The transcript for this item was created using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and may contain some errors. ,____,/ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting January 14, 1993 RECEl\/fED OCT 2 7 1995 Office of Desegregation tvioniwtino The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully called special meeting at 6: 20 p. m. immediately following the Board agenda review meeting on January 14, 1993. The special meeting was conducted in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of conducting student disciplinary hearings and to consider reinstatement petitions. NON-CONTESTED EXPULSIONS AND LONG-TERM SUSPENSIONS: Mr. Rudolph Howard directed the Board members' attention to the non-contested expulsion recommendations of Tyrone Banks, Roger Crusterson, Bara Nichols, Phillip Watts, and Timothy White. He also directed the Board members' attention to the non-contested recommendation for the long-term suspension of Brent Armstrong, Derrick Bowman, Quentin Davis, David Faison, Keith Farr, Stacy Givens, Andre Harris, Deshun Hollis, Mervyn Johnson, Kendrick Land, Norman Miles, Shawn Moseley, Bilal Muhammad, Albert Porter, Kevin Pugh, Carlos Reese, and Jerry Roberson. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's recommendations on the non-contested expulsions and long-term suspensions. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. CONTESTED EXPULSIONS: The Board conducted a hearing with regard to the expulsion recommendation for Janice Harris. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented to it, Mr. John Moore moved to long-term suspend Janice Harris and if she comes back to the Board and shows that she has been involved in counseling and that it has had an effect and if Mr. Watts agrees, we will admit her back. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried with six (6) to one (1). Dr. Katherine Mitchell dissented . . The Board conducted a hearing with regard to the expulsion recommendation of Ronnie Scott. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented to it, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved that Ronnie Scott be placed back in school on strict probation and if any further incident or violation of any school rules occur in any way, he will be expelled immediately. Mr. Bill Hamil ton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board considered the petition of Michael Hornes for reinstatement to school from the Juvenile Justice Center. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented to it, Mr. John Riggs moved to reinstate Michael Hornes preferably to a school other than McClellan, on strict probation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board considered the petition of Phillip Conway for reinstatement to school. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented to it, Mr. John Moore moved to reinstate Phillip Conway. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board considered the petition of Dana Stephens for reinstatement to school. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence presented to it, Mr. John Moore moved to reinstate Dana Stephens to the Alternative Learning Center and put her on the list for the Elizabeth Mitchell Residential Treatment Program. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board considered reinstatement to school. the petition of Ylanna Value After hearing all testimony for and considering the evidence presented, Mr. John Moore moved to reinstate Ylanna Value on strict probation for the second semester of the 1992-93 school year. Mr. John Moore moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to adjourn. the motion, and it carried unanimously. business to come within the call for the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned Mr. John Riggs seconded There being no further special meeting of the at 8:25 p.m. O. G. Jacoveli,President 1~:dfl J!J J-V Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 28, 1993 OCT 2 7 IY~.5 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 6:22 p.m. on January 28, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Frederick Fields, Teacher Representative Miss Candace Jones, student Representative ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the regular meeting to order at 6:22 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. II. READING OF THE MINUTES The chair asked for a motion to remove the November 19, 1992 minutes from the table. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved to remove the November 19, 1992 minutes from the table. Mr. John Moore seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Dr. Mitchell moved to approve the November 19, 1992 minutes of the regular meeting of the Board. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The chair directed the Board members' attention to the minutes of the special meeting on September 16, 1992 the special meeting on October 5, 1992 the special meeting on October 15, 1992 the special meeting on November 5, 1992 the special meeting on November 12, 1992 and the regular meeting on December 17, 1992. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved approval of the minutes. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. III. PRESENTATIONS: A. Superintendent's citations Dr. Bernd presented certificates to the winners of the American Education Week Essay Contest that was sponsored by the Little Rock PTA Council and the Central Arkansas Reading Council. The theme was "America's Schools: Take a New Look." The winners who received certificates were: Primary Level (K-3 Grade): First Place - Danielle Dushkin, Brady Elementary Second Place - Sarah Pollard, Williams Magnet Third Place - Jessica Slaughter, Western Hills Elementary Intermediate Level (4th - 6th) First Place - Jonathan Jones, carver Magnet Second Place - John Crain, Carver Magnet Third Place - Lakeisha Palmer, Cloverdale Elementary Junior High Level (7th - 9th) First Place - Tonya Andrews, Mabelvale Jr. High Second Place - Walter Coleman, Mabelvale Jr. High Third Place - Heather Gregg, Mabelvale Jr. High Senior High Level - 10th - 12th) First Place - Keith Harvey, McClellan High Second Place - James Vardaman, McClellan High Third Place - Amy Ramer, McClellan High. Dr. Bernd also recognized the teachers of the winning students: Becky Dugan, Karen Latch, Shirley Thomas, Betty Glenn, Donna Hall, taking the liberty of making the decision for the Board not to meet with the group. She called for the resignation of Mrs. Jacovelli and Dr. Bernd and urged the remaining members of the Board to act responsibly when the community desires to share its concerns. Mr. "Say" McIntosh told the Board that this group are concerned about the safety of their children in the schools. He told the Board that the safety of our children should cause us to get as mad as the suspension of Mr. Hickman. He urged the Board to not let the news media twist them and get them to try the case in the media. He alleged that the news media is trying to cause a riot. A Little Rock Central High School senior (name unknown) questioned the methods of the Board and why things were done like they were. She told the Board that the problem is ignorance, and she feels that her rights have been violated. Mr. Melvin Moss told the Board that the actions taken by the administration and Board are peculiar and has caused students and parents a lot of frustration. He told the Board that the important things are God, the family, and the community, stupid. At this point in the "Remarks from Citizens" section on the agenda, Mr. Chris Heller, legal counsel for the District, responded to the unrest in the audience by explaining that it is the Board's responsibility to remain neutral in personnel issues until they hear all evidence in a formal hearing. He told the audience that he had advised the Board not to listen to any comments. Mr. John Riggs asked for a recess. The Board recessed at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:25 p.m. Upon reconvening, an unidentified speaker urged the Board get its priorities in order. Mr. Ari Merretizon told the Board that there is a lot of tension in the community and asked the Board to instruct Dr. Bernd to engage in discussion about their concerns. He expressed his view that the group would understand the limitations of the discussion. V. ACTION ITEMS: A. Election of Officers Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to remove from the table the election of officers. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Jackson moved to elect John Moore as President of the Little Rock School District Board of acclamation. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Gloria Russ, Nancy Jones, and Gloria Blakely. The Superintendent also awarded certificates to the winners of the "My Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages Wish" program. Honored were: Tequesia Neal, Cloverdale Elementary, $50.00 for Little Caesar's Pizza Shiree Lawson, Rockefeller Elementary, $100 for Wordsworth Book Stores Maquinta Davis, Romine Elementary, $150.00 for Lenderman Paint Company Erica James, Badgett Elementary, $2 00 for Microcomputer Center Krystal Rose Marks, Romine Elementary, $250 for Radio Shack, and the first place winner, Nikkola Hadley, Badgett Elementary, $1000 for ABC Playground Equipment. Patty McNeil, principal at Dodd Elementary School, introduced the winners of the White House Replica Contest held at Dodd School. Ms. Raines' second grade class won the primary division, and Ms. Riddle's sixth grade class won the intermediate division. Dr. Bernd also presented Superintendent's Citations to the ex officio members of the Board for January: Candice Jones, student ex officio from Fair High School and Frederick Fields, teacher ex officio from Cloverdale Elementary. He and members of the Board thanked them for their service to the Board. IV. C. Citizens Committees None reporting. D. Board Members None. E. Partnerships None. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS: Dr. Bernd read a statement concerning the Board's policy on receiving information or commenting on pending personnel issues. Mrs. Jacovelli reiterated that it would be inappropriate for the Board to hear comments concerning a personnel issue that might ultimately come before the Board for a hearing. She stated that all of the speakers signed up to address the Board have indicated that the subject of their remarks would be "Central High School" or "John Hickman." She told the audience that if the subject of Mr. Hickman comes up during remarks, she would gavel the speaker and the Board would go into recess. Mrs. Hafeeza Majeed asked for the resignation of Mrs. Jacovelli and Dr. Bernd. She told the Board that she had obtained the signature of fifty patrons and voters asking for a meeting with the Board under Arkansas statute. She admonished Dr. Bernd for Mr. John Moore assumed the presidency and opened the floor for nominations for vice president. Mr. Riggs nominated Dorsey Jackson for vice president. Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli seconded the nomination. Mr. Jackson was elected unanimously. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to elect Dr. Katherine Mitchell as secretary of the Board by acclamation. Mr. Bill Hamil ton seconded the motion , and it =cc.=a:..:rc..:r,....,1=-e ::.d=-w-=ia.ot:.:.h.o......:s""'1""x =-..(..-.= 6_,_)"""'t""'1=-v -'-=e'--'-v-=o:....:t::..:e:. s=--=-. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli abstained. B. Henderson Athletic Field Agreement Dr. Bernd directed the Board members' attention to the maintenance agreement between the District and the City of Little Rock for the maintenance of the athletic field at Henderson Junior High School. He recommended that the Board approve the maintenance agreement as submitted in the printed agenda and to direct the administration to process the necessary documents. Mrs. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. C. Position Paper on School Health The Superintendent recommended that the Board act to support the position as submitted in the printed agenda. Dr. Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. Community Study Center Program Dr. Bernd informed the Board that he had signed a letter of support of the Community Study Center and asked the Board to endorse the concept and support the collaborative effort with the Little Rock Boys Club in the establishment of the Community Study Center, including seeking funds through specific grants to assist with the program. Ms. Linda Young, the District's New Futures Liaison, introduced members of the Hoover Collaborative. Mrs. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation for the endorsement of the collaborative efforts with the Little Rock Boys Club in the establishment of the Community study Center including seeking funding through specific grants and the approval of a waiver allowing course credit to be granted for students participating in the Center. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. E. Personnel Changes Dr. Bernd directed the Board members' attention to the personnel changes in the printed agenda and the slip sheet containing the resignation of Catherine Johnson. He recommended that the Board approve the personnel changes. Mrs. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. F. Financial Reports The Superintendent pointed out the new format. Mr. Gary Jones answered questions from Board members. He told the Board that the new format was the first pass and that revisions and simplification will probably follow. Mr. Jackson moved approval of the financial reports. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Sibling Transfers Mrs. Marie Parker reported on the requirements of the desegregation plan concerning siblings going to the same schools whether they be attendance zone, non-attendance zone, or magnet schools. Board members asked questions and expressed a desire that every effort be made to get siblings in the same school. B. The Incentive Schools' Master Teacher Program Mrs. Janet Bernard highlighted the report contained in the printed agenda. Board members asked questions. Mrs. Bernard told the Board that these schools will serve as lab schools for student teachers. She also reported that this report will be sent to the Court and to the Desegregation Monitor. C. Educational Programs Report GARLAND INCENTIVE SCHOOL'S EDUCATION BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Mrs. Arma Hart introduced Mr. Robert Brown, principal at Garland Incentive School. Mr. Brown reported on some of the events that are scheduled after school hours to help students learn and to involve parents in the life of their child. Some of the programs are group discussions on social issues within the community, trips to movies and dinner engagements at different ethnic restaurants. He also told the Board that the school had been engaged in many changes, including the lowering of class sizes, obtaining instructional aides and supervision aides, and establishing the Writing to Read labs. They have mentor programs to raise self esteem, the IRC specialists work with new teachers, they have established a staffing committee that includes parents, teachers, and administrators. He reported that the school has began the Effective Schools training for all staff members, including the custodial staff. VII. CONSENT AGENDA Dr. Bernd presented the items for the consent of the Board as follows: Donations of Property A computer disk drive to Fair Park Elementary by Mr. Howard Muldrow A scoreboard to Cloverdale Jr. High by Mr. John Twyford/Twin City Bank $6,000 to fund an art teacher to Forest Park Elementary by Forest Park PTA Pea gravel for playground at Fulbright Elementary by Glacial Concrete, Mark & Mary Rose Breckenridge, and Chuck Germer Computer equipment to HIPPY Program by IBM/HIPPY USA 1992 GMC Pickup Truck to Metropolitan Vo-Tech Center by Landers Trucks, Benton Computer equipment to Rockefeller Incentive School by Arkansas Power & Light Company and Software valued at $1500 to Central High School by Systematics. Lease Agreement - King Elementary School Property A 99-year lease agreement between the District and the City of Little Rock for approximately 3.5 acres of land to be used for the new Martin Luther King School site. The lease is to be $1.00 per year for the 99 years. Air Space Agreement - King Elementary School Property An air space agreement between the District and the Arkansas State Highway Commission to lease approximately three acres of land for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a parking lot for the new Martin Luther King Elementary School. Authorization to Apply for School Assistance in Federally Affected Areas Assurances - P.L. 81-874 A request for authorization and approval of the Resolution from the Board of Directors so the District can submit this year's application in a timely manner. The Superintendent recommended that the Board approve all the items listed in the consent section of the printed agenda. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the consent agenda. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None VOTE OF APPRECIATION: Mr. Bill Hamilton moved to give Mrs. Jacovelli a vote of thanks for serving as the Board president and commended her for the manner in which she has served. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. RECESS: The Board recessed at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at 8:59 p.m. IX. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Mr. Howard directed the Board members' attention to the non-contested expulsions of Tellys Clemmons, Lynn Davis, Shawn Henson, Quawn Marshall, Trimmell McIntosh, William Teague, and Terrance Williams. He asked that the non-contested recommendations include Jason Perkins, who was listed as a contested expulsion recommendation. He also directed the Board members' attention to the non-contested long-term suspensions of Avianca Adrow, Lakeisha Barnes, Antonio Beasley, Chris Bell, Araby Branch, Gailisa Bryant, Timmy Dewitt, Patrick Ellis, Jimmy Frazier, Eric Howard, Tamika Johnson, Lourenco Lee, James May, Wendy Montgomery, Leticia Nelson, Billy Robinson, and Walter Zinamon. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of all the non-contested expulsions and long-term suspensions. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried with five affirmative votes. Mr. Bill Hamilton and Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli were absent for the vote. The Board considered the reinstatement petition of Eric Allen. After hearing all the testimony and evidence presented to it, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to reinstate Eric Allen to Cloverdale Jr. High if that can be accomplished in order to give Eric's father an opportunity to serve as a positive role model and to give Eric a final chance to get an education in the Little Rock School District. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion. After discussion, Mr. Jackson amended his motion to allow for reinstatement to the Alternative Learning Center on strict probation. Mrs. Jacovelli accepted the amended motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hamilton was absent. The Board considered the reinstatement petition of Eleta Spencer. After hearing all the evidence presented to it and the recommendation of the administration to grant the reinstatement petition, Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli moved the administration's recommendation that Eleta Spencer be reinstated on strict probation regarding weapons for the balance of the 1992-93 school year. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Jacovelli moved to adjourn. Mr. Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m. rs. O. G. Jcovelli, President ~JIZJJ~ Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED: d-)'f+ 5 ' t} .3 ---'""--i1'--'-"--=-+, --'-=--- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting January 28, 1993 REC OCT 2 7 199.5 Office of Oe:::-(lrE-gak,n fl:c1 .. :0.,r J The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:35 p.m. on January 28, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Moore Ms. Pat Gee Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Frederick Fields, Teacher Representative CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) members of the Board of Directors. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering the Aerospace Magnet School. CONSIDERATION OF AEROSPACE MAGNET: Mr. John Riggs expressed the reasons for his initial support of the proposed Aerospace Magnet School and the reason that he has now changed his mind about the viability of the proposal. He cited as major reasons for his change of mind, (1) strong opposition from Board of Directors Special Meeting January 28, 1993 2 the North Little Rock School District, the Pulaski County Special School, and the Magnet Review Committee (2) the improbability of the Aerospace Education Committee raising the required $20 million in operating funds within the next five months and (3) the wisdom of investing in a declining aerospace industry. Mr. Riggs reiterated his strong support for business and the aerospace industry. He also indicated that he realized the political consequences of his action. Following his statement, Mr. Riggs moved to rescind the Resolution adopted on November 24, 1992 regarding the building of an aerospace senior high school and the offering of companion aerospace courses in junior high schools, and that all work on the aerospace school and grant application cease. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion. Discussion on the motion ensued, and Ms. Pat Gee moved to amend the motion to table the aerospace project until the July, 1994 Board meeting. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the amendment. Discussion ensued. Mr. Dick Holbert, representing the Aerospace Education Committee, urged the Board to submit the grant to the U. S. Department of Education and defended the viability of the project. Following Mr. Holbert's address to the Board, further discussion ensued. Mr. John Moore called the question. The amendment to the motion failed three ( 3) to four ( 4) . Dr. Mitchell, Ms. Gee, and Mr. Hamilton voted in favor of the amendment. Mr. Riggs, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Jacovelli, and Mr. Moore voted in opposition to the amendment. The main motion carried four (4) to three (3). Mr. Riggs, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Jacovelli, and Mr. Moore voted in favor of the motion. Dr. Mitchell, Ms. Gee, and Mr. Hamilton dissented. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. John Riggs moved to adjourn. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come within the call for the special meeting, the meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m. coveiiCPresident Ms. Pat Gee, Secretary APPROVED=----'~~) -<.,.cd-=s:........i)c_.q.._3_ I I LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting February 11, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 6:37 p.m. on February 11, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli Ms. Pat Gee MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. John Riggs ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members, which constituted a quorum. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The special meeting was called for the purpose of conducting student disciplinary hearings and considering disciplinary recommendations. Board of Directors Special Meeting February 11, 1993 STUDENT DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS: 2 The Board conducted a hearing on behalf of Marty L. Page. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, the Superintendent recommended that Marty Page be expelled from the Little Rock School District however, noting that he is a senior with good grades, records, etc., and that nothing would be accomplished by having him return next year, the Superintendent recommended that the credit al~eady earned for the first semester be awarded that he enroll in a correspondence course and/or vocational school to earn the needed credit for graduation and upon acquisition of the 1 unit that the school award him a diploma. The recommendation included the provision that he not participate in any school activity, inclusive of graduation, while the expulsion is in effect. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The chair directed the Board members' attention to the noncontested expulsion recommendations of Corey Caldwell, Willena Darrough, Michael Monroe, and Angela Redden. Mrs. Jacovelli moved the administration's recommendation for the expulsion of these students. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing on behalf of Avery Page. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, the Superintendent recommended that Avery Page be assigned to the Juvenile Justice Center Alternative Program for the remainder of the 1992-93 school year and that he receive counseling there on a weekly basis. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the Superintendent's recommendation and stated that if Avery and his parents want to make the decision not to go, it is their decision. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing on behalf of Briann Guin. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, the Superintendent recommended that Brian Guinn be expelled for the designated period of 20 days (1/22/93 to 2/22/93) or time served. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing on behalf of Derrick Galvin. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, the Superintendent recommended that Derrick Galvin be Board of Directors Special Meeting February 11, 1993 3 expelled for the remainder of the year however, if Galvin wants to attend the Juvenile Justice Center, the District will facilitate this. Ms. Pat Gee moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. o. G. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Jacovelli moved to adjourn. Mrs. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 7 :21 p.m. Mr. hn Moore, President ,i~ Dr:-='Katherine Mitchell, Secretary APPROVED:_---'-/~, _-- _ _,-' - _~, __ __ _ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting February 16, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:09 p.m. on February 16, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Bill Hamilton (joined meeting at 6:05 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli Mr. John Riggs EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Sue Rogers, Teacher Representative Miss Gillettie Bennett, Student Representative ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members, which constituted a quorum. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called to hear from individuals who have petitioned the Board to discuss Little Rock Central High School. The president explained to the audience that the speakers must refrain from speaking to the Board about Mr. John Hickman, suspended principal at Central High. INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS: Mrs. Hafeeza Majeed led in a silent prayer. She read a letter from Willie Lynch, a slave owner, which was written in 1712 about how to control slaves. She told the Board that our children are being neglected because a superintendent has been brought here to do a job. She compared the Little Rock School District as the plantation and the group, Fifty for the Future, as the overseer. She said the District is making sure that black children don't learn and are pitting black women against black men. She complained about Mrs. Bernard's investigating tactics with students. She asked that an impartial panel be appointed and asked that Mr. Moore resign as president and that Mr. Jackson resign as vice-president because they are insensitive to black children. A member of the audience accused Dr. Bernd of cracking sexual jokes when he spoke to teachers at a pre-school meeting last fall. Ms. Sheila Parker told the Board that the students should be first and called for Dr. Bernd's resignation. Mr. Byron Jenkins told the Board that by taking Mr. Hickman out of the school the students, mostly seniors, have really been hurt. He said there was no loyalty at the building now and that the body can't function without the head. He asked that the Board take into consideration the way students feel. The Board recessed at 5:39 p.m. Upon reconvening, Mr. Moore again asked that the speakers keep their remarks about Central High in general and not about Mr. Hickman. Mr. Say McIntosh told the Board that in 1992 the city had 52 black youngsters killed, and he had not seen the people as mad about these young people being killed as they are over the suspension of Mr. Hickman. He called on black people to stop killing each other. Ms. Bahiyyah Ward told the Board that she is a senior at Central High and that this is the worst year of her life. She said the situation at Central has destroyed the senior class. She told the Board that it underestimates the students and parents of Central are going to bring the truth to the public. Ms. Cory Smith told the Board that the school is just not the same. People are smoking and shooting dice on campus. He said there is no evidence to support what has happened. Ms. Lois Brown said her daughter goes to Central and she does not appreciate Mrs. Bernard asking her questions about her relationship with Mr. Hickman. She said the questioning has caused friction between her and her husband. Rochelle Wells, a sophomore at Central High, said Mr. Hickman treats everyone with respect. She asked the Board why it did not - ask the students what they think. Ms. Susie May, a teacher at Central, expressed concern about some of the comments. She told the Board that morale at Central is high, that the atmosphere is quiet and calm. She said they are no longer interrupted by assemblies and announcements. Ms. Nancy Wilson, an art teacher at Central, said she grew up in Detroit. She assured the Board that Central High is not out of control. She said she had noticed that the number of students in the halls have been reduced as are other incidents. She said teachers feel supported and that morale has improved. Mr. Bill Hamilton joined the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Mr. C. E. McAdoo, pastor of Wesley United Methodist Church, said he was representing the Christian Ministerial Alliance. He said the wind has moved a reed and they will keep hitting the anvil. In allegorical language, Rev. McAdoo expressed that there is a great deal of support in the community for Mr. Hickman. Miss Bahiyyah Ward told the Board that if Mr. Hickman is not returned to Central the (the students) will tear the school apart brick by brick. Mr. Charles Davis told the Board that it had taken away a role model and said they were put on this Board for a reason. He told the Board that the kids in the school are most important. Rev. J. E. Booker, Pastor of Saint Peter's Rock Baptist Church, told the Board that they have created a powder keg and not to call on the black pastors for help. Lawrence Allen, Sr. said one of the ladies caught up in the rumors at Central is his daughter. He said he talked to Mrs. Bernard and tried to stop the allegation. He now knows they are false but a man has been destroyed he has been destroyed and he is mad as hell. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to adjourn. Ms. motion, and it carried three (3) to two (2). and Mr. Jackson voted in favor of adjournment Mitchell voted in opposition to adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Approved: / , Jj , _., _$ Pat Gee seconded the Mr. Moore, Ms. Gee, Mr. Hamilton and Dr. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 JUN 4 1993 Otrice of Desegregation Monitoring Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:10 p.m. on February 25, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. John Riggs - MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie D. "Bill" Hamilton Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Norma Rodgers, Acting Recorder of Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. ACTION: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The president called the regular Board meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members, which constituted a quorum. II. ACTION: READING OF THE MINUTES Minutes for the Special Meetings on November 24, 1992 December 10, 1992 January 14, 1993 January 28, 1993 and the Regular Meeting on January 28, 1993 were read. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of the minutes as submitted. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 III. REPORT: PRESENTATIONS A. Superintendent's Comments 2 Dr. Bernd presented Mr. Franklin Davis, Principal at Franklin Incentive School who introduced Mr. Billy McFarland, troop leader of the Boy Scouts at Franklin. The Boy Scout Troop presented a reading of Martin Luther King's address entitled, "I Have a Dream" in observance of Black History Month. Each troop member recited from memory a portion of King's address. Dr. Bernd presented a citation to Craig O'Neill who has been a very "creative" supporter of our District. Mr. O'Neill recently began including a small but significant time slot on his early morning radio show at KURB in which he announces school business. The Ward, Cundiff and Aaron Memorial Recognition Program, sponsored by the Pulaski Heights Lions Club, presented awards to students and teachers who have gone the extra mile in serving their community. Students are selected on the basis of having a grade point average of 3.5 or above, participation in extra-curricular activities and demonstrated community leadership. Teachers were selected on the basis of excellence in teaching, volunteering extra time with students in need and for their community involvement. Four teachers and eight students received the award. The teachers were: Mary Carter - Pulaski Heights Jr. High Geraldine Johnson - McDermott Elementary Joann Williams - Jefferson Elementary Sherrie Snowden - Fair High School Students who received the award were: Christopher Hendrix - Central High School Rob Marus - Central High School Tammi Keeton - McClellan Community School Denise Bauer - McClellan Community School Candice Jones - Fair High School Shaundra Harris - Hall High School Ashley Bailey - Hall High School Susan Russenberger - McClellan Community School The Superintendent presented a citation to Mr. Jimmy Brown who helped organize the mentoring program at Cloverdale Elementary School. The program matches adult mentors with students as a way to provide a positive role model. A citation was presented to the student and teacher ex-officio Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 3 Board Members for the month of February - student Gilettie Bennett, Hall High School and our teacher, Sue Rogers, Dodd Elementary. B. Citizens Committees None reporting C. Board Members Dr. Katherine Mitchell issued congratulations to Coach Charles Ripley, Parkview Magnet School's basketball coach, who has been named to coach the McDonald's All-American basketball team, and also congratulations to Coach Al Flanigan who will serve as the assistant. Dr. Mitchell also thanked New Futures for paying her expenses to attend the conference on "Effective Schools" in Phoenix, Arizona. Dorsey Jackson reported he attended an "Our Town" Seminar at DeGray Lake sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce during the week-end of February 19. IV. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS: Ms. Shelia Parker asked that consideration be given to the children. She asked that Dr. Bernd step down as Superintendent. Ms. Venessa Frazier stated she is a parent of children in the Little Rock School District. She stated that she had moved to Little Rock from another school district where her child was a 4.0 student. She stated he now has a grade point average of 1.7. She spoke on the loss of the population in Arkansas. She encouraged people not to hate, but rather to encourage our children to love one another. She thinks this has a great deal to do with her child's loss of interest in school. V. ACTION: A. New Partnerships Dr. Bernd directed the Board members' attention to the new partnerships between Dean's Donut Factory and Cloverdale Elementary School. After representatives of the partners were recognized and presented with certificates, Mr. John Riggs moved approval of the partnership, Dr.Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 4 B. Applied Math I - Request for New Math Course Offering for the 1993-94 School Year. Ms. Matthis announced that we were asking the Board for approval to offer Applied Math I for the 1993-94 School Year, and she in turn introduced Dianne Wood, Supervisor of Math, who explained the course. Mr. John Riggs moved the implementation of the new Applied Math I course for the 1993-94 school year, seconded by Mr. Dorsey Jackson, and it carried unanimously. C. Child Care and Development Block Grant Application Mrs. Matthis reported that the Arkansas Early Childhood Commission has announced a grant program available to all registered and licensed child day care providers. The Little Rock School District's grant proposal for the school year 1992-93 is $37,500. These grant proposals are for appropriate playground equipment for pre-kindergarten children. The grants are in the amount of $2,500 per school, and applications are being submitted for the following schools: Badgett Bale Cloverdale Franklin Garland Geyer Springs Ish Mitchell Rightsell Rockefeller Romine Stephens Washington Watson Wilson Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved acceptance of this Block Grant. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. Policy on Approval of Budget - First Reading There was discussion on this first reading of the policy on Approval of Budget. This policy requires approval by the Board of any transfer in excess of $25,000. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of this policy on a first reading, seconded by Mr. John Riggs, and it carried unanimously. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Biracial Committee Incentive Schools Monitoring Report Ms. Shirley Thomas, Chairperson of the Biracial Committee was introduced by Ms. Marie Parker, Associate Superintendent for Organizational and Learning Equity. Ms. Thomas presented the Biracial Committee Incentive Schools' Monitoring Report (printed in Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 5 agenda). Ms. Thomas reported that there is evidence if varying degrees of compliance from school to school reflected in equitable staff composition, student awards and honors, and improvement plans and strategies for the schools as well as students. Ms. Thomas also reported that the Superintendent will make a presentation on Effective Schools at the March 9 Meeting of the Biracial Committee. B. Desegregation Update Dr. Bernd reported that Judge Wright has made it very clear that she wants a budget from LRSD that can be monitored by the Court. A job description is being developed for the budget person to work through the Court with the Little Rock School District in preparing a budget. It has been made very clear that when the budget preparation is accomplished, this person will no longer be employed by the District. During discussion of this report, Mr. Jackson asked the Board if they thought our desegregation plan needed to be overhauled and questioned the need for another budget person to serve at the discretion of the Federal District Court. Mr. Moore expressed his view that Board members are charged with the responsibility of hiring employees. Dr. Mitchell asked if we might just develop a new plan. Additional discussion centered around the concern for focusing our attention and resources on teaching all children instead of programs that don't appear to make a difference. C. Educational Programs Report: J. A. Fair's Mock Trial Team Mrs. Janet Bernard introduced students from Fair High School's Mock Trial Team together with the team's sponsor, Mrs. Gay McDaniel. It was announced that this team won the state competition and went to Harvard University where they competed in the national competition. Ms. McDaniel explained that the team is strictly extracurricular in nature. The students come before school and stay late in order to participate. When the team went to Harvard to participate, the District paid one-half the cost and the team raised funds for the remainder of the trip. The students gave a very interesting presentation on their "trial" procedure where some of the students appeared as lawyers and some as witnesses. D. Report on Policies on Suspension of Elementary students Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 6 Mrs. Bernard presented a comparative report on the number of out-of-school suspensions for elementary school students during the first semester of the 1990-91, 1991-92 and 1992-93 school year. The report shows a decline in the number of black students who have been suspended. VII. CONSENT AGENDA Dr. Bernd presented the items for the consent of the Board as follows: Donations of Property Donations to Washington Magnet School: $200 for RIF Program from Twin City Bank $1,300 for RIF Program from Washington Magnet PTA $600 from Levi Strauss Foundation 3 Books for Media Center from Little Rock Wastewater Utility Television/Videocamcorder to Brady Elementary from Holiday Inn West $4,500 from the 1942 Graduating Class to Central High School Light Table to Metropolitan Vo-Tech from BEI Motion Systems Company Word Processor from Sam's Club to Meadowcliff Elementary School. Youth Apprenticeship/Work-based Learning Grant - Second Year Funding. It has been learned that funding will continue for the existing six demonstration Youth Apprenticeship/Workbased Learning Projects - providing that the projects have met and/or have shown significant progress toward meeting the requirements as outlined in the 1992 RFP (Request for Proposals) and have demonstrated productivity regarding the number of student apprentices participating in the program. Ms. Matthis distributed a corrected budget for this project wherein the corrected amount for 1993-94 should read: $101,186.00 instead of $98,248.00 as printed in the agenda. Financial Reports Financial Reports for the period ended January 31, 1993 were presented along with Bond Account for the period ended Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 25, 1993 January 31, 1993. Personnel Changes 7 Personnel Changes with recommendations for acceptance of resignations/terminations and employment of new staff at the positions, salaries and classifications were presented for consideration and approval. The Superintendent recommended that the Board approve all the items listed in the consent section of the printed agenda. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the approval of the consent agenda. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None ADJOURNMENT: Mr. John Riggs moved to adjourn. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Dr. Katherine Mitchell,Secretary APPROVED: LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting March 11, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 6:07 p.m. on March 11, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The special meeting was called to order immediately following the Board Agenda Review Meeting. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Ms. Pat Gee Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering the 1993-94 school calendar, considering the lease agreement for the Parkin Building, and to conduct student hearings. 1992-93 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Dr. Bernd reviewed the proposed school calendar and recommended that the Board approve it for the 1992-93 school year. A Board members asked questions and discussion ensued concerning various aspects of the calendar. Mr. John Moore moved that the school calendar be amended to include Christmas vacation where it is marked Winter Vacation. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion. The motion carried three (3) to two (2). Mr. Jackson, Mr. Riggs, and Mr. Moore voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Hamilton and Ms. Gee voted in opposition to the motion. Mr. John Riggs moved to approve the proposed 1992-93 school calendar as amended. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. LEASE ON PARKIN BUILDING: Mr. Gary Jones explained that approval of the lease is the first step in the process because we are continuing to negotiate for the purchase of the facility, and leasing will give us the opportunity to evaluate the facility. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved approval of the lease agreement for the Parkin Building. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. STUDENT HEARINGS: Mr. Dorsey Jackson presided over the student hearings in the absence of President John Moore. Mr. Rudolph Howard reported that he would like to change his recommendation on Toyia Williams from non-contested expulsion to a long term suspension and reported that the principal concurs with the change in recommendation. Her name was moved to the long-term suspension recommendations list. The chair directed the Board members' attention to the longterm suspensions listed under Part II of the agenda, which now includes the name of Toyia Williams. Mr. John Riggs moved approval of the long-term suspensions. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Students included in this motion are Sharon Betts, Bridgette Bynum, Katherine Kreech, Darryl Lea, Toyia Williams, and Anthony Smith. REINSTATEMENT PETITIONS: Mr. Howard presented the following students' reinstatement: Darrell Freeman, Tekia Johnson, and Clifton Thomas. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved the reinstatement recommendations. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing in connection with the expulsion recommendation of Delores Hubbert. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, Mr. John Riggs moved the administration's recommendation for expulsion for the 1992-93 school year. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing in connection with the long-term - suspension recommendation of Duane Wilson. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, Dr. Bernd recommended that the suspension be for 36 days. Ms. Pat Gee moved the administration's recommendation. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board conducted a hearing in connection with the long-term suspension recommendation of Anthony Farissa. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, Dr. Bernd recommended that the suspension be for 36 days. Mr. John Riggs moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board of Directprs, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. upon motion of Mr. Riggs, a second by Ms. Gee, and unanimous approval of the Board members. :~ore, President ~ APPROVED: ------- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School Districts met in its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:06 p.m. on March 25, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The vice-president, Mr. Dorsey Jackson, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Ms. Pat Gee Mr. John Riggs - MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist I. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL The vice-president called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of five (5) Board members. II. READING OF THE MINUTES The chair directed the Board members' attention to the minutes of the regular meeting on February 25, 1993. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved approval of the minutes as submitted. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. III. PRESENTATIONS A. Superintendent A Board of Directors W Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 2 Dr. Bernd announced the winners in the "Pennies for Pasta - Change for Change" contest as follows: Jefferson Elementary School for raising the most money (2,590.00) Ms. Becky Ramsey's room at Jefferson for winning the classroom category ($382.00) Carver Magnet Elementary School and Central High School for winning second and third place awards, respectively Watson Elementary School for winning the second and third place in the classroom divisio~, respectively Also honored for their help in this program was Wendy Salaam, Executive Director of Fighting Back Ted Jones, General Manager of K-Duck Radio Station Cindy Watkins, Director of Community Relations for KATV, Channel 7 Capt. Jean Kozusko, U. s. Air Force Roger Marlin, Marketing Director of Metropolitan National Bank John Pryor, City Finance Director, City of Little Rock Mary Hunter Wagoner, Chairman, Greater Little Rock Chamber of Commerce Partners in Education. A special thanks was given to Mr. Bruce Thompson, General Manager of The Olive Garden Restaurant, who provided a great spaghetti lunch for the winning classroom and to Mr. Herren Hickingbotham with TCBY Enterprises, who gave the winning school two IBM lap-top computers. Dr. Bernd also presented Superintendent's Citations to the Parkview Debate team that participated at Harvard University recently. Two of the four 2-person teams placed: one in second place and one in ninth place. Representing the Parkview Debate Team were Carmen Korenbandi, Yetu Robinson, Steve Broadnax, Michael Hardin, Shawn Stephens, Laura Sandage, Brandle Stillman, and Tori Humphrey. Citations were also awarded to the student and teacher ex officio Board members for this month: Allison Tedder, a student at McClellan Community High School and Coach Ellis Register of McClellan High School. B. Citizens Committees None reporting. c. Board Members Mr. Dorsey Jackson and Mr. John Riggs read prepared statements. The statements were entered into the record and are attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. A Board of Directors W Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 3 Dr. Katherine Mitchell reported that she had a very interesting visit at Watson Elementary School where she spent time with the child she is mentoring. She also recognized Dr. Diana Glaze, who has been selected to participate in the national Principals Hotline program on March 27th and 28th. She explained that this program will put principals in touch with parents so they can answer questions about schools. Dr. Mitchell also commended the students who participated in MATH COUNTS. Fletcher Foti was on the winning team and will represent our District in competition in Washington, D.C. She reported that Dunbar was second overall and that Mann was third. She also commended Michael Carroll and Kimberly Yeargin, who have been selected as National Merit Finalists. Mr. Dorsey Jackson congratulated the basketball teams at Parkview, McClellan, and Fair, for ending the season at number 1, 2, and 5 in the State, respectively. D. Partnerships Dr. Bernd introduced two new partnerships: Back Yard Burgers and Rockefeller Incentive Schools and UALR's "Partners in the Arts" program and LRSD elementary schools (to be determined). He recommended approval of the partnerships. Ms. Gee moved the recommendation. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Certificates were presented to each partner commemorating the new partnerships. IV. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS Ms. Sheila Parker told the Board that what is going on now in the District is serious that when the head does not function properly, the system will not work. She urged the Board to consider her letter that she wrote last month. Mr. Marcus Eubanks, representing students from Central High School, asked the Board when they were going to meet with the students. Mr. Jackson responded that we are trying to schedule a time when the Board can get a quorum. Mr. Byron Jenkins, reiterated the students' request for a meeting with the Board members. He told the Board that Mr. Freeland had no reason to call Mr. Hickman a thief. Mr. John Walker told the Board that all the parties are tired of conflict and thought we would be able to put conflict behind us when we signed the settlement agreement -- that all parties were victorious. Further, he stated that since the Board has taken the position that the plan should be changed, then there is only one force, Judge Wright, who represents the force of the A Board of Directors W Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 4 Constitution of the United States. He further stated that this litigation is about the Constitutional rights of black children. He explained that he could not allow the Board to chastise him because he would not be equal to them. He said that Judge Wright has found this District to be out of compliance and that public opposition cannot sway decisions on desegregation. He alleged that the administration has spent more time creating conflict than trying to resolve it and unless and until we try to get back on track, it will be that way. He asked Mr. Jackson to re-evaluate his position and accept the notion that the least child in the District is entitled to the same quality of education from a teacher who has only privileged in her classroom. V. ACTION ITEMS A. Hippy-JTPA Proposal Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the request to submit the JTPA-HIPPY Proposal to the City of Little Rock as reflected in the slip-sheeted (corrected) version. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Ms. Gee urged - Board members to attend the HIPPY graduation. B. JTPA Summer Learning Proposal Dr. Bernd directed the Board's attention to the JTPA Summer Learning Program application to the City of Little Rock to provide training for students during the summer of 1993. Mr. Sam Stueart answered questions from Board members and discussion ensued concerning the tracking system which has been included in this year's program as an evaluative tool. Further discussion centered around the advisability of using GPA as an indicator of success. Dr. Mitchell advocated using diagnostic tests to determine what skills the students are lacking. Following discussion, Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board adopt the proposal with the proviso that the administration will explore the possibility of using an instrument more closely aligned with our curriculum. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. c. Nurses Agreement Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the 1992-93 agreement reached between the District and the Nurses Association as reflected in the printed agenda. Dr. Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. D. Stephens Interdistrict School Site Selection Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 5 Dr. Bernd told the Board that the Committee had broad representation and has given long and careful consideration to the site for the new Stephens Interdistrict School. He commended the commitment of the neighborhood around the current Stephens School. He recommended that the Board approve for submission to the Court the site of the present Stephens School for the construction of the new Stephens Interdistrict School. Mr. Bill Hamilton moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Mr. Sammie Mills spoke in favor of the school being constructed at the present Stephens School site. Mr. Riggs suggested that the District erect a plaque or statue that relates the history of the Stephens School and the significance of that site. Mr. Jackson reminded the Board that we must aggressively recruit students to the interdistrict school and asked that the Board see a specific recruiting plan before this is submitted to the Court. Dr. Bernd assured Mr. Jackson that a recruiting strategy is being developed with the assistance of the Pulaski County Special School District. Ms. Marie Parker told the Board that a recruiting strategy is being planned that addresses the issues of theme and safety. Mr. Jackson further suggested that we target employees at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the Veterans Hospital. Mr. Riggs encouraged the administration to look at some of the other successful schools such as Rockefeller for indicators of what parents want for their children. Ms. Gee commended the Committee for its comprehensive study. Following discussion, the motion carried unanimously. E. Policy on Approval of Budget - Second Reading Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board adopt the Policy on Approval of the Budget on second reading. Mr. John Riggs moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VI. REPORT AGENDA A. Terry School's Dad's Club Mrs. Margaret Gremillion introduced Mrs. LaDell Looper, Principal of Terry Elementary School. Mrs. Looper reported on the organization of the Dad's Club. Mr. Tyrone Harris, Vice-principal at Terry School, reported on his work with the Dad's Club and introduced Mr. Greg Alagood, who reported that the Club has a speaker's bureau for men to talk to classes that they are organizing a mentor program and generally be involved in school activities to provide youngsters a positive male role model. The Board recessed at 8:15 p.m. and reconvened at 8:20 p.m. A Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 B. Desegregation Update 6 Dr. Bernd reported that the administration has furnished the Court the needs assessment for incentive school staffing, a draft organizational management chart, language on New Futures, the academic support program, and the early childhood report. He reported that we are currently hiring theme specialists, auditing the plan for compliance, and developing evaluation components. He told the Board that the highest priority is to develop an audit on the status of implementation and expressed confidence that the Board will find a high level of compliance once the audit is done. Following the Supeintendent's report, Dr. Mitchell asked that we conduct a work session as to what is in the plan. Mr. Riggs suggested that the new budget ,person talk with the Board at the next Board meeting, and strongly encouraged the administration to meet with the Office of Desegregation Monitoring on the budget cuts. VII. CONSENT AGENDA Dr. Bernd recommended approval of the consent agenda as follows: A. Donations Requests to donate the following: (1) Catalog Files/Catalogs to Metropolitan VocationalTechnical High School by Allied Supply Incorporated (2) Ellison Lettering Machine to Wakefield Elementary School by the Wakefield PTA (3) $500 toward an art grant match to Watson Elementary School by Lucky B. for Arkansas Children's Fundraisers, Inc. (4) a VCR to Terry Elementary School by Linda and Kyle Bunney ( in memory of Krista Ann Bunney (5) assistive listening device to the Division of Exceptional Children by Gale Stewart (6) an outdoor school sign to Jefferson Elementary School by Janet Jones, Jefferson P.T.A., and O.D. Tucker (7) $1000 in teacher grants to McClellan Comunity High School by First Commercial Bank. B. Personnel Changes Approval of resignations/terminations, employment of new staff, deceased and retirees at the positions, salaries, and classifications as reflected in the printed agenda. Also the terminations of Monica Scott, Edward Paige, and William Thomas as indicated on a slip sheet and the appointment of Sadie Mitchell as the principal of the new Martin Luther King Elementary School for the 1993-94 school year at an annual salary of $42,881.14 plus a car allowance of $564.00. A Board of Directors Regular Meeting March 25, 1993 7 c. Financial Reports Approval of the financial reports as reflected in the printed agenda. Mr. John Riggs moved approval of the consent agenda. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS None. IX. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Mac Bernd recommended that the Board approve the non-contested disciplinary recommendations as follows: Non-contested expulsion of Matthew Gallien, Andre Jennings, Gilbert Jones, Everett Mack, and Laboya Walker Non-contested long-term suspensions of Roderick Bradford, Germain Brown, India Brown, Desmond Davis, Preston Flowers, Shajuana Harris, Shade Holley, Carnal Jackson, Orlando Jones, Waverly Jones, Fred Lawrence, Gerald Mayo, Lajessica Mayo, Tiffany Nelson, Carlos Pace, Maxley Parker, Jericho Rideout, Steve Shelton, Jermaine Simmons, Antonio Smith, Candis Thrower, Angela Williams, Racquel Williams, and Kerry Wilson. Mr. recommendation. unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Bill Hamilton moved the Superintendent's Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried Mr. John Riggs moved to adjourn. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Jo Katherine Mitchell, Secretary I "'I ' (:- " ] APPROVED: l{, 2 :. _ ' ~ Board Comments by Dorsey Jackson March 25, 1993 Just a few days more than eighteen months ago, I was elected to be the representative of Zone 3 on the Little Rock School Board. I am still moved by the honor and trust bestowed upon me by the YQtm in that Zone. I chose to run for this position because of my strong conviction that a viable public school system is critical to the economic growth of our community. When a person runs for an elected office, they are immediately labeled a "politician." If nothing else, has been accomplished during the last eighteen months, I have, at least, cast doubt on the propriety of that labeling. To perhaps further prove that I am not a typical politician, recent events have caused me to look back at my campaign platform to determine whether I have been performing in the manner in which I indicated I would. Unfortunately, and regrettably, I find tliat my track record is not that outstanding. Accomplishments in two of five objectives particularly give me concern: 1. Ensuring that the District operates in a financially responsible manner through effective management of its limited resources and 2. Working with the administration and the Board to see that court-ordered policies are properly and fairly implemented so that the District can get out of the Courtroom. In analyzing my failures in these two areas, I have arrived at a very troubling unfortunate conclusion. The first objective is rendered extremely difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish because of the requirements necessitated by the second objective. My only qualifications for this position, in reality, were a fairly decent financial background and a little bit of common sense. These two qualifications inspire me to try to modify the District's desegregation plan to one that is affordable. Unfortunately, common sense apparently has no place in managing the financial affairs or any other affairs of this district While I will readily admit that the settlement plan and the desegregation plan are the plans of this district, I would like to point out one simple fact that some may be overlooking. I was not on this Board when these plans were approved and originally committed to. I have merely inherited them. Although I am normally proud of my heritage, this bequest is not particularly the best thing that ever happened to me. I am firmly convinced the Desegregation Plan needs to be changed and changed quickly. A reality of our democracy is that we are able to change. Our president recently was elected on a theme of change. The Arkansas Legislature has probably introduced four to five thousand bills during this legislative session. Why? In large part, I am sure, because the individual legislators feel a need to change. Much of the media's attention this past weekend has been devoted to the pending change in the make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court, partially how it will impact previous court decisions on such matters as Roe vs. Wade. Why all the attention, if not for the possibility of change. Earlier this week, the Arkansas House voted to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot dealing with term limitations. This is an attempt to change something just overwhelmingly approved by the voters last November, less than five months ago. - As I mentioned earlier, one of my few qualifications for this job was a little bit of common sense. Realizing that it is stupid to go to a gunfight with only a knife, common sense tells me that I must seek another solution. If by my words and actions I have offended the Court, I apologize. I realize my behavior in the courtroom this past Friday was not exemplary. Just as we expect our teachers and principals to be role models, at all times, for our students, we should expect no less of ourselves. In spite of my philosophical differences with this plan, I intend to use my influence as a Board Member to see that it is implemented. Since so much money and talent is currently being wasted in the courtroom regarding our Plan, I think it is vital that we do all that is humanly possible to expedite the compliance with all aspects of both the Plan and the monumental information requests by Parties to the plan. Implementation and compliance should be our number one objective. This is where I will be focusing my attention. I hope the remainder of the Board will as well. While this will be my focus, I will also be encouraging dialogue between all parties to try to modify the plan. I trust those in higher levels of authority will not try to suppress my rights as a board member to speak out and effect change by placing undue burdens on me or other members of the Board. Finally, I must speak to the African American community. As I mentioned at the beginning of my remarks, a viable school system is critical to economic growth in our community. It is critical not only in attracting businesses, and accordingly jobs, but also in adequately preparing our young people for those jobs. The demands being placed on this administration by the Joshua intervenors are unreasonable. If you truly are interested in a system that educates all children and a system that remains viable, you must insist that your intervenor restrain himself and his personal hostilities. These tactics, and these demands being placed on the administration, while not stealing in the pure legal definition, are nevertheless robbing this district of precious time, time we cannot afford to waste if we are to adequately prepare the children of this district. If your objective is to have total control of this district, as some would suspect, then the district is destined for failure as is the viability of the community. I have previously admitted publicly that one word to sum me up is "stubborn". If anyone thinks that making my life less than pleasant through constant subpoenas, forced attendance at court hearings, or other yet to be devised techniques, is going to cause me to resign from this board, you are wrong. Dead wrong. I was elected by the citizens of Zone 3 and I intend to continue to serve them. If they are unhappy, I trust they will let me know soon. Truthfully, I would rather be crappie fishing. I ask that these remarks be made a part of the minutes of this meeting, so that should someone desire to enter them into the Court record, valuable time will not be wasted watching a video. s1TEMENT OF JOHN RIGGS. IV TO THE LITTLE SCHOOL BOARD AND THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT COURT AT THE LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL BOARD MEETING --3/25/93 Last Friday, March 19th, was my first visit to a federal court. I have a few observations on that first visit that I would like to share with our board our administration, and our students and patrons. First, for the mo~ part, people involved in the federal court system are nice folks. Although at times some folks do get a tab over emotional, on the whole I was very well treated. The court folks were kind enough to reserve a nice big chair especially for me that was in front so that I could see the action up close and personal--if the proceedings had been a Razorback basketball game we would have had the equivalent of court side seats. Being fairly naive about courts and lawyers in general, I found the day to be a very interesting civics lesson, much like the civics lesson Dr. Bernd referred to when discussing some of our Central students and our hearing for Mr. Hickman. I would say on the whole, I enjoyed most of the day and look forward to my next indoctrination into how our court system works. I just wish you lawyers would stop suing me for trying to do the best I can in this job. I do feel I did pick the best profession for me by becoming a simple tractor salesman rather than a lawyer or judge While we were in court, the judge was nice enough to give us a report on our conduct and what she expects ofus as the ultimate leaders of the LRSD. Some patrons and citizens I have talked with since Friday think the Judge was way out of line with this document--! do not. Frequently, as a manager, I give folks who work with and for me oral and written evaluations so that they can become better at their jobs by working on weaknesses and emphasizing strengths. Any good manager ( and surly our federal judge would want to be construed as a good manager) does this--so I do not think her actions were out of line. I concur with Judge Wright that we have a legal if not moral obligation to do everything under our power t sure that the LRSD is pursuing a course of quality desegregated education. I also happen to believe that we should do what ever it takes to comply with Judge Wright's orders--after all, she is a federal judge, makes a hell of a lot more money than we do, and can not be fired or beat in an election. But besides those reasons, I believe we should do what we can to carry out this plan because the Little Rock School District Board of Directors voted to implement it to the best of the school district's ability, and I believe there are parts of it that are effective in achieving the goal of a quality, desegregated educational experience for our students though I again agree with the judge that there are parts of the plan that are expensive and may not be the most economical or effective means to achieve our goals. I do take offense to some of the statements made by Judge Wright in her report to us. First of all, I am not a whiner or a complainer. It offends me that the Judge feels the need to stereotype me for comments that were not made by me nor that reflect the official and stated policy of the LRSD. I would remind the Judge of her own words from the hearing last week "impressions are important". I believe that we should not allow ourselves to be involved in name call--it will serve no useful purpose. Again, though I find other areas of agreement with Judge Wright. Her statement that the LRSD acts as if it lost its court case is a dead solid perfect description of how many of the patrons and even this board feels about our current situation. And understandably so, for any time that people lose the right to direct their lives and institutions, then those people have LOST. And in a real sense, the citizens of LR have lost most of the ability to direct the most important institution in our fair city--our schools. The vital, important lesson here is this: do the moral and right thing the first time and hold people accountable so that you do not put yourself in the position where you have to seek help from the federal court system. I also am very concerned about the judge's statements seemingly discouraging discussion by duly elected lie officials at an official public meeting. Discussion and debate are key elements in a true democracy. ainly public debate over the direction of our most important political entity, our schools, should be enAraged. Again, I am not suggesting in an way that we disregard the federal authorities in this case--we should m!l'every reasonable effort to carry out our desegregation plan and Judge Wright' orders with all deliberate speed. I also have some concerns over Judge Wright's orders in regards to our attendance at court hearings. I chose to believe that Judge Wright is being truthful in her document when she requested our attendance at this particular hearing because she feared we do not understand our obligations or her orders--others in the community believe Judge Wright's actions to be purely punitive and vindictive. I chose to reject this argument. I truly believe the judge is concerned about our understanding of some of the issues and her orders in this case. I would ask, though, that the judge give some considerations to the nature of this board when she requires our attendance at more hearings. The LRSD board is composed of non-paid volunteers who are elected by the ta,"(payers of the school district. Each of us have a job we are employed at in order that we can pay the rent, cloth and feed our family, and pay our taxes. We serve because we are committed to public service and to quality public education. The court must be mindful of the already countless hours of time that we take away from our jobs to serve our patrons. I believe the judge runs a very real risk of implying that only the independently wealthy who do not have to work can serve on this or any other public board--this is a dangerous and wrong signal to send to our community, and again I will remind the Judge that in her own words that "impressions are important". I would contend that if the judge is truthful in her belief that we do not understand her orders ( and again I believe that she is) then I would say that if this board does not understand what Judge Wright expects after Friday's hearing then there is absolutely no hope for us and Judge Wright should go ahead and hold us in contempt and take over complete control of the school district. I believe that this board certainly got the message and that there is no need to continue to require us to attend hearings for the expressed reason of understanding her orders. The judge also expressed concern that our council and superintendent were not relaying to the board the full concern o court. I would suggest that as a compromise, if the judge will cancel her order to require us to attend ha gs, I will agree to attend all hearings in the next year and give a personal report back to the board on just exactly what the court expects. Although I am like the rest of the board with a job outside of my school board activities, I am very fortunate to work for an employer who will allow me to make this time commitment to the court and fortunate to work with very competent and thoughtful co-workers who will take up the slack in my absence. So I believe the judge has accomplished her goal of getting our attention and I will be willing to attend further hearings to ensure the board keeps the message, although I am sure other board members will want from time to time to attend hearings as they can and as they have done in the past. I would like to explain to the judge and our patrons also why sometimes members of this board seemed confused ( as I am most of the time) about our desegregation plan. Partly, and especially as it relates to our budget, we get mixed signals from the court. Ont the one hand the judge and Mr. Morgan at the ODM(and certainly me and rm sure other board members) are insisting that we spend the proceeds of our desegregation settlement wisely and where it will do the most good. Yet, the judge also directs us to fund programs that the school district, this board, perhaps the Joshua Intervenors, and the judge herself feel are ineffective and a waste of money. So here is the great dilemma: we get accused of not spending money wisely by the court and then we are told by the court to spend money on programs that the court feels are wasteful and will not further us on our road to achieve unitary status by having excellent desegregated education in Little Rock. It is no wonder that my wife thinks rm turning into a schizoid. I talked at the February board meeting about how my company produces a marketing document first and then puts the dollars to it, not vice-versa. This statement was made in the context of agreeing with the court for the need to hire someone to assist us with developing a budgeting process along those lines. I would also remind the court that one of the values of a marketing document is that it is flexible and can be changed as market itions change. An inflexible document or plan is the surest way I know of to send a company or a school ct into bankruptcy. Judge Wright stated in court Friday that we have some latitude to modify this plan. Ta are only a very few provisions of the plan that are sacred according to the 8th Circuit court of appeals. I h9those items and will pass them out to our board in case some of us have forgotten what they were. Anything else is fair game as long as the parties in the case agree that the plan needs to be changed and the changes are not facially unconstitutional. ,\nd finally, since I have taken up too much time already, let me address some thoughts to the Joshua intervenors. the LRSD administration, this board , the Office of Desegregation Monitoring, the court and most importantly, our patrons. I find it very disheartening that this board and district seem to always find themselves in some sort of battle on a continuing basis. What particularly bothers me is that most times those that we fight have the exact same goals as we do!! And that goal is this: that Little Rock should have the finest desegregated school system that we can afford where fairness and equity are found as the rule and where our patrons and students feel that they are getting the best education possible in our town. As I was leaving the hearing Friday, Iv1r. John Walker was holding the elevator door for me and said, "come on Ivir. Riggs, as long as you don't mind riding with the enemy." Now I know Ivir. Walker said this in jest because he knows that I consider him a friend and have great respect for him, but it is this misconception that since we sometimes do not agree on strategies that we must be enemies that holds this district and even this city back from greatness. We are not the enemy of the Joshua Intervenors we are not the enemy of the Office of Desegregation Monitoring we are not the enemy of Judge Wright and the eighth circuit court we are not the enemy of the patrons of our gifted and talent programs we are not the enemy of the students and parents from Central High we are not the enemy of the Aero Space Education Center advocates. We are the enemy of ignorance we are the enemy of prejudice we are the enemy of inequity in education. I believe all these other groups believe ignorance, prejudice and inequity to be their enemy also. And so instead of enemies, we are allies in this school district's attempt to be an example of excellent desegregated education. It is ~ aradigm that we must go forward with from this day on. This paradigm must have at its core inclusiveness - aradigm must go along the lines of this: that to accomplish our ambitious and noble dream YOU AND I , not you OR I, but you AND I must work together, hand in hand to make our dream reality. LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting April 1, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District conducted a special meeting at 11:09 a.m. on April 1, 1993, in the employee lounge of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The meeting was hastily called as a result of a group of Central High School students and parents who presented themselves at the AdJninistration Building requesting a meeting. The vice-president, Mr. Dorsey Jackson, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Ms. Pat Gee Mr. John Riggs - MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The vice-president called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four ( 4) Board members, which constituted a quorum. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The vice-president announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of responding to a petition of citizens which was submitted on March 17, 1993. Extensive discussion ensued regarding whether or not this special meeting is the special meeting asked for in the petition. It was finally decided that the Board would conduct another meeting when all Board members could be present. The students were particularly interested in Mr. John - Moore being present at the next meeting. Board members explained their time constraints and it was decided that the students would share some of their concerns in this meeting but with the understanding that another meeting would be held in response to the petition. The students did not identify themselves, but they shared the following concerns: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. That they were not getting a good education. That teachers are not following the curriculum. There are too many kids outside the building at Central. There is no leadership at the school. Some teachers curse in the classroom. Students who demonstrated are being harassed. People spray MACE in the bathrooms therefore, they can't go to the bathroom. People smoke marijuana in the bathrooms. Teachers do not dress professionally they wear very short skirts or warm-ups. Teachers say things like "sit your ass down." At lunch all white students are in the front and all black students are in back. Black or African history. is not taught and that one month of black history emphasis is insulting, artificial and divisive. There are very few library books on African-Americans. They think that the exclusion of black people is deliberate. Textbooks ignore African-Americans. Teachers wait until you leave their room before writing students up and then the student has D-Hall but doesn't know anything about it. Extensive discussion ensued concerning the students' complaints about the lack of African and African-American history. The students asked that an elective course in African studies be offered and that the curriculum be truly multi-cultural. Mr. Bill Hamilton had to leave the meeting at 11:58 a.m. to attend another meeting. Mrs. Hafeeza Majeed complained that she did not get a reply to her letter which contained the petition asking for a special meeting and that she was directed to go through the chain of command when she complained of the harassment of students. The students pointed out that a great deal of attention is given to the 6 million Jews that were killed by Nazi's in Germany but very little is said about the 100 million African-American slaves that have been killed in the United States. Mrs. Frazier, a parent, complained that there is a complete disregard and respect for citizens as people who can go to Central - and voice their opinions. Mr. Dorsey Jackson left the meeting at 12:50 p.m. because of a prior commitment. After discussion was completed, the special meeting adjourned at 1:02 p.m. John~:esident ,~A,..Jdhll@ Katherine Mitchell, Secretary ( ~- , , -, APPROVED: __- '-~----_ '~- ~- --_"-~_) _____ LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 6:04 p.m. on April 22, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: None - EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Caroline Bryant, Teacher Representative Miss Terry Luster, Student Representative ALSO PRESENT: I. Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: President John Moore called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of all seven (7) Board members. II. READING OF THE MINUTES: The chair directed the Board members' attention to the minutes of the special meeting on February 16, 1993 the regular meeting on March 25, 1993 and the special meeting on April 1, 1993. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved approval of the minutes as submitted. Mr. Dorsey Jackson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 III. PRESENTATIONS: A. Superintendent 2 Dr. Mac Bernd presented a Superintendent's Citation to Mrs. Mary Guinn, Principal of Carver Magnet Elementary School, in recognition of Carver School being named one of "America's Best Elementary Schools" by REDBOOK MAGAZINE. Carver will receive $2,000 from the SEGA Youth Education and Health Foundation as a result of this distinction. Also honored with a Superintendent's Citation was Coach Charles Ripley of Parkview Magnet High School and his 1992-93 basketball team who won the ,l\rkansas State Championship. Mr. Ripley was also recognized for being named by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette as the 1993 High School Coach of the Year. Dr. Diana Glaze was presented a Superintendent's Citation in honor of her being chosen as one of 50 educators to receiving training in a National Association of School Principals SAAC workshop held last month in San Francisco. She was also chosen to participate in the convention's Principal' s Hotline, which was organized to offer a toll-free telephone line to parents, students, and educators from throughout the nation giving them the opportunity to ask questions concerning learning problems, interpretation of school policies, and basic parenting. Dr. Glaze also presided at one of the NASP meetings entitled "Make a Difference in the Lives of Children -- Building a Winning Team." Citations were also given to the student and teacher ex officio members of the Board for this month: Ms. Caroline Bryant of Fair Park Elementary, and Miss Terri Luster of Parkview Magnet School. B. Citizens Committees None. c. Board Members Ms. Pat Gee reminded the Board members and audience that this is Arkansas Childrens' Week. Mrs. Gee also asked that the agenda be re-ordered to allow the educational report to be given after the educational partnerships are recognized. The Board approved of the request therefore, Ms. Gee moved to re-order the agenda to allow the educational report to be given after the partnerships on the agenda. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Dorsey Jackson directed the Board members' attention to a Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 3 program called "Arkansas Designated Driver Highway Hero Program" and the "Prom Promise" program for an alcohol and drug free prom. He expressed appreciation and thanks on behalf of the Board for those fine programs. Mr. Jackson also asked the Board to consider taking the desegregation plan and begin to get regular reports on it at each month's Board meeting. He asked the Board members to begin thinking about the types of reports and information it would like to receive. In addition, Mr. Jackson asked that the administration and Board begin to review Board policies and start revising and updating the policies as necessary. Dr. Katherine Mitchell said she believed the Board should have a work session to find out what is in the desegregation plan and make sure the different school administrators and teachers know what is in the plan. Mr. John Riggs agreed with Mr. Jackson's request to begin receiving regular reports on the desegregation plan. He also told Board members that he found it educational to learn of the concerns of the Judge and of the Office of Desegregation Monitoring but it was heartening to learn that ODM and the administration agreed on many items. Mr. Riggs also announced that he attended the VIPS Evening with the Stars and expressed that he felt the success of individual schools is directly proportionate to the amount of input and time spent in the schools by parents. He also called for the administration and Board to begin strategic planning and to "create a vision" for our schools. Mr. John Moore said that he and other Board members who missed Court this week will go back for a private session with the Judge to catch up. Mr. John Moore presented a souvenir gavel to Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli commemorating her service to the Board of Directors as president of the Board. Mrs. Jacovelli thanked everyone for their expressions of good wishes during her recent illness and asked for their continued thoughts and prayers. D. Partnerships Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the following schools and businesses who have completed the requirements necessary to establish a partnership and are actively working together to accomplish their objectives: University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Mann Arts and Math/Science Magnet the Arkansas cattlemen's Association and Romine Interdistrict School and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, and Wilson Elementary School. Representatives of all partnerhips were introduced and awarded certificates to commemorate the new partnerships. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS REPORT 4 Mrs. Janet Bernard introduced Mr. Larry Robertson, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Larry Robertson introduced Ms. Mary Golston, principal of Badgett Elementary School. Mrs. Golston reported that the "Operation Excel" program at Badgett Elementary School was a mentoring program that brings together several advocates of the school, including Dr. Brown from the University of Georgia, and the school's partner in education, Webster University's Jerry Peters. She reviewed some of the volunteer work that is taking place at the school and introduced Mr. Greg Gipson, Youth Minister at First United Methodist Church. Mr. Gipson reported the his church has a program called ASEP (A Student Enrichment Program) to work with at-risk students. Each Tuesday evening church members pick up children at their home and bring them to the church for tutoring and a meal. They also maintain a relationship with the children throughout the school year. Mr. Jerry Peters reported on some of his activities at Badgett, including a contract for good behavior. He also recognized the Rebsamen Golf Association for donating 250 golf clubs for Badgett's golf course. He challenged the Board to be leaders because vision is developed by leaders. IV. REMARKS FROM CITIZENS: Dr. Lloyd Benjamin, representing the Board of Overseers of KLRE/KUAR, reviewed the District's history of support for the radio station and the partnership with UALR. He urged the Board not to cut the District's share of funding for the station. Dr. Tom Munson, representing the Friends of KLRE/KUAR, emphasized the broad educational ventures that the programming at KLRE/KUAR provides. He urged the Board to continue its support of the station. Mr. Somers Matthews spoke in opposition to the use of calculators in grades K-6. He asked the Board to re-visit this practice and abolish the use of calculators in grades K-6. Ms. Sheila Parker told the Board that she is sick of what is going on in the District and asked the Board to bring the evidence before the community. She suggested that if the Board cuts the budget, it should start with the administration. - Mr. Bill Lambright asked the Board to reconsider the decision to change the name of winter vacation to Christmas vacation. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 RECESS: The Board recessed at 7:22 p.m. and reconvened at 7:55 p.m. v. A. ACTION ITEMS: Proposal for Naming the Mann Magnet Junior High School Gymnasium in Honor of Coach Oliver Elders 5 Mrs. Marion Lacey, principal of Mann Magnet Junior High School, introduced the contingency of alumni who support the naming of the gymnasium at Mann in honor of Coach Oliver Elders. The alumni members present were Mr. Grant Cochran, Mr. Morris Williams, Mrs. Gwen Ziegler, Coach Oliver Elders, and Mr. Sterling Ingram. She also recognized Dr. Katherine Mitchell as an alumnus. Dr. Grant Cochran briefly spoke in favor of the naming of the gymnasium. Dr. Mac Bernd recommended that the Board approve this tribute to Coach Elders by naming the Horace Mann Gymnasium the OLIVER ELDERS GYMNASIUM. Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli moved the recommendation. Mr. Bill Hamilton seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. B. King Attendance Zones Dr. Bernd introduced Ms. Marie Parker, Associate Superintendent for Organizational and Learning Equity. Mrs. Parker made a presentation concerning the proposed zones, explaining the significance of each zone block. She also reported on her meetings with the parents of Ish Incentive School concerning the possibility of closing the school. Extensive discussion ensued concerning the incentive schools, their purpose, and the need to desegregate the incentive schools. Mrs. Sarah Facen, representing the Ish community, urged the Board to keep Ish Incentive School open and suggested that it not be included in the King attendance boundary. Following discussion, Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the proposed attendance zone for the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Interdistrict School. Mr. John Riggs moved the administration's recommendation. Mrs. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. A copy of the attendance zones are attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. VI . REPORT AGENDA: A. Report on 1993-94 Budget A Dr. Bernd told the Board that this report is really a W "Financial Forecast," which is preliminary to proposing a budget. Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 6 He reviewed the process that has been and will be used to develop the final 1993-94 budget which he will present for the Board's adoption in July. He also reviewed the Citizens Budget Report which is attached to the materials forwarded to the Board. Dr. Bernd introduced Mr. Gary Jones, Manager of Resources and School Support. Mr. Jones presented the District's revenue/expense forecast. Using an overhead projector, his presentation included an examination of the budget reduction criteria, which is (a) compliance with the desegregation plan (b) minimize impact to programs and (c) streamline organizational pyramid. He reviewed the budget recommendations and position reductions, all of which will reduce the growth in the pudget by $7.5 million. Mr. Jones reviewed the reinstatement of programs and the revenue forecast for 1993-94. Board members expressed concern about Mabelvale Junior High being the only junior high with a six period day, the seniority of the former Pulaski County teachers, the impact of the reduction of 50 computer aides, a need to listen to the staff members from the bottom up, and the need for Board members to be provided with an organizational chart and accompanying job descriptions. A copy of the budget presentation is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. B. Report on Summer School Plans Mrs. Janet Bernard directed the Board members' attention to the report contained in the printed agenda. Board members asked questions. VII. CONSENT AGENDA: Mrs. Jacovelli moved the consent agenda. seconded the motion. The consent agenda included: Dr. Mitchell A. approval of the donations as listed in the printed agenda B. approval of the right-of-way at Wakefield Elementary School as described in the printed agenda e C. approval of the submission of the Levi Strauss grant as described in the printed agenda Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 22, 1993 7 D. approval of the personnel changes as reflected in the printed agenda: and E. approval of the financial reports as submitted in the printed agenda. The motion to approve the items in the consent agenda carried unanimously. VIII. AUDIENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS Dr. Selma Hobby suggested that employees have an opportunity to suggest budget cuts. IX. STUDENT AND/OR EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Bernd directed the Board's attention to the noncontested expulsion recommendation of Eric Dailey and the long-term suspensions of the following students. Adrienne Alexander, Bridget Austin, Latisha Austin, Gary Brown, Galisa Bryant, Branden Cage, Rondale Cox, Jalal Dawson, Damien Ellison, Melvin Floyd, Cyrus Gamble, Bobby Harris, Martin Henderson, Leroy Hurd, Kamil Jabara, Mervyn Johnson, Tameka Johnson, Kendall Jones, Naomi Jones, Calvin Long, Owen McMullen, Jermaine Morris, Robert Porter, Marcus Rafter, Bobby Salazar, Shannon Scales, Antwan Scott, DeAngela Staples, Willie Tyler, Shantae Whale, Keenan Wheeler, and Undra Williams. Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the administration's noncontested recommendations on the above students. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, upon motion by Mr. Riggs, a second by Mrs. Jacovelli, and unanimous approval of the Board members, the meeting adjourned at 10:34 p.m. JJ?de]~ Dr. Katherine Mitchell, Secretary APPROVED: 0 _, ru i ~ 7 ~ -~---------------- LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting April 28, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5: 11 p. m. on April 28, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, ~rkansas. The president, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Ms. Pat Gee Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering the District's budget reductions and for the re-election of personnel. CITIZENS COMMENTS: Mr. Michael Nellums spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Mr. Eric Coleman spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Ms. Stephanie Copes spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Ms. Pamela Staton spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Ms. Georgia Wells spoke in opposition to the recommendation to reduce the hours of library clerks. Ms. Judith Runyon spoke in opposition to the recommendation to ablish the position of computer lab attendant. Rev. C. E. McAdoo spoke in .opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Ms. Valarie Scarbrough spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Ms. Linda Battisto spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruiter Coordinator. Ms. Eleanor Reasoner spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Mr. Calvin Carter spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Mr. Frank Martin expressed his view that lack of planning and mismanagement has caused the current budget deficit. Ms. Ginny Kurrus spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Ms. Susan Hood spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Ms. Judith Yeager spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Ms. Joyce Lamb spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of computer lab attendant. Rev. James Thrower spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruitment Coordinator. Mr. Donald Richardson spoke in opposition to the recommendation to abolish the position of Minority Recruitment Coordinator. Mr. Don Umfleet spoke in opposition to the recommendation to - abolish his position. PERSONNEL RENEWALS: Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the personnel actions listed in sections 1 through 5 on the handout given to each Board member. Board members asked questions. Following discussion concerning the recruitment of students for classes at Metropolitan and the method for removing deficiencies in certification, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved the recommendation of the administration on the staff renewals as presented. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried four (4) to two (2). Dr. Mitchell and Ms. Gee voted in opposition to the motion. PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS: Dr. Bernd directed the ,Board members' attention to the restructuring of the budget reduction in the Volunteers in Public Schools department. He explained that this restructuring will reduce the contract lengths of six (6) VIPS staff members in order to realize the necessary savings. The Board recessed at 6:47 p.m. and reconvened at 7:15 p.m. Upon reconvening, Dr. Bernd presented the remainder of the list of reductions as follows: 1) two driver trainers 2) two custodial supervisors 3) one construction manager 4) one EPA Coordinator 5) one assistant director for media services 6) one recruitment coordinator 7) one communications specialist 8) onehalf assistant principal at Gibbs Magnet School 9) one Partners in Education Manager 10) one secretary in Human Resources 11) one secretary to an assistant superintendent 12) one vocational secretary 13) one plant services secretary 14) one transportation shop clerk 15) one food service data entry person 16) reduction in contract lengths of VIPS staff members 17) 50 computer aides 18) reduction of the hours of media clerks 19) one plant services painter 20) one plant services stock clerk 21) one plant services trade helper and 22) eight math teachers. Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the personnel reductions and reviewed the process and timeline for approving a tentative budget at the end of May so the tentative budget can be submitted to Judge Wright for approval. Extensive discussion ensued concerning the District's ability to meet its obligations under the Desegregation Plan in light of the budget reduction recommendations. Dr. Mitchell and Ms. Gee indicated that they would like to have a budget work session. Following additional discussion and questions from Board members, Dr. Mitchell moved to table action on the recommendations for budget cuts until the Board has an opportunity to review the District's desegregation plan and the cuts' effect upon it. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried five (5) to one (1). Mr. John Moore voted in opposition to the motion. SUBMISSION OF TENTATIVE BUDGET: Mr. Gary Jones presented the tentative budget document and commended his staff for their hard work in preparing the document in a timely manner. He suggested that the Board schedule individual meetings with him to discuss the format and coding. Mr. Jackson commended Dr. Bernd for fulfilling his promise to get the budget to the Board before May 1. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved for adjournment. Mr. John Riggs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the special meeting of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Jo] re, President '-~~ Katherine Mitchell, Secretary LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting May 3, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:08 p.m. on May 3, 1993, in the Roosevelt Thompson Auditorium at Central High School. The meeting was held in response to a petition of fifty (50) citizens requesting a meeting. The pre~ident, Mr. John Moore, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Ms. Pat Gee Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. O. G. Jacovelli ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The president called the special meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of six (6) Board members. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The chair announced that the special meeting was called in response to a petition signed by fifty (50) citizens. The meeting was held at Central High School at the request of Mrs. Hafeeza Majeed on behalf of Central students. STUDENT COMMENTS: Mr. Reginald Taylor read the "1993 Little Rock Central High Crisis" philosophy statement. A copy of the philosophy statement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Truman Hardin submitted to the Board two requests: that students be excused from school on May 27 and 28 in order to make a trip to Memphis and that Mr. Hickman be allowed to be a part of the 1993 graduation ceremonies. Miss Tenille Mitchell expressed her disappointment in her educational environment and complained about the lack of AfricanAmerican authors on the reading lists. Mr. Reginald Dodson reiterated the students' request to be excused on May 27 and 28. He also expressed disappointment that his previous complaints about harrassment has not been followed up. He told the Board that two of the teachers who are harassing him are Robin Davis and Joe Gray. He also complained about the lack of a multi-cultural curriculum. He complained that the students did not have enough notice on the NCCJ sponsored retreat. Ms. Pat Gee asked Mr. Dodson to send her an itinerary on the trip to Memphis. Willis Bailey asked for fairness and equitable treatment of personnel. He told the Board that he was afraid to come to Central High before Mr. Hickman came. Tracy Oliver expressed disappointment that there are no caucasian students at this meeting. She expressed that she was offended that someone would feel threatened by those who demonstrated and that she felt a strong sense of racism because of it. Naima Majeed told the Board that she wanted Mr. Hickman to get his job back because he is innocent. She expressed her view that Central is a hateful place since Mr. Hickman left and that teachers are not dressing professionally and not coming to school. She said she had been looked at funny, harassed by teachers, and called stupid. Pauline Williams said the students' personal lives have been affected and that the image of the community has been affected by what has happened to Mr. Hickman. She expressed that she is proud of the mature way in which the students have handled the situation. She urged the students to continue to do that. She urged them to search out assistance from adults they respect. She urged the - students to use "reverse peer pressure." Dr. Katherine Mitchell told the students that she applauds their efforts and commended them for the way in which they have conducted themselves. She expressed regret that the students who marched to the Administration Building was not allowed to enter the building. She urged them to continue to stand for what they believe in a peaceful and orderly way. Mr. James H. Powell commended the students for their presentations to the Board. He reviewed his background in the civil rights movement and his work with Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. He said he had fought for his daughter, who is now a student at Central High School. He suggested that if Mr. Hickman is a criminal he should be prosecuted. He expressed concern that "droplets" of 1957 are still here at Central., i.e., students do not intermingle. Ms. Linda Williams expressed concern that the children are hurting. She asked that the school set another date for the NCCJ program and give more notice to the students. Mr. Byron Jenkins, a senior at Central High School, said Mr. Hickman was a great role model. Miss Tenille Mitchell asked if the District administers drug tests to teachers. She said there is a lot of "stuff" going on at Central and she doesn't see the Board doing its job. She said education here is a joke. Mr. Akim Majeed told the Board that everyone needs to "get off their seats downtown" and find out what is going on. He said he could name people who are under the influence of drugs at Central High School. Mr. Sammy Mills told the Board that the kids are reaching out for help. He urged the Board to find another date for the NCCJ program and offer it again. He expressed disappointment that there are not more parents and students at this meeting. He said there should be white students and parents and teachers here. Mr. Rochelle Webb told the Board that she loves Mr. Hickman and wants him back. Ms. Dorothy Oliver asked if suspension was the only option the administration had or could a less drastic action been taken. She asked why this meeting could not have been scheduled during the day to allow all students, parents, and teachers to attend. Ms. Sheila Parker told the Board that she is trying to get rid of Dr. Bernd. Miss Michelle Wallace complained that Ms. Swain never comes out of her office except when the students are in class. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the special meeting, Mr. Dorsey Jackson moved to adjnurn. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried five (5) to one (1). Dr. Katherine Mitchell voted against adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Jo~e, President 4,,J~ Katherine Mitchell, Secretary PREAMBLE "1993 LIT'rLE ROCK CENTRAL HIGH CRISIS" PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT We, the undersigned students of Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, do hereby adopt the following Philosophy Statement. The groundwork for the development of this statement was achieved by conducting student surveys at LRCH, copies of which are attached . This statement addresses our concerns and resolutions for the current "crisis" at our school and the resulting racial polarization of our city and state. This "crisis" is the result of the suspension of our principal, Mr. John L. Hickman, Jr., an African American male who, single-handedly, restored a safe educational and social environment to the school. Furthermore, the educational goals and aspirations of many students presently enrolled at Little Rock Central, have been greatly impacted by the sudden loss of this "Mr. Joe Clark" personality, because, in the words of many parents and students, "Mr. Hickman is the only reason that I am attending Little Rock Central High today." e we, therefore, submit our names as representation that we believe the time has come for the students of this great and historical institution to begin writing the history of the "second" crisis at Little Rock Central High, the "1993 Crisis of Little Rock Central High." STATEMENT During the crisis at Little Rock Central High School in 1957, nine African American students were denied the right to a "quality" integrated education . In 1993, we believe that the "crisis" at Little Rock Central High still remains the same, because the right to a "quality" integrated education for all children continues to be attacked. The education that we seek and the lessons that we are currently learning can no longer be contained within the four walls of the physical building. For many of us, "learning" has advanced from the "pages" of our textbooks and has spilled over into our city's streets, neighborhoods and communities. Clearly, for many of us, "education" has become a lesson about racism, which is alive and well at Little Rock Central High, and throughout our city and state. - The "one--of-a-kind" educational environment that Mr. John L. Hickman, Jr. created in our school has been attacked and destroyed by the racist attitudes of the "leaders" of our school district. The dominoe effect of this racism is evidenced by the racial polarization that is plagueing our school and our city. LRCH PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Page 2 As children, we learn from the examples of our parents and other adults. Thus, we have witnessed African American students actively supporting the "cause'', and Anglo-Saxon students have been absent in expressing support for the safe educational and social environment that was present under the administration of Mr. Hickman. The racial polarization is further evidenced by a majority Caucasian Board of Directors who continue to make decisions based on "color" instead of "content." Furthermore, the present "crisis" has resulted in a placed on the local media, preventing them from entering to report peaceful assemblies by students who have express themselves through demoristrations. ban being the campus chosen to Inevitably, many students at Little Rock Central High have experienced strained relationships among students, teachers, and other administrative staff. Some students, along with parents, have been arrested, handcuffed and jailed as a result of a March 31 demonstration ("sit-in") in the school's cafeteria. The demonstration, ironically, was in protest of the refusal by the Little Rock School District Board of Directors to honor Ark. State - La\-:, AR Code Annotated 6-13-619, which states that "School Boards are required to meet with citizens to address the issues of concern to those citizens when the petition is signed by fifty (50) or more registered voters of the school district." Thus, the students of Little Rock Central High who, hereby, agree with this philosophy statement, do offer the following resolutions for a peaceful end to the "1993 Crisis at Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, AR: 1. We believe that it is fair and rational for the Little Rock School District Board of Directors to immediately reinstate Mr. John L. Hickman, Jr., as the Principal of Little Rock Central High School. 2. In the absence of "fair and impartial" conduct by the Little Rock School District Board of Directors, we believe that a thorough investigation must be conducted that will ultimately result in the termination of the contract of Dr. Cloyde "Mac" Bernd as Superintendent of the Little Rock Public Schools. 3. We believe that the presence of Associate Superintendent, Ms. Janet Bernard, in our District, has greatly hampered and ultimately destroyed the safe educational and social environment at Little Rock Central High. We further believe that the degrading actions of Ms. Bernard has negatively impacted the lives of many students and parents in our city. We, therefore, appeal to Little Rock residents, and the parents and students of Little Rock Central High to join us in seeking to have the contract of Mrs. Bernard terminated. LRCH PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Page 3 4. The Ad Hoc Committee for Fairness and Equity in Little Rock Public Schools believe that the members of the Board of Directors should be representative of the majority population of African American students in our District. We, therefore, have agreed to actively participate in seating at least four African American Board members. We, the student representatives of the Ad Hoc Committee For Fairness and Equity in Little Rock Public Schools, and all other students whose names appear below, do invite all members of the community and media representatives to a "send-off" ceremony, on Tuesday, May 4, 2:00 p.m., at 1723 S. Broadway, Little Rock, AR. This ceremony will be held to send our Philosophy Statement and the attached signatures, via facsimile and Federal Express, to the following individuals: 1. The Honorable Bill Clinton, President of the United States, Washington, D.C. 2. The Honorable Jim Guy Tucker, Governor, State of Arkansas Little Rock, AR 3. Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President, National Rainbow Coalition Washington, D.C . Respectfully submitted, LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 810 WEST MARKHAM STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 Board of Directors Special Meeting May 13, 1993 The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District met in a lawfully-called special meeting at 5:22 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 1993, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. The vice-president, Mr. Dorsey Jackson, presided. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Dorsey Jackson Dr. Katherine Mitchell Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli Ms. Pat Gee Mr. John Riggs MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Moore Mr. Willie D. (Bill) Hamilton ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mac Bernd, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Pat Kumpuris, Recorder of the Minutes Mr. Don Umfleet, Audio Specialist CALL TO ORDER: The Vice President called the meeting to order at 5:22 p.m. The roll call revealed the presence of four (4) Board members. Mr. Riggs joined the meeting at 5:35 p.m. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ON TRANS: Dr. Bernd explained the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory notes and Fixing Form and Terms Thereof. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved approval of the Resolution. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. A copy of the Resolution is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. - ADOPTION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE TEXTBOOK: Board of Directors Special Meeting May 13, 1993 2 Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the Selection Committee's recommendation as shown on the Local Adoption Form furnished to the Board members. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. A copy of the Local Adoption Form is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. ADOPTION OF SECONDARY MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Dr. Bernd recommended th~t the Board approve the Selection Committee's recommendations as shown on the memo from Mrs. Estelle Matthis to the Board members. Mrs. 0. G. Jacovelli moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Dr. Katherine Mitchell seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. A copy of the memo listing the secondary mathematics textbook recommendations is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. ABC CONTINUING GRANT: Dr. Bernd directed the Board members' attention to the information previously furnished to them concerning the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) grant for third-year funding of developmentally appropriate early childhood education programs. Dr. Bernd recommended that the Board approve the submission of the 1993-94 grant application in the amount of $233,992.00. Dr. Katherine Mitchell moved the Superintendent's recommendation. Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. RECESS: The special meeting was recessed at 6:38 p.m. to convene the regularly scheduled agenda review meeting. Following the agenda review meeting, the special meeting was reconvened. DISCUSSION OF STUDENT REQUESTS: Dr. Bernd reminded the Board members that the Central High School students had made two requests during the meeting with them on May 3. Discussion ensued concerning the requests for excused absences to go on a trip to Memphis and for Mr. Hickman to preside over their graduation. By consensus, the Board decided that the absence request should be handled by the school administrato"r in compliance with the LRSD Attendance Policy and that the exact rules used in similar cases should be followed. Dr. Bernd also mentioned that Mr. Hickman's attendance at graduation should depend upon his employment status at the time. Board of Directors Special Meeting May 13, 1993 EMPLOYEE HEARING: 3 The Board conducted a closed hearing on behalf of Monica Scott. After hearing all testimony and considering the evidence in the case, Mrs. o. G. Jacovelli moved for an executive session. Ms. Pat Gee seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. The Board recessed into executive session at 8:20 p.m. and reconvened at 8:31 p. m. Upon reconvening, Dr. Mac Bernd recommended that Ms. Scott be su This project was supported in part by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives project grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Council on Library and Information Resources. Little Rock School District