions for these evaluations. RATIONALE: The Court's remedy requires PRE to perform 8 "step-2" evaluations during this and next school years. FUNDING: Not Necessary RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept the Quarterly Update Report. DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 June 23, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: 2005-2006 Evaluation Agenda BACKGROUND: LRSD policy requires an annual Evaluation Agenda proposed to the Board of Directors outlining external evaluation activities with projected costs. During 2004-2005 PRE has engaged two outside consultants to evaluate four District programs. The 2005-2006 Evaluation Agenda consists of five external evaluations: 4 "Step-2" program evaluations mandated by Judge Wilson in 2004, and 1 non-mandated evaluation recommended by the PRE department RATIONALE: LRSD is complying with U. S. District Court's 2004 Compliance Remedy (Memorandum Opinion of June 30, 2004, pp. 61-67) to "devise a comprehensive program assessment process" which "must be deeply embedded as a permanent part of LRSD's curriculum and instruction program." In December 2004, the Board of Directors approved this process. It provides for a range of educational program evaluations with respect to their scientific rigor and complexity, and it requires participation by LRSD stakeholders in the design and execution of evaluations. In the same Opinion, the Court ordered, "During each of the next two academic school years (2004-05 and 2005-06), LRSD must hire one or more outside consultants to prepare four (4) formal step 2 evaluations." By "step 2" the court meant for evaluations to delve into underlying reasons for outcomes. The primary outcome that the Court directed the District to examine is the academic achievement of African-American students. The Opinion also instructs the PRE Department to cooperate with the outside consultants and encourages it to evaluate additional District programs. Court-Mandated Evaluations for 2005-2006: For step 2 evaluations in 2005-2006, Dr. Ross has identified four 2.7 programs, named on the following page. fl
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:c mm r~ (") C: ~~ 25 rn m tn 1. Arkansas A+ Schools Network, at Woodruff Elementary School, incorporates the arts in teaching language and mathematics. Projected Cost: $30,000 2. KnowledgePoints is a Supplemental Educational Service (SES) selected at Bale, Brady, Chicot, Wakefield, and Watson Elementary Schools and offered there as an after-school program. Projected Cost: $30,000 3. 21 st Century Learning Centers offer a broad array of out-of-school support services, programs, and activities designed to help students meet academic standards and to increase student achievement. Projected Cost: $30,000 4. Pre-kindergarten (PreK) literacy development will be evaluated in the 31 schools with classes for 4-year-old children. These young students participate in developmentally appropriate and fun lessons and activities intended to nurture essential language skills. Projected Cost: $50,000 Dr. Catterall will evaluate Arkansas A+, while Dr. Ross will evaluate KnowledgePoints, 21 st Century Learning Centers, and PreK literacy. Data for schools where these programs operated this year (2004-2005) are in the tables below. Additional schools may participate next year, particularly schools chosen per the school choice option of No Child Left Behind regulations. Schools in these tables which are on the Arkansas School Improvement List are so noted by an asterisk(*). Proposed Programs Evaluations 2005-2006 2004-2005 School Data Percent Percent of Number Number of Students Schools of of Students Eligible for Teachers Students African- Free/Reduced American Lunch A+ Woodruff* 21 235 91 86 Knowledge Points Bale* 27 319 82 86 Brady* 28 318 78 80 Chicot* 44 536 73 86 Wakefield* 29 451 78 92 Watson* 34 456 96 93 .21 st Century Community Learning Centers Mabelvale Middle* 57 634 81 75 McClellan* 75 925 92 56 Henderson* 60 630 82 70 Hall* 105 1464 75 52 *These schools are designated for School Improvement. LRSD Schools Offering PreK Classes for !%' Four-Year-Old Students .>., ~" No. of No. of Max. Enroll- No. of Per cent ~~ School Teachers Aides Students ment AA! AA mz en Cl Bale* 2 1 40 38 32 84.2 o ~c3 Baseline* 2 1 40 39 32 82.1 6~ Brady* 2 1 40 37 27 73.0 "D c"i 31:-< m.., Carver 1 0 20 20 NAt NA .z... > Chicot* 4 2 80 59 46 78.0 Cloverdale* 2 1 40 40 32 80.0 Dodd 2 1 40 36 22 61.1 Fair Park*0 2 1 40 37 28 75.7 Forest Park 2 1 40 40 2 5.0 Franklin* 3 2 60 55 52 94.5 fl :,:, Fulbright 2 1 40 40 8 20.0 m ~ Geyer Springs 2 1 40 36 35 97.2 r- c..:.:. Jefferson 2 1 40 40 5 12.5 l5 z M. L. King* 4 2 60 80 46 57.5
::: Mabelvale 2 1 40 38 31 81.6 ~ (J) z McDermott 2 1 40 40 27 67.5 "' Meadowcliff 2 1 40 40 35 87.5 Otter Creek 2 1 40 39 22 56.4 Pulaski Heights 1 0 20 20 6 30.0 !=' Rightsell 1 1 40 38 38 100.0 ill 0 Rockefeller* 2 1 40 39 24 61.5 c:: _m zcn Romine 2 1 40 39 31 79.5 n-< ~~ Stephens* 4 2 80 78 72 92.3 en:,:, m!I: Terry 2 1 40 35 18 51 .4 ~ Wakefield* 2 1 40 39 29 74.4 r- "D :,:, Washington* 4 2 80 75 67 89.3 c"i m Watson* 2 1 40 36 34 94.4 Western Hills 1 0 20 37 20 54.1 Wilson* 1 0 20 18 16 88.9 Woodruff* 2 0 40 36 32 88.9 .> ~,... t AA is "African American". NA is "not available". "D % me: :,:,5': * These schools are designated for School Improvement. ~z z 0 In the 2005-2006 school year, Fair Park Elementary converts to a preK center with eight or z:,:, mm more classes
while the other elementary schools keep their current preK capacity. r- ~ nc:: ~ ~ Zm ~(J) (J) Non-mandated Evaluations: In addition to four court-mandated studies, PRE recommends a fifth external evaluation that will focus on Magnet Schools and Schools with Specialty Magnet Programs. Projected Cost: $60,000 The proposed Magnet School evaluation includes the study and evaluation of 18 magnet schools and specialty magnet programs within the Little Rock School District -- six Stipulated Magnet Schools, four Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Schools and eight Specialty Magnet Programs. Stipulated Magnet Schools and Themes - 2004-2005 Schools in this table which are designated for School Improvement are so noted by an asterisk (*). Percent of Percent of School Magnet School Students Eligible Students Theme African-American Free/Reduced Lunch1 Elementary Schools Booker Arts Magnet 53 63 Carver Basic Skills/Math-Science 52 53 International Studies/ 53 44 Gibbs Foreign Languages Williams Traditional Ma~inet 52 34 Middle Schools Mann Arts and Science 52 37 High Schools Parkview Arts and Science 51 22 Magnet Schools Assistance Program Schools and Themes - 2004-20052 Schools in this table which are desiqnated for School Improvement are so noted by an asterisk (*). School Percent of Percent of Magnet School Students Eligible Students Theme African-American Free/Reduced Lunch3 Middle Schools Cloverdale Engineering, Multimedia & Economics 8.2 86 Mabelvale Medical Studies, Environmental Science and 81 75 1 Per cent of students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced-price meals program is a crude indicator of family economic circumstances. 2 2004-2005 was the fourth and last year of MSAP funding for these four schools 3 Per cent of students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced-price meals program is a crude indicator of family economic circumstances. Information Technoloav High Schools J.A. Fair* Science and technology Systems 85 54 McClellan* Engineering, Multimedia and Business Finance 92 56 Special Magnet Program4 Themes - 2004-2005 Schools in this table which are desianated for School Improvement are so noted by an asterisk (*). Percent of Percent of School Magnet School Students Eligible Students Theme African-American Free/Reduced Lunch5 Elementary Schools International, High King Intensity Learning 60 55 Rockefeller Early Childhood 67 66 Computer Science and Romine Basic Skills (lnterdistrict) 76 76 Washington * Basic Skills Math-Science 76 80 MaQnet (lnterdistrict) Middle Schools Dunbar * Gifted and Talented, 61 57 International Studies Henderson * Health Science 82 70 HiQh Schools Central International Studies 51 28 Hall* University Studies 75 52 4 These Specialty Programs are special programs which these schools offer. 5 Per cent of students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced-price meals program is a crude indicator of family economic circumstances. ~
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a >n Zm ~ en en All five external evaluations will seek to answer the following Primary Evaluation Question: Have the Programs been effective in improving students' academic achievement? How effective have they been among African-American students? To ensure that a full range of quantitative and qualitative data is collected, the evaluators will use a variety of data collection tools and activities. They are: classroom observations and protocols surveys of parents, teachers, and students interviews of students, administrators, parents, teachers focus groups student work portfolios district data, e.g., demographic data, standardized test scores site- and district-generated program documents The evaluators will be required to adhere to Professional Standards for Program Evaluation and to provide a complete list of standards used. FUNDING: Total projected costs for five studies: $200,000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board will approve the 2005-2006 Evaluation Agenda. DATE: TO: June 23, 2005 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Personnel Changes BACKGROUND: None RATIONALE: To staff allocated positions within the District FUNDING: Operating Fund RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the following personnel changes be approved at the indicated positions, salaries and classifications. In accordance with A.CA 6-17-1502, it is recommended that one additional year of probationary status is provided for all teachers who have been employed in a school district in this state for three (3) consecutive years. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 19, 2004 for regular schools are considered intern teachers. Teachers with an effective date of employment after August 9, 2004 for EYE are considered intern teachers. PREPARED BY: Beverly William~1nior Director of Human Resources !=' ~ 0 _mC: z en n--<
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g n m r,, n 0 z en C: ~ z Cl ~ ~ IT' 31: rr Personnel Changes Page 2 June 23, 2005 NAME START DATE/ POSITION/ SCHOOL END DATE Resignations/Terminations Certified Employees Agnew, April Tutor/ 1-3-05 Reason: Contract ended WILSON 6-6-05 Akdamar, Lynn Elementary IV/ 1-18-05 Reason: Contract ended WAKEFIELD 6-6-05 Anders, Mika Writing/ 9-29-03 Reason: Contract ended MCCLELLAN 6-6-05 Austin, Lori Speech Pathology/ 1-18-05 Reason: Contract ended MABEL VALE 6-29-05 ELEMENTARY Austin, Robert Chemistry/ 11-08-04 Reason: Contract ended MCCLELLAN 6-6-05 Baker, Deborah Reading Recovery/ 9-13-04 Reason: Contract ended STEPHENS 6-29-05 Balmaz, Bettye Elementary II/ 9-9-04 Reason: Contract ended BOOKER 6-6-05 Banks, Cal American History/ 1-23-89 Reason: Contract ended MABELVALE MIDDLE 6-6-05 Beard, Willliam Social Studies/ 9-1-04 Reason: Contract ended MCCLELLAN 6-6-05 Bedell, Lisette Elementary V/ 8-11 -04 Reason: Returning to school WILSON 7-31-05 Boyd, Debbye General Science/ 9-14-04 Reason: Contract ended ADULT EDUCATION 6-6-05 Branch, Samuel Principal/ 7-26-93 Reason: Retired FAIR PARK 6-13-05 Brown, Lori Elementary V/ 1-3-05 Reason: Contract ended FRANKLIN 6-6-05 Brown, Stephen Special Education/ 8-30-04 Reason: Contract ended MABEL VALE 6-29-05 ELEMENTARY SALARY ANNUAL CLASS SALARY 1-01 30040.00 TCH925 1-01 30040.00 TCH925 3-06 37665.00 TCH925 62-06 42576.00 SPE925 4-10 43818.00 TCH925 2-07 37318.00 TCH925 5-20 57276.00 TCH925 1-05 33506.00 TCH925 5-01 36134.00 TCH925 1-05 33506.00 TCH925 2-16 477 17.00 TCH925 69-20 79692.00 ADC11X 4-13 47284.00 TCH925 4-01 34575.00 SPE925 Personnel Changes Page 3 June 23, 2005 !:D ~ "T1 M ,. ~ START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL ~~ NAME POSITION / SCHOOL CLASS SALARY mz END DATE "o'C'l ~~ 5r- Brown, Verlyn Tutor/ 8-11-04 1-10 39283.00 ~l"i !:: -< Reason: Grantended FAIR PARK 6-6-05 TCH925 ~ .... Broyles, Tommy Examiner/ 10-25-04 61-15 54060.00 Reason: Contract ended HENDERSON 6-6-05 ADC105 Bryant, Sharon Title I/ 8-21-89 6-16 53898.00 Reason: Contract ended HENDERSON 6-6-05 TCH925 r>
a m Buck, Virginia Elementary Ill/ 1-23-89 3-18 51874.00 ~ r- C: Reason: Retired CARVER 6-6-05 TCH925 .... ~ ::: Burleson, Kimberly Elementary I/ 3-8-05 4-08 41507.00 ~ U> Reason: Contract ended MCDERMOTT 6-6-05 TCH925 z "' Butcher, Angee Elementary Ill/ 1-3-05 4-18 53061 .00 Reason: Contract ended CLOVERDALE 6-29-05 TCH925 !=' ELEMENTARY ~ 0 C: _m Cain, Mary Elementary II/ 8-23-04 1-08 32350.00 ZU> n-< Reason: Contract ended WAKEFIELD 6-6-05 TCH925
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a m!:: Caruth, Phyllis Mathematics/ 8-23-76 6-21 60020.00 ~ ~ Reason: Contract ended IRC 6-6-05 TCH10
a l"i m Crader, Jason Tutor/ 2-14-05 1-01 30040 00 Reason: Contract ended BALE 6-6-05 TCH925 Crosby, Anne Speech Pathology/ 9-15-76 62-20 64668.00 Reason: Retired SOUTHWEST/ 6-6-05 SPE925 !'" MCDERMOTT (') 0z U> C: Davis, Marjorie Math Coach/ 10-25-04 4-13 47284 00 !:
z Reason: Contract ended CLOVERDALE 6-6-05 TCH925 ,C.'l MIDDLE C'l
a ~ ~ rr Debow, Bradley Instrumental Music/ 2-7-05 4-05 38041.00 Reason: Contract ended PARKVIEW 6-6-05 TCH925 '?" Fakouri, Cathy Social Studies/ 8-12-99 4-19 54561.00 Ill Reason: Retired PULASKI HEIGHTS 6-6-05 TCH925 C: >< 8 MIDDLE m Ill .... C: -.,!!! oz
am Farrar, Neoma Elementary II/ 1-18-05 1-01 30040.00 !1:1:l :c U> Reason: Contract ended CHICOT 6-6-05 TCH925 ~i mm i
"' !:'.l ~ Personnel Changes Page4 June 23, 2005 NAME Fikes, Leslie Reason: Leaving the city Francis, Deanna Reason: Personal Gault, Amy Reason: Contract ended Hamilton, Claudia Reason: Retired Hammond, Terri Reason: Retired Harrison, Brenda Reason: Contract ended Henry, Lauren Reason: Contract ended Hill, Dorothy Reason: Contract ended Holloman, Berlinda Reason: Contract ended Holmes, Jane Reason: Leaving the city Hooper, Ruth Reason: Contract ended Howse, Marion Reason: Contract ended Howard-Klein, Risie Reason: Contract ended Hudgens, Donna Reason: Leaving the city Hughes, Alicia Reason: Contract ended POSITION/ SCHOOL Elementary Ill/ ROMINE 4 Yr Old/ ROCKEFELLER Special Education/ STEPHENS Specialist/ CARVER Elementary V/ JEFFERSON Special Education/ WILSON Kindergarten/ CARVER Elementary II/ MEADOWCLIFF Elementary I/ BOOKER Elementary V/ WILLIAMS Music/ TERRY/FULBRIGHT Guidance Counselor/ VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Biology/ CENTRAL Kindergarten/ MABEL VALE ELEMENTARY Elementary IV/ CHICOT START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL END DATE CLASS SALARY 8-11-04 1-08 36972.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-1-01 2-06 36163.00 6-6-05 TCH925 1-24-05 4-14 48439.00 6-29-05 SPE925 8-20-79 4-19 54561 .00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-24-87 6-21 60020.00 6-6-05 TCH925 9-2-04 2-16 47717.00 6-6-05 SPE925 10-4-04 1-01 30040.00 6-6-05 TCH925 10-4-05 4-18 53061 .00 6-6-05 TCH925 2-15-05 1-09 38127.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-11 -04 1-01 30040.00 6-8-05 TCH925 11 -10-04 2-16 47717.00 6-6-05 TCH925 9-9-03 6-21 60020.00 6-16-04 TCH950 8-18-05 4-09 42662.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-24-87 4-19 54561 .00 6-30-05 K925 10-6-04 1-09 38127 .00 6-6-05 TCH925 Personnel Changes Page 5 June 23, 2005 ?' - "Tl M > ~ START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL ~~ NAME POSITION / SCHOOL CLASS SALARY mz END DATE en C'> c ~~ Hunt, Marietta Music/ 8-29-88 4-19 ........ 54561.00 or
"ti-< Reason: Retired FOREST PARK 6-6-05 TCH925 1:..., !::1> -t Jackson, Marion Kindergarten/ 11-20-74 1-17 47715.00 Reason: Retired ROMINE 6-6-05 K925 Joiner-Tatum, Anna Assistant Principal/ 8-3-87 64-20 68652.00 Reason: Retired TERRY 6-13-05 TCH925 f)
,c m Jones, Frances Assistant 8-24-87 79-20 107424.00 ~.... Reason: Retired Superintendent/ 6-30-05 ADC12 C: -t i5 SCHOOL SERVICES z
:: ~ Jones, Freddie Arkansas History/ 8-27-74 5-20 57276.00 en z Reason: Retired J. A. FAIR 5-27-05 TCH925 "' Jones, Vance Elementary V/ 8-24-04 1-01 30040.00 Reason: Contract ended DODD 6-6-05 TCH925 p
,c m 0 C: Kahler, Mary Lou Assistant Principal/ 8-24-87 64-20 68652.00 _m zen n-< Reason : Retired KING 6-13-05 ADC105
JC"TI ~o en
,c ml: Key, Shawn Spanish I/ 1-18-05 4-05 39196.00 ~ Reason: Contract ended J. A. FAIR 6-6-05 TCH925
",tci n m King , Patricia Elementary I/ 11-30-87 2-17 49217.00 Reason: Retired ROMINE 6-6-05 TCH925 Lawrence, Ryan Spanish I/ 8-11-04 1-01 30040.00 Reason None Given MCCLELLAN 6-6-05 TCH925 !" n 0 Lawson, Karen Art/ 8-31-93 4-11 44973.00 z en C: Reason: Contract ended HALL 6-6-05 TCH925 !::
z C') > Lloyd, Anna Music/ 10-8-04 1-01 30040.00 C')
,c Reason: Contract ended DODD 6-6-05 TCH925 m "ii': "' Madden, Carrie Kindergarten/ 8-11-04 1-02 30617.00 Reason: Leaving the city WATSON 8-3-05 K925 .,. a, Martinez, Diana Tutor/ 2-7-05 1-01 30040.00 c: x Reason: Contract ended BASELINE 6-6-05 TCH925 8 mm -t C: ...,g? oz McCoy, Morlin Director/ 9-18-95 75-19 92520.00
,cm ~m Reason: Retired CHILD NUTRITION 6-30-05 ADC12 :r"' ~~ mm In"' !:l i5 Personnel Changes Page 6 June 23, 2005 NAME Miller, Monica Reason: None Given Mitchell, Avis Reason: Contract ended Moore, Julianna Reason: Personal Morgan, Keisha Reason: Leaving the city Nauden, Lou Ethel Reason: Retired Nickerson, Vickie Reason: Contract ended Nunez, Teresa Reason: Contract ended Ogren, Kathryn Reason: Contract ended Page, Taranah Reason: Contract ended Parr, Patricia Reason: Contract ended Phillips, Anna Reason: Retired Pinkard, Tawanna Reason: Contract ended Relford, Melvia Reason: Contract ended Rhines, Mico Reason: None Given Richardson , Joyce Reason: Contract ended POSITION/ SCHOOL Health/ HALL Elementary I/ STEPHENS Literacy Coach/ ROMINE Special Education/ MABELVALE MIDDLE Elementary I/ ROMINE Elementary I/ MCDERMOTT Mathematics/ HALL 4 Yr Old/ ROMINE Elementary V/ ROMINE Librarian/ STEPHENS Gifted and Talented/ ROMINE Mathematics/ HENDERSON Special Education/ CENTRAL Elementary II/ BOOKER Special Education/ HALL START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL END DATE CLASS SALARY 8-14-97 4-07 40351 .00 6-16-05 TCH10 8-23-04 1-01 30040.00 6-29-05 TCH925 8-20-93 4-12 46128.00 6-6-05 TCH11 2-3-03 2-07 37318.00 5-27-05 SPE925 8-13-01 6-21 60020.00 5-24-05 TCH925 3-25-05 4-18 53061.00 6-6-05 TCH925 4-7-05 4-10 43818.00 6-6-05 TCH925 10-08-04 1-01 30040.00 6-6-05 4YR925 9-27-04 1-02 30617.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-23-04 4-18 53061 .00 6-29-05 LIB950 8-24-87 6-21 60020.00 6-6-05 G&T925 2-3-97 1-01 30040.00 6-6-05 TCH925 1-18-05 1-05 33506.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-14-95 2-11 41940.00 6-6-05 TCH925 2-22-05 1-16 46215.00 6-6-05 SPE925 Personnel Changes Page 7 June 23, 2005 !ll .., ~.. > ~ START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL ~~ NAME POSITION / SCHOOL CLASS SALARY mz END DATE o"'C'l ~
g Ridley, Ronnie Physical Science/ 8-13-01 6-04 40034.00 5~ ~<"5 :E:-< Reason: None Given CENTRAL 6-6-05 TCH925 m"" .z... > Rodgers, Annette 4 Yr Old/ 9-22-80 4-19 54561 .00 Reason: Retired WASHINGTON 6-6-05 4YR925 Robertson, Martha Elementary II/ 8-27-84 3-18 51874.00 Reason: Retired WESTERN HILLS 6-6-05 TCH925 f')
o m Rybard, Aleta English/ 8-16-93 1-04 32350.00 ~ r- Reason: Contract ended HENDERSON 6-6-05 TCH925 C....:. i5 ~ Sandel, Cathryn Gifted and Talented/ 1-10-05 4-03 35730.00 r- ~ Reason: Contract ended ROCKEFELLER 6-6-05 G&T925 "' z r:, Scheffer, Casey Elementary Ill/ 8-25-04 1-01 30040.00 Reason: Contract ended CARVER 6-6-05 TCH925 !='
o m Signaigo, Katherine Tutor/ 2-10-05 1-01 30040.00 0 C: Reason: Contract ended BALE 6-6-05 TCH925 _m Z<I> o-t
,o-., ~o Slater, Carolyn Physical Education/ 8-25-69 4-19 54561.00 "'' Reason: Retired HENDERSON 6-6-05 TCH925 m! r- ~ ~ Smith, Donald Journalism/ 8-19-92 1-03 31195.00 m Reason: Contract ended MCCLELLAN 6-16-05 TCH10 Smith, Elizabeth Music/ 8-16-93 1-17 47715.00 Reason: Leaving the city JEFFERSON 6-6-05 TCH925 rn Smith, Tunza ESL/ 1-3-05 1-01 30040.00 (") 0 Reason: Contract ended CLOVERDALE 6-29-05 TCH925 z "C': ELEMENTARY !:
z C'l > Smith, Jr., Vernon Principal/ 8-10-87 76-20 98220.00 C'l
o Reason: Retired HALL 6-30-05 ADC12 m l'T' 3C rr Smith, Zachary Elementary II/ 8-2-04 1-03 31195.00 Reason: Leaving the city MITCHELL 6-29-05 TCH925 .,. a, Spearman, Kara Speech Pathology/ 8-9-00 62-09 46572.00 c: x 8 Reason : Accepted another FULBRIGHT 6-8-05 SPE925 mtll .... C: position -.,!!? oz
om !Ii gi Spears, Marsha Elementary I/ 1-3-05 1-02 30617 .00 :r"' Reason: Contract ended CARVER 6-6-05 TCH925 ~~ mm fn"' !:l i5 Personnel Changes Page 8 June 23, 2005 NAME Stanley, Charles Reason: Accepted another position Stephens, Lisa Reason: Accepted another position Sullivan, Martha Reason: Contract ended Thomas, Homer Reason: Contract ended Todd, Tracye Reason: Accepted another position Turner, Marilyn Reason: Retired Turner, Ressie Reason: Contract ended Walker, Sharon Reason: Contract ended Walls, Alyson Reason: Contract ended West, Talisha Reason: Leaving the city Van Alstyne, Vicki Reason: Contract ended Whitby, Jennie Reason: Contract ended Williams, Beverly Reason: Accepted another position POSITION / SCHOOL Music/ ROMINE Kindergarten/ STEPHENS 4 Yr Old/ RIGHTSELL Social Studies/ ALC English/ FOREST HEIGHTS Elementary Ill/ FAIR PARK English/ ALC Mathematics/ ALC Business Education/ PARKVIEW 4 Yr Old/ FAIR PARK Special Education/ FRANKLIN Kindergarten/ BRADY Senior Director/ HUMAN RESOURCES START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL END DATE CLASS SALARY 8-11-04 1-01 30040.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-1-00 1-09 38127 .00 6-29-05 K925 11-15-04 1-16 46215.00 6-6-05 4YR925 9-9-04 6-13 50432.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-17-02 4-03 35730.00 8-01-05 TCH925 8-23-68 6-21 60020.00 6-6-05 TCH925 11-02-04 2-03 32697.00 6-6-05 TCH925 9-13-04 4-05 38041.00 6-6-05 TCH925 8-20-04 1-01 30040.00 6-7-05 TCH925 8-7-03 1-02 30617.00 6-6-05 TCH925 1-3-05 1-10 39283.00 6-6-05 SPE925 2-22-05 1-01 30040.00 6-6-05 K925 7-1-02 79-20 107424.00 6-30-05 ADC12 Personnel Changes Page9 June 23, 2005 !I" >"Tl -"~ START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL ~~ mz CLASS SALARY NAME POSITION/ SCHOOL END DATE enc, c ~ i3 New Certified Employees 6~ -.,i"I ii:-< m..., .z... > NONE Resignations/Terminations Non-Certified Employees Brown, Dewayne Custodian/ 8-23-04 31-01 11379.00 Reason: Accepted another BALE 6-1-05 CUS925 r> "m' position i..s.. C: Collins, Mabel Child Nutrition/ 8-12-03 1-02 8547 .00 .... i5 Reason: Retired ALC 6-6-05 FSH5 z
: ~ en Cunningham, Shawntell CARE/ 8-28-00 2-04 8.01 z (Co Reason: Personal CARE 6-3-05 CARE per hour Dangerfield, Mary Child Nutrition/ 9-22-97 3-08 9667.00 !=' Reason: Personal PULASKI HEIGHTS 6-3-05 FSH550 "' MIDDLE m 0 C: _m zn -etn Hamilton, Ronita CARE/ 9-13-04 1-08 8.05 ,,,..., ~o Reason: None Given CARE 6-3-05 CARE per hour en
,::, mi Harris, Earnestine Child Nutrition/ 10-7-85 3-17 10077.00 .., "n' Reason: Retired WASHINGTON 6-6-05 FSH550 m McDonald, Keri Instructional Aide/ 10-13-03 33-17 16595.00 Reason: Leaving the city JEFFERSON 6-7-05 INA925 Mondy, Lisa Security Officer/ 1-2-04 36-11 15929.00 !"Tl Reason: None Given BALE 6-3-05 SOFR9 n 0 z en C: Moore, Regina Secretary/ 8-10-89 44-20 37788.00 ........ z Reason: Accepted another ESL 6-30-05 CLK12 C) > C) position "m' rr :i:: Neal, Shellie Child Nutrition/ 10-6-03 3-15 7066.00 rr Reason: Retired WILSON 6-6-05 FSH4 Palmer, Gladys Custodian/ 8-11-03 31-03 12085.00 .,,. tXJ Reason: Job Abandonment CENTRAL 5-13-05 CUS928 C: 5< 8 m Dl .... C: Springer, Pamela Instructional Aide/ 11-27-00 33-11 13875.00 ...,!!! oz
,::, rn Reason: Returning to school WILLIAMS 6-6-05 INA925 ~~ :z: gi ~~ m,n i
"' !:l i5 Personnel Changes Page 10 June 23, 2005 NAME Weeks, Peggy Reason: Retired Walker, Matthew Reason: Job Abandonment Wallace, Robert Reason: Retired Young, Valerie Reason: None Given Allen, Donald Brown, Denise Dalsanto, Judy Griffin, Beverly Hudson, Valerie Seahorn, Lora Spears, Anita Taylor, Blondell START DATE/ SALARY ANNUAL POSITION / SCHOOL END DATE CLASS SALARY Secretary/ 11-28-84 39-20 32544.00 WESTERN HILLS 8-1-05 CLK10 Custodian/ 9-3-03 31-03 12085.00 CENTRAL 5-13-05 CUS928 Maintenance/ 12-14-81 46-18 37788.00 FACILITY SERVICES 6-30-05 MAINT Instructional Aide/ 8-12-99 33-17 16595.00 MCCLELLAN 6-6-05 INA925 New Non-Certified Employees NONE Non-Certified Promotions Promoted from Security Supervisor Grade 55 to Security Supervisor Grade 57 Promoted from File Clerk Grade 43 to Administrative Assistant Grade 46 Promoted from Secretary Grade 42 to Secretary Grade 44 Promoted from Executive Assistant Grade 58 to Senior Executive Assistant Grade 60 Promoted from Coordinator Grade 54 to Executive Assistant Grade 57 Promoted from Secretary Grade 42 to Secretary Grade 44 Promoted from Administrative Assistant Grade 46 to Administrative Assistant Grade 56 Promoted from Secretary Grade 42 to Secretary Grade 46 DATE: TO: June 23, 2005 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Appointment of Principal for Hall High School BACKGROUND: To provide leadership to students and staff of Hall High School. RATIONALE: To fill the position being vacated by Vernon Smith, Jr. FUNDING: District Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: I am pleased to appoint Mr. John Bacon, to the position of Principal at Hall High School. Mr. Bacon's resume and a job description are attached for your review. PREPARED BY: Beverly William~nior Director of Human Resources !J:l !=' ~ D _mC zcn n
o- .<., ~~ en
s:: m~ ~ m JOHN BACON PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1608 Pine Valley Road Little Rock, AR 72207 (501) 663-6153 Feb 1995-Present Little Rock School District Little Rock, AR Principal, Dunbar Gifted and Talented E duattwn/lntemational Studies Magnet Middk Schoo/, Ou! 2001-Present) Provide strategic, operational, and instructional leadership for a middle school consisting of grades 6-8 with student enrollment of approximately 800 and an 80 member staff. Ass is tant Principal, Dunbar Gifted and Talented E duattwn/ International Studies Magnet Middk Schoo/, Ou! 1999-Jun 2001) Assistant Principal, Omerdalejunior Hiff
Academj0an]un 1999) Managed student discipline referrals. CDmpleted employee performance appraisals. Served as a member of the campus leadership team CDordinated building transportation and athletic programs. EAST Program Coordinator/Vocational Business Teacher, McClellan Business and TedmdugyMagnet Hirfa Schoo/, (Aug-Dec 1998) Planned and facilitated the Environmental and Spatial Technology program Instructed several computer applications courses. Served as a member of the technology committee. Business Teacher, Pulaski Hei,rfats ]umar Hirfa (Aug 1996-Jun 1998) Instructed courses in computer technology and career orientation. Provided leadership for a team of related arts teachers. Served as a member of the campus steering committee. Provided assistance as a substitute building administrator. Intern/Long Term Substitute Teacher,]. A. Fair Hirfa Schoo/, OanJun 1996) Taught courses in keyboarding applications and accounting. Substitute Teacher (Feb-Dec 1995) Served as a substitute teacher at the secondary level. EDUCATION CERTIFICATION Gm-ently pursuing Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR Graduate hours (21) in education for certification University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR Master of Education in Secondary Education, May 1996 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR Master of Business Administration, May 1994 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, May 1992 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR (cum laude) Arkansas secondary principal, secondary-bus"Ine
s education teacher, vocational endorsement, career orientation endorsement RELATED EXPERIENCES RELATED SKILLS eru
.ently sexving as 3rd Vice-President fo~ theLittle Rock PTA Council Gm-ently setving as Chainnan of the Arkansas Commission for Coordination of Educational Efforts (since 2004) Sexved as C.0-President of Little Rock School District Principals Roundtable (2003-2004) Sexved as Assistant Principal for the Accelerated Learning Center 12th Grade Summer School program (summer 2000, summer 2001) Participated as a teacher in the Little Rock School District Vital Link Program - a summer job shadowing program for sixth grade students (summers 1997, 1998, 1999) Experienced at class instruction .md supetv1S1on within traditional schedule and flexible/block schedule Assisted in the decision-making process for converting a junior high school to a middle school Completed training program on the Fred Jones Model for Effective Oassroom Management r> :c rn .i..s.. .C..:. ~ z PLEASE POST LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 May 11 , 2005 PLEASE POST The Little Rock School District is now accepting applications for the following position for the 2005-06 school year: POSITION: Principal - Hall High School OUALIFICA TIONS: 1. At least five (5) years ' successful teaching experience and/or administration. 2. A master's degree or higher, with eligibility for Arkansas certification as a secondary principal. 3. Knowledge of curriculum development and successful teaching methods. 4. Evidence of strong experience in dealing with student problems. 5. Evidence of ability to set priorities, supervise and train personnel and make appropriate decisions. 6. Evidence of ability to function as a member of an administrative team. 7. Evidence of ability to become a competent educational leader in both curriculum and instruction. 8. Evidence of ability to maintain accurate inventories, records and reports. 9. Evidence of successful experience with parent and staff involvement. 10. Evidence of strong skills in meeting and dealing with the public in a manner that will promote a positive image of the Little Rock School District. 11 . Evidence of strong commitment to quality integrated education. 12. Strong interpersonal skills. 13. Evidence of strong organizational skills. 14. Evidence of strong oral and written communication skills. 15. Demonstrates the conviction that all children can and will learn in the Little Rock School District. NOTE: APPLICANTS MUST BE PREPARED TO SHOW EVIDENCE OF THESE QUALIFICATIONS IN THE INITIAL SCREENING INTERVIEW. JOB GOAL: To successfully plan, organize, implement, supervise, and evaluate the total operation of the school. ACCOUNTABILITY: Reports directly to Associate Superintendent - Secondary Education ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS/ RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION: 1. Assumes responsibility for the management and monitoring of his/her school, and serves as the chief advisor to the Assistant Superintendent on matters pertaining to administration and program implementation in his/her school. 2. Implements the process whereby school-level educational program needs are identified, alerts Assistant Superintendent regarding needed logistical and consultative support in order to accomplish this task. 3. Works with staff and patrons to determine educational program priorities and goals for his/her school. 4. Oversees the development of educational programs and the plans for implementing them on the school level. 5. Seeks the necessary consultative and logistical support to assure effective educational program implementation. 6. Monitors program implementation in his/her school. 7. Works with supervisor and building staff to make the necessary changes. 8. Assumes responsibility for conducting the performance evaluation of assigned personnel. 9. Assumes responsibility for all record keeping and other administrative tasks normally assigned to the principal. I 0. Performs other duties as may be assigned. SALARY AND TERMS: Pay 01 - Grade 76 - $55,704 - $98,220 - Twelve (12) month, 250 day contract, plus benefit package. NOTE: Precise placement within the salary range will be determined based upon experience and education. EVALUATIO : Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's Policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel. !='
:, m D _mC: z U) n--<
,-n ~~ U) !I: m~ .r., 2n:! m !"Tl n 0 z U) C: ~ z Cl ~ ~ m 31: rr APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 30, 2005, or any time later until a satisfactory applicant is recommended and approved. SEND WRITTEN LETTERS OF INOUIRYTO: Beverly Williams - Director HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Little Rock School District 810 W Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone 501-447-1100 Fax 447-1162 NOTE: INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE ABOVE POSITION MUST COMPLETE A VERY RIGOROUS SELECTION PROCESS. THEREFORE, BECAUSE AN INDIVIDUAL APPLIES FOR A POSITION DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED. The Little Rock School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equity concerns may be addressed to the Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. DATE: TO: June 23, 2005 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Appointment of Assistant Principal for Martin Luther King Elementary BACKGROUND: To provide leadership to students and staff of Martin Luther King Elementary. RATIONALE: To fill the position being vacated by Mary Kahler. FUNDING: District Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: I am pleased to appoint Ms. Diane Rynders, to the position of Assistant Principal at Martin Luther King Elementary. Ms. Rynders' resume and a job description are attached for your review. PREPARED BY: Beverly Williams~ior Director of Human Resources ~ ::0 m D _mC: ~ !!l ::0"T1 ~~ Ch ii: m~ ,- ~ m r" (") 0 z (JI C: !:
z C"l ~ ~ :I: rr Education : Certification: Employment: Diane Rynders 1212 Dortch Loop , North Little Rock, Arkansas 72117 501-590-0389 or 501-447-7474 MED - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Gifted and Talented MED - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Reading Specialist BSE - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Elementary and Early Childhood Education K-6 Elementary Reading Specialist K-12 Gifted and Talented K-12 Elementary Principal Supervisor 1989- Present - Coordinator of Gifted Programs - LRSD 1985 - 1989 - Adjunct Instructor - UALR 1985 - 1989 - Supervisor of Gifted Programs - O.U.R. Co-op 1980 - 1984 - Fifth Grade Teacher - LRSD 1978 - 1980 - Second/Third Grade Teacher - Fort Campbell, KY Professional Experience: Odyssey of the Mind State Director AGATE State Conference Chair NAGC National Conference Chair Director of (7) AEGIS Residential Summer Programs for HS students Arkansas Governor's Academic Quiz Bowl Site Host Professional Organizations: Arkansans for Gifted and Talented Education (AGATE) AGATE Board of Directors AGATE Council of Educators Odyssey of the Mind Board of Directors National Association of Gifted Children Arkansas Assoc. of Gifted Educational Administrators Charter Member Awards: 1995 AGATE Martha Ann Jones Service Award 1990 AGATE Challenger Award 6/8/2005 Experience as LRSD Gifted Coordinator: As Gifted Coordinator in the LRSD, I hove supervised the 34 elementary gifted specialists and coordinated the elementary gifted program. I have been instrumental in the development of the gifted and talented curriculum and in the designing and implementation of a defensible identification process. I have provided and guided the gifted specialists through staff development in the areas of gifted and general education and have monitored gifted programs at the building level. I have established and successfully implemented the District Quiz Bowl Competitions, the Fifth Grade Challenges, and the District Wide Chess Tournament. I have also served on various LRSD curriculum teams/committees including school audits, professional development, and curriculum alignment/development. Curriculum Areas of Expertise: Differentiation of Instruction Constructivist Approach to Instruction Instructional Strategies/Multiple Intelligences Curriculum Alignment with District/State Standards Portfolio Assessment Integration of Technology in the Curriculum Enrichment/Acceleration Thematic Units/Essential Questions Curriculum Mapping Integration/Product Development through Instruction Current Trends in Gifted Education References: Mable Donaldson, Supervisor, LRSD Gifted Programs Ann Biggers, Gifted and Talented Program Director, ADE Lauro Beth Arnold , Social Studies Grant Director, LRSD Kristen Laughlin, GT Specialist, Forest Park, LRSD Cynthia Collins, GT Specialist, Jefferson/McDermott, LRSD Personal : Married to Michael Rynders Two sons: Jonathan (18) and Nicholas (14) Arkansas Race for the Cure Survivor Parade Chairperson Past Youth Director , All Souls Church Past Boord of Directors , All Souls Church !1 .. .. : l 6/8/2005 rn (") 0z (/) C !:
z G'l ~
o m m 3: m PLEASE POST LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 7220 I June I, 2005 PLEASE POST The Little Rock School District is now accepting applications for the following position for the 2005-06 school year. POSITION: Assistant l
'rincipal - King Elementary OUALIFICA TIONS: 1. Master's degree (minimum) or higher with Arkansas License as an elementary principal. 2. At least three (3) years successful experience as a teacher and/or administrator in an urban school district. 3. Evidence of a strong commitment to quality desegregated education. 4. Knowledge of curriculum development and instruction. 5. The ability to apply this knowledge when working with faculty, students, parents, administrators, community members, and support staff. 6. Commitment to staff development demonstrated by a willingness to initiate, participate in, monitor, and maintain in-service activities. 7. Demonstrates the conviction that all children can and will learn in the Little Rock School District. 8. Evidence of successful experience with parent and staff involvement in decision making. 9. Evidence of successful experience in being a strong disciplinarian and conflict manager. I 0. Completion of State Evaluation Workshop. 11. Ability to evaluate instructional program and teacher effectiveness. 12. Ability to interpret policy, procedures and data. 13. Strong interpersonal skills. 14. Evidence of strong organizational skills. 15. Evidence of strong oral and written communication skills. NOTE: APPLICANTS MUST BE PREPARED TO SHOW EVIDE CE OF THESE OUALIFICATIO SIN THE INITIAL SCREENING INTERVIEW. JOB GOAL: To relieve the Principal of such impediments as prevents him/her from fulfilling chief responsibilities of promoting the educational well-being of each student in the school, and to demonstrate the capacity to perform the responsibilities of an assistant principal. ACCOUNTABILITY Reports Directly to the Principal ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS I RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION: 1. Assumes responsibility of coordinating custodial, transportation, cafeteria, and other responsibilities. 2. Supervises conducts within the school, and oversees disciplinary procedures, keeping records of any disciplinary action. 3. Requisitions supplies and equipment, conducts inventories, maintains records, and checks on receipts for such materials. 4. Cooperates in conducting of safety inspection and safety drill activities. 5. Works with the principal in the preparation of the Parent/Student Handbook and the Staff handbook. 6. Assists in the administration of school rules regarding attendance. 7. Assists the principal in the general administration of the school. 8. Assumes the responsibility for conducting the performance evaluation of assigned personnel. 9. Assists in parent recruitment for the PT A and other parent involvement activities. 10. Support and participate in the unique year-round program for Stephens Elementary School and Recreation Center. 11. Attends staff meetings, serve on committees, and assumes responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned by the principal. 12. Fosters collegiality and team building among staff members. 13. Communicates and promotes expectations for high-level performance to staff and students. 14. Makes commitment and time necessary for participation in district/school sponsored staff development and become computer literate. 15. Performs such other responsibilities as the principal may assign. fl
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, n m rn n 0 z "C': !:j z C) l
~ m 31: rr SALARY AND TERMS: Payl0 - Grade 64 - $38,928 - $68,652 - A ten and one-half (10.5) month contract (210 days), plus benefits package. NOTE: Precise placement within the salary range will be determined based upon education and experience. EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's Policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel. APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 1, 2005, or any time later until a satisfactory applicant is recommended and approved. SEND RESUMES/INQUIRES: Beverly Williams - Director HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Little Rock School District 810 W Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone 501-447-1100 Fax 501-447-1162 NOTE: INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE ABOVE POSITION MUST COMPLETE A VERY RIGOROUS SELECTION PROCESS. THEREFORE, BECAUSE AN INDIVIDUAL APPLIES FOR A POSITION DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED. The Little Rock School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equity concerns may be addressed to the Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. DATE: TO: June 23, 2005 Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Appointment of Assistant Principal for Rockefeller Elementary BACKGROUND: To provide leadership to students and staff of Rockefeller Elementary. RATIONALE: To fill the position being vacated by Becky Ramsey. FUNDING: District Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: I am pleased to appoint Ms. Sandra Register, to the position of Assistant Principal at Rockefeller Elementary. Ms. Register's resume and a job description are attached for your review. PREPARED BY: Beverly William~nior Director of Human Resources !D ~ ::0 m ~..... .C...: ~z !=' ~ 0 _mC: z en n--< ::O"TI ~~ en !I:: m~ ..... -0 ::0 n m Sandra L. Register # 6 Lisawood Court Little Rock, Arkansas 72227 501224-8105 CAREER OBJECTIVE To obtain employment in an elementasy administrative position where opportunities for professional development and advancement exist. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Certification in Early Childhood, University of Arkansas Little Rock, August 1978. Master of Science in Early Childhood, University of Central Arkansas, August 1980. CAREER RELATED EXPERIENCE Student Teacher, Franklin Elementary School, Little Rock. Arkansas, Spring,. 1978. Math Lab Teacher, Williams Elementary School, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1978-1979. Taught math instruction to students in K-3rd grade. Math Lab Teacher, Jefferson Elementary School, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1979-1981. OTHER EXPERIENCE Kindergarten Teacher, Jefferson Elementary School, Little Rock, Arkansas, January 1979 to June 1995. Kindergarten Teacher, Hugh Goodwin Elementary School, El Dorado, Arkansas August 1995 to June 1998. Principal, Hugh Goodwin Elementary, El Dorado, Arkansas, September 2002 to January 2003. Principal, Retta Brown Elementary, El Dorado, Arkansas, July 1998 to June 2003. Second Grade Teacher, Terry Elementary, Little Rock, Arkansas, August 2003 to June 2004. Assistant Principal, Rockefeller Elementary School, Little Rock, Arkansas, August 2004- present. HONORS AND ACTIVITIES Delta Kappa Gamma Society Internacional, 1996-Present Arkansas Reading Association, 1995-Present Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators, 1998-Present Arkansas Association of Elementary School Principals, 1998-Present REFERENCES WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST PLEASE POST LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 May 5, 2005 PLEASE POST The Little Rock School District is now accepting applications for the following position for the 2005-06 school year. POSITION: Assistant Principals (2) -(1) Terry Elementary School ( 1) Rockefeller Elementary QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Master's degree (minimum) or higher with Arkansas License as an elementary principal. 2. At least three (3) years successful experience as a teacher and/or administrator in an urban school district. 3. Evidence of a strong commitment to quality desegregated education. 4. Knowledge of curriculum development and instruction. 5. The ability to apply this knowledge when working with faculty, students, parents, administrators, community members, and support staff. 6. Commitment to staff development demonstrated by a willingness to initiate, participate in, monitor, and maintain in-service activities. 7. Demonstrates the conviction that all children can and will learn in the Little Rock School District. 8. Evidence of successful experience with parent and staff involvement in decision making. 9. Evidence of successful experience in being a strong disciplinarian and conflict manager. 10. Completion of State Evaluation Workshop. 11. Ability to evaluate instructional program and teacher effectiveness. 12. Ability to interpret policy, procedures and data. 13. Strong interpersonal skills. 14. Evidence of strong organizational skills. 15. Evidence of strong oral and written communication skills. NOTE: APPLICANTS MUST BE PREPARED TO SHOW EVIDENCE OF THESE QUALIFICATIONS IN THE INITIAL SCREENING INTERVIEW. f)
a m is ~_, i5 z r"' ~ en z "' JOB GOAL: To relieve the Principal of such impediments as prevents him/her from fulfilling chief responsibilities of promoting the educational well-being of each student in the school, and to demonstrate the capacity to perform the responsibilities of an assistant principal. ACCOUNT ABILITY Reports Directly to the Principal ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS/ RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION: 1. Assumes responsibility of coordinating custodial, transportation, cafeteria, and other responsibilities. 2. Supervises conducts within the school, and oversees disciplinary procedures, keeping records of any disciplinary action. 3. Requisitions supplies and equipment, conducts inventories, maintains records, and checks on receipts for such materials. 4. Cooperates in conducting of safety inspection and safety drill activities. 5. Works with the principal in the preparation of the Parent/Student Handbook and the Staff handbook. 6. Assists in the administration of school rules regarding attendance. 7. Assists the principal in the general administration of the school. 8. Assumes the responsibility for conducting the performance evaluation of assigned personnel. 9. Assists in parent recruitment for the PTA and other parent involvement activities. 10. Support and participate in the unique year-round program for Stephens Elementary School and Recreation Center. 11. Attends staff meetings, serve on committees, and assumes responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned by the principal. 12. Fosters collegiality and team building among staff members. 13. Communicates and promotes expectations for high-level performance to staff and students. 14. Makes commitment and time necessary for participation in district/school sponsored staff development and become computer literate. 15. Performs such other responsibilities as the principal may assign. SALARY AND TERMS: Payl0 - Grade 64 - $38,928 - $68,652 -A ten and one-half (10.5) month contract (210 days), plus benefits package. NOTE: Precise placement within the salary range will be determined based upon education and experience. EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's Policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 20, 2005, or any time later until a satisfactory applicant is recommended and approved. SEND RESUMES/INQUIRES: Beverly Williams - Director HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Little Rock School District 810 W Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone 501-447-1100 Fax 501-447-1162 NOTE: INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE ABOVE POSITION MUST COMPLETE A VERY RIGOROUS SELECTION PROCESS. THEREFORE, BECAUSE AN INDIVIDUAL APPLIES FOR A POSITION DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED. The Little Rock School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equity concerns may be addressed to the Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District not to discriminate on the basis ofage, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. !Jl r> :,0 m ,~.... C...:. ~ z !=' ~ 0 _mC: ~~ :,o-n ~~ (/)~ m~ .,....,. :,0 n m !Tl n 0 z (/) C: !:
z Cl ~ ~ m :,,I.:. DATE: June 23, 2005 TO: Board of Directors LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Appointment of Assistant Principal for Terry Elementary BACKGROUND: To provide leadership to students and staff of Terry Elementary. RATIONALE: To fill the position being vacated by Anna Joiner-Tatum. FUNDING: District Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: I am pleased to appoint Ms. Eloise Booth, to the position of Assistant Principal at Terry Elementary. Ms. Booth's resume and a job description are attached for your review. PREPARED BY: Beverly Williams~:r Director of Human Resources Eloise Jeannette Booth 12606 Timber Hill Drive Little Roci<, Arkansas 72211 501-312-1317 eloise. booth@lrsd.org ===-================--==========-==-=--====--=-=------------- Experience: Little Rock School District- Little Rock, Arkansas Rockefeller Elementary- July 1999-2001 Stephens Elementary- July 2001-2004 Terry Elementary-October 2004-Preaent Camden-Fairview School District.Camden, Arkansas July 1986-1999 5th Grade Middle School Teacher, Assistant Principal, & Principal El Dorado School District 1979-1985 6th & 4th Grade Teacher Ouachita Area Development Corporation (YMCA)- Camden, Arkansas 1969-74 Payroll/Bookkeeper Education: Southern Arkansas University- Magnolia, Arkanaae Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, 1979 Ouachita Baptist University-Arkadelphia, Arkansas 72193 Master of Science, Elementary Education, 1982 Henderson State University-Arkadelphia, Arkaneae 72193 Master of Science, Educational Administration and Supervision, 1985 rn n 0 z "c:': !:j z Cl li ::,) m m ~ Certification: Arkansas Deparbnent of Education Professional Teaching Licenee Arkansas Department of Education Elementary Principal Certification Leardership: Camden-Fairview School District-HIPPY Board President.. Equity Committee, Camden City Planning Commission, International Paper Advisory Board, Kiwanae, COE Chair, ACSIP Team, Outstanding Young Women of America, Nominated Principal of the Year, District Discipline Committee, Leadership Adcademy. Rockefeller and Stephens Elementary- Administrative Team, Teacher and Staff Evaluations, School-Wide Discipline Committee, TAP Certification, Parent and Student Handbook, Supervision and Scheduling of Instructional Aides, Transportation (Bus) Coordinator, 504 Coordianator, ESL Training, EYE Intersession Director, Campus Leadership Tean References: Avallable upon Request PLEASE POST LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 May 5, 2005 PLEASE POST The Little Rock School District is now accepting applications for the following position for the 2005-06 school year. POSITION: Assistant Principals (2) -(1) Terry Elementary School ( 1) Rockefeller Elementary QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Master's degree (minimum) or higher with Arkansas License as an elementary principal. 2. At least three (3) years successful experience as a teacher and/or administrator in an urban school district. 3. Evidence of a strong commitment to quality desegregated education. 4. Knowledge of curriculum development and instruction. 5. The ability to apply this knowledge when working with faculty, students, parents, administrators, community members, and support staff. 6. Commitment to staff development demonstrated by a willingness to initiate, participate in, monitor, and maintain in-service activities. 7. Demonstrates the conviction that all children can and will learn in the Little Rock School District. 8. Evidence of successful experiencewith parent and staff involvement in decision making. 9. Evidence of successful experience in being a strong disciplinarian and conflict manager. 10. Completion of State Evaluation Workshop. 11. Ability to evaluate instructional program and teacher effectiveness. 12. Ability to interpret policy, procedures and data. 13. Strong interpersonal skills. 14. Evidence of strong organizational skills. 15. Evidence of strong oral and written communication skills. NOTE: APPLICANTS MUST BE PREPARED TO SHOW EVIDENCE OF THESE QUALIFICATIONS IN THE INITIAL SCREEN! G INTERVIEW. !='
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:c ~ :ii: "' JOB GOAL: To relieve the Principal of such impediments as prevents him/her from fulfilling chief responsibilities of promoting the educational well-being of each student in the school, and to demonstrate the capacity to perform the responsibilities of an assistant principal. ACCOUNTABILITY Reports Directly to the Principal ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS I RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION: 1. Assumes responsibility of coordinating custodial, transportation, cafeteria, and other responsibilities. 2. Supervises conducts within the school, and oversees disciplinary procedures, keeping records of any disciplinary action. 3. Requisitions supplies and equipment, conducts inventories, maintains records, and checks on receipts for such materials. 4. Cooperates in conducting of safety inspection and safety drill activities. 5. Works with the principal in the preparation of the Parent/Student Handbook and the Staff handbook. 6. Assists in the administration of school rules regarding attendance. 7. Assists the principal in the general administration of the school. 8. Assumes the responsibility for conducting the performance evaluation of assigned personnel. 9. Assists in parent recruitment for the PT A and other parent involvement activities. 10. Support and participate in the unique year-round program for Stephens Elementary School and Recreation Center. 11. Attends staff meetings, serve on committees, and assumes responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned by the principal. 12. Fosters collegiality and team building among staff members. 13. Communicates and promotes expectations for high-level performance to staff and students. 14. Makes commitment and time necessary for participation in district/school sponsored staff development and become computer literate. 15. Performs such other responsibilities as the principal may assign. SALARY AND TERMS: Payl 0 - Grade 64 - $38,928 - $68,652 -A ten and one-half (10.5) month contract (210 days), plus benefits package. NOTE: Precise placement within the salary range will be determined based upon education and experience. EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's Policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 20, 2005, or any time later until a satisfactory applicant is recommended and approved. SEND RESUMES/INQUIRES: Beverly Williams - Director HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Little Rock School District 810 W Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone 501-447-1100 Fax 501-447-1162 INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE ABOVE POSITION MUST COMPLETE A VERY RIGOROUS SELECTIO PROCESS. THEREFORE, BECAUSE AN INDIVIDUAL APPLIES FOR A POSITIO DOES OT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED. The Little Rock School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equity concerns may be addressed to the Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services. It is the policy of the Little Rock School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. !ll fl "m' ~ re:..... <5 z !"' n 0 z U> C: !:j z Cl ~ ~ m ~ DATE: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Proposed Budget for Annual School Election BACKGROUND: In order to satisfy various legal requirements concerning school elections, budget publication, and school tax rates, the Board of Directors must approve a proposed budget for the 2006-2007 school year together with a rate of tax levy sufficient to provide such funds. RATIONALE: The requirement for publication of the budget shall be discharged by the board of directors of each school district by publication of its budget one (1) time ... not less than sixty (60) days before the annual school election. (Ark. Code Ann . 6-13-622) FUNDING: Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the proposed budget of expenditures and tax levy for 2006-2007 as attached for publication in accordance with State law. PREPARED BY: Mark D. Milhollen Chief Financial Officer !Tl n 0 z C/) C: !:
z C) ~ Rl "31': rr PROPOSED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES TOGETHER WITH TAX LEVY FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2006 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 2007 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District No. 60-01 of Pulaski County, Arkansas in compliance with the requirements of Amendments No. 40 and No. 7 4 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and of Arkansas Code Ann. 6- 13-622 (1993 Repl.) has prepared, approved, and hereby makes public the proposed budget of expenditures together with a supporting tax rate as follows: 1. Salary Fund Expenditures 2. Instructional Expense 3. Maintenance & Operation Expense 4. Pupil Transportation Expense 5. Other Operating Expense 6. Non-bonded Debt Payment 7. Bonded Debt Payment 8. Building Fund Expense 9. Dedicated Maintenance & Operation $111,529,328.00 $ 25,881,109.00 $ 14,611,898.00 $ 14,396,284.00 $ 36,274,934.00 $ 655,000.00 $ 12,000,030.00 $ 12,000,000.00 $ 5,200,000.00 The total tax levy proposed includes 32.0 mills for the maintenance and operation of schools, 12.4 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness, and 2.0 mills for current expenditures/dedicated maintenance and operation expenditures. Surplus revenues produced each year by debt service millage may be used by the District for other purposes. The total proposed rate includes the uniform rate of tax to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas Constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. The proposed rate includes no increases. Given this 23rd day of June, 2005. Little Rock School District No. 60-01 of Pulaski County Larry Berkley, President Katherine Mitchell, Secretary DATE: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: First Reading - Board Policy FA: New Facilities Development Goal BACKGROUND: The promotion of buildings that are environmentally responsible is at the forefront of planning for energy and resource conservation at the local, state and national levels. The District is committed to contributing to the environmental and economic sustainability of our City and State. RATIONALE: In an effort to promote a positive effect on the City's environment and healthy places for students to learn and employees to work, the attached policy is presented for the Board's approval. New construction of District buildings will utilize sustainable design practices that will decrease the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupant health while reducing operating and maintenance costs. FUNDING: Bond Account RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Board approve Policy FA as attached. PREPARED BY: Mark D. Milhollen Chief Financial Officer r> ~ ~ E.... iz5 8 z ~ 0z "' ..0.. ,, ~ "C IT' ::c LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NEPN CODE: FA New Facilities Development Goal The Board of Education is committed to promoting the conservation of energy and natural resources for new construction of District facilities. This approach will provide a positive effect on the City's environment and ensure healthy places for students to learn and employees to work. The promotion of buildings that are environmentally responsible is at the forefront of planning for energy and resource conservation at the local, state and national levels. The District will join in this effort through planning, designing, constructing and operating District-owned buildings and facilities by utilizing sustair:,able design practices that will decrease the negative impact of building on the environment and occupant health while reducing operating and maintenance costs. The District will adopt the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-NC) rating system for new construction of District-owned facilities (or other nationally recognized rating system). Adopted: References: U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design system DATE: TO: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 June 23, 2005 Board of Directors FROM: Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Resolution for Leasing Authority BACKGROUND: Verizon Communications Corporation, in conjunction with Excell Communications, Inc., has requested that the Little Rock School District lease to them three small parcels of property at Central, Parkview, and McClellan High Schools for the sole purpose of erecting communications relay towers to support their telephone systems. The three tower-sites, shown on the attached drawings, are as follows: A. Central High School - inside the stadium wall near the seating area on the east side of Quigley Field. B. Parkview High School - approximately 150 feet west of the Performing Arts Building. C. McClellan High School - east of the football stadium and approximately 150 feet from the south property line. Each of these sites will support a 150-foot monopole. RATIONALE: The Little Rock School District has granted to Excell Communications, Inc., entry and testing agreements through which this corporation is testing the sites to determine their suitability for situating a monopole in these locations. The leasing of these properties has been coordinated with the school principals, and it has been determined that the sites will not impact any of the operations presently ongoing at the schools. Other private locations and school districts are entertaining similar leases to support this nationwide communication system. ~?< me-, :IC,-, a- o (/) 0-< z- m c, m
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z C) l!i ~ 31: rr FUNDING: The proposed term of the leased property would be twenty-five years, consisting of a five-year initial term and four five-year extensions. The overall revenue of $1,213,628 to be received by the District consists of a monthly rent of $1 ,000 per site beginning at construction with 15% increases after each five-year term. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution allowing the Administration to enter into lease negotiations with Verizon Communications Corporation. PREPARED BY: Douglas Eaton, Director of Facility Services Mark D. Milhollen, Chief Financial Officer RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR LEASING AUTHORITY TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Arkansas Code Annotated Section 6-13-620 authorizes the board of directors for each school district to lease property as lessor
and WHEREAS, Arkansas Code Annotated Section 6-21-108(c) requires that the execution of all contracts and conveyances and lease contracts shall be performed by the president and confirmed by the secretary of the school board when authorized by a resolution in writing and approved by a majority vote of the school board
and WHEREAS, Verizon Wireless Tennessee Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, has requested the school district to lease to Verizon wireless Tennessee Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, real property at the Central International Studies High School, McClellan Magnet High School and Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School locations for the purpose of locating towers and certain equipment that will facilitate wireless communications and other related transmissions
and WHEREAS, the Little Rock School District will receive rent from Verizon Wireless Tennessee Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, for such leases. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Little Rock School District Board of Directors that: The Administration is hereby authorized to enter into leases with Verizon Wireless Tennessee Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, related to the Central International Studies High School, McClellan Magnet High School and Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School locations. Given this 23rd day of June, 2005 Larry Berkley, President Katherine Mitchell, Secretary rn n 0 z en C: !:
0 - , er: I ' er: <{ co I' I I ' , ,' I' I I z I 0 / ,: UNPAV ED PARKING AREA -, r 0 l[) N 175' telco 8771.W2ah LTRLARRB HHGB67 DSA2124 ,7775' r PROPOSED NEW150' MONOPOLE NOTTO SCALE , , : I I I' I I I I : : I I I I 'I I I : 1 Ac i: cess lat 34 43 51.42 long -92 22 19.3 AMSL 410' I I I I ' I I I I I I Auditorium I I UNPAVED PARKING AREA CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PARKVIEW ARTS/SCIENCE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL PHONE 501 447-2300 p arcel ID 44L-082-00-033-00 30ACRES athletic bldg n LRPVHSA G. FINANCIAL REPORT t: ~_f' . X. CLOSING REMAf XI. EMPLOYEE HEAi ,J :
i D. REQUEST FOR MEAL PRICE INCREASE E. CONSULTING AGREEMI: F. DONATIONS Or PROPl:R r DATE: TO: FROM: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Request for Breakfast and Lunch Meal Price Increase BACKGROUND: The Little Rock School District Child Nutrition Department supports the School Meals Program from funds received from the service of reimbursable meals. The prices for the meals claimed at the reduced rate are set by USDA, and the prices for the meals claimed in the full-paid category are set by the Board of Directors for the school district. The Child Nutrition Department works to operate basically as a self sufficient entity of the district. RATIONALE: For the Child Nutrition meals program to remain basically self supporting and continue to provide high quality service for our customers, the meal prices must be raised. Food and labor costs increase at a rate of 3% to 5% each year, and, for Child Nutrition, labor costs increased at a rate of 10% the past year. Traditionally, manufacturers pass on to the customer any economic impact that they are experiencing due to gas wars or food production restrictions and other variables. The USDA reimbursement rates for Child Nutrition programs are based on program costs exclusive of a fringe benefit package. The present funds to the program are not adequate for sufficiency and growth. We propose that the breakfast meal price is increased by $.25 at each level and that the lunch meal price is increased by $.50 at each level. For the 2005-2006 school year the meal prices will be as follows: BREAKFAST Elementary - $1.00 Secondary - 1.00 Adults - 1.25 LUNCH Elementary - $2.00 Secondary - 2.25 Adults - 2.75 The current meal prices for Little Rock School District Child Nutrition have been in effect since the 2002-2003 school year. ~ > 0 5 C:
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c zm ..... FUNDING: At the present level of participation, the proposed price increases will generate approximately $340,000.00 additional revenue for the program. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Board approve the prepared meal prices for School year 2005- 2006. PREPARED BY: Morlin M. McCoy, Director of Child Nutrition Mark D. Milhollen, Chief Financial Officer DATE: TO: FROM: June 23, 2005 LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Board of Directors Roy G. Brooks, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: CONSUL TING AGREEMENT BACKGROUND: The Board approved the recommendations of the organizational audit on March 24, 2005, completing Phase I of the process to restructure the District's administration. Phase I recommendations are being implemented and administrative staff is being assigned to fill the vacancies and positions that will result in a more streamlined and efficient operation. RATIONALE: Phase II and 111 of the reorganization will provide the support systems necessary to ensure an efficient transition to the restructured operations. Technical assistance and support is required in order to affect the most orderly and effective use of our resources. Exhibit A of the proposed contract has been revised to take into consideration your input and comments. The exhibit provides specific details of services to be rendered by the consultants, Dr. Dennis Smith and Mr. Bob Klempen. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend approval to enter into the consulting agreement with Dr. Dennis Smith and Mr. Bob Klempen from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. FUNDING: Payment of consulting fees and expenses are specified in the attached agreement. PREPARED BY: Mark Milhollen, CFO ~ > C a C
c z !I: zm --, CONSULTING AGREEMENT This CONSUL TING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is executed effective as of this 23rd day of June, 2005, by and between the Little Rock School District (the "District"), and Dr. Dennis Smith and Mr. Bob Klempen (collectively, the "Consultant"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, District oversees the operation of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas public school system
WHEREAS, Consultant has significant experience and expertise in defining organizational structure, standardized protocols and procedures, governance and management, results-based strategic planning, performance and accountability systems, and issue resolution/ decision-making procedures focused on improving student achievement and will be based upon effective school practices for schools
and WHEREAS, the District desires to retain the services of Consultant as a consultant and independent contractor to District to focus the District, the Board and administration on more effective use of resources, increased accountability, enhanced community perception, improved morale and increased student achievement, all upon the terms and conditions contained herein
NOW, THEREFORE, in exchange for the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: 1. ENGAGEMENT. The District hereby engages Consultant as a consultant and independent contractor, and Consultant hereby accepts such engagement, upon the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one year beginning July 1, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to Paragraph 8 below. The foregoing notwithstanding, either party may terminate this Agreement on not less than 90 days prior written notice to the other party specifying the effective date of such termination. 3. CONSULTING SERVICES. During the term hereof, Consultant agrees to provide the consulting and advisory services to the District described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Services"), and, upon request, assist the District in the implementation and management of certain programs relating to the District's educational objectives. Consultant shall work with the District's Superintendent and other personnel and shall report to the District's Board of Education as needed. The exact nature of the Services shall be defined from time to time by the District and the Consultant. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. In performing the services described herein, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall have no power or authority to bind District or to create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, in the name or on behalf of the District. Consultant shall be solely responsible for payment of federal, state and local income taxes on all payments to him hereunder, and the District shall have no responsibility whatsoever therefor. 5. COMPENSATION. In consideration for the consulting and advisory services to be provided hereunder by the Consultant, the District agrees to pay the Consultant a total fee of$65,000 for services rendered from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The Consultant will invoice the district each month, and the District shall pay such invoices within thirty (30) days. Consultant shall be responsible for paying Consultant's expenses incurred in performing the consulting and advisory services hereunder. The foregoing notwithstanding, the District will pay on behalf of Consultant ( or reimburse Consultant for) all reasonable expenses incurred by Consultant at the request of District in traveling to and from Little Rock, Arkansas, lodging and expenses incurred in connection with the Services
provided that such trip was approved in advance and the request for reimbursement is in accordance with the District's normal expense reimbursement policies. 6. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. Consultant agrees that he will not, during or after the term of this Agreement, disclose, make public or otherwise utilize any proprietary or other confidential information relating to the District or its business, except as required by applicable law. Consultant shall deliver to the District no later than thirty (30) days after the date of termination of this Agreement all tangible forms of such information in his possession or control. 7. TERMINATION. (a) Consultant may, at his option, terminate this Agreement at any time upon ten ( 10) days prior written notice to the District if the District fails to make any payment hereunder to Consultant and such failure continues for a period of more than thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice of such default. (b) The District may terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days prior written notice to Consultant if Consultant fails to perform his services hereunder in any material respect and such failure continues for a period of ten (10) days following receipt of such written notice from the District. (c) Upon termination of this Agreement, the District shall not be obligated to make any further payments to Consultant except amounts accrued, due and payable as of the date of termination. 2 ~ > ~ 0 C,,: z 3::: zm .... 8. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Assignment. This Agreement and the rights, obligations and duties of the parties hereunder shall not be assignable or otherwise transferable without the prior written consent of each party. (b) Modification. No provision contained herein may be modified, amended or waived except by written agreement signed by the party to be bound thereby. ( c) Binding Effect and Benefit. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. (d) Headings and Captions. Subject headings and captions are included for convenience purposes only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. ( e) Notice. All notices, requests, demands and other communications permitted or required hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon delivery if delivered in person, or on the date postmarked if mailed, registered or certified United States mail, postage prepaid as follows: If to Consultant, addressed or delivered in person to: Dennis M. Smith 2800 Park Place Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651 Ifto the District, addressed or delivered in person to: Little Rock School District 810 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Attn: Dr. Roy Brooks, Superintendent Or to such other address as either party may designate by notice. (f) Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such determination shall not impair the enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions herein. 3 (g) Waiver. No waiver of a breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or limit or restrict any right or remedy otherwise available. (h) Rights and Remedies Cumulative. The rights and remedies expressed herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights and remedies otherwise available. (i) Gender and Pronouns. Throughout this Agreement, the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter and the singular shall include the plural and vice versa as the context requires. G) Entire Agreement. This document constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any and all other prior agreements, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter contained herein. (k) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas. (1) No Joint Venture or Partnership, This Agreement shall not be considered to create any type of joint venture, partnership, or any other legal relationship between the parties in which either party shall share or be responsible for the debts or liabilities of the other party. 10. APPROVAL OF DISTRICT. The obligations of the District under this Agreement are expressly conditioned upon the ratification and approval of the Agreement by the Board of Education of the District. 4 ~ :,,. ~ 0 C:
o z le zm -< IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the day and year aforesaid. DISTRICT: Little Rock School District By: ___________ _ Dr. Roy Brooks, Superintendent CONSULTANT: Dr. Dennis Smith Robert Klempen Ratified and Approved by the Board of Education of the Little Rock School District at the meeting held the 23rd day of June, 2005 . 5 Exhibit A Services Covered: Advise the Superintendent on operational best practices and related matters during implementation of the LRSD administrative restructuring
Assist (Advise) the (Deputy) Superintendent and (Government/Legislative/Public Affairs Officer) executive level staff in developing (regarding their) roles and responsibilities that are consistent with the objectives of the LRSD administrative restructuring and which make a clear differentiation between line and staff authority
o Specifically, consult with the (Advise) the Associate Superintendents of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding their roles as direct "line" supervisor. to principals
o Consult with (Advise) the Associate Superintendent of Education Services, Senior Director of Human Resources and Chief Financial Officer/Support Services regarding their role. as support staff to schools and principals
Prepare (Advise) executive staff ( district leaders,) selected by the Superintendent to assume leadership roles (designated as Project Managers on) for work projects assigned by the Superintendent, including staff training and development, performance accountability and evaluation, effective communication, governance and management and results based strategic planning
Provide continuous feedback (on progress) to the Superintendent on the progress being made during (the) successive phases of the (implementation) administrative restructuring
Review written communications regarding the implementation of the (LRSD reorganization) administrative restructuring as directed by the Superintendent
(Consult with Human Resources executive staff and the school attorneys in the implementation of the organizational audit
) (Plan with the Superintendent
This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resoources.