Various scenes related to the integration of the University of Alabama in 1963. The following footage is included: - Meeting of the Citizens' Councils of Alabama at the Whitley Hotel in Montgomery on May 18, 1963. Governor George Wallace Wallace and Birmingham police commissioner Bull Connor spoke at the event, and Lieutenant Governor Jim Allen was among those in attendance. A large banner on the wall reads, "Segregation / Today / Tomorrow / Forever." (See clips at 0:00:01 and 0:06:16.) - Statement by Attorney General Richmond Flowers on the use of federal troops to "quell civil disorder" during a press conference at his office in Montgomery. He explains that such an order would be legal, whether it comes from the governor or the president, but he urges Alabamians to prevent such a necessity: "If our citizens will stop answering the urges of outsiders and insiders to take the law into their own hands or commit acts that may injure persons or property, we must continue to use all of our local law enforcement agencies to prevent a reoccurrence of the recent happenings in Birmingham." (See clips at 0:02:50 and 0:05:45.) - Press conferences and statements given by Governor George Wallace about President John F. Kennedy's deployment of federal troops before the integration at the University of Alabama. Some footage was filmed in his office at the Capitol (where he was joined by legal advisors from his Sovereignty Committee), and other parts were filmed at the Governor's Mansion. (See clips at 0:04:18, 0:11:22, and 0:13:13.) - Military planes on an airstrip in Alabama, probably related to the arrival of federal troops deployed by President Kennedy before the integration at the University of Alabama. (See clip at 0:12:08.) - Silent footage of the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, the day of George Wallace's "stand in the schoolhouse door" on June 11, 1963. (See clip at 0:14:59.)