Golda Meir Library (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries) Special Collections

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The mission of the UWM Libraries, in support of the mission of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a research university, is to provide organized and accessible collections of high quality research and instructional materials, access to networked information and digital resources, services to educate and benefit the university and surrounding urban communities, and the physical and human resources required to satisfy the information needs of its users. The importance placed by the Libraries' administration on collection development is reflected in the growth of library holdings. Total holdings have grown from 114,000 volumes in 1956 to over 5.2 million cataloged items in 2006.

Strength of holdings parallels the campus' doctoral programs in anthropology, biological sciences, chemistry, economics, education, engineering, English, geography, geosciences, management science, mathematics, nursing, physics, political science, psychology, urban education, and urban social institutions.
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