Highlander Folk School : communist training school, Monteagle, Tenn.


Communist Training School, Monteagle, Tenn.


During Labor Day Weekend,

L957, there assembled at Highlan

der the leaders of every major

race incident in the South, prior

to that time since the Supreme

Court decision. This meeting was

directed by Reverend John B

Thompson, chaplain, University of

Chicago. Reverend Thompson has

a lengthy record of Communist af

filiations which appears elsewhere

in this folder. The direction of the

entire school was under the leader

ship, as usual, of Myles Horton

There were representative lead

ers of the TUSKEGEE, ALA










ers. They met at this workshop and


discussed methods and tactics of

precipitating racial strife and dis


The meeting of such a large

group of specialists in inter-racial

strife under the auspices of a Com

munist Training School, and in the

company of many known Commun

ists is the typical method whereby

leadership training and tactics are

furnished to the agitators. This

was a general workshop and would

be the most common method of de

veloping a long range program.

In specific emergency situations,

leadership would be sent into the

communities to assist.

Good examples of the infusion

of leadership was the appearance

of Bayard Rustin, who appeared

in the Daily Worker, as secretary

of Rev. Martin Luther King. The

appearance of Don West, promi

nent Communist functionary, at

Koinonia Farm disturbances and

the preliminary surveys conducted

by John Hope, II, preparatory to

the Tallahassee Bus Incident

HIGHLANDER FOLK SCHOOL was founded in 1932 by Myles Hor ton and Don West; James Dombrowski joined them shortly there after. Don West, presently oper ating in Georgia, was district di rector of the Communist Party of North Carolina.
Paul Crouch, the top Communist Party functionary in the South, testified before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities that Dombrowski "gave me the impression of being com pletely pro-Communist and anxious to collaborate with the Communist Party and follow its leadership without taking the risk of actual Party membership."
John Butler, another former Communist Party functionary tes tified before the Senate Subcom mittee on Internal Security that Dombrowski at a meeting of Com munist Party leaders in Dombrowski's room in the Thomas Jeffer son Hotel in Birmingham, Ala bama, was introduced to him by Alton Lawrence as a Communist Party member.
Myles Horton was identified be fore the Dies Committee on UnAmerican Activities as a person who "attended a secrt convention *n North Carolina, at which time clans were made for spreading the revolutionary theories throughout he South.'*
Paul Crouch testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security that "The Highlander Folk School is a school operated at Monteagle. Tennessee, ostensi bly as an independent labor school, but actually working in close co operation with the Communist Party.*'

MYLES HORTON the director of Highlander Folk School, Monteagle, Tennessee, is shown speaking. Reverend John B. Thompson, chaplain University of Chicago directed the Labor Day Weekend 1957

The following is a listing of the executives of Highlander Folk School as it appeared in their 24th annual report of October 30, 11)56. B R. BRAZEAL, Dean. Morehouse
College. Atlanta, Georgia SEPTIMA CLARK Highland**)
Folk School. Monteagle. Tenn GRACE HAMILTON. Atlanta Ur
ban League, Atlanta, Georgia. G R. HATHAWAY, Secy.-Treas.,
UPWA-CIO, Chicago, Ill. JOHN HOPE. II. Industrial Ref
lations Consultant. Fisk Uni versity, Nashville, Tenn. MYLES HORTON. Director, High lander Folk School, Monteagle. Tenn.
(Continued on page 4)

FRED ROUTH, a headquarters official of Southern Regional Council, 63 Auburn Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Georgia, is pictured above leading a workshop In at least one of these sessions, the tactics of includ ing women and children in racial demonstrations and incidents was propounded on the basis that police are reluctant to shoot women and children. Southern Regional Council is the recipient ot Ford, Fund tor the Republic grants of $497,000.00. Fund for the Republic grants orig inated with the Ford Motor Company. Southern Regional Council is the parent organization of 12 statewide Councils on Human Rela tions operated only in the Southern States. Southern Regional Council has been able to exploit the facilities ot religion and education because ot o quasi-religious status afforded by occupancy ot space in a building owned by a huge church. The leadership ot few units ot the Communist apparatus have rec ords of Communisl affiliations which exceed those of present and past directors of Southern Regional Council.

Communist Front Records
, Of Leadership of Highlander
Inter-racial Seminar 1957

Seminar. Both Horton and Thompson have long been regarded as useful aids to the Communist apparatus.

Printed below is a consolidated listing of the Com New York Youth Council

munist Affiliations of persons in attendance at the Labor Open Letter on Military Aid to









Spain Open Letter



Monteagle, Tennessee.

tion of Harry Bridges

Abraham Lincoln School

Continuations Committee ot the Peace Information Center

American Committee for Protec Conference on Peaceful Alterna People's Artists

tion of Foreign Born

tives to the Atlantic Pact

People's Daily World

American Committee for Yuogoslav Council on African Affairs

People's Drama Theatre


Daily Worker

People's Institute of Applied Re

American Continental Congress for Dinner for Pearl Hart


World Peace American Crusade to End Lynch
ing American Folksay Group American Peace Mobilization

W. E. B. DuBois Testimonial Sponsoring Committee
Emergency Civil Liberties Com

People's Songs Petition to Reconsider Prosecu
tions Under the Smith Act


Political Affairs

Emergency Peace Mobilization

Progressive Citizens of America

American-Soviet Music Society American Youth Congress American Youth for Democracy

First Line of Defense Frederick Douglass School Harlem Employment Committee

Progressive Party of Massa chusetts
Protest Meeting for Howard Fast

Association of Internes and Medi Highlander Folk School

Protestant Digest Associates

cal Students Bill of Rights Conference Boston Freedom of the Press
Committee Brooklyn Professional Committee
for Democratic China Brownsville Freedom of the Press
Committee (Brooklyn) Camp Kinderland Chicago Ad Hoc Committee of
Welcome for the Dean of Can terbury Chicago Committee to Defeat the M undt Bill Chicago Committee to Secure Jus tice in the Rosenburg Case Citizens Emergency Conference for Interracial Unity Citizens Emergency Defense Con ference Civil Rights Congress Committee for a Cultural Salute to Paul Robeson Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy Committee to End Sedition Laws

Interfaith Committee for Peace Action
Jefferson School of Social Science League of Struggle for Negro
Rights League of Young Southerners Main Stream Masses & Mainstream Methodist Federation for Social
Action Metropolitan Music School Michigan Herald Mid-Century Conference for Peace Mother Bloor Celebration Commit
tee Nation Associates National Citizens Emergency Re
lief Committee to Aid Strikers Families National Citizens Political Action Committee National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax National Committee for Peaceful Alternatives National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act National Council of the Arts. Sci

Protest against Verdict of Guilty in Case of 11 Communist Lead
ers School for Political Action Tech
nique Schroon Crest Camp Sing Out Southern Conference Educational
Fund Southern Conference for Human
Welfare Southern Negro Youth Congress Stop Rankin Meeting Swapping Song Fair Teachers Union, Local 555 Testimonial Concert "Bound for
Glory" for Woodie Guthrie United Office and Professional
Workers of America, Local 16 United Packinghouse Workers of
America United States Arrangements Com
mittee, World Youth Congress U. S. Sponsoring Committee for
Representation at the Congress of the Peoples for Peace Veterans against Discrimination of Civil Rights Congress of New

Committee for Equal Justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor, an auxiliary of International Labor Defense

ences and Professions National Council of American-So
viet Friendship

York Veterans Fighting
gene Dennis




Committee for the First Amend National Negro Congress

Voice of Freedom Committee


National Negro Labor Council

Washington Committee for Demo

Committee for the Negro in the Nature Friends of America

cratic Action


New Drama

Westchester Peekskill Committee

Committee for Peaceful Alterna New Masses

Wingdale Lodge

tives to the Atlantic Pact

New York City Council of the VVin-the-Peace Conference

Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case
Commonwealth College Communist Party

American Youth Congress New York Committee for Protec
tion of Foreign Born New York Community Divisions of
the Committee to Free Earl

Wire to President Truman to Veto the McCarran Bill
Workers Alliance Young People's Record Club

Consumers Union


Young Progressives

House Committee Citations

hi i1

* ft

Ihe Daily Worker, official organ ot the Communisl Party, credits the foundation of Southern Regional Council to Jim Jackson, Negro Communist, presently head of Southern Affairs Commission of the Communist Party. Jackson is also credited with the establish ment of Southern Conference Education Fund.; and Southern Con ference for Human Welfare, both organizations are recognized parts of the Communist apparatus and have interlocking director ates with Southern Regional Council. The American Legion Firing Line, May 15, 1957, referring to the incorporating papers says "This document, filed in the Superioi Court of Fulton County, State of Georgia, listed the names of five incorporators ot the Council as follows: Dr Rufus E. Clement, Ralph McGill, and Bishop Arthur J. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia,- Dr. Charles S. Johnson, ot Nashville, Tennessee (now deceased); and Dr. Howard W. Odum, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (See Petition of the Incorporation, Book 062, pages 64-67, 1-6-44; and "7he New York Times", 10-17-55.)

A few of the Communist Fronts listed above are de NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO

fined so that the readers may more fully understand their REPEAL THE McCARRAN ACT









"To defend the cases of Commu nist lawbreakers, fronts have been

SUBVERSIVE ORGANIZATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS" devised making special appeals in

published January 2, 1957 by the U. S. House of Representa behalf of civil liberties and reach

tives Committee on Un-American Activities, Washington, ing out far beyond the confines of

D. C.

the Communist Party itself. Among these organizations are the . . .



A "Communist enterprise" cited McCarran Act. When the Com


as subversive by an investigating munist Party itself is under fire

"To defend the cases of Com

munist lawbreakers, fronts have

been devised making special ap

peals in behalf of civil liberties

and reaching out far beyond the

confines of the Communist Party

itself. Among these organizations

are the

. American Commit

tee for Protection of Foreign Born

When the Communist Party itself

is under fire these offer a bul

wark of protection."

Committee of the Arkansas Legis lature. It received money from the Garland Fund.
Cited as a Communist front which came forth, after Stalin signed his pact with Hitler, to op pose the national defense program, lend-lease, conscription, and other American "war-mongering" efforts It immediately preceded the Amer

these offer a bulwark of protec tion."
"The Communist-front movement in the United States among Ne groes is known as the National Negro Congress. . . . The officers of the National Negro Congress are outspoken Communist sym pathisers, and a majority of those on the executive board are out right Communists."

AMERICAN YOUTH CONGRESS ican Peace Mobilization in 1940.


"It originated in 1934 and



has been controlled by Communists


"One of the Communist fronts

and manipulated by them to in "The Communist-front movement currently active in seeking to de

fluence the thought of American in the United States among Ne ceive American Negroes into serv


groes is known as the National ing the Communist cause is the Na


Negro Congress. Practically thr tional Negro Labor Council . . . same group of leaders directing The organization was formally

Cited as an organization formed this directed the League of Strug founded at a conference held in

at a Congress on Civil Rights held gle for Negro Rights, which was. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 27 and

in Detroit in April 1946 as a mer until 2 years ago, the name of the 28, 1951, under the direction of

ger of two other Communist-front Communists front for Negroes. leading Negro Communists in the

organizations (International Labor The name was later changed .

United States, such as Abner Ber

Defense and the National Federa in 1936 to the National Negro ry, Sam W. Parks, and Coleman

tion for Constitutional Liberties); Congress."

A. Young. According to the latest

it was "dedicated not to the broad

available information, Young is the

er issues of civil liberties, but spe METHODIST FEDERATION present National executive secre

cifically to the defense of individ


tary of the organization, from

ual Communists and the Commun "With an eye to religious groups, which post he controls and directs

al Party" and "controlled by in the Communists have formed re NNLC activities

A study of

dividuals who are either members ligious fronts such as the Method the operation of the council shows

>f the Communist Party or openly ist Federation for Social Ac that, rather than helping the Ne-

loyal to it."

tion ..."

(Continued on page 4)

Labor Day Weehend at Communist Training School







LISTED ELSEWHERE in this folder are the Communist related records of Reverend John B. Thompson (seated), chaplain University of Chicago and chairman of this four day seminar and Aubrey Williams, Montgomery, Alabama, president Southern Conference Education Fund, Inc. and puplisher. Southern Farm and Home Magazine.
Experts on Communism observe the record of Aubrey Williams to reflect anti-US foreign policy and anti-US domestic policy. As early as 1944 a report of the Committee of which Congressman Dies was chairman named Aubrey Williams as a member of the National Citizens Political Action Com mittee and cited that organization as "the supreme bid of the Communist Party for power in the United States through a front."
Few people if any have aided the Communist Party more in its conspiracy against peace between the races in the southern part of the United States tnan did Aubrey Williams. It is incredible that any man with a record of Communist affiliation like that of John B. Thompson could long remain as chaplain or pastor to students in a non-Communist institution.

HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN (5th from left), 5825 S. Blackstone, Chicago, Illinois, attended the Com munist Training School at Highlander over the Labor Day 1957 Weekend. The wife of Harry Schneiderman is formerly of Atlanta, Georgia.





BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT LIFE at Highlander Folk School Labor DayWeekend Seminar were inte grated in all respects.

ALONZO G. MORON, President of Hampton Institute; Sep*ima Clark, integration workshop director at Highlander Folk School; C. N. Parrish, Wilma D. Stokely, a writer of Newport, Tennessee, and Allen McSwcin a leader of the Clinton, Tennessje, incident discuss the impact of integration.


THIS PICTURE of a station wagon lettered FINDLAY STREET, NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE, CINCIN NATI, OHIO, is included for the purpose of illustrating how many units of the Communist apparatus are assisted by organizations purportedly charitable or religious in nature. Reverend Maurice McCracken of Neighborhood House, Cincinnati, who is pictured elsewhere attended this Communist Training School. Apparently he used this station wagon as transportation. Neighborhood House is located at 901 Findlay Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and is supported by the Community Chest. This same address is also the address of Friends of Koinonia Farms.

y /
C. N. PARRISH (on left) who was panel moderator on the question "What Is the Impact of Integra tion on the People?" is shown with Rosa Parks (3rd from left) and Maurice McCracken (4th from left). Rosa Parks was one of the original leaders of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This agitation has re sulted in strife and violence in the Alabama capitol r-*d continues to maintain tension and disauiet. Maurice McCracken is affiliated with Neighborhood House, 901 Findlay Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


U mm




ROSA PARKS, who precipitated the Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott, and Ralph Tefferteller of New York's Henry Street Settlement listen to group training under the watchful eye of Abner Berry of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Berry reported the meeting of this Communist Tra ning School in his column in the Daily Worker of September 10, 1957.

PICTURED HERE are leaders of fivle recertt scenes of racial disturbance and violence. Septima Clark, presently director of Highlander integration workshop was associated with the South Carolina-NAACP School Teachers Incident. Conrad Browne is a leader of inter-racial Koinonia Farms, Americus, Georgia, the scene of boycotts, disturbances and violence.
David H. Brooks was a leader of the Tallahassee Bus Boycott. This incident was commenced only after a psychological survey of the area had been made to determine the outcome. Rosa Parks was the central figure in the agitation which resulted in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Charles Gomillion, Dean of Students at Tuskegee Institute, was the leader of the Tuskegee Boycott.











Three outstanding leadership people of the infa nous Montgomery, Alabama, bus incident. The development, precipitation and financing of this inflammatory project called for behind the scenes planning and direction beyond the ability or capacity of local people. The relationship between Communist leadership and racial strife is evident from coast to coast and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

CONRAD BROWNE (with glasses), Koinonia Farm Leader, Americus, Georgia, Allen McSwain (ex treme right), Clinton, Tennessee, and Reverend Maurice McCracken (2nd from right), Cincinnati, Ohio. Browne was a resident leader of Koinonia Farm during the violence, boycotts and other incidents arising at this socialistic interracial community. Don West, the identified Communist co-founder of Highlander Folk School was observed to be a frequent visitor to Koinonia. Koinonia and Highlander Folk School jointly operate an interracial "summer camp." Allen McSwain is credited with precipitating the Clinton, Tennessee, public school incident. Reverend Maurice McCracken long connected with racial unrest in Cincinnati, Ohio, is pastor of St. Barnabus Church and is connected with Neighborhood House, a community chest supported or ganization, 901 Findlay Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 901 Findlay Street is also the address of Friends of Koinonia Farm.

PETE SEEGER is typical of the entertainer who gives his time and talent to the support of the Communist apparatus. He is a talented musician who is in attendance at many meetings such as this Communist Training School at Highlander.
The Daily Worker of February 22, 1949, lists Pete Seeger as a participant in the New York State Youth Board of the Com munist Party.

REVEREND MARTIN LUTHER KING addresses the assemblage. Reverend King,president of the Southern Christian Leadership Con ference is best known for his activities in the Montgomery Boycott, Montgomery Improvement Association and the March on Washing ton which he conducted with Bayard Rustin. The Daily Worker lists Bayard Rustin as one who attended the 1957 convention of the Communist Party USA. Bayard Rustin is identified in the Daily Worker as secretary to Reverend Martin Luther King.
The activities of Reverend Martin Luther King represent the ultimate in "civil disobedience." It is doubtful that Reverend King could have carried on such a program without outside leadership and financing; Bayard Rustin is perhaps the leading expert on "civil disobedience" in this country.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is a new organ ization founded by Reverend King for region-wide agitation of racial violence and strife.

CHARLES GOMILLION, Dean of Students at Tuskegee Institute, was the leader of the Tuskegee, Alabama, Boycott; his agitation is in large part responsible for ihis disturbance. Gomillion has been most vehement in his defense of Communists and the Communist Party. His principal areas of agitation and infiltration have been among educators, Negroes, and youth groups.

f t
PICTURED HERE (foreground) is Abner W. Berry of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. On the first row are Reverend Martin Luther King (2nd from right) of the Montgomery Boycott, Aubrey Williams (3rd from right) president of the Southern Conference Education Fund Inc. and Myles Horton (4th from Right) the director of Highlander Folk School. These "four horsemen" of racial agitation have brought tension, disturbance, strife and violence in their advancement of the Communist doctrine of "racial nationalism".

Georgia Commission on Education






07 ttUlJj/





1 /IS


Every American Has the

T .V .


Right to Know the Truth


Questions Bulletin. June 1950, (18) National Citizens Emergen

On the preceding pages you have seen pictures of the leaders of every major race incident in the South from May

page 1. (21) Mid-Century Conference for
Peace--initiating sponsor-- VVork-

cy Relief Committee to Aid Strik ers Families--member of national board--Worker, March 17. 1946.

1954 until the time of this meeting, Labor Day, 1957 Week cr, April 30, 1950, page 15.

page 5.

end (August 30, 31 and September 1, 2). You have seen (22) National Committee to (19) National Citizens Political


executives and leaders of many organizations active in the Abolish the Poll Tax--sponsor-- Action Committee -- member--of

southeastern region of the United States. All of the pictures contained in this folder were taken during this one weekend

letterhead, March 8, 1946. (23) National Committee for
Peaceful Alternatives -- co-chair

ficial list, August 1944. (20) National Citizens Political
Action Committee--vice executive

at this Communist training school. Highlander Folk School, man--folder, December 1950.

board--pamphlet, December 1950

Monteagle, Tennessee.

(24) National Committee to Re (22) National Committee to Re

Names of the national figures are easily identified with peal the McCarran Act--initiator peal the McCarran Acts--signer of

lieir pic-ture.s,,41ther names of les
i ij introduc ijrposel


res are those given If identifications,

--letterhead, January 19, 1951. (25) National Committee to Re
peal the McCarran Acts--signer of

open letter to Senator Hennings-- press release, November 14, 1955
(23) Peace Information Center

as possibly, to open letter to Senator Hennings-- --endorser of World Peace Appea'


3n1eadersj sot part! imo wof , this Communist letter, November 14, 1955.

--leaflet, August 31, 1950

amiri^ siHSip and<^T|^r linate /|^formation to the gen- (26) National Council of Amer (24) New York City Council of

era! public. THTs'Oommission woulcTappreciate your furnish ican-Soviet Friendship--member to the American Youth Congress --

ing to us any further identifications you can make.

welcome the Dean of Canterbury speaker at New York State model

--booklet, November 1948.

legislature of youth--call and pro

It behooves each of us to learn more of Communist in (27) National Council of the gram, January 28-30. 1938.

RALPH HELSTEIN, (2nd L) President of United Packing House Work ers of America-CIO, is pictured here with Abner W. Berry of the National Central Committee of the Communist Party.
Helstein is representative of a small group of Labor extremists who serve the Communisl Party by affiliation with the Communist apparatus and by the utilization of their own organization to

filtration and the direction of Communist movements. Only Arts, Sciences and Professions-- (25) Petition to Reconsiders-

further aims of the Communist Part'. Abner Berry is a member of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party and is a columnist for the Daily Worker. Berry is one of the top ranking Negro Communists in America. His pres ence at a meeting such as this seminar insures the Communist Party against deviations from the Party principles.

through information and knowledge can we combat this signer of ad--St. Louis Post-Dis Prosecutions Under the Smith Act .'signer of appeal Daily Worker. (34) Southern Conference Edu rated on March 1955) is no less a NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE

alien menace to Constitutional government.

patch, June 20, 1951.

--signer--New York Times, An- January 20, 1954, page 4.

cational Fund -- director -- letter Communist project than its prede


All or any part of this folder may be reproduced by any

(28) Open Letter on Military Aid to Spain--signer--Daily Work

person or organization with or without credit being given rer, May 17, 1951, page 9.

to this Commission.

(29) Open Letter Protesting De

gust 8, 1955. page 9; Daily Work er. August 8, 1955. page 8.
(26) Progressive Citizens of America--speaker at rally, 1047 --

(8) Appeal for Amnesty for the Jailed Leaders of the Communist Party Convicted Under the Smith Act--signer -- Daily Worker. De

head. July 1954. (35) Southern Conference Edu
cational Fund -- director -- letter head, April 1955.

cessor. Camp Unity." WOR'LD youth congress Cited as a Communist confer

Cited as a Communist front which is "used to appeal to special occupational groups ..."

Georgia Commission on Education

portation of Harry Bridges--sign Williams' testimony before Senate cember 10, 1952. page 4.

(36) Southern Conference Edu ence held in the summer of 1938

Governor Marvin Griffin, Chairman er--letter, April 22, 1943.

Internal Security Subcommittee. (9) Bachrach Open Letter -- cational Fund -- coordinator of at Vassar College.


T. V. Williams, Jr., Executive Secretary 220 Agriculture Bldg. L9 Hunter St.. S.W. Atlanta. Ga.
Records of Don West, John B. Thompson,
James Dombrowski, Aubrey Williams
Listed below are the records of Communist Affiliations of four of the leaders of Highlander Folk School.

(30) Protest against Verdict of Guilty in Case of 11 Communist Leaders--spoke out against verdict --Worker, October 30, 1949. p. 3
(31) People's Institute of Ap plied Religion -- sponsor -- letter head, April 16, 1953.
(32) Protestant Digest Associ ates--signer of call to dinner-for um--call, February 25, 1941
(33) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund--member of board of directors -- letterhead. January 1951.
(34) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--vice president--

March 19, 1954. page 112.

signer--letter, September 19, 1955

(27) Progressive Citizens of (10) Brief Amici Curiae for the

America--elected to board of di-1 Communist Party--signer--U. SI.

rectors--Daily Worker, May 1947 Supreme Court, October 1955.

(28) Protest Meeting for How (11) Committee for Equal Jus

ard Fast--sponsor--New Masses. tice for Mrs. Recy Taylor, an aux

October 14. 1947. page 24.

iliary of International Labor De

(29) Southern Conference Edu fense--sponsor -- booklet. August

cational Fund--president; endors 1945.

er of declaration--folder. Novem (12) Committee for Medical

ber 20. 1948.

Freedom--signer of statement op

(30) Southern Conference Edu posing questioning of profesisonal

cational Fund --president; sponsor people by Un-American Activities

and speaker at first southwide con Committee--leaflet, June 1952.

ference cin discrimination in higher (13) Communist Party--identi

education--program, April 8, 1950. fied as a member of by John But

Southwestern Regional Conference on Integration -- folder. May 17. 1955.
(37) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund -- director -- South ern Patriot, December 1956, p. 4
(38) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--executive secre tary--official report, 1942.
(39) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--executive secre tary-- Daily Worker, January 29. 1946, page 4.
(40) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--administrator-- letterhead, June 1, 1947.

"The chief journalistic mouth piece of the Communist Party founded in response to direct in structions from the Communist In ternational in Moscow. . The first issue of the Daily Worker ap peared on January 13, 1924. . No other paper or publication ot any kind in all American history has ever been loaded with such a volume of subversive, seditious, and treasonable utterance as has this organ of the American Com munists."

of the subversive Civil Rights Congress.
MASSES AND MAINSTREAM Cited as the successor to New Masses, "a Communist magazine."
NEW MASSES "Nationally circulated weekly journal of the Communist Party . . . whose ownership was vested In the American Fund for Public Service." (Garland Fund).


letterhead, July 25, 1947.

(31) Southern Conference Edu ler in sworn testimony before Sen- (41) Southern Conference for EMERGENCY CIVIL LIBERTIES

Each of these four men was prominent in the establishment (35) U. S. Sponsoring Commit cational Fund--president--letter- ^ate Committee on Internal Secur Human Welfare--signer of mani



of Highlander Folk School or in its subsequent operation. tee for Representation at the Con head, January 1951.

ity -- Committee Hearings. March festo--Southern Patriot. June 1947, "To defend the cases of Com Cited as an "official Communist

They represent the nucleus of this Communist Training



er of open letter for--Daily Work

(1) American Peace Mobiliza er, March 31, 1955, page 8.

tion--endorser--call to American (2) American Continental Con

People's Meeting, April 5-6, 1941. gress for World Peace--sponsor--

(2) Book Union -- contributor-- Dailv Worker. July 29. 1949. page

New Masses. October 1, 1935. back 5


(3) American Crusade to End

(3) Committee for Equal Justice Lynching--signer of call to pilgri

for Mrs. Recy Taylor, an auxiliary mage to Washington, D. C.--call.

of International Labor Defense-- September 23, 1946.

member of committee of sponsors (4) American Peace Mobiliza

--booklet, August 1945.

tion -- chairman -- Daily Worker,

(4) Communist Party -- member September 3, 1940, page 4.

--House Committee Report on (5) Appeal to Guard Civil

Southern Conference for Human Rights -- signer -- Daily Worker,

Welfare, 1947, page 5.

August 28, 1950, page 3.

(5) Educators for Wallace -- (6) Bill of Rights Conference--

member--pamphlet, October 1948. sponsor--program and call, July (6) Mother Bloor Celebration 16, 1949.

Committee--sent greetings--book (7) Chicago Ad Hoc Committee

let, undated.

of Welcome for the Dean of Can

(7) National Council of the Arts, terbury -- member -- folder. No

Sciences and Professions--sponsor vember 1948.

of conference--report of confer (8) Chicago Committee to De

ence, October 9-10, 1948.

feat the Mundt Bill--signer of

(8) National Federation for Con statement--Daily Worker. Septem

stitutional Liberties -- signer of ber 15, 1950. page 9.

open letter asking the President (9) Chicago Committee to Secure

to rescind Biddle decision on Har Justice in the Rosenberg Case--

ry Bridges--booklet, July 11, 1942. signer of open letter--Daily Work

(9) National Wallace for Presi er, December 25, 1952. page 8.

dent Committee -- member--press (10) Citizens Emergency Con

release, March 23, 1948.

ference for Interracial Unity--del

(10) New Masses--contributor egate--booklet, September 25.

--New Masses. April 10. June 5. 1943.

and June 26. 1934; August 27. (11) Committee to Defend Amer

1935; May 28. 1946.

ica by Keeping Out of War--chair

(11) Open Letter on Harry man--letterhead, August 10, 1940.

Bridges -- signer -- Daily Worker,

July 19, 1942. page 4.

(12) Committee for Equal Jus

(12) People's Institute of Ap tice for Mrs. Recy Taylor, an aux

plied Religion--state director for iliary of International Labor De

Georgia--letterhead. December 11. fense -- sponsor--booklet, August



(13) People's Institute of Ap (13) Committee for Peaceful

plied Religion--sponsor and state Alternatives -- vice-chairman --

director for Georgia -- letterhead. letterhead. March 30, 1950.

February 12, 1941.

(14) Continuations Committee of

(14) People's Institute of Ap the Conference on Peaceful Alter

plied Religion--field leader--let natives to the Atlantic Pact--initi

terhead, April 9. 1942.

ator-- Daily Worker. August 22.

(15) People's Institute ol Ap 1949, page 3. plied Religion--member of South (15) Committee to Secure Jus

ern Committee--letterhead, .lanu tice in the Rosenberg Case--signer

ary 1, 1948.

of open letter--Hyde Park Herald,

(16) People's Institute of Ap 1952.

plied Religion--member of South (16) Dinner for Pearl Hart--

ern Committee--letterhead. April sponsor--Daily Worker. April 6.

16, 1953.

1950. page 4

(17) Pilot (Communist-controll (17) Emergency Peace Mobiliza ed weekly, of National Maritime tion--sponsor--call and program. Union)--writer for-- Pilot. Mav August 31-September 2. 1940

11, 1945, page 17

(18) Interfaith Committee for

(18) Southern Conference for Peace Action -- sponsor -- leaflet.

Human Welfare--signer of mani October 7, 1951

gress of the Peoples for Peace-- sponsor--press release. December 9, 1952.
(36) Wire to President Truman to veto the McCarran Bil--initia tor-- Worker. September 17. 1950, page 3.
(1) American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born--spon sor of conference--program and call, October 25-27, 1949.
(2) American Crusade to End Lynching--signer of call to pil grimage to Washington--call, Sep tember 23, 1946.
(3) American Youth Congressspeaker at 2 or 3 of their annual meetings--Williams' testimony be fore Senate Internal Security Sub committee, March 19, 1954, p. 109
(4) Appeal to Guard Civil Rights --signer--Daily W'orker. August 28, 1950, page 3.
(5) Association of Internes and Medical Students--speaker at an nual convention--official program. December 27-30, 1950.
(6) Brief Amici Curiae for the Communist Party--signer--U. S. Supreme Court, October 1955. ,, (7) Civil Rights Congress -- speaker at rally, September 11. 1947 --Williams' testimony before Senate Internal Security Subcom mittee. March 19. 1954, page 107.
(8) Committee to End Sedition Laws--signer of statement--press release, November 19, 1955.
(9) Committee for Peaceful A1 ternatives to the Atlantic Pact-- member of executive board--letter head, September 16, 1950.
(10) Commonwealth College -- served on committee and contribu ted to -- Massachusetts investiga tion of Communists, 1938.
(11) Continuations Committee of the Conference on Peaceful Alter natives to the Atlantic Pactsigner of open letter to Congress --letter, August 21, 1949; Daily Worker, August 22, 1949, page 3.
(12) Daily Worker--petitions U. S Senate--Daily Worker, Janu ary 26, 1946, page 9.
(13) VV. E. B. DuBois Testimon ial Sponsoring Committee--spon sor--program, February 23, 1951
(14) Highlander Folk Schoolmember of board or in some way affiliated with from about 1944 t< 1954--Williams' testimony before Senate Internal Security Subcom mittee. March 19. 1954. p. 103.
(15) Mainstream--sponsor New Masses, October 28, 1947, page 2

(32) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund--president and mem ber board of directors--letterhead. July 1954.
(33) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund -- president and member of board of directors--lethead, April 1955.
(34) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund--signer of petition to Senator Hennings--petition. No vember 7, 1955.
(35) Southern Conference Edu cational Fund--president--SouthPatriot, December 1956, page 4
(36) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--speaker at con ference--program. November 2023, 1938.
(37) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--speaker at con ference--program and call. April 14-16 1910.
(38) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--signer of peti tion to U S. Senate--Daily Work er, January 28. 1946. page 11
(39) Southern Conference for Human Welfare -- chairman of nominating committee. 1946 - Wil liams' testimony before Senate In ternal S e c u r,i i y Subcommittee March 19, 1954. page 103.
(40) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--signer of mani festo -- Southern Patriot. June 1947, pages 4-5.
(41) Southern Conference for Human Welfare--member of hoard of representatives -- letterhead. July 25, 1947.
(42) Washington Committee for Democratic Action -- member -- membership list. 1939.
(43) Workers Alliance - paid tribute to--Appendix IX. page 1749.
(1) American Committee for Indonesian Independence -- signer of letter--Indonesian Review. 1946
(2) American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born--sign er of birthday greeting to Sabath --Lamp, May 1946. page 3
(3) American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born--spon sor of 15th anniversary national conference -- program. December 11-12. 1948.
(4) American Continental Con gress for Peace. Mexico City -- United States sponsor -- leaflet. September 5-10, 1949.
(5) American Peace Crusadesigner of call to peace pilgrimage

18, 1954. (14) Conference on Constitu
tional Liberties in America speaker--program, June 7-9, 1940
(15) Continuations Committee of the Conference on Peaceful Alter natives to the Atlantic Pact--sign er of open letter to Congress--let ter, August 21, 1949.
(16) International Workers Or der--defender of--Fraternal Out look, November 1948, page 6.
(17) International Workers Or der--defender of --Daily Worker, June 18, 1951, page 8.
(IS) Methodist Federation for Social Action--nominated memberat-large by national membership meeting, December 27-29, 1947-- 1847 ballot, page 2.
(19) Methodist Federation for Social Action -- nominee--official ballot, September 2, 1953.
(20) Methodist Federation for Social Service--nominated for na tional committee--1945 ballot, p. 4.
(21) National Citizens Political Action Committee -- member--offial list, August 28, 1944.
(22) National Committee to Re peal the McCarran Act--signer of open letter to members of Con gress-- letter. January 19 1951
(23) National Committee t< Re peal (he McCarran Act--signer of open letter to Senator Hennings --dated November 14. 1955
(24) National Committee to Win Amnesty for the Smith Act Vic tims -- sponsor -- letterhead. Mav 22. 1953
(25) National Conference to De fend the Bill of Rights--sponsm -- leaflet, December 2-3, 1950
(26) National Federation fi Constitutional Liberties--signer of -itatement opposing renewal of the Dies Committee--pamphlet. Janu ary 1943.
(27) National Negro Congresssponsor--10th convention program May 30, 1946
(28) People's Institute of Ap olied Religion -- sponsor -- letter head, April 9, 1942.
(29) People's Institute ot Ap plied Religion--member of South ern Committee--letterhead, lanu ary 1, 1948.
(30) People's Institute ot Ap plied Religion -- member of South ern Committee--letterhead. April 16, 1953.
(31) Southern Conference Edo cational Fund--endorser of declai ation--folder. November 20. 194*
(32) Southern Conference Ed>

pages 4-5. (42) Southern Resident Labor
Colleges--member of finance cam paign committee--letterhead. Feb ruary 10, 1937.
(43) Statement Defending the Communist Party--signer-- Daily Worker, March 5, 1941, page 2.
(44) Win-the-Peace Conference --sponsor--call, April 5-7, 1946.
(45) World Peace Appeal--sign er--leaflet, August 31, 1950.
HIGHLANDER EXECUTIVES (Continued from page 1)
DR. LEWIS JONES, Rural Life Council, Tuskeegee Institute, Alabama.
tive Director, Southern Re gional Council, Atlanta, Ga. REV. EUGENE SMATHERS. Cal vary Presbyterian Church, Big Lick, Tenn. DR. P. A. STEPHENS, Chatta nooga, Tenn. JORDON STOKES, III, Attorney at Law, Nashville, Tenn. LUCILLE THORNBROUGH, As sociate Editor, East Tennes see Labor News. Knoxville, Tenn TOM WHITE, Sec., Tennessee State Legislative Board. Broth erhood of Railroad Trainmen, Lexington. Tenn. AUBREY WILLIAMS. Publisher. Southern Farm and Home, Montgomery, Ala.
CHARLES WILSON, Tennessee Representative. International Union of Mine. Mill and Smelt er Workers. Columbia. Tenn.
MRS. GEORGE WOLFE. Takoma Park. Maryland.
CITATIONS (Continued from page 1)
gro worker, it has been a deterrent to him."
Cited as a Communist-front or ganization "which seeks to attract southern liberals on the basis of its seeming interest in the prob lems of the South" although its "professed interest in southern welfare is simply an expedient foi larger aims serving the Soviet Un ion and its subservient Communist

munist lawbreakers, fronts have been devised making special ap peals in behalf of civil liberties and reaching out far beyond the confines of the Communist Party itself. Among these organizations are the . Emergency Civil Lib erties Committee. When the Com munist Party itself is under fire these fronts offer a bulwark of protection."
"Schools under patriotic and be nevolent titles indoctrinate Com munists and outsiders in the the ory and practice of communism, train organizers and operatives recruit new party members and sympathizers * * * A school of this type has been the Abraham Lincolfi School, Chicago * * * "
Cited as "one of the most sediti ous organizations which ever op erated in the United States" and "instrument of the Communist Party line prior to Hitler's attack on Russia."
Cited as the new name under which the Young Communist League operates and which als< largely absorbed the American Youth Congress.
"As part of Soviet psychological warfare against the United States. Communist fronts seek to paralyze America's will to resist Communist aggression by idealizing Russia's aims and methods, discrediting the United States, spreading defeat ism and demoralization . Spe cializing in this field . . have been such organizations as . . the Committee for Peaceful Alterna tives to the Atlantic Pact . . "
Cited as a Communist front "formed to provoke racial fric tion."
"Schools under patriotic and be nevolent titles indoctrinate Com munists and outsiders in the the ory and practice of communism train organizers and operatives re

Party monthly theoretical organ." "Political Affairs, formerly
known as The Communist, `a maga zine of the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism published month ly by the Communist Party of the United States of America,' now calls itself `a magazine devoted to the theory and practice of Marx ism-Leninism.' rts chief editor is Eugene Dennis, executive secretary of the party."
NAACP Approval,
Support, Participation
Reverend Martin Luther King. Rosa Parks, Charles C. Gomillion. Reverend David Brooks, Allen McSwain, Conrad Browne and others who attended this session at High lander Folk School provided major leadership in the following inci dents of interracial strife: (1) the Montgomery Bus Boycott; (2) the Tuskegee Boycott; (3) the Talla hassee Bus Boycott; (4) the Clin ton School Incident; (5) Kononia Farms Inter-racial Violence and the March on Washington.
Each of the above-listed persons and incidents has received the na tional acclaim and complete sup port of the National Association for Advancement of Colored Peo pie. In fact, these incidents and the operation of these individuals have provided a major portion of the active program of the NAACP.
Those who conducted this Labor Day session at Highlander inter spersed their lectures and discus sions with appeals to those present to secure new memberships for the NAACP and especially urged that teachers join and support the NAACP
The unqualified support by the NAACP of the above-named indi viduals and incidents must be view ed in light of the fact that ten of the directors including Benjamin E. Mays, President, Morehouse College, Atlanta. Georgia, have amassed the surprising total of over 400 instances of Communist Front Affiliation; more than half the directors have public records of Communist Affiliation. The di rectors of the NAACP both pres ent and past have continually dem onstrated an amazing propensity for affiliating themselves with pro-Communist causes.
The Honorary Chairman of the Directors of the NAACP, W. E. B DuBois has amassed a longer pub

festo--Southern Patriot. June 1947. (19) League of Young Southern (16) Mid-Century Conference for to Washington. D C.--leaflet, cational Fund--director -- program Party in the United States."

cruit new party members and sym lic record of Communist affilia

pages 4-5.

ers--sponsor -- letterhead. August Peace--sponsor--call. May 29-30, March 1. 1951

of conference. April 8. I95u

pathisers. . . . Schools of thes<- tions than any other person in the


13. 1940


(6) American Peace Crusade-- (33) Southern Conference Ed


type have been

Jefferson United States with the staggerin'!

(1) American Committee for (20) Methodist Federation fcr (17) Mother Ploor Celebration sponsor--letterhead, May 26. 1951 cational Fund -- director -- lett.e "The Comrrrttee is convinced School of Social Science. New total of literally hundreds of such

Protection of Foreign Born --sign Social Action -- speaker -- Social Com mittee--sponsor--booklet

(7) American Peace Crusade - head. January 1951.

that Wingdale Lodge (incorpo York. ..."
