Vanishing Georgia


Where did the Vanishing Georgia images come from?

The images in the collection were part of a grant-funded preservation project carried out by the Georgia Archives beginning in 1975. The archivists conducted field trips to Georgia counties where interested individuals brought photographs which were copied and returned to them. For more information see About Vanishing Georgia.

Will there be more images be added to this site?

The database contains the approximately 18,000 images that make up the Georgia Archives' Vanishing Georgia collection. At this time, there are neither plans nor additional funds to add images beyond those presented.

How can I find out more about the people, places and events that are depicted in the images?

Often, the only known information about a particular image appears in the description and additional notes that accompany that image. The descriptions are based on field interviews and the information given in those interviews was not always independently verifiable. However, if the item is historically significant, there may be other sources of more detailed information. A good place to begin would be to peruse Suggested Readings or to check your local library.

Can I visit the Georgia Archives?

The Georgia Archives is open to the public, and people are invited to visit the facilities to use the collections. Please see the Georgia Archives's home page for more information.

How can I get copies of the images on this site or images in the Georgia Archives' collections but not on the Web?

The Georgia Archives makes reproductions available to the public upon request. Reproduction requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please allow ample time for processing. See Ordering Reproductions for more information.

How do I get permission to use one of the images in a publication or on a website?

Before material from the collection may be published or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication (including dissertations to be microfilmed and distributed by University Microfilms), permission must be obtained from Georgia Archives.

How do I cite images from the database?

When citing images from the collection, please include all the following information.

[Title of the image], [date of image], [material type, i.e., slide or photograph] by [name of photographer (if given)], [collection name: Vanishing Georgia Collection],Georgia Archives.

When doing an actual footnote or bibliography, this information should conform to the manual of style being used for the research work. Citations may be shortened after the first reference.

I found a mistake. I have additional information about an image. Who should I notify?

Often, the only known information about a particular image appears in the the description and additional notes that accompany that image. The descriptions are based on field interviews and the information given in those interviews was not always independently verifiable. Likewise, additional information may also be hard to check against the original information and to verify. If you suspect an error please send an e-mail to the GALILEO help desk by clicking on the "Contact us" button above and let us know what the nature of the error is. Include the collection name, county code, and identification number of the image (e.g. "Vanishing Georgia car044").

How can I find out about other historical photography web sites?

Please check our Related Links page.

How can I find out about historical photography collections in other libraries and archives?

Please check our Related Links and Suggested Readings pages.

I have some old photographs of important Georgia historical figures, events, structures or landscapes. Can you tell me what their value is? Would the Georgia Archives be interested in having them for its collection?

Unfortunately we cannot help with appraisals. Please contact a professional appraiser. A rare books or antiques dealer in your area may be able to help or to refer you to an appraiser. For information on local dealers, you may want to contact the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America or the Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers Association.

If you would like to donate materials, please contact Research Services at the Georgia Archives.

I find some of the images and descriptive materials to be disturbing and offensive. Why did you choose to present these images?

This site does include historical images and accompanying materials that may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record. Please see Issues of Cultural Sensitivity for more information.