Moorman, Frank L.
- Authoritative Name:
- Moorman, Frank L.
- Biography:
- "Frank L. Moorman, Sr., grandson of a slave, was born in Daviess County, Kentucky. He established the Central Drug Company at the corner of Sixth and Walnut (now Muhammad Ali Boulevard) in Louisville with Dr. J.C. McDonald in 1932. They also opened the F&M Service Station at the corner of Eighth and Walnut Streets in 1937. The station eventually became Frank's Super Station as a franchise of Standard Oil Company."--Documenting African American Life in Louisville: A Guide to Resources in the University of Louisville's Archives and Records Center, WWW page, retrieved July 28, 2008.
- Associated Subjects:
- Moorman, Frank L.
- Archival Collections And Reference Resources:
1 items in 1 collections (expand all)
Oral history interview with Frank Moorman, Sr.
- Creator:
- Moorman, Frank L.
Chumbley, Kenneth Lawrence - Date of Original:
- 1978-08-17
- Collection:
- African American Oral History Collection
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Louisville. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections