Feibelman, Julian Beck, 1897-1980
- Authoritative Name:
- Feibelman, Julian Beck, 1897-1980
- Biography:
- "Son of Abraham and Eva (Beck) F.; A.B., Millsaps Coll., 1918; LL.D., 1946; rabbi, Hebrew Union Coll., 1926, D.D. honoris causa, 1955; M.A., U. Pa., 1929, Ph.D., 1939; married Mary Anna Fellman, Oct. 20, 1938; 1 son, Julian B., Jr. Rabbi, Temple Keneseth Israel, Phila., 1926-36; rabbi Temple Sinai, New Orleans, 1936-68, rabbi emeritus, 1968-80; lectr. history of religions Tulane U. 1948-50. Am.-Jewish rep. Internat. Conf. Christians and Jews to study European Anti-Semitism, Switzerland, 1947; city chmn. U.N. Appeal for Children, 1948; mem. exec. bd. Central Conf. Am. Rabbis, 1948, chmn. Interfaith Com. Mem. bd. govs. Hebrew Union Coll. since 1951; pres. combined alumni assn. of Hebrew Union Coll., Cin., and Jewish Inst. Religion N.Y. Mem. Prison Interfaith Bd. Ministers for Parolees; v.p. ch. activity br. La. Safety Assn., 1960; bd. Anti-Defamation League, Vols. Am., Parish Prison Chaplains Commn., Jewish Community Center; pres. New Orleans Rabbinical Council, 1963-64. Mem. bd. Kingsley House, 1963-80; hon. life mem. bd. Louise S. Davis School, 1963; mem., 1st vice chmn. lay bd. DePaul Hosp.; bd. dirs. Met. Area Com.; mem. overseers adv. bd. of Hebrew Union Coll. Served U.S. Army, World War I; spl. rep. W.L.B.; chmn. com. home service, field dir., mem. exec. bd., New Orleans Red Cross, World War II. Recipient citation Millsaps Coll., 1967; gold medal St. Mary’s Dominican Coll., 1967; Weiss award NCCJ, 1967; Times Picayune Loving Cup, 1968; Greek Orthodox Ch. spl. merit award, 1970; Clergyman of Yr. award Kiwanis Club, 1971; Paul Harris fellow Rotary Club, 1980. Mem. Mayor’s Adv. Com. New Orleans, 1946. Mem. La. Soc. Mental Hygiene (past pres.), New Orleans Assn. Social Hygiene (past pres.), NCCJ (Southwestern adviser), New Orleans Urban League (v.p.), Family Service Soc. (pres. 1950), New Orleans Race Relations, Jewish Pub. Soc. Phila. (editorial bd.), New Orleans Fgn. Policy Assn. (exec. bd.), New Orleans Tb Assn., Jewish Statis. Bur., United Jewish Appeal Bd., Am. Jewish Com. Bd., Vet.’s Information Center, Boy Scouts (exec. bd.; awarded Silver Beaver 1951), Hebrew Union Coll. Alumni Assn. (pres. 1952), Ch. and Industry Com. (exec. bd.), New Orleans Assn. Commerce. Clubs: Rotary (pres. 1950-51), Athletic (New Orleans), Lakewood Country. Author: The Making of a Rabbi. Editor: New Orleans Jewish Ledger, 1940-44. Dedicated new chapel Julian B. Feibelman chapel, 1972. Home: New Orleans, La"--Who's Who.
- Associated Subjects:
- Feibelman, Julian Beck, 1897-1980--Interviews
- Archival Collections And Reference Resources:
1 items in 1 collections (expand all)
Oral history with Julian Beck Feibleman
- Creator:
- Caudill, Orley B
Feibelman, Julian Beck, 1897-1980 - Date of Original:
- 1974
- Collection:
- Oral History
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Southern Mississippi. Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage